The Finnish Landrace breed
and their crosses has been the most studied sheep breed in the world over the
last quarter century. Here is a list showing a sample of the studies which have
been conducted and published. The Maijala article quoted on the Home page
summarises 120 such papers from 10 countries.The conclusion of all this
research is that 1/2 Finnish Landrace crosses will increase the following
traits as compared with the breed being crossed with by the following amounts:
percentage of multiple births +328%, Litter weight weaned/ewe weight +125%,
lambs born/ewe/year +141%, Lambs slaughtered/ewe/year +139%, lambing difficulty
score -87%.
Barker, J.D., 1975. A field trial of Finnish Landrace rams as sires of
crossbred ewes. Anim. Prod. 20: 371-380.
Boylan, W.J., Berger, Y.M. & Allen, C.E., 1976. Carcass merit of Finnsheep
crossbred lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 42: 1413-1420.
-, -, & -, 1976. Fatty acid composition of Finnsheep crossbred lamb
carcasses. J. Anim. Sci. 42: 1421-1426.
-, - & -, 1971. Natural and induced ovulation rate of Finnish Landrace and
other breeds of sheep. Anim. Prod. 13: 627-635.
Cedillo, R.M., Hohenboken, W. & Drummond, J., 1977. Genetic and
environmental effects on age at first estrus and on wool and lamb production of
crossbred ewe lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 44: 948-957.
Clarke, S.E. & Hohenboken, W.D., 1983. Estimation of repeatability,
heritability and breed differences for lamb production. J. Anim. Sci. 56:
Cochran, K.P., Notter, D.R. & McClaugherty, F.S., 1984. A comparison of
Dahmen, J.J., Hinman, D.D., Jacobs, J.A. & Everson, D.O., 1978. Wool traits
-, -, - & -, 1978. Lamb production of
Dickerson, G.E., 1974. Crossbreeding performance of Finn and domestic (
Dickerson, G.E., 1977. Crossbreeding evaluation of Finnsheep and some
-, Crouse, J., Glimp, H.A. & Gregory, K.E., 1974. Carcass traits of market
lambs from Finn-cross ewes. J. Anim. Sci. 37: 232 (Abstr.).
-, Glimp, H.A. & Gregory, K.E., 1973. Viability, growth and reproduction of
Finnsheep crosses. J. Anim. Sci. 37: 232 (Abstr.).
-, - & -, 1975. Genetic resources for efficient meat production in sheep:
preweaning viability and growth of Finnsheep and domestic crossbred lambs. J. Anim.
Sci. 41: 43-53.
- & Laster, D.B., 1975. Breed, heterosis and environmental influences on
growth and puberty in ewe lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 41: 1-9.
Donald, H.P. & Read, J.L., 1967. The performance of Finnish Landrace sheep
-, - & Russell, W.S., 1968. A comparative trial of crossbred ewes by
Finnish Landrace and other sires. Anim. Prod. 10: 413-421.
-, - & -, 1970. Influence of litter size and breed of sire on carcass
weight and quality of lambs. Anim. Prod. 12: 281-290.
Dzakuma, J.M., Stritzke, D.J. & Whiteman, J.V., 1982. Fertility and
prolificacy of crossbred ewes under two cycles of accelerated lambing. J. Anim.
Sci. 54: 213-220.
-, Thomas, D.L., Fields, J.E. & Whiteman, J.V., 1978. Winter and fall
lambing performance of crossbred ewes of Finnsheep, Dorset, Rambouillet and
Ehite Face Western breeding when mated to purebred or crossbred rams. Misc.
Publ. - Oklah. Agric. Exp. Sta. 103: 150-155.
Echternkamp, S.E. & Laster, D.B., 1976. Plasma LH concentrations for prepubertal,
postpubertal, anestrus and cyclic ewes of varying fecundity. J. Anim. Sci. 42:
Fahmy, M.H., 1983. Maternal performance of DLS sheep and its crosses with the
Finn Landrace breed. Vth World Conf. Anim. Prod., Abstr.: 43.
Flanagan, S.P., 1966. Preliminary observation of Finnish Landrace and
-, Hanrahan, J.P. & O’Malley, P., 1978. New sheep breeds raise lamb
sales at Blindwell. Farm and Food Research 9: 7-8.
-, - & -, 1979. Prolific ewes increase cash income. Farm and Food Res. 10:
Flinn, L.D., Gould, M.B., Whiteman, J.V. & Fields, J.E., 1973. A
preliminary evalutation of reproductive performance and further evaluation of
growth and carcass characteristics of 1/4 Finnish Landrace lambs. Oklah.
-, 1975. Increased lamb production from Finnsheep-Mutton Merino crossbreds in
-, Benjamin, R.W., Folman, Y. & Driori, D., 1974. (Crossbreeding Finn rams
with German Mutton Merino ewes). Hassadeh 54: 1531-34.
-, Eyal, E., Folman, Y. & Foote, W.C., 1979. Contemporary comparisons
between progeny by Finnish Landrace and Romanov rams out of Mutton Merino and
Awassi ewes. Livest. Prod. Sci. 6: 283-293.
Hanrahan, J.P., 1974. Crossbreeding studies involving Finnish Landrace and
-, Allen, P. & L’Estrange, J.L., 1977. Effect of Finnish Landrace and
Hofmeyr, J.H., 1982. Implications of experimental results of crossbreeding
Sheep in the
Hohenboken, W., 1977. Genetic and environmental effects on postweaning growth
and carcass merit of crossbred lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 45: 1261.
- & Clarke, S.E., 1981. Genetic, environmental and interaction effects on
lamb survival, cumulative lamb production and longevity of crossbred ewes. J.
Anim. Sci. 53: 966-976.
Hulet, C.V. & Price, D.A., 1975. Effects of feed, breed and year on
pregnancy of ewe lambs. Theriogenology 3: 15-20.
Jakubec, V., 1974. (Comparing the reproductive performance of Finnish Landrace
and Romanov sheep in Czechoslovakia). Zivoc. Vyr. 19: 439.
-, 1977. Productivity of crosses based on prolific breeds of sheep. Livest.
Prod. Sci. 4: 379-392.
-, Slana, O. & Krizek, J., 1974. Growth intensity of lambs of Mutton Merino
breed, fertile breeds and their crosses. Proc. Work. Symp. Bree Eval. Exp. with
Farm Anim., Zeist 1974: 445-449.
Jenkins, T.G. & Ford, J.J., 1982. Estrus Characteristics of Finnsheep crossbred
and Morlam ewes. J. Anim. Sci. 55: 741-744.
Kneale, W.A., 1974. Early lamb production on an upland farm. Experimental
Husbandry 1974, 27: 16-22.
Kriz, A., 1974. (The future of artificial insemination of sheep in
Czechoslovakia). Nas Chov 34: 28-30.
Lamberson, W.R. & Thomas, D.L., 1982. Effects of season and breed of sire
on incidence of estrus and ovulation rate in sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 54: 533-539.
Land, R.B., 1970. A relationship between the duration of oestrus, ovulation
rate and litter size of sheep. J. Reprod. Fert. 23: 49-53.
-, 1974. Physiological studies and genetic selection for sheep fertility. Anim.
Breed. Abstr. 42: 155-158.
- & McClelland, T.H., 1971. The performance of Finn-Dorset sheep allowed to
mate four times in two years. Anim. Prod. 13: 637-641.
-, Russell, W.S. & Donald, H.P., 1974. The litter size and fertility of
Finnish Landrace and Tasmanian Merino sheep and the reciprocal crosses. Anim.
Prod. 18: 265-271.
Laster, D.B., Glimp, H.A. & Dickerson, G.E., 1972. Factors affecting
reproduction in ewe lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 35: 79-83.
Lawson, R.A.S., 1971. Potential uterine capacity in low, medium and highly
fertile breeds of sheep. Vet. Rec. 88: 210.
- & Rowson, L.E.A., 1972. The influence of breed of ewe and offspring on
litter size after egg transfer in sheep. J. Reprod. Fert. 28: 433-439.
Levine, J.M. & Hohenboken, W., 1978. Crossbred lamb production from
Columbia and Suffolk ewes. I. Ewe production and lamb traits. J. Anim. Sci. 47:
Louda, F., Krizek, J., Stole, L. & Reksoprodjo, P., 1978. Semen quality of
rams under commercial conditions with regard to fertility. Zivok. Vyr. 23:
Lucas, J.R., notter, D.R., McClaugherty, F.S., Anderson, G.W. &
Gwazdauskas, F.C., 1983. Breed differences in testicular growth and
gonadotropin secretion in prepubertal ram lambs. Theriogenol. 19: 749-758.
McClelland, T.H., Bonaiti, B. & Taylor, St.C.S., 1976. Breed differences in
body composition of equally mature sheep. Anim. Prod. 23: 281-289.
Magid, A.F., Swanson, V.B., Brinks, J.S., Dickerson, G.E. & Smith, G.M.,
1981. Border Leicester and Finnsheep Crosses. II. Productivity of F1 ewes. J.
Anim. Sci. 52: 1262-71.
Maijala, K., 1974. Breed evaluation and crossbreeding in sheep. Proc. Work.
Symp. Breed Eval Cross., Zeist, 1974: 389-405.
Maijala, K., 1984. Review of experiences about the use of Finnsheep in
improving fertility. Proc. 2nd Wrld. Congr. Sheep and Beef Cattle Breeding.
-, 1980. Experiences of Finnsheep and its crosses as dams for fat lambs. Symp.
Intens. Sheep Prod., Proc. (Helsinki): 2-9.
- & Usterberg, Siv, 1977. Productivity of pure Finnsheep in Finland and
abroad. Livest. Prod. Sci. 4: 355-377.
Mann, T.J.L., Smith, C., King, J.W.B., Nicholson, D. & Sales, D.I., 1984.
Comparison of crossbred ewes from five crossing sire breeds. Anim. Prod. 39:
Meyer, H.H. & Bradford, G.E., 1971. Carcass evaluation of Finnsheep
crossbreds. J. Anim. Sci. 33: 203.
- & Timon, V., 1975. A comparison of sheep breeds and crosses for ewe
productivity. Irish J. Agric. Res. 14: 285-296.
Nitter, G., 1975. Results of a crossbreeding experiment with sheep for
different systems of fat lamb production. I. Reproductive traits. Livest. Prod.
Sci. 2: 167-177.
-, 1975. Results of a crossbreeding experiment with sheep for different systems
of fat lamb production. II. Growth and carcass traits. Livest. Prod. Sci. 2:
-, 1978. Breed utilization for meat production in sheep. Anim. Breed. Abstr.
46: 131-143.
Notter, A.R. & Copenhaver, J.S., 1981. performance of Finnish Landrace
crossbred ewes under accelerated lambing. I. Fertility, prolificacy and ewe
productivity. J. Anim. Sci. 51: 1033-42.
- & -, 1981. Performance of Finnish Landrace crossbred ewes under
accelerated lambing. II. Lamb growth and survival. J. Anim. Sci. 51: 1043-50.
Oltenacu, E.A.B. & Boylan, W.J., 1981. Productivity of purebred and
crossbred Finnsheep. I. Reproductive traits of ewes and lamb survival. J. Anim.
Sci. 52: 989-997.
- & -, 1981. Productivity of purebred and crossbred Finnsheep. II. Lamb
weights and production indicies of ewes. J. Anim. Sci. 52: 998-1006.
Quirke, J.F., 1978. Reproductive performance of Galway, Finnish Landrace and
Finn-cross ewe lambs. Irish J. Agric. Res. 17: 25-32.
-, 1978. Onset of puberty and oestrus activity in Galway, Finnish Landrace and
Finn-cross ewe lambs during their first breeding season. Ir. J. Agric. Res. 17:
Rattray, P.V., Garrett, W.N., Meyer, H.H., Bradford, G.E., East, N. &
Hinman, N., 1973. Body and carcass composition of Tarqhee and Finn-Tarqhee
lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 37: 892-897.
Reeve, E.C.R. & Robertson, F.W., 1953. Factors affecting multiple births in
sheep. Anim. Breed. Abstr. 21: 211-224.
Ryder, M.L. & Wilson, D.T., 1972. Fleece characteristics and postnatal
fleece development in Finnish Landrace x Merino sheep. Anim. Prod. 15: 75-84.
Schanbacher, B.D. & Lunstra, D.D., 1976. Seasonal changes in sexual
activity and serum levels of LH (luteinizing hormone) and testosterone in
Finnish Landrace and Suffolk rams. J. Anim. Sci. 43: 644-650.
Shatskij, A.D. & Gol’tsblat, A.I., 1978. (The use of prolific breeds
in crossbreeding of sheep). Vestn. Sel’sk. Nauk., Moscow 6: 106-112.
Shrestha, J.N.B., Peters, H.F. & Heaney, D.P., 1978. Comparison of
single-cross lamb from exotic sheep breeds with Suffolk. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 58:
-, - & -, 1982. Growth performance of lambs sired by rams of the East
Friesian, Finnish Landrace, Ile-de-France and Suffolk breeds. Can. J. Anim.
Sci. 62: 689-697.
Sierra Alfranca, I. & Espejo Diaz, M., 1973. (Preliminary results of the
first generation from crossing Aragon ewes with Finnish Landrace rams: Growth
and sexual activity). Anales Inst. Nac. Invest. Agr. Ser. Prod. Anim. 4:
Smith, C., King, J.W.B., Nicholson, D., Wolf, B.T. & Bampton, P.R., 1979.
Performance of crossbreds from a sheep synthetic dam line. Anim. Prod. 29: 1-9.
Southam, E.R., Hulet, C.V. & Botkin, N.P., 1971. Factors influencing
reproduction in ewe lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 33: 1282-87.
Speedy, A.W. & FitzSimons, J., 1977. The reproductive performance of Finnish
Landrace x Dorset Horn and Border Leicester x Scottish Blackface ewes mated
three times in 2 years. Anim. Prod. 24: 189-196.
Steane, T.A., 1980. (Crossing with Finnsheep in the Norwegian sheep husbandry.
Results from ram circles). Husdyrforsoksmotet (Norway) 1980: 171-175.
Stritzke, D.J., Whiteman, J.V., Thomas, D.L. & Fields, J.E., 1976. The
reproductive performance of young Dorset x Suffolk x, and 3/8 Finnsheep x
Rambouillet crossbred ewes mated in August and September. Oklah. St. Univ.
Agric. Exp. Sta. MP-96: 112-114.
Terrill, C.E., 1974. Review and application of research on crossbreeding of
sheep in North America. Ist World Congr. Genet. appl. Livest. Prod., Proc. I:
Thomas, D.L. & Whiteman, J.V., 1979. Effects of substituting Finnsheep and
Dorset breeding for Rambouillet breeding. I. Productivity of young,
spring-lambing ewes. J. Anim. Sci. 48: 256-264.
- & -, 1979. Effects of substituting Finnsheep and Dorset breeding for
Rambouillet breeding. II. Productivity of fall-lambing ewes. J. Anim. Sci. 48:
-, -, Fields, J.E. & Stritzke, D.J., 1977. Summer lambing performance of
crossbred ewes of Finnsheep, Dorset and Rambouillet breeding when mated to
purebred of crossbred rams. Oklah. St. Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. MP-101: 108-113.
-, -, - & -, 1976. Reproductive performance of crossbred ewes of Finnsheep,
Dorset and Rambouillet breeding when lambing in the fall. Oklah. St. Univ.
Agric. Exp. Sta., MP-96: 107-111.
-, - & Walters, L.E., 1976. Carcass traits of lambs produced by crossbred
dams of Finnsheep, Dorset and Rambouillet breeding and slaughtered at two
weights. J. Anim. Sci. 43: 373-379.
Torres-Hernandez, G. & Hohenboken, W., 1979. Genetic and environmental
effects on milk production, milk composition and mastitis incidence in crossbred
ewes. J. Anim. Sci. 49: 410-417.
Vesley, J.A., 1978. Performance of progeny of Finnish Landrace and Dorset Horn
rams mated to ewes of various breeds and crosses. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 58:
Visscher, A.H., 1974. A crossbreeding experiment with three breeds of sheep.
Proc. Work. Symp. Breed Eval. Cross. Exp., Zeist: 475-491.
-, 1976. A crossbreeding experiment with Finnish landrace, Ile-de-France and
Texel. Some preliminary results. Sheep Breeding, Proc. 1976 Intern. Congr.,
Muresk and perth, W. Austr: 129-138.
Walton, P. & Robertson, H.A., 1974. Reproductive performance of Finnish
Landrace ewes mated twice yearly. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 54: 35-40.
Wheeler, A.G., Baird, D.T., Land, R.B. & Scaramuzzi, R.J., 1977. Seasonal
variation in oestrus, the secretion of oestrogen and progesterone and LH levels
before ovulation in the ewe. J. Repr. Fert. 51: 427-432.
& Della Jones, Gippfinn Finnsheep Stud RMB 4518, Morwell 3840 Australia |
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