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The Ultralight Hiker - Hauroko Burn, Dusky Track, Fiordland NZ


18-09-2024: Aussie Life (and death). Vale our cousin Ken. Last weekend we travelled to the Hunter Valley to farewell our beloved cousin, Ken Jones and in some ways to celebrate 175 years of (our) Joneses in Australia – at least there were many memories shared by us various surviving cousins about that time.


Figure 1 Ken & Delma Jones c 1960

Our (Jones) family history in Australia started with the arrival from England of this man (our great grandfather) William David Jones in 1858 when he married our great grandmother, Emily Westbury in 1864. Emily’s father, Thomas Bromfield Westbury had come here (from Stratford England) in 1828 and her mother, Emily Terry (from Kent England) in 1840. Ken’s second name even shared our ancestor’s name (David).

(Our great great grandfather (William Davids’s own father - another David) lived the entire C19th - all of it in the vicinity of the small town of Stuntney near Ely in (Hereward the Wake’s beloved) Cambridgeshire marshes where his own ancestors had resided since time immemorial).


Figure 2 William David Jones

Figure 3 Emily (Westbury) Jones

They had ten children one of whom,George Jones was our grandfather.

Figure 4 George Jones – in Boer War uniform.

George married Pauline Sanlaville, daughter of Lyons France renowned engineer Marius Sanlaville and his Nottinghamshire England wife Emmeline Mills.

Figure 5 c 1924 Pauline Sanlaville with son, Basil Jones

Figure 6 Marius Sanlaville & daughter Alice (plus Basil again).

Figure 7 Emmeline (Mills) Sanlaville & daughter Pauline Sanlaville.

(Besides Basil) George and Pauline had three other children, Emmeline, Ken & Lawrence. Altogether these four (Jones) children produced 19 cousins between 1930 and 1962: Emmeline 6, Ken 5, Lawrence 3 and Basil 5 - of whom 14 are still living (September 2024), though our average age must be around 80 years. Many (often from faraway) made the effort to attend Ken’s ‘send off’.

Figure 8 c 1917 Ken, Lawrence (centre) and Emmeline Jones

We 19 cousins alone no doubt have currently over 100 living descendents, so William David Jones and his wife Emily have well and truly contributed handsomely to the population (and development) of Australia – that is without considering the many descendents of their other nine children!

Funerals are sad affairs and I am not ashamed to admit I shed a tear or more for Ken. Though he was 88 he will be missed, and should have lived much longer. However he lived a long, productive and adventurous life. It was a time to share our grief with Delma and reacquaint ourselves with their two sons and to get to know three very handsome  grandsons who will proudly carry his name and legacy on into the future. Farewell Ken.

18-09-2024: Well done that gal: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/shock-video-italian-socialite-slams-car-alleged-moroccan/


18-09-2024: Blackrock’s assassination team: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/erik-prince-trump-assassins-appearing-blackwater-commercials-statistical/


18-09-2024: The world will suddenly be a much better place if/when Trump wins: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/09/such-is-the-aura-citizen-trump-stymies-the-un-climate-talks-without-even-trying/


18-09-2024: How did they do it? Place an ad for ‘Free IEDs’ in the ‘Arab Times? Attempts to duplicate the feat may be thwarted by the low literacy rate over there but clearly will not be hindered by the low intelligence: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/breaking-1000-wounded-including-hezbollah-terrorists-as-pagers/


17-09-2024: When the only way to stop Trump becoming President again is to assassinate him: https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/09/16/we-need-to-talk-about-the-violent-hatred-for-donald-trump/


17-09-2024: Understanding the nickel ‘crash’: https://archive.is/qP9GN


17-09-2024: When ‘misinformation’ goes wrong. “It’s also ‘disinformation’ when our government does it…Our government is not trying to protect us from disinformation. They’re trying to maintain a monopoly on it,” Tyler Durden https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/09/backfire_democrats_make_mocking_tiktok_video_of_trump_decrying_dog_eating_migrants_watch_it_go_viral_as_a_trump_anthem.html


17-09-2024: Life after ‘death’, “In humans, white blood cells die between 60 and 86 hours after organismal death. In mice, skeletal muscle cells can be regrown after 14 days postmortem, while fibroblast cells from sheep and goats can be cultured up to a month or so postmortem.” https://theconversation.com/biobots-arise-from-the-cells-of-dead-organisms-pushing-the-boundaries-of-life-death-and-medicine-238176


14-09-2024: Whatever happened to Kodak – a lesson in keeping up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kodak#


14-09-2024: A big problem with only a ‘racist’ answer: https://quadrant.org.au/features/australia/we-looked-and-there-was-no-safe-family/


14-09-2024: I wonder how many people you could deport on jet planes for $30 million? At $1000 per seat that’s 30,000. Maybe a good start? https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/victorian-taxpayers-forced-to-cough-up-30-million-for-police-to-patrol-and-manage-antiwar-activists-protesting-land-forces-expo/news-story/80cd29b74b7039e78d0cbdbdc6c85749


“Each week, tens of thousands of protesters go out into the streets of Western democracies around the world and make this story all about the Palestinians. Not the murdered babies. Not the beheadings. Not the rape. Not the kidnappings….The size and scope of these demonstrations should be disturbing to those who so generously allowed these people from the Middle East into their communities.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/09/israel-is-the-coal-miners-canary/


14-09-2024: A story which says it all. Can you believe that there is no legal protection for babies born live following an ‘abortion’? They can be simply killed or ‘allowed’ to die. Such terrible evil is mind numbing: https://babylonbee.com/news/a-fetus-should-not-be-treated-like-a-human-says-woman-with-cat-named-dave-that-wears-a-sweater


13-09-2024: If only more communists shared Matthy’s fate, “Matthys’s ever-more-radical Anabaptist commune lasted about six weeks, until the tyrant of this theocratic utopia was cut down in battle and dismembered in early April—on Easter Sunday—with his head erected on a pole above the town to discourage future radical experiments.” https://quillette.com/2024/09/10/where-virtue-meets-terror-communism/


“Communism is the opiate of the intellectuals” Clare Booth Luce


13-09-2024: Dreadful over-reach. No freedom any more: https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/have-i-broken-the-law-ugly-cop-clash/news-story/52767b523782faff688aff24a9f9470e


13-09-2024: Why isn’t it as hot as it was in the 1930s? Isn’t the world listening to the alarmists? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/09/11/year-2024-contiguous-u-s-maximum-summer-temperatures-fail-to-reach-levels-achieved-90-years-ago-in-the-dust-bowl-era-despite-climate-alarmists-record-high-election-year-hype/


13-09-2024: “Thou shalt not criticise the government” – the 11th commandment: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/09/just-frightening-this-cannot-pass.html


12-09-2024: ‘Emulsifiers might just be a big problem: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13830089/doctor-healthy-foods-fueling-colon-cancer-crisis-young-people.html


12-09-2024: Not so long ago sex was normally between consenting adults - and within matrimony: https://www.rebelnews.com/sex_guidebook_aimed_at_kids_shortlisted_for_prime_minister_s_awards


12-09-2024: Supporters of the Hamas murderers reveal their true colours (though behind masks) during the Melbourne protests – I suspect they will not gain public support by such actions: https://www.rebelnews.com/violent_anti_israel_protesters_clash_with_police_in_melbourne


12-09-2024: “The biggest industrial ‘accident’ in history (millions dead) but…have we sold our souls, our universities, our health, for cheap fridges and trade deals?” https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/09/10/there-is-now-no-doubt-that-covid-leaked-from-a-lab/


And furthermore: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/trump-was-right-new-study-shows-countless-lives/


It’s all about China, stupid. First identify the enemy: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/beijing-waging-hybrid-warfare-against-u-s/


11-09-2024: You have to hope Trump can save the West: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/09/kamala-trumped-by-lefts-curious-silence/


About right: https://moonbattery.com/open-thread_240909a/


11-09-2024: Solitude vs the family dinner: https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/overcoming-loneliness


11-09-2024: “Be open-minded but not so open-minded  that your brains fall out” Groucho Marx.


11-09-2024: Way to go: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/couples-plan-to-die-in-aussie-suicide-pod/news-story/1677e8dbd0582d1885fde318dce1c9b0


10-09-2024: Good. About time too: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/09/greenpeace-usa-may-be-wiped-out-by-300m-lawsuit-from-pipeline-tycoon/


10-09-2024: The secret of invisibility: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.theguardian.com/science/article/2024/sep/05/common-food-dye-found-to-make-skin-and-muscle-temporarily-transparent


10-09-2024: Is there anything worse than Japanese Knotweed? https://archive.is/P5x76 & https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/biosecurity/weeds/state-prohibited-weeds/knotweed


10-09-2024: Oh, well done Albo: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/09/albanese-walks-out-on-veterans-motion.html


9-09-2024: Whatever happened to ‘green nuclear’? https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/09/thorium-green-renewable-nuclear/


9-09-2024: Indeed, “It's difficult to have a one-sided proxy war. At some point, the logic of the US, UK, France and Germany gifting Kiev with an arsenal they could never have accumulated on their own and then permitting Zelenskyy to lob his freebies deep into Russia will lead the Russkies to conclude that a state of war exists between them and Nato. What then?” https://www.steynonline.com/14610/drifting-to-armageddon


9-09-2024: Just about right, The real reason we have not been to the moon since 1972 is that we cannot any longer do it. Humans have lost the capability.…So what happened? According to Professor Charlton, in the 1970s "the human spirit began to be overwhelmed by bureaucracy". https://www.steynonline.com/14620/the-lost-frontier


9-09-2024: Should we pay Moslems to come here or to leave? You decide by voting Labor out: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/this-is-the-multicultural-dystopia-thats-left-australia-racially-and-ethnically-divided/news-story/3e294920ff7770aa95958d2d053e93e9


8-09-2024: After an (antenna etc) upgrade last week our wireless NBN service is now averaging over 100 Mbps – way up on the 7 Mbps we used to have with ADSL. Actually I do nothing which could use this sort of speed but it is symptomatic of the way that life just keeps getting better.



8-09-2024: Crazy leftie ‘experiments’ – don’t get me started on the NDIS; what a boondoggle: https://richardsonpost.com/paul-joseph-watson/37226/1-6-million-migrants-in-uk-are-unemployed-costing-taxpayers-8-5-billion-report/


8-09-2024: “Civilisations die from suicide, not by murder” Arthur J Toynbee


8-09-2024: Where do environmentalists want electricity to come from? https://moonbattery.com/destroying-our-dams-is-not-about-saving-salmon/


7-09-2024: Just another example of the Left’s war on the poor: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/09/starmers-war-on-the-pensioners-and-the-poor/


Or as Milei says, “"The only ones who can generate wealth in this country and the world are entrepreneurs, not politicians. Politicians don't know how to create wealth and have no incentive to do so. When they try, all they create is corruption." https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/09/spot-on.html


7-09-2024: Watermelons: ‘Friends of the Earth’ is a very different organization to the (anti-nuclear bomb) group ‘Grenpeace’ founded by Patrick back in the 70s (https://opentheword.org/2020/04/28/why-i-left-greenpeace-patrick-moores-story/comment-page-1/) : “With 18 full-time-equivalent workers and 90 volunteers, FOE Australia runs on a budget of $3-4 million every year. Its 2023 annual report says it aims “to grow as a fundamentally anti-capitalist organisation, and actively building the power of working people and the struggle for economic democracy”. Its Melbourne members “seek justice and liberation from all oppressive systems that devalue and exploit people and the environment, including patriarchy, colonialism, class oppression, capitalism, racism, ableism and heteronormativity.” The movement even opposes  high-yield farming, favouring instead of that supposed “patriarchal capitalist” model “equitable food systems based on the fundamental principles of a feminist economy.” https://quadrant.org.au/features/climate/dancing-with-whales-doing-the-lore-fare-twist/


7-09-2024: Immortality anyone? Progress at last. In the meantime take anything which anti-inflammatory: https://scitechdaily.com/age-defying-health-benefits-new-research-unravels-secrets-of-the-longevity-gene/


7-09-2024: Suddenly Abbott’s solution to asylum seekers takes off in Europe: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/germany-considering-sending-illegal-migrants-rwanda-camps-set/


6-09-2024: If your own family won’t vote for you why should anyone else – could be they know best: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/walzs-trump-tim-walzs-family-snubs-harris-walz/


6-09-2024: Eventually these fascists will come for you too: https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/australian-government-floating-controversial-curfew-on-pet-cats/news-story/2608027acef750b40fb3ba5686afeb16


6-09-2024: Wow – This is for me: https://scitechdaily.com/one-treatment-lasting-relief-groundbreaking-ultrasound-device-successfully-treats-chronic-pain-in-clinical-trials/

6-09-2024: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leave behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall of deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed…  For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than a malicious one.”

5-09-2024: Netanyahu, “These murderers executed six of our hostages. They shot them in the back of the head. That’s what changed! And now after this, we’re asked to show seriousness?! We’re asked to make concessions?! What message does this send Hamas?” https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/executed-in-gaza :

5-09-2024: Do you believe this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIxT6rK02lk Neither do I: https://myelectricsparks.com/toyota-presents-the-first-water-engine-2500-oc-and-dual-injection-to-outperform-hydrogen/


5-09-2024: Gaoled for wanting to do his job: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/irish-teacher-enoch-burke-jailed-again-after-student-pronoun-culture-war/news-story/77a3b6aad20a1376afbe65d85c9b6517


5-09-2024: Leading Green Kim Jong Un gets really serious about ‘climate change’: https://nypost.com/2024/09/03/world-news/kim-jong-un-executes-30-officials-over-deadly-floods-report/


04-09-2024: Kim Beazley Snr in 1970: “When I joined the Labor Party, it contained the cream of the working class. But as I look about me now, all I see are the dregs of the middle class. When will you middle-class perverts stop using the Labor Party as a cultural spittoon?” For many years now this has been my view exactly. I remember a night at an ALP meeting in the 1970s in Rochester in just such an outstanding  gentleman’s house when I began to separate myself from the Labor Party too, perceiving how the new political class who had never worked with their hands (or minds) to make themselves (or others) better disdained his modest achievements, disdained his working for one’s and society’s betterment - and offered him simply redistribution and Government control as the only worthwhile goal – not what he wanted either. Today’s ALP is way Left of where the Communist Party of Australia was as I grew up. The shearers and agricultural workers who founded it would not recognize it and would have no place in it. The Greens are even more evilly Left of them, perhaps even left of Mao & Pol Pot in that they would see most of humanity extinguished. Meanwhile the Chinese Communist Party is way to the Right of today’s ALP – I fear even to the right of today’s Liberal Party! Where can a working class Conservative’s vote go? Perhaps One Nation or the Liberal Democrats?


04-09-2024: So Big Brother really is watching you – listening anyway: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13805393/Facebook-partner-brags-listening-phones-microphone-serve-ads.html


04-09-2024: Really? Erotic asphyxiation has become mainstream among under-35s. How did we get here? Bizarre: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/article/2024/sep/02/i-think-its-natural-why-has-sexual-choking-become-so-prevalent-among-young-people


04-09-2024: “Germany already had nuclear power in 2002, if they just kept it and didn’t build all the wind and solar plants, they wouldn’t have had to spend 697 Billion Euro on subsidies, and would have cut their emissions by 73% more” https://joannenova.com.au/2024/09/renewable-fiasco-if-germany-just-kept-nuclear-power-it-could-have-saved-600b-and-cut-emissions-by-73/


03-09-2024: Gender confusion? https://moonbattery.com/state-of-the-art-in-transsexual-absurdity/


03-09-2024: Will approving mass migration of Gaza terrorists be Albo’s biggest mistake in an utterly clownish government? https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/defence-and-foreign-affairs/asio-chief-mike-burgess-clarifies-hamas-comments-declares-sympathisers-pose-national-security-threat/news-story/0f3149626ed85f6bf054cf345c746d44


03-09-2024: Germany has turned the corner -and did you see the Green vote go down to 4%: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/09/what-the-afds-historic-victory-means-for-germany/


03-09-2024: ‘Climate’ Chicken Littles will keep on thinking up newer and more bizarre reasons we should panic. Quick, run in all directions: https://www.msn.com/en-my/news/other/is-the-next-big-pandemic-sleeping-in-glaciers/ar-AA1pPKmx


02-09-2024: The truth about the efficacy of anti-smoking laws (apart from the obvious fact that banning it has just handed the whole thing over to massive criminal gangs): https://thecritic.co.uk/the-poverty-of-anti-smoking-laws/


02-09-2024: Why does such a prominent Democrat back Trump? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/tulsi-gabbard-reveals-real-reason-behind-endorsing-trump-personal-me


02-09-2024: So many bad actors – the Middle East is a truly awful place: https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/the-real-reason-hamas-cant-free-the-remaining-hostages-iikx7t8f


Time the Left worked out who are the ‘bad guys’: https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/09/01/the-deaths-of-these-hostages-shames-the-western-conscience/ 


02-09-2024: Capitalism grows tired of woke:  https://joannenova.com.au/2024/08/how-it-ends-96-of-big-corporations-are-quietly-abandoning-their-climate-commitments/


01-09-2024: Well said Teddy:  https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/08/lest-we-forget.html


01-09-2024: Who knew? “Since 1750, additions to the atmospheric CO2 concentration derived from natural emission sources associated with biological processes are about 4.5 times larger than the contribution from fossil fuel emissions” https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/08/30/new-study-co2s-atmospheric-residence-time-4-yearsnatural-sources-drive-co2-concentration-changes/


01-09-2024: Will the ‘gender’ question be ‘optional’ like the religion and ‘aboriginality’ questions? I will probably not be answering it anyway: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/08/albanese-gets-rolled-on-lgbtqi-census-question.html


01-09-2024: The love of bacon: https://www.news.com.au/world/africa/south-african-farmer-employees-accused-of-feeding-women-to-pigs/news-story/4c9327bb60f5d0d6406eb0c6d1b85475


31-08-2024: My job is something to die for: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/wells-fargo-employee-died-her-desk-staff-didnt/

31-08-2024: There is hope. Why should you stay dead? https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/if-i-have-a-heart-attack-tomorrow-why-should-i-stay-dead-the-doctor-taking-on-death/ar-AA1ps79F

31-08-2024: Indeed, “This line of argument assumes that there is no such thing as an objective reality. It assumes that reality is what everyone thinks is real. But, in that circumstance we cannot judge a hypothesis against reality, or against an experiment. Rather than apply a reality test, we try to force everyone to believe it“ https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/does-reality-still-bite   

31-08-2024: The end of free speech in the UK, ” definition of Islamophobia as ‘a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness’.” You will no longer be permitted to critique Islam nor point put any of its obvious flaws or excesses – else you will go to gaol. There will be no ‘Life of Brian’ style parodies of the prophet or his abysmal creed. Conversely those Islamists who urge cutting the throats of ‘infidels’ and watheists will get a free pass: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/08/the-death-of-free-speech-in-britain/

30-08-2024: A Gibbo Memory: Recently I drove to Corryong and back to scan a heap of photos and documents which had been collected by my (late) first cousin which had become the property of his son on his death. It turned out there were 614 family photos and about 200 family documents - quite a trove, so as you might imagine it took some time to copy them. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/08/28/a-gibbo-memory/


30-08-2024: No wonder folks object to ‘renewables’, “On this land use basis, Sizewell C, now under construction, can plausibly claim to be 1,000 times more productive than solar and 3,000 times more so than onshore wind. That is typical for conventional power stations: they are small and highly productive compared to renewables” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/08/the-terrifying-scale-of-the-green-revolution/

30-08-2024: Malcolm Roberts is quite right to ‘call out’ ASIO boss Mike Burgess, who said, “Extreme right-wing propaganda used Covid to portray governments as oppressors, and globalisation, multiculturalism, and democracy as flawed and failing” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/08/far-right-or-just-right-about-everything/


30-08-2024: Indeed. Milton Friedman, ‘Inflation is the one form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation.’ And what a great way it is for transferring wealth from savers to spenders: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/08/eyes-wide-shut-2/


28-08-2024: 60th Reunion: On the weekend we traveled to Morisset (& Dora Creek) to attend a reunion of my 1965 matriculating class. Many others came who attended the school from c1960-1970, & even one of our favourite teachers Evelyn (Wallwork) Ashcroft (Maths) – on the right, first photo. Unfortunately only four of my class could attend (though there were many apologies - and sadly many who have passed on). Altogether I have been able to locate two-thirds of my cohort - which is pretty good after such a gulf of time has passed. It was our 59th anniversary (as you will have worked out). Perhaps we can actually organise a better attended 60th next year? I have to say though that it was a very moving occasion. “Time’s winged chariot”. In the photos you may find: Steve & Della Jones (spouse), Ross & Evelyn Tipper (spouse), Paul & Kerry Nelder (spouse), Willy Chow, Jim Simmonds (1964) & Evelyn (Wallwork) Ashcroft (teacher) amongst many other (mainly younger) ex-students.


Below: Steve & Della Jones (spouse), Ross & Evelyn Tipper (spouse), Evelyn (Wallwork) Ashcroft (teacher).



Paul Nelder far left.



Jim Simmonds & Willy Chow far left.



My old house at Dora Creek



28-08-2024: Hunting the Wonnangatta Again: I guess you realise I have been haunting this wonderful valley for decades, but now that I am over half way though my eighth decade I suppose I will be doing such big tough trips less than I used to. However I was up there for a few days a couple of weeks ago. I did not venture quite so high up as I used to do though, mainly because I had a bad cold. Read More:  https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/08/27/hunting-the-wonnangatta-again/



28-08-2024: There is absolutely nothing wrong with this question – the ABC is just deranged: https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/beat-up-the-white-guy-aussies-claim-about-multiculturalism/news-story/3e12e2f441fc63df5756b78332c35296


28-08-2024: It’s definitely not licenced firearm owners who are the problem. “It’s the latest in a series of high-profile stabbings in the UK, which has seen a nearly 80 per cent increase in knife crime since 2015”: https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/he-dead-fam-onlookers-laugh-as-man-bleeds-out-on-birmingham-street-after-being-stabbed-in-neck/news-story/b53ea7b0c543f0bc8f14b2d1520dd640


27-08-2024: I would love to own a new one: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/08/25/style/volkswagen-beetle-mexico/index.html


27-08-2024: Good question: If the Big Bang wasn’t the first thing ever, what caused it? https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/big-bang-first-thing-cause/


27-08-2024: Yet another prominent Democrat is backing Trump: https://thenationalpulse.com/2024/08/26/breaking-ex-dem-congresswoman-tulsi-gabbard-endorses-donald-j-trump/


27-08-2024: Albo has moved beyond parody in his embrace of dangerous jihadists: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/antiisrael-greens-senator-mehreen-faruqis-substitution-onto-antisemitism-committee-makes-mockery-of-inquiry/news-story/a749393dba65eb375b1e4fb43cf33a0a


26-08-2024: I take them too – just like practically everyone else – but is it true? https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-08-23/statins-are-pharma-trash-research-mounts


26-08-2024: Why hunting is good for you – you don’t have to run very fast to catch a bagel: https://richardsonpost.com/vivforbes/37141/green-foods-fail-olympics/


26-08-2024: But when will the Chinese dictatorship be made to pay? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/covid-19-preventable-pandemic/


26-08-2024: So much to be gained from multiculturalism: https://moonbattery.com/walking-while-white-in-once-great-britain/


25-08-2024: Bobby Kennedy (& Taylor Swift’s) endorsement of Trump are real game changers. The Democrats (and Labor here) have just gone too far and do not carry the people with them. This is what he said: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/elon-musk-retweets-robert-kennedy-jr-s-powerful/


25-08-2024: Do you need this enzyme (yet): https://scitechdaily.com/rewiring-the-aging-brain-key-enzyme-could-be-the-secret-to-sharper-memory-in-old-age/


25-08-2024: Legalising murder – just what we need as our birth rate drops below replacement level anyway. Reprehensible: https://www.rebelnews.com/senate_vote_rejects_motion_to_protect_babies_left_for_dead & https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/abortion/2024/08/who-gives-a-damn-for-the-life-of-zye/


25-08-2024: Diversity is our strength: https://moonbattery.com/multiple-murders-at-festival-of-diversity/


23-08-2024: As good as it gets: https://babylonbee.com/news/oh-no-man-at-dnc-thinking-he-was-in-line-for-food-truck-accidentally-gets-vasectomy


23-08-2024: Rowan Atkinson on freedom of speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxWMhB4Cfm0


23-08-2024: Whatever happened to the population bomb? https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/08/the-global-fertility-crisis-is-worse-than-you-think/


23-08-2024: CO2 is not such a big problem as Elon thought, but I am surprised that people are experiencing levels over 1,000ppm in various daily life situations due to poor ventilation. Once remember, windows used to be left open: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/08/dear-elon-1000ppm-of-carbon-dioxide-is-safe-we-breath-it-every-day/


22-08-2024: Apocryphal sightings: the tin-foil hat brigade. Miraculously I managed to snap a pic of one of these elusive creatures in Churchill last week. Where are all the mobile pohone snaps of ghosts, demons, yetis etc?



22-08-2024: So, definitely not enough electricity for EVs then: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/08/australia-is-running-out-of-electricity-to-charge-electric-cars-and-theyre-only-0-9-of-cars-on-the-road/


22-08-2024: A Christian’s ‘answer’ to ‘welcome to country’, “The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it” https://richardsonpost.com/davidhiscox/37074/dave-pellowe-vows-to-fight-human-rights-commission-over-welcome-to-country/ & https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/08/defending-dave-australias-biggest-online-rally-for-free-speech/


22-08-2024: True grit: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/nsw/nothing-will-stop-her-how-australian-schoolgirl-laila-johnson-11-survived-london-stabbing-attack/news-story/d0bc7551d374cd70435305715c1c4425


21-08-2024: A fresh look at 2,000 year proxies dispels fears of ‘global warming’: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/08/paper-finds-the-world-was-cooling-for-most-of-the-last-2000-years-and-started-warming-long-before-big-coal-arrived/


21-08-2024: Vote for Kamala and get communism: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/vp-harris-first-economic-plan-proposes-federal-price-controls-combat-inflation


21-08-2024: What causes forest fires? “acres burned tracks fuel load rather closely, while the small change in temperature is barely noticeable” https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/08/19/fuel-load-and-forest-fires/


21-08-2024: The war against free speech goes into overdrive: https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/the-war-against-free-expression & https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/the-war-against-free-expression-part


20-08-2024: How can refugees manage to safely visit the land from which they fled? Perhaps their status should be revoked? https://brusselssignal.eu/2024/08/afghan-asylum-seekers-in-germany-make-sneaky-visits-home-broadcaster-says/


Join the petition to reject all Gazan refugees: https://www.rebelnews.com/no_gazans_petition


20-08-2024: Pernicious b------s. Away with them. “Adam Creighton probably summed it up best when he wrote: “the Greens’ “No coal. No gas. No nuclear” campaign has a next logical step: “No economy”.” https://www.skynews.com.au/insights-and-analysis/its-high-time-to-apply-the-blowtorch-to-the-greens-agenda-as-their-sovietera-blueprint-seeks-to-impoverish-australians/news-story/4acf7b145d308014cc985bd91723f531


20-08-2024: Is it time to begin to pray for the end of Islam (and communism)? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/amazing-jesus-revolution-reported-iran-mosques-close-muslims/


20-08-2024: You can see how the next war could be a cyberwar: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/08/the-solar-panel-cyberthreat-dutch-hacker-gets-into-4-million-panels-in-150-countries/


18-08-2024: Yes, something must be done, “For at least two decades, parents have watched with increasing concern as their children face relentless left-wing political indoctrination on an industrial scale within secondary schools, universities and, increasingly, junior schools and even kindergartens. This leftist indoctrination is now so severe that it eclipses traditional areas of learning with a veritable grab-bag of socialist and neo-Marxist ‘causes’ that if taken literally can only do harm to impressionable young minds.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/08/trapped-doomed-and-unwelcome/


18-08-2024: Coming to Oz soon too I expect – hopefully not for this little black duck: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/unretirement-massive-troubling-phenomenon-plaguing-seniors-victimized-bidenomics/


18-08-2024: Starmer let thousands of real criminals out of gaol so he could lock up citizens for voicing opinions: https://moonbattery.com/alarming-suppression-of-free-speech-in-uk/


18-08-2024: “The old line… is that, if you import the Third World on the scale western nations are doing, you become the Third World. Because the numbers are simply too great for you to assimilate them ...so they assimilate you. Hence the weird and creepy press conferences this week of His Majesty's constabulary earnestly intoning "Assalamu alaykum" while flanked by a phalanx of bigshot imams: as Tommy Robinson drolly observed, they look like hostage videoshttps://www.steynonline.com/14535/the-old-world-and-the-new-colonialism


17-08-2024: Similarly, “Name one advantage that mass immigration from third-world countries has brought to any Western nation, anywhere, at any time. I’ll wait… Diversity in and of itself is not a benefit. When I speak of benefits, I’m talking about a raised GDP. Safer neighborhoods and lower crime rates. Higher test scores. Stable labor markets. Respected liberties. Independence from the state welfare apparatus. Successful assimilation.” https://richardsonpost.com/c-a-skeet/37016/america-and-europe-need-mass-deportations-now/


17-08-2024: One would hope they would only choose Nobel Prize winning ‘aboriginal scientists’ rather than the reality that they could (at best) only count to five: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/science/2024/08/the-seriously-silly-science-of-making-stuff-up/  


17-08-2024: Hear, hear: “We should be saying that everyone in Britain is free to believe what he wants, and everyone else is free to say his beliefs are bollocks” https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/08/10/why-we-must-fight-for-the-right-to-criticise-islam/#google_vignette


17-08-2024: A really excellent article about the fall of Hamas with a great quote by Jonathan Swift, “As the vilest writer has his readers, so the greatest liar has his believers, And it often happens that if a lie be believed only for an hour, it has done its work and there is no farther occasion for it. Falsehood flies and truth comes limping after it; so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/08/is-the-west-finally-seeing-through-hamass-lies/


16-08-2024: The mystery of Kaspar Hauser persists: https://www.sciencealert.com/dna-from-lost-european-prince-solves-a-200-year-old-conspiracy


16-08-2024: We have a government which is basically treasonous – who are (for example) importing Moslem terrorists hand over fist, as if there will never be any consequences.  Germany is deporting Hamas supporters: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/its-lunatic-enough-that-this-albanese-government-is-wilfully-letting-in-palestinians-from-gaza-who-say-they-support-hamas/news-story/c73e8290456882dac8baaa78c425635e


16-08-2024: One tough little girl: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/watch-brave-little-girl-beats-violent-robber-baseball/


16-08-2024: The percentage of ‘unemployables’ has been exploding thanks to bizarre leftie ‘experiments’: https://www.city-journal.org/article/unemployable?skip=1


15-08-2024: The Naplan results are a national disaster yet our socialist government says ‘All is well’: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/dire-naplan-results-show-one-in-three-children-not-meeting-baseline-for-literacy-and-numeracy-at-least-400000-need-catchup-tutoring/news-story/f720e338649363d19c1de98ee50b87de


15-08-2024: What this decision actually shows is that we must ditch the renewables pipe dream: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/08/smart-but-deceptive-nsw-govt-keeps-big-coal-plant-on-until-just-after-the-next-election-to-avoid-3b-electricity-bill-shock/


15-08-2024: Perhaps we should stop cosying up to China? https://www.news.com.au/world/asia/chinas-barbaric-practice-of-live-organ-harvesting-exposed-by-survivor/news-story/1130d6faeae49b8b39bfa372aed144e8


15-08-2024: Couldn’t agree more, "I've had a gutful of the welcome to country bulls**t,": https://www.rebelnews.com/veteran_mayor_condemns_divisive_welcome_to_country_ceremonies


And I applaud this guy: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/identity/2024/08/fined-for-climbing-while-white/


14-08-2024: The Trump Musk conversation broke the internet with over a billion views whilst Kamala managed 15,000: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/trump-musk-break-internet-72-million-views-x/


14-08-2024: South Africa: They were much better off under so-called ‘apartheid. I thought so at the time’: https://www.news24.com/fin24/economy/unemployment-rate-jumps-to-335-84-million-south-africans-now-jobless-20240813


14-08-2024: The second Battle of Kursk. I admit I thought the Ukraine was finished: https://richardsonpost.com/howellwoltz/36998/natos-highway-to-kursk-is-one-way-as-history-has-proven/


14-08-2024: If Walmart can’t make a profit it’s time for socialism: https://moonbattery.com/chicago-moves-closer-to-government-grocery-stores/


13-08-2024: Who are the folks who show up at a Kamala Harris rally? https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/08/who_are_the_folks_who_show_up_at_a_kamala_harris_rally.html


13-08-2024: This Great Barrier Reef temperature reconstruction reveals the very hot period that our First Fleeters also experienced and recorded – hotter than now between 1720-1820 (Scroll down for graph): https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07672-x?fbclid=IwY2xjawEnbztleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHblSp-3_QSzTdH2htS3tRHftNClNEtAu5GdaIGDfgKXpw9jp_Pe2Xdvg2Q_aem_0utr4SszekOEV1plKGfk3Q


Fig. 2



In other news Great Barrier Reef Sees Third Record Year Of Coral Growth: https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/climate-fear-mongering-fail-great-barrier-reef-sees-third-record-year-coral-growth


13-08-2024: Not so long ago I didn’t need (or have) any ID. I was just me. That was (and dare I say IS?) enough: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-08-12/how-worldcoin-is-building-digital-ids-to-combat-the-ai-apocalypse?accessToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzb3VyY2UiOiJTdWJzY3JpYmVyR2lmdGVkQXJ0aWNsZSIsImlhdCI6MTcyMzQ3MzA2NSwiZXhwIjoxNzI0MDc3ODY1LCJhcnRpY2xlSWQiOiJTSTNOU0lEV0xVNjgwMCIsImJjb25uZWN0SWQiOiI5MTM4NzMzNDcyQkY0QjlGQTg0OTI3QTVBRjY1QzBCRiJ9.igiQsa7rx_8KqyNgY1qY_rvBsIP5Y9-1uytMgNOBxAM


13-08-2024: Well how about that? Sex is good (for men): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13735387/men-masturbate-prostate-cancer-risk-major-review.html


12-08-2024: Maybe on the way to a cure at last: https://www.yahoo.com/news/drug-restores-lost-alzheimer-memories-143056932.html 


12-08-2024: I agree that Albanese is nothing more than a Stalinist thug in his calling people to report people with ‘extremist views – like me and you – to the authorities. Whatever happened to free speech? https://www.skynews.com.au/insights-and-analysis/anthony-albaneses-terror-alert-announcement-echoed-george-orwells-dystopian-1984-as-he-urged-aussies-to-report-those-with-extremist-views/news-story/aa1f5bddb54ba36be2508f70b570ce75

12-08-2024: I don’t think we can. I think we are in for 10-20 years of rolling blackouts and falling living standards – why we are investing in our own home (very expensive) power supply. We are fortunate though: with thirty acres and access to all of solar, wind, hydro and biofuel, as well as being self-sufficient in food we might not suffer like the rest of the country. “Imagine that: our competitors humming 24/7 on nuclear power while we’re keeping our electric cars in the garage to keep on the flickering wind-powered lights. It’s a ridiculous. But can Albanese and Bowen be stopped in time to save ourselves from the consequences of their delusions?”

12-08-2024: The ‘upside’ of multiculturalism is not souvlakis: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/new-social-media-page-documenting-melbournes-youth-gang-war-shares-horrific-footage/news-story/ab65d9ba5382366bb2d39c8546695134


11-08-2024: Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone. I had a lovely day with the family. Three quarters of a century. Who would have believed it? I have recently been helping organize a 60th reunion of our high school graduating class which has made me understand just how lucky I am to have survived the vicissitudes of life so lightly whilst others of my cohort have sadly succumbed. But as Della said, I am still constantly planning various ‘adventures’ as if I was still 20, though it takes a little longer to complete an eight hour walk (for example) than it once did.


11-08-2024: I think Stuart has a point: too many people just don’t know how to behave as human beings: https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/in-crispins-case


11-08-2024: You would think we could agree that DNA was pretty decisive – even if you didn’t see those punches: https://moonbattery.com/ioc-president-cancels-chromosomes/


11-08-2024: Hubris, Over-reach and global tyranny. They will be coming for me next: https://moonbattery.com/london-police-chief-issues-global-threat/


11-08-2024: Things I never knew: the real ‘Clancy of the Overflow’: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/07/clancy-of-the-overflow-how-squatters-made-australia-rich/


10-08-2024: Once ‘work’ used to be about moving stuff around (heavy stuff like bricks and sacks of potatoes say) but now it is about moving a ‘mouse’ around and you can even ‘employ' a programme to do it for you as many WFH ‘workers’ have found. Let’s make the b------s do some real work – like planting trees or clearing walking trails say: https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/at-work/mouse-shuffle-worrying-new-trend-emerging-among-remote-workers/news-story/b7a7d9256525fb88ccfdcf4fe31317d4


10-08-2024: What a brave woman! Starmer will gaol her (& me too apparently) for this ‘thought crime’: https://moonbattery.com/the-second-battle-of-britain/


A return to the tyranny of the Nazis and the Soviets under our ‘one world’ government: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/world/king-charles-steps-in-as-fear-grips-britain-amid-looming-chaos/news-story/854cc8dfc920323f9f8e06dc684d84b6


10-08-2024: Once again ‘The Bee’ has it about right: https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-concerned-if-he-beats-kamala-in-debate-they-might-replace-her-with-someone-good-this-time


10-08-2024: So an email now ‘weighs’ around 4 grams of carbon according to a

Scientist’ from Loughborough ‘University’ where my great grandmother came from (when they used to make something useful there – like agriculture and cloth). Curiously this is almost the same as a sheet of A4 paper weighs ie 5 grams: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/08/now-your-emails-and-memes-are-destroying-the-planet/


09-08-2024: You Ripper: Euripides – what other treasures are hiding out there?: https://talesoftimesforgotten.com/2024/08/02/new-fragments-of-euripides-discovered/


09-08-2024: Weird stuff! Another ‘husband’ falsely accused, as it turns out: https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/american-woman-found-chained-to-tree-in-india-admits-she-did-it-herself/news-story/bf6f85a73c605b9dfdd8c1c2977617ca


09-08-2024: Now he knows: https://www.rebelnews.com/former_nsw_premier_finally_admits_authoritarian_vaccine_mandates_were_wrong


09-08-2024: Child ‘Care’. Instead of motherhood we have this bizarre way of recycling taxes: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/08/because-money-grows-on-trees-every-child-player-wins-a-prize.html


08-08-2024: Mesmerising. Spot would love this – imagine how good they would be on rats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-_tqd7e_D8


08-08-2024: Good question: Can you really get the world’s best scotch whisky for $40? https://www.insidehook.com/whiskey/worlds-best-scotch-2024


08-08-2024: Why you should watch out closely for beginnings. This was the first press release about Hitler (1922): https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1922/11/21/98786796.pdf?pdf_redirect=true&ip=0


08-08-2024: ‘Equal justice’ for all? Or ‘two-tier’ policing?: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/08/coming-to-your-3rd-world-developing-shit-hole-soon-thanks-to-rampant-immigration.html


07-08-2024: Is it any wonder people are developing ‘EV Phobia’? https://joannenova.com.au/2024/08/ev-phobia-spreads-in-south-korea-after-a-mercedes-ev-spontaneously-combusts-in-the-basement/  & https://joannenova.com.au/2024/08/german-ev-sales-down-37-the-market-has-lost-all-momentum/


07-08-2024: Remember when Britain used to be the birthplace of democracy? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/tommy-robinson-they-will-try-kill-elon-musk/


Get the facts here: https://www.rebelnews.com/tommy_robinson_speaks_out_amidst_uk_unrest


This is how it works: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/08/spot-on.html


07-08-2024: You can be to the left of Kamala. Tim Walt, Kamala’s VP pick, “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighbourliness.”  Trump’s response, ‘Thank You’. https://moonbattery.com/dems-pick-hardcore-leftist-tim-walz-for-vp/


07-08-2024: The Last Rat Passes. A sad day - I’m sure many members of your family too served in North Africa: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/08/the-last-of-our-rats-of-tobruk-vale-thomas-tom-page-pritchard-vx23441-25th-field-ambulance-lest-we-f.html


06-08-2024: Will rapamycin end female infertility? https://www.sciencealert.com/common-drug-may-extend-womens-fertility-by-years-early-results-show?fbclid=IwY2xjawEUDnBleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHWSpW8CmBchsMKL9WRCmvUzHe-umTcu7XxmxMFwRKNZ27dv7rGJ3y20k-g_aem_SIUnWQ86YpyPgnDWBWILUw


06-08-2024: Things you can’t post on Facebook (without being banned). Try a Google search such as ‘President Donald’ and see just how the tech giants are controlling us. Elon did: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1817765530255659127  If you want to go further read this article, but type ‘https://www.infowars.com’ in front of

‘/posts/suppression-engines/’ – leaving out the quotation marks. As I said, Facebook will not allow posts from certain websites.


06-08-2024: Are ‘radical feminists’ just totally crazy? https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/07/is-radical-anti-feminism-really-the-most-prevalent-extremism/


06-08-2024: When the white working class rise up against the elites,In Northern Ireland, the unthinkable: Catholics and Protestants marching arm in arm to demand no more “asylum seekers”: https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/08/03/after-southport-the-rage-against-the-throng/


Don’t understand? “Eight men have been charged in connection with child sexual exploitation in Calderdale. All the usual suspects, 3 named mohammed,” Tommy Robinson. https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/news-appeals/eight-men-charged-sexual-offending-against-child


05-08-2024: Karahan Tepe may be even more astonishing than Gobelki Tepe which revealed so much about ‘neolithic’ civilization: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karahan_Tepe

05-08-2024: Too true: “Few in the ALP or the Greens have any affinity with the rural and regional people to whom they owe their incomes. Most will promote resistance to mining and agricultural developments and thereby fan those flames seeking to progressively close down this heartland of productivity.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/08/bleeding-australia-dry/

05-08-2024: Can Australia be turned around? ‘A  society that puts equality… ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom… a society that puts freedom first will, as a happy by-product, end up with both greater freedom and greater equality.’ https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/08/time-to-believe-in-miracles/

05-08-2024: The headline says it all. Will we have ‘the great replacement’ or ‘the great deportation’? I vote for the latter: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/britain-burning-muslim-mobs-roam-streets-knives-machetes/

Musk predicts ‘civil war’ and I suspect he isn’t wrong: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/elon-musk-warns-civil-war-is-inevitable-uk/

04-08-2024: “That is a most interesting graph. It shows that whatever has caused the temperature increase over the last two decades … it’s clearly not due to an increase in the amount of surface upwelling thermal radiation that is absorbed by atmospheric CO2.” https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/07/30/the-return-on-your-investment/

04-08-2024: I imagine it would be perfectly legal to refuse you service if you were a hunter say: https://www.rebelnews.com/you_won_t_believe_the_pathetic_response_from_officeworks_after_refusing_to_serve_jew


04-08-2024: We voted for this? https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/08/who-voted-for-this.html


And this: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/garma-festival-pm-confirms-his-govt-remains-committed-to-makarrata-after-peter-duttons-no-revisiting-of-truthtelling-call/news-story/0b97767a6bf08be737778ab99b856889


04-08-2024: Is hiring ‘wimmin’ to ‘fix’ education a good idea? https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/07/the-intersectional-feminist-rewriting-the-national-curriculum/

03-08-2024: Quilt Modification and Comparison: I recently modified my Waratah Quilt and Zpacks Quilt so that they would better fit me, would be easier to enter and exit, and in the case of the Waratah be fractionally lighter as well.

I found Kam Snaps to be just the trick for these mods. As I said in that post I will be finding many many more uses for these wonderful gadgets.

These mods are amongst the easiest 'sewing' projects you could undertake, so they might be a good place to start before you launch into making your own tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, (hiking) clothes etc as I have done. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/08/02/quilt-modification-and-comparison/

03-08-2024: Never thought I would say it but ‘Well done ABC’: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-08-02/deer-hunters-game-meat/103974062?

03-08-2024: Interesting review of communism’s opposition to the family. Nothing in society happens by accident: https://fee.org/articles/black-lives-matter-s-goal-to-disrupt-the-nuclear-family-fits-a-marxist-aim-that-goes-back-a-century-and-a-half/

03-08-2024: Women are great at coercive control (too), “There’s never, ever any mention of female perpetrators controlling men. Never any mention of men who spend their lives being coerced by vindictive partners. Men who don’t dare leave the relationship because that would mean putting their children at risk by leaving them with a frightening mother.” https://bettinaarndt.substack.com/p/women-are-great-at-coercive-control


02-08-2024: We abandoned the virtues of manliness at our extreme peril: https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/the-great-estrangement


02-08-2024: Absurd: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/unjust-female-boxer-quits-olympic-match-melts-down-tears-after-biological-male-brutalizes & https://x.com/TRUMP_ARMY_/status/1818992263890182416 & https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1819007216214573268


02-08-2024: Looking more and more like a Deep State hit job: https://moonbattery.com/unprecedented-incompetence-or-inside-job/


02-08-2024: For years we have seen this acting out – but what do they want to put in its place? : https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/organizations/clowardpiven-strategy-cps/


01-08-2024: “Once again Venezuela reminds us that you can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.”  https://moonbattery.com/kamala-harris-approves-farcical-venezuela-election/


01-08-2024: And it gets worse: https://moonbattery.com/california-school-forces-girls-to-sleep-with-boys/

01-08-2024: Here is what an ancient Scandinavian legend says:

A long time ago
         the universe was made of ice.
Then one day the ice began to melt,
         and a mist rose into the sky.
Out of the mist
         came a giant made of frost,
And the Earth and the heavens
         were made from his body.
This is how the world began
         and that is how the world will end,
         not by fire
         but by ice.
The seas will freeze,
         and winters will never end.



01-08-2024: The great replacement theory is no longer a theory, it’s reality: https://moonbattery.com/lefts-war-of-eradication-is-well-underway/


31-07-2024: Converting a Sleeping Bag Into a Quilt: There is much debate about which is better, a sleeping bag or a quilt? But why not have both? In most cases it is easy to convert your old bag so you can use it as a quilt. I just did this with my old Montbell bag - and it works a treat. The conversion cost maybe $1 and weighed 3 grams! It took only a few minutes. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/07/31/converting-a-sleeping-bag-into-a-quilt/



31-07-2024: Surtsey turns 60: ‘Life will find a way’: https://earthsky.org/earth/surtsey-and-the-birth-of-new-islands/


31-07-2024: Even gladder we had it now: https://www.sciencealert.com/new-shingles-vaccine-does-even-better-job-of-delaying-onset-of-dementia?fbclid=IwY2xjawEVgmBleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHSagh1H1Vy2qbU_SK_uQEK7VICoPHqnqiko-MjOkP6cjiozoiXZUOtD2Qw_aem_IvQbDFRXqlqGz0pkO7mMcQ


31-07-2024: Hopefully the Olympics opening ceremony marks the beginning of the end of the ‘transgender’ movement and wokeism altogether: https://europeanconservative.com/articles/commentary/a-civilizational-suicide-note-on-the-seine/


31-07-2024: The people of Southport have had enough of Islamic immigration: https://televisor.tlgrm.dev/007/dOEAALs9KlgAAAAAMgnSGFJBn8A.LBgAANxvUVGxcxz11HWgvQQ.AlgqPbsAAOF0ZqlPdQLohlSemgbrpNp0bufwV0o/stream.mp4?hash=pdXDsXWYafZ9nVDNQcxIZg&ts=1722422400


30-07-2024: For quite some time ‘More land for man’ has been the (unquestioned) agenda. Now it seems to be ‘More land for nature’ – whatever that may be/mean. The latter motif seems to be (mainly) held by inner-urban types who have never grown a single calorie of their own food and seek to constrain those (like ourselves) who have spent their (long) lives feeding dozens (usually hundreds) of others – generally thanklessly and pointlessly, it must be admitted. Meanwhile though CO2 has promoted a ‘great greening’ world-wide adding several areas of forest the size of Australia in just a few decades, so that in fact ‘nature’ has achieved much more land.


30-07-2024: No wonder when a real crime is committed the police don’t attend – this is just crazy, “Across the country our police and our courts are struggling to cope with the level of unproven domestic violence accusations, which, in NSW take up 50-70 per cent of police time, and 60 per cent of local court time…The floodgate is now open for a woman to allege her partner has been emotionally controlling and that may be enough to get him sent to prison” https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/sexual-politics/2024/07/restoring-the-presumption-of-innocence/


30-07-2024: How dare she say such dreadful things? https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/07/the-real-reason-for-the-growth-in-violence-against-women.html


30-07-2024: How much longer do you suppose this can go on? https://pjmedia.com/catherinesalgado/2024/07/26/76-of-us-income-taxes-is-just-servicing-our-debt-n4931109


28-07-2024: Kam Snaps: If you are into DIY (as you should be unless you want to be a perpetual victim/pauper) then it's about time you discovered these wonderful plastic gadgets, an amazing (ultralight) improvement on the traditional press-stud. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/07/28/kam-snaps/



28-07-2024: Great satire: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/satire-is-the-ultimate-weapon/


28-07-2024: We should have a referendum to abolish the Senate: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/07/senator-for-hamas-was-elected-with-just-1681-votes.html


28-07-2024: Unwinding the hockey stick ‘trick’: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/06/29/mining-for-hockeysticks/


27-07-2024: We voted to end this evil racist b------t. Let’s sack every bureaucrat and pollie who is still imposing it on us - and our kids: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/media/2024/07/todays-aboriginal-myths-and-legends/ & https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/school-life/students-told-to-put-hands-on-the-ground-repeat-always-will-be-aboriginal-land-before-assembly/news-story/f9cc92278da3f403b4a533bcb791490d


27-07-2024: My guess is you can expect Google to get behind nuclear – or ditch the whole climate scam: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/google-emissions-surge-nearly-50-as-demand-for-ai-sets-fire-to-their-net-zero-plan/


27-07-2024: Can you really trust the Therapeutic Goods Administration? https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/fdas-disastrous-war-against-sleep


27-07-2024: We really need to sack Julie Ingman Grant –or something even worse: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/07/esafety-commissioner-no-longer-pretending-to-hide-political-bias/


26-07-2024: It had to happen: https://babylonbee.com/news/oh-no-piece-of-ear-shot-off-trump-begins-to-grow-into-second-trump


26-07-2024: Long past time to listen to older, wiser heads on ‘climate change’: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/07/the-road-to-climate-atheism/


26-07-2024: Exactly so,” Until we have elected leaders brave enough to drop the pieties that imply that our country belongs to some of us more than to all of us; and to stop flying the flags of some of us co-equally with the flag of all of us, there’s really no hope of reversing the cultural decay that’s behind the abuse of legal process and much else.”  https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/07/when-the-rule-of-law-becomes-the-rule-of-lawyers/


25-07-2024: I suspect people will be demanding the return of cash (and especially cheques) after the latest global tech outage.


25-07-2024: Just terribly sinister: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/sicktoria/2024/07/victorias-expanding-aboriginalempire/


25-07-2024: We have to think of some more reasons for banning nuclear energy - instead of just building perfectly safe thorium plants: https://www.theverge.com/24201610/next-generation-nuclear-energy-reactors-security-weapons-proliferation-risk


25-07-2024: Poor Brittany. Imagine being so abused - and by another woman, Linda Reynolds. I suspect her ‘beloved’ Sharaz might soon be looking for another (wealthier) paramour: https://www.rebelnews.com/brittany_higgins_forced_to_sell_luxury_french_home_amid_mounting_legal_costs


24-07-2024: This gal really knows how to sink the boots into Ursula von der Leyen: https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1815579669493653620


24-07-2024: Great headline: ‘Global greening becomes so obvious that climate alarmists start arguing that we need to ‘Save the Deserts’: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/07/21/global-greening-becomes-so-obvious-that-climate-alarmists-start-arguing-we-need-to-save-the-deserts/


24-07-2024: So true, “The grandees of the Democratic Party are lining up to support Kamala Harris. Apparently, they could not find anyone who was more stupid and more incompetent.” https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/the-wit-and-wisdom-of-kamala-harris


24-07-2024: “One inevitable consequence of displacing the native population with the dregs of the Third World is rape.” https://moonbattery.com/demographic-displacement-and-rape/


23-07-2024: Our Marxist Vic Government has decided to ban lead bullets. As a firearm owner I have just filled in a ‘compulsory’ survey about it which mostly asked me how soon it should come into effect. Nobody seems to have noticed that such a ban would mean a de facto ban on firearm use per se as there is currently no other type of bullets nor any likelihood that major ammunition manufacturers will ever begin producing such an alternative.


23-07-2024: I’m just hoping he got his phone back: https://www.news.com.au/technology/motoring/on-the-road/teen-phone-thief-immediately-killed-by-bus/news-story/3851ad1b5d7777bc0f679676a52229cd


23-07-2024: The solar crash gets worse: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/the-solar-boom-has-busted-in-the-last-six-months-europes-solar-manufacturing-has-collapsed-by-half/


23-07-2024: Extremes of moonbattery: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-02365-x


22-07-2024: Jill Biden has this about right: https://babylonbee.com/news/jill-biden-drops-out-of-presidential-race


22-07-2024: We old guys are tough: https://www.outdoorlife.com/survival/grizzly-attacks-berry-picker/


22-07-2024: With teachers like this maybe it is unsurprising that you graduate to be an assassin: https://moonbattery.com/educator-weighs-in-on-crooks-missing/


22-07-2024: In case you never understood, Israel is a democracy, indeed the only one in the Middle East: https://www.timesofisrael.com/an-exclusive-look-into-the-faces-of-the-idfs-bedouin-battalion-gadsar-585/


21-07-2024: Who guards the guardians? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/choose-one-law-enforcement-trump-shooting-was-either-incompetent-or-complicit


21-07-2024: History can be made quite fascinating: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/australia/2024/07/what-really-happened-in-the-sixties/


21-07-2024: I just love cops: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/andrew-rule-the-brazen-st-kilda-drug-dealer-with-a-green-light/news-story/8d7688c3468c78684c9f1aa5cae034fa


21-07-2024: Unsurprisingly they have it back to front – changes in temperature cause changes in CO2 concentration: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/07/19/causality-analysis-finds-temperature-changes-have-determined-co2-changes-since-the-phanerozoic/


20-07-2024: He comes from a good family; when his grandmother died they found 19 loaded handguns in her house: https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1813789303564378143


20-07-2024: The ‘green hydrogen’ dream bites the dust: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/the-hydrogen-titanic-just-sank-in-australia-because-renewable-electricity-costs-too-much/


Hard to beat Leak’s ‘take’ on this nefarious issue: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/07/brilliant-leak-on-twiggy-blackout-bowen.html


20-07-2024: With electricity from brown coal (often) at 1 cent per kilowatt hour, why would you try to make something better? Of course, at that price how could the poor power stations even make a profit – they might have to close down: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/inflation-be-damned-brown-coal-power-is-just-1c-per-kilowatt-hour-in-2024/


20-07-2024: This is central England today. Do we want this here? https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/07/cultural-enrichment-in-leeds-uk-the-diversity-dividend.html


19-07-2024: The last of the few turns 105: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/07/happy-birthday-to-the-last-of-the-battle-of-britain-pilots-group-captain-john-paddy-hemingway-dfc.html


19-07-2024: True grit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/wwii-d-day-veteran-brings-house-down-rnc/


19-07-2024: Resign, be sacked or be arraigned for treason? “Officials said the snipers spotted the suspect, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, on the roof of a building outside the security zone at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, at 5:52 p.m. ET. The shooting happened at 6:12 p.m. ET, 20 minutes later” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/secret-service-aware-threat-ten-minutes-before-shooting/  There is more to this than meets the eye: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/trump-assassination-attempt-federal-snipers-overlooked-rooftop-sniper/


The difference between life and death in two images: https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1813750727346376900


19-07-2024: Worse than eating maggots, Let them eat pollution butter: https://moonbattery.com/let-them-eat-pollution-butter/


18-07-2024: Why you should forget about hydrogen: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/07/hydrogen-gas-another-climate-cult-myth-busted/


18-07-2024: Yet another (racist) evil for the next government to undo: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/first-peoples-assembly-of-victoria-declares-it-is-officially-ready-to-negotiate-treaty/news-story/6e36d92315c876de072bbdc07dd2b26b


Just terribly sinister: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/sicktoria/2024/07/victorias-expanding-aboriginalempire/


18-07-2024: One should definitely put the stress on the word ‘artificial’ in AI. It somewhat lacks the latter: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/wobbly-apocalypse-humans-to-blame-for-making-days-longer-throwing-planet-off-balance/


18-07-2024: Too many lies from Security Services, first about how the ‘lone shooter’ managed to get himself on the roof; second why his parents’ warning telephone calls were ignored; third, where did he get the bomb?: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/trump-assassination-crooks-impossible-path-roof-butler-pa/ & https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/developing-crooks-parents-called-police-about-their-son/  & https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/police-find-remote-bomb-detonator-next-trump-shooter/


PS: I really liked Sky News’ take on all the leftie moonbats’ reaction to the attempted assassination: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HotPL809GKo&t=251s


Remember “Sherlock Holmes’s dictum: “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth” https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/07/the_trump_shooting_inexplicable_facts_lead_to_a_plethora_of_theories.html


17-07-2024: Trump behaved like a true President behaves: https://www.history.com/news/shot-in-the-chest-100-years-ago-teddy-roosevelt-kept-on-talking


17-07-2024: You said it all, Gary. “Populism in the service of correcting the madness of net zero, overplayed migration and undermined sexual identity are ground zero for the populist fightback. The masses await the right leader and the right policies.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/07/the-coming-populist-revolt/

17-07-2024: Trust the ABC to be onto it – they would prefer we just freeze to death because of ‘global warming’ I suppose: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-16/firewood-illegal-logging-cost-of-living-protected-forests/104099212?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0rmWsjAPK--XcCgHg1gyK1aK5Z7RjpdUbtIK78wIG_tcRcSriqaHH3ZOE_aem_zAGMblWn3KrxuaNwn6qyeQ

17-07-2024: I daresay Secret Service Director Cheatle will be one of the first ‘Deep Staters’ Trump sacks, and deservedly so: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/wth-secret-service-now-saying-they-didnt-put/

16-07-2024: Why Trump picked JD Vance – a winning team (hopefully) and 8-12 years of republican leadership. Maybe the free world can be saved? PS: The Left will now have to assassinate two candidates if they hope to prevent a Republican victory: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/wayne-root-my-trump-vp-pick-was-jd/

16-07-2024: Ignoring the assassin for half an hour is beyond incompetence: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/trumps-would-be-assassin-spotted-roof-officer-half/

Did he ‘act alone’? They have not been able to crack his phone yet so it is presumtuous to say, but… https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-rally-shooting-07-14-24#h_e3b77ce122987eb5d2059a2dff21a270 

16-07-2024: Setka, Andrews, Allen, Albanese, Shorten, Gillard…you don’t have to look hard before you find just how crooked Labor is: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/07/john-setka-wouldnt-have-these-problems-if-his-mistress-became-prime-minister.html


Remember this: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/07/chronology-documents-turnbulls-gross-negligence-on-cfmeu-overt-corruption-and-double-dissolution-ele.html

16-07-2024: Remember Hunga Tonga? Climate predictions have all been wrong: https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/tonga-volcano-contributed-global-warming-not-cow-farts-or-taylor-swifts-private-jet

15-07-2024: An Ideal Cheap Pillow: While we are on the topic of sleeping (which we are), I have also really ‘lashed out’ and added an excellent $2 pillow to my sleeping arrangements from Aliexpress.

I should add that I have modified my Waratah Quilt so it is a little lighter and easier to enter and exit. It is already delightfully warm and comfortable. I am very happy with it on those sub-zero nights.

I buy half a dozen of these pillows at a time as they are not outstandingly robust though I have used one for dozens and dozens of nights whilst I have burst much more expensive pillows in less time. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/07/13/an-ideal-cheap-pillow/

15-07-2024: Who’s ‘fake news’? Check out this CNN headline, “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally”… “They won’t give Robert F Kennedy Jnr secret service protection, even though his father and uncle died by assassination and he is third most popular candidate for the Presidency” https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/trump-survives-assassination-attempt-is-defiant-cnn-says-he-fell-on-stage/ 


And this was DEI in action: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/ponytail-brigade-utter-humiliation-gaggle-female-secret-service/


BTW: And you’re not a conspiracy theorist yet? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/what-trump-shooter-was-featured-blackrock-ad-2023/


‘You had one job? And it gets worse: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/profiles-cowardice-local-police-officer-confronted-would-be/


Here is the real fake news: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/list-ten-most-dishonest-mainstream-media-headlines-after/


 15-07-2024: Edwin Hubble – until exactly one hundred years ago there was thought to be only one galaxy, until Hubble worked out that Andromeda was another. Now we have ‘counted’ over 2 trillion of them in roughly 46 billion light years of ‘space’, yet there remain those who look up at the sky and still imagine a grey-bearded old man looking down and caring for them – and (alas) enjoining them to all manner of evil acts towards their fellow men: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwin_Hubble


15-07-2024: Evil is still evil. You can’t just give up: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/07/what_if_the_u_s_had_been_told_to_stop_fighting_japan_during_wwii_the_way_israel_is_being_told_to_stop_fighting_hamas.html


15-07-2024: Imagine no longer being able to afford to be a ‘Grey Nomad’: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-10/how-the-grey-nomad-lifestyle-may-change/10599340


14-07-2024: He will almost certainly win now: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/07/democracy-under-fire-donald-trump-shot-at-rally/


And here is the (iconic) photo which will win him the election and ensure his place in history - liken it to the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima.



Reuters’ (leftie) Headline, “Trump shot in right ear at campaign rally. Shooter dead”. Shooting with a rifle from perhaps 100 yards the bullet missed killing/maiming him by perhaps 2” (50mm), actually quite ‘good marksmanship’. He must have a charmed life. You may remember a similar bullet exploded JFK’s head ‘like a ripe melon’, as they said at the time. Remember too that only a week ago Biden said, “It’s time to put Trunp in the bullseye”.


You don’t have to be a ‘conspiracy theorist’ to see that this is not just a case of mistakes being made. No such rooftop vantage point could possibly be overlooked by any responsible security service (particularly when they were warned by witnesses of the presence of an armed man on the roof). They were clearly ordered not to look until after Trump was shot – and by whom? I was present at the 1990 Sale rally when John Howard had snipers on the roof pointing at the crowd (us). https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/secret-service-makes-statement-trump-assasination-attempt-as/


The assassin was right on target. Fortuitously Trump moved his head 1/10th of a second before the shot. God? https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1812342364431642844


14-07-2024: XTherm or Bust: So, as you know I bit the bullet and bought myself a new Thermarest XTherm at 440 grams for its standard 6′ model. Though I definitely did not ‘need’ a new pad I wanted to see whether I could reduce size/volume in my pack – and I was just curious whether the improvement in the Nxt range from  2 1/2′ to 3″ thickness really did make a significant (enough) difference to comfort. Besides, ‘you can’t take it with you’. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/07/13/xtherm-or-bust/




14-07-2024: Do snakes like to drink milk? Interesting speculation: https://www.stoneageherbalist.com/p/can-snakes-drink-milk


14-07-2024: Yet another reason not to buy an EV why ever did they replace manual window winders anyway? https://moonbattery.com/people-are-getting-locked-inside-evs/


14-07-2024: The truth about corals – they like it hot (Our GBR is one of the coldest in the world): https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/07/13/the-coral-endures/


13-07-2024: Thank goodness for erythromycin! I have had this respiratory infection (non-stop/off and on?) since I was on The Everest Base Camp Trek back in November, but one hour after I started this stuff I am on the mend. A second ‘Thank Goodness’ to Dr Google (whom some doctors doubt): https://www.verywellhealth.com/antibiotics-for-pneumonia-5185264


13-07-2024: Bizarre green fantasies to the nth power – haven’t these people ever heard of plants and corals?: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/worlds-largest-vacuum-to-suck-carbon-out-of-the-sky-and-money-out-of-wallets/


13-07-2024: The triumph of democracy – “Four out of every five eligible voters either refused or else failed to vote for Starmer’s Labour. Starmer won 3.2 million fewer votes than Corbyn in 2017.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/07/reform-takes-off/


13-07-2024: Please explain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsHQQjVvPhg&t=138s


We can make it better, “Elon:  "If somebody has lost their arms or legs, we can actually attach an Optimus arm or leg during the Neuralink implant so that the commands from their brain would go to their robot arms or legs."


13-07-2024: “You’re nothing but a pack of neurons”. https://johnhorgan.org/cross-check/francis-cricks-depressing-hypothesis


12-07-2024: Farage won 14% of the UK vote from a standing start (more than the Lib Dems who won 72 seats with 12%). Given a couple of months he would have been PM today and will likely be in 2029. His support illustrates the huge untapped demand for solid conservative policies in the electorate at large: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/07/reform-is-driven-by-common-sense-not-ideology/


12-07-2024: Watching Christendom burn (again): https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/breaking-1000-year-old-notre-dame-cathedral-normandy/


12-07-2024: Something to celebrate – DIY cryonics: https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a60887514/diy-cryonics-frozen-dead-guy/


12-07-2024: How much hotter it was in the Holocene 7,000 years ago without CO2 to warm us: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/giant-oyster-shell-shows-taiwan-sea-levels-were-up-to-3m-higher-water-several-degrees-hotter-7000-years-ago/


11-07-2024: Well done that man! https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/babies/betrayed-the-sperm-donor-with-1000-children/news-story/9ee65bcd7fc6fd15dfe2e983e80149f5


11-07-2024: You don’t own the government, the government owns you: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/andrew-bolt-ev-battery-plan-latest-crackpot-global-warming-scheme/news-story/917c449c40647e5e2f8a806709ae7931 & https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/you-will-buy-the-batteries-that-unreliable-wind-and-solar-need-but-the-government-will-own-them/


11-07-2024: New Samsung must-haves – whatever happened to using phones to make calls? https://www.news.com.au/checkout/tech/gadgets/samsung-unpacked-july-2024-everything-announced/news-story/4d2dfd2401263f4bd0f640a5b2aade12


11-07-2024: A conservation success story in Japan: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c19kvevezlwo


09-07-2024: Hard to believe this is happening: https://www.frontpagemag.com/biden-admin-to-kill-470000-owls-to-save-the-owls/


09-07-2024: Yet us Aussies still burn a wicked amount of coal almost 2% of China’s : https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/china-is-the-coal-furnace-of-the-world-and-everyone-is-fine-with-that/


09-07-2024: So hippies haven’t died out, they’ve just gotten older: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/100-miles-south-salt-lake-city-new-type-grid-community


09-07-2024: This happened in France and the UK (against the will of the people). It is happening here too: https://www.frontpagemag.com/communists-and-islamists-take-france/


08-07-2024: Ditching a successful leader as with the Libs replacing Tony with Malcolm is never a good idea: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/06/we-wouldve-won-with-boris/


08-07-2024: It is an evil political movement bent on world conquest. As Nazism was, so too Islam must be banned: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/07/i-believe-islamists-when-they-warn-us-this-is-what-they-want-theyll-kill-us-to-get-it.html


08-07-2024: Good question – and do we really need a couple of million of them? I think not: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/how-much-are-state-and-local-government-workers-overpaid


08-07-2024: Whoops – maybe circumcision was a good idea after all? https://www.realclearscience.com/articles/2024/07/04/what_you_need_to_know_about_the_global_rise_in_penis_cancer_1042278.html


05-07-2024: Woohoo! Bring it on: https://www.yahoo.com/news/scientists-reverse-alzheimers-synapse-damage-130029639.html


05-07-2024: If your school is not quite cutting it for your bright kid, maybe try this? https://brilliant.org/home/


05-07-2024: Piltdown Man Anyone? Another interesting archaeological fake: https://ahotcupofjoe.net/2017/11/fuente-magna-bowl-not-cuneiform-not-sumerian/


05-07-2024: Implanting artificial memories - what could ever go wrong? https://thehighwire.com/editorial/the-artificial-womb-guy-plans-to-implant-artificial-memories-to-transform-criminals/


04-07-2024: Absolutely the Lightest Sleeping Pad Inflator: The Pad Pal weighs only 9 grams, costs a mere US$48 (July 2024) and will pump your pad up in a little over 30 seconds. This tiny device will revolutionise how you inflate your sleeping pad. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/07/04/absolutely-the-lightest-sleeping-pad-inflator/



04-07-2024: Interesting. Perhaps the ‘lady of the lake’ came for it? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/durandal-legendary-sword-roland-known-as-french-excalibur/


04-07-2024: Forget Lascaux. Here’s the oldest ‘civilisation’ on earth. (Mind you the San, aka Bushmen, have been around for more like 150,000 years): https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/07/fat-smeared-sticks-wow-just-wow.html


04-07-2024: We don’t need Tucker to tell us this; End immigration and begin deportation now! https://www.heraldsun.com.au/business/economy/tucker-carlson-says-immigration-the-one-reason-for-australias-housing-crisis/news-story/48a41e9ac3f2e5c9cc59239eb96f3136


04-07-2024: Be warned. Like land, they aren’t making any more gold: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/even-nigeria-plans-bring-gold-reserves-home-minimize-risk?


03-07-2024: "Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) – A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers."


03-07-2024: Even hydro has to be backed up uneconomically by fossil fuels yet the Labor Party debunks a move to nuclear: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/07/100m-wasted-gas-plant-revved-up-after-five-years-on-standby-another-hidden-cost-of-renewable-energy/


03-07-2024: Marx (and Loyola) were wrong that having access to the young would win them over to their cause for life as the 1956 Hungarian Revolution famously showed when it was the (most indoctrinated) teenagers who took on the Russian tanks with their bare hands. The Green Left have been proselytising the young for too long, but the young will wake up and fight back. Looks like they are already beginning to do so in Europe: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/06/the-youth-vote-is-turning-right/  & https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/european-youth-have-had-enough-brussels-politics


03-07-2024: I think we can say that the El Nino is officially over – temperatures will likely plummet to well below their 30 year average as they have (eg after 1998) with previous El Ninos: https://www.drroyspencer.com/2024/07/uah-global-temperature-update-for-june-2024-0-80-deg-c/


02-07-2024: Don’t welcome me to my own country (either): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iuG3z4cr18


02-07-2024: Just where is all that bad CO2? https://www.drroyspencer.com/2024/06/global-co2-emissions-are-tracking-well-below-the-climate-scenarios-used-to-scare-people/


02-07-2024: At last a win against the bureaucratic ‘state.’ Will there be a (slow) return to democracy starting now? : https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/06/30/the-end-of-chevron-deference/


02-07-2024: ‘Feminists’ should listen up to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, “In the spirit of “intersectional” rankings, I want to begin by examining the first paradox of luxury feminism: that race trumps sex. “Taḥarrush jamāʿī” is an Arabic term describing “collective sexual assault” or mass molestation. It is a traditional form of plunder in Islam, often (but not necessarily) in the context of war. “Kafir” (nonbelieving) women are particularly targeted; taḥarrush jamāʿī was inflicted on a group of women protestors in Tahrir Square, Cairo, in 2005, and has been increasingly documented in the Islamic world since. It has now come to Europe.” https://www.restorationbulletin.com/p/three-paradoxes-of-feminism


01-07-2024: Surely things haven’t become so bad that even robots are suiciding? https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/robot-commits-suicide-south-korea


01-07-2024: The official Newspeak dictionary: https://moonbattery.com/interior-department-updates-to-newspeak-dictionary/


01-07-2024: Why won’t the Reef simply lie down and die? https://joannenova.com.au/2024/06/after-a-trillion-tons-of-co2-the-great-barrier-reef-hits-record-coral-cover-third-year-in-a-row/

01-07-2024: Did World War 3 begin on October 7? “A photograph held by the Alma research centre which focuses on security threats to Israel’s northern border, shows senior military figures from China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Hamas with their Syrian hosts. This is Team Apocalypse, a knotting of the malevolent strands in the web of evil confronting Western liberal democracies.The only party missing is a representative of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/06/in-the-footsteps-of-terror/

30-06-2024 A noble profession: https://ruralhistoria.com/2024/06/04/from-dark-alleys-to-the-cities-the-rat-catchers-of-britain/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0EnIDIWQlVnOswG8pseJEcwaBNFsNxR70UBC42ever0m1cr_KXrYFsS2g_aem_Ui5fLvkWHVp7P6N5r7lHGQ#google_vignette 

30-06-2024 Lessons from Aesop: https://notthebee.com/takes/the-aesops-fable-that-affluent-white-female-liberals-completely-forgot-to-read

30-06-2024 Sure doesn’t look like it. Why aren’t we building some new HELE coal-fired power stations? It isn’t as if we haven’t got the coal or it isn’t going to be burned anyway: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/06/27/this-energy-transition-thing-really-is-not-happening/

30-06-2024 Hard to see that this was the wrong decision: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0jjq2vynq7o

29-06-2024: Kinetic Log Splitter: My son-in-law alerted me to the reality that there is another quite different type of splitter which does not use hydraulics. The hydraulic splitter (even when new) would just refuse a really tough billet of wood which I could hammer away with my (manual) block buster and split by hand.

This 'kinetic' type of splitter utilises the energy of a flywheel which can repeatedly hit the billet of wood until it splits. It claims an 18 tonne 'punch' at the outset anyway, so you don't often have to give the block a second hit but if you need to. The machine is amazingly quick. I could never have swung a block buster as fast as this. The hydraulic one was ponderously slow in comparison. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/06/29/kinetic-log-splitter/


29-06-2024: I was wrong. Improbable as it might be Greg Lynn could indeed be innocent. We have watched his extraordinary interview (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-28/greg-lynn-murder-police-interview-tapes-carol-clay-russell-hill/103997152)
where he certainly gives a lucid and believable account of what happened. The whereabouts of the three missing 12 gauge slugs (around 500 grains or half an ounce each therefore easily discoverable with a metal detector) is the key to whether he is innocent or not (though the jury certainly did not have the evidence to find him guilty – this verdict is likely to be overturned). Yesterday I said he perhaps dug the slugs out of the bodies but the figures for penetration of such slugs (say 14-21”- anyway over a foot) makes certain that they would never have remained in the bodies. If they passed through the bodies they would have lost so much energy that (as with the recovered slug) they would be found in the vicinity – but they were clearly not, (indicating indeed that he was telling the truth). Even if fired into the air (as he said) they should have been discoverable at a range somewhere between 200-400 yards away when their type etc would have ascertained they came from his gun. The ballistics evidence (like so much of the police handling of the case) was flawed. Those slugs remain the crucial ‘nail in the coffin’ for this case. ‘Someone’ should go find them. Shotgun (slug) penetration https://www.bevfitchett.us/ballistics/shotgun-slugs.html and trajectory: http://forum.saiga-12.com/uploads/monthly_06_2009/post-3313-1244018344.jpg Curiously he told them where the phones and the drone were too…


29-06-2024 There is no doubt (now) Biden is toast – so who will be the real Democrat candidate? Will it be Michelle for a fourth Obama presidency? https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2024/06/28/can_democrats_replace_biden_its_complicated_151181.html


29-06-2024 Why aren’t all the islands shrinking because we said they would? Must be ‘climate change’: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/06/six-years-later-new-york-times-mentions-that-the-maldives-is-not-sinking/


29-06-2024 Britain is in for six years of true horror. At least here we only have to put up with them for 3-4. I prefer the ancient Roman system of giving the government one year only: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/06/britains-looming-disaster/


28-06-2024 The times they are a’changing - get ready to be a prepper: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/odds-are-high-youre-going-need-your-survival-supplies-next-few-years


28-06-2024 Tucker meets the (corrupt) Oz media - and they come off second best.” I particularly liked his depiction of one of them as ‘dumb and stupid’: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1806034521369776406


28-06-2024 Another (straw) hero of the Left, “‘He recklessly released information that put counterintelligence and intelligence communities at risk, and more importantly…Those brave Afghani and Iraqi members of their public, that were working towards bringing down their totalitarian regimes, that were working with coalition forces, were also put at risk. He left them out there and I don’t know how many lives have been lost. I don’t know whether we will ever know that. But we certainly know that the last 14 years for those people, if they are still with us, has been a very difficult and frightening experience and that’s because of a choice that Julian Assange made. And a law that he is now admitting that he has broken.’” Disgusting that even our PM fails to treat him as the (convicted) spy and traitor that he is: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/06/many-australians-are-revolted-by-julian-assanges-return/


28-06-2024 Of course he did it – that much was clear from the minute Russell’s phone pinged the Hotham tower from within Lynn’s car, but police have indeed failed to prove that he was lying and the jury’s verdict was wrong (in fact and law) and will be proved wrong on appeal, so that he will have to be monitored for life to protect the public (like so many others). Curiously one of his mutterings (about the ballistics) clearly gave police the clue where they needed to look for the proof that he was lying (as I said at the outset of he trial) but they failed to follow it up. Where indeed were the other bullets? Lynn clearly dug them out of the bodies and disposed of them. An extensive search of the area adjacent to the crime scene would have turned them up if he was telling he truth but police were too dozey to carry out such a forensic examination. The ballistics report should have provided the proof that he was lying, but it did not: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/what-happens-now-for-lynn-after-shock-split-verdict/news-story/4e108ccad0a5dea80778a16eea42834b


27-06-2024: Just wonderful: Strandbeest Evolution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C97kMKwZ2-g&t=46s


27-06-2024: If she wasn’t a Mossie she would be out. Too much pandering to minorities who should be deported: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/06/brilliant-1.html


27-06-2024: Unbelievable. If you liked the idea of cockroach milk, you will love maggot milk. “Not this little black duck” https://moonbattery.com/let-them-drink-maggot-milk/


27-06-2024: Couldn’t agree more: “Sexual perversion is not worth fighting for, nor is a military that systematically promotes it worth fighting in.” https://moonbattery.com/lgbt-patches-to-demoralize-and-politicize-military/


26-06-2024: Well said Bettina, “The law is clear – intoxicated women may be able to give consent to sex, even if later they can’t remember what happened.” https://bettinaarndt.substack.com/p/drunk-sex-and-consent


26-06-2024: Bureaucracy is the most terrifying arm of government: https://bettinaarndt.substack.com/p/bureaucratic-punishment


26-06-2024: You only have one job. Remember the BOM and CSIRO were supposed to do science, (not proselytizing). Their records ought to be as near to a perfect reflection of actual conditions on the day of record (temperature, wind speed rainfall etc) as possible. This data is a vital historical record which can be and is used to make predictions about future weather. If the data is corrupted (as it undoubtedly is), then the predictions become junk. GIGO remember = ‘garbage in, garbage out’. When a change to the measurement system is implemented it is a vital scientific principle that the two measurement systems are correlated with each other to show that they are both measuring the same thing. This was a scientific principle understood by and implemented on the First Fleet.

Usually this will require running with both systems in parallel for a certain time in order to ascertain if there are differences. The BOM record (for example) now contains several step changes where the methodology was altered without assuring that the new system was measuring what the old one was.

In the temperature series for example the Glaisher Screens were replaced with Stevenson screens generally in the 1890s. It would be fairly simple process (even now) to see what difference that change made and to adjust the data accordingly. Instead the BOM just throws out all the old data (before 1910!) We have continuous temperature series from eg Sydney going back to 1788 which are completely ignored despite the fact that the hottest temperatures ever recorded there were c1790!

During the 1990s several changes were made to the Stevenson Screens (used to record temperature). First they changed the paint used (after 100 years) without checking whether this would make any difference. Independent researchers indicate that this change alone increased the temperatures recorded by between .5- 1C. They then made the boxes smaller (again without cross-referencing) and replaced the manually recorded thermometers with electronic probes (again without keeping parallel data). A vast number of other adjustments have been made to the data such that it can no longer be used to make accurate predictions. The BOM has bigger and better computers all the time but if they are working from actually false data they cannot do their jobs.

Basically we have thrown out all of our temperature data after over two centuries of collecting it! NB Quite a few places in the world have continuous temperature records going back to the late 1600s that are not used by our weather gurus. The rainfall and wind data is also suffering from similar unreliability, making future accurate predictions well-nigh impossible. This is just not science. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/04/20/parallel-temperature-data-except-for-cape-otway-lighthouse/


26-06-2024: Any other vaccine would have been banned after many fewer than these 325 confirmed (peer-reviewed) deaths: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/lancet-journal-study-finds-73-9-deaths-following/


25-06-2024: Good question: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/06/why_do_people_think_cleopatra_was_black.html


25-06-2024: Numbers 5 through 10 are still pretty sound though, surely? https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/06/welcoming_back_the_ten_commandments.html


25-06-2024: Australia’s gas problem – if only we could run the country on politicians’ hot air! https://joannenova.com.au/2024/06/cold-windless-victoria-may-run-out-of-gas-before-the-end-of-winter/


25-06-2024: “We recall the immortal words of a fourth century bishop of Milan-- that would be St. Ambrose: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/when-in-rome-do-as-the-romans-do


23-06-2024: Hamas celebrating pride month: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/06/backing-the-wrong-horse.html


24-06-2024: No-one wants and EV: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/06/22/huge-percentage-of-ev-owners-want-to-go-back-to-normal-cars-study-finds/


24-06-2024: It had to happen: https://babylonbee.com/news/walt-disney-posthumously-fired-by-walt-disney-company-for-being-white-male

24-06-2024: Indeed: “What exactly are people angry about? If the pandemic taught us anything, it was that:

·         If you can’t question The Science, it isn’t science.

·         The mainstream media is your enemy.

·         Our leaders are corrupt, self-serving, hypocritical and incompetent.

·         Our institutions have been captured by ideologues who are Marxistmisanthropic Malthusians.” https://www.zerohedge.com/political/radical-left-cant-understand-why-normal-people-are-angry

23-06-2024: Don’t ditch your sat phone or sat messenger just yet: https://www.androidauthority.com/smartphone-satellite-connectivity-3295162/


23-06-2024: Charles Hoy Fort and Eric Von Daniken are not dead yet: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/are-they-here-scientific-study-suggests-ufos-may/


23-06-2024: About that Greenland ‘warming’: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/06/20/reminder-historical-natural-warming-rates-dwarf-modern-climate-change/


23-06-2024: 75%! Might just be a good idea, don’t you think? https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Nuclear-Power/Electricity-Prices-Plunge-By-75-As-Finland-Opens-New-Nuclear-Power-Plant.html


22-06-2024: And you thought banning the cane (and other such nonsense) was a good idea? https://www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/south-east/youth-crim-facing-new-charges-after-breaking-into-garage/news-story/cc556d0cff37e7293aad8d2135c94121


22-06-2024: Just not going to tell you how I scored: https://babylonbee.com/news/are-you-a-woman-12-signs-to-look-for


22-06-2024: Two important facts: “Experience and testing have shown that the optimum carbon dioxide level for plants is between 800ppm and 1000ppm” and “The minimum carbon dioxide level, below which plants are unable to use it and will therefore die, followed by all other life forms which depend upon plants, including humans, is in the region of 250ppm” We are too close to the last and too far away from the first. Therefore “Burn baby, burn”: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/06/energy-for-the-future/ .


22-06-2024: Sure have, but unlike Sam I’m happy with booing this racist nonsense: https://www.rebelnews.com/_overused_indigenous_ceremonies_have_worn_out_their_welcome


21-06-2024: This nova will be interesting to see. Must watch for it - I doubt I will still be around in 80 years to see it next time: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/once-in-a-lifetime-cosmic-explosion-nova-nasa-what-to-know/

21-06-2024: Allan  Savory, the champion of grazing on how to save the world from desertification, a far more pressing problem than ‘global warming’: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/06/17/planet-earth-is-dying-and-not-because-of-fossil-fuels-with-allan-savory-part-1/

21-06-2024: Further proof that Bob Hawke was to the right of where the major parties are today: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/06/bowen-labor-say-all-these-people-are-wrong-and-so-are-labor-themselves-with-the-aukus-nuclear-submar.html 

21-06-2024: Correlation vs Causation: https://www.frontpagemag.com/chicago-teachers-demands-145k-salaries-after-80-of-students-cant-do-math/

18-06-2024: Hiding in plain sight? “Ocean sea surface temperatures are on average, about 6C warmer than surface air temperatures. If the surface of the ocean is on average so much warmer than the atmosphere immediately above it, the direction of heat transfer must be ocean to atmosphere.” https://jennifermarohasy.com/

18-06-2024: What a good idea: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/army-special-forces-veteran-creates-american-flags-dont-burn

18-06-2024: We really must keep looking for MH370: https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/why-sound-may-be-the-key-to-finding-mh370/news-story/cde9f62241bc601b275059e5d1447306

18-06-2024: Ain’t it the truth: Jon Gabriel: ‘When natural gas production was a too-expensive alternative to oil, the environmental lobby promoted it as a surefire way to reduce carbon emissions. Close the coal- and oil-fired plants; convert cars to run on CNG. Yes, it will devastate industries, cost jobs and burn billions of dollars, but think of the children! Since even malevolent industrialists love their kids, energy barons took the greens’ advice and found cheaper, more efficient ways to extract and transport natural gas. What a victory for the movement! But instead of celebrating, envirolobbyists rent their garments over their once-miraculous fuel. The instant green energy translated into Big Oil profits, progressives placed the CNG and fracking on their naughty list …Every time a real-world solution is provided to a promised calamity, leftist leaders move the goalposts …That’s because the Left doesn’t really believe in climate change. Their true religion is raising taxes, increasing government, impeding capitalism and reducing national sovereignty. Climate change is just a temporary excuse to achieve those ends.’

17-06-2024: Fair point? “Inclusive” means exclusive of everyone who fails to embrace sin and degeneracy. The rainbow symbolizes God’s covenant never again to drown the world for succumbing to sin. It has been co-opted for the purpose of blasphemy.” https://moonbattery.com/how-fake-are-canadas-moonbat-overlords/

17-06-2024: Wanting to have babies makes you a fascist? How mad the Left is. https://www.newstatesman.com/comment/2024/06/pro-family-rhetoric-fascist-resonances-republican-party-trump


17-06-2024: What is wrong with London police? Meanwhile they have zero response to (aggravated) burglaries: https://x.com/UB1UB2/status/1801939257054859521


17-06-2024: How belief gets in the way of science. These two researchers have proved that the BOM forecasts could be very much better (using AI) but it would need them to clean up their false records which they will never (now) do. A case in point is the new rainfall gauges which fail when there is too much rain: https://jennifermarohasy.com/2024/06/opportunities-for-better-rainfall-forecasts-ai/


16-06-2024: Once we would have been just ‘middle of the road’. “’Hard right’. This now seems to be the preferred term used by journalists who are getting cold feet about describing every-body to the right of Extinction Rebellion as ‘far right’” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/06/the-trouble-with-calling-everyone-far-right/


16-06-2024: Sign the petition to remove Australia’s E-Safety commissioner. I have. What an evil piece of: https://www.rebelnews.com/petition_sack_ekaren_now


16-06-2024: Buddhists on Islam: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/06/wisdom.html


16-06-2024: “If the bell tolls for Israel it tolls for all mankind” Bob Hawke. Bob would be ‘far right’ today.


15-06-2024: Lewis & Clark’s dog Seaman: https://lewis-clark.org/people/seaman/seamans-fate/


15-06-2024: Why we must become more energetic in defending and affirming Western civilisation – the barbarians are no longer just at the gate, they are now well inside the gates and must be thrust forth if we and civilization itself is to survive: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/06/good_and_evil.html


15-06-2024: The new ‘Route 66’: https://www.tradetrucks.com.au/outback-way-to-become-australias-route-66/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1PNtzK9-V3LEd1kbEVPT4CrGQED0DHhYDCiMFYc86Eh0KFoK33Y0so0dg_aem_AUtUBCx9iz-kFI6-D2RBwgFz7kYBjqMdxNWlJSBqxu5UWCXIiM0NpEeLe20yGP6uvAVqfesChq6lhnh-5sL9z3v4


15-06-2024: The sign says it all. Help save us from National Parks:


14-06-2024: Why not (just) close all of our (profitable) industry down? https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/gutless-federal-labor-has-a-fight-on-its-hands-with-the-western-australian-farmers-whose-livelihoods-the-party-ideologically-opposes/news-story/1a681a9d9d899cf30765fb3ca94cd8d4


14-06-2024: ‘Castle Law’. Coming ‘soon’ to Qld. Needed even more in Vic: https://nickdametto.com/legislation-moved-to-adopt-castle-law-in-queensland


14-06-2024: (Real) women will just love this. My wife (dare I use the word) particularly has always (not) referred to herself as a ‘front-holed person’ – correction ‘perdaughter’ – but surely ‘two-holed person’ – or three - would have better delineated the distinction between the sexes? Omigod these people are awful! : https://www.skynews.com.au/lifestyle/health/people-with-a-cervix-labor-pours-millions-into-radical-body-accused-of-erasing-women-in-confusing-and-offensive-cancer-campaign/news-story/930b0f6b93f804b82d93e04a82e79ca3


14-06-2024: After wasting six weeks in court Vicpol produced zero evidence that Lynn was lying or that he committed murder (despite his story being basically preposterous). The way things stand he will have to be acquitted. Della and I will once again start to worry about visiting the Wonnangatta Valley. May go there next week then before he is released. If they had even attempted to answer the question, ‘Where are the other bullets?’ they might have nailed him: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/no-evidence-defence-says-no-factual-basis-for-case-against-greg-lynn/news-story/e024237ac40f48ba5c706c9e9e7685b5


13-06-2024: The stuff folks believe. This ‘new’ Jesus miracle has to be set beside Mohamed’s flying donkey surely? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/unbelievable-experts-discover-oldest-written-record-jesus-christs/


13-06-2024: Imagine landing in Normandy ‘armed’ with just boiled lollies: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/06/a-spectator-editors-account-of-the-d-day-landings/ 

13-06-2024: A little worse than ‘playing with fire’ yet we already know our own Oz scientists were involved in Wuhan too despite all such stuff having been banned by the Hawke Government thirty + years ago: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/06/faucis-agency-approved-monkeypox-experiments-that-could-create-a-virus-with-a-15-fatality-rate-then-hid-that-from-congress/

13-06-2024: I’ve signed: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/inappropriate-and-unjustified-victorian-nationals-launch-petition-to-revoke-daniel-andrews-order-of-australia-award/news-story/1ac7b9a7d25d9096cd49ebd51f1a8227


12-06-2024: No bull: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/06/pretty-impressive-performance-from-the-bull-maybe-his-first-and-last-rodeo.html

12-06-2024: Remembering the war against Mosul – all right when there are six of you involved and none of you are Israel I guess:  https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/06/how_long_a_battle_with_terrorists_should_last.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1THjtxUk8jT-8xramy1yex4SSByYHzxQp8IHXgdJl3CXw5w2-QZMaVe1I_aem_AVXYrKH-0X-SatGLNg14xtD5sdi_yeVHhzWpZFfEWinDfgxA8gJuYX0PuTzEwJuW58AIGRMME610B0t2ywSTD_dm 

12-06-2024: What kind of country gives its highest honour to a corrupt incompetent thug who locked it up for years and unnecessarily killed hundreds or thousands of its citizens? https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/06/people-will-die-if-you-go-to-the-beach.html

12-06-2024: The E-safety commissioner should be locked in a men’s prison for a while to see how s/h/it likes it: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/06/censorship-silences-necessary-debate/


11-06-2024: Innocent civilians do not hide kidnapped hostages in their homes: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/israeli-military-confirms-al-jazeera-reporter-holds-three/  & https://www.axios.com/2024/06/08/israel-hostage-rescue-gaza-music-festival

11-06-2024: Really? Penis size and gun ownership, the study (Always  said , ‘You can’t have too many guns’ myself): https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15579883241255830

11-06-2024: The EU elections are the beginning of the end for the Greens and the Left generally, “For most young people, however, it is clear that they will not retire at 70, they will not buy a house, and they may not be able to support a family” Elon Musk: The “right-wing” agenda today is just the centrist agenda of 20 years ago. The left has become an extinctionist movement”: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/06/despite-the-hottest-year-in-a-hundred-thousand-years-europeans-voted-for-maligned-climate-denying-far-right-parties/

11-06-2024: This is what should have happened in the Lindt Café. Long past time to put the adults back in control: https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-florida-swat-sniper-drops-suspect-between-hostages/

10-06-2024: Talk about 'Keystone Cops'. Greeks would have trouble finding lamb in a souvlaki. Poor Mosley was lying in plain sight from a bar where people were partying and a beach (where people swam) and a path (where people walked) and the sea (where people swam & boated) in an area which had been searched multiple times (20 even) by helicopter! And we are talking a distance of not much more than 20 metres away - a cricket pitch, but this is definitely not cricket. This morning I thought it was 'impossible' that he could not be found (by such a search) in an area which was clearly so barren and empty of vegetation (and that therefore he must have 'taken himself' somewhere else). No Greek Island holidays for me! This fence. (Note the person on the right standing near the fence wearing a blue shirt, like Mosley's - you can see them from this vantage, hundreds of metres away) https://liveblog.digitalimages.sky/lc-images-sky/lcimg-65dbfcb1-7925-40fc-bfbb-3ad3fdcecf04.png?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2P8P7bT6ew2LqHnzU-QUuaLh2QoEP9oU1cS-wL39Lc0vvSoH68zX6bAKk_aem_AQNi-l0PVQpbKzoLbZHCsifEntFymRYvFAQ-C7W0z7qECcXqA5jjR-XWd5wtZEpW2cuqO7Qc8F3rXnw30V-sjlBz

He really was found right where the person in the blue shirt is standing in the above photo - and was seen there on their CCTV. For all I know the above photo is actually of him. Incredible: https://www.news.com.au/.../683c4108f9283e7f972cd0ade67a5b12

010-06-2024: The Greens are just rabid scum. Their Nazi blackshirt political tactics are beyond reprehensible. We must rid ourselves of them and their like forever - else what was D- Day for? NB The Nazis were the extreme Left. Only Stalin ever described them as 'right wing'. https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/campbell-greens-tactics-against-labor-a-textbook-attack-on-our-democracy/news-story/8edb2e086e9f71b8df506a8676a59df4

010-06-2024: Farewell Bill. After flying around the moon still doing well to be flying a plane at 90: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/legendary-apollo-8-astronaut-william-anders-dies-plane/

010-06-2024: The BOM is just a terrible mess. Heads should roll: https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/environment/2024/06/08/inside-the-boms-failings-they-will-straight-tell-you-black-white#mtr

09-06-2024: Getting them back at the point of a gun – what fools thought there was any other way: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/breaking-jewish-girl-noa-argamani-is-rescued-idf/

09-06-2024: Strange. Notice that the Radiosonde (aka weather balloon) trends is only about 1/10th of a degree per decade, say 1C per century – about what you would expect as we emerge from the Little Ice Age: https://www.drroyspencer.com/2024/06/uah-upper-tropospheric-temperatures-corroborate-lt-temperature-trends/

09-06-2024: Just how accurate were those pcr tests - used to lock us up for years: https://www.portugalresident.com/judges-in-portugal-highlight-more-than-debatable-reliability-of-covid-tests/

09-06-2024: Charles Hoy Fort used to claim that we were ‘fished for’ by aliens, but I suspect there is a more mundane explanation for ‘mysterious disappearances, eg felony or people wanting to disappear. PS: They are getting desperate when they start searching for him in the minotaur’s cave: https://www.msn.com/en-za/news/other/dr-michael-mosley-s-disappearance-cut-and-paste-case-to-man-missing-for-five-years/ar-BB1nRdVT

08-06-2024: Try telling this to today’s woke kids: “You all knew that some things are worth dying for. One’s country is worth dying for, and democracy is worth dying for, because it is the most deeply honourable form of government ever devised by man. All of you loved liberty. All of you were willing to fight tyranny, and you knew the people of your countries were behind you.” Ronald Reagan to D-Day vets: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/06/there-will-be-consequences/

08-06-2024: Boondoggles I have known, “Any reasonable and sane person would conclude that this man, who is not a citizen, and certainly not Indigenous, should be booted from the country.” https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/crime/why-a-foolish-tribunal-allowed-sudanese-serial-criminal-who-faked-being-indigenous-to-keep-his-visa/news-story/483c00de1a3c9b036d812b708cdc717f

08-06-2024: Fetch Me the Ochre (Frank Pledge): “At the next census, please tick the box that says you are an Aboriginal indigenous first nations native of this once great country. This request is prompted by my recent experience filling out a medical form when I was referred to see a specialist. One section asked:

“Are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?”

I thought about, then ticked ‘Yes’. The receptionist knew I have no Aboriginal DNA, but did not bat an eye as she said: “There will be no charge for your consultation.” I shook my head and she smiled.

If Bruce Pascoe can grow rich and famous by daubing on the ochre and making up a tommyrot lineage, why not me? If Australia can accept a Sudanese man with 25 criminal convictions (including  rape, assault and armed robbery) because he ‘feels Aboriginal’, then I ‘feel’ I am every bit as worthy as him. I recommend that every Australian claim to be indigenous too.

I acknowledge and welcome to modern Australia my mythical ancestors. They managed to survive without inventing the wheel, medicine, pottery, writing, weaving, agriculture, animal husbandry, commerce (money) or stone buildings while devoting 60,000 years to perfecting ‘the world’s oldest continuous culture’. You invaders just never gave us enough time.

I recognise the benefits provided to all Australians by science, philosophy, engineering, British law, fossil fuels, agriculture and the inspiration of Renaissance thinking. Now I demand my share! (Bank account details to follow, plus an accounting of how much you owe me.)

I respect those of our political leaders, past and present and irrespective of their race or origin, for providing all modern Australians with tremendous lifestyle advantages through innovations in science, mining, agriculture, manufacturing, technology, medicine, literature and education.

Now, in the noble cause of diversity, equity and inclusion, I demand those Australians reluctant to assert their notional indigeneity begin immediately  transferring ever more of Australia’s wealth and real estate to claimants like me.

I hate to be picky, but I ask that you please pay me in gold. The way the country is going, your WMDs — white man’s dollars — don’t strike me as stable long-term propositions.” Shamelessly copied from Quadrant Magazine.

08-06-2024: Can’t wait for this to happen here, “The threat posed by discarded plastic straws or the failure to observe pronoun etiquette seems frivolous in comparison.” https://www.skynews.com.au/insights-and-analysis/the-eus-draintheswamp-moment-europes-elitist-class-is-just-days-away-from-a-rude-awakening-after-the-left-tried-and-failed-to-tar-the-centreright-with-the-fascist-brush/news-story/974586592cc4fef14b89881e4f11f5d9

07-06-2024: NASA scientists that suggest most of the recent global temperature increases are due to the introduction of draconian fuel shipping regulations designed to help prevent global warming. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/06/04/almost-all-recent-global-warming-caused-by-green-air-policies-shock-revelation-from-nasa/

07-06-2024: Let’s never forget what we owe to D-Day – a memorial: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13497447/How-D-Day-unfolded-hour-hour-80th-anniversary-Operation-Overlord-MailOnlines-scintillating-visualisations-recount-daring-mission-liberate-Nazi-occupied-Europe-forensic-detail.html

07-06-2024: Remember Sirhan Sirhan? They have not changed a jot since 1968: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/06/today-is-the-anniversary-of-the-1968-assassination-of-president-jf-kennedys-brother-robert-by-palest.html

07-06-2024: Where is Michael Mosley? Another Donald Crowhurst? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13503585/search-Mail-Dr-Michael-Mosley-missing-Greek-island-holiday-walk.html

06-06-2024: Just look at how Greens are destroying nature. This is truly shocking. Fast forward to about 7 minutes in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6BFe3al3bs&t=440s

06-06-2024: Did you know? Twice as many Jews fought against Hitler as the general population: https://www.timesofisrael.com/how-lucky-i-am-uk-jewish-vet-aged-99-prepares-to-mark-80th-anniversary-of-d-day/

06-06-2024: How science has been co-opted – if only we had followed Karl Popper. A great thinker. I met him a couple of times years ago: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/science/2024/06/big-science-the-enemy-of-great-science/

06-06-2024: They want him dead but the American people just want him President – at the moment leading by 20 points in polls: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/nyc-police-department-set-revoke-former-president-trumps/

05-06-2024: Things You Find: We visited the Hunter Valley where I grew up last week to catch up with relatives which was really great, however I did not expect this amazing treat.

My cousin Brian had pulled this strange object out of the ground where we/they used to live in Tenambit (Maitland) when he was circa 8 years old. At the time it had a calf tied to it with a rope.

At first he thought it was a rusty piece of pipe (as you would expect - you can still see the hammer marks on it where it was driven into the ground) then he noticed the sight attached to it and realised it was a gun barrel. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/06/04/things-you-find/

05-06-2024: How much of our ‘welfare’ goes to foreigners? https://moonbattery.com/90-95-welfare-loot-to-foreign-invaders/

05-06-2024: Why pumped hydro (like EVs) is dead in the water: https://www.skynews.com.au/insights-and-analysis/nick-cater-malcolm-turnbulls-dream-for-pumped-hydro-has-hit-a-snag-and-he-wants-your-money-to-still-make-it-happen/news-story/beffdc6d097c5d02178fe097ba15b83c

05-06-2024: Is the bubble about to pop? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/bidenomics-517-billion-unrealized-losses-cripple-us-banking/

04-06-2024: Ultralight Head Gear: A 1970s US army survival guide used to claim that you lost up to 50% of your body’s heat from your head. As the surface area of your head is only 10% of your body (though your brain uses a lot of your blood supply) this is almost certainly not true.

However, not very much weight of insulation is needed to keep your head warm. Anyway a cold head will cause all sorts of problems – and misery.

I certainly find that if my head is cold the rest of me is cold as well – so I often/always wear a hat of some sort. When I am out in the wilds (in cold weather) I always have some sort of insulated head-wear – something from a light wool cap through a light wool balaclava, a buff or beanie to some serious head insulation for night time sub-zero conditions etc. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/06/03/ultralight-head-gear/

04-06-2024: Alas that this is true, “On America's watch, the entirety of western civilisation is sliding off the cliff, and very fast - which is all anyone will remember about it… America's death will be bloodier and more convulsive than anything seen in post-imperial Europe. Check back with me in ten years, and see who's right.https://www.steynonline.com/14343/a-republic-you-can-keep-it 

04-06-2024: Why Antarctica ‘forgot’ about ‘global warming’: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/06/02/antarctic-ice-expanding-new-study-in-journal-nature-reveals-85-years-of-glacier-growth-stability-in-east-antarctica-ice-sheet-wide-mass-balance-estimates-st/

04-06-2024: Superman returns to mark the end of gay pride month. These people have nothing to be ‘proud’ of if I am not proud to be heterosexual: https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1794605402388418945

03-06-2024: Listen up and act. Wise words from John Adams – founder of the US constitution: “Cities may be rebuilt, and a People reduced to Poverty, may acquire fresh Property: But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrendered their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.”

03-06-2024: 21 Facts About Australia You Didn’t Know: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/06/for-our-overseas-mates-and-trivia-fans-everywhere.html

03-06-2024: Has this ‘Old Australia’ finally passed? https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/australia/2024/06/hermits-and-home-truths-in-old-borroloola/

03-06-2024: Geert will bring the EU and the great green blob crashing down. Let’s get with the Dutch agenda folks: https://hotair.com/tree-hugging-sister/2024/05/17/new-dutch-government-fixin-to-gasp-do-what-they-were-elected-to-do-n3788565

28-05-2024: Ultralight Furniture: Should I buy a Helinox Zero or just sit on a log? We have used the Big Agnes Cyclone Chair (at approx 170 grams) for years. It uses a sleeping mat to make a comfy chair with a supporting back-rest that you can sit in your tent with (in front of a warm fire in our case) without poking holes in your tent floor. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/05/27/ultralight-furniture/

28-05-2024: “It is grossly irresponsible and even malpractice for a psychiatrist to trigger the wish for assisted suicide by declaring that a case is hopeless…We are talking about an otherwise healthy young woman who has been persuaded by her doctors that she might just as well die. One might respond that she would have done as well to be angry at her inept psychiatrist and learn to express her rage.” https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/angry-young-women

28-05-2024: When thought alone is a crime in the UK: https://moonbattery.com/fined-for-silent-thoughtcrime-in-uk/

28-05-2024: The other day I posted that Dyson Spheres may have been discovered. If this pans out does that mean that Faster-then-light travel is actually an impossibility, as surely a civilization which has the technology to ‘redesign’ its planetary system would surely have discovered it and ‘escaped’ from its solar system if it were not. As a further speculation, I wonder whether aliens have written sci-fi which imagines us? Unlikely, surely?

27-05-2024: Ultralight Firewood Saw: I realise this is something of a 'holy grail' but sometimes you really do need to be able to saw some pieces of firewood down to size and you may need to have carried a saw to do so - or you are not going to be very warm tonight.

This was (nearly) our situation on a recent walk out to Mt Feathertop, and is a situation we have encountered in NZ backcountry huts.

As I only ever have a fire when I really need one I am loath to carry heavy cutting implements just in case, so I have been working at and thinking about this problem. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/05/26/ultralight-firewood-saw/

27-05-2024: “It appears that the Europeans (& Australians?) wish to finish the task that Hitler started -- the secret reason they are assisting the Palestinians in achieving this goal.” https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/20661/ireland-norway-spain-palestinians

27-05-2024: Whatever has happened to Boeing? They used to be great – remember the 747? https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2024/05/15/is-starliner-ever-going-to-fly-n4929051#google_vignette

27-05-2024: Avoiding ‘faint praise’. Too much ‘self-esteem’ “By their theorizing, a child does not need to learn multiplication tables. He needs to feel good about himself. In principle, this is supposed to make him a math whiz. In practice, it makes him a self-important idiot.” Maybe if they concentrated on actually being good at something? https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/too-much-self-esteem

26-05-2024: “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” Vladimir Lenin

26-05-2024: Milei is proving that the dead hand of socialism can be lifted from our backs: https://www.profstonge.com/p/argentinas-miracle-turnaround

26-05-2024: And adult in the room: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/crime/ex-asio-boss-says-laws-certainly-need-to-be-reviewed-amid-ongoing-antisemitism-in-australia-as-he-dismisses-colonial-apartheid-and-genocidal-state-claims/news-story/94c860a094bb72f100c631cdea3a7423

26-05-2024: Our public lands should be for all Australians – we have paid enough to ‘indigenous’ causes/affairs to own them a dozen times over: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/heartbreaking-tourist-industry-furious-as-mount-warning-remains-closed-due-to-indigenous-heritage-concerns-costing-industry-50-million/news-story/7ca38b885260546c4dde85e816c36220

25-05-2024: Surely we voted against this divisive, racist b------t: https://www.rebelnews.com/victorian_government_says_compulsory_land_acquisition_and_reparations_are_still_on_the_agenda

25-05-2024: We have the solution? Well, Duh! https://moonbattery.com/sex-change-surgery-raises-suicide-risk-12-fold/

25-05-2024: ‘Trust the Science’. Move over Pedro Carolino (https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/english-as-she-is-spoke-1884/). Peer review (AI) has outdone you a thousand-fold My personal best (translation) mistake to date was ‘water sheep’ for ‘hydraulic ram’: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/05/so-much-for-peer-review-wiley-shuts-down-19-science-journals-and-retracts-11000-fraudulent-or-gobblygook-papers/

25-05-2024: Useful idiots #2: Hamas leader thanks student protesters for help annihilating the Jews, “we are grateful to the people behind it. We want total integration in the battle on the ground. Today, we want a Flood of Jihad and resistance…It is good for Mankind, because annihilating the Zionists is good for humanity as a whole.” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/hamas-leader-thanks-student-protesters-being-part-oct/

24-05-2024: Remarkable. “I was the first man on Omaha Beach” – soon there will be no-one to tell their story. Truly the Great Generation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQaNFrfA-l4

24-05-2024:Hanoi Jane’ now channeling Lysistrata: A ‘pussy strike’ for climate, no less. Maybe time instead you apologized for the 8 million folks murdered by the communists (you supported) in SE Asia: https://moonbattery.com/jane-fondas-strategy-to-perfect-the-weather/

24-05-2024: Student centred learning? “Do as I say, not do as I do.”  “Jean-Jacques Rousseau, whose 1762 book Emile, or On Education laid the groundwork for the Romantic idealist approach. The philosopher offloaded all five of his own children to the Paris Foundling Hospital, even though few of its charges survived to adulthood. (None of Rousseau’s children did.)” Why not more of the same then? https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/05/snake-oil-student-centred-learning/

24-05-2024: The energy to keep the modern world running has to come from somewhere, not thin or hot air: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/renewables-head-collision-reality/

Looks like the future will be subsidising ancient coal-fired power stations because no-one has the grit to decide we need to build new ones: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/23/net-zero-nsw-state-government-to-pay-225-million-per-annum-to-a-single-coal-plant/

23-05-2024: ‘I’m leaving on a jet plane’ - The freedom to live in California: https://moonbattery.com/californians-forbidden-from-exercising-outdoors/

23-05-2024: The most remarkable people on earth, “Jews are 110 times more likely than others to win the top prizes for helping to create Western civilisation and its blessings, including thriving economies, thanks in huge part to a culture that reveres learning.” https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/andrew-bolt-how-many-of-our-australian-jewhaters-are-driven-by-envy/news-story/3e9c3dc47fe9d57d9b76e1a6c58a5a79

23-05-2024: There is theory and then there is practice. This is the best that can now be said, ““The real duty of man,” says Highet, “is not to extend his power or multiply his wealth beyond his needs, but to enrich and enjoy his imperishable possession: his soul.” In a world where almost no-one understand the phrase, ‘The Golden Rule’. I used to often say to my students that Socrates (arguably the best of teachers) had no other ‘aid’ than the other end of a log to sit upon. “All our vanities about how to improve teaching forget that, at day’s end, if the teacher hath not love, s/he hath nothing.” I think also students need to (learn to) love each other. Often there is only animus which can only lead to ignorance and despair: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/04/the-noble-art-of-teaching/

23-05-2024: CSIRO. When I was a kid the second letter stood for ‘science’. “CSIRO artificially pumped up the cost of building a nuclear plant in Australia because it would be a new industry here. Did they do that for technologies that are barely invented like hydrogen and batteries too? They claim it would take 15 years to build one plant, yet the French built 56 plants in 15 years, and that was 40 years ago. The average build time then, without faxes, flip phones and “the internet” was just 7 years, yet somehow they got it done.” https://joannenova.com.au/2024/05/nuclear-versus-renewables-the-only-cost-that-matters-is-the-one-the-customers-pay/

22-05-2024: Fascinating - Mallory’s 1924 Everest Expedition: https://www.popsci.com/science/george-mallory-1924-everest-climb/

22-05-2024: Have we already found aliens and Dyson Spheres? https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/deep-space/a60780331/dyson-sphere-evidence-alien-civilizations/

22-05-2024: Weather, the elephant on the climate room. Do read this: “In closing, let me note that since 1950, CO2 has theoretically increased downwelling radiation by something on the order of 1.4 W/m2 … and that would be totally undone by a mere 1.4% increase in cloud cooling. In that context, bear in mind that global cloud cooling changes by up to 9% from one month to the next, and we never even notice” https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/21/rainergy/

22-05-2024: A memorable obit for Raisi: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/05/well-said-and-good-luck.html

21-05-2024: Get out there and do it: https://www.sciencealert.com/exercising-in-midlife-may-reverse-years-of-inactivity-large-study-finds

21-05-2024: Looks like the internal combustion engine has won over the EV for the second time in a century: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/19/mercedes-and-volkswagen-ditch-their-ev-ambitions-mguy-australia/

Toyota too: https://www.news.com.au/technology/motoring/motoring-news/why-toyota-is-still-not-sure-about-electric-vehicles/news-story/f1756c71dfaf441e2718de3e60ab6edc

21-05-2024: You have to have a very strong stomach to side with Palestinians: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/05/hard-to-believe-anyone-could-side-with-the-palestinians.html

21-05-2024: The Second Opium War: I admit I have always argued that China’s CCP is awesomely evil (100 million dead for just a start) but I did not understand quite how much its machinations have been supported by ‘elites’ in the West: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/05/chinas-dream-americas-nightmare/

20-05-2024: DIY Ultimate Ultralight Saw: A reader (Paul – thank you) has gazumped me in the ultralight saw stakes after viewing my post Ultralight Saw Experiments with a ‘saw’ that probably weighs under 5 grams but could still be used to make Ultralight Tent Poles – or similar items of camp furniture. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/05/20/diy-ultimate-ultralight-saw/

20-05-2024: Sign this petition if you want free access to public lands to continue: https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/get-involved/petitions/stop-the-creation-of-any-new-national-parks/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0gYB91H1VXU9ujocImOSonLj8JIP8KqCZS0nUMGFjo9CpWgBOJbNpxNn8_aem_AV9jtxVkidZJ4RcdKlWaBQpMbWG7m55guSzqmRb3JN4Z1Lg3u5LMmtMepOg_AOKfoqkMJhxpJkEZlroe5TYxzURx

20-05-2024: A hangover cure perhaps - but wouldn’t you have to be sober to take it? https://www.sciencealert.com/new-gel-could-neutralize-alcohols-effects-before-a-hangover-hits?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR10Hr9z_8Ja09CyxgdjG7xH8D52Ftta9_FmxzJW9Q_E7S3Ml9i-zAWmIpQ_aem_AXaRWZ1kA9A9QOKExl0pyZXjUV7w0mEzPy_DRwJzU52QKs_FVsI9-k8cF9wtdHzlUT9fHMdFxmhhf0vJkGmSO0oo

20-05-2024: NZ (and Oz) agriculture is already at (or beyond) ‘Net Zero’: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/07/nz-agriculture-has-already-reached-net-zero-leading-climate-scientist-contends-in-climate-bombshell/

19-05-2024: When you don’t see people for a long time: Last night we attended a fortieth reunion for students from Mirboo North High School where we both taught many years ago. I can’t express quite how delightful it was to catch up with so many lovely people from so long ago. I am only sorry that I have (for one reason or another, eg ill-health) missed some other similar events (eg from Kyabram High). Now I am really looking forward to the 60th reunion of my own graduating class (Morisset High School 1965) in August this year (smack in the middle of lambing). For my own class I gues this will be the last (and only) such event but I am hoping to see some ‘familiar’ faces there. Alas so many have already passed on. (With Tony Castello and Lou Pugh)

19-05-2024: Putting your finger on the pulse – Sir David Frost, “The first is economic and is most starkly illustrated by the decline in per capita GDP over the last fifteen years to, in the last two years, negative levels. It has many causes: the extreme dysfunction of our planning system and the NHS; the regional and sectoral distortions created by the integration of the UK into the EU single market; the pernicious post-2008 consequences of zero interest rates with the resultant collapse in productivity and growth; the growth of a collectivist mindset resulting from the 2008 crash and its consequences, growth- and innovation-destroying net zero policies and the legacy of the lockdowns; the gradual establishment of a benefits culture; and the need for mass immigration as an unsatisfactory palliative for all these strains. The result has been to extinguish growth, to push up the tax and spending burden, and to turn Britain into an inefficient permanent collectivist social democracy. This is the economic problem.” PS: He has a solution, “Every time we have offered a clear right-wing Conservative philosophy at elections, which has happened all too rarely, we have won handsomely—in 1983, in 1987 and in 2019. When we’ve not done that, we have failed to win. This reflects the fact that there are large numbers of British people who still want to see traditional Conservative policies, who still believe in the traditional virtues of conservatism, economic and social cohesion, and want a party that delivers them.” https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/05/has-british-conservatism-lost-its-way/

19-05-2024: ‘A balanced budget is not necessarily good. Most of the dreary comrade societies aimed at a balanced budget – ‘We take 100% of your income and spend it all’. There is only one tax on the people and that is government spending. The treasurer needs to slash that big tax. All else is flummery.’ Viv Forbes.

19-05-2024: “We have the best government that money can buy.” Mark Twain.

18-05-2024: Maybe you will be able to come back from the dead after all: https://newatlas.com/science/brains-frozen-thawed-chemicals-cryopreservation/

18-05-2024: Seems the end of the world already happened and we missed it: “NOAA’s Latest Climate Data Shows the Global Land Region Temperature Anomaly Peaked in February 2016 Over 8 Years Ago ..NOAA’s April 2024 climate report missed very significant climate outcomes and analysis as provided and discussed above with these results clearly reflecting that the world is not facing a climate emergency” https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/17/noaas-latest-climate-data-shows-the-global-land-region-temperature-anomaly-peaked-in-february-2016-over-8-years-ago/    

18-05-2024: Well said: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/05/chilling-but-sadly-true.html

18-05-2024: Our money. The enormous waste that is the ‘welfare state’: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/get-your-house-in-order-labor-ndis-and-child-care-fraudsters-must-be-stopped/news-story/9f91e5c3b2a77c144e065d39b2a12dbb

17-05-2024: I didn’t even know women were miserable: https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/why-are-women-so-miserable

17-05-2024: ‘On the balance of probablilities’ Lehrmann has been dealt a very crook hand by ‘justice’: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/05/the-balance-of-probabilities/

17-05-2024: Nanny State gone mad. “How about we do not ban something as essential as fire in the name of safety...If you are suffering from asthma then you have my sympathy but you’re not getting my fireplace” https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/rita-panahi/how-about-we-do-not-ban-something-as-essential-as-fire-in-the-name-of-safety/news-story/261f0492177b0ba1b83b922386a178a5

17-05-2024: Why not kill off all the people to ‘save the planet’? All along the climate religion has been a ‘death cult’ exposed by its ultimate heresy that the human soul is not sacrosanct: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/05/professor-says-we-could-stop-emissions-with-a-pandemic-that-killed-billions/

16-05-2024: “Procrastination is totally a good thing. You always have something to do tomorrow, plus you have nothing to do today” Heinlein Society.

16-05-2024: Disgusting Government over-reach - a A$750K fine for free speech: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/australian-governments-overreach-slammed-conservative-social-media-gab/

16-05-2024: Adults in the room – well done Peru: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/perus-government-officially-classifies-trans-nonbinary-intersex-as/

16-05-2024: Seeing is believing: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/creepy-people-horrified-as-mirrored-image-king-charles/

15-05-2024: Good on you Winston: https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/05/10/nz-first-tries-to-introduce-controversial-bathroom-bill/

15-05-2024: Antarctica the new frontier: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/05/russia-discovers-oil-and-gas-reserves-in-antarctica-ten-times-bigger-than-north-sea/

15-05-2024: The Wonnangatta murder trial looks like it will be one of the most interesting in our history. Already I think the result will hinge on the whereabouts of all the pellets from three (!) admitted 12 gauge shotgun rounds. Police will have been trying to locate and count all of them – what metal detectors are for after all. Four weeks of compelling news: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/greg-lynn-stands-trial-for-murders-of-missing-campers-russell-hill-and-carol-clay/live-coverage/7bab787fa4794171c7a02e70a0bf5808

15-05-2024: Whilst this morning’s news is full of it’s having been the hottest (summer) for 2,000 years (a summer when there was practically not a day fit for canoeing or beach going and we were lucky to get enough tomatoes for green tomato pickles let alone any ripe ones), 1600 actual scientists say there is no climate crisis: https://californiaglobe.com/articles/no-climate-crisis-says-coalition-of-1600-actual-scientists/

14-05-2024: Federation and Feathertop: Last week my friend, Brett proposed we walk out to Federation Hut and Mt Feathertop for an overnight trip. Though I had a bad cold and was not feeling very fit I jumped at the chance. There is just so much work to get done around the farm - I may be avoiding some of it really.

We were at least promised two days of fine weather with daytime temperatures (at Mt Hotham) of 7 to 10C and overnight around 0C (probably a tad cooler at Federation Hut - at the base of Mt Feathertop) because it is a little higher and maybe more exposed.

The walk out to Federation/Feathertop is 10-12km largely just on or off the side of a ridge which undulates quite a bit but rises very steeply (approx 250 metres) in the last <1km if you decide to ascend the mountain (I didn't). Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/05/13/federation-and-feathertop/

14-05-2024: We need a quick pathway to energy independence, not the shambolic mess we see at present: https://richardsonpost.com/david-archibald/35934/australia-has-to-put-net-zero-aside/

14-05-2024: Don’t forget before the Stone Age was the Wood Age: https://johnhawks.net/weblog/four-stone-age-sites-with-ancient-wooden-artifacts/

14-05-2024: “An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes” – Things Sun Tzu should have said. Example 2: “The true objective of war is peace”. Mind you I suspect Xi has been studying this ancient oriental thinker (and his misquotes) extensively.

13-05-2024: Waratah Quilt: I recently had a chance to try out this very nice Waratah Quilt from Neve Gear. They are priced from A$419 (May 2024). I have had it for some time actually, but the weather has been too warm so I had to wait until I could go somewhere it was going to drop below freezing to try it out. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/05/12/waratah-quilt/

13-05-2024: I think I must be a psychopath then – all that ‘gannet head-bobbing’ really annoys me. I do like it if people look you directly in the eyes: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13399637/How-spot-psychopath-woman.html

13-05-2024: Boing, Bang, Boeing: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13399941/THREE-Boeing-crash-landings-two-days-Terrified-passengers-scramble-escape-burning-jet-Senegal-tyre-explodes-737-landing-Turkey-24-hours-nose-gear-failure-caused-767-slam-runway.html

13-05-2024: Seemed like a good idea at the time: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/12/eco-friendly-brake-cables-eaten-by-foxes-after-switch-to-soy-insulation/

12-05-2024: Whoa! Things you don’t see: https://richardsonpost.com/davidhiscox/35943/google-buries-bashing-of-teenage-girl-in-melbourne-school/

12-05-2024: Top spots not to travel to: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13396651/Inside-worlds-cannibal-tribes-Feasting-unburied-corpses-using-victims-skulls-cook-eating-human-flesh-dark-magic-rituals.html

12-05-2024: Albo is definitely not my big brother – indeed he is no sort of relative at all, scarcely human in fact. Away with him and all his awful cronies: https://twitter.com/fentasyl/status/1789018244600242570

12-05-2024: "Israel has a legitimate government, and Hamas is a crime gang full of the most brutal of homicidal maniacs.  This isn’t so much a war as it is a police action" https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/05/hamas_declares_that_it_will_make_no_further_concessions.html


11-05-2024:But arming Israel to defeat a terrorist organization that holds American hostages, that has killed Americans, and that seeks to annihilate all of Israel - that’s a bloody red line? How can any self respecting American patriot & lover of democracy not be ashamed by this man?” -  and now Albanese supports Palestinian UN membership! https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/joe-biden-betrays-israel

11-05-2024: Ominous: “if nations increasingly rely on and cede power to autonomous AI systems that compete against each other, military capabilities could be used to kill and destroy on an unprecedented scale. This could potentially lead to the destruction of our entire civilization, including the AI systems themselves. In this scenario, I estimate the typical longevity of a technological civilization might be less than 100 years. That's roughly the time between being able to receive and broadcast signals between the stars (1960), and the estimated emergence of ASI (2040) on Earth.” https://www.sciencealert.com/creepy-study-suggests-ai-is-the-reason-weve-never-found-aliens?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3bTC86NGq894oNCsAZBai-fPedhmejP7ihXFIQZhA5MQJV0W1SAQ75rc8_aem_AZWqjpEQEeKNuOcpuyfewaYrrgqkTwQ1c5moq_5ow_Y11TovxMbcUpeoUNmFmxtjRnGNqPTJ_WuOfh5bCpg0geWm

11-05-2024: God bless Javier Milei – at last a leader who can explain and expound the virtues of capitalism and conservatism, or libertarianism - as it might better be described. Here is his (articulate and compelling) explanation (or manifesto, perhaps). Do share it widely: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2024/05/the-gospel-according-to-javier-milei/

11-05-2024: Downhill all the way for China? “President Xi must also worry about the rise and rise of his democratic adversary, India. Boasting the largest population on the planet, with an average age of 28.5 years, and growing economically at 8 per cent a year, India will soon become the world’s third-largest economy… Xi Jinping is a committed Marxist-Leninist ideologue who believes the survival of the communist state depends on staying the course and the world embracing communism. Through dominating the United Nations, shameless intellectual property theft, propaganda, outright bribery and the skillful application of soft power, he is well on the way to achieving his goal.” https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/05/china-marxism-fails-again/

10-05-2024: A good question: “Here's the question: if you were raped, do you think you would write to your rapist afterwards and say, 'I'd love you to meet my mother'? Do you think you would write to your rapist hundreds of emails saying, 'You mean more to me than my father. Can we meet?' Would you write—I'll just do one more and then I'm stopping - would you write to your rapist the day after you were raped and say, 'I'd love to go to London. Yeah, can you pay for me to go to London?' And go to London, and, when you're in London, get in touch with your rapist and say, 'Oh my God, I just heard that you're coming to London. I want to change my flight. So I'm here when you're in London.' That put him in prison for twenty-three years” Maybe Harvey Weinstein  (execrable human being that he might be) was actually innocent: https://www.steynonline.com/14236/pervert-in-the-course-of-justice .

10-05-2024: Firecoat. Pure genius. Let’s add this to a dwelling’s fire rating: https://fsafirecoat.com.au/news/new-fire-retardant-paint-to-help-prevent-spread-of-bushfires/

10-05-2024: One place to avoid: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/all-local-roads-in-fitzroy-and-collingwood-yarra-city-council-drops-speed-limit-to-30kmh-as-part-of-trial/news-story/0bc174ce1a98d7db76106cfcc92664d3

10-05-2024: Of course we need a Royal Commission, Tony. Indeed some of the leaders (Dan) need to be locked up (or hanged): https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/former-pm-tony-abbott-launches-a-blistering-rebuke-of-covid19-pandemic-leaders-after-bombshell-pandemic-report/news-story/c56acd09f962233e0fb158fa4198a479

In some good news Britain is refusing to sign the  WHO ‘treaty’. We should too: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/peter-sweden-its-happening-britain-refuses-sign-who/

09-05-2024: Susie Linfield: “The Israelis pulled out of Gaza in 2005—which was accomplished by a super-hawk, Ariel Sharon. There’s criticism on the Israeli Left for how this was done, and criticism on the Israeli Right that it was done at all. Nevertheless, Palestinians were now in control of a territory. A small bit of territory, true. But you have to start somewhere. (Look at what the Kurds have accomplished in the areas they control in Iraq and Syria.) There was a lot of hope, among Israelis and Palestinians alike, that Gaza would turn it into a thriving entity, which is to say that energy would be put into the development—economic, civil, etc.—of one’s own people and society, not into destruction of the Other. A Middle Eastern Singapore! Under Hamas, the opposite happened. David Grossman told the New Yorker that, had Palestinians chosen peaceful development, withdrawal from West Bank settlements would have commenced. Instead, Hamas began lobbing rockets into Israel and, eventually, turned the whole Strip into a terror base while enriching itself. You can begin to understand what effect this had on Israelis, including those who desperately want two states” https://salmagundi.skidmore.edu/articles/501-from-the-river-to-the-sea

09-05-2024: The greatest freedom of all – “what Robert Menzies called the greatest free­dom of all: the freedom to do our best and make our best better”. I miss having leaders like him and Tony Abbott...” In short, it is time to stand up to the tyranny of the experts, the wellness gurus and therapists responsible for the most unwell generation in recent history” : https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/05/children-of-the-algorithm/

09-05-2024: The furries have gone too ‘fur’: https://www.megynkelly.com/2024/04/18/utah-middle-school-furries/

09-05-2024: Maybe this young woman will save our civilization? https://www.hungarianconservative.com/articles/current/eva_vlaardingerbroek_youtube_hate_speech_cpac_hungary_2024/

08-05-2024: Getting closer…move over ‘renewables’: https://www.sciencealert.com/fusion-breakthrough-6-minutes-of-plasma-sets-new-reactor-record?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2maSQUB_YILzRvRoth_M3-P3N7sEF_OBI3haIJayyIwoiM61d2QmwY_EI_aem_AQUKzPN5zeXqRCQrHPN68IrPbgLN1INynjNXPmn9WkXXfLejrPZbmmjVnjbNg5xJvFtA0lu1YvuhulFzHsOB0lo8

08-05-2024: There is hope after all – Stan Grant’s wife (Really!) calls out Albanese – and the whole ‘woke’ mob (I’m only surprised that anyone actually watches the ABC in order to have taped this interview) : https://youtube.com/watch?v=jUm8w-i-eGM&si=hJpwfAELUhthYAOm

08-05-2024: Good grief – a Swiss Army k____e without the blade: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/how-ridiculous-blade-less-swiss-army-knife-debuts-weapon-laws-tighten

08-05-2024: Look, hardly anyone actually supports the murder of women (even though we have all known some pretty awful ones, likewise men) but this is giving disaffected spouses chilling power: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/victoria-police-could-ban-offenders-from-victims-under-family-violence-reforms/news-story/e0a4cccf7ed5b8fe7dcb9111eee0fd65

05-05-2024: Plato rediscovered – amazing tech: https://gizmodo.com/plato-burial-place-last-night-details-ai-scroll-1851438021

05-05-2024: A new battery at last? No wonder the price of lithium has been dropping: https://newatlas.com/energy/natron-sodium-ion-battery-production-startt/

05-05-2024: Well said Tony, “I still think there’s a majority of Australians who could be persuaded to vote for a party that’s passionate for freedom, passionate for small business and the family, and passionate above all for our country—as long as they can find one” Please step up to the breach Tony: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/05/populism-and-the-failure-of-conservatives/  

05-05-2024: Who actually believes Pauline Hanson ought not to have been able to say of/to Mehreen Faruqi, ‘Go back to Pakistan’? Not me anyway: https://www.skynews.com.au/insights-and-analysis/australias-hate-speech-legislation-is-no-longer-fit-for-purpose-in-a-functioning-liberal-democracy-anathema-to-good-law/news-story/84e68c87a775b4d156084abc8ac78960

04-05-2024: Who needs a key? https://www.amazon.com/FirePik-Pro-Firefighter-Multipurpose-Stainless/dp/B0CKWPTSHH

04-05-2024: Can children ever remember their past lives? Over 2,000 children can’t be wrong, surely? Do you remember the famous Bridey Murphy case back in the 50s? https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2024/05/02/children-past-lives/

04-05-2024: When the revolution finally comes, it will be big – and it will be from the right, “Reversing the big-state, centrally-planned de-growth policies of the Left is not for the faint-hearted. What is required is Churchillian courage to tell people the truth; that what is needed is far less state involvement in the economy, and a huge improvement in state effectiveness in controlling borders, funding defence, policing streets, defeating extremists, standing up for the nation and its history, and pushing back against postmodern woke ideas infesting public institutions” https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/05/fertile-grounds-for-revolt/

04-05-2024: “Everyone vaccinated with mRNA Covid-19 injections will likely die within 3 to 5 years”, a lead professor of medicine warned. Just have to hope she’s wrong, but if she’s not who planned this - or WHO planned this? In the first week 50 people died, 60,000 altogether by now (in the US and EU alone), yet such a ‘clinical trial’ would normally be ended if anyone died: https://seed171.bitchute.com/vO6YB6hkB65/orfi0wfFDmhK.mp4

03-05-2024: This will bring tears to your eyes. It did mine. What was It All For? https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/society/2024/05/otherwise-what-was-it-all-for/

03-05-2024: Pro-Hamas Protesters – All they are saying is ‘Give Jihad a Chance’…but  They are not championing women’s rights or minority rights; they are not protesting for peace, the US is not at war in Gaza; Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. And these kids are not in danger of being drafted” At best stooges and useful idiots. I fear the concluding paragraph will prove to e true: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/pro-hamas-protestors-all-that-theyre-saying-is/

03-05-2024: Remember when we used to run a ‘pilot scheme’ to see whether something would work? Actually there is nowhere in the world (not even a small sunny, windy) island) which is able to run on 100% renewables. Clearly the engineers are not in charge: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/05/wild-experiments-alice-springs-fossil-fuel-grid-becomes-too-unstable-with-more-than-13-solar-power/

03-05-2024: You can take it with you – and it’s surprisingly cheap. A wonder more don’t take this option. After all (even if you can only afford to have your head frozen (A$150K) the Russians did a head transplant in dogs many years ago): https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a60594370/cryonic-brains/

02-05-2024: Chilling. Read it and weep – or join the Fifth Crusade, before it is too late: https://www.steynonline.com/14248/the-three-rs

02-05-2024: EVs just get worse and worse. Please just let me have a simple (to fix) mechanical car without the gadgets and with wind-up windows and manually locking doors. A car that you can roll start or that doesn’t stop when the battery goes flat is actually better – and I do not need electrically heated seats. This is all too silly. I am over all the gadgets. I can do things myself: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/05/ev-hell-continues-crash-victims-might-have-to-be-left-to-die-hertz-dumps-another-10000-cars-tesla-sacks-whole-charging-team/

02-05-2024: I live in hope that Javier will end the era of the State as God: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/04/is-javier-mileis-medicine-working/

02-05-2024: So, Earth really does have a thermostat – a fact which has been known for nearly 150 years. Le Chatelier’s Principle:  A change in one of the variables that describe a system at equilibrium produces a shift in the position of the equilibrium that counteracts the effect of this change” https://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch16/lechat.php & https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/01/keeping-it-in-balance

01-05-2024: Overland Track Video: My friends Brett Irving (and his wife, Kim) walked Tasmania’s Overland Track back in February (2024) They were kind enough to share some of their (80+) photos and some memories of their experiences. It is one of the reasons why Della and I ventured down there for a ‘look-see’ last week. Read more: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/04/30/overland-track-video/

01-05-2024: “The West's pathetic appeasement of Islamist extremists: For 33 years, my friend Salman Rushdie has shown incredible bravery. But the denial and delusion of Western apologists has only allowed fundamentalism to flourish”Ayaan Hirsi Ali: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-13354615/The-Wests-pathetic-appeasement-Islamist-extremists-33-years-friend-Salman-Rushdie-shown-incredible-bravery-denial-delusion-Western-apologists-allowed-extremism-flourish-writes-AYAAN-HIRSI-ALI.html

01-05-2024: I’m glad NSW police didn’t respond like this to a mad sword wielding murderer: https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1785381649640825318

01-05-2024: They live amongst us: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/murder-suspect-accused-eating-victims-face-bus-stop/

01-05-2024: Oh dear, yet Albo thinks he can create a solar renaissance here: “Solar panels are now in the “top five” worst slave industries in the world, yet still barely any of the morality-police care. They’re apparently too busy atoning for slavery they didn’t cause that doesn’t exist anymore to worry about slaves that are alive today.” https://joannenova.com.au/2024/05/german-solar-industry-collapsing-unable-to-make-solar-panels-from-solar-power/

30-04-2024: The Lightest Hiking Chair: No, it's not the Helinox at around 800 grams ever so comfy as it might be - though I am still using my (approx 160 gram) Big Agnes Cyclone Chair and have been doing so for many years.

I have just seen this interesting idea from the indefatigable Steve at Suluk Gear ie the Puttuck Chair which weighs 64 grams (US$39.99 April 2024). It is based on a Tibetan (Gomthag) Meditation Belt. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/04/29/the-lightest-hiking-chair/

30-04-2024: How did we get to be at war with Russia. Isn’t this war (like most) the baddies vs the baddies? https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/04/richard-marles-announces-australia-is-sending-another-100-million-to-fight-russia.html

30-04-2024: Statists can always ‘justify’ censorship, but the public ought to ‘own’ all the information: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/04/yes-it-is-tanya.html

30-04-2024: This is what Albo ‘protecting’ women actually looks like: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/04/down-to-albanese.html

29-04-2024: “The press must grow day in and day out. It is our party’s sharpest and most powerful weapon” Joseph Stalin.

29-04-2024: Albo just hotted up ‘the war on men’ but in fact domestic violence is mainly committed by women. Also thousands of (innocent) men are on remand  awaiting a (fair?) trial. Certainly trials should progress much more quickly – ideally they should occur on the same day that a person is arrested and charged; or at least as soon as is practicable for preparing a defence. Further, remember bail used to be awarded on the presumption of innocence. Police ought after all have a case before they arrest someone. Now the innocent are in gaol awaiting trial - 42% of prisoners are on remand; 16,000 in NSW alone. This is actually more shocking than the evil of a handful of women killed by their ex-partners  – as if this could be prevented by making society ever more draconian, whose effect would likely increase the incidence of such events. This is just Albo trying to distract attention from the fact that he has f----d the country. Of course it is terrible when women are murdered. It is also terrible when men are murdered (or wrongfully incarcerated): https://bettinaarndt.substack.com/p/locked-up-without-a-trial

29-04-2024: Wise words about ‘grievance culture’: “Just because you have been wronged does not make you right…One of the best ways to pile failure on failure is to blame someone else for your failures…introspection is self-defeating, therapeutically, because it removes people from social commerce, and makes them self-importantly self-involved…our search for offense teaches us to practice endless stewing…the more we will find ourselves competing with other members of other oppressed groups…The end result is a society defined in terms of competing grievances, where no one is held to account for dereliction and where no one believes that he can, of his own volition, overcome his problems:.. So, we should be wanting to see a return to meritocracy. We should rid the world of DEI initiatives. And we should stop complaining about everything. That means, we should overcome the bad habit we have learned from therapy culture.” https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/a-culture-of-grievance

29-04-2024: Consultation my eye! 'Engage Victoria', the ‘eminent panel’ set up by the State Government is conducting a public meetings at various venues – but it is a fraud and their decisions a foregone conclusion.

The committee comprises nothing but lefties, greens and ‘tame’ faux aborigines. There is no represenatation from traditional bush users.

After the same panel reviewed the Mirboo North & Strathbogie State Forests the panel recommended:-








Of course the same or more recommendations will be made for our Central Highlands State Forests.


All this must be resisted with every fibre of our beings. We all know what a disaster National Parks have been.

28-04-2024: “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempts to disarm the people must be stopped, by force if necessary” Karl Marx: https://www.factcheck.org/2019/09/marx-engels-quote-falsely-attributed-to-reagan/

28-04-2024: Hands off our public lands. Good on you guys: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/outdoor-recreation-advocacy-group-pushes-to-overturn-victorian-rock-climbing-gold-prospecting-bans/news-story/e432d59f03d00f3bb0a84c2d210a7187

28-04-2024: Perhaps you should keep on driving the car yourself? https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/26/tesla-autopilot-linked-to-hundreds-of-collisions-has-critical-safety-gap-nhtsa.html

28-04-2024: Where is Australia’s Eva? Eva Vlaardingerbroek at CPAC: ...”If we don't start to seriously fight, for our continent, for our religion, for our people, our countries, then this time that we live in, will go down in history as the time that western nations no longer had to get invaded by hostile armies in order to be conquered, this time will then go down in history as the period in which the invader was actively invited in by the corrupt elite, and not only did this corrupt elite invite the enemy in, they made the native population pay for it too...” https://televisor.tlgrm.dev/00b/E9sAALs9KlgAAAAAwEYmUu2REpk/file.mp4?hash=t1cCSupzd8bB3HobnRdRQQ&ts=1714256572

Let’s not forget: they even desecrated Anzac Day with their treasonous behaviour: https://www.rebelnews.com/watch_aussie_veteran_condemns_disgusting_anti_israel_protesters

27-04-2024: Great song. Very funny: “I am a a white man and I’m sorry”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5GHkljX-So&t=37s

27-04-2024: Indeed. Feminism has left middle-aged women like me single, childless and depressed: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ar-AA1nEqxM

27-04-2024: Why not Australia, Penny? https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/first-17-nations-release-joint-statement-demanding-hamas-release-all-hostages#google_vignette

27-04-2024: From a real climate scientist, (Prof Roy Spencer) “Atmospheric CO2 levels will start to fall even with modest reductions in anthropogenic CO2 emissions.” https://www.drroyspencer.com/2024/04/net-zero-co2-emissions-a-damaging-and-totally-unnecessary-goal/ & https://www.drroyspencer.com/2024/04/unnecessary-net-zero-part-ii-a-demonstration-with-global-carbon-project-data/

26-04-2024: More gun control bull in WA. Whatever happened to the right to self-defence or the right to defend yourself from tyrannical governments? https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2024/04/triggering-thoughts-of-tyranny-in-wa/

26-04-2024: No. Islamic immigration is not compatible with democracy: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/04/immigration-challenges-in-the-era-of-islam/

26-04-2024: How Many People Could Die Under Net Zero? Answer: Roughly half the world’s population or four billion people. And you are in favour of this? As I have said many times before Greens are worse mass-murderers than even Mao, Hitler and Stalin - and by a long shot: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/22/how-many-billions-of-people-would-die-under-net-zero/

26-04-2024: Who’d have thought? Get ready for that next Ice Age: https://climatechangedispatch.com/antarctica-is-colder-icier-today-than-at-any-time-in-5000-years/

23-04-2024: Tasmania's Overland Track - Last Day: After sampling the first day of the Overland track we headed around through Queenstown to have a look at the last day. We had intended to catch the ferry to Narcissus then take in Lake Marion and maybe Pine Valley (where there is a hut) too - but we were wildly over-optimistic.

We allowed too few days and had not reckoned on so much driving. Tassie is only a small state but the roads are twisty and it still takes time to get from one place to another. So we settled for an early morning ride up the lake to Echo Point and the shorter walk back from there.

Even so it took us over four hours to walk back including stopping for lots of photos and lunch. The Lake St Clair Ferry service runs three times a day and costs $45 each (April 2024) to Echo Point. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/04/22/tasmanias-overland-track-last-day/

23-04-2024: What a surprise: https://thehighwire.com/news/98-grow-out-of-gender-confusion-navigating-childhood-transitions-to-adult-identities/

23-04-2024: A real ‘education’ success story: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/victoria-education/greater-shepparton-secondary-college-records-drop-of-more-than-450-student-enrolments/news-story/f28fa5f7f0121385045f7cce893b598b

23-04-2024: “Effectively, the price of electricity fell 20% in China at the same time as it rose 240% in Australia and the UK.” ‘Renewables’ produce much more expensive electricity despite their subsidies not being counted as part of their cost. Remember ‘just yesterday’ (before they blew up Hazelwood) when we had cheap, reliable coal-fired electricity: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/04/the-most-expensive-electricity-on-earth-is-in-countries-with-cheapest-sources-of-electricity/

23-04-2024: (Merrin) Whenever Autumn comes around the yearly tree planting marathon starts again. Today Dad and I planted 18 new trees around the farm including a pair of English oaks which Dad grew from acorns and are now taller than him.

It's been about 6 months since our last tree planting day so I wasn't the fittest scrambling up and down the hills but there's still lots more to plant. In a handful of years these hills will be ablaze with autumn colour. 🍂

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese proverb.




21-04-2024: A Taste of Tasmania's Overland Track: A week of fine autumn weather in April (we thought) would be ideal to take a peek at a couple of Tasmania's beauty spots - so off we went, flying into Launceston (for $57 from Melbourne with a rental car at $25 a day!)

We had time for a quick look at Dove Lake in the afternoon which put on a spectacular rainbow just for us.

Next day we decided to walk the Crater Lake Circuit which took us a leisurely 3 1/2 hours including stops for photographs, lunch etc. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/04/21/a-taste-of-tasmanias-overland-track/

19-04-2024: Tonight’s Dinner View (Della - Beauty Point Tasmania)

19-04-2024: (Della) A quick but very busy week in Tasmania: We did a couple of brilliant walks in the Cradle Mountain area (will sort photos to share later today), but here is a little taster of our first day: After leaving home for Launceston at 3.30 am last Sunday, we drove to Cradle Mountain and decided to fit in a short walk to Dove Lake before dinner (after sitting in cars, plane and buses for over 12 hours). As we approached the lake, a welcoming rainbow set the scene for a wonderful week. See Also: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/04/21/a-taste-of-tasmanias-overland-track/

18-04-2024: Who'd have thought? Elephant seals and penguins have been wiped out in their millions by the (still current) 'Little Ice Age': https://joannenova.com.au/2024/04/global-cooling-wipes-out-elephant-seals-and-penguin-colonies-from-warmer-antarctica-1000-years-ago

18-04-2024: Actually less 'greenhouse effect' according to the satellite data - why are we worried about CO2 then? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/18/when-satellites-refute-the-climate-crisis-narratives-trust-the-science

18-04-2024: Read this and weep: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/04/examining-educational-failure

13-04-2024: Well done Nasa. Now if you could just work out why our pollies are always talking gibberish too: https://www.sciencealert.com/nasa-has-finally-identified-the-reason-behind-voyager-1s-gibberish?fbclid=IwAR16QYjCnAGWY3KFSP6c1zI3vSP4zsO003S_ZVLNWY6Wc15lwbwaN1KHqc0

13-04-2024: Who knew? Effect of human caused carbon emissions is non-discernible: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/09/new-paper-challenges-unproven-claims-effect-of-human-caused-carbon-emissions-on-climate-is-non-discernible/

13-04-2024: What a surprise: https://thehighwire.com/news/98-grow-out-of-gender-confusion-navigating-childhood-transitions-to-adult-identities/

13-04-2024: A real ‘education’ success story: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/victoria-education/greater-shepparton-secondary-college-records-drop-of-more-than-450-student-enrolments/news-story/f28fa5f7f0121385045f7cce893b598b

12-04-2024: Happiness. Duh! And it’s not just women: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wellness-us/article-13288861/dinks-marriage-babies-happiness-life-women.html

12-04-2024: The trouble with shifting to another country is why would anyone there fight for you either? There's an old Jewish saying, "If the rich could pay someone else to die for them the poor would have a good living" https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/10/rich-americans-get-second-passports-citing-risk-of-instability.html

12-04-2024: Bring back the plastic bag: Replacing Plastics with Alternatives Is Worse for Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Most Cases: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/04/bring-back-the-plastic-new-study-shows-paper-bags-make-five-times-more-carbon-emissions/

12-04-2024: ‘Enough’, I cry. Clearly you’d be a millionaire if it weren’t for taxes. People complain about the rising cost of homes, but government is by far your most costly ‘investment’. You work at least the first half the week just to pay for it: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/residents-state-pay-987-117-114535314.html

11-04-2024: No wonder AI designers have a hard time – I have been trying all my life to get people to reason: https://archive.is/Oz69t

11-04-2024: CO2  and the great greening of the planet: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/10/the-greening-earth-vs-enemies-of-climate-truth/

11-04-2024: Immigration anyone? Yet ‘our’ government thinks ‘climate change’ is the No 1 issue: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/04/great-ad-from-dick-smith.html

11-04-2024: Absolutely – our pollies today have not just taken a few leaves from the scammers’ book; they have stolen the whole corpus: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/04/the_ministry_of_bs_will_see_you_now.html

10-04-2024: An Introduction to Sambar Deer Sign is available free on YouTube. https://youtu.be/QxQoh_ZCuIw

10-04-2024: A bit chilly in NZ too: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/march-was-nzs-coldest-in-12-years-what-can-we-expect-from-winter/G5DJ4LP55BAUHE5HAMPXXFA7JM/?fbclid=IwAR3cbE25S0rU0KoPad6gySQ1jGKOnlRvgun2tK6MWfRpukrPTzmf8nR5RP8_aem_AXBpquKqRubC2Y_pNgEfVbHYgzi0hLYWtcXYh8SWpgIf9oo0kMN39-Sa27ohFCn1dGD3FFNT4TQ6tvA7QnL5FdoY

10-04-2024: I think the only question really is how much we should pay them to leave. Extraordinary really that even at $100K each it would be cheaper than keeping them! It would be easy to find the money after all by scrapping the whole ‘climate’ boondoggle: https://richardsonpost.com/mark-moncrieff/35561/remigration-a-policy-idea/

10-04-2024: Who knew? “The increased use of biofuels has forced global food prices up by 75%...The global demand for biofuels has led to deforestation with the inevitable release of significant amounts of smoke and carbon dioxide. Millions of acres of monoculture plantations are spreading across the globe on land once teeming with bush and wildlife. And not a peep of protest from green zealots” https://richardsonpost.com/vivforbes/35585/the-is-biofuel-lunacy/

08-04-2024: One clever bird – whistles better than me: https://twitter.com/i/status/1777048358378451317

08-04-2024: Sadly, this is meaningless (good) advice for Australian women who have no right to defend themselves: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/04/revolvers_for_women_aren_t_such_a_great_idea.html

08-04-2024: Maybe Switzerland has the right idea? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/switzerland-hold-referendum-devastating-consequences-mass-immigration-could/

08-04-2024: Too woke by far. Next they will ban ‘Tales of a Rat Hunting Man’ : https://cowboystatedaily.com/2024/04/06/smiling-man-poses-with-wyoming-wolf-muzzle-taped-shortly-before-it-was-killed/

07-04-2024: 60 years on we still don’t know who shot JFK: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/exclusive-shot-front-that-hit-jfks-right-temporal/

07-04-2024: ‘You can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out’. Are we doomed yet? https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/04/40000-lives-lost-for-what/

07-04-2024: But please sir, without coal or nuclear where is the electricity to come from? https://joannenova.com.au/2024/04/just-as-power-grids-struggle-the-ai-and-ev-electricity-monsters-turn-up-for-breakfast/

07-04-2024: Good on you JK: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/author-j-k-rowling-continues-advocate-women-i/

06-04-2024: Stoveless hiking meals: https://ontrackmeals.com/?fbclid=IwAR3KKiY41nkyRn72B-3sNXYgArj7GbRQH40nzdNiEh7mw_Ml1bUmWYf6Zuo_aem_AV71Z2vilds9rp-CCD6S-fzv5ewkEtz_vzSwPReAIS905W8IZzVJSVyZ6_L2jlHOOcaqvNerLMGhW6RCB6HdMlBd

06-04-2024: “Going green now means taking away shopping bags, gas stoves, and cars. And also killing gorillas.” https://www.frontpagemag.com/save-the-planet-kill-the-gorillas/

06-04-2024: Absolutely: https://danaloesch.substack.com/p/where-were-these-ceasefire-bleeding

06-04-2024: Just Wow! https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-destroy-99-of-cancer-cells-in-the-lab-with-vibrating-molecules?fbclid=IwAR06NAqOepzYsiCqgTj93r0VJY5RJoPPFDWk0TrqUbCj_0TOhId_OKmdNlA

05-04-2024: Interesting new evidence of ancient journeys: https://www.stoneageherbalist.com/p/the-mystery-of-the-cocaine-mummies

05-04-2024: So, what’s right with digital ID? https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/04/digital-id-dystopia-you-do-not-solve-incompetence-with-tyranny/

05-04-2024: Wanting the best of both worlds: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/canadian-man-legal-battle-get-free-vaginoplasty-while/

05-04-2024: Have you heard about “Toyota’s 1:6:90 rule which states that for the same amount of raw materials to manufacture one EV, Toyota can make six plug-in hybrids or 90 hybrids, and in doing so would achieve 37 times the emissions reduction of a single EV”? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/03/444000-semi-loads-of-food-just-another-day-on-planet-earth/

04-04-2024: So you want to live to be 100: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/01/what-we-eat-on-ikaria-greek-island-of-longevity.html

04-04-2024: Hard to disagree with a single word of Richard Dawkins’: https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2024/04/02/dawkins-i-like-the-world-christianity-created-even-though-i-dont-believe-it-n3785823

04-04-2024: (Why) the ‘war of the sexes’ is hotting up, “Notably, though, young men were more anti-feminist than older men…a Polish man can expect to work three times longer than he will live post-retirement, while for a Polish woman, the ratio is 1.4…a Polish man can expect to work three times longer than he will live post-retirement, while for a Polish woman, the ratio is 1.4”: https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/why-young-men-and-women-are-drifting-apart-101710433409016.html

04-04-2024: Since when did we need a do-nothing commie feminist as GG? https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/not-in-australias-best-interest-pauline-hanson-takes-aim-at-appointment-of-samantha-mostyn-as-governorgeneral/news-story/068ff4f323c67b6c5d65db5086a44419

03-04-2024: Why do we do things that are bad for us? https://www.theguardian.com/wellness/2024/mar/21/why-we-do-things-bad-for-us-impulse-habits-akrasia?fbclid=IwAR1TYqfePepOPJawct-FixiqXqBeGaBz5VvMrO_bAFG49mLx6StXzYgluO0

03-04-2024: Kowtowing to China: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/03/shh-nobody-mention-why-china-launched-that-trade-war-on-australia/

03-04-2024: This is very sad: https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/human-sacrifice-today

03-04-2024: Energy Clowns - our energy efficient masters: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/plane-hypocrisy-mystery-of-albo-and-bowens-separate-jet-trips-to-attend-the-same-event/news-story/c0b18a3d5d9ab90ff90d80f11288ac9e

01-04-2024: A beautiful Easter treat: https://twitter.com/i/status/1515656764225728518

01-04-2024: How reliable are renewables? Imagine something like this happening to a coal-fired plant: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/03/2500-football-fields-of-new-solar-panels-destroyed-by-hail-in-texas-this-week/

01-04-2024: The climate zealots (and other busybodies) are determined to destroy ‘private property’. Under the covid madness after all even your own body ceased to be your own ‘property’ and could be (illegally) mandated to receive experimental vaccines or other medical products willy-nilly. Many folks are still suffering from that one (if they survived it): https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/30/organized-theft-in-the-name-of-government-bidens-executive-order-14008-locks-away-30-of-u-s-land-by-2030-under-the-pretext-of-protecting-the-planet/

01-04-2024: We need more rules: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/unnecessary-overkill-fears-nsw-government-move-to-restrict-caravan-use-in-backyards-will-worsen-the-housing-crisis/news-story/0a21d4181f38951b4e5b2c1d6c6409f0

31-03-2024: As if results ought not to be adjusted according to how quickly candidates were able to arrive at the correct answer: https://moonbattery.com/students-cheat-on-sat-by-faking-disability/

31-03-2024: For once I agree with a Labor Premier: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-68681256

31-03-2024: Well said Irfaan Ali : https://joannenova.com.au/2024/03/the-president-of-guyana-gives-bbc-host-a-lecture-on-climate-change/

31-03-2024: Biden replaces Easter Sunday with Transgender Visibility Day - or sicko day as some would call it: https://moonbattery.com/easter-replaced-by-transgender-visibility-day/

30-03-2024: What an obvious lot of bull – as if we didn’t already have too much government. And what a triumph of democracy: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/more-than-90-per-cent-of-eligible-indigenous-voters-choose-not-to-vote-in-south-australia-voice-to-parliament/news-story/a926d4d1f085b58191e8bedcb5daf8cc

30-03-2024: Well said, Pauline: https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1773033166896554443

I like her five point plan: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13233925/The-astonishing-graph-highlights-immigration-soared-Pauline-Hansons-five-step-solution.html

30-03-2024: Argentina to sack 70,000 publuic servants – we need several Pres Mileis in Oz as we can barely move because of the veritable plague of them: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/theres-lot-more-chainsaw-argentine-president-milei-fire-70000-government-workers

30-03-2024: Where are the adults in the room? It isn’t hard to picture an Israel that is sermonized, impeded and prevented from dealing with Hamas the way the U.S. dealt with Al-Qaeda and ISIS a few years back—an Israel forced into defeat. If that came to pass, what would happen? Hamas would declare victory—on the verge of defeat, then the next minute revived. These criminals against humanity would emerge from their tunnels triumphant after playing with the lives not only of the 250 Israelis captured on Oct. 7, but also of their own citizens, whom they transformed into human shields https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/the-rafah-crossing

29-03-2024: Was this a ‘black swan’ event everyone has been warning will happen soon? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/was-it-accident-lara-logan-intel-sources-claim/

29-03-2024: What ‘The Voice’ would have prevented? https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/03/if-only-the-yes-voice-vote-got-up.html

29-03-2024:Israel has implemented more precautions to prevent civilian harm than any military in history” but let’s be pro-Hamas anyway: https://www.newsweek.com/israel-has-created-new-standard-urban-warfare-why-will-no-one-admit-it-opinion-1883286

29-03-2024: Dick Smith was quite simply absolutely correct: You can’t run a country on wind and solar. Impossible. Full Stop: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/28/officialdom-responds-to-doubts-that-a-renewables-based-electricity-system-will-work/

28-03-2024: A professional level ‘pocket’ camera: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/samellos/micro-mirrorless-yashica-im-back

28-03-2024: The latest penis enlargement scam: https://sfstandard.com/2024/03/23/penis-botox-san-francisco-upsize/

28-03-2024:  “I Was Wrong About Renewables,” Says Former Green Energy Executive.: https://public.substack.com/p/i-was-wrong-about-renewables-says 

28-03-2024: New AI forecasting – worth a try. Rain on the way, they say: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts

27-03-2024: If gender is a social construction, why would we not believe that transgender identities are socially constructed: https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/judith-butlers-phantasms

27-03-2024: Enough of this ‘National Curriculum’ b------t and let’s really ‘get back to basics’ in education: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/03/dreamtime-maths/

27-03-2024: Who thought? ‘Misinformation’ like ‘climate change’ & etc, etc is just another commie plot: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/03/misinformation-experts-are-almost-all-left-wing-and-they-want-to-censor-you/

27-03-2024: You can just drive your country off a cliff without being able to swerve or hit the brakes: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/03/fatal-flaws-exposed-in-the-net-zero-transition-what-is-to-be-done/

26-03-2024: 80 years since the Great Escape: https://www.voanews.com/a/poland-marks-80th-anniversary-of-great-escape-from-nazi-pow-camp-/7540775.html

26-03-2024: Life on the world’s most crowded island: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-13165615/most-crowded-island-santa-cruz-del-islote-life-expectancy.html

26-03-2024: Well said Topher, “According to Topher, the church in Australia had replaced God with the government, allowing state institutions to assume roles traditionally attributed to divine providence. Drawing parallels to the Old Testament, Topher argued that the government had encroached upon domains reserved for God, such as providing wisdom and healing” https://www.rebelnews.com/topher_field_s_call_for_christians_to_reject_idolatry

26-03-2024: We are certainly worried about the imminent shut-down of the 3G network, as here 4G has never worked and we are not convinced that transferring the 3G frequencies to 5G will make the situation better. Every change made to the mobile phone network since they shut down the original analogue network and replaced it with CDMA back last century has led to poorer coverage for us: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/03/malcolm-roberts-call-for-an-enquiry-into-the-3g-mobile-phone-network-shutdown.html

25-03-2024: Bless you Tony Abbott. Please be our PM again: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/03/tony-abbott-warns-against-complacency-in-the-face-of-creeping-wokeness/

25-03-2024: Enemy of the Public. And unfortunately they are right: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/03/60-of-the-us-say-the-media-are-the-enemy/

25-03-2024: Who are Isis-K and why do they hate Russia and Iran? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/23/moscow-concert-hall-attack-why-is-isil-targeting

25-03-2024: Snow in Saudi Arabia which is working to improve its mountain tourism with its own ski resort to be built by 2026: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/24/unusual-cold-plagues-both-northern-southern-hemispheres-arctic-sea-ice-strengthens/

24-03-2024: Way to go: https://www.sciencealert.com/new-exercise-pill-could-induce-fitness-benefits-without-exercise?fbclid=IwAR0kFSa1JdhQAmf0VTxAMv49Up9pOuVTlsFIUtJ5gcp-1Gu_dEO_OqpphL8

24-03-2024: New Aussie Cottage Gear: I have recently discovered this excellent new Aussie cottage outfit, Neve Gear. They currently make and sell backpacks and quilts/sleeping bags – but I doubt it will end there.

They are young, having a go and deserve your support. They are making fine products which are competitively priced and as they are local (NSW) their service is excellent.

I have had a look at one of their packs as well as one of their quilts. I will come to the Waratah Quilt in a later post.

First, the Wallaroo Framed 45 Litre Pack at 775 grams and A$299 (Jan 2024): 41 (internal = small)  is about ten litres smaller than I usually like, as most of my trips are multi-dayers usually with dogs, nd I usually carry a bit more than my 50% share when walking with my wife, Della who is only 5′ and 40kg.

However, it is an excellent size for her. It would also be a fine size for an ultralight weekend pack. The size large is 7 litres bigger than this, ie 48. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/03/23/new-aussie-cottage-gear/

Nevegear Wallaroo Pack

24-03-2024: Vale Jack Fitzgibbon – once the Labor Party used to represent the best of working class Australians but I suspect Joel was the very last of them: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/nsw/joel-fitzgibbon-opens-up-about-son-jacks-tragic-death-and-thanks-supporters/news-story/4e8efb34a925b5095f64f8c06bb0dfa4

24-03-2024: Isis, Taliban, Hamas, Boko Haram – does it matter? The problem is clearly Islam. The West (I include Russia) must end the replacement of its population and culture with these barbarians. Civilisation itself is at stake. The main mystery though is why Russia ignored US warnings about this attack:  https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/developing-shock-videos-show-attack-moscow-region-concert/

23-03-2024: You really need one of these stackable boats – do watch the videos. You will probably buy two! Ah, Facebook ads – hours of fun and entertainment. https://suaoud.com/products/IIIlllI?fbclid=IwAR0BbhxUiwsR6Ys8k-vNB2tBCE9vip7T2JGNN-Ewktzbs8udXYJMuURCM8s_aem_ARu6UND6_y4YhQ8gukwqHlt5kqAhjimOL1Yt7knO8oDjBPPdeMZNkhZR2x9AFU9ydkYNVHEZpaOIeELolF1s1VW0

23-03-2024: This wonderful Martin Durkin movie (at last) reveals the truth about ‘climate’. Everyone should see this. You might be surprised to learn that pretty much at no time in the last 500 million years has the earth been as cool as it is now - and CO2 levels today are close to as low as it has ever been (in say 600 million years). Eat you heart out Al Gore: https://seed122.bitchute.com/LrafRVYaZYlT/ONMGnSiOLhjG.mp4

23-03-2024: Women really should not have to share their bathrooms with people like this: https://nypost.com/2024/03/22/business/planet-fitness-assigns-staffer-to-assist-transgender-client-in-womens-locker-room/

23-03-2024: This is more than unfortunate: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/03/true.html

22-03-2024: Wow! In Japan they are introducing a ban on blood donation from covid vaccinated individuals! https://thehighwire.com/editorial/japanese-researchers-warn-about-using-blood-transfusions-from-covid-19-mrna-jab-recipients/

22-03-2024: In Australia we do not have the right to ‘free speech’ but in the US the citizen’s right to it is protected (from the government) by the First Amendment to the constitution – a very good idea – but one leftist Supreme Court judge thinks that the first amendment ‘hamstrings’ government’s right to censor and control information. Well, Duh! https://www.zerohedge.com/political/ketanji-brown-jackson-defenestrates-first-amendment

22-03-2024: If you have squatters you need squatter hunters. Well done guys: https://notthebee.com/article/a-team-of-squatter-hunters-in-california-is-using-the-squatting-laws-to-reacquire-property-for-homeowners

22-03-2024: Do EVs make you sick too? https://joannenova.com.au/2024/03/evs-make-some-people-carsick/

21-03-2024: What a great story: https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20240319-89-year-old-woman-travelling-world-solo

21-03-2024: Once these tech giants became a threat to freedom and democracy their activities and reach needed to be reeled in by legislation: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/study-google-has-interfered-u-s-elections-41/

21-03-2024: Why buy a dog and bark yourself? https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/govts-removal-of-intelligence-bosses-from-national-security-committee-is-reckless-hastie/ar-BB1k5xya Replaced with a ‘climate’ expert’!

21-03-2024: Why buy a house when you can get one for free? https://nypost.com/2024/03/20/us-news/vigilantes-try-to-evict-squatters-at-1m-queens-house-after-homeowner-adele-andaloro-is-arrested/

20-03-2024: Subsidies for ‘renewables’ are now at $16 billion a year but have hugely increased the cost of energy and reduced its reliability. Most of our coal-fired stations could be kept going for over a decade. During that time they could all be replaced by spending that $16 billion building new ones (or nuclear) to provide cheap reliable energy into the future – and remember that new HELE stations produce <40% of the CO2 that existing ones do. Surely a win-win situation: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/energy/2024/03/energy-policy-and-how-to-fix-it/

 20-03-2024: ‘The truth will out’ – but not soon enough! We need something like this: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/03/we-need-an-aussie-samizdat-prize/

20-03-2024: We ignore the needs of the ‘profession of arms’ at our extreme peril: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/03/why-the-adf-risks-failure-in-the-next-war/

20-03-2024: “Importing tens of millions of third-world people with no skills and no money into a first world nation with an enshrined welfare state, does not benefit the people of that nation, as the latter are forced to foot the bill” Our own population has increased by 8 million this century – largely from immigration: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/03/princeton_economist_with_a_nobel_under_his_belt_eats_crow_and_does_a_uturn_on_mass_migration.html

19-03-2024: Stuff you need to know: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/17/international-living-budget-friendly-places-live-abroad.html

19-03-2024: More proof leftism is a form of mental illness; after all the very definition of mental illness is delusion or seeing, hearing, thinking things that aren’t there so thinking men are women for example is an obvious case in point, but then wanting to continue life as an infant being provided for by a (beneficent) mummy state is a similar symptom. By the same token belief in a God must also rank: https://www.psypost.org/study-woke-attitudes-linked-to-anxiety-depression-and-a-lack-of-happiness/

19-03-2024: Here are some more proofs of insanity: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/five-signs-weve-reached-peak-stupid-in-australia/news-story/540ca24e517112765a86cc3a3cff207b

19-03-2024: “The WPATH Files prove that gender medicine is comprised of unregulated and pseudoscientific experiments on children, adolescents, and vulnerable adults and will go down as one of the worst medical scandals in history”. This guy used to be a climate warrior but he has seen the light: https://public.substack.com/p/the-wpath-files

18-03-2024: It’s a dog’s life: https://uk.style.yahoo.com/identify-dog-bathroom-outside-sleep-142324135.html?

18-03-2024: A fascinating essay. We have so much to learn from the past: “Wokeness, like Catharism, is essentially about the radical subversion of normal human life in the name of a paranoid metaphysical delusion.  Like Catharism, its fashionableness has nevertheless found it support among a large segment of the wealthy and powerful” https://www.postliberalorder.com/p/wokism-is-the-new-face-of-an-old

18-03-2024: How to grow tomatoes #101! Just as adding another layer of glass to your greenhouse won’t warm it even a tiny bit: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/17/negligible-future-warming-from-co2-ch4-n2o/

18-03-2024: The good that ‘indigenous health care’ can do if implemented widely enough: https://moonbattery.com/indigenous-knowledge-based-healthcare-kills-50-in-angola/

17-03-2024: Why not have ‘Property of the ---Government stamped on your forehead at birth? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/hohmann-another-country-announces-it-will-require-its/

17-03-2024: If  India can exclude Moslems why can’t we? To do otherwise will simply lead to the end of our civilization: https://richardsonpost.com/davidhiscox/35236/india-excludes-muslims/

17-03-2024: Obviously if you expect students to learn they must have discipline. Why did we ever go wrong on this. In England they are beginning to turn this around: https://archive.is/pt9Q7

17-03-2024: The great cooling – where are we heading? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/15/the-holocene-climatic-optimum-and-the-pre-industrial/

16-03-2024: The new immortality – worth giving it a go? https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a46330487/immortality-breakthrough/

16-03-2024: In praise of Haitian cannibals, “Not only are these fellows reducing the overcrowdedness of the world’s human population, but they’ve also developed a sustainable food source that will lessen their dependence on livestock” https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/15/friday-funny-john-kerry-praises-haitian-cannibals-efforts-to-reduce-humanitys-carbon-footprint/

16-03-2024: Police have lost the plot in Canada (and elsewhere) I suggest a large sign saying, ‘Thieves will be shot’ would be more effective: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/trudeaus-canada-canadian-police-advise-leaving-car-keys/

16-03-2024: Why sort your garbage? https://www.npr.org/2022/10/24/1131131088/recycling-plastic-is-practically-impossible-and-the-problem-is-getting-worse

15-03-2024: Who knew sheep could grow so big? As if it isn’t hard enough to get shearers already: https://cowboystatedaily.com/2024/03/13/montana-man-80-nailed-by-feds-for-creating-mutant-hybrid-bighorns/

15-03-2024: Urban agriculture – or the increasing madness of the Left: https://www.danielgreenfield.org/2024/03/maoist-new-york-goes-to-pol-pot-with.html

15-03-2024: ‘Aboriginal’ houses to be built for $1.5 million each where no-one ought to live and when aboriginal housing has a ‘normal’ life expectancy of less than a decade as against over a century for the rest of us (and we pay for our own). What nonsense: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/this-plan-is-just-another-consequence-of-the-failed-leftist-fantasy-that-traditional-aboriginal-ways-are-best/news-story/5e8ec90a73678f5b1917cd19d9b2e26c

 15-03-2024: Maybe you want them but I don’t. “For the first time in 40 years, per capita GDP has gone down for four consecutive quarters, Australians at an individual level are in recession” : https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/migration-surge-a-disaster-for-families-as-january-records-highest-arrival-intake-yet/news-story/61317f9f53bbb56c9b52e91935689445

14-03-2024: How to Create Water for Your Camp Site: We may prefer to think we will always be able to camp by some peaceful verdant stream but sometimes our path leads us elsewhere - sometimes indeed there are splendid adventures to be had and beautiful vistas to see where there is no water at all - some treasured remote and solitary spot which we wish to revisit again and again maybe… It would be so nice if we could just make water from thin air so that it is always available and never runs out...There is such a method. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/03/13/how-to-create-water-for-your-camp-site/

14-03-2024: Remarkable: 72 years in an ‘iron lung’: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68555051

14-03-2024: Like so many outback towns Alice Springs has become a hell-hole. Once Bourke was the Paris of the West (C19th) but now it has more crime than South Africa. This is all the Left’s fault (think Whitlam to begin with) for putting all these folks on ‘sit-down money’ and engendering a ‘victimhood’ culture instead of one of self-reliance and earned worth: https://www.news.com.au/national/northern-territory/carnage-alice-springs-anticrime-campaigner-robbed-in-sleep-during-alleged-home-invasion/news-story/c65d3e9c6039c328ee67039246507b23

14-03-2024: As the great Milton Friedman observed, “It’s just obvious you can’t have free immigration and a welfare state.” Try it and you will have an ever-expanding population of parasites who refuse to work while ever more foreigners must be imported to get menial work done. https://moonbattery.com/how-to-find-workers-under-the-welfare-state/

14-03-2024: Is this Government even worse than Gough Whitlam’s? Good question Andrew. Unfortunately the answer is, ‘Yes’. At least Gough had a few redeeming features (eloquence, some stature and a sense of humour). Albo is simply a pathetic Marxist moron: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/how-many-mistakes-can-a-minister-make-before-anthony-albanese-finally-sacks-them/news-story/794b72e423da7f3823d09a884756acdd

13-03-2024: Well done Katherine: https://www.popsci.com/story/space/katherine-johnson-legacy-nasa/

13-03-2024: Who exactly are ‘the elders’ we should ‘acknowledge’ – and is Bruce Pascoe (for example) one of them? All this is racist undemocratic rubbish which should be discarded immediately: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2024/03/hoax-springs-eternal/

13-03-2024: Finally everyone believes the end of the world is nigh: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/prepping-for-disaster-diversifies-as-more-americans-lose-trust

12-03-2024: Welcome back Ozymandias: https://news.artnet.com/art-world/ramses-ii-statue-top-half-2448010

12-03-2024:  “This is not just bad luck…At Federation, Australians were, per capita, the world’s second-richest people…We are now the 20th, our ranking in constant decline. Contrast Singapore…Singaporeans are today more than twice as wealthy. With low taxes and widely available housing, their disposable income is double ours… Australia’s population has ‘ballooned’ by 8.1 million people (43 per cent) this century alone: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/03/biggest-drop-in-living-standards-in-two-decades/

12-03-2024: Why not send them more aid Joe: https://nypost.com/2024/03/08/world-news/5-crushed-to-death-after-airdropped-gaza-aid-packages-parachute-fails-to-deploy/

12-03-2024: Beware the Two Party system: George Galloway has won the Rochdale by-election in the UK outpolling both Labour and Conservatives. He is living proof that there are many other ways to think about politics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Galloway

Similarly. Past time this happened here too: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/portugal-populist-chega-party-surges-quadruples-number-seats/

11-03-2024: Any further reduction of CO2 levels risks the end of life on earth as we know it. This has happened before: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/10/how-co2-starvation-caused-the-greatest-extinction-event/

11-03-2024: 34C today! They have cancelled Moomba because we are having a perfectly normal warm day (for the time of year).

11-03-2024: At least today’s modern murderer understands which bin to dispose of a body in – clearly did not want a fine for placing it in the ‘general rubbish’. A body is recyclable after all: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/crime/buckley-mother-chaithanya-swetha-madhaganis-body-found-in-wheelie-bin-as-husband-may-have-fled-overseas/news-story/d52cefd68be4352b75418b41e58596cb

11-03-2024: Living off the fat of the land: “Big government comes at a price. ..In June 2019 there were 242,000 Commonwealth public servants on the books. In June last year, there were 350,000, an increase of 44 per cent…Yet Australia, too, would be in recession were it not for sustained government spending and the government's lax immigration policy. Indeed, Australia is already in a per-capita recession, with a decline in Gross Domestic Product per person for the third consecutive quarter…” We need a ‘new broom’ such as Milei of Argentina who is taking a chainsaw to excess government and has (for example) already more than halved government departments: https://www.skynews.com.au/insights-and-analysis/relentless-expansion-of-australias-public-service-since-the-covid-pandemic-a-slap-in-the-face-to-families-fighting-the-costofliving-crisis/news-story/e5aac20d5503dc16f7763d70b0dff2f8

10-03-2024: The worst government in Australia’s history (one that makes Rudd/Gillard seem positively roseate) just got much, much worse: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/03/beware-the-nature-positive-plan/

10-03-2024: ‘The great replacement’ – a trend I would like to see reversed: https://richardsonpost.com/davidhiscox/35187/malcolm-roberts-flags-net-zero-migration/

10-03-2024: Over two thirds of Irish people have rejected the two referenda which sought to redefine what ‘family’ and ‘motherhood’ mean: https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/family-care-referendums-2024-live-32311958

10-03-2024: Quit already. Let it pass: “Rumination—a persistent introspection and compulsive focus on one’s internal sensations, thoughts, or identity—is a hallmark of anxiety disorders of various kinds, including depersonalization-derealization. People who engage in compulsive introspection can become increasingly uncertain, anxious, and confused” https://quillette.com/2024/03/08/identity-satiation/

09-03-2024: If we really had ‘truth telling’ we would learn that there was no ‘stolen generation, no genocide and that colonisation was largely a beneficial process: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/aborigines/2024/03/truth-and-consequences/

09-03-2024: The green left is increasingly at war with its own ideology – all the more reason to dismiss all their demands outright: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/03/tesla-gigafactory-attacked-in-germany-not-by-fans-of-petrol-but-left-wing-eco-extremists/

09-03-2024: ‘Nuts in May’. Back in 1976 this movie was a hilarious spoof on what was then extreme woke eccentricity, but now that the ‘nuts’ have won it is not so funny. However Keith and Candice Marie Pratt are wonderful characters and the film is beautifully thought out. Still worth a watch just to shown ‘Plus ça change, plus c'est la męme chose’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0-dx09puVk

09-03-2024: MH370’s barnacles (as scientists said when they were first found) may suggest revisiting the theory that the plane flew along an entirely different route and that the supposed ‘debris’ was planted by someone at a much later date. Nonetheless this is a mystery which must e solved: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/mh370-search-debris-barnacles.html

08-03-2024: Remember when “there was a huge push, obviously, across the industrialized nations to push women into the workforce and that had to be dressed up as equality, as feminism”? Now in Ireland there is a push to erase motherhood from their constitution, viz: “The state recognizes that by her life within the home, the woman gives to the state a support without which the common good cannot be achieved. The state shall therefore endeavor to ensure that mothers shall not be obliged, by economic necessity, to engage in labor to the neglect of their duties in the home.” Is this really progress?  https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/tucker-carlson-how-do-you-convince-women-give/

08-03-2024: Mohamed robot comedy break: https://twitter.com/texan_maga/status/1765388747057639873

08-03-2024: My thoughts exactly, “60 per cent unattractive” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-13159931/what-nude-cruise-like-photos-luggage.html

08-03-2024: Get ready for the horror – and remember how back in spring they predicted the driest three months ever? https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/03/clowns.html

07-03-2024: Farmers in Poland march against eco-terrorism. We need more of this: https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/55134

07-03-2024: Someone else’s problem. The fatal attractiveness of ‘other people’s money’: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/03/poll_45_of_young_voters_unwilling_to_spend_10month_to_fight_climate_change_despite_it_apparently_being_a_top_priority.html

07-03-2024: “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.” Give the bullies a king hit – gaol, public whipping, execution…you get it: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/andrew-bolt-courts-police-wont-protect-us-from-new-breed-of-bullies/news-story/18a35ee226477da50adb598170b01103

07-03-2024: “After all, why would black customers need to take a course about ‘white privilege’ to get a 20% discount?” Woke ‘capitalism’ gone mad – I predict the demise of North Face: https://www.skynews.com.au/business/north-face-blasted-after-offering-20-per-cent-discount-to-customers-who-take-racial-inclusion-course-completely-bonkers/news-story/e042b526c005c152c08bc20b780b8b54

06-03-2024: If you are the ‘correct’ kind of immigrant you can say whatever you like but not if you are a middle class white man: https://www.gbnews.com/news/sam-melia-free-speech-activists-outraged-jailed-far-right-stickers

06-03-2024: What takes us so long? Even making up our so-called minds takes decades. Once we were a nation of doers too. “50 years ago the French built 56 reactors in just 15 years and most of the reactors were built in 6-8 years.”: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/03/french-built-a-reactor-in-7-years-in-1976-but-modern-australia-needs-decades/

06-03-2024: Now we learn EVs are a 1000 times more polluting: https://www.emissionsanalytics.com/news/gaining-traction-losing-tread

06-03-2024: Duh! Thanks Mr Plod: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/victoria-police-union-boss-warns-raising-age-of-criminal-responsibility-could-lead-police-unable-to-keep-the-community-safe/news-story/0b159d4e0a28b684a0f08cf7a66ecde8

04-03-2024: The Rolls Royce of Ultralight Saws: https://suluk46.com/product/yuka-240-pull-saw/

04-03-2024: If the future is green hydrogen why does it need a 90% subsidy? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/02/29/hydrogen-fuel-cell-vehicles-unsalable/

04-03-2024: It was inevitable really. ‘For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’ (Newton): https://nypost.com/2024/02/28/opinion/boys-are-turning-conservative-to-rebel-against-woke-parents/

04-03-2024: Spot on: https://babylonbee.com/news/little-girl-dreams-of-one-day-being-ugly-enough-to-be-target-model

03-03-2024: Another way to look at dogs: A Lean Dog Irene Rutherford McLeod

I’m a lean dog, a keen dog, a wild dog, and lone;
I’m a rough dog, a tough dog, hunting on my own;
I’m a bad dog, a mad dog, teasing silly sheep;
I love to sit and bay the moon, to keep fat souls from sleep.

I’ll never be a lap dog, licking dirty feet,
A sleek dog, a meek dog, cringing for my meat,
Not for me the fireside, the well-filled plate,
But shut door, and sharp stone, and cuff and kick, and hate. 

Not for me the other dogs, running by my side,
Some have run a short while, but none of them would bide.
O mine is still the lone trail, the hard trail, the best,
Wide wind, and wild stars, and hunger of the quest!”

03-03-2024: Portable wind turbine for hikers: An interesting idea but probably just a thought bubble: http://nilsferber.de/#/micro-wind-turbine/

03-03-2024: Latest Israeli ‘massacre’ is another Hamas lie: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/386044

03-03-2024: Understanding how the warmists cook the weather up to being ‘hottest ever’: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/01/exclusive-a-third-of-u-k-met-office-temperature-stations-may-be-wrong-by-up-to-5c-foi-reveals/

02-03-2024: The Big Four on a Budget: Too many people are spending too much money on their hiking/hunting gear instead of just getting out there and doing it. Instead of spending maybe $600 on just your sleeping bag, this should be enough to buy a sturdy comfy pack, a reliable shelter, a lightweight sub-zero down bag, a similar sleeping mat, a kitchen set-up and a raincoat, ie practically all you are going to need. I know that is six!

Also all these (cheap) items taken together ought weigh no more than about 3kg. You might be able to save as much as 500 grams (say two muesli bars) on that figure by spending a couple of thousand dollars more yet have no more satisfactory set-up, if as satisfactory or durable. Why bother? Get out and enjoy. You only pass this way once. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/03/01/the-big-four-on-a-budget/


02-03-2024: The future is bots talking to bots: https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2024-02-28/twitter-x-fighting-bot-problem-as-ai-spam-floods-the-internet/103498070?utm_medium=social&utm_content=sf271932849&utm_campaign=abc_science&utm_source=m.facebook.com&sf271932849=1&fbclid=IwAR2VLeYZ9JG7af5cB0zAACO2WrbeFGDmb3n9qXycCBEeFEF_cpvXlEK1xuc

02-03-2024: “Societies do not always collapse from a lack of wealth, invasion, or natural catastrophes. Most often, they know what is destroying them. But they are so paralyzed by their fear that the road to salvation becomes too painful to even contemplate” https://amgreatness.com/2024/02/29/american-paralysis-and-decline/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=act_eng&seyid=121591

02-03-2024: In defence of private property: https://moonbattery.com/welcome-to-a-world-without-property-rights/

01-03-2024: What surprises me is that more lawyers aren’t murdered: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/crime/man-79-charged-with-attempted-murder-of-solicitor-77-after-daylight-shooting-at-van-cooney-lawyers-in-sydney-cbd/news-story/8c15eccee5b3c11c96fd578b91383b26

01-03-2024: AI is just another example of the communists marching through the institutions: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/googles-biased-ai-gemini-refuses-to-write-poem-about-conservative-commentator-andrew-bolt-due-to-potential-harm-while-describing-clementine-ford-and-lisa-wilkinson-as-champions/news-story/1cb8a30612be297d5bf3da275a9e8627

01-03-2024: The problem with Burney’s ‘truth telling’ is how much better off everyone was after 26th Jan 1788 by becoming legally equal British citizens: https://www.skynews.com.au/insights-and-analysis/linda-burneys-truthtelling-process-will-censor-the-teaching-of-australian-history-for-generations-to-come/news-story/cd5e64f6636635e31c1dfda033eb45fb

01-03-2024: Too many people have forgotten how illegitimate the current Ukrainian government actually is: https://richardsonpost.com/howellwoltz/35067/russian-aggression-was-provoked/

29-02-2024: Past time we had a law like this – so over all these divisive flags: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13132449/Tennessee-bans-pride-flags-school-classrooms.html

29-02-2024: Of course our blackouts were ‘a man-made disaster’ – and there will be many more of them before (if) we come to our senses: https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/andrew-bolt/victoria-blackouts-looking-more-like-a-manmade-disaster-andrew-bolt/video/7296b8d3210b70270b26ee9adef7e374

29-02-2024: Maybe you voted for this but I certainly didn’t: https://moonbattery.com/hiv-creep-feeds-chemically-induced-secretions-to-baby/

29-02-2024: Get ready to say ‘Goodbye’ to your loo: https://moonbattery.com/moonbats-come-after-toilets/

28-02-2024: Can this be a good thing? “Of the roughly six thousand different plants once consumed by human beings, only nine remain major staples today. Just three of these--rice, wheat, and corn--now provide fifty percent of all our calories” https://bookshop.org/p/books/eating-to-extinction-the-world-s-rarest-foods-and-why-we-need-to-save-them-dan-saladino/16945167

28-02-2024: ‘Green’ hydrogen makes no economic sense: https://nypost.com/2024/02/24/opinion/why-green-hydrogen-is-all-hot-air/

28-02-2024: These are welcome developments but there are thousands of people in Australia dreadfully inhjured (or dead) from these compulsory vaccines not to mention our once free society completely lost to us due to the process: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/02/some-wins-vaccine-mandates-for-police-and-ambulance-drivers-ruled-a-breach-of-human-rights/

28-02-2024: The way it is: The Left demands millions of human sacrifices to appease the gods of climate change: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/02/the_left_demands_millions_of_human_sacrifices_to_appease_the_gods_of_climate_change.html

26-02-2024: Too right: “If we are to have a peaceful, united society, multiculturalism must be thrown on the scrapheap of failed utopian theories” :  https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/australia/2024/02/prophet-and-loss-2/

26-02-2024: AI and race: https://moonbattery.com/google-ai-erases-caucasians/

The (extreme) left is pulling all the AI strings: https://moonbattery.com/google-ai-defends-pedophilia/

26-02-2024: A most dreadful misuse of lawfare: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/02/the_persecution_of_donald_trump_means_turning_ordinary_activities_into_crimes.html

26-02-2024: There goes the last taboo: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/02/why-is-the-new-scientist-defending-cannibalism/

25-02-2024: The former head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Hans-Georg Maaßen, said in a recent interview that "Europeans will succumb to Islam". If Europeans wish to avoid such a future and keep their culture, they need to start making that outcome unmistakably clear to everyone, not just by words but by actions. If not, what we are seeing could well mean the end of the European civilization as we know it. https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/02/gatestone-institutes-shocking-report-on-the-loss-of-french-civilisation.html

25-02-2024: Absolutely: “Mr Dutton…Come out with a bold set of policies on immigration, the school curriculum, free speech, sanity on energy policies and the like. Oh, and copy Canada’s Tory opposition leader Pierre Poilievre who has also said he’ll cut the CBC’s budget (equivalent to our ABC) in half. His boldness in policy terms and in taking on the left-leaning media has him up 12 to 15 points in the polls” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/02/faint-heart-never-won-fair-lady/

25-02-2024: Teaching used to be about encouraging students to explore and assess the worth of a range of views, but no longer. I prided myself on the fact that my students never knew what my personal views were, some thinking I was somewhat to the right of Genghis Khan, others that I was to the left of Karl Marx: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/education/2024/02/comrade-teacher-young-minds-are-yours/

25-02-2024: How much do you want your Apps spying on you? I will be going through mine with a fine toothed comb. ‘Brave’ is a certainty. I did not know about Proton Mail or Signal. More investigation needed. Maybe even consider an alternative operating system to Android? https://reason.com/2024/02/21/government-is-snooping-on-your-phone/

24-02-2024: The US has returned to the moon: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/22/intuitive-machines-lunr-im-1-moon-landing-for-nasa.html

24-02-2024: Where (and how) our freedom went. Just continue to fight back folks: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/02/what-im-describing-is-military-rule/

24-02-2024: “On the northeast wall of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, is carved a short extract that Thomas Jefferson had drafted for a bill on establishing religious freedom. Its preamble provides the philosophical justification for why the First Amendment is ranked first: “Truth is great and will prevail if left to herself; that she is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons, free argument and debate; errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict them’”. https://www.realclearenergy.org/articles/2024/02/19/the_hockey_stick_trial_science_dies_in_a_dc_courtroom_1012630.html

24-02-2024: Did you know CO2 levels are too dangerously close to the point where life on earth all dies: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/02/23/a-curious-paleo-puzzle/

23-02-2024: Now that is a near miss: https://twitter.com/TMZ/status/1760316085784772631

23-02-2024: An excellent summing up, “You have a far greater chance of dying before your time from socialist stupidity than climate change.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/02/real-climate-science/

23-02-2024: The Taliban has got one thing right. Relatives are allowed to publicly execute the criminals who murdered their loved ones: https://news.yahoo.com/taliban-carry-double-public-execution-085859517.html

23-02-2024: The other side of the Navalny story. I particularly ‘like’ the conclusion, : “These evil characters just told us last week they want to ‘peacefully’ kill 7 billion of us, and they’ve been telling us how they intend to do it since 1968 (Limits to Growth, published by The Club of Rome). Sir Alexander King and Aurelio Peccei were clear.  They would use war, disease, and a knowingly false narrative of fear they called Global Warming to scare us into being willing to die without a fight” : https://richardsonpost.com/howellwoltz/34978/globalists-to-start-ww-iii-over-russian-spy-navalny/

22-02-2024: Nominate people for these: https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fstudyfinds.org%2Flab-grown-testicles%2F

22-02-2024: The way forward perhaps: https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/15154331

22-02-2024: EVs are in big trouble. Elsewhere governments are starting to pull back from this green madness but here in Australia this morning I was listening to the National Party leader still extolling Net Zero and renewables. Where will the public have to turn for salvation from this? https://joannenova.com.au/2024/02/ev-bubble-popping-us-backs-away-from-forced-ev-sales-targets/

22-02-2024: A quick retrospective of Hayek’s ‘Road to Serfdom’, one of the C20th most important (overlooked) books: https://fee.org/articles/the-essence-of-the-road-to-serfdom-in-cartoons/

21-02-2024: Milei: One of the great speeches of all time: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/02/milei-slays-davos/

21-02-2024: About those Russian sanctions: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/tucker-carlson-visits-russian-grocery-store-discovers-americans/

21-02-2024: Yes, I agree – opponents of the covid tryranny richly deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. We have never before seen such an indecent decent into such awful tyranny, unless you have forgotten, “People were told when they could shop, the hours during which they could shop, what they could purchase, how close they could get to others, and which direction they could move in by following arrows on the floor. We experienced the wholesale house arrest of healthy populations; violations of bodily integrity, ‘my body my choice’, and informed consent principles; the spread of the surveillance, administrative, and biosecurity state; the treatment of people as germ-ridden disease carriers and biohazards; the sheer dehumanisation of people who just asked to be left alone; the cruelty of denying final goodbyes to dying parents and grandparents and the emotional closure of full-service funerals; joyful celebrations of weddings and birthdays; state diktats of whom we could meet (and sleep) with, how many, where and for how long; what we could buy, during which hours and from where; and the theft of children’s education and economic security by loading them with debt decades into the future.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/02/the-covid-resistance-deserves-the-nobel-peace-prize/

21-02-2024: At last someone else realises that money is too cheap and that this is destroying the economy rather than saving it. Having been trying to live on our lifetime savings for I have been railing about this for years: “Today’s policymakers seek to avoid recessions at all costs. Hence politicians run endless fiscal deficits, no matter the debt created. Central bankers concoct countless contortions of monetary policy, dismissing the unintended consequences. Their most bizarre invention is negative interest rates, a tax on capital that makes impossible the pricing of time” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/02/killing-productivity/ 

19-02-2024: When life gives you lemons: https://au.news.yahoo.com/newport-zesty-bidding-war-sees-130515475.html

19-02-2024: The beginning of the end for the Green Blob - ESG bites the dust: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/green-tyrants-get-horrible-news-finance-giants-pull/

19-02-2024: Egypt should know - there is no sense in negotiating with Hamas: https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2024/02/18/theres-no-point-negotiating-with-hamas-says-egypt-n3783163


18-02-2024: Paddling into History: Last weekend we again completed one of our favourite sections on the Wonnangatta River in the new Double Packraft: Bullock Flat to Black Snake Creek. We never tire of this marvelous river.

Taking into account the long car-shuttle (from home for us) over 3 1/2 hours each way) we choose to do this over three days (two nights).

The best height is over 1.8 metres on the Waterford gauge (this time it was 1.82) and would be better still at 1.9 as the river is silting up (due to 'green environmental vandalism practices: willow removal/bushfires). The temperature was around 30C - just right to be on the river.

We used to camp there a lot around Christmastime when our three children were little thirty years ago, so it has many wonderful memories for us (and them). Read More:  https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/02/18/paddling-into-history/

16-02-2024: Need a cheap house? Alibaba wins hands down. US$6500: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/2-Bedroom-Portable-Living-Modular-House_1600698404410.html?spm=a2700.pcdrm.0.0.1baeZCIXZCIXdR&s=p

16-02-2024: Has Dick Smith  got it about right: https://www.rebelnews.com/veteran_aussie_entrepreneur_calls_for_drastic_cut_to_immigration

Never forget: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/02/this-is-what-many-many-australian-muslims-celebrate.html

In further news: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/02/qld-african-youth-charged-over-grandmother-knife-murder-was-on-bail-for-robbery-at-the-time.html

16-02-2024: So ‘Net Zero’ will require 70% of our agricultural land in Victoria (and will not even work). Enough of this crazed idea. In the short term we need to build new coal fired power stations and in the long-term replace them with nuclear: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/02/victorian-govt-accidentally-admits-wind-and-solar-could-use-70-of-all-agricultural-land-in-the-state/

16-02-2024: So true: “The Dutch started 700 years ago to build dykes and levees against floods. It is now 60 years since the country’s last catastrophic flood – caused by a failure in some critical dykes”. (Bolt) And, the Zeider Zee, the only human creation so vast it can be seen from space was entirely built by hand. We need some workers like that in today’s Oz! They are the world’s Number 2 food exporter with less than .5% of the land much of it ‘rescued’ from the sea which should have long ago overwhelmed them! https://richardsonpost.com/howellwoltz/34836/the-dutch-are-rising-again/

15-02-2024: News from Jeeralang: No power and (mostly) no internet here for days (weeks maybe) as well as many trees down over fences/roads (mostly removed by selves/locals yesterday) and the TV antenna broken (don't watch it anyway). We are glad we installed an 8 Kilowatt back up generator which we can just switch on to supply the whole house/farm needs a few years ago as we have needed it again and again. I guess we have used it for well over a month (perhaps two) now since we installed it. Strangely in my first fifty years of life I never experienced any blackouts at all. That was back when the 'great generation' was in charge! You can (perhaps) also see why we are planning to invest in a large (over 25+ kilowatt) NiFe (Nickel-Iron - they last 60+ years) battery bank and a huge 15-30 kilowatt solar array as well as a 5-10 kilowatt wind turbine over the next year or so - and maybe a mini hydro as well. Have been negotiating with suppliers in China about this for some time. Of course all of this used to be done by government but they have long since abnegated their responsibility for real duty (including alas, Defence) and endangered us all with various green and commie follies. Hope you are all safe. PS: We still have a landline which works well when the mobile service goes out as it has over the last few days (and often). We would have retained our ADSL internet but no-one supplies that any more. We will also investigate Starlink as a backup as no internet is a pain. PPS: 'Naturally' no-one from government has come to help though we did notice (while we were removing trees from the fences on the hill) a Council Officer spending half an hour placing a plastic "Trees Over Road" sign on a white post after the large downed blackwood at our front gate had been removed. 'Our taxes at work'.

13-02-2024: Interesting truth, “In the past true love has normally been the province of adultery.” But is marrying for love still a great idea? “Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love.”-  Shakespeare https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/marry-for-love?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1523886&post_id=141572644&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=l9hpt&utm_medium=email

13-02-2024: Around the globe 1936 is still by far the hottest year in the iinstrumental record: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/friendly-reminder-1936-saw-hottest-temperatures-united-states/

13-02-2024: Has Kazakhstan got it about right: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13050789/Kazakhstan-surgically-remove-paedophiles-genitals-new-draft-law-complaints-chemical-castration-not-harsh-enough.html

13-02-2024: Mandela’s Legacy perhaps: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/02/scary-place-scary-people.html

12-02-2024: Della: Our last 3 days were delightfully spent on another nostalgic canoe trip on the Wonnangatta River, a higher section this time, from Bullock Flat down to Blacksnake Creek. Blacksnake Creek was a favourite January camp spot of ours 30 years ago when the children were young, and we spent many pleasant summers over the years paddling about with them and chilling under the walnut trees that were more abundant back then. The collage on the left below features pics of 1995, while the video and other shots on the right focus on the same places captured today: Lovely memories that left us feeling more than a little misty! (The drum still being in place after thirty years is a bit spooky).

12-02-2024: Our masters at work locking us off public lands. This is what they think a 'camping area should be. This one is right next (50 metres) to the Meyer's Flat (no camping allowed) roadside stop and toilet block - where everyone actually camps. There are others along the Wonnangatta similarly placed. If you can read the signage you will see that you have to carry your portable toilet (and all other gear) up over the stile. Sure. No cars allowed. We have two similar (with no trees) on Middle Creek in Yinnar. People are not allowed to approach the river though. Clearly these monstrosities, (created at a cost of $10-20K each no doubt) are a prelude to making camping in non-designated areas punishable. Over the years I have seen thousands of camping spots destroyed by the government. Along the Wonnangatta for example room for several hundred campers has been removed over the last thirty years - similarly on Middle Creek near Yinnar where on the upper creek there used to be acres of carefully maintained camping areas now closed and overgrown with blackberries. Our green masters are 'saving' the bush for 'future generations (as they say) by locking every generation out of its ability to enjoy this public resource.

08-02-2024: Wonnangatta ‘Murders’: Seems to me Greg Lynn was arrested for this back around November 2021 yet the case has still not gone to trial (and he remains in gaol). Now it may turn out he richly deserves such punishment but shouldn’t his guilt be established first? In ancient Athens the charge, trial and punishment all had to occur really quickly – essentially within a single day. While maybe this is too much to hope for but at very least our ‘justice’ system needs to be drastically speeded up. 

08-02-2024: “And just at this moment Australia is about to bring in rules to force Australians to buy EVs so we can save the World, or make some international bankers rich, whichever comes first.” https://joannenova.com.au/2024/02/just-pause-for-a-moment-to-appreciate-how-fast-the-ev-transition-is-coming-undone/

08-02-2024: Can sheep drench cure your cancer? There was already evidence for the us of Fenbendazole and Levamisole - Google them. Now Ivermectin hits the centre stage. One thing’s for sure, we are all going to have fewer worms: https://makismd.substack.com/p/ivermectin-and-cancer-it-has-at-least

08-02-2024: Truth vs fiction: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/matron-hyde-made-sacrifices-for-aboriginal-children-like-none-of-these-critics-would-dream-of-making-themselves/news-story/b5db38183f0284d093a479953a8f6b18

07-02-2024: Amazon sells these houses for US$19,000: https://twitter.com/CatchUpFeed/status/1754430186366624086

07-02-2024: The truth about January 6th: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/republicans-congress-introduce-legislation-will-reaffirm-president-trump/

07-02-2024: About time: Tucker attempts to get to the bottom of the war in Ukraine: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/watch-tucker-carlson-reveals-why-he-is-interviewing/

07-02-2024: Some good news for once – the EU backs down to farmers: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/02/farmers-win-major-eu-backdown-on-farming-emissions-and-regulations/

Our farmers push back too: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/where-is-our-prime-minister-jacinta-nampijinpa-price-backs-farmers-and-slams-the-federal-governments-renewables-push-at-parliament-house-rally/news-story/c5e845449cb99f912300d620f03d9a66

06-02-2024: “Teach your children about tax – eat 30% of their ice-cream.” Maybe a flat tax is the best idea. Certainly the tax-free threshold only teaches people that it is other people’s duty to pay for their excesses: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/tax/2024/02/oh-to-hammer-tax-until-its-flat/

06-02-2024: A ‘Daiper Spa’ – another great idea: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/new-hampshire-town-alarmed-due-opening-new-diaper/

06-02-2024: Hippos have run wild in Columbia. I wonder how many pygmy hippos there are in the NT since one was mistakenly shot as a wild pig on the Daley River a few years ago: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/cocaine-hippos-brought-colombia-drug-lord-pablo-escobar/

06-02-2024: The temperature models which drive so much ‘environmental’ hype and legislation are seriously flawed. Real-world temperature data is quite different with eg no warming at all in the US or Japan: https://www.drroyspencer.com/2024/02/u-s-a-temperature-trends-1979-2023-models-vs-observations/

05-02-2024: Wonnangatta Double Packraft: Recently I posted that we had bought and trialed this fine Naturehike packraft. Last weekend there was 1.8 metres of water on the Waterford gauge (perfect) and the weather was in the low thirties - so off we went!

For us this raft is just about the perfect size. We can lash a waterproof pack on the bow and stern (as shown in the photos) and we are good for several days on the river…

Of course this is our favourite river and we have canoed this section Back Snake Creek to Waterford (Meyers Flat) many times. At least two-thirds of the trip is through delightful bushland. The last third traverses Guy's magnificent property which has many scenic delights and abundant birdlife too. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/02/05/wonnangatta-double-packraft/

05-02-2024: How dangerous is China’s military? Interesting: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/01/why-has-xi-jinping-purged-his-senior-commanders/

05-02-2024: So many people have ‘lost’ a child ‘stolen’ by the state in just this way: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/02/the-real-stolen-generation/

05-02-2024: We can learn from centenarians: https://archive.is/8em4S

05-02-2024: Worse than Keystone Cops:  https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/02/leak-brilliant-on-nsws-keystone-cops.html

02-02-2024: A transgender defence force will save the nation: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/transgenderism-reverse-discrimination-negatively-impacts-u-s-military/

02-02-2024: For the sake of life on earth we should burn more fossil fuel – mind you, some time we will have to make a substantial switch to nuclear power: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/02/burn-oil-save-forests-global-greening-is-accelerating-in-55-of-the-world-thanks-to-fossil-fuels/

02-02-2024: Quite a different EV meltdown: https://www.wsj.com/business/earnings/volvo-car-evaluating-potential-reduction-of-shareholding-in-polestar-85e29826?mod=djemalertNEWS

02-02-2024: Fascinating: Nothing has a probability: https://wmbriggs.substack.com/p/probability-doesnt-exist-nothing?

01-02-2024: Mini Rocket Stove: I saw this little guy on Aliexpress for under A$30 and just had to try one out. It came as a most intriguing 3D jigsaw without instructions - a modest intelligence test - which took a little while to figure out.

I found it very easy to light with just a few gum leaves and some twigs - but I am quite expert at doing so, something which you should also practice. See eg The Secret of Fire and Mastery of Fire. I found dropping some burning leaves in worked well. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/01/31/mini-rocket-stove/

01-02-2024: Questions which deserve answers: Why does cold air or water make you want to pee? https://www.outsideonline.com/health/wellness/why-do-cold-temperatures-make-me-pee/

01-02-2024: Life before smart phones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSC7SXQpInM

01-02-2024: A brave new world of energy rationing. We are planning to sidestep this with an importation of solar panels, a wind turbine and nickel-iron batteries and a planned mini-hydro which will see us grid independent in a year’s time. I figure  say $20,000 spent on such a scheme if it saves us $3000 in electrcity bills (at current prices) will be a good return in our investment – and will only get better over time. Fortunately we have the land to do this: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/02/grid-on-the-edge-queensland-govt-switched-off-thousands-of-home-air-conditioners-six-times-in-the-last-8-weeks/

31-01-2024: Understanding the debt time bomb: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/01/our-foreign-debt-time-bomb/

31-01-2024: Socrates described sophism as ‘making the worst (appear) the better reason’ – it has not gone away; indeed today it appears to be on steroids: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/01/morality-flips/

31-01-2024: Uncontrolled immigration is making us poorer, unhappier and less safe. It must stop: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/01/reclaiming-the-national-interest-rethinking-australias-immigration-policy/

31-01-2024: This will not end well: https://pjmedia.com/benbartee/2024/01/27/shock-survey-almost-one-third-of-gen-z-now-gender-queer-n4925897

30-01-2024: The Rolls Royce of Stanley Blade Pocket Knives: https://newatlas.com/outdoors/the-phantom-2-0-a-beloved-titanium-utility-knife-gets-an-upgrade/

30-01-2024: This would not be home-grown home-made soup either but canned soup from a supermarket which had a much greater carbon footprint than the Mona Lisa: https://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/mona-lisa-defaced-by-protesters/news-story/e8ad8a994622f5792d60654ef50d8a5c

30-01-2024: And now for the good news: https://www.amazon.com/Not-End-World-Generation-Sustainable/dp/031653675X?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1706240328&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=quillette-20&linkId=fc2eda2817c6bd0d5b212d037a2d722e&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl 

30-01-2024: Popular as a s---t sandwich: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/pm-anthony-albanese-booed-by-crowd-at-australian-open-mens-final-at-rod-laver-arena-in-melbourne/news-story/316d4df1d28df2e5afbf8840a1a91bfe

29-01-2024: This is how China can undercut delivery charges around the world – another UN boondoggle: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/01/how-cheap-postage-from-china is-another-un-bureaucratic-scam/

29-01-2024: No doubt though there are naďve lefties who would believe this – a photo is worth a thousand words: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/01/palestinians-need-better-liars.html

29-01-2024: We need more dams: https://richardsonpost.com/vivforbes/34657/stop-wasting-water/


29-01-2024: Yes Andrew, we really do need to fight for Australia (Day): https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/those-who-love-australia-must-fight-for-it/news-story/a7a5b84f61eae6da797527568d1ec906

27-01-2024: The ‘great replacement’ is no myth. Beware Australia: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/01/europeans_will_succumb_to_islam_says_former_intelligence_chief.html

27-01-2024: This makes me really angry: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/captain-james-cook-statue-near-st-kilda-beach-in-melbourne-sawn-off-and-vandalised-one-day-before-australia-day/news-story/59ea7ee48d3cee2a18af87e45bea3f60 

27-01-2024: The vast debt spiral will inevitably lead to economic collapse , the fate of all such Ponzi schemes once they run out of new ‘suckers; which the declining birth rate likewise makes inevitable: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/us-has-biggest-govt-history-world-very-wide-margin

27-01-2024: The new Alamo – 21 states have now sent their National Guards to defend Texas:  https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/governor-greg-abbott-tucker-we-are-prepared-conflict/

26-01-2024: Truth vs reality: “If our whole electricity grid was 100% brown coal, electricity would be half the price” https://joannenova.com.au/2024/01/electricity-prices-fall-from-stupidly-high-obscene-level-in-australia/


26-01-2024: Where are the fathers? https://twitchy.com/brettt/2024/01/24/fifty-year-old-male-who-identifies-as-a-15-year-old-girl-is-welcomed-on-the-girls-swim-team-n2392139

26-01-2024: When the big end of town breaks with the Democrats and sides with Trump: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/01/pivot-point-ceo-of-jp-morgan-says-trump-was-kinda-right-and-his-supporters-deserve-respect/

25-01-2024: This is the kind of Prime Minister we had in 2014. Spot the difference. At Davos Tony Abbott delivered one of the greatest speeches of modern times. Some snippets:

“It’s worth noting – if only to remind ourselves of the good that can be done – that in the past few decades, more has been achieved to reduce poverty than in any other period in history… Mostly, though, it’s been driven by the intellectual and philosophical conviction that freer trade and smaller government will strengthen prosperity; the instinct that empowered citizens can do more for themselves than government will ever do for them…You can’t spend what you haven’t got. No country has ever taxed or subsidised its way to prosperity. You don’t address debt and deficit with yet more debt and deficit. And profit is not a dirty word because success in business is something to be proud of…A certain level of government spending is necessary and good. In Lincoln’s words, government should do for people what they can’t do for themselves – and no more…As always, stronger economic growth is the key to addressing almost every global problem. Stronger growth requires lower, simpler and fairer taxes that don’t stifle business creativity. And stronger growth requires getting government spending under control so that taxes can come down; and reducing regulation so that productivity can rise…We’re determined that fit working age people will work, preferably for a wage but, if not, as a condition of receiving unemployment benefits…After all, government doesn’t create wealth; people do, when they run profitable businesses. Government’s role is always to nurture its citizens rather than to promote itself…Better governance, though, is not the same as more government.”

25-01-2024: The last of the mountain men? https://cowboystatedaily.com/2024/01/20/spaghetti-westerner-gap-pucci-88-is-the-last-wyoming-mountain-man-of-his-time/

25-01-2024: What did Roman wine taste like: https://www.newsweek.com/how-roman-wine-tasted-archaeologists-1862792

25-01-2024: A much-needed free course in maths and logic: https://online.hillsdale.edu/landing/mathematics-and-logic-from-euclid-to-modern-geometry?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=geometry_yt&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqI_7tqvxgwMVbuAoBR38SAtNEAEYAiAAEgKzyPD_BwE

24-01-2024: Post-war British comedies always amaze me – how could a people who had just been through the most horrific six years of war come up laughing? Today’s ‘snowflakes’ have a lesson to learn from their granddads: https://newcatallaxy.blog/2024/01/18/wolfmanoz-at-the-movies-91/

24-01-2024: They will suddenly be angry at being lied to all their lives and rise up like the youth of Hungary did in 1956 against their tyrants: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/01/new-deniers-eh-one-third-of-uk-teenagers-think-climate-change-is-deliberately-exaggerated/

24-01-2024: Incredible survivors: https://news.yahoo.com/almost-80-years-holocaust-245-052426165.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9jaXRpemVuZnJlZXByZXNzLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAM1vZY3K3rI-M-xDoPILBtmoIzVYJSVELW7JZpDaQv4Okk9egh_N2hZhgNNgVW80VE6aeNQ0vpBpI6KEG4PDy52_iJtHkK84n-NYnjvQCmNt-95EAXXS-LWsE3KOx7cgdiskuIAwy8Ayq5BAV-whBUB6WaWugAenK8qQ9bAxysqi

24-01-2024: There is no ‘sixth wave’ of extinctions – another piece of woke panic: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/23/surfing-the-sixth-wave/

23-01-2024: She built a snow maze for her dogs: https://twitter.com/VisionaryVoid/status/1749151695144415455

23-01-2024: An excellent article about Mileil in the Telegraph. Understanding the difference between capitalism and socialism ought to be Education 101. Some examples: “A great many of the prevalent ideologies in Western countries are variants of collectivism, whether they are called communist, fascist, socialist, social democratic, Christian Democratic, progressive or populist… libertarianism leaves us free to muddle through, to make mistakes, to choose our own paths, in the hope that, from the market-place of differing ideas, best practice will emerge… Libertarianism is the unrestricted respect for the lives of others based on the non-aggression principle and the defence of life, liberty and property”. Or, in the global slogan of the libertarian movement: “Don’t hurt people, don’t take their stuff”… over the long term, countries with lower state spending and lighter regulations outgrow those with more intrusive governments… Socialism always and everywhere makes people poorer. It has failed in every country where it has been tried. Failed economically, socially and culturally. And it has murdered more than a hundred million people” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/01/20/smug-world-elites-should-fear-chainsaw-wielding-libertarian/

23-01-2024: How come we don’t speak French on Australia Day? https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/history/2024/01/when-young-napoleon-missed-the-boat/

23-01-2024: Leftist re-education aims at Jordan Peterson – but will it eventually shoot itself in the foot? https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/01/jordan-peterson-you-have-won-the-battle-minions-of-the-deep-state-but-not-the-war/

22-01-2024: The cicadas are coming. Like so many phenomena (think climate) they are episodic on a grand scale: https://news.yahoo.com/world-hasn-t-seen-cicadas-174831342.html

22-01-2024: Star Wars takes on the drones: https://news.yahoo.com/britain-says-developed-test-fired-134913702.html

22-01-2024: Nothing new under the sun. Check out the original ‘Diggers’ and ‘Levellers’. Crazy socialists have been with is for a long while. Fortunately after Cromwell there was the ‘Glorious Revolution.’ May there soon be another one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diggers

22-01-2024: How secure America’s election system actually is: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/breaking-professor-election-expert-j-halderman-hacks-dominion/

21-01-2024: New Alcohol Stoves: You should switch to an alcohol stove for ultralight cooking. The switch will save you heaps of grams. Certainly at least the weight of the empty canister (approx 150 grams) plus unused fuel – a weight saving of at least 200 grams – almost more than your entire current cookset weighs.

Just can’t imagine why anyone uses a canister stove apart from just that the weight of fuel + cartridge + burner is exorbitant – and that they use ‘fossil fuel’ rather than ‘renewable’! Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/01/20/new-alcohol-stoves/


21-01-2024: The ‘magic bullet’ inches slowly closer: https://news.yahoo.com/cancer-vaccine-minimal-side-effects-101124156.html

21-01-2024: “Average temperature rise is being driven by less extreme cold weather, rather than more extreme heat” no doubt driven by using so much energy to control the ‘climate’ in the cities where these things are measured – particularly with air conditioners:. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/20/what-is-climate-richard-lindzen/

21-01-2024: Taking on the ‘elites’: https://pjmedia.com/catherinesalgado/2024/01/19/heritage-foundation-prez-dishes-truth-to-davos-elites-n4925651

A Trump Presidency could be just what the world needs: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-12983807/BORIS-JOHNSON-negronis-Trump-presidency-just-world-needs.html

20-01-2024: This is what hamburgers used to be like before they started in with buns in 1895. Della and I always make our own like this: https://louislunch.com/menu/

20-01-2024: The WEF is Public Enemy Number 1: “Elections will soon be a quaint relic of the past… nations will soon no longer need to bother holding “elections” because voters could easily be replaced by artificial intelligence ” More from the man who gave us “you will own nothing and be happy” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/leo-hohmann-elections-will-soon-be-quaint-relic/

20-01-2024: Here’s a great idea: “New Law passed in the state of California, that if someone steals anything below $900, the Police cannot stop or arrest the thief as it is criminalising poverty.” https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/01/whod-go-to-california.html

Soon folks will not be able to buy food  - well they don’t now anyway: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/food-deserts-rise-democrat-run-cities-grocers-leave-droves

20-01-2024: This is the future: Basically, the average European suffers from high taxes, high prices, tiny homes and cars, and, increasingly, less freedom. But tourists sipping tea in London or shopping in Paris rarely, if ever, see this, or understand it if they do” https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/01/2024_promises_the_expansion_of_the_green_energy_scam.html

19-01-2024: Today my mother, Marie would have been 105 if her life had not been ‘cut short’ twenty years ago by miliary mesothelioma. Especially on her birthday I am aware of many conversations I failed to have with her, and never will. You can be unlucky. If she had chronic contact with asbestos her chance of contracting the disease which killed her was 1 in 4 million. Her only contact with asbestos (as far as anyone could tell) was washing my asbestos covered work clothes after I came home from work at Sulphide Corporation at Cockle Creek Newcastle (Rio) in the 1960’s where I was daily (literally) up to my armpits in the stuff and (most days) breathing it in in huge lungfuls. I understood then and understand today that such unsafe working conditions which saw weekly deaths in refineries and mines in the Hunter Valley where I grew up and worked for a number of years were a consequence of rebuilding the country after the huge cost of WW2, so that we were in a situation not unlike that of those who had fought to save the country during that conflict, ie necessity. Thankfully we have been able to afford safer working conditions for workers & management since then, but everything we ‘enjoy’ has to be afforded. The sad news for me a couple of days ago is that one of my favourite cousins Ken who is 14 years older than me (and who worked at much the same plants around Newcastle 60 years ago) has now also contracted mesothelioma. I know it may seem churlish to those who pass much younger to talk about one’s life being ‘shortened’ by asbestos-related cancers which have taken 60 years and more to kill but then Ken (and my) great-great grandfather David Jones lived a much healthier pre-industrial life for the entire C19th. Now that I am in my 75th year I would like (quite) a few more years yet.

19-01-2024: There is no doubt that those in charge or those who want to be (eg the WEF, UN, statists in general) want to control all information and everything you think and do. This must be resisted with every fibre of your being. Pres Melei of Argentina is at least leading the charge against them: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/01/wef-say-worlds-greatest-threat-is-misinformation-the-biggest-threat-to-experts-and-billionaires-is-free-speech/

19-01-2024: Trump has to be a saint to put up with people like this. No wonder Assange replied to a question asking why there was no dirt on Trump on Wikileaks “ because there is none”: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/e-jean-carrolls-is-nutcase-trump-proves-it/

19-01-2024: Don’t we want to find MH370? Incredible that there has been no investigation into an SA fisherman catching a jet aircraft wing – there can’t be that many of them out there: https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-advice/flights/dont-want-a-search-lead-mh370-investigator-makes-huge-claim/news-story/4cf0b5adf9e58ca9a312f24770b6848d

19-01-2024: The unbelievably evil Penny Wong: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/01/leak-genius.html

18-01-2024: When the college educated begin to give up their indoctrination and think, like the rest of us: https://archive.is/TjQw0

18-01-2024: Just one example of the myth of aboriginal ‘massacres’ (There are many more in Keith Shuttleworth’s ‘Fabrication of Aboriginal History’) : https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/07/more-dubious-history-on-forrest-river/

18-01-2024: Milei calls out the socialists at the WEF: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/long-live-freedom-argentinian-president-javier-milei-trashes/  

18-01-2024: I second that: “Dr. Gennadi Glinsky, a retired professor of medicine at Stanford, wrote: “This madness must be stopped before too late.” https://nypost.com/2024/01/16/news/covid-19-strain-kills-100-of-infected-mice-in-chinese-lab-study/

17-01-2024: This is the meaning of ‘A life for a life’: https://twitter.com/fasc1nate/status/1746988429957857614

17-01-2024: The U.S. House of Representatives investigation into covid is revealing some astonishing (and alarming) facts, especially about the consequences of mRNA vaccines. These should never have been permitted let alone mandated. Bizarrely the data appears to reveal that they even increased the risk of contracting the disease rather than the opposite: https://www.uncoverdc.com/2024/01/15/covid-mrna-vaccine-injury-hearing-we-played-god-and-it-isnt-going-well

17-01-2024: Meanwhile in America, religion without God: https://news.yahoo.com/church-without-god-secular-congregations-132712068.html

17-01-2024: Trannies just want to have fun: https://moonbattery.com/transsexual-wife-killer-wants-back-in-jail/

16-01-2024: You know you are in some weird communist dystopia when the word ‘straight’ demeans ‘crookedness’ https://moonbattery.com/kids-taught-word-straight-is-offensive/

16-01-2024: Time you voted Libertarian: https://www.skynews.com.au/insights-and-analysis/every-hero-needs-a-villian-labors-draconian-bid-to-censor-the-internet-may-have-handed-a-lifeline-to-australias-libertarian-movement/news-story/9b23b8ab3fa1fad57cb8da4af8d40c07

16-01-2024: Die you b------s! https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/54251

16-01-2024: Warning: Plants are probably as smart as you. I may never eat one again! https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-film-plant-talking-to-its-neighbor-and-the-footage-is-incredible?fbclid=IwAR0zm3LXqGM5QOnkyxnJIVRdNCtby9ZatdfkF11zHITVav7oJdx32sPS30w

15-01-2024: Turning women into drab black post boxes is not progress either: https://twitter.com/endislam/status/1746087079292150082

15-01-2024: Another problem with AI: https://venturebeat.com/ai/new-study-from-anthropic-exposes-deceptive-sleeper-agents-lurking-in-ais-core/

15-01-2024: How much weaker can our ‘Defence’ get? https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/australias-weakness-exposed-as-the-new-axis-of-evil-spreads-war-from-ukraine-to-the-red-sea/news-story/a57d41951e034c913a1ebaf8a9fe103a


15-01-2024: What? No CCTV footage of this murder? I just don’t believe it – but then it might provoke ‘racism’: https://www.news.com.au/national/victoria/crime/young-doctor-killed-after-melbourne-home-invasion/news-story/0e8b3b3c4d8840528afba71e8111697c


14-01-2024: How we are losing Yeats’ “That civilisation may not sink, Its great battle lost.” A profound strategic perspective: “The gravest error of Western politicians and their corporate oligarchs is failing to recognise that we are already at war… the only currency that matters in a multi-polar world – power. Until the power of deterrence is restored…the evidence is all around us; from cyber-attacks to trade embargoes on high-value commodities, the climate hysteria to make us dependent on China for renewable energy resources, the mainstreaming of terrorists like Hamas, and the use of refugees.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/01/the-west-is-already-at-war/

14-01-2024: What is the ‘win-win’ strategy to take towards hostage takers? https://newcatallaxy.blog/2024/01/06/winning-a-war-versus-paying-a-ransom/

14-01-2024: Not getting away from it all – Starlink Mini will fit in your backpack: https://au.pcmag.com/networking/103434/starlink-mini-dish-coming-later-this-year-elon-musk-says

14-01-2024: However, Tesla has lost $100 billion already this year. Elon may need to find something else to fund his space ventures: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-gets-94-billion-reality-133000964.html

13-01-2024: You would have to think it would be impossible: https://twitter.com/historyinmemes/status/1745308632953086370

13-01-2024: Time obliterates all – I wonder how little we really know about the ancient past: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-67940671

13-01-2024: Leak says it all. Sure we voted to replace Australia Day with ‘truth telling’ and other b------t. Do you remember what the result of the Voice referendum actually was Australia? https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/01/a-brilliant-leak.html

13-01-2024: What if ‘fossil fuels’ aren’t? https://joannenova.com.au/2024/01/if-fossil-fuels-come-from-fossils-why-have-scientists-found-them-on-one-of-saturns-moons/

12-01-2024: There’s an Island in the River: I didn’t expect my youngest, Merrin to remember this song from her childhood so many years ago (I used to sing it on the river apparently) but when she called for it yesterday on ‘our’ old stretch of the Macalister, of course I instantly obliged – in my usual toneless manner.

Della and I were trying out our new Naturehike Pack Raft on the short downstream section below Cheynes Bridge (to 20 Acre Creek) which we used to canoe on Sundays a generation ago when the kids were just tiddlers.

This 1 1/2 hour section usually stretched out to a whole day with frequent swims, snacks, cold drinks etc (followed by dinner at the Won Loy restaurant in Traralgon) on the way home as Della would be too tired by then to cook (especially with the next day being a work day)

So, you put in at Cheyne’s Bridge and disembark at 20 Acre Creek which is just before the road begins to climb up the hill towards Glenmaggie. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/01/12/theres-an-island-in-the-river/

12-01-2024: It was only a matter of time before the ‘new’ Australians got sick of supporting the ‘old’ ones: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/01/great-work-steve-listening-to-the-people.html

12-01-2024: France chooses the nuclear option. (We should too): https://joannenova.com.au/2024/01/france-dumps-renewables-target-goes-back-to-nuclear-instead-risking-global-pariah-status/

12-01-2024: Does it get any worse than this? Well, probably PS: 1500cc is a bit more than the average adult’s  brain volume: https://moonbattery.com/scientists-make-brains-out-of-aborted-babies/

12-01-2024: So over woke corporations. There will be a boycott eventually which will bring them down. Glad to see Coles distancing itself: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/woke-woolworths-confirms-decision-to-scrap-australia-day-merch-claiming-decline-in-demand-despite-support-for-failed-voice/news-story/69ecb04894faa4a3f1cb1d6b05f94b1f

10-01-2024: More and more our lives and sovereignty are being handed over to unelected bureaucrats…you have probably already noticed this at the local council level but it just gets worse: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/01/is-2024-the-turnkey-year-the-un-wants-to-decide-what-to-inject-you-with/

10-01-2024: Truly dreadful. In comparison when a handful of people died (mostly through medical neglect) from covid we had the most drastic changes to our laws and freedoms – so too with the road toll. But this mass murder goes largely unremarked: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/abortion-leading-cause-death-worldwide-fifth-consecutive-year/

10-01-2024: Will farming or wokism triumph? You decide: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/08/german-farmers-kick-off-massive-protests-against-policy-that-could-threaten-their-livelihoods/

10-01-2024: A fascinating article: “We give things up when we believe we can change; we give up when we believe we can’t… The idea that life has an aim, or that happiness is what we want, may be simply a way of narrowing one’s mind, of oversimplifying oneself. People can be found wanting, but they don’t tend to be found not wanting.” https://www.theguardian.com/science/2024/jan/02/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-giving-up-adam-phillips

09-01-2024: What a little sweetie: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-67902966

09-01-2024: CO2 and temperature do not correlate: https://imgur.com/paFEgTK

09-01-2024: Humbling. A triumph for humanity: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/01/one-life-film-review-by-a-child-of-a-holocaust/

09-01-2024: How absurd –78 years after defeating them, but the present enemy can point their fingers to the sky without demur: https://news.yahoo.com/australia-bans-nazi-salute-public-012255773.html

07-01-2024: The Merino Polo: These people have the solution for a lightweight merino wool shirt for hiking, farm work, everyday wear etc. They are also (roughly) only half the price of competitor's products. I took a couple  on a recent trip to Nepal. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2024/01/06/the-merino-polo/

06-01-2024: How does self-control actually work? One thing is certain: too many people lack it: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/trust-games/202401/psychologists-were-wrong-about-the-science-of-self-control

06-01-2024: Euthenasia (call it what you like) and even moreso the climate cult are obscene heresies in that they deny the primacy of the individual human soul, a core premise of most of the ‘great religions’ for millennia. How much we have lost concerning the importance of the individual, his/her freedom, privacy, dignity etc. I like the conclusion, “So, we turn to Aristotle- who was not a physician. He said that rather than try to control or suppress bad habits, we should replace them with good habits.”: https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/letting-anorexics-die-or-not?

06-01-2024: Fat lives matter: https://moonbattery.com/fat-con-waddles-into-seattle/

06-01-2024: Absolutely: “The future belongs to nations that have internal coherence and a sense of shared national purpose. The potent threat is internal dislocation arising from weak economic results, excessive inequality, cultural division and a loss of shared values.” Paul Kelly  https://richardsonpost.com/davidtruman/34292/the-clash-within-our-civilisation/

05-01-2024: An enduring kiss: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-67877244

05-01-2024: New archaeological tools continue to throw light on the distant past: https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-780745

05-01-2024: Quote of the day: "It was a theory that was built on the belief that the progress of society depended on the efforts of individuals to better their lot, rather than on radical exercises in political engineering" on David Hume, page 69 of Nicholas Phillipson’s 2010 biography of Adam Smith - Sigh: what a fine theory!

05-01-2024: Will Labor  and the Greens force us back to a new ‘Brisbane Line’ or will Australia fall completely next time? These green policies are a disaster in every way imaginable: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/01/australia-is-becoming-green-powerless-and-defenceless/

03-01-2024: Ultracheap Packraft: What's not to like about this? A Naturehike Packraft for less than A$600 - or a double for A$830 (Sept 2023). Aliexpress is great. This is a big saving over other brands which come in now at twice or more than three times that!

We received ours as a New Year's 'present' - it came in less than two weeks. Honey is already licking her chops in anticipation of some summer canoe trips. She loves swimming and diving from the boat/s. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/12/30/ultracheap-packraft/

03-01-2024: I fell ill in Nepal this year too, but I survived: https://weather.com/travel/news/2023-11-07-climbers-death-mount-everest

03-01-2024: In the C18th & C19th Royal Navy sailors were issued one gallon (ie 4 litres) of ‘grog’ each per day. Grog comprised one quarter rum added to water plus some lime juice and sugar. Still this represents nearly a litre of rum a day! This was considered an normal intake of these substances for everyone at that time. The tobacco ration was similar at around one ounce (30 grams) per day. We worry about trifles today. 

03-01-2024: Can you still remember when privacy used to be a big deal? https://joannenova.com.au/2024/01/when-you-sit-in-a-digital-car-you-consent-to-being-recorded-and-personal-data-sold/

03-01-2024: The Clash of Civilisations: “The people who ran down their own students with tanks are not likely to sit back and take it… Children go off to school, and eventually to college, in order to have their patriotism wrung out of them. They lose their confidence and their competitive spirit. Don’t get overly confident about our ability to meet the current challenge and to prevail in the current chapter of the clash of civilization.” https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/the-clash-of-civilizations?

02-01-2024: An exquisite story about a cat: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2017/12/mrs-black/

02-01-2024: Forget the doctor, get out and do it: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12866053/Exercise-chronic-illness-condition-physical-activity.html

02-01-2024: The ‘Famous Five’ were mixed race – right? https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2024/01/famous-five-reimagined-for-a-progessive-new-audience.html

02-01-2024: SEPP has been around for a long while. Begun by the late Prof Fred Singer a true ‘climate scientist’ it gives a dispassionate view of the world’s climate history and the causes of climate change. Of course some of the articles are ‘dry’ reading but you don’t get this sort of stuff at all in mainstream media. For example, you would never have known that the average temperature of the earth was nearly 10C hotter than today for many millions of years: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/01/weekly-climate-and-energy-news-roundup-581/ 

01-01-2024: Saying it out loud – this is the problem with ‘multiculturalism’: https://richardsonpost.com/davidhiscox/34191/australia-cant-do-war-on-terror-2-0-because-multiculturalism/

01-01-2024: The upside (?) of the sexual revolution: https://moonbattery.com/gay-sex-spreads-shigella-in-portland/

01-01-2024: This is ‘leading an insurrection’? Q Shaman videod on the steps of the Capitol quoting Donald Trump’s injunction to be peaceful and indeed ‘Go Home’: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/new-video-hidden-public-q-shaman-stands-outside/

01-01-2024: When will EVs be safe enough to own? https://moonbattery.com/lithium-ion-batteries-burst-into-flames-on-cargo-ship/

31-12-2023: Avenza has morphed into a really great mapping tool. I used to use the previous free version in conjunction with bought versions of Vicmap topographical maps but abandoned it in favour of Paper Maps a few years ago. Today I took a fresh look at it. Now it has a vast swathe of free maps of most places but for me the best bit is lots of maps of Victoria. I was quickly able to download excellent georeferenced topographical maps of my favourite places in the Victorian mountains –including where I live (Yinnar area) so I know that the maps are indeed georeferenced as my location showed the instant I opened the map. You should definitely be able to use this App for hunting, hiking and offline navigation in general. No-one needs to get lost any more. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/12/31/avenza/

31-12-2023: You must read this essay, “Or is the “woke” agenda simply the result of the moral cowardice of the elites, who seek to conceal it behind the mantra of “decolonisation”? Have they lost confidence in the ability of the West to defend itself and, above all, its civilisational truths? What is needed, above all, is a strong intellectual and political counter movement to the prevailing “woke” orthodoxy. It is unlikely that this will be based in the university sector, which has been captured by the “pod people”. If any academic in a mainstream college tries to point out the fallacies of the “decolonisation” project, which is leading to the closing of the British mind, they are condemned, sanctioned and even fired or “cancelled”. It is the equivalent of the accusatory finger and the eerie scream of the clones in Invasion of the Bodysnatchers.” https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/12/decolonisation-and-the-closing-of-the-western-mind/

31-12-2023: Milei in Argentina is certainly having a go: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/huge-argentinas-milei-presents-omnibus-bill-promoting-privatizations/

31-12-2023: The  Camel's Hump – Rudyard Kipling


The Camel's hump is an ugly lump

Which well you may see at the Zoo;

But uglier yet is the hump we get

From having too little to do.


Kiddies and grown-ups too-oo-oo,

If we haven't enough to do-oo-oo,

We get the hump—

Cameelious hump—

The hump that is black and blue!


We climb out of bed with a frouzly head,

And a snarly-yarly voice.  

We shiver and scowl and we grunt and we growl

At our bath and our boots and our toys;


And there ought to be a corner for me

(And I know' there is one for you)

When we get the hump—

Cameelious hump—

The hump that is black and blue!


The cure for this ill is not to sit still,

Or frowst with a book by the fire;

But to take a large hoe and a shovel also,

And dig  till you gently perspire;


And then you will find that the sun and the wind,

And the Djinn of the Garden  too,

Have lifted the hump—

The horrible hump—

The hump  that is black and blue!


I get it as well as you-oo-oo

If I haven't enough to do-oo-oo!

We all get hump—

Cameelious hump—

Kiddies and grown-ups too!  

30-12-2023: China is glad of all its coal-fired power stations as its temperatures fall to the lowest recorded in my lifetime: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/12/beijing-has-coldest-december-since-records-began-70-years-ago/

30-12-2023: Trees are nice: https://moonbattery.com/ecosexual-has-erotic-relationship-with-tree/

30-12-2023: I suspect this is right, “All Peter Dutton, the opposition leader in Australia needs to do to win the next election is to stand up for drivers in Australia.” The new ‘Euro6’ standard is anathema. I am particularly concerned what they mean by it applying to all cars after 2029: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/12/australian-government-is-coming-for-your-utes-suvs-and-cheap-fuel/

Do we really want this? Watch the price of older cars shoot up: https://www.news.com.au/technology/motoring/motoring-news/new-law-puts-popular-tradie-utes-american-trucks-under-threat/news-story/482c367877533279f9b4f8a6171be0b2

Mind you, folks are not buying: https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2023/12/28/ford-slashing-ev-production-in-half-next-year-n601555

30-12-2023: Saying it like it is, Geert Wilders: “Islam is truly evil. The so-called Prophet Muhammad raped a young girl and gave slave girls to his henchmen. Islam is violence, hatred and barbarism by nature. It is incompatible with freedom!” https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/12/gotta-love-geert.html

29-12-2023: Cancer be gone – this approach looks very promising: https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-destroy-99-of-cancer-cells-in-the-lab-using-vibrating-molecules

29-12-2023: The BOM at it again: Australia’s Hottest Day on Record Ever (51.6C) Deleted: https://jennifermarohasy.com/2017/02/australias-hottest-day-record-ever-deleted/?fbclid=IwAR19Pmbnjkq-7xEPv9NEKR8RKhZio7Y-c227NRDjH5arsJmBT3O4ooN1lfk

29-12-2023: This is how the world ends - beware the virtue signalers: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/27/righteous-risks-introduction/

29-12-2023: How did these Hezbollah terrorists ever get to be Australian citizens? DFAT warnesd us about this back about1972: https://www.rebelnews.com/mainstream_media_covers_up_australian_terrorist_ties_following_lebanon_airstrike : https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/27/righteous-risks-introduction/

28-12-2023: “Christianity is the result of a woman’s story about how she got preggers, getting out of hand.” Paul Zanetti.

28-12-2023: Is Zuckerberg a Morlock – an interesting perspective: https://pjmedia.com/david-solway-2/2023/12/26/the-underground-people-n4925025

28-12-2023: The Red Sea might have parted for Moses – it did for Napoloeon: https://news.yahoo.com/moses-parting-red-sea-may-060000050.html

28-12-2023: The toughest journey in the world – a fine essay: https://www.thefp.com/p/the-winner-of-our-senior-essay-contest?utm_campaign=email-post&r=2k67t&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

27-12-2023: At last a pill to prevent your dying from snakebite: https://news.yahoo.com/venomous-snake-bites-kill-thousands-110019394.html

27-12-2023: Now that sounds more like it: “Gnosticism – the belief that the creation of the material world was a mistake, and the creator deity a bungling lesser entity distinct from the supreme God” What a fascinating ancient sect: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/12/the-mystery-of-the-mandaeans-the-gnostic-sect-that-worships-john-the-baptist/

27-12-2023: The hottest year in 125,000 years? Hogwash. The world has been cooling for nearly 10,000 years: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/25/hottest-in-125000-years/

27-12-2023: You may say Bibi is an optimist but “Successful deradicalisation took place in Germany and Japan after the Allied victory in World War II”: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/12/benjamin-netanyahus-3-goals-for-his-military-campaign-in-gaza.html

26-12-2023: Coming to you soon, an aerogel sweater that is warmer than down: https://phys.org/news/2023-12-sweater-aerogel-fiber-warmer.html?fbclid=IwAR3ohEdbDsOQ5IF0Apui_32ldj1ZIEJBnC51S1LjM1dAYeYbcvZGGtWJ6gI

26-12-2023: Possibly, but it might also be sign language: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/dec/23/prehistoric-handprints-finger-missing-ritually-removed

26-12-2023: A possible treatment path at last – bring it on: https://scitechdaily.com/defying-genetics-how-one-patients-unique-mutation-offers-new-hopes-in-alzheimers-prevention/

26-12-2023: Such a charming man – and we helped him! As we gather together to celebrate the birth of (Jewish) Christ in Israel over two millennia ago Holocaust deniers and other Islamophiles continue to deny the existence of that country : https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2023/12/22/bashar-al-assad-rant-no-evidence-holocaust-u-s-aided-nazis/

25-12-2023: A better world back then: ‘A Christmas Carol’ 1951: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2xPS1iiHUA

25-12-2023: Alas, the Queen is gone but here is Neil Oliver’s Christmas message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrjYyJddRb8&t=15s

25-12-2023: Very impressive shanghai: https://smhotstuff.com/pages/high-precision-sm-slingsh0t-with-l-a-s-e-r?utm_medium=M+-+LDP+-+mobile+Bpost+TG+1&utm_campaign=Na+thun+new+2023+-+Copy&utm_content=New+Sales+Ad&fbclid=IwAR0ZtIZUDPjWRtt8BBv3Ci7J4si_UFiw9g-YUiMlXS-SKPbGwiBldXPQqsA

25-12-2023: “Humans create civilisation to protect themselves from unhappiness, yet civilisation becomes their largest source of unhappiness.” A fascinating essay: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/review/2023/12/cultures-are-good-civilisation-is-bad/

24-12-2023: Parents Take Gen Z Kid Who Doesn’t Have Anxiety Or Depression To Therapist To Find Out What’s Wrong: https://babylonbee.com/news/parents-take-gen-z-son-who-doesnt-have-anxiety-or-depression-to-therapist-to-find-out-whats-wrong

24-12-2023: The joys of sit-down money (if only it wasn’t our money) : https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2012/07-08/keith-windschuttle-14/

24-12-2023: When you know you are definitely on the wrong side: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/12/hamas-leader-ghazi-hamad-thanks-australia/  PS: What is it about  us being unwilling to send a ship to assist with keeping the Suez canal open? Doesn’t any of our trade go through there any more?

24-12-2023: Further bad news about mRNA vaccine technology. It is truly bizarre the way this news comes from fringe sources rather than the mainstream media. The level of information corruption in the world is truly staggering. Now Albanese (and his ilk) wants to shut down all such ‘alternative’ sources with his ‘misinformation’ bill: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/1-in-10-chance-pfizer-mrna-vaccine-makes-aberrant-proteins-experts-concerned-about-autoimmunity-events-5545692?utm_source=epochHG&utm_campaign=CFP&src_src=epochHG&src_cmp=CFP

23-12-2023: Why not try ‘Snus’? https://www.smh.com.au/national/what-is-snus-and-is-it-legal-in-australia-20231026-p5ef7o.html & https://www.snusexpress.com/au/en/

23-12-2023: Many more people need to try this experiment. For myself a phone is just a phone: you can ring me on it. People sometimes do. Otherwise I maybe spend a couple of hours reading a book on it in bed of a night. That is all: https://www.insidehook.com/wellness/detox-your-phone

23-12-2023: A dire warning about the state of our military preparedness: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/12/our-military-future-can-we-put-up-a-fight/

23-12-2023: Greenpeace co-founder on the genocidal consequences of Nett Zero. "Only the billionaires will be able to afford to buy food, and all the other people will die." https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/12/greenpeace-co-founder-on-the-genocidal-consequences-of-nett-zero.html

22-12-2023: Telling it like it is. Thank you Georgia. (In like news Wilders has succeeded in getting an immigration ban through the Dutch parliament): https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/12/spot-on-same-in-australia.html

22-12-2023: Did we even know Egypt has a 10 metre high concrete wall with Gaza? Why don’t they want these lovely people Albanese is inviting to live with us? https://hotair.com/headlines/2023/12/17/why-no-shrieking-about-egypts-border-wall-with-gaza-which-is-getting-a-big-upgrade-by-the-way-n599651

22-12-2023: Forget about a 1.5C rise in temperature, ‘tipping points’ etc. It is all bunkum: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/20/reason-is-right-there-is-no-climate-cliff/#

22-12-2023: Lenin understood why we should have a ‘cashless society’ “What socialism implies above all,” said Lenin, “is keeping account of everything.” To such people your (profoundly important) lives are just a meaningless number: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/12/the-looming-lenin-comeback/

21-12-2023: More evidence against ‘smart’ phones. It seems the smarter they get the dumber we get. I guess I was one of the last people in the world to buy one when I realised I could use it for geolocation while bushwalking. I also (now) use the camera and especially the ebook reader – but mine is never connected to the internet and ‘notifications’ are permanently turned off. It’s a phone; you can ring me, but I am busy so don’t expect I will always answer: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/it-sure-looks-like-phones-are-making-students-dumber/ar-AA1lIX7i

21-12-2023: Japan would not think for a minute about what to do with Benbrika and the like: “Japanese authorities preparing to deport an illegal migrant. Japan rejects 99.999% of all asylum seekers and migrants each year. They also don't fall for emotional blackmail. They put their country and people first, how it should be.” https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/53778

21-12-2023: Exactly: “How can anybody actually think that anyone else, let alone government officials who can’t do anything competently, could control the climate with all its natural variables?” https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/12/step_away_from_the_nonsensical_climate_change_fear_porn.html

21-12-2023: Where did American democracy go? NB: The Last Time Democrats Took a GOP Candidate Off the Ballot Was in 1860 – They Would Not Allow Abraham Lincoln’s Name on the Ballot in Their Slave States. It is a third-world dictatorial tactic to remove your opponent from the ballot, yet first Colorado and now maybe as many as 18 democrat states want to do so (though they will likely all fail at the Supreme Court, as there was no ‘insurrection’ nor has he even been charged with advocating one). All this political corruption is more likely to lead to more people voting for him whether you/they like him or not. The Democrats will need to rig the election even more than last time – however too little has been done to prevent this…Of course the 32 Republican states could retaliate by removing Biden from their ballot lists! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/breaking-californias-democrat-lt-governor-reportedly-urges-secretary/

19-12-2023: “Making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear”: https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/53777

19-12-2023: Lies, damned lies and statistics: “The NOAA climate data shown below provides the November 2023 absolute maximum temperature measurements for the period 1895 to 2023 in the Contiguous U.S. that establishes the November 2023 outcome is only the 109th highest out of 129 maximum November temperature measurements recorded during the 1895 to 2023 period.” https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/17/nasa-giss-data-shows-2023-el-nino-driving-global-temperature-anomaly-increases-noaa-data-shows-u-s-nov-2023-temperature-anomaly-declining/

19-12-2023: Don’t hold your breath! Now human breath affects the climate (is destroying the world!) and ought to be controlled: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/16/the-absurdity-of-measuring-breath-for-climate-change/ & https://joannenova.com.au/2023/12/now-scientists-say-your-breathing-might-affect-the-climate/

19-12-2023: Do you really believe he was ‘the perfect man’? https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/53736

18-12-2023: There are vast savings which can be made. Debt can be paid down and people can become more self-sufficient. Government ‘Welfare’ was never a good idea anyway. The Australian Government’s Welfare budget for 2022/3 is $247 out of a total $595 billion or 36% of expenditure. 10 years ago (under Julia Gillard (& before the NDIS) this figure was a ‘mere’ $132 billion – a rise of over 50% during a time of very low inflation. For comparison Defence is just $36 billion or 6% of the budget – less than the NDIS cost! (Defence was then $21 billion, the lowest level in our history if you remember): https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/BudgetReview202122/RevenueAndExpenditureSummary

 18-12-2023: “This is what happens when you spend four years being indoctrinated by radical leftists on college campuses and get your political advice from TikTok… Just 17% said other Arab states should be asked to absorb Palestinian populations… 60% of the 18-24 group say Hamas’ Oct 7 terrorist attack could be “justified by the grievance of Palestinians.” https://nypost.com/2023/12/16/news/majority-of-americans-18-24-think-israel-should-be-ended-and-given-to-hamas/

18-12-2023: Mass migration. I certainly did not ask for it. Life was far better in the past: https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/53751 & https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/53761

18-12-2023: No wonder people are so fat: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-12-adults-meal-worth-calories-snacks.html

17-12-2023: When the Ice Returns: “So let us…plan what we need to do to ensure reliable energy and food supplies as the next ice age approaches.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/12/when-the-ice-returns/

17-12-2023: Filming anal sex in the Capitol building might get you sacked but waving an American flag there will get you gaoled for life: https://moonbattery.com/dem-senate-staffer-produces-gay-porn-at-capitol/ 

17-12-2023: I do so deplore this woke b------t. I used to enjoy Dr Who when I was younger (and it was just SciFi) but what it has become makes it unwatchable to me: https://moonbattery.com/isaac-newton-was-now-indian/

17-12-2023: In so many ways Albanese makes me ashamed to be Australian. How can voting to side with the Hamas butchers and rapists represent Australian (or anyone’s) civilized values? https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/12/the-meaning-of-october-7/

16-12-2023: It would be handy too for re-opening all those pesky ‘closed roads’ in our bush which is currently being ‘saved for future generations’ and removed from the enjoyment of the current ones: https://babylonbee.com/news/cybertruck-to-come-with-deployable-scoop-for-removing-climate-change-protesters-from-roadway

16-12-2023: Clearly the IDF can defeat Hamas militarily but what will they be able to do with Gaza thereafter: https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-shows-soaring-support-for-hamas-in-west-bank-as-90-say-abbas-should-resign/

16-12-2023: Nordstream still a mystery: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/12/nord-stream-pipeline-attack-theories-suspects-investigation/676320/

16-12-2023: Remember how back in 1978 ‘scientists predicted a coming Ice Age (such as they are having in Europe at the moment): https://rumble.com/v1hg7x1--leonard-nimoy-1978-show-in-search-of-the-coming-ice-age.html

15-12-2023: More Tent Stove Progress:  I am delighted that Tim Tinker has been squirreling away at improving the design and functionality of (his) tiny tent stoves of which he has designed so many. His latest foray involves miniaturising an oil (or smudge) burner for heating a tent utilising a a tiny Cavendish & Harvey fruit drop tin which must be only about 1 1/2″ high by 4″ wide  – 40 x 100mm (if that). The whole thing weighs a mere 134 grams. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/12/10/more-tent-stove-progress/

15-12-2023: Far too many. The country is bursting at the seams.“During the year 737,200 migrants arrived from overseas…The natural population increase was 106,100” Who will “Call Australia home” in the future – and in what language? We need to turn this around: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/bureau-of-statistics-reveals-growth-of-australian-population/video/04bfb6da0a3919ad39f890179a4aac25

The French have clearly had enough. I suspect we have too: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/80-french-support-ban-more-immigration-two-thirds-back-referendum

15-12-2023: Going down the gurgler – and worse is yet to come (as we vote to end ‘fossil’ fuels and decide to support Palestinians instead of Israelis): https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/12/australian-living-standards-drop-to-worse-since-march-2011-when-gillard-was-prime-minister.html

15-12-2023: There was widespread cheating in the US election and this has not been addressed three years on. I am also deeply concerned about the extent of early and postal voting here neither of which has the same level of scrutiny as election day voting. I think voter ID is also an important safeguard: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/12/one-in-five-us-mail-in-voters-admit-to-election-fraud-13-million-dodgy-votes/

14-12-2023: Is Voyager 1 saying goodbye at last? https://hackaday.com/2023/12/12/voyager-1-in-trouble-as-engineers-scramble-to-debug-issue-with-flight-data-system/

14-12-2023: One country which understands the importance of gun ownership for national security: https://bearingarms.com/tomknighton/2023/12/05/israel-approving-n78046

14-12-2023: It is just amazing how all the graphs show just how fast we are (not) transitioning away from so-called fossil fuels (which are likely not by the way): https://joannenova.com.au/2023/12/cop28-one-big-global-psy-op-to-screw-more-money-out-of-a-few-patsies/

14-12-2023: This very long Quilette essay is nonetheless most enlightening especially if (like me) you have been wondering about the seeming triumph of outright evil in the world: https://quillette.com/2023/12/12/the-genocidal-imagination/

12-12-2023: Beware the Von Neumann machines – is this how the world ends?: https://newatlas.com/robotics/dna-nanorobots-self-replication/

12-12-2023: So many things about the future I just don’t want – kind of glad I won’t be here to see it: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/12/big-car-data-insurance-insider-warns-they-want-to-force-you-into-an-ev-ban-insurance-for-petrol-cars-and-track-you/

12-12-2023: Meanwhile (Hurrah!) the IDF is winning decisively against the terrorist butchers of Gaza: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/12/colonel-richard-kemp-on-israels-decisive-victory-over-humanitys-enemy-hamas-their-islamist-supporter.html

12-12-2023: More of this please: “On his first day in office, he cut the number of government ministries from 21 to 9 and he is probably not even finished yet. The departments he cut are largely the ones based on progressive ideas like social justice.” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/slash-burn-javier-milei-cuts-almost-dozen-government/ 

11-12-2023: Does this Hawaiian volcano just keep on emitting more and more CO2 in defiance of the green gatekeepers?

11-12-2023: In case you don’t understand, Gaza is a terrorist dictatorship: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/12/gazan-woman-reveals-all-aid-is-confiscated-by-hamas-taken-to-the-tunnels-for-terrorists.html

11-12-2023: Well said, “Actors make a living doing something the rest of us stopped doing before we reached puberty: pretending to be somebody else.  They use words which other people have written to express ideas and opinions which they don’t even need to understand, let alone share. That is why, for most of human history, actors were paid less than soldiers, and why most people who became actors were considered low life.

That anybody should pay attention to anything an actor says or does which he or she wasn’t paid to say or do is one of the greatest mysteries of the modern era.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/12/aussie-life-142/

11-12-2023: Belief in God has never been a universal human condition. Many peoples have no such concept/delusion. The mindset of the Piraha people is particularly interesting: https://www.stoneageherbalist.com/p/atheism-in-the-ancient-world

10-12-2023: Chris Marlowe exhumed? Just maybe: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/12/the-swan-er-cuckoo-of-avon/

10-12-2023: The eternal pogrom: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/12/we-are-in-the-fight-for-our-life/

10-12-2023: The US has a fair electoral system? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/investigation-finds-131-percent-eligible-voters-registered-washington/

10-12-2023: How much of the ‘green transition’ is powered by Chinese coal? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/09/net-zeros-dirty-secret-britains-green-transition-is-powered-by-chinese-coal/

09-12-2023: Dolphins possess a sixth sense: https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fstudyfinds.org%2Fbottlenose-dolphins-electroreception%2F

09-12-2023: ‘Nothing new under the sun,’ they say – but if there is you can bet pornographers will take advantage of it: https://time.com/6344068/nudify-apps-undress-photos-women-artificial-intelligence/

09-12-2023: Oh Michael, and not so long ago you used to be the darling of the environmentalists: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/michael-shellenberger-tells-tucker-opposition-natural-gas-proves/

09-12-2023: Albo’s 860 Gaza Jihadis – we will come to regret this decision even more than most of this lunatic government’s weird policies: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/12/roll-out-the-red-carpet-for-jihad/

Perhaps you don’t understand why the IDF needs to pursue Hamas so relentlessly? (Where are all the feminists?) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12831647/The-horrifying-accounts-Hamas-rape-genocide-left-survivors-traumatised.html

08-12-2023: Watched the 1993 movie ‘Sommersby’ (it was very good) a retelling of the amazing C16th narrative of Martin Guerre, an astonishing example of impersonation – anything which can happen will happen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Guerre

08-12-2023: Feeding the Birds in England is 'Anti-Social Behavior' https://hotair.com/headlines/2023/12/02/feeding-the-birds-in-england-is-anti-social-behavior-n596177#google_vignette

08-12-2023: More thinking outside the box, please: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/04/argentinian-reform-subsoil-privatization-javier-milei-meet-guillermo-yeatts/

08-12-2023: Copout 28: Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, the president of the summit, known as COP28, made the remarks in question during a teleconference on Nov. 21, saying that there is “no science” to justify a global fossil fuel phase-out, and that there is no way to eliminate fossil fuels globally while advancing economic development “unless you want to take the world back into caves.” https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/05/john-kerry-spins-un-climate-summit-presidents-comments-that-no-science-backs-fossil-fuel-elimination-push/

07-12-2023: “The society which separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.” Thucydides  (460-400BC)_’History of the Peloponnesian War’

07-12-2023: Tucker Carlson destroyed John Kerry and the climate change zealots with facts on Monday night’s episode. “Another half-demented 80-year-old yelling about things he doesn’t understand. These are our leaders. They don’t care about our future because they don’t have one of their own” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/tucker-carlson-destroys-john-kerry-climate-change-zealots/

07-12-2023: Hamas like Isis will be defeated – and eradicated from the West along with all its supporters. We just will not allow such  barbarism to prevail: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/andrew-bolt-hamas-and-its-muslim-supporters-catastrophic-mistake/news-story/7881283c03638fb5698becd25a5f4dd8

07-12-2023: Was she the highest paid liar in Oz history? Money which should never have been paid out but ought to be paid back – as should the lawyers’ cut of it: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/live-brittany-higgins-to-be-grilled-in-third-week-of-bruce-lehrmanns-defamation-trial-against-network-ten-and-lisa-wilkinson/news-story/1439233b718b5f2808d97d0d835a4e09

06-12-2023: When will people have a nostalgia for 2023? https://www.discoursemagazine.com/p/what-are-we-nostalgic-for

06-12-2023: Plastic recycling is just another mad green dream. Why do we let ourselves be pushed around by these awful people? https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/national-plastic-recycling-directory-investigated-abc-news-offline/story?id=105282660 & https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/greenpeace-report-finds-plastics-recycling-dead-end-street/story?id=92123958

06-12-2023: Why have over 80% of climate stations shown no warming since 1949 – all my life? https://hotair.com/headlines/2023/12/02/epas-own-data-shows-only-19-of-all-climate-stations-reported-warming-since-1948-n596149

06-12-2023: News you might not have heard - 18 (22) countries promising to triple nuclear energy at COP28:  https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/12/johannes-leak-does-a-perfect-chris-bowen.html

05-12-2023: Odd things out there in the bush. I have seen some others but nothing like this one:https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/mystery-animal-wrestles-snake-into-the-river-on-the-nsw-midnorth-coast/video/6920286cf7a5d424a5047ede5322a9cd

05-12-2023: Telling the truth about covid will still attract a draconian response: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/hero-health-worker-turned-whistleblower-faces-court-after/

05-12-2023: When ‘education’ (degrees) become worthless you eliminate it (them). This is good news and will save the public billions on woke indoctrination programmes. It will also transform society onto a more common sense course once more: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/12/the-fall-of-academia-half-of-us-companies-are-dropping-requirements-for-bachelors-degrees/

05-12-2023: It’s worse than we thought: “The storage capacity needed to align power generation from solar or wind is around 25% of the annual energy consumption.” This can never be achieved. Ergo, we must abandon the whole costly exercise and start again. If you want to reduce ‘carbon’ (but why?) nuclear is the only feasible option currently available: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/04/another-critical-thinker-reaches-the-obvious-conclusion-intermittent-renewables-cant-work-on-their-own/

04-12-2023: Now even T.Rex was transsexual: https://moonbattery.com/moonbats-transsexualize-dinosaur/

04-12-2023: Let it begin: https://www.rebelnews.com/sa_council_becomes_first_since_the_voice_referendum_failure_to_ditch_acknowledgement_to_country

04-12-2023: I fear Maurice is right that our Aussie democracy is heading down the rat-hole of socialism: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/12/australia-a-democracy-in-name-only/

04-12-2023: Frozen on the way to Cop 28 ‘global warming’ conference. Perhaps they should just vote to ban private jets and such junkets? https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/12/private-jets-en-route-to-the-dubai-climate-extravaganza-get-frozen-to-runway-but-its-boiling-right.html

03-12-2023: Ultrafire Knife: Here’s a great little  ‘Stanley’ blade (neck) knife which weighs less than 20 grams available from Litesmith for US$19.95. It also includes a built in ferro rod (in the sheath) and so doubles as a fire starter. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/12/02/ultrafire-knife/



03-12-2023: Back when we had 100% literacy and numeracy (for pennies) it was because everyone had parents, everyone went to school, you had to master the 3Rs; if you misbehaved you were punished (with a stick). We have doubled and redoubled the money we waste on so-called ‘education’ now even insisting that ‘teachers’ have a ‘Masters’ (or ‘Mistresses’) degree even if their literacy and numeracy remains below what my mother’s was in Grade 6 back in 1930 or mine in 1960 (incidentally a proveable fact. There were external examinations back then whose records still exist): https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2023/11/30/chronic-absenteeism-in-dc-schools-was-at-43-this-year-where-are-the-parents-n595906


03-12-2023: I agree with Viv – We need a ‘climate exit’ referendum’. We never voted for this b-------t: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/12/message-for-dubai-from-viv-forbes-its-time-for-a-climate-exit.html


03-12-2023: How ‘ethnic cleansing’ actually works in Israel: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/12/wanna-talk-about-ethnic-cleansing.html


02-12-2023: Looking forward to the next 50+ years of adventures and fun at Della's 70th birthday celebrations last night. What joy this wonderful girl has brought to me and all who know her. All I desire is "To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths

Of all the western stars, until I die." with her (Tennyson, 'Ulysses')


02-12-2023: Arrest and deport. Repeat: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/11/peter-dutton-law-enforcement-authorities-should-have-arrested-these-protesters.html


02-12-2023: Cancel Anzac Day or Australia Day? I don’t think so: https://www.skynews.com.au/insights-and-analysis/nicolle-flint-unaustralian-scrubbing-of-phrase-anzac-day-from-south-australias-public-holiday-laws-is-an-insult-to-our-veterans/news-story/013c7341406a15c56820557528b4d54f


02-12-2023: Will anyone ever want to be vaccinated again? I have always been a supporter of vaccination as a preventative health measure and have been vaccinated against all sorts of minor health risks (rabies, shingles,  cholera etc) but Idid reject the mRNA vaccines (as too experimental/risky). Rightly so it turns out. Mind you I suspect I became very ill for several motnths after one Astra Zenica shot. In this case (covid – with its many cheap effective treatments available – but sometimes banned) the ‘cure’ was definitely worse than the complaint. Compulosory vaccination in this case was a ‘crime against humanity’ which (unnecessarily) killed/injured millions of people. Ergo, those responsible should be brought to trial and given serious punishment. Here in Victorias that means Brett Sutton and Dan Andrews to name a couple of the leading perpetrators: https://www.aussie17.com/p/new-zealand-government-data-administrator )


01-12-2023: Aquaculture Now Accounts for Half of the World's Fish Supply:



01-12-2023: Although it is no doubt ‘natural’ and ‘ecologically satisfying’ I find it somewhat disquieting: https://newatlas.com/science/decomposed-bodies-increasing-england-wales/

01-12-2023: We are bursting at the seams with migrants. We need to drastically slow the flow or lose our national identity: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/11/business-robbery-etc-118/

01-12-2023: EV’s are doomed. Anyway you will probably be banned from using them because of electricity shortages (https://joannenova.com.au/2023/11/germany-you-will-own-a-car-and-a-heater-but-you-cant-use-them/): https://joannenova.com.au/2023/11/evs-report-80-more-problems-than-petrol-diesel-cars/

29-11-2023: How not to transform an energy system. This tinkering will end up breaking it which will be a huge disaster: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/11/new-york-narrowly-missed-a-disaster-last-christmas-eve-gas-pipes-froze-and-90gw-of-electricity-vanished/

29-11-2023: NZ looks likely to begin rejecting undemocratic UN dictatorship. Come one Albo: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/11/rare-signs-of-democracy-in-new-zealand-govt-asking-if-un-treaty-is-in-the-national-interest/

29-11-2023: We now know the vaccine was deadlier than the disease yet our government is set to accept total control by the WHO this week: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/u-s-navy-medical-officer-exposes-defense-department/

29-11-2023: Moslems threaten to kill Jews - Albanese's response? Ban Hitler salute. Meanwhile thousands of illegals and other undesirables are permitted to weekly disrupt our streets with marches and ISIS salutes .Deport all of them!

28-11-2023: The ‘Tower Jews’ have been  safe in London since (at least) William 1 decreed it so, but the weekly Hamas ‘hate marches’ and their support by a Moslem Lord Mayor (not to mention the British ‘establishment’) now makes their position precarious – as is indeed the whole foundation of Western civilisation in these barbarous times. We need to gird up our loins and win this (Fifth) Crusade. These invaders need to be driven into the sea as they were the last time they threatened us nearly 500 years ago : https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/11/a-post-jewish-london/ 

28-11-2023: Releasing hundreds of dangerous criminals into the community (and at a cost of hundreds of millions) will not work out well: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/11/not-one.html

28-11-2023: B------t indeed, “We are told to believe that 18.4% of the plague burials were blacks. In 14th century England.” (The ‘study’ ignored DNA)  https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/11/was-the-black-death-racist/   & https://moonbattery.com/bbc-denounces-medieval-plague-as-racist/

28-11-2023: The importance of gratitude: https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/giving-thanks?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1523886&post_id=139099674&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=l9hpt&utm_medium=email

27-11-2023: 12 Phrases Shakespeare Coined That We Still Use Today: https://www.inspiringquotes.com/12-phrases-shakespeare-coined-that-we-still-use-today/YDFlwLQR2wAGlAm0?liu=dedebf69916b31f8bd8f6619ee21d5e7&utm_source=blog&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=1971875116

27-11-2023: The rush of the net zero lemmings: https://richardsonpost.com/vivforbes/33849/net-zero-emissions-propaganda/

27-11-2023: London has fallen. The Nazis failed to crush it but Hamas has succeeded. Tommy was just reporting on an anti-Semitic crowd calling for a Moslem Army: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/this-is-london-tommy-robinson-gassed-arrested-protest/

27-11-2023: More leaders like this bloke please: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/11/gee-this-bloke-is-good.html

26-11-2023: When ‘climate sceptics’ get the upper hand: “So 56% of Argentian voters are climate skeptics…Milei has also called climate change is a ‘socialist hoax’” https://joannenova.com.au/2023/11/shocked-far-right-climate-deniers-get-more-votes-than-any-other-party/

26-11-2023: Another view of human origins: https://amazingtoday43.com/the-700000-year-old-skull-in-greek-cave-completely-shatters-the-out-of-africa-theory-2/?fbclid=IwAR3LmOvm_DEBZS25GSz0j_S0kGc2GMdjWEPxWPUog04KLq3_4oFsPX5R5kU

26-11-2023: Progress? “QUT will hire second-rate staff to teach crap to second-rate students for Aboriginal people who do not wash.https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/11/black-arts-faculty/

26-11-2023: Learn from the wisdom of the classics – or despair: Aristotle on Immigration, Diversity, and Democracy, “Aristotle clearly articulates how homogeneity, a common identity, and a sense of peoplehood are social goods necessary to citizenship, solidarity, and freedom from tyrannical government. He argues for good government oriented towards the common interest as opposed to towards individual “rights,” caprice, and equality as ends in themselves”: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2017/02/24/aristotle-on-immigration-diversity-and-democracy/

25-11-2023: The origin of the word ‘idiot’ is interesting and surprising. So, a ‘patriot’ is someone who wants to be involved in government and an ‘idiot’ is someone who doesn’t. Have we got this wrong?  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiot


25-11-2023: Is Pope Francis actually Satan? Certainly looks like it: https://notthebee.com/article/meet-the-group-of-44-trans-women-that-the-pope-invited-to-a-vatican-lunch-this-week

25-11-2023: The current strategy towards wild deer will see them move from game animal status to extinct in a generation. Then forget about having a reason to own guns: https://sportingshooter.com.au/news/wild-deer-not-as-abundant-in-victoria-as-previously-thought/?fbclid=IwAR3nxBAIeBPhL5IbYSwe3MmfRkCpiPEf3nU8rRy-7uCaShM1ce5mmBBWwfs

25-11-2023: “What you’re seeing is evil done for its own sake” I agree with Tucker. It is really strange that an atheist like me is now seeing Satan everywhere, What is going on with the world, - and why? Eg “Today’s lies are an exact inversion of the truth”. I used to call this ‘deconstruction’ – but it is more than this: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1727090631850492257

24-11-2023: What a Wonderful World — Thanks to CO2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4nzRFhwuuU&t=142s

24-11-2023: Is this telepathy? https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03619-w


24-11-2023: Things you did not know about ‘our’ government. Did ‘we’ vote for this - or the 1.2 million they have let in since they were elected? https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2023/11/22/australia-opens-the-door-to-palestinian-refugees-as-arab-countries-still-say-no/


If only 60 Palestinians per year were admitted to the US how many of the rabid anti semitic crowds we have seen on our streets are here legally? Dutton (Macron etc) are right. Deport them en masse: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/republicans-want-ban-palestinian-refugees-already-hard-get-in-us-rcna120892


24-11-2023: Will Panasonic be able to make this work? https://www.thestar.com.my/aseanplus/aseanplus-news/2023/11/20/panasonic-envisions-a-world-where-homes-and-offices-can-be-powered-by-their-windows


23-11-2023: Should you take Boron for your arthritis? https://alternative-doctor.com/borax-arthritis/ It’s certainly cheap enough 1kg = A$8.18: https://www.bunnings.com.au/glitz-green-1kg-borax_p4460527 Recommended dose is 6mg per day (men). A teaspoon contains approx 450 mg boron. Dilute with one litre of water then use 13 mls per day (1000/13 +77; 450/77 = 6 ) That $8 worth should last five lifetimes!. No wonder Big Pharma don’t want to get behind this cure. https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/borax.html)


23-11-2023: No-one will ever want to buy a Toyota again. You wish: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/nov/22/toyota-suv-adverts-banned-in-uk-on-environmental-grounds


23-11-2023: The Albanese Govt is Whitlam on steroids – and just as destructive. It will take a generation to recover from this one term disaster story – but will conservatives ever have a majority again in both houses after Turnbull’s deal with the Greens? https://joannenova.com.au/2023/11/australian-government-throws-giant-pile-of-money-at-renewables-so-big-its-a-secret/


23-11-2023: Argentina throws off the shackles of socialism (after decades). Meanwhile Wilders looks set to win the Dutch election too. The times they are a’changing: https://nypost.com/2023/11/20/opinion/cry-no-more-for-argentina-its-about-to-be-a-new-model-for-economic-reform/


22-11-2023: Learning about the value of friendship from Aristotle:  https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2023/11/20/how-aristotles-advice-on-friendship-is-relevant-in-the-modern-workplace/?fbclid=IwAR3AISmhYS-4PaFQZcDBzh7jheDZKfOXevoFQbhTCIibO8jvA67jhBxVvSo&sh=112021ac3b76


22-11-2023: An essentially religious view of ‘climate change’ ignores historical facts about how climate changes. I think the painting of the Dutch fleet being captured by French cavalry whilst frozen in the North Sea in 1795 is an important case in point: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/11/19/political-and-natural-hazards-arc-part-3/

22-11-2023: I agree Andrew: time Hamas surrendered: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/andrew-bolt-dont-the-left-care-about-freedom-democracy-and-peace/news-story/d90d40777d7dd28628df150831929772

22-11-2023: Well said Gina: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/gina-rinehart-govt-strangling-of-australias-worldleading-mining-agriculture-industries-is-creating-a-nightmare-scenario-for-our-children/news-story/f727f96238de3c7fbe041b43cc887b96

21-11-2023: Ultralight Saw Experiments: I have not been completely happy with a DIY saw which weighs around an ounce for making my Ultralight Tent Poles when I am up the bush. Seems like I ought to be able to save around 20 grams on that – so here is my first effort which weighs exactly half that at 14 grams.

If I use 1cm x 1mm aluminium (this is 2mm) it will save  3.325 grams. If I cut off the ends of the bolts (1.5 grams) it will come in at under 10 grams (4.08 = 3.325 + 1.8 = 9.205). “It’s all downhill from there”. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/11/20/ultralight-saw-experiments/

21-11-2023: How we went dreadfully wrong in our response to covid: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/11/where-has-all-the-science-gone/


21-11-2023: We have reached a point where the far-left hates J.K Rowling but loves Osama bin Laden.


21-11-2023: It’s not just us you see. We are just echoing the decline of the West: https://moonbattery.com/result-of-basing-immigration-policy-on-moonbattery/


20-11-2023: Eratosthenes' experiment to measure the Earth's circumference is a classic example of early scientific measurement that can be replicated by anyone today.

Here's a simplified overview of how it worked:

Eratosthenes knew that at local noon on the summer solstice in Syene (now Aswan, Egypt), the Sun was directly overhead, as evidenced by the fact that it illuminated the bottom of a deep well, something that only happens when the Sun is at the zenith. There were no shadows cast by vertical objects.

At the same time in Alexandria, which is north of Syene, vertical objects did cast shadows. Eratosthenes measured the angle of the shadow cast by a stick and found it to be approximately 7.2 degrees, or 1/50 of a full circle.

The distance between Syene and Alexandria was known to be approximately 5,000 stadia (the exact length of a stadion is not known but is often taken to be about 185 meters based on the typical length used in the Hellenistic Mediterranean world).

Eratosthenes reasoned that if a stick in Alexandria cast a shadow with an angle of 7.2 degrees, then, in a full 360-degree circle, the distance from Alexandria to Syene must be 1/50 of the Earth's total circumference. So, he multiplied the distance between the two cities by 50 to get the Earth's circumference.

Using modern units for the stadion, the calculation would be:

5,000 stadia x 185 meters/stadion = 925,000 meters

925,000 meters x 50 = 46,250,000 meters

Thus, Eratosthenes calculated the Earth's circumference to be about 46,250 kilometers. The actual circumference of the Earth at the equator is about 40,075 kilometers, so although his method was sound, the accuracy of his result was off due to the inexact value of the stadion and possibly the accuracy of his measurements. Nevertheless, Eratosthenes' experiment was remarkably precise for his time and remains a powerful demonstration of the scientific method applied to the natural world.


20-11-2023: Young, brilliant and principled: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/11/good-on-you-darling-were-on-your-side.html


20-11-2023: 15 minute cities will be a giant concentration camp. The covid lockdowns were only a trial run: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/11/18/eu-parliamentarian-15-minute-cities-will-be-complete-impoverishment-enslavement-of-all-the-people/

20-11-2023: Quote of the week: “Every single person who confuses correlation with causation ends up dying.”

19-11-2023: Surviving the Everest Base Camp Trek: This may be harder than you think in the ‘post covid’ era. However, Della and I (plus Leanne) have just ventured there and back (again)… I will largely let them tell the story this time (our third) – with well over 100 photos and maybe some useful advice.

PS: Della and I are/were 144 collectively (a ‘gross’) of years old this trip…(Some more gross than others!) I know there are those (of you?) who may prefer watching reruns of old sitcoms on TV (at whatever age) or admiring the ‘interesting’ patterns baristas can make in the froth of their coffees – but ‘not these little black ducks!’ (Daffy) Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/11/19/surviving-the-everest-base-camp-trek/

19-11-2023: Byrd’s Snow Cruiser – great ideas that did not work (not unlike the Albanese Government actually). Perhaps they ought both be abandoned on the bottom of the Antarctic Ocean? : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctic_Snow_Cruiser


19-11-2023: Horrifying. Just when did ‘we’ begin seeing terrorists as the victims: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/israel/2023/10/the-management-of-savagery-part-ii/


19-11-2023: Yet we believed the world had banned biological and chemical warfare decades ago: https://rumble.com/v3w6kcm-kris-newby-lyme-disease-and-americas-secret-bioweapons-programs.html?start=151 & https://joannenova.com.au/2023/11/how-many-more-secret-labs-are-there-in-all-our-countries/


19-11-2023: “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”  Winston Churchill: https://richardsonpost.com/cliff-reece/33751/socialism-amounts-to-human-suffering/


18-11-2023: Best headline of the year, ‘Will artificial intelligence lead to artificial stupidity?’

 Ditto: Who took the ‘smart’ out of ‘smart phones’? The most terrifying thing is that for many they are ‘smarter’ than their owners – but who/which exactly is the owner here?


18-11-2023: And not before time either: https://babylonbee.com/news/target-releases-trans-muslim-chinese-quadruple-amputee-santa


18-11-2023: I’d certainly vote for her: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/11/suella-braverman-for-pm/


18-11-2023: Read these books. They’re free – and will change your whole perspective f the jistory of our wonderful country, eg “The wind was now fair, the sky serene, though a little hazy, and the temperature of the air delightfully pleasant: joy sparkled in every countenance, and congratulations issued from every mouth. Ithaca itself was scarcely more longed for by Ulysses, than Botany Bay by the adventurers who had traversed so many thousand miles to take possession of it.”:

Watkin TENCH (1758-1833)

  • A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay (1789)--Text--HTML--EPUB--MOBI
  • A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson (1793)-- Text--HTML--EPUB--MOBI


17-11-2023: The ‘Virgin’ Mary’s Tears. Yet again a (final) proof of the existence of God? Where is James Randi when you need him? (probably dead actually). On the other hand is there any sane person who really beiieves Mary and Joseph were not bonking? PS: I still think the 'Derry Girls' take on this was the best. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/24731585/virgin-mary-statue-crying-as-pilgrims-witness-miracle/


17-11-2023: If you are my age you will remember questioning who was funding the anti-Vietnam demos…since then you might have questioned who funds the Greens (the same communists – this time China mostly). Who funds antisemitism (the Saudis, of course) – but also…Things don’t just happen ‘by chance’: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/youll-never-guess-whos-helping-fund-coordinate-radical/


17-11-2023: A worm turns slowly but once turned there is no turning back. The Left should beware before they are torn to pieces. The revenge of Shai-Hulud: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/11/is-life-over-at-75/


17-11-2023: Do you seriously want the Marxist Tedros to rule the world (or Xi?) He had one job already and he muffed it: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/11/what-looks-smells-and-acts-like-one-health-world-government/


16-11-2023: Society today would be horrified by our perfectly normal 1970s behaviour (when I was a young man). ‘Everyone’ smoked (tobacco); practically everyone drank and drove; gun ownership, fishing and hunting were commonplace pursuits; we thought nothing about felling a tree; sex without condoms was absolutely normal (and fun!); we all owned houses/homes or aspired to do so; we had never heard of nor gave a single thought to the ‘environment; most of the things which are considered normal today (think homosexuality, communism, Islam…) were recognized evils (and vice-versa)… Where have we gone wrong to become a bunch of nervous nannies? https://bettinaarndt.substack.com/p/lynching-of-men-is-our-national-sport


16-11-2023: Converting from Islam. A hopeful sign. Only a billion or so to go: https://www.thefp.com/p/ayaan-hirsi-ali-why-i-am-now-christian-atheism?utm_campaign=email-post&r=2k67t&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email


16-11-2023: Satanism is rife. ‘First’ we had the bogus ‘love is love’ referendum overturning what we all knew was utterly evil and abhorrent into ‘good’ spearheaded by the openly gay and Moslem ‘President’ Obama (the details of whose birth and upbringing in am Islamic Madrassa) were even altered so he could qualify , he who has done so much to destroy the USA, then the sexualisation of children, ‘normalisation’ of incest, advocacy for bestiality from academics. All along we have had mass infanticide https://wmbriggs.substack.com/p/sex-with-dogs-and-other-critters?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=682601&post_id=138856969&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=l9hpt&utm_medium=email


15-11-2023: Back to gold – get yours eg at the Perth Mint. A sovereign (or the like) weighs about a quarter of an ounce (7-8 grams) and is a bit under an inch in diameter (20-22mm) and costs from A$1-1500. It is pretty easy to have $10K in ‘loose change’ in your pocket. May be better than  a credit card.  Start now : https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/11/cash_beats_electronic_money_but_real_money_beats_cash.html


13-11-2023: Have you any doubt now that the Greens are evil murderous b------s? https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/white-cloths-used-to-demonstrate-children-killed-in-gaza-at-propalestinian-protest-held-on-front-lawn-of-parliament-house/news-story/a74b68f2a7395ba9008c2cb2ccb0d7cb?fbclid=IwAR1777FbWm-pcQimeovIvQWICDV0pBSOM7GAzaUrB7q9fOQOe0GjtqrL70Y


More than that: Remember the Greens murdered 100+ million people with malaria when they cooked up a crooked ban on DDT. This is more than the communists and Nazis (both extreme lefties too) murdered during the C20th. Now they are killing many more people with various 'renewables' programmes like legislating to produce fuel from food and palm oil - not to mention the billions of wild things they kill with their massive land clearances, wind farms etc. These people are the most destructive force against the environment in the world by a long shot. They are working at producing mass extinctions of practically everything - including human beings.


13-11-2023: Another punnet of strawberries please: https://nypost.com/2023/11/12/lifestyle/consumption-of-strawberries-may-reduce-dementia-risk-study/?fbclid=IwAR3_6HojAoZTZcIQsb0WuPh8r5SdOaCJbMAHJzANbP0vDcCYDWZaeYGmpvs


13-11-2023: Bring it on: https://www.roadandtrack.com/reviews/a45752401/toyotas-10000-future-pickup-truck-is-basic-transportation-perfection/?fbclid=IwAR070Eb0RCpZFaM8g0lZweWzq8gp1k-cVtVPUFsSMB_j-4iUe2TUmrBPPt0


13-11-2023: Where are the laments (in Western Sydney etc) for the (at least) 1 and a half billion people murdered over the last millennium by the tyranny (call it 'submission' if you will) of Islam, starting with all those butchered along the 'Barbary Coast' during Mohamed's own time and by his own 'warriors', millions of Christians, Jews and of course other Moslems. We must sop Moslem immigration now and indeed reverse it by large-scale mass deportations. The Nordic countries have already begun this process: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/11/douglas-murray-and-john-anderson-islamic-immigration/?fbclid=IwAR2Lzjh5zJ-xkv_HVh6UgASXq0HzJRXWsNxY2oPH3wCFG-ncE4_hNMn3SlI


13-11-2023: Truly a 'must read' - if you would understand how the Great March through the institutions' has been playing out Christopher Joliffe has wonderfully entertaining answers, eg 'A point of consternation for many conservatives is accounting for the strange menagerie gathered beneath the progressive banner. What exactly do the radical feminist types have in common with, say, immigrant enclaves in Western Sydney, whose family structures involve all kinds of problematic elements? What binds the fat activist to the fierce proponent of the environment, when one spends much of her time eating the obsessions of the other?" https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/11/the-left-and-those-they-love-to-exploit/?fbclid=IwAR1777FbWm-pcQimeovIvQWICDV0pBSOM7GAzaUrB7q9fOQOe0GjtqrL70Y


13-11-2023: Those climate crises which just keep not happening...A little more knowledge of history, prehistory and geology is needed. Such as this: https://wattsupwiththat.com/.../sahara-expert-says.../ and this: https://wattsupwiththat.com/.../west-antarctica.../ PS: Back from the dead (due to high altitude infection) this morning. Cheers, Steve.


13-11-2023: Stephen Cavura is just so utterly right: we have not 'stolen' the next generations' childhood; we have 'stolen their 'adulthood'. This ARC (Alliance for Responsible Citizenship) is such an important organisation - but will people listen to 'the adult in the room' or have folk become just too infantile? I feel that I am starting to see the first few swallows of a summer, but the young (those raised on the pernicious 'smart' phone and instant gratification) will be so hard to save...it does not mean that the task is impossible however. It was just this very (lost and indoctrinated) group which rebelled and took on tanks with their bare hands during he Hungarian uprising of 1956, for example. I have never lost faith in the basic goodness and promise of the human soul: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/11/arc-to-boldly-say-what-the-elites-dare-not/?fbclid=IwAR0o2KMtviFeTxtncM5wPqEssI0qtHgkwNEaCO8sPvHi--hex3TgwFdzUwE


22-10-2023: Burning money. Go Net Zero: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/10/20/matt-ridley-the-official-true-cost-of-net-zero-is-the-same-as-spending-1-a-second-for-the-next-31000-years/


22-10-2023: You are probably over George Floyd (and pro-Palestinian demonstrators) . I know I am. But just a reminder that an innocent cop is still in gaol for this criminal’s  drug overdose death: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/tucker-carlson-challenges-prevailing-narratives-george-floyds-cause/


22-10-2023: A ‘death cult’ indeed: ‘the more abominable the level of savagery is’, it is still less abominable than enduring stability under ‘the order of unbelief, nizam al kufir by several degrees’. https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/israel/2023/10/the-management-of-savagery/


22-10-2023: So exactly in what percentages of cases is it the woman who falsely accuses the man of rape? Are we talking one in five here? https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/10/false-rape-allegations-arent-so-rare/


21-10-2023: Sounds promising: https://newatlas.com/medical/brain-stimulation-dementia-treatment/


21-10-2023: Why won't other Arab countries take in Palestinian refugees? A clue: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/10/64-of-palestinian-refugees-taken-in-by-denmark-in-1992-now-have-criminal-records.html


21-10-2023: Once you subtract the urban heat island effect, instrument ‘error’ and downright fraud you might not have much global warming to be alarmed about: https://www.drroyspencer.com/2023/10/new-paper-submission-urban-heat-island-effects-in-u-s-summer-temperatures-1880-2015/


21-10-2023: Is this b------t or what? There needs to be a lot fewer of them: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/10/rort-wank-weaklings.html


20-10-2023: Telling it like it is – but nuclear and HELE are. What is the matter with our energy policy makers?: https://www.mattridley.co.uk/blog/electricity-from-wind-isnt-cheap-and-it-never-will-be/


20-10-2023: Yes (or 'No'): "If the voice is to fail, there should be a significant reset on the grounds that the separatism that has informed Indigenous policy for decades has finally been subjected to public scrutiny and rejected, including by a substantial percentage of Aboriginal people." Tony Abbott.


20-10-2023: The vast car ship carrier fires lately (4,000+ cars at a time up in smoke) did not completely kill the EV market but the Luton car park fire (1200 cars destroyed) just might. You don’t want that happening at your house? https://joannenova.com.au/2023/10/evs-luton-fire-just-killed-the-ev-market/


20-10-2023: Good Lord. Palestinian terror supporters storm the Capitol yet nothing is done while those American (patriot) protesters (of a stolen election) are still locked up without a trial. This is (in) the ‘home of the free’: https://notthebee.com/article/hold-on-a-minute-did-these-pro-palestinian-protesters-just-storm-the-capitol-i-thought-that-was-called-an-insurrection


19-10-2023: “They are people playing with fire who don’t even know that fire is hot.”  I am just astonished after years of so-called ‘education’ how dumb such folks are – and getting worse. Just this week I had two examples of this as I worked on repairing one of my Land Rovers which was seriously damaged by me allowing someone else to ‘repair’ it ((because I am ‘getting old’. Never again – I have fixed it now). During this process (because I was chasing parts) I learned of a Landie 300 TDI engine which had been thrown in a scrap bin which needed $10 worth of parts and an hour’s work for it to do another million kilometers. Unfortunately I (just) failed to retrieve it. However, at the same time I did manage to buy (for a song) a perfectly good Discovery 2 which was being ‘thrown away’ because it would not shift into a forward gear. $59 worth of parts and it is as good as new again and it will drive for another million kilometers! It did not matter that I explained these things to the previous owners. They just wanted to ‘trust the experts’. https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/10/the-return-of-rational-fear/


19-10-2023: You probably all know that I abhor the ‘welfare state’ but this essay with its many very early references reinforces brilliantly why such a state is undesirable and ultimately destructive of all that is most valuable in society. The perspicacity of Von Humboldt who died in 1837 is well-nigh unbelievable. How have we gone so wrong for so long? Truly a ‘must read’: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/10/enslaved-by-the-welfare-state-the-tragedy-of-australian-kindness/


19-10-2023: A small history of the ‘two state solution’: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/10/reflection-on-the-quests-for-a-two-state-solution/


Don’t believe Hamas lies https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/10/islamist-terrorist-neutralised-with-extreme-prejudice.html


19-10-2023: Warren and Jacinta – telling it like it is. Sometimes the solution to a problem is ‘tough love’ which will be rejected by the object of that ‘love’ if they are offered a choice – but to their eternal detriment: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/10/warren-mundine-tells-the-media-elite-to-wake-up/


18-10-2023: Who’d have thought – The whole ‘greenhouse theory’ is wrong – and after we have spent billions of dollars chasing it too, money which might have alleviated so many real world problems! https://www.wnd.com/2017/07/study-blows-greenhouse-theory-out-of-the-water/?fbclid=IwAR2bJLKBlB4ELqoVAowDJ1g7BD-p-Lr_uvmIn-kPOZWTid8zn_BtxM29P6w


18-10-2023: Deport the b------s. Do it Albo – instead of allowing Wong to continue to throw money at them: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Feurope%2F2023%2F10%2F16%2Fmacron-calls-for-ruthless-deportation-of-all-migrants-with-ties-to-islamic-extremism-from-france%2F


18-10-2023: ‘Follow the science’ guys – right down the gurgler: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/10/sciences_inviolability_just_took_another_hit.html


18-10-2023: Well done NZ. Our turn next. Let’s rid ourselves of these dreadful leftist clowns: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/10/how-the-national-party-toppled-labour-in-new-zealand/


18-10-2023: Angry? So Jacinta A. did not understand we said, No!’ Other Labor states are in lockstep, even Qld where the proposal was most unpopular: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/victoria-to-forge-ahead-with-treaty-process-after-voice-defeat-as-jacinta-allan-commits-to-better-outcomes-for-indigenous-peoples/news-story/54ed9b1979b51e01b1d66f6fe367595a


17-10-2023: Towards an understanding of the barbarity of Hamas (and its associates): https://quillette.com/2023/10/10/the-ideology-of-mass-murder/


17-10-2023: Half of our electricity needed to decarbonise aviation. Back to walking again? https://joannenova.com.au/2023/09/to-go-green-lufthansa-says-it-needs-half-of-germanys-electricity/

17-10-2023: Exactly Warren Mundine, It is one thing to give people a ‘leg up’ but ultimately people have to ‘lift’ themselves.“I know by law that it is compulsory for kids to attend school. We need to go and work with the parents and the community leaders within the Aboriginal community to get those kids to school, every school day.

“And if we don't do that, then we're stuffed. We're never going to improve, nothing's going to change.

“And we've got to get people in jobs… if we get Aboriginal adults in jobs (and) kids going to school, there'll be no gap to change - no gap to close”. https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/leading-no-campaigner-warren-mundine-details-what-needs-to-happen-to-address-indigenous-disadvantage-after-voice-defeat/news-story/55800505907101fd365b319f9ab4c631


17-10-2023: Some simple maths. Did indigenous Australians support or oppose the ‘Voice’? National vote was approx 60:40. Lingiari for example voted 57% No yet is 40% indigenous. If the 60% not indigenous voted as the national average suggests then their 60% of the vote was split 36:24 leaving 21% (57-36) to come from the 40% indigenous ie a clear majority of the indigenous voters in Lingiari (Uluru remember?) voted against the proposal – and good on them! Other electorates with large indigenous populations were clearly even more against the proposal, some being 79% No.


16-10-2023: Yay! A drug which improves osteoarthritis symptoms: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-10-common-drug-osteoarthritis-symptoms.html


16-10-2023: Spot on Babylon Bee: https://babylonbee.com/news/islam-downgraded-to-religion-of-mostly-peace


16-10-2023: They are coming for your guns again. Just about time we all said we lost them all in a boating accident: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/firearm-overhaul-set-for-wa-with-fresh-changes/video/96ecc719ab806cc838d7748c4c3c4345


16-10-2023: Just about time they all shut up and got a real job: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/australian-indigenous-leaders-call-week-silence-after-referendum-defeat-2023-10-15/


15-10-2023: The Parting of the Ways: Perhaps it is true and there are just a limited number of themes which inform life. The Journey is certainly one such. Re-reading ‘The Odyssey’ or “Robinson Crusoe’ ever regenerates that thrill of the eternal journey, echoed so brilliantly in Tennyson's wonderful poem, ‘Ulysses’: ‘To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die.… To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.’ Another recurring theme is ‘the parting of the ways.’ How often have we traveled with comrades on some distant adventure, or held a dying friend’s hand for comfort till we come to that penultimate end when we must part, perhaps be sundered forever. I’m sure everyone’s heart rings to Robert Frost’s lines from ‘A Road Not Taken’ ‘Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both… I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference’. How many themes inform one’s life? I’m sure it is far from infinite – it may be less than a dozen even. It may be the same with madness: that there is a small number of types of delusion which inform all mental illness.


15-10-2023: A Big ‘No’ to enshrining race in the constitution, something which we thought we had rid ourselves of in 1967 – or indeed 1788! The good sense of the Australian people as a whole is revealed nowhere more than in the Northern Territory, which has by far the highest proportion of actual aboriginal people (30%) yet it voted just as strongly against the Voice as all the other states did (62% voted No). NB: Notably ‘Uluru’ ie Lingiari voted against the proposal 58 to 42%! This vote was their ‘voice. Going forward we a should remove all ‘special’ treatment of people according to ‘race’ and so abolish all the ‘aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’ quangos etc as well as repealing the highly discriminatory ‘Native Title Act’ and like legislation. Australians have voted to be one people under law. Of course every effort should be made to address real inequalities and disadvantages (according to need) insofar as there is anything government can do (as opposed to individual effort) to redress these things – but such efforts should never be based on ‘race’. This is a vile and antiquated concept which should now forever be relegated to the dustbin of history: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/voice-to-parliament/seats-with-high-indigenous-populations-abandon-voice-to-parliament-as-australians-reject-referendum-proposal-in-landslide/news-story/563527439abbdb9cb935da8dd4ab0735


Second best headline of the day: “Man dies after climbing rock face painted with 'Yes' mural just a day before referendum”: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12625529/Man-dies-climbing-rock-face-painted-Yes-mural-just-day-referendum.html?ito=social-facebook&fbclid=IwAR1GR6Fg7TsIYIcFsmV0WvBptmPvYysrRfuvjOnZTei21odHIhPutQw6-os


15-10-2023: Best headline of the day: “Hamas Disappointed Liberals (ie Leftists) Don't Believe They Massacred Jews After They Went To All The Trouble To Livestream It”: https://babylonbee.com/news/hamas-disappointed-leftists-dont-believe-they-massacred-jews-after-they-went-to-all-the-trouble-to-livestream-it


15-10-2023: Hamas deniers are no different to Holocaust deniers. Thankfully Bibi has moved quickly to scotch their vile lies but I’m afraid I just cannot watch the awful photos of beheaded babies and the like he has provided as evidence any more than I readily viewed the dreadful images of Belsen etc. My weak stomach doesn’t make me any less angry that there is a vile creed amongst us which actively promotes such dreadful acts and which is not opposed by our governments – indeed our government funds it through supporting religious schools etc. They have passed laws against ‘hate crimes’ yet if I condemn Islam it is viewed as one, but when Islam preaches and exhorts (as it does) that such obscene violence and murder are not only right but desirable nothing is done to suppress or punish it. The mosques should be closed, the Koran banned (it is a hate document) and Islam’s adherents deported unless they will recant this noxious faith with solemn and binding promises eg made on the lives of their own families.


Millions of Australian dollars are being used to fund an ‘education system’ in Palestine which teaches kids to hate and kill Jews: https://twitter.com/kylenabecker/status/1712506046135091634?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1712506046135091634%7Ctwgr%5E1d340effc4ea13ede110f035076b37c793e4d3e3%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.michaelsmithnews.com%2F


13-10-2023: Is this Bigfoot at last? If only Moses, Jesus or Mohammed had owned a smart phone we would have clearer picture of God too! https://cowboystatedaily.com/2023/10/11/cheyenne-couple-reportedly-spots-bigfoot-from-train-media-goes-bonkers/


13-10-2023: Looking like the great ‘renewables dream is coming to an end as economic reality bites: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/10/investors-are-starting-to-run-from-clean-green-energy/


13-10-2023: An Aboriginal Elder speaks out. ‘White fellas saved us – a ‘must read’: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/10/aboriginal-elder-white-fellas-saved-us/


13-10-2023: Let’s not stop with ‘non-citizens’ Peter. No-one deserves to be a citizen who has such execrable views about the acceptability of mass murder. For example, I see the Imams want every mosque to be lit up in support of Palestine for the next month! (PS: I see France is already doing it): https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/dont-have-any-place-in-our-society-peter-dutton-demands-all-noncitizen-participants-of-sydney-propalestine-rally-be-deported/news-story/74cb8c0104671a1a9d1c9af3d6114595


12-10-2023: A lesson in world history – which came first beer or the wheel?: http://real-man-truckworks-and-survival.com/index.php?topic=2797.0


12-10-2023: Well done that girl: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/10/what-a-legend-well-done-that-young-woman-israel-25-hamas-nil.html


12-10-2023: Naomi Seibt: The anti Greta. There is hope: https://twitter.com/SeibtNaomi


12-10-2023: Well said Bari Weiss –we are no longer Waiting for the Barbarians (Cavafy): https://www.thefp.com/p/this-is-what-decolonization-looks-like?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=260347&post_id=137824745&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=l9hpt&utm_medium=email


11-10-2023: The heritage these two children will grow up with. Never forget the ‘Birkenhead’: https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2023/10/09/young-israeli-parents-hid-twin-babies-before-being-murdered-by-hamas-twins-survived/


11-10-2023: Unspeakable evil, “Around 40 babies were butchered in the village of Kfar Aza, in southern Israel.” Yet we have brought thousands of such folk to live among us and are still sending millions of our dollars to support their wicked government. We need to close down the mosques which preach such infamy and begin deporting such people. Even Sweden has begun to do so. Ban the Koran which advocates such conduct (ie cutting the throats of ‘infidels’): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12615031/Hamas-terrorists-beheaded-babies-kibbutz-slaughter-IDF-soldiers-reveal-horrific-scenes-carnage-discovered-site-scores-people-massacred.html


Yes. Let’s deport these people – we know who they are: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/10/the-policing-intel-upside-from-islamic-throwbacks-holding-their-illegal-protest.html


11-10-2023: Geoengineering – Dangerous Maniacs: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/10/08/geoengineering-a-futile-attempt-to-fix-a-non-issue-and-dangerous-as-well/


11-10-2023: If even Ayer’s Rock (Uluru) doesn’t want it, neither should we: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/voice-to-parliament/anthony-albanese-caught-in-awkward-moment-at-uluru-when-shown-polling-which-indicates-australians-around-alice-springs-will-vote-no-for-voice/news-story/af08499d7a0fcc3499dba6f4a444c771


10-10-2023: A profound study in contrasts – do you wonder why people of my generation say again and again, “We have seen the best times and are ‘glad’ we will not be here to experience the future”: https://moonbattery.com/norman-rockwell-paints-the-age-of-moonbattery/


10-10-2023: ‘Gaol Napalm’ – It couldn’t happen to two ‘nicer’ men: https://www.news.com.au/national/courts-law/ashley-paul-griffith-and-brett-peter-cowen-have-allegedly-been-attacked-in-a-queensland-prison/news-story/125e83b5142e87e3762e8ccdf3382ebe


10-10-2023: Sharri Markson Is great. Get your head around the facts behind this disgusting anti-Semitic evil: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/must-see-aussie-reporter-sharri-markson-breaks-down/


10-10-2023: It is unimaginable that there were large crowds celebrating this awful evil in our cities. Is this not a hate crime? We have imported (and supported) a vast Fifth Column which needs to be ‘walked back’ before we descend into the same internecine violence and terror which plagues so many countries – or until we are utterly subjugated. Should (such) people not (at least) be deported for (such) ‘hate crimes’?: https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/news/wild-scenes-erupt-in-sydney-amid-protest-against-israel/news-story/e03a33f5cefe7c2bd081212cdea5978b


Your ‘fellow Australians’ chanting ‘Gas the Jews’ & ‘F—k the Jews’ on Oct 9th (after the terror attack on Israel). Do you seriously think this is right, or that Albanese should be giving (another) $32 million of your money (They are) to these people (ie Hamas)? The cops arrested one (Jewish) guy waving an Israeli flag and did nothing to these fascists: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/10/1930s-germans-thought-life-would-be-easier-to-just-give-the-sa-brownshirts-what-they-wanted.html


This dreadful crime occurred pretty much on the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto which at least showed that Islam could (should) be defeated: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fpjmedia.com%2Fcolumns%2Fraymond-ibrahim%2F2023%2F10%2F07%2Ftoday-in-history-the-battle-of-lepanto-muslims-flay-christians-alive-for-refusing-islam-n1733070


09-10-2023: The Ibex, a Land Rover Defender alternative you may not have heard of: https://www.fwi.co.uk/machinery/4x4s/british-built-ibex-4x4-offers-land-rover-defender-alternative & https://www.ibexvehicles.com/


09-10-2023: Just as true today…“The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter. ” Winston Churchill.

09-10-2023: In a nutshell: “Islam is a religion in which god requires you to send your son to die for him. Christianity is a faith in which God sends his son to die for you.” What Hamas believes. (Such vile creeds deservedly need to be eradicated from the earth - not endorsed as the Left and the Greens are keen to do) : https://richardsonpost.com/paulzanetti/33296/the-real-reason-hamas-attacked-israel/

To think Sydney University used to be a great educational establishment (“being the last ‘man’ to feed the crocodile…”): https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/10/probably-not-your-wisest-choice-in-causes-kids.html

09-10-2023: You would imagine it is all over and that as a result governments all over Australia will withdraw from their handing over of money, power and land to ‘black’ activists: https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/its-over-new-polling-suggest-no-route-to-victory-for-yes-vote/news-story/7d297d59b9dfc8320d4ae0ad619d03a6


Imagine if maybe even the majority of ‘indigenous’ citizens intend to vote ’No’: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/nsw/first-nations-voters-divided-on-voice-too/news-story/173c67059760d59275687dab24176b4d


08-10-2023: Peace with terrorists who murder such young innocent strangers and clearly celebrate their evil deeds is just not possible yet our government (Wong) has been dancing with this very devil (Hamas and the PLO). I notice there are crowds of people celebrating this evil in London – and no doubt in Lakemba too. God is great, indeed!: https://www.rebelnews.com/aussie_socialist_celebrate_the_butchering_of_israeli_citizens & https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12606047/israeli-student-kidnapped-desert-rave-hamas-family-footage-gaza-missing-boyfriend-invasion-war.html & https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/woman-whose-body-was-seen-back-truck-hamas/


08-10-2023: Have no doubt, Hamas is a terrorist organization. Its actions are pure evil. Biden’s support of the Taliban, Iran and Hamas have a lot to answer for too: https://twitter.com/ReginierF/status/1710654496093692349


08-10-2023: Meanwhile, Albo apparently ‘persuaded’ the imams to support the ‘Yes’ case. No doubt they would do anything at all to destroy Western civilization anyway. This move should bolster the ‘No’ case significantly.: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/10/vanity-voice-albo-tongue-head-to-the-lakemba-mosque-for-yes-votes.html 


08-10-2023: The greens are such charming people: At the ‘Return to Nature’ Funeral Home: https://moonbattery.com/corpses-rot-at-green-funeral-home/


08-10-2023: Milton Friedman, ‘'President Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.”… Neither half of that statement expresses a relation between the citizen and his government that is worthy of the ideals of free men in a free society. “What your country can do for you” implies that the government is the patron, the citizen the ward. “What you can do for your country” assumes that the government is the master, the citizen the servant.'’


07-10-2023: Do you think I was wrong in 2012 when I wrote this: “So, the Reserve Bank is still playing fast and loose with our money: as if Capital was so easy to come by - instead of taking a lifetime of hard work and saving. At current levels the reserve bank's rates barely (if at all) keep pace with inflation leaving savers with no income from their hard-earned money. On the other side of the ledger the punters who want to further leverage their outlandish Macmansions are encouraged to do so to the detriment of those who in the current real estate climate can't afford housing at all and have to continue to live with their parents and grandparents: I know several 'middle class' families of Sydneysiders (all hard workers) who are sharing three generation housing. Higher interest rates would advantage savers (including those saving for a home) and force the outrageous price of housing downwards. It would take probably twenty years of interest rates above 10% to force house prices down to the more modest American level. Question: Why does it cost several times more today to create a block of land and a house than it did thirty or fifty years ago? Where are the benefits to housing of productivity growth and labour saving machinery? In the 1950's, 60's and early 70's a father could afford to be the only wage earner and support a wife and two children whilst paying off a house and car. What happened to that Australian dream? Even though we have had reasonable income all our lives with both of us working and contributing, we have only managed to pay off a modest house (about half the value of a house in Sydney) and we built every bit of it with our own hands - even the bricks it is made from. The people running this economy are fools, swindlers or both!


07-10-2023: If all the warming we have observed in the weather records was down to CO2 that would equate to a 1.9c increase for every doubling of CO2. Much less than previous estimates but  that would mean we were only in for less than another 1C if CO2 should go to 560 ppm (centuries away) making the world still much colder than it was in the Middle Ages! And don’t forget the two premises which are likely false as well. Let’s just stop worrying about it please: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/09/29/spencer-and-christys-new-climate-sensitivity-paper-has-been-published-and-its-lower/


07-10-2023: A revolutionary idea indeed: “What if parents were to be given a voucher they could take to any institution to which their children gained admittance?” https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/education/2023/10/reforming-an-education-system-beholden-to-mediocrity/

07-10-2023: All over the West we have this same invasion of fighting age young (mainly Moslem) men. In the US, UK and most of Europe they are illegal immigrants whom no-one has the nerve to turn back. (They need a Tony Abbott desperately –as do we). Here Albanese is just throwing open the door. Did you know we ‘welcomed’ 100,000+ refugees last year? This will not end well; indeed it will be the end of (our) civilisation: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.israelnationalnews.com%2Fnews%2F377148

06-10-2023: A pain-free back! Long since time to give this book a try: https://www.amazon.com/0979303605-Esther-Gokhale/dp/0979303605?keywords=8+steps+to+a+pain+free+back&qid=1695934935&sr=8-1/wwwviolentkicom&linkCode=sl1&tag=drhelenblog-20&linkId=ac2c136be4f9280988adce86ee23c919&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl


06-10-2023: "For...ten years, false doctrines...nurtured the illusions of the working classes. They are...convinced that the state is obliged to provide bread, work, and education to all. The...government has...promise(d) to do so; it will...be obliged to increase taxes...to keep this promise, and in spite of this it will not keep it...How much disillusionment is in store...It would have been so simple and so just to ease their burden by decreasing taxes...they cannot see that (it) consists in taking away ten to give back eight, not to mention the true freedom that will be destroyed". Bastiat 1848


06-10-2023: UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman is revealing astonishing common sense in such woke times as this: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/uk-home-secretary-suella-braverman-proposes-legislation-stop/


06-10-2023: Further government over-reach - more ‘unintended’ consequences of a ‘Yes’ vote: https://www.rebelnews.com/experts_warn_a_yes23_referendum_success_could_reshape_federal_power


05-10-2023: September was warmer than usual, so El Nino has arrived (if even briefly). Slightly warmer than 1998 even, though no doubt no match for 1939 or those awful years we know about (from deleted BOM records) in the C19th and C18th: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/10/02/uah-global-temperature-update-for-september-2023-0-90-deg-c/


Looked at through a longer lens: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/10/03/applying-scale-and-context-to-2023s-record-high-temperatures/


05-10-2023: Ashley Paul Griffith – How could such a monster’s crimes continue for so long without ignorance, irresponsibility or complicity? But do you seriously think that there should not be worse punishments than what the law currently allows for such rapacious evil? This creature’s behaviour really sickens and angers me: https://www.rebelnews.com/australia_s_worst_child_sex_offender_exposed_after_law_change


05-10-2023: Fun with MGs. Another great EV positive: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/10/ev-kidnaps-the-driver-at-30-mph-runs-amok/


05-10-2023: On the other hand, do you think you need to buy a new car? https://www.drive.com.au/news/toyota-corolla-cracks-two-million-kilometres-in-new-zealand/ Just doing some running repairs/maintenance on my 1995 Land Rover Discovery which I also expect will run ‘forever’.


04-10-2023: Woke astronomers are coming for the clouds: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/astronomers-renaming-magellanic-clouds


04-10-2023: Probably the most cogent arguments for voting ‘No’ (I have read) - from Viv Forbes: https://richardsonpost.com/vivforbes/33201/why-i-will-vote-no/


04-10-2023: Such a s--t idea. Learn a bit of ‘tough love’…well, learn how to be parents: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/10/kindergartners_in_diapers_a_growing_trend.html


04-10-2023: Extraordinary news: 17 million ‘excess deaths (and that’s just the start!) yet they hand you a Nobel Prize. I guess the guy invented dynamite after all, which has killed a lot of people too: https://www.firstpost.com/world/nobel-prize-in-medicine-2023-awarded-to-katalin-kariko-drew-weissman-for-pioneering-mrna-vaccine-to-fight-covid-19-13194442.html


03-10-2023: ADH TV - Independent news and current affairs. Looks good: https://watch.adh.tv/browse


03-10-2023: Some real aboriginal history from renowned historian Prof Geoffrey Blainey, eg “in the late 1850s, in the three populous Australian colonies, most Aboriginal men were allowed to vote…In this same 1896 election in South Australia, even more revolutionary was the sight of Aboriginal women attending the polling booth…when 99 per cent of the women in the world did not have a vote…in the first federal election various Aboriginal women must have voted – an election in which no white woman in the four eastern states was entitled to vote”: https://saltbushclub.com/2023/07/28/geoffrey-blainey-on-the-voice/


03-10-2023: As if EVs weren’t unaffordable enough having to fork out $10,000 per year just to insure them might put a few people off buying them: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/10/evs-suddenly-become-uninsurable-unless-you-are-rich/


03-10-2023: Just in case you didn’t think governments threw too much money at covid – that’s a lot of ‘loose change’ for one man to pick up: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/socal-doctor-charged-stealing-150-million-federal-covid/


02-10-2023: They really didn’t know what they were doing with mRNA technology and it may take years before all the effects become clear. In the meantime continue to avoid this technology: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/10/dna-contamination-of-the-mrna-vaccines-would-you-like-a-part-of-an-sv40-monkey-virus-with-that/


17 million excess deaths - Here’s a worst case scenario people claim has already played out. "This would correspond to a mass iatrogenic event that killed (0.213 ± 0.006) % of the world population (1 death per 470 living persons, in less than 3 years), and did not measurably prevent any deaths," the authors said. The overall risk of death induced by COVID-19 vaccines is 1,000 times greater than previously reported in data from clinical trials”: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/covid-vaccines-causally-linked-to-increased-mortality-resulting-in-17-million-deaths-scientific-report-5499001?utm_source=epochHG&utm_campaign=CFP&src_src=epochHG&src_cmp=CFP


02-10-2023: Exactly: “Aboriginality has declined, is declining, and will continue to decline until, eventually, over generations to come, it will become barely detectible. Accordingly, apropos the Voice, compartmentalising Australia into indigenous and non-indigenous populations is farcical. You can say the same, as it applies to land rights. Giving native title to people of distinctly mixed heritage is self-evidently absurd.” https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2023/10/intimate-interminglings-blood-thinning-prescription/

02-10-2023: Eeerily awful ‘education’ fail: “These kids can’t read. They can’t write a sentence. They don’t know what state they live in. No math skills. They can’t even attend to a three-minute video clip…Folks, you better have a plan. And your plan needs to account for the ability of the society you live in to maintain the ability to have such luxuries as running cold potable water, flush toilets, electrification, commodity production and transport, antibiotic production and delivery, and anesthetized surgery by a skilled surgeon… just to name a few items” Maybe the saddest part of this video s that the (middle aged) teacher is still living in a bed-sit herself: https://www.barnhardt.biz/2023/09/27/toldya-these-kids-cant-read-they-cant-write-a-sentence-they-dont-what-state-they-live-in-no-math-skills-they-cant-even-attend-to-a-three-minute-video-clip-dont-say-you-werent-war/

02-10-2023: Yeah: Something Has Gone Seriously Wrong With “Climate Change” Science: https://wmbriggs.substack.com/p/something-has-gone-seriously-wrong?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=682601&post_id=137506776&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=l9hpt&utm_medium=email

01-10-2023: Cancer be gone in 60 days – this sounds promising: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12571981/Scientists-developing-implant-cure-cancer.html


01-10-2023: Too many people today are failing to oppose the revolution which is sweeping our traditional civilization away: https://twitter.com/theblaze/status/1707809499539513723

01-10-2023: The myth of ‘aboriginal ownership’ of land. An issue long ago decided in law. Why are we giving away vast tracts of our public lands to these layabout rent-seekers who have never contributed a single cent or a jot of work to our great country? This is just insanity, and may lead to real anger in the future to win these stolen lands back: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/08-online/193203/ & https://richardsonpost.com/ltcol-kevin-loughrey/32987/aboriginal-ownership-fact-or-fiction/

01-10-2023: Imagine building a city underground in order to hide from invaders (Moslems in this case) and imagine having to, Sweden and France are learning this lesson right now. Our turn next: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derinkuyu_underground_city


30-09-2023: The enormous advantage of having a two-parent family. How have we lost this? https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-two-parent-advantage


30-09-2023: Finally some of the truth about the dire consequences of the mRNA vaccines is emerging – but it will get worse: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/09/scientists-shocked-and-alarmed-at-whats-in-the-mrna-shots/


30-09-2023: So much of the ‘global warming’ scare has been poor or fake measurement of temperature (and CO2 levels): https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/09/27/summer-warming-1895-2023-in-u-s-cities-exaggerated-by-100-from-the-urban-heat-island-effect/


30-09-2023: It would never have occurred to me that any government could be so stupid as to send us to a multi-million dollar and hugely divisive referendum which is likely not even legally valid and will probably be thrown out by the High Court even if we were silly enough to vote for it, which we are not: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/the-voice/2023/09/the-voice-referendum-cheating-the-people/


29-09-2023: The ‘ultimate’ panopticon – you’ll never know when you’re being watched: https://www.freethink.com/hard-tech/salt-grain-micro-camera?utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=echobox_freethink&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR2vLM0OYdnJlj-m6-WsNroDRx9LgjWitf-AQlBvuKUNBzyi7Tbx-TrAfhQ#Echobox=1695736389


29-09-2023: Willis is such a smart fellow: So where exactly is that greenhouse effect? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/09/28/an-unsettling-insight/


29-09-2023: If we did not have Thomas Sowell we would have to invent him. Take that you ‘social justice’ (and keyboard) warriors: https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/inequities?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1523886&post_id=137378886&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=l9hpt&utm_medium=email


29-09-2023: Home ownership is deemed ‘unaffordable’ to 99% of Americans, but look how cheap houses are there compared to Oz: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/homes-for-sale-affordable-housing-prices/


28-09-2023: Do we need more homes or more alligators? https://nypost.com/2023/09/24/florida-woman-sabrina-peckham-found-in-gators-jaws-was-arrested-for-trespassing-two-months-ago/amp/?amp


28-09-2023: Can you suggest an appropriate sentence? https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/prominent-zoologist-guilty-of-60-bestiality-animal-abuse-and-possessing-child-exploitation-material-charges/news-story/bde8efd81c5263ac84707844bd51beec


28-09-2023: Tony Abbott asks the most important question about the ‘Voice’ referendum, Do you want Australia to remain a country with “no hierarchy of descent” and “no privilege of origin” https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/09/message-from-tony-abbott.html


28-09-2023: A UK Minister (herself a daughter of immigrants) calls out the dangers of such high levels of immigration. In Oz the foreign born are likely to outnumber the native born within a generation: https://nypost.com/2023/09/26/it-takes-a-british-politician-to-clearly-call-out-migrant-madness/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=nypost_opinion&utm_source=twitter


27-09-2023: Reflections on Dan: “By gnawing through a dike even a rat may drown a nation.” Edmund Burke


27-09-2023: The success of ‘Snus’. Sweden often gets it right on health issues – as the covid ‘experiment’ also shows: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/09/snus/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MDS%20%2020230926%20%20GK&utm_content=MDS%20%2020230926%20%20GK+CID_245f434cef69e1d83266d6c73595e473&utm_source=CampaignMonitor_Australia&utm_term=explains%20the%20success https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/09/snus/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MDS%20%2020230926%20%20GK&utm_content=MDS%20%2020230926%20%20GK+CID_245f434cef69e1d83266d6c73595e473&utm_source=CampaignMonitor_Australia&utm_term=explains%20the%20success


27-09-2023: Apparently this is what the world will be like in 250 million years. What are we worrying about today? https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03005-6?utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=nature&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR2cSue-d9zeOyBxteg_Bra9cljhBgTeEVCoebFI8crp7YXRiA9pl_J41yE#Echobox=1695657298-1


27-09-2023: Can’t wait to see our conservative leaders in Oz wake up to the reality that ‘climate’ policies are unpopular and promise to wind back ‘decarbonisation’ – maybe build us a few new HELE (High Energy Low Emissions)  coal-fired power stations so we can have cheap electricity again: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/09/the-european-rebellion-against-the-sacred-quest-for-netzero-spreads-green-investors-are-reeling/

27-09-2023: AI girlfriends are ruining an entire generation of men. (The numbers are frightening) “While the concept of an AI girlfriend may seem like a joke, it really isn’t that funny. It is enabling a generation of lonely men to stay lonely and childless, which will have devastating effects on the U.S. economy in less than a decade’  https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/4218666-ai-girlfriends-are-ruining-an-entire-generation-of-men/ 

26-09-2023: Lightest 5000mAh Power Bank: Lightsmith have recently utilised the 21700 Lithium battery to make perhaps the most compact and lightest (at 73.5 grams) 5ooo mAh power bank. These batteries are available to 5800 mAh so expect some improvements still.They are selling for US$22 (Sep 2023). Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/09/25/lightest-5000mah-power-bank/


26-09-2023: They are using your money (banks, superannuation, insurance companies etc) to ruin your future. You can at least switch your super to self-managed (as we did years ago). There are no fees. I do my own tax and the audit costs us around $440 per year. As well, we get to decide what we invest our money in – win or lose: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/09/giant-australian-retirement-funds-are-being-corporate-climate-bullies-with-your-money/

26-09-2023: Just a reminder of how badly rigged the 2020 US election was – but the truth will out, and the perpetrators eventually be brought to justice: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/pollster-rasmussen-says-election-fraud-renders-scientific-election/ & https://richardsonpost.com/howellwoltz/33084/michigan-not-certified-in-2020-election/

26-09-2023: How did people ever fall for the ‘noble savage’ nonsense? https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/book-excerpt/2023/09/romancing-the-primitive-an-important-new-book/

25-09-2023: Warm Feet Warm Heart. Duck down camp shoes $28: Isn't there  a saying something like that? In any case for  many years we have used some Goosefeet Down Sox (which I highly recommend) which cost US$69 (Sep 2023) and roughly one ounce (28 grams each -twice that per pair) in Size Medium US 9s. They are very fine quality and toasty warm being filled with 850 fill power down. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/09/24/warm-feet-warm-heart/

25-09-2023: So many reasons not to buy an Electric Car. They are so bad they have to have been invented by an ‘environmentalist’ : https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/4184473/posts

25-09-2023: Archaeological (Mis)appropriation. This may not turn out to be evidence of human occupation at 120,000 years ago but even if it did there is nothing (and will never be anything) linking those humans to anyone living today – any more than any modern human can ‘lay claim’ to the rock art of Europe, Israel etc which is also very ancient. People come and go. That has always been the case. : https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-09-05/moyjil-coastal-site-at-warrnambool-of-global-indigenous-heritage/12629934


25-09-2023: Confessions of a Red Guard. This is what our ‘education’ system today is turning young people into – leftist eco terrorists: https://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/15/asia/china-cultural-revolution-red-guard-confession/index.html


24-09-2023: The war on smoking has been lost: “Extreme retail prices at legitimate outlets are not really reducing smoking in the community, just masking it by pushing tens of thousands of smokers into the black market. …the incidence of nicotine in Melbourne wastewater has remained strangely stable in the last decade.”:https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/punitive-tobacco-tax-drives-smokers-to-black-market/news-story/e83f1419a678b11b07b59516670082d2


24-09-2023: You said it Pete – let’s make more Aussies ourselves instead of importing second-rate ones – it’s good clean fun too: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/nsw/peter-costello-says-more-babies-not-immigration-is-what-australia-needs/news-story/ecc3037c375ebeab4e42a43bb9d19e65


24-09-2023: Can the environment survive ‘the transition’ to ‘green power’? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12545855/Devastating-transition-green-energy-metal-mining-23-million-people-toxic-waste-rivers-polluted-farmland.html

24-09-2023: The awful ‘culture’ that ‘The Voice’ seeks to preserve and reinforce. Such a ‘culture’ needs to be swept from the earth: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/jacinta-price-explores-the-chilling-cold-case-of-her-relative-who-went-missing-as-a-fifteenyearold-41-years-ago-in-new-documentary/news-story/9bf1464712331c69afc6c77747e68693

23-09-2023: 5G via space - Some competition soon for satellite phones and Starlink: https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkoetsier/2023/09/19/first-ever-5g-to-space-14-mbps-between-smartphone-and-satellite-equals-competition-for-starlink/amp/?fbclid=IwAR0Q3o5ty5N02cm5M3zxMuy4ucO_yJoY4lFv7Ts1JGptJK1HGbgSlmHSaVc

23-09-2023: And ‘they’ said we could not learn anything from history, This is quite a structure to have been fashioned by ‘primitive’ men: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06557-9?fbclid=IwAR0RK4RSUSfvdTlQ5hUO_3xMegADNWO2AjDu08fiUnjqG3XLV7HQfwGdS3U

23-09-2023: We will soon run out of water, gas  and electricity in Victoria. We have added 2 million people without adding a single litre of water storage or a single watt of dispatchable power: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/andrew-bolt-we-can-sit-out-a-couple-of-dry-years-but-a-longer-drought-could-spell-massive-problems-especially-for-melbourne/news-story/bcaede6b874e63538e3c90d7bc677241

23-09-2023: I totally agree with Sam Newman. We should “Start booing or slow hand clapping” whenever they force one of these rude and demeaning ‘welcome to country’ ceremonies on us: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/afl/article-12538667/Sam-Newman-welcome-country-boo-AFL-grand-final.html?ito=social-facebook_Australia&fbclid=IwAR1bZdGNpEkI9jplC6XCoO0NjjDgyHh5lLF4OJklWKCN0h_0O6HVxphiw9M This woke b------t just doesn’t resonate with any ordinary Aussie. He has a better idea. Let’s sing The Seekers’ 1987 hit song 'I am Australian' instead: : https://www.rebelnews.com/sam_newman_shares_his_new_unifying_plan_to_drown_out_divisive_welcome_to_country

22-09-2023: Thank goodness we still have people like Gerald Rennick in our Parliament. We can do something after all about the tide of communism which threatens to overwhelm us. We need to install more such people and end the hegemony of the Liberal-Labor-Green alliance which denies us choice, control over our own lives and freedom which ought to be the hallmarks of democracy: .https://gerardrennick.com.au/the-native-title-act-needs-review/

22-09-2023: Happiness begins at 70 – I have found this to be (largely) true, though I have had an indecent amount of happiness for a very long time actually: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fstudyfinds.org%2Fwhat-age-peak-happiness%2F


22-09-2023: It had to happen; Woman diagnosed with ‘climate change’: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwdDS73thU1/

22-09-2023: Bring it on for osteoarthritis too please – I am so over it: https://newatlas.com/medical/inverse-vaccine-reverses-autoimmune-diseases/

21-09-2023: Ian Callinan’s thoughts on the ‘Voice’ are an absolute bombshell. He is a retired Judge of the High Court so he is an expert in how the constitution is interpreted. We have been lied to comprehensively about what it means. It is by no means innocuous or symbolic. It is clear that voting for the Voice will give aborigines total control of our seas from the low tide mark outwards and require that they be paid ˝ of its freehold value for every piece of land in Australia – and that’s just the start. If you don’t want to be turned into a beggar or a slave in your own land, Vote No : https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/former-high-court-justice-ian-callinan-opposes-voice-to-parliament/news-story/054b8dcf2e42e8108e120535b798027d

21-09-2023: The ’modern’ version of gladiatorial combat for young women: https://www.thefp.com/p/watching-girls-die-online?utm_campaign=email-post&r=2k67t&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

21-09-2023: So, is anything killing koalas? I suspect they are much like that other poster child of the Green movement, polar bears whose numbers have simply exploded: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/doomed-planet/2023/09/koalas-too-cute-for-their-own-good/

21-09-2023: The UK is stepping back (a bit) from Net Zero just when our Govt is stepping it up. Frankly they all need to scrap the wretched idea completely: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/09/its-big-the-uk-does-a-netzero-u-turn-on-cars-heaters-and-promises-no-taxes-on-meat-or-flights/ Meanwhile Tony Abbott describes the whole boondoggle as a ’slow motion train wreck’. Please bring back Tony: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/slowmotion-trainwreck-tony-abbott-slams-labor-for-current-energy-policy-and-expensive-tactics-to-reduce-emissions/news-story/bc6b858dd4500f02ca96cfda7ac8b6b3



20-09-2023: Denigrating women who just want to be women: https://www.skynews.com.au/insights-and-analysis/australian-sex-discrimination-commissioners-disgraceful-gender-agenda-is-bad-news-for-women-who-dont-want-to-identify-as-anything-else/news-story/b5634f034ffde9db84025366b5961105

20-09-2023: As if a black Ann Boleyn wasn’t enough: https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/51308

20-09-2023: I usually take the BOM’s seasonal forecast to indicate exactly the opposite conditions – and I am usually right!Hidden in the small print on the ABC site, but not mentioned on the nightly news, is that El Nino’s don’t always create widespread drought, and that the models are sometimes wrong, and the slow development of this years event “might limit its strength”.”  Anyway, ‘One swallow doesn’t make a summer’  https://joannenova.com.au/2023/09/let-the-mind-games-begin-scorching-summer-of-brutal-bushfire-hell-is-in-the-news-before-it-even-happens/

19-09-2023: Wind farms will completely exterminate our wedge tailed eagles (soon) plus lots of other rare birds – and are killing whales too. Let’s please build some conventional power stations instead like High Energy Low Emission (HELE) coal fired power stations like the 350 China is currently building: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/09/climate-change-wont-get-the-chance-to-kill-off-the-tasmanian-wedgetail-eagle-the-wind-industry-will-do-it-first/

19-09-2023: “A restoration of history, in all its complexity, is critical to escaping the polarized, rigid, and often insane political environment we now inhabit”: https://quillette.com/2023/09/14/history-matters/

19-09-2023: Why would you have ever thought that drugs were good for you? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/brutal-marijuana-studies-now-emerging-never-fully-legalized/

19-09-2023: Scouts long ago lost the plot. Baden-Powell , the hero of Mafeking would be a little more than astonished: https://pjmedia.com/columns/miltharris/2023/09/14/girl-scouts-diversity-and-sodomite-patches-n1727121

18-08-2023: Too bad if you love your lawn mower: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/democratic-governor-signs-executive-order-requiring-mass-replacement/

18-08-2023: The UN has zero effect on ‘solving’ real world problems but it keeps on pumping away at ’climate change’ and the ‘new world order’ and stealing every last freedom we still have. Abolish it now: https://news.yahoo.com/world-disappointed-un-now-looks-130000339.html

18-08-2023: I know cyclists are annoying, but who should be in charge of the death penalty – runaway teens or the law? Not so long ago we would have hung people like this from the nearest tree. Bring back the lash and the rope, please – and soon: https://moonbattery.com/the-story-of-the-century-if-only/

18-08-2023: You wanted to ban cigarette smoking and legalise marijuana? https://moonbattery.com/marijuana-will-hurt-you-and-they-want-you-to-smoke-it/

17-08-2023: John Howard Payne (1823)

This is a song for an opera, Clari.

Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam

Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home

A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there

Which seek thro' the world, is ne'er met elsewhere

Home! Home!

Sweet, sweet home!

There's no place like home

There's no place like home!

An exile from home splendor dazzles in vain

Oh give me my lowly thatched cottage again

The birds singing gaily that came at my call

And gave me the peace of mind dearer than all

Home, home, sweet, sweet home

There's no place like home, there's no place like home!

17-08-2023: The invasion of Europe – the Fifth Crusade has started: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/09/thank-god-for-tony-abbott-fixing-the-problem-here.html

17-08-2023: Thought provoking – Are we repaganising? https://www.firstthings.com/article/2023/10/we-are-repaganizing

17-08-2023: Of course; ‘one man one vote’ has long been an Australian principle even if nowadays we might say, ‘One person’. For this reason alone there should not be a separate (racially based) election or House. For just the same reason there ought not be ‘dual citizenship’ which allows people to vote in two separate jurisdictions. Make up your mind where your loyalties lie. They ought, properly be to ‘One Australia’: https://newcatallaxy.blog/2023/09/16/a-surprising-number-of-votes-or-not/

17-08-2023: The ultimate wilderness cabin – well done guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGxsoHSKigg

16-08-2023: How a lack of available men is leading to a decline in the birth rate: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2Fbooks%2Farchive%2F2023%2F09%2Fegg-freezing-motherhood-on-ice-marcia-inhorn-book-review%2F675316%2F

16-08-2023: Stating the obvious. Of course it did Jacinta, but brave of you to say so: https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/betrayalindigenous-senator-jacinta-prices-claim-splits-the-nation/news-story/dbde34ce0f7de0e0bfdd80d19dbead4c

16-08-2023: Patriot Switch – a way to buy goods without the leftist propaganda. https://patriotswitch.com/index.php We need something like this in Oz to counter the influence of the woke corporations like Apple whose latest ad is ‘cringeworthy’ https://joannenova.com.au/2023/09/apple-advertising-goes-full-climate-cult/

15-08-2023: ET. Are they fakes – or what? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/scientists-present-two-alleged-mummified-alien-corpses-three/

15-08-2023:Seven million people from all over the world have climbed Ayers Rock”,  but no more. The truth about climbing this Aussie icon: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/08-online/193203/

15-08-2023: Is there still an organization interested in teaching boys to become men? https://pjmedia.com/culture/athena-thorne/2023/09/10/trail-life-usa-celebrates-10-years-of-picking-up-where-bsa-left-off-n1725825#google_vignette

15-08-2023: You will have nothing and you will be happy: https://www.rebelnews.com/australian_government_urged_to_introduce_controversial_inheritance_tax

14-08-2023: 2500 years of ‘climate change’ reveal the past was much more variable than the present: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/09/2500-years-of-wild-climate-change-in-southern-europe-it-was-warmer-in-roman-times-than-now/

14-08-2023: Do we really want to give all our public lands away forever to racists who will exclude almost everyone from them? https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/08-online/193203/ & https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/09/race-based-land-grabs-must-end/

14-08-2023: And why wouldn’t they? I have been very happy with my lovely wife for over fifty years: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/passport-bros-feminists-are-outraged-men-going-overseas-find-traditional-wives

14-08-2023: Kennedy assassination. Decades later there are still ‘mysteries’: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/resurfaced-interviews-jfk-assassination-nurse-back-up-former/

13-08-2023: Ultracheap Packraft: What's not to like about this? A Naturehike Packraft for less than A$600 - or a double for A$830 (Sept 2023). Aliexpress is great. This is a big saving over other brands which come in now at twice or more than three times that! See More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/09/12/ultracheap-packraft/

13-08-2023: P.J. O’Rourke :‘If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it’s free.’ https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/09/too-much-free-stuff/

13-08-2023: Good on you Winston Peters – and if the Maori are not indigenous to Australia neither are any of the so-called ‘aboriginal’ peoples indigenous to Australia. But we can hardly all go back to where we came from, so let’s just cool it shall we? https://www.rebelnews.com/maori_are_not_indigenous_to_new_zealand_says_former_deputy_pm

13-08-2023: The science says there is no ‘climate emergency’: https://www.scribd.com/document/670411341/1600-Scientists-Signatures-on-this-paper-There-Is-No-Climate-Emergency#from_embed

12-08-2023: Hooray! Sir Henry Parkes, the father of Federation, said: “At some time we must unite as one great Australian people” https://richardsonpost.com/cliff-reece/32981/australia-pushback-at-activist-lies/

12-08-2023: Read every word Bess Price, a true aboriginal woman,  says here: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/09/brilliant-article-about-the-voice-by-bess-nungarrayi-price-i-urge-you-to-read-and-share-it.html

12-08-2023: The earth has no average temperature. This is (the) climate reality: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/09/the_earth_has_no_average_temperature.html

12-08-2023: Our ‘secure’ modern world is far more fragile than you would hope: https://daily.jstor.org/the-carrington-event-of-1859-disrupted-telegraph-lines/

11-08-2023: How good is wind power? https://newcatallaxy.blog/2023/09/02/windwatching-sept-2023/

11-08-2023: Who would want to give up their car in order to add 13 minutes to their life expectancy? How far can you drive in 13 miutes in London traffic anyway? https://joannenova.com.au/2023/09/ulez-will-add-just-13-minutes-to-life-expectancy-in-london-but-the-mayor-is-forcing-it-anyway/

11-08-2023: Ominous – China gets ready for war: https://generalmcnews.substack.com/p/chinas-military-mobilizing

11-08-2023: Trump is not the only hope for the world: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/09/its-a-1775-moment-says-vivak-ramaswamy-but-the-deep-state-is-a-machine-we-are-up-against/

09-08-2023: The rent seekers are out in force after every bit of cash they can get. Damn them (to put it mildly): https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/its-just-bs-former-pm-tony-abbott-rubbishes-aboriginal-land-claim-over-land-adjacent-to-balmoral-beach/news-story/b3a0bd5b62b94651434282386592df5c

09-08-2023: He certainly was the best PM since Menzies at very least: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/09/tony-abbotts-record-of-achievement/

09-08-2023: Who’d have thought? https://www.rebelnews.com/nt_indigenous_leader_says_majority_of_aboriginal_people_don_t_support_voice_to_parliament

09-08-2023: What is ‘emotional labour’ and should you eschew it? https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/what-is-emotional-labor?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1523886&post_id=136848005&isFreemail=true&r=l9hpt&utm_medium=email

08-08-2023: Maybe Russia is winning.You decide: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.semafor.com%2Farticle%2F09%2F01%2F2023%2Fwhy-its-so-hard-for-europe-to-stop-buying-russian-lng

08-08-2023: Good on you John, but will ‘the truth set us free’ “We need to realise that indigenous people don’t suffer from the lack of a Voice, or voices, but a lack of solutions to the cycle of fatherlessness, domestic violence, substance abuse and poor education that grips certain communities. “https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/the-voice/2023/09/what-possible-gain-in-dividing-the-nation/

08-08-2023: Justice delayed: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/lady-of-the-dunes-cold-case-finally-solved-after-50-years/news-story/a8233fc622a3935efb1ff98b56d87be5

08-08-2023: Global boiling – taking a longer view: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/09/05/uks-global-boiling-summer-was-as-hot-as-1857/

07-08-2023: I wonder whether this is happening here too: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/robert-kennedy-jr-blackrock-is-robbing-americans-ability/

07-08-2023: Green dystopia, green panopticon; Now your love for your old fridge might land you in gaol: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/09/now-the-uk-government-wants-to-control-your-kitchen-fridge-or-send-you-to-jail/

07-08-2023: In case you wondered why we now have gay marriage (and a multitude of other evils which have followed from it): https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/sex-drugs-barack-obama-tucker-carlson-interviews-larry/

07-08-2023: You don’t say! Cause or effect: https://www.psypost.org/2023/09/older-adults-who-regularly-use-the-internet-have-half-the-risk-of-dementia-compared-to-non-regular-users-183597?utm_source=PsyPost+Newsletter&utm_campaign=7dd5400519-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a44dd6ef29-7dd5400519-127440501

05-08-2023: An (unsung) Australian Hero: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/09/australian-hero-of-the-resistance/

05-08-2023: Just when you thought you had gotten away with it: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/01/europe/germany-98-year-old-nazi-guard-intl/index.html

05-08-2023: An epidemic of ‘buyer’s remorse’ with EVs: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.motorbiscuit.com%2Fprices-of-used-electric-cars-are-frefalling%2F  The price of used EVs is in free-fall: https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/buyer-s-remorse-why-are-20-of-early-ev-adopters-now-defecting-to-internal-combustion/ar-AA1gdLUa

05-08-2023: Do you really want CPR – disturbing reading: https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-weekend-essay/the-hidden-harms-of-cpr

04-08-2023: “People will grow to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think” Aldous Huxley.

04-08-2023: Come off it Dutton! Is this ‘being half pregnant’ or ‘creating the truth’? Whilst there is no doubting that human beings have been present in Australia for many thousands of years, identifying these humans with any one group today is a step too far. We do no identify the extraordinary cave paintings in Europe (Chauvet etc) with any existing group, which is quite right. There is no known connection. In a similar way we already know that the earliest fossil human remains so far examined have no relation to any living humans, yet these remains (Mungo Man etc) are clearly tens of thousand (possibly hundreds of thousands) of years later than other evidence eg the Bradshaw paintings and the lake sediment data suggest that human occupation began. Any existing human group whether they identify as ‘indigenous’ or not came much later – and maybe exterminated the previous inhabitants – quite unlike what Europeans have done in the last couple of centuries. Those who identify as indigenous/aboriginal today outnumber the estimated pre-colonial population by at least three times. We also know that there wer pygmies in Cape York up until the C20th at least. What if forensic work on their remains (or the re-emergence of a handful of them from the bush) should prove they pre-date all other ‘indigenous’ groups, as is only too likely? What would their position be if we had written the presently accepted ‘indigenous’ into the constitution? In any case, it is just dreadful racist policy to create a special sub-set of human beings on the basis of race or autochthonicism. The past is interesting to say the least, but we should look to a future where every Australian is simply treated equally before the law and the constitution. https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/peter-dutton-pledges-new-referendum-solely-on-recognition-if-voice-fails-and-liberal-party-wins-next-election/news-story/ebd519d8c787f9e641a4ac71970eea0f

04-08-2023: And the very worst thing really is that these poor kids are being deprived of a sex life altogether – and that’s not harm?Also, so-called transgenderism is being used to erase gays and lesbians. Effeminate boys are being told that, rather than being homosexuals, they’re girls. To achieve that, they’re being chemically castrated and surgically mutilated. Meanwhile, masculine girls are being told that, rather than being lesbians, they’re boys, after which they’re chemically sterilized and surgically mutilated. No anti-gay movement could have done a better job of erasing homosexuality than the transgender cult.“ https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/09/a_distraught_transgender_persons_video_brings_important_truths_to_light.html

04-08-2023: Preparing yourself for long covid – sinister warning: https://richardsonpost.com/david-archibald/32887/covid-start-antivirals-sooner-rather-than-later/

03-08-2023: “The purpose of compulsory education is to deprive the common people of their commonsense” G..K. Chesterton.

03-08-2023: We have encountered some in the Vic mountains but…Where feral cows roam free: https://www.popsci.com/environment/feral-cow-island/

03-08-2023: Heat your home during the day when there is plenty of solar electricity around. Also trending, “Let them eat cake’: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2023%2F08%2F26%2Fnew-net-zero-advice-turn-heating-up-only-during-the-day%2F

03-08-2023: I fear Peter Smith is right: https://newcatallaxy.blog/2023/08/19/democracy-in-its-death-throes/

02-08-2023: Do not forsake all hope Montag, there are young people who are the hope of the world. Here’s one: https://www.thefp.com/p/free-press-high-school-essay-contest-winner?utm_source=substack&publication_id=260347&post_id=136521670&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&action=share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=false

02-08-2023: Some good news: Reversing cancer – it can be done: https://www.sciencealert.com/aggressive-cancer-cells-transformed-into-healthy-cells-in-breakthrough

02-08-2023: Ramesh is right – we must never repeat the awful pandemic response we have just had. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine would have saved millions of lives yet here they were banned. The people responsible for this ban should be brought to justice and receive life sentences for murder. Likewise those who caused so much harm and death by forcing an untried and dangerous vaccine upon the public: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/09/ivermectin-makes-a-comeback/

02-08-2023: The AEMO is just nuts.There will be major blackouts and unaffordable power. Nothing sensible is being done about it – indeed the reverse. Bowen is committed to ‘extracting sunbeams from cucumbers’ – as Gulliver put it. It is ridiculous that Della and I are actively planning to spend tens of thousands of our own dollars to prevent these consequences for us, but this is an inefficient and unreliable way to proceed as compared with (the State or others) building large reliable base load power stations, like coal or nuclear – nothing else currently exists.: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/09/panic-now-the-australian-national-grid-manager-admits-blackouts-are-coming/

01-08-2023: And you thought you were dumb: https://nypost.com/2023/08/28/they-tried-to-conceive-for-years-turns-out-they-were-having-sex-all-wrong/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=nypost

01-08-2023: Well said, Mrs America 2023, “I have felt this feeling seven times now as I bring these sacred souls to the earth. After I hold that newborn baby in my arms, the feeling of motherhood and bringing them to the earth is the most empowering feeling I have ever felt.”: https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/news-who-hannah-neeleman-all-south-dakota-mrs-american-2023-pro-life-response-wins-hearts

01-08-2023: Justice is slow but it does sometimes happen - though I can think of a more appropriate punishment for monsters like this: https://rmx.news/crime/german-isis-bride-who-left-5-year-old-yazidi-slave-girl-to-die-of-thirst-in-midday-sun-jailed-for-14-years/

01-08-2023: Just awful. Heresy trials are back world-wide: https://thecritic.co.uk/on-trial-for-a-question/

31-08-2023: Remember when we used to warn our children not to talk to strangers? Maybe this was why: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/kidnappers-caught-act-heroic-truck-driver-rescues-15/

31-08-2023: Gary Johns (Labor ex Minister) is right: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/08/terrific-common-sense-on-albaneses-vanity-voice-from-labors-gary-johns.html

31-08-2023: Just imagine A$25 a day tax on driving your old car – the only type you can afford or have ever afforded (if you are like us, ie most people). Yet this is London 2023. You would vote for this? You did vote for this? Economic rights in a capitalist country have always been our most important rights (way ahead of ‘representative democracy’) but now they are being snatched away as we ‘subsidise the richest people’s dreams of renewables, indigenous rights, trans rights etc, etc: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/08/london-wakes-up-to-the-nightmare-on-ulez-this-net-zero-bill-cant-be-hidden-and-the-people-are-furious/

31-08-2023: Beware Oz. The UK is already going the way of South Africa: https://moonbattery.com/london-denounces-white-families/

30-08-2023: Just maybe it would be nice if we all had a ‘Voice’. ‘Representative’ democracy is seriously flawed. Our ‘representatives’ clearly don’t. Almost universally they advocate minority opinion. We should go back to Direct Democracy’ as in ancient Athens. The internet now makes this possible (and desirable – despite the lesson of the Melians?) If we were in charge ourselves we would not be able to blame our ‘representatives’ for failing us; we could but fail ourselves.


30-08-2023: Monkeys shouldn’t be drinking in the first place: https://bigthink.com/health/gene-therapy-monkeys-alcoholism/


30-08-2023: Unintended consequences: https://moonbattery.com/democrats-hand-trump-black-votes/


30-08-2023: Disgusting! No-one should be ashamed of wearing their country’s uniform, but they certainly should be ashamed of being forced to identify with homosexuals: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/08/young-soldiers-ordered-to-wear-purple-to-celebrate-gays.html


29-08-2023: Is there life after death? You decide: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/07/a-j-ayer-and-the-meaning-of-life/ &  https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/ive-studied-more-5-000-133633458.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9jaXRpemVuZnJlZXByZXNzLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADsqm-abmksIVcGZoHT8_ISNtsH8mwnDo9NXepYxrSXjUNkQ2aaR5j4akA4HjYRG0BqQZ6jTyJ0VuxShZtOqC6kkM60vVFLSVkzUHp5Roout65OzQ9V0_3LcfpfOBcmo891F7N7KhZnjwmbRwlra2KwQgQZ71lSnVVRsi3Rh6BAo


29-08-2023: Such nonsense we are told about ‘the aging of the population’ yet ‘In 1700, if you made it to age 25, you had a good chance to make your 80s barring farm accidents.’ http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/archives/37792-Life-expectancy.html  


29-08-2023: Eight truths that the mugshot reveals: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/08/the_mugshot_heard_round_the_world_eight_truths_that_the_mugshot_reveals.html


29-08-2023: Yay! “Prime Minister Meloni is the most successful world leader – male or female – of our time, and the left despises her for it because they know that she is not only inspiring others by example, but opening millions of eyes to the maleficence and corruption of the left which has devastated the disenfranchised and working-class for years.” https://www.skynews.com.au/insights-and-analysis/no-wonder-theyre-losing-their-minds-lefts-reign-of-totalitarian-incompetence-coming-to-an-end-thanks-to-giorgia-melonis-success-story/news-story/2f540fe8e2f1f5ac50fa1889a116e509


28-08-2023: The Thief His Wife And The Canoe’ is the story of fraudster John Darwin and his wife Anne who unsuccessfully faked his own death (for years) in order to defraud insurance companies. As we watched this (forgettable) documentary (couldn’t face the ‘dramatisation’ which followed) we became more and more certain that the allegation in Murders in the Outback’ that Falconio and Lees faked his own death (credible independent witnesses saw him ‘after his death and he had previously expressed an intention to just so defraud insurance) and that an innocent if somewhat revolting human being (Brad Murdoch) has been in gaol for a very long while for his supposed murder.


28-08-2023: De-industrialising Germany. The Greens achieve what the Allies could not: https://instapundit.com/601755/

28-08-2023: You said it brother: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/08/23/german-scientists-global-warming-a-corrupt-fear-mongering-scheme-headed-by-super-rich/

28-08-2023: So, how good are those paper straws (for the environment) apart from their foul taste and that you go through 2-3 of them every drink. Well, terrible actually & unsurprisingly: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/08/paper-straws-have-forever-chemicals-that-may-be-worse-for-us-and-the-environment-than-plastic/

27-08-2023: We should know where MH370 is by now: https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/clue-could-finally-reveal-location-of-doomed-flight-mh370/news-story/ccd2153a1af1e062d8b5ba562f30b796

27-08-2023: When the lunatics are running the asylum: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/andrew-bolt-iceberg-looms-as-chris-bowens-green-plans-sink/news-story/5f3ebe03e3548e0e3b382744903f720c

27-08-2023: The ‘joys’ of unrestricted immigration: https://www.statista.com/statistics/283100/recorded-rape-offences-in-england-and-wales/

27-08-2023: Even if it was under his arm the fine is clearly stupid, intrusive and onerous. The seat belt legislation is anyway just an Auntie State over-reach: https://www.news.com.au/technology/motoring/on-the-road/queensland-driver-fights-1000-fine-and-insists-he-did-nothing-wrong/news-story/efafc7f47e902158bdd73dec59c45e7c

26-08-2023: How capitalism liberates: The Rwanda genocide is now a thing of the past: https://newcatallaxy.blog/2023/08/23/economic-miracle-in-rwanda/

26-08-2023: Unbelievable: https://notthebee.com/article/german-daycares-introduces-sexual-exploration-rooms-freedom-childish-sexuality

26-08-2023: Free Speech Now: The EU has already enacted this internet censorship and our government in Oz has an identical  bill before it at the moment. This is the largest scale totalitarian move against freedom of speech and information in world history: https://europeanconservative.com/articles/commentary/the-eus-orwellian-internet-censorship-regime/

26-08-2023: Imagine how quickly the ‘climate crisis’ would evaporate if the so-called ‘scientists’ were paid to find there was no problem (ie climate reality) instead of the opposite.

25-08-2023: Economics 101: https://newcatallaxy.blog/2023/08/23/the-concept-of-crowding-out-and-the-dangers-of-untrammeled-government-spending-of-opm/

25-08-2023: Kiss My Feet – Or Else’. Islam’s growing demands. We import these people at our extreme peril: https://pjmedia.com/columns/raymond-ibrahim/2023/08/23/kiss-my-feet-or-else-islams-growing-demands-n1721416

25-08-2023: This piece by Labor ex-Minister Gary Johns is a must-read. Today’s faux aborigines are the most dreadful rent-seekers who also strive to keep real (outback) aborigines from advancing and integrating into our society as their own ancestors (and probably yours and mine too) clearly did: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/08-online/intergenerational-trauma-and-all-that/

25-08-2023: If the Deep State think they can destroy Trump and Tucker they should think again: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/boom-trump-breaks-internet-more-people-watched-trump/ You should watch the whole thing. Trump is great!

24-08-2023: Maybe I’ll buy a guitar too: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/08/getting-grumpy-should-i-buy-a-guitar/


24-08-2023: The 40 cities who will ban meat, dairy, cars, air travel etc by 2030. You want this?: https://pjmedia.com/columns/kevindowneyjr/2023/08/22/14-american-cities-agree-to-go-full-marxist-end-dairy-meat-and-cars-by-2030-n1721063


24-08-2023: Don’t mess with Putin: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/08/putin_plays_for_keeps.html


24-08-2023: At last the man in the moon sounds like Spike Milligan: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/breaking-india-lands-chandraayan-3-lunar-south-pole/


23-08-2023: Worth a try: Foxlights: https://www.foxlightsaustralia.com.au/buy-foxlights/

23-08-2023:Why do we have a tiny segment of our population totally reliant, generation by generation, on taxpayers for all of their needs even as they deliver lectures about how uncaring — indeed, callous in the most racist way — are their fellow citizens?” : https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/australia/2023/08/its-equality-not-dna-that-makes-an-australian/

23-08-2023: Nurse Letby is not the only medico afflicted with the ‘God Delusion’ though. For example, during the so-called ‘covid pandemic’ like medicos and their running dogs actually murdered millions with their banning of effective treatments, lock-downs which produced a suicide epidemic, compulsory ‘vaccination’ which was more dangerous than the disease itself & etc. They also did this knowingly but (being Gods) they expect to escape the same punishment as this nurse, ie life without parole. I think Andrews and Sutton (for two) ought to receive a like sentence: https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-66573845

23-08-2023: These clowns (who annually burn down millions of acres) can’t see the wood for the trees. In about a month they have managed to collect about enough to have a very basic barbecue yet they envisage it as an ‘ecological disaster, lamenting what the poor echidnas will do when they want play ‘Pick up Sticks’. Bloody eco loons: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-21/hiking-sticks-carnarvon-national-park-rangers-environment-qld/102755076?fbclid=IwAR1_RwC_HPOS_M_AMJovcabTT0WVJT0X6As9HntzFsktHbOBDEO1va_DAQ8

22-08-2023: What an interesting idea. This might work for us. We have 100 metres of head on our small farm. I have been toying with the idea of a small pumped hydro storage system as a way of utilizing excess solar or wind energy anyway: https://newatlas.com/energy/waterless-high-density-hydro/

22-08-2023: The DIY Lego house: https://www.gablok.com/en

22-08-2023: The Left have no sense of humour – and cannot bear the truth: https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/violent-black-men-comedian-slammed-for-cpac-speech-mocking-traditional-owners/news-story/aa8163fa0431f4bff71add1aa420aeb1

22-08-2023: Criticizing people on welfare isn’t un-Christian. See Thessalonians: “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat.” https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/2%20Thessalonians%203:10

21-08-2023: Is this Bigfoot? https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/incredible-bigfoot-video-leaves-sceptics-stunned/news-story/eb69eb5fb62436cd18d583f787ed16ed

21-08-2023: The cashless society just gives Government (Big Brother) too much power over us: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/08/getting-grumpy-should-i-buy-a-guitar/

21-08-2023: But ‘scientists’ say that the sun can’t be responsible for our weather: https://phys.org/news/2023-08-clouds-neptune.html

21-08-2023: When furries attack: https://moonbattery.com/furry-attack-on-public-beach/

20-08-2023: Converting Hiking Poles to Tent Poles: I have fiddled with this before but without a really satisfactory result which meets every need. It is easy enough if you have adjustable poles or the type which one section from another pole can be added to the first one but the method below works whatever type of poles you have.

I have played around with interesting uses for rubber bands and inner tubes before so I have plenty of spare material lying around.

Here I have cut two approx 12" x 3/4"  strips from a heavy duty car inner tube which was much more suitable for making the lightweight shoes really. The strips work out about 15 grams each. If I locate a motorcycle inner tube or even a pushbike one I can probably get closer to half this - which I will. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/08/19/converting-hiking-poles-to-tent-poles/

20-08-2023: Ancient Mariners – to Crete 130,000 years ago and to various islands in Indonesia even longer ago before we were what is now considered fully human: https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-technology/ancient-navigation-00963?fbclid=IwAR2WvHrcfJtNCYcACrLAwLhxYp6mCkwCSY-3SBa9vgZmt370H0nFXmY_YhE

20-08-2023: We have a few spots nearly as good as this in Melbourne too: https://babylonbee.com/news/9-best-camping-spots-in-california

20-08-2023: Fascinating. Biology is all around us yet after centuries of study we are no closer to understanding it: https://stoneageherbalist.substack.com/p/biological-vitalism-or-what-is-life

19-08-2023: Who would have even thought this was a thing? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/top-u-s-doctor-group-wants-taxpayers-fund/

19-08-2023: Surely what murderers are supposed to look like: https://nypost.com/2023/08/16/heavily-tatted-man-50-accused-charged-with-girlfriends-murder/

19-08-2023: Soon no-one will be able to afford a home – what do we have a government for? https://richardsonpost.com/paulzanetti/32769/a-homeless-and-housing-crisis-of-our-governments-own-making/

19-08-2023: The real Fargo. Well done Officer: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/08/god-bless-this-copper-and-all-those-who-trained-him.html

18-08-2023: Arctic exploration the easy way: https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1692236750033162569

18-08-2023: You may come to wish that ‘your’ ancestors’ (allegedly) genocidal policies had not failed so miserably. Enough of this nonsense: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/08/the-death-of-democracy-victorias-hush-hush-indigenous-agreements/

18-08-2023: Maybe you still think the US did not have a coup d’etat back in Nov 2020 but the fate of the Jan 6 protesters ought to convince even the most skeptical – how can this be happening in the ’home of democracy’? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/national-disgrace-photos-leaked-horrific-january-6-prisoner/

18-08-2023: The rise of a vile kind of warfare we  thought we banned a couple of generations ago: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/08/rfk-jnr-were-developing-bioweapons-with-36000-scientists/

I suspect this may be good advice – anyway I will be taking it: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/dont-rely-government-stockpile-critical-medications-now/

17-08-2023: We should not have a Ministry of Truth. We should be able to decide what we take as true –as we always have, not Big Brother: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/08/the-acma-ministry-of-misinformation-will-fine-australians-6m-for-publishing-the-truth/

17-08-2023: What is wrong with the Libs (& the Nats)? Aren’t they supposed to represent the views of conservative voters? My own local MP is banging on about the ‘virtues’ of a proposed offshore windfarm here instead of advocating for a new coal fired power station: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/08/state-libs-go-cuckoo/

17-08-2023: In fact tens of thousands of climate scientists cast doubt on the theory of ‘global warming’ yet we throw away billions on this dubious hypothesis: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/08/16/there-is-no-climate-crisis1600-scientists-worldwide-nobel-prize-laureate-sign-declaration/

17-08-2023: Trump is being charged with casting doubt on the 2020 election results (a view shared by more than 50% of Americans actually) but in fact there was election fraud. For example, https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1691228480556429312

16-08-2023: Seriously good news: https://www.thebrighterside.news/post/revolutionary-implants-can-restore-20-20-vision-to-the-blind-and-visually-impaired

16-08-2023: Ford says the hard part out loud: https://prospect.org/economy/2023-07-31-ford-electric-cars-arent-affordable/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Ford+Says+Electric+Cars+Just+Aren+t+Affordable+%7C+Prospect+Weekend+Reads&utm_campaign=Weekend+Prospect+Reads+08042023

16-08-2023: Things haven’t changed much with the weather in 120 years after all: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/08/no-changes-in-global-droughts-since-1902-when-horses-and-carts-were-common/

16-08-2023: I like girls but this is just nuts: https://bettinaarndt.substack.com/p/is-bhp-discrimining-against-men

15-08-2023: The ‘Walking Tree’: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socratea_exorrhiza

15-08-2023: ‘Progress’ in aboriginal land ownership: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/the-horrors-of-native-title-you-will-own-nothing-and-you-will-be-happy/

15-08-2023: And we worry about plastic bags: https://www.space.com/worlds-largest-asteroid-impact-structure-in-australia

15-08-2023: So many problems could be solved with more euthanasia: https://moonbattery.com/final-solution-to-socialized-medicine-wait-times/

14-08-2023: Is America quite sane? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/lizzo-accused-weight-shaming-forcing-dancers-eat-bananas/

14-08-2023: Unfortunately I fear Peter Smith is right – we have become a communist state. Hopefully we can behave as bravely and resolutely as the Hungarians in 1956: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2023/08/the-voice-black-and-red-all-over/

14-08-2023: The vast majority of South Africans must long for the peace and prosperity of the previous ‘apartheid’ regime: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/08/hate-speech/

14-08-2023: Giving new meaning to the phrase ‘Squatter’s Rights’: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/handyman-devises-simple-system-legally-get-rid-squatters/

13-08-2023: Vargo Pocket Cleats: Tractional security just got even lighter. The new version of Vargo's ultralight crampons weigh a little over one ounce each (32.6 grams) as compared with their previous version which was around twice that. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/08/12/vargo-pocket-cleats/

13-08-2023: A cogent argument (as usual) against EVs from the incomparable Matt Ridley: https://www.mattridley.co.uk/blog/why-ill-be-buying-a-brand-new-petrol-car-just-before-the-2030-ban/

13-08-2023: Not letting truth get in the way of a ‘good story’: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/aborigines/2023/08/australian-films-fade-to-blak/

13-08-2023: Why would you even bother to employ police? – Oh, we need them to harass honest citizens: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12164829/Police-failed-solve-single-burglary-HALF-English-Welsh-neighbourhoods.html

12-08-2023: Testing the US army’s new electric combat vehicles: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/08/testing_the_armys_new_electric_combat_vehicle_a_parable.html

12-08-2023: Is this the most chilling headline you have ever read? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/minnesota-will-no-longer-report-number-babies-who/

12-08-2023: At least 300,000 of our 800,000 ‘Aborigines’ are fakes (according to ‘other aborigines’) – but they would be the ones who got ‘The Voice’ you can bet. Enough of this bizarre racist nonsense. We are all just Australians of the human race who should be treated equally by the law and society: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/andrew-bolt-how-fake-aborigines-are-hurting-their-cause/news-story/26691d7ce1b67e0b18c06aa4a79f5704

12-08-2023: Of course it could just be an unfortunate coincidence; on the other hand it could also be true. Strange times we live i: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/ron-johnson-claims-covid-was-pre-planned-elite/

11-08-2023: Good on you Gina: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/queensland/gina-rinehart-backs-gold-coast-bid-for-2026-commonwealth-games/news-story/3a6d0b2b4acb5ff522dde7ea4bd3e6b7

11-08-2023: Cancelling Traveller is a step too far – after too many such: Lee was likely also America's greatest ever general. Remember he nearly won the civil war even though his side was enormously outnumbered and under-resourced: https://www.thecollegefix.com/canceled-washington-lee-university-removes-plaque-honoring-robert-e-lees-horse/?fbclid=IwAR1BtJRz-zgYU0FFBEfISSF33mpnIbjDFUf65oYi9yq4kMV-iAkNl8QOY0E

11-08-2023: Ain’t it the truth? Grow a pair guys. The people await: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/rita-panahi/rita-panahi-voice-debate-reveals-liberals-can-win-by-standing-up-for-their-values/news-story/2997280bf0d9c0f9b6ee7acc34fd6f27

11-08-2023: What’s not to like? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/08/09/virginia-life-is-good-and-getting-better/

10-08-2023: At last a mailbox which is (nearly) big enough: https://www.milkcan.com.au/letterboxes/picket-fence-letterbox/?fbclid=IwAR3bWJikrQMFP9Ao8kUpDpVcepdPJGlzZQEXBkzj6f2Q5mvEKuqU3qJBYqE & https://www.milkcan.com.au/product/parcel-pal-2-parcel-mail-charcoal-merbau-pillar/?fbclid=IwAR2tBvOHgShOa3hgFCWfggd65s7BoCWSVvrU5pPKT-GFLf2nY25065rHAY8

10-08-2023: Such a great idea: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/08/new_data_shows_temperatures_above_86_f_begins_a_precipitous_decline_of_ev_performance.html

10-08-2023: The Decline of the West? https://moonbattery.com/muslim-woman-wants-his-testicles-back-from-his-boyfriend/

10-08-2023: “If your boyfriend is dating a chatbot, perhaps it was already time to start looking for a new boyfriend anyway” https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2023/08/07/ai-girlfriends-called-a-threat-to-womens-rights-n569638

09-08-2023: “Beauty is truth, truth beauty. That is all you know on earth and all you meed to know” John Keats (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44477/ode-on-a-grecian-urn) : https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/08/the_war_on_truth.html

09-08-2023: Duh:” Unfortunately, our thesis that the heart of man is intrinsically good, well it proved to be...really, really false. Like, it's the most wrong anyone's ever been about anything. It seems that unlike in movies, following your own heart directly leads to pain and brokenness” https://babylonbee.com/news/report-record-number-of-people-following-their-hearts

09-08-2023: It is now patently clear that Albo and the Left are lying to us about the Referendum. It is now a dead duck. Thanks Peta Credlin & Jacinta Price. Now to rid ourselves of its ‘ducklings’ in all the states who are hastily and against our wishes implementing ‘treaty’ - and worse: https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/voice-to-parliament/shadow-indigenous-australians-minister-jacinta-price-calls-on-prime-minister-albanese-to-come-clean-about-the-uluru-statement-from-the-heart/news-story/eb60c39ef5d111b7e84edb7bc4ec3808

09-08-2023:The Hunga Tonga sub-surface ocean volcano eruption and its “unprecedented” production of extra stratospheric water vapor could be to blame.”  Remember water vapour is responsible for 99%+ of the ‘greenhouse effect’. https://www.drroyspencer.com/2023/08/uah-global-temperature-update-for-july-2023-0-64-deg-c/

On the other hand: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/08/07/hunga-tonga-mysteries/ 

08-08-2023: What if it’s right: https://blog.physics-astronomy.com/2023/08/ai-built-to-discover-extraterrestrial.html

08-08-2023: Professional crybaby Brittany Higgins may soon lose all her ill-gotten gains. Good riddance: https://www.rebelnews.com/senator_follows_through_on_threat_to_sue_brittany_higgins

08-08-2023: People are beginning to wake up to ‘the internet of things’ controlled by the CCP – as if we hadn’t already ‘decided’ to impose communism on ourselves here in Oz already in multiple ways: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/08/how-to-paralyze-a-city-with-one-easy-ev-update/

08-08-2023: Whatever the real figures the truth is that tens of thousands of people are being killed in yet another senseless war. I suspect (the real) President Trump would have been able to prevent it. The Democrats always seem to start wars rather than end them: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/highway-hell-ukraine-loses-2040-men-since-friday/

07-08-2023: Some good news. Go girls: https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2023/08/03/yoga-women-aging-brains/9721691074086/

07-08-2023: Fifth Columns – what could go wrong? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/intelligence-breach-two-u-s-navy-sailors-chinese/

07-08-2023: From Milton’s Paradise Lost:

“Sweet is the breath of morn, her rising sweet,

With charm of earliest birds; pleasant the sun

When first on this delightful land he spreads

His orient beams on herb, tree, fruit, and flower,

Glist’ring with dew; fragrant the fertile earth

After soft showers; and sweet the coming on

Of grateful ev’ning mild; then silent night

With this her solemn bird and this fair moon,

And these the gems of heaven, her starry train:

But neither breath of morn when she ascends

With charm of earliest birds, nor rising sun

On this delightful land, nor herb, fruit, flower,

Glist’ring with dew, nor fragrance after showers,

Nor grateful ev’ning mild, nor silent night

With this her solemn bird, nor walk by moon

Or glittering starlight, without thee is sweet.”

07-08-2023: The seemingly innocuous word ‘recognition’ is the key Trojan Horse in the foreshadowed Referendum - which must be rejected. One of the major flaws in the notion of constitutionality is that such foundational documents are a way of ossifying ‘truth’ for all time (why they are made so hard to change). The ‘truths’ they establish are supposed to work like the ‘axioms’ in Euclidean geometry (if you remember your junior high school maths). Everything which comes after is supposed to ‘follow’ logically (with certainty ie needing no further proof or justification) from them. Unfortunately if you make the axioms out of falsehood (as this one is) then what ‘follows’ will be all sorts of evil stuff.
This particular falsehood is that prior to the establishment of Australia as a British colony the ‘country’ was inhabited (solely) by ‘aboriginal’ folk who somehow constituted a ’race’ or ‘nation’ (which or what is it?) a statement which is clearly false. This is not to deny that human beings (and probably earlier types of humans have lived on this continent (and just about every other save perhaps Antarctica) for a very long while indeed (tens of thousands of years anyway) judging from the pollen record here.
But when British rule began (in 1770 when Cook claimed it or in 1788 when Phillip established the first British colony?) there were already a very diverse collection of people living here including a number of ‘white’ colonies, some descended from shipwreck survivors and others represented by sealers and whalers – and who knows what else? There were clearly earlier European inhabitants as evidenced for example by the strange ‘Bird People of Grute Etland who carry a defective gene which arose amongst Jewish Portuguese people in the C16th.
Linguistic and no doubt DNA studies have shown or would show other foreigners arriving at various times, some maybe predating many ‘aboriginal groups linguistic studies of whom show some arriving even in the Christian era possibly as late as the C17th! And most not more than a couple of thousand years ago in fact. Malays, Polynesians, Arabs, Chinese, etc.
Even amongst the so-called ‘aboriginal people anthropologists (and linguists) long ago established clear ‘waves’ of arrival. Whoever the first of these might have been (perhaps the pygmy people of Cape York?) few if any living Australians could establish a direct lineage let alone a lawful inheritance from them (since it is unlikely they had a system of property ownership - as this has been the subject of many important legal cases over time).
However the ‘Bradshaw Paintings’ blow all that away too by depicting people completely unlike any present-day aborigines living along the Kimberley Coast as long ago as 45,000 years. Asiatic type people wearing ‘Batik’ type clothing of a kind obviously unknown to our present indigenes.
Of course even those folk were unlikely to have been the ‘First Australians’ whose fossil records are yet to be found. Homo Erectus has been found c800,000 years ago in Indonesia only 100 kms or so away so it is unlikely if they could walk that far they were not present here also.
The reality is all living Australians are all descended from migrants one way or another. What changed in 1788 was that we all came under one system of law as equal citizens. Yes this is true. From day One (26Jan 1788) no-one (eg) could be murdered without exactly the same penalty required by law – and indeed this was not infrequently applied.
Certainly too some of the local Sydney Cove) ‘aborigines’ at least very quickly entered into European civilization, traveling back and forth the the UK and the USA in the C18th. We have records of this. Under Macquarie around 1815 one young ‘aboriginal girl was the very most outstanding scholar in the colony (winning prizes for such as reported in the local papers). Probably she married into colonial society as women were in very short supply (especially educated women). No doubt some of those wanderers afar had descendants elsewhere too.
It was also commonplace for colonists to adopt orphaned aboriginal children (eg from the measles epidemic around 1790 who then raised them as their own. Their ancestry is lost to time in the absence of accurate BMD records in the early days of the colony. Della (whose parents migrated to Australia from the UK after WW2) may even have one, as she has an ancestor born in Sydney c1810 whose ‘name’ mother was very old indeed to be having such a child. He returned with his parents to England after his name father finished his thirty years’ service here. Della’s mother recalled that even his grandson (her father) around 1930 still had the nickname ’Darky’ probably for obvious reasons, just as one of my own great grandfathers was known around the Hunter Valley as ‘The Negro Frenchman’.
The point is it does not matter a jot who or what our ancestors were. All that counts is our own strength of character and what we make of our lives. For a very long time (since the time of Phillip and Macquarie even there has been (at least) equality of opportunity if not even a bit of an extra ‘leg up’ for those who most needed it in our great society. It is no use at all crying that you are ‘disadvantaged’ eg by the colour of your skin. I see delightful young African and Asian Australians practically every day who are working hard (and cheerfully) to make something of themselves completely undaunted by any such silly ‘disadvantage’ as their skin colour might confer – other than not needing to spend quite so much of their hard-earned cash on sunscreen!
However, once you ‘recognise’ a ‘special group’ in law or in a constitution what awful evil consequences might follow? And how hard will it be to eradicate that distinction at a later time from our supposed egalitarian society?
Fortunately the referendum is dead in the water, but it should not be watered down to a ‘simple recognition’ statement either. It should just be abandoned as unworthy of us: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/nsw/redbridge-poll-finds-majority-intend-to-vote-no-to-indigenous-voice-to-parliament/news-story/b7effa13dfe827da111e8816fe39fea7

06-08-2023: I think I will buy this book. May be the best $25 I have ever spent: https://www.amazon.com/Survival-Medicine-Handbook-Essential-Guide/dp/0988872501?crid=2C48VY7APFZRR&keywords=survival+books&qid=1691100687&s=books&sprefix=survival+books,stripbooks,113&sr=1-6&linkCode=sl1&tag=drhelenblog-20&linkId=f7ecf717c9afc395e3bfaf2600cc1197&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl

06-08-2023: The trouble with heat pumps is they don’t work when it gets really cold so more folks will just die in the coming Ice Age: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/08/green-madness-uk-style/  & https://hotair.com/tree-hugging-sister/2023/08/02/debate-over-heat-pumps-replacing-gas-in-the-u-k-gets-hot-n568833

06-08-2023: Progress at last: First nuclear power station in thirty years in the US: https://hotair.com/david-strom/2023/07/31/finally-first-new-nuclear-reactor-in-more-than-30-years-comes-online-n568237

06-08-2023: How ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions’: https://richardsonpost.com/raymond-ibrahim/32501/the-long-promised-houris/

05-08-2023: And here we go: https://www.news.com.au/national/western-australia/west-australia-government-to-scrap-controversial-botched-aboriginal-cultural-heritage-laws-within-days/news-story/6c5d547616bdc677a4e81b6df8b78329

05-08-2023: Biggest ever? Move over blue whale: https://www.popsci.com/science/perucetus-colossus-heaviest-animal-whale/

05-08-2023: These legal actions against Trump may actually result in the overturning of the 2020 election: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/lawyer-newest-indictment-gives-trump-legal-power-never/

05-08-2023: Well said, “Reparations are never a topic based in historical equality. Colonial Australians can trace their histories back through thousands of years of persecution, enslavement, victimhood, oppression, and terror. The difference is, civilisations that look backwards never build a future.” Our state governments shoving this rubbish down our throats against our will can only fuel a huge anger against ‘black Australia’. It will likely lead to ‘blood upon the wattle’  https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/08/canadas-indigenous-land-tax-on-dockets-is-a-taste-of-things-to-come/

We did not vote for this and would not vote for this; ergo it should not happen – or it should be undone if it does: https://www.rebelnews.com/dan_andrews_grants_sweeping_powers_to_aboriginal_land_councils

05-08-2023: Truly awesome (one should save words for using with their real meaning). Snatched from the jaws of death. Lest we forget (For the backstory read: https://nypost.com/2023/08/03/us-soldiers-seen-liberating-thousands-of-jews-from-nazi-train-found-video/ ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8YBXnvNrRo  

04-08-2023: What a hero Farage is. I hope he is the next UK Prime Minister: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12353605/Nigel-Farage-says-wants-build-powerful-lobby-group-tackle-major-national-scandal-banking-revealed-banks-shutting-1-000-accounts-day.html

04-08-2023: Do you still say you are against the death penalty? https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/08/if-guilty-hang-him.html & https://www.rebelnews.com/calls_for_death_penalty_after_shocking_child_sex_abuse_case

04-08-2023: When Richard Dawkins finally fell out with the Left: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/08/richard-dawkins-frank-sex-talk-infuriates-internet/

04-08-2023: Great Barrier Reef Fraud – why would anyone think that the reef (which clearly did not exist c10,000 years ago during the last Ice Age when it was solid land there) was in danger from ‘global warming’ when eg coral reefs in the Red Sea exist at over 20C hotter ocean temperatures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5C0XGVDPUg

And read (and weep about) what the Labor Govt intends to ‘do’ about it: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/08/labor-party-sells-out-australia-panders-to-the-un-to-avoid-a-naughty-reef-sticker/

03-08-2023: “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” Rabindranath Tagore

03-08-2023: It is a disgraceful economic and environmental disaster – if it would help ‘save’ the forests there might be some justification, but it will actually destoy them after ‘mixed use’ has preserved them for the last 200 years. And you should realize that not only is forestry ‘renewable’ but that it also is carbon sequestration in that the furniture and homes built from its products last hundreds of years. : https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/labors-destruction-of-the-victorian-timber-industry-threatens-forests/

03-08-2023: Bruce Lehrmann may have a win in court yet (and Higgins get her come-uppence): https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/bruce-lehrmanns-revenge-former-liberal-staffer-plots-million-dollar-compo-claim/news-story/6046aa9585cd46e2d4ac9a9b3d42d6c5 & https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/sofronoff-report-alleges-shane-drumgold-lied-during-lehrmann-rape-trial/news-story/8c0e1d85c61b81f9e1da454a1f86b475

03-08-2023: The ABC needs to go. They are beyond belief bad: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/08/climate-extremists-go-to-woodside-ceos-home-to-vandalise-intimidate-and-the-abc-is-there-to-help/

02-08-2023: The most powerful essay I have read this year. We have destroyed our young and now we can no longer count on them to save us: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/cutting-off-your-thumbs-to-spite-your-country/

02-08-2023: The great retreat from the Green Blob. Something is breaking here: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/07/british-pm-is-pro-car-and-on-the-motorists-side.html & https://joannenova.com.au/2023/08/the-beginning-of-the-end-of-net-zero/

02-08-2023: The ‘Voice’ will not save Chalumbin forest, the world’s oldest tropical rainforest, that has been ranked as ‘the second most irreplaceable natural land area on the planet’. Albanese & his leftie mates are about to destroy it in an awful croney capitalist deal no doubt replete with corrupt bribery and profiteering for themselves: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/aboriginal-voices-on-the-voice/

02-08-2023: Ah for a good healthy steak: https://nypost.com/2023/07/31/vegan-influencer-starved-to-death-friends/

01-08-2023: The ‘culture wars’: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/kill-boer-farmer-radical-south-african-political-leader/  & https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/dancing-shirtless-man-pumping-gas-new-york-stabbed/

01-08-2023: Schadenfreud: “We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. But great moments often catch us unaware-beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.” https://twitter.com/Gr8fulSusan/status/1685815134802063361

01-08-2023: In the U.S., the EPA’s own “Heat Wave Index” for the continental states shows that the 1930s was by far the hottest decade of the last century: https://the-pipeline.org/hot-and-bothered-about-heat-waves/

01-08-2023: If we have to pay for them, why can’t we demand they provide a DNA result to prove they are? In the same way, why can’t we demand people work for a living? https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/andrew-bolt-the-voice-will-merely-serve-to-worsen-giant-fakery/news-story/4c47e4dabf5664584cf62476f82ceb8b

31-07-2023: I liked this meme: “It is not a Voice. It is an Invoice to be paid endlessly by us and our children”.

31-07-2023: Why not become a dog? https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/man-spends-22000-to-become-a-border-collie-dog/news-story/ced5e61487e73f28c2cbcc257e4ff746?utm_campaign=EditorialSB&utm_source=News.com.au&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_content=SocialBakers

31-07-2023: She’s a top girl this one. Oh the good old (brown) gravy train: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/andrew-bolt-this-aboriginal-identity-craze-is-too-much/news-story/420ce909cd89314f0fadab8be22b0c49

31-07-2023: A long time at sea: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/sandy-point-skeleton-mystery-solved-after-95-years/news-story/73c351ad972d87d61dd0f93ff69d94d9

30-07-2023: Rejuvenation at last! Just Wow! Bring it on I say. Where can I buy this stuff? https://www.aging-us.com/article/204896/text?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=campaign&utm_campaign=Sinclair%27s%20New%20Study%21%20Age%20Reversal%20with%20Chemical%20Cocktails&_kx=B_yKIF84vdC2pCqcV7aJGBH2521TDLZN-HiRd6gtUa5LzgwS6_YvcgomZEyi7h9R.RmdNXZ

30-07-2023: Global warming conspiracy theorists insist the world is boiling – as if 1936 never happened, “The percentage of the US to reach 100F this year is currently at a record low 18%, down from 79% in 1936”: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/more-lies-global-warming-conspiracists-insist-world-is/

30-07-2023: Sad really – what an awful world they will be creating. Still like choosing homosexuality, such a derangement will disappear in a single generation and the world will resume without them: https://thenationalpulse.com/2023/07/28/data-50-of-millennials-gen-zers-want-to-focus-on-themselves-instead-of-having-kids/

30-07-2023: NZ is a basket case because of the simply awful Ardern Government. Our little rat mates Albo, Bowen, Chalmers et al are rushing us down the very same slippery slope. Read this and weep: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/in-it-for-who/

29-07-2023: Wifi Booster And Security Cam Set-up:  We have had a spate of burglaries on rural properties around here. Even our next door neighbour had a break-in and a car stolen recently , so we decided it was past time to upgrade our front gate security (at least). The first challenge was to get a wifi (computer/internet connection) to the front gate which is nearly 100 yards away. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/07/28/wifi-booster-and-security-cam-set-up/

29-07-2023: Absolutely: https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/49924 I know a few people with Phds who wouldn’t have passed the matriculation exam back when I was 15!

29-07-2023: The worst experiment in medical history: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/silent-heart-damage-found-in-1-in-35-people-who-were-vaccinated/

29-07-2023: Might be a problem though if it doesn’t work just when you need it most: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-first-smart-gun-is-finally-coming-to-market-will-anyone-buy-it-67314e0?mod=djemalertNEWS

28-07-2023: A fair few houses in this one: https://allthatsinteresting.com/tallest-tree-in-asia?fbclid=IwAR0Z2u_PTfQbM2ijwSwxJO17SDcsnr2Oyeo_StBWbR-FhIR3Y5snZKp1PtQ 

28-07-2023: Three cheers for Alex Antic,Those of us who do believe in Liberal principles will continue to strive for a better future for our nation, while Labor and the Greens enrich themselves and disempower hard-working Australians with their senseless Net Zero and identity-politics agendas.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/far-right-or-traditional-liberal/

28-07-2023: Easy come, easy go': all agree is tautologously identified with welfare recipients, heir/esses and lotto winners; ie no-one values what they have not earned. Governments display this propensity in absolute excess: they should be denied all funding!

28-07-2023: Indeed, “Warren Mundine put it best recently when he explained that the only credible solutions to indigenous disadvantage are education, employment, hard work and home ownership…this is why, after centuries of struggle and injustices, we have settled on a democratically elected parliament where every citizen gets one vote regardless of race, religion or class as the most efficient and just form of governmenthttps://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/self-harming-the-nation/

27-07-2023: ‘The Password Is Courage’ is a remarkable film and book by a truly remarkable WW2 hero, Sgt Charles Coward. Beg, borrow or steal it (from Pirate Bay): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Password_Is_Courage

27-07-2023: Coming soon to Victoria too with a treaty no-one got a chance to vote on (but I’d guess they will want repealed in the future): https://www.news.com.au/national/we-havent-messaged-this-well-startling-admission-as-wa-farmers-rage-at-aboriginal-cultural-heritage-act/news-story/c35abddcbd55bf372dadb8698a8f8752

27-07-2023: Good luck with no more rate rises in Oz Albo. Methinks yesterday’s inflation figures were very rubbery too: https://www.reuters.com/markets/rates-bonds/fed-poised-hike-rates-markets-anticipate-inflation-endgame-2023-07-26/

27-07-2023: If true it would be the biggest news ever. It seems so improbable though that someone with the technology to travel between the stars would crash on earth in an unreliable craft: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/ufo-whistleblower-us-recovered-non-human-biological-pilots/

26-07-2023: How does a civilized society deal with severely mentally ill people who refuse assistance? Filling the streets and gaols up with them wasn’t such a great idea either. https://stuartschneiderman.substack.com/p/bring-back-the-asylums?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1523886&post_id=135399437&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

26-07-2023: Why would anyone want/allow this for minors? “Every single child, or adolescent, who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2 [by age 11] has never experienced orgasm. I mean, it’s really about zero.” https://hotair.com/tree-hugging-sister/2023/04/25/tragedy-when-a-colon-just-wont-work-as-a-vagina-n546290

26-07-2023: About those (much worse) Medieval heat waves: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/european-heatwaves-soldiers-died-in-the-heat-in-1160-rivers-ran-dry-in-1303-animals-fell-dead-in-1393/

25-07-2023: Take that T Rex: https://gizmodo.com/preserved-fossil-mammal-preying-beaked-dinosaur-1850664541

25-07-2023: The Bidens and the ‘Deep State’ are just so corrupt: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://nypost.com/2023/07/20/the-joe-biden-bribe-allegations-need-a-special-counsel-now/

25-07-2023: The Hungarians are a remarkable people: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/review-the-courage-to-care/  You may not remember the Hungarian Uprising in 1956 as I do but if not you should read Mitcheners ‘The Bridge at Andau’. Now they are taking the lead in the poush-back against the globalists in Europe, They would long ago have disappeared as a people if they had not stood up for themselves.

25-07-2023: If conservatives drop this ‘Net Zero’ b------t they might well rocket back: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/uk-surprise-byelection-shows-why-conservatives-must-stand-against-netzero/

24-07-2023: Extraordinary: https://www.sciencealert.com/a-cracked-piece-of-metal-healed-itself-in-an-experiment-that-stunned-scientists?fbclid=IwAR01aJnwJt7IAOxsiiJqUoMciE5FkmvSdnGyMOZ6IgXxyCQjWc888cOGRWU

24-07-2023: Some good news: https://www.wsj.com/articles/chief-diversity-officer-cdo-business-corporations-e110a82f

24-07-2023: A very succinct and accurate rebuttal of the whole global warming myth: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/eight-important-facts-not-opinions-that-totally-debunk/

24-07-2023: Looking more and more as if we have only scratched the surface: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/21/china/china-second-superdeep-borehole-intl-hnk/index.html

23-07-2023: Winter Joy: (Della): Sharing some winter joy in my garden. When I first created my rose garden 30 years ago, I was sad to see it so bare and drab during the colder months. After retirement, I worked on finding things that would add winter interest, and this afternoon’s warm, setting sun helped to reward me for my efforts. Read More: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/07/22/winter-joy/

23-07-2023: A new type of ‘one stroke’ engine: https://newatlas.com/automotive/innengine-one-stroke-engine-design/

23-07-2023: Is it quite mad for society not to have lunatic asylums? https://www.wsj.com/articles/its-time-to-bring-back-the-asylum-ec01fb2?st=ipzldf9sj6i6oe2&reflink=article_email_share

23-07-2023: More dirt on the Higgins-Lehrmann ‘affair’: https://bettinaarndt.substack.com/p/feminist-capture-of-justice-system

23-07-2023: I really hope that Malcolm Roberts is right and that the tide has turned against the Green Blob. At least it is most entertainingly written: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/the-great-green-backlash-is-labor-next/

22-07-2023: The continual erosion of civil society: https://newcatallaxy.blog/2023/07/15/civil-society/

22-07-2023: And they’re right! Why bring them in the first place? https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/benbartee/2023/07/18/nearly-three-quarters-of-french-public-wants-to-strip-migrant-rioters-of-citizenship-n1711646

22-07-2023: The cure for poverty and climate change is nuclear: https://quillette.com/2023/07/07/humanity-should-split-more-atoms/

22-07-2023: The new Green My Lai – destroying the world in order to ‘save’ it: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/chalumbin-the-new-franklin/

21-07-2023: Just what you want: some ‘culture warrior’ rendering your land valueless: https://www.rebelnews.com/wa_property_owners_fear_worthless_land_as_indigenous_heritage_laws_take_effect

21-07-2023: Bad news for bank robbers at least (and the public) – cashless banks: https://www.rebelnews.com/bank_s_cashless_branches_leave_customers_empty_handed

21-07-2023: Motorists are fighting back (and wining) against 15 minute cities: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/the-cars-are-winning-against-the-15-minute-cities-in-the-uk/

21-07-2023: Anything to create panic: “What we experienced over the past days was most intense climate lie since temperature recording began…The problem with that report is that none of it is true.” In Sicily the temperature reached only 32°C over the weekend – a far cry from 48°C, which illustrates the great difference between ground surface temperature and readings taken 2 meters above the ground: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/19/europes-48c-horror-that-never-wasesa-media-sharply-criticized-for-manipulative-reporting/

20-07-2023: Neil Oliver on the ‘fear mongering hoax and scam’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vkpcBMmvP0

20-07-2023: Do you have a right to a bank account in Australia? Sounds like not, “AFCA generally accepts that a financial firm can stop providing a financial product or service, so it is unlikely we will require the financial firm to reopen the account”. https://www.afca.org.au/about-afca/publications/factsheet-accountclosure This is a real worry in the light of all the ‘debanking’ which is going on for political reasons: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/banks-do-a-nero/ This is something you might want to change the constitution so as to guarantee it.

20-07-2023: If so, millennials are just crazy. What kind of society do they want? https://jonathanturley.org/2023/07/16/pronoun-lockdown-almost-half-of-millennials-want-jail-time-for-misgendering/

20-07-2023: Ayn Rand, “You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding realityThere is no difference between socialism and communism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.” https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/07/ayn_rand_has_some_prescient_thoughts_about_democrats_avoidance_of_reality.html

19-07-2023: A Democratic Society. That is what we have prided ourselves on for nearly two centuries in Australia. One where pretty much all public organisations were open to all equally and were run democratically by their members. This has been true of the various tiers of government (but not the anachronistic Senate), public companies, public groups (sporting clubs, voluntary associations, trade uions) & etc. Often the elections are supervised by the Australian Electoral Commission to guarantee that the fundamentals of democratic behaviour are preserved. So what is it with the proposal to create a third tier of ‘government’ (and that is what it is) at the Federal level in our constitution which will not be democratic. Its membership will not be open to all, not even all ‘aborigines’ though it remains illegal to ‘define’ what exactly an ‘aborigine’ is (probably even to speculate on it), and I’m sure I don’t know - when there are at least tens of thousand of people today who are ‘accepted’ as ‘aborigines’ who have absolutely no (genetic) descent from aboriginal ancestors. There are clearly others who though they do have aboriginal ancestors (or may even for all I know be ‘full-bloods’ whatever that may mean) who will be denied any ‘Voice’ as this third house will not be elected from ‘the membership’ so that some people will clearly have no say in who gets to ‘represent’ them. All we know for sure is that they will not be elected, but we have no idea how they will be chosen or who will do the chosing. This is not just a simple step backwards democratically speaking but is the very essence of tyranny. Since this third house (or Voice) will clearly have some veto role over our elected government (though details of how this will work have yet to be decided) then it seems likely that our government will never be able to hold a referendum to remove this undemocratic third house from our constitution. I would have thought that if changes to how we are governed (federally) are to be made that a proposal to  (at least reform) or abolish the utterly anachronistic and undemocratic Senate should be on the table. How can it be just that in the Senate voters in one state or territory can have the equivalent of ten votes as compared with one for those from NSW for example? It (the Senate) also clearly normally just interferes with the delivery of the promised platform of elected government, that being the  group or party which has the majority in the ‘People’s House’ ie the House of Representatives. Just say, ‘No’.

19-07-2023: Maybe we should all go back to smoking menthol cigarettes (Alpine). Remember when doctors used to give them away free? Those were the days. Of course if you don’t remember, here’s why: https://scitechdaily.com/alzheimers-breakthrough-inhaling-menthol-improves-cognitive-ability/

19-07-2023: Maybe retirement isn’t such a great idea? Just ask Jayne who started her current job of 26 years at age 75: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/07/12/100-year-old-woman-still-works-4-days-a-week-her-best-career-advice.html

19-07-2023: Won’t this be something – if it works? https://www.sciencealert.com/worlds-largest-nuclear-fusion-rocket-engine-begins-construction

18-07-2023: I must admit to being shocked this morning to realise that I actually know someone who says s/he will vote, ‘Yes’. All my life (and I include also my parents’ and grandparents’ lives…) I have held to the belief that it is more than wicked (just downright evil) to treat someone differently on account of their race or birth nationality, as the Nazis so infamously did. Six million Jews and two million Gypsies can’t be wrong! Such racism is just about the worst vile trait that one can have, yet evidently many of my fellow countrymen still have it, though we voted in a referendum back in 1967 to never ever again allow ‘race’ into our constsitution. One country for all equally under the Southern Cross. Yet here we go again only fifty years later with a new apartheid proposal, and one which will end our democracy as well. I stand with what I have always believed, that we should always be treated equally under the law as we are not responsible for  how or where we were born. I don’t think the same of religion which I consider a choice, though as I view all religions as equal manifestations of insanity (or at least delusion) perhaps it is no more a choice than other forms of insanity are. However, I long ago learned from that great book ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ (and elsewhere) that one can choose one’s mental state too and make oneself and indeed the whole world, better by doing so. You can get a free copy here: http://new-free-pdf.blogspot.com.au/2013/04/man-search-for-meaning-by-viktor-frankl.html

18-07-2023: When you are old and lonely at least you will have GR-1: https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/07/12/worlds-first-mass-produced-humanoid-robot-to-tackle-labour-shortages-amid-ageing-populatio

18-07-2023: What does ‘Universe 25’ mean for the human race? No doubt many of us can ‘see’ the aberrant behaviours developing amongst us which presaged collapse in the mouse ‘universe’: https://www.the-scientist.com/foundations/universe-25-1968-1973-69941

18-07-2023: On ‘the hottest day ever’ the satellite record showed it as -.1C less than the fifty year average, so global cooling? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/16/hottest-days-manipulation/

17-07-2023: Why not end our democracy forever? Because that is just what ‘The Voice’ is: the replacement of centuries’ long progress in making ‘The People’s House’ supreme with (what went before) an unelected hereditary (racially based) ‘nobility’ (of whom and chosen by whom; we are not told)  – no better than being dictated to by the ‘Norman’ House of Lords and the monarch, probably worse. We will have no ability to have another referendum to remove it when we realize what a dictatorial disaster it is because it will have the Veto over our will. It will only be able to be removed by a violent revolution – something we have avoided in British society for a long while.

17-07-2023: You would hope the Fadden by-election result is the beginning of the end of the disastrous Albo Government: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/andrew-bolt-anthony-albaneses-honeymoon-as-pm-is-finally-over/news-story/9d020ec6bc332a44f7d7b9db8a53f913

17-07-2023: Billions of people are alive (healthy and prosperous) today because the world is warmer: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/15/untold-story-of-climates-holocene-gift-to-humanity/

17-07-2023: Just a reminder; Winter is coming: https://www.coricks.com/2023/07/04/it-is-winter/

16-07-2023: It ain’t half hot mum. Della was reminding me of just how hot Leo experienced the summer of 1900 in ‘The Go Between’ when the thermometer was often over 100F (37C) in Norfolk. Air temperature that is, not the spurious ‘surface temperature’ the alarmists are spouting at the moment (48C in Sardinia & etc) – as if you couldn’t always fry an egg on the tarmac or a car bonnet on a hot Aussie summer’s day! Remember people doing that when you were a kid? I do. And if ‘today’ is the hottest day ever (in Europe) how come for a couple of thousand years at least (from Roman Britain until the end of the Middle Ages with the ‘Little Ice Age’ c 1450AD) you could and did grow wine grapes right up to the Scottish border - when grapes will not grow outdoors anywhere in Britain today?. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/07/14/newly-found-weather-records-show-1930s-as-being-far-worse-than-the-present-for-extreme-weather/?fbclid=IwAR3yYeZ2NjxWszbm8ZTeYbh_2O6LV9RypggHhpUFCh2CD1Dkb3E17i1HUYw

16-07-2023: ‘Time’s Winged Chariot’. This morning I have been thinking about mortality a bit and mused, ‘How many folks have known people who were born 200 years apart?’ (Just a bit more than the age of our country). A really lot is the answer. You figure it. My own great grandfather lived the entire C19th, just as an example. The last person to have known Queen Victoria (who died in 1901) only died in the last decade or so. When I was young I met an old lady who had met Ned Kelly. There were many veterans of the Sudan War (1880s) back then, Winston Churchill for one. This does not mean that we should believe people’s often concocted family narratives though. False memories are easily come by. I come from a long-lived family who usually had their children in their thirties so that generations are quite a distance apart. My grandmother was 45 when my mother was born for example. My paternal grandfather remembered quite clearly his own grandfather who was a convict. Della’s mother remembered her own grandfather who well remembered his wife's grandmother (a soldier's wife) who gave birth on the First Fleet! Nonetheless very few reliable anecdotes have come down to us through the generations – only a handful from the C19th and none from the C18th.

16-07-2023: I agree with James Allan, it deserves to fail:I still think it will fail now because it proposes to undermine the core notion of equal citizenship on which liberal democracy is founded. I also think it will fail because it makes very likely the possibility of judicial activists rewriting the constitution at the point of application and because it will further clog up our already sclerotic law-making processes (only two other democracies have anything like our powerful upper house Senate), and because, at core, I have huge confidence in the good sense of the average Australian.” https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/setting-the-record-straight/

16-07-2023: Please save us John Connor!: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-07-15/whats-your-pdoom-ai-researchers-worry-catastrophe/102591340?fbclid=IwAR3j-1zVs-CqUyorfrp35HwMoLCq4vodExbH93txzTJywz-sZVkxoQkf5Bg

15-07-2023: In France it is still Bastille day. Vive La France: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwO6ryPwsGQ&t=69s

15-07-2023: Thank Monash: Electricity from brown coal is still only 3 cents a kilowatt hour:Imagine a world where Australian electricity prices were cheap again and industries moved here from all over the world. With the extra funds Australian families could afford laptops, music lessons, books and adventure camps for every child, or trips to the Whitsundays, Ningaloo, whatever turned them on. Parents might not have to work two jobs. What a life of riches we gave up so easily, with so little thought, because we were badgered and bullied into a futile quest to change the weather?” https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/inflation-be-damned-brown-coal-is-still-making-electricity-for-3c-a-kilowatt-hour/

15-07-2023: Hope for a Rise of Conservatism – the Alternative For Germany Party is showing huge swings there: https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/germany-young-educated-and-wealthy-increasingly-support-afd/

15-07-2023: Just in case you have forgotten what a disaster Atsic was and don’t realise why you should vote, “No’: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/the-voice/2023/07/50-reasons-why-normies-should-vote-no/

Here’s another five: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/rita-panahi/rita-panahi-five-reasons-you-should-vote-no-to-voice/news-story/dd4c1375cc4de38f08e430483094144c

14-07-2023: Things I did not know: The name ‘bungalow’ means "house in the Bengal style." https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/six-bedroom-bungalow-dubbed-fair-outlook-sale-nearly-2-million

14-07-2023: There are vast numbers of Nobel Prize winning scientists who repudidate the climate crisis. You don’t get this from the mainstream press though: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/another-skeptical-nobel-laureate-of-physics-climate-science-has-metastasized/ 

14-07-2023: When the Left decides to reject the climate mantra: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/11/uaw-to-biden-where-are-the-good-paying-green-jobs/ & https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/12/i-hate-tree-huggers-britains-opposition-leader-on-net-zero-proposals/

14-07-2023: Good Idea: https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/07/keeping-it-simple-for-the-idiots.html

13-07-2023: Further twists in the Russian ‘mutiny’: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/putin-held-3-hour-meeting-wagner-chief-days-after-revolt

13-07-2023: This (disastrous wildfires which kill everything) is the main reason I oppose the very existence of ‘National Parks’ and the failed ideology of ‘conservation’ which motivates them. We had better protection for a diversity of native plants and animals under nearly 200 years of mixed use of our state forests including sustainable logging , seasonal grazing, some mining…including a wide range of personal freedoms (4WDriving, camping, fishing, fossilizing, hunting etc): https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/doomed-planet/2023/07/canadas-grim-lesson-in-bushfire-management/

13-07-2023: Sad, but not so instantaneous then: https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/titan-sub-victims-likely-realised-their-fate-between-48-and-71-seconds-before-deaths-horror-movie/news-story/a5c5b748ebdb8b05331f9ba22be591c9

13-07-2023: Kill the bush! All right for some: https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/andrew-bolt/greens-senator-to-cut-down-trees-making-way-for-her-own-luxury-townhouses/video/0db5061bc893de9e4594a5b5dff363e5

12-07-2023: No evidence required; just debank: “The guideline recognises that banks don’t need legal evidence of domestic violence, such as an Apprehended Violence Order, to be able to offer assistance to customers… Hmm, can you imagine the banks cutting off the accounts of women who refuse to work or contribute to household bills? That’s clearly not going to happen. https://bettinaarndt.substack.com/p/weaponising-banks-against-men

12-07-2023: It is not just France. It is a problem with mass migration, particularly from folks who will not assimilate eg from Islamic countries: “If we do nothing or if we do little, we are going to head either towards a progressive implosion of social trust in France, that is to say towards a society where the quality of life will collapse and where it will be less and less pleasant to live, or, by successive explosions, towards confrontations that will make France a country where one will not be able to live at all.” https://www.zerohedge.com/political/french-riots-show-decades-mass-colonizing-immigration-could-lead-collapse-says-former

12-07-2023: It’s going to be ‘fun and games’: https://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/sustainability/aboriginal-elder-says-tree-planting-event-was-shut-down-because-it-honoured-queen-elizabeth/news-story/e33739e1116d4a55cc7c30bc4afe0ff1

12-07-2023: These Big Tech monsters are sinister. Soon there will not even be a memory of freedom in our country: https://www.rebelnews.com/meta_to_fact_check_indigenous_voice_referendum_with_new_funding_amid_free_speech_concerns

11-07-2023: Good God: https://www.dailywire.com/news/anglican-leader-says-opening-of-lords-prayer-is-problematic-for-some

PS: I would have thought the pronoun 'which' is the biggest worry.

11-07-2023: That breastfeeding bloke is the last straw: https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/07/05/that-breastfeeding-bloke-is-the-last-straw/

Unless it is Target selling tampons to ‘menstruaters’: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/tgp-reacts-gender-inclusive-tampons-woke-brand-calls/

11-07-2023: Are you the same person you used to be? https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/10/10/are-you-the-same-person-you-used-to-be-life-is-hard-the-origins-of-you?utm_social-type=owned&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_brand=tny&mbid=social_facebook&fbclid=IwAR1r3s3gfFpeai8neuXGoda7Zf5JjJbCpxufWM1_xnCLlBxUJwhKl6IlsEU

11-07-2023: Good points: How I learned to stop worrying and love CO2: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/08/how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-carbon-dioxide/

10-07-2023: The state of California has officially outlawed speaking Spanish over the language's bigoted use of exclusively masculine or feminine nouns."The entire Spanish language is literally transphobic hate speech," https://babylonbee.com/news/california-bans-spanish-over-nouns-having-only-two-gender-options

10-07-2023: Ronald Reagan, "I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” “A 3% increase.  Wonder what those babies think of that?  They are too young to answer the question today, but let's ask them in 15 years.  My guess is that most will say thanks for getting a chance to live rather than to have someone decide to put them among the 60 million who never got the chance.” https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/07/reagan_was_right_about_abortion.html

10-07-2023: Sad really. When you want your imaginary friends to think you have a really exciting life instead of spending it staring at four walls somewhere inside a vast megalopolis: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/dad-dies-front-children-wife-films-attempt-viral/

10-07-2023: Our actual life: Each afternoon we take the dogs for a walk in one of the forests nearby. Here are a couple of shots from yesterday. A very fine rainbow and six charming fallow deer. You can maybe see why I have ordered a phone with a better camera (https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2023/06/25/what-a-star/) . Fortunately my memory has many more megapixels than my phone. Of course there were also the usual half a dozen black wallabies and a dozen or so kangaroos - & etc.

9-07-2023: Holidays on Mars maybe sooner than you thought: https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a44475938/nuclear-fusion-rocket-engine-hotter-than-sun/?utm_campaign=socialflowFBPOP&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social-media&fbclid=IwAR1vWQg2eYKJcCbwtRQYf_Qcwowvdux_TaVa60pb_i_gMi5ML44qM3QVUj8

9-07-2023: A Castration Robot – what a great idea: https://www.city-journal.org/article/oregon-health-science-universitys-castration-machine

And, How easy it is to have yourself castrated (22 minutes) : https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/06/a_22minute_intake_will_get_you_a_genderaffirming_testicle_removal.html

9-07-2023: Take a look at the energy use of the most populous countries, then tell me why we are ruining our economy with this ‘renewables’ religion: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/07/fossil-and-non-fossil-fuels/

9-07-2023: Moonbattery as a disability: https://moonbattery.com/moonbattery-as-a-disability/

8-07-2023: Probably a fair point. Chris Hedges: “They Lied About Afghanistan. They Lied About Iraq. And They Are Lying About Ukraine”: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/chris-hedges-they-lied-about-afghanistan-they-lied-about-iraq-and-they-are-lying-about

8-07-2023: A great essay: Conservatives “need to reassert what was once obvious—that the biological, married family is the best environment for raising children and that to be heterosexual is not merely an inferior option in life for those who just can’t for some reason join up with the alphabet brigade. They have to reassert the legitimacy of bourgeois norms and insist that children deserve to have their innocence regarding sex preserved for as long as possible”: https://www.city-journal.org/article/a-battle-for-cultural-survival

8-07-2023: This is good news. I’m sure I’m not the only person just wanting to do business without a dose of ‘save the world’ religion thrown in: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/global-climate-police-thwarted-us-republican-states-win-against-net-zero-insurance-cartel/

8-07-2023: You don’t say! Portugal regrets decision to legalise drugs: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/once-hailed-for-decriminalizing-drugs-portugal-is-now-having-doubts/ar-AA1dxFl3

7-07-2023: Things we really need a referendum on and a guarantee in the constitution for: I can think of a heap myself. For example, free speech, political freedom, the right to lawful assembly and association and free movement, protection from arbitrary arrest, the right to a fair trial, the right to own private property and guarantees about what that means, the right to be treated equally before the law, one person one vote, our right to decide before our government enters into international agreements & especially UN conventions, abolishing the utterly undemocratic and anachronistic Senate, fixed date annual elections (as in ancient Rome),,.I’m sure you can think of a few more important things than setting up an unelected racist assembly above our elected leaders: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/big-win-against-big-tech-censors-in-usa-shows-australians-need-a-referendum-for-free-speech/

7-07-2023: The UAH’s global temperature for July. I'm sure that you know that this is the most reliable international measure of world temperature (though the satellites don’t cover the polar regions). The most telling thing in this 50 year history is that global temperature seems to be constrained to a narrow limit of +/- .5C. I think this is an extraordinary thermostatic effect. You would think much more ‘climate’ effort would be spent on understanding why this is the case than preaching alarmist memes about ‘the hottest day in world history’, imminent doom and other such nonsense: https://www.drroyspencer.com/2023/07/uah-global-temperature-update-for-june-2023-0-38-deg-c/

7-07-2023: Remembering the incomparable Michael Crichton twenty years on:  https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/06/26/anniversary-issue-the-crichton-caltech-michelin-lecture/

7-07-2023: Go Ladies:  https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/06/meet-the-australian-women-making-a-stand-for-free-speech/

6-07-2023: "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect.“ Mark Twain

6-07-2023: $60K a year to go to Uni for life. Why not spend even more money on ‘aborigines’? Reparations anyone? https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/my-husbands-been-at-uni-for-20-years-is-that-a-red-flag/news-story/53238bdf9c78b47a88dff2da6943cf54

6-07-2023: At least he died happy: https://nypost.com/2023/07/05/uk-nurse-failed-to-get-help-when-her-patient-died-during-sex/

6-07-2023: ‘Scientists’ claim that it was the ‘hottest year ever’ last year, a year when no-one was able to raise a single tomato in Southern Victoria. For comparison I remember during the 1980s (when it was supposedly much colder) we had tomatoes every single year and some years watermelons/rockmelons too. If people believe this stuff it is simply the Goebbels Effect. Meanwhile there has not been a year in living memory anything like 1939 no matter how much they try to fake it.

5-07-2023: I have always been pro-vaccine but, “Not one childhood vaccine was pre-tested in a placebo controlled trial”. Good Lord: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/r-f-kennedy-jnr-not-one-childhood-vaccine-was-pretested-in-a-long-term-placebo-controlled-trial/

Tragic: I wonder what the cost/benefit of the covid vaccine is/was. Will we ever know? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/tragic-news-actress-succumbs-assisted-suicide-following-covid/

5-07-2023: France’s George Floyd – time we stopped making heroes out of evil scum. Why shouldn’t they be shot down in the street like the mad dogs they are? BTW: 75% of French people want an end to immigration. Repatriation would be a good idea too. : https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/france-has-fallen-17-year-old-victim-was/

5-07-2023: 3 times as much food (grain) as there was in 1961 – 50% more than there was in 2000. It surely is the ‘end times’: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/its-biblical-climate-fire-and-brimstone-except-the-un-wants-to-be-god/

5-07-2023: Debanking: the next big step in social control. You can see why they want to get rid of cheques and paper money now perhaps: https://richardsonpost.com/stephen-wells/32222/nigel-farage-gets-debanked-and-youre-all-next/

More here: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/07/theyre-only-making-plans-for-nigel/

4-07-2023: Volkswagen “are experiencing strong customer reluctance in the electric vehicle sector”: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/02/volkswagen-strong-customer-reluctance-in-the-electric-vehicle-sector/

And: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/ev-fantasia-hits-multiple-speed-bumps/ 

4-07-2023: The Pareto Principle: https://resumelab.com/career-advice/pareto-principle?utm_source=google&utm_medium=sem&utm_campaign=6540517835&utm_term=%2Bpareto%20%2Bprinciple&network=g&device=c&adposition=&adgroupid=104311758447&placement=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpIDYnOfv_wIV7sbjBx26LAZJEAAYASAAEgImAPD_BwE

4-07-2023: “All the solar and wind in the world combined doesn’t provide even a third of the energy we get from wood and dung.” Good old carbon still represents 93% of world energy use: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/03/the-myth-of-replacing-fossil-fuels/ .

4-07-2023: What a ‘delightful’ character Yunupingu evidently really was: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/07/galarrwuy-yunupingu-lord-of-the-manor/

3-07-2023: Fancy a cashew: https://www.coricks.com/2023/04/07/560/

3-07-2023: There shall be only one truth (and like ‘work’ at Auschwitz) it will set you free: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/06/labors-censorship-bill-a-threat-to-democracy/

3-07-2023: Apparently we never had it tough with interest rates at 21% back in 1990. It is today’s spoiled darlings with interest rates of 6% who have it tough. You can prove anything with figures if you try/lie hard enough. Of course they have more debt because of the ‘cheap money’ which has caused house prices to explode: