Steve’s Blog
See also:
The Ultralight Hiker - Hauroko Burn, Dusky Track, Fiordland NZ
21-3-2025: Good luck with fixing Whyalla Albo:
21-3-2025: Constantly changing the goal posts:
21-3-2025: Long past time to ‘like it or lump it’
21-3-2025: Putting ‘science’ on trial:
19-03-2025: Time Dutton followed suit on Net Zero:
19-03-2025: John "Paddy" Hemingway: The Last of the Few:
19-03-2025: Paying people to breed,
vote and invade. Labor has been doing this here for too long too. It must stop.
Good on you Elon:
19-03-2025: Why no offer to stop the genocide in
18-03-2025: Jetson One – the
flying car is here. Going to order one?
18-03-2025: Meanwhile on Mars 140 million miles away.
Will our descendants see it terraformed into a green world?
18-03-2025: Taking down the wind farms (after 15
years), yet the electricity ‘problem is due to ‘aging’ coal-fire power
stations with a life expectancy of 50+ years:
18-03-2025: Interesting: What it feels like to die:
16-03-2025: The future of the idyllic English
16-03-2025: What a real climate scientist says, “
16-03-2025: I fear Dutton is merely Labor-lite like a
bevy of (failed) Victorian Liberal leaders:
16-03-2025: “The barbarians are no longer at the gates, they have taken the citadel.”
– and gobbledegook is king:
15-03-2025: Living the dream? I suspect it would be
even worse than this – why Della and I mainly go places on foot or by canoe
(and sometimes in our Land Rover). We long ago discovered that weekdays are
better than weekends:
15-03-2025: About the ‘land rights’ scam, “None of the witnesses said that in the days before the Mission he lived chiefly in his clan territory … The people of each clan were deeply conscious of their clan kinship and of the spiritual significance of a particular land to their clan. On the other hand … it was of no importance whether or not the members of a band had any relationships to each other, or conducted their food-gathering and communal living upon territory linked to any particular clan.
In short, the indigenous culture of the
clans of the
15-03-2025: What’s in our food that’s making us sick
(and fat)?
15-03-2025: Are we living inside a black hole? Seems
like it sometimes:
14-03-2025: Storm in a teacup. Actually I’m surprised
the wombat didn’t rip her leg off – have you seen the front teeth on those
14-03-2025: Away with machetes:
14-03-2025: Changing the past, changing the future:
14-03-2025: Why we are in an Ice Age finally
13-03-2025: That’s right – blame the sheep, not the
13-03-2025: Of course this is true – our government’s
response: ban machetes:
13-03-2025: Climate shamans and their crazy
predictions. NB Anyone who claims they can foretell the future is a fool and a
12-03-2025: Perhaps the most important essay I have
read this year:
12-03-2025: A return to true education?
12-03-2025: Before the Stone Age: &
12-03-2025: Farming as climate ‘solution’:
10-03-2025: "Blessed are the cheesemakers,"
10-03-2025: The Libs better come
up with a better strategy than they had in WA damned quickly. Get a backbone
10-03-2025: Cancer? Bring on the
sheep drench:
10-03-2025: Democracy(?) in
09-03-2025: Just how silly is the
whole ‘cage free’ virtue signal:
09-03-2025: Could the depression
epidemic have been cause by folks being encouraged to give up butter and the like?
09-03-2025: Confused. Is this
09-03-2025: The Yamnaya:
Don’t think it can’t happen again,
“For the peoples living in
08-03-2025: Essential Knots: There are a few essential knots (for hiking etc) some of which can save your life. A piece of string and the knowledge of how to form such an essential knot may be the ultimate ultralight 'tool'. One such knot is the Taut Line Hitch or Midshipman's Hitch (shown below). It is an adjustable knot which can be used to tighten the guy on your tent in the absence of a guy tensioning device (such as a clam cleat).
I find it particularly useful in association with a 'tent safety anchor' ie an additional length of guy used to secure the (first) tent peg against lifting, a strategy which is particularly appropriate in windy weather or when the 'ground' is loose as with sand/snow. Of course (in such cases) the judicious use of rocks (if available) or (buried) 'ditty' bags can create additional 'purchase'. Read More:
08-03-2025: Interesting facts
about narwhals:
08-03-2025: Ban the tool, not the
bad people. Do you remember when you were at school that
the bad teachers were the ones who couldn’t tell the difference between the
good kids and the bad ones – and that’s why their classes were out of control?
I use a Fiskars or Gerber machete all the time for track clearing and on
blackberries for example. It is simply the most wonderful hand tool. The only thing which will cut hanging blackberries.
Similarly I use a firearm for its lawful purposes. I never even think of using
either as a weapon against another person. I would have thought there are
already laws against those who do.:
08-03-2025: Mystery solved – not
sure what this says about Occam’s
08-03-2025: Interesting – cut microplastic intake by
07-03-2025: Can’t wait:
07-03-2025: Yay: They fought the
carbon and the carbon won:
07-03-2025: It will happen here
07-03-2025: The Queen must be spinning in her grave:
06-03-2025: Clearly a great
06-03-2025: Such a punishment (of
a journalist) is something you remember from Soviet era
06-03-2025: You have to realise
though that (whatever the problems) it will increase the risk of being caught
and punished. This will serve as a deterrent to crime:
06-03-2025: It’s just crazy
squandering hundreds of thousands per annum on folks who could not hold down
the simplest job or ever pay their own way. Their
situation might be sad but the cure is worse than the complaint:
06-03-2025: Read this essay by Roger Kimball: “Throughout Civilization, Kenneth Clark hailed “energy” and
“confidence” as hallmarks of a vibrant civilization. In his last episode, he
identified “lack of confidence, more than anything else,” as that which “kills
a civilization.” The spectacle of Donald Trump’s boundless energy, and the
energy he calls forth from others, is heartening. Among other things, it makes
us appreciate how his “revolution of common sense” might not only spark a
political restoration, but also a new cultural golden age”
05-03-2025: Good morning Blue
05-03-2025: Labor, the war party.
What kind of clown is Albo - Why not take on
05-03-2025: Zelensky’s quick about-face on a peace deal
(and minerals) once US aid was cut off:
05-03-2025: Why does
04-03-2025: A voice of sanity on
CO2 ‘endangerment’ (from a world-leading climate scientist):
04-03-2025: Milei is set to
expose the last Nazis:
04-03-2025: Very insightful James, “I’ve
been asking the pro-keep-fighting crowd for ages what their end game is. No one
can say. Wars only end in one of two ways. You cut a deal or you go on to crush
and obliterate the other side forcing unconditional surrender. Anyone advocating
the latter is advocating for a third world war… This year, year three of the
Some very thoughtful talking points here too:
Pay attention to what
04-03-2025: Good luck Starmer
with getting people in the
03-03-2025: Looks like the
03-03-2025: Things they will make
you eat:
03-03-2025: Back to the moon:
03-03-2025: Having it both ways: “The EU is spending more money on Russian
fossil fuels than on financial aid to Ukraine,”
01-03-2025: The search for MH370
has (already) resumed. Hopefully they resolve this enduring mystery this time:
01-03-2025: Should you do a DNA
test? I probably won’t:
01-03-2025: Let’s just scrap the
NDIS. Gillard should never have launched it:
01-03-2025: Trump and Vance really are the adults in
the room on
27-02-2025: Woodhenge:
27-02-2025: Away with the
‘endangerment’ finding, “Trump should not only set up
a scientific group to investigate whether CO2 causes any harm, he should follow
the evidence all the way. If the scientists consider the total cost-benefits of
CO2, they’d easily show CO2 is an asset that feeds the poor, restores the
forests, and improves life on Earth. Obviously, those companies and
countries emitting CO2 are doing the world a favor. Coal, oil and gas plants
should get tax deductions for their contributions.”
27-02-2025: A different perspective about the
26-02-2025: We are going to have to deport a whole lot of
26-02-2025: The ‘green energy transition’
comprehensively debunked:
26-02-2025: Why did the temperature
drop like a stone?
26-02-2025: Is Lionel Shriver
right: Should we scrap the whole ‘asylum’ scam? A rethink anyway. It
certainly only seems to serve certain classes of folk; not South African whites
for example, or Christians generally even though they are the most persecuted
people in the world :
For example:
26-02-2025: It is not illegal to burn a Bible anywhere
((though there are many countries which ban the book altogether – Google the
sentence above) but it is a gaolable offence to ‘desecrate’ the Koran (through
its use as toilet paper for example). Religion of all kinds is just such
mindless gibberish:
23-02-2025: Not everything in the
23-02-2025: Send them back! Couldn’t
agree more. (Yet Burke hands 12,000 of them instant citizenship so
they’ll vote Labor). Evidence is now out too that they strangled the two
babies. Fortunately Dutton has figured out this one too:
23-02-2025: Don’t remember voting for this either:
23-02-2025: Follow the lead Dutton. Just so sick of
22-02-2025: Certainly, “The Coalition has called for taxpayer
funding to be revoked from Muslim organisations linked to signatories of a
statement condemning the response to two Bankstown nurses who were sacked over
antisemitic comments”
22-02-2025: A fair point on bird flu and the egg
shortage – an additional point is that caged birds would be far less
susceptible: “Is it possible to break out of USDA groupthink and
consider a different approach to the problem of “Bird Flu”? Like breeding H5N1
- resistant flocks by selecting birds from infected flocks that didn’t get sick
and die? That is the ONLY way we can resolve this”
22-02-2025: Just so sick of ‘planning overlays’ which
effectively confiscate private property without due compensation:
22-02-2025: 63 years since John Glenn’s flight:
21-02-2025: There really are crystal caves:
21-02-2025: JD Vance’s cold hard facts about the war
21-02-2025: The
climate racket – a huge corrupt money machine:
21-02-2025: Never give up without a fight:
20-02-2025: Amazingly some of the passengers on the
Delta crash in
PS: I suspect this is true ie that the
flight crew were DEI hires:
20-02-2025: How earth got its ice caps, “The important implication here is that the
Earth’s natural climate regulation mechanism appears to favour a warm and
high-CO2 world with no ice caps, not the partially glaciated and low-CO2 world
we have today”
20-02-2025: Thanks Albo. Once we used to make steel:
20-02-2025: Apparently you can still gaolbreak Kindle
books – but it is awkward:
18-02-2025: It
pays to live to be 100 in the
18-02-2025: The enemy within: Fifty Muslim groups & leaders have come out in
support of the NSW nurses:
Abolishing the income tax. Let’s do it. As I recall it was brought
in as an ‘emergency’ WW1 measure anyway. War’s over folks:
17-02-2025: Well
said JD Vance, “Of all the pressing challenges that the
nations represented here face, I believe there is nothing more urgent than mass
migration,” – yet EU leaders cried when they heard this:
16-02-2025: Men
really are different – and poorly understood: “Male patients
consider it all to be insulting and they react negatively to the injunction to
get in touch with their feelings. Woman therapist are
likely to ask this: But, how does that make you feel? No man thinks in those
terms. No man has any idea what you are talking about when you ask such a
question. It feels like being mothered, diminished and demeaned. It does not
provide any therapeutic benefit…a
process where men intentionally distance themselves from traditional masculine
ideals, is linked to poorer psychosocial functioning, including higher levels
of distress and anger”
Understanding fire risk. BTW A great source of independent news:
16-02-2025: At last a political party which promises real change: People First will abolish the terms Climate Change, Multiculturalism, Acknowledgment & Welcome to Country in Government organisations. These terms are designed to waste taxpayers money and undermine national unity. The waste must end.
16-02-2025: “The simple truth is that there must be overwhelming military might to force an unconditional surrender by Hamas, the return of all hostages dead and alive, and criminal arrests and public trials for every Gazan terrorist or citizen involved in any aspect of the horrors of 7 October including holding the hostages or shielding terrorists.
world has tried and failed for decades to use the concept of moral equivalence
to bring peace to the
fifty years, the world has gone from ‘never negotiating with terrorists’ to
tolerating and even excusing the barbarity of Hamas. That now ends. The lesson
for the Arab communities within Judea and
13-02-2025: Canoeing With Dogs #2: Just to prove that all of our trips don't end in disaster: As the rainfall forecast for the rest of the summer is dismal and the river heights are rapidly falling we seized (maybe the last) opportunity to shoot one of our favourite sections of the Wonnangatta, ie Black Snake Creek to Waterford (Meyers Flat) last weekend. This is really only a two day trip (and could even be completed in one hectic day) but we chose to spend a leisurely three days at it. Read More:
13-02-2025: Ouch:
13-02-2025: If you had any doubt we should expel every
Moslem who thinks this way:
13-02-2025: Coming soon to
13-02-2025: Why we should forget about judicial supremacy. To paraphrase: They are not the government we elect (or even the constitution we create by referenda. The same is equally true in Oz. We should reject the High Court’s attempts to ‘make law’:
12-02-2025: The end of ‘woke’? A fair conclusion, “Such is the destructive and nihilistic
impact of woke ideology it’s understandable why Donald Trump achieved the
victory he did. People are saying enough is enough and yearning for a
sense of community, social cohesion and stability as well as a return to
civility, common sense and national pride.”
12-02-2025: Why they still need to clean up the
democratic process in
12-02-2025: Together, Lomborg wrote, they suggest that
the global costs incurred by anticipated “climate change… will be more than
offset by the advantages conferred by the industrial and technological
advancement that is supposedly causing the change in the first place.”
10-02-2025: “The loveliness of
The glory that was
10-02-2025: Diversity dividends coming to a public
swimming pool near you:
10-02-2025: In just three weeks Musk’s DOGE has already exposed 3 trillion dollars
worth of government waste/fraud. If we estimate our government as being
around 10% of the
10-02-2025: Exactly, “Even now, that a man might actually feel a profound emotional
connection to his unborn child as it lives—or dies—inside someone else’s body
is not a truth we’re especially comfortable with.”
08-02-2025: Dr Dolittle may have been on to something.
I certainly notice some of this communication with the animals I am most
familiar with: sheep and dogs:
08-02-2025: Such humbuggery! Not this little black
08-02-2025: You must read this: how real government
gets things done:
08-02-2025: Trump unbans plastic straws – this guy is
fixing everything. Fast.
07-02-2025: The BOM’s appalling temperature collection system – completely unfit for purpose. Read a detailed explanation why:
07-02-2025: When you have a country to be proud of:
07-02-2025: Get behind Pauline’s plan Peter:
07-02-2025: Where is Bruce Willis when we need him?
06-02-2025: Closing down all these corrupt organizations which have been working
hard to destroy civilisation is going to make a big difference. Think
USAID, WHO. CIA, FBI, UN etc, etc:
06-02-2025: AEB – more nanny state b------t. Who needs
a car to take control? You know very well it will do so sometimes at just the
wrong time too:
06-02-2025: You betcha, “There is better way, one that involves a
collaborative approach to park management which takes into account the whole
Australian community, not just a small segment… a new model for Aboriginal
joint management of NSW national parks. The model will see the potential
handing the title to every NSW national park to Aborigines over the next 15 to
20 years…The bulk of consultation will involve only Aborigines! Given the NPWS
past history of stakeholder engagement I was not surprised to see the general
public has been excluded from the process and will only be involved at the end
— once the model is complete and decisions have been concluded”
06-02-2025: Islam is undoubtedly the most evil and
dangerous ideology in the world today (making communism seem
quite effete by comparison) but to criticise it (even mildly) whilst allowing
the most outrageous vilification of say Christianity or Judaism is likely to
become illegal everywhere:
05-02-2025: Our national debt and the Net Zero
insanity, “Suppose we had a
trillion dollars and we wasted a million dollars a day on climate starting today.
In that case, we’d waste the last million around October 30th of the year
4762AD … surely we have better things on which to spend a million dollars a
day for the next 27 centuries. For that amount, we could turn the world into
05-02-2025: Melbourne’s fire risk matches LA’s: “About 2 million people and 800,000 homes in
nine outer Melbourne local government areas (LGA’s) are at risk of destruction
from ember attack, power outages and/or water restrictions for months (e.g.
Canberra in 2003). There is ample precedent. The
05-02-2025: Whilst the fires rage, we are paying more
for less. CFA volunteers down 25%. The socialist way:
05-02-2025: Exactly Rita. Stand for something Dutton.
Grow a pair. Forget Labor light. “Conservatives win when they argue
from a position of strength and moral clarity whether it’s arguing against
enshrining racial division into the Australian constitution or arguing for
tough border protection policies.”
04-02-2025: Breaking the lock-step on new coal-fired
power stations. Come on Dutton. Get on side:
04-02-2025: Trump is moving so quickly to fix the mess the world is in that most of
his actions leave no time for even reporting them. For example, his tariffs
04-02-2025: Say ‘Goodbye’ to acne:
04-02-2025: Musk will slash at least a trillion from
the deficit in the next year. If
Waste like this:
03-02-2025: Too many kangaroos in this ‘court’. A shocking abuse of process. Seems to me we have also
heard about the swimming pool complaint before and it had been disimissed as
03-02-2025: Well, (like every other government funded
boondoggle) that worked out well:
03-02-2025: Understanding the Murray-Darling by a
modern swagman:
03-02-2025: Just too many rules and regulations: We need this too, “whenever (a) department…promulgates a new regulation, it shall identify at least 10 existing regulations to be repealed…(further) any new incremental costs associated with new regulations shall, to the extent permitted by law, be offset by the elimination of existing costs associated with at least 10 prior regulations.”
01-02-2025: Why the Blackhawk crashed into the jet.
Makes perfect sense:
01-02-2025: A terrible tragedy. The war in
01-02-2025: Something new for pain:
01-02-2025: Dark Oxygen – what is going on here?
31-01-2025: The great replacement – move over human
31-01-2025: The sudden death of ESG, Net Zero (DEI
etc). Thanks Don:
31-01-2025: Somethng very strange about that
helicopter’s flight path:
but Trump blames diversity hires:
31-01-2025: Well I think you can tell from their photo
that these two weren’t the ‘masterminds’:
30-01-2025: Definitely
30-01-2025: Just what the world needs. (Unsurprisingly “the mice had
“significant developmental abnormalities,” but some lived until adulthood.”)
30-01-2025: Revenge of the giant sturgeon: This guy
clearly resents the caviar culture:
30-01-2025: You don’t suppose the answer is that kids
spend a lot more time reading (rather than looking at junk on screens)?
29-01-2025: Understanding why headlights have become
so bright. I must admit we have installed LEDs on all our cars so we can
see to drive at night. The Narva brand are
outstanding. Stick to a max of 4000 lumens out front:
29-01-2025: I like the idea: This day is also a time for aboriginals to reflect on their past and
give thanks for having been lifted out of the Stone Age by benevolent British
29-01-2025: Well done Thai police:
29-01-2025: Quite a story:
28-01-2025: Yesterday in the 38C plus heat we spent
most of the day trying to ‘fix’ first one then two water pumps. The creek
pump which supplies our garden etc had run dry. It had pumped one dam dry
before failing. Then we discovered that a hugs tree which fell three years ago
during a massive flood had been gradually squashing the delivery pipe from the
main dam. Two chainsaws later we had it (and the house pump which failed while
delivering prime to the creek) running again and had just got several
sprinklers going when we had a huge thunderstorm which just about drowned
us. Shades of Virginia
McKellar. Perhaps
a more relaxing day today?
26-01-2025: The first jumbo jet of illegals departs. When will we get to work on
26-01-2025: Don’t bet your life. Understanding statistics.
It’s important you do:
26-01-2025: “Nothing but good can come from more atmospheric CO2. The Earth has
experimented with much higher CO2 concentrations than today many times over the
Phanerozoic eon, the last 540 million years or so, where the fossil record of
life is especially good. Life flourished at four times more CO2 than today.
There is no geological evidence that more CO2 will be anything but good for
life on Earth.” Dr. William Happer, professor emeritus of physics at
26-01-2025: Who do the old parties actually represent?
Afd looking good in
25-01-2025: Double Hammock #2: We were feeling the need to perfect our double hammocking skills as preparation for yet another wilderness trip. As we often hike in Fiordland NZ where it is apt to rain on average an inch a day and it can be difficult anyway to find a level spot for a tent, it is well to be prepared with a tarp and a hammock. I/we have never ventured there without this ability.
We used to sling one hammock underneath the other (which is a tad awkward, but works) until I hit on the idea of using a couple of rods to separate the hammocks from each other. The post Simple Hammock Double Up outlines my first attempt at this. It works, but you need a couple of short lengths of string to hold the two pieces of stick inside the poly pipe so they don't fall out. We already had the Hummingbird Hammocks. Unfortunately they no longer make them so maybe you should order your hammock from Simply Light Designs
In the current version I am using a couple of lengths of carbon tube so that everything is in my kit ready to just be hung from the two trees. In this version I have a cord which has an overhand knot tied in either end passing up the centre of the tube. The hammock suspensions are attached around the tube and through a loop of the cord so that the hammocks cannot slide towards each other. Read More:
25-01-2025: In other news, now we discover 2024 was
not abnormally hot. Indeed we have been living though the coldest period in 485
million years:
25-01-2025: The ‘science’ behind extreme longevity was
a fraud:
25-01-2025: When prominent Lefties like Phillip Adams
find it hard to maintain their firearms licence what hope is here for the rest
of us?
25-01-2025: The high price of electricity:
24-01-2025: Let’s turn off the tap. There is no net benefit to mass migration:
“Import the third world, become the third world…Australian
statistics from a 2021 Treasury report show the net lifetime fiscal
benefit of skilled migrants is $198,000/capita, but that of family and
humanitarian migrants is minus $126,000 and $400,000, respectively…I mmigrants
often bring inherited hatreds and conflicts which caused them to flee their
homelands in the first place, creating major problems for their adopted
countries whose values they neither understand nor respect.”.
24-01-2025: Go figure: A citizen scientist discovers, “Using the CERES satellite data, it is
shown that over the last ~ quarter century, the increase in greenhouse gases
has had no detectable effect on
the global average surface temperature. On the contrary, the overall
increase in available solar energy after albedo reflections is shown to be
sufficient to explain the warming. In support of this, variations in available
solar energy are shown to agree quite well with the variations in the observed
24-01-2025: You may worry about the world warming a
little but I worry about the cold returning. Think about The Great Frost of 1709 for example:
23-01-2025: Cut government again and again. If
23-01-2025: Why does
23-01-2025: The ‘false flags’ coming down now. So many good things coming from Trump’s victory. Let’s get
rid of this rubbish in Oz too:
23-01-2025: 30,000 people who should have their
citizenship cancelled on
22-01-2025: The science behind CO2 ‘saturation’ is a
game changer. According to this evidence a doubling of CO2 (from the current
400 ppm to 800 ppm) would produce almost no warming at all:
22-01-2025: “It seems that the frequency of these spontaneous fires increases with
the size of the battery.“ Della and I are building
an of-grid solar-wind-battery storage system to see us through the likely
future black-outs everyone else will be troubled by. After much agonizing we
have settled on OZPV lead-acid gel batteries which can be drawn down 100% but
we intend to draw them down only approx 25% so that we get many decades of safe
use from them:
22-01-2025: Freedom of speech: “Uncomfortable chit-chat is exactly what
society needs. There are a number of substantial social problems that
require discussion among ordinary people, not the halls of privilege and
22-01-2025: Donald Trump. What a hero. Getting it done from Day 1. If only all politicians were as
good as their word:
18-01-2025: Removing citizenship.
18-01-2025: Not such a ‘conspiracy theory’ once
Congress vindicates it then:
18-01-2025: Anthropogenic climate change after all –
but clouds rather than CO2:
18-01-2025: What do Russians think of the war?
17-01-2025: Let’s ban cans of dog food as they may be
used as weapons: The absurdity and over-reach of this move by Coles are just
17-01-2025: Just a reminder of what right-wing and
left-wing actually mean:
17-01-2025: Preparing for WW3:
17-01-2025: Exactly, “In Britain, as in many other
Western countries, there is hardly any issue…that isn't made more difficult by mass
migration and the festering resentment of working-class communities who have to
bear the unwanted consequences of a policy that they were never asked to
16-01-2025: Mind-boggling: In
16-01-2025: Let’s ban cans of dog food as they may be
used as weapons: The absurdity and over-reach of this move by Coles are just
16-01-2025: Just a reminder of what right-wing and
left-wing actually mean:
16-01-2025: Preparing for WW3:
13-01-2025: The most important thing the Left will not
forgive Bob Dylan for is his abandonment of their extremism. How can these
people (for example) still be proud of their opposition to the Vietnam War
after the murder of 8 million Indo-Chinese by the triumphant communists?
13-01-2025: Forget about buying a real puppy, get a
robotic puppy instead:
13-01-2025: When lesbians will save your home – but
not your husband, "Am I able to carry your husband out of a fire? He got himself in
the wrong place."
13-01-2025: If you think Islam can be reformed you are
a fool. It is wholly evil and must just be expunged from our society:
Other countries have already begun the
12-01-2025: Make sure your son doesn’t marry a hot
12-01-2025: Misinformation officially scrapped:
12-01-2025: NDIS rorts. It must be scrapped.
11-01-2025: Just imagine this. 1 in 7! Islamophobia of course. Jordan Peterson: “The first case
is that 40 out of 50 Muslim-majority countries in the world are authoritarian
hell holes, and only three of them are democracies. And that’s
Nothing to see here:
11-01-2025: Why aren’t objectors just breaking,
dumping or throwing the bloody things into the sea? It would stop overnight if
they did:
11-01-2025: Well, Duh! I recently bought a pack of
Haldiram’s All Bhujia (to try out for hiking). It is potato noodles at 6
calories per gram (almost more than pure butter). I have been unable to find
any ‘food’ which is higher in calories than this:
11-01-2025: How much is
10-01-2025: The truth is, “Mass immigration and multiculturalism have
been a disaster. It is horrible to face this, but we must.”
10-01-2025: With the present (and ‘eternal’) debt we have I can’t see how
we won’t just sink further and further into poverty. “Sure
governments in the past have erred and Labor governments have always been fond
of inventing new unaffordable welfare programs and of over regulating,
particularly in the labour market. But nothing like
this. Destroying cheap reliable energy on which business
depends and, worse, replacing it with energy systems which are intrinsically
expensive and unreliable and which, to boot, effectively prevent cheap and
reliable energy systems from ever being rebuilt. That scale of
deliberate national self-harm is unique in the annals of time…Major political
parties on both sides of the aisle across all levels of government are
suffering from the mass delusion that they can and must play a part in altering
the climate. It brings the apocryphal tale of King Canute’s demonstration of
his limitations into sharp focus. And to twist the metaphor, is it too late to
turn the tide? Even if Dutton were to win, the Libs are too weak and comprised
to ditch the climate-change madness. Plus the Senate will stymie any material
Just a bit of loose change after all – I
don’t suppose we could make any savings by getting rid of a lot of them? A
reminder: Milei in ASrbentina abolished over half his government’s departments
on Day One – and the country has not looked back since:
10-01-2025: Things really are going to change under
Trump – and his successor Vance. The West really will be saved. Right here
Albanese and Allan are doomed:
Check it out: “This
is the fire chief, assistant chief, and training
commander in
09-01-2025: No new windmills during my Presidency –
what a good idea. Come on Peter:
09-01-2025: Why do
09-01-2025: Why not? One in five deaths are now due to euthanasia. These people are obviously
worthless alive anyway:
09-01-2025: Poliviere has a few lessons to teach
08-01-2025: Too true: “Ten years on, here’s
what’s horrifying: the killers have won… their grim, despotic ideology still
08-01-2025: A big win for free speech – Zuckerberg
dumps ‘fact-checkers’:
08-01-2025: Elon Musk, “The scandal started with the onset of mass migration. Importing hundreds of thousands of people from alien cultures, who possess medieval attitudes towards women, brought us here. And after 30 years of this disastrous experiment, we now have entrenched sectarian voting blocs that make it electoral suicide for some MPs to confront this. This scandal shows why we must end it.
‘The foreign nationals responsible must be deported. No ifs, no buts. And the officials that covered it up must be sent to jail for their appalling cowards. Even that won’t be enough for the victims.’
08-01-2025: Maybe, just maybe they will eventually get
these things to work – but at the moment it is all Sci-fi:
06-01-2025: “Get ready to be horrified Charlene
Downes was 14 when she was killed, having been repeatedly raped. Iyad
Albattikhi and Mohammed Reveshi stood trial in 2008, but the Crown Prosecution
Service decided there could be no case due to errors in evidence gathering by
police. Prosecution said the men planned
turning her into kebab meat to get rid of evidence She has never been found They walked free.”
06-01-2025: “Here a little straight thought would be useful. In truth, the role of
father in a patriarchal society requires a man to protect and provide for women
and children. When men sit idly by and allow their daughters to be raped and
sex trafficked, they are failing at one of the most fundamental manly tasks.
Nations countenance rape culture when they are turning away from patriarchy, when women insist that they do not need to be protected or provided for. You know the old statement: be careful what you wish for, you might get it”
06-01-2025: You would be a fool if you think that
these rape gangs are not at work in
06-01-2025: How to find out the truth about
vaccination (and anything else):
05-01-2025: Unless we change course very soon Australia is doomed, “when the feelings of the ‘Jidirah Spirit Whale’, which tells all the fish in the sea what to eat, when to mate, and where to migrate, overrides an $18.7 billion Woodside offshore gas project with the capacity to power 8.5 million homes for 30 years.”
05-01-2025: Quote of the day: "It was a theory
that was built on the belief that the progress of society depended on the
efforts of individuals to better their lot, rather than on radical exercises in
political engineering" on David Hume, page 69 of Nicholas Phillipson’s
2010 biography of Adam Smith - Sigh: what a fine theory!
05-01-2025: What the British Government has done to
Tommy Robinson for his expose of the (unpunished) rapes of over 250,000 English
girls is absolutely dreadful. You cannot believe that such systematic abuse
is not also happening here:
05-01-2025: Elon Musk has called for King Charles to
call for a fresh election over this issue:
04-01-2025: Fascinating The
tree which survived
04-01-2025: Will rape supporter Starmer arrest Elon
Musk too? Free Tommy Robinson:
04-01-2025: 250,000 English girls raped (mainly by
Moslem men). Where is the outrage?
04-01-2025: Maybe using convicted criminals for spare
parts might not be an unalloyed plus then?
03-01-2025: On human ‘rights’:"Government is our servant. The central, really very new concept on which this country was founded is that an individual's rights do not flow from government, but are inherent to man. That government in fact only makes sense to the extent that it is our servant in the defense of our rights, rather than as the vessel from which these rights grudgingly flow. Statists of all stripes have tried to challenge this assumption over the last 100 years. While their exact details have varied, every statist has tried to create some larger entity to which the individual should be subjugated: the Proletariat, the common good, God, the master race. They all hold in common that the government's job is to sacrifice one group to another. A common approach among modern statists is to create a myriad of new non-rights to dilute and replace our fundamental rights as individuals. These new non-rights, such as the "right" to health care, a job, education, or even recreation, for god sakes, are meaningless in a free society, as they can't exist unless one person is harnessed involuntarily to provide them to another person. These non-rights are the exact opposite of freedom, and in fact require enslavement and sacrifice of one group to another":
03-01-2025: Good News: The big banks are jumping ship
on woke BS and the Net Zero nonsense:
03-01-2025: You would hope that 2025 will be the end
of it here too:
03-01-2025: More good news.
01-01-2025: Enough of this woke b------t:
01-01-2025: Is
01-01-2025: The coup in
01-01-2025: Can we get manufacturing back? How a
$12.98 T-shirt is made in the
31-12-2025: Canoeing With Dogs: I'm sure you know we have been doing this for very many years - but it is getting harder. Because of Della's eyesight she is less comfortable with the plastic boats we have used in the past: the Perception Minnows she/we used when the kids were little (over thirty years ago) , the Nylex Pioneers we used for many years and the New Town Anglers we have used for the last few years.
The Minnows (13 kg) were too small for dogs. The Pioneers (at over 35 kg) have become too heavy for either of us (not sure how we loaded two of them on the roof racks. Youth I guess.Where has it gone?) - why we chose the Anglers (13 kg) actually a few years back (though they are not so suitable for white water).
She is much more comfortable with the pack rafts we have (mostly Alpackas but also a Naturehike Double - especially this one) but I worry that Honey particularly will be able to scratch a big hole in one as she leaps out of the boats constantly, then scrabbles to be lifted back in. She just adores the swimming and diving. Read More:
31-12-2025: This waterfall would have
to be even bigger than the one at the ‘Pillars of Hercules’ which created the
31-12-2025: It all seems to happen just like magic but someone is responsible:
31-12-2025: How to put the
30-12-2025: Black
Saturday 2009 remembered – yet we have even more fuel today, thanks to
Government policy and/or neglect.
No way could we allow a few cows to eat some grasses in the High Country or a
few loggers to harvest some timber:
30-12-2025: Top marksmanship:
30-12-2025: When diesel is better than coal:
30-12-2025: The Bounty: Is this good news?
27-12-2025: Multiculturalism anyone? A plea for moderation: “To endure, a rights-protecting or liberal democracy needs citizens who regard themselves as engaged in a common enterprise. They must share a language. They must respect basic moral and political principles. They must take pride in their nation’s accomplishments while facing up to and correcting their country’s flaws by upholding the best in the nation’s traditions and heeding justice’s enduring imperatives. They must trust that as they generally follow society’s written and unwritten rules, so too will others. And they must partake of a broad commitment – that receives expression in the exercise of toleration and civility – to securing a freedom for each consistent with a like freedom for all. “
27-12-2025: Vernix and the ‘aquatic ape’ hypothesis:
27-12-2025: In
27-12-2025: And end to black rooves - at last:
26-12-2025: Gene therapy: The pluses vs the minuses: vs
26-12-2025: Who knew? CO2 turns out to be all positive: “Two recently-published papers found that doubling CO2 in the atmosphere led to minimal temperature increases…found that the sensitivity of the climate to a rise in CO2 atmospheric levels from 100 to 400 parts per million (ppm) was “negligibly small” at 0.3°C…The saturation hypothesis would appear to explain how CO2 has been 10-15 times higher in the past without runaway temperatures”
And forget about not being able to feed the world:
26-12-2025: The ‘benefits’ of
26-12-2025: We need to drastically
reduce government as Milei has in
24-12-2025: I agree, “We need to recover the sacredness of sex. That it is a profound and precious union which in particular unites a man and woman in such a way that children can be produced. This belief which has been one of the bedrocks of every civilisation which has ever existed. And it’s one which we all need to defend for the protection of women and the greater good of society”
24-12-2025: The happy land of
24-12-2025: Watermelons: Guess who’s being paying the Greens?
24-12-2025: Bastiat, “Government is
the great fiction through which everybody endeavours to live at the expense of
everybody else”
23-12-2025: Stone Age thieves – definitely not a drive-by:
23-12-2025: MH370 – hopefully they
find it this time:
23-12-2025: Latest episode in a dreadful woke saga:
23-12-2025: Did you notice that after
her last cabinet reshuffle Jacinta now has 6 men in a cabinet of 23 – so much
for 50:50!
22-12-2025: Where has
22-12-2025: Let’s just have some more
immigration. OK?
Another immigrant ‘culturally
enriching’ us – well,
Exactly Geert:
22-12-2025: Merry Xmas, But…Beware of your penis looking like an eggplant. "Go gentle into that good night":
22-12-2025: Forget about Net Zero. More coal-fired power stations NOW, please:
21-12-2025: Making calls to satellite phones has been restricted, though most will not know. Because we have cause to use one (both a satellite phone and satellite messenger) This is deeply worrying for us. About a year ago Telstra decided you now have to have a new dedicated SIM for your sat phone (without telling us) or it will only be able to make one minute of calls. Previously we had a normal 3G SIM (which Telstra had installed) in ours. It worked both in and out fine for years. Now I discover that many other people (whom I can call with my sat phone) cannot call or message me back depending on who they have as their carrier. Unfortunately this applies to all my children. Similar difficulties arise with satellite messenger messaging.
I will complain to the Minister of Communications about this situation
(because it is dangerous) but don’t expect anything to happen. Fortunately you
seem to be able to make outgoing calls and messages. It is just incoming which
are affected. You can imagine that this will create problems though in
emergency situations and require one to leave the satellite phone switched on
for longer unnecessarily (while the battery goes flat) or having to make more
outgoing calls when awaiting rescue/helicopters etc. I expect people will die as a result of this. Hopefully
not me.
I was just about to make the switch from Telstra as I could have saved half my mobile phone cost by switching to Aldi or Boost both of which use pretty much the same (Teltra) network (though only Boost has all of the coverage) as well as much more free data – a saving of $300 per year for each of us when I noticed (in their fine print that the ’included service’ did not include calls to satellite phones. This did not just mean that you would be charged extra for them (what you would expect – and what used to happen). What it meant was that you would not be able to call or message them at all. Boost confirmed this. I checked this out with my son’s phone (Aldi) and found that he was completely unable to call or message my sat phone and had some difficulties with my Sat Messenger as well. You can see that this is true by scrolling down to ‘What’s Not Included’ eg here:
PS: Apparently you can cure this by transferring your satellite phone to Pivotel:
21-12-2025: Deeming for Premier –
Pesutto must go. What’s wrong with the Libs? She is the only Western suburbs
21-12-2025: Commercial nuclear fusion
in five years time. These guys must know something we don’t:
21-12-2025: Sinister legislation but
a useful fact about AI:
20-12-2025: Scientists who were surprised by carnivorous squirrels had just never been hunters (or very observant):
20-12-2025: I was deeply suspicious of mRNA vaccines all along – why we never had them – now it turns out we were right:
20-12-2025: This would have to be a popular move - except amongst public servants:
20-12-2025: C’mon guys start wearing it. Oz has millions of bales of unsaleable wool:
19-12-2025: This is amazing:
19-12-2025: Respecting (?) the dead:
19-12-2025: Weather indicators which have been overlooked up till now:
19-12-2025: Novavax was better:
19-12-2025: Looks like our neighbour,
18-12-2025: Could be interesting:
18-12-2025: Already Bovaer ‘climate milk’ is being replaced by good old f—t milk:
18-12-2025: Beatrix von Storch of the AFD nails it. Be warned:
18-12-2025: At last some acknowledgement that DV is a 50:50 problem:
17-12-2025: Whoa! Concerns grow about so-called endocrine disrupters, found in everything from plastic packaging to toys and cosmetics:
17-12-2025: The Marxists have done such a wonderful
job in
17-12-2025: Six
senior men, four of them born between 1919 and 1924, speak of the way the
forest and coast used to be managed with fire and stock to keep combustible
bio-mass in check, resulting in fewer wildfires.
17-12-2025: “The only sector booming
here is bureaucracy” ‘If wishes were fishes we’d all cast nets
in the sea’. Furthermore, Cigarettes cost $4 a packet in
16-12-2025: President Trump on the climate hoax! "We have to defeat the climate hoaxsters once and for all…One of the most urgent tasks... is to decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax…The radical left's fearmongering about climate and our future is... destroying America's economy”
16-12-2025: Just a tad high don’t you think?
16-12-2025: More bizarre Frankenstein ‘research’ which ought to be banned:
16-12-2025: Sharri Markson calling out the dreadful Fifth Columnist quisling Albo:
15-12-2025: I would like to see some modeling of the cost of building some new coal-fired power stations too – after all, everyone else is building them and with our coal too:
15-12-2025: Maybe just 100 lashes or so right now – or for serious offences instant termination:
15-12-2025: Thought provoking, as usual:
15-12-2025: Wong even expects
14-12-2025: The Little Star – a great little tent: If you are not into DIY. Also a great weight (390 grams in silnylon – even lighter in DCF which I eschew) and price (US$220 Dec 2024). What’s not to like? It is very like my Siligloo (but a little simpler). I have MLD‘s ‘big brother’ the Supamid which I can attest is well made and well thought out (but too heavy for me nowadays – though I carried it across Tasmania in 2011). It provided abundant shelter (for three) in wet, windy conditions there though (what it is designed for). The Little Star sets up with two trekking poles (as shown). Read More:
14-12-2025: Is It Any Wonder That No Sane Person Takes Fact Checks Seriously?
14-12-2025: Of course you should have to earn your citizenship – a stint in the military might help:
14-12-2025: What a hero! ‘I derive
pleasure from removing the state,’ he says. ‘I feel, that way, we become more free, that I am giving freedom back to the people…
‘We [are dismissing] about 50,000 civil servants; we terminated about 200,000
contracts.. .We have 123
years of history that that doesn’t work, that the state is not the solution,
that the state is the problem… The best way to see if I’ve given people the
power back or not is to see whether I’ve shrunk the state… and I have shrunk the size of the state by one
third… The local stock market has surged by 130 per cent, as investors grow
increasingly confident about
13-12-2025: Move over ‘Deep Thought’ – at last we may learn the answer:
13-12-2025: You can guarantee it. Imagine painting the triumph of Islamic fundamentalism as ‘freedom’ - Do you see the CIA's hand in this?
13-12-2025: On the other hand, “Maybe when a bloke gets murdered once every four days by his partner we should start thinking seriously about it…Or maybe when men won’t go to court in the event that they have been sexually assaulted because they don’t want to go through the process of giving evidence about their female attacker.”
13-12-2025: Do you wonder why you hadn’t heard about Australian pymies?
12-12-2025: If only it had worked. It would have been your shout:
12-12-2025: They will come up with something, “So, with the death knoll sounding on the climate change narrative, the question becomes: What will be the next manufactured global crisis employed to ‘fix’ the problem of humanity?”
12-12-2025: When I was a kid the
Postmaster General was paid much less than the Prime Minister yet the Post
Office (
12-12-2025: Yes Tony. Let’s have a debate about immigration and the quality of people we want Australians to be:
11-12-2025: Mt Darling - an Emerging Inferno: I have been visiting/exploring various parts of this vast Wilderness area over the years but mainly along the rivers and streams lower down (along the Wonnangatta/Moroka) as I prefer to camp by a stream rather than on a windy mountain-top but I have made several attempts over the years to wander out along the old (closed) road to Mt Darling which begins about fifty metres before Dimmicks Lookout (off the Howitt Rd above Tamboritha). It was (still) reasonably easy to walk out there ten years ago (in 2014). Read More:
11-12-2025: If only we’d known – Jesus was a Moslem. This Pope is a joke:
11-12-2025: Unexpected improvements in technology can spell ruin. (If only we didn’t have trillion dollars of debt we might be saved):
11-12-2025: Move over iPhone:
10-12-2025: Back at the end of WW2 Australia was able to build our first nuclear reactor (Lucas Heights – still operating) in about five years without computers or even power tools but now the CSIRO reckons it would take 15. Get rid of the CSIRO.
10-12-2025: Greta Thunberg (and her followers) are seriously deluded:
10-12-2025: You guessed it: Every Single Human Behavior Now Classified As Autism Or ADHD:
10-12-2025: Isoprene, a molecule the climate models ignored – but it is very important. Let’s make more of it:
08-12-2025: During the French (and Russian) Revolutions – if you remember - they famously put the ‘nobility’ to the sword for just this sort of thing, ie levying onerous taxes on us to support extraordinary emoluments for them. The growth (and rewards) of the bureaucracy are just incredible. We need just a little more than a winnowing of them. They need turning into chaff:
08-12-2025: Indescribable. When blackouts are ‘virtual power plants’:
08-12-2025: Well said Josh- of course it was terrorism:
08-12-2025: Interesting: Tucker interviews Sergei Lavrov:
07-12-2025: “If wind, solar and storage can’t keep the beer cold in a small city like Broken Hill, how will it perform when called upon to power the rest”:
07-12-2025: ‘Brighthope’ more than by name:
07-12-2025: A 90 second mud cake – worth a try?
06-12-2025: In today’s
06-12-2025: Come on. Someone knows who this creep is – and you say you don’t believe in sexual reassignment surgery?
06-12-2025: Thanks to the Greens:
“Let’s look at Bovear and how it came to be in our milk.
Bovear is a toxic substance. It has to be handled wearing PPE. It causes cancer, deformities and male fertility issues. It can shrink testicles and turn you sterile. Its most minor effects are eye and skin irritations and breathing difficulties. Here’s a description following tests elsewhere:
06-12-2025: Big changes happening in
Europe – not just
05-12-2025: How we lost the Korean War:
05-12-2025: Which would you drink to –
05-12-2025: Vive? La
05-12-2025: Surely you can get 100% PS: I think some of the questions are really silly:
04-12-2025: More and more ancestors:
04-12-2025: I see Attenborough has called for ‘Wind in the Willows’ to be banned as ‘misinformation' – apparently badgers don’t smoke pipes, wear slippers or use cudgels and boating is unknown among water rats.
04-12-2025: What happens when you declare children cannot be criminally responsible:
04-12-2025: Listen up: Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of blood’ was prescient - I must admit I never accepted the Left's rejection of it back when:
03-12-2025: Herodotus was right:
03-12-2025: Reflections on Anne (of Green Gables) a forgotten early feminist:
03-12-2025: How to bring up boys:
03-12-2025: When an icon of the left such as Chris Uhlmann shoots down your energy policy it is doomed:
02-12-2025: Good on you JK:
02-12-2025: Never give up:
02-12-2025: Interesting memories of Broken Hill – soon to be a ghost town?:
02-12-2025: A fascinating article on how forests actually work. We certainly need to rethink our forest strategy in Australia – taking it out of the hands of greens would be a good start NB Point 7 “The very real possibility that in the future we will need to rely upon our domestic forested areas to meet the wood products needs of our nation.”:
01-12-2025: I suspect Elon Musk intends to be the first asteroid mining trillionaire:
1-12-2025: If druggies can afford subs why can’t we?
01-12-2025: Can Kennedy fix the nation’s health? Seems to be on the right track anyway:
01-12-2025: Exactly:
30-11-2024: What it’s like to be lost and alone:
30-11-2024: The green conspiracy is real:
30-11-2024: Well said Billy Bob:
30-11-2024: A world filled with monsters (and you know
it’s not just in the
29-11-2024: I would have thought childlessness was (correctly) part of the punishment – after all who wants more of these people? Next I guess all the men will want to become fathers whilst in gaol too. That will work out well:
29-11-2024: Listen up: Karl Popper “If we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”
29-11-2024: Where’s John Connor when you need him?
29-11-2024: All the propaganda and ‘education’ in the world will not stop people discovering the truth:
28-11-2024: I agree, ‘The Desert Column’ is the
greatest book ever to come out of
28-11-2024: Over-reach: The social media age limit bill is just another thing for Dutton to draw a line in the sand over:
28-11-2024: Should the
28-11-2024: Moving the Doomsday Clock a few seconds closer to midnight: &
27-11-2024: Wilderness Exploration: I have always loved Shelley's poem 'Ozymandias' which showcases the futility of Pharaoh Rameses' efforts to secure his immortality. Many people these days are obsessed with mankind's (supposed) destruction of nature, an observation which I do not wholly disagree with, but nature has a way of coming roaring back, all but obliterating mankind's works.
example, along the eighty or so kilometres of the
27-11-2024: If only you could have a recall election. Time we placed this and citizen initiated referenda in our own constitutions:
27-11-2024: The ‘truth’ about the
27-11-2024: “Few have heard that doubling atmospheric CO2 from its current concentration of 420 ppm would significantly increase agricultural productivity and have little effect on the climate”.
26-11-2024: Another way to look at the population decline: “We propose a new measure of the number of surviving children per female, which we call the effective fertility rate (EFR). EFR can be approximated as the product of TFR and the probability of survival.”
“We specialized EFR to measure the number of daughters that survive to reproduce (reproductive EFR) [EFRR] and the number children that survive to become workers (labor EFR) [EFRL].”
“We use three data sets to shed light on EFR over time across locations. First, we use data from 165 countries between 1950-2019 to show that one-third of the global decline in TFR during this period did not change labor EFR [EFRL], suggesting that a substantial portion of fertility decline merely compensated for higher survival rates.”
… “In the advanced nations, these are running far below the necessary 2.1 replacement rate but have stabilized (no longer dropping) since about 1990. “
26-11-2024: Duh:
26-11-2024: Hard to believe:
26-11-2024: Looks an interesting read:
25-11-2024: Can You Have the Best of Both Worlds? I can't imagine just how much ink and energy has been wasted on the conundrum, 'What's best as a camping option a tent or a hammock' (plus fly)? But you can indeed have the best of both worlds - as the saying goes. You can carry a tarp which can be used either for sleeping on the ground or sheltering in your hammock as you take to the trees to avoid rough ground or too much water - as I have had to do many times. One of the reasons I am still alive really. A word to the wise: I have encountered people who are not because they could not. Read More:
25-11-2024: What a mess the situation
in the
Cui Bono: Follow the money:
25-11-2024: The threat of nuclear war has long been deeply worrying but it just got a lot more so. No-one has the ability to intercept or destroy these hypersonic missiles:
25-11-2024: ‘Australia First’: Bowen has signed up to our paying a share of $450 billion to Third World rent seekers who refuse to clean up their own acts or stand on their own two feet – as the West did centuries ago. This is so much like Gillard’s NDIS bottomless pit which improved the lives of no-one in need but now (as I predicted) costs a lot more than defence such that we now have none of the latter. If Dutton grows a pair (as Trump surely already has) he will deny this massive transfer of our cash. ‘Australia First’ will be a pretty good catch-cry for the next election:
24-11-2024: This is happening now:
24-11-2024: Abolishing any government department is always a step ahead but there is a long way still to go:
24-11-2024: Jesus: “The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John do not portray his followers as believing him to be divine – at least, not until after he had died.” So how did he become God?
24-11-2024: So, were we right to so demonise smoking after all?
23-11-2024: And we thought we had
outlawed bioweapons years ago: “Robert Redfield, the former head of the
Centres for Disease Control (CDC), now says COVID-19 was ‘intentionally
engineered as a part of a biodefense program. More radically, it may well
have been a
And it turns out that the vaccines did actually kill people too:
23-11-2024: Complete bloody airhead – and all at the taxpayer’s expense. Too many public servants? Too bloody right mate! Let’s sack most of them and demote what’s left to a reasonable level of pay:
Your taxes at work – a few millions
of our dollars going up in smoke at
23-11-2024: The ‘Under 16’ rule – it’s totally BS – especially when the Greens (and Labor) think 16 year olds should have the right to vote, divorce their parents and change their sex – and who knows what other rubbish, for God’s sake? And now we are all going to have to prove our own ‘Digital ID’ if we want to continue using social media ourselves! Enough of all this ‘Big Brother; crap:
23-11-2024: How can it be legal let alone unpunished to castrate your own son?
20-11-2024: Now this is interesting. Make a submission if you value your bush:
20-11-2024: Is your doctor killing you? Thankfully mine isn’t, but I have had some bad experiences with others.
20-11-2024: Nuclear goes green but Albo says. ‘No’:
20-11-2024: ‘Cry-bullies’. What a great new word:
19-11-2024: Sounds like it’s all
quite natural:
19-11-2024: Czechs celebrate the 35th anniversary of the death of communism – at least it started out well:
Here’s a reminder of what 1968 brought to them:
19-11-2024: We must pull back from the blink of this renewables disaster if we are to have a nation left to live in:
19-11-2024: This is just insane. Is there anyone who does not agree with the Qld Premier’s motto, ‘Adult crime, adult time’?
18-11-2024: Quite right. Let’s end ‘perverse incentives’ like subsidising single parent families, subsidising benefits over effort, etc:
18-11-2024: Let there be light:
18-11-2024: Joe decides he will start WW3 before Trump takes office:
18-11-2024: They are very distant relatives of Winnie the Pooh:
17-11-2024: Is this the beginning of the next Ice Age?
17-11-2024: Slash welfare and bureaucracy and spend big on Defence before it’s too late. Make the freeloaders work for a living. Offer and inspire energetic and patriotic young people into a decent career in the armed forces.:
17-11-2024: As if it wasn’t enough
that we are just about the only place in the world where people are excluded
from their water catchments we now have this Big Brother escalation. Before
the declaration of the Yarra Reservoir the Upper Yarra Track and its (once)
17-11-2024: The absolute economic insanity of Net Zero – Yes, let’s spend 30+ times our total GDP on it (to produce no result):
16-11-2024: If only it wasn’t true?
16-11-2024: Supplements can solve problems:
16-11-2024: I think more people would want to end having Palestinians in Australia than ending Christmas:
16-11-2024: No doubt once (in Labor’s
15-11-2024: It ain’t over till it’s over – and you wanted euthanasia?
15-11-2024: The largest creature on earth discovered – and it’s not Donald Trump:
15-11-2024: Celebrating ‘culture’:
14-11-2024: Nanny is coming for your motorhome – and I suspect your caravan too soon:
14-11-2024: What really ‘caused’ the Spanish floods? Could removing flood mitigation dams be a factor?
14-11-2024: “Misinformation is not a real phenomenon; it is a rhetorical tool used to discredit opposition and enforce conformity.” It is no coincidence that the acronym for the government’s new ‘misinformation’ bill is MAD:
14-11-2024: At last men are fighting back, “A 32-country survey found a majority of world citizens – 54 per cent – believe that ‘when it comes to giving women equal rights to men, things have gone far enough in their country’ – and hopefully winning:
13-11-2024: Will COP29 be the last of these cop-outs now that Trump promises to dismantle the ‘climate change’ boondoggle, the ’greatest hoax of all time’?
13-11-2024: Albo will have small chance of winning against this chart:
13-11-2024: Hats off to Private Richard Nordern VC:
13-11-2024: ‘Crystal Night’ all over again – when will the world learn?
12-11-2024: “Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care, The death of each day's life, sore labor's bath, Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, Chief nourisher in life's feast”. “Recent research shows users of sleeping pills appear to have lower levels of amyloid proteins in their cerebrospinal fluid, which washes the brain clean at night. But these medications come with side effects; they may also lull people into shallow bouts of sleep rather than deep sleep phases. Instead, to set yourself up for a good night's sleep, Zavecz suggests cutting out coffee late in the day, doing some exercise, avoiding screen time, and taking a hot shower before bed.”
12-11-2024: I would say not: 400 years of failed ideology (not to mention mass murder) is more than enough:
12-11-2024: Let’s have another ‘No’ vote please:
12-11-2024: Welcome to world government, “We must urgently counter and address… all forms of hate speech and discrimination, misinformation and disinformation… We will establish and maintain robust risk mitigation and redress measures…”
11-11-2024: Remember when we had free speech? Trump is bringing back free speech just as Albo (& Dutton who supports Albo’s social media age limits) are destroying ours:
Yet this ‘creature’ should be preferred to Pauline?
11-11-2024: They don’t give a stuff about kids (or they wouldn’t be forcing all the woke BS on them & etc); They just want your ID:
11-11-2024: Debt is a Damocletian sword hanging over all of us. It must be curtailed, but how?:
11-11-2024: Yes please. “We need a major political campaign, exposing Labor and the Green’s antagonism to men and urging opposition parties to finally step up and prove they will govern for all, rather than continuing to pander to the feminist lobby.”
10-11-2024: If the 2020 election was fair how can it
be that Trump’s totals have continued to grow and now we learn Kamala received
12 million fewer votes than Biden. I notice that the crooked states of
10-11-2024: Apart from our unwelcome ‘guests’, is there anyone really who doesn’t want this? Anthony has been swelling our numbers by the million against our express wishes:
10-11-2024: Charming people. We fought a war for this?:
10-11-2024: Draining the swamp. We need some of this
here with our 2.5 million bureaucrats who are costing us 250 billion pa. Did you notice that (unlike the rest of
09-11-2024: A new use for TEGs. I am working on an ultralight device which allows me to charge my electronic devices on hiking trips:
09-11-2024: A special little boy and the real Donald Trump:
09-11-2024: Welcome to the 4B movement – the latest Leftist craze. Definitely not an ‘A’ movement: m
09-11-2024: Well said Rita. Best headline ever: “The Australians losing their teeny-tiny minds are almost all low information dimwits who’ve swallowed the BS the media has fed them.”
08-11-2024: On the same day Trump was elected in a landslide Albo imposes his draconian ‘misinformation’ bill on all of us. This man and his dreadful government must go. John F Kennedy and Franklin D Roosevelt, “When the government becomes the sole arbiter of truth, it opens the door to corruption and tyranny. When citizens are too afraid to speak out, the government with its cheerleading bureaucracy and corporate sector can operate without accountability, leading to an erosion of trust in institutions.”
08-11-2024: 2.5 million pigs at the trough! Not hard to see where we can save a lot of money. If was put I charge I would cut this (at least) in half overnight:
8-11-2024: Well done replacing Joe Biden with Kamala:
Joe looks like he agrees:
Could we now discuss what happened in 2020?
08-11-2024: Well said Andrew, “Kamala Harris’ defeat is also a defeat of the horrendous woke army that’s run riot in the West for years.”
And again, “Having been so ludicrously over-the-top in this campaign, who’ll believe their hysteria in four years when Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, will almost certainly be the Republican nominee, having starred as the most impressive candidate of the four in this campaign”
07-11-2024: Can you tell which is
the real news and which is the
07-11-2024: A quadrella for Trump. He has won the Presidency, the popular vote, the House and the Senate. There is hope again for the ‘free world’. Hopefully his excellent choice for Deputy (J.D. Vance) can carry his legacy forward a further eight years. I am looking forward to at least a decade of good times. It is a new dawn.
07-11-2024: “However, it also shows that well-known solar cycles, combined with internal variability can explain recent global warming; CO2 is not required to explain it…The value of the study is only to demonstrate that CO2 is not necessary to explain recent warming.”
07-11-2024: Absolutely. Enough is enough:
07-11-2024: Yet another reason to ‘hate’ feminists (and lawyers). This DVO stuff is just terribly unjust:
06-11-2024: At 1:30 am Fox News had Trump winning
06-11-2024: Great headline:
06-11-2024: Well done Kemi. When the ‘victims’ rise up and stand on their own two feet it is too much for the Labour Party: &
06-11-2024: The latest ‘thing’ a “Phallus Preserving Vaginoplasty”:
06-11-2024: “The British people used to have many great heroes that young boys could admire and strive to emulate: Horatio Nelson, Arthur Wellesley, Richard the Lionheart, Ernest Shackleton, James Cook, Oliver Cromwell, Alfred the Great, and many more. Now British boys are presented with Billy the Nonbinary Butterfly for their role model.”
05-11-2024: Another great idea Albo:
05-11-2024: Another study reveals ‘scientists’ have underestimated CO2 absorption by 38% - throwing the whole warmist fantasy into disarray:
05-11-2024: A swathe of fake Dem polls would have
Kamala winning at the end, but the trend is all the other way. Is this just
cover for the largest swindle in
05-11-2024: Well said Alexandra Marshall “It’s hard to
think of a worse thing that could happen to the Democrat presidential campaign
than the murder of internet stars Peanut the squirrel and Fred the raccoon.
Killed by an overzealous State Authority, their fury deaths have sparked a wave
of outrage that has motivated people who previously had no interest in voting
to head to the nearest voting booth. Government overreach is never more obvious
than when it’s standing over the bodies of rescued animals.
They’re eating the dogs. They’re eating the cats. They’re killing the pets.
Yes, this is the sort of detail that gets under an election and starts shifting
the polls.”
“When armed brownshirts
ransack your house for five hours, and terrorize your wife with the subtle
implication of deportation, they aren’t looking for a frigging squirrel. They
are telling you who’s in charge of every breath you take for the rest of your
James Woods.
Let’s hope Rasmussen is right tomorrow:
04-11-2024: The communists take over British farming:
04-11-2024: Big Government (sadly) comes for Peanut the Squirrel:
04-11-2024: Shedding a bit more light on Pauline’s
woes…as I said before, ‘Who doesn’t agree with her on this one? Queen Elizabeth
was loved by all. This is what Pauline replied to Faruqi’s awful sledge of our
beloved Queen, “Your attitude appalls (sic) and disgusts me. When you
immigrated to
02-11-2024: An end to whale (and bat) deaths? If Trump wins (against all the Democrat cheating):
02-11-2024: ‘Raid on
02-11-2024: An absurd law: Who does not agree with Pauline?
02-11-2024: Put this creep behind bars:
01-11-2024: At last an e-ink smart phone with a 6 day battery life:
01-11-2024: Sounds good:
And good news too if you are a (forgetful) zebrafish:
01-11-2024: Our government’s ‘science’ is unfit for purpose:
01-11-2024: You have to like Trump’s response to
having his supporters (ie half of
31-10-2024: As if their anti-semitism and hatred of the West were not bad enough, “in September, the UK Office for Budgetary Responsibility published figures to show that low-paid migrants cost an average of £150,000 by the time they reach state pension age…(in addition) the rate of incarceration of foreign nationals in UK prisons is 27 per cent higher than British citizens…While the British average is 14 per 10,000 people, Albanians’ is 232 and Indians’ just 6.” .
31-10-2024: A trenchant case of ‘The People’ vs the Machine:
31-10-2024: Hard to imagine how Western feminists and the Left generally are not outraged by these evil monsters:
31-10-2024: About right:
29-10-2024: Dick Smith talks so much sense on our energy future: &
29-10-2024: Who needs to buy hearing aids then? Just buy an expensive Apple phone instead. Coming soon to Android I hope:
29-10-2024: You have to admire the courage Tommy Robinson shows in standing up for the truth:
29-10-2024: A big error which throws most carbon policy into question:
28-10-2024: The West Australian has it about right:
28-10-2024: Iranians (and Israelis) celebrate Cyrus the Great Day:
28-10-2024: One wonders whether the
27-10-2024: At last ‘buyer’s remorse’ hits the Greens. May they disappear altogether – the sooner the better:
27-10-2024: The high life is all right for some:
27-10-2024: I suspect Joe Rogan’s interview (and its 26 million viewers – so far) will cement Trump’s chances of the Presidency:
27-10-2024: Unfortunately this is how the Left (and their lies) wins:
26-10-2024: The Big Bang is a mirror, hiding another universe behind it:
26-10-2024: Is Lidia the future? Are we becoming a nation of tribes?
26-10-2024: Neil Oliver on the ‘elites’ who (increasingly) control everyone, “Ask yourself, as I increasingly do, who are these people? Where on Earth do they come from? And what on Earth did we ever do to deserve them? Put simply, they are not like us. They do not like us. In fact, they regard us with contempt. The distance between us and them has long since grown too wide ever to be bridged. There are simply two tribes now: one very small and very odd, and one very large indeed. If it’s finally about dog eat dog, my money is always on the great big hungry dog.”
26-10-2024: Remember Brave New World’s slogan “'War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength.”? You won’t see this on the ‘mainstream news’ – I wonder why? Starmer’s government has (once again) arrested journalist Tommy Robinson - - under the Terrorism Act this time. “Tommy has been remanded into prison for a breach of the terrorism act - because he refused to give police the code to gain access into his phone. It is worth noting that Tommy held information of child rape victims on his phone, which he told the police at the time, and as they are 'confidential journalistic sources' they had no right to snoop or gain information about them. Tommy has a duty of care to ALL of his sources, as does any other journalist.”
25-10-2024: Of course you should be allowed to say you
hate things. Who doesn’t? “The American system recognises what
25-10-2024: Fair point Michael Baume, (on Moslems in Austraia) “in reality a hugely divided, both ethnically and spiritually, local Muslim cohort; there are now more Asian and sub-continenalt followers of Islam in Australia than from the Middle East” In the past we vowed to eave all these divisions (the Orange and the Green etc) behind in our new nation under the Southern Cross:
25-10-2024: No doubt something is causing it but these results are a scam. It is more likely due (if related to air) to the increased use of air conditioners and that homes are now dreadfully sealed up against ‘fresh’ air:
25-10-2024: Not all doom and gloom: “We are currently experiencing a small warming blip from the coldest planetary temperature in half a billion years. Our global temperature today is low, and temperatures this cold were last observed 300 million years ago…over the past 140 million years, CO2 levels have fallen to dangerously low levels. Specifically, current levels are within 30 parts per million (ppm) of the “line of death,” the limit for plant survival. Once CO2 is below 150 ppm, plant life, and subsequently animal life, cease to exist. What’s interesting is that CO2 levels have been steadily declining over the past 140 million years.”
25-10-2024: Kite racing is amazing:
25-10-2024: Teacher training institutions:” It is not as though they are hiding what they are doing. They are quite openly in the business of destroying our country… We must move back to a system of teaching apprenticeships where trainee teachers are attached to a succession of master teachers to learn directly on the job.” - Good luck finding them any more though. Perhaps enlist retirees?
25-10-2024: Remember when ‘enviromentalists wanted to ‘save’ whales?
25-10-2024: Easy come, easy go: World Bank bureaucrats lost track of at least $24B in funds fighting climate change: ‘Could be twice or 10 times more’
24-10-2024: Time to overturn your preconceptions about colonialism:
24-10-2024: Does ‘common sense’ actually exist? Surprisingly not. So much undermining has been going on – the (long) march through the institutions I suspect: &
24-10-2024: An end to Ice Ages (and an explanation of their occurrence): “In about 120 million years we will finally cross the Sagittarius spiral arm. We will exit this Ice House with its periodic glacial ages and enter the next Hot House “
24-10-2024: Mind you, having admitted to the ‘hairs’ she is not legally sworn as a Senator and can be forthwith ejected:
24-10-2024: Mind you, having admitted to the ‘hairs’ she is not legally sworn as a Senator and can be forthwith ejected. If we ‘forget’ the importance of oaths we dismiss a millennium (at least) of Western civilisation – and much else besides: &
23-10-2024: Welcome to Star Wars:
23-10-2024: Wow! Even growing your own veggies will ‘destroy’ the planet – better to starve to death and have yourself composted (professionally is ‘better’ for the planet):
23-10-2024: You need to know: How do people die of the flu? Stock up on your Tamiflu – and take it early:
23-10-2024: Our energy future. BTW It is nuclear. Some interesting points, “The globalists would rather we cooked our insect protein ration on a single plate induction cooktop. The transfer of the contained energy from natural gas to the food being cooked is 90% on a gas stove. Using an electric stove lowers that to 36% – less than half…“A reduction of per capita energy consumption has always in the past led to a decline in civilization and a reversion to a more primitive way of life…When a low-energy society comes in contact with a high-energy society, the advantage always lies with the latter…If we start to plan now, we may be able to achieve the requisite level of scientific and engineering knowledge before our fossil fuel reserves give out, but the margin of safety is not large.”
22-10-2024: “Electrostatic motors are up to 80% more
efficient than conventional motors.” Where do I invest?
God help us if anyone should think
22-10-2024: Aussies can’t afford to have children:
22-10-2024: Or do you want the ‘great replacement’? “To cut to the chase. The first duty of a woman, if she is able, is to marry, have children, at least two and desirably three or more, and to nurture them. The first duty of a man is to marry and provide for and care for his wife and children. Without this, nothing works. Everything else in comparison is embroidery, including so-called women’s rights. Women’s rights effectively only begin when their first duty is accomplished, as do men’“
21-10-2024: And they will be invading Oz next! Watch out this summer:
21-10-2024: Perpective is
everything, “I am a Palestinian and I agree with the majority of Gazans that
Hamas’s decision to launch the attacks of 7 October was incorrect, and I
oppose their continued rule in
21-10-2024: Ain’t it the truth? “Bureaucrats are not even pretending to serve the people anymore, they just serve themselves”
21-10-2024: Whoa! Is this your worst nightmare?
20-10-2024: An incredible journey. Just goes to show that the great era of exploration is not yet done. A Solo Fiordland Traverse (if only I wasn’t so old):
20-10-2024: Ganesha Folding Gasifier Hobo Stove: I recently encountered this little delight. If you are in the market for a fuel stove which burns clean and won’t scorch the ground (and sets up in a jiffy) this may be the solution for you. It unfolds (out of its bag) from its flat-pack form in less than five seconds. Another few seconds can be spent tossing in some kindling – leaves and small twigs. Light,then keep on adding small sticks. It couldn’t be simpler. Read More:
20-10-2024: Starmer’s Brave New World. Rewriting History::
20-10-2024: No matter how much the
Left badgers the young they will rise up and overthrow them as they did in
18-10-2024: Curse you Nivea – I have been using the same hand and face cream for 50+ years but they have obviously changed its ingredients as nothing seems to want to dissolve the wrinkles any more.
18-10-2024: Kamala getting that last vote – but will it be enough?
But a woman who will authorise the military to shoot you if you do not vote for her will stop at nothing:
18-10-2024: Where the tech giants lead why shouldn’t we follow?
18-10-2024: Well said, “There is nothing moral about slowing down growth for the planet’s sake or of rebalancing our relationship with nature. Growth is not some abstract thing that greedy capitalists have made a deity of. Growth means more wealth for people in the form of lifesaving and life-enhancing technologies, from shelter to protect us from the violent forces of the Earth to mass food production to bring starvation to an all-time low.”
17-10-2024: Imagine if the Jews were declared
‘indigenous’ (to
17-10-2024: Just a few months ago the Australian public decisively voted this sort of nonsense down:
17-10-2024: And this – what sort of bizarre precedent is it ceding private property to distant (racial) descendants as if such inheritance practices were part of pre-colonial ‘aboriginal law’:
17-10-2024: After swearing fealty to the Crown our Premiers ‘moon’ our King Charles. (Their ‘word’ is worthless). This is tantamount to treason – and would have been once. A reminder, we did not vote for a Republic (indeed support for the monarchy has grown under Charles) any more than we voted for a ‘Voice’:
Further thoughts, “In other words, Labor has admitted that its only path to victory is one that involves cheating the public out of its voice.”:
16-10-2024: You would hope so anyway:
16-10-2024: The cult is truly driving people mad:
16-10-2024: Legal murder just became even more insane:
16-10-2024: I suspect his mansion will bring this welfare housing kid’s castles in the air crashing down:
15-10-2024: Pretty close to the truth – or if they succeed in assassinating Trump
15-10-2024: DNA contamination of MRNA vaccines by 145 times the permissible amount has likely led to an explosion of deaths and cancers:
15-10-2024: However, sheep drench to the rescue – a research proven treatment for many (incurable) cancers:
15-10-2024: Forget ‘sticks and stones’ the government is out to get you (should you ‘dislike’ something or someone):
- Unless you are the Greens:
14-10-2024: We may yet learn whether Mallory and
14-10-2024: Elon Musk on Starship, “This the largest & most powerful flying object ever made at more than double the thrust of the Saturn V Moon rocket.” – yet they aughtit. Truly amazing , and uplifting:
14-10-2024: ‘Je Suis Juif’ - I am Jewish. Let the cry ring out:
14-10-2024: Justifiable homicide?
13-10-2024: The good news: Rasmussen has Trump two points ahead for the fifth straight week. He never led in 2016 or 2020:
13-10-2024: Cloud cuckoo land. Bowen’s ‘green hydrogen’ will be run on semi-trailer loads of diesel instead:
13-10-2024: Finding out what is really going on in
13-10-2024: Shaun Micallef writes some sense, “Long story short: we all, regardless of race, need to embrace the principles of the market economy, press our advantage, and bring to heel the weaker among us if we ever want to survive as a species. I know these views are not popular. But I have never courted popularity“:
12-10-2024: Not so long ago the ‘criminally insane’ could look forward to life behind bars – but no longer:
12-10-2024: Troubles with communism…Either an excess
or a shortage of ‘renewable’ energy:
12-10-2024: Netanyahu, the man:
12-10-2024: The gender wars just get worse and worse:
11-10-2024: Ian Plimer’s new book looks like a beauty, “He pointed out that our current ice age, the Late Cenzoic Ice Age, started 34 million years ago, and still holds the world in its grip…Why is there so much anxiety about climate change? Is the world really coming to an end? Should young people be afraid? In an era of remarkable human achievement, this book challenges the prevailing narrative of doom surrounding climate change. It argues that while young people in the West grapple with anxiety, many others around the globe face far more pressing concerns. This provocative exploration shows how wealth, innovation, and resilience have historically led to human flourishing, even amidst environmental changes. The book dismantles myths of impending catastrophe and advocates for a rational approach to adaptation instead of fear-driven policies.
11-10-2024: At last Qld is being given a real (adult) choice:
11-10-2024: Meanwhile in Vic Jacinta apologises to folk whom a Royal Commission was unable to find a single one of:
11-10-2024: Duh!
10-10-2024: And you thought you were old:
10-10-2024: Maybe you don’t have high blood pressure after all?
10-10-2024: So many people. I guess something has to give:
10-10-2024: Falling for the CCP’s spin. Have you
noticed that the
9-10-2024: This is for me:
9-10-2024: Are you in a hurry to have a holiday?
9-10-2024: Welcome (back) to a wind up world:
9-10-2024: Under Starmer the sun finally sets on the
8-10-2024: The Fisher says ‘Hello’ again 200+ years after it went ‘extinct’:
8-10-2024: Biggest DEI fail?
8-10-2024: So Snowflake, maybe don’t be such a Trump hater:
8-10-2024: A year of war as Israel fights alone to defend the West, Losing another 728 soldiers on top of the 1200 citizens murdered by Hamas a year ago. We used to think of ourselves as Judeo-Christian, but where are the Christians fighting the Fifth Crusade now? :
7-10-2024: The newest coal-fired plants are way ahead of anything we have in Oz: “Out of the top 100 Chinese coal plants, 90 are ultra-supercritical units. Having improved on USC technology, Chinese plant efficiency is around 44%. The new 1,350 MW Pingshan Phase II plant achieves 49% efficiency!”
7-10-2024: Dutton once again showing leadership:
7-10-2024: Finally Pesutto is toast. Victorians might just be given an opposition they can vote for:
7-10-2024: Things have changed in
6-10-2024: Grid-scale lithium ion batteries are such a better option than coal-fired power stations – I don’t think:
6-10-2024: In case you were wondering about our own Naplan data:
6-10-2024: Well said David Penberthy, “If you think you’re progressive holding up a Hezbollah flag, you need to go back to left-winger school and brush up on the tenets of socialism…What happened on October 7 last year was not some act of resistance against colonisers or some romantic Che Guevara-style attack on a fascist regime. No-one was setting out to kill soldiers. They weren’t trying to target military bases or infrastructure. This was a sickeningly successful plot to kill as many civilians as possible, simply because they were Jewish.The entire focus of the operation was to kill kids at dance festivals and elderly people working on their farms. Little kids were included in the death toll. Many young women who survived were so defiled they probably wish they had perished.”
5-10-2024: According to the ‘Climate Council our property is uninsurable and we can be compulsorily removed from our home – probably you too. How do these freaks get such power over us?
5-10-2024: Liz Truss’s book title, ‘Ten Years to Save the West’ says it all:
5-10-2024: You can become a ‘toxic masculinity‘ spotter if you really try hard:
5-10-2024: This one (miraculously) freed Yazidi girl underlines the fate of thousands of others like her stolen as sex slaves by a monstrous ‘religion’:
4-10-2024: Get ready for another aurora:
4-10-2024: “The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.”— Leonardo da Vinci
4-10-2024: An ‘Islamophobia ambassador’? Tosh. Just a little
problem with rape (among other things eg anti-semitism), “For Muslims,
non-Muslims are in every way inferior and the freedom enjoyed by their
womenfolk is the worst aspect of that inferiority. In consequence non-Muslim
women may be attacked and exploited without compunction. There is a direct link
between the insistence on the wearing of a hijab for those within the fold and
the raping of those outside, between an obsession with modesty for those women
who are family property and the utter disregard for the rights of those women who
are free. They are the two sides of the same Islamic coin.” Let us remember
this, both
4-10-2024: Our children are apparently now never required to read (if they can at all):
2-10-2024: How is it that the Left does not understand the civilisational risks of supporting the terrorists in the Middle East – would they think differently if they had suffered the 8,000 rockets Hezbollah fired into Israel in the past year alone?:
2-10-2024: Big Tech switches to nuclear:
2-10-2024: Thomas Jefferson: “I think myself that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious. Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases. The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”
01-10-2024: The real news: We are in the coldest period in 485 million years:
01-10-2024: Fair point, “Do you want to talk about privilege? This is one of the few countries in the world where someone can sit around on their overpaid posteriors all day and make bank by complaining about white people. You, dear Leftists, are the essence of privilege” Furthermore I would celebrate the arrival of a black Shakespeare but it has been a long time coming:
01-10-2024: Lay down misere for Pesutto?
01-10-2024: Get this: Elsewhere (than in Lakemba etc)
Moslems are celebrating the Israelis taking out the Hezbollah leadership whom
they know (rightly) to be evil tyrants whom they dared not oppose. Regime
change imay be on the way for
Netanyahu thinks so:
30-09-2024: The ‘problem’ with Gen Z vs the future of the ‘free’ world:
30-09-2024: An amazing political turnaround in the young – bring it on:
30-09-2024: “Remigration! I have absolutely no problem
to say that word."
Herbert Kickl of the Austrian Freedom Party, who are projected to win the nation's elections, openly says he supports remigration.
29-09-2024: Things to look forward to. When I was
29-09-2024: You go girl:
29-09-2024: Milei is a class act; one of the few world leaders still carrying the beacon of freedom:
The full text here:
29-09-2024: Elon Musk really dares to dream. Though I doubt I will see a colony on Mars, maybe he will:
28-09-2024: Phew! This is even worse than I thought. These covid vaccinations should be withdrawn immediately… “With over 140,000 adverse events and over 1000 deaths reported to the TGA for these injections”
28-09-2024: There is hope for the ‘free world’ yet, but it is daunting to watch Donald Trump almost single-handedly fight for our cherished freedoms against all the forces of (leftist) darkness: &
28-09-2024: A large turd cast in bronze – who would not yearn for such a thing?
28-09-2024: Kamala (& Anthony) have lost control of our borders. Does anyone seriously think that none of the thousands of Gazan ‘refugees’ (for example) are not ‘bad apples’?
27-09-2024: Definitely worse than Whitlam – and without any of his redeeming features:
27-09-2024: Remember (and understand) this: Hezbollah (and Hamas) are (rightly) terrorist organisations under international and Australian law. It is a crime to support them as people are openly doing here. Why aren’t the police/government upholding the law against this obvious evil? : &
27-09-2024: Rebrand babies: a good idea especially considering the disastrous population crash occurring just about everywhere:
27-09-2024: Tony Abbott – If only we had an adult still in charge:
26-09-2024: Exactly. Who started it – and who has to finish it?
26-09-2024: Say, ‘No’ to the Greens. The good news: Germans have already:
26-09-2024: A reminder: You have only four more days (of a week altogether!) to make a ‘submission’ about the government’s new ‘misinformation’ legislation. I doubt you could do much better than this:
26-09-2024: Good on you Pauline – a true leader:
25-09-2024: Vive Kamala:
25-09-2024: Absolutely, “While Your Family Members Died Alone, Lockdowners Had Sex Parties”
25-09-2024: This science might be ‘new’ to you. First the ‘warming’ since c1850 has been less than the IPCC says ie only .55C per century and secondly increasing amounts of CO2 do not correlate (well) with warming and cooling periods in the instrumental record:
25-09-2024: The government’s new ‘misinformation; bill, If this passes I/you won’t be able to say anything about it or practically anything else. (I notice BTW that ‘age’ is not a protected class, so you will still be able to call me an ‘old fogie’ – or presumably even advocate my death, which would of course not constitute ‘harm’). Maybe talk to your local MP today?
The proposed legislation defines
misinformation as anything “reasonably likely to cause or
contribute to serious harm”… For the
purposes of this Schedule, serious harm is:
(a) harm to the operation or integrity of a Commonwealth, State, Territory
or local government electoral or referendum process; or
(b) harm to public health in Australia, including to the efficacy of
preventative health measures in Australia; or
(c) vilification of a group in Australian society distinguished by race,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status,
disability, nationality or national or ethnic origin, or vilification of an
individual because of a belief that the individual is a member of such a group;
(d) intentionally inflicted physical injury to an individual in Australia; or
(e) imminent: (i) damage to critical infrastructure; or (ii) disruption of
emergency services;
in Australia; or
(f) imminent harm to the Australian economy, including harm to public
confidence in the banking system or financial markets;
that has:
(g) significant and far-reaching consequences for the Australian community or a
segment of the Australian community; or
(h) severe consequences for an individual in Australia:
24-09-2024: Truly horrible news about ‘green hydrogen’ – just like other ‘green’ scams:
24-09-2024: When ‘thoughtcrime’ becomes real crime:
24-09-2024: 200,000 homes up in smoke? Pink batts on steroids:
24-09-2024: And she is not. “Victory for the Democrats will depend on the perpetuation of the illusion that Kamala Harris is in any way a plausible candidate for the presidency of the United States.”
23-09-2024: Sadly our society ie becoming evermore like that portrayed in ‘1984’:
23-09-2024: DNA unravels the (pre) history of our Neanderthal relatives:
23-09-2024: Bizarre. Also, I suspect that what this gal misunderstands is that she is probably behind in her sexual ‘competition’ as compared with the average woman – except the ‘average’ woman chose to have sex 300+ times with the same man. Lucky fellow!
23-09-2024: Sampling ‘the good life’ for your next holiday?
22-09-2024: Well said Jordan Peterson; "I think
every single medical and psychological professional who has played a role in
the trans butchery of minor children should be put in
prison for the rest of their lives for crimes against humanity."
22-09-2024: The coming housing crash. Any further deterioration in the terms of trade will bring it on:
22-09-2024: So they were/are eating the pets:
22-09-2024: The return of the Shah?
21-09-2024: What the Left want:
21-09-2024: I think that being forced into the company of awful people is likely to cause more problems than ‘loneliness’:
21-09-2024: Why you should eat them too, “Rats fed a diet of Ruspolia nitidula, a type of edible grasshopper common in Cameroon, experienced significant improvements in several health markers compared to rats on other diets.”
21-09-2024: Forget about donating to WWF (and other ‘green charities’):
20-09-2024: Will the positives:
20-09-2024: Outweigh the negatives?
20-09-2024: Only 27% of young Australians would stay
and fight for
20-09-2024: The other side of ‘domestic violence’:
19-09-2024: I think Alexander Downer is dead right.
Kids just don’t benefit from ‘smart’ phones:
19-09-2024: And she should know, “The woke left is the enemy of civilisation, and they say so
themselves. They’re deconstructing everything. On the other hand, the Islamists
are also clearly an enemy of civilisation – our Western civilisation in
particular. We’ve got to stand up to these two forces now. The silent majority
has to stand up and stop this before they stop us. And the only way to do that
is through freedom of speech, which is exactly what they want to take away from
19-09-2024: Absolutely. Just go, no matter what it costs:
19-09-2024: I was wrong. Yesterday I thought that exploding pagers would be a hard to repeat ‘trick’ but today hundreds of walkie-talkies go off like crackers. Well done guys.: &
18-09-2024: Aussie Life (and death). Vale our cousin
Ken. Last weekend we travelled to the
Figure 1 Ken & Delma Jones c 1960
(Jones) family history in
great great grandfather (William Davids’s own father - another David) lived the
entire C19th - all of it in the vicinity of the small town of
Figure 2 William David Jones
Figure 3 Emily (Westbury) Jones
They had ten children one of whom,George Jones was our grandfather.
Figure 4 George Jones – in Boer War uniform.
married Pauline Sanlaville, daughter of
Figure 5 c 1924 Pauline Sanlaville with son, Basil Jones
Figure 6 Marius Sanlaville & daughter Alice (plus Basil again).
Figure 7 Emmeline (Mills) Sanlaville & daughter Pauline Sanlaville.
(Besides Basil) George and Pauline had three other children, Emmeline, Ken & Lawrence. Altogether these four (Jones) children produced 19 cousins between 1930 and 1962: Emmeline 6, Ken 5, Lawrence 3 and Basil 5 - of whom 14 are still living (September 2024), though our average age must be around 80 years. Many (often from faraway) made the effort to attend Ken’s ‘send off’.
Figure 8 c 1917 Ken, Lawrence (centre) and Emmeline Jones
We 19 cousins alone no doubt have currently over 100 living descendents, so William David Jones and his wife Emily have well and truly contributed handsomely to the population (and development) of Australia – that is without considering the many descendents of their other nine children!
Funerals are sad affairs and I am not ashamed to admit I shed a tear or more for Ken. Though he was 88 he will be missed, and should have lived much longer. However he lived a long, productive and adventurous life. It was a time to share our grief with Delma and reacquaint ourselves with their two sons and to get to know three very handsome grandsons who will proudly carry his name and legacy on into the future. Farewell Ken.
18-09-2024: Well done that gal:
18-09-2024: Blackrock’s assassination team:
18-09-2024: The world will suddenly be a much better place if/when Trump wins:
18-09-2024: How did they do it? Place an ad for ‘Free IEDs’ in the ‘Arab Times? Attempts to duplicate the feat may be thwarted by the low literacy rate over there but clearly will not be hindered by the low intelligence:
17-09-2024: When the only way to stop Trump becoming President again is to assassinate him:
17-09-2024: Understanding the nickel ‘crash’:
17-09-2024: When ‘misinformation’ goes wrong.
“It’s also ‘disinformation’ when our government does it…Our government is not
trying to protect us from disinformation. They’re trying to maintain a monopoly
on it,”
17-09-2024: Life after ‘death’, “In humans, white blood cells die between 60 and 86 hours after organismal death. In mice, skeletal muscle cells can be regrown after 14 days postmortem, while fibroblast cells from sheep and goats can be cultured up to a month or so postmortem.”
14-09-2024: Whatever happened to Kodak – a lesson in keeping up:
14-09-2024: A big problem with only a ‘racist’ answer:
14-09-2024: I wonder how many people you could deport on jet planes for $30 million? At $1000 per seat that’s 30,000. Maybe a good start?
week, tens of thousands of protesters go out into the streets of Western
democracies around the world and make this story all about the Palestinians. Not the murdered babies. Not the
beheadings. Not the rape. Not the kidnappings….The size and scope of these
demonstrations should be disturbing to those who so generously allowed these
people from the
14-09-2024: A story which says it all. Can you believe that there is no legal protection for babies born live following an ‘abortion’? They can be simply killed or ‘allowed’ to die. Such terrible evil is mind numbing:
13-09-2024: If only more communists shared Matthy’s fate, “Matthys’s ever-more-radical Anabaptist commune lasted about six weeks, until the tyrant of this theocratic utopia was cut down in battle and dismembered in early April—on Easter Sunday—with his head erected on a pole above the town to discourage future radical experiments.”
“Communism is the opiate of the intellectuals” Clare Booth Luce
13-09-2024: Dreadful over-reach. No freedom any more:
13-09-2024: Why isn’t it as hot as it was in the 1930s? Isn’t the world listening to the alarmists?
13-09-2024: “Thou shalt not criticise the government” – the 11th commandment:
12-09-2024: ‘Emulsifiers might just be a big problem:
12-09-2024: Not so long ago sex was normally between consenting adults - and within matrimony:
12-09-2024: Supporters of the Hamas murderers reveal
their true colours (though behind masks) during the
12-09-2024: “The biggest industrial ‘accident’ in history (millions dead) but…have we sold our souls, our universities, our health, for cheap fridges and trade deals?”
And furthermore:
It’s all about
11-09-2024: You have to hope Trump can save the West:
About right:
11-09-2024: Solitude vs the family dinner:
11-09-2024: “Be open-minded but not so open-minded that your brains fall out” Groucho Marx.
11-09-2024: Way to go:
10-09-2024: Good. About time too:
10-09-2024: The secret of invisibility:
10-09-2024: Is there anything worse than Japanese Knotweed? &
10-09-2024: Oh, well done Albo:
9-09-2024: Whatever happened to ‘green nuclear’?
9-09-2024: Indeed, “It's difficult to have a one-sided proxy war. At some point, the logic of the US, UK, France and Germany gifting Kiev with an arsenal they could never have accumulated on their own and then permitting Zelenskyy to lob his freebies deep into Russia will lead the Russkies to conclude that a state of war exists between them and Nato. What then?”
9-09-2024: Just about right, “The real reason we have not been to the moon since 1972 is that we cannot any longer do it. Humans have lost the capability.…So what happened? According to Professor Charlton, in the 1970s "the human spirit began to be overwhelmed by bureaucracy".
9-09-2024: Should we pay Moslems to come here or to leave? You decide by voting Labor out:
8-09-2024: After an (antenna etc) upgrade last week our wireless NBN service is now averaging over 100 Mbps – way up on the 7 Mbps we used to have with ADSL. Actually I do nothing which could use this sort of speed but it is symptomatic of the way that life just keeps getting better.
8-09-2024: Crazy leftie ‘experiments’ – don’t get me started on the NDIS; what a boondoggle:
8-09-2024: “Civilisations die from suicide, not by murder” Arthur J Toynbee
8-09-2024: Where do environmentalists want electricity to come from?
7-09-2024: Just another example of the Left’s war on the poor:
Or as Milei says, “"The
only ones who can generate wealth in this country and the world are
entrepreneurs, not politicians. Politicians
don't know how to create wealth and have no incentive to do so. When they try,
all they create is corruption."
7-09-2024: Watermelons: ‘Friends of the Earth’ is a
very different organization to the (anti-nuclear bomb) group ‘Grenpeace’ founded
by Patrick back in the 70s ( : “With 18 full-time-equivalent workers and 90 volunteers,
7-09-2024: Immortality anyone? Progress at last. In the meantime take anything which anti-inflammatory:
7-09-2024: Suddenly Abbott’s solution to asylum
seekers takes off in
6-09-2024: If your own family won’t vote for you why should anyone else – could be they know best:
6-09-2024: Eventually these fascists will come for you too:
6-09-2024: Wow – This is for me:
6-09-2024: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leave behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall of deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed… For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than a malicious one.”
5-09-2024: Netanyahu, “These murderers executed six of our hostages. They shot them in the back of the head. That’s what changed! And now after this, we’re asked to show seriousness?! We’re asked to make concessions?! What message does this send Hamas?” :
5-09-2024: Do you believe this? Neither do I:
5-09-2024: Gaoled for wanting to do his job:
5-09-2024: Leading Green Kim Jong Un gets really serious about ‘climate change’:
04-09-2024: Kim Beazley Snr in 1970: “When I joined the Labor Party, it contained the cream of the working class. But as I look about me now, all I see are the dregs of the middle class. When will you middle-class perverts stop using the Labor Party as a cultural spittoon?” For many years now this has been my view exactly. I remember a night at an ALP meeting in the 1970s in Rochester in just such an outstanding gentleman’s house when I began to separate myself from the Labor Party too, perceiving how the new political class who had never worked with their hands (or minds) to make themselves (or others) better disdained his modest achievements, disdained his working for one’s and society’s betterment - and offered him simply redistribution and Government control as the only worthwhile goal – not what he wanted either. Today’s ALP is way Left of where the Communist Party of Australia was as I grew up. The shearers and agricultural workers who founded it would not recognize it and would have no place in it. The Greens are even more evilly Left of them, perhaps even left of Mao & Pol Pot in that they would see most of humanity extinguished. Meanwhile the Chinese Communist Party is way to the Right of today’s ALP – I fear even to the right of today’s Liberal Party! Where can a working class Conservative’s vote go? Perhaps One Nation or the Liberal Democrats?
04-09-2024: So Big Brother really is watching you – listening anyway:
04-09-2024: Really? Erotic asphyxiation has become mainstream among under-35s. How did we get here? Bizarre:
04-09-2024: “Germany already had nuclear power in 2002, if they just kept it and didn’t build all the wind and solar plants, they wouldn’t have had to spend 697 Billion Euro on subsidies, and would have cut their emissions by 73% more”
03-09-2024: Gender confusion?
03-09-2024: Will approving mass migration of
03-09-2024: ‘Climate’ Chicken Littles will keep on thinking up newer and more bizarre reasons we should panic. Quick, run in all directions:
02-09-2024: The truth about the efficacy of anti-smoking laws (apart from the obvious fact that banning it has just handed the whole thing over to massive criminal gangs):
02-09-2024: Why does such a prominent Democrat back Trump?
02-09-2024: So many bad actors – the
Time the Left worked out who are the ‘bad guys’:
02-09-2024: Capitalism grows tired of woke:
01-09-2024: Well said Teddy:
01-09-2024: Who knew? “Since 1750, additions to the atmospheric CO2 concentration derived from natural emission sources associated with biological processes are about 4.5 times larger than the contribution from fossil fuel emissions”
01-09-2024: Will the ‘gender’ question be ‘optional’ like the religion and ‘aboriginality’ questions? I will probably not be answering it anyway:
01-09-2024: The love of bacon:
31-08-2024: My job is something to die for:
31-08-2024: There is hope. Why should you stay dead?
31-08-2024: Indeed, “This line of argument assumes that there is no such thing as an objective reality. It assumes that reality is what everyone thinks is real. But, in that circumstance we cannot judge a hypothesis against reality, or against an experiment. Rather than apply a reality test, we try to force everyone to believe it“
The end of free speech in the
30-08-2024: A Gibbo Memory: Recently I drove to Corryong and back to scan a heap of photos and documents which had been collected by my (late) first cousin which had become the property of his son on his death. It turned out there were 614 family photos and about 200 family documents - quite a trove, so as you might imagine it took some time to copy them. Read More:
30-08-2024: No wonder folks object to ‘renewables’, “On this land use basis, Sizewell C, now under construction, can plausibly claim to be 1,000 times more productive than solar and 3,000 times more so than onshore wind. That is typical for conventional power stations: they are small and highly productive compared to renewables”
30-08-2024: Malcolm Roberts is quite right to ‘call out’ ASIO boss Mike Burgess, who said, “Extreme right-wing propaganda used Covid to portray governments as oppressors, and globalisation, multiculturalism, and democracy as flawed and failing”
30-08-2024: Indeed. Milton Friedman, ‘Inflation is the one form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation.’ And what a great way it is for transferring wealth from savers to spenders:
60th Reunion: On the
weekend we traveled to Morisset (&
Below: Steve & Della Jones (spouse), Ross & Evelyn Tipper (spouse), Evelyn (Wallwork) Ashcroft (teacher).
Jim Simmonds & Willy Chow far left.
old house at
28-08-2024: Hunting the Wonnangatta Again: I guess you realise I have been haunting this wonderful valley for decades, but now that I am over half way though my eighth decade I suppose I will be doing such big tough trips less than I used to. However I was up there for a few days a couple of weeks ago. I did not venture quite so high up as I used to do though, mainly because I had a bad cold. Read More:
28-08-2024: There is absolutely nothing wrong with this question – the ABC is just deranged:
28-08-2024: It’s definitely not licenced firearm owners who are the problem. “It’s the latest in a series of high-profile stabbings in the UK, which has seen a nearly 80 per cent increase in knife crime since 2015”:
27-08-2024: I would love to own a new one:
27-08-2024: Good question: If the Big Bang wasn’t the first thing ever, what caused it?
27-08-2024: Yet another prominent Democrat is backing Trump:
27-08-2024: Albo has moved beyond parody in his embrace of dangerous jihadists:
26-08-2024: I take them too – just like practically everyone else – but is it true?
26-08-2024: Why hunting is good for you – you don’t have to run very fast to catch a bagel:
26-08-2024: But when will the Chinese dictatorship be made to pay?
26-08-2024: So much to be gained from multiculturalism:
Bobby Kennedy (&
25-08-2024: Do you need this enzyme (yet):
25-08-2024: Legalising murder – just what we need as our birth rate drops below replacement level anyway. Reprehensible: &
25-08-2024: Diversity is our strength:
23-08-2024: As good as it gets:
23-08-2024: Rowan Atkinson on freedom of speech:
23-08-2024: Whatever happened to the population bomb?
23-08-2024: CO2 is not such a big problem as Elon thought, but I am surprised that people are experiencing levels over 1,000ppm in various daily life situations due to poor ventilation. Once remember, windows used to be left open:
22-08-2024: Apocryphal sightings: the tin-foil hat brigade. Miraculously I managed to snap a pic of one of these elusive creatures in Churchill last week. Where are all the mobile pohone snaps of ghosts, demons, yetis etc?
22-08-2024: So, definitely not enough electricity for EVs then:
A Christian’s ‘answer’ to ‘welcome to country’, “The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who
live in it”
22-08-2024: True grit:
21-08-2024: A fresh look at 2,000 year proxies dispels fears of ‘global warming’:
21-08-2024: Vote for Kamala and get communism:
21-08-2024: What causes forest fires? “acres burned tracks fuel load rather closely, while the small change in temperature is barely noticeable”
21-08-2024: The war against free speech goes into overdrive: &
20-08-2024: How can refugees manage to safely visit the land from which they fled? Perhaps their status should be revoked?
Join the petition to reject all Gazan refugees:
20-08-2024: Pernicious b------s. Away with them. “Adam Creighton probably summed it up best when he wrote: “the Greens’ “No coal. No gas. No nuclear” campaign has a next logical step: “No economy”.”
20-08-2024: Is it time to begin to pray for the end of Islam (and communism)?
20-08-2024: You can see how the next war could be a cyberwar:
18-08-2024: Yes, something must be done, “For at least two decades, parents have watched with increasing concern as their children face relentless left-wing political indoctrination on an industrial scale within secondary schools, universities and, increasingly, junior schools and even kindergartens. This leftist indoctrination is now so severe that it eclipses traditional areas of learning with a veritable grab-bag of socialist and neo-Marxist ‘causes’ that if taken literally can only do harm to impressionable young minds.”
18-08-2024: Coming to Oz soon too I expect – hopefully not for this little black duck:
18-08-2024: Starmer let thousands of real criminals out of gaol so he could lock up citizens for voicing opinions:
“The old line… is that, if you import
the Third World on the scale western nations are doing, you become the
Similarly, “Name one advantage that mass
immigration from third-world countries has brought to any Western nation,
anywhere, at any time. I’ll wait… Diversity in and of itself is not a
benefit. When I speak of benefits, I’m talking about a raised GDP. Safer neighborhoods and lower crime rates. Higher test
scores. Stable labor markets. Respected
One would hope they would only choose
Nobel Prize winning ‘aboriginal scientists’ rather than the reality that they
could (at best) only count to five:
Hear, hear: “We should be saying that
everyone in
17-08-2024: A really excellent article about the fall of Hamas with a great quote by Jonathan Swift, “As the vilest writer has his readers, so the greatest liar has his believers, And it often happens that if a lie be believed only for an hour, it has done its work and there is no farther occasion for it. Falsehood flies and truth comes limping after it; so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late.”
16-08-2024: The mystery of Kaspar Hauser persists:
16-08-2024: We have a government which is basically treasonous – who are (for example) importing Moslem terrorists hand over fist, as if there will never be any consequences. Germany is deporting Hamas supporters:
16-08-2024: One tough little girl:
16-08-2024: The percentage of ‘unemployables’ has been exploding thanks to bizarre leftie ‘experiments’:
15-08-2024: The Naplan results are a national disaster yet our socialist government says ‘All is well’:
15-08-2024: What this decision actually shows is that we must ditch the renewables pipe dream:
Perhaps we should stop cosying up to
Couldn’t agree more, "I've had a gutful of the welcome to
country bulls**t,":
And I applaud this guy:
14-08-2024: The Trump Musk conversation broke the internet with over a billion views whilst Kamala managed 15,000:
The second Battle of
14-08-2024: If Walmart can’t make a profit it’s time for socialism:
13-08-2024: Who are the folks who show up at a Kamala Harris rally?
13-08-2024: This Great Barrier Reef temperature reconstruction reveals the very hot period that our First Fleeters also experienced and recorded – hotter than now between 1720-1820 (Scroll down for graph):
In other news
13-08-2024: Not so long ago I didn’t need (or have) any ID. I was just me. That was (and dare I say IS?) enough:
13-08-2024: Well how about that? Sex is good (for men):
12-08-2024: Maybe on the way to a cure at last:
12-08-2024: I agree that Albanese is nothing more than a Stalinist thug in his calling people to report people with ‘extremist views – like me and you – to the authorities. Whatever happened to free speech?
12-08-2024: I don’t think we can. I think we are in for 10-20 years of rolling blackouts and falling living standards – why we are investing in our own home (very expensive) power supply. We are fortunate though: with thirty acres and access to all of solar, wind, hydro and biofuel, as well as being self-sufficient in food we might not suffer like the rest of the country. “Imagine that: our competitors humming 24/7 on nuclear power while we’re keeping our electric cars in the garage to keep on the flickering wind-powered lights. It’s a ridiculous. But can Albanese and Bowen be stopped in time to save ourselves from the consequences of their delusions?”
12-08-2024: The ‘upside’ of multiculturalism is not souvlakis:
11-08-2024: Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone. I had a lovely day with the family. Three quarters of a century. Who would have believed it? I have recently been helping organize a 60th reunion of our high school graduating class which has made me understand just how lucky I am to have survived the vicissitudes of life so lightly whilst others of my cohort have sadly succumbed. But as Della said, I am still constantly planning various ‘adventures’ as if I was still 20, though it takes a little longer to complete an eight hour walk (for example) than it once did.
11-08-2024: I think Stuart has a point: too many people just don’t know how to behave as human beings:
11-08-2024: You would think we could agree that DNA was pretty decisive – even if you didn’t see those punches:
11-08-2024: Hubris, Over-reach and global tyranny. They will be coming for me next:
11-08-2024: Things I never knew: the real ‘Clancy of the Overflow’:
10-08-2024: Once ‘work’ used to be about moving stuff around (heavy stuff like bricks and sacks of potatoes say) but now it is about moving a ‘mouse’ around and you can even ‘employ' a programme to do it for you as many WFH ‘workers’ have found. Let’s make the b------s do some real work – like planting trees or clearing walking trails say:
10-08-2024: What a brave woman! Starmer will gaol her (& me too apparently) for this ‘thought crime’:
A return to the tyranny of the Nazis and the Soviets under our ‘one world’ government:
10-08-2024: Once again ‘The Bee’ has it about right:
10-08-2024: So an email now ‘weighs’ around 4 grams of carbon according to a
Scientist’ from Loughborough ‘University’ where my great grandmother came from (when they used to make something useful there – like agriculture and cloth). Curiously this is almost the same as a sheet of A4 paper weighs ie 5 grams:
09-08-2024: You Ripper: Euripides – what other treasures are hiding out there?:
09-08-2024: Weird stuff! Another ‘husband’ falsely accused, as it turns out:
09-08-2024: Now he knows:
09-08-2024: Child ‘Care’. Instead of motherhood we have this bizarre way of recycling taxes:
08-08-2024: Mesmerising. Spot would love this – imagine how good they would be on rats:
08-08-2024: Good question: Can you really get the world’s best scotch whisky for $40?
08-08-2024: Why you should watch out closely for beginnings. This was the first press release about Hitler (1922):
08-08-2024: ‘Equal justice’ for all? Or ‘two-tier’ policing?:
07-08-2024: Is it any wonder people are developing ‘EV Phobia’? &
07-08-2024: Remember when
Get the facts here:
This is how it works:
07-08-2024: You can be to the left of Kamala. Tim Walt, Kamala’s VP pick, “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighbourliness.” Trump’s response, ‘Thank You’.
07-08-2024: The Last Rat Passes. A sad day - I’m
sure many members of your family too served in
06-08-2024: Will rapamycin end female infertility?
06-08-2024: Things you can’t post on Facebook (without being banned). Try a Google search such as ‘President Donald’ and see just how the tech giants are controlling us. Elon did: If you want to go further read this article, but type ‘’ in front of
‘/posts/suppression-engines/’ – leaving out the quotation marks. As I said, Facebook will not allow posts from certain websites.
06-08-2024: Are ‘radical feminists’ just totally
06-08-2024: When the white working class
rise up against the elites, “In
Don’t understand? “Eight men have been charged in connection with child sexual exploitation in Calderdale. All the usual suspects, 3 named mohammed,” Tommy Robinson.
05-08-2024: Karahan Tepe may be even more astonishing
than Gobelki Tepe which revealed so much about ‘neolithic’ civilization:
05-08-2024: Too true: “Few in the ALP or the Greens have any affinity with the rural and regional people to whom they owe their incomes. Most will promote resistance to mining and agricultural developments and thereby fan those flames seeking to progressively close down this heartland of productivity.”
05-08-2024: Can
05-08-2024: The headline says it all. Will we have ‘the great replacement’ or ‘the great deportation’? I vote for the latter:
Musk predicts ‘civil war’ and I suspect he isn’t wrong:
04-08-2024: “That is a most interesting graph. It shows that whatever has caused the temperature increase over the last two decades … it’s clearly not due to an increase in the amount of surface upwelling thermal radiation that is absorbed by atmospheric CO2.”
04-08-2024: I imagine it would be perfectly legal to refuse you service if you were a hunter say:
04-08-2024: We voted for this?
04-08-2024: Is hiring ‘wimmin’ to ‘fix’ education a good idea?
03-08-2024: Quilt Modification and Comparison: I recently modified my Waratah Quilt and Zpacks Quilt so that they would better fit me, would be easier to enter and exit, and in the case of the Waratah be fractionally lighter as well.
I found Kam Snaps to be just the trick for these mods. As I said in that post I will be finding many many more uses for these wonderful gadgets.
These mods are amongst the easiest 'sewing' projects you could undertake, so they might be a good place to start before you launch into making your own tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, (hiking) clothes etc as I have done. Read More:
03-08-2024: Never thought I would say it but ‘Well done ABC’:
03-08-2024: Interesting review of communism’s
opposition to the family. Nothing in society happens by accident:
03-08-2024: Women are great at coercive control (too), “There’s never, ever any mention of female perpetrators controlling men. Never any mention of men who spend their lives being coerced by vindictive partners. Men who don’t dare leave the relationship because that would mean putting their children at risk by leaving them with a frightening mother.”
02-08-2024: We abandoned the virtues of manliness at our extreme peril:
02-08-2024: Absurd: & &
02-08-2024: Looking more and more like a
02-08-2024: For years we have seen this acting out – but what do they want to put in its place? :
01-08-2024: “Once again
01-08-2024: And it gets worse:
01-08-2024: Here is what an ancient Scandinavian
legend says:
long time ago
the universe was made of
Then one day the ice began to melt,
and a mist rose into the
Out of the mist
came a giant made of frost,
And the Earth and the heavens
were made from his body.
This is how the world began
and that is how the world
will end,
not by fire
but by ice.
The seas will freeze,
and winters will never end.
01-08-2024: The great replacement theory is no longer a theory, it’s reality:
31-07-2024: Converting a Sleeping Bag Into a Quilt: There is much debate about which is
better, a sleeping bag or a quilt? But why not have both? In most cases it is
easy to convert your old bag so you can use it as a quilt. I just did this with
my old Montbell bag - and it works a treat. The conversion cost maybe $1 and
weighed 3 grams! It took only a few minutes. Read More:
31-07-2024: Surtsey turns 60: ‘Life will find a way’:
31-07-2024: Even gladder we had it now:
31-07-2024: Hopefully the Olympics opening ceremony marks the beginning of the end of the ‘transgender’ movement and wokeism altogether:
31-07-2024: The people of
30-07-2024: For quite some time ‘More land for man’
has been the (unquestioned) agenda. Now it seems to be ‘More land for
nature’ – whatever that may be/mean. The latter motif seems to be (mainly) held
by inner-urban types who have never grown a single calorie of their own food
and seek to constrain those (like ourselves) who have spent their (long) lives
feeding dozens (usually hundreds) of others – generally thanklessly and pointlessly,
it must be admitted. Meanwhile though CO2 has promoted a
‘great greening’ world-wide adding several areas of forest the size of
30-07-2024: No wonder when a real crime is committed the police don’t attend – this is just crazy, “Across the country our police and our courts are struggling to cope with the level of unproven domestic violence accusations, which, in NSW take up 50-70 per cent of police time, and 60 per cent of local court time…The floodgate is now open for a woman to allege her partner has been emotionally controlling and that may be enough to get him sent to prison”
30-07-2024: How dare she say such dreadful things?
30-07-2024: How much longer do you suppose this can go on?
28-07-2024: Kam Snaps: If you are into DIY (as you should be unless you want to be a perpetual victim/pauper) then it's about time you discovered these wonderful plastic gadgets, an amazing (ultralight) improvement on the traditional press-stud. Read More:
28-07-2024: Great satire:
28-07-2024: We should have a referendum to abolish the Senate:
28-07-2024: Unwinding the hockey stick ‘trick’:
27-07-2024: We voted to end this evil racist b------t. Let’s sack every bureaucrat and pollie who is still imposing it on us - and our kids: &
27-07-2024: My guess is you can expect Google to get behind nuclear – or ditch the whole climate scam:
27-07-2024: Can you really trust the Therapeutic Goods
27-07-2024: We really need to sack Julie Ingman Grant –or something even worse:
26-07-2024: It had to happen:
26-07-2024: Long past time to listen to older, wiser heads on ‘climate change’:
26-07-2024: Exactly so,” Until we have elected leaders brave enough to drop the pieties that imply that our country belongs to some of us more than to all of us; and to stop flying the flags of some of us co-equally with the flag of all of us, there’s really no hope of reversing the cultural decay that’s behind the abuse of legal process and much else.”
25-07-2024: I suspect people will be demanding the
return of cash (and especially cheques) after the latest global tech outage.
25-07-2024: Just terribly sinister:
25-07-2024: We have to think of some more reasons for banning nuclear energy - instead of just building perfectly safe thorium plants:
25-07-2024: Poor
24-07-2024: This gal really knows how to sink the boots into Ursula von der Leyen:
24-07-2024: Great headline: ‘Global greening becomes so obvious that climate alarmists start arguing that we need to ‘Save the Deserts’:
24-07-2024: So true, “The grandees of the Democratic Party are lining up to support Kamala Harris. Apparently, they could not find anyone who was more stupid and more incompetent.”
24-07-2024: “One inevitable consequence of displacing
the native population with the dregs of the
23-07-2024: Our Marxist Vic Government has decided to ban lead bullets. As a firearm owner I have just filled in a ‘compulsory’ survey about it which mostly asked me how soon it should come into effect. Nobody seems to have noticed that such a ban would mean a de facto ban on firearm use per se as there is currently no other type of bullets nor any likelihood that major ammunition manufacturers will ever begin producing such an alternative.
23-07-2024: I’m just hoping he got his phone back:
23-07-2024: The solar crash gets worse:
23-07-2024: Extremes of moonbattery:
22-07-2024: Jill Biden has this about right:
22-07-2024: We old guys are tough:
22-07-2024: With teachers like this maybe it is unsurprising that you graduate to be an assassin:
22-07-2024: In case you never understood,
21-07-2024: Who guards the guardians?
21-07-2024: History can be made quite fascinating:
21-07-2024: I just love cops:
21-07-2024: Unsurprisingly they have it back to front – changes in temperature cause changes in CO2 concentration:
20-07-2024: He comes from a good family; when his grandmother died they found 19 loaded handguns in her house:
20-07-2024: The ‘green hydrogen’ dream bites the dust:
Hard to beat Leak’s ‘take’ on this
nefarious issue:
20-07-2024: With electricity from brown coal (often) at 1 cent per kilowatt hour, why would you try to make something better? Of course, at that price how could the poor power stations even make a profit – they might have to close down:
20-07-2024: This is central
19-07-2024: The last of the few turns 105:
19-07-2024: True grit:
19-07-2024: Resign, be sacked or be arraigned for
treason? “Officials said the snipers spotted the suspect, 20-year-old Thomas
Matthew Crooks, on the roof of a building outside the security zone at the
rally in
The difference between life and death in two images:
19-07-2024: Worse than eating maggots, Let them eat pollution butter:
18-07-2024: Why you should forget about hydrogen:
18-07-2024: Yet another (racist) evil for the next government to undo:
Just terribly sinister:
18-07-2024: One should definitely put the stress on the word ‘artificial’ in AI. It somewhat lacks the latter:
18-07-2024: Too many lies from Security Services, first about how the ‘lone shooter’ managed to get himself on the roof; second why his parents’ warning telephone calls were ignored; third, where did he get the bomb?: & &
PS: I really liked Sky News’ take on all the leftie moonbats’ reaction to the attempted assassination:
Remember “Sherlock Holmes’s dictum: “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”
17-07-2024: Trump behaved like a true President behaves:
17-07-2024: You said it all,
17-07-2024: Trust the ABC to be onto it – they would prefer we just freeze to death because of ‘global warming’ I suppose:
17-07-2024: I daresay Secret Service Director Cheatle will be one of the first ‘Deep Staters’ Trump sacks, and deservedly so:
16-07-2024: Why Trump picked JD Vance – a winning team (hopefully) and 8-12 years of republican leadership. Maybe the free world can be saved? PS: The Left will now have to assassinate two candidates if they hope to prevent a Republican victory:
16-07-2024: Ignoring the assassin for half an hour is beyond incompetence:
Did he ‘act alone’? They have not been able to crack his phone yet so it is presumtuous to say, but…
16-07-2024: Setka, Andrews, Allen, Albanese, Shorten,
Gillard…you don’t have to look hard before you find just how crooked Labor is:
16-07-2024: Remember Hunga
15-07-2024: An Ideal Cheap Pillow: While we are on the topic of sleeping (which we are), I have also really ‘lashed out’ and added an excellent $2 pillow to my sleeping arrangements from Aliexpress.
I should add that I have modified my Waratah Quilt so it is a little lighter and easier to enter and exit. It is already delightfully warm and comfortable. I am very happy with it on those sub-zero nights.
I buy half a dozen of these pillows at a time as they are not outstandingly robust though I have used one for dozens and dozens of nights whilst I have burst much more expensive pillows in less time. Read More:
15-07-2024: Who’s ‘fake news’? Check out this CNN headline, “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally”… “They won’t give Robert F Kennedy Jnr secret service protection, even though his father and uncle died by assassination and he is third most popular candidate for the Presidency”
And this was DEI in action:
BTW: And you’re not a conspiracy theorist yet?
‘You had one job? And it gets worse:
Here is the real fake news:
15-07-2024: Edwin Hubble – until exactly one hundred years ago there was thought to be only one galaxy, until Hubble worked out that Andromeda was another. Now we have ‘counted’ over 2 trillion of them in roughly 46 billion light years of ‘space’, yet there remain those who look up at the sky and still imagine a grey-bearded old man looking down and caring for them – and (alas) enjoining them to all manner of evil acts towards their fellow men:
15-07-2024: Evil is still evil. You can’t just give
15-07-2024: Imagine no longer being able to afford to
be a ‘Grey Nomad’:
14-07-2024: He will almost certainly win now:
here is the (iconic) photo which will win
him the election and ensure his place in history - liken it to the raising of
the flag on
Reuters’ (leftie) Headline, “Trump shot in
right ear at campaign rally. Shooter dead”.
Shooting with a rifle from perhaps 100 yards the bullet missed killing/maiming
him by perhaps 2” (50mm), actually quite ‘good marksmanship’. He must have a
charmed life. You may remember a similar bullet exploded JFK’s head ‘like a
ripe melon’, as they said at the time. Remember
too that only a week ago Biden said, “It’s time to put Trunp in the bullseye”.
You don’t have to be a ‘conspiracy
theorist’ to see that this is not just a case of mistakes being made. No
such rooftop vantage point could possibly be overlooked by any responsible
security service (particularly when they were warned by witnesses of the
presence of an armed man on the roof). They were clearly ordered not to look
until after Trump was shot – and by whom? I was present at the 1990
The assassin was right on target. Fortuitously Trump moved his head 1/10th of a second before the shot. God?
14-07-2024: XTherm or Bust: So, as you know I bit the bullet and bought myself a new Thermarest XTherm at 440 grams for its standard 6′ model. Though I definitely did not ‘need’ a new pad I wanted to see whether I could reduce size/volume in my pack – and I was just curious whether the improvement in the Nxt range from 2 1/2′ to 3″ thickness really did make a significant (enough) difference to comfort. Besides, ‘you can’t take it with you’. Read More:
14-07-2024: Do snakes like to drink milk? Interesting speculation:
14-07-2024: Yet another reason not to buy an EV why ever did they replace manual window winders anyway?
14-07-2024: The truth about corals – they like it hot (Our GBR is one of the coldest in the world):
13-07-2024: Thank goodness for erythromycin! I have had this respiratory infection (non-stop/off and on?) since I was on The Everest Base Camp Trek back in November, but one hour after I started this stuff I am on the mend. A second ‘Thank Goodness’ to Dr Google (whom some doctors doubt):
13-07-2024: Bizarre green fantasies to the nth power – haven’t these people ever heard of plants and corals?:
13-07-2024: The triumph of democracy – “Four out of every five eligible voters either refused or else failed to vote for Starmer’s Labour. Starmer won 3.2 million fewer votes than Corbyn in 2017.”
13-07-2024: Please explain:
We can make it better, “Elon: "If somebody has lost their arms or legs, we can actually attach an Optimus arm or leg during the Neuralink implant so that the commands from their brain would go to their robot arms or legs."
13-07-2024: “You’re nothing but a pack of neurons”.
12-07-2024: Farage won 14% of the
12-07-2024: Watching Christendom burn (again):
12-07-2024: Something to celebrate – DIY cryonics:
12-07-2024: How much hotter it was in the Holocene 7,000 years ago without CO2 to warm us:
11-07-2024: Well done that man!
11-07-2024: You don’t own the government, the government owns you: &
11-07-2024: New Samsung must-haves – whatever happened to using phones to make calls?
11-07-2024: A conservation success story in
09-07-2024: Hard to believe this is happening:
09-07-2024: Yet us Aussies still burn a wicked amount
of coal almost 2% of
09-07-2024: So hippies haven’t died out, they’ve just gotten older:
09-07-2024: This happened in
08-07-2024: Ditching a successful leader as with the Libs replacing Tony with Malcolm is never a good idea:
08-07-2024: It is an evil political movement bent on world conquest. As Nazism was, so too Islam must be banned:
08-07-2024: Good question – and do we really need a couple of million of them? I think not:
08-07-2024: Whoops – maybe circumcision was a good idea after all?
05-07-2024: Woohoo! Bring it on:
05-07-2024: If your school is not quite cutting it for your bright kid, maybe try this?
05-07-2024: Piltdown Man Anyone? Another interesting archaeological fake:
05-07-2024: Implanting artificial memories - what could ever go wrong?
04-07-2024: Absolutely the Lightest Sleeping Pad
Inflator: The Pad
Pal weighs only 9 grams, costs a mere US$48 (July 2024) and will pump your
pad up in a little over 30 seconds. This tiny device will revolutionise
how you inflate your sleeping pad. Read More:
04-07-2024: Interesting. Perhaps the ‘lady of the lake’ came for it?
04-07-2024: Forget
04-07-2024: We don’t need Tucker to tell us this; End immigration and begin deportation now!
04-07-2024: Be warned. Like land, they aren’t making any more gold:
03-07-2024: "Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) – A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers."
03-07-2024: Even hydro has to be backed up uneconomically by fossil fuels yet the Labor Party debunks a move to nuclear:
03-07-2024: Marx (and Loyola) were wrong that having
access to the young would win them over to their cause for life as the 1956
Hungarian Revolution famously showed when it was the (most indoctrinated)
teenagers who took on the Russian tanks with their bare hands. The Green Left
have been proselytising the young for too long, but the young will wake up and
fight back. Looks like they are already beginning to do so in
03-07-2024: I think we can say that the El Nino is officially over – temperatures will likely plummet to well below their 30 year average as they have (eg after 1998) with previous El Ninos:
02-07-2024: Don’t welcome me to my own country (either):
02-07-2024: Just where is all that bad CO2?
02-07-2024: At last a win against the bureaucratic ‘state.’ Will there be a (slow) return to democracy starting now? :
02-07-2024: ‘Feminists’ should listen up to Ayaan
Hirsi Ali, “In the spirit of “intersectional” rankings, I want to begin by
examining the first paradox of luxury feminism: that race trumps sex. “Taḥarrush
jamāʿī” is an Arabic term describing “collective sexual assault”
or mass molestation. It is a traditional form of plunder in Islam, often (but
not necessarily) in the context of war. “Kafir” (nonbelieving) women are
particularly targeted; taḥarrush jamāʿī was inflicted on a
group of women protestors in
01-07-2024: Surely things haven’t become so bad that even robots are suiciding?
01-07-2024: The official Newspeak dictionary:
01-07-2024: Why won’t the Reef simply lie down and die?
01-07-2024: Did World War 3 begin on October 7? “A photograph held by the Alma research centre which focuses on security threats to Israel’s northern border, shows senior military figures from China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Hamas with their Syrian hosts. This is Team Apocalypse, a knotting of the malevolent strands in the web of evil confronting Western liberal democracies.The only party missing is a representative of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.”
30-06-2024 A noble profession:
30-06-2024 Lessons from Aesop:
30-06-2024 Sure doesn’t look like it. Why aren’t we building some new HELE coal-fired power stations? It isn’t as if we haven’t got the coal or it isn’t going to be burned anyway:
30-06-2024 Hard to see that this was the wrong decision:
29-06-2024: Kinetic Log Splitter: My son-in-law alerted me to the reality that there is another quite different type of splitter which does not use hydraulics. The hydraulic splitter (even when new) would just refuse a really tough billet of wood which I could hammer away with my (manual) block buster and split by hand.
This 'kinetic' type of splitter utilises the energy of a flywheel which can repeatedly hit the billet of wood until it splits. It claims an 18 tonne 'punch' at the outset anyway, so you don't often have to give the block a second hit but if you need to. The machine is amazingly quick. I could never have swung a block buster as fast as this. The hydraulic one was ponderously slow in comparison. Read More:
29-06-2024: I was wrong. Improbable as it might be
Greg Lynn could indeed be innocent. We have watched his extraordinary
where he certainly gives a lucid and believable account of what happened. The
whereabouts of the three missing 12 gauge slugs (around 500 grains or half an
ounce each therefore easily discoverable with a metal detector) is the key to
whether he is innocent or not (though the jury certainly did not have the
evidence to find him guilty – this verdict is likely to be overturned). Yesterday
I said he perhaps dug the slugs out of the bodies but the figures for
penetration of such slugs (say 14-21”- anyway over a foot) makes certain that
they would never have remained in the bodies. If they passed through the bodies
they would have lost so much energy that (as with the recovered slug) they
would be found in the vicinity – but they were clearly not, (indicating indeed
that he was telling the truth). Even if fired into the air (as he said) they
should have been discoverable at a range somewhere between 200-400 yards away
when their type etc would have ascertained they came from his gun. The
ballistics evidence (like so much of the police handling of the case) was
flawed. Those slugs remain the crucial ‘nail in the coffin’ for this case. ‘Someone’
should go find them. Shotgun (slug) penetration
and trajectory:
Curiously he told them where the phones and the drone
were too…
29-06-2024 There is no doubt (now) Biden is toast – so who will be the real Democrat candidate? Will it be Michelle for a fourth Obama presidency?
29-06-2024 Why aren’t all the islands shrinking because we said they would? Must be ‘climate change’:
28-06-2024 The times they are a’changing - get ready to be a prepper:
28-06-2024 Tucker meets the (corrupt) Oz media - and they come off second best.” I particularly liked his depiction of one of them as ‘dumb and stupid’:
28-06-2024 Another (straw) hero of the Left, “‘He recklessly released information that put
counterintelligence and intelligence communities at risk, and more importantly…Those brave Afghani
and Iraqi members of their public, that were working towards bringing down
their totalitarian regimes, that were working with coalition forces, were also
put at risk. He left them out there and I don’t know how many lives have been
lost. I don’t know whether we will ever know that. But we certainly know that
the last 14 years for those people, if they are still with us, has been a very
difficult and frightening experience and that’s because of a choice that Julian
Assange made. And a law that he is now admitting that he has broken.’”
Disgusting that even our PM fails to treat him as the (convicted) spy and
traitor that he is:
28-06-2024 Of course he did it – that much was clear
from the minute Russell’s phone pinged the Hotham tower from within Lynn’s car,
but police have indeed failed to prove that he was lying and the jury’s
verdict was wrong (in fact and law) and will be proved wrong on appeal, so that
he will have to be monitored for life to protect the public (like so many
others). Curiously one of his mutterings (about the ballistics) clearly gave
police the clue where they needed to look for the proof that he was lying (as I
said at the outset of he trial) but they failed to follow it up. Where indeed
were the other bullets?
27-06-2024: Just wonderful: Strandbeest Evolution:
27-06-2024: If she wasn’t a Mossie she would be out. Too much pandering to minorities who should be deported:
27-06-2024: Unbelievable. If you liked the idea of cockroach milk, you will love maggot milk. “Not this little black duck”
27-06-2024: Couldn’t agree more: “Sexual perversion is not worth fighting for, nor is a military that systematically promotes it worth fighting in.”
26-06-2024: Well said Bettina, “The law is clear – intoxicated women may be able to give consent to sex, even if later they can’t remember what happened.”
26-06-2024: Bureaucracy is the most terrifying arm of government:
You only have one job. Remember the BOM
and CSIRO were supposed to do science, (not proselytizing). Their records
ought to be as near to a perfect reflection of actual conditions on the day of
record (temperature, wind speed rainfall etc) as possible. This data is a vital
historical record which can be and is used to make predictions about future
weather. If the data is corrupted (as it undoubtedly is),
then the predictions become junk. GIGO remember = ‘garbage in, garbage
out’. When a change to the measurement system is implemented it is a vital
scientific principle that the two measurement systems are correlated with each
other to show that they are both measuring the same thing. This was a
scientific principle understood by and implemented on the First Fleet.
Usually this will require running with both systems in parallel for a certain
time in order to ascertain if there are differences. The BOM record (for
example) now contains several step changes where the methodology was altered
without assuring that the new system was measuring what the old one was.
In the temperature series for example the Glaisher Screens were replaced with
Stevenson screens generally in the 1890s. It would be fairly simple process
(even now) to see what difference that change made and to adjust the data
accordingly. Instead the BOM just throws out all the old data (before 1910!) We
have continuous temperature series from eg
During the 1990s several changes were made to the Stevenson Screens (used to
record temperature). First they changed the paint used (after 100 years)
without checking whether this would make any difference. Independent researchers
indicate that this change alone increased the temperatures recorded by between
.5- 1C. They then made the boxes smaller (again without cross-referencing) and
replaced the manually recorded thermometers with electronic probes (again
without keeping parallel data). A vast number of other adjustments have been
made to the data such that it can no longer be used to make accurate
predictions. The BOM has bigger and better computers all the time but if they
are working from actually false data they cannot do their jobs.
Basically we have thrown out all of our
temperature data after over two centuries of collecting it! NB Quite a few
places in the world have continuous temperature records going back to the late
1600s that are not used by our weather gurus. The rainfall and wind data is
also suffering from similar unreliability, making future accurate predictions
well-nigh impossible. This is just not
26-06-2024: Any other vaccine would have been banned after many fewer than these 325 confirmed (peer-reviewed) deaths:
25-06-2024: Good question:
25-06-2024: Numbers 5 through 10 are still pretty sound though, surely?
25-06-2024: “We recall the immortal words of a fourth century bishop of Milan-- that would be St. Ambrose: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
23-06-2024: Hamas celebrating pride month:
24-06-2024: No-one wants and EV:
24-06-2024: It had to happen:
· If you can’t question The Science, it isn’t science.
· The mainstream media is your enemy.
· Our leaders are corrupt, self-serving, hypocritical and incompetent.
· Our institutions have been captured by ideologues who are Marxist, misanthropic Malthusians.”
23-06-2024: Don’t ditch your sat phone or sat messenger just yet:
23-06-2024: Charles
Hoy Fort and Eric Von Daniken are not dead yet:
23-06-2024: About that
23-06-2024: 75%! Might just be a good idea, don’t you think?
22-06-2024: And you thought banning the cane (and other such nonsense) was a good idea?
22-06-2024: Just not going to tell you how I scored:
22-06-2024: Two important facts: “Experience and testing have shown that the optimum carbon dioxide level for plants is between 800ppm and 1000ppm” and “The minimum carbon dioxide level, below which plants are unable to use it and will therefore die, followed by all other life forms which depend upon plants, including humans, is in the region of 250ppm” We are too close to the last and too far away from the first. Therefore “Burn baby, burn”: .
22-06-2024: Sure have, but unlike Sam I’m happy with booing this racist nonsense:
21-06-2024: This nova will be interesting to see. Must watch for it - I doubt I will still be around in 80 years to see it next time:
21-06-2024: Allan Savory, the champion of grazing on how to save the world from desertification, a far more pressing problem than ‘global warming’:
21-06-2024: Further proof that Bob Hawke was to the right of where the major parties are today:
21-06-2024: Correlation vs Causation:
18-06-2024: Hiding in plain sight? “Ocean sea surface temperatures are on average, about 6C warmer than surface air temperatures. If the surface of the ocean is on average so much warmer than the atmosphere immediately above it, the direction of heat transfer must be ocean to atmosphere.”
18-06-2024: What a good idea:
18-06-2024: We really must keep looking for MH370:
18-06-2024: Ain’t it the truth: Jon Gabriel: ‘When natural gas production was a too-expensive alternative to oil, the environmental lobby promoted it as a surefire way to reduce carbon emissions. Close the coal- and oil-fired plants; convert cars to run on CNG. Yes, it will devastate industries, cost jobs and burn billions of dollars, but think of the children! Since even malevolent industrialists love their kids, energy barons took the greens’ advice and found cheaper, more efficient ways to extract and transport natural gas. What a victory for the movement! But instead of celebrating, envirolobbyists rent their garments over their once-miraculous fuel. The instant green energy translated into Big Oil profits, progressives placed the CNG and fracking on their naughty list …Every time a real-world solution is provided to a promised calamity, leftist leaders move the goalposts …That’s because the Left doesn’t really believe in climate change. Their true religion is raising taxes, increasing government, impeding capitalism and reducing national sovereignty. Climate change is just a temporary excuse to achieve those ends.’
17-06-2024: Fair point? “Inclusive” means exclusive of everyone who fails to embrace sin and degeneracy. The rainbow symbolizes God’s covenant never again to drown the world for succumbing to sin. It has been co-opted for the purpose of blasphemy.”
17-06-2024: Wanting to have babies makes you a fascist? How mad the Left is.
17-06-2024: What is wrong with
17-06-2024: How belief gets in the way of science. These two researchers have proved that the BOM forecasts could be very much better (using AI) but it would need them to clean up their false records which they will never (now) do. A case in point is the new rainfall gauges which fail when there is too much rain:
16-06-2024: Once we would have been just ‘middle of the road’. “’Hard right’. This now seems to be the preferred term used by journalists who are getting cold feet about describing every-body to the right of Extinction Rebellion as ‘far right’”
16-06-2024: Sign the petition to remove
16-06-2024: Buddhists on Islam:
16-06-2024: “If the bell tolls for
15-06-2024: Lewis & Clark’s dog Seaman:
15-06-2024: Why we must become more energetic in defending and affirming Western civilisation – the barbarians are no longer just at the gate, they are now well inside the gates and must be thrust forth if we and civilization itself is to survive:
15-06-2024: The new ‘Route 66’:
15-06-2024: The sign says it all. Help save us from
National Parks:
14-06-2024: Why not (just) close all of our (profitable) industry down?
14-06-2024: ‘Castle
Law’. Coming ‘soon’ to Qld. Needed even more in Vic:
14-06-2024: (Real) women will just love this. My wife (dare I use the word) particularly has always (not) referred to herself as a ‘front-holed person’ – correction ‘perdaughter’ – but surely ‘two-holed person’ – or three - would have better delineated the distinction between the sexes? Omigod these people are awful! :
14-06-2024: After wasting six weeks in court Vicpol
produced zero evidence that
13-06-2024: The
stuff folks believe. This ‘new’ Jesus miracle has to be set beside Mohamed’s
flying donkey surely?
13-06-2024: Imagine
landing in Normandy ‘armed’ with just boiled lollies:
13-06-2024: A little worse than ‘playing with fire’ yet we already know our own Oz scientists were involved in Wuhan too despite all such stuff having been banned by the Hawke Government thirty + years ago:
13-06-2024: I’ve signed:
12-06-2024: No
12-06-2024: Remembering the war against
12-06-2024: What kind of country gives its highest honour to a corrupt incompetent thug who locked it up for years and unnecessarily killed hundreds or thousands of its citizens?
12-06-2024: The E-safety commissioner should be locked in a men’s prison for a while to see how s/h/it likes it:
11-06-2024: Innocent civilians do not hide kidnapped
hostages in their homes: &
11-06-2024: Really? Penis size and gun ownership, the study (Always said , ‘You can’t have too many guns’ myself):
11-06-2024: The EU elections are the beginning of the end for the Greens and the Left generally, “For most young people, however, it is clear that they will not retire at 70, they will not buy a house, and they may not be able to support a family” Elon Musk: The “right-wing” agenda today is just the centrist agenda of 20 years ago. The left has become an extinctionist movement”:
11-06-2024: This is what should have happened in the Lindt Café. Long past time to put the adults back in control:
10-06-2024: Talk
about 'Keystone Cops'. Greeks would have trouble finding lamb in a souvlaki.
Poor Mosley was lying in plain sight from a bar where people were partying and
a beach (where people swam) and a path (where people walked) and the sea (where
people swam & boated) in an area which had been searched multiple times (20
even) by helicopter! And we are talking a distance of not much more than 20
metres away - a cricket pitch, but this is definitely not cricket. This morning
I thought it was 'impossible' that he could not be found (by such a search) in
an area which was clearly so barren and empty of vegetation (and that therefore
he must have 'taken himself' somewhere else). No
He really was found right where the person
in the blue shirt is standing in the above photo - and was seen there on their
CCTV. For all I know the above photo is actually of him. Incredible:
010-06-2024: The Greens are just rabid scum. Their Nazi blackshirt political tactics are beyond reprehensible. We must rid ourselves of them and their like forever - else what was D- Day for? NB The Nazis were the extreme Left. Only Stalin ever described them as 'right wing'.
010-06-2024: Farewell Bill. After flying around the moon still doing well to be flying a plane at 90:
010-06-2024: The BOM is just a terrible mess. Heads should roll:
09-06-2024: Getting them back at the point of a gun – what fools thought there was any other way:
09-06-2024: Strange. Notice that the Radiosonde (aka weather balloon) trends is only about 1/10th of a degree per decade, say 1C per century – about what you would expect as we emerge from the Little Ice Age:
09-06-2024: Just how accurate were those pcr tests - used to lock us up for years:
09-06-2024: Charles Hoy Fort used to claim that we were ‘fished for’ by aliens, but I suspect there is a more mundane explanation for ‘mysterious disappearances, eg felony or people wanting to disappear. PS: They are getting desperate when they start searching for him in the minotaur’s cave:
08-06-2024: Try telling this to today’s woke kids: “You all knew that some things are worth dying for. One’s country is worth dying for, and democracy is worth dying for, because it is the most deeply honourable form of government ever devised by man. All of you loved liberty. All of you were willing to fight tyranny, and you knew the people of your countries were behind you.” Ronald Reagan to D-Day vets:
08-06-2024: Boondoggles I have known, “Any reasonable and sane person would conclude that this man, who is not a citizen, and certainly not Indigenous, should be booted from the country.”
08-06-2024: Fetch Me the Ochre (Frank Pledge): “At the next census, please tick the box that says you are an Aboriginal indigenous first nations native of this once great country. This request is prompted by my recent experience filling out a medical form when I was referred to see a specialist. One section asked:
“Are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?”
I thought about, then ticked ‘Yes’. The receptionist knew I have no Aboriginal DNA, but did not bat an eye as she said: “There will be no charge for your consultation.” I shook my head and she smiled.
If Bruce Pascoe can grow rich and famous by daubing on the ochre
and making up a tommyrot lineage, why not me? If
acknowledge and welcome to modern
I recognise the benefits provided to all Australians by science, philosophy, engineering, British law, fossil fuels, agriculture and the inspiration of Renaissance thinking. Now I demand my share! (Bank account details to follow, plus an accounting of how much you owe me.)
I respect those of our political leaders, past and present and irrespective of their race or origin, for providing all modern Australians with tremendous lifestyle advantages through innovations in science, mining, agriculture, manufacturing, technology, medicine, literature and education.
Now, in the noble cause of diversity, equity and inclusion, I demand those Australians reluctant to assert their notional indigeneity begin immediately transferring ever more of Australia’s wealth and real estate to claimants like me.
I hate to be picky, but I ask that you please pay me in gold. The way the country is going, your WMDs — white man’s dollars — don’t strike me as stable long-term propositions.” Shamelessly copied from Quadrant Magazine.
08-06-2024: Can’t wait for this to happen here, “The threat posed by discarded plastic straws or the failure to observe pronoun etiquette seems frivolous in comparison.”
07-06-2024: NASA scientists that suggest most of the recent global temperature increases are due to the introduction of draconian fuel shipping regulations designed to help prevent global warming.
07-06-2024: Let’s never forget what we owe to D-Day –
a memorial:
07-06-2024: Remember Sirhan Sirhan? They have not changed a jot since 1968:
07-06-2024: Where is Michael Mosley? Another Donald Crowhurst?
06-06-2024: Just look at how Greens are destroying nature. This is truly shocking. Fast forward to about 7 minutes in:
06-06-2024: Did you know? Twice as many Jews fought against Hitler as the general population:
06-06-2024: How science has been co-opted – if only we had followed Karl Popper. A great thinker. I met him a couple of times years ago:
06-06-2024: They want him dead but the American people just want him President – at the moment leading by 20 points in polls:
05-06-2024: Things You Find: We visited the
My cousin Brian had pulled this strange object out of the ground where we/they used to live in Tenambit (Maitland) when he was circa 8 years old. At the time it had a calf tied to it with a rope.
At first he thought it was a rusty piece of pipe (as you would expect - you can still see the hammer marks on it where it was driven into the ground) then he noticed the sight attached to it and realised it was a gun barrel. Read More:
05-06-2024: How much of our ‘welfare’ goes to foreigners?
05-06-2024: Why pumped hydro (like EVs) is dead in the water:
05-06-2024: Is the bubble about to pop?
04-06-2024: Ultralight Head Gear: A 1970s
However, not very much weight of insulation is needed to keep your head warm. Anyway a cold head will cause all sorts of problems – and misery.
I certainly find that if my head is cold the rest of me is cold as well – so I often/always wear a hat of some sort. When I am out in the wilds (in cold weather) I always have some sort of insulated head-wear – something from a light wool cap through a light wool balaclava, a buff or beanie to some serious head insulation for night time sub-zero conditions etc. Read More:
04-06-2024: Alas that this is true, “On
04-06-2024: Why
04-06-2024: Superman returns to mark the end of gay pride month. These people have nothing to be ‘proud’ of if I am not proud to be heterosexual:
03-06-2024: Listen up and act. Wise words from John
Adams – founder of the
03-06-2024: 21 Facts About
03-06-2024: Has this ‘Old
03-06-2024: Geert will bring the EU and the great green blob crashing down. Let’s get with the Dutch agenda folks:
28-05-2024: Ultralight Furniture: Should I buy a Helinox Zero or just sit on a log? We have used the Big Agnes Cyclone Chair (at approx 170 grams) for years. It uses a sleeping mat to make a comfy chair with a supporting back-rest that you can sit in your tent with (in front of a warm fire in our case) without poking holes in your tent floor. Read More:
28-05-2024: “It is grossly irresponsible and even malpractice for a psychiatrist to trigger the wish for assisted suicide by declaring that a case is hopeless…We are talking about an otherwise healthy young woman who has been persuaded by her doctors that she might just as well die. One might respond that she would have done as well to be angry at her inept psychiatrist and learn to express her rage.”
28-05-2024: When thought alone is a crime in the
28-05-2024: The other day I posted that Dyson Spheres may have been discovered. If this pans out does that mean that Faster-then-light travel is actually an impossibility, as surely a civilization which has the technology to ‘redesign’ its planetary system would surely have discovered it and ‘escaped’ from its solar system if it were not. As a further speculation, I wonder whether aliens have written sci-fi which imagines us? Unlikely, surely?
27-05-2024: Ultralight Firewood Saw: I realise this is something of a 'holy grail' but sometimes you really do need to be able to saw some pieces of firewood down to size and you may need to have carried a saw to do so - or you are not going to be very warm tonight.
This was (nearly) our situation on a recent walk out to Mt Feathertop, and is a situation we have encountered in NZ backcountry huts.
As I only ever have a fire when I really need one I am loath to carry heavy cutting implements just in case, so I have been working at and thinking about this problem. Read More:
27-05-2024: “It appears that the Europeans (& Australians?) wish to finish the task that Hitler started -- the secret reason they are assisting the Palestinians in achieving this goal.”
27-05-2024: Whatever has happened to Boeing? They used to be great – remember the 747?
27-05-2024: Avoiding ‘faint praise’. Too much ‘self-esteem’ “By their theorizing, a child does not need to learn multiplication tables. He needs to feel good about himself. In principle, this is supposed to make him a math whiz. In practice, it makes him a self-important idiot.” Maybe if they concentrated on actually being good at something?
26-05-2024: “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” Vladimir Lenin
26-05-2024: Milei is proving that the dead hand of socialism can be lifted from our backs:
26-05-2024: And adult in the room:
26-05-2024: Our public lands should be for all Australians – we have paid enough to ‘indigenous’ causes/affairs to own them a dozen times over:
25-05-2024: Surely we voted against this divisive, racist b------t:
25-05-2024: We have the solution? Well, Duh!
25-05-2024: ‘Trust the Science’. Move over Pedro Carolino ( Peer review (AI) has outdone you a thousand-fold My personal best (translation) mistake to date was ‘water sheep’ for ‘hydraulic ram’:
25-05-2024: Useful idiots #2: Hamas leader thanks student protesters for help annihilating the Jews, “we are grateful to the people behind it. We want total integration in the battle on the ground. Today, we want a Flood of Jihad and resistance…It is good for Mankind, because annihilating the Zionists is good for humanity as a whole.”
24-05-2024: Remarkable. “I was the first man on
24-05-2024: ‘
24-05-2024: Student centred learning? “Do as I say,
not do as I do.” “Jean-Jacques
Rousseau, whose 1762 book Emile, or On Education laid the groundwork for
the Romantic idealist approach. The philosopher offloaded all five of his own
children to the
24-05-2024: The energy to keep the modern world running has to come from somewhere, not thin or hot air:
Looks like the future will be subsidising ancient coal-fired power stations because no-one has the grit to decide we need to build new ones:
23-05-2024: ‘I’m leaving on a jet plane’ - The freedom
to live in
23-05-2024: The most remarkable people on earth, “Jews are 110 times more likely than others to win the top prizes for helping to create Western civilisation and its blessings, including thriving economies, thanks in huge part to a culture that reveres learning.”
23-05-2024: There is theory and then there is practice. This is the best that can now be said, ““The real duty of man,” says Highet, “is not to extend his power or multiply his wealth beyond his needs, but to enrich and enjoy his imperishable possession: his soul.” In a world where almost no-one understand the phrase, ‘The Golden Rule’. I used to often say to my students that Socrates (arguably the best of teachers) had no other ‘aid’ than the other end of a log to sit upon. “All our vanities about how to improve teaching forget that, at day’s end, if the teacher hath not love, s/he hath nothing.” I think also students need to (learn to) love each other. Often there is only animus which can only lead to ignorance and despair:
23-05-2024: CSIRO. When I was a kid the second letter
stood for ‘science’. “CSIRO artificially pumped up the cost of building a
nuclear plant in
22-05-2024: Fascinating - Mallory’s 1924 Everest Expedition:
22-05-2024: Have we already found aliens and Dyson Spheres?
22-05-2024: Weather, the elephant on the climate room. Do read this: “In closing, let me note that since 1950, CO2 has theoretically increased downwelling radiation by something on the order of 1.4 W/m2 … and that would be totally undone by a mere 1.4% increase in cloud cooling. In that context, bear in mind that global cloud cooling changes by up to 9% from one month to the next, and we never even notice”
22-05-2024: A memorable obit for Raisi:
21-05-2024: Get out there and do it:
21-05-2024: Looks like the internal combustion engine has won over the EV for the second time in a century:
21-05-2024: You have to have a very strong stomach to side with Palestinians:
21-05-2024: The Second Opium War: I admit I have
always argued that
20-05-2024: DIY Ultimate Ultralight Saw: A reader (Paul – thank you) has gazumped me in the ultralight saw stakes after viewing my post Ultralight Saw Experiments with a ‘saw’ that probably weighs under 5 grams but could still be used to make Ultralight Tent Poles – or similar items of camp furniture. Read More:
20-05-2024: Sign this petition if you want free access to public lands to continue:
20-05-2024: A hangover cure perhaps - but wouldn’t you have to be sober to take it?
20-05-2024: NZ (and Oz) agriculture is already at (or beyond) ‘Net Zero’:
19-05-2024: When you don’t see people for a long time:
Last night we attended a fortieth reunion for students from
19-05-2024: Putting your finger on the pulse – Sir
David Frost, “The first is economic and is most starkly illustrated by the
decline in per capita GDP over the last fifteen years to, in the last two
years, negative levels. It has many causes: the extreme dysfunction of our
planning system and the NHS; the regional and sectoral distortions created by
the integration of the UK into the EU single market; the pernicious post-2008
consequences of zero interest rates with the resultant collapse in productivity
and growth; the growth of a collectivist mindset resulting from the 2008 crash
and its consequences, growth- and innovation-destroying net zero policies and
the legacy of the lockdowns; the gradual establishment of a benefits culture;
and the need for mass immigration as an unsatisfactory palliative for all these
strains. The result has been to extinguish growth, to push up the tax and
spending burden, and to turn
19-05-2024: ‘A balanced budget is not necessarily good. Most of the dreary comrade societies aimed at a balanced budget – ‘We take 100% of your income and spend it all’. There is only one tax on the people and that is government spending. The treasurer needs to slash that big tax. All else is flummery.’ Viv Forbes.
19-05-2024: “We have the best government that money
can buy.” Mark Twain.
18-05-2024: Maybe you will be able to come back from the dead after all:
18-05-2024: Seems the end of the world already happened and we missed it: “NOAA’s Latest Climate Data Shows the Global Land Region Temperature Anomaly Peaked in February 2016 Over 8 Years Ago ..NOAA’s April 2024 climate report missed very significant climate outcomes and analysis as provided and discussed above with these results clearly reflecting that the world is not facing a climate emergency”
18-05-2024: Well said:
18-05-2024: Our money. The enormous waste that is the ‘welfare state’:
17-05-2024: I didn’t even know women were miserable:
17-05-2024: ‘On the balance of probablilities’ Lehrmann has been dealt a very crook hand by ‘justice’:
17-05-2024: Why not kill off all the people to ‘save the planet’? All along the climate religion has been a ‘death cult’ exposed by its ultimate heresy that the human soul is not sacrosanct:
16-05-2024: “Procrastination is totally a good thing. You always have something to do tomorrow, plus you have nothing to do today” Heinlein Society.
16-05-2024: Disgusting Government over-reach - a A$750K fine for free speech:
16-05-2024: Adults in the room – well done
16-05-2024: Seeing is believing:
15-05-2024: Good on you Winston:
15-05-2024: The Wonnangatta murder trial looks like it
will be one of the most interesting in our history. Already I think the
result will hinge on the whereabouts of all the pellets from three (!) admitted
12 gauge shotgun rounds. Police will have been trying to locate and count all
of them – what metal detectors are for after all. Four weeks of compelling
15-05-2024: Whilst this morning’s news is full of it’s
having been the hottest (summer) for 2,000 years (a summer when there was
practically not a day fit for canoeing or beach going and we were lucky to get
enough tomatoes for green tomato pickles let alone any ripe ones), 1600 actual scientists say there is no
climate crisis:
14-05-2024: Federation and Feathertop: Last week my friend, Brett proposed we walk out to Federation Hut and Mt Feathertop for an overnight trip. Though I had a bad cold and was not feeling very fit I jumped at the chance. There is just so much work to get done around the farm - I may be avoiding some of it really.
We were at least promised two days of fine weather with daytime temperatures (at Mt Hotham) of 7 to 10C and overnight around 0C (probably a tad cooler at Federation Hut - at the base of Mt Feathertop) because it is a little higher and maybe more exposed.
The walk out to Federation/Feathertop is 10-12km largely just on or off the side of a ridge which undulates quite a bit but rises very steeply (approx 250 metres) in the last <1km if you decide to ascend the mountain (I didn't). Read More:
14-05-2024: We need a quick pathway to energy independence, not the shambolic mess we see at present:
14-05-2024: Don’t forget before the Stone Age was the Wood Age:
14-05-2024: “An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes” – Things Sun Tzu should have said. Example 2: “The true objective of war is peace”. Mind you I suspect Xi has been studying this ancient oriental thinker (and his misquotes) extensively.
13-05-2024: Waratah Quilt: I recently had a chance to try out this very nice Waratah Quilt from Neve Gear. They are priced from A$419 (May 2024). I have had it for some time actually, but the weather has been too warm so I had to wait until I could go somewhere it was going to drop below freezing to try it out. Read More:
13-05-2024: I think I must be a psychopath then – all that ‘gannet head-bobbing’ really annoys me. I do like it if people look you directly in the eyes:
13-05-2024: Boing, Bang, Boeing:
13-05-2024: Seemed like a good idea at the time:
12-05-2024: Whoa! Things you don’t see:
12-05-2024: Top spots not to travel to:
12-05-2024: Albo is definitely not my big brother – indeed he is no sort of relative at all, scarcely human in fact. Away with him and all his awful cronies:
12-05-2024: "
11-05-2024: “But
11-05-2024: Ominous: “if nations increasingly rely on and cede power to autonomous AI systems that compete against each other, military capabilities could be used to kill and destroy on an unprecedented scale. This could potentially lead to the destruction of our entire civilization, including the AI systems themselves. In this scenario, I estimate the typical longevity of a technological civilization might be less than 100 years. That's roughly the time between being able to receive and broadcast signals between the stars (1960), and the estimated emergence of ASI (2040) on Earth.”
11-05-2024: God bless Javier Milei – at last a leader who can explain and expound the virtues of capitalism and conservatism, or libertarianism - as it might better be described. Here is his (articulate and compelling) explanation (or manifesto, perhaps). Do share it widely:
11-05-2024: Downhill all the way for
10-05-2024: A good question: “Here's the question: if you were raped, do you think you would write to
your rapist afterwards and say, 'I'd love you to meet my mother'? Do you think you would write to your rapist
hundreds of emails saying, 'You mean more to me than my father.
Can we meet?' Would you write—I'll just do one more and then I'm stopping -
would you write to your rapist the day after you were raped and say, 'I'd love
to go to London. Yeah, can you pay for me to go to
10-05-2024: Firecoat. Pure genius. Let’s add this to a dwelling’s fire rating:
10-05-2024: One
place to avoid:
10-05-2024: Of
course we need a Royal Commission, Tony. Indeed some of the leaders (Dan) need
to be locked up (or hanged):
In some good news
09-05-2024: Susie Linfield: “The Israelis pulled out of
09-05-2024: The greatest freedom of all – “what Robert Menzies called the greatest freedom of all: the freedom to do our best and make our best better”. I miss having leaders like him and Tony Abbott...” In short, it is time to stand up to the tyranny of the experts, the wellness gurus and therapists responsible for the most unwell generation in recent history” :
09-05-2024: The furries have gone too ‘fur’:
09-05-2024: Maybe this young woman will save our civilization?
08-05-2024: Getting closer…move over ‘renewables’:
08-05-2024: There is hope after all – Stan Grant’s wife (Really!) calls out Albanese – and the whole ‘woke’ mob (I’m only surprised that anyone actually watches the ABC in order to have taped this interview) :
08-05-2024: Good grief – a Swiss Army k____e without the blade:
08-05-2024: Look, hardly anyone actually supports the murder of women (even though we have all known some pretty awful ones, likewise men) but this is giving disaffected spouses chilling power:
05-05-2024: Plato rediscovered – amazing tech:
05-05-2024: A new battery at last? No wonder the price of lithium has been dropping:
05-05-2024: Well said Tony, “I still think there’s a majority of Australians who could be persuaded to vote for a party that’s passionate for freedom, passionate for small business and the family, and passionate above all for our country—as long as they can find one” Please step up to the breach Tony:
05-05-2024: Who actually believes Pauline Hanson ought
not to have been able to say of/to Mehreen Faruqi, ‘Go back to
04-05-2024: Who needs a key?
04-05-2024: Can children ever remember their past lives? Over 2,000 children can’t be wrong, surely? Do you remember the famous Bridey Murphy case back in the 50s?
04-05-2024: When the revolution finally comes, it will be big – and it will be from the right, “Reversing the big-state, centrally-planned de-growth policies of the Left is not for the faint-hearted. What is required is Churchillian courage to tell people the truth; that what is needed is far less state involvement in the economy, and a huge improvement in state effectiveness in controlling borders, funding defence, policing streets, defeating extremists, standing up for the nation and its history, and pushing back against postmodern woke ideas infesting public institutions”
04-05-2024: “Everyone
vaccinated with mRNA Covid-19 injections will likely die within 3 to 5 years”,
a lead professor of medicine warned. Just have to hope she’s wrong, but
if she’s not who planned this - or WHO planned this? In the first week 50
people died, 60,000 altogether by now (in the
03-05-2024: This will bring tears to your eyes. It did mine. What was It All For?
03-05-2024: Pro-Hamas Protesters – All they are saying is ‘Give Jihad a Chance’…but “They are not championing women’s rights or minority rights; they are not protesting for peace, the US is not at war in Gaza; Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. And these kids are not in danger of being drafted” At best stooges and useful idiots. I fear the concluding paragraph will prove to e true:
03-05-2024: Remember when we used to run a ‘pilot
scheme’ to see whether something would work? Actually there is nowhere in the
world (not even a small sunny, windy) island) which is able to run on 100%
renewables. Clearly the engineers are not in charge:
03-05-2024: You can take it with you – and it’s surprisingly cheap. A wonder more don’t take this option. After all (even if you can only afford to have your head frozen (A$150K) the Russians did a head transplant in dogs many years ago):
02-05-2024: Chilling. Read it and weep – or join the Fifth Crusade, before it is too late:
02-05-2024: EVs just get worse and worse. Please just let me have a simple (to fix) mechanical car without the gadgets and with wind-up windows and manually locking doors. A car that you can roll start or that doesn’t stop when the battery goes flat is actually better – and I do not need electrically heated seats. This is all too silly. I am over all the gadgets. I can do things myself:
02-05-2024: I live in hope that Javier will end the era of the State as God:
02-05-2024: So, Earth really does have a thermostat – a fact which has been known for nearly 150 years. Le Chatelier’s Principle: “A change in one of the variables that describe a system at equilibrium produces a shift in the position of the equilibrium that counteracts the effect of this change” &
01-05-2024: Overland Track Video: My friends Brett
Irving (and his wife, Kim) walked
01-05-2024: “The West's pathetic appeasement of
Islamist extremists: For 33 years, my friend Salman Rushdie has shown
incredible bravery. But the denial and delusion of Western apologists has only
allowed fundamentalism to flourish”Ayaan Hirsi Ali:
01-05-2024: I’m glad NSW police didn’t respond like this to a mad sword wielding murderer:
01-05-2024: They live amongst us:
01-05-2024: Oh dear, yet Albo thinks he can create a solar renaissance here: “Solar panels are now in the “top five” worst slave industries in the world, yet still barely any of the morality-police care. They’re apparently too busy atoning for slavery they didn’t cause that doesn’t exist anymore to worry about slaves that are alive today.”
30-04-2024: The Lightest Hiking Chair: No, it's not the Helinox at around 800 grams ever so comfy as it might be - though I am still using my (approx 160 gram) Big Agnes Cyclone Chair and have been doing so for many years.
I have just seen this interesting idea from the indefatigable Steve at Suluk Gear ie the Puttuck Chair which weighs 64 grams (US$39.99 April 2024). It is based on a Tibetan (Gomthag) Meditation Belt. Read More:
30-04-2024: How did we get to be at war with
30-04-2024: Statists can always ‘justify’ censorship,
but the public ought to ‘own’ all the information:
30-04-2024: This is what Albo ‘protecting’ women
actually looks like:
29-04-2024: “The press must grow day in and day out.
It is our party’s sharpest and most powerful weapon” Joseph Stalin.
29-04-2024: Albo just hotted up ‘the war on men’ but
in fact domestic violence is mainly committed by women. Also thousands of
(innocent) men are on remand
awaiting a (fair?) trial. Certainly trials should progress
much more quickly – ideally they should occur on the same day that a person is
arrested and charged; or at least as soon as is practicable for preparing a
defence. Further, remember bail used to be awarded on the presumption of
innocence. Police ought after all have a case before
they arrest someone. Now the innocent are in gaol awaiting trial - 42% of
prisoners are on remand; 16,000 in NSW alone. This is actually more shocking
than the evil of a handful of women killed by their ex-partners – as if this could be prevented by
making society ever more draconian, whose effect would likely increase the
incidence of such events. This is just Albo trying to distract attention from
the fact that he has f----d the country. Of course it is terrible when women
are murdered. It is also terrible when men are murdered (or wrongfully
29-04-2024: Wise words about ‘grievance culture’: “Just because you have been wronged does not make you right…One of the best ways to pile failure on failure is to blame someone else for your failures…introspection is self-defeating, therapeutically, because it removes people from social commerce, and makes them self-importantly self-involved…our search for offense teaches us to practice endless stewing…the more we will find ourselves competing with other members of other oppressed groups…The end result is a society defined in terms of competing grievances, where no one is held to account for dereliction and where no one believes that he can, of his own volition, overcome his problems:.. So, we should be wanting to see a return to meritocracy. We should rid the world of DEI initiatives. And we should stop complaining about everything. That means, we should overcome the bad habit we have learned from therapy culture.”
29-04-2024: Consultation my eye! 'Engage Victoria',
the ‘eminent panel’ set up by the State Government is conducting a public
meetings at various venues – but it is a fraud and their decisions a foregone
committee comprises nothing but lefties, greens and ‘tame’ faux aborigines.
There is no represenatation from traditional bush users.
After the same panel reviewed the Mirboo North & Strathbogie State Forests the panel recommended:-
Of course the same or more recommendations will be made for our Central Highlands State Forests.
All this must be resisted with every fibre
of our beings. We all know what a disaster National Parks have been.
28-04-2024: “Under no pretext should arms and
ammunition be surrendered; any attempts to disarm the people must be stopped,
by force if necessary” Karl Marx:
28-04-2024: Hands off our public lands. Good on you guys:
28-04-2024: Perhaps you should keep on driving the car yourself?
28-04-2024: Where is
Let’s not forget: they even desecrated Anzac Day with their treasonous behaviour:
27-04-2024: Great song. Very funny: “I am a a white man and I’m sorry”:
27-04-2024: Indeed. Feminism has left middle-aged
women like me single, childless and depressed:
27-04-2024: Why not
27-04-2024: From a real climate scientist, (Prof
Roy Spencer) “Atmospheric CO2
levels will start to fall even with modest reductions in anthropogenic CO2
26-04-2024: More gun control bull in WA. Whatever
happened to the right to self-defence or the right to defend yourself
from tyrannical governments?
26-04-2024: No. Islamic immigration is not compatible
with democracy:
26-04-2024: How Many People Could Die Under Net Zero? Answer: Roughly half the world’s population or four billion people. And you are in favour of this? As I have said many times before Greens are worse mass-murderers than even Mao, Hitler and Stalin - and by a long shot:
26-04-2024: Who’d have thought? Get ready for that next Ice Age:
We allowed too few days and had not reckoned on so much driving. Tassie is only a small state but the roads are twisty and it still takes time to get from one place to another. So we settled for an early morning ride up the lake to Echo Point and the shorter walk back from there.
Even so it took us over four hours to walk back including stopping for lots of photos and lunch. The Lake St Clair Ferry service runs three times a day and costs $45 each (April 2024) to Echo Point. Read More:
23-04-2024: What a surprise:
23-04-2024: A real ‘education’ success story:
23-04-2024: “Effectively, the price of electricity
fell 20% in
23-04-2024: (Merrin) Whenever Autumn comes around the yearly tree planting marathon starts again. Today Dad and I planted 18 new trees around the farm including a pair of English oaks which Dad grew from acorns and are now taller than him.
been about 6 months since our last tree planting day so I wasn't the fittest
scrambling up and down the hills but there's still lots
more to plant. In a handful of years these hills will be ablaze with autumn
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese proverb.
21-04-2024: A Taste of
had time for a quick look at
Next day we decided to walk the Crater Lake Circuit which took us a leisurely 3 1/2 hours including stops for photographs, lunch etc. Read More:
19-04-2024: Tonight’s Dinner View (Della - Beauty Point Tasmania)
19-04-2024: (Della)
A quick but very busy week in Tasmania:
We did a couple of brilliant walks in the Cradle Mountain area (will sort
photos to share later today), but here is a little taster of our first day:
After leaving home for Launceston at 3.30 am last Sunday, we drove to Cradle
Mountain and decided to fit in a short walk to Dove Lake before dinner (after
sitting in cars, plane and buses for over 12 hours). As we approached the lake,
a welcoming rainbow set the scene for a wonderful week. See Also:
18-04-2024: Who'd have thought? Elephant seals and penguins have been wiped out in their millions by the (still current) 'Little Ice Age':
18-04-2024: Actually less 'greenhouse effect' according to the satellite data - why are we worried about CO2 then?
18-04-2024: Read
this and weep:
13-04-2024: Well done Nasa. Now if you could just work out why our pollies are always talking gibberish too:
13-04-2024: Who knew? Effect of human caused carbon emissions is non-discernible:
13-04-2024: What a surprise:
13-04-2024: A real ‘education’ success story:
12-04-2024: Happiness. Duh! And it’s not just women:
12-04-2024: The trouble with shifting to another country is why would anyone there fight for you either? There's an old Jewish saying, "If the rich could pay someone else to die for them the poor would have a good living"
12-04-2024: Bring back the plastic bag: Replacing Plastics with Alternatives Is Worse for Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Most Cases:
12-04-2024: ‘Enough’, I cry. Clearly you’d be a millionaire if it weren’t for taxes. People complain about the rising cost of homes, but government is by far your most costly ‘investment’. You work at least the first half the week just to pay for it:
11-04-2024: No wonder AI designers have a hard time – I have been trying all my life to get people to reason:
11-04-2024: CO2 and the great greening of the planet:
11-04-2024: Immigration anyone? Yet ‘our’ government thinks ‘climate change’ is the No 1 issue:
11-04-2024: Absolutely – our pollies today have not just taken a few leaves from the scammers’ book; they have stolen the whole corpus:
10-04-2024: An Introduction to Sambar Deer Sign is available free on YouTube.
10-04-2024: A bit chilly in NZ too:
10-04-2024: I think the only question really is how much we should pay them to leave. Extraordinary really that even at $100K each it would be cheaper than keeping them! It would be easy to find the money after all by scrapping the whole ‘climate’ boondoggle:
10-04-2024: Who knew? “The increased use of biofuels has forced global food prices up by 75%...The global demand for biofuels has led to deforestation with the inevitable release of significant amounts of smoke and carbon dioxide. Millions of acres of monoculture plantations are spreading across the globe on land once teeming with bush and wildlife. And not a peep of protest from green zealots”
08-04-2024: One clever bird – whistles better than me:
08-04-2024: Sadly, this is meaningless (good) advice for Australian women who have no right to defend themselves:
08-04-2024: Maybe
08-04-2024: Too woke by far. Next they will ban ‘Tales of a Rat Hunting Man’ :
07-04-2024: 60 years on we still don’t know who shot JFK:
07-04-2024: ‘You can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out’. Are we doomed yet?
07-04-2024: But please sir, without coal or nuclear where is the electricity to come from?
07-04-2024: Good on you JK:
06-04-2024: Stoveless hiking meals:
06-04-2024: “Going green now means taking away shopping bags, gas stoves, and cars. And also killing gorillas.”
06-04-2024: Absolutely:
06-04-2024: Just Wow!
05-04-2024: Interesting new evidence of ancient journeys:
05-04-2024: So, what’s right with digital ID?
05-04-2024: Wanting the best of both worlds:
05-04-2024: Have you heard about “Toyota’s 1:6:90 rule which states that for the same amount of raw materials to manufacture one EV, Toyota can make six plug-in hybrids or 90 hybrids, and in doing so would achieve 37 times the emissions reduction of a single EV”?
04-04-2024: So you want to live to be 100:
04-04-2024: Hard to disagree with a single word of Richard Dawkins’:
04-04-2024: (Why) the ‘war of the sexes’ is hotting up, “Notably, though, young men were more anti-feminist than older men…a Polish man can expect to work three times longer than he will live post-retirement, while for a Polish woman, the ratio is 1.4…a Polish man can expect to work three times longer than he will live post-retirement, while for a Polish woman, the ratio is 1.4”:
04-04-2024: Since when did we need a do-nothing commie feminist as GG?
03-04-2024: Why do we do things that are bad for us?
03-04-2024: Kowtowing to
03-04-2024: This is very sad:
03-04-2024: Energy Clowns - our energy efficient masters:
01-04-2024: A beautiful Easter treat:
01-04-2024: How reliable are renewables? Imagine something like this happening to a coal-fired plant:
01-04-2024: The climate zealots (and other busybodies) are determined to destroy ‘private property’. Under the covid madness after all even your own body ceased to be your own ‘property’ and could be (illegally) mandated to receive experimental vaccines or other medical products willy-nilly. Many folks are still suffering from that one (if they survived it):
01-04-2024: We need more rules:
31-03-2024: As if results ought not to be adjusted according to how quickly candidates were able to arrive at the correct answer:
31-03-2024: For once I agree with a Labor Premier:
31-03-2024: Well said Irfaan Ali :
31-03-2024: Biden replaces Easter Sunday with Transgender Visibility Day - or sicko day as some would call it:
30-03-2024: What an obvious lot of bull – as if we didn’t already have too much government. And what a triumph of democracy:
30-03-2024: Well said, Pauline:
I like her five point plan:
30-03-2024: Where are the adults in the room? “It isn’t hard to picture an
29-03-2024: Was this a ‘black swan’ event everyone has been warning will happen soon?
29-03-2024: What ‘The Voice’ would have prevented?
29-03-2024: “
29-03-2024: Dick Smith was quite simply absolutely correct: You can’t run a country on wind and solar. Impossible. Full Stop:
28-03-2024: A professional level ‘pocket’ camera:
28-03-2024: The latest penis enlargement scam:
28-03-2024: “I Was Wrong About Renewables,” Says Former Green Energy Executive.:
28-03-2024: New AI forecasting – worth a try. Rain on the way, they say:
27-03-2024: If gender is a social construction, why would we not believe that transgender identities are socially constructed:
27-03-2024: Enough of this ‘National Curriculum’ b------t and let’s really ‘get back to basics’ in education:
27-03-2024: Who thought? ‘Misinformation’ like ‘climate change’ & etc, etc is just another commie plot:
27-03-2024: You can just drive your country off a cliff without being able to swerve or hit the brakes:
26-03-2024: 80 years since the Great Escape:
26-03-2024: Life on the world’s most crowded island:
26-03-2024: Well said Topher, “According to Topher, the church in
26-03-2024: We are certainly worried about the imminent shut-down of the 3G network, as here 4G has never worked and we are not convinced that transferring the 3G frequencies to 5G will make the situation better. Every change made to the mobile phone network since they shut down the original analogue network and replaced it with CDMA back last century has led to poorer coverage for us:
25-03-2024: Bless you Tony Abbott. Please be our PM again:
25-03-2024: Enemy of the Public. And unfortunately they are right:
25-03-2024: Who are Isis-K and why do they hate
25-03-2024: Snow in
24-03-2024: Way to go:
24-03-2024: New Aussie Cottage Gear: I have recently discovered this excellent new Aussie cottage outfit, Neve Gear. They currently make and sell backpacks and quilts/sleeping bags – but I doubt it will end there.
They are young, having a go and deserve your support. They are making fine products which are competitively priced and as they are local (NSW) their service is excellent.
I have had a look at one of their packs as well as one of their quilts. I will come to the Waratah Quilt in a later post.
First, the Wallaroo Framed 45 Litre Pack at 775 grams and A$299 (Jan 2024): 41 (internal = small) is about ten litres smaller than I usually like, as most of my trips are multi-dayers usually with dogs, nd I usually carry a bit more than my 50% share when walking with my wife, Della who is only 5′ and 40kg.
However, it is an excellent size for her. It would also be a fine size for an ultralight weekend pack. The size large is 7 litres bigger than this, ie 48. Read More:
24-03-2024: Vale Jack Fitzgibbon – once the Labor Party used to represent the best of working class Australians but I suspect Joel was the very last of them:
24-03-2024: Isis, Taliban, Hamas, Boko
Haram – does it matter? The problem is clearly Islam. The West (I include
23-03-2024: You really need one of these stackable boats – do watch the videos. You will probably buy two! Ah, Facebook ads – hours of fun and entertainment.
23-03-2024: This wonderful Martin Durkin movie (at last) reveals the truth about ‘climate’. Everyone should see this. You might be surprised to learn that pretty much at no time in the last 500 million years has the earth been as cool as it is now - and CO2 levels today are close to as low as it has ever been (in say 600 million years). Eat you heart out Al Gore:
23-03-2024: Women really should not have to share their bathrooms with people like this:
23-03-2024: This is more than unfortunate:
22-03-2024: Wow! In
22-03-2024: In Australia we do not have the right to ‘free speech’ but in the US the citizen’s right to it is protected (from the government) by the First Amendment to the constitution – a very good idea – but one leftist Supreme Court judge thinks that the first amendment ‘hamstrings’ government’s right to censor and control information. Well, Duh!
22-03-2024: If you have squatters you need squatter hunters. Well done guys:
22-03-2024: Do EVs make you sick too?
21-03-2024: What a great story:
21-03-2024: Once these tech giants became a threat to freedom and democracy their activities and reach needed to be reeled in by legislation:
21-03-2024: Why buy a dog and bark yourself? Replaced with a ‘climate’ expert’!
21-03-2024: Why buy a house when you can get one for free?
20-03-2024: Subsidies for ‘renewables’ are now at $16 billion a year but have hugely increased the cost of energy and reduced its reliability. Most of our coal-fired stations could be kept going for over a decade. During that time they could all be replaced by spending that $16 billion building new ones (or nuclear) to provide cheap reliable energy into the future – and remember that new HELE stations produce <40% of the CO2 that existing ones do. Surely a win-win situation:
20-03-2024: ‘The truth will out’ – but not soon enough! We need something like this:
20-03-2024: We ignore the needs of the ‘profession of arms’ at our extreme peril:
20-03-2024: “Importing tens of millions of third-world people with no skills and no money into a first world nation with an enshrined welfare state, does not benefit the people of that nation, as the latter are forced to foot the bill” Our own population has increased by 8 million this century – largely from immigration:
19-03-2024: Stuff you need to know:
19-03-2024: More proof leftism is a form of mental illness; after all the very definition of mental illness is delusion or seeing, hearing, thinking things that aren’t there so thinking men are women for example is an obvious case in point, but then wanting to continue life as an infant being provided for by a (beneficent) mummy state is a similar symptom. By the same token belief in a God must also rank:
19-03-2024: Here are some more proofs of insanity:
19-03-2024: “The WPATH Files prove that gender medicine is comprised of unregulated and pseudoscientific experiments on children, adolescents, and vulnerable adults and will go down as one of the worst medical scandals in history”. This guy used to be a climate warrior but he has seen the light:
18-03-2024: It’s a dog’s life:
18-03-2024: A fascinating essay. We have so much to learn from the past: “Wokeness, like Catharism, is essentially about the radical subversion of normal human life in the name of a paranoid metaphysical delusion. Like Catharism, its fashionableness has nevertheless found it support among a large segment of the wealthy and powerful”
18-03-2024: How to grow tomatoes #101! Just as adding another layer of glass to your greenhouse won’t warm it even a tiny bit:
18-03-2024: The good that ‘indigenous health care’ can do if implemented widely enough:
17-03-2024: Why not have ‘Property of the ---Government stamped on your forehead at birth?
17-03-2024: If
17-03-2024: Obviously if you expect students to learn
they must have discipline. Why did we ever go wrong on this.
17-03-2024: The great cooling – where are we heading?
16-03-2024: The new immortality – worth giving it a go?
16-03-2024: In praise of Haitian cannibals, “Not only are these fellows reducing the overcrowdedness of the world’s human population, but they’ve also developed a sustainable food source that will lessen their dependence on livestock”
16-03-2024: Police have lost the plot in
16-03-2024: Why sort your garbage?
15-03-2024: Who knew sheep could grow so big? As if it isn’t hard enough to get shearers already:
15-03-2024: Urban agriculture – or the increasing madness of the Left:
15-03-2024: ‘Aboriginal’ houses to be built for $1.5 million each where no-one ought to live and when aboriginal housing has a ‘normal’ life expectancy of less than a decade as against over a century for the rest of us (and we pay for our own). What nonsense:
15-03-2024: Maybe you want them but I don’t. “For the first time in 40 years, per capita GDP has gone down for four consecutive quarters, Australians at an individual level are in recession” :
14-03-2024: How to Create Water for Your Camp Site: We may prefer to think we will always be able to camp by some peaceful verdant stream but sometimes our path leads us elsewhere - sometimes indeed there are splendid adventures to be had and beautiful vistas to see where there is no water at all - some treasured remote and solitary spot which we wish to revisit again and again maybe… It would be so nice if we could just make water from thin air so that it is always available and never runs out...There is such a method. Read More:
14-03-2024: Remarkable: 72 years in an ‘iron lung’:
14-03-2024: Like so many outback towns
14-03-2024: As the great Milton Friedman observed, “It’s just obvious you can’t have free immigration and a welfare state.” Try it and you will have an ever-expanding population of parasites who refuse to work while ever more foreigners must be imported to get menial work done.
14-03-2024: Is this Government even worse than Gough Whitlam’s? Good question Andrew. Unfortunately the answer is, ‘Yes’. At least Gough had a few redeeming features (eloquence, some stature and a sense of humour). Albo is simply a pathetic Marxist moron:
13-03-2024: Well done Katherine:
13-03-2024: Who exactly are ‘the elders’ we should ‘acknowledge’ – and is Bruce Pascoe (for example) one of them? All this is racist undemocratic rubbish which should be discarded immediately:
13-03-2024: Finally everyone believes the end of the world is nigh:
12-03-2024: Welcome back Ozymandias:
“This is not just bad luck…At Federation, Australians were, per
capita, the world’s second-richest people…We are now the 20th, our ranking in
constant decline. Contrast
12-03-2024: Why not send them more aid Joe:
12-03-2024: Beware the Two Party system:
George Galloway has won the Rochdale by-election in the
Similarly. Past time this happened here too:
11-03-2024: Any further reduction of CO2 levels risks the end of life on earth as we know it. This has happened before:
11-03-2024: 34C today! They have cancelled Moomba
because we are having a perfectly normal warm day (for the time of year).
11-03-2024: At least today’s modern murderer understands which bin to dispose of a body in – clearly did not want a fine for placing it in the ‘general rubbish’. A body is recyclable after all:
11-03-2024: Living off the fat of the land: “Big
government comes at a price. ..In June 2019 there
were 242,000 Commonwealth public servants on the books. In June last year,
there were 350,000, an increase of 44 per cent…Yet Australia, too, would be in
recession were it not for sustained government spending and the government's
lax immigration policy. Indeed,
10-03-2024: The worst government in
10-03-2024: ‘The great replacement’ – a trend I would like to see reversed:
10-03-2024: Over two thirds of Irish people have rejected the two referenda which sought to redefine what ‘family’ and ‘motherhood’ mean:
10-03-2024: Quit already. Let it pass: “Rumination—a persistent introspection and compulsive focus on one’s internal sensations, thoughts, or identity—is a hallmark of anxiety disorders of various kinds, including depersonalization-derealization. People who engage in compulsive introspection can become increasingly uncertain, anxious, and confused”
09-03-2024: If we really had ‘truth telling’ we would learn that there was no ‘stolen generation, no genocide and that colonisation was largely a beneficial process:
09-03-2024: The green left is increasingly at war with
its own ideology – all the more reason to dismiss all their demands outright:
09-03-2024: ‘Nuts in May’. Back in 1976 this movie was a hilarious spoof on what was then extreme woke eccentricity, but now that the ‘nuts’ have won it is not so funny. However Keith and Candice Marie Pratt are wonderful characters and the film is beautifully thought out. Still worth a watch just to shown ‘Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose’:
09-03-2024: MH370’s barnacles (as scientists said when they were first found) may suggest revisiting the theory that the plane flew along an entirely different route and that the supposed ‘debris’ was planted by someone at a much later date. Nonetheless this is a mystery which must e solved:
08-03-2024: Remember when “there was a huge push,
obviously, across the industrialized nations to push women into the workforce
and that had to be dressed up as equality, as feminism”? Now in
08-03-2024: Mohamed robot comedy break:
08-03-2024: My thoughts exactly, “60 per cent unattractive”
08-03-2024: Get ready for the horror – and remember how back in spring they predicted the driest three months ever?
07-03-2024: Farmers in
07-03-2024: Someone else’s problem. The fatal attractiveness of ‘other people’s money’:
07-03-2024: “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.” Give the bullies a king hit – gaol, public whipping, execution…you get it:
07-03-2024: “After all, why would black customers need to take a course about ‘white privilege’ to get a 20% discount?” Woke ‘capitalism’ gone mad – I predict the demise of North Face:
06-03-2024: If you are the ‘correct’ kind of immigrant you can say whatever you like but not if you are a middle class white man:
06-03-2024: What takes us so long? Even making up our so-called minds takes decades. Once we were a nation of doers too. “50 years ago the French built 56 reactors in just 15 years and most of the reactors were built in 6-8 years.”:
06-03-2024: Now we learn EVs are a 1000 times more polluting:
06-03-2024: Duh! Thanks Mr Plod:
04-03-2024: The Rolls Royce of Ultralight Saws:
04-03-2024: If the future is green hydrogen why does it need a 90% subsidy?
04-03-2024: It was inevitable really. ‘For every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction’ (
04-03-2024: Spot on:
03-03-2024: Another way to look at dogs: A Lean Dog Irene Rutherford McLeod
a lean dog, a keen dog, a wild dog, and lone;
I’m a rough dog, a tough dog, hunting on my own;
I’m a bad dog, a mad dog, teasing silly sheep;
I love to sit and bay the moon, to keep fat souls from sleep.
never be a lap dog, licking dirty feet,
A sleek dog, a meek dog, cringing for my meat,
Not for me the fireside, the well-filled plate,
But shut door, and sharp stone, and cuff and kick, and hate.
for me the other dogs, running by my side,
Some have run a short while, but none of them would
O mine is still the lone trail, the hard trail, the best,
Wide wind, and wild stars, and hunger of the quest!”
03-03-2024: Portable wind turbine for hikers: An interesting idea but probably just a thought bubble:
03-03-2024: Latest Israeli ‘massacre’ is another Hamas lie:
03-03-2024: Understanding how the warmists cook the weather up to being ‘hottest ever’:
02-03-2024: The Big Four on a Budget: Too many people are spending too much money on their hiking/hunting gear instead of just getting out there and doing it. Instead of spending maybe $600 on just your sleeping bag, this should be enough to buy a sturdy comfy pack, a reliable shelter, a lightweight sub-zero down bag, a similar sleeping mat, a kitchen set-up and a raincoat, ie practically all you are going to need. I know that is six!
Also all these (cheap) items taken together ought weigh no more than about 3kg. You might be able to save as much as 500 grams (say two muesli bars) on that figure by spending a couple of thousand dollars more yet have no more satisfactory set-up, if as satisfactory or durable. Why bother? Get out and enjoy. You only pass this way once. Read More:
02-03-2024: The future is bots talking to bots:
02-03-2024: “Societies do not always collapse from a lack of wealth, invasion, or natural catastrophes. Most often, they know what is destroying them. But they are so paralyzed by their fear that the road to salvation becomes too painful to even contemplate”
02-03-2024: In defence of private property:
01-03-2024: What surprises me is that more lawyers aren’t murdered:
01-03-2024: AI is just another example of the communists marching through the institutions:
01-03-2024: The problem with Burney’s ‘truth telling’ is how much better off everyone was after 26th Jan 1788 by becoming legally equal British citizens:
01-03-2024: Too many people have forgotten how illegitimate the current Ukrainian government actually is:
29-02-2024: Past time we had a law like this – so over all these divisive flags:
29-02-2024: Of course our blackouts were ‘a man-made disaster’ – and there will be many more of them before (if) we come to our senses:
29-02-2024: Maybe you voted for this but I certainly didn’t:
29-02-2024: Get ready to say ‘Goodbye’ to your loo:
28-02-2024: Can this be a good thing? “Of the roughly six thousand different plants once consumed by human beings, only nine remain major staples today. Just three of these--rice, wheat, and corn--now provide fifty percent of all our calories”
28-02-2024: ‘Green’ hydrogen makes no economic sense:
28-02-2024: These are welcome developments but
there are thousands of people in
28-02-2024: The way it is: The Left demands millions of human sacrifices to appease the gods of climate change:
26-02-2024: Too right: “If we are to have a peaceful, united society, multiculturalism must be thrown on the scrapheap of failed utopian theories” :
26-02-2024: AI and race:
The (extreme) left is pulling all the AI strings:
26-02-2024: A most dreadful misuse of lawfare:
26-02-2024: There goes the last taboo:
25-02-2024: The former head of
25-02-2024: Absolutely: “Mr Dutton…Come out with a
bold set of policies on immigration, the school curriculum, free speech, sanity
on energy policies and the like. Oh, and copy
25-02-2024: Teaching used to be about encouraging students to explore and assess the worth of a range of views, but no longer. I prided myself on the fact that my students never knew what my personal views were, some thinking I was somewhat to the right of Genghis Khan, others that I was to the left of Karl Marx:
25-02-2024: How much do you want your Apps spying on you? I will be going through mine with a fine toothed comb. ‘Brave’ is a certainty. I did not know about Proton Mail or Signal. More investigation needed. Maybe even consider an alternative operating system to Android?
24-02-2024: The
24-02-2024: Where (and how) our freedom went. Just continue to fight back folks:
24-02-2024: “On the northeast wall of the
Jefferson Memorial in
24-02-2024: Did you know CO2 levels are too dangerously close to the point where life on earth all dies:
23-02-2024: Now that is a near miss:
23-02-2024: An excellent summing up, “You have a far greater chance of dying before your time from socialist stupidity than climate change.”
23-02-2024: The Taliban has got one thing right. Relatives are allowed to publicly execute the criminals who murdered their loved ones:
23-02-2024: The other side of the Navalny story. I particularly ‘like’ the conclusion, : “These evil characters just told us last week they want to ‘peacefully’ kill 7 billion of us, and they’ve been telling us how they intend to do it since 1968 (Limits to Growth, published by The Club of Rome). Sir Alexander King and Aurelio Peccei were clear. They would use war, disease, and a knowingly false narrative of fear they called Global Warming to scare us into being willing to die without a fight” :
22-02-2024: Nominate people for these:
22-02-2024: The way forward perhaps:
22-02-2024: EVs are in big trouble. Elsewhere governments
are starting to pull back from this green madness but here in
22-02-2024: A quick retrospective of Hayek’s ‘Road to Serfdom’, one of the C20th most important (overlooked) books:
21-02-2024: Milei: One of the great speeches of all time:
21-02-2024: About those Russian sanctions:
21-02-2024: Yes, I agree – opponents of the covid tryranny richly deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. We have never before seen such an indecent decent into such awful tyranny, unless you have forgotten, “People were told when they could shop, the hours during which they could shop, what they could purchase, how close they could get to others, and which direction they could move in by following arrows on the floor. We experienced the wholesale house arrest of healthy populations; violations of bodily integrity, ‘my body my choice’, and informed consent principles; the spread of the surveillance, administrative, and biosecurity state; the treatment of people as germ-ridden disease carriers and biohazards; the sheer dehumanisation of people who just asked to be left alone; the cruelty of denying final goodbyes to dying parents and grandparents and the emotional closure of full-service funerals; joyful celebrations of weddings and birthdays; state diktats of whom we could meet (and sleep) with, how many, where and for how long; what we could buy, during which hours and from where; and the theft of children’s education and economic security by loading them with debt decades into the future.”
21-02-2024: At last someone else realises that money is too cheap and that this is destroying the economy rather than saving it. Having been trying to live on our lifetime savings for I have been railing about this for years: “Today’s policymakers seek to avoid recessions at all costs. Hence politicians run endless fiscal deficits, no matter the debt created. Central bankers concoct countless contortions of monetary policy, dismissing the unintended consequences. Their most bizarre invention is negative interest rates, a tax on capital that makes impossible the pricing of time”
19-02-2024: When life gives you lemons:
19-02-2024: The beginning of the end for the Green Blob - ESG bites the dust:
18-02-2024: Paddling into History: Last weekend we
again completed one of our favourite sections on the
Taking into account the long car-shuttle (from home for us) over 3 1/2 hours each way) we choose to do this over three days (two nights).
The best height is over 1.8 metres on the Waterford gauge (this time it was 1.82) and would be better still at 1.9 as the river is silting up (due to 'green environmental vandalism practices: willow removal/bushfires). The temperature was around 30C - just right to be on the river.
We used to camp there a lot around Christmastime when our three children were little thirty years ago, so it has many wonderful memories for us (and them). Read More:
16-02-2024: Need a cheap house? Alibaba wins hands down. US$6500:
16-02-2024: Has Dick Smith got it about right:
Never forget:
In further news:
16-02-2024: So ‘Net Zero’ will require 70% of our
agricultural land in
16-02-2024: So
true: “The Dutch started 700 years ago to build dykes and levees against
floods. It is now 60 years since the country’s last catastrophic flood – caused
by a failure in some critical dykes”.
(Bolt) And, the Zeider Zee, the only human creation so vast it can be seen from
space was entirely built by hand. We need some workers like that in today’s Oz!
They are the world’s Number 2 food exporter with less than .5% of the land much
of it ‘rescued’ from the sea which should have long ago overwhelmed them!
15-02-2024: News
from Jeeralang: No power and (mostly) no internet here for days
(weeks maybe) as well as many trees down over
fences/roads (mostly removed by selves/locals yesterday) and the TV antenna
broken (don't watch it anyway). We are glad we installed an 8 Kilowatt back up
generator which we can just switch on to supply the whole house/farm needs a
few years ago as we have needed it again and again. I guess we have used it for
well over a month (perhaps two) now since we installed it. Strangely in my first
fifty years of life I never experienced any blackouts at all. That was back
when the 'great generation' was in charge! You can (perhaps) also see why we
are planning to invest in a large (over 25+ kilowatt) NiFe (Nickel-Iron - they
last 60+ years) battery bank and a huge 15-30 kilowatt solar array as well as a
5-10 kilowatt wind turbine over the next year or so - and maybe a mini hydro as
well. Have been negotiating with suppliers in
13-02-2024: Interesting truth, “In the past true love has normally been the province of adultery.” But is marrying for love still a great idea? “Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love.”- Shakespeare
13-02-2024: Around the globe 1936 is still by far the hottest year in the iinstrumental record:
13-02-2024: Has
13-02-2024: Mandela’s Legacy perhaps:
12-02-2024: Della:
Our last 3 days were delightfully spent
on another nostalgic canoe trip on the
12-02-2024: Our
masters at work locking us off public lands.
This is what they think a 'camping area should be. This one is right next (50
metres) to the Meyer's Flat (no camping allowed) roadside stop and toilet block
- where everyone actually camps. There are others along the Wonnangatta
similarly placed. If you can read the signage you will see that you have to
carry your portable toilet (and all other gear) up over the stile. Sure. No
cars allowed. We have two similar (with no trees) on Middle Creek in Yinnar.
People are not allowed to approach the river though. Clearly these
monstrosities, (created at a cost of $10-20K each no doubt) are a prelude to
making camping in non-designated areas punishable. Over the years I have seen
thousands of camping spots destroyed by the government. Along the Wonnangatta
for example room for several hundred campers has been removed over the last
thirty years - similarly on Middle Creek near Yinnar where on the upper creek
there used to be acres of carefully maintained camping areas now closed and
overgrown with blackberries. Our green masters are 'saving' the bush for
'future generations (as they say) by locking every generation out of its
ability to enjoy this public resource.
08-02-2024: Wonnangatta ‘Murders’: Seems to me Greg
Lynn was arrested for this back around November 2021 yet the case has still not
gone to trial (and he remains in gaol). Now it may turn out he richly
deserves such punishment but shouldn’t his guilt be established first? In
08-02-2024: “And just at this moment Australia is about to bring in rules to force Australians to buy EVs so we can save the World, or make some international bankers rich, whichever comes first.”
08-02-2024: Can sheep drench cure your cancer? There was already evidence for the us of Fenbendazole and Levamisole - Google them. Now Ivermectin hits the centre stage. One thing’s for sure, we are all going to have fewer worms:
08-02-2024: Truth
vs fiction:
07-02-2024: Amazon sells these houses for US$19,000:
07-02-2024: The truth about January 6th:
07-02-2024: About time: Tucker attempts to get to the
bottom of the war in
07-02-2024: Some good news for once – the EU backs down to farmers:
Our farmers push back too:
06-02-2024: “Teach your children about tax – eat 30% of their ice-cream.” Maybe a flat tax is the best idea. Certainly the tax-free threshold only teaches people that it is other people’s duty to pay for their excesses:
06-02-2024: A ‘Daiper Spa’ – another great idea:
06-02-2024: Hippos have run wild in
06-02-2024: The temperature models which drive so much
‘environmental’ hype and legislation are seriously flawed. Real-world
temperature data is quite different with eg no warming at all in the
05-02-2024: Wonnangatta Double Packraft: Recently
I posted that we had bought
and trialed
this fine Naturehike
packraft. Last weekend there was 1.8 metres of water on the
For us this raft is just about the perfect size. We can lash a waterproof pack on the bow and stern (as shown in the photos) and we are good for several days on the river…
course this is our favourite river and we have canoed this section Back Snake
Creek to
05-02-2024: How dangerous is
05-02-2024: So many people have ‘lost’ a child ‘stolen’ by the state in just this way:
05-02-2024: We can learn from centenarians:
05-02-2024: Worse than Keystone Cops:
02-02-2024: A transgender defence force will save the nation:
02-02-2024: For the sake of life on earth we should burn more fossil fuel – mind you, some time we will have to make a substantial switch to nuclear power:
02-02-2024: Quite a different EV meltdown:
02-02-2024: Fascinating: Nothing has a probability:
01-02-2024: Mini Rocket Stove: I saw this little guy on Aliexpress for under A$30 and just had to try one out. It came as a most intriguing 3D jigsaw without instructions - a modest intelligence test - which took a little while to figure out.
I found it very easy to light with just a few gum leaves and some twigs - but I am quite expert at doing so, something which you should also practice. See eg The Secret of Fire and Mastery of Fire. I found dropping some burning leaves in worked well. Read More:
01-02-2024: Questions which deserve answers: Why does
cold air or water make you want to pee?
01-02-2024: Life before smart phones:
01-02-2024: A brave new world of energy rationing. We are planning to sidestep this with an importation of solar panels, a wind turbine and nickel-iron batteries and a planned mini-hydro which will see us grid independent in a year’s time. I figure say $20,000 spent on such a scheme if it saves us $3000 in electrcity bills (at current prices) will be a good return in our investment – and will only get better over time. Fortunately we have the land to do this:
31-01-2024: Understanding the debt time bomb:
31-01-2024: Socrates described sophism as ‘making the worst (appear) the better reason’ – it has not gone away; indeed today it appears to be on steroids:
31-01-2024: Uncontrolled immigration is making us poorer, unhappier and less safe. It must stop:
31-01-2024: This will not end well:
The Rolls Royce of
30-01-2024: This would not be home-grown home-made soup either but canned soup from a supermarket which had a much greater carbon footprint than the Mona Lisa:
And now for the good news:
Popular as a
s---t sandwich:
This is how
No doubt though there are naïve lefties
who would believe this – a photo is worth a thousand words:
29-01-2024: We need more dams:
Yes Andrew, we really do need to fight
The ‘great replacement’ is no myth.
27-01-2024: This makes me really angry:
27-01-2024: The vast debt spiral will inevitably lead to economic collapse , the fate of all such Ponzi schemes once they run out of new ‘suckers; which the declining birth rate likewise makes inevitable:
The new Alamo – 21 states have now sent
their National Guards to defend
26-01-2024: Truth vs reality: “If our whole electricity grid was 100% brown coal, electricity would be half the price”
26-01-2024: Where are the fathers?
26-01-2024: When the big end of town breaks with the Democrats and sides with Trump:
25-01-2024: This is the kind of Prime Minister we had in 2014. Spot the difference. At Davos Tony Abbott delivered one of the greatest speeches of modern times. Some snippets:
worth noting – if only to remind ourselves of the good that can be done – that
in the past few decades, more has been achieved to reduce poverty than in any
other period in history… Mostly, though, it’s been driven by the intellectual
and philosophical conviction that freer trade and smaller government will
strengthen prosperity; the instinct that empowered citizens can do more for
themselves than government will ever do for them…You can’t spend what you
haven’t got. No country has ever taxed or subsidised its way to prosperity. You
don’t address debt and deficit with yet more debt and deficit. And profit is
not a dirty word because success in business is something to be proud of…A
certain level of government spending is necessary and good. In
25-01-2024: The last of the mountain men?
What did Roman wine taste like:
25-01-2024: A much-needed free course in maths and logic:
24-01-2024: Post-war British comedies always amaze me – how could a people who had just been through the most horrific six years of war come up laughing? Today’s ‘snowflakes’ have a lesson to learn from their granddads:
They will suddenly be angry at being
lied to all their lives and rise up like the youth of
24-01-2024: There is no ‘sixth wave’ of extinctions – another piece of woke panic:
23-01-2024: She built a snow maze for her dogs:
23-01-2024: An excellent article about Mileil in the Telegraph. Understanding the difference between capitalism and socialism ought to be Education 101. Some examples: “A great many of the prevalent ideologies in Western countries are variants of collectivism, whether they are called communist, fascist, socialist, social democratic, Christian Democratic, progressive or populist… libertarianism leaves us free to muddle through, to make mistakes, to choose our own paths, in the hope that, from the market-place of differing ideas, best practice will emerge… Libertarianism is the unrestricted respect for the lives of others based on the non-aggression principle and the defence of life, liberty and property”. Or, in the global slogan of the libertarian movement: “Don’t hurt people, don’t take their stuff”… over the long term, countries with lower state spending and lighter regulations outgrow those with more intrusive governments… Socialism always and everywhere makes people poorer. It has failed in every country where it has been tried. Failed economically, socially and culturally. And it has murdered more than a hundred million people”
How come we don’t speak French on
23-01-2024: Leftist re-education aims at Jordan Peterson – but will it eventually shoot itself in the foot?
22-01-2024: The cicadas are coming. Like so many phenomena (think climate) they are episodic on a grand scale:
22-01-2024: Star Wars takes on the drones:
22-01-2024: Nothing new under the sun. Check out the original ‘Diggers’ and ‘Levellers’. Crazy socialists have been with is for a long while. Fortunately after Cromwell there was the ‘Glorious Revolution.’ May there soon be another one:
How secure
21-01-2024: New Alcohol Stoves: You should switch to an alcohol stove for ultralight cooking. The switch will save you heaps of grams. Certainly at least the weight of the empty canister (approx 150 grams) plus unused fuel – a weight saving of at least 200 grams – almost more than your entire current cookset weighs.
Just can’t imagine why anyone uses a canister stove apart from just that the weight of fuel + cartridge + burner is exorbitant – and that they use ‘fossil fuel’ rather than ‘renewable’! Read More:
21-01-2024: The ‘magic bullet’ inches slowly closer:
21-01-2024: “Average temperature rise is being driven by less extreme cold weather, rather than more extreme heat” no doubt driven by using so much energy to control the ‘climate’ in the cities where these things are measured – particularly with air conditioners:.
21-01-2024: Taking on the ‘elites’:
A Trump Presidency could be just what the world needs:
This is what hamburgers used to be like
before they started in with buns in 1895. Della and I always make our own
like this:
20-01-2024: The WEF is Public Enemy Number 1: “Elections will soon be a quaint relic of the past… nations will soon no longer need to bother holding “elections” because voters could easily be replaced by artificial intelligence ” More from the man who gave us “you will own nothing and be happy”
Here’s a great idea: “New Law passed in the state of
Soon folks will not be able to buy food - well they don’t now anyway:
This is the future: “Basically, the average European suffers from high taxes, high prices,
tiny homes and cars, and, increasingly, less freedom. But tourists sipping
tea in
Today my mother, Marie would have been 105
if her life had not been ‘cut short’ twenty years ago by miliary mesothelioma.
Especially on her birthday I am aware of many conversations I failed to have
with her, and never will. You can be unlucky. If she had chronic contact with
asbestos her chance of contracting the disease which killed her was 1 in 4
million. Her only contact with asbestos (as far as anyone could tell) was
washing my asbestos covered work clothes after I came home from work at Sulphide
Corporation at Cockle Creek Newcastle (Rio) in the 1960’s where I was daily
(literally) up to my armpits in the stuff and (most days) breathing it in in
huge lungfuls. I understood then and understand today that such unsafe working
conditions which saw weekly deaths in refineries and mines in the Hunter Valley
where I grew up and worked for a number of years were a consequence of
rebuilding the country after the huge cost of WW2, so that we were in a
situation not unlike that of those who had fought to save the country during
that conflict, ie necessity. Thankfully we have been able to afford safer
working conditions for workers & management since then, but everything we
‘enjoy’ has to be afforded. The sad news for me a couple of days ago is that one of my favourite cousins Ken who is 14 years
older than me (and who worked at much the same plants around
There is no doubt that those in charge
or those who want to be (eg the WEF, UN, statists in general) want to control
all information and everything you think and do. This must be resisted with
every fibre of your being. Pres Melei of
19-01-2024: Trump has to be a saint to put up with people like this. No wonder Assange replied to a question asking why there was no dirt on Trump on Wikileaks “ because there is none”:
19-01-2024: Don’t we want to find MH370? Incredible that there has been no investigation into an SA fisherman catching a jet aircraft wing – there can’t be that many of them out there:
19-01-2024: The unbelievably evil Penny Wong:
18-01-2024: When the college educated begin to give up their indoctrination and think, like the rest of us:
18-01-2024: Just one example of the myth of aboriginal ‘massacres’ (There are many more in Keith Shuttleworth’s ‘Fabrication of Aboriginal History’) :
Milei calls out the socialists at the
18-01-2024: I second that: “Dr. Gennadi Glinsky, a retired professor of medicine at Stanford, wrote: “This madness must be stopped before too late.”
17-01-2024: This is the meaning of ‘A life for a life’:
Meanwhile in
17-01-2024: Trannies just want to have fun:
16-01-2024: You know you are in some weird communist dystopia when the word ‘straight’ demeans ‘crookedness’
16-01-2024: Time you voted Libertarian:
16-01-2024: Die you b------s!
16-01-2024: Warning: Plants are probably as smart as you. I may never eat one again!
15-01-2024: Turning women into drab black post boxes is not progress either:
15-01-2024: Another problem with AI:
15-01-2024: How much weaker can our ‘Defence’ get?
15-01-2024: What? No CCTV footage of this murder? I just don’t believe it – but then it might provoke ‘racism’:
How we are losing Yeats’ “That
civilisation may not sink, Its great battle lost.” A
profound strategic perspective: “The gravest error of Western politicians and
their corporate oligarchs is failing to recognise that we are already at war…
the only currency that matters in a multi-polar world – power. Until the power
of deterrence is restored…the evidence is all around us; from cyber-attacks to
trade embargoes on high-value commodities, the climate hysteria to make us
dependent on China for renewable energy resources, the mainstreaming of
terrorists like Hamas, and the use of refugees.”
14-01-2024: What is the ‘win-win’ strategy to take towards hostage takers?
14-01-2024: Not getting away from it all – Starlink Mini will fit in your backpack:
14-01-2024: However, Tesla has lost $100 billion already this year. Elon may need to find something else to fund his space ventures:
13-01-2024: You would have to think it would be impossible:
13-01-2024: Time obliterates all – I wonder how little we really know about the ancient past:
Leak says it all. Sure we voted to
replace Australia Day with ‘truth telling’ and other b------t. Do you remember
what the result of the Voice referendum actually was
13-01-2024: What if ‘fossil fuels’ aren’t?
12-01-2024: There’s an Island in the River: I didn’t expect my youngest, Merrin to remember this song from her childhood so many years ago (I used to sing it on the river apparently) but when she called for it yesterday on ‘our’ old stretch of the Macalister, of course I instantly obliged – in my usual toneless manner.
and I were trying out our new Naturehike
Pack Raft on the short downstream section below
This 1 1/2 hour section usually stretched out to a whole day with frequent swims, snacks, cold drinks etc (followed by dinner at the Won Loy restaurant in Traralgon) on the way home as Della would be too tired by then to cook (especially with the next day being a work day)
you put in
at Cheyne’s Bridge and disembark at 20 Acre Creek which is just before the road
begins to climb up the hill towards Glenmaggie. Read More:
12-01-2024: It was only a matter of time before the ‘new’ Australians got sick of supporting the ‘old’ ones:
12-01-2024: Does it get any worse than this? Well, probably PS: 1500cc is a bit more than the average adult’s brain volume:
12-01-2024: So over woke corporations. There will be a boycott eventually which will bring them down. Glad to see Coles distancing itself:
10-01-2024: More and more our lives and sovereignty are being handed over to unelected bureaucrats…you have probably already noticed this at the local council level but it just gets worse:
10-01-2024: Truly dreadful. In comparison when a handful of people died (mostly through medical neglect) from covid we had the most drastic changes to our laws and freedoms – so too with the road toll. But this mass murder goes largely unremarked:
10-01-2024: Will farming or wokism triumph? You decide:
A fascinating article: “We give things
up when we believe we can change; we give up when we believe we can’t… The
idea that life has an aim, or that happiness is what we want, may be simply a
way of narrowing one’s mind, of oversimplifying oneself. People can be found wanting, but they don’t
tend to be found not wanting.”
09-01-2024: What a little sweetie:
09-01-2024: CO2 and temperature do not correlate:
09-01-2024: Humbling. A triumph for humanity:
09-01-2024: How absurd –78 years after defeating them, but the present enemy can point their fingers to the sky without demur:
07-01-2024: The Merino Polo: These people have the solution for a lightweight merino wool shirt for hiking, farm work, everyday wear etc. They are also (roughly) only half the price of competitor's products. I took a couple on a recent trip to Nepal. Read More:
06-01-2024: How does self-control actually work? One thing is certain: too many people lack it:
06-01-2024: Euthenasia (call it what you like) and even moreso the climate cult are obscene heresies in that they deny the primacy of the individual human soul, a core premise of most of the ‘great religions’ for millennia. How much we have lost concerning the importance of the individual, his/her freedom, privacy, dignity etc. I like the conclusion, “So, we turn to Aristotle- who was not a physician. He said that rather than try to control or suppress bad habits, we should replace them with good habits.”:
06-01-2024: Fat lives matter:
06-01-2024: Absolutely: “The future belongs to nations that have internal coherence and a sense of shared national purpose. The potent threat is internal dislocation arising from weak economic results, excessive inequality, cultural division and a loss of shared values.” Paul Kelly
05-01-2024: An enduring kiss:
05-01-2024: New archaeological tools continue to throw light on the distant past:
Quote of the day: "It was a theory
that was built on the belief that the progress of society depended on the efforts
of individuals to better their lot, rather than on radical exercises in
political engineering" on David Hume, page 69 of Nicholas Phillipson’s
2010 biography of Adam Smith - Sigh: what a fine theory!
Will Labor and the Greens force us back to a new
03-01-2024: Ultracheap Packraft: What's not to like about this? A Naturehike Packraft for less than A$600 - or a double for A$830 (Sept 2023). Aliexpress is great. This is a big saving over other brands which come in now at twice or more than three times that!
We received ours as a New Year's 'present' - it came in less than two weeks. Honey is already licking her chops in anticipation of some summer canoe trips. She loves swimming and diving from the boat/s. Read More:
I fell ill in
03-01-2024: In the C18th & C19th Royal Navy sailors were issued one gallon (ie 4 litres) of ‘grog’ each per day. Grog comprised one quarter rum added to water plus some lime juice and sugar. Still this represents nearly a litre of rum a day! This was considered an normal intake of these substances for everyone at that time. The tobacco ration was similar at around one ounce (30 grams) per day. We worry about trifles today.
03-01-2024: Can you still remember when privacy used to be a big deal?
03-01-2024: The Clash of Civilisations: “The people who ran down their own students with tanks are not likely to sit back and take it… Children go off to school, and eventually to college, in order to have their patriotism wrung out of them. They lose their confidence and their competitive spirit. Don’t get overly confident about our ability to meet the current challenge and to prevail in the current chapter of the clash of civilization.”
02-01-2024: An exquisite story about a cat:
02-01-2024: Forget the doctor, get out and do it:
02-01-2024: The ‘Famous Five’ were mixed race – right?
02-01-2024: SEPP has been around for a long while. Begun by the late Prof Fred Singer a true ‘climate scientist’ it gives a dispassionate view of the world’s climate history and the causes of climate change. Of course some of the articles are ‘dry’ reading but you don’t get this sort of stuff at all in mainstream media. For example, you would never have known that the average temperature of the earth was nearly 10C hotter than today for many millions of years:
01-01-2024: Saying it out loud – this is the problem with ‘multiculturalism’:
01-01-2024: The upside (?) of the sexual revolution:
01-01-2024: This is ‘leading an insurrection’? Q Shaman videod on the steps of the Capitol quoting Donald Trump’s injunction to be peaceful and indeed ‘Go Home’:
01-01-2024: When will EVs be safe enough to own?
Avenza has morphed into a really great
mapping tool. I used to use the previous free version in conjunction with
bought versions of Vicmap topographical maps but abandoned it in favour of
Paper Maps a few years ago. Today I took a fresh look at it. Now it has a vast
swathe of free maps of most places but for me the best bit is lots of maps of
31-12-2023: You must read this essay, “Or is the “woke” agenda simply the result of the moral cowardice of the elites, who seek to conceal it behind the mantra of “decolonisation”? Have they lost confidence in the ability of the West to defend itself and, above all, its civilisational truths? What is needed, above all, is a strong intellectual and political counter movement to the prevailing “woke” orthodoxy. It is unlikely that this will be based in the university sector, which has been captured by the “pod people”. If any academic in a mainstream college tries to point out the fallacies of the “decolonisation” project, which is leading to the closing of the British mind, they are condemned, sanctioned and even fired or “cancelled”. It is the equivalent of the accusatory finger and the eerie scream of the clones in Invasion of the Bodysnatchers.”
Milei in
The Camel's Hump – Rudyard Kipling
The Camel's hump is an ugly lump
Which well you may see at the Zoo;
But uglier yet is the hump we get
From having too little to do.
Kiddies and grown-ups too-oo-oo,
If we haven't enough to do-oo-oo,
We get the hump—
Cameelious hump—
The hump that is black and blue!
We climb out of bed with a frouzly head,
And a snarly-yarly voice.
We shiver and scowl and we grunt and we growl
At our bath and our boots and our toys;
And there ought to be a corner for me
(And I know' there is one for you)
When we get the hump—
Cameelious hump—
The hump that is black and blue!
The cure for this ill is not to sit still,
Or frowst with a book by the fire;
But to take a large hoe and a shovel also,
And dig till you gently perspire;
And then you will find that the sun and the wind,
And the Djinn of the Garden too,
Have lifted the hump—
The horrible hump—
The hump that is black and blue!
I get it as well as you-oo-oo
If I haven't enough to do-oo-oo!
We all get hump—
Cameelious hump—
Kiddies and grown-ups too!
30-12-2023: Trees are nice:
I suspect this is right, “All Peter Dutton, the opposition leader in
Do we really want this? Watch the price of older cars shoot up:
Mind you, folks are not buying:
Saying it like it is, Geert Wilders: “Islam is truly evil. The
so-called Prophet Muhammad raped a young girl and gave slave girls to his
henchmen. Islam is violence, hatred and barbarism by nature. It is incompatible
with freedom!”
29-12-2023: Cancer be gone – this approach looks very promising:
29-12-2023: This is how the world ends - beware the virtue signalers:
29-12-2023: How did these Hezbollah terrorists ever get to be Australian citizens? DFAT warnesd us about this back about1972: :
28-12-2023: “Christianity is the result of a woman’s story about how she got preggers, getting out of hand.” Paul Zanetti.
28-12-2023: Is Zuckerberg a Morlock – an interesting perspective:
28-12-2023: The toughest journey in the world – a fine essay:
27-12-2023: At last a pill to prevent your dying from snakebite:
27-12-2023: Now that sounds more like it: “Gnosticism – the belief that the creation of the material world was a mistake, and the creator deity a bungling lesser entity distinct from the supreme God” What a fascinating ancient sect:
27-12-2023: The hottest year in 125,000 years? Hogwash. The world has been cooling for nearly 10,000 years:
You may say Bibi is an optimist but
“Successful deradicalisation took place in
26-12-2023: Coming to you soon, an aerogel sweater that is warmer than down:
26-12-2023: Possibly, but it might also be sign language:
26-12-2023: A possible treatment path at last – bring it on:
Such a charming man – and we helped him!
As we gather together to celebrate the birth of (Jewish) Christ in
25-12-2023: A better world back then: ‘A Christmas Carol’ 1951:
25-12-2023: Alas, the Queen is gone but here is Neil Oliver’s Christmas message:
25-12-2023: Very impressive shanghai:
25-12-2023: “Humans create civilisation to protect themselves from unhappiness, yet civilisation becomes their largest source of unhappiness.” A fascinating essay:
24-12-2023: Parents Take Gen Z Kid Who Doesn’t Have Anxiety Or Depression To Therapist To Find Out What’s Wrong:
The joys of sit-down money (if only
it wasn’t our money) :
When you know you are definitely on the
wrong side: PS: What is it about us being unwilling to send a ship to
assist with keeping the
24-12-2023: Further bad news about mRNA vaccine technology. It is truly bizarre the way this news comes from fringe sources rather than the mainstream media. The level of information corruption in the world is truly staggering. Now Albanese (and his ilk) wants to shut down all such ‘alternative’ sources with his ‘misinformation’ bill:
Why not try ‘Snus’?
23-12-2023: Many more people need to try this experiment. For myself a phone is just a phone: you can ring me on it. People sometimes do. Otherwise I maybe spend a couple of hours reading a book on it in bed of a night. That is all:
23-12-2023: A dire warning about the state of our military preparedness:
Greenpeace co-founder on the genocidal
consequences of Nett Zero. "Only
the billionaires will be able to afford to buy food, and all the other people
will die."
Telling it like it is. Thank you
Did we even know
22-12-2023: Forget about a 1.5C rise in temperature, ‘tipping points’ etc. It is all bunkum:
22-12-2023: Lenin understood why we should have a ‘cashless society’ “What socialism implies above all,” said Lenin, “is keeping account of everything.” To such people your (profoundly important) lives are just a meaningless number:
21-12-2023: More evidence against ‘smart’ phones. It seems the smarter they get the dumber we get. I guess I was one of the last people in the world to buy one when I realised I could use it for geolocation while bushwalking. I also (now) use the camera and especially the ebook reader – but mine is never connected to the internet and ‘notifications’ are permanently turned off. It’s a phone; you can ring me, but I am busy so don’t expect I will always answer:
21-12-2023: Exactly: “How can anybody actually think that anyone else, let alone government officials who can’t do anything competently, could control the climate with all its natural variables?”
21-12-2023: Where did American democracy go? NB: The Last Time Democrats Took a GOP Candidate Off the Ballot Was in 1860 – They Would Not Allow Abraham Lincoln’s Name on the Ballot in Their Slave States. It is a third-world dictatorial tactic to remove your opponent from the ballot, yet first Colorado and now maybe as many as 18 democrat states want to do so (though they will likely all fail at the Supreme Court, as there was no ‘insurrection’ nor has he even been charged with advocating one). All this political corruption is more likely to lead to more people voting for him whether you/they like him or not. The Democrats will need to rig the election even more than last time – however too little has been done to prevent this…Of course the 32 Republican states could retaliate by removing Biden from their ballot lists!
19-12-2023: “Making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear”:
19-12-2023: Lies, damned lies and statistics: “The NOAA climate data shown below provides the November 2023 absolute maximum temperature measurements for the period 1895 to 2023 in the Contiguous U.S. that establishes the November 2023 outcome is only the 109th highest out of 129 maximum November temperature measurements recorded during the 1895 to 2023 period.”
19-12-2023: Don’t hold your breath! Now human breath affects the climate (is destroying the world!) and ought to be controlled: &
19-12-2023: Do you really believe he was ‘the perfect man’?
There are vast savings which can be
made. Debt can be paid down and people can become more self-sufficient.
Government ‘Welfare’ was never a good idea anyway. The Australian
Government’s Welfare budget for 2022/3 is $247 out of a total $595 billion or
36% of expenditure. 10 years ago (under Julia Gillard (& before the NDIS)
this figure was a ‘mere’ $132 billion – a rise of over 50% during a time of
very low inflation. For comparison Defence is just $36 billion or 6% of the
budget – less than the NDIS cost! (Defence was then $21 billion, the lowest
level in our history if you remember):
18-12-2023: “This is what happens when you spend four years being indoctrinated by radical leftists on college campuses and get your political advice from TikTok… Just 17% said other Arab states should be asked to absorb Palestinian populations… 60% of the 18-24 group say Hamas’ Oct 7 terrorist attack could be “justified by the grievance of Palestinians.”
18-12-2023: Mass migration. I certainly did not ask for it. Life was far better in the past: &
18-12-2023: No wonder people are so fat:
17-12-2023: When the Ice Returns: “So let us…plan what we need to do to ensure reliable energy and food supplies as the next ice age approaches.”
Filming anal sex in the Capitol building
might get you sacked but waving an American flag there will get you gaoled for
17-12-2023: I do so deplore this woke b------t. I used to enjoy Dr Who when I was younger (and it was just SciFi) but what it has become makes it unwatchable to me:
17-12-2023: In so many ways Albanese makes me ashamed to be Australian. How can voting to side with the Hamas butchers and rapists represent Australian (or anyone’s) civilized values?
16-12-2023: It would be handy too for re-opening all those pesky ‘closed roads’ in our bush which is currently being ‘saved for future generations’ and removed from the enjoyment of the current ones:
Clearly the IDF can defeat Hamas
militarily but what will they be able to do with
16-12-2023: Nordstream still a mystery:
Remember how back in 1978 ‘scientists
predicted a coming Ice Age (such as they are having in
15-12-2023: More Tent Stove Progress: I am delighted that Tim Tinker has been squirreling away at improving the design and functionality of (his) tiny tent stoves of which he has designed so many. His latest foray involves miniaturising an oil (or smudge) burner for heating a tent utilising a a tiny Cavendish & Harvey fruit drop tin which must be only about 1 1/2″ high by 4″ wide – 40 x 100mm (if that). The whole thing weighs a mere 134 grams. Read More:
Far too many. The country is bursting at
the seams.“During the year 737,200 migrants arrived
from overseas…The natural population increase was 106,100” Who will “Call
The French have clearly had enough. I suspect we have too:
Going down the gurgler – and worse is
yet to come (as we vote to end ‘fossil’ fuels and decide to support
Palestinians instead of Israelis):
There was widespread cheating in the
14-12-2023: Is Voyager 1 saying goodbye at last?
14-12-2023: It is just amazing how all the graphs show just how fast we are (not) transitioning away from so-called fossil fuels (which are likely not by the way):
14-12-2023: This very long Quilette essay is nonetheless most enlightening especially if (like me) you have been wondering about the seeming triumph of outright evil in the world:
12-12-2023: Beware the Von Neumann machines – is this how the world ends?:
12-12-2023: So many things about the future I just don’t want – kind of glad I won’t be here to see it:
Meanwhile (Hurrah!) the IDF is winning
decisively against the terrorist butchers of
12-12-2023: More of this please: “On his first day in office, he cut the number of government ministries from 21 to 9 and he is probably not even finished yet. The departments he cut are largely the ones based on progressive ideas like social justice.”
11-12-2023: Does this Hawaiian volcano just keep on emitting more and more CO2 in defiance of the green gatekeepers?
11-12-2023: Well said, “Actors make a living doing something the rest of us stopped doing before we reached puberty: pretending to be somebody else. They use words which other people have written to express ideas and opinions which they don’t even need to understand, let alone share. That is why, for most of human history, actors were paid less than soldiers, and why most people who became actors were considered low life.
That anybody should pay attention to anything an actor says or does which he or she wasn’t paid to say or do is one of the greatest mysteries of the modern era.”
How much of the ‘green transition’ is
powered by Chinese coal?
Perhaps you don’t understand why the IDF needs
to pursue Hamas so relentlessly? (Where are all the feminists?)
I fear Maurice is right that our Aussie
democracy is heading down the rat-hole of socialism:
Ultrafire Knife: Here’s a great
little ‘
Back when we had 100% literacy and
numeracy (for pennies) it was because everyone had parents, everyone went to
school, you had to master the 3Rs; if you misbehaved you were punished
(with a stick). We have doubled and redoubled the money we waste on so-called
‘education’ now even insisting that ‘teachers’ have a ‘Masters’ (or
‘Mistresses’) degree even if their literacy and numeracy remains below what my
mother’s was in Grade 6 back in 1930 or mine in 1960 (incidentally a proveable
fact. There were external examinations back then whose records still exist):
I agree with Viv – We need a ‘climate
exit’ referendum’. We never voted for this b-------t:
How ‘ethnic cleansing’ actually works in
02-12-2023: Looking forward to the next 50+ years of adventures and fun at Della's 70th birthday celebrations last night. What joy this wonderful girl has brought to me and all who know her. All I desire is "To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die." with her (Tennyson, 'Ulysses')
02-12-2023: Arrest
and deport. Repeat:
02-12-2023: Cancel
Anzac Day or
02-12-2023: Will
anyone ever want to be vaccinated again? I have always been a supporter of vaccination
as a preventative health measure and have been vaccinated against all sorts of
minor health risks (rabies, shingles, cholera etc) but Idid reject the mRNA
vaccines (as too experimental/risky). Rightly so it turns out. Mind you I
suspect I became very ill for several motnths after one Astra Zenica shot. In
this case (covid – with its many cheap effective treatments available – but
sometimes banned) the ‘cure’ was definitely worse than the complaint.
Compulosory vaccination in this case was a ‘crime against humanity’ which
(unnecessarily) killed/injured millions of people. Ergo, those responsible
should be brought to trial and given serious punishment. Here in
01-12-2023: Aquaculture
Now Accounts for Half of the World's Fish Supply:
01-12-2023: Although
it is no doubt ‘natural’ and ‘ecologically satisfying’ I find it somewhat
28-11-2023: B------t indeed, “We are told to
believe that 18.4% of the plague burials were blacks. In 14th
27-11-2023: The rush of the net zero lemmings:
27-11-2023: More leaders like this bloke please:
26-11-2023: When ‘climate sceptics’ get the upper hand: “So 56% of Argentian voters are climate skeptics…Milei has also called climate change is a ‘socialist hoax’”
26-11-2023: Another view of human origins:
Progress? “QUT will hire second-rate
staff to teach crap to second-rate students for Aboriginal people who do not
The origin of the word ‘idiot’ is
interesting and surprising. So, a ‘patriot’ is someone who wants to be
involved in government and an ‘idiot’ is someone who doesn’t. Have we got this
25-11-2023: Is Pope Francis actually Satan? Certainly looks like it:
25-11-2023: The current strategy towards wild deer will see them move from game animal status to extinct in a generation. Then forget about having a reason to own guns:
“What you’re seeing is evil done for its
own sake” I agree with Tucker. It is really strange that an atheist like me
is now seeing Satan everywhere, What is going on with
the world, - and why? Eg “Today’s lies are an exact inversion of the truth”. I
used to call this ‘deconstruction’ – but it is more than this:
What a Wonderful World — Thanks to
Is this telepathy?
Things you did not know about ‘our’
government. Did ‘we’ vote for this - or the 1.2 million they have let in since
they were elected?
If only 60 Palestinians per year were
admitted to the
24-11-2023: Will Panasonic be able to make this work?
23-11-2023: Should you take Boron for your arthritis? It’s certainly cheap enough 1kg = A$8.18: Recommended dose is 6mg per day (men). A teaspoon contains approx 450 mg boron. Dilute with one litre of water then use 13 mls per day (1000/13 +77; 450/77 = 6 ) That $8 worth should last five lifetimes!. No wonder Big Pharma don’t want to get behind this cure.
No-one will ever want to buy a
23-11-2023: The Albanese Govt is Whitlam on steroids – and just as destructive. It will take a generation to recover from this one term disaster story – but will conservatives ever have a majority again in both houses after Turnbull’s deal with the Greens?
Learning about the value of friendship from Aristotle:
An essentially religious view of ‘climate change’ ignores historical
facts about how climate changes. I think the painting of the Dutch fleet
being captured by French cavalry whilst frozen in the
If I use 1cm x 1mm aluminium (this is 2mm) it will save 3.325 grams. If I cut off the ends of the bolts (1.5 grams) it will come in at under 10 grams (4.08 = 3.325 + 1.8 = 9.205). “It’s all downhill from there”. Read More:
How we went dreadfully wrong in our response to covid:
We have reached a point where the far-left hates J.K Rowling but loves
Osama bin Laden.
21-11-2023: It’s not just us you see. We are just echoing the decline of the West:
Eratosthenes' experiment to measure the
Earth's circumference is a classic example of early scientific measurement that
can be replicated by anyone today.
Here's a simplified overview of how it worked:
Eratosthenes knew that at local noon on the summer solstice in Syene (now Aswan, Egypt), the Sun was directly overhead, as evidenced by the fact that it illuminated the bottom of a deep well, something that only happens when the Sun is at the zenith. There were no shadows cast by vertical objects.
the same time in
distance between Syene and
reasoned that if a stick in
Using modern units for the stadion, the calculation would be:
5,000 stadia x 185 meters/stadion = 925,000 meters
925,000 meters x 50 = 46,250,000 meters
Thus, Eratosthenes calculated the Earth's circumference to be about 46,250 kilometers. The actual circumference of the Earth at the equator is about 40,075 kilometers, so although his method was sound, the accuracy of his result was off due to the inexact value of the stadion and possibly the accuracy of his measurements. Nevertheless, Eratosthenes' experiment was remarkably precise for his time and remains a powerful demonstration of the scientific method applied to the natural world.
20-11-2023: Young, brilliant and principled:
20-11-2023: 15 minute cities will be a giant concentration camp. The covid lockdowns were only a trial run:
19-11-2023: Surviving the Everest Base Camp Trek: This may be harder than you think in the ‘post covid’ era. However, Della and I (plus Leanne) have just ventured there and back (again)… I will largely let them tell the story this time (our third) – with well over 100 photos and maybe some useful advice.
PS: Della and I are/were 144 collectively (a ‘gross’) of years old this trip…(Some more gross than others!) I know there are those (of you?) who may prefer watching reruns of old sitcoms on TV (at whatever age) or admiring the ‘interesting’ patterns baristas can make in the froth of their coffees – but ‘not these little black ducks!’ (Daffy) Read More:
19-11-2023: Byrd’s Snow Cruiser – great ideas that did
not work (not unlike the Albanese Government actually). Perhaps they ought both be abandoned on the bottom of the
19-11-2023: Horrifying. Just when did
‘we’ begin seeing terrorists as the victims:
19-11-2023: Yet we believed the world had banned biological and chemical warfare decades ago: &
19-11-2023: “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the
creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal
sharing of misery.” Winston
18-11-2023: Best headline of the year, ‘Will
artificial intelligence lead to artificial stupidity?’
Ditto: Who took the ‘smart’ out of ‘smart phones’? The most terrifying thing is that for many they are ‘smarter’ than their owners – but who/which exactly is the owner here?
18-11-2023: And not before time either:
18-11-2023: I’d certainly vote for her:
18-11-2023: Read these books. They’re free – and will
change your whole perspective f the jistory of our wonderful country, eg “The
wind was now fair, the sky serene, though a little hazy, and the temperature of
the air delightfully pleasant: joy sparkled in every countenance, and
congratulations issued from every mouth.
Watkin TENCH (1758-1833) |
17-11-2023: The ‘Virgin’ Mary’s Tears. Yet again a (final) proof of the existence of God? Where is James Randi when you need him? (probably dead actually). On the other hand is there any sane person who really beiieves Mary and Joseph were not bonking? PS: I still think the 'Derry Girls' take on this was the best.
17-11-2023: If you are my age you will remember questioning who was funding the anti-Vietnam demos…since then you might have questioned who funds the Greens (the same communists – this time China mostly). Who funds antisemitism (the Saudis, of course) – but also…Things don’t just happen ‘by chance’:
17-11-2023: A worm turns slowly but once turned there is no turning back. The Left should beware before they are torn to pieces. The revenge of Shai-Hulud:
17-11-2023: Do you seriously want the Marxist Tedros to rule the world (or Xi?) He had one job already and he muffed it:
16-11-2023: Society today would be horrified by our perfectly normal 1970s behaviour (when I was a young man). ‘Everyone’ smoked (tobacco); practically everyone drank and drove; gun ownership, fishing and hunting were commonplace pursuits; we thought nothing about felling a tree; sex without condoms was absolutely normal (and fun!); we all owned houses/homes or aspired to do so; we had never heard of nor gave a single thought to the ‘environment; most of the things which are considered normal today (think homosexuality, communism, Islam…) were recognized evils (and vice-versa)… Where have we gone wrong to become a bunch of nervous nannies?
16-11-2023: Converting from Islam. A hopeful sign. Only a billion or so to go:
16-11-2023: Satanism is rife. ‘First’ we had the bogus ‘love is love’ referendum overturning what we all knew was utterly evil and abhorrent into ‘good’ spearheaded by the openly gay and Moslem ‘President’ Obama (the details of whose birth and upbringing in am Islamic Madrassa) were even altered so he could qualify , he who has done so much to destroy the USA, then the sexualisation of children, ‘normalisation’ of incest, advocacy for bestiality from academics. All along we have had mass infanticide
Back to gold – get yours eg at the
13-11-2023: Have you any doubt now that the Greens are evil murderous b------s?
More than that: Remember the Greens murdered 100+ million people with malaria when they cooked up a crooked ban on DDT. This is more than the communists and Nazis (both extreme lefties too) murdered during the C20th. Now they are killing many more people with various 'renewables' programmes like legislating to produce fuel from food and palm oil - not to mention the billions of wild things they kill with their massive land clearances, wind farms etc. These people are the most destructive force against the environment in the world by a long shot. They are working at producing mass extinctions of practically everything - including human beings.
13-11-2023: Another
punnet of strawberries please:
13-11-2023: Bring
it on:
13-11-2023: Where
are the laments (in Western Sydney etc) for the (at least) 1 and a half billion
people murdered over the last millennium by the tyranny (call it 'submission'
if you will) of Islam,
starting with all those butchered along the 'Barbary Coast' during Mohamed's
own time and by his own 'warriors', millions of Christians, Jews and of course
other Moslems. We must sop Moslem immigration now and indeed reverse it by
large-scale mass deportations. The Nordic countries have already begun this
13-11-2023: Truly
a 'must read' - if you would understand how the Great March through the
institutions' has been playing out Christopher Joliffe has wonderfully
entertaining answers, eg
'A point of consternation for many conservatives is accounting for the strange
menagerie gathered beneath the progressive banner. What exactly do the radical
feminist types have in common with, say, immigrant enclaves in
13-11-2023: Those
climate crises which just keep not happening...A
little more knowledge of history, prehistory and geology is
needed. Such as this:
and this:
PS: Back from the dead (due to high altitude infection) this morning. Cheers,
13-11-2023: Stephen Cavura is just so utterly right:
we have not 'stolen' the next generations' childhood; we have 'stolen their
'adulthood'. This ARC (
22-10-2023: Burning money. Go Net Zero:
You are probably over George Floyd (and
pro-Palestinian demonstrators) . I know I am. But
just a reminder that an innocent cop is still in gaol for this criminal’s drug
overdose death:
22-10-2023: A ‘death cult’ indeed: ‘the more abominable the level of savagery is’, it is still less abominable than enduring stability under ‘the order of unbelief, nizam al kufir by several degrees’.
22-10-2023: So exactly in what percentages of cases is it the woman who falsely accuses the man of rape? Are we talking one in five here?
21-10-2023: Sounds promising:
Why won't other Arab countries take in
Palestinian refugees? A clue:
21-10-2023: Once you subtract the urban heat island effect, instrument ‘error’ and downright fraud you might not have much global warming to be alarmed about:
21-10-2023: Is this b------t or what? There needs to be a lot fewer of them:
20-10-2023: Telling it like it is – but nuclear and HELE are. What is the matter with our energy policy makers?:
20-10-2023: Yes (or 'No'): "If the voice is to fail, there should be a significant reset on the grounds that the separatism that has informed Indigenous policy for decades has finally been subjected to public scrutiny and rejected, including by a substantial percentage of Aboriginal people." Tony Abbott.
The vast car ship carrier fires lately
(4,000+ cars at a time up in smoke) did not completely kill the EV market but
20-10-2023: Good Lord. Palestinian terror supporters storm the Capitol yet nothing is done while those American (patriot) protesters (of a stolen election) are still locked up without a trial. This is (in) the ‘home of the free’:
19-10-2023: “They are people playing with fire who don’t even know that fire is hot.” I am just astonished after years of so-called ‘education’ how dumb such folks are – and getting worse. Just this week I had two examples of this as I worked on repairing one of my Land Rovers which was seriously damaged by me allowing someone else to ‘repair’ it ((because I am ‘getting old’. Never again – I have fixed it now). During this process (because I was chasing parts) I learned of a Landie 300 TDI engine which had been thrown in a scrap bin which needed $10 worth of parts and an hour’s work for it to do another million kilometers. Unfortunately I (just) failed to retrieve it. However, at the same time I did manage to buy (for a song) a perfectly good Discovery 2 which was being ‘thrown away’ because it would not shift into a forward gear. $59 worth of parts and it is as good as new again and it will drive for another million kilometers! It did not matter that I explained these things to the previous owners. They just wanted to ‘trust the experts’.
19-10-2023: You probably all know that I abhor the ‘welfare state’ but this essay with its many very early references reinforces brilliantly why such a state is undesirable and ultimately destructive of all that is most valuable in society. The perspicacity of Von Humboldt who died in 1837 is well-nigh unbelievable. How have we gone so wrong for so long? Truly a ‘must read’:
19-10-2023: A small history of the ‘two state solution’:
Don’t believe Hamas lies
19-10-2023: Warren and Jacinta – telling it like it is. Sometimes the solution to a problem is ‘tough love’ which will be rejected by the object of that ‘love’ if they are offered a choice – but to their eternal detriment:
18-10-2023: Who’d have thought – The whole ‘greenhouse theory’ is wrong – and after we have spent billions of dollars chasing it too, money which might have alleviated so many real world problems!
18-10-2023: Deport the b------s. Do it Albo – instead of allowing Wong to continue to throw money at them:
18-10-2023: ‘Follow the science’ guys – right down the gurgler:
18-10-2023: Well done NZ. Our turn next. Let’s rid ourselves of these dreadful leftist clowns:
18-10-2023: Angry? So Jacinta A. did not understand we said, No!’ Other Labor states are in lockstep, even Qld where the proposal was most unpopular:
17-10-2023: Towards an understanding of the barbarity of Hamas (and its associates):
17-10-2023: Half of our electricity needed to decarbonise aviation. Back to walking again?
17-10-2023: Exactly Warren Mundine, It is one thing to give people a ‘leg up’ but ultimately people have to ‘lift’ themselves.“I know by law that it is compulsory for kids to attend school. We need to go and work with the parents and the community leaders within the Aboriginal community to get those kids to school, every school day.
“And if we don't do that, then we're stuffed. We're never going to improve, nothing's going to change.
“And we've got to get people in jobs… if we get Aboriginal adults in jobs (and) kids going to school, there'll be no gap to change - no gap to close”.
17-10-2023: Some simple maths. Did indigenous Australians support or oppose the ‘Voice’? National vote was approx 60:40. Lingiari for example voted 57% No yet is 40% indigenous. If the 60% not indigenous voted as the national average suggests then their 60% of the vote was split 36:24 leaving 21% (57-36) to come from the 40% indigenous ie a clear majority of the indigenous voters in Lingiari (Uluru remember?) voted against the proposal – and good on them! Other electorates with large indigenous populations were clearly even more against the proposal, some being 79% No.
16-10-2023: Yay! A drug which improves osteoarthritis symptoms:
Spot on
16-10-2023: They are coming for your guns again. Just about time we all said we lost them all in a boating accident:
16-10-2023: Just about time they all shut up and got a real job:
15-10-2023: The Parting of the Ways: Perhaps it is true and there are just a limited number of themes which inform life. The Journey is certainly one such. Re-reading ‘The Odyssey’ or “Robinson Crusoe’ ever regenerates that thrill of the eternal journey, echoed so brilliantly in Tennyson's wonderful poem, ‘Ulysses’: ‘To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die.… To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.’ Another recurring theme is ‘the parting of the ways.’ How often have we traveled with comrades on some distant adventure, or held a dying friend’s hand for comfort till we come to that penultimate end when we must part, perhaps be sundered forever. I’m sure everyone’s heart rings to Robert Frost’s lines from ‘A Road Not Taken’ ‘Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both… I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference’. How many themes inform one’s life? I’m sure it is far from infinite – it may be less than a dozen even. It may be the same with madness: that there is a small number of types of delusion which inform all mental illness.
15-10-2023: A Big ‘No’ to enshrining race in the constitution, something which we thought we had rid ourselves of in 1967 – or indeed 1788! The good sense of the Australian people as a whole is revealed nowhere more than in the Northern Territory, which has by far the highest proportion of actual aboriginal people (30%) yet it voted just as strongly against the Voice as all the other states did (62% voted No). NB: Notably ‘Uluru’ ie Lingiari voted against the proposal 58 to 42%! This vote was their ‘voice. Going forward we a should remove all ‘special’ treatment of people according to ‘race’ and so abolish all the ‘aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’ quangos etc as well as repealing the highly discriminatory ‘Native Title Act’ and like legislation. Australians have voted to be one people under law. Of course every effort should be made to address real inequalities and disadvantages (according to need) insofar as there is anything government can do (as opposed to individual effort) to redress these things – but such efforts should never be based on ‘race’. This is a vile and antiquated concept which should now forever be relegated to the dustbin of history:
Second best headline of the day: “Man dies after climbing rock face painted with 'Yes' mural just a day before referendum”:
Best headline of the day: “Hamas Disappointed Liberals (ie Leftists) Don't Believe They
Massacred Jews After They Went To All The Trouble To
Livestream It”:
15-10-2023: Hamas deniers are no different to Holocaust deniers. Thankfully Bibi has moved quickly to scotch their vile lies but I’m afraid I just cannot watch the awful photos of beheaded babies and the like he has provided as evidence any more than I readily viewed the dreadful images of Belsen etc. My weak stomach doesn’t make me any less angry that there is a vile creed amongst us which actively promotes such dreadful acts and which is not opposed by our governments – indeed our government funds it through supporting religious schools etc. They have passed laws against ‘hate crimes’ yet if I condemn Islam it is viewed as one, but when Islam preaches and exhorts (as it does) that such obscene violence and murder are not only right but desirable nothing is done to suppress or punish it. The mosques should be closed, the Koran banned (it is a hate document) and Islam’s adherents deported unless they will recant this noxious faith with solemn and binding promises eg made on the lives of their own families.
Millions of Australian dollars are being used to fund an ‘education system’ in Palestine which teaches kids to hate and kill Jews:
13-10-2023: Is this Bigfoot at last? If only Moses, Jesus or Mohammed had owned a smart phone we would have clearer picture of God too!
13-10-2023: Looking like the great ‘renewables dream is coming to an end as economic reality bites:
13-10-2023: An Aboriginal Elder speaks out. ‘White fellas saved us – a ‘must read’:
Let’s not stop with ‘non-citizens’
Peter. No-one deserves to be a citizen who has such execrable views about the
acceptability of mass murder. For example, I see the Imams want every
mosque to be lit up in support of
12-10-2023: A lesson in world history – which came first beer or the wheel?:
12-10-2023: Well done that girl:
12-10-2023: Naomi Seibt: The anti Greta. There is hope:
12-10-2023: Well said Bari Weiss –we are no longer Waiting for the Barbarians (Cavafy):
The heritage these two children will
grow up with. Never forget the ‘
Unspeakable evil, “Around 40 babies were
butchered in the
Yes. Let’s deport these people – we know who they are:
11-10-2023: Geoengineering – Dangerous Maniacs:
11-10-2023: If even Ayer’s Rock (Uluru) doesn’t want it, neither should we:
10-10-2023: A profound study in contrasts – do you wonder why people of my generation say again and again, “We have seen the best times and are ‘glad’ we will not be here to experience the future”:
10-10-2023: ‘Gaol Napalm’ – It couldn’t happen to two ‘nicer’ men:
Sharri Markson Is
great. Get your head around the facts behind this disgusting anti-Semitic evil:
10-10-2023: It is unimaginable that there were large crowds celebrating this awful evil in our cities. Is this not a hate crime? We have imported (and supported) a vast Fifth Column which needs to be ‘walked back’ before we descend into the same internecine violence and terror which plagues so many countries – or until we are utterly subjugated. Should (such) people not (at least) be deported for (such) ‘hate crimes’?:
Your ‘fellow Australians’ chanting ‘Gas the
Jews’ & ‘F—k the Jews’ on Oct 9th (after the terror attack on
This dreadful crime occurred pretty much on the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto which at least showed that Islam could (should) be defeated:
09-10-2023: The Ibex, a Land Rover Defender alternative you may not have heard of: &
Just as true today…“The best argument
against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter. ” Winston Churchill.
In a nutshell: “Islam is a religion in which
god requires you to send your son to die for him. Christianity is a faith in
which God sends his son to die for you.” What Hamas believes.
(Such vile creeds deservedly need to be eradicated from the earth - not
endorsed as the Left and the Greens are keen to do) :
To think
You would imagine it is all over and
that as a result governments all over
Imagine if maybe even the majority of ‘indigenous’ citizens intend to vote ’No’:
Peace with terrorists who murder such
young innocent strangers and clearly celebrate their evil deeds is just not
possible yet our government (Wong) has been dancing with this very devil (Hamas
and the PLO). I notice there are crowds of people celebrating this evil in
Have no doubt, Hamas is a terrorist
organization. Its actions are pure evil. Biden’s support of the Taliban,
08-10-2023: Meanwhile, Albo apparently ‘persuaded’ the imams to support the ‘Yes’ case. No doubt they would do anything at all to destroy Western civilization anyway. This move should bolster the ‘No’ case significantly.:
08-10-2023: The greens are such charming people: At the ‘Return to Nature’ Funeral Home:
Friedman, ‘'President Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you —
ask what you can do for your country.”… Neither
half of that statement expresses a relation between the citizen and his
government that is worthy of the ideals of free men in a free society. “What
your country can do for you” implies that the government is the patron, the
citizen the ward. “What you can do for your country” assumes that the
government is the master, the citizen the servant.'’
Do you think I was wrong in 2012 when I
wrote this: “So, the Reserve Bank is still playing fast and loose with our
money: as if Capital was so easy to come by - instead of taking a lifetime of
hard work and saving. At current levels the reserve bank's rates barely (if
at all) keep pace with inflation leaving savers with no income from their
hard-earned money. On the other side of the ledger the punters who want to
further leverage their outlandish Macmansions are encouraged to do so to the
detriment of those who in the current real estate climate can't afford housing
at all and have to continue to live with their parents and grandparents: I know
several 'middle class' families of Sydneysiders (all hard workers) who are
sharing three generation housing. Higher interest rates would advantage savers
(including those saving for a home) and force the outrageous price of housing
downwards. It would take probably twenty years of interest rates above 10% to
force house prices down to the more modest American level. Question: Why does
it cost several times more today to create a block of land and a house than it
did thirty or fifty years ago? Where are the benefits to housing of
productivity growth and labour saving machinery? In the 1950's, 60's and early
70's a father could afford to be the only wage earner and support a wife and
two children whilst paying off a house and car. What happened to that
Australian dream? Even though we have had reasonable income all our lives with
both of us working and contributing, we have only managed to pay off a modest
house (about half the value of a house in
07-10-2023: If all the warming we have observed in the weather records was down to CO2 that would equate to a 1.9c increase for every doubling of CO2. Much less than previous estimates but that would mean we were only in for less than another 1C if CO2 should go to 560 ppm (centuries away) making the world still much colder than it was in the Middle Ages! And don’t forget the two premises which are likely false as well. Let’s just stop worrying about it please:
07-10-2023: A revolutionary idea indeed: “What if parents were to be given a voucher they could take to any institution to which their children gained admittance?”
All over the West we have this same invasion of fighting age young
(mainly Moslem) men. In the
06-10-2023: A pain-free back! Long since time to give this book a try:
years, false doctrines...nurtured the illusions of the working classes. They are...convinced that the state is obliged
to provide bread, work, and education to all. The...government has...promise(d) to do so; it obliged to increase keep this promise, and in spite of this it will not keep it...How
much disillusionment is in store...It would have been so simple and so just to
ease their burden by decreasing taxes...they cannot see that (it) consists in
taking away ten to give back eight, not to mention the true freedom that will
be destroyed". Bastiat 1848
06-10-2023: Further government over-reach - more ‘unintended’ consequences of a ‘Yes’ vote:
05-10-2023: September was warmer than usual, so El Nino has arrived (if even briefly). Slightly warmer than 1998 even, though no doubt no match for 1939 or those awful years we know about (from deleted BOM records) in the C19th and C18th:
Looked at through a longer lens:
05-10-2023: Ashley Paul Griffith – How could such a monster’s crimes continue for so long without ignorance, irresponsibility or complicity? But do you seriously think that there should not be worse punishments than what the law currently allows for such rapacious evil? This creature’s behaviour really sickens and angers me:
05-10-2023: Fun with MGs. Another great EV positive:
05-10-2023: On the other hand, do you think you need to buy a new car? Just doing some running repairs/maintenance on my 1995 Land Rover Discovery which I also expect will run ‘forever’.
04-10-2023: Woke astronomers are coming for the clouds:
Probably the most cogent arguments for
voting ‘No’ (I have read) - from Viv Forbes:
Such a s--t
idea. Learn a bit of ‘tough love’…well, learn how to be parents:
04-10-2023: Extraordinary news: 17 million ‘excess deaths (and that’s just the start!) yet they hand you a Nobel Prize. I guess the guy invented dynamite after all, which has killed a lot of people too:
03-10-2023: ADH TV - Independent news and current affairs. Looks good:
03-10-2023: Some real aboriginal history from renowned historian Prof Geoffrey Blainey, eg “in the late 1850s, in the three populous Australian colonies, most Aboriginal men were allowed to vote…In this same 1896 election in South Australia, even more revolutionary was the sight of Aboriginal women attending the polling booth…when 99 per cent of the women in the world did not have a vote…in the first federal election various Aboriginal women must have voted – an election in which no white woman in the four eastern states was entitled to vote”:
03-10-2023: As if EVs weren’t unaffordable enough having to fork out $10,000 per year just to insure them might put a few people off buying them:
03-10-2023: Just in case you didn’t think governments threw too much money at covid – that’s a lot of ‘loose change’ for one man to pick up:
02-10-2023: They really didn’t know what they were doing with mRNA technology and it may take years before all the effects become clear. In the meantime continue to avoid this technology:
17 million excess deaths - Here’s a worst case scenario people claim has already played out. "This would correspond to a mass iatrogenic event that killed (0.213 ± 0.006) % of the world population (1 death per 470 living persons, in less than 3 years), and did not measurably prevent any deaths," the authors said. The overall risk of death induced by COVID-19 vaccines is 1,000 times greater than previously reported in data from clinical trials”:
Exactly: “Aboriginality has declined, is
declining, and will continue to decline until, eventually, over generations to
come, it will become barely detectible. Accordingly, apropos the Voice,
01-10-2023: Cancer be gone in 60 days – this sounds promising:
01-10-2023: Too many people today are failing to oppose the revolution which is sweeping our traditional civilization away:
01-10-2023: The myth of ‘aboriginal ownership’ of
land. An issue long ago decided in law. Why are we giving away vast tracts of
our public lands to these layabout rent-seekers who have never contributed a
single cent or a jot of work to our great country? This is just insanity, and may lead to
real anger in the future to win these stolen lands back:
01-10-2023: Imagine building a city underground in
order to hide from invaders (Moslems in this case) and imagine having to,
The enormous advantage of having a
two-parent family. How have we lost this?
30-09-2023: Finally some of the truth about the dire consequences of the mRNA vaccines is emerging – but it will get worse:
30-09-2023: So much of the ‘global warming’ scare has been poor or fake measurement of temperature (and CO2 levels):
30-09-2023: It would never have occurred to me that any government could be so stupid as to send us to a multi-million dollar and hugely divisive referendum which is likely not even legally valid and will probably be thrown out by the High Court even if we were silly enough to vote for it, which we are not:
29-09-2023: The ‘ultimate’ panopticon – you’ll never know when you’re being watched:
29-09-2023: Willis is such a smart fellow: So where exactly is that greenhouse effect?
29-09-2023: If we did not have Thomas Sowell we would have to invent him. Take that you ‘social justice’ (and keyboard) warriors:
29-09-2023: Home ownership is deemed ‘unaffordable’ to 99% of Americans, but look how cheap houses are there compared to Oz:
28-09-2023: Do we need more homes or more alligators?
28-09-2023: Can you suggest an appropriate sentence?
Tony Abbott asks the most important
question about the ‘Voice’ referendum, Do
you want
27-09-2023: Reflections on Dan: “By gnawing through a dike even a rat may drown a nation.” Edmund Burke
27-09-2023: The success of ‘Snus’. Sweden often gets it right on health issues – as the covid ‘experiment’ also shows:
27-09-2023: Apparently this is what the world will be like in 250 million years. What are we worrying about today?
27-09-2023: Can’t wait to see our conservative leaders in Oz wake up to the reality that ‘climate’ policies are unpopular and promise to wind back ‘decarbonisation’ – maybe build us a few new HELE (High Energy Low Emissions) coal-fired power stations so we can have cheap electricity again:
26-09-2023: They
are using your money (banks, superannuation, insurance companies etc) to ruin
your future. You can at least switch your super to self-managed
(as we did years ago). There are no fees. I do my own tax and the audit costs
us around $440 per year. As well, we get to decide what we invest our money in
– win or lose:
26-09-2023: Just a reminder of how badly rigged the 2020 US election was – but the truth will out, and the perpetrators eventually be brought to justice: &
25-09-2023: So many reasons not
to buy an Electric Car. They are so bad they have to have been invented by
an ‘environmentalist’ :
25-09-2023: Archaeological (Mis)appropriation. This
may not turn out to be evidence of human occupation at 120,000 years ago but
even if it did there is nothing (and will never be anything) linking those
humans to anyone living today – any more than any modern human can ‘lay claim’
to the rock art of Europe, Israel etc which is also very ancient. People come
and go. That has always been the case. :
25-09-2023: Confessions of a Red Guard. This is what our ‘education’ system
today is turning young people into – leftist eco terrorists:
24-09-2023: The war on smoking
has been lost: “Extreme retail prices at legitimate outlets are not really
reducing smoking in the community, just masking it by pushing tens of thousands
of smokers into the black market. …the
incidence of nicotine in
24-09-2023: You said it Pete – let’s make more Aussies ourselves instead of
importing second-rate ones – it’s good clean fun too:
24-09-2023: Can the environment survive ‘the transition’ to ‘green power’?
24-09-2023: The awful ‘culture’ that ‘The Voice’ seeks to preserve and reinforce.
Such a ‘culture’ needs to be swept from the earth:
23-09-2023: 5G via space - Some competition soon for satellite phones and
23-09-2023: And ‘they’ said we could not learn anything from history, This is quite a structure to have been fashioned by
‘primitive’ men:
23-09-2023: We will soon run out of water, gas and electricity in
23-09-2023: I totally agree with Sam Newman. We should “Start booing or slow hand clapping”
whenever they force one of these rude and demeaning ‘welcome to country’
ceremonies on us:
This woke b------t just doesn’t resonate with any ordinary Aussie. He has a
better idea. Let’s sing The Seekers’ 1987 hit song 'I am
Australian' instead: :
22-09-2023: Thank goodness we still have people like
Gerald Rennick in our Parliament. We can do something after all about the tide
of communism which threatens to overwhelm us. We need to install more such
people and end the hegemony of the Liberal-Labor-Green alliance which denies us
choice, control over our own lives and freedom which ought to be the hallmarks
of democracy: .
22-09-2023: Happiness begins at 70 – I have found this to be (largely) true,
though I have had an indecent amount of happiness for a very long time
22-09-2023: It had to happen; Woman diagnosed with ‘climate change’:
22-09-2023: Bring it on for osteoarthritis too please – I am so over it:
21-09-2023: Ian Callinan’s thoughts on the ‘Voice’ are an absolute bombshell.
He is a retired Judge of the High Court so he is an expert in how the
constitution is interpreted. We have been lied to comprehensively about what it
means. It is by no means innocuous or symbolic. It is clear that voting for the Voice will give aborigines total
control of our seas from the low tide mark outwards and require that they be
paid ½ of its freehold value for every piece of land in
21-09-2023: The ’modern’ version of gladiatorial combat for young women:
21-09-2023: So, is anything killing koalas? I suspect they are much like that
other poster child of the Green movement, polar bears whose numbers have simply
21-09-2023: The
20-09-2023: Denigrating women who just want to be women:
20-09-2023: As if a black Ann Boleyn wasn’t enough:
20-09-2023: I usually take the BOM’s seasonal forecast to indicate exactly the
opposite conditions – and I am usually right! “Hidden in the small
print on the ABC site, but not mentioned on the nightly news, is that El
Nino’s don’t always create widespread drought, and that the models are sometimes
wrong, and the slow development of this years event “might limit its
strength”.” Anyway, ‘One swallow doesn’t
make a summer’
19-09-2023: Wind farms will completely exterminate our wedge tailed eagles (soon)
plus lots of other rare birds – and are killing whales too. Let’s please
build some conventional power stations instead like High Energy Low Emission
(HELE) coal fired power stations like the 350
19-09-2023: “A restoration of
history, in all its complexity, is critical to escaping the polarized, rigid,
and often insane political environment we now inhabit”:
19-09-2023: Why would you have ever thought that drugs were good for you?
19-09-2023: Scouts long ago lost the plot. Baden-Powell ,
the hero of
18-08-2023: Too bad if you love your lawn mower:
This is a song for an opera, Clari.
Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home
A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there
Which seek thro' the world, is ne'er met elsewhere
Home! Home!
Sweet, sweet home!
There's no place like home
There's no place like home!
An exile from home splendor dazzles in vain
Oh give me my lowly thatched cottage again
The birds singing gaily that came at my call
And gave me the peace of mind dearer than all
Home, home, sweet, sweet home
There's no place like home, there's no place like home!
17-08-2023: The invasion of
17-08-2023: Thought provoking – Are we repaganising?
17-08-2023: Of course; ‘one man one vote’ has long been an Australian principle
even if nowadays we might say, ‘One person’. For this reason alone there should
not be a separate (racially based) election or House. For just the same
reason there ought not be ‘dual citizenship’ which
allows people to vote in two separate jurisdictions. Make up your mind where
your loyalties lie. They ought, properly be to ‘One Australia’:
17-08-2023: The ultimate wilderness cabin – well done guys:
16-08-2023: How a lack of available men is leading to a decline in the birth rate:
16-08-2023: Stating the obvious. Of course it did Jacinta, but brave of you to say
16-08-2023: Patriot Switch – a way to buy goods without the leftist propaganda.
We need something like this in Oz to counter the influence of the woke
corporations like Apple whose latest ad is ‘cringeworthy’
15-08-2023: ET. Are they fakes – or what?
15-08-2023: “Seven million
people from all over the world have climbed Ayers Rock”, but no more. The truth about climbing
this Aussie icon:
15-08-2023: Is there still an organization interested in teaching boys to become
15-08-2023: You will have nothing and you will be happy:
14-08-2023: 2500 years of ‘climate change’ reveal the past was much more variable
than the present:
14-08-2023: Do we really want to give all our public lands away forever to racists
who will exclude almost everyone from them? &
14-08-2023: And why wouldn’t they? I have been very happy with my lovely wife for
over fifty years:
14-08-2023: Kennedy assassination. Decades later there are still ‘mysteries’:
13-08-2023: Ultracheap Packraft: What's not to like about this? A Naturehike Packraft for less than A$600 - or a double for A$830 (Sept 2023). Aliexpress is great. This is a big saving over other brands which come in now at twice or more than three times that! See More:
13-08-2023: P.J. O’Rourke :‘If you think health care is expensive now, wait
until you see what it costs when it’s free.’
13-08-2023: Good on you Winston Peters – and if the Maori are not indigenous to
13-08-2023: The science says there is no ‘climate emergency’:
12-08-2023: Hooray! Sir Henry
Parkes, the father of Federation, said: “At some time we must unite as one
great Australian people”
12-08-2023: Read every word Bess Price, a true aboriginal woman, says here:
12-08-2023: The earth has no average temperature. This is (the) climate reality:
12-08-2023: Our ‘secure’ modern world is far more fragile than you would hope:
11-08-2023: How good is wind power?
11-08-2023: Who would want to give up their car in order to add 13 minutes to
their life expectancy? How far can you drive in 13 miutes in
11-08-2023: Ominous –
11-08-2023: Trump is not the only hope for the world:
09-08-2023: The rent seekers are out in force after every bit of cash they can
get. Damn them (to put it mildly):
09-08-2023: He certainly was the best PM since Menzies at very least:
09-08-2023: Who’d have thought?
09-08-2023: What is ‘emotional labour’ and should you eschew it?
08-08-2023: Maybe
08-08-2023: Good on you John, but will ‘the truth set us free’ “We need
to realise that indigenous people don’t suffer from the lack of a Voice, or
voices, but a lack of solutions to the cycle of fatherlessness, domestic
violence, substance abuse and poor education that grips certain communities. “
08-08-2023: Justice delayed:
08-08-2023: Global boiling – taking a longer view:
07-08-2023: I wonder whether this is happening here too:
07-08-2023: Green dystopia, green panopticon; Now your
love for your old fridge might land you in gaol:
07-08-2023: In case you wondered why we now have gay marriage (and a multitude of
other evils which have followed from it):
07-08-2023: You don’t say! Cause or effect:
05-08-2023: An (unsung) Australian Hero:
05-08-2023: Just when you thought you had gotten away with it:
05-08-2023: An epidemic of ‘buyer’s remorse’ with EVs: The
price of used EVs is in free-fall:
05-08-2023: Do you really want CPR – disturbing reading:
04-08-2023: “People will grow to love their oppression, to adore the technologies
that undo their capacities to think” Aldous Huxley.
04-08-2023: Come off it Dutton!
Is this ‘being half pregnant’ or ‘creating the truth’? Whilst there is no
doubting that human beings have been present in
04-08-2023: And the very worst thing really is that these poor kids are being
deprived of a sex life altogether – and that’s not harm? “Also,
so-called transgenderism is being used to erase gays and lesbians. Effeminate
boys are being told that, rather than being homosexuals, they’re girls. To
achieve that, they’re being chemically castrated and surgically mutilated.
Meanwhile, masculine girls are being told that, rather than being lesbians,
they’re boys, after which they’re chemically sterilized and surgically
mutilated. No anti-gay movement could have done a better job of erasing
homosexuality than the transgender cult.“
04-08-2023: Preparing yourself for long covid – sinister warning:
03-08-2023: “The purpose of compulsory education is to deprive the common people
of their commonsense” G..K. Chesterton.
03-08-2023: We have encountered some in the Vic mountains
but…Where feral cows roam free:
03-08-2023: Heat your home during the day when there is plenty of solar
electricity around. Also trending, “Let them eat cake’:
03-08-2023: I fear Peter Smith is right:
02-08-2023: Do not forsake all hope Montag, there are
young people who are the hope of the world. Here’s one:
02-08-2023: Some good news: Reversing cancer – it can be done:
02-08-2023: Ramesh is right – we must never repeat the awful pandemic response we
have just had. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine would have saved millions of
lives yet here they were banned. The people responsible for this ban should
be brought to justice and receive life sentences for murder. Likewise those who
caused so much harm and death by forcing an untried and dangerous vaccine upon
the public:
02-08-2023: The AEMO is just
nuts.There will be major blackouts and unaffordable power. Nothing sensible
is being done about it – indeed the reverse. Bowen is committed to ‘extracting
sunbeams from cucumbers’ – as Gulliver put it. It is ridiculous that Della and
I are actively planning to spend tens of thousands of our own dollars to prevent
these consequences for us, but this is an inefficient and unreliable way to
proceed as compared with (the State or others) building large reliable base
load power stations, like coal or nuclear – nothing else currently exists.:
01-08-2023: And you thought you were dumb:
01-08-2023: Well said, Mrs America 2023, “I have felt this feeling
seven times now as I bring these sacred souls to the earth. After I hold that
newborn baby in my arms, the feeling of motherhood and bringing them to the
earth is the most empowering feeling I have ever felt.”:
01-08-2023: Justice is slow but it does sometimes happen - though I can think of a
more appropriate punishment for monsters like this:
01-08-2023: Just awful. Heresy trials are back world-wide:
31-08-2023: Remember when we used to warn our children not to talk to strangers?
Maybe this was why:
31-08-2023: Gary Johns (Labor ex Minister) is right:
31-08-2023: Just imagine A$25 a day tax on driving your old car – the only type you
can afford or have ever afforded (if you are like us, ie most people). Yet
this is London 2023. You would vote for this? You did vote for this? Economic
rights in a capitalist country have always been our most important rights (way
ahead of ‘representative democracy’) but now they are being snatched away as we
‘subsidise the richest people’s dreams of renewables, indigenous rights, trans
rights etc, etc:
31-08-2023: Beware Oz. The
30-08-2023: Just maybe it would
be nice if we all had a ‘Voice’. ‘Representative’ democracy is seriously
flawed. Our ‘representatives’ clearly don’t. Almost universally they advocate
minority opinion. We should go back to Direct Democracy’ as in ancient
30-08-2023: Monkeys shouldn’t be drinking in the first place:
30-08-2023: Unintended consequences:
30-08-2023: Disgusting! No-one should be ashamed of wearing their country’s uniform,
but they certainly should be ashamed of being forced to identify with
29-08-2023: Is there life after death? You decide:
29-08-2023: Such nonsense we are told about ‘the aging of the population’ yet ‘In 1700, if you made it to age 25, you had
a good chance to make your 80s barring farm accidents.’
29-08-2023: Eight truths that the mugshot reveals:
29-08-2023: Yay! “Prime Minister
Meloni is the most successful world leader – male or female – of our time,
and the left despises her for it because they know that she is not only
inspiring others by example, but opening millions of eyes to the maleficence
and corruption of the left which has devastated the disenfranchised and
working-class for years.”
28-08-2023: ‘The Thief
His Wife And The Canoe’ is the story of fraudster John Darwin and his wife Anne who
unsuccessfully faked his own death (for years) in order to defraud insurance
companies. As we watched this (forgettable) documentary (couldn’t face the
‘dramatisation’ which followed) we became more and more certain that the
allegation in Murders in the Outback’ that Falconio and Lees faked his own
death (credible independent witnesses saw him ‘after his death and he had
previously expressed an intention to just so defraud insurance) and that an
innocent if somewhat revolting human being (Brad Murdoch) has been in gaol for
a very long while for his supposed murder.
28-08-2023: De-industrialising
28-08-2023: You said it brother:
28-08-2023: So, how good are those paper straws (for the
environment) apart from their foul taste and that you go through 2-3 of them
every drink. Well, terrible actually & unsurprisingly:
27-08-2023: We should know where MH370 is by now:
27-08-2023: When the lunatics are running the asylum:
27-08-2023: The ‘joys’ of unrestricted immigration:
27-08-2023: Even if it was under his arm the fine is clearly stupid, intrusive and
onerous. The seat belt legislation is anyway just an
26-08-2023: How capitalism liberates: The
26-08-2023: Unbelievable:
26-08-2023: Free Speech Now: The EU has already enacted this internet censorship
and our government in Oz has an identical bill before it at the moment. This is
the largest scale totalitarian move against freedom of speech and information
in world history:
26-08-2023: Imagine how quickly the ‘climate crisis’ would evaporate if the
so-called ‘scientists’ were paid to find there was no problem (ie climate
reality) instead of the opposite.
25-08-2023: Economics 101:
25-08-2023: Kiss My Feet – Or Else’. Islam’s growing demands. We import these
people at our extreme peril:
25-08-2023: This piece by Labor ex-Minister Gary Johns is a must-read. Today’s
faux aborigines are the most dreadful rent-seekers who also strive to keep real
(outback) aborigines from advancing and integrating into our society as their
own ancestors (and probably yours and mine too) clearly did:
25-08-2023: If the
24-08-2023: Maybe I’ll buy a guitar too:
24-08-2023: The 40 cities who will ban meat, dairy, cars, air travel etc by 2030. You want this?:
24-08-2023: Don’t mess with Putin:
24-08-2023: At last the man in the moon sounds like Spike Milligan:
23-08-2023: Worth a try: Foxlights:
23-08-2023: “Why do we have a
tiny segment of our population totally reliant, generation by generation, on
taxpayers for all of their needs even as they deliver lectures about how
uncaring — indeed, callous in the most racist way — are their fellow citizens?”
23-08-2023: Nurse Letby is not the only medico afflicted with the ‘God Delusion’
though. For example, during the so-called ‘covid pandemic’ like medicos and
their running dogs actually murdered millions with their banning of effective
treatments, lock-downs which produced a suicide epidemic, compulsory
‘vaccination’ which was more dangerous than the disease itself & etc. They
also did this knowingly but (being Gods) they expect to escape the same
punishment as this nurse, ie life without parole. I think Andrews and Sutton
(for two) ought to receive a like sentence:
23-08-2023: These clowns (who
annually burn down millions of acres) can’t see the wood for the trees. In
about a month they have managed to collect about enough to have a very basic
barbecue yet they envisage it as an ‘ecological disaster, lamenting what the
poor echidnas will do when they want play ‘Pick up Sticks’. Bloody eco loons:
22-08-2023: What an interesting idea. This might work for us. We have 100 metres
of head on our small farm. I have been toying with the idea of a small pumped
hydro storage system as a way of utilizing excess solar or wind energy anyway:
22-08-2023: The DIY Lego house:
22-08-2023: The Left have no sense of humour – and cannot bear the truth:
22-08-2023: Criticizing people on welfare isn’t un-Christian. See Thessalonians: “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”
21-08-2023: Is this Bigfoot?
21-08-2023: The cashless society
just gives Government (Big Brother) too much power over us:
21-08-2023: But ‘scientists’ say
that the sun can’t be responsible for our weather:
21-08-2023: When furries attack:
20-08-2023: Converting Hiking Poles to Tent Poles: I have fiddled with this before but without a really satisfactory result which meets every need. It is easy enough if you have adjustable poles or the type which one section from another pole can be added to the first one but the method below works whatever type of poles you have.
I have played around with interesting uses for rubber bands and inner tubes before so I have plenty of spare material lying around.
Here I have cut two approx 12" x 3/4" strips from a heavy duty car inner tube which was much more suitable for making the lightweight shoes really. The strips work out about 15 grams each. If I locate a motorcycle inner tube or even a pushbike one I can probably get closer to half this - which I will. Read More:
20-08-2023: Ancient Mariners –
to Crete 130,000 years ago and to various islands in
20-08-2023: We have a few spots
nearly as good as this in
20-08-2023: Fascinating. Biology
is all around us yet after centuries of study we are no closer to understanding
19-08-2023: Who would have even thought this was a thing?
19-08-2023: Surely what murderers are supposed to look like:
19-08-2023: Soon no-one will be able to afford a home – what do we
have a government for?
19-08-2023: The real
18-08-2023: Arctic exploration the easy way:
18-08-2023: You may come to wish that ‘your’ ancestors’ (allegedly) genocidal
policies had not failed so miserably. Enough of this nonsense:
18-08-2023: Maybe you still think the US did not have a coup d’etat back in Nov
2020 but the fate of the Jan 6 protesters ought to convince even the most skeptical
– how can this be happening in the ’home of democracy’?
18-08-2023: The rise of a vile kind of warfare we thought we banned a couple of
generations ago:
suspect this may be good advice – anyway I will be taking it:
17-08-2023: We should not have a Ministry of Truth. We should be able to decide
what we take as true –as we always have, not Big Brother:
17-08-2023: What is wrong with the Libs (& the Nats)? Aren’t they supposed to
represent the views of conservative voters? My own local MP is banging on
about the ‘virtues’ of a proposed offshore windfarm here instead of advocating
for a new coal fired power station:
17-08-2023: In fact tens of thousands of climate scientists cast doubt on the theory
of ‘global warming’ yet we throw away billions on this dubious hypothesis:
17-08-2023: Trump is being charged with casting doubt on the 2020 election results
(a view shared by more than 50% of Americans actually) but in fact there was
election fraud. For example,
16-08-2023: Seriously good news:
16-08-2023: Ford says the hard part out loud:
16-08-2023: Things haven’t changed much with the weather in 120 years after all:
16-08-2023: I like girls but this is just nuts:
15-08-2023: The ‘Walking Tree’:
15-08-2023: ‘Progress’ in aboriginal land ownership:
15-08-2023: And we worry about plastic bags:
15-08-2023: So many problems could be solved with more euthanasia:
14-08-2023: Is
14-08-2023: Unfortunately I fear Peter Smith is right – we have become a communist
state. Hopefully we can behave as bravely and resolutely as the Hungarians in
14-08-2023: The vast majority of South Africans must long for the peace and
prosperity of the previous ‘apartheid’ regime:
14-08-2023: Giving new meaning to the phrase ‘Squatter’s Rights’:
13-08-2023: Vargo Pocket Cleats: Tractional security just got even lighter. The new version of Vargo's ultralight crampons weigh a little over one ounce each (32.6 grams) as compared with their previous version which was around twice that. Read More:
13-08-2023: A cogent argument (as usual) against EVs from the incomparable Matt
13-08-2023: Not letting truth get in the way of a ‘good
13-08-2023: Why would you even bother to employ police? – Oh, we need them to
harass honest citizens:
12-08-2023: Testing the
12-08-2023: Is this the most chilling headline you have ever read?
12-08-2023: At least 300,000 of
our 800,000 ‘Aborigines’ are fakes (according to ‘other aborigines’) – but
they would be the ones who got ‘The Voice’ you can bet. Enough
of this bizarre racist nonsense. We are all just Australians of the
human race who should be treated equally by the law and society:
12-08-2023: Of course it could just be an unfortunate coincidence; on the other
hand it could also be true. Strange times we live i:
11-08-2023: Good on you Gina:
11-08-2023: Cancelling Traveller is a step too far – after too many such: Lee
was likely also
11-08-2023: Ain’t it the truth? Grow a pair guys. The people await:
11-08-2023: What’s not to like?
10-08-2023: At last a mailbox which is (nearly) big enough:
10-08-2023: Such a great idea:
10-08-2023: The Decline of the West?
10-08-2023: “If your boyfriend
is dating a chatbot, perhaps it was already time to start looking for a new
boyfriend anyway”
09-08-2023: “Beauty is truth, truth beauty. That is all you know on earth and all
you meed to know” John Keats ( :
09-08-2023: Duh:” Unfortunately,
our thesis that the heart of man is intrinsically good, well it proved to
be...really, really false. Like, it's the most wrong anyone's ever been
about anything. It seems that unlike in movies, following your own heart
directly leads to pain and brokenness”
09-08-2023: It is now patently clear that Albo and the Left are lying to us about
the Referendum. It is now a dead duck. Thanks
Peta Credlin & Jacinta Price. Now to rid ourselves of its ‘ducklings’
in all the states who are hastily and against our wishes implementing ‘treaty’
- and worse:
09-08-2023: “The Hunga Tonga sub-surface ocean volcano eruption and its “unprecedented” production of extra stratospheric water vapor could be to blame.” Remember water vapour is responsible for 99%+ of the ‘greenhouse effect’.
On the other hand:
08-08-2023: What if it’s right:
08-08-2023: Professional crybaby Brittany Higgins may soon lose all her ill-gotten
gains. Good riddance:
08-08-2023: People are beginning to wake up to ‘the internet of things’ controlled
by the CCP – as if we hadn’t already ‘decided’ to impose communism on
ourselves here in Oz already in multiple ways:
08-08-2023: Whatever the real figures the truth is that tens of thousands of
people are being killed in yet another senseless war. I suspect (the real)
President Trump would have been able to prevent it. The Democrats always seem
to start wars rather than end them:
07-08-2023: Some good news. Go girls:
07-08-2023: Fifth Columns – what could go wrong?
07-08-2023: From
“Sweet is the breath of morn, her rising
With charm of earliest birds; pleasant
the sun
When first on this delightful land he
His orient beams on herb, tree, fruit,
and flower,
Glist’ring with dew; fragrant the fertile
After soft showers; and sweet the coming
Of grateful ev’ning mild; then silent
With this her solemn bird and this fair
And these the
gems of heaven, her starry train:
But neither breath
of morn when she ascends
With charm of earliest birds, nor rising
On this delightful land, nor herb, fruit,
Glist’ring with dew, nor fragrance after
Nor grateful ev’ning mild, nor silent
With this her solemn bird, nor walk by
Or glittering starlight, without thee is
07-08-2023: The seemingly
innocuous word ‘recognition’ is the key Trojan Horse
in the foreshadowed Referendum - which must be rejected. One of the major
flaws in the notion of constitutionality is that such foundational documents
are a way of ossifying ‘truth’ for all time (why they are made so hard to
change). The ‘truths’ they establish are supposed to work like the ‘axioms’ in
Euclidean geometry (if you remember your junior high school maths). Everything
which comes after is supposed to ‘follow’ logically (with certainty ie needing
no further proof or justification) from them. Unfortunately if you make the
axioms out of falsehood (as this one is) then what ‘follows’ will be all sorts
of evil stuff.
This particular falsehood is that prior to the establishment of
But when British rule began (in 1770 when Cook claimed it or in 1788 when
Phillip established the first British colony?) there were already a very
diverse collection of people living here including a number of ‘white’
colonies, some descended from shipwreck survivors and others represented by
sealers and whalers – and who knows what else? There were clearly earlier
European inhabitants as evidenced for example by the strange ‘Bird People of
Grute Etland who carry a defective gene which arose amongst Jewish Portuguese
people in the C16th.
Linguistic and no doubt DNA studies have shown or would show other foreigners
arriving at various times, some maybe predating many ‘aboriginal groups
linguistic studies of whom show some arriving even in the Christian era
possibly as late as the C17th! And most not more than a
couple of thousand years ago in fact. Malays,
Polynesians, Arabs, Chinese, etc.
Even amongst the so-called ‘aboriginal people anthropologists (and linguists)
long ago established clear ‘waves’ of arrival. Whoever the first of
these might have been (perhaps the pygmy people of Cape York?) few if any
living Australians could establish a direct lineage let alone a lawful
inheritance from them (since it is unlikely they had a system of property
ownership - as this has been the subject of many important legal cases over
However the ‘Bradshaw Paintings’ blow all that away too by depicting people
completely unlike any present-day aborigines living along the Kimberley Coast
as long ago as 45,000 years. Asiatic type people wearing ‘Batik’ type clothing
of a kind obviously unknown to our present indigenes.
Of course even those folk were unlikely to have been the ‘First Australians’
whose fossil records are yet to be found. Homo Erectus has been found c800,000 years ago in
The reality is all living Australians are all descended from migrants one way
or another. What changed in 1788 was that we all came under one system of law
as equal citizens. Yes this is true. From day One (26Jan 1788) no-one (eg)
could be murdered without exactly the same penalty required by law – and indeed
this was not infrequently applied.
Certainly too some of the local Sydney Cove) ‘aborigines’ at least very quickly
entered into European civilization, traveling back and forth the the
It was also commonplace for colonists to adopt orphaned aboriginal children (eg
from the measles epidemic around 1790 who then raised them as their own. Their
ancestry is lost to time in the absence of accurate BMD records in the early
days of the colony. Della (whose parents migrated to
The point is it does not matter a jot who or what our ancestors were. All that
counts is our own strength of character and what we make of our lives. For a
very long time (since the time of Phillip and
However, once you ‘recognise’ a ‘special group’ in law or in a constitution
what awful evil consequences might follow? And how hard will it be to eradicate
that distinction at a later time from our supposed egalitarian society?
Fortunately the referendum is dead in the water, but it should not be watered
down to a ‘simple recognition’ statement either. It should just be abandoned as
unworthy of us:
06-08-2023: I think I will buy this book. May be the best $25 I have ever spent:,stripbooks,113&sr=1-6&linkCode=sl1&tag=drhelenblog-20&linkId=f7ecf717c9afc395e3bfaf2600cc1197&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
06-08-2023: The trouble with heat pumps is they don’t work when it gets really
cold so more folks will just die in the coming Ice Age:
06-08-2023: Progress at last: First nuclear power station in thirty years in the
06-08-2023: How ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions’:
05-08-2023: And here we go:
05-08-2023: Biggest ever? Move over blue whale:
05-08-2023: These legal actions against Trump may actually result in the
overturning of the 2020 election:
05-08-2023: Well said, “Reparations are never a topic based in
historical equality. Colonial
Australians can trace their histories back through thousands of years of
persecution, enslavement, victimhood, oppression, and terror. The
difference is, civilisations that look backwards never
build a future.” Our state governments shoving this rubbish down our throats
against our will can only fuel a huge anger against ‘black
did not vote for this and would not vote for this; ergo it should not happen –
or it should be undone if it does:
05-08-2023: Truly awesome (one should save words for using with their real
meaning). Snatched from the jaws of death. Lest we
forget (For the backstory read:
04-08-2023: What a hero Farage is. I hope he is the next
04-08-2023: Do you still say you are against the death penalty?
04-08-2023: When Richard Dawkins finally fell out with the Left:
04-08-2023: Great Barrier Reef Fraud – why would anyone think that the reef
(which clearly did not exist c10,000 years ago during the last Ice Age when it
was solid land there) was in danger from ‘global warming’ when eg coral reefs
in the Red Sea exist at over 20C hotter ocean temperatures:
read (and weep about) what the Labor Govt intends to ‘do’ about it:
03-08-2023: “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was
service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” Rabindranath Tagore
03-08-2023: It is a disgraceful economic and environmental disaster – if it
would help ‘save’ the forests there might be some justification, but it will
actually destoy them after ‘mixed use’ has preserved them for the last 200
years. And you should realize that not only is forestry ‘renewable’ but that it
also is carbon sequestration in that the furniture and homes built from its
products last hundreds of years. :
03-08-2023: Bruce Lehrmann may have a win in court yet (and Higgins get her
come-uppence): &
03-08-2023: The ABC needs to go. They are beyond belief bad:
02-08-2023: The most powerful essay I have read this year. We have destroyed our
young and now we can no longer count on them to save us:
02-08-2023: The great retreat from the Green Blob. Something is breaking here:
02-08-2023: The ‘Voice’ will not save Chalumbin forest, the world’s oldest tropical rainforest, that has been ranked as ‘the
second most irreplaceable natural land area on the planet’. Albanese & his leftie
mates are about to destroy it in an awful croney capitalist deal no doubt
replete with corrupt bribery and profiteering for themselves:
02-08-2023: Ah for a good healthy steak:
01-08-2023: The ‘culture wars’:
01-08-2023: Schadenfreud: “We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments.
But great moments often catch us unaware-beautifully wrapped in what others may
consider a small one.”
01-08-2023: In the
01-08-2023: If we have to pay for them, why can’t we demand they provide a DNA
result to prove they are? In the same way, why can’t we demand people work
for a living?
31-07-2023: I liked
this meme: “It is not a Voice. It is an Invoice to be paid endlessly by us and
our children”.
31-07-2023: Why not
become a dog?
31-07-2023: She’s a
top girl this one. Oh the good old (brown) gravy train:
31-07-2023: A long
time at sea:
Rejuvenation at last! Just Wow! Bring it on I say.
Where can I buy this stuff?
30-07-2023: Global warming conspiracy theorists insist the world is boiling – as if
1936 never happened, “The percentage of the US to reach 100F this year is
currently at a record low 18%, down from 79% in 1936”:
30-07-2023: Sad
really – what an awful world they will be creating. Still like choosing
homosexuality, such a derangement will disappear in a single generation and the
world will resume without them:
30-07-2023: NZ is a
basket case because of the simply awful Ardern Government. Our little rat
mates Albo, Bowen, Chalmers et al are rushing us down the very same slippery
slope. Read this and weep:
29-07-2023: Wifi
Booster And Security
Absolutely: I know a few people with Phds who wouldn’t
have passed the matriculation exam back when I was 15!
29-07-2023: The worst
experiment in medical history:
29-07-2023: Might be
a problem though if it doesn’t work just when you need it most:
28-07-2023: A fair
few houses in this one:
28-07-2023: Three
cheers for Alex Antic, “Those of us who do believe in Liberal
principles will continue to strive for a better future for our nation, while
Labor and the Greens enrich themselves and disempower hard-working Australians
with their senseless Net Zero and identity-politics agendas.”
28-07-2023: Easy come, easy go': all agree is
tautologously identified with welfare recipients, heir/esses and lotto winners;
ie no-one values what they have not earned. Governments display this propensity
in absolute excess: they should be denied all funding!
28-07-2023: Indeed, “Warren Mundine put it best recently when he
explained that the only credible solutions to indigenous disadvantage are
education, employment, hard work and home ownership…this is why, after
centuries of struggle and injustices, we have settled on a democratically
elected parliament where every citizen gets one vote regardless of race,
religion or class as the most efficient and just form of government”
27-07-2023: ‘The Password
Is Courage’ is a remarkable film and book by a truly remarkable WW2 hero, Sgt
Charles Coward. Beg, borrow or steal it (from
27-07-2023: Coming
soon to Victoria too with a treaty no-one got a chance to vote on (but I’d
guess they will want repealed in the future):
27-07-2023: Good luck
with no more rate rises in Oz Albo. Methinks yesterday’s inflation figures were
very rubbery too:
27-07-2023: If true
it would be the biggest news ever. It seems so improbable though that someone
with the technology to travel between the stars would crash on earth in an
unreliable craft:
26-07-2023: How does a civilized society deal with severely mentally ill people who refuse assistance? Filling the streets and gaols up with them wasn’t such a great idea either.
26-07-2023: Why would
anyone want/allow this for minors? “Every single child, or
adolescent, who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2 [by age 11]
has never experienced orgasm. I mean, it’s really about zero.”
26-07-2023: About
those (much worse) Medieval heat waves:
25-07-2023: Take that
T Rex:
25-07-2023: The
Bidens and the ‘
25-07-2023: The
Hungarians are a remarkable people: You may not remember
the Hungarian Uprising in 1956 as I do but if not you should read Mitcheners
‘The Bridge at Andau’. Now they are taking the lead in the poush-back against
the globalists in
25-07-2023: If
conservatives drop this ‘Net Zero’ b------t they might well rocket back:
24-07-2023: Some good
24-07-2023: A very
succinct and accurate rebuttal of the whole global warming myth:
24-07-2023: Looking
more and more as if we have only scratched the surface:
23-07-2023: Winter Joy: (Della): Sharing some winter joy in my garden. When I first created my rose garden 30 years ago, I was sad to see it so bare and drab during the colder months. After retirement, I worked on finding things that would add winter interest, and this afternoon’s warm, setting sun helped to reward me for my efforts. Read More:
23-07-2023: A new
type of ‘one stroke’ engine:
23-07-2023: Is it
quite mad for society not to have lunatic asylums?
23-07-2023: More dirt
on the Higgins-Lehrmann ‘affair’:
23-07-2023: I really
hope that Malcolm Roberts is right and that the tide has turned against the
Green Blob. At least it is most entertainingly written:
22-07-2023: The
continual erosion of civil society:
22-07-2023: And
they’re right! Why bring them in the first place?
22-07-2023: The cure
for poverty and climate change is nuclear:
22-07-2023: The new
21-07-2023: Just what
you want: some ‘culture warrior’ rendering your land valueless:
21-07-2023: Bad news
for bank robbers at least (and the public) – cashless banks:
21-07-2023: Motorists
are fighting back (and wining) against 15 minute cities:
21-07-2023: Anything
to create panic: “What we experienced over the past days was most intense
climate lie since temperature recording began…The problem with that report
is that none of it is true.” In
20-07-2023: Neil
Oliver on the ‘fear mongering hoax and scam’:
20-07-2023: Do you
have a right to a bank account in
20-07-2023: If so,
millennials are just crazy. What kind of society do they want?
20-07-2023: Ayn Rand,
“You can avoid reality, but
you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality…There is no difference between socialism and communism,
except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to
enslave men by force, socialism by vote. It is merely the difference between
murder and suicide.”
19-07-2023: A
Democratic Society. That is what we have prided ourselves on for nearly two
centuries in
19-07-2023: Maybe we
should all go back to smoking menthol cigarettes (Alpine). Remember when
doctors used to give them away free? Those were the days. Of course if you
don’t remember, here’s why:
19-07-2023: Maybe
retirement isn’t such a great idea? Just ask Jayne who
started her current job of 26 years at age 75:
19-07-2023: Won’t
this be something – if it works?
18-07-2023: I must
admit to being shocked this morning to realise that I actually know someone who
says s/he will vote, ‘Yes’. All my life (and I include also my parents’ and
grandparents’ lives…) I have held to the belief that it is more than wicked
(just downright evil) to treat someone differently on account of their race or
birth nationality, as the Nazis so infamously did. Six million Jews and two
million Gypsies can’t be wrong! Such racism is just about the worst vile trait
that one can have, yet evidently many of my fellow countrymen still have it,
though we voted in a referendum back in 1967 to never ever again allow ‘race’
into our constsitution. One country for
all equally under the Southern Cross. Yet here we go again only fifty years
later with a new apartheid proposal, and one which will end our democracy as
well. I stand with what I have always believed, that we should always be
treated equally under the law as we are not responsible for how or where we were born. I don’t
think the same of religion which I consider a choice, though as I view all
religions as equal manifestations of insanity (or at least delusion) perhaps it
is no more a choice than other forms of insanity are. However, I long ago
learned from that great book ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ (and elsewhere) that
one can choose one’s mental state too and make oneself and indeed the whole
world, better by doing so. You can get a free copy here:
18-07-2023: When you
are old and lonely at least you will have GR-1:
18-07-2023: What does
‘Universe 25’ mean for the human race? No doubt many of us can ‘see’ the
aberrant behaviours developing amongst us which presaged collapse in the mouse
18-07-2023: On ‘the
hottest day ever’ the satellite record showed it as -.1C less than the fifty
year average, so global cooling?
17-07-2023: Why not
end our democracy forever? Because that is just what ‘The Voice’ is: the
replacement of centuries’ long progress in making ‘The People’s House’ supreme
with (what went before) an unelected hereditary (racially based) ‘nobility’ (of
whom and chosen by whom; we are not told)
– no better than being dictated to by the ‘Norman’ House of Lords and
the monarch, probably worse. We will have no ability to have another referendum
to remove it when we realize what a dictatorial disaster it is because it will
have the Veto over our will. It will only be able to be removed by a violent
revolution – something we have avoided in British society for a long while.
17-07-2023: You would
hope the Fadden by-election result is the beginning of the end of the
disastrous Albo Government:
17-07-2023: Billions of people are alive (healthy and
prosperous) today because the world is warmer:
17-07-2023: Just a
reminder; Winter is coming:
16-07-2023: It ain’t half hot mum. Della was reminding
me of just how hot Leo experienced the summer of 1900 in ‘The Go Between’ when
the thermometer was often over 100F (37C) in Norfolk. Air temperature that is,
not the spurious ‘surface temperature’ the alarmists are spouting at the moment
(48C in Sardinia & etc) – as if you couldn’t always fry an egg on the
tarmac or a car bonnet on a hot Aussie summer’s day! Remember people doing that
when you were a kid? I do. And if ‘today’ is the hottest day ever (in Europe)
how come for a couple of thousand years at least (from Roman Britain until the
end of the Middle Ages with the ‘Little Ice Age’ c 1450AD) you could and did
grow wine grapes right up to the Scottish border - when grapes will not grow
outdoors anywhere in Britain today?.
16-07-2023: ‘Time’s Winged Chariot’. This morning I
have been thinking about mortality a bit and mused, ‘How many folks have known
people who were born 200 years apart?’ (Just a bit more
than the age of our country). A really lot is the answer. You figure it.
My own great grandfather lived the entire C19th, just as an example. The last
person to have known Queen
16-07-2023: I agree
with James Allan, it deserves to fail: “I still think it will fail
now because it proposes to undermine the core notion of equal citizenship on
which liberal democracy is founded. I also think it will fail because it makes
very likely the possibility of judicial activists rewriting the constitution at
the point of application and because it will further clog up our already
sclerotic law-making processes (only two other democracies have anything like
our powerful upper house Senate), and because, at core, I have huge confidence
in the good sense of the average Australian.”
16-07-2023: Please save us John Connor!:
15-07-2023: In
15-07-2023: Thank Monash: Electricity from brown coal is still only 3 cents a kilowatt hour: “Imagine a world where Australian electricity prices were cheap again and industries moved here from all over the world. With the extra funds Australian families could afford laptops, music lessons, books and adventure camps for every child, or trips to the Whitsundays, Ningaloo, whatever turned them on. Parents might not have to work two jobs. What a life of riches we gave up so easily, with so little thought, because we were badgered and bullied into a futile quest to change the weather?”
15-07-2023: Hope for
a Rise of Conservatism – the Alternative For
15-07-2023: Just in
case you have forgotten what a disaster Atsic was and don’t realise why you
should vote, “No’:
Here’s another five:
14-07-2023: Things I
did not know: The name
‘bungalow’ means "house in the
14-07-2023: There are
vast numbers of Nobel Prize winning scientists who repudidate the climate
crisis. You don’t get this from the mainstream press though:
14-07-2023: When the
Left decides to reject the climate mantra:
14-07-2023: Good
13-07-2023: Further
twists in the Russian ‘mutiny’:
13-07-2023: This (disastrous wildfires which kill
everything) is the main reason I oppose the very existence of ‘National Parks’
and the failed ideology of ‘conservation’ which motivates them. We had better
protection for a diversity of native plants and animals under nearly 200 years
of mixed use of our state forests including sustainable logging , seasonal
grazing, some mining…including a wide range of personal freedoms (4WDriving,
camping, fishing, fossilizing, hunting etc):
13-07-2023: Sad, but
not so instantaneous then:
13-07-2023: Kill the
bush! All right for some:
12-07-2023: No
evidence required; just debank:
“The guideline recognises that banks don’t need legal evidence of domestic
violence, such as an Apprehended Violence Order, to be able to offer assistance
to customers… Hmm, can you imagine the banks cutting off the accounts of
women who refuse to work or contribute to household bills? That’s clearly not
going to happen.”
12-07-2023: It is
not just
12-07-2023: It’s
going to be ‘fun and games’:
12-07-2023: These Big
Tech monsters are sinister. Soon there will not even be a memory of freedom in
our country:
11-07-2023: Good God:
PS: I would have thought the pronoun 'which' is the
biggest worry.
11-07-2023: That
breastfeeding bloke is the last straw:
Unless it is Target
selling tampons to ‘menstruaters’:
11-07-2023: Are you
the same person you used to be?
11-07-2023: Good
points: How I learned to stop worrying and love CO2:
10-07-2023: The
state of
10-07-2023: Ronald
Reagan, "I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been
born.” “A 3% increase. Wonder what those babies think of
that? They are too young to answer the question today, but let's ask
them in 15 years. My guess is that most will say thanks for getting
a chance to live rather than to have someone decide to put them among the 60 million
who never got the chance.”
10-07-2023: Sad
really. When you want your imaginary friends to think you have a really
exciting life instead of spending it staring at four walls somewhere inside a
vast megalopolis:
10-07-2023: Our
actual life: Each afternoon we take the dogs for a walk in one of the forests
nearby. Here are a couple of shots from yesterday. A very
fine rainbow and six charming fallow deer. You can maybe see why I have
ordered a phone with a better camera ( . Fortunately my memory has many more megapixels than my
phone. Of course there were also the usual half a
dozen black wallabies and a dozen or so kangaroos - & etc.
9-07-2023: Holidays
on Mars maybe sooner than you thought:
9-07-2023: A
Castration Robot – what a great idea:
And, How easy it is
to have yourself castrated (22 minutes) :
9-07-2023: Take a
look at the energy use of the most populous countries, then tell me why we are
ruining our economy with this ‘renewables’ religion:
Moonbattery as a disability:
8-07-2023: Probably
a fair point. Chris Hedges: “They Lied
8-07-2023: A
great essay: Conservatives “need to reassert what was once obvious—that
the biological, married family is the best environment for raising children
and that to be heterosexual is not merely an inferior option in life for those
who just can’t for some reason join up with the alphabet brigade. They have to
reassert the legitimacy of bourgeois norms and insist that children deserve to
have their innocence regarding sex preserved for as long as possible”:
8-07-2023: This is
good news. I’m sure I’m not the only person just wanting to do business without
a dose of ‘save the world’ religion thrown in:
8-07-2023: You don’t
7-07-2023: Things we
really need a referendum on and a guarantee in the constitution for: I can
think of a heap myself. For example, free speech, political freedom, the right
to lawful assembly and association and free movement, protection from arbitrary
arrest, the right to a fair trial, the right to own private property and
guarantees about what that means, the right to be treated equally before the
law, one person one vote, our right to decide before our government enters into
international agreements & especially UN conventions, abolishing the
utterly undemocratic and anachronistic Senate, fixed date annual elections (as
in ancient Rome),,.I’m sure you can think of a few more important things than
setting up an unelected racist assembly above our elected leaders:
7-07-2023: The UAH’s global temperature for July. I'm
sure that you know that this is the most reliable international measure of
world temperature (though the satellites don’t cover the polar
regions). The most telling thing in this 50 year history is that global
temperature seems to be constrained to a narrow limit of +/- .5C. I think this
is an extraordinary thermostatic effect. You would think much more ‘climate’
effort would be spent on understanding why this is the case than preaching
alarmist memes about ‘the hottest day in world history’, imminent doom and
other such nonsense:
Remembering the incomparable Michael Crichton twenty years on:
7-07-2023: Go Ladies:
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to
pause and reflect.“ Mark Twain
6-07-2023: $60K a
year to go to Uni for life. Why not spend even more money on ‘aborigines’? Reparations anyone?
6-07-2023: At least
he died happy:
‘Scientists’ claim that it was the ‘hottest year ever’ last year, a year when
no-one was able to raise a single tomato in Southern Victoria. For
comparison I remember during the 1980s (when it was supposedly much colder) we
had tomatoes every single year and some years
watermelons/rockmelons too. If people believe this stuff it is simply the
Goebbels Effect. Meanwhile there has not been a year in living memory anything
like 1939 no matter how much they try to fake it.
5-07-2023: I have
always been pro-vaccine but, “Not one childhood vaccine was pre-tested in a
placebo controlled trial”. Good Lord:
Tragic: I wonder what
the cost/benefit of the covid vaccine is/was. Will we ever know?
5-07-2023: 3 times as
much food (grain) as there was in 1961 – 50% more than there was in 2000. It
surely is the ‘end times’:
5-07-2023: Debanking:
the next big step in social control. You can see why they want to get rid of
cheques and paper money now perhaps:
More here:
4-07-2023: Volkswagen “are experiencing strong customer reluctance in the electric vehicle sector”:
4-07-2023: The Pareto
4-07-2023: “All the solar and wind in the world
combined doesn’t provide even a third of the energy we get from wood and dung.”
Good old carbon still represents 93% of world energy use:
4-07-2023: What a
‘delightful’ character Yunupingu
evidently really was:
3-07-2023: Fancy a cashew:
There shall be only one truth (and like ‘work’ at
3-07-2023: Apparently we never had it tough with interest rates at 21% back in 1990. It is today’s spoiled darlings with interest rates of 6% who have it tough. You can prove anything with figures if you try/lie hard enough. Of course they have more debt because of the ‘cheap money’ which has caused house prices to explode:
When the world was much warmer (just a few thousands of years ago) there was so
much more life on
earth – the
2-07-2023: What you get when you allow a vast Fifth Column to invade your country. We need an immigration re-set now:
Good question:
2-07-2023: Certainly big news if it proves to be true. Hit by a comet perhaps? Problem for the gay community?
2-07-2023: Yeah! Being alive is bad for your health. None of us will survive this:
2-07-2023: I do enjoy a morning dose of Stuart Schneiderman:
1-07-2023: Sure looks cold: Spring near the Martian North Pole:
1-07-2023: Hachiko: If this does not bring a tear to your eye, you are not human:
Pell deserves sainthood: “The case against Pell was nothing more than an
appalling police sting operation protracted by grossly erroneous judicial
reasoning by
1-07-2023: In the US the Supreme Court has found that ‘affirmative action’ based on’race’ is wrong – yet here in Australia we are rushing to enshrine this obscenity in our own constitution…”All men are created equal…”
30-06-2023: A new idea for an expandable camper:
30-06-2023: Exactly:
30-06-2023: We must fight back against the Left. The
30-06-2023: Why should this small but vocal group have more than one person and one vote? This vocal minority will not be happy until they have ‘cradle to grave’ support from other hard-working Australians.
29-06-2023: The Ultralight Sauna: Fancy a sauna in the back country? I thought I had pretty much sorted out Bathtime on the Trail with that post as well as The APC and the Sponge Bath and Keeping Clean on the Trail & etc, but the ingenious Tim Tinker has now come along with a modification of my Hiking Desalinater which enables a half-hour sauna even in the snow! Read More:
29-06-2023: A splendid essay, “The empire was not in essence racist, exploitative or senselessly violent. It learnt to correct its sins of commission or omission.” :
29-06-2023: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t — you are right.” Henry Ford:
29-06-2023: It doesn’t get any stranger than this: Big Tech Cage Fighting:
28-06-2023: Bombshell: Over 500 excess deaths a week involving heart diseases have been documented since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the British Heart Foundation:
28-06-2023: A heart-warming story: Vanilla the chimp, caged for entire life, sees sky for first time:
28-06-2023: It is sad that these five billionaires are dead at the bottom of the sea, but it is great that they used their wealth to ‘push the envelope’ for the rest of us. Someday because of such folks your grandkids will holiday on the moons of Saturn or cruise to Alpha Centauri. “Most cutting edge technology starts out as a rich man’s toy. Automobiles, passenger airplanes, VCRs, etc. all started out that way. Letting rich people buy the tech drives the technology and pushes prices down over time so that ordinary people can afford it. I don’t think ordinary people will ever be interested in doing miles-deep dives, but improved subsea technology is a very big deal. We often hear about how unexplored the deep ocean depths are, and there’s a reason for that – we aren’t very good at it yet. We get better at it by doing it. We can do it more if people are willing and able to pay for it.” Glenn Reynolds. Should the sub have been tested on poorer people first?:
Mind you, they didn’t suffer:
28-06-2023: What is going on with these UFOs? It seems vanishingly unlikely they are crashed spaceships from a distant and superior civilisation, so what exactly is the fuss about? Maybe someone (the US/China?) has superior technology we don’t know about:
27-06-2023: Wonnangatta Pack (Raft) Track: Many people may not know that the famous C19th Wonnangatta Station was ‘serviced’ by a pack track up the true right bank of that river (ie the right bank facing downstream) along which all its supplies came (including even a large piano).
No doubt other sections still exist below the Moroka Junction, but this post concerns its remnant from the Moroka Junction to the Hernes and Wombat Spurs. Clearly it also went on after that but as with the lower section there is now a road or track which can more easily be followed, eg by those wishing to pack raft the river or explore it for other purposes – deer hunting (excellent), fishing (which is good), bush walking & etc. Read More:
27-06-2023: Too many unmeritorious rape case are destroying social life:
27-06-2023: Remember (just yesterday) when the famous (song) phrase, “I am woman” was something to be proud of? What is the matter with the world?
27-06-2023: The ‘Twitter Files’ reveal just how sinister the Big Tech players have become:
26-06-2023: Today is the 50th anniversary of the Limits to Growth, which used state of the art computer models that were not validated to predict that humanity faced a devastating collapse from the lack of food, oil, other commodities, etc.
26-06-2023: What a Star: Available now on Kickstarter the new Unihertz Jelly (Star) phone for US$169ea (or US$310 for two).
I have been using the Jelly 2 for a couple of years now and found it just great. I will be ordering this new model because of the (much) improved camera. From 16 Megapixels to 48! Wow! Huge!
I have taken most of the photos on my blog The Ultralight Hiker the last two years with it. I don’t think you could complain about their quality, but the new camera looks set to blow them away. I will be able to zoom in and crop much smaller detail for example. Roughly (the equivalent of) ten times zoom I guess. Read More:
26-06-2023: Wind energy just crashed:
26-06-2023: Contrariwise, I think the kids got it right, “You identify with the sexual organ you were born with. That’s basically what you’re saying, which is really despicable.”
26-06-2023: “Ron Klain, until recently Joe Biden’s chief of staff, is quotable here. In reply to a Vox post on July 14, 2014 showing ‘68 per cent of Americans think elections are rigged,’ Klain tweeted: ‘That’s because they are.’”
25-06-2023: Ephemera: When I am filling the kettle to make the morning coffee I usually happen to glance out the kitchen window just to see what wonders the day has in store for me. There are always some, a number of which you have been a party to over the years, such as this secretive rabbit which I made a feature of in an item about Responsible Sambar Deer Hunting. Read More:
25-06-2023: Nice people: Moslem-American scholar defends marriage to 9-year-old girls:
25-06-2023: Stranger and stranger: Why should lesbians sleep with men? As long as they do, you might say:
25-06-2023: What is Milk? I admit I had trouble milking an almond:
25-06-2023: Cowboys and Indians: Biden Dons Feathered Headdress To Welcome Indian Prime Minister:
24-06-2023: Steve Jobs, “No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there…And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it…death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.”
Dare we go where
24-06-2023: This will not end well:
Is a civil war looming in
23-06-2023: Adam Smith at 300: The Gospel of Mutual Service: “He described the increase of capital as another great cause of prosperity and said very truly that it was not the result of government foresight, for governments were generally prodigal and profuse, but of the frugality and good conduct of individuals desirous of bettering their own condition”
23-06-2023: Is the Jihad over? Only if you are a racist twat:
23-06-2023: Reflections on the ‘Titan Sub’: Not even enough time to think, “Maybe we should have done more testing”..But who/what was doing the knocking? The same person/thing responsible for the MH370 pings perhaps? Am I paying for the search? Where do I demand my money back?
23-06-2023: Who Knew: The world’s forests already ensure that we are at ‘Net Zero’. Absolutely no need to do any more economy destroying non-science:
22-06-2023: (Past) time for another Menzies. Who can it be? Andrew Hastie perhaps?
22-06-2023: I’m afraid we will miss them sorely:
22-06-2023: If you wonder why your vote doesn’t count think how much does it cost to buy an MP:
22-06-2023: “Good news, folks. We can stop raising taxes, banning cars and sending EPA SWAT teams to people’s homes for trying to fill in swamps on their own land.”
21-06-2023: Time for a ‘good news’ story:
21-06-2023: ‘100 Places to See After Your Die’ – interesting title for a book:
21-06-2023: “One could argue that not only should the teacher be immediately terminated, one of the students should take over. The kids in this case have more brains and common sense than the so-called adult in the room.”
21-06-2023: Mayo with that? Yeah. Why don’t you just vote for ‘The Voice’ and throw your country away?
20-06-2023: Beatlejuice. It sure will be something to see:
20-06-2023: Your wife certainly had a valid excuse with, ‘I just need to get dressed’ back in 1896:
20-06-2023: One tenth of one degree in 50 years – well within the range of error anyway. Nothing to get excited about. No doubt much the same situation applies most places - except those getting cooler!
20-06-2023: Exactly. Long since time ‘aborigines’ said, ‘Sorry’, “Aboriginal people must accept that they are no more indigenous than anyone else born in Australia.”:
19-06-2023: If the cost of home ownership keeps going up you might also decide to go live in a tree:
Some good news from the
19-06-2023: Take careful note: How life on earth was once before destroyed by a shortage of CO2:
19-06-2023: A couple more ‘green dreams’ wither on the vine: &
The huge fires in
15-06-2023: When Andrews brings us even more gibberish:
15-06-2023: Tucker Carlson Episode 3. Will they succeed in silencing this guy in the same way they are determined to destroy Trump? :
15-06-2023: ‘What a tangled web you weave.’ 'Saint' Britanny and the ‘pub test’:
14-06-2023: Horrifying! Our leftie political leaders are handing over our country (including our freehold land) to dubious faux ‘aborigines’ who never had to do a day’s work or pay for it (as you did) to the extent even for eg that in WA (after 1 July) you will have to ask ‘aborigines’ before you can do anything on your own land (plant a tree, plough a paddock, graze a sheep etc). Such changes will ultimately lead to a real ‘war’ against such ‘aborigines’ in the future, mark my words. There really will be ‘blood on the wattle’:
14-06-2023: No more cars – and soon. What the rich want for you:
14-06-2023: The German economy may have to shut down next year. This is the future the Greens have in store for us all:
14-06-2023: Now the truth is finally out: covid was a bioweapon developed by the Chinese military (to destroy the West). Worked well too, didn’t it?
13-06-2023: A truly great survival story:
13-06-2023: Absolutely Ron. Our government needs to go back to nation building instead of nation destroying:
13-06-2023: Nearly one in three GenZers want the government to install surveillance cameras in everyone’s houses. These kids have been thoroughly indoctrinated by the ‘march through the institutions’:
13-06-2023: “Sixty-six percent of college students think shouting down a speaker to stop them from speaking is a legitimate form of free speech”
12-06-2023: Why Trump simply cannot be guilty. He took the documents while he was President and ‘classified’ them as was consistent with his constitutional power. Neither have they fallen into any other ‘hands’. Th whole shemozzle is just part of the ‘coup’ against him. God help us and him that he wins through in the end:
12-06-2023: Why there is absolutely no danger to the climate from CO2:
12-06-2023: Good Lord! How crooked can you get? It’s no wonder they ban safe and effective drugs and foist dangerous experimental treatments on the population:
11-06-2023: Tell me what we gain by importing hordes of such people?
11-06-2023: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” Watch what happens here when folks realise they really don't like 'aborigines' for example:
11-06-2023: One of the biggest ‘problems’ with the (12) alien spaceships mystery is why after flying zillions of miles to get here they should be so poorly constructed as to crash?
11-06-2023: How to deal with ‘junk science’:
The new ‘Liquid Piston’ engine will completely destroy them:
10-06-2023: Tucker, Episode 2. This guy is great:
10-06-2023: Well said as usual, Bettina – but I fear you have gone too far this time:
The latest attack on Trump is just a continuation of the ‘
09-06-2023: This looks to be a handy gadget. Now if I can just set it off with a motion detector. &
09-06-2023: 104+ million people watched the first new Tucker programme., Sure did a great job shutting him down. Still trying though:
09-06-2023: One thing is certain: changes to the solar flux and the PDO are much bigger ‘drivers’ of climate than tiny differences in the amount of CO2:
09-06-2023: What really happened to the Kakhovka Dam?
08-06-2023: Bizarre footage from security cams. My neighbour has one of these and he swears I ‘would not believe ‘what he has caught on camera. I am now inclined to believe him:
08-06-2023: Strange this should be happening if we are having ‘global warming’. Could this be why our Southern Vic tomatoes continue to fail to ripen?
08-06-2023: The story of the century – might even be true:
08-06-2023: How many people do you think want giant windmills and huge power transmission towers on their land? Not me at least. And all for nothing anyway:
07-06-2023: Tucker is back – and he’s great:
07-06-2023: ‘It is a matter of opinion,’ or ‘That is just your opinion’ & etc. I am always astonished that people feel that this is a valid riposte: Listen up, folks, there are no matters of opinion; only matters of fact…Everything is either accessible to rigorous testing as to whether it is true or not. If it is not, then it is simply gibberish, and not worth saying, let alone repeating! All the world’s beliefs are like this, ie provable/falsifiable or nonsense. Think: God, after life, socialism, Tim-Tams, etc, etc. Actually that last doesn’t fit the pattern; as Horace remarked ‘De gustibus non est disputandum’ ie ‘In matters of taste, there can be no disputes’.
07-06-2023: Should we celebrate ‘pride’:
07-06-2023: Rowan Atkinson’s experience of electric cars is interesting:
It is also extremely unlikely that EVs will actually reduce rather than increase CO2 output – as if that mattered anyway:
05-06-2023: Will you be able to get by on just one sausage a month? Thank goodness we have our own lambs:
05-06-2023: Cows and sheep are not so bad after all: “Dutch and Irish politicians have failed to recognise that regenerative farming techniques allow livestock farmers to help mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil. The technology needed to measure soil carbon accurately has recently been developed by a British company, Ecometric. The results are startling. Some British livestock farmers are now being paid for the net carbon sequestered into the soils after the methane from their burping cows has been accounted for. It would mean changing the way we farm to embrace holistic methods; mainly replacing cereal-based cattle diets with grass, but it can be done.:
05-06-2023: The true costs of energy. (The world is currently building over 1,000 new coal-fired power stations. Why can’t we have just a few, please?) :
04-06-2023: Clint turns 93:
04-06-2023: Aren’t we all?
03-06-2023: The plight of English teaching in our schools. Imagine having to have an MA to teach comics and TikTok – and no Macbeth:
03-06-2023: We really should have a Royal Commission into Covid:
For example, how many died because of the ban on the very effective (early) treatment Hydroxychloroquine?
03-06-2023: Not yet, but maybe soon?
03-06-2023: The ‘sea of faith’ is waning. Now we are hearing only ‘its long melancholy roar’ as it retreats. Hopefully civilization can still be saved from the climate vandals:
2-06-2023: The continuing ‘Boer War’:
2-06-2023: Just the beginning of banning flying to ‘save the planet’:
2-06-2023: Though ‘primary industries’ are clearly the most ‘renewable’ and sustainable’ they are being targeted by the ‘climate cabal’ for closure. Dan’s shutting the native forest industry (and fisheries) was only the beginning. The real purpose of these moves such as the attack on fertilizer use is to reduce the world population (by starvation):
We have two million plus
public servants in
01-06-2023: Apparently greenies are offering to paint my 25 year old Land Rover – though unfortunately not the colour I wanted. Somehow they have figured that it is more wasteful (even though it does better than 10 km per litre) than ‘modern’ cars and particularly electrics - not figuring in the added cost of producing those new cars as compared with keeping my old one running. Damned fools:
01-06-2023: Who is an aborigine? Why we should reject ‘The Voice’. Well said:
01-06-2023: Good on you Pauline:
01-06-2023: The ‘internet of things’ just got mighty serious/ Folks will want to delete these things – but will they be able?
01-06-2023: Albo?
31-05-2023: No trigger warnings. No snowflakes back then:
31-05-2023: Nuts to that you might say but your heart does not agree:
31-05-2023: Beware when the bogus aborigines take charge:
31-05-2023: Is the UN climate cabal coming undone:
30-05-2023: I must (not) go down to the sea again:
30-05-2023: What is wrong with Keynesian economics:
30-05-2023: Well said Maggie:
30-05-2023: Our tomatoes have certainly known it has been getting colder but not the BOM:
And it’s been getting colder all over:
29-05-2023: Neil Oliver on how bad the Greens really are. You really need to know about Clintel – and the facts:
29-05-2023: Unfortunately true: “Polls show as many as two out of three Democrats voters still trust the media, while barely 1 in 6 Republicans do. If the media were not so nakedly biased, those statistics wouldn’t be so skewed.”
29-05-2023: Important lessons from a long life:
29-05-2023: Certainly spooky stuff – what once used to prompt vampire legends. No doubt there is a rational explanation:
28-05-2023: A really big scientific dilemma. CO2 and temperature are not coupled:
28-05-2023: This man, Norman Borlaug is responsible for
saving the lives of over a billion people. If the climate becomes colder as was
predicted in the 1970's (& some current predictions, see eg:
we will need several of his kind to prevent catastrophe. Remember this, the Little Ice Age killed something like 1/3rd of
28-05-2023: DNA doesn’t lie. I admit I have been sceptical, though I have trusted friends (fellow hunters) who report having seen one, but if these things can exist in Scotland they can certainly exist in Victoria:
See Also:
28-05-2023: Our state government is hopeless. Under Dan the number of public servants has more than doubled (as has their remuneration – particularly the vast horde of ‘upper echelons’). Meanwhile in the latest budget, spending for road repairs has fallen from approx $700 million to around $400 million. You may need new shock absorbers! You may have also noticed signs springing up which say things like ‘Rough Road Next 4km’. Expect this to rapidly become 40 km! There is a rough road ahead for Vic there’s no doubt. I did not vote for them (or the present so-called opposition).
27-05-2023: Easy Hammock Tarp Centre Line: A centre line is the best idea when using any tarp rather than just trying to tension the tarp back towards the tree against its own weight which is all too likely to damage it or tear out the grommet or tie-out.
You will also want to secure one to the tree/s quickly and easily, so here is a method using just a few readily available plastic bits and pieces. Read More:
27-05-2023: Gina explains
27-05-2023: If only we could trust how the world
temperatures have been measured and recorded – but we cannot. One thing we can
trust however is whether we were able to grow pumpkins and tomatoes in our
gardens over summer (in the higher latitudes like
27-05-2023: The future is rushing towards us – here come the cyborgs:
26-05-2023: ‘Take up thy bed and walk’:
26-05-2023: Some hope here at last:
26-05-2023: You sometimes hear that ‘climate deniers’ are financed by ‘Big Oil’ though I for one am still waiting for my cash, but the money trail motivating ‘renewables propaganda is easier to find:
26-05-2023: Horror stories from our Oz budgets. Horror stories from our Oz budgets. ’Dictator Dan’ having put every Vic household in hock for $70.000 is terrible news enough when we often personally ‘have neither a borrower nor a lender been’, but wiping out an entire primary industry (Forestry) at the sroke of a pen has to be som kind of ultimate display of power. It sends shivers down my spine – and tough luck if you want toi build a sturdy lasting residence. I realize that such folks can next be expected to do absolutely anything (‘disarmament’ abolition of private property, the pananopticon state through mobile phone, controlled movement, compulsory euthanasia…I guess they are all on their agenda). And we have several years left of such governments both state and federal before we get to ‘choose’ again. Meanwhile the ‘opposition’ seems to have just joined with them instead as serving as a focus for an alternative approach.
25-05-2023: Happy Birthday Bob:
25-05-2023: It had to happen:
25-05-2023: Albanese: 'Liberals May Have Standards, But We Have Double Standards'
25-05-2023: This is how the Greens (and the renewables industry generally) are creating slavery. These people are seriously evil. You may remember how their concocted ban on DDT led to the deaths of 100 million people from malaria. Of course they do actually want the population of the world to be reduced – by whatever means:
24-05-2023: Interesting to know how a green conspiracy works. Clearly the same strategies exist in the green and black conspiracies in Oz:
24-05-2023: Will ‘The Voice’ be like the UN? You betcha. At least it will not be democratic. It must be opposed with the last fibre of our beings:
23-05-2023: The adult in the room – Exxon warns of civilisational collapse with ‘Net Zero’:
23-05-2023: Back from the dead. Might be a good idea to try this out before your loved one departs though, then you could chose which one to keep:
23-05-2023: Ladies, from now on you are hens:
23-05-2023: So much for good deeds:
22-05-2023: Wonder why (for decades) snow cover in
22-05-2023: I’d say so:
22-05-2023: Now it is absolutely certain that the 2020 election was rigged, the urgent problem is to stop this happening in 2024 – then punish the evildoers:
22-05-2023: Another unexpected problem with EVs – and they’ll wear out our roads faster:
21-05-2023: Should you blow up your mat by mouth? This has to be one of those great hiking myths like whether you need to filter/purify your drinking water. (in most cases, No, but if you want to consider this post: Trouble With Water Filters).
Folks are convinced that the moisture (nasties?) in their breath will ruin the inside of their hiking mat so they carry an assortment of inflation bags or other devices for blowing them up.
By and large this is just unnecessary weight, like so many other things. Read More:
21-05-2023: There must be other interesting historical footage around. Maybe none from the Revolutionary War or the French Revolution but many recordings must exist of people who witnessed major C19th events. There is an (audio) recording of Truganini (the last Tasmanian) for example:
21-05-2023: The End of Remote Work?
21-05-2023: More BOM fakery:
20-05-2023: Chimney dampers. Our green overlords long ago banned the sale of these in Oz but they are still available on Ebay, Aliexpress & etc (for less than $20). They allow you to use about a third less wood yet produce more heat from you wood stove. Very easy to install, just drill two holes in the pipe and assemble the damper inside it. We have recently replaced our 40+ year old Masport Logger with the newest model (<$900) and put one in the chimney pipe. The old stove came with one. You can see in the pics how well they work. For a month we were using the stove without it. Our wood usage has now dropped by nearly half a wheelbarrow full each day and the house is (more consistently) warmer. Read More:
20-05-2023: These Ni Fe (Nickel-Iron - 100 year batteries) which you can use to back up your solar or wind system are available on Alibaba from approx US$165 (delivered) for 400 Ah and US$208 for 500 Ah (per 1.2 volt cell). You would need 10 to provide a 12 volt system, 20 for 24 volt, 40 for 48 volt etc. This works out actually cheaper than lead or lithium and much more reliable. Choice tested several available (mainly lithium) battery systems for six years. Only one actually lasted the six years! They did not test NiFe. The croney capitalists behind the ‘renewables’ boondoggle will not tell you about them. Not enough profit in something which never needs replacing:
20-05-2023: Just suppose we were being asked to squander billions of dollars and change all our lives because ‘scientists ‘ had installed faulty equipment:
19-05-2023: Remembering just how wrong
19-05-2023: Something to look forward to: Wonderful
load-sharing blackouts help
18-05-2023: Unbelievable:
18-05-2023: Let’s all reject the ‘welcome to country’ and ‘smoking ceremony’ b------t:
18-05-2023: Well who knew? I have the perfect body:
18-05-2023: Some 'feminists' make me cross:
17-05-2023: Something else for worry-worts – I wonder what it registers in beer or wine?
17-05-2023: Supercapacitors (and NIFe batteries) are apparently a ‘now’ technology for battery backup of your home or replacement battery for your car. We will chose NiFe (Edison) batteries for our home storage system as it is a proven technology which has been shown to last for around a century.This guy has an interesting site:
17-05-2023: You stole my dreams:
17-05-2023: Ten years ago and no improvement; nor will
‘The Voice’ bring one. As in
16-05-2023: The unreliability of renewables is just terrifying. It is incredible that otherwise sane people should promote such a disastrous ‘system’:
16-05-2023: I have always found them distasteful (at best) if not completely disgusting but they have been spreading like a plague lately. The return of the Picts perhaps. I am somewhat consoled that those people did quite suddenly disappear from history – as I hope this phenomenon will too:
16-05-2023: Strange that it is still a world of ‘miracles’. Something defective about human intelligece that it falls for such hocus-pocus:
16-05-2023: The big problem with going organic. Lomborg: ‘Organic agriculture’ could optimistically support 4.7 billion people – ‘Industrial agriculture’ could optimistically support 12 billion – Current global population is 8 billion:
15-05-2023: We need more Moira Deemings, not fewer:
15-05-2023: Who would have thought:
15-05-2023: What Ancient Roman Sex Was Actually Like:
15-05-2023: There is no doubt that if we did not sell
14-05-2023: The original Gidget girl – a nostalgic feast and fascinating reading:
14-05-2023: Hardly a frontier war:
14-05-2023: The angry vegans who probably don’t mind killing people to stop them eating animals:
This is
13-05-2023: “The number of whites who were enslaved by
the Barbary pirates in North Africa exceeded the number of Africans enslaved in
13-05-2023: 5 bird deaths per MW per year. If we
installed 50,000MW that would be 250,000 birds per year (and not counting bats
as well). How many for Net Zero? “The vast majority of these dead birds will be
songbirds. It is ironic that the environmental movement first took off with
13-05-2023: I will keep eating my lamb chops to ‘save the planet’. Thanks Jo:
13-05-2023: I suspect this lady has been dating the wrong men. Most men’s lives are much more like the bower birds’ ie spent largely caring for women and children:
12-05-2023: Since they have begun killing whales, birds and bats en masse & etc, I suspect it won’t be long:
12-05-2023: Things are getting serious(ly evil) in
12-05-2023: This sort of horror/nonsense/evil should
never have been allowed to arise and should not continue. Making our society
more racist (as with the Voice etc) can only make such situations worse. One
12-05-2023: We have huge and powerful enemies waging a war on our right to ‘free speech’:
11-05-2023: At the
11-05-2023: Like to put your ‘hand’ up for this?
11-05-2023: The (sinister) power of unelected bureaucrats:
11-05-2023: Who shot JFK? This is really interesting:
10-05-2023: This is both mad and bad: A Liberal Party which cannot answer the question, ‘What is a woman?’ is determined to expel one (or more) and go down further in the process:
10-05-2023: Meanwhile
10-05-2023: EVs will destroy our roads. The EV ‘revolution’ has not been well thought out. As they weigh over half a tonne more than conventional cars many structure (roads, bridges, car parks) were not designed to handle them (in such numbers):
09-05-2023: NSW was short of electricity within hours of closing Liddell – when will we come to our senses on this mad Green crusade against coal?
09-05-2023: Back to the Stone Age? Hard to believe:
09-05-2023: Ways we should improve our democracy:
09-05-2023: I still had one of these in the 1990s. The world has rapidly gone down the gurgler since:
08-05-2023: Why do the left try to demean the astonishing achievements of Captain James Cook – surely one of the Enlightenment’s greatest heroes:
08-05-2023: Can you believe this? The TGA has now lifted its Ivermectin ban – but not before thousands of people have died because of its decision to ban it. These people should be tried for crimes against humanity:
08-05-2023: A great quote from Roger Scruton, “Vulgar relativism has no hope of surviving outside the minds of ignorant rascals…The writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is ‘merely relative’ is asking you not to believe him. So don’t.” and one can hardly disagree with the author’s reasons for ‘preferring’ home schooling. Such a tragedy:
08-05-2023: Extraordinary: ” Sea ice extent off the west coast of Svalbard in the Western European Arctic has been highly variable in spring and summer for centuries: some decades had much less ice, some decades had much more. Currently, there is more ice than was present in early May in many years of the 1600s. Amazing how useful a bit of historical perspective can be in cooling down the hot air.”
07-05-2023: Meanwhile, A.I. Calculates It Will Be More Efficient To Just Let Humanity Destroy Itself:
07-05-2023: Conservatives fight back. I will try these:
07-05-2023: Will UATX rescue higher education? Certainly hope so:
07-05-2023: If wishes were fishes:
04-05-2023: Meanwhile the war in the Ukraine is not going so well: The Ukraine’s legitimate leader deplores Zelensky’s attempt to assassinate Putin:
04-05-2023: Sundown for Gordon Lightfoot:
04-05-2023: Other nations have a work for welfare rule. Why don’t we?
04-05-2023: Great news!
04-05-2023: May Day, or ‘Victims of Communism Day’. We let it pass without even a mention. Just how many people did the Left murder in the C20th? We should include the Nazis (National Socialists) in that. Well over 100 million, likely over 150 million. Yet this dangerous ideology is till being pushed by the nation’s school teachers (and others).:
03-05-2023: A (Christian?) cult which causes is members to starve themselves to death is (rightly) viewed by most people as evil/nuts: but a global warming/vegan cult which has the same motif is supported by the UN and the Green Left. Science is fighting back however,
03-05-2023: Is it any wonder gold is going up. Banks in
03-05-2023: Our BOM is trying to hide how they are cooking the temperature books. We are unique in relying on faulty (uncalibrated) temperature probes to determine how our climate is changing: &
03-05-2023: World News still exists but not in the Australian media. Try these: &
02-05-2023: Cancel Mozart:
02-05-2023: “No Bricks, No Glass, No Cement” – What Net Zero 2050 Demands:
02-05-2023: The Higgins/Lehrmann case is so fraught with injustice and political interference:
You don’t think the NDIS has caused this sort of thing? Think about the tiny
percentage of folks who were TPI (Totally and Permanently Incapacitated – what
it used to be called) after WW2 when there was an almighty reason there would
be lots, as compared to today. We have had an explosion of ‘disabled’ folks
(several times percentage wise) as a result of ‘investing’ in them. Do you
wonder why? If you build a trough you will get pigs, as the old saw has it. In
01-05-2023: Looks very like mass murder on a grand scale to me. (Fortunately we had plenty of sheep drench and malaria treatment on hand - plus zinc and Vitamin D):
Powering the future. Some solid data, “A telling indicator is that some 70% of
people who bought an electric vehicle buy a petrol or diesel one as their next
purchase… Diesel is the first pillar of civilisation; the other three are
plastics, cement and steel… Thanks to Bergius’ 1931 paper we know that brown
coal will yield 5.1 barrels of diesel per tonne of coal dry weight. So the 65
billion tonnes of brown coal in the Yallourn Valley of Victoria would yield 166
billion barrels of diesel on conversion.This is equivalent to 450 years at
Australia’s present consumption level. Any fuel shortage that
01-05-2023: Is it time to ban the LQGBT flag in public places?
01-05-2023: All right for the Plebs! German Bundestag Admits Conversion To Heat Pump Systems For Its Own Buildings Not Possible! Yet, expects its own citizens to convert their homes beginning next year!
30-04-2023: So Liddell is gone too - like Hazelwood.. AGL’s green overlords will blow it up soon. Hope you have s good store of firewood in the shed for the coming winter (as we have - and a new stove) as there are bound to be blackouts when demand soars whilst wind and solar fail:
30-04-2023: When you can no longer make bricks I guess you make your house out of sticks except they have also banned logging. Straw then? They are coming for farming too:
30-04-2023: Flooding the country with new immigrants. Who wants this?
30-04-2023: It is a sound parallel - as the original ‘Children’s Crusade’ sold the unfortunate youth into slavery and death:
27-04-2023: Beware the chatbots:
27-04-2023: No doubt this is the Voice we should listen to:
27-04-2023: How much do you really want to give up to ‘save the planet’ or satisfy your new Green overlords? Forget about cars, air travel, steak, lamb, home heating…Me, I am not willing to give up a single thing:
27-04-2023: Yes: “I believe more and more people are starting to feel the way I do”:
26-04-2023: Universal stove jack-Fit all tent stove pipes: Another brilliant and thoroughly useful post from the indefatigable Tim Tinker. I was going to have to make a stove jack myself once I perfected my tent stove and chimney, projects which I have not given up on - just that other projects are ahead of them in the queue...such as perfecting the tent! Read More:
26-04-2023: We all know they are doing this – and it is sick! Who do they think will care for them in old age? Who will love or remember them even:
Unlike practically all the others, Tucker actually stands for something. I
think this will be very important down the track as
26-04-2023: After John D Rockefeller (of Standard Oil) saved the whales (back in the 1880s by making kerosene cheap and plentiful), the Greens are once again killing them big time with their off-shore wind farms - just as they are decimating birds and bats too. Great conservationists the Greens, also destroying millions of hectares annually with their ‘National Parks’ wildfires & etc:
Sacking Tucker only confirms that the Fox payout (to Dominion) was simply a
signal that the
particularly dirty involved I would say. Fox probably owns Dominion through
some shell company anyway. There is just too much quite hard evidence that the
2020 election (and several previous ones) were rigged against conservatives in
multiple ways. The
25-04-2023: Big Brother will create truth. You will get this: Instead of this:
25-04-2023: Can’t make electricity out of it; can’t make a profit out of it…Scrap it:
I will not ‘acknowledge country’ either. What a lot of bull:
PS: How awful that the Dawn Service in
24-04-2023: At last, something you can do to prevent Alzheimers:
24-04-2023: Snowfalls are now a thing of the past:
24-04-2023: A flat-pack EV for US$11000. If electricity could be ‘found’ to run it this might be a ‘game changer’ for city folks:
24-04-2023: We are living through a complete break down of law and order. Police do no respond to thefts and break-ins any more (what good are they?) and we are largely disarmed, thus unable to protect ourselves. It is long since time that the lash and the rope were brought back. If we shortened people who sought to steal from us there would be no shortage of human spare parts, and public safety would increase very quickly:
23-04-2023: A new fetish – castration. It is astonishing that young people who could not have a tattoo without parental consent can yet have large sections of their anatomy removed:
23-04-2023: The many lies of the covid era:
23-04-2023: Absolutely - long since time for ‘aboriginal’ Australians to say ‘Thank You’ for being rescued from an awful existence and culture, and also long since time you all stood on your own two feet and shifted for yourselves, instead of biting the hands that feed you:
19,000 new volcanoes, yet the models correctly predict the climate? One was
discovered in just 2010 that was the size of
22-04-2023: Back to the 50s:
22-04-2023: We were told 80% of aborigines supported ‘The Voice’. Mind you all you need to do to ‘be’ an aboriginal is identify as one. Then you get all these extra rights and perks. Maybe sign up today if you have to self-pride:
Contrary to a century old protocol (Stevenson Screens) in the 1990s two changes
were made. They changed the paint on the screens and they replaced minimax
thermometers with electronic ones. They did no calibration of these two
changes, calibration which had been occurring (in
22-04-2023: Our Green BOM masters have just thrown away science (and history) in pursuit of their global warming religion. You pay for this (big time):
22-04-2023: Happy Birthday Liz:
21-04-2023: This is just b------t. We loved this campsite. Locking us out of our own country after paying welfare for 250 years. Both have to stop:
21-04-2023: Let children work – or even require that they do:
21-04-2023: Should the BOM be renamed the ‘Ministry of Truth’? Honestly heads should roll over this – quite literally. Once judges (public servants) were highly paid to prevent (such) corruption, but now the corruption is endemic and is being used to control us and indeed to transform society. Back then corruption (eg of judges) was punishable by death – a sound principle. If we subtracted the warming ‘caused’ by the changes to the Stevenson Screens (size, paint, measuring device) we would end up with a world-wide cooling over the same (approx 30 year) time period:
Lidia Thorpe's father on his 'very racist' daughter. How many of the new faux
aborigines are like her rather than like Jacinta Price whose mother is a
full-blood and whose living grandmother was one of the very last people to make
contact with European society when emerging from the
20-04-2023: A robotic laser weeder – what a great idea:
20-04-2023: Curing prostate caner in only one hour – bring it on:
20-04-2023: Say ‘Goodbye’ to cheap flights:
The UN wants to decriminalise pedophilia. Do you need any further reason why we
should stop funding and supporting this awful body.
19-04-2023: Preen: the new glyphosate for busy gardeners (Trifluralin is the active ingredient of Preen. Google it for prices cheaper than the brand name):
19-04-2023: The ‘cashless society’ is sinister – just another way to control us. We should avoid it. Take paper money out and use it for all your transactions:
19-04-2023: Of course EVs are ‘unfit for purpose’. They are the same as all the other Hegelian nightmares which accost us. ‘Falsifying’ everything which has traditionally been accepted as real is not a viable way forward. Many things are simply true, always have been and always will be, eg that there are two sexes, men and women. The attempt to destroy such reality is just an attack on our sanity and the soundness of our society:
19-04-2023: Looks like the climate ‘religion’ is losing its effectiveness especially amongst the young who have been most indoctrinated with it. This was also a symptom found eg in the Hungarian Uprising of 1956. (Read Mitchener’s Road to Andau) Those who rebelled and took on tanks with just their bare hands were most often those who had been propagandised most with ‘the communist faith’. It should serve as a warning to those who continually seek to subvert us (‘to make the worst appear the better reason’ – as Socrates put it) that ‘the people’ can become very angry when they decide to reject their new masters en masse, and will take the law into their own hands:
18-04-2023: Budweiser Replaces Clydesdales With Cows Dressed As Horses:
18-04-2023: Strangely enough if you take your dog to have a sex change they just throw you out. How can this even be legal?
18-04-2023: “Clearly the international efforts to reduce CO2 emissions are having no obvious impact. This is unsurprising since global energy demand continues to grow faster than new sources of renewable energy can make up the difference.”
18-04-2023: When the workers of the world unite against wokeness:
17-04-2023: The Golliwog War:
17-04-2023: ‘I’ll drink to that’ doesn’t seem to apply to the trannie phenomenon:
17-04-2023: Where people live. Most of the world is wilderness:
17-04-2023: Do you want this here, “Half of Germans will no longer be able to afford a car”
16-04-2023: At least Rishi knows one thing:
16-04-2023: Tens of thousands of ‘excess death’ per year in Oz and practically no-one wants to report it:
16-04-2023: Do we really want to hand over our sovereignty to an unelected UN body clearly run by radical Marxists – after the last ‘pandemic I don’t think so:
16-04-2023: There has in fact been only half the warming predicted by the IPCC’s climate models (in forty years). This is much more consistent with the natural warming of the world just continuing to emerge from the Little Ice Age than anything else:
15-04-2023: I think we all know about this one:
15-04-2023: The disappearing redheads:
15-04-2023: Reparations (and apartheid) are the elephants in the referendum room. Of course every self-identifying ‘aborigine’ wants to be a millionaire – without working for it. Who wouldn’t? Where do I join? Oh, wait a minute; someone has to pay. Are you really going to vote to make every (faux) aborigine a multi-millionaire?
Maybe you think witchcraft trials ended (in New Salem) in the C18th? They are
alive and well in
14-04-2023: Astonishing:
14-04-2023: Exercise is better than drugs – hard to believe:
14-04-2023: Dallying Lama - Weird old guy:
14-04-2023: “Badly behaved students have no right to take away the education of others.” Well said Tom Lewis. How is it that today’s young teachers (quitting the profession in droves) do not know this:
13-04-2023: Silnylon Deerhunter’s Tent Progress: I know I have promised the pattern and instructions (or even production and sale) of this for years following my original post about it in The Deerhunter’s Tent way back on May 12, 2016. I also realise heaps of people have made (its progenitor) their own Tyvek Solo Fire Shelter using the pattern and instructions I posted there and so are keen for an updated version…But I have intermittently ‘worked’ on it, and following my post about and invention of the DIY Ultralight Sprung Tent Pole Extension last week I thought I was pretty close. Read More:
13-04-2023: Best Reagan joke:
13-04-2023: The (Centrelink) benefits of polygamy (call it what you will):
13-04-2023: At last Germans have given up on green energy – Did anyone else really believe in it anyway?
12-04-2023: Retro Ultra Light:
12-04-2023: Absolutely, “The solution to the gap lies in doing what the overwhelming majority of Aboriginal people have done, abandoning segregation and becoming fully assimilated.”:
12-04-2023: I will say it out loud (and risk the brickbats): the trannie phenomenon is just pure evil, Satanism for our times. There are over 6,000 genetic differences between men and women. Everyone who was ever born was one or the other. There has never been a single person born who was both. Sexual ‘dysphoria’ is a mental health condition; that is all: &
12-04-2023: Glimmers of Light? Sure hope so:
Better than a pack rifle? Unless you live in somewhere like
Here is an example of a ring gun. It would certainly give someone a nasty shock, though they are intended more as an interesting (working) souvenir !
Breathes There The
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)
Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
'This is my own, my native land!'
Whose heart hath ne'er within him burned,
As home his footsteps he hath turned,
From wandering on a foreign strand!
If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
For him no Minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust, from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonoured, and unsung.
11-04-2023: Will smart phones make you happy? Perhaps jusr as well for me that I have stuck to a tiny fob pocket phone which pretty much never texts or goes on the internet – thugh I confess to taking photos with it sometimes:
10-04-2023: A credo from the Funeral Speech of Pericles:
“We do not copy our neighbours but try to be an example. Our administration favours the many instead of the few: this is why it is called a democracy. The law affords equal justice to all alike in their private disputes, but we do not ignore the claims of excellence
The freedom we enjoy extends also to ordinary life; we are not suspicious of one another, and do not nag our neighbour if he chooses to go his own way. But this freedom does not make us lawless. We are taught to respect the magistrates and the laws, and never to forget that we must protect the injured. And we are also taught to observe those unwritten laws whose sanction lies only in the universal feeling of what is right.
Our city is thrown open to the world; we never expel a foreigner. We are free to live exactly as we please, and yet we are always ready to face any danger.
We love beauty without indulging in fancies, and although we try to improve our intellect, this does not weaken our will.
To admit one’s poverty is no disgrace with us; but we consider it disgraceful not to make an effort to avoid it.
We consider a man who takes no interest in the state not as harmless, but as useless; and although only a few may originate a policy, we are all able to judge it.
We believe that happiness is the fruit of freedom and freedom that of valour, and we do not shrink from the dangers of war.
sum up, I think that
10-04-2023: So now it is official: around the same number of people died from the vaccine as from covid – how much suffering and death could have been prevented cheaply and easily with Vitamin D, Zinc and Ivermectin?
10-04-2023: The futility of wind (and solar) power:
The Decline of the West: Oxford Uni replaces
Back to the future – reviving the
9-04-2023: 'Envy is the emotional core of deconstruction. Its opposite is a work ethic...Aquinas notes that it befalls someone who believes that someone else’s gain is his loss. It derives from seeing the world as a zero-sum game.' Stuart Schneiderman . A very interesting article. We can become ‘our better selves’, or as Buddha notes ‘eliminate desire’ and so find happiness:
9-04-2023: At last a real ‘climate related’ death. I’m sure many of us have wished nosey self-righteous people ‘were dead’ though most would not act on such a wish:
9-04-2023: The National Disability Insurance Scam – how closely it resembles the ‘National Indigenous Scam’:
8-04-2023: The ‘Liquid Piston’ engine certainly looks like a great advance:
8-04-2023: Fascinating Reflections on (a) Paleolithic Venus – as many cults inform them today as when they were created:
8-04-2023: You were told FDR was not a communist:
8-04-2023: Why Some cancers shouldn’t be treated:
7-04-2023: DIY Ultralight Sprung Tent Pole Extension: Never have your tent sag again! I mentioned this idea in my previous 1600th Post. I have been into the hardware this morning, bought a few cheap nick-knacks which will make several, and quickly constructed a couple using 19mm (3/4″) poly irrigation pipe. Took only a couple of minutes. Cost (way) less than $10 each. They weigh 20 and 22 grams for the shorter and longer versions. Read More:
7-04-2023: Only in Qld:
7-04-2023: Kel Richards is right. We need to amend Section 51 of the constitution to abolish racism forever not insert a new apartheid into it:
7-04-2023: What an excellent beginning to understanding how to ‘fix’ the education ‘system’:
06-04-2023: 1600 Posts: Today marks my 1600th post here at The Ultralight Hiker. Quite a milestone. And time maybe to recall the last hundred or so – or roughly the last year. A year ago in February (2022) I finally ‘bit the bullet’ and had that pesky worn old left knee replaced with a shiny new titanium one. See A New Knee. Three months later ( a little early) I was trying it out on a short hiking trip into the Vic Alps something like the one in the post A River Somewhere. Read More:
06-04-2023: Mothers of Sons. I think it’s great that someone loves men – it’s just that it’s not the law. Coercive control laws are sinister:
06-04-2023: When the tyranny of the minority dominates the majority:
06-04-2023: Seems like Daniels lied about having an affair with Trump anyway, but who cares who had (consensual) sex with whom twenty years ago?
05-04-2023: Now you can eat mammoth – even vegans ought to approve of this:
152 shots fired – 6 dead. The
05-04-2023: This most inbred Family underlines the undesirability of this (culturally) popular choice in some community groups:
05-04-2023: “It doesn’t matter how loved or respected you are – or how much you have contributed during your life. These activist ideologies are ruthless and populated by a generation that cares nothing for respect or achievement. Like the ‘Great Leap Forward’, we are watching the mass purging of reality.”
04-04-2023: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Recollections of My Slavery Days. “I have lived through the greatest epoch in
history, having been born August 10, 1835, at
But I lived to see the institution of slavery into which I was born and of which I was for many years a victim pass away. I wore the uniform of those men in Blue, who through four years of suffering wiped away with their blood the stain of slavery and purged the Republic of its sin. I met, too, that great man who led those men as their great Commander-in-Chief; he shook hands with me, yes, talked to me. I can still see his sad, tired worn face as he spoke to me that day. And in those days since I was whipped simply because it was thought I had opened a book. I have seen the books of the world opened to my race. And with the help and sympathy of God's good people I have seen them make a beginning in education. And in my old age when a nation across the seas sought to enslave the world as once my race was enslaved, I saw the boys of my race take their place in the armies of the Republic and help save freedom for the world.”
04-04-2023: It had to happen: Very first short film made entirely by AI. Pretty impressive. Even humour:
04-04-2023: If the police won’t act, why not DIY:
03-04-2023: (Della): Nice little crop of orange pumpkins - well done Steve! We opted for a quick-maturing variety this year due to the late summer season; I suspect that my preferred Queensland Blue variety would not have ripened in time! Cherry tomatoes are producing nicely now, although the larger varieties are only going to get to the green tomato pickle stage. Fortunately we love green tomato pickles.
This harks back to my post about growing them from seed back in Spring: These guys were from Diggers and were called 'Potimarron' The 'Blue Ballet' pumkin did well too over a cold summer - and the Romanesco Zucchini were spectacular.
03-04-2023: Does AI need to be banned to protect humans from extinction? I doubt we have long to consider this:
03-04-2023: Well said Alexandra. She has a fine way with words, “Imagine a generation being so stupid that they were born eating the best, cheapest food in human history and yet long for a diet of lab-grown garbage and soy-fried cockroaches so they can attain a higher social status on TikTok. Only a cult could damage people’s minds so badly.”
No wonder we have a teacher shortage – better to get a job in a bar, “Studies in
03-04-2023: Aston & onwards: Libs, grow a pair. Forget about Labor-Lite. And blast the Greens to hell and gone:
02-04-2023: Best Ultralight Hiking April Fools’:
02-04-2023: Spreading Out: People need to be more widely dispersed in the back country, the very opposite of the (Nuts to) Leave No Trace folk, who have got it all wrong. I know you may not want to hear this, but please read on:
02-04-2023: 'Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys'. P J O'Rourke.
02-04-2023: Thanks Bettina, “We live in a society that is so busy highlighting women’s drudgery that men simply aren’t allowed to complain about being forced to work full-time all their lives to pay the mortgage, often in jobs they hate, whilst many women still have choices.” Then there’s living seven years’ less:
02-04-2023: When the junk education on offer is just not worth the cost – and kids would be much better off just working anyway:
01-04-2023: Now we know plants feel pain – it’s not just mandrakes which scream – does this mean the end for vegans?
T.Rex’s smile was quite different to
01-04-2023: ‘Age segregation’ is not a ‘lay down misere’. For example, young people (and many others) would benefit from learning about the virtues of hard work:
Get Trump’ or ‘Get Democracy’? The coup in
31/03/2023: Happy 90th birthday Michael Caine:
31/03/2023: Should you be concerned that IQ is falling – I think so:
Mark Latham has never been reknowned for his tact but ‘unpersoning’him because
of what is/was a perfectly normal (if somewhat graphic) view about sodomy (not
so long ago a serious crime – boiling in oil in Henry 8’s time, but still gaol
until a decage ago) is over the top. We should not all have to kow-tow to the homosexual
lobby’s views. If we still find their behaviour and beliefs aberrant, abhorrent
or plain disgusting (or even that they should be re-criminalised as happened
recenty in
Of course many of us would have wanted to respond (as Latham did) to being described (by the gay MP) as being a ‘disgusting human being’. People who live in glass houses:
30/03/2023: At last- something for nothing:
30/03/2023: The Perfect Ultralight Firearm: How lovely is this? A miniature single-shot .22 calibre pistol which weighs a mere 7 ounces (200 grams).Our restrictive gun laws in Australia mean that I can't have one, but one can wish. Introducing the Trailblazer Lifecard Read More:
30/03/2023: Did the BBC commission someone who hates Dickens to adapt Dickens?
30/03/2023: This might (just) work for me, “Humans to achieve immortality in 8 years, says former Google engineer”
29/03/2023: Looks like Oumuamua was not Alien after all:
29/03/2023: Please save us Tony. As Menzies did, create a new ‘Liberal’ Party out of the multitude of conservative groups jockeying for our vote. Enough of Labor and Labor-lite. Call it the Conservative Party. They would romp home - for decades:
29/03/2023: How do you think a referendum on this ‘net zero’ nonsense would go here? Would anyone except a few evil lunatic greens vote for it?
29/03/2023: “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” George Orwell, 1984.
28/03/2023: So now we know:
Progress at last! Breaking the glass ceiling – at last (trans)
women are mass murdering folks in the
28/03/2023: The most mysterious thing about these petroglyphs is that if they are 8,000 years old (as claimed) how they are at sea level still:
28/03/2023: “As citizens, it is our responsibility to make sure we are never again so easily manipulated into committing abuses of human rights on our peers. If the state asks us to violate every pillar of civilisation – tell them ‘no’”. Another great article by Alexandra Marshall:
27/03/2023: The terrifying danger of Putin’s hypersonic missiles:
27/03/2023: Aboriginal Australians oppose ‘The Voice’:
Here’s Warren Mundine’s take on it:
27/03/2023: Wrong Again: A 'time traveler' predicts our future: Aliens will conquer earth on March 23:
26/03/2023: Don’t buy a new computer. Solid State Drives (SSDs) are great. I transformed our two computers with these (Western Digital purchased from Amazon – approx $100 for 1Tb, $200 for 3Tb - delivered in two days) and used EaseUS to clone them, then replaced them. The old ones can still be used for back-ups. The difference in speed is just unbelievable. Better than a new computer really. You can do this yourself.
The other essential (also inexpensive) is upgrading/adding RAM. Look up the max RAM your chipset/motherboard will take and install it. It just plugs right in to the motherboard. This is also likely to costs only $50-100. System 'cleaning' software is also good. We use Norton Utilities but there are lots of others (CClean etc).
26/03/2023: ‘Organic’ mumbo-jumbo. You would have to be infantile to believe this stuff is actually good for you or for the planet:
26/03/2023: People with real Doctorates in Theology (whatever that might mean) could surely object to Ms Thunberg and Kermit the Frog being awarded one:
26/03/2023: Sleep may be more important than food yet we have ignored the dramatic change in our sleeping ‘habits’ (and its consequences) –what could have caused this:
25/03/2023: Thanks Bettina: Coercive control – how the new weapon against men may backfire as women are past masters (mistresses?) at it:
25/03/2023: Secrets of the Ice emerge as the Little Ice Age continues to retreat. Note that all these artifacts got there during the Middle Ages when the earth was clearly a lot warmer than it is now:
25/03/2023: What is it with ‘Dictator Dan’ seeking (only now – after 80 years) to ban the’Nazi Party’ and all its symbols? When we had a referendum about whether Australia should ban political parties (in the 1950s) , in that case the Communist Party – not much different really – the referendum was lost because Australians believed in freedom of speech and belief, even though we had only recently fought a war against that particular ideology. At least then we got a say in it, but not now. The real way to expose the flaws in someone else’s ideology though is if there exists a free flow of ideas and discourse. Banning things only makes them more attractive without exposing them to the rigor of public debate. This is foolish. The Nazi symbol (the swastika) is to be banned as well but not the just as hateful ‘rising sun’ (Nippon) image which has been clearly incorporated in the so-called ‘Aboriginal’ flag which now flies over many of our public buildings - along wth the hateful ‘rainbow’ flag. We got to vote and have our say about those too, didn’t we?
25/03/2023: How woke are chatbots?
24/03/2023: Ultralight beer for hiking:
“Rights and liberties must systematically constrain governments, not the other
way around… Women and girls are suffering in
You might think the huge swing to the ‘Farmer’s Party’ in
24/03/2023: “What sort of pollutant is it that when you remove it, everything dies.” Richard Lindzen (probably the world’s pre-eminent climate scientist) about CO2 being a pollutant:
23/03/2023: Just Wow! 15,000 year old bison sculptures:
23/03/2023: Industry (union) super funds – I hope you are not expecting to retire on them. They clearly have shonky accounting practices and are being milked by the same thugs who run the unions. Can I suggest you move your funds ASAP to a self-managed fund? We have been doing so for many years. We do our own accounting and the audit plus lodgement costs us $450 per year. That is all. Every other red cent is ours. Please compare with your own fund which will be charging you several percent of the (supposed) total amount, eg 3% of $200,000 or $6000 – which would be much better in your own pocket (in the long run). This is (probably) the biggest leftie scam currently running:
23/03/2023: Write offs. Another great feature of EVs they forgot to tell you about:
23/03/2023: Students behaving like this deserve the stick and teachers should be able to use corporal punishment to discipline them. This woke nonsense went too far long ago. Pavlov was right. Pain is a great teacher:
22/03/2023: Doubtless people who make false rape allegations have some sort of serious issue but that does not mean that their crime should go unpunished:
22/03/2023: Yay: “A referendum proposal that would enshrine unambiguously the limiting of the power of the state over the people, would ensure that one constitutional change will get up this year. That is a referendum we can all vote yes to!”
22/03/2023: The Lord’s Prayer, a central tenet of Christianity for 2,000 years. Even if you are an atheist, there is so much wisdom here:
22/03/2023: Remember when as C S Lewis put it, pride was the greatest of sins, but being proud of sodomy is for me a step too far:
21/03/2023: Flashman 200! Probably my favourite literary character:
21/03/2023: I have to say that I fell for the line that anti-fluoridationists were nut-jobs but it now seems they were right after all (and that it dd not even reduce tooth decay):
21/03/2023: While the IPCC’s AR6 continues its speil (like a fundamentalist cult) that we are all going to burn, in the real world hundreds of thousands of animals are freezing and starving to death:
21/03/2023: About that ‘Nazi’ salute. Listen to what Moira Deeming says – particularly read the last paragraph:
Do we live in (Swift’s)
Sound familiar?
20/03/2023: An ‘idyllic’ pre-European existence:
20/03/2023: What you can do with GPT-4: You can try it for free:
20/03/2023: Are you a ‘starseed’ or are you just bleeding nuts?
Way before the pyramids there was Dolmen
19/03/2023: Yes, you will be able to have gin and tonics on Mars:
19/03/2023: Revenge is sweet:
A brief guide to ‘Newspeak’. BTW: have you noticed recently the odd meme
“diversity is our strength” replacing ‘Unity is strength” as if a chain was no
longer “as strong as its weakest link” or that “pulling together” was worse
than having a “fifth column”:
Do you remember when migrants had to pass an “assimilation” test? ie they were expected to fit into Australian society, and
support themselves. I wonder if the current spate of ‘First (Worst) Nations”
types had this test applied to them would any be allowed to settle/remain in
18/03/2023: Getting things ready for the beginning of ‘The Moon is a Harsh Mistress’:
18/03/2023: Well, I can imagine some worthwhile purposes to which it might be put (defence of ‘home and hearth’ etc – of course you would have to build a chimney first) :
Understanding the difference between ‘equality’ and ‘equity’ – a lesson from
18/03/2023: Clive Palmer really did try to save Australians from dying of covid (and would have saved many lives if governments hadn’t banned his procedures). Now they should be charged and gaoled for ‘crimes against humanity’. So far over 20,000 Australians have died from this and how many have died or had their lives blighted by (compulsory) experimental MRNA vaccines? PS: I suspect if he wasn’t so fat he would have been PM.
17/03/2023: Mitchell River Overnight: We have canoed this section of river before but not as a two-day (weekend) overnight trip and not at such a low water level.
I completed this section by myself in 9 1/2 hours paddling (in a packraft) and could have shortened it by another hour if I had exited at Bull Point on Czydel’s Rd instead of Angusvale (Mitchell River National Park), meaning that a (longish) day trip is possible for this excellent section of river.
If you can exited at Scotts (don’t know whether the gate is locked), you would save another hour and avoid three closely spaced Grade 3 rapids just below Scotts (beginning with the Surprise rapid – it is). It is possible to portage all three (recommended) along the right bank. Younger people (or more water) would speed this time up even further. I am 73.
started the trip at the Castleburn Creek confluence (about a kilometre along
The gauge height was 1.62 on the Waterford gauge and .72 on the Glenaldale gauge, but rose slightly as I went along due to some rain the day before and overnight during he trip (to 1.64 and .77 respectively). At this height I had only to get out about 6 times (the first day for a few yards), but I scraped the bottom many more times. Read More:
17/03/2023: More anti-aging. Bring it on:
17/03/2023: Jacinta Price – some common sense in the racist mess that is ‘aboriginality’: “I am half Warlpiri and a mixture of Irish, Scottish and Welsh. My sons are of Warlpiri, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Malay, Indian, French, African, Chinese, Scandinavian and German ancestry. My stepson is half Scottish and a quarter Mauritian. They are all 100 per cent Australian…Most of the self-identifying indigenous members of our community who claim to feel hurt by Australia Day being held on January 26 would also have white ancestors in their family trees and may not even have been born if the First Fleet hadn’t come.”
17/03/2023: With apologies to R.M.Renfield the Dracula (Brad Stoker) character who had the same dietary obsession:
17/03/2023: The UN is just dreadful. Guterres (its head) is a mouthpiece for the most evil propaganda, this time that (conquering) Islam is the religion of ‘peace’:
16/03/2023: The Tale of a Rail: A Lewin Water Rail. Della now tells me that there have only been 146 confirmed sightings of this bird in the last 150 years! So I/we have been astonishingly fortunate. Imagine our consternation to find it tangled in the bird netting around the strawberry bed this morning! They clearly like strawberries as blue-tongued lizards do! Read More:
16/03/2023: (Maybe) a room temperature superconductor at last:
16/03/2023: No wonder Biden wants to ban Tik Tok – are the Chinese communists behind this too?
16/03/2023: Of course it is a religion and as such should receive no government funding or support:
Just a few ‘for examples’:
16/03/2023: The real problem is that most ‘education’ is just worthless – that’s why so many of the best and brightest eschew it:
13/03/2023: How Caesar and Cato’s Deadly Rivalry Destroyed The Roman Republic. Fascinating reading – though maybe not as compelling as Shakespeare’s version:
13/03/2023: Just how mad/bad are the Greens?
Does anyone really think they will ever build anything a fraction as great as Monash did?
Other countries are beginning to wake up to this green nightmare and reverse direction – will we before it is too late, or is it already?
13/03/2023: Can you ‘detoxify’ yourself from unwanted effects of the covid vaccines?
13/03/2023: Righting the wrongs of the past is impossible. Why people who never owned slaves should write checks to people who never were slaves is inexplicable.Will ‘blacks’ one day be forced to pay compensation for eating the ancestors of ‘white’ folks. We have similar idiotic (and unhistoric) nonsense here in Oz where every person became an equal citizen under the law from 26 Jan 1788 on:
The search for
Some of the forces of evil at work in
An examination of the whole
12/03/2023: Yet we have attacks on the very ‘staff of life’ like this:
12/03/2023: Tough times ahead? If you remember last year several Chinese banks collapsed. Now it is US ones. I may have been right to put much of our savings into gold stocks after all:
11/03/2023: Charles Kingsley was right. Imagine finding one of these in your garden. A Lewin Water Rail. We admit the garden has become a bit overgrown, but we also suspect the fox-proof fence is helping make a haven for various unusual critters. I was slashing some umbrella sedge which had becomes a little too enthusiastic when this little guy scuttled out and went to hide in the asparagus patch. It is only the second one I have ever seen. “No-one can say water-babies don’t exist because no-one has ever seen one not existing.”
11/03/2023: Rare Cat Found Living On The Tallest Mountain In The World:
11/03/2023: How far can you go with libertarianism:
11/03/2023: Just when you thought men might become redundant it is women’s turn:
The legend of a ‘lost white tribe’ in
10/03/2023: The EPA is also unfit for purpose. All it really does today is crusade for green causes and enhanced authoritarianism. Here’s a case in point. Another is the nonsense crusade against gas stoves:
10/03/2023: I think I will just go and eat worms:
10/03/2023: During the 2008 presidential campaign, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin warned that if Senator Barack Obama were elected president, his “indecision” and “moral equivalence” may encourage Russia’s Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine’:
09/03/2023: Who’d have thought – a 3D printed space rocket blasts off:
09/03/2023: As Ukrainian troops in Bakhmut appear to falter Biden seems to be ramping us up for WW3:
09/03/2023: Nick Cater in The Australian: “In a normal world, a rise in the export price of coal from $US80 a tonne in January 2021 to today’s price of about $US300 a tonne would have been a signal for the finance markets to invest in new mines, railways and wharves. Yet almost no such investment has been made….
Potential investors, including the big banks, are sinking money instead into the utopian dream of greening the grid and electrifying everything, a project that will cost between $US3 trillion and $US4.5 trillion incidentally, according to a 2022 study by McKinsey.
An ESG rule for super would potentially free up a lazy $3.3 trillion more to be thrown at that project. The 15.6 million Australians who own that capital might or might not think that to be a good thing. Under a government intent in removing their agency, they may find it difficult to object. As Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones said, the government’s concern is the health of the hive, not the bees who made the honey.” Sheer bloody lunacy.
08/03/2023: Wings Over Fiordland: I have written about this wonderful airline, Wings And Water before. For our 50th anniversary we just had to have a flight into Supper Cove (since we did not quite make it on our walk) and a tour of Dusky Sound and some other beautiful fiords: Breaksea, Dagg, Doubtful, etc.
The flight took approx 2 1/2 hours and cost around $500 each (for five people), though I suspect Kylie gave us a discount as being long-term return customers. Well worth it though whatever the cost, believe me. Read More:
08/03/2023: I now have two new eyes. I chose these lenses: AcrySof IQ Vivity® IOL because they give both distance and excellent intermediate vision with the ability to read things on the computer or held at arms length. I have some excellent folding reading glasses which clip onto your pocket for reading. The eyes are still settling down – I am less than a week out from having the second one done, but I can certainly say that it was a good decision. I have better all-round vision than I have had for years and can now see where I am putting my feet down on difficult ground very clearly. I can also see in rain and humid conditions without that nightmare of having one’s glasses fog up. I am now also back to having better than 20:20 vision, which is great:
08/03/2023: Is the mammoth on the way back?
08/03/2023: Are EVs evil? I think the answer is, ‘Yes’:
Just in case you don’t think the ‘deep state’ is running
07/03/2023: Remembering Auden:
07/03/2023: Welcome to degrowth communism. “I used to think Communism, with its famines, purges and abuses, was probably the worst system of government which could be inflicted on people. Now I know better.” Perhaps you can see how this pernicious ‘theory’ has already infected the woke classes.
07/03/2023: More negatives re the ‘absent father’ syndrome – and same sex marriage: PS: If we had a true referendum about this today I doubt it would be passed.
07/03/2023: Our BOM is simply not fit for purpose. Anyone 40 or older can remember how much colder it was in the 80s, then how much hotter in the 90s and now how we haven’t had a summer for three years – yet the BOM manufactures ‘the hottest year ever’ every year. The satellite records show practically no change over the average temperature during all that time (+.08C of one degree). Indeed the last ten years it has been cooling:
It is not just
06/03/2023: Lies, damned lies and politicians:
06/03/2023: Where will the materials for the ‘green revolution’ come from – mining the sea perhaps?
06/03/2023: Good luck with our being able to defend the country:
05/03/2023: The Federation Cross – Spot On Viv:
05/03/2023: The woke war on the world’s food supplies: &
Democracy has declined so much that even the dead and the brain dead are
‘representing us’. This may not be far from the truth. I suspect the public has
declined similarly. The problem is not exclusive to the
Seems very unlikely that
04/03/2023: Who knew? A ‘cure’ for homelessness – likewise many similar socially undesirable traits I am willing to bet:
04/03/2023: The electric car ‘market’ collapses:
04/03/2023: There goes that pain in the back! Bring it on soon, Please:
03/03/2023: Alan Moran does a good job of calling out the hucksters and shamans of the environmental movement - as well as putting it in an interesting historical context. As I have said a hundred times, there is not a scintilla of evidence for this bizarre cult:
03/03/2023: “Media, Education System Are “Racist Against Whites And Asians” Scott Adams didn’t get away with saying this obvious truth. Let’s see how Elon Musk fares:
03/03/2023: What is Andrews on - raising the age of criminality. Thugs of 10-14 know they are doing wrong. Five year olds know they are doing wrong. All this will do is increase the size of and worsen the criminal classes. We should bring back corporal punishment. Here’s a similar example:
03/03/2023: The Mandela Legacy – this is the future the Left wanted. Do you want it for Oz too? It is coming if we don’t wake up:
02/03/2023: So long ago already: the Soviet Union ended on Australia Day 1991, 32 years ago – yet (listening to the Labor Party, Greens etc banging away in Parliament) I realise so many on the Left still hanker for just the same old class warfare and the same old commie notions that held over half the world in slavery for 70 years – and still enslave China!
02/03/2023: ‘Just trust the science’, they said:
This story of John Franklin is much like the lives of so many ‘aborigines’ I
grew up with in the
A huge increase in death and disability amongst the young. Seriously
disturbing stuff. We have so far lost over 20,000 people to covid most
of them unnecessarily if only sensible health measure as in
Those excess deaths are up 43%:
01/03/2023: There is an interesting critter called ‘rubisco’. It’s not a biscuit. It’s not even a critter either really, just the most common protein on the planet. It’s made by ‘chloroplasts’ which are not some evil chemical fluoridationists add to the water supply but just the most common photosynthesis factories on the planet. If these two interestingly named things (rubisco, chloroplasts) did not exist, there would be no life on the planet and we would not be here arguing about whether they can or can not transform a little more CO2 into useful things to avert the great heat death which awaits us all - if you believe some panicky chicken-little folks!
01/03/2023: Fair point – the ‘global warming that wasn’t (global):
01/03/2023: I am so over the gender wars. I have never been a ‘bad man’:
01/03/2023: We suspected this all along:
28/02/2023: Before you go stir crazy at this, let me tell you that a year ago I ‘cured’ a sheep of a cancer which had always killed them before every time with fenbendazole, a cheap sheep worm drench which has been around most of my life. I am about to start on another one today. If/when I get it I will be drenching myself in the same way. Costs about 20 cents a day and certainly won’t do any harm anyway:
For a year now we have been led towards WW3 over the
Meanwhile, for the first time in 100 years it is snowing in
28/02/2023: Bettina on Higgins: ‘evasive, unco-operative and manipulative’. This woman should not have been handed millions of our dollars without evidence and a verdict. Similarly Lehrmann deserves a chance to be exonerated:
27/02/2023: Mushrooms will save the world:
27/02/2023: We are running out of oppressed classes in need of saviors, so apparently, we must expend every more effort to find people to save:
27/02/2023: Should there be government funding of public education? It is a good question. Ask yourself how much food would cost if its production, distribution etc was a owned by the government. There would be mass starvation. I think everyone realises this. What then are the advantages of having education, health, welfare, defence etc in public hands? Surely the outcomes would be better if they were all managed privately and government shrank enormously?
27/02/2023: The CO2 Scam. I just hope you realize that there has not been a single shred of real evidence for this (false) hypothesis – but vast amounts of evidence that it is false. Just the fact that during multiple ice ages the CO2 level was higher than it is now should be enough to wake you up: &
26/02/2023: Beware super-massive runaway black holes:
26/02/2023: Just when we are absolutely certain CO2 is not responsible for ‘global warming’, instead is an enormously beneficial gas (to life) and that natural gas is largely abiotic and ubiquitous so that all our energy problems are ‘solved’ for pretty much all time, we decide to destroy our economies and societies by banning both. I guess this is what happened to the Ja’ins a few thousand years ago when they decided that it would be ‘wrong’ to eat anything living…
26/02/2023: Words women use – I think maybe this guy understands women better than I do:
26/02/2023: P.J O’Rourke was just great. He went missing a year ago today, eg “The poor of the world cannot be made rich by redistribution of wealth. Poverty can’t be eliminated by punishing people who’ve escaped poverty, taking their money and giving it as a reward to people who have failed to escape. Economic leveling doesn’t work. Whether we call it Marxism, Progressive Reform, or Clintonomics, the result is the same slide into the stygian pit. Communists worship satan; socialists think perdition is a good system run by bad men; and liberals want us to go to hell because it’s warm there in the winter.”:
25/02/2023: The triumph of the autochthons:
25/02/2023: What do you suppose ‘commendable’ means then:
The same trend here:
25/02/2023: It probably will kill you but who would eat it anyway when there is lamb?
25/02/2023: But why not give it a shot?
24/02/2023: Whether they are ‘gravity batteries’ or some other kind, intermittent energy storage will never keep up with continuous energy demand. If you don’t want carbon emitting energy you simply have to use nuclear. It is the only current feasible option. Wind-up toys no matter how big will not cut it:
24/02/2023: “Healthy soil, the underpinning of civilization throughout history, is created in interaction between grazing animals and soil microbiology. Peer-reviewed research from Rodale has shown how regenerative agriculture can sequester more carbon than humans are now emitting”: Has to be better than shooting 14,000 elephants anyway – besides I like lamb.
24/02/2023: We must reject this utterly undemocratic (and racist) ‘Voice’. Who does it represent, how will representatives be chosen anyway, and why should they have control over the vast majority ‘s democratically elected representatives?
Paperless. For how long has this been a weird green dream? Soon we are to find
out as
23/02/2023: Jeanne Calmert took up smoking at 112. It only took ten years to kill her:
More neat tricks from the
23/02/2023: It didn’t work. I wonder how data would compare Novavax ad Ivermectin treatment to what was forced on everyone? “If the entire medical system were a mafia cabal designed to create Pfizer profits by banning cheap drugs and useful tests, while guaranteeing indemnity in secret contracts and forcing drugs on people who didn’t want them, what exactly would our Minister of Health have done differently?”
22/02/2023: I long since had enough of perversion and have called it what it is for many years no matter whether my views are stigmatised or criminalised. No amount of force will turn good into evil – or the reverse.:
A Doubtful Deluge:
We were ‘lucky’ enough to be ‘cruising’ the Doubtful on a beautiful rainy day. This drove most of our fellow travelers indoors, but Della and I relished the rain out on the deck. This deluge transformed the whole Sound into a million waterfalls. Read More:
22/02/2023: Solar-powered lighter. Forget the BIC. These guys have lighting a fire (or even a cigarette) covered:
Canoeing the Hollyford 21/02/2023: Canoeing the Hollyford: There are many
wonderful sights along the
The guy reckoned this was Grad 3+. I beg to disagree. I have canoed a lot of Grade 3 water in Oz but it was nothing like this, which has to be Grade 4/5 I think.
were doing an approx 12 minute trip down from the viewing/parking point by the
river above the
21/02/2023: The Irish are wimps:
21/02/2023: Stem cell transplantation cures HIV:
21/02/2023: Indisputable evidence covid was around in 2019 – so where exactly did it come from, who made it – and why?
21/02/2023: Is Snowy 2.0 the greatest Green disaster ever: & Remember it is costing (much) more than several coal or nuclear plants which would deliver several times the electricity constantly for 50+ years and at a fraction of the cost per kilowatt hour. NB: We have Turnbull (& Rudd) to thank for the hopeless NBN too.
20/02/2023: Alas that O’Rourke is no more: "The Free Market Is a Bathroom Scale
The free market is the greatest repository of our freedoms. Economic freedom is the freedom we exercise most often and to the greatest extent. Freedom of speech is important—if you have anything to say. I've checked the Internet; nobody does. Freedom of belief is important—if you believe in anything. I've watched reality TV and I can't believe it. Freedom of assembly is important—if you're going to an assembly. Most people are going to the mall. And, at the mall, they exercise economic freedom.
The free market is not a creed or an ideology that political conservatives, libertarians, and Ayn Rand acolytes want Americans to take on faith. The free market is simply a measurement. The free market tells us what people are willing to pay for a given thing at a given moment. That's all the free market does. The free market is a bathroom scale. We may not like what we see when we step on the bathroom scale, but we can't pass a law making ourselves weigh 165. Liberals and leftists think we can.
The free market gives us only one piece of information, but it's important information. We ignore it at our peril, the way the leaders of the old Soviet bloc did. They lost the cold war not just because of troops or tanks or Star Wars missile shields. Even Reagan and Thatcher couldn't win the cold war by themselves. They needed allies. And the allies were Bulgarian blue jeans. The Soviets lost the cold war because of Bulgarian blue jeans. The free market was attempting to inform the Kremlin that Bulgarian blue jeans didn't fit, were ugly and ill-made, and nobody wanted them at any price. People wouldn't wear Bulgarian blue jeans—literally not to save their lives. But the Kremlin didn't listen. And the Berlin Wall came down".
P. J. O'Rourke. Excerpt(s) from ‘Don't Vote It Just Encourages the Bastards’
20/02/2023: A good news story about gun ownership:
20/02/2023: How woke can you get?
Imagine if you fled one totalitarianism only to
discover another. “At
19/02/2023: People are failing the AI ‘mirror test’. This is not quite what you might think it is, but on the other hand I wonder how many real people could not prove they were sentient: PS: Only this morning Della received a ‘compilation’ from Google Photos of ‘water fountaining’. Google’s AI had put together a host of photos of us with waterfalls etc – which it clearly recognized, all by itself.
19/02/2023: As Tucker points out our constitution prevents our government from having (or establishing) a religion – but that’s just what the ‘climate cult’ is. We need to urgently push back against this nonsense:
Back in the 1930s there was a board game about how to turn your country into a
communist ‘utopia’. None of this stuff ever dates. I have just re-read
Michener’s ‘The Road to Andau’ about the Hungarian ‘Revolution’. I think you
should too. (I found a ‘free’ copy on a torrent site). I had (almost) forgotten
how awful the Soviet ‘system’ was – and how enthusiastically 99% of Hungarians
rejected it (to their great loss! I don’t know whether you remember the
Melbourne Olympics water polo match, but I do.) Yet today we are rushing to
just the same state control (of everything) in
19/02/2023: What an extraordinary poll! ‘We the people’ need to take back our countries. We need to be the government and have much less government. The sooner the better:
18/02/2023: A Taste of the Kepler Track: Undaunted by our (unsuccessful) fiftieth anniversary foray on the Dusky a couple of days later we decided to give the Kepler Heli-Hike a try. It involves a (claimed) 3 1/2 hour walk down from the Luxmore Hut to Brod Bay on the Western shore of Lake Te Anau (pretty accurate - for us anyway) as well as a helicopter ride from Te Anau to a peak a little further up the range (from Mt Luxmore) before landing at the hut to begin the walk. The walk culminates in a water taxi ride back to Te Anau instead of another 3+ hour walk. The cost was NZ$325 per person. Read More:
18/02/2023: We need more old men:
18/02/2023: Ah, the rubber! Hat’s off to ‘The Bed Sitting Room’:
18/02/2023: Maybe Biden did shoot down a ‘party balloon’ but how long before a passenger jet hits one of these?
17/02/2023: Dusky Track 50th Wedding Anniversary Walk: Della has covered much of this ground already (on Facebook) but I have a few snippets to add (and a link to my hiking blog):
17/02/2023: If I have seemed somewhat quiet (since our return from Fiordland) I have been getting new eyes (well, one so far). Two days in I can now see things (with my new left eye) which have been invisible for years. How I look forward to being able to walk in humid rainy conditions without my glasses fogging up so that I am (was) walking blind.
17/02/2023: I have to agree with Michael de Percy, they need to open a ‘philosophy factory down the road’ or as Heraclitus put it, ‘It is weariness upon the same things to labor and by them to be controlled.’:
17/02/2023: The BOM has been faking the temperature data for decades to hype their ‘global warming’ fantasy:
15/02/2023: You heard how around half the current ‘aborigines’ who demand a ‘voice’ (aka control of our country) are recent fakes? The other half are mostly simply older fakes, the likes of Michael Mansell etc whose 1/32nd ‘heritage’ is almost certainly less than yours or mine. ‘One continent, one nation’ was what our founders in 1901 had in mind, a good enough notion for the next couple of hundred years too:
You heard too that it was the ‘
15/02/2023: Long since time everyone gave up on this ‘climate’ nonsense and went back to enjoying life:
15/02/2023: It had to happen, but you go first:
30/01/2023: What kind of pill should you take – I choose the white pill:
30/01/2023: NASA has reignited its nuclear propulsion rocket system it cancelled with Omega decades ago:
30/01/2023: Will the public ever see a ‘No’ case?
30/01/2023: Eagles are probably incapable of learning to avoid wind turbines:
29/01/2023: Interesting New Windscreen: A reader drew my attention to this interesting piece of parallel evolution. The X-Boil is a roll-up windscreen very similar to my roll-up titanium stove which I posted about here a year earlier than the X-Boil. I made later modifications to it in pots here and here, though until last week when Craig alerted me to it I had never heard of X-Boil. I have copied the photo of it from their site - I hope they don't mind - I don't speak (or write) German.
It has an interesting button-loop closure which is another solution to the hook and eye type ‘chimney’ closure I finally settled on. I think the latter has perhaps slightly less ‘give’ in it which may be preferable in the field.
X-Boil has come up with some added ventilation options (which Craig seems to think mine needs), though I have not as yet found this myself. I have to congratulate X-Boil on the modification to the upper edge which allows for the use of a frypan. This is an outstanding idea. As a keen Ultralight Fisherman I wholly endorse this change and will incorporate it in my next model. Read More:
29/01/2023: Lunch Atop A Skyscraper: The Story Behind The 1932 Photo:
29/01/2023: How well do these Nato tanks measure up – and will they need to send nukes next?
It had to happen:
28/01/2023: Garden Doings: (Della) We often see satin bowerbirds in the garden at fruit-ripening time, but yesterday gave us a special treat: I discovered a hesitant fledgling bowerbird that had been separated from his frantic mother by a flock of noisy cockatoos wheeling overhead. Mum was flying about and calling from a nearby tree, and you can see her join her baby in the video before being frightened off again by a lone cocky. Eventually (after I had retreated with my camera) they were able to find enough peace to reunite and fly to safety together. Welcome to our newest eater of the windfall apples and other fruity delicacies from our garden. The other random pic is one of my giant birds of paradise trees that I caught flowering spectacularly whilst I still had camera in hand.
28/01/2023: So much can still be learned from ancient thinkers such as Epicurus and Buddha:
28/01/2023: The Left and their ‘trigger warnings’ meet Shakespeare and Beowulf – It could get ugly:
28/01/2023: Who knows whether this Project Veritas story is true or not; we may never know. I certainly believe that the power of evil is immense and that the forces of good have always fought a rearguard action against it. In this instance I long ago observed that Pfizer had undoubtedly suborned a myriad of ‘important’ folk (politicians, health bureaucrats etc) with cash payments in order to further their profits – indeed long before they discovered the awesome cash potential of the coronavirus:
28/01/2023: It isn’t the Virgin Mary or Jesus but it certainly looks like a bear:
“There’s many a coat that is tattered and torn,
That beneath lies a true honest heart.
But because he’s not dressed like his neighbors in style,
Society keeps them apart.
For on one fortune smiles, while the other one fails,
Yes, no matter what venture he tries.
Time calls them both to the grave in the end,
And six feet of earth makes us all one size.”
27/01/2023: If someone else was massacring whales, birds and bats as the Greens are, you would expect someone to get upset – at least the Greens would get upset, surely?
27/01/2023: Heart attacks up 17%, but who cares? This will bankrupt Pfizer:
All along our coastline you can see this same evidence that sea level has
actually fallen – just open your eyes. Then maybe you will begin to doubt the
global warming doomsters. Sea level has (naturally) been falling since the
Holocene (maximum 6-8000
years ago) the warmest period between the great ice ages when the earth was at
its warmest. Since then we have been slowly moving back into another ice age.
Don’t expect to be able to walk to
On this day in 1778 Della's great great great grandfather Private Lawrence
Richards Plymouth Marines on board Prince of Wales arrived
Sydney Cove with his wife Mary and son Samuel (born on the voyage thus maybe
the first Australian). They were the first settlers on Norfolk Island and later
had land at
26/01/2023: I have always loved butter, cream etc. Now I know for sure it was good for me too:
26/01/2023: Forget about the lithium and cobalt shortage; there is just not enough plain old copper in the ground for the ‘net zero revolution’. It is madness to mandate the impossible as Canute demonstrated:
26/01/2023: Maybe you can remember when Jacinta Price warned that dropping the welfare cash card controls would lead to a spike in alcohol fueled violence (especially against women) in remote communities. Then Albanese and his mates decided to end alcohol bans as well – because they were ‘racist’, even though the victimized women wanted them. Now without recourse to a ‘Voice’ at all, he has re-introduced them. What’s next? Another Howard style military intervention at hell-holes like Wadeye which is doubtless just as bad (if not worse) than it was back then?
26/01/2023: There is a point where I cease to be a libertarian and echo those who would see the death penalty for child molesters. I think I now want to include fantasy child molesters in this too:
25/01/2023: How good are ‘scientific trials’? This (satirical) paper shows that there is no evidence that parachutes help:
25/01/2023: Could ultrasound be the fountain of youth – it had better hurry up for me if it is:
Another one here – will we live forever:
25/01/2023: The Land Rover Defender replacement is just about to hit the market:
25/01/2023: You have to honour the spirit of sacrifice:
24/01/2023: A solar powered lighter – an expensive way to make your BIC renewable:
24/01/2023: Let them eat bugs: But there already is a food production ‘crisis’:
24/01/2023: Of course our climate thermometers are always perfectly sited (as they are supposed to be) with only (mown grass) within 50 metres or so of them - and there is no urban heat island effect by the growth of a huge city all around them: &
24/01/2023: You and I who have lived in the bush all our lives (and love it) would call it ‘alienation’:
23/01/2023: So, birds were around before the dinosaurs vanished:
23/01/2023: Yeah, sure. The boys will love their new quiet choppers – and buy them like crazy:
23/01/2023: 15 Reasons Completely Unrelated To The Vaccine People Are Dying Suddenly:
22/01/2023: Buzz still has the right stuff: &
22/01/2023: Norwegian government funds research to find out if white paint is racist:
22/01/2023: Rats had a bad press:
22/01/2023: Duh: “When you start to think about it, it’s pretty extraordinary that we – a select group of human beings, because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives – are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet…It’s so… almost extra-terrestrial to think about, saving the planet. If you say that to most people most people, they think you’re just a crazy tree hugging and lefty liberal, you know, do-gooder, whatever.” John Kerry at Davos
21/01/2023: ‘Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar and fat.’ Alex Levine
21/01/2023: Graphene Fabrics on the way:
21/01/2023: This will work out well:
21/01/2023: Let them not eat cake:
Leeks were eaten in ancient
20/01/2023: Anti-aging is on the way, but hurry up guys:
20/01/2023: These ‘elites’ are just barking mad:
20/01/2023: Viagra anyone?
19/01/2023: “Your husband is a polar bear, skinny.”:
Wonnangatta Again: After three days of (once again poorly reported) ‘evidence’
I think we can begin to piece together the solution to this ‘mystery’: Russell
had visited the area a week before (if you remember). Almost certainly this was
to choose a campsite and quite probably to get in a good supply of firewood. At
‘normal’ times when there are few folks about this might have worked out, but
not a week before a holiday long weekend. On this occasion when he arrived
there were (presumably) already two cars camped at ‘his’ site, one of them
Lynn, the other the man in the white ute whom we have
not heard from yet – presumably he did not have a phone! A
lesson there for future ‘murderers’! It will be interesting to learn
when/why he left. Witnesses have described Hill as a ‘grumpy old man’ and we
have heard before about his becoming involved in an altercation with the
‘Button Man’ when he also decided to camp at (or too close to) the latter’s
campsite. I’m sure we have all encountered people like that, unfortunately. The
witnesses also expressed surprise that Russell ‘decided’ to camp right next to
the other two campers (when there are around forty kilometers of river to camp
along for less than 200 people even on a holiday weekend). It seems likely that
the situation was inflamed further by Hill flying his drone over
19/01/2023: Maybe you voted to make this possible? I did not:
‘Racial’ classification is just nuts, whether it is the
18/01/2023: SpaceX is just great:
Wonnangatta Murders: Goodness knows how this will work out, but by the third
day police seem to have one clear piece of evidence which will damn
One would think that the phone would have been switched off, yet nonetheless ‘modern’ ‘fixed battery’ phones now have a supplementary battery which keeps time/geolocation alive even so. Edward Snowden alerted us to the ‘spooks’s ability to track this (after the event) even if no search warrant had been issued (before the event) – and it appears he is right. Future crims will be alerted to this if they had not been by 1990s Bruce Willis movies! Astonishing that an airline pilot (who should have known better) carried these phones so far. My own ‘guess’ was that the murderer would have disposed of the bodies and such evidence as soon as possible (before reaching ‘populated’ areas) – but not this guy apparently.
first day of ‘evidence’ was weird – and made no sense. ‘Witnesses’ gave
‘evidence’ of events completely contrary to the ‘known’ movements of the couple
from nearly two years ago now, ie that they called their friend around 3:00 pm
on the Friday afternoon 20th March from the Howitt Road outside the valley (for directions)
then drove into the Wonnangatta (Dry Creek) and called him again at 6:00pm 20th
March saying he had just arrived at camp in the Valley. The previous night
(Thursday 19th March) they had (‘always’) spent on the Howitt Plains outside
the valley – the haunt of the so-called ‘Button Man’ – if you recall all
previous reports of their movements. One wonders why police had interviewed
that individual if phone records (pings from the
further police evidence yesterday (presumably geolocation from
18/01/2023: Our masters need their mistresses who can be flown in by jet plane (all at the public expense – what a trough!) whilst we peddle bicycles and eat bugs:
18/01/2023: The Albanese communist government’s ‘reforms’ of the gas industry are not working out well –if you try to control prices you curtail supply:
17/01/2023: Nuclear power in your pocket? ‘Soon’ to come for future ultralight hikers:
17/01/2023: The Shed: If only all of us could triumph over the ‘planners’ as this old man did:
17/01/2023: Remember when electricity cost <$30/meg and we had a reliable supply:
17/01/2023: Excess deaths likely caused by MRNA vaccines:
16/01/2023: DIY Shoulder Pouches: My new Zpacks Arc Haul Ultra came without shoulder pockets (or pouches) as I could so easily make my own, as I have done this morning (forgetting to photograph the process too sorry!) If you have ‘recently) purchased a sewing machine as I have (often) suggested, you can make a pair too. I hope this post helps you do so.
I measured the space on the pack where they would have to fit and came up with dimensions of my four pieces of material as follows. Two pieces for the pack strap sleeves that started at 7″ x 6″ and two pieces for the pouches that stated at 6″ x 15″. Read More:
16/01/2023: Ibn Battutah, The Islamic Marco Polo. “Whereas Marco Polo was rather tight-lipped about sex, Ibn Battutah seems to have copulated his way across the then-known world with hundreds of slave girls, concubines, and temporary “wives.” He also left more than a few offspring in his wake. His trip lasted 29 years and was three times the length of Marco Polo’s. He writes about not only what he actually experienced, but also includes gossip, rumors, and legends about the things and the people he encountered. Some of it is rather horrifying.”:
16/01/2023: In case you don’t think the transgender cult has gone too far:
16/01/2023: Frankly I think gas stoves were just about the best kitchen ‘invention’. We would not be without ours:
Electric cars are not working out well for the
15/01/2023: Finnsheep - Unexpected second lambing. This fourteen year old ewe has lambed unexpectedly for the second time this year. I hardly expected her to live (She had been quite ill after her first lambing back in August), let alone do this. She has been a spectacular ewe with four working teats who has often raised quads (when she was younger).
She and another brilliant old ewe have been in a small ‘retirement’ paddock just in case they happened to raise a bonus lamb (in 2023) after a long and productive life (around forty lambs raised each - in paddock conditions).
I have had a very special young triplet ram in with them just so he doesn’t get hurt by the other rams as he has outstanding genetics and we really want progeny from him (later this year).
I was very surprised to see her with this (second, unplanned) out-of-season lamb at foot this morning. It is only one but it is a four-teated ewe lamb - so somewhat like winning the lottery for us.
The proud dad:
Here she is with a set of quads last year.
can relatively easily be managed to lamb twice per year. We have clients with
thousands of our Finnsheep in air-conditioned sheds eg in the
We do not usually lamb ours the second time because there is not enough stock feed here in summer to raise a second lambing well so it is too hard on the ewe and the lambs.
15/01/2023: “I do not own a coal mine. I am a professor of literature at an American college. We professors, like the mine owners, do not do hard manual labour for a living. Unlike those mine owners, if I may speak generally, we spend none of our time around such men. We do not break bread with them, we do not live near them, we do not worship at the same church, our children do not see one another on the streets. We are almost entirely insulated from the exigencies of bodily life. We do not grow our own fruit and vegetables, we do not build our own homes, we do not raise our own livestock, we do not dig our own wells, we do not repair our own vehicles, we do not clear our own fields, we do not pave our own driveways and roads, we do not lay the bricks for our own schools, we do not fight our own fights.” Anthony Esolen, reflecting on John Ford’s great movie, ‘How Green was My Valley’ (& who also does not know what a semi-colon is). Far too many like him – and yet unlike, for most show no remorse and are ever assured of their own superiority! God save us from the ‘elites’:
The nation state is increasingly a prison and moreso a ‘panopticon’ one where
we should certainly believe ‘we are being watched’, as we have no control over ubiquitous
cameras and microphones which (are intended to) surveil us and control us. The
prospects for ‘liberty’ are dismal. It is still (though barely) within living
memory that the passport was invented (an ‘emergency World War 1 measure – like
the income tax – Yes!) it is not just our movement across (so-called)
international borders which is circumscribed but increasingly our movement
within our own areas and nations. The so-called covid ‘pandemic’ was either
invented for the purpose or eagerly morphed into a vehicle for such social
control. Who could have believed before then that (‘free’) Australians could be
limited to their own homes or a very restricted neighbourhood – and all their
other (social) activities likewise entombed in red-tape, even our ‘rights’ to
work and worship, for example. There was very little ‘push-back’ against this –
though you may have noticed (for example) Della and I continuing to ‘sneak out’
now and then for a camping trip in the Vic mountains (& etc) in defiance of
‘Dictator Dan’s’ edicts, though we were (from the outset) more careful than most
to avoid infection – just common sense really. (And may I add, better prepared
to treat it than any Oz government). We have (at least) three tiers of
‘Government’ in
The last free people…I was wondering around 3:00am what has become of them. Do
any exist in the brave new world order which has been building its walls and
stringent controls all around us. You know, people
like the Lapps and Samoyeds – the reindeer people, and the various gypsy tribes
for example. What an astonishing achievement by the former. Imagine
domesticating reindeer which can live where there is only (inedible) moss to
eat, and yet move about with them and thrive in the most inhospitable of
wildernesses- and sustain a lively culture. The closing of the Soviet borders
must have had a profound effect on them. When we were in
14/01/2023: Surviving the Holocaust but not our Brave New World (Order):
14/01/2023: Let’s see the Greens get behind this one:
14/01/2023: Antarctic icebergs have not changed in 300 years; so much for catastrophic global warming:
13/01/2023: Why ‘Adam’s Ale’ is the best drink:
13/01/2023: Much as they tout ‘diversity’ the elites in fact favor only conformity, so innovation is stifled:
13/01/2023: Big Brother is watching you: A friend points out that WA are trying to introduce legislation that will consider anyone that is working from home will have their home deemed a workplace, which will then fall under the same state workplace OH & S and right of access by government department and union officials.
13/01/2023: War of the Worlds #1 – Are we Martians then?
12/01/2023: Don’t miss the rare green comet:
12/01/2023: When Labour’s William Beveridge ‘invented’ ‘The Welfare State’ in 1942 ‘his goal was ‘the abolition of want’. Labor has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams: Want has all but been abolished: fewer and fewer want to work, want to marry, want to raise children, want to lead a life of any purpose or dignity’ (Steyn) ‘The welfare state is the oldest con game in the world. First you take people’s money away quietly then you give some of it back to them flamboyantly,’ Thomas Sowell.
12/01/2023: Where are the greens when you pave over 5,000 square kilometers with solar panels or clear the forest and halt the wind with so many wind turbines – not to mention the god-alone-knows what effects of all the monstrous transmission cables:
I notice that the radical left have been eager to
celebrate the death of George Pell – a death no doubt hastened by their vitriolc
witch hunt of a demonstrably innocent man. Instead, we should be celebrating
the life of one of
11/01/2023: "If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing poorly." G.K. Chesterton
Really, what’s wrong with being a man, manly even? I’m sure the women and
children of the
11/01/2023: Beware of pollies trying to sell pigs in pokes: BTW: A ‘poke’ (bag) is a cognate of ‘pocket’.
11/01/2023: The poor old elephant – who could have known:
10/01/2023: When even the Labor right (does it still have one?) become worried about Defence you should too:
10/01/2023: How mandated car seats actually ‘kill’ children. These things and other such social programmes are really depopulation strategies. We have entered an era when only junk people can ‘afford’ to have children. This will not end well:
The world’s first analogue computer from the genius which was ancient
09/01/2023: Common sense on tax and money from the great Ronald Reagan:
09/01/2023: Della and I have been ‘green’ all along without even knowing it:
09/01/2023: What an interesting idea:
08/01/2023: How materials technology will change the world:
08/01/2023: The art of ancient Roman concrete:
08/01/2023: In 1800 there were 3 cities in the world with populations over 1 million. Now there are 442! This represents the major transformation of human life. We cannot hope to understand what makes the average human tick unless we understand their circumstances. Having lived in a city (reluctantly) for less than 8% of my life I admit to a deep ignorance. I pretty much hardly even know any 'city people'.
08/01/2023: When they are not killing birds and bats and producing no net electricity, they burn:
07/01/2023: Get ready: 6G is coming (for you):
07/01/2023: Once again zinc (50 mg a day in this case) is shown to be a ‘magic bullet’:
07/01/2023: The Chinese Government seem to be rushing a range of science fiction scenarios:
07/01/2023: According to the satellite records the world is .05 of a degree warmer than the average for the last 44 years. It has varied by around half a degree up/down all that time. This is a dazzling unifomity. Who can really doubt that there is a natural thermostat which keep the temperature so stable? You would have to be a lunatic to believe that profound ‘climate change’ is imminent. The whole movement is just a wicked scam:
More details of the fate of the
06/01/2023: Parsnips (and turnips) are very nutritious and delicious – what people ate before potatoes took over:
Repatriating those
Where is that warming:
05/01/2023: ‘It is God's gift that all should eat and drink and take pleasure in all their toil’: I’m sure you would not expect that quote from me an old avowed atheist, but one should always garner truth and wisdom from the past, not just throw it all away as so much old junk. Our Judaeo-Christian tradition has many such important lessons which it would be folly to forget. The pleasure to be found in physical work ought not be missed by anyone. It pains me how many folk are bored and indolent, whereas we never find a minute where we share that feeling. All our moments are busy ones.
This is probably my favourite Bible quote. If you are my age you may remember it better as being the words of a ‘Peter, Paul & Mary’ song! Read it in full, maybe even paste it on your wall. It is full of wonderful truths: Ecclesiastes 3:1-13:
3:1 ‘For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
3:2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
3:3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
3:4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
3:5 a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
3:6 a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
3:7 a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
3:8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.
3:9 What gain have the workers from their toil?
3:10 I have seen the business that God has given to everyone to be busy with.
3:11 He has made everything suitable for its time; moreover he has put a sense of past and future into their minds, yet they cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.
3:12 I know that there is nothing better for them than to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live;
3:13 moreover, it is God's gift that all should eat and drink and take pleasure in all their toil.’
With maybe 20 million covid infections in a single city
05/01/2023: “If, a militarised, heavily armed Police force decides that it can take the law into its own hands, a great leap forward has been achieved in the progressive totalitarianism to which we are being subjected”. He argues the Qld police unit SERT had the capability to and was set up to arrest and detain just such armed ‘offenders’ as the Trains. Why then are they dead instead of facing trial so that we know the nature of their ‘crimes’? Trial by media is not the semantic equivalent of justice. PS: Comments are interesting.
05/01/2023: Batteryland – another fantasy green dream like green hydrogen and renewables generally. Extracting sunbeams from cucumbers as Gulliver observed the crazed inhabitants of one of Swift’s fantasy lands attempting to do is just not a sensible energy or economic policy. You just can’t ‘plan’ to spend eight times the entire GDP on a battery which could never (materially) be built anyway, and likely would not work if you did. :
04/01/2023: 1912 – what was the world like exactly 100 years ago?
04/01/2023: Add this to the ‘smart switch on your electricity meter. Too many nasty things can be done to your freedom with the flick of a switch:
04/01/2023: Some more good news (maybe) – extinction rebellion quits:
04/01/2023: Home energy savings largely a sham. I would have thought so too as people build ever larger MacMansions and architects go for two-storey high rooms, oceans of glass and the like. The average weatherboard, timber floored home of the 1950s (which had proper ventilation for human health amongst other advantages - no strange ‘peanut’ allergies and the like back then) was half the size, and had ‘living’ rooms of approx 10-15 square metres (easy to heat) and no cooling of any sort, clearly used less than half the electricity of the ‘modern’ monstrosities. Goodness knows how we even survived the houses we built in the past!
03/01/2023: Love conquers all – a good news story:
03/01/2023: A plant which gave up photosynthesis:
03/01/2023: The mother of ‘conspiracy theories’ debunked:
No doubt all those folk who waited an hour or two to recharge their EVs over
the holiday period will be rushing out to buy another one and advising their friends
to do the same. Likewise the folks in
02/01/2023: Suppose you wanted to ditch Google Play Store:
02/01/2023: Just in case you need an ice age, here’s a great idea – and they’re implementing it without any discussion at all:
We can apparently look forward to blackouts which last several days (if we
continue to follow
02/01/2023: A great essay Alexandra:
01/01/2023: Zpacks Arc Haul Ultra: I have been a fan of Joe Valesko’s Zpacks for nearly twenty years – back when he was just a lad sewing all the packs himself. We have kept in touch. I have tried many of his products as they became available and generally promoted them.
I doubt there has been any single person who has ‘pushed the envelope’ of the ultralight revolution quite as much as Joe. His firm has grown like topsy, which is a credit to him and I hope doesn’t give him too much stress with the responsibility of having to care for so many people and do so much work. I trust there is still plenty of time for family and for hiking.
I have a friend whose business grew so big he eventually had to sell it as it was making his life impossible. All he really wanted was to be like Maugham’s ‘The Verger’ – to have a very modest living. If you haven’t read the story, now is the time to do so. If you don’t read, you can watch it here. I’m afraid such modest ambitions are what I have stuck with since I first read the story in the sixth grade. Read More:
Instead of queueing from 10:00am to watch ‘pretty lights’ in the sky at
midnight before going home to bed I’m afraid we went to bed at 10:00 pm and
missed New Year altogether, our 52nd together actually. I really can’t believe
that half a billion people ‘tuned in’ to watch the
01/01/2023: A very powerful and insightful essay - Use These Five Easy Tricks to Identify the Marxist in the Room:
01/01/2023: It is horrifying that children could be legally mutilated (castrated) by one parent against the wishes of the other and really without the child’s consent (being a minor). Women’s ‘rights’ have gone too far. It is hard to imagine the effect on this boy’s life when he grows to be an adult and realizes what was done to him – and what he lost:
31/12/2022: Bird-window collisions. I would have expected some more positive recommendations. On old-style windows with fly-screens (in my experience) they almost never happen. The suggestion that feeders should be placed near windows is interesting:
31/12/2022: Time to ditch those ‘green’ investments:
31/12/2022: It is fairly clear that the MRNA shots are not working but I would like more information about the efficacy of the conventional vaccines. I am seriously considering a booster of Novavax which seems particularly efficacious. I still have no particular desire to die from covid (if it can be prevented) though I never wanted the public to waste vast amounts of money preventing my death either (as they did). Cheap vaccination campaigns have been the backbone of cost-effective public health for a century now. It still seems (to me) that Ivermectin is more effective as an antiviral treatment than the expensive ones the drug companies have cooked up. Still plenty of sheep drench in our cupboard:
31/12/2022: The Faux Urgency of The Climate Crisis Is Giving Us No Time or Space To Build A Secure Energy Future. Some advice from one of the world’s pre-eminent climate scientists:
30/12/2022: The long (geological) view of climate change:
30/12/2022: Worrying. Any excuse to increase the tyranny we now live under:
Qld Police have also clearly been peddling a pack of lies about the Trains (who I admit might not have been exactly angels – who is?) For example the ‘new’ excuse for the police break in was that they were serving a warrant for ‘illegal guns’ but the only such (unsecured firearm) ‘offence’ seems to have been 25 years ago. As I said at the time, we may never know what this was all about, just that it is clearly not as it seems:
The ‘
30/12/2022: German health minister says climate change travel restrictions and prohibited behaviour will be required:
Why not bathe once a week instead?
29/12/2022: Life will find a way:
29/12/2022: The Nord Stream mystery:
29/12/2022: When the police are useless (What else?) Well done girls:
29/12/2022: Interesting: Men are no longer going to Uni – I suspect they are getting real jobs with real pay. Remember how they (similarly) quit being teachers a decade or two ago - and schools declined horribly? I bet they are all ‘hiding out’ in the private sector on better wages:
27/12/2022: Will ChatGPT replace you? It will certainly write your Uni/school essays anyway and may (I hope) mean that written exams become once again compulsory. I am tired of visiting a doctor (for example) who clearly isn’t, but whose exams were obviously all done by someone else. I at least can still tell the difference, but some of these AIs are becoming devilishly clever:
27/12/2022: So many Christian mysteries - not least Jesus’s brothers and sisters:
27/12/2022: Strange how minds work. I too have always been dubious about the ubiquity of evil, but it led me to question the existence of God rather than move towards him:
Before they began their wonderful ‘experiment with democracy’ under the
communist terrorist Mandela South
What an awful place it has become:
26/12/2022: Just worrying whether this is true:
26/12/2022: The good news is that the world is not ending:
26/12/2022: Is Santa Claus a communist?
26/12/2022: Anyway, Peace on Earth:
25/12/2022: Ants for Xmas: Della: “So while everyone else is enjoying Christmas Eve, I have been enjoying a novel experiment. In preparation for our family Christmas celebration on Boxing Day I figured that people might not notice the rampant weed growth in my garden if I strategically pulled out the very biggest of the weeds. After only the first barrow-load I discovered this humongous bull-ant nest where I am sure none existed last autumn (For reference, the ant in the picture is on a flag-iris leaf).
I immediately Googled bull-ant nest eradication, and was fascinated to read that ants will not cross a chalk line drawn on a pavement as it interferes with their pheromones.
Ever the scientist, Steve immediately went out to the verandah, grabbed the kids’ playground chalk and drew a firm line in the middle of a sugar-ant trail. Amazingly, the ants immediately baulked at the line, turning around and running back the other way. Sadly the effect only lasted about 3 minutes: When Steve drew a further line that prevented entry to their nest, they baulked initially and then pushed on through.
Now I know that drinking a glass of prosecco is more fun than watching ants on Christmas Eve, but believe me, you can do both! Meanwhile, if you have any worthwhile tips on how to kill my unwelcome monster ants, let me know!
Merry Christmas everyone.”
Just a BTW: A single application of Brunnings Wasp & Ant Dust containing 10g/kg Permethrin made them disappear overnight! (likewise Jumping Jacks).
25/12/2022: Oh No:
25/12/2022: Before you commit to the idea that Christmas is not well, Christian, maybe you should read these: &
25/12/2022: “Experts” Say Not To Joke About Cold Weather And Global Warming: Meanwhile:
25/12/2022: The future of human hibernation:
24/12/2022: Is death the end?
24/12/2022: You would have to be a fool to think that the government isn’t always telling lies. Some examples:
24/12/2022: McDonalds opens its first automated restaurant. This (and unemployment) is what you get when you try to control wages (and prices):
24/12/2022: With 240 people dying per day just now in Oz, maybe a booster dose of Novavax would be a good idea:
23/12/2022: This can’t be true - surely there is only one movie plot:
23/12/2022: The last Nazi war criminal to be convicted?
23/12/2022: If we did not have an Elon Musk we would have to invent him – maybe there is hope for free speech yet:
23/12/2022: Meanwhile there are more polar bears than at any time in 60 years:
21/12/2022: An astonishing underwater megalith teaches us how little really we know about the past:
21/12/2022: Osteoarthritis news - I definitely need this (and apparently you can get a script even if you don’t have Diabetes – this stuff also adds years to one’s life expectancy):
21/12/2022: “It’s just a giant land and power grab by the UN, which has just finished another meeting for “Biodiversity.” Do you remember voting for this ‘world government’? Long since time we stopped handing them money and power, which is all they want after all:
21/12/2022: Destroying capitalism from within:
19/12/2022: A Timely Reminder from Neil Oliver about the Importance of Christmas –and its enemies:
19/12/2022: Just how secure is our government:
Remember this (before it is too late):
“Those who would give up essential
19/12/2022: Big Brother is alive and well in NZ. If you don’t agree with the government you’re a terrorist:
18/12/2022: The Sheep That Lambs in Litters: This year’s cohort of our amazing Finnsheep are about ready to go to their ‘forever homes’. We were just shearing their dams and sires yesterday and crutching all the lambs, some of whom are waiting their turn here:
They have grown approx 1” of wool per month as you can see. They are (rougly( 4 1/2 months’ old now. They have grown a lot since they first popped out a few months ago:
Pure Finnsheep are the world’s most fertile sheep normally having 3-4 lambs. This fertility is carried on around six genes so that half Finns inherit (roughly) half of it, meaning that you can expect half and even quarter Finns to basically always have twins. They are also (unsually) a medium-fine longwool breed which means that they can also be used to improve the length and quality of your wool.
They were keen to get back into the paddock:
They look so much cleaner after they are shorn:
You can contact us here: if you are interested in having some for Xmas.
18/12/2022: It really is almost certain that the vaccines caused the cases of myocarditis we have been seeing. I have long since lost hope that our masters will ever apologise for or even acknowledge the wrongs they have done us in the past:
18/12/2022: Just another move towards a (panopticon) dictatorship:
The “
A ‘Train’ wreck that looks more and more like
I know I was astonished (and alarmed) during the first covid lockdown to have a young man tap on the window not 2’ away from me where I was sitting at my desk after 11:00pm one night. Our house is 100 metres off the road. He had climbed over our locked gate and tiptoed up our drive looking (he said) for a lost puppy! As this was the night after there had been a stolen car doing burn-outs on the road outside (we live on a quiet rural property) and was subsequent to the recent (still unsolved) brutalisation and murder of an elderly farmer locally under similar circumstances, I had every reason to be alarmed. I told him (through the window) that he was lucky I was deaf and had not heard him coming – else he might have well expected to be greeted by a shotgun blast! He was young and stupid and had just not thought (there actually was a puppy, but not at our house) – somewhat like the four (young) policemen in this case, I suspect.
‘Civil liberties’ people also often hold to the centuries-old right to freely own arms for their protection and defence (including against onerous or unjust governments – a significant part of the US constitution after all, and therefore mainstream) which only really began to be circumscribed in Australia in the early C20th – and then in a rush following the Port Arthur ‘incident’ which many people also have doubts about because of serious deficiencies in the official narrative and the fact that a secrecy screen has been placed over it which will not be lifted during any of our lifetimes - which is seriously suspicious surely?
Many of these views were hard-won in the English-speaking world by such things as the Peasants’ Revolt, Magna Carta, the American War of Independence, Eureka Stockade etc – so it is not a new or weird conspiracy theory, whacko notion. It has a long and honourable tradition indeed richly fertilised by the blood of patriots. Not so long ago (circa 1980) in accordance with these traditions Victorian citizens still enjoyed pretty much an untramelled right to own firearms yet police were not permitted to have them, nor would they then have entered private property without permission unless investigating a crime – so presumably with a search warrant – likewise in NZ and many other jurisdictions. We had a different perspective of the role of the police back then, maybe a better one.
Increasingly our society has moved more and more to a ‘police state’ where the citizens are incredibly trammeled (in contrast to just such a recent past), only permitted to have certain circumscribed ‘rights’ , these ‘rights’ being conferred or withheld by the state and enforced (or removed) by an armed and belligerent police force – as during the covid lockdowns. Previously these rights were considered inalienable, ie conferred by birth/existence (not the state) and it was deemed reasonable to resist efforts by an unjust state to remove or restrict them. Indeed it was the state’s duty to protect such citizens’ rights. It is a big change which has not been properly justified or publicly endorsed. It is unsurprising if (many) people still want to push back against it - as maybe the Trains did.
It also seems that all sorts of other ‘rights’ which they previously enjoyed had been removed (quite possible illegally after all – this has yet to be tested in court) for example using the so-called ‘covid pandemic’ as a pretext. Their right to earn a living, socialize, move around, ‘own’ their own body, & etc. Nathaniel may even have thought his heart attack was caused by his (mandated) covid vaccine. There is some evidence for this view after all. It is (unfortunately) only a simple (perhaps paranoid) step to thinking that there is a ‘plan’ to depopulate the world. The death toll has been rising post-vaccine. The bans which are being implemented here and there on nitrogen feriliser do seem aimed at decreasing the world’s food supply which can clearly only have one consequence, fewer people fed. These notions may be alarmist or eccentric, but they are not mad or evil.
Such events may well have helped to fuel a paranoid view of society’s intentions towards them such that when they then ‘perceived’ a contingent of armed police ‘storming’ over their front fence as they maybe had no right to do, they felt they had to act in the way they did perhaps because they feared for their lives against such a seeming frightening armed trespass. Who knows? In many jurisdictions you do have a right to shoot a trespasser if you fear for your life. This is well-known, surely to police?
Police could (and should) certainly have pursued a non-urgent missing person’s inquiry a little more circumspectly. It must have been known to them before they arrived that the missing man was likely to be simply visiting his brother, after all and in no danger, as well as being no danger to anyone.
we will have from here on out is a demonisation of this family of seeming
law-abiding, religious, peaceable, middle-class school principals ie the Trains
as ‘murderers’, overlooking the fact that they too were murdered, but by
state-sanctioned murder, so I guess that’s all right – until it happens to you
or yours? The case is very worrying and I doubt we will ever learn the ‘truth’
about it any more than we will about
One further point about people being shot dead (both the police and the Trains). I do not believe that they should have shot the police even if they had the legal right to do so – which for all I know they might have had. Entering past a locked gate with signage certainly sounds like ‘break and enter’ to me, whoever you are. I have read legal opinion that public officials do not have legal/constitutional ‘right of entry’ in such cases, no crime having been committed. I do not have the legal expertise to know.
neither do I think police should shoot people dead unless there is absolutely
no other alternative. Given that the Trains could presumably be contained in
the area, there should (reasonably) be no limit to the time you should spend
‘talking’ them down/out. The cost in money is quite different to the cost in
lives. Neither do we have a death penalty anywhere in
The final moments of the Train siege reveal that police (Presumably using thermal imaging , night vision, telescopic sights, body armor etc) deliberately shot to kill and kept shooting until they were sure all three were dead. In most jurisdictions this would be counted as extra-judicial murder. I understand that (some at least of) the Trains are alleged to have acted similarly (which may well be true), but they needed to be arrested and tried for those offences, then if found guilty and if we had capital punishment, executed:
16/12/2022: Musk’s Twitter revelations now undeniably prove that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. This can no longer be painted as a ‘conspiracy theory’. This is bold hard fact. It (and the rigged 2022 election) need to be undone/redone. The ‘greatest democracy in the world,’, ‘the home of the Free’ cannot be allowed to continue as a petty dictatorship:
16/12/2022: It may sound sexist (notice this was also written by a woman) but this is how election demographics are currently working. And please note, things are being decided by such ‘educated’ folks (who likely could not even change a tap washer) which are completely beyond their ‘expertise’ and which will impact all of us more or less forever – such as the destruction of our energy system:
16/12/2022: For example, About that energy storage pipe dream, “Here’s what tells you all you need to know: not only is there no working demonstration project anywhere in the world of the wind/solar/storage energy system, but there is none under construction and none even proposed. Instead, the proponents’ idea is that your entire state or country is to be the guinea pig for their dreams.”
15/12/2022: MH370: I thought this possibility was pretty obvious at the time. I am astonished that it has not been explored up to now:
15/12/2022: A new Jan 6th deadline. Interesting. Maybe Trump will be back, and sooner than we might expect:
15/12/2022: A triumph of common sense over climate catastrophism – imagine if people had access to real science how few would be convinced ‘the end is nigh’:
“Climate activists and politicians constantly tell us electric cars are
cleaner, cheaper and better. Many countries, including
I’m afraid Victor David Hanson is right, that our
society more and more resembles a decaying
14/12/2022: Handing Higgins millions of our money (behind closed doors) is probably the most unjust act I have seen from an Australian Government recently – where is all the dough for women who have been proven to have actually been raped? She may have deserved compensation if a case had been proved, but where is the justice for Lehrmann who is simply assumed to be a rapist without proof? &
14/12/2022: The Queensland Massacre: What was actually going on with this incident? Why would four armed police turn up to make ‘inquiries’ about a missing man who so far as I can tell was not wanted for any crime? If there were safety concerns why would they not have attempted to make phone contact or allay fears first? Then having completely sealed the area so that the offenders would have to have surrendered eventually, why was it necessary to ‘execute’ all the alleged offenders so that the only narrative we now have is the official police version? I notice that the ‘perpetrators’ who may have had somewhat eccentric but by no means unusual views are now being labeled as utterly whacko and evil. I suspect we will never know the truth. The incident recalls the similar story of Stan Graham in NZ back in 1941, a tragedy which (at least from my reading of the book) clearly could have been prevented if the situation had been handled rather differently (as local police had been doing), as I suspect so could this one:
13/12/2022: Lawrence Livermore has just passed the break-even point with nuclear fusion:
13/12/2022: Plan Melbourne & Dan intend to lock you up in your neighbourhood and forbid you to go more than a 20 minute walk away from home:
13/12/2022: The West did not colonise, they civilized:
Once, when someone suggested a pie in the sky proposal people used to say, ‘Do
the maths’. Increasingly few people can do maths at
all. Here in
12/12/2022: Sir Roger Penrose has always produced astounding ideas but his latest thoughts about evidence of past universes (and the possibility oif communicating with them) and thoughts about the ‘quantum’ nature of consciousness are wonderfully liberating:
12/12/2022: All about humans and fire – how fascinating:
12/12/2022: The future of childbirth – coming to you soon:
12/12/2022: The coldest summer in Australia ever in Oz and in the Northern Hemisphere pretty much the coldest all of my (long) life yet no warnings of an imminent Ice Age from the climate freaks which is after all the most likely climate outcome after 6-8000 years now oif falling temperatures:
11/12/2022: Should we revive epic poetry?
11/12/2022: When the money tree starts to wither and die:
11/12/2022: The FBI is an unconstitutional unelected body maybe meant to be a police force, but not a government – what went wrong?
11/12/2022: Just throw the baby under the bus – there is no sane plan for achieving ‘net zero’ at all let alone in the time frame that its advocates envisage. Meanwhile everything else just falls apart. This is a recipe for nothing other than economic disaster:
10/12/2022: The last dambuster passes:
10/12/2022: When ‘enough’ is too much:
10/12/2022: Inventing the dead – how the aboriginal ‘grievance industry’ simply cooked up 100,000 murdered blacks from a record of absolutely none:
way to assess this is to ask, ‘Where are the medals’? Those C19th folks were
particularly fond of issuing medals for every tiny military engagement, yet
there are absolutely none devoted to these ‘frontier wars’ in
This is an indication of how bad this ‘race politics’ is likely to get:
Who’d have thought: Elephants flourishing in
09/12/2022: The invisibility cloak that wasn’t:
09/12/2022: Be very sure: What they are doing in Oxfordshire is the future the left have planned for you:
09/12/2022: The long-term implications of MRNA technology read like science fiction, “The vaccine is incredibly risky, and basically, it’s achieving its goal. If the goal was to reduce the world’s population, it’s working.”:
09/12/2022: If we want to replace coal-fired power stations (Why?) the only further question is what type of nuclear power plant to build. The conventional uranium plant does have the joint problems of nuclear proliferation and waste disposal which some other technologies don’t:
The WEF thinks we should leap right in to hydrogen-boron fusion (which does not yet exist) just like they think we should jump into ‘green hydrogen’ and other pie in the sky schemes:
08/12/2022: Soon we won’t be able to see the sky because we talk to the neighbour on the mobile phone:
08/12/2022: ‘Green’ hydrogen is likely to be the most expensive fuel you have ever heard about (if it is even possible). Around ten times the current cost of fuel:
08/12/2022: Scruton on Foucault – do people even know anymore where the great undermining of thought that exemplifies everything the left advocates actually came from? Foucault and Derrida were the demons behind it, but with a long history stretching back though Marx and Hegel. Once university was about examining and critiquing all such ideas. Now it is about accepting them wholesale:
08/12/2022: Monty Python had a better take on all this: The Philosophers’ Football Match:
07/12/2022: New Pack Suspension System: For years I have been quite dissatisfied with backpack straps. They place a quite unnecessary and undue strain on a small area of the shoulders. It seems to me that for horses this problem was solved back in circa the C14th with the invention of the horse collar and associated hardware to allow a horse to pull a heavy load without destroying the horse.
Most pack manufacturers have decided that 'transferring the load' (somehow) to the hips via a hip belt is the solution. It is not. That 'solution' only acts (rather like other forms of torture such as foot binding to transfer the problem elsewhere without solving it at all. A hip belt restricts movement and comfort in just a different sort of way, that is all. Read More:
07/12/2022: “So to date, we’re spending twenty-three dollars for each gallon of gasoline saved … economic suicide…It’s nothing but a money-transfer scam to benefit the wealthy”:
Hard to believe that this post is viewed by Facebook and Norton as about 'Violence'. What a weird world. And yet we are told AI contains the word, 'Intelligence"!
07/12/2022: Albanese (& Andrews) won despite the lowest Labor vote since 1934. This is true. Just let that sink in for a moment.Then ask yourself what sort of government we would have if there had not been all sorts of jiggery-pokery with the electoral system (over time) to ensure such a corruption of democracy and the people’s will. Some of them set (in stone) in the constitution even, such as the awfully undemocratic Senate ‘system’ where a vote in Tasmania (for example) is equal to more than ten votes in NSW. Then we have the dreadful ‘preferential’ system which leads to such excesses as we now see. Should we not go back to the ‘First Past the Post’ system still used in many countries where you have to make up your mind and the prize goes to the candidate who get the most support – what one would have expected of the notion of ‘representative government’ surely? There is much other quite real corruption including the ‘modern’ notions of early’ and ‘postal’ voting and the dominance of the counting/administration by untrustworthy left-wing hacks. We have sold the democracy which our diggers gave their lives for at Gallipoli etc for a mere bagatelle.
07/12/2022: Bruce Lehrmann’s quandary is another ‘Winslow Boy’ case. There is now to mechanism whereby he can clear his (good) name. Such a parlous state of affairs should never be allowed to happen. Such a trial by ‘media’ or ‘public opinion’, ‘Star Chamber’, ’Kangaroo Court – call it what you will ought never be allowed, never mind gain ascendancy over proper process. He should be able to prove his innocence (or that there was ‘no case to answer’, as the senior police who investigated concluded) in open court, so that he can ‘get on with his life’ which is all-but ruined:
06/12/2022: “We are this season’s people. We are all the people there are, this season. If we blow it, it’s blown.” Schlomo Carlebach
06/12/2022: BTW: Have you noticed how everyone supports the Chinese anti covid lockdowns now? Yet not so long ago it was all, ‘Let’s stand with (Chinese) Dan’.
06/12/2022: Dark patterns – another subliminal trick:
06/12/2022: The science is settled folks – Richard Lindzen is arguably the world’s pre-eminent climate scientist, and he calls b------t. The correlation with CO2 is just not there:
Should you want to know more about ‘real science’ perhaps you should just check out one week’s review from the Science and Environmental Policy Project founded by Prof Fred Singer who was definitely the pre-eminent world climate scientist:
Good dog
05/12/2022: Did Monet invent impressionism with a single painting? You have to admit it was a pretty good one anyway:
thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.” — Keats
Looks like in
05/12/2022: Why do the left want to shut down the food supply? Is this another ‘Holodomor’?
04/12/2022: Some progress on Alzheimers at least: &
04/12/2022: The evil that Higgins and her woke feminist cronies have done to an innocent man (who will never be allowed now to prove his innocence) is incalculable. In such cases the (false) complainant should be punished to at least the extent of the law that would have been applied in a successful prosecution of the accused, ie she should do serious gaol time:
04/12/2022: You should certainly be able to chose voluntary assisted dying to end your suffering, but no-one should be able to force your decision:
04/12/2022: The WEF, UN, (ie the Greens and Left) want you locked in a very small area indeed in your suburb. Everything that is being implemented is aimed at that. Think about the move to electric cars, locking up more and more land in ‘National Parks’ (which you will be unable to visit), etc, etc. Let’s start to fight back people:
I don’t suppose this is sexism:
In the meantime, did you realize that whites are now officially a minority in
the three largest
03/12/2022: Vic Libs are just crazy – they are set to chose someone as leader who is even more left-wing than Guy:
03/12/2022: Long since time we stopped funding these communists at the UN – who needs an unelected government anyway. When was the last time you voted in a UN election?:
03/12/2022: Net Zero is destroying the European economy. Dutton must repudiate this nonsense soon:
Ridley’s explanation of the
Meanwhile Swiss look to ban use of electric cars over the winter to save energy:
02/12/2022: Vale the ‘last’ Rat of Tobruk. Both my father’s brother, Basil and Della’s father Bill also served in the North African campaign. How time flies. Seems like only yesterday we were celebrating their 70th or 80th birthdays. But soon even we children of the ‘Rats’ and other heroes who ‘saved the world for democracy’ will be gone too. Unfortunately and increasingly we are finding that their efforts were not permanently successful. For a time after WW2 freedom increased, then after about 1975 it moved into decline once more. Since then the world has been falling further into a kind of dictatorship maybe more successful and omnipresent than anything Hitler and Tojo (even Stalin) envisaged and this process is accelerating. The current generation will have to rise to the challenge of fighting this evil. My time is just about done, yet I have struggled to oppose the rise of state control all my life too:
02/12/2022: Yes!
02/12/2022: I agree witht this guy that the climate cult is ‘ultimately doomed’ because its proposals cannot possibly work but it can do a lot of harm before it ultimately fails just as Islam has been doing for the last 1500 years even though clearly it too is a false religion:
02/12/2022: Makes no sense to me anyway but I am not a voyeur. I prefer to do things than watch them:
01/12/2022: The largest squid weigh half a tonne and live in the deep ocean. Much smaller cephalopods have been shown to be intelligent. Is SETI looking in the wrong place? Should we be making efforts to establish communication with these guys?
01/12/2022: An important lesson from Willis Eschenbach today, (couldn’t agree more), “I learned early about the importance of sharp tools. My second real job, at 13 years of age for $0.30 per hour ($3.00 per hour in 2022 dollars), was digging out a foundation for a new house with a pick and a shovel. And looking back, I was probably worth about that much per hour.
In those halcyon pre-PC days, working with a shovel was called “Playing the Swedish banjo”. Here’s a recent picture of me doing that very thing:
And I’ve played the Swedish banjo for more reasonable wages a number of times since I was 13.
Perhaps as a result of my work history, I divide folks into three groups:
Those who have used a shovel.
Those who have made money with a shovel.
Those who have sharpened a shovel.”
01/12/2022: You thought this could never happen:
01/12/2022: Apple is conspiring with the communist dictatorship to lock down the Chinese people. Ditch your iphone now:
30/11/2022: Next time you get the sniffles just slip a banana up your nose:
30/11/2022: The Tech giants just hate free speech:
30/11/2022: Dutch Government to Shut Down 3,000 Farms to Comply with Global Warming Goals:
30/11/2022: Remember when there was not going to be any more snow – is this year a ‘tipping point’ towards the next ice age?
29/11/2022: Thanks for that Spot:
29/11/2022: The Libs need to grow a couple. You have to stand for something (except ‘woke’). Dutton, hurry up and reject the ‘Voice’, Net Zero, Climate Change, Renewables, etc, etc. You will never beat the Left by following them down their own rat-holes – as has been the case federally and in WA, SA, Vic and now NSW.
29/11/2022: This is a truly horrifying development:
29/11/2022: Climate change makes floods less severe:
28/11/2022: A Tall Tail:
28/11/2022: I do support people’s ‘right to die’ but encouraging it and making it a spectator sport is another thing altogether:
28/11/2022: Will you be a ‘super-ager’?
28/11/2022: Exactly, changes in CO2 mirror nothing which actually occurs in earth’s climate. Take sea ice for example:
27/11/2022: Don’t try to find love online:
27/11/2022: Duh! Why we should all have galvanized iron rooves. Another point is that if it is hotter insode the house this is because the roof absorbed more heat. That is we have changed the albedo (reflectivity) of our cities so that they absorb much more heat from the sun. It is little wonder then that they ‘appear’’ hotter in BOM/CSIRO data especially when the thermometers measuring this have moved to the city airports:
27/11/2022: So now we know: Astra Zenica and Novavax were enormously safer. Glad that’s what we insisted on them for ourselves:
27/11/2022: More power to computer models. By the time we get to COP100 there will be over 400,000 attendees! That’s a lot of jet planes, steak and lobsters to produce a huge amount of hot air – why building a trough works:
26/11/2022: Titanaboa: Thank goodness we do not still have these guys in the back garden:
26/11/2022: How extreme the WEF is - Extraordinary that anyone would think the communist Chinese dictatorship was a ‘role model’:
26/11/2022: Brown coal-fired electricity still only costs 4 cents a kilowatt hour. If you had the choice, don’t you think you would choose that over this ‘renewables’ mess which sees prices of $200 per kilowatt hour?
26/11/2022: You just can’t imagine that this wasn’t already the law everywhere:
25/11/2022: End the green b------t. Hand Dan the Can on Saturday.
25/11/2022: I’m sure the ‘little green men’ are worried about this too: Astrobiologists concerned about imperialistic consequences of galactic exploration:
25/11/2022: Back when the pandemic started I said I did not want a dollar wasted trying to ‘save’ me (being in the ‘elderly’ group who were most likely to die). I’m sure many/most of my peers felt the same. I/we certainly did not want others to die for me, but that is what seems to be happening with the vaccine deaths amongt the young who would not have died from the disease. Many more deaths overall could have been prevented and more cheaply – as I said at the time) by utilisng cheap ‘medicines such as Vitamin D, Zinc and Ivermectin: &
CSIRO and BOM unfit for purpose. Contrary to their hysterical ‘findings’ there
has been no warming in
24/11/2022: DIY Crampons Equals 4WD Boots: I have had a number of falls and am still suffering from a sore (almost dislocated) shoulder and similarly sprained wrist but there is still much work to do. So recently I bought (from a local Bolt shop) some 15mm hex-headed self-tapping screws. These only came in stainless steel so were fairly dear at $20 per 100, but for this purpose you only need perhaps 20, so it will not break the bank. You can screw them directly into the soles of your boots (i used an electric drill) in suitable spots to create quasi 'hob-nailed boots'. Read More:
24/11/2022: Next we have the ‘trans-human’:
24/11/2022: Is this why we banned tanning beds:
24/11/2022: Looks like Shakespeare to me:
23/11/2022: Sword of Damocles: A wild and windy night! We were checking on the creek and dams this morning after all the bad weather and discovered this new "Sword of Damocles"which had obviously launched itself from the huge blue gum above, embedding itself firmly and deeply in the ground on the track below. So glad no-one was underneath at the time! All the branches below are another blue-gum giant that came down last winter. It is still waiting for the farm to dry out enough so that we can get machinery in to undertake the task of removing it
23/11/2022: Well done: Army Vet Beat Shooter to a Pulp with His Own Gun:
23/11/2022: About that Ivermectin again. Note its proven efficacy (third link) as against the ‘approved’ anti-virals and the number of studies (and patients) which support this – hundreds of times as much evidence for it as compared to them. Vaccination failed (as predicted) indeed has probably killed more people than the disease would have (if properly managed): & &
45,000 junketeers fly into
22/11/2022: Back to the moon:
22/11/2022: Reality is not what we think it is. This may not affect how many elephants there are in the room but might affect how many angels there are on a pin-head:
22/11/2022: Why it is hard to say ‘extinction is forever’:
Cold kills. Here’s a little insight into why 60,000 folks died of cold in the
A hot dog and a beer at the world cup in
21/11/2022: Forget Methane; its heating effect is even more pathetic than CO2. Water vapour is the only real greenhouse gas worth thinking about:
21/11/2022: Bastiat is great. Check out his ‘broken window’ analogy if you want to learn something about how economics actually works: or
21/11/2022: Phantom Voters – I wonder how many we have here in Oz too? This is a key metric of the integrity of our democratic system. How can the rolls go unchecked for years and years? If we have mail-in ballots (we should not except in the most extreme cases of illness/infirmity and with vast safeguards) we will have scams. The same applies if we do not have voter ID on election day and serious penalties for fraud. It is also really important that everyone is voting with full knowledge – early voting means that this cannot be so. We should all vote on the same day and all votes should be counted openly and rigorously with lots of security checks: &
The Joy of Closed Roads: As a follow-up to my post Find
Your Own Places to Explore can I suggest that for years (in
20/11/2022: Enough of the trannie, “Be Kind’ b------t:
20/11/2022: A few decades ago they tried to scare everybody with global cooling: &
Forgotten animals of
The ‘red wave’ was real but so was the Democrat voter fraud. We should not be
so complacent here in
19/11/2022: “To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.” Solzhenitsyn. “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” — George Orwell. A somber reflection on the class war being fought in our schools by left-wing ideologues. You know this is happening here in Oz too:
No sooner did Trump declare himself in the race for the Presidency than the
Dems launched several attempts to incriminate him. They are deeply afraid of
this man – and so they should be. He might actually succeed in ‘making
18/11/2022: And now we have $250 hearing aids. All along it was a scam:
18/11/2022: A great way to teach science:
18/11/2022: The best of both worlds? Why not:
18/11/2022: Good luck with that ‘energy transition’:
16/11/2022: Massive electoral fraud again in the US: If you can’t see that Biden could not have performed so well in the election just last week and still be getting these poll results:
16/11/2022: That will teach them a lesson. What a ‘great religion’ – of course women don’t have ‘souls’ so it probably won’t even hurt them. Just like Descartes’ attitude to live vivisection of dogs really:
15/11/2022: It is strange isn’t it that we can’t have more hydro dams because they ‘spoil’ the environment (though a much smaller area than wind or solar farms) and are their own batteries and do not require costly and dangerous lithium. I have long noticed that the Greens seem hell-bent on destroying the environment in order to ‘save’ it. Their huge wildfire destroyed ‘national parks’ are a case in point:
15/11/2022: Artificial photosynthesis might ‘save’ us but it has a long way to go yet:
15/11/2022: Not quite the only sane scientist in the room:
15/11/2022: Living within your means and paying your way: Personally I was brought up with this duo pretty much as creeds. To many they seem quaint now, if people have even heard of them. Debt always involves printing funny money ahead of its being earned/created, hence it is the chief cause of inflation. It robs the future to pay for present excess, and always robs savers and rewards spendthrifts – so is unwise (as policy) at best. It can only be justified in times of national crises (such as imminent invasion). Unfortunately people come to believe in it, that it is normal/desirable even – and keep voting for it. The popularity of a proposition has no connection with its truth (or otherwise) – else there would not be so many billions of folk wedded yet to various religions, each believing their own to be the font of all truth, yet failing to grasp the obvious fact that whilst they cannot all be true, they can all be false - and almost certainly are. Imagine believing the ridiculous proposition that there is something after death. As if road kill was going to bound back to life. And such after-lives are still so woeful geographically, being associated still with well explored ups and downs. What? Will Voyager eventually encounter God? We cannot keep on racking up debt (either personally or nationally) as if there will be no tomorrow. The piper will eventually have to be paid. Unfortunately (as the fate of Hamelin reminds us) it will be our children who have to pay that price!
Who should/can we vote for at the next election? The choice seems to have
narrowed dreadfully. Once there was some sort of dichotomy. Perhaps it was
artificial but now we are just offered different shades of the same thing – at
least by the ‘major parties. Perhaps why they have actually disappeared in some
countries, such as
14/11/2022: What should we talk about? Interesting. I remember being surprised reading in P.G.Wodehouse years ago about the introduction of ‘small talk’ into society. I had not realized until then that it was ‘a thing’ – but there you go. I have always found it unbearably tedious, but no doubt (to others) my conversation is replete with all sorts of social gaffes resulting in my failing to dizzyingly ascend the social ladder:
14/11/2022: Hydrogen-Boron Fusion Looks like a good idea. A million years’ of electric power available – will that be enough?
13/11/2022: Writing has always served really important purposes:
13/11/2022: This is as at last an important step forward:
13/11/2022: Once it was good news that the last Ice Age was going away:
They know how to do things in
11/11/2022: Starting to look as if the Democrat electoral fraud huge as it no doubt was, involving maybe nearly 20% fake votes may not have been quite enough!
11/11/2022: Duh!
200 million! Just a reminder of how many people leftist governments murdered in
the C20th – yet you wonder why I am a conservative. The current conflict in
11/11/2022: Lithium mining does not look like a big win for the environment:
De Santis’ (
10/11/2022: It is unbelievable that people are behaving like this in the birthplace of democracy. Such vile, extreme antisemitism:
10/11/2022: Have we made society too equal, so destroying it in the process? We certainly have far too many people who will not do meaningful work:
10/11/2022: So true: Why the quest for happiness is a fraud:
09/11/2022: “Among all forms of mistake, prophecy is the most gratuitous.”
George Eliot in Middlemarch’
09/11/2022: Making VR more real, now a VR headset which actually kills you. Great idea:
09/11/2022: Soon we won’t even be allowed to be grandparents (after being banned from being mums and ads some time back). This ‘Newspeak’ nonsense is all quite insane:
09/11/2022: Climate change has become a convenient excuse for doing nothing about real conservation problems. The dreadful ‘experiment’ of our constantly razed yet weed and vermin infested ‘National Parks’ which we may not even walk in here in Oz is a case in point:
08/11/2022: A poignant and valid lament:
Unless another massive electoral fraud succeeds the
08/11/2022: You have to figure they will want to make euthenasia compulsory so as to get rid of us troubling old (right-wing) folks and no doubt the ongoing attack on the availability of painkillers is a quiver in their bow:
08/11/2022: There is some hope the world may rid itself of the inconvenience of ‘daylight saving’:
07/11/2022: Is witchcraft making a comeback:
07/11/2022: Trudeau shuts down the Internet – the Left is coming for your minds:
07/11/2022: A new internal combustion engine which is 50% more efficient:
07/11/2022: Eschew Soothsayers – no-one knows what the future will be and anyone who claims they do is a charlatan. As an example, 100% of climate models predicted that it would be much warmer than it actually is:
The alleged warming becomes even less if you subtract the urban heat effect:
And etc:
06/11/2022: Tocharus – a fascinating site if you are interested in the importance of ancient history:
Just in case you were thinking the recent election in
06/11/2022: So, how long will it be before more people are killed by lithium battery fires than car accidents?
Yes we have peak (climate) madness.
05/11/2022: A real anti-aging treatment – bring it on:
05/11/2022: I see the Chinese nearly lobbed a huge rocket on us (and probably you too). Only luck it did not squash us. Not really good enough Mr Xi – Try to emulate Elon in future:
05/11/2022: Bring back Liz! Sunak must go! After re-banning fracking on Day 1 and rushing off to COP 27 which Liz shunned, he now sides with Palestinians and terrorists – how did he even get to be PM anyway? I thought that was decided (by a stunning majority) by an actual plebiscite of Conservative Party members?
05/11/2022: Too true: “Adult toddlers throw tantrums for the same reason as children: they desperately want something and have no idea how to get it…Anyone who’s ever been a parent will recognize these actions: throwing food, spilling milk, smearing paint on the walls, sitting on the ground and refusing to move. Add in the inability to properly dispose of one’s bodily waste, and the pattern is complete. This is the behavior of toddlers.”
attack on the greatest art ever produced (while they are able to produce
nothing) is a grim
reminder of the
04/11/2022: Do we have ‘Peak Woke’ yet:
04/11/2022: Huge differences in Covid 19 between these two countries. Why?
04/11/2022: The Dangers of Low Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations – from a real climate scientist:
04/11/2022: I realize that it was the Left (Democrats) who were the slavery party and that it was the British people and British navy which (largely) ended it – and at great public cost – but it still amazes me how the ‘elites’ of today are (still) in favour of racist distinctions and preferments whilst using that very word as a weapon against their enemies ie any don’t agree with them – and instead support Martin Luther King’s contention that people ought to be judged solely on their worth as human beings:
03/11/2022: Nuts! Why we must ‘save the planet’ from our sheep:
03/11/2022: The Conservatives’ motto, “Never let go of the old, or harm it in any way, until the new is well and truly in hand.” Take the oil industry as an example. (We are in for a very rough time):
03/11/2022: “Australians don’t want the state creating breadlines for kids – they want politicians to lower taxes, stop wasting money, fix the energy grid, get out of their lives, and return all those fines issued to innocent people during the pandemic.” But it’s not what Guy is standing for – if he stands for anything. We must put our wholesale support behind the other conservative alternatives despite some of their shortcomings else we will just have another four years of Dictator Dan, and basically ruin!
03/11/2022: It has got to be past time they got rid of Joe. A guy who can’t even remember where and when his own son died is just not all there. But who are they going to replace him with? Not cackling Kamala surely? Do try to remember these folks have their fingers on the nuclear war trigger:
02/11/2022: Why am I not surprised:
02/11/2022: Good Question: Why hasn’t feminism made women happier?
Looks like Bolsonaro will overturn the rigged election in
01/11/2022: A woman in a hot air balloon realizes she is lost. She lowers her altitude and spots a man fishing from a boat below. She shouts to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."
The man consults his portable GPS and replies, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.
She rolls her eyes and says, "You must be a Conservative!"
"I am," replies the man. "How did you know?"
"Well," answers the balloonist, "everything you tell me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you're not much help to me."
The man smiles and responds, "You must be a Progressive."
"I am, replies the balloonist. "How did you know?"
"Well," says the man, "You don't know where you are or where you're going. You've risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and now you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but, somehow, now it's my fault.
01/11/2022: Who needs a weather bureau when we can just use soothsayers instead? Things just get worse and worse. Does anyone (else) care:
01/11/2022: Bowen is simply brain dead – he just wants us to live by extracting sunlight from cucumbers, as in ‘Gulliver’s Travels’:
Evidently the Brazilian election is also mathematically impossible. Is this the
WEF and New World Order folks at work again? Probably.
31/10/2022: You are what you eat:
31/10/2022: House hunting on Mars:
Sunak wants people dead but Truss did not. The
31/10/2022: Even (and at last) Greenpeace admits plastic recycling is rubbish, but it will not move on to burning it to produce electricity:
30/10/2022: Data shows net zero is a lie:
Remember when the
30/10/2022: Integration, Yes! Well said Gary, (who was an ex-Labor Minister by the way):
29/10/2022: The ‘Ms Higgins’ case is just awful. This is not anything like the Adrian Baillie/Jill Meagher case, nor is she an innocent schoolgirl being dragged off the footpath in broad daylight and raped at knifepoint in the bushes. The law was intended to ‘protect’ such real victims and to punish the perpetrators. I have long said that such actual crimes merit the death penalty. But to consensually go to you workplace in dead of night, dead drunk, and to have no memory of the incidents is not the behaviour of an innocent. Such behaviour in itself should be punished by dismissal from employment (for both participants). That is about where the matter should have ended. There was never enough ‘evidence’ to bring a charge of rape. If there had been ‘evidence’ at the time Ms Higgins destroyed it. Her too bad. If the case fails, will she be charged with a crime (perjury, wasting police time, defamation, etc)? I doubt it – but in such failed cases where the other person’s reputation and morale has been destroyed for months or years there should be some corresponding penalty. A custodial period at least to discourage vexatious claimants.
29/10/2022: How did Stan Grant (perhaps a quarter or one-eight caste, if any – not so long ago he used to be Irish) get to be blacker than Jacinta Price – or even her mother Bess, or even her (still living) grandmother, one of the very last people to walk out of the Western Desert, meet Europeans for the first time and (in so doing) ‘vote’ to join the rest of the human race. I suspect a lot of it really is down to ‘Nugget’ ie boot polish, which perhaps should be banned and only purple allowed:
29/10/2022: Under Ardern NZ is now ‘The land of the thought police’. Not sure I will be allowed in either. Did plan to go there hiking again next year – perhaps they will have a change of Government before then?
29/10/2022: “The demand for electric car drivers exceeds the supply”. Instapundit.
28/10/2022: Thomson Dam at 99.8%. It’s going to flow over – tomorrow probably. Second time only – maybe you missed it in 1996. Quite a sight. Plus lunch at the Erica, Rawson or Walhalla Pubs, but book: PS: It has gone over – view from the power station is the best:
28/10/2022: ‘Farming needs to stop’ to save the planet. Does insanity have a limit? Probably not.
28/10/2022: If you aren’t concerned about this you truly are brain dead:
28/10/2022: The Green Revolution - in other news:
On this day in 2011: "Went to
27/10/2022: ‘Free’ Power Bank: 'Waste not, want not' was another of my mother's favourite maxims - one I have certainly taken to heart, as my wife will attest as I has fill our house and sheds up with all sorts of 'mathoms' - hobbit for 'junk'.
I had two 'dead' laptop batteries which I probably ought to have binned or recycled but today (it was raining) I decided to dismantle them instead and stripped off the welded tabs. Each contained 6 x 18650 rechargeable lithium batteries.
Each cell was dead flat. After placing them in the single power bank I recommended here they (surprisingly) all came back 'to life'. Read More:
27/10/2022: "By 2001...a chicken reached the weight at which it would be killed in one-third of the time and after eating one-third of the food compared with the 1957 breed...represents...reduction in waste and in devoted to growing feed per chicken"
27/10/2022: The future that the green madness plans for or electricity/energy supply too. Vote for anyone else:
It’s the cold, stupid. The same sort of view is presented here, and the same conclusion: kick as many of our rulers out when we get the chance as we possibly can:
This new racist apartheid politics is enough (for me) never to vote
Labor/Coalition again. Imagine being denied access to any public land in
26/10/2022: World’s dirtiest man dies (at 94):
26/10/2022: O2 is what we should really be worried about. Its percentage in the atmosphere wouldn't have to fall too much before our kind of life found it decidedly uncomfortable (especially at elevation). What is the environmentalists' response to this impending 'crisis': Lock up two molecules of oxygen for every molecule of carbon forever (ie CO2 sequestration). Fortunately life has another way: it is called photosynthesis:
26/10/2022: Farage is almost certainly right - Sunak is not the man:
26/10/2022: I hope this morning you are beginning to realize how hopeless Labor and the Greens are:
24/10/2022: I know it is impolite to speak ill of the dead, but just a reminder (from 2016): The Royal Commission’s findings regarding Kimberly Kitching are that ‘(v) Kimberly Kitching should be charged with and prosecuted for aiding and abetting the contraventions of each of Diana Asmar, David Eden, Darryn Rowe, Nick Katsis, Saso Trajcevski-Uzunov and Lee Atkinson (Chapter 9).’ Yet Shorten’s Labor promoted her to a place in the Senate! Her death was then dressed up as a great tragedy – as if such (corrupt) folks ought not be executed (shot) out of hand.
Save the Planet’, the ‘great unwashed’ scream, yet we may have already done so
(and by the unlikely means of the Industrial Revolution’). Let me explain:
Plants need @ 200ppm of CO2 to survive. If the percentage drops below that (ie
.02%) life will pretty much cease – yet the pre-Industrial world tilted
perilously close to that. The percentage has varied from upwards of 20,000ppm
in the time of the dinosaurs for example, down to just over 200ppm over time, during
which warm, tropical periods and ice ages came and went completely uncorrelated
to its percentage. However, steadily the percentage of CO2 being liberated by
volcanism and other processes eg from the carboniferous rocks, coal & peat
deposits etc where it ‘ultimately’ becomes ‘locked up, declined until just
before the Industrial Revolution its percentage was such that the cessation of
life on earth was imminent. The forests shrank and great
plains and deserts spread across much of the globe as there was not
enough CO2 to build any more forests, and much of life had to retreat to what
were really oases to survive. Just in the nick of time (folks of a religious
persuasion will see this as predestined) as a result of the Industrial
Revolution personkind began to liberate vast quantities of carbon in the form
of CO2 and a wonderful profusion of life was the result. The forests spread,
the deserts and grasslands retreated and once more a profusion of life
saturated the planet: That is the era we are living in: the Anthropocene. It
can only get better! In the last @30 years this CO2 has caused the increase of
approx two
24/10/2022: I think the most awful part of this story is that the audience cheered:
24/10/2022: May be ordering some of these bumper stickers:
Cruising to the North Pole: Should you think this voyage is down to
‘global warming you shuld realise nuclear subs have been doing it for a long
and that the Vikings always used the North-West passage in their voyages to
Greenland. They had to abandon their
23/10/2022: SpaceX is really transforming space – not to mention communications here on earth. Rumour has it that Musk will ‘soon’ add functionality to Starlink which will allow cellphones to also act as satellite phones (when away from a conventional tower). That would be a game-changer:
23/10/2022: Finally positive proof covid 19 came from a lab:
Alas, the ‘coup’ in
22/10/2022: Hajimari Boomerang Ball – have your kids got this amazing toy yet?
22/10/2022: Michael Shellenberger has some fine points here including that the ‘climate narcissism’ we see about us (especially in the young) might well be a result of “overprotection and coddling of children by their parents and other adults result(ing) in anxious, depressed, and grandiose adolescents”:
22/10/2022: So much for Gillard being against ‘misogyny’. Did you realize she basically abolished women altogether?
Meanwhile real women vote on more important issues: inflation, crime, schools, their kids’ futures…
22/10/2022: Well played Volkswagen:
No sense warming or lighting climate protesters with fossil fuel.
In other news:
21/10/2022: The Simplest Electric ‘Motor’ – the black cylinder is a battery and the round object is a magnet. There are so many true and enchanting things children can be taught about the world without stuffing their developing brains with falsehoods and creeds:
21/10/2022: Even my dead dog wouldn’t vote for you – but evidently she could:
21/10/2022: China Won’t Stop Using Fossil Fuels Until Clean Sources Can Provide Enough Energy Security – why are they the only sensible nation?
An awful crime and tragedy. 12 such deaths so far.
Remembering that before John Howard and other such nanny-staters people always
had the right to bear arms:
PS: It appalls me that the
20/10/2022: No doubt some people dream of such things: imagine finding 100 naked men on the side of the road:
20/10/2022: The covid vaccine story just keeps getting worse and worse:
Albanese lied to Parliament and the Australian people (on a Stat Dec) and
should be forced to resign. In yesterday’s Herald Sun he was openly admitting
he has been in contact with his brother in
18/10/2022: Cipolla’s five basic laws of stupidity – they ought to be graven in stone in every public place so we may harken to them:
18/10/2022: Past floods without CO2:
18/10/2022: You wonder why anyone would want to create a virus that was nearly totally fatal:
Antisemitic ALP at it again.
Seems there are folks who can’t distinguish between disagreeing with a culture,
and ‘racism’, the newest easy ‘put-down’ – all too distinguishable from
‘thought’. They have forgotten (apparently – did they ever know?) that most of
my and my parents’ lives (this is litotes) was spent fighting the dreadful
culture of communism, or that some years of my parents’ generations’ lives were
spent eradicating the culture of Nazism, or that my generation stamped out the
culture of cannibalism in New Guinea (and with it that fascinating parasite –
responsible for the dread disease ‘kuru’ – which more than anything I know of proved
that ‘life will find a way!), and so much more. Evil must be fought, whether it
is politically correct to do so or not. Not all cultures are equal, certainly
not all are good, and some are downright execrable. A culture which supports
extreme violence and sexual abuse of women and children for example, must not
be allowed to remain. There is ample evidence that there are some cultures
which do have horribly evil characteristics at their very core: they must be
eliminated. (I have no time for the Saudis, for example). Traditional
‘aboriginal culture’ is an oxymoron. I am not (of course) advocating harming or
killing any human being when I say this. For example, I had a number of friends
who were ‘patrol officers’ in
17/10/2022: Oh Liz…Definitely not another Maggie Thatcher then, alas. Fourth ‘Treasurer’ in three months – have the Brits forgotten how to add up – like everyone else?
17/10/2022: The climate is enormously, inherently stable. The world “has had millennia to settle into those planetary-scale patterns of temperatures and available sunshine…Once the average available solar power is above 310W/m2, you can add up to an additional 50 W/m2 without increasing the surface temperature one bit.”
Peter Smith has a very valid point about imposing a
‘1883’ – a great new series. Della doesn’t usually share my passion for
Westerns but she really enjoyed this. Get it from
16/10/2022: Disappointments of time travel:
16/10/2022: Bring it on:
16/10/2022: Serial Killer diversity has come a long way:
‘Derry Girls’, the funniest thing to come out of
15/10/2022: So, Pfizer now admits they never tested to see whether their vaccine would prevent covid transmission. We put such people in charge!
Meanwhile, Dr Peter McCullough: "Before the Covid jabs, 4 in a million Myocarditis cases, afterwards, 25,000 in a million....Myocarditis at this point in time is due to the Covid jabs until proven otherwise." Myocarditis, a 6,000 times increase – just a coincidence!
15/10/2022: Bring back the cane for such spoilt vandals. I am sick of being lectured to by half-witted badly raised infants of whatever age:
14/10/2022: Find Your Own Places to Explore An ‘extension’ of an earlier post, Gully Walking
I have always liked Robert Frost’s poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ even though I realised long ago how much he/it owed toward my even more favourite poet, Edward Thomas. However I too long ago “took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference” as Frost reflects, and I urge you to do the same.
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
It is all very well (as a beginner hiker/outdoorsman) perhaps to first experience some of the outstanding ‘great walks’ which abound in your country, but soon you will realize that they are both too crowded and have long since stopped providing quite the bliss of solitude and exploration which perhaps their creation envisaged. But you have to start somewhere.
Before you head off on your own ‘road’ you first need to master some bushcraft skills such as I have been talking about here for quite some time. You need to be able to find your way unaided (ie with just your senses and intelligence through the trackless bush (for days at a time) – and this takes study and practice. Read More:
14/10/2022: Just a small mistake:
14/10/2022: Do you need further proof that EVs will not work:
14/10/2022: Glyphosate not the bad guy then:
13/10/2022: More questions for our time: Did Kosciuszko die of acne?
13/10/2022: Five compelling reasons why you should reject ‘man-made climate change’:
13/10/2022: Which came first – Nazism or environmentalism?
13/10/2022: ‘Who blew up the Kerch Bridge’ – a question to add to ‘Who blew up Nords 1 & 2?’ &
12/10/2022: A grand old lady passes:
12/10/2022: Peak Oil Anyone?
12/10/2022: Clearly they knew about covid much earlier than we were told:
12/10/2022: Neither do I think this was ‘misinformation’. Such ‘information’ as we got was rather poor and very one-sided. The move by ‘Big Tech’ and Big Gov’ to throttle it was dire:
11/10/2022: Jacinta Price is great. Hers is the kind of ‘Voice’ we need as a nation.:
11/10/2022: How good are EVs in an emergency? Now those which got wet are exploding. Great stuff:
11/10/2022: An author to check out:
Today’s Left seeks to turn everywhere into
10/10/2022: Merrin’s Wiggly Stick: This afternoon as I came out of the front door after lunch to go work on the tractor I saw the largest red-bellied black snake I think I had ever seen just sliding under the fridge on the verandah then it simply disappeared. I poked around under the fridge, even moved the fridge; yet there was no sign of it. I thought ‘No way such a large snake could be in the rat bait station next to the fridge’ but when I lifted the lid there it was. I suspect it had been there before. Read More:
09/10/2022: ‘How dare you do anything productive!’ is pretty much the motto of local councils the world over:
09/10/2022: When renewable electricity becomes so expensive you can’t afford to make solar panels:
Fortunately we will be able to warm ourselves from EV fires:
09/10/2022: A New Welcome to Country. Yes, ‘Before beginning, I’d like to acknowledge the sovereign land of Australia and the institutions and way of life that ensure our freedoms and liberties; one land, one nation, one people. We stand on the shoulders of giants and as a result of their legacy Australia is a beacon of opportunity, equality and justice in an increasingly dangerous and hostile world.’
09/10/2022: Remember when 3,000 people used to be killed in car accidents annually and it was a problem requiring various draconian solutions (many of which have been implemented with detriment to our freedoms, alas) but now that 10,000 excess deaths are occurring we should ignore it: &
08/10/2022: Eating on the Wild Side – cheaper than the supermarket anyway:
08/10/2022: When the lunatics are in charge of our energy supply:
08/10/2022: CPAC underlines the woeful state of the Liberal/National Parties. Truly a new conservative force in Oz politics is needed, soonest:
Regarding aboriginal ‘displacement’, one should understand that almost no women
came to
07/10/2022: Be Prepared: 'A word to the wise is enough'. Unfortunately for most people 'a word' is not enough. Every year world-wide tens of thousands of poorly prepared people disappear or meet their end in the back country when they should have just been having fun, admiring the view of that far horizon, peering around the river's bend to see what's there and breathing that clear cool air deeply. I hope I can prevent a few such unfortunate events. Read More:
07/10/2022: Men’s Lib Anyone? Yes, we have a problem, eg “We also need a national recruitment drive for male teachers. Boys do better in schools with more men at the front of the classroom, especially in subjects like English. But men account for a shrinking share of the teaching profession: just 24%, down from 33% in the 1980s. In elementary schools, only 11% are men. And in the earliest years, men are virtually invisible. Just 3% of kindergarten teachers are men, which is about half the share of women flying military airplanes. Men, our schools need you.” :
07/10/2022: Hard to believe this guy (and Lomberg) used to be the enemy:
07/10/2022: Whatever happened to the notion of ‘treason’?
06/10/2022: Might be nice if you like cruising:
06/10/2022: Is there hope? “This is a classic case of the slowly boiling frog. We are frogs slowly boiling as we speak. It is the fate that the great economist Friedrich Hayek warned us of in his best seller of the 1940s, The Road to Serfdom. He argued that totalitarianism can creep up by stealth and not only through revolution. Benign innovations like the welfare state turn, over time, into freedom-destroying, socialist disasters that no one, despite being in democratic systems, voted for. Hence, we get stuck with failed education systems that peddle propaganda and sideline parents, we get stuck with paying for subsidies to windfarms and solar panels, we get woked to death at every turn, we get abortion and euthanasia, we get COVID tyranny and discrimination. We get rule by experts that none of us have ever heard of, and who are, in any case, seldom expert at anything except controlling us. Oh, and we get mass immigration that has never, ever been debated on the hustings and for which nobody had a mandate. We get the Voice, despite Albo’s getting only 31 per cent of the primary vote — about the same as the alt-parties combined. So, we get the Voice but we don’t have a voice… we now inhabit a world where our rights are reduced to nought and the values that we still cherish and which substantial majorities of our fellow citizens once did too, are now minority views scorned by loud voices across the system. The duty to fight against the tyrannies that we have had foist upon us is more important than ever. And the uphill battle has taken on a steepness that will be uncongenial to most of us”. Things look bad, but maybe start ‘turning up’. At least get out there and vote for the Lib Dems, One Nation, UAP, Freedom Party & etc. Let’s show Andrews and Guy that we don’t want either of them:
06/10/2022: And you thought you could keep foxes (not to mention ‘the yellow peril’) out of Oz:
06/10/2022: If they did it once then they likely did it twice:
Outback Boats:
05/10/2022: A great business plan for the next gun amnesty:
05/10/2022: A Compendium of Climate Lies:
05/10/2022: Thanks Dan: Another $600 million down the drain:
Do you think I was wrong in 2012 when I wrote this: “So, the Reserve Bank is
still playing fast and loose with our money: as if Capital was so easy to come
by - instead of taking a lifetime of hard work and saving. At current levels
the reserve bank's rates barely (if at all) keep pace with inflation leaving
savers with no income from their hard-earned money. On the other side of the
ledger the punters who want to further leverage their outlandish Macmansions
are encouraged to do so to the detriment of those who in the current real
estate climate can't afford housing at all and have to continue to live with
their parents and grandparents: I know several 'middle class' families of
Sydneysiders (all hard workers) who are sharing three generation housing.
Higher interest rates would advantage savers (including those saving for a
home) and force the outrageous price of housing downwards. It would take
probably twenty years of interest rates above 10% to force house prices down to
the more modest American level. Question: Why does it cost several times more
today to create a block of land and a house than it did thirty or fifty years
ago? Where are the benefits to housing of productivity growth and labour saving
machinery? In the 1950's, 60's and early 70's a father could afford to be the
only wage earner and support a wife and two children whilst paying off a house
and car. What happened to that Australian dream? Even though we have had
reasonable income all our lives with both of us working and contributing, we
have only managed to pay off a modest house (about half the value of a house in
04/10/2022: Perrottet gets worse and worse. Today he suggested draconian penalties against folk who (perfectly rightly) objected to racist ‘welcome to country’ nonsense at the footie. Let’s just have one country for all without any of this ‘race’ b------t, please! Somehow this has now been suppressed into a news item about maybe one person giving what might have been a Nazi salute and might just have been an awkward hand gesture too. Perrottet’s love of racism is just dreadful. First we have a divisive and frankly offensive flag replacing the NSW flag on the Harbour Bridge (as if someone else built that icon) then the news that he will be handing over all the land in National Parks to a certain race, now this threat to gaol or permanently ban anyone who objects to his racist politics. What next? White slavery anyone? As if this was not already the case when you consider the huge percentage of his beloved ‘folks of colour’ who are ‘welfare dependent’. Who is doing their work for them (or paying their land rates) then? (Of course the way immigration has been going it will be other ‘people of colour’). We must just have one country, equality of all, everyone standing on their own two feet, supporting themselves without any blame games or weak claims of victimhood.
04/10/2022: In case you wonder why the Left want us to move over to electronic voting systems…You should have little doubt who Google (or Goolag as you might prefer to call it) wants to win:
04/10/2022: ‘Lies, damned lies and statistics’. Imagine being able to completely explain away the fact that women outlive men by seven years:
03/10/2022: When life goes wrong:
03/10/2022: More Nigerian school-women rescued from terrorists:
03/10/2022: We own the science; we own the truth – even if it is demonstrably wrong:
02/10/2022: Best strategies for longevity:
02/10/2022: Beware: “The Voice is a move to create new constitutional entitlements by stealth. It would jettison the principle that, no matter when they or their ancestors arrived here, all Australians are equal. If it is successful, the real victims will be the majority of Australian voters who will find their country’s long-standing political commitment to egalitarianism and a fair go has been emasculated behind their back.” Giving away our National Parks and other public lands (now 60% of the country) is just creating a new hereditary ‘nobility’ this time based on supposed ‘race’ but which is not subject to the same laws as the rest of us, eg no need to pay rates or lose property because of unpaid rates. We have spent literally centuries getting rid of such evils:
02/10/2022: The green movement wants to take food production back to the Middle Ages (and population with it):
140,000 clearly fake votes found in just one county in
01/10/2022: So, what’s ahead? “Half a generation of traumatic experiences will eventually make firm rules of monetary stability acceptable. This time round they will have to be strictly and consistently enforced. In most nations, it will be necessary to cut back the burdens of government, although international conflicts will impose unavoidable new costs. And it will require courageous politicians who permit as much competition in capital, labour and product markets as it takes to produce a rise in entrepreneurial creativity. Nonetheless, the core elements of the 1980s recovery—stable money, smaller government, freer markets—and the political courage to oppose particular interests will again have to become the policy priorities if the huge task ahead is to be resolved.”
01/10/2022: NSW introduces apartheid. Horrifying. This nonsense (evil) must end:
01/10/2022: Surely you just can’t vote for a mass murderer (Andrews) no matter how bad the opposition – but now there are other alternatives. (One Nation, Freedom Party, UAP, etc) The likes of Andrews are presiding over daily deaths from covid sometimes of hundreds of people due almost solely to their refusal to implement cheap sensible prevention and treatment options which others succeeded with. Compare the Daily Deaths – and think about who is responsible here: &
30/09/2022: Should we live a riskier existence – an interesting perspective:
30/09/2022: At least Liz Truss is having a go at economic reform. It is a better direction anyway than ‘more socialism’ which seems to be the default position elsewhere:
30/09/2022: The climate models are just so bad – you would not want to bet your hard-earned on them:
30/09/2022: This was a typical ‘first nations’ and victimhood scam:
29/09/2022: This is a profound and important essay. For example, “The self cannot bear such a heavy burden as creating its own happiness. Vitz pointed out that disengaging from institutional legacies reduces the sense of resilience, of drawing from the wisdom of the past, of being connected to others. It creates harm in attacking our respect for rational thought, in our understanding of objective reality, which ties in well with the critical theorists’ undermining of Western thought itself.”
29/09/2022: What an evil witch this woman is. (Hopefully she is soon to be gone):
29/09/2022: “In a unsettled world, countries which don’t have energy security don’t have any security at all”. Can I remind you that we import most of our transport fuel and that ‘reserves’ are only about three weeks. Small modular (nuclear) reactors make more strategic sense than big energy projects:
29/09/2022: Meanwhile, Congratulations Australia you are already at ‘net zero’:
28/09/2022: One Pacific island which is definitely not shrinking:
Someone blew up the two Nordstream gas pipeleines ensuring
28/09/2022: The new Italian leader seems to be a breath of fresh air – likewise the new Swedish one. The times they are a’changing:
27/09/2022: It is not just our family of Joneses which arose from this Ely swamp:
27/09/2022: Clearly people were right to be concerned about the MRNA vaccine. Its adverse effects have proved to be worse than any other medical treatment in history:
Lots of Russians clearly do not support Putin’s war on
27/09/2022: Hard to believe. Sad I can’t apply:
26/09/2022: Astonishing images from Jupiter:
26/09/2022: Who knew? “According to scientists measuring cumulative energy demand (CED), production of the average lithium-ion battery uses three times more electrical energy compared to a generic battery.” So, what happens when the grid collapses?
26/09/2022: The EU is the biggest economy in the world yet their fertilizer production is down 70%. We are going into a very lean time for the world’s food production:
25/09/2022: Very well done:
25/09/2022: Back from the dead:
25/09/2022: Just when I got a new Knee:
25/09/2022: Two brothers who couldn’t be less alike. Your remember the rabid commie and anti-Semite Jeremy? Well here’s his brother Piers the climate sceptic:
It begins, maybe…Big news breaking in
24/09/2022: Just have to hope my wife, Della does not join Peta. Not much risk of that though I suspect:
Can anything save
24/09/2022: Our society cannot survive renewable energy – the wind droughts will kill it:
24/09/2022: Wow! Covid vaccines have been shown to be 98 times worse than the disease itself in young adults:
But doctors may not warn you:
23/09/2022: How to scan and share old print photos with your phone. Maybe this is a solution? Get the App 'PhotoScan by Google Photos' from the Google Play Store. The App takes several photos of the original and puts them together, finds the edges corrects them & etc. Scan the photos during the daylight maybe on the verandah. You don't want reflected light from an overhead lamp etc. If you have a decent phone camera this will make a beautiful photo in seconds. You will probably have to save it to Google drive and share it from there eg by email. It works:
23/09/2022: Just a year ago really: Western civilization is sliding off the cliff, and most people in the western world aren't even aware of that…Do you think there's any chance of getting Taliban commanders to teach at West Point? It might be a nice change of pace for cadets to learn from someone who actually won a war.”
23/09/2022: Maybe we can do something to destroy the green blob after all:
23/09/2022: Without science and engineering we are just children playing with someone else’s toys:
22/09/2022: More Michael Faradays please:
22/09/2022: And it isn’t just Merkel who is a commie shill. Most of our Western leaders have taken the thirty pieces of silver:
I hope the past year’s imbroglio in
good news from the
21/09/2022: Remember when this guy used to be one of them – he has certainly ‘seen the light’:
21/09/2022: Things have got bad under Biden – don’t expect better under Albanese:
21/09/2022: It’s not just me who is opposed to the sexualisation of children it seems. What is going on here:
21/09/2022: ‘I honour my God; I serve the Queen; I salute the flag.’ We recited this every morning during school assembly. Though I have never been a theist, I do not think it was a bad thing – but alas, it will never be repeated by our children again. Farewell Your Majesty.
And good luck with that republic Albo – maybe you should have consulted your own members first:
18/09/2022: Thanks Liz & goodbye to net zero. Fracking here we come:
18/09/2022: Well said Rafe, “Humanity has a destiny out amongst the stars, but we will not reach them if we allow ourselves to be crushed by this secret society of evil, inbred, globalist conspirator families who have been plotting and working towards the destruction of our nations and our enslavement for centuries. We can win this war of elites versus commoners, but only if everyone who knows these truths speaks out in every way possible to awaken those who remain oblivious to it all.”
When communists engage in this level of cover up you know there is much more to
hide (Christo would have been proud) – I wonder what the real GDP is, for
example. Remember when the
Trump may be the second most popular public figure on the planet after Queen
Elizabeth – but I notice there have been conservative victories in
18/09/2022: The Best Five Backpacking Blogs. Of course we were delighted to have our humble blog chosen to be amongst the best in the world in this comprehensive survey. Feedspot's Best Ultralight Backpacking Blogs. Thank you to Anuj and his staff for their endorsement.
It has been a lot of hard work and is all the more extraordinary in that it is not a commercial site and is pretty much all my own work (with a lot of help and support from Della, my wonderful wife of fifty years. Currently this post is post Number 1573 on our site – millions of words.
I admit my posting has slowed down a bit of late due equally to indifferent health, the demands of other work, the fact that I do not simply publicise every ‘new’ product which comes along whether I like it our not but chose to talk about only those which I like and which I think make a useful contribution to the goals of ‘ultralight’ – but more than anything to the fact that so many of my posts are about my own doings and inventions – and this takes time. Read More:
17/09/2022: NASA finds organic matter ‘treasure’ on Mars:
17/09/2022: Viv Forbes (and Geoffrey Chaucer) is so right we are ruled by ‘Parliaments of Fools’:
17/09/2022: Who’s the king of the castle now? Watch out, the Indians are coming:
17/09/2022: Big Brother never had mind control as powerful as the mobile phone and Tik Tok:
16/09/2022: Can anyone tell me what is going on here? I had always believed there was no such thing as a free lunch, but this certainly looks like it. There are lots of these devices. I assume the magnet would ‘go flat’ after a while?
16/09/2022: Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore explains how the environment movement was hijacked: On temperature change, Moore asserts that “the world has been warming since about the year 1700, 150 years before we were using fossil fuels..1700 was the peak of the Little Ice Age, which was very cold and caused crop failures and starvation…Before that, around 1000 A.D. was the Medieval Warm period when Vikings farmed Greenland…[And] before that, around 500 A.D. were the Dark Ages, and before that, the Roman Warm Period when it was warmer than today, and the sea level was 1–2 meters higher than today.”
Tyranny in
15/09/2022: Are people finally starting to catch on to the fact that electric vehicles are a terrible idea?
“If every country achieved its stated ambitious electric-vehicle targets by 2030, the world would save 231 million tons of CO2 emissions. Plugging these savings into the standard United Nations Climate Panel model, that comes to a reduction of 0.0002 degree Fahrenheit by the end of the century.”
15/09/2022: This 31,000 year old amputee’s finding shatters so many notions about the past:
15/09/2022: The case for recriminalisation:
15/09/2022: And you thought you had a problem being white:
14/09/2022: ‘Rings of Power’: We watched the first two episodes last night and found them surprisingly good (with some misgivings admittedly). I really like Galadriel. The visual feast, especially the NZ scenery is a delight:
Is there a serial killer loose in the
14/09/2022: Good news indeed – we have needed to do this for a long, long time:
14/09/2022: The Ukrainian counter-offensive is at least a propaganda victory so far:
I think this is a fair point, “There are only nine meals between mankind and
anarchy.” And that the current ‘energy crisis’ and ‘energy transformation’ will
prove the point. I suspect we will have a military takeover of
200 years since
I would not have believed it but maybe the Russians bit off more than they
could chew in
13/09/2022: We must save the Great Nullarbor Coral Reef:
12/09/2022: Just when I had a knee replacement they come up with a better option:
12/09/2022: If there really are 70,000+ deaths from covid vaccines it ought to be investigated:
12/09/2022: The joys of electric car ownership:
On the
Electricity prices in the
A big step forward towards sustained fusion in
11/09/2022: Why ‘personality tests’ are bunkum:
11/09/2022: Leave the kids alone for goodness’ sake:
10/09/2022: Icebreaker’s merino wool caps are the best, and they are on special right now. Read More:
10/09/2022: What a piece of s—t Adam Bandt (and the Greens) is/are. Hopefully we shall soon see the last of them:
10/09/2022: Turns out the movement of heat outwards along the meridians is the largest driver of climate change and that ‘greenhouse gases’ have almost nothing to do with it: “Opposite to what is generally believed, when less energy is transported poleward the planet gets warmer. The planet warmed after 1850 due to a reduction in MT, followed by the increase in GHGs since the mid-20th century. While global warming is likely to continue over most of the 21st century, the rate is unlikely to increase, and might even decrease, disproving nearly every climate projection. Recent warming appears to be multicausal, caused by changes in solar activity and MT, besides GHGs. It is thus very unlikely that the decarbonization of the economy will have any significant effect on climate, although it could have a great effect on the transfer of wealth from some agents in the global economy to others, even if its total effect on wealth creation is negative.” Canute imitators are going to make us very poor however:
I think Tucker nails it here, “The British Empire was not perfect, but it was
far more humane than any other ever. It’s gone now, barely even
remembered. Queen Elizabeth II was the last living link to a truly Great
British did give the world the Magna Carta and habeas corpus and free speech.
They helped end the transatlantic slave trade, as well as the ritual murder of
widows in
09/09/2022: Farewell you great lady, Lillibet. The very last Seekers’ song just released (for Judith’s memorial) is a fitting tribute I think:
Who knew? The earliest boomerang was found in
09/09/2022: The (new) green solution to being cold – so much better than oil, gas and coal (presumably a bad translation - original is behind a paywall):
09/09/2022: Having fun at the expense of the new Puritans:
08/09/2022: 10 More Environmentally Friendly Alternatives To Using Electricity:
08/09/2022: Nigel Farage, Britain’s next PM – you can only hope: ‘
08/09/2022: Peter Smith is absolutely right: Labor and the Greens’ ‘Renewable Energy Plans’ are just insane. Read why – and weep:
08/09/2022: One big step to fight dementia:
07/09/2022: Just what I need: Robo-bug: A rechargeable, remote-controllable cyborg cockroach:
07/09/2022: One step closer to growing humans in a test-tube – but won’t we be replaced by AI soon anyway:
07/09/2022: The limbo rock of universities: Just how low can ‘university education’ go?
07/09/2022: The price of lithium has risen 289% this year alone. It has gone up from US$2000 a tonne in 2002 to over US$75,000 a tonne in July 2022 mainly fueled just by its (relatively small) demand in consumer electronics. It is rapidly becoming a ‘precious metal: Silver is $800,000 per tonne, copper $33,999, Nickel $21,000, Lead $2200 whilst Iron is $109! Such rises occur because things are rare and their production cannot be ramped up. Estimates are that it would take over 9,000 years to mine enough lithium (supposing deposits existed) to transform the world’s hydrocarbon cars into electric cars - but as they would need to be replaced again approximately ten years later this 9,000 years of effort would have to be reproduced again in ten years. Yet some countries are mandating electric cars in less than ten years time. Does anyone see how this is either sane or possible? I think this is akin to the C17th Dutch ‘tulip bubble’ and is mainly a vehicle for the rich to get even richer at our expense.
06/09/2022: An AI won an art competition – what’s next?
06/09/2022: Just an accident of history that the world was saved for democracy – in reality few people value freedom – as we still see today:
contrast we have at least some good news out of
06/09/2022: I think this is good news but I am fearful of having the test – meanwhile I reel from the bad news this morning that one of my cousins has succumbed to this awful blight:
06/09/2022: Just another of the contradictions of green policies:
06/09/2022: Something I did not know: Oil is a renewable resource. Many people do not realise that old oil and gas fields refill (or recharge) over time because much ‘fossil fuel’ is produced by abiotic natural processes within the earth – and will therefore never run out: &
Nothing in the renewable world will work without hydrocarbons:
05/09/2022: Camp chairs have been a thing for a long time:
05/09/2022: Green child Abuse. Thank you Neil:
05/09/2022: The ultimate horror movie: A ubiquitous digital panopticon. The greatest tyranny of all time is already being installed. Be very afraid:
05/09/2022: This was a common occurrence in 1929 as the magic bubble burst and a sense of reality re-established itself. Today the world is sitting on the biggest economic bubble in recent history with most of the US dollars ever printed having been in just the last handful of years:
04/09/2022: Kim Beazley Snr. in 1970: ‘When I joined the Labor Party, it contained the cream of the working class. But as I look about me now, all I see are the dregs of the middle class. When will you middle-class perverts stop using the Labor Party as a cultural spittoon?’ For many years now this has been my view exactly. I remember a night at an ALP meeting in Bendigo in just such a gentleman’s house (ie the ‘cream of the working class’) when I began to separate myself from it too, perceiving how the new political class who had never worked with their hands (or minds) to make themselves (or others) better disdained his modest achievements, disdained his working for one’s and society’s betterment - and offered simply redistribution and Government control as the only worthwhile goal. Today’s ALP is way Left of where the Communist Party of Australia was as I grew up. The Greens are even more evilly Left of them, perhaps even left of Mao & Pol Pot in that they would see most of humanity gone. Meanwhile the Chinese Communist Party is way to the Right of the ALP – I fear even to the right of today’s Liberal Party! Where can a working class Conservative’s vote go? Perhaps the Liberal Democrats?
04/09/2022: Just imagine that: corals have been surviving worse things for countless millions of years:
04/09/2022: With a 92% efficacy against death from covid the ban of ivermectin ought to be viewed as a crime against humanity. Dan and like demagogues should be tried and hanged for this crime:
“If only
03/09/2022: If you can’t afford a boat, how about a giant pumpkin:
It’s not about Right and Left … It’s about Right and Wrong. No. I don’t think
Greens should be allowed to kill eagles to ‘save the planet’. This is the
03/09/2022: If this is how bad things have to get to ‘save the world’ imagine what would happen if people realised it was all b-----t:
02/09/2022: Best Tarp Seam Stitch: If you are joining ultralight waterproof material such as Membrane Silpoly as I am just now to make a new version of my 7 x 7 Poncho Multi Tarp this stitch seems to work better than anything I have ever come across before. Read More:
02/09/2022: Malcolm Roberts takes aim at the cost of the green madness:
02/09/2022: The world needs ditchdiggers, too:
02/09/2022: Longtermism – another interesting ‘philosophy’ which ‘reasons’ that someone else’s rights are more important than your own. You will be hearing more about this. Is this actually any different from communism:
You think it won’t happen here? Inflation over 20% in the
31/08/2022: Problems charging your EV. You will note (RACV figures) that the cheapest and simplest option will see your car plug in for nearly 12 hours drawing an additional 2.4-3.7 kW per hour, or with additional wiring you can charge at 7kW per hour for 6 hours or even 22kW per hour for 2 hours. All of you will see immediately that whichever way you cut it you will be using over 40 Kw more electricity per day to charge your EV. Our electricity bill tells me that the average household consumption (at present) is 10 kW (I person household and 16 kw (2 & etc) so charging an EV is an enormous increase in household electricity consumption (2-4 times at least!) that has to be produced basically from ‘thin air! Is this the greatest ‘pea and shell’ game you ever saw? An all of this electricity will have to be provided at night (when there is no solar)!
31/08/2022: Posted this in 2017. Nothing about it has changed; indeed the situation has only got worse: Understand this: Government is force; it is not charity, avuncular, earth mother. Its role is not to succour and support. It is to control and defend. To think otherwise is perversion. This is our prime duty: ‘Support yourself’. Crying out to Government for ‘support’ is always babyish - just some ghastly selfish theft, an insisting that one’s fellow men and women ought support you because you won’t support yourself. Whence comes this ‘owing’, this ‘debt’? I can understand it in relation to care for the elderly (perhaps) as they (surely?) can be expected to have spent a lifetime working, maybe building up some ‘social credit’ (but might they not also have been expected to have put away a little for a rainy day – for just such a certain eventuality as old age)? But the great majority of those who clamour for ‘support’ just want to suck at the public teat because it is there and it is easy, while ‘work’ is a four letter word best not discussed. They are ‘owed’ nothing. A debt presumes a corresponding credit - which they have not built up. Indeed the ‘great’ dependent unwashed clamourers have it the wrong way around: having been raised on a lifetime diet of dependency, eg free education, health care, welfare, public housing, all sorts of publicly provided services and checks and balances, law and order, defence, museums, public transport…the list is almost endless…they have a debt to repay: eg by service to their society: by joining our defence forces, working for the dole, caring for the disabled, child minding, cleaning working folks’ homes, or etc…They have already been well paid for doing nought! Our dusky brethren who clamour for more are the least deserving in this line-up. ‘They’ have enjoyed better than two and a quarter centuries of dependency, of living off the public teat. Way past time they started paying off that debt, instead of shrieking for more!
31/08/2022: The death stats are interesting: &
Still enormous doubt over who’s winning or losing in the
30/08/2022: Must Watch - Neil Oliver continues to call the elites out:
30/08/2022: Gone are the days when you could just slip a new engine in with a morning’s work and at a cost of a couple of day’s wages (as I did with my Subies for over thirty years). A new EV battery will cost you more than you normally pay for a new car:
30/08/2022: Progress. Instead of growing food they will make this stuff out of food. The people who used to eat the food will just have to adapt to going without. Dieting is good for you, right?
30/08/2022: Is there another way? I doubt this woman’s views would go down well with the current push to create ever more crèches (al la 1984?):
29/08/2022: 7 x 7 Poncho Multi Tarp: This is an addendum to the post Secrets of Shelter. I know some of you just didn't believe my claims about the 7' x 7' tarp so I dug out my old one for a bit of a photo shoot. This 7' x 7' tarp can be used as a ground or hammock shelter or as a poncho - and weighs just over 120 grams. Read more:
29/08/2022: I know Paul Keating said the same many years ago but “Hard-Working Plumber Looking Forward To Paying For His Neighbor’s Gender Studies Degree”. Another Greens (commie) policy of course like freezing rents for two years. Duh:
“The future belongs to the people who show up, as they say. It seems doubtful
that will be the greenies.”
29/08/2022: Modern warfare has become more and more like a video game. I know it has always been horrific but some of this technology seems to give soldiers very little chance:
Remember ‘The Precautionary Principle’ which the Left trots out when they don’t
want to do something (however sensible)? In one sense it has something going
for it – we should not launch into a major change unless it can be proven that
it will work! A ‘trial’ or a ‘prototype should be adopted first and its results
assessed soberly. This was done before we adopted electrification (believe it
or not). Cost
28/08/2022: ‘We the people’ – what a great leader of the free world Ronald Reagan was. We the people desperately need new conservative leaders like him, indeed a new conservatism before there is nothing left to conserve. Make the time to listen to this farewell speech, one of his finest:
28/08/2022: If the recent floods did not topple Xi maybe the current drought will? Anyway, something must:
28/08/2022: Tell me why all this ought not be utterly illegal:
27/08/2022: Secrets of Shelter: I deem that shelter is the most important primary need which you can supply yourself. You certainly must master the secrets of shelter.
No doubt all of you have heard about Maslow's 'hierarchy of needs'. You will (perhaps) note that amongst the four 'physiological' needs he lists is 'Homeostasis', ie being able to maintain a constant temperature, something you may take for granted being a mammal - but that only means you have not been put to the test! Read More:
Why we have biosecurity – this is how a rabid fox behaves. Della and I both had
our rabies shots before we went to
27/08/2022: Is there anything more you need to know about ‘The Voice’ than that Jacinta Price and Warren Mundine are against it and Malcolm Turnbull is in favour:
27/08/2022: Sound planning- maybe we should just wait 29,000 years? “To make enough wind turbines, solar panels, batteries and electric vehicles to replace fossil fuels for (just) 20 years, the world would need just under one billion tonnes of nickel.
In 2019, the world only mined 2.4 million tonnes of nickel – meaning it would take around 400 years to produce enough to go net zero at current rates of production.
The same situation faces copper miners.
To replace fossil fuels with renewables, the world would need over 4.5 billion tonnes of copper.
But again, the world only mined 24 million tonnes of copper in 2019 - meaning it would take 189 years to produce enough copper to go net zero at current rates of production.
The situation gets even more dire when it comes to lithium, cobalt and rare earth metals.
It would take 9920 years to produce enough lithium to go net zero at current rates of production.
It would take 1733 years to produce enough cobalt to go net zero – most of which would come from Chinese-owned, child mines in the Congo.
In fact, for germanium - a very rare but very important element required for renewable energy technologies – it would take over 29,000 years to produce enough germanium required to go net zero.
So, going "green" will require the biggest mining boom in history.” – and the Greens will be in favour of that, won’t they?
26/08/2022: The Disappearance of Delicious Edible Apples. The fresh food situation has always been worse in country areas for some reason. Unless you have your own fresh produce what is available in the (few) supermarkets always seems to be sourced from the same wholesaler (I assume) and generally is about the standard of stock food. Often poor quality stock food at that. Apples, my favourite daily fruit, is a case in point. None of the supermarkets seems able to present the fresh apples in a chiller so that even if they had been top quality before, after a day or so of sitting on a warm shelf being picked over by customers they are just about inedible. I usually try to get around this by shopping for them in the mornings just after they have restocked the shelves and I try to pick from the bottom layer. In the past this usually got me a handful of edible apples – but no more. For the last several months the apples have been parlous. They appear to have been tumbled in a cement mixer. The extent of the bruising means that just about none of the apple is edible. Does anyone have a solution?
26/08/2022: Must get one of these for Della:
Here’s the result of
26/08/2022: Dire: Macron warns that the world as we knew it has ended. We certainly have a big fight on our hands to preserve our freedom and lifestyle:
Wonnangatta Murders: So, police claim to have ‘further evidence’ against Lynn
but neither he, his lawyer Dermot Dan (whom I know) nor the public knows what
it is after nearly a year since he was arrested which frankly is not good
enough. The alleged ‘firearms evidence’ is tantalising. Apparently we will have
to wait until January to learn more. Terrible.
Meanwhile a presumed innocent man (like Pell) is in gaol. I strongly suspect
that they still don’t have enough to actually charge this bloke (who may indeed
be the culprit, I admit). The fact that they have been
unwilling to provide his barrister with the surveillance material or the
ballistics’ evidence (after nearly twelve months – evidence which they ought to
have had before they arrested him), indicates to me that there is nothing
there. I suspect the ballistics will come down to some spent shells near
the campsite (where we know
1971 was the crucial year when everything started to go wrong. Until then I
could buy quite a nice house in
Do you still remember when churches never burned down – or had ‘faulty wiring’
problems? I certainly do. Here in
24/08/2022: A weird world our WEF masters want us to live in. I’m glad I won’t be around to see it:
24/08/2022: A big ‘Hurrah’ to Ron De Santis, “Never ever give up. We must fight the Woke in our schools, fight the Woke in our businesses. We must fight the Woke in government agencies. We can never ever surrender to government agencies.”
23/08/2022: Is this a life-saver or not? Perfect and peelable hard-boiled eggs every time:
23/08/2022: Yarmuk: the day Islam swallowed the West. Read it and weep:
23/08/2022: About that ecar…Just a for example, “Car manufacturers admit that there is only enough lithium for 14 million ecars while the World Economic Forum says the world needs 5 billion to get to Net Zero.”:
23/08/2022: “I’ve already seen the best of
22/08/2022: When ‘unknown cause of death’ becomes the leading cause of death (up sevenfold):
22/08/2022: Is James Webb going to kill the Big Bang? I have been reading a lot about this lately, for example that folks claim to have already identified galaxies which are (far) older than the universe or that others they are seeing are themselves too old to have begun after the universe did. A fundamental change in physics/cosmology may be about to begin:
22/08/2022: Are young women just more gullible, is PC just for girls, or do they yearn to be ‘victims’:
In a similar vein:
21/08/2022: Poem for today. (We have had a grandchildren’s sleepover at our house).
The Childrens' Hour
Between the dark and the daylight,
When the night is beginning to lower,
Comes a pause in the day's occupations,
That is known as the Children's Hour.
I hear in the chamber above me
The patter of little feet,
The sound of a door that is opened,
And voices soft and sweet.
From my study I see in the lamplight,
Descending the broad hall stair,
And Edith with golden hair.
A whisper, and then a silence:
Yet I know by their merry eyes
They are plotting and planning together
To take me by surprise.
A sudden rush from the stairway,
A sudden raid from the hall!
By three doors left unguarded
They enter my castle wall!
They climb up into my turret
O'er the arms and back of my chair;
If I try to escape, they surround me;
They seem to be everywhere.
They almost devour me with kisses,
Their arms about me entwine,
Till I think of the Bishop of Bingen
his Mouse-Tower on the
Do you think, O blue-eyed banditti,
Because you have scaled the wall,
Such an old mustache as I am
Is not a match for you all!
I have you fast in my fortress,
And will not let you depart,
But put you down into the dungeon
In the round-tower of my heart.
And there will I keep you forever,
Yes, forever and a day,
Till the walls shall crumble to ruin,
And moulder in dust away!
21/08/2022: Yes, we can take our power back:
NB: Blackrock is spending big on useless batteries in Oz:
21/08/2022: Wise words from Prof Ian Plimer (as usual) about where all the methane comes from but also, “Climate change cannot be understood using computer models that attempt to predict the future with incomplete information and invalid assumptions. The past is the key to the present and destruction of history, archaeology, and geology in the climate wars can only lead to hardship.” NB Biden’s new Inflation Reduction Act (amongst a litany of other evils) gives the EPA the ability to tax methane at $900 per tonne starting 2024
Let’s just vote to continue to be one nation, not divide
20/08/2022: "I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened." Mark Twain
Back in the 1950s
20/08/2022: A major fallacy of the EV thing is thinking electricity is both ‘free’ and ‘clean’. Everything has a cost (not least the quadruple cost of buying an EV – maybe double that when you consider their likely lifetime) but the huge environmental (and human lives) cost of making and then recycling them (well there is no plan actually) almost certainly means that they would not be ‘carbon neutral’ or ‘free’ even if they gave them away and electricity cost nothing. But it currently costs approx 50 Euros to charge a standard 100kw EV battery (which will soon rise by 320%) - and that will get you about 200 km! It gets worse after that!
20/08/2022: Our ABC, the porn channel. Shut them down:
19/08/2022: Laser spacecraft propulsion is coming. “On the eventual upper end, a full scale system (50-100 GW) will propel a wafer-scale spacecraft with a meter class reflector (laser sail) to about c/4 in a few minutes of laser illumination allowing hundreds of launches per day or 100,000 missions per year. Such a system would reach the distance to Mars (1 AU) in 30 minutes, pass Voyager I in less than 3 days, pass 1,000 AU in 12 days, and reach Alpha Centauri in about 20 years.”
19/08/2022: How can three declining trend periods add up to an increasing trend? Maths is weird:
19/08/2022: Yes, the Libs have to dump Guy and damned soon, but have they got a true conservative they can put in his place? Please come back Jeff Kennett, Bernie Finn:
Seems to me that if
18/08/2022: The best female swimmer in the world:
18/08/2022: Maybe there are no higher or lower creatures:
The new Concorde – imagine being able to fly return to
So, why would the presence of foot and mouth disease in
17/08/2022: Good News – hearing aids may soon get to be ‘self-fitting’ and much cheaper:
17/08/2022: Frankly I am shocked that ‘the average person tells four lies a day’. I was always taught never to lie:
17/08/2022: Interesting Rasmussen Poll: Here’s Tucker’s take: If the FBI (etc) really believed Trump still had the nuclear codes they would hardly have waited 18 months to act.
17/08/2022: Here is a very big whoopsie about human produced CO2 (which I admit I hadn’t spotted. Humans simply cannot have ‘caused’ the increase in CO2 which (if it ) has occurred because human CO2 is only 5% of all sources of CO2 (and clearly ‘stays’ in the atmosphere for exactly the same amount of time as ‘natural’ CO2) so it cannot possible add up to 32% as the IPCC (greens etc) claim:
Also note: Arctic Sea Ice Extent Reaches 12-Year Mid-August High:
16/08/2022: Only the modeled climate responds. Why won’t the real climate play along and boil us like frogs:
16/08/2022: With her popularity now at 30% hopefully we will soon see the back of ‘the wicked witch of the West’ aka Jacinda Ardern. You would hope to see the same thing happening to all the vile socialists we have running things over here too…if only so many of the ‘conservatives’ weren’t trying to beat them at their own game:
16/08/2022: Nuclear fusion achieved in the lab at Lawrence Livermore:
16/08/2022: We spent more money on education, remember? Maybe not good value for money. These people vote too:
15/08/2022: The escalating prices of (especially) lithium and cobalt make EVs much more expensive than conventional cars. The petrol F-150 for example costs US$33K today but its EV version will be at least $20K more expensive. And you have to accept that a couple of three poor people somewhere have died in order to produce it!
Good one:
15/08/2022: First they claimed that they were after menus and other silly things but now they have gone even sillier and claim Trump had the nuclear war codes still in his pockets:
In the
15/08/2022: Vegetarianism is not so great after all (particularly if you are a woman): &
14/08/2022: Short season crops, ie things which produce a harvest in as little time as possible are something you should be giving serious thought to. You need to be collecting seeds from such plants (not F1 hybrids from which no useful seeds can be collected). Many varieties of all the common vegetables were long ago developed for use in colder climes or to produce multiple crops in warmer ones. ‘Diggers’ is a good source. The mandated increases in the cost of energy (and the really desperate coming shortage if urea) will mean that food will become scarce or very expensive. We are building two greenhouses which will give us an abundance of ‘summer’ crops over winter and really heat dependent crops (eg melons) over summer here in Southern Vic where it is difficult to grow such things.Our vegie garden is also completely planted out already and will be expanded – as will our orchards. I notice greenhouses and seeds are already in short supply. When the urea finally dries up and the trucks stop bringing the produce down from the North things will get tough. Time to get out into the back yard with a hoe.
You can get your plants started early with a $10 propagator next to a window. Here you see several varieties of tomato, eggplant and capiscum already up. They will be in the greenhouse in a bit over a week. Some will produce crops by the end of September!
14/08/2022: The Ukrainians may be taking awful losses but they are still fighting back it seems:
History almost always beats ‘science’, but let’s hope that the worst times are
behind us because we are now better able to adapt. It was much warmer than
today in the not-s0-distant past. They used to grow wine in
14/08/2022: After 33 years the fatwa has finally come for Salman Rushdie for the terrible sin of pointing out that the ‘perfect book’ has some truly evil passages in it and that the ‘perfect man’ was anything but – ie a mass murderer and child rapist. I applaud Macron’s statement of support, “For 33 years, Salman Rushdie has embodied freedom and the fight against obscurantism. He has just been the victim of a cowardly attack by the forces of hatred and barbarism. His fight is our fight; it is universal. Now more than ever, we stand by his side.”:
South Coast Track New Zealand:
will definitely take side trips to Long Point (Lighthouse) Hut and the Slaughter Burn Hut on the way to/from the
13/08/2022: The temperature data – indeed the whole idea behind it – is faked. It is just not possible to establish an ‘average’ temperature. Walk around your own back yard with a thermometer and you will easily find areas where the temperature varies by 5-10C on any given day then tell me how ‘scientists’ can establish the average temperature of the earth within a hundredth of a degree and determine how much it is rising or falling. What we all know is that the temperature around us varies during the course of any single day by at least 20C – and sometimes by over 40C, yet everything (magically) survives:
13/08/2022: “We just don’t need the vast majority of the population.” This is the way the global elites actually think, deeming themselves enormously more important (for having meetings) than the folks who grow and deliver our food, care for the elderly or clean toilets etc. Now with their war on farming, energy etc they plan to get rid of that vast mass of unnecessary people who will (if they succeed) all be gone in one season – after which they will virtuously sigh, ‘It was not our fault’, as Nazis always have:
Stalin called the farmers ‘the enemies of the people’. By expropriating them, the state took control of food production. 7 million starved to death. A century later, the WEF is opening the ‘war on farmers’.
13/08/2022: This snake Kean (and Matthew Guy et al) are what is wrong with the Liberal Party. A conservative Party has to represent what ordinary Australians think and want:
It’s not just a leadership change that’s needed though, but a complete change of direction. As its slogan a re-awakened Liberal Party ought to adopt Tony’s old slogan, ‘Climate Change is Crap’:
12/08/2022: It would be good if we spent more time talking about important matters as eminent physicist Sir Roger Penrose does here:
12/08/2022: The Greens are no different from this today. Nazis. They have all sorts of policies which would starve (at least) half the world’s people to death while at the same time advocating all sorts of animal libber and national parks nonsense. "At the edge of a forest, German soldiers point their guns at rows of naked people who follow the Jewish religion. Among them are young mothers clutching their babies. The shots echo through the woods and the dead bodies fall into the ground. Down the road, while this is happening, their German army comrades are busy establishing nature walks and bird sanctuaries and planting trees. The Nazis conducted horrific experiments on children (I have seen footage so upsetting it can’t be shown on TV) but at the same time they banned medical experiments on animals. The same Nazi monsters who committed crimes of unimaginable barbarity also advocated vegetarianism, organic agriculture, forest preservation and homeopathic healthcare. How can we possibly explain this? What was the connection between the inhuman brutality of the Nazis and their gushing idealization of ‘Nature’?"
12/08/2022: The Great Barrier Reef is nearly as big as Victoria ie it is pretty hard to miss, yet it did not exist (where it is now) during the last Ice Age – just a little while ago, and will not during the next, not so far away now either. The sea level was over 50 metres lower then. Corals exist in shallower water than that. So when folks tell you ‘the science is settled’ re some political decision they want make ie to control your behaviour in some way eg whether you can go for a drive in the country, you should be very skeptical indeed. Scepticism used not to be thought a very bad thing not so long ago but rather a default mental state which helped one to navigate to the truths of the world:
11/08/2022: Tony Abbott could well have said, ‘Apres Moi le deluge’:
11/08/2022: Just imagine the urban mega fires we will have as EVs spread – and the toxic pollution downwind (far worse than any CO2):
11/08/2022: Time to go back to your old stainless steel frypan:
11/08/2022: Good Lord – maybe Trudeau is Castro’s son. He certainly behaves like it anyway. In similar news Albo admits he is a bastard (Who knew?) but who is his real father? A prize will be offered:
10/08/2022: A fine birthday present from Bunnings. We went in to Midvalley to have a birthday lunch and thought to buy some seedlings for the vegie garden from Bunnings while we were there. As well we scored this excellent load of 4” x 2” x 8’ steel quite free - probably over $500 worth. Well on the way to our next shed right there:
10/08/2022: Way back in 2013 I wrote this. The situation has become worse since then. The Green aim to reduce the world population by half or three-quarters is moving swiftly into place spearheaded by the attack on Nitrogen and farming: Green Deaths per annum amount to millions worldwide: Malaria (where the unnecessary & illegitimate ban on DDT cost over a million lives pa for thirty+ years), support for biofuels (200,000+ pa from starvation as we burn food rather than allow the poor to eat it), opposition to food irradiation (100s of 1000s pa from food poisoning pa), opposition to nuclear power (deaths from radon, Carbon 14, coal mining etc), opposition to GM crops, diversion of money (from eg health, shelter, food) to global warming ‘mitigation’, opposition to Western farming methods (& especially in the Third World = mass starvation), support for national parks before people…These folk are simply the most evil bastards ever (making Stalin, Hitler, Mao etc look like patsies). And it is not just people whom the greens murder in their millions. Animals and plants are destroyed by their policies in their billions: millions of hectares have been destroyed to make way for palm oil plantations and generally to grow ‘Biofuels’. Other millions of hectares are routinely destroyed by wildfires because of their insistence on a completely ‘hands off’ approach to forest management. At the same time vast numbers of creatures are destroyed by introduced vermin such as foxes, cats, pigs which they will not allow to be shot. Add millions of wildlife deaths pa from windfarms and from paving over land with solar collectors & etc… Astonishing that 8% of voters say they will still vote for their policies. How can so many folk fail to be able to distinguish between good and evil?
Why we should make Ivermectin available to all. This article is by a Professor
of Pathology from my old University who really knows his stuff. Currently nearly
100 people a day are dying in
Alexandra Marshall’s article on ‘immortal’ nuclear energy is a ‘must-read’. I
am not sure how we will implement it in
09/08/2022: A bad week for female vocalists. Olivia gone now too. I used to run into her for coffee in the student union lots at Newcastle Uni back in the 1960s – this was before she was famous, but just one of the senior staff’s daughters. Her father Bryn Newton-John shared my love of motorbikes. She was just the same age as me. Makes me think about ‘time’s winged chariot’ I can tell you.
09/08/2022: Your Vitamin D levels are crucial:
09/08/2022: This is ridiculous and obscene racist cant. How much of ‘our’ country do we need to give away to just one group:
Much as the CCP wants to frame
Remember how Tony Abbott won the largest majority in
08/08/2022: The Seekers – the beginning. I just can’t help but post yet another tribute to Judith and her amazing band mates. I know there will not be any Parliamentary Condolence Debate as with Archie Roach. Have we lost what it is to be quintessentially Australian:
Civil disobedience against the ‘Green Blob’ begins in the
the Greens here want us to be conquered by communist
08/08/2022: The earth’s thermostat is just wonderful. Just as the human body temperature does not get warmer as the temperature rises, so too the earth sheds heat in the tropics as the temperature rises keeping the average world temperature within a very narrow .5C range. Amazing. Thanks Willis:
07/08/2022: Farewell Judith Durham 1943-2022. What a voice. Like most of my generation this is how I will always remember her:
07/08/2022: Curiosity – what a great little rover:
07/08/2022: Just like the bee apocalypse, the monarch butterfly apocalypse that wasn’t:
The Greens – turning the West into the
06/08/2022: Time for some good news:
06/08/2022: On the origin of TANSTAAFL:
06/08/2022: Snowy 2.0 (like all the batteries) will be a dismal failure - and now at $22 billion for just 2000 megawatts (Think Hazelwood)! If they really want to replace coal (or petrol) the will have to go nuclear. That is all:
Just maybe communism is on the way out in
05/08/2022: One tough old gal. Nice shooting – this is the way to deal with crooks:
05/08/2022: I suspect that if fake meat to save the planet failed because no-one wanted to buy it, fake cars (EVs) will fail too for the same reason:
I like Viv’s idea of a Repeal Party.
04/08/2022: Personally I love apples, but here’s how they got such a bad press:
04/08/2022: Jacinta Price is a gem. Hers is the only type of ‘Voice’ needed:
04/08/2022: Why only once a year? Breakfast has a big effect on my gender. No wait a minute. I meant my waistline:
04/08/2022: Albanese’s 43% means everything – in case you didn’t know, and/or you voted for it? So it it not ‘just’ electricity but cars, houses, farming – everything. I can just bet too that none of the ‘savings’ Della and I have already made will be counted. We will have to ‘enjoy’ new suffering. The fact that we were forced to give up half of one (long cleared) farm to trees back in 2003 will not count. Or that we have not bought a new car since 1990 (the begin date of all this, rememeber?) but keep repairing 1990s cars which actually use less fuel per kilometer (and did not have to be made and made again since then) will not count. The hundreds and hundreds of trees (usually around 100 a year) we have already planted on our remaining 30 acres (or on other farms) will not count. The fact that we have doubled over and over the productivity of our land and our sheep will not count. We will have to start over. We (and everyone else) will be trying our best to cheat on these absurd targets just so we can survive. The Greens are forcing lunacy on all of us. We must rebel against this. This is the future that the World Economic Forum wants for you – it makes Brave New World look like freedom:
03/08/2022: 78 Years since the Polish Uprising – just one more good reason why you should not give up your guns:
03/08/2022: When vast unexplained geophysical happenings like this can occur we should hardly worry about what the human effect on the climate might be:
03/08/2022: This looks so promising:
03/08/2022: Nancy Pelosi – Wow! People are never “wholly bad nor good’ (Milk Wood):
A Government which robs Peter to pay Paul, can always
depend on the support of Paul! Will
02/08/2022: I suspect David Archibald is right: large ships and tanks are archaic:
More links between ancient
02/08/2022: Coal production just keeps going up:
Meanwhile oil just refuses to run out – wherever we are allowed to poke a hole in the ground ‘black gold’ pops up:
01/08/2022: The Terminator is coming to a battlefield near you:
01/08/2022: Bring it on - Soon we will be able to buy these things to provide carbon-free power to a few thousand homes safely:
The ‘great’ reset: Turning off the heat.
01/08/2022: People are daily bombarded with the advantages of socialism, but that is all bunk. The free market is in reality the great liberator. Take these words of wisdom from its outstanding proponent Milton Friedman, “The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit…Nobody spends somebody else’s money as carefully as he spends his own…Nobody uses somebody else’s resources as carefully as he uses his own. So if you want efficiency and effectiveness, if you want knowledge to be properly utilized, you have to do it through the means of private property”
31/07/2022: NASA’s beautiful Jupiter imagery:
31/07/2022: James Lovelock (father of Gaia) came to be a supporter of nuclear power:
31/07/2022: This was what salvation meant once, “I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” It is wrong to steal other people’s goods. Make your own, or at least do no evil – but that is not what is happening. Great evil is what is happening - in the name of good. Rainbows and gaiety (and especially childhood) ought not to have been so debased. Well said Cassie:
Peta Credlin’s take is also worth a read:
31/07/2022: I think it’s the biggest insider trading scheme and most useless piece of virtue signaling, white elephant hugging nonsense of all time, but I acknowledge you might make (or lose) a fortune out of discreet investments in it:
30/07/2022: Stunning Footage Of Killer Whales Taking Down A Great White Shark – they are both horrible monsters. I would not want to be in the water with them:
30/07/2022: “Coffee, tea or Bonox?” Maybe you are old enough to remember the ad? In any case it is still available, and it is still delicious. Having a cup right now. Curiously it no longer has instructions on the jar for using it as a drink, but adding a generous teaspoon to a cup of boiling water seems about right!
30/07/2022: In quarter two this year, we were paying an average price of $264 per megawatt hour instead of the $30 we used to pay before they blew up Hazelwood. And it will only get worse.The green dream is just insane, “It would have been cheaper just to build a whole new power plant last year.”:
30/07/2022: The WEF and all your ‘friendly’ leftie pollies want to destroy your car. Give them the boot:
29/07/2022: If only you got paid for it…decades after retiring from teaching Della and I still frequently dream about it. I doubt any of our ex-students (some of whom are nearing their 70s) get any subliminal benefit from this nocturnal behaviour– though I admit to feeling a desire sometimes to still correct their spelling and expression in their Facebook posts!
29/07/2022: How can this even happen? Well, whole Ice Ages have occurred when CO2 was much higher than it is today:
29/07/2022: A big ‘hats off’ to these seven guys. Gays might (or not) be ‘proud’ of their particular bent but there is absolutely no reason anyone else should be, quite the reverse. It is only twenty years since homosexuality was officially deemed a mental disorder and a crime in many jurisdictions, something which the consequences of having taken a more lenient approach to it and related behaviour has been shown was a bad idea which will have to be reversed in future – as has already been done in some countries which have been shocked by the excesses:
For example, when a public health expert has gay unprotected sex with multiple men over a weekend, contracts monkeypox and gonorrhea but blames ‘the system’, are you sure you voted for gay marriage:
I liked this guy’s ‘take’ on the Manly events:
29/07/2022: Remembering two heroes of the Left who lost their lives on this day 228 years ago. Saint-Just & Robespierre. Today’s leftists (Bandt, Albanese, Andrews etc) are no better - and also care only about unbridled power and control, “A nation generates itself only upon heaps of corpses” – never mind ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions,’ rather ‘devil take the hindmost.’ Every day around the world thousands of people are dying as a result of leftist policies (scores in Oz) – and it will get worse:
Bastiat had it better, “Be responsible for ourselves. Look to the State for nothing beyond law and order. Count on it for no wealth, no enlightenment. No more holding it responsible for our faults, our negligence, our improvidence. Count only on ourselves for our subsistence, our physical, intellectual, and moral progress!”
28/07/2022: Scientists Unveil Periodic Table Of Genders: “The nation's leading scientists unveiled a new periodic table of genders to help everyone keep track of the evolving gender spectrum. Experts are recommending the table be rolled out to schools across the nation and added to each state's curriculum for grades 9-12. The gender table features 114 genders in addition to a wild card space that represents the limitless imagination of the human mind.”:
How renewables are killing
It will be a very grim winter over there this year. Many will die:
28/07/2022: No and Double No:
28/07/2022: What really drives the climate? Well done (again) Viv, “Man’s coal, cars and cattle are puny compared to what nature can do.” :
Meanwhile this is where any warming is coming from – a complete corruption of (climate) science):
27/07/2022: Kemi would definitely have been the membership’s choice for PM, but the membership and the people never get to choose. Such is democracy:
27/07/2022: The ‘New Puritans’ are everywhere – just as bad as Oliver Cromwell:
27/07/2022: Sack Matthew Guy before we are condemned to another four years of Danistan: ‘To lose one election may be regarded as a misfortune: to lose more looks like carelessness.’
27/07/2022: Regendering archaeology, How absurd:
26/07/2022: Digital QR Codes will become a requirement for ‘normal life’ - First Sri Lanka, then the world: :
26/07/2022: Will (underground deposits of) natural hydrogen be the ‘fuel of the future’:
26/07/2022: 5G is just killing the NBN – just as free enterprise will always outperform socialism I long ago predicted this, before they ever began building Rudd and Turnbull’s wondrous white elephant:
What a crock of s—t Plibersek’s State of the Environment Report is. Put
together by a bunch of groupie Aboriginal activists none of whom has an scientific qualification at all! How a woman knowingly
married to a heroin dealer gets to be a Minister of the Crown is beyond me. Is
this the most despicable Government in
25/07/2022: Who invented ice cream - 2500 years ago:
Human history is full of surprises: These folk could be claiming castles in
25/07/2022: Things are getting serious:
“If you believe that the world’s weather is becoming catastrophically – no –
apocalyptically unstable, why would you spend trillions of dollars converting
your energy grid to rely on the weather…?´Alexandra
There are three maxims of wisdom (which we should never forget) engraved on the
1. Know thyself.
2.Everything in moderation.
3. Certainty is ruin.
It’s world Ivermectin day. We (Oz) have 50-80 deaths a day at the moment from
covid and this has been going on all year now - 11,134 deaths altogether yet
most if not all of these deaths could have been prevented with early treatment
with Ivermectin which you can still buy without a script as a sheep or horse
drench (taking the appropriate amount for your weight - as if you were a sheep
each day for 3-5 days) yet it is still banned as a human treatment in Vic
though it has had 90+% efficacy in preventing death/disease elsewhere
(23/07/2022). This is the greatest crime in
‘It’s a free country’ – remember that refrain? Imagine even having to take such
an offence as this to court! I got in to deep trouble myself a few years ago
(2016) as I had a credit card knife (a ‘prohibited weapon’ – akin to a machine
gun - was the adumbrated charge) in my wallet. Things got particularly heated
when I suggested to the officers that they should be out looking for the
23/07/2022: The world’s greatest adventure – paleolithic seafaring. Imagine homo erectus and neanderthal venturing to cross hundreds of miles of open ocean – yet they did, up to 800,000 years ago:
23/07/2022: An Australian Hero:
The recent ‘heat wave’ in
23/07/2022: Ivermectin is clearly better than anything you can get a script for – but look also at Quercetin (which you can buy from health food shops):
22/07/2022: The ‘Voice’ must be rejected, “Aboriginal activists now want statehood, self-government and an independent legal system for each self-identifying Aboriginal clan that gains native title. And they want the Australian taxpayer to fund it all. This is obviously a program for a radical revision of the Australian federation — all of it in the interests of Aboriginal people, but with no thought about how it could possibly be in the interests of the rest of us.” The history of all this is very interesting (and in fact casts the ‘colonists’ in a very positive light):
The situation in
22/07/2022: This is a great graph in response to the ‘warmists’. As you can see in reality the world has rarely been much colder than it is now:
21/07/2022: Please come back Tim Smith, Bernie Finn etc. We need an urgent change in the Victorian Liberal Party leadership. “The Western Australia Liberals tried this trick before their state election and now they can fit into a Volkswagen Polo. There’s only two members in the lower house.”:
“It takes real genius to have an energy crisis in a nation which is the fifth
biggest gas exporter in the world, the highest value coal exporter, and has the
largest reserves of uranium. In the race to the bottom,
21/07/2022: Pakistan is rapidly heading to becoming the next Sri Lanka but this time run by the Taliban – thanks to ‘Uncle Joe’ Biden. Unfortunately they are a nuclear armed power:
Save the forest, save the pygmies – yet another reason not to buy the latest
iPhone. A few thousand dead in the Ukraine War yet it is in the papers every
day (and we simply must send aid) but a few million dead in the
20/07/2022: ‘Nothing would be more fatal than for the government of states to get into the hands of the experts. Expert knowledge is limited knowledge: and the unlimited ignorance of the plain man who only knows what hurts, is a safer guide than any vigorous direction of a specialised character.’ Winston Churchill: Rainbows and rubber bullets | The Spectator Australia
20/07/2022: Aboriginal history or pre- history is now a completely banned topic I know, but it is much ore recent than you may think. For example we may no longer delve into any details about Mungo Man since he has been stolen and reburied even though he was proved by DNA analysis to have no living descendants. This author delves into the facts of aboriginal origins however and finds many of them to be much more recent than the conventional narrative which sees aboriginals as ‘the oldest living culture’ even though the San of Southern Africa must pip them by at least 100,000 years even if they could prove a continuous occupation of Australia of 50,000 years which they cannot (as Mungo man’s DNA revealed). Some of them arrived much more recently (actually after the earliest European visits astonishingly enough) but mostly we are looking at an arrival circa 3500 years ago. The distribution of their languages proves this point with great certainty. These are (three) astonishing scholarly articles: & &
20/07/2022: Origins of Monty Python:
So, as Ian Plimer has also pointed out (25/05/2022)
19/07/2022: Of course they should lock her up:
19/07/2022: Why stop with the ‘mentally ill’? Why not get rid of anyone you disagree with?
19/07/2022: I have been reading with interest Mater’s historical pieces on the ‘aboriginal question’. Misinformation certainly seems to have been the order of the day on this issue: & & &
You can’t have an effect without a cause (and vice versa). The satellite data
shows the world is (plus) .06C degrees warmer than the 1975-2022 average though
in the tropics it has been (minus) -.36C cooler than the average. This does not
mean that an Ice Age is imminent but it does mean that ‘global warming’ or
‘climate change’ cannot have ‘caused’ anything in the last 50 years – simply
because neither has occurred, nor are they likely to occur because of CO2 which
clearly has about zero effect on the climate. Note that it was much warmer
during the Middle Ages than today (They grew wine in
18/07/2022: How many crimes are down to drunk and stupid:
18/07/2022: Why would you vote for either of these parties? Just no choice but madness:
Where the materials could possibly come from to achieve these absurd ‘net zero’ aims is clearly never a bother for its proponents:
18/07/2022: Why you should be concerned about Postmodernism though it “is total garbage, not based on any kind of evidence or facts, but also not based on logical argumentation or rationality… because the postmodernists reject literally all of those ideas and concepts. Nonetheless, this is what many of your children are now being taught in public schools. They are being taught, just like the postmodernists want them to be, that there is no such thing as truth. They want your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and friends to believe that everything is true, and nothing is true; everything is real, nothing is real; left is right; up is down”
You could also think about how it impacts on ‘indigenous affairs’:
Waterproofing Paper Maps: I know the old John Donne map store in Little Bourke
St Melbourne used to sell a brush on (wax?) product for waterproofing paper
topo (etc) maps called perhaps 'Map Seal' or the like. I admit I have never
used it, or a spray on silicone normally designated for raincoats, boots etc
(eg '
I have betimes laminated a paper map eg when traveling in Fiordland etc - but which makes them significantly heavier!) but for several years now I normally either forego a map, place it in a large snap-lock bag or use a phone app such as 'Paper Maps' and downloaded topo maps such as Vicmaps. Read More:
Floods are what happens when you build your town on a flood plain (without
adequate levies) I note Singleton’s and Maitland’s have held recently. Plenty
of other towns (Lismore?) are yet to get them - though in
17/07/2022: How the ‘real science you can trust’ actually gets done:
You can hardly believe something is ‘safe’ when it has this major effect on 40% of women for example:
16/07/2022: Wide Shoes: If life came with a user's manual and we read it (unlikely - given how little we read other such manuals - else we would not have the acronym RTFM) we would probably give up much sooner. Now that I have slipped gracelessly into old age I am constantly coming across things which had they been in the manual would have filled me with trepidation if not despair. But enough of my woes!
Maybe it was because my left knee has been so worn out for so long and I was walking with such a pronounced and protracted limp but my right foot in particular seems to have been growing ever wider. This has been happening for a number of years. I used to wear size 8 UK Keen Targhees which were more than satisfactory when I posted about them here though I moved up from a Size 8UK to and 8.5UK because of toe problems encountered on the South Coast Track in 2014 walking out to Port Craig as I now recall. Read More:
16/07/2022: How far will this CCP control go and how much will it be copied by puppets in the West:
16/07/2022: Weather Dependency. This is the type if world future the environmentalists see as desirable where all our energy for example will come from such unreliable sources – but the sun doesn’t always shine , or the wind blow. But surely this was the situation not just prior to the Industrial Revolution but indeed before the invention of fire more than a million years ago. Am I alone in seeing this madness as a seriously backward step in human evolution? Wake up people and reject this nonsense before your children are poor, cold and hungry. The (human) world has become increasingly a better place as we became weather independent.
15/07/2022: This is the real scientific evidence that there is no problem with CO2:
15/07/2022: Wonnangatta Murders Revisited: You do have to wonder about Greg Lynn when the case was adjourned whilst everyone prepared more ‘evidence’ for yet more months - in the light of the disappearance of yet another person in the High Country (missing hiker Christos Pittas near Mt Hotham on 13 May).
It would be horrifying indeed if police have the wrong man (as seems unlikely I admit – but they have managed it before eg in the cases of Jason Roberts and George Pell recently for example) but what has been revealed so far anyway about the case is (legally speaking I guess) surely purely circumstantial - even if it seems pretty damning.
I have to admit that when they found the bodies it appeared to me that Lynn must have confessed and told them where they were – but if that had been the case not only would police now know more (eg where the trailer, phones, drones etc are) but he would also surely have pleaded guilty – and we would have been told.
finding of the bodies whilst he was in custody was either a result of
information gleaned from his phone (but why did he, an airline pilot who ought
to know about such things still have the same phone? And would this be
admissible? Surely you have to have the evidence before you arrest someone?) or it may be that they just began to look whilst he was in
custody along and adjoining his supposed route – and the bodies were clearly
not particularly well-concealed, ie there was a suspicious level of disturbance
leading to them, and so they were found at that time. I would have been looking
much closer to the
This route (via Grant) was also (likely) the route taken by the person in the ‘white ute’ whom police had claimed earlier as the possible murderer. – and likely any number of other people including (obviously) the real murderer whoever that was – if not Lynn, as Parks Vic had not bothered to signpost the Jamieson exit as closed, so many people no doubt tried to get out that way, then when they failed continued on towards Grant.
far as we know all police have is
Of course if the Christos disappearance is just the latest in a long chain of unexplained disappearances in the High Country then mayhap the poor old ‘Button Man’ shibboleth will have to be revisited. If more people should go missing things will look even worse:
15/07/2022: The level of outright treason from the Bidens is breathtaking – this is the sort of stuff which used to lead to execution (still on the statutes there):
14/07/2022: There is no place for race in our constitution. People who self-identify as belonging to a race (other than the human race) are the racists. By so doing they invite others to comment on their own appalling statistics of welfare dependency, crime, family violence, drug and alcohol dependency, rent seeking & etc - but that would be illegal in the 'free speech' regime we 'enjoy' - instead of expecting the rest of us to do something other than continuing to bankroll them, they should do something about improving themselves - just as the rest of us quite rightly can be expected to do. Let's have a referendum to abolish the utterly undemocratic Senate instead - that has been long overdue and would do some good – and let’s get rid of the awful ‘preferential’ system too while we are at it which effectively gives some citizens several votes and others only one (depending on whose preferences get counted. It might be a different matter if everyone’s were. For example, in the recent elections none of the Teals would have been elected if Liberal voters’ preferences (a much larger group than any other) were counted (even twice – as compared with some other people’s votes being counted even 8-9 times). ‘First Past the Post’ is fairer.
14/07/2022: Really literally no-one would pay to watch/listen to the ABC, so why do we throw over a billion at it annually:
Good luck taxing the rich when they’re gone.
14/07/2022: One of the most major mental defects is seeing problems instead of solutions. As an example of this real ‘scientists’ eg agronomists and (electrical) engineers long ago ‘solved’ the food and energy ‘problems’ so that it is (relatively) easy to produce enough food and energy to supply the burgeoning world population with a decent diet and lifestyle, and to do this whilst improving ‘environmental’ values. It is not possible to do so with ‘organic’ agriculture which is disastrously less productive. To feed the present world population by this C18th (or earlier) methods we would have to clear all the remaining wilderness – yet still we would have mass starvation. Such scientists have been improving on this and other similar features of the world (transport, health communication etc) for at least a couple of hundred years. You don’t need to stand in the road and stymie their efforts (as recently happened in Sri Lanka for example or as is foreshadowed in Holland, Canada, Australia etc) in order to bring about a worsening of our living standards (and inevitably then of the ‘environment too!)
13/07/2022: Uvalde only gets worse. Now we learn that a police officer was denied the opportunity to take out the perpetrator before he had murdered any children – but what good would that do for ‘gun reform’?
13/07/2022: Yes, this red panda story is typical of climate misinformation – of course ‘all of us’ would wish to ‘save’ the adorable red panda, but save it from what, and is it endangered anyway?
13/07/2022: The world has been being run by clowns. As this energy disaster unfolded Boris was planning to ban wood heating. I think we have a real analogue here with Albanese and Bowen – imagine having a brace of modern-day Caligulas. At least if Anthony ‘fiddles while Rome burns’ it will resonate with the Italian heritage he refuses to recognize officially thus making himself ineligible for office. Gadzooks:
Senior police certainly can get it wrong but this guy
The treatment of Avi Yemeni is another case in point:
12/07/2022: We are certainly very happy we still have a wood fire – but how long before the green zealots come for us:
12/07/2022: How does your ‘classic car’ such as a 90s Land Rover (where every part is available replaceable by a home mechanic) stack up against a ‘modern’ car or the latest EV? There is just no comparison. Your classic car is enormously ‘greener’:
12/07/2022: A fairly dramatic fall in the birth rate. Activists may not need to worry about abortion as it seems that the vaccine may do it for them:
12/07/2022: Zulu – one of my favourite films though I agree with Steyn, it is unlikely it would be made today. Rorke’s Drift remains the single engagement where more VCs were awarded than any other:
11/07/2022: A walk around the world:
11/07/2022: I really hope this is not happening but what experience I have of cyber-bullying and peer pressure amongst the young tells me that it is happening far too much and anyway much moreso than was the case in generations past (eg when people left school at ~15 to take a job as I did) :
11/07/2022: You get banned for stating the bald truth about CO, ie that it is at practically the lowest level ever and only barely above that level needed to support life on Earth. You might not have heard this. I wonder why:
11/07/2022: Just in case you thought the people running the Ukraine aren’t Nazis: &
10/07/2022: The eternal solution. ‘God save us’ from folks who think this way. It used to be ‘limited’ to the religious this having goals which will last ‘for all time’ but the nanny staters and communists who have been/are running the world at the present (and many of those who seek to do so) are forever trying to ‘fix’ things ‘for all time’: legislation, regulations, the environment…on and on to a ‘perfect world’. I don’t think so. I would be happier with an imperfect world with lots of real diversity of thought and organisation where things are allowed to just ‘bumble along’ under the operation of ‘natural laws’ such as ‘supply and demand’ ‘evolution’ etc. I am so sick of the ‘none so pure as the pure in heart’ brigade.
10/07/2022: Get ready for a real boom in Far UVC ‘zappers’ – may be the trendoid investment of the day guys:
Things get worse and worse in
10/07/2022: What kind of sad mad world are we living in that you can’t even feed the birds? Whoever the neighbours, bureaucrats, lawyers and other low-life are who are responsible for this, they deserve an open season to be declared on them. They are the vermin, not the pigeons:
09/07/2022: Soon a drug which will allow you to live to 200. Bring it on:
09/07/2022: Leo Maglen may not have fought against it but I have, all my life, with every fibre of my being – and I continue to do so, “As the last of our parents’ greatest generation pass away, we are now the elders of our culture. Their fantastic legacy, built with hard work, stoicism, great sacrifice, and a high degree of consensus about what they stood for, is what we should be taking responsibility for defending, preserving and passing on to subsequent generations. Instead we have squandered our inheritance. Whilst we grew up in the era of unprecedented economic growth and prosperity they made possible, we have failed to grasp the lessons they taught us. We were too busy congratulating ourselves on our good fortune and enjoying its fruits to remember the old adages that good times do not go on for ever, and that no-one owes us a living”.
The Dutch Government has even decided to expropriate farmers’ land and hand it
over to illegal immigrants – this is the sort of evil you get when you toss
away your national sovereignty and allow yourself to be dominated by green
ideologues. Meanwhile other farmers throughout the EU eg in
Dire News: NB: Shinzo Abe was shot with a home-made pipe shotgun. He was giving
a speech about the defence of
08/07/2022: PC gone mad:
08/07/2022: “The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It's people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do”. Jordan Peterson
08/07/2022: Unfortunately the scouts have always had a problem with pedophilia but this is utterly ridiculous:
07/07/2022: Today’s Darwin Award winner – unfortunately the video is missing:
07/07/2022: "Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em, And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum ." Jonathan Swift:
07/07/2022: “But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
Retreating, to the breath
Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
And naked shingles of the world”. Matthew Arnold, ‘
So, the census now shows that few of us are ‘religious’ and even fewer (still) Christians. Curiously I decided (for the first time this census ) to write ‘Christian’ on my census form because while I am not a believer, I see myself as firmly in the Christian tradition. We have thrown out too much with the bathwater, I think. One of the chiefest reasons for the decline of Christian belief, Christian tradition and ethics is that most of the nominally Christian ‘sects’ have long since been captured by the communists who were long the ‘godless enemy’ – and frankly still are. ‘Wokeism’ in a multiplicity of vile forms has also captured the pulpit (and caused the congregation to flee elsewhere). We now have that situation which Yeats described as ‘The best lack all conviction whilst the worst are full of passionate intensity”. No-one believes anything anymore not least why they should be good – or even understands what goodness is. Seemingly the ‘moral life’ is just a grab bag of eclectic slogans having no logical consistency with each other. There is no underlying ‘rock’ on which a ‘good life’ can be based. The upshot of this is that civilisation will go down into chaos and will not rise again for a thousand years (if ever) - as the vast ruined empty cities which dot the jungles of South-East Asia , the deserts of the Middle East, Meso-America, etc testify is the fate of a civilisational failure.
07/07/2022: I really hope the 40,000 Dutch farmers are the adults in the room who bring the whole evil chicanery of ‘climate change’ crashing down. Just maybe the people would rather the farmers fed them, and that coal, gas and oil producers warmed them, & etc than just wait while the green bureaucrats and pollies bankrupted, starved and froze them: &
06/07/2022: Poem for Today:
W.H. Auden: Roman Wall Blues
the heather the wet wind blows,
I've lice in my tunic and a cold in my nose.
rain comes pattering out of the sky,
I'm a Wall Soldier, I don't know why.
mist creeps over the hard grey stone,
My girl's in Tungria: I sleep alone.
goes hanging around her place,
I don't like his manners, I don't like his face.
a Christian, he worships a fish;
There'd be no kissing if he got his wish.
gave me a ring but I diced it away;
I want my girl and I want my pay.
I'm a veteran with only one eye
I shall do nothing but look at the sky.
PS: I feel a bit like this old soldier guarding the borders against the barbarians, however I feel that civilization is being overwhelmed.
06/07/2022: This is just such feral madness. BTW Della and I had our triple antigen ten year boosters a few weeks ago. Get yours today. I have had this disease and most of the others (save tetanus) from which vaccination now protects us (including even polio and TB). I am very fortunate to be alive, but I can still remember how sick I was with some of them as an infant. Only someone who was madly evil would wish such diseases on their fellows:
06/07/2022: Most of these ‘traditions’ were invented by people still alive today (like Ernie Dingo for example who admits to having invented the ‘smoking ceremony’). “If Australian leftists want to continue inventing Aboriginal traditions, they obviously need to lift the quality of their research. In fact, we would all be better off if they gave away the whole tawdry game.”
06/07/2022: This is the thin edge of the wedge. I certainly hope these Dutch farmers prevail against the ‘green blob’. The ‘madness of crowds’ has to be answered with the sanity of the grown-ups:
05/07/2022: I think people were more likely to do this sort of thing 100 years ago even though there is clearly more wilderness out there today:
05/07/2022: Things you should know. All life in earth basically depends on the tiny enzyme rubisco (Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase) which is what drives photosynthesis. Its productivity can be increased enormously (at least to four times) by increasing the proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere – as people normally do in greenhouses. When there was much more of it in the past there was a vast profusion of life therefore. The quantum of life has reduced gradually as its proportion in the atmosphere declined arriving at its lowest point during the last ice age. We urgently need to add more of it to the atmosphere to prevent the extinction of life in the future if it falls any lower. Folks who style themselves as caring for the life of the planet (eg the greens) ought to be promoting this by eg an increase in fossil fuel use.
05/07/2022: What a lot of racist nonsense all these ‘aboriginal’ flags are. We really don’t need to be divided by any such spurious basis as ‘race’ – a vile outdated C19th concept. Let’s just have the one national flag, please:
04/07/2022: Fascinating, beautiful noctilucent clouds:
04/07/2022: The ‘last testament of George Macdonald Fraser published on the occasion of his death (in 2008) – a must read. There is not much here (if anything ) I disagree with:
Another 100 year old veteran expressing much the same view, “the country is going to hell in a handbasket”:
A harbinger of things to come –
04/07/2022: When I studied High School Science 60 years ago we learned about the ‘Carbon Cycle’ amongst other such ‘natural’ cycles. But NB they were ‘cycles’. Over a period of time carbon was cycled through the world’s natural systems eventually finding its way back to where it had begun. It would be most unfortunate for life on earth (composed as it is of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) if this was not so – else life would clearly (soon geologically) cease. Carbon does get ‘locked up’ for awesome periods of time (eg in ‘fossil’ fuels and even moreso in carbonate rocks (like limestone). Fortunately there are also natural processes which ‘unlock’ it or after a while there would be insufficient to maintain life on earth. After a long succession of Ice Ages this is just about the situation we find ourselves in. It is a moot point whether life itself could survive another ice age when the CO2 in the air was dissolved in the oceans to such an extent as to be insufficient (in the atmosphere) to maintain photosynthesis. The so-called ‘pre-Industrial’ level of aprox 250ppm is just about the lowest limit consistent with life on the planet. In any case life would not survive its falling a further 100ppm whereas there was a wonderful exuberance of life in earlier geological eras when it was in excess of 20,000ppm…“Bjorn Lomborg…shows clearly that the risk of death from extreme weather events in 2020 is a mere 1 per cent of what it was in 1920”
course there is also a Nitrogen Cycle (nitrogen composing 70% of the
atmospehere if you have forgotten and not .04% like CO2). At present the Dutch
Government is so concerned about nitrogen they are trying to shut down farming
(just like
03/07/2022: Who’d have thought – the Jurassic dinosaurs loved the cold, just like the Tuatara. No doubt they were warm-blooded and as woolly as any mammoth:
03/07/2022: So the AEMO has a $300+ billion plan to ‘ditch’ coal and replace it with something which any child ought to be able to see would not work! Great! We pay these idiot bureaucrats far too much. Also, whilst there is zero ‘problem’ with (heat from) CO2 which is wholly beneficial in every other way - note the vast increase in forested areas (and life) as a result of adding it to the atmosphere – an area roughly three times Australia so far over the last approx forty years, if you really wanted to reduce CO2 (a most unwise idea as it might lead to life itself not surviving the next Ice Age - which is inevitable anyway) surely the AEMO ought to be able to see that the only (currently) available technology of replacing it with a reliable power supply is nuclear. Idiots!
03/07/2022: Wadeye – what a terrible place. This is not a solution to anything. We really should not keep such hell-holes going. I for one would not be picking up garbage and s—t left behind by my able bodied students. I would never be a servant. They in turn need to learn (whether they be black white or brindle) that if they want to have a living they need to do something for that living otherwise it should be withdrawn:
When I was a small boy
02/07/2022: Now the Census shows that the majority of ‘us’ are members of the ‘Third Wave’ maybe it is time for constitutional recognition of this group through having their own representatives. I am myself a member of the Second Wave so a completely downtrodden group nowadays:
02/07/2022: The notion of ‘customary law’ (a vile idea) is just another reason to reject the concept of ‘separate development’ in Oz, or ‘apartheid’ as it was once called. Frankly it made more sense in SA – probably still does, as the country is now dominated by one tribe:
I like what the Supreme Court has been doing in the
02/07/2022: If there is so much ‘global warming’ why is it getting colder? The Tropics (for example) are registering down .37C compared with the forty year average. The world as a whole is only up .06C degrees. These are very trivial variations from an enormously stable climate. Why is the climate so awesomely stable? Do you suppose the alarmists have overlooked a huge thermostat which controls the weather? Almost certainly:
01/07/2022: I wonder whether this space-plane will ever fly? I’m sure Al Gore and his associates will want one though:
01/07/2022: These guys are just getting too big. Soon they will be muscling us out of our homes:
01/07/2022: Is there a solution to our electrical crisis? We should listen to the experts. This guy is an expert:
The invasion of the
Some very big fish still in the
Greta’s mess – this is the rubbish left behind at
30/06/2022: Interesting to see a graphic of the kind of limits on abortion folks are talking about. Few people would argue against a ‘morning after’ pill. Most would be OK for the first 4- 6 weeks. After that the situation gets increasingly complex. Clearly after around 20 weeks when the baby could survive birth it becomes a very grey area indeed. You are after all always talking about taking a human life:
30/06/2022: I completely agree with this (and it’s not an improvement), “Christian doctrines have simply been replaced by hard-line secular ideologies, which are frequently more dogmatic, intolerant, and hostile to non-believers, blasphemers, and apostates… ‘What rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?’”
29/06/2022: Well, 1000km on a single charge – who’d have thought?
29/06/2022: Thank you Jim Steele. A ‘must read’. An educated layman’s explanation of how the ‘greenhouse effect’ actually works and why CO2 is not a problem at all, “So beware of anyone telling you that increasing CO2 is increasingly trapping heat and causing a climate crisis. They are either ignorant of the science, or dishonestly manipulating your thinking to advance their political agendas”
29/06/2022: The head of the British Army speaks out – a long read but a worthwhile one. We will ignore him at our extreme peril:
29/06/2022: Listen up Lysistrata: abortion is not contraception. Instead, it is a very serious decision to kill a baby. Should this be a ‘right’ for just one parent though eg right up to the moment of birth? Imagine the furore if only male parents had the right to kill their children:
28/06/2022: Not so long ago we measured our standard of progress by how many millions of tonnes of steel and coal we produced (for example), but the West as been giving up such progress, while China has not:
28/06/2022: Mostly from the poor to the rich as it turns out! “At least the leftist Potsdam Institute’s Professor Ottmar Edenhofer has the courage to say out loud what is becoming more obvious by the day. ‘One has to free oneself,’ he says, ‘from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth’.”
28/06/2022: I think we can learn from the French police:
28/06/2022: What utter bulls—t:
27/06/2022: Oz is back in the space race – a very long while since ‘Blue Streak’:
The Atomic Bomb – it wasn’t just the war against
27/06/2022: Has the great green unraveling begun? One can only hope:
27/06/2022: Yet another ‘aboriginal massacre’ proved an invention:
26/06/2022: Another baby mammoth – soon they will have enough of these little guys to bring them back from extinction:
26/06/2022: Perhaps getting your flu vax is a no-brainer after all:
Justice for Justine? Any day I expect they will declare an open season against
Aussies in the
26/06/2022: Do you suppose Walt himself would support all this gay stuff? I remember both Mickey and Donald only having nephews rather than children but they did both have girlfriends (who strangely enough only had nieces): &
25/06/2022: The sad decline of English. You can tell neither Della nor I is still there:
25/06/2022: Great news for the deaf (like me) I don’t think. What, every time I need to change my hearing aid batteries (every few days) I will have to do so with some kind of miniature screwdriver? Great:
25/06/2022: This is a British Medical Journal study: “The excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest surpassed the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group in both Pfizer and Moderna trials (2.3 and 6.4 per 10,000 participants, respectively)”. Yet such dangerous vaccines were (and still are) mandated and even inflicted on children at almost zero risk from the disease itself:
25/06/2022: In the US they have a coalition of dark political forces people are calling the ‘Uniparty’ and which I long ago called out as ‘fascism’ which defies ‘populism’ or what we used to call ‘democracy’ ie ‘the will of the people’. We have been seeing this in Oz too with the election of the awful ‘Teals’ and ‘Greens’ to so many seats and now with the election of a ‘Labor’ Government by only 32% of voters. These are dark days my friends:
Michael Baume explains how all is not yet lost (though it certainly seems that way):
Meanwhile the Supreme Court’s decision is to let the citizens decide (what the constitution intended). Of course such an ‘undemocratic’ decision will be met with violence and rioting:
24/06/2022: Here’s a neat puzzle:
24/06/2022: The Science is Proven:
24/06/2022: “No good deed goes unpunished.” Why ‘aid’ never works – a must read:
The reality is that every day the Ukrainians are losing hundreds of soldiers.
They have also irrevocably lost the East of their country which is responsible
for 80% of their GDP to
23/06/2022: Chris Bowen is simply nuts. There is no such thing as ‘firmed renewables’ and possibly never will be, however there has been cheap safe nuclear power for over 70 years:
When times get tough people want coal:
23/06/2022: The greens have always been vermin. Surely one day an open season will be declared on them:
22/06/2022: 10 Times Socialism Actually Worked:
22/06/2022: Blame Trump for the recession! I notice we are starting to get the same meme from the Albanese Government here – the disasters they are currently creating were all Morrison’s fault. Of course:
22/06/2022: Finally we begin to learn that the Uvalde school massacre was down to police failing to do their jobs (rather like the LIndt Café siege) or were ordered not to do their jobs. Just imagine they were standing in the corridor outside with loaded rifles and bullet-proof shields with only an unlocked door separating them from a perpetrator who was massacring children one by one:
22/06/2022: We voted for this?
21/06/2022: Maybe they just got old – we are both having difficulty opening jars now:
21/06/2022: Good news I guess, but do I want to know – surely I just forgot where I left my keys:
21/06/2022: It would be very disquieting if one of the purposes of the mRNA vaccines was human sterilisation:
21/06/2022: When will Oz realize we can’t get by without fossil fuels and that huge investment is needed to replace those useless ‘renewables’ with a reliable power supply:
A line by line explanation of the
20/06/2022: “If we want the best for our kids, we can’t outsource parenting for 40 hours a week while they turn our children into little Marxists.” – Kirk Cameron
20/06/2022: Great headline: Earth to Bowen – we need the power on 24/7:
19/06/2022: A robot in your brain:
19/06/2022: Happy 80th Paul MCCartney: &
19/06/2022: Australian prehistory we are no longer allowed to investigate: & &
19/06/2022: Of course Ian Plimer is right: there has never been a single shred of evidence that human emissions cause ‘global warming’ or that it will even be (again) as warm as it was was in the Middle Ages just 500 years ago when they grew wine in Scotland and farmed in Greenland:
18/06/2022: Otherwise known as ‘the blood battery’! A very good question:
Why not use them to back up ‘the blood panels’?
18/06/2022: How poor renewables really are:
18/06/2022: Who would have thought that Keating’s introduction of compulsory superannuation would be a financial disaster:
17/06/2022: Who would want to be a police officer in these circumstances. The policeman had to respond astonishingly quickly:
17/06/2022: God is no longer a man – and other woke follies:
These are the guys who brought us ‘stagflation’ last time – see photo (Jimmy
Carter and Joe Biden). Nothing to worry about here surely:
But consider this, if Joe Biden seriously wanted to
17/06/2022: The cost and replacement cycle of renewables is just astonishing. No way can any country afford this nonsense:
16/06/2022: One lucky cat:
16/06/2022: The engineering and economic costs of ‘green hydrogen’ make this ‘solution’ actually impossible. Think again emerald darlings:
16/06/2022: Yes, “Mental Toughness is particularly worth promoting among the young, a stance that seems at least somewhat at odds with today’s self-care narrative. Says Chawla, “I would define mental toughness as grit. Tenacity. And a fairly big chunk of that is having some discipline over your own impulses—doing things even when your mind is objecting. This idea is now reviled in mainstream culture in favor of approaches such as, ‘be gentle with yourself.’ [But] if you’re always gentle with yourself you will stagnate and grow weak and fragile.” If our goal is to uphold and not erode mental toughness, it is surely unhelpful to applaud iconic role models for extolling fragility”
16/06/2022: Scary: Couldn’t fight our way out of a wet paper bag:
It is all too likely that (as we have almost always done) we are preparing for the last war but not the next:
F Break: F Break is at the end of ‘The Cape’ Road off the
you, no-one much is walking or camping along the beach itself. You can walk all
the way from
is a very pleasant day walk from Harmers
Haven to
15/06/2022: Vitamin D it appears is good for many things:
15/06/2022: As energy prices rocket and shortages increase I suspect for many of us winter will mean huddling in bed together as (poor) folk have done for much of history (or die):
15/06/2022: The Truth about ‘Aboriginal Culture’ – and what happened to it:
Tough times ahead. In the
14/06/2022: Ultralight Towel: Of course the very best ultralight towel is none at all - but you might not enjoy waiting (maybe in a cold wind) to dry off (though you will). It's not so bad in the summertime but can be a tad testy in the colder weather. The same strategy can be applied to clothes washing - and I have done so for many years, ie just put them on wet after I have washed them as best as I can in the river (without soap). Usually I manage to dry them some overnight eg with the clotheslines in my tents, but not always.
They will be dry in around fifteen minutes on your body if they are the (modern) quick-drying type. This is a fairly rigorous regime of a morning I admit. I always dress in my wet clothes immediately before I set out. You do get used to it. Read More:
14/06/2022: When an elephant doesn’t like you, you’d better watch out:
14/06/2022: There are worse things around than covid, the Black Death for example which could make a comeback anytime:
So, do you really think
13/06/2022: Remember ‘Mike’ the computer from Heinlein’s ‘The Moon is a Harsh Mistress’ who ‘wakes up’? Well, his name is Lamda. Seems to pass the ‘Turing Test’ as a sentient. I can’t tell. Can you? I have known any number of human beings who could not give as good an account of themselves as this. Scary stuff: &
13/06/2022: Ingenious DIY Hobo Blower Stoves: &
This ultralight wood stove has been designed to burn damp, wet or frozen sticks with minimal preparation and should burn much better than natural draft stick burning stoves when using wet sticks. The blower creates a very hot fire on one end of the sticks. While providing intense cooking heat, the stove also heats and dries the incoming fuel sticks, so that they will burn easily when they enter the burn chamber adjacent to the blower air jet.
The Large/Single- ultralight blower stove rolls up to fit in its own large pot for backpacking. It will cook one large pot at a time. However, with a bit of rock trickery, it can also heat another large pot. It has an ultralight titanium body and an anodized aluminium pot. The titanium stove can be rolled up and all parts pack up inside the aluminium cooking pot. Read More: Ingenious Ultralight Blower Stoves
13/06/2022: NZ has decided to starve people to ‘save’ the planet. Not long before farming is banned altogether. The wicked witch must go:
13/06/2022: During this cold wet weather it might be good to reflect that bushfire management has been hijacked by the greens so that conservation is gone for good and lives will be lost:
13/06/2022: The Ugly Truth about electric vehicles… Raping the earth:
12/06/2022: DIY Fire Blower: I had been looking at some of erstwhile DIY genius Tim Tinker’s posts, eg Solar Fire Blower, Blower Stoves and USB Fire Blower so I decided to order some 5 volt laptop PC cooling fans from Aliexpress. They cost me US$1.40 each! The 3/4″ (19mm) plumbing fittings were also only 50c or so from Bunnings.
As you can see I have cut one of the fittings down then glued it with Araldite to the cooling fan. I did this so I could attach a roll-up stainless steel foil tube to it (which I did). You could just make the tube by pop-riveting it together as well as pop-riveting it to the fan. This would provide some distance from the heat of the stove you were trying to hyper-oxygenate.
Read More: DIY Fire Blower
Alas, due to PC ours are no
more, but this is how
12/06/2022: And now for the good news:
12/06/2022: Indeed, enough is enough. Some great suggestions here, “Four decades of failure to invest in the infrastructure needed to supply our growing population with basic services like water, power, gas and fuel while unwisely investing our limited capital in the black hole of so-called renewable energy and climate change abatement has left our economy incapable of competing with the rest of the world.”
Viv outs the energy madness pretty succinctly:
12/06/2022: More electric car nightmares – why do people even bother:
11/06/2022: It is a problem isn’t it? While I do believe people should have the option of escaping an intolerable situation (if they wish to) they certainly should not be pressured to do so:
11/06/2022: This is just about always the case with mass murderers ie they are mentally ill, give every indication they are planning to perform such gruesome acts yet nothing is done to prevent them. We already have quite sufficient laws to prevent such things without further compromising the freedoms of sane law-abiding citizens:
11/06/2022: The climate disobediently keeps defying warmist doomsayer predictions. Where did this cold come from? Enjoy the snow season everyone:
11/06/2022: Imagine if lithium is declared an ‘environmental hazard’ (which it clearly is – much worse than lead):
10/06/2022: Just an experiment – apparently Facebook will take this cartoon down as they don’t understand satire, or are just too ‘woke’.
10/06/2022: Long since time to encourage kids to ‘look out the window’ especially at ‘the best that has been thought and said’. If teachers do not ‘lift’ children, maybe no-one will:
10/06/2022: Recession. Hold your hats, here it comes folks. (And you probably voted for it). This is what you get from foolish ‘spend-a-thons’ which did nothing to mitigate a (deliberate) yet slight ‘pandemic’. To think there are millions of young people brought up with a naïve belief in socialism who have never known a recession. They have a lot to learn. Maybe time to start that veggie garden, or downsize the house and car. Ditch private education. Forget about foreign travel and eating out in restaurants: & & &
10/06/2022: Important thoughts about the Western – a genre I love, “But life for an average citizen of the western community—that is, apart from the railheads, cattle towns, and gold strikes—was far safer than life is today in Chicago, New York, or Baltimore… Importantly, the themes of the American West, self-reliance, individuality, cooperation, trust, perseverance and resourcefulness, remain with us as a nation—must remain, lest our culture and the history that made us, be lost. It is a history of both losers and winners, and all the many that were in-between—the survivors. It is a history that now belongs to my grandchildren and should not be forgotten or destroyed by the political ambition of lesser folk. ”
09/06/2022: Paragliding could be fun - a young bird I guess:
A long trip in an EV is just about impossible (and probably always will be).
You have to think about that (greater than 50%) reduction in range, then how
long it takes (relatively) to fill the tank. Think of miles long queues at the
roadside servos. And then if it gets very cold there will be frozen dead folks
huddled in stalled EVs all along freeways. Incidentally they also ‘save’
actually zero carbon when you figure our their total
‘footprint’ – as if that mattered anyway and the world was actually
(negatively) affected by CO2. It was much warmer (and colder) in the past with
and without it. Think 20,000ppms during Ice Ages or the Vikings living happily
in a (forested)
09/06/2022: Unfortunately there is an increasing need for self-protection. The boom in home security products highlights this fact. Police only ever come along and pick up the pieces. They do very little to prevent such incidents if in fact some ‘woke’ police practices don’t even encourage them. I agree that you need a weapon which will deliver multiple very damaging shots quickly. A larger caliber semi-automatic or heavier gauge shotgun are obvious choices. For everyday carry clearly a pistol would be a great idea – but we have been unable to protect ourselves in Vic for nearly a century (after having been able to do so for hundreds of years). During this time crimes against the person have increased hugely. In (future) occasions of heightened (economic) and other insecurity the situation will only worsen. The government does nothing to protect us (quite the reverse) when it denies us the opportunity and right to protect ourselves. Too often the government is the problem, not the solution:
09/06/2022: SADS = Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. This may have something to do with that sudden 21% increase in the death rate I posted about yesterday. You will be hearing more about this:
08/06/2022: Interesting visual illusion. I’m sure the ‘blob seems to grow for you too:
08/06/2022: Why are so many of us suddenly dying – a 21% increase in the death rate would have to be worrying, surely. No wonder the hospitals and ambulances are overwhelmed: I guess over 1,000 excess deaths in Vic so far this year. Not so many as the 1919 ‘swine flu’ perhaps but when we add up the totals world-wide for this artificial bioweapon (when the final tallies are in – whenever) we will see many millions – all down to the CCP and their ‘running dogs ‘ in the ‘capitalist’ West who sought to profiteer and/or gain prominence via them.
08/06/2022: I always find Bettina Arndt to be interesting and refreshing, “Somehow, we need to convince Coalition politicians that they have long been bleeding votes from ordinary folk who have had a gutful of seeing women endlessly privileged whilst the men they love, their fathers, sons, brothers, and friends, are pushed to the back of the bus and at every point denied fair treatment”
08/06/2022: Stranger and stranger: Apparently the BBC has some difficulty with the concept that if you are a lesbian you can be raped by a ‘woman’ with a penis:
07/06/2022: Oldest most famous baby passes:
07/06/2022: 1,000 Starships to Mars. Elon thinking big. Maybe time you read Kim Stanley Robinson’s ‘Mars’ Trilogy too ($6.52 from Amazon: :
07/06/2022: The covid death data is very strange ( For example, can anyone explain why Vic has (if anything) a higher death toll than NSW and indeed nearly half the nation’s daily toll whilst having only one quarter of the population? Is maybe Dan’s wonderful Health Dept not doing such a great job? Indeed, could more be done to reduce this awful toll? Is there any reason really for not ensuring that people have adequate Vitamin D and Zinc levels or are treated expeditiously with Iodine (nasal spray and gargle) on earliest infection and with Ivermectin, Hydrpxychloroquine etc to reduce these terrible numbers. Could Dan actually want us dead? We are up to an average of nearly 20 a day in Vic now (an annualised toll of over 7,000!)
07/06/2022: The WEF, “You’ll Own Nothing. And You’ll Be Happy.” So full of creepy ideas (and people of Scottish backgrounds!) Let’s cancel this awful talkfest:
06/06/2022: Amazing behaviour from bison – I have witnessed similar ‘grieving’ with our sheep. They are not ‘just dumb animals’:
06/06/2022: What sort of state/world are we living in where 2537 children are being completely neglected and 65 have even died? It is easy enough to fix this. It does not need a huge injection of cash, just a return to common sense:
06/06/2022: This young ‘lady’ is going to find getting ‘dates’ a whole lot harder:
This is bizarre: Why for the UN is one mosque massacre so much worse than
countless church massacres? When Moslems have killed 60,000 Christians over the
last ten years:
Here is (just) the latest massacre in Nigeria (alone)
Another 50 people dead. If you Google ‘massacre in
05/06/2022: Taking ‘bending over backwards’ to new extremes:
05/06/2022: A mother showed the kind of courage (and rationality) the police are paid for. Listen to what she says:
05/06/2022: The whole green energy boondoggle is a dangerous fantasy: &
04/06/2022: Why did ‘global warming’ stop as long ago as last century. It’s such a spoil-sport. At least it could wait around until all the suicidal economic measures fail to have any effect:
04/06/2022: Demographic change is a killer. Actually I am astonished that ‘average’ family incomes anywhere are nearly $120K – where did we miss out?
04/06/2022: “It follows that, if it happened now, net zero emissions would result in death by starvation of several billion people.” John Reid:
03/06/2022: Happy Birthday Pebbles:
Hundreds of elderly patients are presenting and many dying from hypothermia (in
their own homes) in
Now Dan’s fracking ban starts to bite as well:
03/06/2022: Once we could have saved ourselves in 15 years – now, I’m not so sure. We have not trained a single nuclear engineer this century:
03/06/2022: Yes, when 19 people are murdered the real facts are important:
02/06/2022: Go, Johnny, Go:
Divide and rule in ‘
02/06/2022: A painful birth? Is there anything you can not do to ‘save the planet’:
02/06/2022: Auron MacIntyre’s ‘Rise of the Midwits’ is an astonishing revelation:
01/06/2022: After the sausage finally dies… “land no longer needed for meat production could be used towards progressive ends, such as the creation of worker-owned farms, returning land to Indigenous nations and peoples, rewilding, and other conservation uses” It is unclear though whether these good folk will be paying us for our Jeeralang hills or whether anyone else actually wants to do the work of looking after them:
Why can’t the folk of
It is a very different ‘diverse’
31/05/2022: Destroying a 1,000 year old forest to build wind turbines to protect us from an imaginary (CO2) threat makes me both sad and angry:
31/05/2022: Undoubtedly the worst thing the Liberal Party has done recently is to expel Bernie Finn. It needs more such principled conservatives, not fewer. The National’s dumping of Barnaby is another such folly:
31/05/2022: 14 lessons from the Uvalde tragedy: Even more significantly:
Of course schools can be protected (like banks):
31/05/2022: Heinlein’s crazy years: Man dressed as woman in wheelchair shouting "think of the earth" hurls cake at Mona Lisa painting.
30/05/2022: Not nearly enough data (yet) really – eg the average age/health status of the victims. Still 1740 dead this year (only four months of 2022) is a lot: The greatest wickedness is that (still) long-established prevention and treatment are not being widely used. These elderly people are often still poor in zinc and Vitamin D for example which would help prevent respiratory infections. They also do not have access to cheap effective remedies as the first line of action ie, Betadine nasal spray and gargle (to reduce viral load) and eg ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine which have both been shown in hundreds of studies to reduce illness and death rates.
Cannon-Brookes really intends to close down the
remaining coal-fired electricity generators ASAP. He has clearly got control of
AGL today. This is the same strategy which eliminated the mountain cattlemen in
Vic, ie basically greens buying up assets then closing them down. Unless there
is public or government intervention (unlikely now) this will quickly result in
electricity shortages and economic collapse which will blight the rest of our
lives. Wake up
God (or the Govt) help us if MIT don’t know: “To enable economical long-duration
energy storage (> 12 hours), the DOE should support research, development,
and demonstration to advance alternative electrochemical storage technologies
that rely on earth-abundant materials. Cost, lifetime, and manufacturing scale
requirements for long-duration energy storage favor the exploration of novel
electro-chemical technologies, such as redox-flow and metal-air batteries that
use inexpensive charge-storage materials and battery designs that are better
suited for long-duration applications. (Emphasis in
original.). The feds will “support research” into “novel technologies,”
of course using the infinite money pile, and the
technology will magically appear. And what exactly is the technology that will
then emerge to rescue us? They have no idea” :
(Long) before you decide to mandate something you need to know that is actually
feasible. To power a large city (
29/05/2022: Another problem with electric windows. I think people are just too enamoured of electrical gadgets. I predict that the fear of being incinerated/drowned will seriously affect the uptake of electric vehicles:
29/05/2022: Still (Always?) playing ‘catch-up’ on Defence:
How much truth is there in the story of
29/05/2022: One week out and the Labor Party still doesn’t have a majority. It is looking more like an awful Labor-Greens coalition:
28/05/2022: Fawcett’s lost cities of the Amazon really did exist:
If only we were a little more like
28/05/2022: Forget about giving more power to commie shill Tedros: &
28/05/2022: In Oz our security services manage to prevent many of these horrific incidents because just like these latest two incidents in the US there is frequently prior warning, but we are now 24 hour surveilling around 1,000 folk (that we have been told about): &
Wow! That was close! What a hero though:
27/05/2022: A Japanese man now identifies as a dog – you can be whatever you like:
27/05/2022: What the world ‘needs’ right now – a carbon footprint tracker and carbon ‘rationing’, but not of course if you need a personal jet to fly to Davos: Remember back in 1972 when we had ‘just’ 10 years to save the planet:
27/05/2022: You thought it was over? PS: You can now have Novavax as a booster if you refuse mRNA vaccines.
27/05/2022: Realistically the DIY FGC-9 semi-automatic spelled the end for gun control measures. Mental health measures (as well as better - especially school - security) might just be more useful in preventing awful disasters like Uvalde. We are not immune here in Oz: Imagine there being no-one (and no thing) in the school to prevent (or respond to) such an event. Imagine also the police waiting outside preventing eg parents from entering – remember the Lindt Café siege - (for an hour) while the maniac murdered the children until he was shot by an off-duty border officer!
26/05/2022: The Thanatosdrakon “dragon of death’ with a 30 foot (10 metre) wingspan – sure glad this guy isn’t still around here:
26/05/2022: Can you believe Bob Dylan is 81? Oh, we are getting ancient here at Jeeralang Junction too:
More about the Jan 6 conspiracy – the
The tyranny of climate compliance: The cheapest new car in Australia (at
present ie May 2022) is the Mitsubishi Mirage (Drive away A$17490) approx 700
km range:
Say you drove it for twenty years (300,000km) then threw it away. Annual
(capital) cost is $1500 per year. Most of us can afford that. For comparison,
the Jones family ‘normally’ buy a second-hand (often damaged eg by hail) car
for around $1500 with around 150,000km on the clock. We usually have little
trouble driving them for a further 150,000 km (or ten years!) without spending
any money except on tyres, oil, spark plugs, filters, brake pads, shockers
perhaps – all work done myself. I have a paddock full of them as proof! They
are probably still worth $500-$1000 so let’s say an annual cost of approx $100
per year – at most $150! We have been doing that for forty+ years! The cheapest
electric car in
Cats: I have been wondering about them. We haven’t had one for very many years
ourselves (though I quite like them personally) and also have a vermin-proof
fence so foxes are excluded (even though I admire foxes but do not appreciate
them eg eating all our lambs). Like everyone else we have had a rodent plague
(especially this year) which other predators (owls, hawks etc) have not kept up
with. I have been wondering whether the ‘demonisation’ of cats is at all
justified. A few years ago I discovered (evidence from the WA government’s cat
and fox baiting strategy)
that targeting foxes alone ended up causing a larger (90%!) drop
in native critters (because of the build up of cats whom foxes also predate)
than actually doing nothing. This rather surprised me. Over there they decided
to target both together and developed a bait for cats (unavailable in the East
apparently). I have always noticed that cats kill a really lot of rodents – at
least ten times (I reckon) the number of birds they also unfortunately do take
(one of the reasons we don’t have one). However, we have had this dreadful
build-up of rodents and possums (and because someone is feeding them) of
kookaburras. All these things are known dreadful predators of birds. Many small
birds have almost disappeared from our garden (despite the vermin-proof fence).
Eg we have not seen a wagtail for nearly two years. The last one/s we saw were disappearing down the maw of the kookaburras. I am
actually wondering whether the anti-cat strategy is actually harming birds because
of the build-up of these other nasty predators which cats would help to
control. Rats and possums (particularly) eat a huge number of eggs and baby
birds. PS: I notice the emerald folk are now calling for the banning of rodent
poisons – if successful, that should add a further disastrous element to this
ecological apocalypse! I really hope
25/05/2022: Apparently there are people who didn't realise this was satire.
25/05/2022: Another Earth – maybe somewhere to go to get away from this mess:
Demographic change is a killer – in the long run it will be more of a killer
for Labor if the
Libs decide to man up and concentrate on winning the hearts and minds of real
working Australians, “the Coalition now holding 16 of the 20 poorest federal
seats. From the
These are people who weren’t born into wealth but work hard to create financial security for their families. They care about energy costs more than emission targets. They care about their children being properly educated rather than indoctrinated in school. They love their country and are not embarrassed by it like so many privileged and self-loathing Greens and teals”
24/05/2022: The Liberals were warned (repeatedly), ‘Go Woke, Go Broke!’ Why you should subscribe to The Spectator even just the free to read three articles per week edition (however it only costs $4 a week for full digital access). If you had you would have received this (Double Shot) gem today by Alexandra Marshall,
Liberals were warned (repeatedly), ‘Go Woke, Go Broke!’ If nothing else, this
federal election served as a reckoning against the soggy, wet, gangrenous
Liberals sitting in wealthy
As for voters, what happened on Saturday was entirely predictable. It has long been said that Climate Change is a death cult. Its architects have spent years terrifying children and guilt-tripping their wealthy parents. The only thing left to do was sit this guilt-ridden privileged class in front of a polling booth and offer them a way to ‘virtue signal’ out of sin. It was like dropping a coin into the collection plate. One vote – guaranteed saviour status. The consequence of this selfish action will be felt by the poorer electorates next door who already struggle to afford the necessary energy to heat their homes in the freezing Winter that isn’t supposed to exist.
All of us must pay extra tax to sate the original sin of fantasy climate guilt, but when the apocalypse fails to manifest and all the sacred relics and priests are de-frocked, a different sort of blue sea will rise. Editor Rowan Dean said it best on Sunday morning, ‘Scott Morrison and the Coalition did not lose government last night. They lost it on November 1 last year, when Scott Morrison stood in front of an adoring crowd of climate cultists in Glasgow and committed Australia to the ridiculous pledge of “Net Zero by 2050”.’
Conservatives have tough years ahead of them, but according to some commentators, this may have been the election they needed to lose in order to expel the wets and rebuild the base. As for the Teals, Greens, and Labor, the problem with building the foundation of a political party on a fiction with an imminent deadline is that the deadline will come to pass – and then what? As Andrew L. Urban writes, Climate Change is the wolf that isn’t there. While Climate Change’s use-by date sits a few years off, Kristina Keneally finally failed her way into oblivion (we hope), managing to lose one of the safest Labor seats around. Thank heavens for small miracles”.
You would also be able to read this subsequent excellent piece by Alexandra:
Steve Kates is also always worth a read. I particularly liked his quote from
‘Bruce’ from
That’s because the voters demand this stupidity. The MSM demands it. The whole of the nation is stuck in a lemming-like race to disaster which only a literal disaster will crack the people out of.
The Covid arc illustrates this. You had guys like McGowan immensely popular for converting his entire state into a prison camp to save the people from a virus so innocuous that people often don’t know they have it. It took two years of disaster – closed businesses, lost jobs, lockdowns, vaccine injuries, masking and elderly parents dying alone for the people to suddenly, overnight, get over it. Now the pollies don’t mention the virus and it’s like it never existed.
The people haven’t yet gotten to this point on the climate scam, but they will once the pain really amps up. Which it is just starting to, particularly electricity and fuel prices. But with the elites all Believing like religious fanatics even that’s not going to be enough. Saving the world syndrome is a very powerful hubristic drug. It may take a full-on political apocalypse to stop these people saving us from an apocalypse which isn’t happening”:
24/05/2022: You have some power after all, How to hide your house on every map app:
Already – a link between Monkeypox and the
23/05/2022: The Life & Adventures of John Nicol Mariner, 1822. You should read this (for free) He came on the Lady Juliana (1791) so has interesting first hand observations of early Sydney Town, particularly the behaviour of our ‘indigenous’ denizens whom he found utterly reprehensible:
23/05/2022: They told us this?
23/05/2022: A (bare) majority Labor government with less than one-third of the primary vote! I think this though really was ‘the elephant in the room’. There was zero mention during the election campaign about the ‘climate’. Had there been the outer-suburbanites and rural folk who need to be able to drive cars, have electricity, air cons, wood fires, sheep and cattle and maybe a holiday somewhere else some day would have shouted a big negative ‘No!’ against the greens and like-minded dim-witted people, just as they did when Tony famously admitted that ‘climate change is bullshit’ – as it is. We need a seismic shift to the right in politics, and a lot more truth. Perhaps now the Libs have divested themselves of most of their green fifth columnists it may happen. The older I get the less I want to live in what the world has become. :
22/05/2022: Should we send them a reply?
22/05/2022: Monkeypox (a smallpox variant). Is it another ‘gay plague? Anyway the WHO missed it:
Just so sanitary. Forget hand sanitisers and masks:
Remember how they tried organic agriculture in
Will our next PM be Dutton or Hastie?
21/05/2022: The ‘democracy snags’ at Yinnar were so good I may go back and vote again a couple of more times. In retrospect I see I should have bought a lot more of them – before they are banned because…cooked on gas, made from beef, methane emissions, etc, etc
21/05/2022: It begins - if you haven't voted yet , do so now. Remember back in 2013 (under Labor) how there were over 100 illegals arriving every single day. since Scott not a single one:
21/05/2022: The Voyage of Pytheas:
21/05/2022: Just a nonsense idea in the first place. We have been able to manage (approx 50-80 year) rotation of sustainable logging in state forests for 150 years whilst preserving the very critters which are now being moved into ‘National Parks’ protection just to be destroyed by vicious uncontrolled wildfires. The greenies really do hate the bush:
21/05/2022: That was a good idea then (This is no ‘junk’ study either). New Study Finds mRNA Vaccines Actually Hurt Long-Term Immunity to Covid Compared to the Unvaccinated:
Furthermore those awful masks actually increased your risk of death. Great:
21/05/2022: Even on election eve the almost the largest single voting bloc is people who say “a pox on both your houses”. 29%. A record by a long shot. Neither the pollsters nor anyone else can say where all these people's preferences will end up. I am one of them and I know but there are several million others and only a handful of us need to swing one way or another. It is obvious to me that we cannot risk another government dominated by the Green nightmare but it will be an interesting night tonight: One thing I note, the changes to the Senate voting system (clearly intended to make it harder for minor parties to obtain a ‘quota’) could just as easily lead to the last couple of Senate places failing to get a quota at all! So what happens when (after successive half-Senate elections) the Senate is still undecided? I for one am heartily sick of the two major parties colluding in this way (as they have with several changes to the voting system over the last few years) to ensure that one or other of them has to form government. Such collusion is in fact fascism.
Unfortunately Steve Kates is right. Let’s hope he is not also a Cassandra:
20/05/2022: Soon from Apple ‘augmented reality’ ie the reality they want you to see:
20/05/2022: How would we fare in an intergalactic war? I think Stephen Hawking was right – we should keep a low profile:
After electing left-wing governments in the
Do you want a liar as PM, someone who isn’t even eligible to stand (because of his dual citizenship): Someone who has never had a job (other than with the left wing of the Labor Party)?
20/05/2022: So it seems our ‘masters’ pocket huge sums in Swiss bank accounts so Pfizer & etc can experiment on us:
19/05/2022: When a frog tries to mate with your boot we know something is wrong but when a human male tries to mate with someone other than a female we see it as the ‘new normal’. Oh come on:
19/05/2022: Elon will need to get a much better bargain if he buys Twitter:
19/05/2022: This ‘pandemic treaty’ will end our national sovereignty and hand control of us over to faceless WHO bureaucrats – not to mention the CCP: Australia set to sign Geneva’s Global Pandemic Treaty | The Spectator Australia &
Notice how the WHO has stopped the spread of monkey pox for example:
19/05/2022: Morrison on Government: “It’s time to get the hell out, time for you to get your life back. You’re in charge again, you’re back in the driver’s seat, you’re sick to death of state governments and everyone else telling you what to do.” Exactly. You know that’s all you’ll get with the socialists. A reminder: Penny Wong as Number 2! “Australia did better than any comparable advanced country through the pandemic, with the lowest fatality rates, the fastest economic recovery, and has one of the lowest inflation rates at a time of rising costs of living globally.That doesn’t happen by accident…You just have to see the disasters Joe Biden has wrought in America after 16 months to see how fast an incompetent government can wreck your life. ”
18/05/2022: Is it a doorway on Mars – sure looks like one but they would have to be tiny people. Nature is full of surprises:
18/05/2022: When diversity isn’t so good:
18/05/2022: Classic Albo: “I don’t run away from Press Conferences":
18/05/2022: Long-term climate data such as the Central England temperature Series (1661-2021) clearly shows there is no ‘climate crisis’ – indeed no man-made climate change at all:
18/05/2022: Choose freedom not socialist control on Saturday. Surely you recall the difference in approach between the Liberal and Labor states over covid (NSW vs Vic for example) . Dictator Dan here in Vic is just Anthony Albanese writ small if we give him the power federally: I liked Tony Abbott’s new motto over the weekend: Vote Lib for “lower taxes, more freedom, better defence”.
17/05/2022: What a gutless incompetent tool Albo is – he won’t release his costings (Thursday) until the Libs can’t reply with any advertising about it. How contemptuous of the Australian people can you get?
17/05/2022: Food shortages – something real to worry about for once:
17/05/2022: It’s not just his memory: Albo is seriously dumb and just can’t do sums. Why would you want this retard in charge of your country?
17/05/2022: Sky News host Sharri Markson says this election is “neck and neck” and it is not a “certain victory” for Labor. I hope she is right:
17/05/2022: The Buffalo Shooter’s Manifesto. This stuff is scary, but one cannot help but notice that it is also a frightening response to ‘multiculturalism’ and other such social experiments aimed at the break-down of what had been our civilization to this point (the Western tradition, the rule of law, Christianity, the family, etc). ‘Other races’ are not the issue but ‘other cultures’ or the decline of culture and civilization generally. He is without a doubt (like Tarrant, etc) a creature of the extreme Left though he has been characterised (as is also usually the case) as ‘right-wing’. He went to the supermarket to shoot ‘black’ people but ended up shooting ‘whites’ as well. NB though this guy threatened such an attack nearly a year ago – ergo, it should have been prevented. Mainly (by a long way) you should realize it is blacks (and Moslems) shooting other people though. Much less is made of such devastating events: &
This guy is quite right though – such crimes certainly merit the death penalty, quickly and without undue fanfare:
16/05/2022: A million-fold increase in computer speeds would see the human race become redundant:
16/05/2022: Don’t you just love ‘anachronisms’? eg:
16/05/2022: That YouGov poll the other day alarmed me too but with a sample size of 125 per electorate it is just a nonsense – besides who answers the phone to these anonymous people any more? Labor voters apparently, probably because they are more credulous. The election will be decided by those ‘undecided’ voters who certainly don’t vote early. Besides, as the Lib’s ‘campaign opening’ yesterday shows, Scott still has a few tricks up his sleeve:
16/05/2022: “This pandemic treaty is the greatest power grab any of us has seen in our lifetime”, Neil Oliver. If you did not know, we are rushing to sign up to yet another international treaty ceding our sovereignty to unelected international bureaucrats:
15/05/2022: 45 years: Gone for a very long walk indeed:
15/05/2022: Seriously worrying: Are the Covid vaccines killing people over time? The data suggests yes:
15/05/2022: That Bastard Albanese? A man who still lies on his electoral nomination form that he doesn’t know who his own father is - even though he has explained extensively to the ABC that he does and has met him and now claims to be Italian - is not fit to be PM: & NB: Several years ago (You remember?) every other ‘dual citizen’ had to resign &/or repudiate their other ‘citizenship’ or they were not eligible to hold office – but not Albo apparently.
14/05/2022: A magic weight-loss pill? Maybe not. I know that for me (most folks I suspect) it's always too many calories:
14/05/2022: ‘Too dumb to be PM’ - Of course this is true Michael Kroger – the guy can hardly talk and can certainly not hold a fact in his head for a minute. You would have to be as dumb as dog s—t yourself to vote for such a Bozo. My guess is that the huge ‘undecided’ mob (27% at least) are not that dumb: And have you thought for a minute about the nightmares life would be like under a Labor-Greens Government. Here’s just two examples: &
14/05/2022: “Keeping you safe and sorting out the lies is your job” (not Twitter’s), Bill Maher. We have always been surrounded by lies and propaganda of one sort or another. Each ‘side’ will always say that the other’s ‘lies’ are ‘false’. Up to now you had (and were allowed) to make up your own mind – a difficult process I admit, but your essential freedom to choose; now Facebook, Twitter, Google etc can do that onerous chore for you. Some thoughts from Victor David Hanson to make you wonder:
13/05/2022: You know the world has gone completely mad when Madonna gives birth to a tree: You can even ‘win’ a 3D model of her vagina: & Yes, it’s true:
Do we want to become like
13/05/2022: Good advice, “Never trust people who are called experts by others or who call themselves experts. Almost all have an agenda. People should question everything they are told, especially if the source is the media, the government, entertainers, or educators” :
13/05/2022: The evidence keeps pouring in showing the utter failure of all COVID mandates yet we have wasted billions and lost our precious freedoms over them – all for nothing!
12/05/2022: A New Knee: As you may know I have been having trouble with my left knee (especially) for quite some time – around nine years in fact. I have tried just about everything to make it better as the posts I Kneed You, A Cure for Knee Pain, & Knee Cure News will make clear to you, but finally it became too much and I just had to ‘bite the bullet’ so to speak and go for a complete replacement. Read More:
12/05/2022: "The greatest evils in the world will not be carried out by men with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks." - C. S. Lewis.
12/05/2022: May have to get one of these jet-packs as I am certainly not walking up mountains as quickly or easily as I once did:
12/05/2022: The perfect murder - if only he had hired an excavator:
Personally I just can’t believe the polls – an Albanese Government would be an
economic disaster, just as the Andrews Government has been for
09/05/2022: Holy Cow:
09/05/2022: Ask yourself: Do we want a repeat of these clowns – and a leader even worse than Ju-Liar?
07/05/2022: What if we have been profoundly wrong about children:
For example:
Should we have a nuclear war over
Lakes Entrance: It’s lovely to take a day off during the warmer months and spend
it driving up and back to Lakes Entrance (Gippsland). Because of the awful
fence they have now built down the middle of the road between
A refreshing walk across the bridge at Lakes to look at the beach and study the bird-life is just about de rigeur but mostly we go up so we can buy a heap of fresh school prawns from the fishing boat there. They usually cost around $25 a kilo but they are the very best prawns you have never eaten. We always by a few kilos so we can have a few really good feeds over the next few months. Somehow we never buy enough and always run our before the next summer! Della and I managed to eat a whole kilo between us for tea!
They are so much more delicious than the ‘cardboard’ prawns you are used to eating from the supermarket or fish shop. They take my mind back to when I was a small boy growing up around the shores of Lake Macquarie NSW nearly 70 years ago. On balmy summer nights I remember going out in the moonlight trawling for ‘greasyback’ prawns in the shallows with a purse-net strung between two tomato stakes in the tepid water with my father, Lawrence and his brother Ken – both now gone over fifty years ago. We would boil them (lightly) up in an empty 60 lb honey tin over a driftwood fire and devour them (with a billy tea accompaniment) until we were utterly and delightfully replete and then fall asleep on the seagrass along the foreshore – all houses now of course, but you can still do this sort of thing in less developed spots around the Gippsland Lakes which hopefully will never be spoiled as those beautiful lakes along the NSW Central Coast have been.
07/05/2022: A print of this painting has been on my bedroom wall for maybe 75 years. I had never been able to determine what it was before but now (thanks to the magic of Google – and Della) I know it is by this guy George Philibert Charles Maroniez 1865-1933. I can see that I can buy a hand-painted reproduction (not this painting) for A$433.85 delivered which I think I will go with – though I would dearly love a better copy of the one I have which my mother must have cut out of a magazine when she was decorating my bedroom before I was born. He did many similar paintings some of which can be bought for $5-10K. I may also consider that. It is unlikely that they will reduce in value after all.
07/05/2022: Interesting thoughts about ‘the spectrum’:
07/05/2022: Yes, Pauline is right about Albo’s ‘housing plan’. It is a plan to remove home ownership, not to enable it:
Can’t afford to buy in
07/05/2022: More bad news about mRNA vaccines (like Pfizer and Adenovirus vector vaccines like Astra Zenica) - stuff that was concealed all along behind a push to conform. This has so harmed the traditional vaccine approach which is what should have been used all along. Too much new stuff rushing at us from all directions:
PS: We are apparently still seeing that ‘excess mortality’ - in younger groups:
07/05/2022: Sterilisation yet? Don’t I remember safe, effective and available contraception happening somewhere back in the 60s? Did I miss something? Isn’t there a huge unmet demand (from already sterile couples) to adopt ‘unwanted’ babies and to provide them with very good lives – and hasn’t this been the case in fact for generations? I can agree to a ‘morning-after’ pill (especially if women have been raped), even to procedures up to say a ‘fetal heartbeat’ point (ie about six weeks in – usually plenty of time to find out whether you are pregnant surely? - If you did not know, not just if you changed your mind) but there comes a time (then) when the child within also must be deemed to deserve protection (from homicide) just as other human beings do. A baby (let’s please call ‘it’ that) can survive from around 20 weeks (if born). This will become earlier with the perfection of ‘artificial wombs’. After that point surely only the lives of the two people concerned are relevant (not ‘wishes’ or ‘convenience’). I get that women ought not be forced to continue with a pregnancy if it will actually kill them, but then maybe often the baby can be induced and raised rather than being chopped into pieces and killed (for preference). The ‘pro-abortionists’ have to move away from the issue of ‘women’s rights’ and consider ‘human rights’ (ie the rights of the child – and father too) and face the fact that what we are arguing about is whether any form of murder (Yes it is) should be legal:
06/05/2022: It was not an ambush: Rachel Bexendale & Greg Brown in the Australian today: “Ahead of a lunchtime speech to the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in which his team had indicated it planned to speak of building upon Labor legacies such as the NDIS and after he made reference on Wednesday to Labor’s ‘six-point plan’ Mr Albanese was asked to outline the six points.
six points are what we will do, in terms of, was outlined by Bill Shorten,”
(sic) Mr Albanese replied.” As I said before, ‘Not fit to shovel shit upon a
06/05/2022: The war on childhood – ain’t it the case: “The ancients sacrificed children to the fires of Moloch while progressives sacrifice them to their passion for wokeness”:
Andrews’ deficits – did you take a serious look? He took Napthines’s $17
billlion surplus to an $18 billion deficit in one year and has since then
nearly doubled it. He has doubled the spend on public
servants (again from $17 billion to $34 billion – easy to see where some
savings can be made there folks, and how to get rid of the deficit!) We now
have (from no debt) a whopping $167 billion debt, already $10 billion in
interest payments per year – god knows how much in future as interest rates
soar, as they must. We simply no longer have the money to build new power
stations (even though we have not built one since 1983, probably in your entire
lifetime) and soon they will all have to close because they are worn out – and
then where will the electricity come from – from ‘extracting sunbeams from
cucumbers’ as Gulliver observed? We need to build four simultaneously - imagine
where the money or the workforce for that could come from. There will be
blackouts for the rest of your lifetime. And you are maybe thinking of electing
an Albanese government which will be worse –worse even than Ju-Liar’s and
dominated by the same ‘Teals’ and Greens as hers was. This man cannot even name
the key points of his darling NDIS scheme – an area of the budget his last
awful Labor government under Ju-Liar thrust on us out of nothing, but which now
consumes more than Defence! If you can’t actually explain the barest details of
your largest spending area of your budget you are “unfit to shovel shit upon a
06/05/2022: Mass starvation – that’s what the Greens want (No animals, no fishing or fish farming, ‘organics’, an end to scientific agriculture…sure that will work out really well):
‘2,000 Mules’ is out. Surely after seeing this no-one will be able to deny that
05/05/2022: So you want to skydive from space. Alan Eustace jumped from 40 km up in 2014 – and lived:
05/05/2022: Can you still remember when our (scarce enough) water resources were used to boost agricultural production – and foreign exchange. (That's enough water to irrigate 4,000 acres - 20 square km by - the way):
05/05/2022: Should you ‘be kind’? “The Nazis, in one of the great ironies of history, believed that what separated the Aryans from other races was their kindness to one another and to animals… While kindness is the slogan, the Trojan Horse of the ideology is the triple strategy of equivocating speech with violence, subjectivism and the weaponising of mental health… This is why statues are being pulled down around the world; why people with what were, until about five years ago, moderate views are called bigots; why supporters of free speech are called Nazis” A very thoughtful essay:
05/05/2022: You can have the crippling debt of the NDIS (up $10 billion every year for the next four according to the budget, ie more than the projected total cost when it was introduced less than 10 years ago) or you can have this – or just maybe there is another way. (‘Everyone’ works). Strangely I remember that in the 1950s when one could have expected that there would have been a larger proportion of ‘invalids’ because of WW2 but it was lower than 3% instead of the greater than 10% it now is – and that’s not to add in the large cohort on ‘unemployment’, ‘supporting parents’ etc:
04/05/2022: DIY Tents: In this post I thought I would pull together my ‘adventures’ with making my own tents/shelters over the years. My experience has evolved from utilising simple tarps/ponchos as shelters to creating a variety of tent ‘prototypes’ in Tyvek often followed by a lighter silnylon model (which I then take up the bush to try out).
I have learned a lot in the DIY process which I highly recommend to you. It will save you lots of money and (finally) result in a better shelter than you would otherwise own from a camping store. It is also very likely to be lighter and more functional, as well as being easier to put up and harder to fall down! Read More:
04/05/2022: How many times do we have to prove there is no climate emergency:
04/05/2022: Stop worrying about whether your kid is gay – is s/he even human?
‘We’ are at war with
03/05/2022: A Cool Dry Back: The Vaucluse Cool Dry Frame. This looks like such a good idea and may well work. It is a open hexagonal frame intended to sit your pack of from your back an inch or so to allow air flow and (hopefully) prevent that nemesis of all backpackers, a wet back. You will have to pay for a dry back. It is US$97.95 plus shipping (May 2022).
Rather more than the $3 model I tried out here A DIY Dry Back Hiking Pack (which also worked by the way, but it was a bit awkward). I bought some approx 3 mm carbon fibre tubes intending to make a lighter, slightly more functional model but it has not happened yet. Read More:
03/05/2022: Pegasus – scarier than a flying horse: &
03/05/2022: How prescient Margaret Thatcher was 40 years ago:
03/05/2022: It is hard to imagine anyone worse than the Greens, but here they are – and they may well determine who is the Government after the election:
03/05/2022: Just so many mysteries in life:
02/05/2022: Wow! How promising is this:
Yes, one should ‘blame the victim’. It is a person’s behaviour which determines
his/her life. Little else (but luck). The
William Ernest Henley - 1849-1903
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
02/05/2022: Those future food shortages just got a bit more real. You only have to look at what has happened in Sri Lanka to see that ‘organic’ would mean widespread starvation ie approx 30% less food world-wide:
Further, Get ready to give up lamb and beef:
02/05/2022: Not news really but this Chinese virologist confirms the CCP deliberately released the virus and did so in order to destroy Trump and the American economy:
01/05/2022: DVOs are issued too easily without any attempt to see the other side – sometimes they actually exacerbate the problem. You would think that the party they are being taken out against would have some chance of defending themselves at the outset and/or that the allegations being made have some truth in them – but this is not so. I know about this as we had an unstable neighbour last year issue one against us because they did not want to pay their share for a dividing fence destroyed by a sudden flood event – even though it was covered by insurance. The proveably false statements on it (which were not investigated) could have even resulted in their being gaoled (if we proceeded to a court trial) but in the end we negotiated a settlement with them when they realized that and that they would suffer enormous financial harm if they persisted. The whole process anyway cost many times more than a new fence would have and delayed the replacement fence for many months. Also we were denied access to our firearms for months (during lambing) and lost many lambs we ought not have and had thousands of dollars of other unnecessary costs. We were also subjected to daily police checks. We could be very bitter about this. I can only imagine how much angrier one might be when such actions are undertaken by someone whom you had until then trusted and loved. Bettina’s article (about the awful Hannah Clarke murder/suicide) is very worth reading, eg “Last year I interviewed a former police officer Evelyn Rae, who explained that she dealt with many more false allegations of violence than real cases. Rae said police everywhere are aware that most protection orders are issued to women falsely claiming to be violence victims to gain advantage in family law battles…The shameful secret carefully hidden by our mental health authorities is that family breakup is the number one cause of suicide in this country” :
01/05/2022: After Wentworth & etc where are conservatives going to pick up seats to win government? (Perhaps where Labor is losing them in the outer suburbs). Or is it ‘The Deluge’. Anyway, God save us from Penny Wrong and Adam Bandit. NB: “Values aren’t buses … They’re not supposed to get you anywhere. They’re supposed to define who you are” : &
30/04/2022: Clever - Printed Circuit Bird Synthesizers:
30/04/2022: President Zelensky Insulted By Biden’s Offer Of Only $33 Billion In Weapons When He Gave The Taliban $86 Billion:
30/04/2022: Love them or hate them, the Libs are good economic managers:
30/04/2022: When the government creates a ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ you don’t need to think ‘conspiracy’ is just a ‘theory’:
29/04/2022: What a Bogler: I just bought a new trowel which I am very happy with, a Bogler Ultralight Trowel. Mine weighs 13.45 grams on my scales. It is made from (hardened) aircraft-grade aluminium. It is intelligently designed so it does not wear a hole in your hand which is a decided improvement on most such things so that if you ever need to use it to dig for water in a dry river bend or behind the dunes or dig up tree roots for water & etc you may actually not die of thirst (or bleed to death!) before you succeed. Also good for digging for fish bait (worms, beetle larvae, etc.) Read More:
Back to
29/04/2022: Elon Musk’s reflection on the direction politics has been going – indeed this has been happening pretty much all my life:
Just look at how much coal
29/04/2022: When I read in the papers Hanson would be preferencing against the Liberals I thought she had lost the plot…then I read her explanation. Time to wake up conservatives and be true to yourselves instead of trying to chase the socialists down their own rat holes :
28/04/2022: Peter Dutton is right, ‘If you want peace, prepare for war’:
28/04/2022: I don’t think I will be swapping any of my Landies (with 1000km range plus jerry cans) for 350 km:
28/04/2022: In praise of Longfellow:
The Village Blacksmith
a spreading chestnut-tree
The village smithy
The smith, a mighty man is he,
With large and sinewy hands,
And the muscles of his brawny arms
Are strong as iron bands.
hair is crisp, and black, and long;
His face is like the tan;
His brow is wet with honest sweat,
He earns whate'er he can,
And looks the whole world in the face,
For he owes not any man.
in, week out, from morn till night,
You can hear his bellows blow;
You can hear him swing his heavy sledge,
With measured beat and slow,
Like a sexton ringing the village bell,
When the evening sun is low.
children coming home from school
Look in at the open door;
They love to see the flaming forge,
And hear the bellows roar,
And catch the burning sparks that fly
Like chaff from a threshing-floor.
goes on Sunday to the church,
And sits among his boys;
He hears the parson pray and preach,
He hears his daughter's voice
Singing in the village choir,
And it makes his heart rejoice.
sounds to him like her mother's voice
Singing in
He needs must think of her once more,
How in the grave she lies;
And with his hard, rough hand he wipes
A tear out of his eyes.
Onward through life he goes;
Each morning sees some task begin,
Each evening sees it close;
Something attempted, something done,
Has earned a night's repose.
thanks to thee, my worthy friend,
For the lesson thou hast
Thus at the flaming forge of life
Our fortunes must be wrought;
Thus on its sounding anvil shaped
Each burning deed and thought.
27/04/2022: I would probably prefer a .410 shotgun-cane myself but this might do in a pinch:
27/04/2022: Understanding the importance of coal:
27/04/2022: How long before all of us live this long:
26/04/2022: After twenty years and many billions on ‘immortality research’ we are still dying:
26/04/2022: Let’s talk about the immense benefits (to life on earth) of increased CO2:
26/04/2022: I agree with Rowan Dean, “When asked what people wanted of their leaders at the next election, overwhelmingly the answer was ‘to be left alone’” :
26/04/2022: “Not a single ‘environmental prediction’ of the last 52 years has come true”. Time we stopped paying any attention to these loonies and just got on with it:
25/04/2022: The CCP certainly does endorse Albanese (as the Lib ‘attack ads’ indicate) and this is because he has always been a communist stooge:
25/04/2022: “It turns out that the impact human emissions on the CO₂-concentration is relatively small. In his calculations, only 17 ppm (less than 15%) of the total increase is due to human CO₂. The vast majority of the increase is the result of the increased global temperature” :
25/04/2022: Strange bedfellows: Putin’s soldiers celebrate conquest of Mariupol shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’:
25/04/2022: Fighting above our weight – remembering the Battle of Kapyong (71 years ago yesterday):
24/04/2022: Maybe Elon will manage to bring down the Big Tech conspiracy to rule the world:
24/04/2022: The dragon is no longer sleeping: “The simple, chilling truth is that the CCP is doing everything in its power – mostly via economics, technology, diplomacy, and the media, not yet via military power – to destroy our way of life”:
24/04/2022: As if you didn’t know, “Fossil fuels are making Earth a better and better place by providing uniquely low-cost, reliable energy to billions of people”:
24/04/2022: Tetanus vaccines last at least ten years (and up to 60) but the fake covid ‘vaccine’ does not even last two months (and seems to be even doing a lot of harm, possibly more than the disease):
23/04/2022: Important new information for men:
23/04/2022: Jennifer has a very sound point about sea level fall here. You only have to open your eyes just about anywhere to see it:
23/04/2022: Electricity prices have doubled. Without coal (or nuclear) we may not be able to afford electricity in the future. These green crazies pushing this insane agenda must be stopped. Build new baseload now:
23/04/2022: Viv Forbes is totally right – we must win the war against the ‘green slime’ now or be lost forever:
Just a ‘for example’:
22/04/2022: Sounds very promising:
22/04/2022: You don’t say? So, no climate crisis then:
Even Greta agrees:
I find this quite sickening – a harbinger of the West moving to adopt
20/04/2022: I have long noticed that the left seems to want a return to some ‘golden’ past (such as medieval times - or anyway pre-industrial). This Rouseauean ‘noble savage’ nonsense is really quite dangerous. The Agrarian Revolution, industrialization and capitalism has issued in an era of incomparable benefits to mankind:
20/04/2022: Thank goodness someone (Katherine Deves) is willing to stand against transgender nonsense. (and well said Jacinta Price). “Does anyone actually believe that men change into women and women into men who can give birth, that the Earth is burning, the seas are rising, and we’ll all perish unless we cover our faces with strips of cotton?” (David Mamet in American Occupation):
19/04/2022: Nice bit of gear. I see some civilian uses for them too:
The truth is hard to take - “
Shanghai again. Something very strange is happening here. The Cantonese have
always been the soft underbelly of the communist regime. Maybe that’s what’s
going on - a harbinger of regime change? You may remember that the Delta
variant arose in
19/04/2022: George Washington: ‘Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master…Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth…The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments…The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves…’
18/04/2022: Ah Bess, what a great lady you are: “In contrast to the current crop of pygmies we have as world leaders, she is the last remaining island of permanence and stability in our age. She will leave a yawning chasm when she is gone”:
18/04/2022: Obviously not farm kids:
18/04/2022: Just saying, but I suspect castration (or death) would work better as a deterrent (and be a fairer punishment):
18/04/2022: When Age Poll discovers you are a dead duck:
17/04/2022: New tricks in electronics:
17/04/2022: I want my country back too. For example, our feed and grain store in Morwell (MacRoberts - a third generation business which heretofore had not missed a single day) has been closed for weeks because of a completely spurious useless onerous vaccine mandate:
17/04/2022: Too true: Peta Credlin's great expose on Anthony Albanese:
16/04/2022: Watch out – carnivorous horses:
16/04/2022: Yes, time to take cobalt out of lithium batteries:
16/04/2022: Modelling vs reality:
16/04/2022: So, not enough that the cops let the protesters in but they were led in by undercover Feds:
15/04/2022: Taking a balloon ride to the edge of space. Same view – much more affordable:
15/04/2022: “You can put lipstick on a hog and call it Monique, but it's still a pig.” Besides, Albo could not lie straight in bed. Unless Labor can come up with something/someone better than this before May 21 they will spend another three years in opposition (but God save us from Penny Wong!):
15/04/2022: Trust the expert:
15/04/2022: The green energy transition which will not work. Already we have backup household generator/s here at Jeeralang Junction because we regularly lose power (about once a week for some time, and at least once a year for days!) This has been brought about because of the failure to replace Hazelwood with reliable base load generation (coal/nuclear – there is currently no other alternative). The situation will get worse as other coal generators close (Liddell, Yallourn etc). Then we will have brown-outs and blackouts everywhere very, very often. This situation will continue for years as it takes years to build base load generators even after the decision has been made – if it is ever made. The lunatics have been and still are running the asylum. This has to stop:
14/04/2022: Albanese – so smart: “Solar panels on the roof charging your vehicle overnight.” Thank goodness the Labor Party has a leader as useless as this guy – else they might have some chance of winning. Even that old Leftie Tom Uren described him as a ‘young Trot’ in his autobiography. Look, Albanese is an unreconstructed commie whatever ‘conservative’ disguises he may try to put on. Worse than that (even) is that he is clearly an idiot who struggles to talk:
14/04/2022: What a great idea – and to think, once I didn’t believe in censorship:
14/04/2022: I suspect these 1,000 dead athletes (including Shane Warne) are only the tip of the iceberg – what we don’t know (for sure - yet) is whether ‘the cure is worse than the complaint’. Hopefully it is not, but remember this, ‘Hope’ was the last of the evils to be released from Pandora’s box:
Social ‘experiments’ have real-world consequences. Vote for the Left and you
will get economic chaos (as the figures out from the
13/04/2022: Sustainable nuclear fusion edges closer and closer:
13/04/2022: Putin’s energy policy and strategy over the last 20 years makes him look a lot smarter than most of NATO:
13/04/2022: The Bee is right – this trans evil must end:
13/04/2022: 536 AD: Something like this can happen again any day and no amount of ‘global warming’ hype or hysteria will have any effect on it whatever – imagine across China alone 80% of the population died:
12/04/2022: It is not getting warmer stupid. It has not been for thousands of years. This was always a commie lie. Let’s all move on with our lives, build some new power stations, buy an SUV and an aircon and have a nice holiday somewhere via jet travel:
12/04/2022: The Touch of Contagion. One thing I really liked about ‘the pandemic’ was the way people stopped touching you. I have always been stand-offish from when I was a child, so this suited me just fine. I value my personal space and am very choosy about who is welcome in it. My wife of 50 years for example. My (grown up) children on special occasions. Pretty much no-one else. I really valued not having to shake hands. I have always hated that ‘trial of strength’ thing which so many men (particularly) want to turn it into, and my increasing finger (and thumb) arthritis has made it mostly a painful and unpleasant custom. The faux hugging which (what?) morphed out of English soccer/gay culture (I don’t know) I have always found utterly repellent. I rarely hug (anyone) so why I should want to hug (pretty much) total strangers or simply acquaintances (when I would pretty much never hug my trusted long-term friends and rarely even family) is a total mystery to me. I deplore the pressure to conform to this particular unpleasant tactile torture. One should not be thought ‘unfriendly’ if one simply does not want to embrace. I believe I can show that/if I trust and like you without such superficial shows.
12/04/2022: Steve Kates is quite right – if we want to throw our country away we should elect the (pro Chinese) communist Albanese who will flood the nation with illegal immigrants and so weaken our defence we will soon not have a country at all (after he has wrecked it some more with other crazy leftie/welfare & etc policies):
There has never been so much media, it appears to be so much more live and
immediate than in the past, but the Left’s ‘march through the institutions’ has
destroyed its credibility, making it almost worthless – a vehicle which could have
been so transformational in human betterment lies in the gutter. The average
(conservative) citizen’s trust of the media is unlikely to be very different
from what we see in the
11/04/2022: On Peter Walsh’s Death on this day in 2015: He was Finance Minister in the Hawke Government. He was possibly the last economically literate Labor leader. Comparing him to the commie rabble running the party now evokes the cry, ‘Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.’(Dante)‘Walsh was not selective in his hatred of rent-seekers and protectionists: He despised trade union leaders as much as he despised farm and business leaders for their special interest pleading. And he was just as withering in his critiques of the environmental movement’s anti-growth agenda….He abhorred the rising influence of the environmental movement on the Labor Party and wrote that “since the 1980s Australian Labor Party policy has been incrementally hijacked by well-heeled, self-indulgent, morally vain and would-be authoritarian activists whom the media often describes as the intelligentsia”.’ From his obit in the Australian.
11/04/2022: E-ink displays for your phone are just around the corner promising huge improvements in battery life:
11/04/2022: Maybe not so bad after all - Scientists Finally Have Clues About What We See When We Die:
11/04/2022: The 1911 9mm is a classic gun for self-defence – why can’t we all own one here in Oz:
11/04/2022: One thing Putin did right:
10/04/2022: Mysteries of aluminium foil:
10/04/2022: Private space travel (at US$55 million a ticket). I guess I won’t be going soon:
10/04/2022: She’ll be right mate: In 2021 coral cover, snow cover, forest cover, rainfall and river inflows increased:
10/04/2022: We have needed to implement something like this in Oz for nearly fifty years. Let’s do it now:
See Also: Why Australian Teachers Preach Green Rubbish:
09/04/2022: This could be the biggest (and smallest) discovery of the C21st:
09/04/2022: Aussies are not convinced by climate alarmism, so let’s ditch it:
09/04/2022: Probably illegal even to say so but long since time we recriminalised non-hetero sexuality in public – as well as its advocacy and support. This woke agenda has already done enormous damage to society (as I long predicted it would). This evil cant be allowed to continue to destroy our children and our society any further:
08/04/2022: Another threat to diesel supplies – this will have vast downstream effects if it plays out:
08/04/2022: Everything about the pandemic was BS but we just had to destroy our economy, our future prosperity, our freedom – you name it – and it should never end:
Who knows what the truth is about what is happening in the
08/04/2022: Folks have been in gaol for this for well over a year but now the first accused is acquitted because police invited the invaders into the Capitol building:
Just as global warming goes away in
07/04/2022: Yes there were war crimes, but why were there:
07/04/2022: What possible reason could there be any more for this draconian restriction. Surely our nation is not a prison colony any more:
What’s happening in
06/04/2022: Ultralight Windscreen or Chimney Closure: This is so far a 'proof of concept but it will soon be a new model of my diy ultralight roll-up titanium stove/windscreen and may be incorporated into sections of chimney for my ultralight tent stove as it will be so much easier to roll up - and there is nothing to get lost. We will see.
I will make the tags longer than this. I stupidly cut it off. I also needed to allow another 1/2" of overlap. You can cut the slot with the super-scissors/snip they sell everywhere after you have drilled two 1/8" holes the correct distance apart. I needed to be a bit more careful about this.
Nonetheless I am very pleased with the idea. it is simple yet strong. It would work fine in .05mm foil which is all you would need for a windscreen alone and would make a pot screen less than 10 grams weight.
I think for my 4" high hobo stove three of these tag and slot joiners will make a very solid connection. I can add additional slots so that the stove can fit outside the pot or inside the pot.
A little experimentation has shown me that the .1mm foil is more than strong enough to support the weight of a 2 litre pot full of water. I use an 1100 ml pot. Read More:
Clearly the Libs are way ahead on Defence – the big one that really matters
06/04/2022: “With enough demographic change, it is possible for new countries to take the place of old ones, and new countries require new histories.”
06/04/2022: ‘Everyone’ is upset about the ‘end of democracy’ in Ukraine but let the real destruction of democracy in the 2020 US election just slip by – but there is vast evidence of a stolen election, millions of votes:
06/04/2022: 40 years of satellite records show the average temperature almost never varies by more than half a degree, usually by no more than one tenth of a degree – clearly the earth has a thermostat,:
05/04/2022: It’s the sun stupid:
05/04/2022: You would hope so anyway:
Anyway better that than this:
05/04/2022: Interesting read - The war on gold:
05/04/2022: Maybe we just don’t understand Putin’s strategy – an alternative view:
04/04/2022: Some hope this morning that common sense will prevail:
Governments (everywhere – except perhaps
04/04/2022: “But despite his past as a left-wing warrior, the Albanese opposition is playing the small target game (and getting away with it) by “me-too-ing” everything, from nuclear submarines to tax cuts.” – just like Kevin Rudd did too, if you remember. But please remember how, once he was in power all that changed, then morphed into Gillard and the Greens, the whole silly season mess! Let’s vote conservative, then Liberal second with the Left very far down the ticket:
Note for example these two (same day) ‘news items’. Albanese wishing us ‘Happy Ramadan’ – thanks a lot for that: contrasted with Tony Abbott reflecting on the real achievement and importance of (yet another) free trade agreement (none of which would ever have happened under Labor) this time with India:
Our greatest PM on the way forward in the
I could add a few dot points to this agenda (to save
Our best PM on war: “We have to make the war that’s unthinkable to us for moral
reasons, unthinkable to them for prudential reasons. We who shrink from war
because it’s morally wrong have to make others shrink from war because they’d
likely lose” (delivered three days before the invasion of
03/04/2022: Bushfire management – how the ‘experts’ are so often wrong – and with what disastrous results. The people tasked with protecting our crown lands are effectively destroying them:
03/04/2022: Scary stuff – our ‘education system at work, “A survey commissioned by the IPA published last week asked 1000 people “if Australia was in the same position as Ukraine is now would you stay and fight or leave the country?”
Forty six per cent said they would stay and fight, 28 per cent said they would leave the country and 26 per cent were unsure. Just 32 per cent of those aged 18-24 said they would stay and fight and 40 per cent said they would leave the country, 28 per cent said they were unsure.
more (35 per cent) of those aged 25-34 said they would stay and fight while 38
per cent said they would leave the country, 27 per cent were unsure. A clear
majority in those age groups therefore indicated they would either run or were
undecided about defending
02/04/2022: Announcement: Liberal Fact-Checkers Have Ruined April Fools' Day – and a lot else besides. Just about every day the news headlines sound like April Fools Day:
02/04/2022: Rat Colony Beneath D.C. Disgusted To Find City Infested With Politicians:
02/04/2022: Le Pen may get over the line this time – that would be an early swallow:
A little war in the
01/04/2022: Ultralight Survival Made Easy: I decided here to update the post The Complete Survival Guide (which you should still read) as it had become a little out-of-date in the three years since I wrote it and I had since written many other useful pieces of advice which I could incorporate in a new post, which this is.
I might have also called it, ‘I tell you we’ll astonish the new chums to see how we travel the land’ after the refrain from the old bush song The Springtime it Brings on the Shearing. (I also mentioned this song in the post Johnny Cakes – which you should try).
And it is a good point because these itinerant C19th bush workers with their swags (or blueys) were wonderful experts at ultralight journeying over the vast distances of the Australian outback which would put to shame any of our current generation. Suppose you wanted to make your own.
I remember reading ‘The Cattle King’ by Ion Idriess when I was a youngster about our great Aussie icon Sidney Kidman – and you should too. You can buy it from Amazon from $8.99. It is just quite wonderful. I believe Nicole is a remote descendant. I think Gina now owns much of the remaining Kidman ’empire’ – another wonderful ‘self-made Aussie hero, so it remains in Australian hands.
Even as an old man (like me) he would regularly leave Adelaide with just his saddle horse, pack horse and his cattle dog and within a few short weeks have crossed the entire continent through the trackless (often waterless) wilderness to the Gulf of Carpentaria – all by himself, and did so many, many times. Old hands still tell of how he would just appear in the darkness sitting by their campfire as they yarned over the billy. Read More:
01/04/2022: Why you should not try to rob a gun store:
Heinlein’s crazy
years – the
01/04/2022: A Missing Link - I have often wondered at some similarities of ideas amongst the Pre-Socratics and both Buddhism and Confucianism. No we learn that there was indeed intellectual contact at the time (c250 BC):
01/04/2022: What is truth? I don’t know Scott, you described Zelensky who came to power in a coup in 2014 and has recently outlawed opposition parties as a ‘beacon of democracy’ but figures seem to show what the Russian people are 80% behind Vlad Putin:
31/03/2022: Hunting Tales: You will find many, many posts in this blog which mention hunting (particularly sambar deer hunting which has been a passion of mine for much of my adult life) but there are many more which are relevant to the art and skill of hunting.
I have been a hunter since I could walk over 70 years ago now as were several generations of my family before me. Hunting is a great good. It has been valued as such by most of the people who have ever lived for over a million years now. You can ‘deconstruct ‘ values all you like – it would be mighty strange indeed if they were wrong!
Some other posts which you might explore which are relevant to hunting are my many posts about woodslore and survival, my posts about DIY gear, some of my canoeing posts…often other posts contain anecdotes about hunting or relevant advice.
These posts will not be your ‘conventional’ hunting yarns with a dead critter at the end. While that might be the ‘end’ of hunting. It is only a small part of this great sport. They will very often be something quit different from what you are used to, but I hope you enjoy them. Read More:
31/03/2022: Energy from nothing – what we have long thought impossible has apparently been done NB: his may one day work for your phone but it is unlikely to ever be grid scale. However, it does reveal that nature still has many surprises in wait for us:
31/03/2022: “The IPCC statement that “The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible” appears to be true:
In a similar vein, the climate past is far from settled:
31/03/2022: “Of the 32 (kindergarten) students I teach 20 of them have come out as LGBTQIA and have come out to me” – I seriously question the ‘right’ of teachers to discuss such private (and adult) issues with their students. I think I would be more in favour of removing such teachers from the classroom altogether. Surely there is no sane society where such matters are core curriculum:
31/03/2022: My sentiments exactly - Mad, bad and dangerous to vote for, “Put simply, when ideologues demand power but cannot maintain it politically because they are cruel ideologues that destroy what they touch, expect more of their insanity to follow.”:
30/03/2022: DIY $4 & 20 Gram Roll-Up Titanium Stove: I have just completed making this titanium version of my roll-up hobo stove (as threatened here) and the carbon fibre cosy to go with it. I started with a 500 mm by 100 mm piece of titanium sourced from Aliexpress for less than US4. As stated in my earlier post You can buy the titanium foil to make the 20 gram one from Aliexpress for A$3.87 delivered. I have marked off the circle/hexagon for the fire door here. Note the ‘V’ at the bottom and top so it will roll up and fit in the billy. The circle is 2 1/2″ (62mm) in diameter. The door is 1/2″ from the bottom. You can build it with just a pair of craft scissors, a drill and a pop riveter. I use stainless steel rivets so they will not melt. Here it is complete. Read More:
30/03/2022: The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife – we will be hearing more about this in the future depending on how much info is suppressed: As in So much we still don’t know about the origins of ‘the world’s greatest religion’ and about the historicity (or otherwise) of Jesus himself.
You would have to be nuts if you think there isn’t a ‘
Meanwhile, sanctions that work?
When the Japanese arrived in the Solomons (during WW2)
29/03/2022: Other Uses for a Garbage Bag: Many of you no doubt use a trash bag as a liner for your pack – which is a great use for them. As a spare ultralight raincoat is another. Still another is re-purposing one as a pad inflator (bag). I almost never carry the inflator bag (because of the weight which came with my sleeping bag, preferring to dry it out properly when I get home and taking the chance that mould etc will shorten its life – but I am incurable.
You may prefer to make yourself a less than one ounce bag inflator with a trash bag and a bottle cap. You can use an ordinary drink bottle cap or if you hunt around you will find an even lighter alternative. Read More:
Mighty Oaks: A lot of PC here (as compared with a single C19th French shepherd
who famously reforested tens of thousands of acres with oaks in
29/03/2022: If the mRNA ‘vaccines’ were never vaccines (as is now revealed) what was their purpose? I am so glad I resisted them. We stuck to Astra-Zenica and would now choose Novavax, if indeed we would not have been better off to just simply stick to known preventions and cures (some of which were made illegal in some jurisdictions by their medical establishments). I suspect what I had for months last year and which I cleared up with Ivermectin was in fact covid anyway. Lots of similar symptoms anyway. Likely Della had it (asymptomatically) too. We will never know. What a boondoggle this whole farrago was. There are certainly rumblings (of info) that these vaccines are having some very unpleasant downstream effects indeed (increases in cancers, AIDS-like symptoms etc particularly after multiple jabs). Let’s hope it doesn’t pan out to be true:
Surely this is proof that it is weakening their immune systems too:
No doubt Clive is right (ie he would have died). How many other less fortunate folk have indeed died because of unnecessary and draconian interventions by the likes of Dictator Dan who should be indicted and executed for crimes against humanity:
29/03/2022: Has to be a good news story, surely?
29/03/2022: Absolutely right Alan Moran, You can't save the world with Net Zero. Such green fantasies will have exactly the opposite effect:
70% of Australians don’t even want to send $1 a week to reach net zero yet such a policy would cost trillions be hugely economically and socially destructive. We must cease this madness forthwith:
28/03/2022: Ultralight Ratchet Tie Down: Here’s a handy little gadget I picked up from Bunnings yesterday for A$14 per pair (Mar 2022)
Each 6′ (1.8 metre) tie down weighs 44 grams. Each metal hook seems to weigh about 10 grams whilst the plastic ratchet itself weighs only 14 grams so that if you wanted to dispense with the hooks for weight you could. You could also substitute a different length/weight of 3 mm cord if you wanted a device which was longer/shorter. I can envisage numerous uses for such a device including a secure means of attaching your pack to your pack raft or hauling your shower into the air from a branch.
They also come in 2.4 metre lengths. Read More:
Further evidence
28/03/2022: Fortunately other things have eclipsed the ‘climate strike’ but I have to agree with the author about the quite dreadful manipulation and corruption of the children involved:
28/03/2022: An interesting anniversary I missed a couple of days back. Reminiscent of events in that part of the world today?
3,000+ Years! You just can’t challenge
27/03/2022: Responsible Sambar Deer Hunting: As I recover from my total knee replacement operation (five weeks now -and going well so far, thank you), every morning my attention is drawn to this sight outside my kitchen window. I know as a responsible farmer I should not allow this guy even to exist, but no-one is perfect - and it is so cute and will soon succumb to some awful disease anyway. (The blackberry also craves attention).
NB If you took a second or two to see the rabbit (I would have seen it instantly) it is because you are not ‘looking through’ but ‘looking at’. This is the most important hunting skill, and the first you must master.
He first cleans himself diligently then lies in the sun on his tummy like that for over an hour every morning on a little platform he has constructed under a shrub on the slope behind the house. This is a well-established habit. All creatures fall into a pattern of such habits - even human beings. A moment's refection of your daily routines will cause you to admit that you are no different in this than your wild brethren. The successful hunter can utilise careful observation and such recurring habits to ensure success in harvesting nature's annual bounty for the table.
And that is what responsible hunting is - it is not pest management. Its goal is not the eradication of some undesirable feral species but the careful nurture and management of a noble creature and desirable food source. Just as a farmer (such as me) manages his flocks to ensure that they increase and multiply each year (and are healthy and content) to the maximum extent of the available food source so that in autumn when that food supply begins to decline they will be sent off to market for the benefit of other people's tables rather than slowly starve as the lean times of winter hit. This is nature's cycle.
Read More:
Golden Earrings (1947) – what a ripper of a film. Ray Milland’s segue of facial
expressions on seeing the earrings in the first minutes of
the film is one of the greatest acting feats of the cinema:
PS It is available on
27/03/2022: A New Birth Control Pill for Men. This could be interesting – but will women accept that you have taken it?
Now seems clear the Bidens (father and son – 10% for ‘The Big Guy’ if you
remember) actually funded the biolabs in the
Also note How the ‘Trump Won’ Movement Will Be Vindicated:
27/03/2022: Of course I think they are useless bird and bat chomping monsters which will never produce a net watt of electricity but absurd isn’t it? We lived nearly half our lives within 5km of the (late - alas) beautiful Hazelwood Power Station (when will we have the courage/sense to build a new one?) which was definitely a noisy old (1956) thing. I could often hear it roaring from our house (not quite all the time, though when we first came here my hearing was such that I could hear a low moan from its chimneys most of the time) but I accepted the small inconvenience as the price we paid for having such a wonderful service (electricity) at our fingertips – and all the economic and social benefits for millions of Victorians that ensued: &
You would think the Government and the IPCC would have been on top of data like
this (as with similar unreconstructed thermometer records going back to the
C17th some places – and other historical data, some much older), but they are
captive to a climate change scenario and myth so it is up to citizens to
correct the record. You will note that the record wet and dry years are now
pushed back to the 1850s. I have no doubt that the same thing would happen with
temperature records if earlier records were counted in. We can see this already
eg in the Cape Otway Vic historical data and in the earliest
Visual Hiking Oxymoron- please don't make these
bizarre ankle breaking wildfire causing stone
26/03/2022: Are you a woman – twelve signs to look for:
If only it wasn’t so sinister:
26/03/2022: Aside from the ‘mean girls’ fiasco and Albo’s massage parlor antics the Labor Party has other chickens which have still to come home to roost:
26/03/2022: Now even the New York Times admits that the Bidens are crooks surely their demise is imminent. This dreadful fake ‘Presidency’ will not last beyond the mid-terms (in November). (I include the awful Kamala Harris in this). Democracy may even re-emerge in the ‘Land of the Free’:
26/03/2022: Once you go to the ‘real science’ you can trust it. Understanding it is more difficult! However, in this example, “IPCC’s goal (aside from frightening the public) is to determine the ECS, the Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity, which is the surface temperature rise (∆Tsurf) due to a doubling of CO2 concentration. They are free to speculate, of course, but they are intellectually obligated to see whether their ECS makes sense. All they have to do is to apply the Stefan-Boltzmann law to their predicted temperature rise.
If they do so, they will find out that 16.4 W/m2 (for a 3oC) rise in radiative flux is violently in contradiction to the 3.71 W/m2 of “radiative forcing” that their models say causes that 3oC temperature rise. They are free to come up with an explanation, but they first have to apply the Stefan-Boltzmann law to their ECS. Maybe in a few more decades, IPCC will make this discovery.” One thing is certain: ‘The Science’ certainly seems to cause mass hysteria:
25/03/2022: NIKE Releases New Women's Swimsuit With Extra Space For Male Genitalia:
25/03/2022: This Romanian MP is (unfortunately) so right. You can’t be a great light for democracy when you threw it all away over covid. Much of the West’s reaction to Putin is of this nature. You have a very short memory if you can’t recall Dictator Dan’s treatment of our citizens and ‘freedoms’:
25/03/2022: An outstanding family – putting your money where your mouth is:
25/03/2022: It appears as if for one generation at least, the covid mandate was worse than the Vietnam War: PS: I recently lost a (young) friend in this way - a few (older) in Vietnam too, of course in the ‘normal’ way, & It certainly appear as if it was the vaccine (mRNA) and not covid. Let’s hope this technology is not a ticking bomb.
I don’t know what to make of this message I received from a friend. It would be truly horrifying if true, but there is a lot of this stuff out there:
24/03/2022: Now two advantages of Antabuse: you don’t get blind or blind drunk:
24/03/2022: A very interesting new drug – good news for the elderly:
24/03/2022: Giving a big cheer to the Daily Wire:
24/03/2022: No way to confirm this story, but hubris and over-reach are the bare bones of tragedy:
Vlad ‘fueled’ the greens’ war on fracking (even though just about everywhere is
sitting on a virtually infinite supply of cheap gas). They are gullible fools
after all, eager to take anyone’s money so they can destroy ‘capitalism’:
Who is in charge of our governments? Vladimir Putin or the people of
23/03/2022: How Randomized Control Trials really work:
23/03/2022: 5,000 exo-planets so far – how many more once James Web becomes fully functional? Still only the tip of the iceberg but what is becoming clear is that planetary systems (around solar masses – and elsewhere even) is the norm. It would be hard to imagine that life has not arisen on some of them and that indeed in some places that it has not evolved into intelligent life (even on earth?):
23/03/2022: Proof: All for nothing – no change in human CO2 enmissions will make the slightest difference to the climate: “Anthropogenic CO2 is virtually constant compared to the seasonal variations of the natural sources and sinks. The monthly anthropogenic flux change is much smaller than the uncertainty in the net global monthly flux changes. Therefore, there is no support for the claims about anthropogenic CO2 driving the annual changes. The seasonal natural source fluxes swamp the anthropogenic sources. Eliminating anthropogenic CO2 would have a negligible impact on annual increases, which is why the pandemic lockdowns had an imperceptible effect on the global atmospheric concentrations. I do not expect even draconian reductions in anthropogenic CO2 to have the kind of results claimed to justify eliminating fossil fuel use. The annual growth in CO2 is a result of increasing natural sources that is not compensated by commensurate increases in sinks.”
23/03/2022: Good Lord – the Ukrainians are castrating captured Russian soldiers, but they are ‘the good guys’? That’s about as bad as it gets. When did you last hear of prisoners of war treated thus? As I have said before I’m not about to throw away any of my lives fighting for either side in this war, however if you really expect ‘right’ to be on your side you should perhaps make a little more effort to distinguish yourself eg as being pro democracy (instead of outlawing all opposition parties - some with 43 member in Parliament and also fighting the Russians) as Zelensky has just done. One should note that he came to power in 2014 in a coup ousting the elected government and has failed to have ‘free and fair’ elections since (particularly in the ‘disputed’ territories). Then there is the issue of his secret NATO bases, the Biolabs, and work being conducted on developing nuclear weapons – all these things clearly aimed at making an attack on Russia in the future (under the aegis of Nato etc). At present I see Zelensky as somewhat of a Macbeth figure willing to see his country destroyed (less he be) or ‘wish the estate o' the world were now undone’ as Macbeth says. Vlad is certainly not a good guy’ either and ought not be visiting the horror we see daily on the people of Ukraine, but there are always at least two sides to any conflict : & I suspect that this is too much to be hoped for, “There is, therefore, only one true solution to the cycle of tragedy. As the famed Welsh social critic Raymond Williams wrote in his classic, Modern Tragedy, it is a “quite different peacemaking that would attempt to resolve rather than to cover the determining tragic disorder. Any such resolution would mean changing ourselves, in fundamental ways.”
22/03/2022: Adventures in Plumbing – be a little more careful what you flush:
22/03/2022: A great essay by Keith Windschuttle on the causes of war:
No, I am not generally in favour of war but it would be nice to think that one’s ‘own side’ were the ‘good guys’:
The (‘Liberal’) loss in SA surely gives a clear lesson that you do not defeat socialists
by aping them (as
Can Civilisation Be Saved? Substitute for the subject term ‘The West’, ‘
21/03/2022: “I have no reason to believe that he who would take away my liberty would not when he had me in his power take away everything else,” John Locke.
21/03/2022: What’s The Long Game Behind Fat Pride? I don’t know whether to join this movement or go on a crash diet:
21/03/2022: Meanwhile this is very like the capitalists selling the communists the rope with which to hang them(selves):
you that great ‘democrat’ Zelensky has now decided to institute a one party
state in the
21/03/2022: I will extinguish these folks properly if they come to let my tyres down – so over holier than thou bullies and save the world cranks who have no idea how the world actually works. As an example also the anti duck hunting brigade who are so out of touch with the natural world they refuse to understand that seasonal breeding each year creates a surplus of creatures which must be humanely harvested or else they starve the following winter when there is not enough food to sustain them. Who would have thought anti-theft valve locks would be a thing? Who steals air? Well, these people just by breathing. If only we could charge them for it there would soon be many fewer of them (as welfare may not necessarily provide free air – at least not if I was in charge):
20/03/2022: Of Course We’re Living in a Simulation. The only people who absolutely disagree are, well, scientists. They need to get over themselves and join the fun:
20/03/2022: Putin really does have a hypersonic missile, ergo he can ‘afford’ to have a nuclear war. Very disturbing news. Maybe we should stay out of this:
Now just exactly how many wars are going on right now:
20/03/2022: Really strange the way the Left has come out on the side of Zelensky (and eg the awful Azov Battalion) until now clearly a ‘white supremacist’ and indeed ‘Neo-Nazi’, instead of Vlad Putin until now clearly the obvious heir of the (communist) USSR – which should have inspired them. Mind you they have never been very clever, but ‘politics makes strange bedfellows’. Next thing you know the Left will be backing capitalism – and Donald Trump. I go too far! No matter what happens they will not become sane.
20/03/2022: What does inflation mean? Tucker’s take. “The standard of living is plummeting”. It is deeply worrying, yet our masters do not seem deeply concerned about this, yet the average housewife and wage earner must surely be. You don’t think this could be(come) the major election issue come May? (Video starts about 20 seconds in) eg, “The internal combustion engine is a miracle upon which all civilization depends”. Oh Yes:
In the same vein:
‘You know there’s a problem when the price of beer is up 5 percent’…
19/03/2022: I usually hate music (and particularly as sound effect or score/background in films which ruin the dialogue for me - being substantially deaf) but this was really great:
19/03/2022: So True: In his science fiction novel Nemesis, Isaac Asimov describes a female character as possessing the "unloveable virtues": Serious, Practical, Responsible, Dutiful. My wife is also beautiful.
Two sides to what’s going on in the
19/03/2022: This is what your elite leftist masters have in store for you (and me). Hair shirts for the hoi poloi and dachas for the commissars – it was ever thus. We need to make a huge effort to avoid this. Our traditional Oz complacency (‘She’ll be right mate’) will not cut it. The coming elections must be a wholesale rejection of these left-wing notions including those who have infiltrated the Liberal and National Parties. Where that is the case those members need to be replaced by more conservative folks such as Lib Dems, One Nation, UAP, Fishers & Shooters & etc even if some of these people may seem to lack the competency to run the country. I had not noticed that the two main parties actually overflow with outstanding competency either! (PS: IEA = International Energy Agency)
19/03/2022: Maybe at the 11th hour the world can pull back from the Green Armageddon:
Add these into that equation. For example: & &
18/03/2022: Just a reminder: how burning fossil fuels is greening the planet:
18/03/2022: Mark Twain, “I was educated once and it took me years to get over it” So true.
18/03/2022: You can’t even imagine these shrieking nutters choosing such a logo – have they never seen a set of male genitals? Well, probably not:
18/03/2022: “This is the way the world ends not with a bang but a whimper,” TS Eliot ‘The Hollow Men’: Maybe time to invest in gold. I have been studying up on what’s available from the Perth Mint. They sure have some pretty coins and do home delivery:
18/03/2022: You might not have heard much about the ‘global cooling’ era we are entering or its impact on the food supply but this article is a reminder of the importance of successful home gardening. I already warned about the dangers of the coming ‘stagflation’ event last week so get your finances in order – times are likely to get tougher and governments world-wide have shot their bolts over the imaginary enemy (covid) and have nothing in their war-chests for the very real dangers ahead. In any case, as I have observed many times before government is the problem, not the solution. We will (thankfully) have to get by with less and less of it in the decades to come. My suggestion has long been to wind it back by 10% per year until it disappears up its own fundament. BTW If you haven’t noticed that government kills more people than any other single thing you just haven’t been watching:
17/03/2022: SSDs: Have you bought one of these yet? 40 Grams. Still working out how to get stuff in/out of it to my Android phone – but you can I teamed mine with one of these:
Mind you 1 Tb Micro sd cards are now $214:
17/03/2022: Many Thanks. A friend of mine (Brett) has solved a mystery for me (from 28/02): “This video explains there’s a hidden device in its base:”
17/03/2022: While we are on the topic of reparations for past wrongs (I want some too) No, really I don’t. Though it is true that my ancestors were forced off their ancient lands (eg by the ‘Enclosure Acts) and then many transported for life to Australia Felix in the early C19th (and so on), I have enjoyed a wonderful life right here with the greatest woman imaginable. No-one ‘owes’ me anything.:
17/03/2022: How aboriginal (and mountain cattlemen) fire management really worked – and why it is a disaster to abandon it:
17/03/2022: Move over Buck Rogers, Neil Armstrong, Elon Musk etc, etc. You are just so patriarchal:
16/03/2022: DIY Ultralight Shoulder Pouches: I sewed up a couple of shoulder strap pouches (for Best $20 Backpack) from some 2 oz/yd2 ripstop nylon. I guess these are about 3/4 of a litre each, maybe a litre. They can contain an interesting assortment of items you might want to access quickly as you walk along. Spare ammunition, chewing gum etc.
I attached them with an ingenious method I ‘stole’ from Joe Valesko (Zpacks) though I have no idea whether he still uses them. They came on my first old pack from him – a long since discontinued model, worse luck. Simpler is frequently better – and certainly cheaper. Anyway it is a simple ‘button and loop’ design with a length of cord which works to stop them slipping down. Read More:
16/03/2022: What a hero she is:
16/03/2022: ‘Why study English’, they say. Because it is utterly astonishing and you don’t know what you are missing if you don’t: Warning: may actually take some effort. Sorry. No, not sorry. I can’t see that AR or AI can ever replace the intelligence needed to study and understand a text. Comprehension is key.
16/03/2022: Banning Rail Guns just seems to me like so much virtue signaling. These things are unlikely to become anywhere near as effective as DIY pipe guns (that anyone can make with a few basic tools for probably $10) anytime soon. Eg: especially when you should understand that it is already a damned sight easier and cheaper to buy an illegal firearm (eg a Glock) than it is to buy (and licence) the legal alternative. Have a nose around docklands, western suburbs and other sleazy pubs and you will see what I mean. If you have a lazy grand you can have a pistol pretty much the same day. And this at a time when I would advocate for making the compulsory ownership of military semi-automatic weapons pretty much compulsory for lawful citizens as part of any sane defence strategy.
16/03/2022: If you have to choose between these two, there really is no choice. Anthony Albanese has really never even run a billy cart with a pig net over it let alone a country. He can also barely speak in case you haven’t noticed! He should be PM? You would have to be kidding:
15/03/2022: Best $20 Backpack: Modifying Amazon’s G4 Free. Inflation has bitten a little since I wrote the previous post (below) such that now this excellent backpack costs $US 22.99 at Amazon instead of the US$19.99 I paid back in March 2018. That’s inflation at 3.75% per year by the way. Still a lot cheaper than a plus $300 backpack which will do nothing more – or even do it half so well.
Since then I carried mine to (beyond) Dingboche on the Everest Base Camp trail – and many other places besides – though our travels have been somewhat curtailed recently like everyone else’s by covid, or at least its restrictions.
You can see in this post EBC Gear List me carrying mine just outside Pangboche over 5 km up in the sky. The backpack carried everything we needed for a ten day walking trip (including rain gear, spare clothes, survival, satellite communication (2) cooking, sleeping and shelter equipment (for -20C temperatures). It weighed a little over 6 kg. Della’s was nearer 5kg. Almost no food and minimal water. You can buy it on the way And was outstandingly comfortable.
I hardly noticed I was carrying it (at 70+ years old) though my worn out knee was ‘killing me’ back then – which is why I had it replaced last month. It had been causing me significant pain for nearly a decade now. This used to be called ‘manning up’ and was considered a virtue. See I Kneed You
Read More:
15/03/2022: Thank goodness Zachary Rolfe has been acquitted of shooting a mad dog. He should never have been charged in the first place. What do people think we have police for? So they can just stand aside and watch crazed idiots maim and injure people – including fellow policemen?
15/03/2022: An interesting speculation – one thing is sure: most weather has a natural cause. Haven’t seen a blue moon or a ‘year without a summer’ for a while as were caused by previous mighty eruptions:
Cause and Effect are wonderful: The eruption of the Indonesian island of Tambora in 1816 plunged the world into ‘darkness’ for around a year, causing massive crop failures, the year without a summer, and widespread starvation in Europe for example. It also brought us blood-red sunsets and ‘blue moons’ on account of all the red dust in the sky. Also surprisingly it brought us the wonderful novel ‘Frankenstein’ on account of Mary Wolstencraft (Shelley) having to stay indoors all summer due to the colder than normal weather - and needing something to do!
15/03/2022: Prospero : “O brave new world That has such people in't!”
15/03/2022: Three days’ training and then off to war! I know you will say, ‘This will never work’ but you should remember that the boys who saved us at Kokoda were taught to fire .303s on the ships sailing up to Moresby, yet then they stopped the toughest most experienced jungle fighters in the world who had overrun trained soldiers all over SE Asia. One thing is sure, you will never win a war unless you have soldiers who are willing to die. If you have sufficient numbers of them you will win. There are lessons about this from recent Russian history for example (which Putin ought to have remembered). Napoleon’s and Hitler’s invasions met vast numbers of (ill-equipped) Russians who were willing to die. They died in dreadful numbers, but the invaders died too – and failed. Both Napoleon and Hitler lost whole armies, and ultimately their empires too:
Mind you they are in dire straights and may well lose:
14/03/2022: Zpacks Solo Plex Tent: This morning I received an ad for this tent on Facebook (as you do). Zpack Plex Solo Tent. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, they say. I’m sure this is not the case here but this tent is so, so , like my original Deer Hunter’s Tent which evolved from my Tyvek Solo Fire Shelter that the similarities are eerie – and at the time (last century?) nothing like this existed.
Of course this is most likely because the laws of physics/geometry are immutable so that (eventually) you find there really is only one way to do any thing. I did however (originally) post the design, measurements and instructions (on my old website) then deleted them as I realized: 1. I might want to commercialise them in future and 2. Someone else might do so first.However, no doubt they can be found on the Wayback Machine.
I notice Six Moon Designs have a similarly designed tent so it is probably just ‘parallel evolution’. They are welcome to my design now anyway, as Della long since decided ‘we’ would not be launching any new business ventures, but just enjoy life instead – and she’s the boss, as in most homes I’m sure.
I am not so keen on Dyneema as Joe is (though I understand he has made it his trademark material). It is (slightly) lighter (at from .48 oz) than the best silnylon materials (Ripsopbytheroll’s .77oz/yd2) but I am not convinced that the very slight weight advantages are worth the risk of using such very delicate materials. That being said, it is enormously easier to repair with sticky tape! It is tricky to cut and sew,but Joe has been doing it so long he has no doubt worked out all the ‘wrinkles’ in doing it.
A very slight hole in the plastic film covering is very hard to find and spot though. Non-woven dyneema material does also tend to ‘shred’ away with use , something I am not very fond of. I have had this happen with a number of packs which if they had been made from a slightly heavier woven fabric would have lasted several times as long. You are paying very big money for this special material (something like $25 a yard – and it is narrower) as compared with $5-7 a yard for (‘ordinary’) silnylon.
Read More:
Putin’s crossing the Rubicon was an enormous financial mistake – but not just
14/03/2022: Imagine warning that having a nuclear war might cause a climate problem – are we back to the ‘Nuclear Winter’ scenario which we were all supposed to fear back in the 70s:
14/03/2022: President Trump is just great – I just can’t wait to see him back in the White House for another six years come November:
13/03/2022: This is as true today as it was in 1854: "Most men are needlessly poor all of their lives because they think they must have such a house as their neighbors have." Henry David Thoreau, 'Walden’ - one of my favourite books. You can still build a small modest house yourself for perhaps $20K. Also so far as I know the ‘minimum’ house is still only a bit over 2 squares ie 25 square metres which should not cost more than about $5K. I have been working on designs for wilderness accommodation (for four) which are much smaller than this (around 6 square metres) and well under $500. I will be posting my designs soon. Of course you have to find a block of land too – blocks still exist out there for under $40K, some even under $30K. Some of these are quite large and have power and water. The one at McMahons Creek looks nice: NB There are still probably ways to get your hands on some land for less than this – as Thoreau did after all. We (now) have a very big house (it grew over the years to over 200 square metres plus verandahs) but I doubt it cost us much more than $40K. I would think I could still build it today for under $100K.
13/03/2022: When they thaw Walt’s head out and bring him back to life – it can’t be long now – there will be big changes at Disney World.
13/03/2022: It is coming. Beware: You don’t know what ‘cancel culture’ means until they cancel your credit card and ID card:
13/03/2022: This could very easily get worse:
12/03/2022: If you are a patriotic Australian who doesn’t want to part with too much of your hard-earned to outfit yourself, try these folks. I am looking very smart at present and for about 2/3rds of the cost of local stores. This is all good gear too which employs Aussies and will last. The King Gee Cool Work Trousers in a super tough ripstop cotton come in a beautiful green (as well as black, blue and khaki) for example for A$56. Cheaper and more durable than any pair of jeans:
12/03/2022: A (climactic) voice of sanity:
12/03/2022: They work for us – that’ll be the day:
12/03/2022: Whoa! Let him walk home or see if Elon can fetch him? The pronouns are more important anyways, surely?
The same people who tried to hide the truth about Pfizer vaccines (1223 died
during the 3 months ‘trial’ - to ‘prove’
it safe) also tried to hide the origins of the virus (probably because they had
a part in it). Now they try to hide the truth about Ukrainian bio-labs
(probably have a part in that too). I am so over this wicked obfuscation and
obscurantism. The ‘information revolution’ was supposed to be about ‘free
speech’ or freedom of information anyway – but the ‘black hats’ are (currently)
winning. This is a simply awful situation. I suspect it will eventually lead to
(worse) authoritarianism or
a revolution. Hard to know which of those is
worse too. Whatever happened to the
Tucker’s Take – yes, it is ominous:
11/03/2022: Just wow – if only they had found it twenty years ago when maybe 1-2 of the survivors was still alive:
11/03/2022: This is democracy? Any way the two main parties can lock you out of voting for someone else they will use. A ‘plague on both your houses’:
11/03/2022: And there goes Duckduckgo too. The Ministry of Truth wins again:
11/03/2022: People - for God’s sake! I’m sorry: it’s just so sexist:
10/03/2022: That time of year again – ‘The Fight Between Carnival and Lent’, Pieter Bruegels:
10/03/2022: The awful game of ‘marriage chicken’ - and the dismal future feminists have created for themselves (and men):
10/03/2022: It was not always thus – I am not suggesting we go back to this. One (wonderful) wife is all I need:
The ‘truth’ about the
09/03/2022: Strapless Backpack: I have been thinking along these lines too (just a thought at present) but my ‘solution’ was more a U-shape (like carrying a bag of grain on your shoulders). The hobo’s swag is another example I suppose. This one looks a bit complicated. However, the point is good – one should try to carry the load perched on ones callipygous bottom - as the Bushmen (or women) do. Packs need to be shaped more to fit in to the curve of the spine (the lordosis – two new words for you, perhaps) more, as Mountain Laurel Designs packs are shaped to. I will be making myself a new pack sometime in the future which incorporates this idea, and also the enormous improvement of the horse collar over the yoke (which I suspect most backpacks have not realized yet):
09/03/2022: I love this poem (much as I hate the war that stole the poet from us!) I so agree with the sentiment. It is the small acts of conservation count most. We have an archway I constructed 20+ years ago harbours many fine birds who are maybe our friends. The wrens and antechinus love the blackberries I labour to destroy. The pardalotes find a home in a raw bulldozer cut on the hillside. The sea eagles nest in the open cut, finding the cliffs to their liking. The peregrine sees the Station stacks as merely an eyrie. The whistling kites hunt the ‘pest’ tilapia in the Pondage. Marsh warblers sing from the cumbungi in the roadside drains. The thornbills love spiders in our old sheds. Many birds collect our sheep’s cast wool for their nests…life will find a way: we do not need vast National Parks to destroy nature with vicious wildfires. Such ‘conservation’ is folly:
Fifty Faggots: Edward Thomas 1878-1917
There they stand, on their ends, the fifty faggots
That once were underwood of hazel and ash
In Jenny Pink's copse. Now, by the hedge
Close packed, they make a thicket fancy alone
Can creep through with the mouse and wren. Next spring
A blackbird or robin will nest there,
Accustomed to them, thinking they will remain
Whatever is for ever to a bird:
This Spring it is too late; the swift has come.
'Twas a hot day for carrying them up:
Better they will never warm me, though they must
Light several Winters' fires. Before they are done
The war will have ended, many other things
Have ended, maybe, that I can no more
Foresee or more control than robin and wren.
09/03/2022: Gold is shooting up – time to reach for it, and iodine (for radiation sickness)?
09/03/2022: We need to understand to what extent we are still being obfuscated by the legacy of Herbert Marcuse: “The prepackaged opinions and talking points of political camps, both left and right, are not thought. True thought, rather, is a journey whose destination is unknown. Everything I write wills itself as a step on that journey, a journey that considers nothing too small, and nothing too great, as an object of our sightseeing, a journey where the posture of a statue or the detail in a façade make us pause and look, just as much as do the demise of armies and the rise and fall of civilizations. If you refuse to look at certain sights you come across on that journey—no matter how ugly and hateful they may appear to your imperfect being—then you will quickly get lost on the road and dizzy yourself in a labyrinth of solipsism.” A very thought-provoking and well-written essay:
This is an otter fisherman. Because they exist it lends credence to the
‘legend’ of wild otters in NZ, a creature the Maori also had a name for (though
no-one has yet captured a photograph of one). They have (allegedly) been seen
even recently near Tautapere for example. However that may turn out, I feel
that there is no doubt Chinese sailors explored the East Coast of Australia (and
NZ) long, long ago and that archaeological evidence is out there. Waiting. Even longer ago I suspect Australopithecus (and the
like) early men most likely found there way here half a million years or so
ago. ‘First Nations’ indeed! What a turn up for our understanding
of prehistory their remains will make. They have been found already on utterly
unlikely islands in
Here is a possible example:
08/03/2022: The Modern Headhunter:
has been happening in
08/03/2022: Maybe it will turn out to be a different ‘great reset’:
I have been wrong before. Maybe soon we will be talking about a Ukrainian
invasion of
This is how it’s done:
07/03/2022: Why are we destroying our men:
07/03/2022: Step Back in Time – a ‘Told You So’ moment. During the 2008 presidential campaign, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin warned that if Senator Barack Obama were elected president, his “indecision” and “moral equivalence” may encourage Russia’s Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine’:
07/03/2022: Make the Nimbys pay for their own boondoggles. Absolutely. I wonder how many young Greta followers would choose to opt out of paying more tax?
07/03/2022: Stop – before it is too late! “Reality -- like truth and goodness -- is not fungible. Whether we wish it to be or not. We did not ask to be born. None of us. No living being. No one ever arranged their own birth. That is the truth, a fact. Impossible. Yet here we are. Therefore, it is simply impossible that our rights come from other humans or living things. Or that reality comes from Mark Zuckerberg.” (‘Fungible’ = ‘interchangeable’)
Fortunately Morrison has already stepped up our defence spending:
06/03/2022: The Covid Crimes Trials. You can only hope there will be so that the (now) millions unnecessarily killed by covid because of wicked restrictions of cheap effective drugs can receive some justice and monsters like our Dictator Dan can be put to the wall:
06/03/2022: Whatever happened to this: Article 19 from the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
I can see his point: Tommy Robinson, “
06/03/2022: The Citroen Ami a $12,000 EV (unsuited for most roads) – how this is better than a Suzuki A lot is beyond me. Ah, the future…almost glad I won’t be around to see it:
05/03/2022: Time for a good news story:
05/03/2022: Watermelons: I have been saying for years that they are green on the outside and red on the inside – ever since Patrick Moore a Greenpeace founder revealed that the (‘disappearing’) communists took over the ‘environmental’ movement when ‘The Wall’ came down, so long ago now. All that time they have been taking money from the (ex) communists (Putin et al) to destroy the West in every way they could think of, just as ‘fellow travelers’ had been doing amongst us ever since the Bolshevik Revolution (Nov 1917). The enemy within. I know my University days in the 60s were full of them. How many I knocked down with my fists back then, but not enough – and not permanently enough. We let them win. Don’t just think of their ‘environmental’ plans here. Their social (‘marriage equality’, gender identity etc) and economic (welfare, social justice, social housing…) have been just as important - and perfidious. They want a people who are secondary and subservient to ‘The State’. They always have. They are terrified of the idea that the State is a social construct which ‘The People’ implement from time to time for (clearly defined) purposes and ought itself to be secondary and temporary in nature. Primacy is an independent self-sufficient populace going about their own business with as few (external ) rules and controls as possible ie Freedom. They absolutely hate the very idea of freedom. Their money trail and agenda has become clearer in the last little while:
I suspect also that Putin will succeed in
However, sometimes a cheap (new) weapon can change the outcome of a war. This
may also happen with submarine warfare. This was (after all) Howard’s
‘solution’ to making
04/03/2022: A Balloon Eclipse:
04/03/2022: What can you do with such people?
04/03/2022: Another truly remarkable essay by Lord Monckton which makes so many puzzling evils so much clearer. It has made up my mind on a host of issues, not least which side I should be supporting in the current Ukrainian ‘situation’. A must read. Really:
Who are the real enemies (of the West?) Surely: the Left, Islam and
03/03/2022: Andrew Hastie making it clear we should send more than pronouns or pronunciation. I like this guy – can we have him as PM some day. Well, today?
03/03/2022: Apparently when the Russians actually invade it might be time to realise (too late) you might need energy independence – even if you are a Green nut-job - over to you Scotty:
Another way to put it:
03/03/2022: Interesting data. BTW: We are triple vaccinated (Astra Zenica) for one reason or another – eg having needed a knee replacement). Covid certainly seems to have slipped from the front page (before we died of boredom instead) but disquiet about mRNA vaccines continues to increase (in the background). Clearly evidence now of long-term DNA effects which were specifically denied possible at the outset. Novavax has now been approved as a booster (if you still want a vaccine):
03/03/2022: Maybe long since time we thought about moving
03/03/2022: Selective Crisis Enhancement (SCE) – we need
a new acronym surely? We seem to move or be moved from one ‘crisis’ to another
as recently from Covid to the Ukraine. I’m not sure either of them were (worthy)
crises) really, but someone (in charge?) is picking these out from the bundle
and ordering that they be accentuated as if they were the sole challenge facing
humanity – and so that we don’t get to thinking about other things. The folks
fighting the war in
02/03/2022: You might think the battle for
02/03/2022: At least plastic supermarket bags were recyclable but we have rushed into flooding the world with worthless products which are not:
02/03/2022: Completely agree with Neil Oliver:
01/03/2022: This guy was great: Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956): "I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air – that progress made under the shadow of the policeman's club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave."
01/03/2022: One thing I notice (and have railed about for years) is that ‘statists’ do seem to believe that the whole ball-game is ‘for the good of the state’ something which we and ours are all just property of - like it was stamped on our bottoms at birth. One thing which really stood out (to me) about 1776 was the Declaration that it was (instead) all about ‘The People’ who could (rightfully) take up arms to remove an unjust government and whose inalienable rights could be removed by such a government but not guaranteed by one. The state needed to be kept within quite narrow circumscribed limits. I still think this is an important watershed moment in history. Government always and everywhere needs to be wound back with power and wealth kept firmly in the hands of The People.
01/03/2022: What is really going on In the Ukraine? I
don’t pretend to know but it is likely to be something different than the Big
Tech Newspeak junk we are getting from the mainstream media. The Russians seem
to avoid killing civilians or widespread destruction for one thing and may be
surrounding and negating Ukrainian forces. Putin claimed all along that his
intervention was to counter Nato expansionism and Nazi
(sic) undemocratic elements within
Surely (for example) this ‘news’ story could not be true:
01/03/2022: Well Said Andrew Bolt:
01/03/2022: The Importance of Men:
28/02/2022: Thank goodness at least the Stock Market is
setting new records – I would hate to think the good burghers of
28/02/2022: I have to own one of these:
PS: The more I look at and think about this object the more I feel that It can't possibly exist. Surely it defies the laws of physics. Once I could have written out the equations ot show this. By the same token someone once said the same thing about whether bumble bees could fly yet I have seen them doing so. Will I have to purchase one to see whether it is a fake - or a new source of energy? You have to click on the link and open it then scroll down to see the video.
A friend of mine (Brett) explains: “This video explains there’s a hidden device in its base
28/02/2022: Knee Update 3: Good to know Putin is better
than Hitler (at conquering the
27/02/2022: Many Ukrainians have (unsurprisingly) not forgotten the Holdomor. There exists an excellent 2019 film about it (eponymously) ‘Mr Jones’. You should steal a copy:
27/02/2022: Those of ‘us’ who thought (again and again) we just could not have another war were wrong again – and will continue to be so! If folks think they can have a ‘quick war’ (and win) they will give it a try most every time. Your prayers will do nothing to prevent that. Bullies need to be convinced before they start that they will have neither. This used to be called ‘Defence’. Older people must be reminded of the ‘Phoney War’ period at the beginning of WW2 – let’s hope this is not a repetition. A reminder, real people are dying. I am waiting for major leaders to tell Vlad very loudly to ‘Back Off’ eg ‘Tomorrow we will destroy the Kremlin’.
26/02/2022: What could go wrong:
26/02/2022: “The peoples of autocratic countries don’t get to choose their governments; that is their tragedy. The peoples of liberal democracies get a choice, and that is theirs. The fact that the people of the United States have chosen to be led by a geriatric incompetent, at this moment in time, is more than a tragedy for America; it is a tragedy for the entire world”
26/02/2022: The dilemma for the West: you can’t win a geopolitical conflict lasting years or decades with an economy powered intermittently by wind turbines and solar panels:
18/02/2022: Harry Cummins make a fine case for why I believe in ‘discrimination’ or ‘discernment’ as I prefer to call it, particularly in relation to immigration but also (for example) in relation to the franchise. ‘No taxation without representation' formed the cornerstone of American democracy you might remember. I would probably prefer to turn that on its head, ie ‘No representation without taxation’ so that you only get to choose who is the government and what the government spends (your) money on if you have contributed (financially) to that government. A very thought-provoking essay anyway:
18/02/2022: Knee Update #2: I have walked to the toilet and shower (using a walker) and am now all clean and sitting in a chair. All going well so far - and thank you all very much for the kind thoughts and well-wishing. Already planning future hikes - Vic mountains (hopefully by May), Mt Bartle Frere (alternate route) late June, EBC and surrounds late Oct and back to the Dusky (Fiordland, NZ) in Feb/March. An example of where we would like to be:
17/02/2022: Knee update: Just to let you know that 5 hours after going down to surgery I am siting up in bed and still have ten toes. Time will tell how well all this went. Many thanks for all your good wishes. I will keep you posted,
17/02/2022: Ain’t it the truth: Aussie beer tax slammed as ‘sexist’:
17/02/2022: If I am a bit quiet for a few days it is because I am in hospital having a knee replacement. Hopefully this gives me a whole new lease on life!
17/02/2022: On the persistence of bad ideas:
17/02/2022: Terrible news P.J. O’Rourke is dead. Laughter died with him:
‘Eat the Rich’, an example of his greatness:
16/02/2022: Why SpaceX is going to dominate air freight:
16/02/2022: The revolution really has begun: 81% of Canadians (already) oppose Trudeau’s response to the trucker protest:
Trudeau goes full Nazi:
16/02/2022: Notice how the Greens and the Left’s vote is collapsing. Conservatives are several points ahead:
Seems that news was highly exaggerated!
15/02/2022: This pub survived the Black Death but could not survive covid lunacy. Let that be a lesson to you all:
15/02/2022: The truckers have brought about a massive change in public opinion in just a month. This indicates the potential for a ‘revolution’ at the polls here in May where it is still possible that a coalition of (mainly new) commonsense elements (some splintering away from the main parties) but including Lib Dems, One Nation United Australia etc could still change Australia permanently (for the better). I’m sure I am not the only person who is utterly tired of the politics we have had forced on us for so long by the two main parties, bureaucrats, unionists, pressure groups & etc:
15/02/2022: What do greens really want? We must not bow to this sort of climate madness:
15/02/2022: Last Week the “Experts” Admitted Lockdowns Did Not Reduce Mortality Rates — Now They Admit Masking Was Mostly Worthless:
May be useful advice:
14/02/2022: Who needs Netflix, etc? The Internet Archive has thousands of fine movies and TV shows for streaming (without ads) for free:
14/02/2022: Useful Instructable: How to open a locked door without a key:
14/02/2022: Well said Joel – everyone needs to step back from trying to steal votes from the extreme Left. Instead these evil forces need to be rejected and exorcised:
You should try to understand the cost of green lunacy:
14/02/2022: When you are punished for doing a public service:
13/02/2022: Nature is awesome:
13/02/2022: Amid the witch-hunting of our greatest warrior and hero Ben Roberts-Smith VC please try to understand why we have a military, (Clue: It is not to push some bizarre woke agenda):
What if a revolution had already started and no-one even noticed (because the
media are part of the system). Remember how the collapse of the
A huge crowd in
12/02/2022: Parasocial – a new word for you today. Apparently it’s about illusory relationships. I suspect lots of folks have these:
12/02/2022: You betcha – no such thing as a free lunch:
12/02/2022: We have often said, ‘But it ain’t the Black Death’ but now it turns out the Black Death wasn’t either:
11/02/2022: The remarkable Anthony Hopkins:
11/02/2022: The debate about euthanasia quickly slips from (not) forcing people to live with intolerable conditions to forcing them to end their lives because (such) lives are ‘worthless’. Many would have seen Helen Keller’s whole life for example as ‘not worth living’ (if it were them, they think) but she and millions of others do not agree:
11/02/2022: Innumeracy and ‘aboriginal genocide’:
10/02/2022: Wild surfing:
10/02/2022: Election fraud. Just one state. As if it was not enough that the Arizona audit found 700,000 dubious votes there are over 700,000 votes lacking any chain of custody: Election officials have been caught deleting records: Meanwhile Rep Finchen introduces a bill to decertify the election results:
10/02/2022: World’s most massive experiment - mRNA Vaccines just became even more worrying: PS: We have just had our third shot of Astra Zenica.
PS: Astra-Zenica has (at last) been approved a a booster this morning, so there is a choice. Soon Novavax will join it.
09/02/2022: Tali Karng - a Gippsland Gem: A friend of mine (Leanne) walked there last weekend reminding me of our trip there twelve years' ago, not long after the 2007 fire. The bush has changed a fair bit since then. She kindly shared her photos with me, so I have been able to construct this photo essay about the trip for your edification.
started her trip (as many do) at the McFarlane Saddle on the
people just walk up from the
It is only a thirty or so years ago that we used to drive in along what were then 4WD (logging) tracks deer hunting. I have even been in there in my old (1981) Subaru Leone circa 1984 with my foxhounds. It is (alas) just a pile of rust in the paddock today (and the beloved hounds but a memory) but on that day I towed a Toyota Land Cruiser through a couple of difficult sections with it. Read More:
09/02/2022: Women (and men) just became redundant:
09/02/2022: The ‘nuclear family’ was a mistake? An interesting read:
09/02/2022: Some ‘religion’ where it is ‘honourable’ to murder women:
08/02/2022: Men have been boss in the Orkneys for a long while:
Seems like the Shoshone have busy been in
08/02/2022: Another great green idea:
08/02/2022: From Anon:
We’ve met, but you probably don’t recognise me. You may remember referring to
me as a “conspiracy theorist”, “racist”, “sexist”, “bigot”, or “anti-vaxxer”,
but in fact I am none of the above, and much more to you than you realise. I am
your friend, family member, colleague, lover, acquaintance and neighbour. I am
everywhere, but I don’t self-righteously disclose where exactly.
You’re wearing a mask so I can’t see the scorn set on your lips, or even your
smile (if it’s there). Your eyes are visible, but in them I see only
compliance, fear, shame and defeat. I don’t judge you, as I know you are a
victim. You have been efficiently conditioned, the result of which has left you
stripped bare of self-confidence, dignity, power and compassion.
Your only strength is to attack those unwilling to join you in obedience. It’s
okay – I don’t feel mad – I feel sad for you. I will allow you to direct your
fear at me and I will accept it, because the battle I am fighting is for you as
well as me. It’s for your children and grandchildren, as well as mine.
You and I both had a choice to make, and I decided to fight for freedom. You
submitted instantly, and attempted to shame, intimidate and coerce me into the
same, becoming outraged at my independence and my belief in “my body, my
choice”. You disagree with my striving for a fair and just society, free from
fraud and deception. You call me a “fascist” for arguing against government
overreach. Do you see this irony?
While you continue to angrily comply, to follow those who have continuously
lied to you, I will continue to push back. I will continue to value my autonomy
and I will use my strength to free us both from the path you are blindly
walking down.
One day you will see how much your compliance almost cost us, and hopefully you
will see that I was never your enemy. I look forward to this day, and I will
celebrate it with you. Until then, I will be here propping you up and
preventing you from falling, anonymously of course.
Sincerely, Anon.
07/02/2022: Let’s break the cycle:
07/02/2022: Is this the first chink in the narrative? Will there come a rush to say, ‘It wasn’t us’. For example here in Vic literally thousands of people have died because Dictator Dan banned simple safe effective treatments for covid which would have saved many of them (instead of promoting them).
06/02/2022: “I did but see her passing by…” a happy Jubilee to our wonderful Queen today:
06/02/2022: Gobelki Tepe continues to rewrite history:
06/02/2022: The purpose of education:
06/02/2022: Ivermectin now shown to cure cancer:
Freedom Protesters in
05/02/2022: I don’t think it is fine to shoot people for jumping the queue, or spitting on the footpath...Shooting is so noisy (and frightens small children and horses. Garrotting is fine). The essence of all crime is folks who forget the ‘golden rule’ (had they ever heard of it? Viz: ‘Do unto others…’). ie Folks who think they are more important than other folks, so that it is only the latter who should stand in line! People need to learn to ‘keep their place’; if they do not, then ‘off with their heads’!
The Roman, Scipio Aemilianus. His name is hardly a by-word today – yet it
should be. During the course of the Third Punic War he was famous for
repeating, ‘Carthage Must Be Destroyed!’ which they did most efficaciously when
they won, executing all the menfolk, enslaving all the women and children,
razing the city to the ground, ploughing salt into the fields & etc. Not
much sign of
05/02/2022: Natural immunity is still better than anything we have engineered:
Meanwhile they are conducting random covid tests because 90% of folk have no idea they have it:
05/02/2022: Maybe you think you should hate plastics but you are going to love this stuff:
04/02/2022: And I thought lizards laid eggs!
04/02/2022: Chernobyl Wildlife:
04/02/2022: The people are winning against covid tyranny in multiple countries. Hold the line peeps:
04/02/2022: A mysterious cancer cure:
04/02/2022: 2000 Mules: It’s normal in elections for one person to make 53 trips to 20 drop boxes…and this is only the tip of the iceberg in the most fraudulent election in ‘democratic’ history which must be undone lest the West is lost:
“Koalas don’t need saving. Indeed, they are in much higher numbers across a
much wider area today than when Europeans arrived in
Official (office of national statistics) figures that over the last two years
17371 people in the UK actually died ‘from covid’ as compared to ‘with covid’
ie about 10% of the total normally attributed to it. This is no more than would
‘normally’ die ‘from’ seasonal flu over the same time period. It also begs the
question of how many might have been ‘saved’ if readily available proven
prevention and treatment had been applied (instead of in some case banned). The
average age of these folks who died was mid 80s, ie above the ‘normal’ average
age of death. This leads one to question how many years of life have been saved
by ‘health’ and economic measures compared with the cost in years of life
expended (lockdowns etc). Clearly you could hardly argue that more than a year
of life was ‘lost’ by every person who died - or 17371 life years, but just as
clearly locking up 70 million people for perhaps a year ‘cost’ 70 million life
years a ratio of over 4,000 years of life expended for every year of life
‘saved’. Similarly if you divide the economic costs by the ‘life years’ saved
it just doesn’t add up.
NB: I strongly suspect if these ratios hold up for Australia we have in fact
lost only approx 300 (not 3,000) 85+ year olds to covid in two years so
probably costing us at most 300 life-years. We have lost more lives in total
and orders of magnitude more life years to suicide due to the lockdowns. Here
The Rape of Britain – this is what ‘diversity’ politics have created in the
03/02/2022: This would be so nice – bring it on:
02/02/2022: A dog who can teach us a lot:
02/02/2022: “Since (just) 2019,there have been over 350 peer-reviewed scientific papers published showing no warming in the modern era and/or much warmer temperatures than today when CO2 levels ranged from 180 to 280 ppm” Remember Einstein’s observation, “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong”:
02/02/2022: Just imagine if people did not want to buy woke propaganda:
02/02/2022: It is long since time we started to build nuclear power stations, stopped scrapping coal but ditched useless and costly ‘green’ energy. The woke left are destroying us. Fight back like the Canadian truckies are showing us how to do: PS: I notice the socialists are condemning the workers of the world for uniting!
01/02/2022: Maybe you thought it was whalers who nearly drove the blue whale to extinction:
01/02/2022: If these side-effects of MRNA vaccines are general the cost will be appalling – and our governments mandated this stuff. NB “The increase in medical reports didn’t happen during the first year of Covid, only after the vaccination program was started. In other words, Covid itself didn’t cause this”: &
01/02/2022: Elon Musk, “ if the government had the mandate of the people there would (not) be a significant counter-protest. There is not, therefore they do not…“It would appear that the so-called ‘fringe minority’ is actually the government…Protesting in a Canadian winter shows real commitment!”
01/02/2022: Vitamin D supplements really do reduce the risk of auto-immune diseases:
31/01/2022: A Billion Years of Time is Just Missing – did they look under the sofa cushions:
31/01/2022: Astra Zenica Booster (if you don’t want a Pfizer/Moderna and can’t wait for Novavax): You can still get one if you get a certificate from your doctor. We have. It is (if anything) even more effective than the alternatives:
31/01/2022: We Are a young country: I have lived nearly a third of our country’s history (73/234 years). My grandfather George (b 1872) had lived half of its history to date when he died in 1955. He used to claim he had met someone who was on the First Fleet which may have been true (but he was a notorious story-teller). His grandfather Thomas Westbury who was transported here in 1828 would have. Also certainly Della’s mother, Dorothy who passed away in 2013 could rightly say that her grandmother had too. Her grandmother, Fannie was born in Tiverton Devon in 1844. She lived next door to her grandmother Mary (Madge) Richards (d1855) who was not only on the First Fleet (as a soldier’s wife) but gave birth to a son, William on the voyage out! You can understand perhaps why I am annoyed that (it seems to me) we are just throwing our country away – if we have not done so already.
30/01/2022: Ice Travel: Sometimes in winter on trails like the EBC etc there are dangerous patches of ice which need to be traversed. Obviously if you were expecting this as a constant situation you would be using more serious crampons. Vargo have just updated their ultralight pocket cleats (62 grams each) which can be quickly attached to your shoes for extra traction in such situations. They are now simpler, more elegant and look more reliable than their earlier product and with a weight saving of about 5 grams. Rea More:
30/01/2022: Faraday Bag – What a world that we should need such things. Alas that we do: PS: Clearly if you are going to murder a couple of senior cits in the Wonnangatta you will need one of these!
30/01/2022: Ask yourself this (if you supposed there was some runaway ‘greenhouse effect’) how does the world maintain such a perfect constant average temperature (within 1C) for centuries? There simply has to be a (very good) thermostat:
30/01/2022: Why waste a billion on a Reef which has never been bigger or better – so over woke ‘conservative’ governments:
30/01/2022: Maybe the truckies will succeed in ending the mandates: Our truckies join in:
What is Vanguard (or whoever) up to in fomenting WW3 in
28/01/2022: Islamic extremism in decline? We can only hope so:
28/01/2022: This level of tyranny is just dreadful:
27/01/2022: Why aren’t we using an Astra Zenica booster (if it is more effective):
27/01/2022: Our BOM is totally out of control: &
Paul Collitts suggests Tony Abbott for PM of the
About time we had a second Crimean War. We need more Australian place names
memorialising such faraway places:
It begins at last– the undoing of a crooked election.
Terraforming the
This just can’t be happening: The Criminalisation of Christianity in
The ‘Aboriginal’ Flag. What is it with the government of
Just reading a recent speech by Putin . Seems like we would be picking the wrong side if we opposed his
ideas. Do read:
PS: Does every Democrat President feel it is necessary to start a war? Surely
the only beneficiary of such a war would be
25/01/2022: Freezing in EV’s. Great idea:
25/01/2022: What happens when the tidal wave (of public opinion) turns? Neil Oliver is great:
Is It Still
24/01/2022: “The Assyrians came down like a wolf on the fold” (Byron). Might be worth a watch. They created a civilisation that makes Medieval Europe, 2000 years later, seem like a barbarian place:
24/01/2022: How science actually works – a great article Christopher:
24/01/2022: Archaeological evidence of time travel – there are some interesting conundrums/mistakes/frauds in the records, like these: &
Thousands still protesting vaccine mandates in
23/01/2022: The most astonishing thing about ‘trust the science’: The British Medical Journal “Today, despite the global rollout of covid-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymised participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come. This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.” It is not a ‘conspiracy theory’ to question:
Why not?
22/01/2022: Our political class today – the advanced ostrich position:
22/01/2022: Trump was right about hydroxychloroquine – of course this might be why Merck’s new treatment (approved by the TGA yesterday is basically just relabeled hydroxy):
22/01/2022: Clearly, the cheapest way to stop global warming would be to sack everyone at the BOM :
22/01/2022: If you are a retired teacher who still has nightmares about having to face 9d at 9:00 am this morning your dreams are about to come true:
Gun owners annually save more lives than are lost to any disease. This does not
happen in
Goebells was right after all. Keep telling lies and the people will believe
you. A
“We live in an age that makes truth pass for treason, and as I dare not say
anything against it, so the ears of those that are about me will probably be
found too tender to hear it. This my trial and
condemnation do sufficiently evidence."
Few know that Jefferson mentioned
21/01/2022: Tucker: We’re watching civilization collapse in real time. If you are attention span short go to about the 15 minute mark:
20/01/2022: This is what really happened when a group of schoolboys was marooned on an island for 15 months. Why do we focus on Golding’s quite false ‘Lord of the Flies’ narrative instead:
4th Booster fails in
20/01/2022: It is apparently very lonely ruling the world. Frankly when they ‘fact-check my posts or downgrade my Google rankings (& etc) they don’t get much sympathy from me:
19/01/2022: Flying Deer? Why you need really tall fences for deer: Mind you I suspect I could move much faster if a big cat was after me too!
19/01/2022: Hunting has been around a long, long time yet some ‘New Age’ folk want to tell me they have discovered it isn’t a good. They are quite simply wrong. Ethics don’t change:
19/01/2022: We would have done much better if we had followed El Salvador’s lead: Or Uttar Pradesh’s (where they have eliminated it (without vaccine – thanks Ivermectin + Zinc): We could have spent $100 per capita instead of hundreds of thusands! I have been saying this since way back around Xmas 2019!
The Joy of Small Streams: This is the
A couple of earlier posts such as Travels in a Donkey Trap & The Commute may illustrate this better.
You will have read that Della has a new Alpacka Scout which we are keen to try out, but it is difficult to do much with this knee (agonising) as it presently is. Less than a month to go and I will have a new one, and hopefully a new lease of life to go with it – but there will be quite a few weeks of recuperation and restoration I’m sure before I travel far and wide.
This trip will take about three hours when the river is clear and will be just beautiful at river heights on the Boolarra Gauge of between .5 and .6 metres. Read More:
18/01/2022: So, panspermia is a thing – maybe all life on earth is alien in origin? The corollary anyway is that life from here will have colonized many other places by now:
18/01/2022: What do you see when you actually measure ‘anthropogenic CO2: “Our results show that the percentage of the total CO2 due to the use of fossil fuels from 1750 to 2018 increased from 0% in 1750 to 12% in 2018, much too low to be the cause of global warming.”
‘The path to
17/01/2022: A Good Scout: This is the Alpacka Scout which I bought for my wife Della (or was it for myself?) for a Xmas present – here modeled by my daughter and grandson in the farm dam.
Pack Raft Australia are the Australian agents. Their prices are as low as you
could possible get it from the
My daughter (and my wife are around 5′ and 40 kg sort of people. This raft (at 1.5 kg) is ideal for them. Read More:
17/01/2022: “When the people are afraid of the government, that's tyranny. But when the government is afraid of the people, that's liberty”. Thomas Jefferson.
Trump can still draw the crowds like no other – what sane person can believe
that this man did not win the
“The Chinese regime has taken to heart the Leninist slogan,“The
capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” Important
messages from Ronald Reagan the greatest
17/01/2022: The world’s greatest tennis player is not allowed to win the Australian Open because of his beliefs even though he is zero risk of causing any health problems amongst us as we record 100,000+ new cases per day and he is ‘recovered’ status anyway. I’m sure you all know that I have no interest at all in spectator sport but I am passionate about our freedoms. I am quite frankly ashamed by this stupid, illiberal decision.
16/01/2022: Are 3D printed rockets the future of space exploration:
16/01/2022: “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years...When the taste for physical gratifications among them has grown more rapidly than their education...the time will come when men are carried away and lose all self-restraint...It is not necessary to do violence to such a people in order to strip them of the rights they enjoy; they themselves willingly loosen their hold...they neglect their chief business which is to remain their own masters." Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-59)
16/01/2022: Epstein-Barr – another nasty virus:
16/01/2022: AI news reader has been live for 70 days and no-one noticed the difference. I suspect this has happened with many of our political leaders too:
15/01/2022: It’s impossible to ‘save a life’. I for one am fed up with the hype that always surrounds all the ‘nanny-state’ nonsense which goes with all sorts of attempts to do so. Everyone has exactly the same numbers of lives and deaths, ie one. Nothing, save the discovery of the secret of immortality can change that. However, though the date of your birth is petty much fixed, the date of your death may not be. I’m sure we have all had close shaves. Death cannot be indefinitely postponed however. All that can happen is that we can be granted a little more time – mostly this is spent slumped in a wheelchair pooping oneself! So not much to be gained really. A more reliable measure is to add up the relative savings in (life) times that any particular proposal might make as compared with the cost in (life) times that it will entail. For example, it is sometimes argued that reducing the speed on a particular road will ‘save’ a certain number of lives. All that can (possibly) be ‘saved’ is the remainder of any particular ‘victim’s’ life which was foregone by his/her earlier than expected demise. Set against that quantum of time you have to count the ‘cost’ in time of slowing down all the drivers on that road - possibly several (life) times per year here - and the cost in time of caring for the geriatric period of the person who had died ‘prematurely’. If the second set of ‘times’ exceeds the first then the proposal is not worth doing. Everyone’s life is equally worthless or worthwhile in this cost accounting, which may not be the case!
15/01/2022: What the other epidemiologists (60,000 of them) say:
15/01/2022: Maybe if we gave up washing our skin could take care of itself:
15/01/2022: Will space anaemia strand us on earth forever or will a solution be found for future star trekkers:
14/01/2022: Buster Keaton was the funniest man ever, as you can see in this clip from his 100 year old movie ‘Cops’ (1920): You can download the complete film for free from
This is really bad news: US inflation has hit 7%
80% of all US dollars were printed in the last 22 months:
What could go wrong?
14/01/2022: Now both the EU and the WHO warn against taking continual ‘booster’ shots on the grounds that it may permanently damage your immune system – and of course they don’t work either:
Meanwhile cannabis and licorice are the new covid cures:
13/01/2022: Interesting. The lost habit of two sleeps – so many everyday things scarcely make it into history. If you have ‘problems’ sleeping, you should read this:
13/01/2022: The Redneck Guide to Children’s Rights – some interesting insights here:
13/01/2022: Our shameful climate alarmists just keep inventing new climate records whilst ignoring the reality that the world has been cooling now for 8,000 years and will continue to do so until we enter the next Ice Age for circa 100,000 years. That would be a big story:
13/01/2022: If this is authenticated (likely) it is an absolute bombshell and reveals awful evil at the highest level:
12/01/2022: A surfing swimming cat:
12/01/2022: This new robot is spooky – time to put a stop to this?
Meanwhile it looks like
11/01/2022: “I see thy glory like a shooting star.” Richard 2. There really are ‘shooting stars’:
11/01/2022: Does this mean we have to say, ‘Goodbye’ to the Bussard Ramjet:
11/01/2022: I realized the vaccines had problems but I did not realize they were this bad: “Instead of bringing an end to this pandemic as promised, the widespread rollout of the experimental vaccines has actually caused a sharp increase in Covid-19 cases and deaths across the world, the jab has caused a whopping 38% more Covid cases per million – and an even more astonishing 31% increase in deaths per million”.
Meanwhile Ivermectin even at very low doses saves a huge (70%) percentage of sufferers:
11/01/2022: We must reject the racist apartheid politics of the anti-Australia Day crowd. We are all Australians who belong only to the one (human) race. That is all:
10/01/2022: A good news story about a baby hummingbird:
10/01/2022: Slow-Mo Supernova:
10/01/2022: James Webb out at L2 which we might colonise one day bit until then e will never see this amazing piece of technology again but (hopefully)it shows us a universe we could otherwise only have dreamed of:
10/01/2022: Dispelling Progressive Fantasies About a World Without Guns:
09/01/2022: Shameful: Is it any wonder that there are 7 dead and 32 injured when clearly everyone fled instead of rushing to help:
09/01/2022: The immense bravery which still exists despite decades of theocratic totalitarianism inspires me. One should not forget that ‘the ‘Western Civilisation’ of which we are so justifiable proud (I hope) actually stands on the shoulders of an Arab civilisation which preserved it for close to a thousand years when it was thrown away into barbarism in that very West. ‘Algebra’ for example isn’t just called that by accident. Alas that ‘Arab Civilization’ has itself largely descended into barbarism:
09/01/2022: Why humans suck at thinking. I must because I still think the real answer to the Monty Hall problem is ½:
You have to hope this does not come to pass: “Are we headed for the situation
where the ~30% unvaxxed will be devoting their lives to operating whatever is
left of the economic infrastructure and serving as caretakers for the vaxxed? in the
09/01/2022: Stuart Schneiderman is always refreshing. “When government fails the movement toward populism accelerates. And it tends toward conspiracy theories, because who would possibly believe that the people who are running government are just plain stupid. In truth, it's easier to deal with evil than it is to deal with stupid…A lot more of this may be on the way if the developed world keeps playing Russian roulette with its energy supply, a vital underpinning of a modern society and foundation of every voter’s well-being”
08/01/2022: Blame the hedgehogs:
08/01/2022: Long past time politicians (and others) focused on things that actually matter. Tucker’s opening statement is worth a watch :
08/01/2022: Protecting the grid (rather than forcing it to collapse) is a case in point:
08/01/2022: January 6 Remembered – It’s only when conservatives do it (and do no harm) that it matters:
07/01/2022: Virtue signalling is all very well but not if it costs me a single buck:
07/01/2022: Viagra — is there anything it can't do?
07/01/2022: How things work –unfortunately:
06/01/2022: We must ‘follow the science’: scientists teach fish to drive:
“They have suppressed many safe, useful treatments: People deficient in Vitamin
D3 are 14
times more likely to get severe Covid. Why aren’t the Health Departments
telling us all to get our D3 measured and why don’t they hand out free samples
at every corner chemist? Vit
D3 reduced hospital deaths in
Melatonin reduces deaths by maybe 90%, good old antihistamines saved nursing home patients, Iota-carageenan nasal sprays reduced infections by 80%, Mouthwashes reduce covid deaths by 80%. Asthma drug Budesonide reduces Covid hospitalization rate by 90%. Even cough syrup with Bromhexine might help.
cut Covid by 98% with Ivermectin while
06/01/2022: A must read – mass formation psychosis explained:
06/01/2022: How the 1960s institutionalized us. Roger Kimball is great. “The long march of the cultural revolution of the 1960s has succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of all but the most starry-eyed utopians. The great irony is that this victory took place in the midst of a significant drift to the center-right in electoral politics. The startling and depressing fact is that supposedly conservative victories at the polls have done almost nothing to challenge the dominance of left-wing, emancipationist attitudes and ideas in our culture… It is both ironical and dispiriting to realize that the counterculture may have won its most insidious victories not among its natural sympathizers on the left but among those putatively conservative opponents who can no longer distinguish between material affluence and the moral good…”
05/01/2022: Terraforming Mars – I used to think it was only Sci-Fi but maybe someday it will happen (especially if Musk has anything to do with it):
05/01/2022: Another Elon Musk first:
05/01/2022: What is happening here? A 40% increase in the death rates of working age people would have to be very worrying:
05/01/2022: French Presidential candidate Eric Zemmour’s Christmas message. He would get my vote. If only our Oz leaders had half his belief in the worth of our civilisation instead of being so eager to throw it away. “Christmas Eve begins the celebration of a civilization – ours – that has enlightened human history. A civilization that believes man is absolutely free, whatever his birth, his past, his environment, his path. In the Christian world, liberty has a divine nature and must be protected as the most precious treasure. A civilization that believes men are equal in dignity…:
Increasing Tyranny World-Wide. Just a couple of ‘incidents’
to underline this. Once the ABC’s 7:30 report or the Herald Sun (the
mainstream media generally) would have headlined such things but they are now
complicit in concealing the news (and the deteriorating situation). Dr Malone
(the inventor of the mRNA process which underlines some vaccines (he actually
specifically warns against) gave an interview the other day explaining the
phenomenon of ‘mass formation psychosis’ (mas hysteria) and its role in
advancing totalitarianism. This search term ‘broke’ Google
for over 24 hours as the people behind the manipulation of information
scrambled (unsuccessfully this time) to cover it up. You could find out
about this at ‘Infowars’ for example (and many other sites) but I would not be
able to post links to them without being banned permanently from Facebook &
etc. In a like way Tommy Robinson has just completed a documentary about
Check out the follow-up to these ‘incidents’ here: Not so long ago we would have (rightly) insisted that perpetrators of child (any) rape would be hanged from the nearest tree. Now the police (society?) has become complicit in such awful crimes.
04/01/2022: This is normal: You can check the BOM temperature records at our longest most remote Oz sites (eg Cape Otway and Wilsons Prom) yourself to see that temperatures actually declined during the C20th and that all the highest temperature records actually occurred in the C19th. If you are too lazy to do so you are not ‘entitled’ to an alternative opinion. That being said however I see that the BOM has been hiding the data and will no longer respond to a search for these station names. Here is a list of the station numbers: The data can still be found. Here it is: More instructions can be found here:
04/01/2022: Life will find a way – for thousands of bugs ‘plastic pollution is just food. They will soon have gobbled it all up. Like so many things, not a problem:
04/01/2022: Abortion was the world’s leading cause of death last year (by a long shot). Over 40 million! For comparison World War 1 killed around 20 million, World War 2 perhaps 60 million but each was over a period of several years. This is homicide on a grand scale, not advanced health care. For most of my long life we have had safe cheap contraception and have been able to ‘plan’ our families and enjoy our (sex) lives. I understand that the ‘parents’ of these aborted babies do not want them (any more than murderers generally want their victims to live). There are more than sufficient other people who do want these babies though – and one might have thought the babies themselves ought have a stake in this, ie what once was called a ‘right’ to life? For most of us it is a wonderful boon after all. In most countries there is a drastic declining population and a shortage of workers which will cause all sorts of problems in the future. Making sure that these ‘unwanted’ babies have a loving home and a rewarding future instead of death would go a long way to solving both these problems as well as help to confirm our humanity.
03/01/2022: And Now For the Good News: Dear IPCC, First get the science right…If you have a great big hole in the roof it will be impossible to heat your house…if all the heat ‘leaks’ out over Antarctica for example, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about or to be done about it. (PS: For me at least ‘advection’ is a new word – joy!):
Canoeing into the New Year: There was 2.05 metres of lovely water on the
Waterford gauge and 1.60 on the Crooked River gauge and several above 30C
degree days to look forward to so we filled the 15 litre Esky keg with ice (and
some celebratory cans of champagne for Della) tossed all our gear into two cars
and headed off (of course with the two dogs) to Eaglevale intending to canoe
down to Kingwill Bridge over a (very) leisurely three days. This is an
excellent height but we enjoyed the trip before with only 1.75 on the
is (roughly 2.5 hours
down to Bullock Flat then a further 2.5 hours down to (unsignposted) Neates
Track thence a further 3 hours down to
This trip could be achieved in one (hectic) day if you were of such a mind or you could take your time, enjoy lots of refreshing swims, picnics under shady trees and etc and just take your time. ‘There is nothing quite like messing about in boats’ as Ratty (or Mole) opined in ‘Wind in the Willows’. Read More:
03/01/2022: Three inches of rain coming but the BOM is still calling it ‘Showers’!
03/01/2022: The Perfect Husband? Well, probably not but I am a hero today having fixed Della’s (long-suffering) stove problem. Several years’ ago I installed a new Westinghouse GSP 627S gas stove for her. After a short while the door started to give problems and would not close properly. Repeated efforts to gain warranty failed as did various jack-leg work arounds so that we mainly reverted to propping the door ‘closed’ with a short length of broom handle or similar. Lately I decided to have another go and discovered this wonderful lady’s ‘review’ of her own experiences. This led me to the people who sell the improved door support bracket ( – a whole $21!) It really took no more than five minutes to install them and now (after many years) the door closes perfectly – much more perfectly than it did from new. Della will now have to master a whole new set of cooking times and there will be huge savings no doubt on our gas bill. There (sometimes) is progress after all!
02/01/2022: Happy New Year: We have been away from people canoeing – more about that in a later post. Occasionally coming upon the (literally) hordes of benighted campers confined to ‘camping grounds’ along the river whilst we enjoyed mile after mile of solitary bliss led us to reflect that (at now over 70 – me) we have enjoyed the best of all lives, and we are still doing so. Those who come after have very much less to look forward to largely because of the proliferation of government and other big controlling entities. Still there is even more wilderness to enjoy than there ever was. The world has added an area of a couple of Australias of forest in just the last quarter century or so for example, and as people crowd more and more into urban areas and access roads and tracks are closed the bush is more and more thinly populated. It is really no use buying one of the Thai 4WD dual cabs. The only way to access the bush is by canoe or shanks’ pony. Get out there and enjoy before it is banned too.
02/01/2022: Great lines from old films. The 1930s was a golden era. Mae West stands out even there. Here is one from ‘Dinner at 8’. I doubt cinematographers would be allowed to go even this far today:
It has been raining fish in
Inflation. ‘Nothing to see here’ is the standard government lie, but all along
they devalue the currency again and again with this device, punishing savers
and rewarding the profligate. The result for most of us is that we become
relatively poorer whilst ‘enjoying’ a larger and larger swag of government of
all sorts. This is disguised by many people having heaps of cheap Chinese toys
to play with (funded by our only profitable industry - primary) and increasing debt mountains. The whole world has rapidly become