2016 Blog
See also:
Hiking Advice
The Upper
Yarra Walking Track
2015 Blog
2014 Blog
2013 blog
2012 and earlier blog

Kintail Burn, Dusky Track,Fiordland,
NZ 2012 Six Moon Designs ‘Swift’ pack @ 450 grams
WARNING to ‘snowflakes’. This is
a Conservative Blog. It will cause
upset and offence to ‘sensitive souls’. Reading it may cause dangerous thoughts
and emotions to arise in you. Read on…
31/12/2016: Another
Government Outfoxed: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-11-29/tasmania's-multi-million-dollar-fox-hunt-based-on-likely-hoax/8049560
31/12/2016: Robert
Conquest’s ‘Three Laws of Politics’:
Everyone is conservative about what he knows best.
Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later
becomes left-wing.
The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic
organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.
31/12/2016: Coyote: ‘Christmas
Advice for Those Worried About Global Warming: If you are worried about
greenhouse gasses and global warming, then I have some Christmas advice for
you. When you are done with your
Christmas tree, do NOT take it to one of those "recycling" locations
most towns have. The recycling process
is typically chipping and mulching the trees, which just accelerates their
decomposition into greenhouse gasses.
If you are really concerned about catastrophic warming, you want to use
your tree as a carbon sink. Have it
shrink-wrapped in some sort of plastic what won't biodegrade and then landfill
it -- the deeper it is buried, the better.
Those folks trying to get you to "recycle" your tree are
secretly in the pay of the (Greens) and trying to trick you into ruining the
30/12/2016: Darwin
award candidate: Suspect Dead After Targeting Armed Gun Store Owner: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/12/28/police-suspect-dead-targeting-armed-gun-store-owner/
30/12/2016: Ultralight
Toothpaste: ‘Tactical skills weblog Imminent Threat Solutions shares a
simple method for making toothpaste dots by squeezing small, chocolate-chip
sized "dots" of toothpaste onto aluminum foil, allowing those dots to
harden for a week or so, and then transferring to a small waterproof bag. To
use, all you need to do is pop a toothpaste dot in your mouth, chew for a few
seconds, and start brushing.’ http://lifehacker.com/5979236/toothpaste-dots-keep-down-toiletry-bulk-when-carrying-light & http://gossamergear.com/wp/toothpaste-dots

28/12/2016: Time to
take another look at the AEMO’s forecasts for South Australia. As you can see they
have large shortfalls on Jan 10, 16 & 24 (and Jan 2018 is a disaster!)
Should we have heatwave conditions along the Eastern seaboard there will be
blackouts then, as now. If we close Hazelwood the entire eastern seaboard will
enter into this looney leftist instability. We must pull back from the brink.
The only solution I can see is the Australian Government compulsorily acquiring
Hazelwood under the constitution’s national Emergency powers – or at least
requiring that it be sold to the highest bidder – even if that is only $1! http://joannenova.com.au/2016/12/south-australia-blackout-costs-367m-normal-electricity-twice-the-price-reserve-shortfalls-coming-in-january-2/
28/12/2016: The
ultimate snowflake ‘cri de coeur’: You can send this lass your donations,
if you wish (or think she should get a real job!) http://davidthompson.typepad.com/davidthompson/2016/11/poverty-and-how-to-get-there.html#more

Why kid ourselves? Maintain your self-respect by
resolving to meet realistic goals. One cool aspect to these is that, if you
fail to keep them, it's a good thing instead of a cause for self-loathing. Samples
(feel free to borrow):
I will not exercise at all and
will avoid all forms of difficult or tedious exertion beyond walking around and
looking at stuff
2. I will gain weight
3. I will resume smoking
4. I will watch more TV and movies, and read fewer books
5. I will do more take-out and minimize home cooking
6. I will quit vegetables entirely
7. I will not clean out or sort out a single closet
8. I will have a messy desk and disorganized paperwork
9. I will do more things at the last minute, or tomorrow
10. I will buy one more firearm I don't need
11. I will make the HQ a Sanctuary Space for dustballs
12. I will throw more recycles into the regular garbage
13. I will continue to try to avoid the dentist and doctor
14. I will waste more of my precious lifetime looking at ephemeral, meaningless
BS on the internet
15. I will ignore "Check Engine" lights and seatbelt alarms
16. I will work harder on loving myself whether I deserve it or not
17. I will give more credit to myself, and less to God.
28/12/2016: Oz
Electricity Supply/Demand: http://www.warwickhughes.com/blog/?p=4865
This is a wafer thin ‘surplus’, ie 5% (five percent). Any sane strategy (taking into account potential
disasters/growth) would require at least 50% surplus. It isn’t exactly rocket
science to figure a half dozen ways a couple of thousand megawatts could
disappear quite quickly and not be replaced for a decade! Ergo: there will be
blackouts along the eastern seaboard sometime in the future and it will last
for a decade at least!

Totals: D = 19,303 G = 21,985 Surplus = 2,682 Minus Hazelwood 1,600 = 1,082
You also need to understand that some of this ‘installed
capacity’ are ‘renewables’ which are uncertain at best!
28/12/2016: Russian
spies confess to their involvement in US election (hilarious!): http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/russian-intervention-exposed/news-story/576784a3e4429d42901b65436d118021
27/12/2016: The Diamond Desert:
Everest Base Camp
Trek # 8: Once you
reach Pangboche you are definitely out of the trees and the vista changes
utterly. The absence of softening vegetation makes the panorama seem larger and
harsher – and of course the colours change. You start to see lots more snow and
ice, as well as vast shiny grey scree slopes as the Himalayas
catapult downwards under their own steepness. In places huge mountainsides have
simply cleaved and fallen off, sometimes damming vast ice rivers and forming
beautiful turqoise lakes.

Even along the river it is barren lands.

View from Nangartschang Hill of one such cataclysmic lake.

About half way looking back towards Pangboche.

About half way looking towards Dingboche – could be out of
a ‘spaghetti western’!
It is not until you see this that you are aware that the
mountains are a vast crystalline growth on a truly gigantic scale. Of course
you knew this intellectually all along: it is what the clash of continental
plates and the uplift of crustal magma which creates them is all about, but not
until you see the monstrous facets of stone mountains fissuring and fracturing
away onto valley floors thousands of feet below are you truly aware that this
is the same process yous see in your salt shaker or on your battery terminals
at home but on a garagantuan scale.

Tsola River: Turnoff to Pheriche.

Dingboche: Nangachang Hill left
In Dingboche you are right below the Western slopes of Ama
Dablam where there were apparently intrepid souls making their best efforts to
commit suicide trying to reach the top. It looked impossible to me! Maybe the
other side. It is the most photogenic of mountains. Some such suicide victim
was clearly being rescued by this chopper in the morning. I did not notice when
I snapped the scene the really super, supermoon hovering in the sky above it –
yet that was weeks before the ‘official supermoon’! They do things differently
in Nepal!

To me Ama Dablam is forbidding.
We had an acclimatisation day in Dingboche 4410 metres
during which we climbed Nangartschang Hill just behind the French bakery where
we were staying to approx 5200 metres. BTW the bakery also have a small
Pharmacy which can be very handy if you are beginning to feel some symptoms of
altitude sickness &/or Khumbu cough (they stock both Diamox and
antibiotics, for example – also throat lozenges which you will also probably
need by now!) If you take ½ a Diamox twice per day this will help prevent the
symptoms of altitude sickness, which if you begin to suffer from, you must
immediately descend – as it can be fatal! You should have begun this prevention
strategy before you left Kathmandu (or Jiri).

View od Dingboche from Nangartschang Hill: all the tiny
brave potato fields.
Literally hundreds of folk were attempting the ascent
of Nangartschang Hill as I set out after breakfast (Steve had preceded me
– the young are always rushing ahead or lagging behind – why is it so?) Most
turned back before the summit. When I arrived there I had only three others for
company, including Steve. It was definitely a photo opportunity, but I must say
I prefer greenery!

The Ultralight Hiker on top of Nangartscang Hill @ 5200
My head cold and sore throat became worse over the next 24
hours. I also felt very tired after the descent so reasoned that the planned
foray to Chukkung Ri and the Kongma La Pass were not for me. I
decided I would go on to Luboche and meet up with Steve at Gorek Shep. He would
take my sat phone and I would take the sat messenger. I offered him the Escape
Bivi but he still would not take it. The young. How they ever get to be old is
a mystery – well, many of them don’t!
We parted just after breakfast and I headed off towards
Luboche. However, I had to climb a couple of hundred metres over the hill I had
climbed to the top of the day before with relative ease and after a while I
could tell I was not going to make it. I could not tell whether it was altitude
sickness or an onset of pneumonia at that stage, but I needed to get downhill
immediately whichever it was and get well, so I headed off back towards Namche
instead. I had a terrible two day walk there and on to Lukla as I decribed
elsewhere, then a long, tortuous month recovering from the pneumonia which also
struck young Steve down a couple of days later. I will let him carry on with
his story of venturing on to Everest Base Camp:

Views (above and below) up the valley from Nangartschang
Hill towards Chukkung.

‘I left Dingboche early (after saying goodbye to Steve J)
and didn’t leave Chukkung until just before noon. I made it to the false summit
of Chukkung Ri at 2 pm at 5,404 meters (17,725 feet). My
lungs were feeling surprisingly strong. The views were unbelievable. You could
even see the iconic Pumori in the distance to the north.

Steve H atop Chukkung

And a friend!
When I realized that the actual summit was further up, I
pushed on, but it was already quite late. The route was rather difficult as I
was climbing across loose rock on a ledge that dropped several hundred meters.
Very close to the top, I even became bluffed out and had to turn back around to
find the correct route marked by small cairns.
I reached the summit at 4 pm, which is rather late for Himalayan standards, as
I still had a very long descent.
From the summit, I could see that clouds were rolling into
the valley and began whipping up and over the saddle, from which I would
descend. So, I did not stay long. The descent took forever. It was late in the
evening and the sun began to set, casting its beautiful golden light on the
high peaks to the east. I took a lot of pictures of this evening magic, which
is why I didn’t arrive back in Chukkung until a long while past darkness.
I’ve done some crazy hikes before, but the next day was
definitely the hardest hiking day of my life. It’s one thing to hike above
18,000 feet and another thing to do it with a 30 lb backpack. I’ve now had two
consecutive days above 18k feet – higher than the altitude of Everest Base

It was freezing this morning when we left Chukkung and we
had a few initial problems crossing the icy, glacial-fed stream, as the ‘local’
advice was completely inaccurate. We eventually headed upstream and found a
makeshift bridge to cross.
Once on the true right, we traversed the Nuptse Glacier and
picked up the unmarked Kongma La Pass trail…Hiking further, a beautiful bowl
opened up with frozen waterfalls and glacial peaks looming high as a backdrop.
Even a massive condor or eagle with a wingspan of some six feet soared above

Once we turned the corner, it became clear that we had to
climb straight up. With my pack fully loaded, I could only manage climbing five
meters at a time before I had to catch my breath. The secret is to keep your
heart beat as low as possible and just move slowly in a zombie-like fashion
with one foot in front of the other…
Upon reaching a plateau, I passed these beautiful frozen
lakes before climbing again to the main plateau en route to the pass. On the
main plateau, I was starting to feel a bit sick. Not overly nauseous, but just
enough to make me unsteady. The weight of my backpack was really holding me
back, but I knew that I had to push on.
Walking further on the plateau, I could see the pass and
the prayer flags in the distance. All of a sudden, a beautiful turquoise lake
opened up out of nowhere, so I took the opportunity to rest and to munch on two
Snickers bars.

Eventually, I jumped back on the path again and began the
final ascent to the pass. It was very steep with a huge drop down to the lake.
There was so much sediment on the ground that it was very difficult to have
much traction. A hiker from New
Zealand coming down slipped and almost went
over the edge. Finally, I made it to the pass at 5,535 meters (18,159 feet)
feeling absolutely shattered. My body was completely spent. Fortunately, the
views were just incredible.

On the back side, the route descended through huge boulders
before giving way to loose scree. It was a tough descent after already reaching
exhaustion at the pass. After descending for well over an hour, I reached the
bottom of the valley. The moraine from the Khumbu Glacier was just massive.
Traversing it for roughly 1.5 km was slow going, as the rocks were loose and
the route was not well defined. I was utterly exhausted, but had to push beyond
my limits again in order to concentrate and avert injury.
Finally, I reached the other side. Turning around, I stood
in awe at what I had just descended and traversed. The size of the Khumbu
Glacier was just unreal. I then proceeded to descend into the village of Lobuche,
where I stumbled around looking for a room. Eventually I found a dark and dingy
tea house where I could rest my head. I changed my clothing and immediately
passed out.
Next day I made it to Everest Base Camp (and also climbed
Kala Pattar). Normally, people hike from Lobuche and do this itinerary in 2-3
days. I’m feeling pretty good. It is the third day in a row above 18,000 feet.
Everything is literally freezing up here so I cannot write much of a message.
For now, here are some pictures. Everest is absolutely beautiful…
Just a bit of an additional update. Yesterday was an
amazing, but it is very, very cold to sleep up here at 17,000 feet. It was less
than 5 degree F weather overnight here in Gorakshep. My Nalgene froze within 15
minutes. I could barely sleep due to the extreme cold and could definitely feel
the altitude after such a long day. Throughout the night, you could hear huge
chunks of glaciers careening off the mountains, creating a rumble that also
keeps you awake…

Khumbu Glacier.
I can’t believe just how many people are doing the EBC
trek, which is precisely why I elected to do the much less trodden and much
more challenging Three Passes Trek. From Lobuche to Gorakshep, I was literally
running past groups just so that I could reserve a room in Gorakshep. Almost
everything was booked out, but fortunately, the Snow Land
lodge had one more room available…

Upon reaching Everest Base Camp…You could only see a small
section of Everest, but the real view was of Nuptse, the Khumbu Glacier and the
infamous Khumbu Icefall. It was crazy to think that I was only one kilometer
from Tibet…

Once we headed back to Gorakshep, I grabbed a plate of
spaghetti and then began climbing Kala Pattar…I kept pushing on to 5,465
meters. The sun was beginning to set, so I stopped and began to watch one of
the most amazing sunsets of my life. The view of Everest was clear as crystal,
with Chomolungma nestled between Nuptse and another unnamed peak…How could you
not be spiritual in that moment. It really was an incredible sight.

Even long after the sun had gone over the horizon and was
no longer shining brilliant gold on these majestic peaks, these mountains
remained as white as ever. The glow of orange and red and pink behind these
mountains was also stunning…I then descended for the next 45 minutes using the
moon glow to find my way back down. It was freezing. Every other person had
his/her headlamp out, but I’ve done enough night hiking in my life to see and
know the path…
Today, I am hiking all the way to Dzongla, which is
supposed to be the most beautiful mountain town in Sagarmatha. I’m still
batting a lump in my throat (due to a combination of cold and exhaustion), so I
may spend an additional night there in order to recharge my batteries for the very
challenging Cho La Pass…

So, I’ve arrived in Dzongla with a rather nasty throat
cold. While hiking, the wind has, at times, been ferocious and, while sleeping,
the air temperature has been averaging 5-10 degrees F. In the morning, I always
find my window frozen with ice crystals due to the moisture coming from my
exhalation. It is so cold in the lodges that the bathrooms are always frozen
over with urine and faeces, presenting a not-so-appetizing trip to the loo. How
people are able to avoid water-borne illnesses is beyond me. Mix in the Khumbu
dust or cow dung smoke that you are constantly breathing in, and you have the
perfect recipe to get sick. Tea houses are generally filled with a cacophony of
coughs, of which I am now a contributor…

Walking from Gorakshep to Lobuche, I was really moving
quickly. Unfortunately, due to my cold, the second portion of the hike to
Dzongla really wore me down. I was very, very tired and struggled to put one
foot in front of the other…my throat is completely swollen, which restricts my
breathing – not a great attribute to have at 16,000 feet. My nose has
constantly been running and it is very apparent that I must take a ‘zero’ day
tomorrow so that I can rest. I need to be very fit to make it up and over Cho
La Pass, so I’ll have to make a decision on my fitness tomorrow night.

My eyes keep crying…my throat still hurts, and I have fluid
constantly dripping from my nose. I’ve already gone through two rolls of toilet
paper and that’s just from blowing my nose
Last night, my throat and lungs were so
constricted that I could barely breathe in the thin air. Hopefully, tonight
will be more bearable…

For all of these reasons, I have decided to throw in the
towel and descend to Namche tomorrow.’
27/12/2016: A Yuletide Thought: The Dangers of Losing Christianity: You may
find this opinion strange coming from an avowed atheist, ‘Virtue is the secret
lubricant that makes all our institutions work smoothly—and it is the secret
glue that holds the social structures on which we all rely in place. The
farther America moves from
its rich heritage of faith, the less well America will work. This isn’t a
partisan point. Christianity is the living force behind American liberal
ideology as well as behind American conservatism. The values of honesty and
tolerance in our national political life are ultimately grounded in the
Christian faith that has formed the American conscience for hundreds of years.
If we as a people walk away from that faith, the many blessings that it brought
us will dry up and blow away.’ (Walter Russell Mead) but then you will remember
I am also a Conservative who believes we should strive to preserve the best in
our traditions. Christianity in the West has for many (like me) transformed
into a kind of atheistic humanism, but one deeply rooted in the Christian
tradition. Ask yourself whence came core Australian beliefs such as: ‘A fair
go’, ‘Jack’s as good as his master’, ‘mateship’, ‘an even playing field’, ‘a
fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay’, ‘a helping hand’, (we should) ‘all pitch
in’ ‘as good as his/her word’ & etc. There is some pretty ‘tough love’ here
(and much that has become ‘dated) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_5
(scroll down for full text –I’m sure you can read 48 lines of C16th verse!),
but you will see many precepts which inform what used to be our national
consensus. You may well eschew preposterous concepts such as bearded grandsires
in the sky, afterlives, heaven and hell, etc…but the moral teaching still
deserves some examination – as does (even more) that of Socrates (as I
mentioned here: 23/11/2016: The Sunset
of the West).
Replies to
comments: I think Maslow was wrong: the most basic needs are not the
physiological ones else folks would never die for their beliefs, country, etc.
Nonetheless I think 'virtue, honesty, tolerance' and many other things may well
stem from our Christian heritage and are worth retaining and celebrating!
Polonius to
Laertes: 'to thine ownself be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.'
Things like,
'How to live a good life'. 'Human betterment', 'The perfectibility of man' are
perennial important issues which Christianity raised. Jesus (and Polonius) call
for some really 'tough love' if you want to follow all their precepts, (and
some are highly questionable) but neither really deserved being stabbed behind
an arras - or becoming the first Xmas tree decoration!
27/12/2016: War veteran takes forever to get home then kills everyone (The
Odyssey) And there are more: http://www.upworthy.com/hilarious-summaries-of-classic-novels-theres-a-comic-for-that?c=ufb1
26/12/2016: Best Deer Hunter’s Cap, Best Ultralight
Cap: At 76 grams in 61% Merino wool, 19% Tencel, 14% Nylon, 6%
Lycra these are just the best caps I have ever found. (Black colour only) Your
head stays drier and either cooler/warmer (depending on season) than any other
head wear I have worn when you are working hard: http://au.icebreaker.com/en/mens-hats-neckwear/cool-lite-quantum-cap/102249.html?dwvar_102249_color=001
They are on special now (Boxing Day) at A$39.96, so snap
one up; I did. You will note they also have a camo version in a slightly
heavier, warmer merino fabric for winter hunts: 111 grams & A$29.97: http://au.icebreaker.com/en/accessories/explore-hat-real-tree/102359_WS.html?dwvar_102359__WS_color=901

26/12/2016: You
don’t say? How surprising: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/11/25/old-explorer-logbooks-reveal-antarctic-sea-ice-unchanged-from-over-a-century-ago/
25/12/2016: Andrew Hastie may be PM one day. Listen to him speak, ‘A
dark day.” “Frightening.” “Devastated.” Watching progressives react to Donald
Trump’s win made me think of the apocalyptic wasteland in Cormac McCarthy’s
novel The Road, with people “sitting in their rags by the side of the road like
ruined aviators”...Though I’m conservative, I can understand their reaction
because, for both progressives and conservatives, the “frailty of everything”
has been revealed by the rise of Trump...First, the election of Trump was
overwhelmingly a repudiation of progressive overreach rather than a validation
of the conservative world view...Many people are mistakenly reading into
Trump’s election a conservative revolution while ignoring the overwhelming
populist strain that defined his campaign. Rather than rejoice as we watch the
crashing masonry of the progressive political order, conservatives should feel
equally chastened by the need for greater communication with the Australian
people.We need to be averse to overreach. We need to listen and take heed. We
need to tell our story more convincingly. It could happen to us, too. The
second lesson is more positive: democracy is alive in the West. People remain
strongly resistant to statist activism...Like overzealous ideologues in foreign
lands, politicians who pursue a new moral order with aggressive legislative,
judicial or executive authority will invite organised resistance from
below...Pre-political institutions are the best place for securing our freedoms
and so we should take encouragement that democratic governments cannot control
them, and are sent packing when they attempt to do so. Ironically, Labor
understood this better than most when it presciently scuttled the Coalition’s
plebiscite on same-sex marriage. Rather than risk a potential defeat through a
popular vote, it prefers to ram a same-sex marriage bill through the parliament
and frustrate the will of the people. You can’t deny its intuition, even if it
is anti-democratic...Third, we have been given a rather blunt lesson that
treating people as homo economicus — the idea that our political problems can
be reduced to economic questions and that people act rationally to secure their
interests — denies the existence of social and cultural capital inherent to
Western polities. Not everything can be put up for sale. The reflexive
protectionism that defined the Brexit and Trump movement reminds politicians
that, despite the benefits of globalisation, there are always losers in the
transfer of labour and capital offshore. Loss of identity through vocational
irrelevance is a real anxiety in communities that prize skilled labour. People
are also worried about their local customs and national identity. They are
worried about the preservation of a shared inheritance — what Burke regarded as
a line of obligation between the dead, the living and unborn. They see threats
to their national identity from without and within. This is why immigration is
such a fraught issue for people, especially when competing for employment with
foreign workers. The desire to preserve culture, tradition and history
is not a bad thing. In a previous era we called it patriotism — the love of
one’s country. Trump captured the spirit of this anxiety superbly: Make America Great
25/12/2016: The New Science of Exercise: http://time.com/4475628/the-new-science-of-exercise/
“We almost completely prevented the premature aging in the
‘Doctors, researchers, scientists--even ancient philosophers--have long
claimed exercise works like a miracle drug. Now they have proof.
As I have said before, a rigorous exercise program might not extend your
life. It will definitely enhance and extend your quality of life even if you
begin it at any age. Everybody knows that they ought to do it, but it's hard
and it hurts and we're lazy and "busy." Plus there is that terrible part: delayed
gratification. Everybody hates that. As I say, "The flesh is willing but
the spirit is weak."
Our quite well-informed recommendations for general fitness and
conditioning for the ordinary person who wants to achieve or maintain maximal
functionality for life:
1. Nutrition: Don't be visibly overweight - it's the worst thing you can
do to yourself besides being an addict, and no exercise can help being fat.
Does a demanding exercise program require a specific pattern of nutrition? Yes.
We have discussed that in previous posts here. With a serious exercise program,
you have to keep up with the protein and fats - approx. 70-100 gms of
2. Weight training - as heavy as possible, approx 50 minutes twice a week
3. Approx one hr total of calisthenics/wk for mobility, balance, and
4. 2 or 3 twenty-min sessions of cardio intervals/wk (HIIT). (For HIIT, I do stairs once,
elliptical once, rowing once. Occasionally sprints in the pool.)
Under age 35, it can take 12 months to be whipped into decent shape. Over
35-40, depending on your fitness starting point, 18-24 months. Intense sports
like basketball can substitute for calisthenics. Yoga is excellent, but does
not substitute for any of the above. Many men find Yoga to be quite challenging
and helpful. Lots of pro football players do it. If your day
job is physical, all of the above recommendations would differ.’
25/12/2016: ‘We are
living through a disruptive innovation as far-reaching as the steam engine
or the discovery of petroleum…The people who created the shale gas revolution,
and their gutsy backers in the financial markets, sank billions of dollars into
often fruitless gambles over long periods before eventually reaping rich
rewards. It is a reminder that innovation is neither easy nor cheap nor
inevitable…Yet we… can now benefit from their efforts…They reduced the use of
chemicals by 95 per cent to very low levels; they
proved that significant earthquakes or the contamination of aquifers by
fracking are both almost impossible; that methane leakage is no worse than in
conventional gas drilling; that the time and cost spent in fracking a well can
be greatly reduced with experience. We can come in, in other words, when others
have shown how effective, safe and affordable slick-water fracking in shale
is.’ http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/the-frackers.aspx Just
thought it was time I reposted this from 10/12/2013.
24/12/2016: Yarra Falls 3:

There are some amazing wilderness areas in Victoria. Some maybe
only a half dozen living eyes have seen. Such as this. People have been
forbidden to venture here since c1955. This is the junction of Falls Creek and
the Yarra River forwarded to me by an anonymous
reader. Falls Creek is seen entering from the left.
S/he writes: 'It is about 11,000 steps in from the main
road to here, some very short ones as the terrain is quite steep in places,
particularly the last few hundred metres. There is also some horizontal scrub
to negotiate, very tricky unless you are shown the way, or keep a careful look
out. On the way in you walk North across the head of a gully then follow the
ridge (just north of centre) sloping roughly NE for a couple of kilometers
until you reach the top of the first waterfall, one of six falling a total of
over 250 metres, the highest in Victoria. There is a very small spot you might
pitch a tent about fifty metres before the first fall. A hammock or two could
be pitched at the falls. There is no water for the next 9,000 steps till you
reach the Yarra confluence.

Some beautiful wildflowers on the way.
You cross above the top waterfall, climb diagonally onto
the ridge to the West then follow it all the way to the bottom, keeping exactly
on the top. After about 2,000 steps there is a view of some of the falls seen
poorly through the tall timber. There is a clearish view of probably the second
one, whilst others below it, glimpsed only indistinctly give an impression of
their immense height. A side track needs to be contoured in from just downhill
of this spot to access a better view of these five falls. It used to be
possible to climb them on the Eastern (true right) side.

The last couple of hundred metres of the ridge the path
leads a little to the left of its centre through some horizontal scrub bringing
you out onto the Falls Creek about 100 metres upstream from the confluence.
There is a substantial flat area downstream of the creek where several tents could
be pitched.

You can camp right on the Yarra here and catch a trout for
your breakfast.

The 'Shelter Hut' was on that ridge above the tent. It
would have had a superb view.
Trout are plentiful and easy to catch in this section of
the infant Yarra. The old Shelter House used to lie just up the ridge from the
river flat on the downstream side of the creek. There are a number of flattish
areas where it might have been, but no sign of the concrete chimney, so further
investigation is needed. The vegetation here is quite thick.
It is probably not too difficult to push your way from this
campsite through the vegetation up to the base of the Main Falls
which lie at least a kilometre below the five falls. You would need the best
part of a day to do just that and return. I suspect.

Possibly site of 'Shelter Hut'.
It will take you a day to walk in to the confluence and a
day to walk out. Or you can walk in to the top of the first falls and out again
in a day. Especially along the ridge the forest litter is probably nearly a
foot deep. Underlying it there are many stones. Your feet are constantly
rolling on the deep litter, and as you crash through it you are often pitched
in unexpected directions by the stones etc. You will need hiking poles to
minimise falls but they are quite awkward to use in the densely vegetated
sections.' It would be useful if you brought a machete (such as this: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-worlds-greatest-machete/)
and some pink fluoro tape to improve the path for others.'
See also:
Video of Main
Falls (2007): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUZwDjiO-sk
24/12/2016: Astonishingly, police are reported to not be investigating this
other ‘incident’ in Melbourne! What is our country coming to? https://au.news.yahoo.com/video/watch/33638317/hero-tradie-to-the-rescue-to-stop-st-albans-service-station-disaster/#page1
24/12/2016: It’s getting
to be a lot like Christmas as Moslems terrorists plot to commit mass murder in Melbourne. It’s not exactly rocket science: The
more of these folk we have the more we are in danger from their evil mad
cult. Hanson has called for an immediate cessation on Moslem immigration, an
obvious necessity which will be ignored by our ‘elite’ masters. Of course that
step alone does not go nearly far enough; we must rid ourselves of this cult
utterly: by banning Islam, confiscating all its properties and by phased
deportation of all its adherents. The Government has already begun this process
by cancelling the visas of Islamic criminals as soon as they leave Australia.
The same needs to be done with fake refugees and all their families. If one of
their family has revisited their homeland since they came to Australia this is a clear admission
that their refugee status was fake. It is one thing to offer assistance to
folks in need (for example there are millions of Christians whom we should be
helping, victims of Islam!) Since such folks generally have low skill levels
and a low suitability to assimilate into Australian society there is no benefit
in admitting them. A warm inner glow only lasts a short while. Any who break
our laws eg by committing bigamy and such terrorist support and plotting as we
are constantly seeing, need to be offered a choice between gaol and
deportation. Then we need to start paying those with permanent residency
&/or Australian citizenship to leave. I know this will cost, but it will be
much cheaper than the welfare dependency (and reckless breeding practices) we
are currently supporting. And much, much cheaper than having them turn the
streets of our cities into another Baghdad or Damascus!
22/12/2016: Good God
in Heaven, what will they deconstruct next? Denying Santa Claus: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/academics-tackle-the-big-issues/news-story/0335794d6066bfad5a9ca72960433799
22/12/2016: Clearly Turnbull’s days
are numbered: http://www.skynews.com.au/news/top-stories/2016/12/22/reports-bernardi-to-split-from-the-coalition.html How much longer will we have to put up
with a Conservative Government which isn’t – and which doesn’t even attempt
to fix the nation’s problems? Go Now
Malcolm, Just Go! Couldn’t agree more: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2016/12/resign-malcolm-just-go/
22/12/2016: Under Turnbull this is still what is
happening to your money (Meanwhile the country slides into bankruptcy!): http://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2016/12/julie-bishop-looking-forward-to-co-chairing-un-green-fund-with-saudi-arabia.html
Donald Trump probably is our last chance to rid ourselves of this whole vast,
evil Green scam: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/12/19/trump-versus-the-green-blob-the-battle-that-will-define-his-presidency/

21/12/2016: Save Hazelwood: Instead of spending $200 million to save Alcoa,
Andrews should spend it to save Hazelwood whose closure will cause much worse
disruption than ‘merely’ the closure of Portland. Prediction: Within three
years the Victorian Government will be building new coal fired power stations!
21/12/2016: Legendary German Efficiency Fail: (I may not buy a Mercedes after
all!) So they have released the ‘suspect’ in the Berlin Semi ‘incident’. Mind
you they only need to deport a million or so people to ensure they have rid
themselves of him. I am expecting news of a new German ‘solution’ to their
immigrant ‘problems’ any day!
21/12/2016: The Centenary of the Russian Revolution is coming up…So many folks
still hanker for the ‘promises’ it made, instead of the reality of the tens of
millions murdered and the billions enslaved and held in poverty. A time to
remember and reflect on the awful ‘legacy’ of the Left: http://www.spectator.co.uk/2016/12/the-centenary-of-the-russian-revolution-should-be-mourned-not-celebrated/
20/12/2016: A Merry
'Shear-mas' to all! Della: ‘Yesterday was our 'Shear-mas Day'. Sing along
with the words, and token apologies to John Lennon whose lyrics were much more
trite than mine!
"And so this is Shear-mas
A day in the sun
Another fleece over
A new one just begun.
A very merry Shear-mas
And a Happy New Year
We're all sleek and neat now
No dags on our rears!"
And we celebrated the end of Shear-mas Day with a dinner of
roast lamb and freshly picked raspberries with lashings of cream and ice-cream.
Almost makes up for the tired muscles and excess sun-exposure!’

Lining up.

Even the lambs got a short back and sides.

Steve in fine fleece throwing form.

All over and a fresh paddock to graze.
So nice these days to finish the shearing
in one day (early afternoon) instead of at least five days of hard grind in the
blazing heat. Retirement has its blessings! We are proud though of having for
nearly 40 years participated in and contributed to what was once Australia’s
greatest industry: the Pastoral Industry. Just a hobby for us now though! See
also: http://www.finnsheep.com/index.htm
20/12/2016: Pre-Diabetic: Is this the latest ‘health’ scam? ‘The study found
that more than 80 percent of Americans over age 60…(are, and)…nearly 60 percent
of those over age 40’. What (if anything) does it mean? http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/16/health/youre-prediabetic-join-the-club.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fhealth&action=click&contentCollection=health®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=1
(NB: Australian results ie 3.9-5.5 = American results of 70-100 The WHO
recommends (Oz figures) of less than 6.1).
20/12/2016: Some more good news: Imitation garbage bag loses ‘refusal to stand’
case: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/stand-or-fall/news-story/a33e480ac31a9b9bd8b00834cff5db01
20/12/2016: Of course, these are the are the immigrants we need and want: Watch
this: Moslem woman refuses to shake hands with German President.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5wqMJ9_xYk
Meanwhile in Germany: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/world/nine-people-killed-after-truck-ploughs-into-a-christmas-market-in-berlin/news-story/e2543c2e5a33900d3212433337f25eaa
They must be loving Angela’s decision over there to let in millions of these
‘loving’ folk.
19/12/2016: Golden Triangle Fallow: I visited Dunolly in Central
Victoria briefly last week to see an old friend. Although the bush
thereabouts looks like (and is described by locals even as) ‘lizard country’ my
friend showed me a grassy rise as well as a couple of promising gullies
thereabouts where he has seen good fallow. In one such secret place he had
picked up this enormous fallow antler which Della has turned into a Xmas decoration
as you can see - before its eventual descent into knife handle, towel rail or
etc…Gold is where you find it! It looks more like a moose antler to me! Anyway.
Merry Xmas!

19/12/2016: Sambar
Stalking #104: A lot can be learned about deer by observing their
behaviour; I have been a sheep farmer for thirty years (longer now than I have
worked at anything else – it looks odd on my census return: Occupation:
Sheephusband!): They are quite like sheep. Particularly in their routines, the
topography they prefer, their family behaviour, their caution and nervousness, their
ability to choose a pleasant spot to be. They are also personally
unsurprisingly docile and affectionate towards each other. If you have ever
tried to force sheep somewhere they decided not to go you would not doubt their
intelligence. It has been established that sheep can identify over 1,000 plants
from a single experience of them; apparently this equates to an IQ over 60. A
human being with that level of intelligence would be considered below normal –
but would have the vote! We would not be able to shoot, kill and eat such a
person, however.
NB: This is a draft. I will be adding to it a little later
on…but folks have been asking me when I was going to post (yet) another
deerhunting ‘story’ – so here it is!

There have been a number of studies of sambar deer (eg
employing tracking collars) which are quite instructive about the areas they
chose to inhabit and the way they travel them. I recommend you pay some
attention to them rather than opinion (eg that they migrate!) Had you looked at
such studies you would not doubt my opposition to trail cameras as unfair
‘hunting’ aids. Such studies also indicate their preferred food (mast ie fruit,
nuts etc, not blackberries, for example). You can be paying attention to such
things as you move through the bush: eg the prevalence of coprosma fruits (both
sweet and prickly), lilly-pillys, etc: mast which is equally palatable to
people, by the way! The early settler adopted such fruits as desserts and
preserves. It is worthwhile knowing what can be eaten (by people too) in the
bush and trying it out (even beetle larvae and the hearts of tree ferns, etc) as
you never know when you may be lost and hungry!
Deer’s fondness for such foods leaves no surprise that
orchardists view deer in much the same way as they view cockatoos and corellas.
The main sign deer have feasted well on prickly coprosma may just be the
absence of the fruits from suitable heighted branches as they run them through
their mouths to suck off the succulent fruit. I have observed this many times.
Blackberries are more of a desperation food for deer – as they are just so
prickly. You will see them browsing the fresh shots in late winter/early spring
when less alternative fodder is available. If it were their number one choice
they would have eradicated blackberries from all those otherwise choked
riverbanks and gullies!
Some folk ask whether they can be called – and indeed they
can (odd times – I have). But you will need to study hard to learn what sound
it is might make them come. By then you will likely have shot enough deer
anyway! You will for a long while (if you ever hear it) and think something
else made THAT sound. In such a situation likely two will come. You will also
likely only hear such calls as may attract them if you are in quite a remote
place, rarely if ever frequented by humans. Such calls as they do make are
usually at the borders of two stags’ territories, though does and young make
many small sounds each to each which you will have to be very close to hear.
Because of my deafness, I no longer can. The voices of bats too, and many other
sounds are lost to me. It is far better though than going blind as my wife has
been doing.
Not unlike other herbivores one stag will often have
several does (though he may tolerate a spiker or two with them). This means
there are other spots where lone stags hang out or (quite often) where groups
of stags hang out together, as with many of the deer family – moose for
example. My old late friend, the ‘legendary’ Arthur Meyers shot three such
stags out of one small gully (Poole‘s) in quick succession (I believe) in the
Jordan catchment in 1962. I have personally seen a group of five stags living
placidly together in a very small patch (about an acre) at the head of a gully
in one of the many Stoney Creeks. The dominant stag is not always the biggest
stag. Often another solitary stag is, one who was long ago beaten (perhaps
because he tried too early) and has given up trying.
Having nothing else to do but grow, he might grow to an
enormous size, as one Arthur’s mate George shot off my great hound Harpoon in
Red Jacket in the 1990s. Harpoon and I had put this monster stag up from one of
those small perched gullies high up (this one surprisingly on the South side of
the Bald Hill) where deer love to shelter in wet weather (when you think they
have all but disappeared from the terrain). I guess there is a spring there
which keeps some fresh food alive; the vegetation is often thick (in this case
all but impassable and choked with ‘wait-a-while’ or ‘lawyer’ vines). It is
sheltered, warmer and drier than the surrounding bush – if you are ‘laying up’
Harpoon put him up mid-morning. Within I guess less than an
hour the stag had commenced a ‘walking bail’ where he would neither run nor
stand. This is a tactic oft employed by large stags and is enough to shake most
hounds, but not Harpoon. He stuck with him thus for many hours, until he
cruised past George at the head of a side gully of the Ross Creek
about 3:00 in the afternoon. George managed to get only one shot off into him
with his trusty .308, as the stag immediately bolted over the ridge, George (and
Harpoon) in hot pursuit. The single shot was enough (it was a heart shot) but
as is quite normal the stag still ran for maybe half a kilometre on pure
adrenaline until he collapsed on the side of a gully, where George found him,
limping up to him with a twisted ankle.
He had perforce to spend a very cold night with him,
huddled over a miserly fire with a couple of muesli bars for company. The radio
communication there is always very bad, and we could not find him though we
combed the bush until about 1:00am. Our search was made more difficult by an
immigrant whom Arthur had brought along who was tasked to merely ‘keep the home
fires burning’. This chap was of an excitable Italian disposition and had
brought along a ready supply of ‘grappa’. Every time we would let off a shot in
an attempt to zero in on George’s answering shot, ‘Giovani’ becoming
increasingly inebriated would let off a shot of his own (unbeknown to us) which
completely threw off our efforts to locate poor George.
He was much easier to find the next morning when we
‘rescued him around 8:00am, having driven into Woods Point to beg a loan of the
gate key from the local policeman, who kindly offered to come along and assist.
As I previously mentioned George was huddled against a giant log over a small
smoky fire. He quickly assured us he needed a swig of rum before a drink of
water. Everyone carried spirits in their hunting kit in those days. I was
looking around for the stag. It took me a while to realise that the ‘log’ was
the stag. He was so large he could not be rolled over (downhill) by one person.
The head would not fit in the back of a Nissan Patrol, so had to be strapped to
the bonnet where it over-reached both mudguards. There are monsters out there
At the top of this post you will see a snap of my first
deer, taken off Alan Green’s hounds near Brunton’s Bridge in, I guess 1984. In
the background you can see Alan’s lovely wife Carol and his faithful old hound
Harry, father of my ‘Harpoon’. How young we were! 35mm photos are so eclipsed
by the new digital photography though, aren’t they? There were often nearly as
many women on our team as men. It would be good to see more women hunters
today. I had been hunting deer for nearly two years before I took this one, so
you can see why I think many potential hunters are too impatient today. We
enjoyed many splendid days in the bush (ethically) trying to bag a deer.
Usually we came back with lots of stories (and scratches) but not many deer. It
was a great adventure however, and I deeply cherish the memories of those
wonderful friendly hunts!
PS: Carol & Alan are now the proprietors of https://www.caoutdoors.com.au/ 61 Tramway Rd,
Morwell. They sell all your hunting, fishing and camping needs. Also there
really is no-one who is more knowledgeable as them – especially regarding

This doe came out of ‘The Flourbag’. I was waiting for her
just off the B2 track, and had been for some time – with no sound of hounds or
men. The old 27 meg CB radios we used in those days (often only one channel)
were little better than two tin cans tied with a length of string! Mine was a 1
watt Tandy special. I still have it somewhere. She had been bedded near the
willows in the Flourbag. She had gone up and down that stream a few times, then
up the river getting further and further ahead of the hounds all the time. She
had then crossed the Flourbag and come across into the Thomson where I waited
with no sound of an accompanying hound to warn me.
Having heard nothing for hours (and it being a warm
afternoon), I confess I had sat down on a log and was having a smoke – and
reading a book actually, thinking the hunt was lost to me and had gone far
upriver. I must have heard the slightest sound as she crept past me, as when I
looked up, there she was. This was the only day in my long deer hunting career
when I had forgotten my gun! Fortunately Alan had an old ‘sporterised’ .303
exactly like mine which he was able to lend me.
As you can see, a .303 will make a deer quite
satisfactorily dead if you hit it squarely in the chest. This is the main
thing. I have mentioned before that I only ever use iron sights. It takes a bit
more practice to hit a running target with them, but once you are adept it is
easier, as you never lose sight of your target. It is also fairer on the deer.
Also, if you drop the gun or fall over with it as you are bound to do sometime,
nothing will move those iron sights on an SMLE or a Mauser – which is mostly
what everyone had once. I still have mine. Every so often they get a ‘run’ with
some novice I am training.
I was watching Attenborough’s Planet Earth 2 ‘Grasslands’
just last night and noticed that the armed rangers in India’s National Parks
still use them – and that would be in case of a charging elephant or a tiger,
perhaps. They used to be touted as the quickest bolt action rifle in the world.
In WW1, our soldiers were supposed to be able to shoot a German or a Turk every
second (or quicker) and at 500 metres plus+. It would be good if our young were
still trained to that level of skill with firearms – as the world is no freer
of dangers today than it was in 1914 – and never will be! Col Townsend Whelen
(after whom the rifle round and tent are named) used to train US soldiers to
shoot their .30-06 bolt action rifles. He could reliably put a round a second
(or better) into a target the size of a man’s chest at 200 yards every time. If
you can do that, you need no artificial aids to take sambar deer.

The ‘crew’ that day: Alan & Carol Green, Ray and Val
I shot from my seated position so as not to further alarm
her – she was going quite quickly enough. As sambar often do she just hunched
down with the shot and kept steaming along, so that (if you were someone else)
you might think you had missed her, but I had grown up busting bunnies on the
run with a .22 in Western NSW, so I knew she was hit in the boiler room and
would soon be down. Even so I first walked right by her even though she was
leaving a quite impressive blood trail. Sambar blend in impressively well
to their surroundings: I can’t imagine how those unsporting types who haul off
and shoot at deer at 1,000 metres ever manage to find them again. Judging by
the heads I have picked up in the bush over the years, they often don’t!
It was celebrations all round. Our tradition was that it
was the successful hunter’s ‘shout’ – in the Erica pub of course! Hunting
ethically you don’t take anywhere near many deer as unethical folks are doing
these days with their GPS collars and computer assisted ‘culling’ systems. We
even caped this doe out and took the cape to the taxidermist – as I wanted my
‘first deer’ mounted. I cared not a jot whether it was a stag or a hind.
Unfortunately the taxidermist ‘lost’ the cape, so it was not to be. I have
never had much interest in other trophies since so I have not bothered. I used
to give away heads if someone else wanted them until my kids once asked why I
never brought a stag’s head home, though I brought the meat they grew tall on,
so naturally I said I would bring the next one I shot home and have it mounted
– which I did.

Our kids were quite chuffed by my first deer – and just as
happy to eat it!
Curiously enough it was also a deer I put up one weekday in
the Flourbag though I had not been there in years. At this time I had taken to
hunting mostly weekdays, often by myself or maybe (as on this occasion) with
maybe one friend – to help with the carry out! Not a particularly fine specimen
of a stag, though perhaps a descendant of my first deer. Nonetheless it is ‘on
the wall’ somewhere in our house. I have many better antlers now which I could
swap on it, but it would not be the same. It would not be the stag I shot off
‘Harpoon’ that day off that track, long ago…

And here he is!
Some Other Hunting Related Posts (there are many more):
19/12/2016: More amazing facts about pigeons: http://www.popsci.com.au/science/nature/pigeons-can-read-a-little-bit-new-research-shows,437745
& http://www.popsci.com.au/science/nature/pigeons-know-when-theyre-getting-bad-leadership-advice,437740
19/12/2016: What is the fifth wave? ‘Information expands in great waves which
sweep over the human landscape and leave little untouched. We stand at the earliest moment of what
promises to be a cataclysmic expansion
of information and communication technologies:
the fifth wave’: https://thefifthwave.wordpress.com/what-is-the-fifth-wave/
19/12/2016: Sedentary Youth: Young people are being treated for conditions
commonly seen in the elderly such as varicose veins, haemorrhoids, back
pain and knee joint problems: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/young-people-old-age-bupa-conditions-older-varicose-veins-back-knee-problems-sedentary-a7436166.html
18/12/2016: Second Lifers: ‘I’m too old to
try anything new!’ How many times have you heard folks spout rubbish like
this. ‘Not at my age’, ‘I haven’t got time for that’, ‘It would (have been)
nice’, ‘Not in my lifetime’…I even hear young people of 70—80 or less (!) bang
on with just such nonsense…Use it or lose it, guys! You won’t be getting
another innings, so make the most of this one!
18/12/2016: Lewis and Clark Weren't the Only Explorers to Map the American
Frontier: http://mentalfloss.com/article/86268/lewis-and-clark-werent-only-explorers-map-american-frontier
18/12/2016: A brilliant essay in defence of Western
Civilisation: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2016/11/wests-enemies-foreign-domestic/
17/12/2016: Naplan Maths results are even poorer than I imagined. I have done
practically zero maths for over 50 years yet I was able to do all these sample
maths questions with 100% accuracy in less than two minutes in my head without
a calculator. These are the type of exercises we used to do as ‘mental
arithmetic’ (as an exercise) before class started in Grade 5/6 back in 1969!
There have been too many generations of
ignorant, incompetent leftist teachers preaching (because they knew naught else)
instead of teaching, it seems to me. We need to sack all of them, transfer
their remuneration to the competent ones and increase their remuneration
proportionately. Some simple testing and inspection of all the teachers is all
that is needed to separate the grain from the chaff. Of course this will mean
increasing class sizes proportionately which will in turn no doubt require a
return to real discipline (corporal punishment, etc). However, this educational
failing is a national crisis. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/school-life/the-maths-questions-australian-kids-struggle-with/newsstory/f22520d5ea4191a13d43f81961e18f6f
17/12/2016: 10 Things We All Did in School That Are Banned for Kids Today: https://pjmedia.com/parenting/2016/11/10/10-things-we-all-did-in-school-that-are-banned-for-kids-today/
17/12/2016: Klymit
Insulated Static V Lite Sleeping Pad: This pad is available on Massdrop (https://www.massdrop.com/buy/klymit-insulated-static-v-lite?referer=EJ89BQ)
for US$62.99 (so about A$100 delivered) just now. It has a very good R rating
and is 23” wide! Just what you need to keep those elbows warm! I do not need it
to be so long as this but can probably cut approx 6” (15 cm) off it and reseal
it with a hot iron (so bringing its weight down to 509 grams. Della would only
need 5’ (150 cm) of it, so hers would weigh 463 grams!) This is heavier than my beloved Thermarest Neoair Women’s but it is
wider, has a slightly higher R rating (.7) and looks to be made of a tougher
material, so worth a try. ‘Lite has an R-value of 4.4 and weighs just 19.6
ounces (556 grams) . The body-mapped V shape and dynamic side rails reduce air
movement and hug your body as you sleep, while the Klymalite synthetic
insulation offers reliable thermal performance for all seasons—from summer
backpacking to winter ski tours. Made from tear- and abrasion-resistant 30d
polyester, this pad inflates easily in 10 to 15 breaths through the twist-pull
valve, and when you’re done, packs down to 5 by 8 inches in the included stuff
PS: I recently received a Klymit X Ultra Light Pillow
(Weight 53 grams http://www.theultralighthiker.com/klymit-ultralight-pillow/).
I am most impressed with it. Though a few grams heavier than my Exped pillow,
it appears to be tougher. You can sit on it (it has a screw down valve instead
of a plug) , so it makes an excellent comfortable trail seat. The configuration
allows for a number of sleeping strategies but the 'X' in the middle will be
ideal for back sleepers. I slept on it last night and found it superbly

See also:
Sleeping Pad
Fabric: 30d polyester with antimicrobial laminate
Color: Orange
Insulation: Klymalite synthetic fibers
R-value: 4.4
Inflation: 10 – 15 breaths
Dimensions, inflated: 72 x 23 x 2.5 in (183 x 59 x 7 cm)
Dimensions, packed: 5 x 8 in (13 x 20 cm)
Weight, pad: 19.6 oz (556 g)
Weight, stuff sack: 0.5 oz (13 g)
Stuff sack
Patch kit
Klymit’s lifetime warranty

16/12/2016: Blocked from Pirate Bay: Just as in the
Islamic and Stalinist dictatorships our great ex-Communications Minister,
Malcolm has just ‘made’ it so you can no longer ‘access’ your favourite torrent
site – well not unless you use a VPN (which Pirate Bay has been recommending
for nearly a decade themselves - for privacy reasons!) and as I recommended
here back in October 2015; http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ipvanish/ As you can read
here this is the solution to all our Government’s interference with your
internet freedom: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/…/how-download-torrents-downloa…/
An update; I have been using IPVanish for over a year now and they are great!
16/12/2016: An attempt to identify the object of the Bard’s affections one of
poetry’s most enduring mysteries: the identity of Shakespeare’s same-sex
beloved in the sonnets: https://theamericanscholar.org/too-much-poetic-license/#
16/12/2016: Woman
tricks husband into thinking she 'adopted' a coyote. This is very funny: www.someecards.com/life/digital-life/woman-adopts-photoshop-coyote-husband-freaks/
15/12/2016: ‘Follow
the Leader’ Remember that game? And, follow the Pied Piper? You remember
where that led the Hamelin children? ‘Follow the Left Downhill to Destruction’
That’s the game all our ‘elites have been playing most of my life – in complete
defiance of ‘common sense’ and the will of the majority of Australia’s
citizens. There is a plethora of isues where the vast majority of the
population (say 80%+) has long since made up its mind - the death penalty and
euthanasia are two obvious examples which spring to
mind – and dare I say, immigration) but which the ‘elites’ in our parliament,
in our newspapers and public service refuse to countenance, as a result we have
to put up with monsters murdering our loved ones in unimaginable ways then
being released to do so all over again instead of swinging from some convenient
tree at the end of the street after the first time they erred. Again our loved
ones are forced to endure truly despicable agony and degradation at the end of
their so lives because the elites cannot make up their minds to allow adults to
decide that they should be able to take a simple tablet to end their own lives.
Meanwhile these same ‘elites’ foist all manner of unwanted nonsense on us: we
are required to work until sometime on Wednesday each week to provide largesse
to a deplorable bunch of sycophants and wankers who will not shift for
themselves, for example. I am sick to death of leftists and greenies dreaming up
bizarre schemes for economic waste or social control, only to be followed down
that same self-destructive path by conservative politicians – so that the voter
is left with no real choice at the ballot box as the two main political forces
play musicals chairs with our votes and so amend the electoral act that any
other choice than them simply will not get up. This is simply fascism by
stealth. It is no wonder at all that both Pauline and Cory Bernardi’s new group
have so much support. ‘Bring it on’, I say. A ‘new’ conservative party led say
by an untrammeled Tony Abbott would garner majority support.
14/12/2016: What a lot of bullshit this vile Voller spouts – and this so-called
Royal Commission is a travesty: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/making-the-offender-a-martyr-not-to-be-questioned/news-story/f9218d6ee89b128ce26d44d94959d130
14/12/2016: The New Apartheid; Astonishing:
‘Christina Hoff Sommers, author of Who Stole Feminism, says equality feminism — fair treatment, respect and
dignity — is being eclipsed in universities by a Victorian “fainting couch
feminism”, which views women as “fragile flowers who require safe spaces,
trigger warnings and special protection from micro-invalidations”. Sure enough,
when she said this at Oberlin College,
Ohio, 35 students and a “therapy
dog” sought refuge in a safe room’: http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/identity-politics/
14/12/2016: Personally, I adore Philly: http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/742143/fat-is-good-for-you-eat-up-says-new-dietary-research
13/12/2016: Swallow Update: The
missing birds have at last returned. They came in day before
yesterday in a veritable swarm. They all wanted to check out the garage (where
many of them were born) and I was standing in their way. They were swooping and
diving only inches away from me as they passed by. They must have experienced a
period of low food somewhere along their migratory path which delayed them
until they were fat enough again to fly. Really glad to seee them back though!
Welcome home for the summer little guys! See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/welcome-swallows/

13/12/2016: Stocking Fillers: http://www.gearbest.com/zone-deals.html Move over Dick Tracy: NB: Won’t work
on our phone system http://www.gearbest.com/smart-watch-phone/pp_364089.html?wid=21&utm_source=mail_api&utm_medium=mail&utm_campaign=regular.1212&eo=KbLsdDmSBf4P5mXd&email=b2t8c3RldmVuZGVsbGFAZmlubnNoZWVwLmNvbXwxMDcyMg==
13/12/2016: Victoria already has many more police per capita than NSW, 12% more! A lack of police is not
the reason we have become the crime capital. It is a lack of policing. A lack
of police guts. Our crime rate is up 12% on last year alone, whilst NSW’s is
the lowest it has been in 25 years! http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/rendezview/politically-correct-and-risk-averse-victoria-police-ensure-crime-thrives/news-story/a0b9e9c2107e23f59603569843cc5277
13/12/2016: SA should reopen the Northern Power Station before they blow it up
(like Playford B!) as there seems little likelihood they will not have
additional blackouts over the coming summer, and a sustained blackout looks
likely in summer 2018 when the demands will exceed the supply from the inter-connector
by more than its capacity – and Victoria will not have any reserve to send
anyway (due to the closure of Hazelwood). Indeed Vic may be having its own
sustained blackouts by then. What a mad, green world we are forced to inhabit: http://joannenova.com.au/2016/12/south-australia-blackout-costs-367m-normal-electricity-twice-the-price-reserve-shortfalls-coming-in-january-2/
12/12/2016:The things they sell at the Yinnar General Store:

12/12/2016:It’s all about an
Apartheid Australia: ‘Constitutional recognition of indigenous
Australians has been blindsided by more radical demands, with an official
forum in Hobart insisting that plans for a referendum must be accompanied by
treaty talks.
The gathering, the first of 12 such invite-only
indigenous community meetings nationwide, concluded that all delegates were
“firmly committed to pursuing treaty” and that this must deal with “among other
things, sovereignty, a land and a financial settlement” as well as an agreed
time frame.
“A discussion of constitutional recognition (can) only
take place simultaneously with a proper consideration of treaty,” states a
written communique issued yesterday...
The 16-member Referendum Council, which has control of
the consultations, will use its findings to report to Malcolm Turnbull and Bill
Shorten by July on the best way forward for a referendum proposal.
Council co-chair and Lowitja institute head Pat
Anderson, who was at the Hobart
meeting, told The Australian treaty was “the No 1 topic” in a “very robust”
discussion but praised conveners Rodney Gibbons and Wendy Moore, and said
perhaps it was “time to have that uncomfortable conversation”.
Ms Anderson said a treaty had been “put on the agenda”
since the council’s formation last December ...
The 100-person Hobart
summit also resolved that any so-called “minimalist” statement in the
Constitution acknowledging the existence of Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islanders before European settlement “would be
unacceptable” unless it was accompanied by substantive changes.
These would include the insertion in the Constitution
of a racial non-discrimination clause specific to indigenous Australians and
the creation of a constitutionally protected indigenous representative body
that would be “stronger than just an advisory body to parliament”’. Stephen
Fitzpatrick in the Australian. Meanwhile in the Netherlands Wilders (banned
from Oz) party would take one quarter of the seats: https://www.yahoo.com/news/dutch-populist-leader-wilders-rises-polls-conviction-144358621.html
As I have mentioned before Ketih Winschuttle has this important new book on the
topic: https://quadrant.org.au/shop/books/hidden-agenda-aboriginal-sovereignty/
12/12/2016:When will this guy
ever learn? Trump Appoints Most Female
Members to Cabinet in History: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/12/someone-tell-fake-news-media-trump-appoints-female-members-cabinet-history/
12/12/2016:Top 10 Christmas Songs
Written by Jews: http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-arts-and-culture/music/22910/have-yourself-a-jewish-little-christmas

Here in Oz too it was introduced as an ‘emergency wartime measure’ during WW1.
The war’s over folks! What happened?
11/12/2016: Adler 7-Shot Ban: I have rarely seen anything quite so silly. Or
the extraordinary waste of all the ‘important’ meetings which preceded it! Two
cartridges just cannot make a difference of two categories. At the very best
/worst a 7-Shot lever action should be category C, as is a 7-shot pump action
shotgun (indeed all pump action shotguns!) whereas a 5 shot pump action high
calibre rifle is Category B! There needs to be some rationality here.
The Category system after all only applies
to legal gun owners who are subject to the most rigorous identity, suitability
and storage requirements so that it surely can’t make a whole lot of difference
if one of us should perhaps squeeze through the net and (using our two extra
bullets) go on to commit some awful offence (as has not happened since long
before Port Arthur actually – whoever was the perpetrator there was not a legal
gun owner).
You can purchase a 10-shot Category B .303
bolt action rifle (once touted as the fastest bolt action in the world) capable
of accurately delivering slightly more rounds per minute (and with a range of
more than 2 km) than an Adler lever action with its miserable 5/7 shot magazine
(with a range of approx 200 metres) and which need to be reloaded one at a
time, whereas the .303 magazine can be reloaded or switched instantly! The .303
has been available now for well over a century - as has the lever action shotgun
actually. You would think with all the hype you have read that the Adler is
some startling innovation in firearms technology.
I shall probably go out an buy a 5-shot
lever action in 12 gauge for myself and a matching .410 gauge for Della, just
because we can! Meanwhile, does anyone actually care that deaths from heroin
overdoses now exceeds gun deaths in the USA? http://www.ibtimes.com/heroin-overdose-epidemic-deaths-exceed-gun-homicides-first-time-us-report-2458116
11/12/2016: Lamping rabbits with hawks in Sussex. Meanwhile, enjoy this
excellent video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6UMIkwQ8GI
11/12/2016: In Victoria,
the inconvenience of LGBTI folk being incinerated in bushfires has become a
cause celebre: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/state-of-correction/news-story/70aff2a07ff6ab9de18c1ba26e200121
10/12/2016: Miniature Pens: Some of these would make
an interesting stocking filler. Whilst nowhere near as Ultralight as my own
of them are quite interesting. Being able to have a pen handy on your keychain
is a good idea, as is the pen which expands to full size when needed;

Pico Keychain

Beta Inkless Keychain Pen

Lamy Pico Pen
See Also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/waterproof-notepads/
10/12/2016: Race Hate Litigant Cindy Prior has been
ordered to pay costs of $200,000 for spuriously claiming that students had no
right to object to a segregated space at the University of Queensland reserved
for ‘indigenous’ stuidents and occupied by no-one at all, it seems; http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/cindy-binned/news-story/9286edaba86b1ffe180644c81ad49d90
this will come as a warning to other such identity politics, entitlement junkes
who not only want to mooch of the rest of us, but seek to prove we are the
enemy in court as well.
10/12/2016: Horrifyingly, University students
prefer Castro to Trump. How bad can Leftist control of our ‘educational’
institutions get: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqBBbca1Izw
09/12/2016: You Take
the High Road and I’ll Take the Low: Canoe Hunting: A canoe (or better yet,
a pack raft) can get you to many spots which would be almost impossible with a
4WD or just on foot (even just across a swollen river, or much further along a
lake), and it can get you (and your quarry) out again with a minimum of effort.
possesses a wonderful network of navigable rivers/lakes often linked to walking
tracks or off-road vehicular tracks which can provide an unsurpassed wilderness
experience. See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/gippsland-pack-rafting-routes/
What is Pack
rafting?: I just realised that many readers may not
realise what pack rafting is, so I’ll try to explain. A number of folk (eg
Alpacka: http://www.alpackaraft.com/
) have developed these ultralight (but tough ie suitable Grade 3 rapids – and
above!) inflatable rafts/canoes which weigh approx. 2 kg (4lb) - or less.
Coupled with a paddle of 800 grams (or less) and a life vest of 500 grams (or
less), you can stow this boat and what you need to ‘drive’ it safely in your
hiking/hunting/fishing backpack (which should itself weigh 500 grams or less

My Fiord Explorer descending the 'Boulder Rapid' (Grade 3)
on the Thomson River.
You will need a reasonable waterproof liner, and I would
recommend a second one inside the first to contain your sleeping bag and change
of clothes. Throw in all your other ultralight hiking gear (and maybe some
fishing gear) you’ll be going where they’re biting obviously - and maybe a
packable rifle, and you are good to go for quite a different adventure. I use a
‘take-down’ (Browning) BLR ‘Lightning’ .308 myself in ‘take-down’ form,
(meaning it ‘breaks’ into two and can be stowed inside the waterproof pack liner)
in my hunting pack. This is great for keeping the rifle clean and dry. I also
carry it stowed like this in my pack on walks out when carrying a heavy load. I
have two shortened hiking poles (@100 grams ea – they also serve as my tent
poles, selfie stick, tripod, fishing rod, etc) which help enormously with a
‘carry out’ – at least at my age! They transfer around 40% of the effort from
your legs to your upper body, and mean that you can maintain your balance with
Now you can walk and paddle to some really inaccessible
spots. These are the places where folks with only 4WDs or motorbikes can’t get.
Often they can’t get to them without several days’ walk (both in and out – or
not at all), whereas you will be getting in and out relatively easily. It might
be that you will also want to combine canoe hunting with a motorcycle carrier
so that you can ‘do’ one long section of a river and recover your vehicle when
you finish. Something like this: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/motorbike-hitch-carrier/
but there are many potential ‘loops’ as well where all you will need is your
canoe and your feet.
Of course I am assuming you already have a fair degree of
canoeing skill and experience. If you do not, I suggest you get it before
heading off into the bush on your own – or with a friend. The three golden
rules used to be: don’t get side on (particularly to a log), lean into rocks
(this rule is reversed with inflatables – as you will quickly find out -
splash!), stay on the inside of bends (avoid overhangs and logs). If there is
likely to be a ‘stopper’ (eg a waterfall), or just anything you are unsure of,
get out and walk. This is one of the beauties of pack rafts; they are so light
and portable. An older style Canadian canoe could easily weigh 35+ kg. Then you
maybe put in it 50+kg of gear. Portaging that becomes a serious problem
sometimes. On the trip in you will have perhaps 15 kg including the pack raft
and gun! You may have considerably more on the way out!
The ‘rule’ about side on/logs etc is because if your canoe
fills with water with you still in it (or you stuck downstream of it), the
water can easily weigh half a tonne – or more! You will not be able to lift
yourself out of it, or it off you – and you will drown, as so many have! If you
must cross a lake, go all the way round within 20 metres of shore. Lakes
frequently have large standing waves which form suddenly and can tip you out.
Anyway, you might find yourself in the lake water far from shore for one reason
or another. It may be too far to swim, or as is often the case lake water is
frequently just above zero (from shading, snow melt etc) just a few inches
below the surface. Many folks have died of hypothermia before they could swim
to shore, only 100 metres or so! ‘You live and learn, or you don’t live long’!
Lazarus Long, ‘Time Enough for Love’, Robert Heinlein.
One of the beauties of raft hunting is that you can move
your camp easily, so that you can check out much more territory. Access to cool
water also makes keeping meat fresh (and clean) easier. You can easily take
more food with you as it won’t be so much work carrying it, and you can catch
some fresh fish/crays to supplement your diet.
Another advantage is that you can set up semi-permanent
camps if you want. It is no big deal to take a canoe drum in (each) when you
go, and to leave it there - so that some useful equipment is hidden away
against future use. There is little risk that nefarious folk ill find or
interfere with it. You might want a larger shelter, a saw, axe, some comfier
folding furniture, some emergency supplies - & booze!, a quantity of salt,
a hammock or two, dynamo radio, etc, etc. A good idea might be to write your
contact details inside the drum lid so that if anyone should need to use them
in an emergency they can contact you to arrange their replacement.
Happy Hunting!
Whitewater Rivers of Victoria:
A very useful resource: (of course it is not an exhaustive list, but it might
be a good start): https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1KquqzZygh-1toyLq3DTt_ItC-UM&ll=-37.852948477811616%2C146.85638701650396&z=14
See Also:
09/12/2016: Turnbull
will throw anyone under a bus: Latterly it was Morrison. Now it is
Frydenberg who I recently predicted had Prime Ministerial potential. There must
be immense rumblings in the ranks this week. How long will the Libs put up with
mad Malcolm: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/turnbull-camp-make-frydenberg-scapegoat/news-story/3fa647c6547e22d8dd0868e58cb897a6
09/12/2016: John
Glenn who became the first man to orbit the Earth on February 20, 1962,
dies. I remember this like yesterday. I even had the record once! What a man he
was! Talk about ‘the right stuff’! Hope America (and us) is still making heroes
like him! http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/12/08/publish-advance-glenn-obit/95110820/
09/12/2016: More
about DIY PFDs 114 grams: You can make a lighter non compliant PFD which
you fill with other inflatable items, eg Platypus bottles (I carry a 1 and 2
litre bottle, pillows (I carry the Exped Ultralight), wine bladders (who
doesn’t have a few of them lying around?) and etc.
Here is the link to Mountain Laurel Designs ‘Thing’ or
‘Mopacka’: https://web.archive.org/web/20100403230340/http://www.mountainlaureldesigns.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=141
which weighed 4 oz (114 grams) not including its flotation ie the
Platypus bottles or inflatable pillows (eg Exped’s Ultralight pillow: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/exped-ultralight-pillow/)
but you carry them anyway!
Some folk have made their own. See these two discussions (I
have ‘borrowed’ their photos for reference purposes – I hope they don’t mind.
Thanks guys): http://packrafting.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=880
Wine bladder PFD: http://bushwalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=23122

MLD 'Thing'

MLD ‘Thing’

DIY ‘Thing’

DIY ‘Thing’

DIY ‘Thing’

DIY ‘Thing’
NB: There is a Facebook Packrafting group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/156445288089260/
as well as an Australian Packrafting Association for folks who like to join
things. Myself, I am like Groucho Marx: ‘I wouldn’t join anything which would
have me as a member’!
09/12/2016: The Do’s
and Don’ts of Memory Cards: Tips for Photographers: Some great tips here.
Another you may not know. You can recover ‘lost’ photos from a memory card.
There are a number of programmes which will do this. I have used (them) with
success. Just Google ‘memory card recover’: http://petapixel.com/2016/12/07/dos-donts-memory-cards-tips-photographers/

09/12/2016: ‘If religion had the ability to create a 'Paradise on Earth', we would
already find it in such places as Iran,
Afghanistan’, Libya, Syria…under
Christian rule, in Torquemada's Spain)
instead of daily facing an influx of refugees from such places.’ I posted this
way back on 16/09/2012. It must be one of those eternal truths!
08/12/2016: Ultralight Pack Rafting Life Vest: PFDs are often pretty
heavy. Alpacka have this one http://www.alpackaraft.com/product/astral-v-eight-pfd/
554 grams which is (I imagine) about as light as they get. I discovered that
inflatable PFDs you buy from boating supplies shops have an airline PFD inside
them. When I stripped one down it weighed 282 grams as shown and should be
adequate for the job.

You can (though not legally) go lighter. You can utilise an inflatable
vest such as the Aerovest or Xerovest (at about 60 grams) as I did on the
Seaforth. They are a bit awkward to let down again and are really not intended
for the purpose.
As I have mentioned before Erin McKittrick (in her ‘Long Trek Home’: http://www.groundtruthtrekking.org/Journeys/WildCoast.html)
used a converted Thermarest which she had cut a hole in for her head, and
fastened it with a belt. Given thet you will need a sleeping mat anyway, this
option means that your PFD maybe weighs next to nothing. You should explore this
option further if you want to save more weight. The prospect of cutting down
one of eg Klymit’s pads for the purpose but keeping it usable for sleeping also
Mountain Laurel Designs used to make a thing he called ‘The Thing’ which
allowed you to utilise your Platypus bottle as part of a PFD system.
I suspect Alpacka’s ‘Fiord Explorer’ & etc seats could be modifiedf slightly to make a
light (non-compliant) PFD. They weigh 224 grams without the straps and buckles
which would be needed, so it might not be worth the trouble compared with the
first example.
Another option would be to buy some of the waterproof nylon which Klymit
etc use in their products which sticks to itelf with a hot iron - and make your
See Also:
08/12/2016: Do you
need a good wind up watch: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2050848594/redefining-italian-luxury-watches-filippo-loreti?ref=ewr9sx&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=desktop&utm_campaign=KS&utm_content=AU_Look4-6
08/12/2016: ‘Australia
is going over the financial cliff. The government is still borrowing
another $100 million a day, with no sign of even starting to pay off its
fast-growing debt. The government has been crowing how it got through a huge
tax cut for foreign backpackers and created an Australian Building
and Construction Commission to crack down on unions. So damn what? Why give
foreigners a tax cut to get them to pick fruit that the 700,000 Australians on
the dole could pick instead, and save us money? Why brag about some commission
that’s had its teeth pulled to convince crossbench Senators like Derryn Hinch
to vote for it? Labor is worse, yammering about same-sex marriage and how we
must close more coal-fired electricity stations “in an orderly way” — as if
we’re not getting poorer fast enough. Then there’s that Senate — our biggest
political disaster.’ Andrew Bolt Herald-Sun 08/12/2016. Turnbull wasn’t the
solution. Labor and the Greens certainly aren’t. They are the problem. The only
inkling we had of a recognition of the problem or a move in the direction of a solution
were the two Abbott Budgets. We (and our pollies) must grasp the nettle of
financial responsibility before we are another Greece (less than three years,
really! We need immediately to bring back Abbott. We need to stop the closure
of Hazelwood. Just look what is already happening to Alcoa: http://joannenova.com.au/2016/12/more-blackout-damage-alcoa-smelter-to-run-at-just-27-capacity-for-up-to-six-months/
The country just can’t go on this way. Imagine the mess we will be in if Adani
doesn’t go ahead?
08/12/2016: The
Butterfly effect: ‘The Earth’s dry atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen
and 0.9% argon. These are not greenhouse gases and they total 99.9%’ which
doesn’t leave much room for the so-called ‘greenouse’ gases. It’s a bit like
folks who want to ignore that big orange ball in the sky and try instead to
discover other ‘causes’ of climate warming & etc. Look first at the role of
the major gases. Worry maybe about changes in their concentraltion. (We
actually need that oxygen, for example!).https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/12/05/co2-good-or-bad/
07/12/2016: Gippsland Pack Rafting Routes:

It’s summer already, so time to get out and about and get
wet all over. I want to suggest some interesting pack rafting that you can do
by public transport (eg from Melbourne).
Some of the following you can mix and match a bit, but I hope they give you
some ideas. I need to add some more details, which I will fill in later on but
this will be a good start. I need to work out times (river/track) campsites,
water and resupply points.
- Obviously
the easiest trip is to begin with the Yarra. It is canoeable from
MacMahon's Creek upstream from Warburton (public transport, walking). It
is almost 24 hours of paddling before you arrive back at Flinders St, so
this is likely to take you at least 4 days! Or,
- You can
catch public transport to Warburton (or to Lilydale) then begin walking
the Upper Yarra Track (See: http://www.finnsheep.com/Track%20Instructions.htm)
You can continue on it until you reach Rawson (resupply - some supplies
also at Baw Baw Village) and the nearby Poverty Point Bridge, then canoe
the Thomson River until you reach the Cowwarr Weir. NB You will have to
walk around the Horseshoe Tunnel just below the Thomson River Road Bridge
(See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-sidetrip-horseshoe-tunnelcoopers-creek/)
You can carry on with the Thomson to Sale or you can walk back from
Cowwarr (resupply) till you are just out of Traralgon where you cross the
Latrobe River. Put in there and drift down via Rosedale (resupply) to Sale. Catch a train
back to Melbourne.
Thomson River Horseshoe Tunnel.
- Catch a
bus to Noojee (weekdays - supplies), then canoe the Latrobe river all the
way to Sale.
(Supplies Noojee, [Willow Grove], Yallourn North, Rosedale)
Catch a train back, or
- For a
shorter trip, you could canoe from Noojee to the Yallourn Power Station -
exit the bridge across the Eastern end of Halls
Bay, Lake Narracan
or Sir John Monash Reserve opposite the cooling towers. Walk back along
the Moe-Yallourn North Rail Trail (See 4). I suspect you can put in
uptream of Noojee (so that you could access the river via a shortcut from
the Upper Yarra Track not long after Starlings Gap - this requires
exploration). The section from the Noojee Road Bridge/Toorongo River
confluence has been checked: (though you should be able to put in at
Noojee township); there are a number of spots where you will have to get
out. If canoeists bring along some clearing tools (See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/canoe-clearing/)
the trip/s will become easier for subsequent 'adventurers'. There are many
lovely spots where you can camp. Trout and spinyback crayfish abound - so
bring some tackle! I estimate 2-3 days Noojee-Yallourn Power Station.
Train Back from Moe, or
- You can
catch a train to Moe, walk out along the Yallourn North Rail Trail (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-update-section-one-moe-yallourn-rail-trail/),
put in to the Latrobe near the Yallourn Power Station and canoe to Sale. There is a weir
to negotiate shortly after the Yallourn
North Road bridge. You can see it from the
road. Train return, or
- You can
catch a train to Moe, walk up the Upper Yarra Track sections (See 3) until
you reach the Thomson Bridge, (supplies Yallourn North, Erica, Cowwarr)
canoe the Thomson, walk back along the rail trail from Cowarrr to
Traralgon. Catch a train back.
Bridge Latrobe River.
- Arriving
at Noojee (supplies) whether by public transport or on foot via the Upper
Yarra Track & etc, put in and canoe down the Latrobe River
to Camp Rd
near Hill End. Walk up Russell
Creek Rd &/or Rowley Hill Rd (or hitch to Costin’s
Rd). Canoe down some of the Tanjil River (eg to Old Tanjil Rd) then walk
up to the Western Tyers via Burns Rd & eg Wombat Rd & Tanjil Bren
Rd. You can put in at Christmas Creek or Growlers. Canoe down the Tyers to
Caringal. Walk across to the Thomson via Erica (supplies) as in 7 or
continue on to the Latrobe and Sale
(Resupply Tyers, Rosedale).
Tanjil River downstream Rowleys Hill Road.
- Walk
across from Noojee to the Western Tyers
via Tanjil Bren (See: Upper Yarra Track winter route in Track Instructions
above). You can continue on the Tyers till you reach the Latrobe and
follow it to Sale OR
- You can
get out at Tyers Junction (Caringal) and walk up the rail trail to Collins
Siding and thence to Erica. You can continue to follow the rail trail http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-section-five-erica-to-walhalla/
to the Thomson
Road Bridge,
then canoe the Thomson as in 1.
Western Tyers River.
- Interrupt
your voyage down the Thomson at Deep Creek which you can walk up (see 9
following) or canoe to the Weir, cross it North on the old wooden bridge,
follow the road North till you turn left at the intersection with the
Stoney Creek Rd. Walk up the Stoney
Creek Rd. When you get to the T10 track, no
longer marked – it is opposite a fire dam on the right hand (East) side of
the road, you can either continue on to Binns intersection with the
McEvoys track (also called Springs Rd) or
- You can
walk down the T10 till you reach Deep Creek and walk all the way up Deep
Creek till it splits in two. Just where it splits, if you walk up the left
(West) fork about twenty yards you will find you can walk up the ridge to
your right. You can follow this ridge (on an overgrown logging track after
a while) all the way to Binns. The walk up Deep Creek is extraordinarily
beautiful. It is quite a lot of bush bashing, but worth it. There are some
flat camp sites here and there at the end of ridges. After Binns you can
carry on up and over Mt Useful until you arrive in Licola (resupply) or
- Cross
the Glenmaggie Creek at (eg) Porters Track to the Black Range Rd. Go up the Black Range Rd
to Burgoynes Track, follow it to the Macalister. Canoe down the Macalister
till you get to Sale
(resupply Maffra).
Macalister River
upstream Cheynes
- If you
continued on towards Licola along South Road you can turn East and walk
down to the Barkly/Macalister (Primrose Gap - off the Jamieson Rd) at the
Barkly Bridge North of Glencairn then canoe down the Macalister to Licola
where you can continue on till you come to Sale , or
- You can
get out at Licola and walk up to the Wellington
as in 13
- Instead
of continuing on the Macalister, get out at Cheyne’s Bridge and hitch a
ride past Licola (resupply) to the Wellington River.
Walk up the Wellington
past LakeTali Karng and continue till you come out
on the Moroka Rd. Turn west onto the Moroka Rd. After a few km you can
pick up the Moroka Walking track which takes you down to the Moroka River near Higgins yards. You can
put in here and follow the Moroka to its confluence with the Wonnangatta,
Moroka Falls
- You
could walk to the Moroka
Bridge near
Horseyard Flat and canoe the Moroka down to the Wonnagatta, thence to
Bairnsdale. The huge waterfalls and gorge in the Moroka are very
- Instead
of starting at the Tali Karng car park on the
Wellington, you could hitch all the way either to the Moroka Bridge near
Horseyard Flat (12) then canoe down the Moroka or
- You
could hitch up the Howitt Rd
to near Guy’s Hut, then walk down the Dry Creek track to the Wonnangatta.
Carry on walking down the Wonnangatta till you come to the Humffray
Confluence whence you can canoe the river all the way to Bairnsdale as in
Wonnangatta River Mt Darling Creek.
- From the
Wonnangatta confluence you can continue all the way to Bairnsdale where
you can catch a train back to Melbourne.
Resupply Guy’s Caravan Park, (Waterford)
by arrangement & Lindenow (or hitch into Dargo and back.)
Wonnangatta River.
- Alternatively
you can walk up the Wonnagatta from the Moroka to the Humffray Confluence
following the true right bank (there is an old pack track). Put in there
and canoe down to Bairnsdale.
River downstream of Waterford
- PS; If
you walk the Upper Yarra Track (Warburton to Mt Whitelaw) then the Alp
Track to near Woods Point, you can pick up McMillans Walking Track which
gives you access to the head of the Macalister (downstream of Glencairn),
the Moroka (near Higgins Yards), the Wonnagatta (Moroka confluence).
- PS:
Massdrop has the Klymit Lightwater Pack raft (<1kg) on sale again for
around $US100. With care (and a little repair it will get you lots of
places or you can go the whole hog and buy an Alpacka here: http://www.alpackaraft.com/ Their
lightest raft is the ‘Ghost’ Scout at 600 grams! But you might be better
with the Alpacka at 2166 grams. I also have one of these. I have the Manta
Ray Carbon paddle at 840 grams. It is a very tough paddle You will find
the lightest paddles here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ultralight-paddle/
- Have fun
and Happy Paddling!
- PS:
Don't forget to take some fishing tackle. Some hand line is really all you
need to catch blackfish and trout (using set lines on whippy saplings if
you like) You can use the heads etc as bait for crays. A folding landing
net would be an asset (and some Alfoil!)
- I'm sure
readers can help me with some of extra information, as well as suggesting
some additional/alternative routes - I know you can get to Hotham and Omeo
by bus, for example This gives one walking access to the Mitta Mitta
(canoeable downstream from above the Glen Valley Bridge) Resupply
Dartmouth. Mitta Mitta. Train back from Albuty. You could walk up along
the Alps Track from Mt Whitelaw to reach Woods Point (supplies) which
might begin a journey for you down the Goulburn (public transport back
from Shepparton/Seymour) & etc Getting onto the Snowy would also be
good. I will think about that some more...
- The
Snowy: You may not know there is public
transport to Bombala from Melbourne/Canberra: https://www.ptv.vic.gov.au/timetables/linemain/1718
The Snowy is canoeable from Cambalong
Road 6km West of Bombala. (Ask: the bus
driver may let you off at the Cann
River turnoff saving
you a few miles walk). You will need plenty of food! It is almost two
weeks from here to Orbost…Also, note: The bus stops at the Bemm River turnoff. This means you can
walk ‘The Wilderness
Coast’ (19
days) using public transport! A packraft ewould help with getting across
some of the inlets along the way!
- Top
Photo; Latrobe River near Noojee Road
28. See Also:
07/12/2016: The Wonderful Pat Condell: A Word To The Criminal Migrant: We’ve
had enough. The tide is turning.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9e_vcSut0A
07/12/2016: We’ve
all had house guests like that…if only it was OK to shoot them: http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Florida-Woman-Accused-of-Shooting-at-House-Guests-Who-Stayed-Too-Long-402495565.html
06/12/2016: A Birthday Treat: Mirboo North
Railtrail: As one of us was a year older, we took the day off for a
leisurely stroll on this lovely nearby walking/riding track which stretches
between the delightful Gippsland towns of Boolarra and Mirboo North.
You can park your car at the beginning of the trail between
the Brewery and the Recreation Reserve in Mirboo North or at Railway Park,
Boolarra opposite the Post Office and General Store. Beginning in Boolarra in
the morning (after a coffee) means you can stop for lunch in Mirboo North, then
walk back downhill refreshed. There are many food establishments in the main
street; the hotel also has excellent counter meals. You can finish the day with
a meal at one of several venues in Boolarra or at the excellent nearby Yinnar
Community hotel – the only community owned hotel in Victoria!
Plenty of tucker:

There are many other interesting shops in Mirboo North
including this one, The Wren’s Nest: 
We are off!

You must:

Plenty of park benches and seats along the way for your

Lots of lovely wildflowers;

And other interesting things. Amazing what you could make
out of bricks. Note the lovely fresh water approx 2 km from Mirboo North
Interesting (possibly luminous - some are) bracket fungi: 
More wildflowers:

More interesting brickwork. Tiny enjoying herself:

Della and Spot exploring an underground tunnel:

Tea trees can put on a fine display:

Spot admired these lovely blue lilies:

A lovely trail:

This is the deadliest plant in Australia: the Dogwood. So many
people are allergic to these blooms. We used to call them 'wild sago' in NSW
when I was a boy:

You can rest a minute at lots of pleasant spots along the
way. Spot doesn't want to:
There are two interesting bridges like this across clear
flowing streams where you could camp:

A lovely campsite:

It was a warm day. The dogs became thirsty:

Some fine timber;

An excellent stand:

More interesting brickwork:

Coming in to Boolarra (about 1 1/2 km out):

You start and end each of the trail with a beautiful park: Railway Park in Boolarra. And Baromi park in
Mirboo North. Both are delightful spots to stop, rest and refresh. Both have
nearby food establishments: the Bollarra General Store at one end and quite a
number in Mirboo North including this wonderful bakery and this café to name
just two.
Along the way every 3-4 km you can find good sources of
fresh water and pleasant campsites off the track a bit. Of course in Australia
(as elsewhere) all that is not compulsory is verboten; you should naturally
ignore this. Maybe you are considering adding this lovely trail to perhaps a
walking tour of South Gippsland including Mt Worth State park, the Grand Ridge
Road (to Mirboo North), the Mirboo North Rail trail, The River Road Boolarra,
maybe parts of the Grand Strzelecki Track, Tarra-Bulga National Parks, Great
Southern Trail and Tarra Trail, Bass Coast Rail Trail, Old Port Trail, Wilsons
Prom, http://www.visitvictoria.com/Regions/Gippsland/Things-to-do/Outdoor-activities/Walking-and-hiking/South-Gippsland
, & etc...
The trail is about 13km. It takes approx 2 ½-31/2 hours on
foot, or as I said at the beginning you can make a delightful day of it.
PS; The photos show the trail beginning at Mirboo North and
ending in Boolarra.
06/12/2016: So, Julius Caesar was not delivered by
Caesarian section. There goes another good Shakespearean line: http://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/44996
06/12/2016: Install your own power station: It’s a rather sorry (and expensive)
way to confront the reality that your Government has let you down on providing
an essential service, but it has already happened in SA – and we are well on
the way here in Vic too unless the closure of Hazelwood is averted - as I said
yesterday by the Federal Government using the Constitution’s Emergency Powers
to forestall it. What we have needed for a long time is a new Hazelwood. The
brown coal resource is still there. We can have safe, cheap electricity for
many generations. Folks ought not be paying more than approx 10 cents per
kilowatt hour! Here at Jeeralang Junction (where blackouts occur weekly (!) we
are planning a solar/battery backup system. We are moving a water tank up the
hill to provide us with backup water when the pumps are out, and we are
planning to hook our heat pump hot water system (which only uses 350 watts yet
heats 50 litres per hour) to both solar collectors (summer) and a wet-back
(winter. As well we are planning a header dam up the hill for the garden and a
hydraulic ram to get the water there. All this is ingenious and at great
expense, and just ought not be needed. Cheap electricity (like clean water,
public safety, good roads, an education system which delivers…) is what we
tolerate having a Government for: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-12-03/sa-farmers-turn-to-generators-for-electricity-stability/8089996
05/12/2016: Save Hazelwood: Remember how Hawke used the Emergency Powers in the
Constitution to stop the Gordon Dam? And how Turnbull was able to rush
legislation through to defend the CFA? Twice in a very short period of time a
large slice of SA went off the grid (including BHP’s huge Olympic Dam resource
development (and Portland Victoria’s Alcoa!) These folk will have to
take their bat and ball and look elsewhere. The goose which lays the golden
eggs is being plucked and roasted before our very eyes. (I love mixed
metaphors!) We will turn into another Greece virtually overnight if
Hazelwood closes – and it will be a long, dark night. Instead, it need to be
replaced with a modern brown coal generating plant. For decades Victorians
understood that our brown coal resource was our greatest asset. It is able to
provide us with cheap electricity allowing us to be internationally competitive
for thousands of years. It is simply lunacy to close it down. This disaster
must be averted.
05/12/2016: Heightist
Equality: As a lifelong sufferer of ‘Ducks’ Disease’ I must almost be
eligible for a public ‘Sorry’ and lavish ‘compensation’ despite my earlier post
(5/12/2016) railing against Mike Baird’s such demonstrations and largesse.
Indeed both of us (my wife and I) have forever been challenged when it comes to
reaching things down from the top shelf (particularly at Bunnings!) Bathroom
mirrors reflect only the very tops of our heads (that embarrassing thinning
patch!) The shower is way up there; the water barely reaches us way down here;
fruit trees are too tall; how do you find your way in crowds – is there a
Heightist GPS App for that? – and so on. I know that almost all centenarians
are tiny people such as ourselves, so maybe we haven't so much to complain about
really, but we will not be properly grateful for our being vertically
challenged until we receive that telegram from the Queen (that will be QE111
probably) Still, (the Government still has lots of other people’s money) surely
we could have a Royal Commission into Institutional Heightism, a Department of
(and Minister of) Heightist Equality, a Heightist Compensation Scheme, a
Referendum to insert ‘Shortness’ into the Constitution, Land Rights for Dwarfs…
05/12/2016: Mike Baird is
simply barking mad: Firstly came his idiotic ban on dish lickers. Now he
intends to squander $75 million ‘compensating’ alleged ‘stolen generation’ folk
for their ‘suffering’, despite the fact that two (?) Royal Commissions failed
to find a single member of this group of people. If folk were removed from
their families in the past (and God knows such removal is even more desperately
needed today!) then such folk have already been rewarded with a better
upbringing than they would otherwise have received. Their alleged ‘aboriginality’
(an obscene C19th concept which should long since have disappeared into the
annals of history) has nothing at all to do with it!
We must rid ourselves of such ‘racial’ divisions, and cease this
saying ‘sorry’ and compensation for what any rational person would assess as
having received a benefit (eg having been adopted out instead of being raised
by ‘supporting mothers’; having received a wonderful new life in Australia
after WW2 instead of growing up an orphan in the slums of London, & etc,
etc) I am sick to death of my money being forceably stolen from me and
squandered on imbecilic public servants, politicians, undeserving ‘welfare’
basket cases and any other silly ‘cause’ the political class thinks will win
them votes. It will not win my vote!
05/12/2016: Contraceptive
implants for welfare recipients: Some folks already have controls placed on
their welfare money to ensure that it is not spent on drugs/booze etc – and
that it is spent on their children! I’m not sure how effective such measures
are, but certainly they are better than nothing. As you may know I am not a
believer in welfare at all. The words ‘welfare’ and ‘benefit’ are glaring
oxymorons in that their effect is exactly the opposite of their intent
(literally ‘make good’). People should be getting their own living, standing on
their own two feet, doing for themselves. No viable society ever did otherwise.
I have long railed against folks ‘voting for a living’ and ‘breeding for a
living’. Implantable contraception (lasting up to 3 years) is already used
(voluntarily) by millions of responsible women (dare I say, ‘ Married
Couples’?) as an aid to family planning.
I see no reason why a doctor’s certificate certifying that the woman
has an implant which will last for a defined period cannot be a requirement for
continuing to receive welfare benefits. Folks ought not be able to insist that
the rest of us act as their parents and their unlimited children’s parents
without our consent – which is just what they inflict on us by insisting on
irresponsible breeding on the public purse. It also makes no rational sense to
be breeding from people who already demonstrably cannot fend for themselves. No
farmer would stay afloat for a minute if this was his herd improvement
The welfare bill will soon consume the whole Government budget. It
already consumes over a third of it directly, and more than half when you throw
in its share of the education, health, housing, education, justice etc etc
proportion of it. Already over half the population receive more from the
taxpayer than the taxes they pay. This is absurd. This measure would go a long
way to solving (over time) numerous social problems.
Just two examples: ‘South Australia’s Royal Commission into child
protection reveals a society in decay, betraying its own children’: http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/abused_children_and_shattered_care_signs_of_south_australia_crumbling/
& ‘But isn’t it fair to ask why someone chooses to have eight children she
cannot raise, unless taxpayers - who weren’t consulted - hand over $1000 a
week?’ http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/why_the_assumption_that_taxpayers_should_just_play_breadwinner/
04/12/2016: Welcome Swallows:
Something terrible happened to ‘our’ swallows this year; though they arrive
back like clockwork (as I have often observed: See below) only less than half
returned. I watched and waited for their brethren but they were lost! Some
calamity has befallen them. Naturally one thinks first of human predation as
there are so many folk (here) who resent the mess they make on their walls,
whilst dismissing all the good they do in their gardens! However, I suspect
some natural calamity is a more likely scenario. The failure of an important
food source due to seriously inclement weather is much more likely. There has
been a huge ‘cold blob’ formed in the Northern Pacific (which many view as a
presage of a return of ‘The Little ice Age’ – we shall see) but it might well
have affected the bloom of midges, mosquitoes, etc which they would otherwise
have gone North to feed and fatten on, so that many may have starved…it is a
simple, yet poignant tragedy. Hopefully they have just not had the energy to
make it all the way back and we shall see them again next year. Thankfully (due
to my hearing aids) I am delighting in their singing on the verandah this
morning. See eg: ‘17/08/2014: At last, the swallows are back scything the air into
long swift arcs as they herd the mayflies and mozzies into their sharp beaks:
there is nothing quite like a (mud-brick) verandah they opine anywhere between
here and Siberia to build a messy nest. I used
to hear their sharp shrill calls to each other as they raced across the sky,
but like the bats (to me at least) they have fallen silent. Fortunately (at
least) we both still have eyes to follow their progress…’
04/12/2016: The Backpacker Fiasco: Folks who observed that
not a single pollie covered himself (or herself) with glory over the issue is
guilty of extreme euphemism! Anyone who is not a complete imbecile can see that
we already have (and pay for) a vast army of Australians (if you can call them
that) who could be doing all this work - instead of paying willing foreigners,
then obsecenly charging them tax to help pay for our own army of indigents!
If I were in
charge I would eliminate this army of unemployed, diabled, supporting parents
in less than three months and save us all $100 billion dollars of our taxes -
which we could much better spend on ourselves! Folks have to be made willing to
work, and able to work. This does not require elaborate training schemes - when
these folks could have long since undertaken suitable training themselves and removed
themselves from our backs! It just requires force!
The ‘training’
they need is this: Before they have ‘earned’ their ‘benefits’, they must work
for three days out of five, and prove they actively sought work on the other
two. We should start them on a simple regime of physical labour. To begin they
would simply turn up to a vacant lot where they would each day shovel
increasing quantities of eg sand a defined distance across a line. They could
start with a couple of metres, and work up by eg half a cubic metre a day until
they were fit enough to shovel constantly for eight hours a day (5-10 metres).
Those who begin too fat to complete a hard day’s work would be put on a diet of
1,000 calories per day. No exceptions.
When they were
sufficiently fit and thin enough to do such work they would be required to meet
a bus at 7:00am each morning which would transport them to a place where
walking tracks, plantations, clearing, landscaping, weeding etc needed doing,
where they would perform eight hours of supervised work before they were
returned whence they came.
If they refused
or dropped out there would be no benefits. A child does not put his hand in the
fire twice. Pavlov was right. Punishment is a far readier teacher than reward.
We must cease to reward bad behaviour and punish it instead. After they have
hungered awhile they will come round. If they do not, there is always corporal
punishment. If they are complete recidivists, well good riddance to them!
They must be
required to move to a place where there is work. Society is not about propping
up failed endeavours, bizarre social experiments or ghost towns.
Proof that they
looked for work on the other two days would require, eg phone GPS records of
the streets they tramped and matching mobile phone pedometer records. Video and
photographic records of their applying for work – in person. Mobile phones are
ubiquitous nowadays, so this is easy stuff. We should be able to see that they
are clean, well dressed, polite and well presented before they receive our charity.
We should be able to see that they really do want to work. Any cheating or
subterfuge would result in instant cessation of benefits, but not in the
requirement to participate.
During the
‘Great Depression’ people were required to work or move before they received
‘The Susso’ provided by other needy Aussies. Most did not resent such treatment
because they were essentially ‘working Australians’ themselves, who were just
‘down on their luck’ as a result of the economic clime. Once the economy
improved they all promptly disappeared back into the labour force. And it
improved because everyone worked at improving it! In the interim we had ‘The
Great Ocean Road’ and etc built by their labour!
None of us
wants to be paying sluttish girls to raise some defective’s bastards; nor wants
to pay for an army of pretend disabled folks who ‘would not work in an iron
lung’ as the saying was, when truly disabled folk are working and paying taxes
to support these sycophants. None wants to reward spongers and bludgers of
every description with a share of our hard-earned wages or income.
I have worked
out in the hot sun (and rain) often seven days a week for most of my life (50+
years). I was not, nor did I expect to earn or be paid a fortune, but I paid my
own way, and I’m proud of that – as I’m sure are the great majority of ‘working
These no-good
layabout parasites offend me deeply, as they offend the entire Australian
ethos. Why are our politicians temperamentally unable to grasp the nettle? They
pretend there is a problem with our budget deficit, yet they will not eliminate
this vast drain on our financial resource; Yes, in the next three months!
Is there anyone
who really does not see that we can end ‘the welfare state’ to the great
benefit of all our citizens in as little as three months without needing to
employ an army of ‘experts’ to advise us. Just a little will is all that’s
From December
3, 2011: The trouble with 'Equality' is there is
never an equality between who pays and who benefits. The benefit ALWAYS flows
from the hard-working and productive to the 'magic pudding' brigade. To mix
some metaphors: it is wonderful to be able to vote for 'bread and circuses' but
someone must 'pay the piper' and this won't happen if you 'kill the goose who laid
the golden egg' because you want Kentucky Fried Goose!
04/12/2016: “Australians are not being told the truth about
the proposal for constitutional recognition of indigenous people. The goal of Aboriginal
political activists today is to gain ‘sovereignty’ and create a black state,
equivalent to the existing states. Its territory, comprising all land defined
as native title, will soon amount to more than 60 per cent of the whole
Australian continent. Constitutional recognition, if passed, would be its ‘launching
pad’”: https://quadrant.org.au/shop/books/hidden-agenda-aboriginal-sovereignty/
03/12/2016: That Endless Skyway:
Everest Base Camp Trek #7:
We had a programmed ‘acclimatisation day’ at Namche and another at
Dingboche. Tully had decided we would use these days to climb up to the next
500 metre ‘step’ and then descend again to sleep. This proved to be a good
preventative for altitude sickness as was taking half a Diamox twice a day
starting on the morning you are to leave Kathmandu. An acclimatisation day
spent wandering the hills around Lukla is also a good idea.
Some views of the Namche ‘Skyway’:

Leaving Namche

Walking ‘across the top’ to the ‘Everest View’ Hotel:

A number of trekkers told me that the track up from Jiri to Lukla is
the best and most beautiful part of the trail and that there are very few
people on it. What a bonus! I suspect this is true. If I had my time again I
would probably have walked from Jiri and flown out from Lukla, but after
fighting with this terrible lung infection for a month now I doubt I will be
eager to retrace my footsteps in Nepal!

Gazing up the valley towards Everest (right of centre).

Everest View.
Thus we ascended from Namche to the eponymous ‘Everest View’ Hotel,
(a facsimile of Douglas Adams’ ‘The Hotel at the End of the Universe’ – and
peopled identically!), then circled back through the prosperous potato towns of
Khumjung and Kunde. ‘Green Towns’ a Sherpa told me, presumably because of the
‘Colorbond’ rooves. In Khumjung we sampled our first ‘Garlic Soup’ and found it

Another view ‘across the top’ to the ‘Everest View’ Hotel.

View up the valley from the ‘Everest View’ Hotel. Tengboche is atop
that green hill centre.

Khumjung – a ‘Green

Interesting stone building outside the ‘Hilary School.
Netball seems enormously popular.

The practice of burning (yak) dung must deplete the nutrients of
their fields.

The eponymous ‘garlic Soup’, Khumjung version. Cafe opposite the ‘Hilary School’.
Someone (I will not mention who!) took a wrong turn at Syanboche on
the descent (the turn-off being temporarily obscured by a camel, fit of
coughing, lapse of intelligence, or etc) and ended up nearly all the way to
Thame before he found a cattle pad or game trail which would allow him to
descend into Namche just on dusk. A good thing he has well-honed wilderness

Coming down from Kunde there was some attractive vegetation.

Even some pretty flowers.

Porters have to bear some pretty primitive accommodation – this cave
on the road from Thame to Namche.
A guide or porter might help prevent such mishaps, but I encountered
many such with zero English language skills. Too often they rushed ahead of
their ‘guests’ forcing the pace dangerously in the low oxygen environment. In
my experience they were almost universally completely unable to understand or
answer any question in English, though I asked many.
For example, I was curious (at the higher altitudes) to learn when
the Sherpa first ventured there – as there were no abandoned ruins at higher
points which might indicate they had colonised them during the medieval warm
period. None knew – or understood! Those who forget their past are destined to
repeat it! The answer is clearly that they have only inhabited these regions
relatively recently- ie the last 500 years or so
On my ‘trail of tears’ pneumonic return journey I staggered along
with a middle aged Norwegian nurse (Lise) for two days. She had been abandoned
by her entire party, including her personal guide and two porters. She was
nearly as sick as I (or sicker) and also had limited English skills, but we
were thankfully able to help each other, despite her being an avowed feminist
(to which I replied, ‘How sad’) and my being, as I’m sure you know, a shocking
misogynist who would never help a woman!
However I grew up with the tradition of the ‘Birkenhead’
to inspire me. There was so much that was great about the old Empire. Nepal (and Tibet) must sorely regret they
rejected it when they once had the opportunity to welcome its blessings with
open arms!
If you do not have years of wilderness experience such as I do, you
might be better to venture out with a group, guides, porters etc. I prefer the
dignity of carrying all my own gear – and being self-sufficient no matter what
happens to me. So, for example, I carried my Delorme Inreach SE PLB http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-poor-mans-satellite-phone/
whilst Tully carried my Sat Phone – in case of real emergencies, and if we were
separated. Sound practice – as it turned out! I had my Escape Bivy and My
Thermorest Neoair Women’s mat, my re-engineered sleeping bag (good to -30C http://www.theultralighthiker.com/adding-down-to-a-sleeping-bag/),
and lots of warm Montbell clothes (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/?s=montbell
in case I had accidentally to spend a night stuck high in the snowy passes.
I even had with me my trusty Vango 450 ml cup, a titanium windscreen
and an 11 gram Esbit stove in case I wanted a hot cup of Mocca on some icy
mountaintop! I also had a second (and third) tranche of antibiotics in case the
first (Cipro) did no good – it got me back! The second and third are yet doing
battle with this dreadful lurgi. I still have no idea whether I will survive
it. Some days it has the upper hand, other days I forge ahead of it. Five
crises so far! Life is ever a race to the grave which you one day lose.
I am a pessimist by preparation, not by nature. I know that the
larger parties were not nearly so well prepared, which would mean only that
people would die en masse (as they did on the Annapurna circuit a couple of
years back http://www.theultralighthiker.com/survival-shelter/)
rather than alone – or not at all.
It is akin to the spurious ’safety’ such folks feel in crowds –
vowing eg that cities are safer than the wilderness, imagining ‘Wolf
Creek/Deliverance’ dangers lurking behind every rock, whilst ignoring the
nuclear missiles aimed squarely at their cherished megapolises! Strangely
though, such folks had porters to carry their gear, nonetheless they all had day
packs clearly weighing more than my pack – which contained all my gear. Their
sheer superfluity overwhelms my sense of wonder at their vapidity
I was appalled at how some (foreigners) treated their ‘servants’.
Often I witnessed folks making what I (having grown up in an egalitarian
culture) considered outrageous demands of them. For example, one person waited
until his guide sat down to his own meal before demanding a bottle of water
(which was in his own reach in his pack pocket). The Sherpa patiently rose and
fetched it for him. When he was seated once more, his ‘master’ then demanded
that he open it! The Sherpa once more patiently rose and did so. I fear one day
the Sherpas may rise against such treatment in greater earnest; some of them at
least are Ghurkas, remember. They appear to be the most pleasant and friendly
people imaginable though.
We stayed in Namche for three days altogether, two on the way up;
one on the way back. We found the Shangri La Lodge (just off to the East of the
main street a block above the pharmacies) quite pleasant and the food good. A
lot of local people ate there – which is no doubt a good sign!

The rooms were clean and comfy, a toilet close by – and a welcome
hot shower downstairs.

Warm dining room.

This business in Namche (there are dozens of shops) was really good
at fixing phones/photographic equipment etc, else I would not have been able to
contact my wife (to arrange my rescue for example!).
After Namche you follow the river high on its true right bank the
first few hours past a monument to Tensing, one of the first two men on top of
Everest – at least if Mallory and Irvine’s camera never emerges from the ice
atop the mountain. (Interestingly the Sherpas had not yet been enlisted into
mountain climbing in the 1920s when Mallory perhaps stood on Everest).

Looking back down the valley towards Namche hidden behind Tensing’s
chorten behind the hill (right)

Tensing’s chorten.

View up the river from Tensing’s chorten. Tully posing.

Crowds of folk flowing towards Everest.

View up the river. Tengboche is atop the green ‘hill’ centre.
The track goes along on the level for quite a distance, this section
well maintained by the collections of an old man who has climbed Everest five
times. You descend 300 metres to yet another river crossing sheltering a
pleasant little town complete with its ubiquitous military outpost. (You soon
get used to the level of fascism in Nepal – no doubt so long as you are
not a member of the Royal Family or such it should cause no disquiet!) We
enjoyed a pleasant lunch at a café just before the bridge.

Some lovely villages along the way. Each has its tea house/s and
gift shops.

Lunch at the bridge.

As you can see i am having the ‘Vegetable fried Potatoes’ We stuck
to vegetarian food after Pangboche – no fresh meat.
There follows a long (but pleasant) climb up a beautifully wooded
hill complete with delightful skyline views to the monastic town of Tengboche –
where you used to be able to fondle a Yeti’s skull – till someone stole it!
Tengboche has a tasty bakery where you can enjoy a delightful lunch complete
with views of frozen waterfalls on the surrounding hills & etc. We had
afternoon teas here: biscuits, doughnuts, buttered sweet rolls, etc and of
course the ubiquitous lemon tea.

View to the east as you climb the Tengboche hill.

You can ogle frozen waterfalls as you sip your latte and devour your
croissants – who could ask for more?

Main Street Tengboche.

Bakery Tengboche.

This religious gibberish is ubiquitous in Nepal: the Tengboche Monastery.
After Tengboche there follows another reasonable descent again
through some quite pretty forest to Duboche (the bridge across the river there
marks the end of the forest). In Duboche is a pretty tea-house named
‘Rivendell’ framed by a beautiful view – somewhat spoiled by the 3 metre high
barbed wire fence around it. Just a little repellent if it expects numerous
customers – or perhaps you ought not want to leave?

Descending through rhododendron forests.

A forbidding ‘Rivendell’.

This bridge was well broken.

And its replacement somewhat rickety.

View upriver from the bridge.
After Duboche the bridge had been washed out and an interesting
temporary bridge crafted to replace it. Because there is a detour after the
bridge you might lose your way and head back downstream to where the old bridge
crossed unless you remember that Pangboche is upstream on the true right bank,
so that all you need to do is scramble up the yak tracks to the old path to
continue your journey.

First view of Pangboche- a potato town.
As soon as you cross the river you are in quite a different type of
low, straggly vegetation which I at first thought marked the treeline until I
spied a seedling pine/cypress just poking above a patch of well-gnawed
shrubbery. Clearly the yaks have been very busy on the forests hereabouts;
maybe also the banished goats.
An easy climb (and descent) brings you to the potato town of
Pangboche where we spent the night (on a guide’s recommendation) at the
Mountain Peace Lodge which actually charged nothing for accommodation (the
usual price is $US1-2 per night so long as you eat in), and which had an
excellent hot shower (which always cost more than the accommodation – $US3-5).
The host was a very friendly, entertaining chap with whom we spent many hours
yarning. His ‘wealth’ had been founded on his owning an adjoining ¼ hectare
potato ‘farm’ We tourists were clearly of immense benefit to him.
That night there was a beautiful sunset (and dawn) somewhat obscured
by clouds/mist, though it had Tully scrambling around in the dark and cold
trying to get that perfect photograph. The Young! The mountains surrounding the
towns of Dingboche and Pangboche are quite awesome.

Quite startling – Everest is up there somewhere!
See also:
03/12/2016: The Pocket
Windschuttle: This is the most important book you (will) have read in a
very long while: Before you even consider how you may vote on the ‘Aboriginal
Referendum’, you should read it:
03/12/2016: People just
shouldn’t be allowed to make up their own minds – not if the elites can
make them up for them. Watch for a putsch for this sort of censorship here too:
https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/11/28/germanys-merkel-contemplates-social-media-crackdown-to-counter-fake-news/02/12/2016: Earning, Debt & Obligation. Some
comments on yesterday’s post concerning our 45 Years together sent me looking
for some of my older posts about related matters. I have copied some of them
below. They are worth a review. PS: If you have some time on your hands you can
catch all my old posts here: http://finnsheep.com/Steve's%20Blog.htm
02/12/2016: Earning, Debt
& Obligation. Some comments on yesterday’s post concerning our 45 Years
together sent me looking for some of my older posts about related matters. I
have copied some of them below. They are worth a review. PS: If you have some
time on your hands you can catch all my old posts here:
01/12/2016: Your word is your bond. The swearing of oaths, the whole
area of earning, debt and obligation are serious matters which several
generations now have either failed to understand or have trashed. They do so at
society's great peril. We were incidentally married in the Sydney Registry
Office (with just three others present). You do not swear oaths lightly or
before false Gods/icons, nor under the undue influence of huge crowds. Once the
swearing of oaths was such a serious thing (see eg Shakespeare) that the penalty
for breaking them was always, deservedly, death!
02/12/2016: Another Blackout in Silly
SA: This is Victoria’s future too – if we close Hazelwood. Harangue a pollie
today: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-12-01/sa-power-outage-overnight-victorian-interconnector-blamed/8082108
Also Read: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/11/29/the-epa-caves-on-coal/
& http://pickeringpost.com/story/pulling-the-plug-on-coal/6704
& https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/11/30/more-south-australian-grid-instability-no-way-renewable-energy-can-be-blamed/
01/12/2016: 35 Years have gone by in a flash. Just
the other day our little girl was modelling dad’s hat, now she is all growed
up! Happy 35th Birthday Irralee.

01/12/2016: 800th Post: There is really a lot to read on TheUltralightHiker, but maybe you
didn’t realise there was quite this much. (And there are now also over 1,000
pages here: http://finnsheep.com/HIKING.htm,
as well as more in the Archives section, & etc) ) What a lot of work it has
been (keeping me from my hiking, hunting and camping too much, perhaps!) and I
know I still have lots more to do. I have the next 50+ posts already worked
out, and I’m sure many more will occur to me before I have completed them.
I have been very sick of late (since my trip to Everest – and have
not fully recovered) which is why most of my posts lately have not involved any
new ‘adventures’, but soon I will be off again, eg to complete my explorations
of the Tanjil Bren-Noojee section of the http://www.finnsheep.com/THE%20UPPER%20YARRA%20WALKING%20TRACK.htm
including a loop which will allow you to view (via public transport/foot) the
three main waterfalls - and including a night camped at Mt Horsefall,
completion of the track clearing from Downeys to Newlands Rd allowing a loop of
the Baw Baw Plateau and Western Tyers, and of course completion of the
exploration of the ‘Mystery Falls’ (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-mystery-falls/)
including maybe a (loop) route from the 18 Mile Road to the Forty Mile. I also
plan some walks on sections of and posts about the Alps Walking Track
(Victoria). Watch this space!
PS: Why not try a 'Search' using the facility at the top of the
page? For example, try typing the words 'deer', or 'tent' or 'canoe' then
pressing 'Enter'. You may be surprised what you find! Now might be a good time
to 'Follow' The UltralightHiker (by clicking the button at the top right of the
page), or by 'liking' our Facebook page, here: (https://www.facebook.com/theultralighthiker/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel).

01/12/2016: As we approach Della’s birthday on Sunday, and I
continue to fret, ‘Will her present arrive on time?’, I reflect that it we have
now been together for 45 years, that it is coming up to 47 years since I first
laid eyes on her (January 1970) – the most serendipitous moment of my lfe. And
I greedily hope that there will yet be many happy years still to come!

February 1973 – the very instant when she signed her life away!
01/12/2016: Gravity Light: Our
Renewable Energy Future: Green folks are just nuts! Check out the Specs on this
‘innovation’ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/11/25/gravity-light-our-renewable-energy-future/
and see if it is any better than Coghlans ‘Eternal Head Torch’: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-eternal-headtorch/
01/12/2016: The War of the WW2 Vets: ‘Wear a damn poppy, you
bastard. Remember our fallen comrades you supercilious buffoon.’92 year old
veteran Larry Martin takes on putative 93 year old Harry Smith: ‘Your lot made a complete mess of the seventies and then returned to
make a complete mess of the late noughties. Have you no shame? Look at what
your lot have done to our then Allies: to Russia,
to France.
Look at the amount of lives lost to communism and socialism since we put on our
uniforms to defeat fascism. And look today at the lives being lost in South America to your vicious, pernicious ideologies.
I’ve read your books, your articles and some of your tweets and I see no
difference between your thinking and that taken up by Hugo Chavez or Fidel
Castro. Nice men, Harry. Great company you keep now. How would they have gone
down in the canteen with your comrades in the war?’https://countrysquire.co.uk/2016/11/29/harrys-last-stand-is-labours-too/
Listen and Learn! We shall not see their like again.
01/12/2016: Merkel is clearly bat
crazy. Why did she import them then – and why do we? Still
this is a move in the right direction. One we should emulate too, as I posted
on 28/11/2016: https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/11/27/merkel-says-she-will-deport-100000-migrants/?singlepage=true
30/11/2016: The Ultimate Guide to Hiking Boots: Acouple of interesting infographics. Sometimes it is the
basics we are a little unclear on…

Ultimate Guide To Hiking Boots
Over the past decade, the variety of hiking
boots and shoes has exploded, as designs become increasingly specialised.
Here’s a guide that outlines your choices and will help you narrow down what
you’ll need to find the perfect pair.
Anatomy of a Hiking Boot
Knowing the components of walking boots will
help you choosing the perfect type of boot for whatever activity you decide to
1. Outsole
• The
outsole is the first thing everyone looks at when buying new walking boots.
• This
is the strip of rubber or TPR along the bottom of the boot which features the
• Tread
patterns will vary depending on brand and boot, but all serve a purpose for a
certain type of terrain.
• Chunkier
patterns are better in mud, while shallow tread is better suited for a rockier
• When
it comes to the outsole, the most popular and best known brand is 'Vibram'.
• A
Vibram sole has long been a sign of quality, but that isn't to say standard
soles won't be suited to your activity.
2. Midsole
• The
midsole fits between the insole and the outsole.
• The
job of a midsole is to act as a shock absorber, helping to cushion and protect
your feet as you walk.
3. Upper
• The
upper is everything on the outside of the boot above the midsole.
• Uppers
are often made from different materials such as sturdy and hard wearing
leather, or synthetic fabrics which make for lightweight boots.
4. Liner
• Some
boots will feature a waterproof liner such as GORE-TEX, whilst this makes the
boot waterproof and therefore ideal for wet weather walks, it can compromise
• For
hot weather walking, it's advised that you choose a boot with no liner to help
your feet breathe.
5. Toe
• The
purpose of toe bumpers is to protect your toes from knocks, which is
particularly important on rocky terrains.
• Toe
bumpers also protect the boot from damage so they last longer.
Best Walking Boots For Your Activity
The activity you have planned is one of the
main factors of consideration when choosing walking boots.
Trail Running Shoes are best for:
• Trail
• Lightweight
hiking and backpacking.
• Short
day hikes on easy terrain.
Hiking Shoes are best for:
• Day
• Hiking.
• Moderate
• Long
distance lightweight hiking and backpacking.
Hiking Boots are best for:
• Day
hiking (added ankle support).
• Backpacking
with loads heavier than 20-30 pounds
• Hiking
in rough terrain or off-trail.
• Spring
or summer hiking where snow will be encountered.
Mountaineering Boots are best for:
• High
alpine travel.
• Winter
hiking and climbing.
• General
Approach Shoes are best for:
• Climbing
• Easy
to moderate climbing.
• Peak
bagging on 4th and 5th class terrain.
You’ve Picked Out a Shoe— But How’s the Fit?
Because you’re going to be spending so much
time in a hiking shoe or boot, fit is paramount. Here are some things to look
• Your
feet tend to swell over the course of a day, try your shoes or boots on towards
the end of the day or after some activity.
• If
you wear orthotics, bring them along. They impact the fit of a boot.
• When
you put them on, you should feel plenty of space in the toe box.
• You
should not feel squashed on the sides of your forefoot but shouldn’t be too
• A
good way to test the length of the shoe is to stand upright in unlaced shoes,
and then slide your foot forward until it does touch the front.
• You
should be able to comfortably slip your index finger in between your heel and
the heel of the shoe.
• Once
you have your shoe laced, the feel should be snug enough that, as you roll up
onto your toe, you don’t feel your foot sliding forward to touch the front of
the boot.
• It
shouldn’t be so snug that it cuts off your circulation or causes hot spots.
• You
should also not feel any heel lift or slip as you walk around.
• A
loose fit on the heal increases the risk of painful blisters and could lead to
injury on rough terrain if your boot goes one way and your foot the other.
How To Care for Your Walking Boots
Your walking boots will last longer if you
take care of them. Caring for your boots is simple, and here are a few things
to remember:
• Rapid
drying, heater drying and not nourishing the leather of the boots can all lead
to a boot cracking and eventually splitting.
• Clean
your boots, thoroughly removing all mud and debris.
• Boots
need nourishing when they look dry.
• Reproof
little and often.
• Do
not dry boots in a hot room or near a heater, this can cause leather and
material to shrink and crack.
• If
stuffing with paper to help dry, try not to overstuff and misshape the boot.
Coutesy of: https://www.walshbrothersshoes.ie/blogs/news/147312007-the-ultimate-guide-to-hiking-boots
I must say I am not fond of Vibram soles. The
only two pairs of shoes I have owned I must say I am not fond of Vibram soles.
The only two pairs of shoes I have owned with this type of sole would not grip
in the wet (particularly rocks, leaves, logs, twigs) so that I quickly ended up
crashing down onto the back of my neck (which is not pleasant). It may be that
there are Vibram soles which are not like this. I also do not favor waterproof
shoes. You are going to get wet feet. Don't be a sissy. And don't muck around
trying not to get wet feet. Shoes which are not waterproof are lighter - and
dry quicker! Carry a pair of ultralight camp shoes (such as these http://www.theultralighthiker.com/toughened-foam-flip-flop/ or these: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/no-sew-sandals
/) so you have something comfy to put on at the end of the day.
See also:
30/11/2016: This is very good news: It
shows Morrisson has not been entirely emasculated by Turnbull. There is hope
yet (for when Tony makes his comeback): ATO, Aust
Charities & NFP Commission lining up Islamic charity fraudsters. Sounds like
they need to investigate some other ‘ethnic groups (eg the Sudanese and Somalis
then thay might start on the enormous fake ‘aboriginal’ industry too): http://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2016/11/australias-nfp-regulator-and-tax-office-get-serious-about-charity-fraud-.html
30/11/2016: Data streaming just keeps
getting faster and faster: http://www.netgear.com.au/home/products/networking/wifi-routers/R9000.aspx?cid=auz-nighthawk-em
30/11/2016: Who’d Have Thought? Front
Page Headlines Anyone? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/11/28/steepest-drop-in-global-temperature-on-record/
29/11/2016: The great Pat Condell. If there is a
single thing I don’t wholeheartedly agree with this wonderful guy about, I’m
yet to find it. Do find 5 minutes to watch this vid; you won’t regret it –
besides you need a good laugh this morning, don’t you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjYLWadz5Yc
29/11/2016: Some of us (redheads for example) are proud to be descended from
these guys who built this stone structure deep
underground 47,600 years ago, (though we do not demand the cave be returned to
us!) http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/05/the-astonishing-age-of-a-neanderthal-cave-construction-site/484070/
29/11/2016: The biggest fraud in history, but Trump will soon end it: ‘Professor Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert is a retired geologist and data
computation expert. He has painstakingly examined and tabulated all NASA
GISS’s temperature data series, taken from 1153 stations and going back to
1881. His conclusion: that if you look
at the raw data, as opposed to NASA’s revisions, you’ll find that since
1940 the planet has been cooling, not warming.’ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/24/german-professor-nasa-fiddled-climate-data-unbelievable-scale/
but note this: ‘The cooling has hit every continent except for Australia, which
warmed by 0.6339°C since 2000.’ What has the BOM been doing to our weather
records. Years ago I caught them changing the historic station records. No
doubt they have been assiduously changing every record they could get their
hands on until there is simply nothing left to rely on – maybe only the
satellite and weather balloon records which have never shown any sign of the
28/11/2016: Are You Beautiful in the Buff: Sleeping
out in the mountains you often get a cold nose which is annoying. Obviously you
can’t tuck your nose and mouth (unlike the rest of your face) in your sleeping
bag otherwise it will become saturated from your breath and no longer keep you
as warm. Until now I just put up with it. Recently though I discovered this
wonderful product which when worn over your nose and mouth of a night warms the
air (and your nose) so giving you a much more pleasant night. The Buff: It can
also be worn in a bewildering array of other combinations. It weighs only 37.5
grams. Stow one in your pack. You will not regret it. It is made of 100% pure
merino wool. As you can see, it improves my appearance no end! This is a good
camo colour too! http://buffusa.com/ & https://www.buffwear.com/

28/11/2016: Not sure whether to order a new head or a new body? http://www.techspot.com/news/67118-human-head-transplant-doctor-use-vr-prepare-patients.html
28/11/2016: The sooner we start doing this, the better: Even if we have to spend eg $50,000ea to rid ourselves of these
unwanted ‘guests’ it will be cheaper by far than the alternative: paying them
for life to bludge on us, breed like flies, undermine and then destroy our way
of life, deplete our freedoms, wage civil war upon us & etc. If we outlaw
Islam, and Halal, close and confiscate all the mosques and all other Islamic
and Halal organisations we will have gone a long way towards recovering much of
what we need to spend eg $50,000ea to rid ourselves of them. There are approx
500,000 of them, so I know it is a lot of money altogether, ie $25 billion
dollars – however, we are spending more than this EACH YEAR on them – in
‘welfare’ payments, medical, health, housing, ‘education’ expenses, the
criminal ‘justice’ system, counter terrorism & etc, etc. We must act now
before it is too late and we are overrun and our society lost: ‘Know Thy Enemy’
as Sun Tsu used to say (‘The Art of War’ c700BC!):
27/11/2016: Pimping a Gorilla: You can readily shave around 300 grams off Gossamer Gear’s Gorilla (http://gossamergear.com/gorilla-ultralight-backpack-all-bundle.html
or Mariposa, etc) backpack by taking out the aluminium stay, removing the
hipbelt and replacing it with an ultralight webbing belt, and replacing the
Sitlight pad with an Airbeam pad. The pack will ride just about as well (well,
just as well when you are only carrying a few kgs) and transfer weight to your
hips, and you will have saved the weight of over half a day’s food!
If this is to be a permanent alteration you can also cover over the
holes where the stay went through the body of the pack both sides with some
Tenacious tape (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/gear-repairs-tape/)
to make the pack a little more watertight. You need a double buckle, some 1”
webbing and a piece of 1” Velcro and about five minutes on the sewing machine
to effect the change. As I have pointed out elsewhere (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/a-tardis-folding-space/),
you can make the pack carry a lot more than its rated 48 litres by utilising
Sea to Summit’s Ultrasil Compression Bags (or similar) and by adding some
tie-downs so you can carry another bag on top (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/attaching-tie-downs-to-your-pack/).

Completed belt ready for fitting. Note piece of velcro sewn on
reverse side in the middle for attaching to pack.

Standard hip belt removed and ultralight belt fitted.

The final result; a very comfy pack which weighs a third of a kilo
Weights (my scales):
Gorilla Belt:
275 grams.
Alum Stay: 88
Belt: 32.5 grams.
Weight saving: 330 grams.
Pockets: If you need hipbelt pockets, you can add
eg here: http://gossamergear.com/hipbelt-pocket.html 38 grams and
or here: http://www.zpacks.com/accessories/beltpouch.shtml
21 grams and $US22.50ea.
NB: Gossamer
Gear may not have the Air Beam pads at the moment.Mountain Laurel Designs still
stock the Klymit (Air Beam) Pad in 11” x 25” size and US$35ea. You can cut it
down and reseal with a hot iron to 20” if needed. It will then weigh approx 70
grams as compared with the Sitlight’s 50 grams: http://www.mountainlaureldesigns.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=46&products_id=186
They also stock Pack Pockets (if needed) at US$19ea.
Conclusion: With my Cyclone Chair (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/cyclone-chair/)
in behind the Sitlight pad the Gorilla is more comfortable under load (for me)
than it was with its original stay and hip belt, yet significantly lighter.
According to the Specs it should weigh 624 grams in this configuration, (575
without the Sitlight) not too bad for a very tough comfortable 48 litre
pack. I suspect that a narrow hip belt is normally better for folks who
carry a bit of weight around their midriff themselves – as I do!
See also:
27/11/2016: Top Tune in Oz: Don’t You Like It Here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZZlo0WZ_iU
27/11/2016: Klymit Inertia O Zone
Ultralight Exclusive Sleeping Pad and Pillow combined: An interesting
idea: fits inside your sleeping bag for extra warmth. R = 1.3, from US$51.99
11.9 oz (339 grams): http://www.klymit.com/inertia-ozone.html & now on Massdrop; https://www.massdrop.com/buy/klymit-inertia-o-zone-ultralight?referer=EJ89BQ

27/11/2016: The Eternal Headtorch: Coghlans Dynamo Flashlight: http://www.coghlans.com/products/dynamo-flashlihgt-1202
available eg Anaconda @ $10.99: Wind the
handle for 1 minute to get up to 7 minutes of light. Features 2 bright LED
lights, 10 Lumens. Positive feeling ON/OFF switch. Convenient key chain clip.
Configured as a headlamp as shown, total weight 21 grams. This would make a
good emergency torch. Will still work after all your batteries fail. Bright
enough to read a book at night, to cook your dinner and do your camp shoes.

27/11/2016: Cool Brother is watching you: Orbi
Prime: The First 360 Video Recording Eyewear: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/orbi-prime-the-first-360-video-recording-eyewear-camera-travel#/

27/11/2016: The One. The Only. Groucho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEFd_2_b6X8
So much greater than Karl!
27/11/2016: Under Trump NASA will be back, and mankind can once again look up
and dream of heading for the stars, even take a few
small steps in that direction – like a return to the moon (this time to stay!)
and the first manned trips to Mars: http://joannenova.com.au/2016/11/trump-total-skeptic-has-open-mind-on-climate-and-wants-to-shut-down-politicized-research-at-nasa/
27/11/2016: One fewer monster in the world today: May you rot in Hell, Fidel along with your Tussaud colleagues; Chavez, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot
& etc. When the countless graves give up their dead (including the hundreds
of thousands scattered along the sea floor between Cuba
and the US), we will begin
to learn the true story of your infamy; not just that you held Cuba
in poverty and terror for 50+ years! Of course, the US
did not exactly cover itself with glory during this period: its backing of
Batista was hardly its finest hour, nor was the Bay of Pigs, nor its
neo-colonial confiscation of Guantanamo
– or what it did there! On this day two years ago I posted this; ‘Robert
Heinlein: ‘Throughout history, poverty
is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be
exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small
minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by
all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating,
or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back
into abject poverty. This is known as “bad luck.”’ A fitting day to re-post it!
26/11/2016: Camo merino wool for deer hunting. This
is the gear you need: https://gearjunkie.com/icebreaker-hunting-fishing-merino-apparel

Snapped this
one at Icebreaker’s Shop 9 403
Smith St Collingwood Factory Outlet. Tell Jo I
sent you; you may get a special deal – at least a warm welcome!
I have this hat
in black and I have a few more on my Xmas ‘wish list’. It is the best hat I
have ever owned. It keeps the sun off your face and out of your eyes well (so
you won’t miss that critical shot because of glare). It is warm enough on a
cold day, but can be paired with one of their UL merino beanies yet on hot days
it wicks wonderfully and dries so quickly you are never aware it is wet.
More merino
wool/icebreaker posts to come…

The raincoat
made it into the Xmas basket.. I bought a beautiful green hoodie and a lovely
brown dress shirt. They were an incredible bargains!

26/11/2016: Supernovae sport Mickey Mouse ears: Just
why alien civilisations should blow up whole stars just to send us poor quality
pictures of Mickey Mouse, or why they are such admirers of the works of Walt
Disney at all remains a mystery: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23230992-300-mickey-mouse-ears-may-explain-universe-biggest-explosions/
26/11/2016: A Big Hurrah: How to Talk
to Your Pansy Ass Marxist Nephew at Thanksgiving by Uncle Strickland: http://americandigest.org/mt-archives/5minute_arguments/how_to_talk_to_your_pansy.php
& follow it up with: Watching the Snowflakes Melt: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/11/watching_the_snowflakes_melt.html
25/11/2016: Every Victorian needs to read this today. Jo has shown just what a disastrous, economically suicidal decision
the closure of Hazelwood will be. We must all work together to ensure it does
not happen before it is too late and we become the economic basket case that
cloud cuckoo land SA already is: http://joannenova.com.au/2016/11/victoria-paying-big-to-drive-at-breakneck-speed-to-repeat-south-australias-blackout/
25/11/2016: Bernardi has written a really great political ‘speech’ here. He is signalling that if things don’t change (and soon) on the
conservative side of politics, he is going to walk – and take his 50,000
members with him! This is the beginning of the end for Malcolm: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/bernadi-gets-ready-his-email-is-a-warning/news-story/a0964c2dca92c9b11df04bbae1d609c2
25/11/2016: What if you still wanted to live in a majority European country (as the majority of people in the world probably want to do? http://pickeringpost.com/story/thank-god-for-islam-and-thank-god-for-isis/6679
24/11/2016: This will be the trigger: Turnbull’s
days are numbered (in single digits I suspect). Conservatives will not wear
this. Our civilisation will not be turned upside down by this leftist fifth
Columnist in the guise of a Prime Minster. He is not a Prime Minister’s
button-hole (Mis-typing there somewhere. You decide): http://www.heraldsun.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/savva-confirms-turnbull-considering-samesex-marriage-sellout/news-story/4d6cb7ed774e82b884a886bbd5d1573b
24/11/2016: The ‘Silent Majority’
becomes ‘The Outspoken Majority’ – and Thank Goodness For that! For far too
long we have allowed the Looney Left and the even more sinister utterly evil
greens to dominate debate – and ‘The Agenda’ in general. (Aside: Folks who
would ban the wondrous yet harmless chemical DDT knowingly condemning 100
million people plus to death from malaria - as they did, or who would advocate
‘organic agriculture’ which would produce at least 1/3 less food from the same
land – meaning either that one-third of humanity must perish, or that our
agricultural land must be extended by one-third, thereby utterly obliterating
all the wilderness and wildlife they pretend to value and protect, can hardly
be described as anything but utterly wicked!) But Brexit, Trump and (soon to
be), a resurgent Tony Abbott led Government will spell the end of all that!
Hopefully for a generation at least.
For around two
generations now we have given passive consent to these monsters to poison and
ruin the minds of our children in our schools and universities; and we have
wasted countless billions of dollars of taxpayer’s money, money which ought never have been collected, to be splurged
on one silly season scheme or another – and to subsidise their apparatchiks to
live a life of indolent plenty whilst steadily undermining all our hard-won
values, and squandering the sacrifices (for Freedom) of generations of our best
and brightest on the battlefields where our civilisation bravely defended
itself against barbarism, whilst all the while the barbarians were in our midst
beavering away as a Fifth Column to annul all the sacrifices of our heroes
(meanwhile condemning millions to hapless murder by evil monsters in their
puppet regimes everywhere, eg the 8 million souls murdered by the communists
after the Fall of Saigon, for example). The quisling efforts of myriad
treasonous communist trade unionists to destroy our troops in New Guinea and
elsewhere have been admirably highlighted by Hal Colebatch’s in his wonderful book ‘Australia’s Secret War: How Unionists Sabotaged Our Troops in World
War II’: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2014/01-02/treachery-unions-second-world-war/
& https://quadrant.org.au/shop/books/australias-secret-war-unions-sabotaged-troops-world-war-ii/
& http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/unions-exposed-as-war-saboteurs/story-fni0cwl5-1226751793596
They continue their sabotage amongst us, weasling their way into every fabric
of society and squirreling away to undermine and destroy all that is good and
true and beautiful – but they will not win, and must be
stopped. Maybe, at long last their reign is over…
24/11/2016: Backpacking Gear Advice:
The Three ‘Biggies’: I wrote this in reply to a query from a reader about what
backpack, tent sleeping bag he should buy. As you can see, I do not always
recommend people buy.

Hi (Reader) -
and Thanks. As you can probably see from my light posting - and from my post
this morning (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/pneumonia/)
, I haven't quite recovered yet from my trip to Nepal. Nonetheless I tried to
respond to your post the other day, and had written a couple of paragraphs when
I lost the lot with a power outage! So, I will try again:
I have had the
old Mariposa (@600 grams) for years. For some reason GG have blown the weight
out to nearly 1,000 grams. Mostly this is in the ridiculously heavy hip belt
(See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/a-gorilla-in-the-bush/
) In contrast, my Zpacks Zero (previously called: Blast) pack in Dyneema weighs
380 grams with pad sleeve, rear and side pockets (one long for a tent), tie
downs etc. Add @ 60 grams for the Air Beam pad. It carries about 54 litres
inside. Della has sewn a handy inside pocket in mine for stowing important
things like passports etc in a secure, easy reach manner).
If you use Sea
to Summit Ultrasil Compression bags (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/a-tardis-folding-space/
) you can fit much more than this, and you can tie stuff on top as well (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/linelok-pack-tie-down/ or http://www.theultralighthiker.com/?s=tie+down ). Plenty big
enough even for a trip of once month carrying all your own food and even a pack
raft for crossing rivers (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/klymit-packraft/
& http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ultralight-paddle/)!
Joe (says he) will not do the pad sleeve any more, but he has a shock cord pad
attachment which will work just as well (See: http://www.zpacks.com/backpacks/zero.shtml Scroll down).
This will provide plenty of load transfer and comfort for a pack up to eg 15 kg
- and you should try to keep under 10 (inc food) and say 6 for your lady!
I think you
would be hard put to find something lighter and warmer than Zpacks double
sleeping bag (or quilt). If you are used to a hood, you should buy (eg) two of
these as well. they are also great for cold nights/mornings: http://www.zpacks.com/accessories/goosehood.shtml
Others make a similar thing. The Triplex tent is very good for weight, but I
think my designs are better – and certainly cheaper. I have not yet completed
them (I know) and when I do I think I will offer them to the public as a
pattern to purchase – maybe as a kit
Later I may think about having them made in a low labour cost country –
I am getting ahead of myself here. However I will give you one/more for your
own use, but I have not quite finished the http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-deer-hunters-tent/ yet (Soon - I will get better!), but in the
meantime I think you should have a go at this one (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/honey-i-shrank-the-tent/
) in Tyvek yourself – which I think the
instructions are transparent enough for the intelligent person to work out
(with maybe a bit of prompting) See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/new-decagon-octagon-tyvek-igloo-tent-design/
When you are
happy with it, you can order the silnylon from http://www.tiergear.com.au/11/online-shop/diy-gear
and make an even lighter one. I think you will be happier with it, have a tent
which goes up (and stays up) quicker than Joe's and which will cost you a
fraction of the price. You will find it quite easy to make (the roof), and once
you have that, you can play around with the floor to your heart's content – and
will get it right (eventually). The roof (in Tyvek) weighs 607 grams. In
silnylon it will weigh 560 grams with the poncho floor - a little more if you want a sewn in floor
with overlapping mosquito net door, but still not much more than 600 grams plus
pegs and guys (@100 grams). It will be much cheaper than a cuben fibre tent -
and you can now make field repairs to silnylon with http://www.theultralighthiker.com/gear-repairs-tape/ so that cuben is (almost) obsolete!
PS: Backpack
Sizing: Some really good advice here: http://gossamergear.com/wp/how-to-size-and-fit-an-ultralight-backpack
& http://gossamergear.com/wp/which-gossamer-gear-backpack-is-right-for-you
. The advice applies equally well to other brands of backpack.
PPS: Your
height/weight is not a reliable guide. NB: My opinion is that hip belts do not
work well for everyone. Some folks may be more comfortable and walk more freely
without them altogether. Fatter people (as I have been most of my life) will
probably do better with a simple webbing (3/4’ even) hip belt. Thinner folks
might benefit from a wider hip belt. They do not need to add much weight.
Zpacks hip belts - available separately for sewing on yourself (enquire) weigh
approx 50 grams! (See ‘Padded Belt’ here; http://www.zpacks.com/backpacks/zero.shtml Scroll down).
PPPS: Instead
of buying a pack, you might think of making one. I recommend Ray Jardine’s
backpack Kit (http://www.rayjardine.com/ray-way/Backpack-Kit/index.htm).
As you will see, there are two options, one with a hip belt. Be careful which
you order, as the hip belt can’t be added later (according to Jenny). If you
are happy with it, you could always make a tougher one eg out of Dyneema at a
later date. (Two weights of Dyneema available eg. here: http://thru-hiker.com/materials/coated.php You will notice
they also have many other interesting projects – including a backpack/s. One
advantage of making your own is that you will know exactly how to fix it in the
field – should you ever need to!
23/11/2016: Leonard Cohen: Hallelujah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=RD4imJ7wWB9FU&v=YrLk4vdY28Q
23/11/2016: Nuts! What happens when you run out of other people’s money? http://bigthink.com/natalie-shoemaker/canada-testing-a-system-where-it-gives-its-poorest-citizens-1320-a-month
23/11/2016: Pneumonia: Three weeks ago
now since I left Namche Bazar for Everest with this awful
life form growing in my chest like some incubus from ‘Alien’. Since then it and
my body have waged an uncivil war back and forth with my life for stakes.
Sometimes one has the ascendancy, sometimes the other. The medicos have been
entirely unsuccessful in isolating it, and the three types of antibiotic I have
quaffed so far have only managed to hold the line – if that. The outcome
remains uncertain, though some days I do seem almost myself. Others though I am
back to being as weak as a kitten, even if (as today) I have pumps to fix, or
other jobs must be done.

I have had I
think five crises since it hit; once between antibiotics, I was so weak I could
not rise from my couch, and could not even call loudly enough to alert Della ,
(whom I could actually see just in the next room) to take me to hospital.
Fortunately, instead of slipping away, the other antibiotic kicked in after
about an hour, and I was able to rise and resume my conversation with the
Pneumonia is
not particularly distressing: when you are at your weakest you feel quite
unconcerned that you are slipping away, though I must say I do not particularly
enjoy the not breathing! The most unpleasant it has been was on my ‘trail of
tears’: the 60+ km interminable two day journey (normally four short!)
staggering myself back from Dingboche to Lukla desperate that Della would have
a chance to save my life. (She still seemed to want to – habit is a funny
thing!) And she has, so far, succeeded! ‘It is the physician’s love heals the
patient’ was Ferenczi’s dictum.
Many people
succumb to this dreaded ‘Khumbu Cough’ on the Everest Base Camp Trek. The trail
is suffused with the most awful dust during the dry season as there are
thousands of trekkers on the trail with their attendees of yet more thousands
of guides, porters, yaks, donkeys, horses, dogs…all of them defecating ,
hacking and spitting on the trail which is bleached dry by an eternal sun, so
that the dust ever whirls up, become a loathsome fug of bacterial stew which
you means must breath in. The air is too thin to breath through your nose so
you are eternally gulping in huge but unsatisfactory lungfuls though your mouth
which you make your best effort to keep covered with a neck warmer, buff ,
scarf or balaclava (against the cold mostly) – but it is not enough to keep
whatever these bugs are out.
The excessively
dry air probably aids its malevolence. The altitude, exhaustion, poor diet
& etc no doubt do not help, so that many people become quite ill and may
take long to recover – if at all. Some cough so much they break ribs –
thankfully not me! Pneumonia used to be such an infection: ‘the ‘old man’s
Friend’ they once described it as – as it gently led him to his end). If you
survived, a long sea voyage of rest and recuperation for six months was
normally prescribed – for the well to do. The poor, no doubt simply perished.
It may be possible to wear a more serious dust mask to keep it out. I would do
some research on that if you are silly enough to be contemplating this awful
trek. I will have a subsequent post with recommendations. Watch out for it!
For my own, I
wish I had cleaved to my nearby haunts. I may not travel overseas again –
certainly not to the Third World, or anywhere
so crowded. I confess I have a passion to see the boreal Forests, perhaps in Canada.
The Baw Baw Plateau has ten times the delights of the chewed over, nutrient
depleted or bare hills of Nepal.
It is also much less crowded and less than two hours drive from Melbourne – so
that you can be back in your own bed the same night (if you wish) after a
delightful day exploring such magical places as Kirchubel (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/kirchubel-if-you-go-nowhere-else-in-the-world-at-least-go-here/)
, Downey, (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/up-into-the-singing-mountains/
& http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-winter-route-downey-to-newlands/
) , Newlands Rd (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-baw-baw-to-newlands-rd/)
, Toorongo (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-walking-track/
), Tanjil Bren (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-winter-route-western-tyers-to-tanjil-bren/), Western Tyers (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-winter-route-western-tyers-to-tanjil-bren/), Yarra Falls (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-mystery-falls/)
, the Forty Mile Break Rd, the Ada Tree, Mt St Phillack Saddle(http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-sidetrip-baw-baw-to-mt-st-phillack/)
, Whitelaws Hut Site (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-st-gwinear-track-junction-to-whitelaws-hut/)
, the Mushroom Rocks (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-section-seven-mushroom-rocks-carpark-to-phillack-saddle/), & etc. Just so much nicer too, really.
23/11/2016: The Not So Ultralight
Hiker’s Tentpeg: What a buy these guys were at
Aldi for my old mate Jock at $2 a pack of four! He reckons on at least a dozen
uses for them including as: markers for night-time fishing set lines, toilet
markers, guy line markers, camp lanterns, night lights…38 grams ea inc AAA
battery. I know you could do the same thing in ultralight with Clam Cleat
Lineloks (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-perfect-guy-line-for-a-hiking-tenttarp/)
or with the Nitecore Tube Lights (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/11-gram-rechargeable-head-torch/)
and probably at much greater expense, but would they have the same panache or

22/11/2016: The News Just Keeps Getting Better: http://www.newser.com/story/234167/biggest-ever-us-oil-find-made.html
22/11/2016: It is hard to imagine how anyone can be so deluded as to take the
Palestinians’ side against Israel:
22/11/2016: Your daily dose of ‘political incorrectness’. Well said, Larry: http://pickeringpost.com/story/frustrated-aboriginal-women-spill-the-cultural-beans/6656
20/11/2016: Boys, and their toys: https://www.massdrop.com/buy/jl-lawson-spin-tray?referer=EJ89BQ
20/11/2016: Climate change on Mars: http://www.stir.ac.uk/news/2016/11/meteorites-reveal-drought-on-mars/
20/11/2016: A big ‘Heads Up’ to Francis Galton and Matt Ridley. I have seldom
seen such a robust and lucid defence of either democracy or the free market: http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/wisdom-of-crowds/
20/11/2016: The Sunset of the West:

Mind you, for every faltering, penultimate step it takes it edges
towards a dazzling apogee far greater than any the world has ever seen… Secular
I grew
up in the long tradition of secular humanism (as
you just imagine ‘we’ all did). Yet when I see a post from a friend who cleaves
yet to ‘Christianity’ (or yet ‘Islam’ Judaism’, ‘Buddhism’ etc) it saddens me.
It seems (to me) that they have had just that same opportunity to liberate
their minds from such shibboleths and fetishes as the remainder of us did. The
‘humanism’ implicit in Christianity is one thing, indeed a grand thing - the
old fogey in the sky quite another!
Such ‘humanism’ is a tradition stretching back
to the Ancient Greeks (indeed also to Judaism), though in many ways I ever
prefer the bluff pragmatism of the Romans. You can imagine someone suggesting to
them that they build another temple. ‘Or we could build an aqueduct or a mighty
straight road will last folks two thousand years’ they might reply. Engineering
is so eloquent!
I know I made a study for many years of
Philosophy and the Western intellectual tradition in general, through
Literature, History, etc. Just last night I was half fevered dreaming (with
this dread pneumonia I carried back with me all the way from Everest; see eg: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/i-saw-below-me-that-golden-valley/)
of my little 1970s upstairs room in the (Phil) corner of the ‘Quad’ at Sydney
Uni (a replica of C10th Oxford!) whose tiny lead-light window overlooked the
doppelganger of Bishop Berkeley’s famous tree, which I’m sure yet persists -
though neither I nor (the late) Prof David Armstrong is there to see it, though
I remember well how we watched the Transit of Venus seated on its lower
branches back in the days when the world (or I at least) was young. The lass
(Moira) who has ‘The Chair’ today I once knew as a pre-pubescent slip of a girl
- though she is no doubt an aged matriarch now. There but for fortune, go I. I passed on that one and enjoyed another life, but I
did not so doing forfeit the life of the mind, as so many seem to do (even’
alas, some Professors of Philosophy today! I know not if Moira is one of them –
I would hope not).
I recognise, honour (indeed espouse) many of
the moral teachings and precepts of the Christian tradition, but even moreso
the greater lessons of Socrates! Everyone should read Jowett’s timeless
translation of the ‘Socratic dialogues, ‘The Trial and Death of Socrates’ (http://www.bookdepository.com/The-Trial-and-Death-of-Socrates-Pla/9780486270661?ref=grid-view),
then read it again, and again. The New Testament is a poor creature besides.
You can read the first, ‘The Apology’ for free right now here in its entirety: http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/apology.html
The tradition of western Civilisation
encapsulates these – and much more. I used once peripatetically to recommend to
people Bertrand Russell’s timeless work, ‘A History of Western
Philsosophy’ (and I still do) written when Nobel prizes were still
given out for true greatness (Russell won Three!) Not since Steinbeck won the
Nobel (‘Grapes of Wrath’) has there been anyone rewarded for true greatness of
thought or expression, so far as I can see. Dylan notwithstanding. Jowett’s
work is still a stand-out as a great work of Western literature (along eg with
Freud’s ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’, Nikos Kazantzakis’ ‘Freedom and Death’,
Dylan Thomas’ ‘Under Milk Wood’, Aeschylus’ ‘Agamemnon’, Shakespeare’s
‘Macbeth’…thankfully the list goes on…It is long since time we celebrated the
West; it may not be the fount of all that is good and noble on earth, but it
comes awfully close!
Socrates used (often) to espouse (that) ‘the
unexamined life’ had no worth (often mis-translated as ‘is not worth living’).
If you re-read eg ‘The Gorgias’ carefully you will be stricken again and again
that Socrates is asking, ‘What makes a life enviable – or admirable’? It is not
the life of maximising one’s pleasures (or power) - as Gorgias thought (even
though his minions could put Socrates to death, yet fail to silence him! And as
so many in the West (and elsewhere) seem bent on advocating today. Indeed such
aims and goals are frivolous and meaningless. The quest for truth ought (to be)
paramount. As a (near contemporary) Siddhartha is alleged to have observed: ‘if
a man should glimpse a truth from a solitary cave and (in) so doing die, the
truth will not die with him, but will emanate from his fastnesses and
reverberate around the world’.
The quest for truth ought be the defining
centre of our lives, not the quest for ephemeral pleasures, nor fleeting fame.
In such regard it ought also be emphasized that not only is it not so that
‘everyone is entitled to his own opinions’ as so many demur. Indeed, the
contrary is the case. No-one is. (Leaving aside the implied theology of the
word, ‘entitled’: ie: that to be ‘valued by God’, which is to be valued by nothing,
which is what ‘God’ is, equals to have no value at all!) ‘Opinions’ are not
axioms. They are not truths in themselves. Indeed there are no axioms,
reassuring as Euclid
was once to adolescents force to learn it. They are working hypotheses which if
they are not backed up by reasoned argument capable of robust truth testing are
totally worthless. No-one should have an ‘opinion’ at all! Certainly I never
Many folk (including me) re-posted this homily
yesterday: ‘Cheers to all the people who change their minds when presented with
information which contradicts their beliefs.’ I like the simplicity of the
refrain, and its impressive wisdom! I would see much more of what it advocates.
The key tradition of humanism is the examined
life. The robust questioning of all received wisdom which is at the heart of
the Western ‘scientific method’ (so eloquently espoused by the great Karl Popper eg in ‘The Open Society and Its
Enemies’ (https://archive.org/stream/opensocietyandit033120mbp/opensocietyandit033120mbp_djvu.txt).
There is little hope of material or ethical progress unless we cleave utterly
to rational discourse and the careful examination of all that comes before us.
Truth testing is ever the ultimate arbiter of worth. Nothing (at all) has any
value if it is not true. Nothing follows (logically) from a false proposition.
This is the first principle of (Symbolic) Logic and ought be graven in stone
everywhere. Therefore, the single most important quality of any proposition is,
Is it true’. Nothing else matters! Especially, it matters not a jot who you
upset by asking that very question about whatever ‘they’ say. They must either
defend themselves, or if they cannot do so, withdraw. QED.
19/11/2016: Meanwhile, One Nation Surges to 12% in Qld, double the Greens’
vote! An Australian ‘Don’ becomes ever more likely. Will it be Tony Abott? http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/galaxy-poll-one-nation-on-track-to-choose-who-governs-queensland/news-story/bfe44e8d6e882484d27d4567d5f4b052
19/11/2016: Abbott’s New Ministry: It is good that folks are at least (at
last) beginning to talk about this seriously. It cannot happen too soon. Is
there anyone else out there who is not long since tired of that buffoon,
Turnbull? http://spectator.com.au/2016/11/dis-con-notes-2/
19/11/2016: Who would have thought: ‘The man who allegedly set himself on fire
in a suburban Melbourne bank is believed to be a refugee from Myanmar, also known as Burma, living in Australia on a bridging visa.
Sources told the Herald Sun that the 21-year-old arrived on one of the 300
boats carrying more than 20,000 Illegal Maritime Arrivals (IMAs) in 2013 under
the Gillard-Rudd government. The alleged attacker was transferred to Christmas
Island before settling in Melbourne on a bridging visa, which allowed him to
temporarily live in the community while his claim was processed...Most people
on bridging visas have been granted work rights but are not eligible for full
welfare payments, or given access to public housing...The Herald Sun
understands the man involved in yesterday’s attack had been invited to apply
for a TPV — giving him a guaranteed right to work, and access to social
security payments and public housing — but he was yet to do so...It is believed
he is a member of the Rohingya minority, a Muslim Indo-Aryan people who live
mainly in the Rakhine state of Myanmar.’
19/11/2016: Moslems: For 1500 years they have
been the dire enemies of our civilization. Failure to recognise a thing will
not make it go away. As Chips Rafferty used to say (in ‘Smiley’, you remember?)
‘The horse always kicks, and the gun’s always loaded’. They are ever (their
political and religious leaders) denouncing us, preaching our downfall and
indeed utter annihilation. They say again and again they will start with the
Jews, the Christians, the gays and continue until all else is obliterated and
there remains only their Moslem Caliphate. Whilst they continue to believe as
they do, there is not ONE among their teeming millions who is to be trusted or
tolerated for even a second! In reply to a comment:
Islam IS the problem. Don't be a fool! We all prefer to see the good in others.
If there was any good left in Moslems they would desert Islam in droves!
Instead we see them cleaving to it more and more. That is the greatest danger
the world faces today. ‘Know your enemy’, Sun Tsu: ‘The Art of War’ c700BC!
19/11/2016: Google's New PhotoScan App Makes it Easy to Digitize Old Prints:
Is there anything at all you can no longer do with your phone? https://www.engadget.com/2016/11/15/google-photos-photoscan-app-editing-tools/?utm_source=pocket&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pockethits
18/11/2016: The Rolls Royce of Backcountry Trowels. PS: I used to think these
doohickies were pretty silly when I had a pair of heels would mostly do the
same sort of thing, and had done for decades – then I began thinking of digging
for survival water sources, purifying the water found & etc. I decided that
it might well be 13 grams well spent: https://www.massdrop.com/buy/suluk-46-tark-trowel?referer=EJ89BQ
7 http://www.suluk46.com/

See also:
18/11/2016: Aloksak make really great waterproof to
200 metres snaplock bags. This one is even big enough to put your rifle in (great
for canoeing/boating/hunting trips. It is the only waterproof gun bag I know
of: http://www.survival-pax.com/aLOKSAK-Bags-Extra-Large.html
Of course the smaller ones are great for your phone, camera etc.

18/11/2016: Don’t worry. Be happy: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/11/16/peak-oil-indefinitely-postponed/
18/11/2016: Good Grief! Let’s Ban Mansplaining. Will the left never let go and
have some fun: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/swedish-splaining-showdown/news-story/8e864017543775c01312ba8bcee8a007
17/11/2016: I would not usually expect to agree with this guy. Perhaps I am weakened
by this pneumonia (or weltschmerz), but these ideas deserve some oxygen
‘Depending on how you define it, "American interests"
deserving of military force or threats thereof can be construed to involve
everywhere on earth. However, we have just elected a guy with far less warlike
or quasi-imperialist tendencies than the John Boltons, the Bushies, the
Neocons, and Hillary. That's good. Governments often look for enemies for their
own purposes.
Just because countries like pathetic Russia
or growing but still adolescent China
want to play geopolitics does not make them enemies or even adversaries. America
today has no credible enemies but, as always there are plenty of bad actors and
nasty talkers in the world. There always are and always will be.
The world is not America's
sandbox. In my view, Europe can take care of
itself. NATO is obsolete. If China
wants to be a tough guy in south Asia, it's
fine with me. It's not critical to the US. The middle east will be a mess
for another 100 years unless the Ottoman Empire
is restored. Of course America
should be militarily competent - Always Be Prepared.
Look at it this way: From Russia's standpoint,
NATO (ie mainly the US)
seems like a threat. a threat in their backyard. I feel NATO is an obsolete remnant of the
Cold War. Leave it. There is no Soviet Union.
The Ukraine, historically
part of Russia, is of no
national interest for the US. Major powers want their spheres of influence
and power, and tend to be a little paranoid and bullying. Russia and China included. However, those are
not America's
issues. They do not wish to invade the US, for heaven's sake.
Except for Israel,
the Middle East is a God-forsaken s-hole.
Despite 9-11, I refuse to be intimidated by those backward lunatics. This is
their extended Dark Ages, and nobody can pull them out of that. Bush's and
Hillary's wars and interventions were wrong, in retrospect. In the ME, whatever
you do is wrong. What could be more obvious? Nuke ISIS,
but there will be another one popping up a week later. Evil perseveres.
Life sucks for many people on the planet, but
we can't fix that. We are not God and we often make well-intentioned mistakes.
We must count our blessings.’ (Maggies Farm 15-16/11/2016: http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/
17/11/2016: The Supermoon and Other Moons That Are Super in Their Own Ways: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/12/science/supermoon.html?smprod=nytcore-ipad&smid=nytcore-ipad-share&_r=0
17/11/2016: Larry Pickering was not PC back in Whitlam’s day and though he is
sadly terminally ill, he is not today either. What a national treasure he is: http://pickeringpost.com/story/there-s-a-finger-in-labor-s-dyke/6646
16/11/2016: The ‘Moon Illusion’: I knew I had done posts about this
intellectual ‘phenomenon’ long since, so I set off amid my old posts (with the
aid of Control + F) to find it/them. I had thought to just be able to quote
where I wrote that if you cut out a circle of cardboard that just exactly
covers the full moon at arm’s length that you would find that it always does,
whether the moon seems to swell like a balloon or shrink like a pin-head in
your mind’s eye. As well, I found this rich horde of moon lore which I cannot
restrain myself from sharing once more:
15/11/2016: Supermoon: I got up in the middle
of the night and looked at this phenomenon; if anything the moon looked smaller
than usual to me. But I have spent years of my life sleeping on the ground,
camped under the stars gazing up at the night sky. Clearly folks will believe
16/11/2016: The Silent Majority can now shout out loud, ‘A pox on your
political correctness’. Men in dresses will not be sharing my wife’s toilet.
Neither men nor women in hijabs will dictate a thing - and soon be banished
altogether from our land. Blacks will have the same right as whites: to work,
or starve if they will not, and will have the same share of our land as
everyone else – not 60% paid for by everyone else. And that is only the
beginning of the twisted evils we shall undo forthwith!
16/11/2016: I have been thinking more about those 234 stars beaming laser messages
at us: First I supposed that it might be 234 more versions of the New
Testament, then I realised I had dropped a couple of zeroes in my calculations.
What if they were all beaming the Koran right into our lounge rooms? You think
there is nothing on TV right now? How would you feel if there was just the
Koran on all 234 channels – and in Hi Def and 3D! Say 130 or so showing
Mohammed ascending into heaven on his magic winged donkey and another odd 100
showing him raping five year old girls – as was his wont. And here you are
still an atheist unable to believe that this could be! Well, just you wait
until they translate all those messages. You’ll see: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2109139-strange-signals-from-234-stars-could-be-et-or-human-error/
16/11/2016: You’d Better Believe It: Trump’s
War on the Green Blob Will Make (Almost) All of Us Richer, Happier, and Freer:
15/11/2016: Panic? Don’t Panic: Who would have thought? Imagine there being
nothing at all to worry about. What a worry. What will we worry about now? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/11/14/who-needs-the-paris-climate-agreement-co2-emissions-are-declining-on-their-own/
& https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/11/08/study-earths-vegetation-is-causing-a-global-pause-in-co2-growth/
15/11/2016: Supermoon: I got up in the middle of the
night and looked at this phenomenon; if anything the moon looked smaller than
usual to me. But I have spent years of my life sleeping on the ground, camped
under the stars gazing up at the night sky. Clearly folks will believe
15/11/2016: Remember when Moscow
used to fund the protests of the Left? Such subsidised conscience wringing
is still with us; http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/11/soros-funded-orgs-behind-violent-anti-trump-protests-across-america/
15/11/2016: It looks like scientists and philosophers might have made consciousness far more mysterious than it
needs to be: https://aeon.co/essays/the-hard-problem-of-consciousness-is-a-distraction-from-the-real-one?utm_source=Aeon+Newsletter&utm_campaign=bb1952dd08-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2016_11_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_411a82e59d-bb1952dd08-68626497
14/11/2016: I Saw Below Me That Golden

Soon you will see no more playful goats as they are banned from the
National Park.

Pretty and well cared for donkeys along the way.
It is a pleasant and easy couple of km descent through a pretty
forest from Lukla to the prosperous
looking agricultural town of Chheplung (though it is much harder struggling
back up the other way on the return journey with a chest full of pneumonia!)

Chheplung is a well laid out and prosperous looking agricultural
From there you follow the Dudh
Khosi River
upstream with only slight rises and falls of the path until you ascend sharply
7-800 metres into Namche Bazar after a walk of approx 8 hours. Most complete
this section over two days.

MThere are many small villages.

And places to take a break.

Some more salubrious than others: Of course along the well-travelled
section of the EBC most everything is dressed up to its best. In smaller rural
villages you often find rougher accommodation.

There are lots of big and little villages to stop along the way to
enjoy a cup of coffee (or something stronger), a snack or a meal. We planned to
stop at Monjo (because of its altitude rather than its being half way), but we
spent a little too long ‘catching up’ before we set off, so that we ended up
staying at the Himalayan Guest House (nice), Bengkar instead. Most folk stay at
Phakding (quite a big town) which is about half way to Namche, but there is no
need; every tiny hamlet has its tea houses for food and accommodation.

Quaint agricultural practices: this hay is being 'raked' with a
stick. I saw it cut with a kitchen knife!

Sun drying barley, I guess. Strangely in the tea houses everyone
eats Dahl Bat (Rice) even though no rice could grow here.

I found the intercropping interesting; beans and grain grown
Everywhere the mountains tower over the valley:

And the river churns in its bed:

All along the route telephone and/or internet reception is
mixed/patchy, but usually available – though it may surprise you that there is
any at all. Often there is wifi eg in guest houses, etc. Sometimes it is free;
at others it might cost eg US$5 for 200 megs. It is lovely though to be able to
use ‘Whats App’, ‘Facebook Messenger’ or etc to conduct telephone or video
calls with your loved ones on the other side of the world! (I know I did.)

Endless religious gibberish pollutes the scenery.
Everywhere in Nepal
(as in many such places) bullshit religious iconography is ubiquitous. Such a
country is enormously held back by such religious and (leftist) political
primitivism. Of course it does not help you much if your Maoist Government
somehow still pathetically claims that the entire royal family just shot itself
(perhaps this is what happened to the Romanovs too?) I am minded of a similar
bizarre (unsolved murder?) case in Vic where the victim managed to shoot
herself twice in the head with a bolt action rifle! Meanwhile they inflict
punitive taxes eg on antisocial things like autos (250%!) and stow the
purloined cash into their vast bureaucratic coffers to later be used (at
personal need) for their own Apparatchik purchases (dachas/limos – surely you
know the story by now?)

Of course religion can be beautiful too. I was particularly
impressed by these automated 'prayer mills'. This must save some time
grovelling in the dust muttering incantations!

A 'Prayer-o-matic'!
Any damned fool (from Cecil Rhodes on, (with his Cape to Cairo
Railway) though he was not one – what an amazing man; the only person in
history to have not one, but two whole countries named after him!) can see that
Nepal must have a modern conduit to the sea, else the efficient transport of
goods/services and all the wealth that trade brings will never emerge. The
Maoists will not even build roads. These (hiking) tracks we stumble along are
funded entirely by the donations of kind passers by.

Freeway construction Nepali style.
An old man whose sign indicated he had summitted Everest five times
was collecting for just such track repairs just out of Namche – and the track
was being repaired right there with the proceeds. You scarce ever see that sort
of thing from any government! Once they get hold of your money, it’s gone!
Meanwhile folk stagger by carrying loads on their backs which small
lorries would not be ashamed of. We often saw young teenagers (girls and boys)
carrying 15 slabs of canned booze up huge mountains for the later delectation
of rich foreignors. PS: Is ‘Everest’ so named because of the likelihood that if
you climb it you will ‘ever rest’ there - as some hundreds (starting with
Mallory), do?

No 'Worksafe' here.
This poor guy staggered along under the weight of over half a cubic
metre of plywood. Some other poor devil had hauled in on their backs the huge
steel stoves used to heat the lodges, weights of 150 kg, I’d guess! You just
know that in many of the huts you pass by there must be just such dreadfully
broken human beings weeping and praying to Buddha, just as other poor beggars
call out uselessly to Allah or Christ elsewhere.

Santa Claus has lost his reindeer.
I saw one poor man staggering along under a monstrous load, a huge
swelling on the side of his face where a tooth was abscessed or etc. He
clutched at it tenderly and shuffled on, tears in his eyes – you know it will
be ever so, until his death. Dental problems are yet the world’s single biggest
killer. There is not a lot really romantic about living in those mountains even
if they might seem pretty to us – which is why the seething millions hanker for
the smogs and overcrowding of Kathmandu, etc.
Of course the UN and other such Leftist ‘aid’ organisations hold
lots of meetings there to discuss what ‘small is beautiful’ world solutions
might help, then find (mysteriously) at meeting’s end that all the funding has
been spent on the meetings! The population is left to pull itself up by its own
bootstraps - which it will, but much more slowly than it might if it got just a
little help up. A road here and there, for example.

Bridge at Phakding. Keep and eye out for the turnoff here on the way
There is a very long bridge across the river at Phakding which you
would be well served to give the yaks first turn at, and maybe count how many
others are aboard before you venture forth your feet. It is not near so high as
the highest ‘double bridge’ just as you begin the climb up the mountain towards
Namche. ‘Tully’ reckoned it to be 150 metres down to your death on the sharp
teeth of the river far below. I did not demur - being too fearful to look down!

Old and new bridge.

Tully surges off the high bridge.

On the slopes climbing up to Namche (and elsewhere) there are some
interesting plants – many extensively gnawed by yaks or hacked by folk for
kindling. Others appear sacred to man and beast alike. I noticed a beautiful
blackberry with pure white canes, for example.

Coming up the rise in to Namche: 
See also:
14/11/2016: On my Facebook feed this morning; ‘Three things cannot hide for long: the
moon, the sun and the truth.’ Attributed to the Buddha. And apparently
there will be a ‘super moon’ tonight! Yet so many folks still believe in the
‘butterfly effect’ eg that the Sun cannot possibly be responsible for climate,
but rather some incredibly inconsequential (300 parts per million!) and weak
force. Seems the Buddha was wrong!
14/11/2016: Meanwhile…a scientist has
discovered laser messages from 234 G3 stars. We may not be alone after all:
14/11/2016: Turnbull Embarrasses Me: As if the American people (and the
Australian people) had not spoken clearly and loudly enough against such
Leftist bullshit (NB the results in the weekend’s Orange
by-election). To ratify the ‘Paris Climat Accord’ which the Don has promised to
tear up and then to try to foist on him a rag-tag of Moslem terrorists and
other such rubbish all of whom should have long since been seen off in
handcuffs to their countries of origin (or shot!) is just a slap in the face to
our greatest ally. Trump prides himself on bearing a grudge. Turnbull would do
well to remember that. He has now all but destroyed the careers of Morrisson,
Dutton and Freydenberg too. Time he was
consigned to the dustbin of history. Bring back Tony immediately!
14/11/2016: Solar Powered Cigarette Lighter: This is such a great idea.
Everyone should own one, or even three: http://www.banggood.com/Solar-Igniter-Take-Firearms-Emergency-Tool-Gear-Camping-p-1034979.html?rmmds=category
14/11/2016: Well, Hello, Kellyanne; it’s time you began: http://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2016/11/congratulations-to-1st-woman-to-run-a-winning-campaign-for-president-of-the-usa.html

13/11/2016: Deconstructing Waltzing Matilda, Australia's Favourite Song
Waltzing Matilda is an Australian icon. It is quite likely that more
Australians know the words to this song than even their national anthem. There
is probably no other song that is more easily recognised by a populace: young
or old: native or a newly arrived immigrant.
The lyrics to Waltzing Matilda were (allegedly) written in 1895 by
Banjo Paterson, an Australian bush poet, while holidaying on a huge cattle and
sheep station (ranch) in the Australian Outback. He was inspired by a tune he
heard being played by Christina Macpherson the daughter of the owner of the
property. Banjo and Christina worked together composing the song. Whether they
also got it away is left to your imagination. She set the music for Waltzing
Matilda. The song was an instant hit. The words were written to a tune played
on a zither or autoharp by 31‑year‑old Christina, one of the family members at the station. 31? Old for
such high jinks!
Macpherson had heard the tune ‘The Craigielee March’ played by a
military band while attending the Warrnambool steeplechase horse racing in
Victoria in April 1894, and played it back by ear at Dagworth. Paterson decided that the
music would be a good piece to set lyrics to, and produced the original version
during the rest of his stay at the station and in Winton.
As with so many icons of the Left, there is a degree of dishonesty
at its heart. For example, the tune was stolen: The march was based on the
Scottish Celtic folk tune ‘Thou Bonnie Wood of Craigielea’, written by Robert
Tannahill and first published in 1806, with James Barr composing the music in
1818. In the early 1890s it was arranged as the ‘The Craigielee’ march music
for brass band by Thomas Bulch. This tune, in turn, was possibly based on the
old melody of ‘Go to the Devil and Shake Yourself’ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO1DPWLumvw),
composed by John Field (1782–1837) sometime before 1812. Banjo’s song was first
recorded by John Collinson in 1926. You can listen to it here: http://aso.gov.au/titles/music/waltzing-matilda/clip1/
I think I prefer the original title, ‘Go to the Devil and Shake Yourself’!
Of course Paterson composed the song
in what was to be the birthplace of Australia’s
Left (Australian Labor Party = Barcaldine) just after the great ‘Shearer’s
Strike’ of 1891 (itself a consequence more of the 1890’s (climate change)
drought than anything else, and the founding of the unsuccessful ‘New
Australia’ in Paraguay
(by the disgruntled leftist insurgents 1892). All these things are connected,
and connected to the Australian leftist (ortho) doxy! One day their history
will be written, but not be me! In 1890 Bourke was a centre of ‘culture’ (if
you can call anything the left touches ‘culture’), had a grand opera house, was
a centre of ‘civilisation’ and a magnet for the literati. It was no accident Paterson was there. Today
it is a hell hole (after a century of leftist social experimentation) with the
highest crime rate of anywhere on the planet, for example. Interesting aside:
In the Western Lands Lease country (West of the Darling) in the 1880s you could
milk a cow on four acres. There were substantial towns all over the place and
100,000 folk lived there. The ‘New Australia’ movement wanted to secede and
form their own socialist paradise there. It had to be abandoned as a result of
the 1890s drought (that’s why they went to Paraguay https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Australia)
and never recovered. No-one at all lives there today! I suspect a leftist
future is no different from a leftist past!
First read the song Waltzing Matilda (below) again , then I will
begin to ‘decontruct’ it for you:
Waltzing Matilda, Lyrics to Song
1Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong
2Under the shade of a coolibah tree
3And he sang as he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled
4Who'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me?
5Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
6Who'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me
7And he sang as he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled
8Who'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me?
9Along came a jumbuck to drink at the billabong
10Up jumped the swagman and grabbed him with glee
11And he sang as he stowed that jumbuck in his tucker bag
12You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me.
13Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
14Who'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me
15And he sang as he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled
16Who'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me?
17Up rode the squatter, mounted on his thoroughbred
18Down came the troopers, one, two, three
19Whose is that jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag?
20You'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me.
21Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
22Who'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me
23And he sang as he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled
24Who'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me?
25Up jumped the swagman, leapt into the billabong,
26You'll never catch me alive, said he
27And his ghost may be heard as you pass by the billabong
28Who'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me.
29Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
30Who'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me
31And he sang as he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled
32Who'll come a-waltzing, Matilda, with me?
Just some key words: First ‘camped’ (Line 1) rather than
‘trespassed’. This innocuous word sets the scene for who is in the right and
who in the wrong in this interchange of ideas and clash of social classes. The
swagman is innocently ‘camping’ amid a benevolent nature which will provide him
with all its largesse (food, drink peace) as his ‘right’. The tranquillity and
‘appropriateness’ of the scene is emphasized over and over again by the choice of
words ‘waltzing’ and ‘singing’ for example (Lines 11,12,13,14,15,16!). There is
no indication that he is a ruffian who has no business being where he is. In
reality the swagman is a shiftless idle derelict, illegally trespassing on
someone else’s private property which the owner has paid good money for and
spent considerable effort and work building up, eg creating mobs of (highly
edible) sheep, which the swagman wantonly kills and steals.
The ‘class’ difference between the protagonists (and the role of the
Government in reinforcing this class system) is emphasized by the choice of
word to describe them their conveyances and possessions. The swagman is on foot
(‘waltzing) whereas the owner (described disphemistically) as a ‘squatter’ (as
if he had no right to the land -though he had actually paid for it!) is
‘mounted’ (to stress his ‘
High falutin’ nature, and not just on any common nag (it would in
reality have been a ‘whaler’) but on a ‘thoroughbred’ (which would in fact have
been little use for mustering sheep - it would break its legs!) His actions are
backed up by the full force of the establishment and the law by the presence of
not just one but by a whole bevy of gendarmes (three) so that at the outset the
‘poor’ swagman is outnumbered (four to one) by the onerous forces of capital
and the law – O, the injustice of it all!
Let’s look at how that crime is dealt with: The ‘jumbuck’ (‘sheep’ =
Line 9) is obviously innocently coming to the stream for its evening drink when
the swagman ‘grabs’ him and ‘stows’ him. The violence of this encounter is
glossed over and the swagman places the remains of the sheep in his food bag as
if it were his own property. There is no hint in the song though of ‘blood upon
the wattle’. There is no indication even that the action was ‘unkind’. The
sheep might almost later on extricate itself from the offending bag after
having had a peaceful nap, and saunter on its way as if the whole episode had
been a friendly jape! Performed after all, with ‘glee’. I’m not sure however if the wether
appreciated the jest! He is a bloody mess of meat after all, hacked to pieces.
It is astonishing to what an extent the passivity of the crime is glossed over.
The swagman just ‘watches and waits’; it
is the squatter and his troopers who are the actors. They ‘ride up’ and ‘come
down’, etc.
The squatter at least comes straight to the point, ‘Whose is that
jumbuck’? He says. Every event in Australia’s history revolves around
how you answer this question. We all are supposed to ‘know’ surely by now (the
Labor Party and the Trade Unions have told us often enough) that the ‘bosses’
have (mis) appropriated all the world’s wealth
for their own nefarious purposes, holding the rest of us in an
impecunious subjugation which will not even end with our deaths. ‘You’ll never
catch me alive’ sings the swagman and ‘jumps into the billabong.’ He almost
certainly needed a good bath anyway having been an indigent derelict sleeping
rough for some time and no doubt carefully boiling methylated spirits (or the
‘White Lady – I know you imagined ‘tea’ – such innocence) in that billy anyway,
a foul habit which can often also lead to incontinence and madness – which it
clearly has in this case!
It was clearly quite mad to drown yourself simply over the theft of
some mutton anyway, a crime which would most likely only have met with a small
fine in those days. If this event is supposed to have taken place before Samuel
Mort invented refrigerated transport (c1883 and therefore likely - Now Elders
incidentally), then you should know that meat was practically free up until
then as the only usable products of the grazing industry were tallow (fat),
hides and wool as anyone who has played the board game ‘Squatter’, an
Australian version of ‘Monopoly’ ought to know. Meat was simply a waste
product. At one time for example they used to tip up to 4 million sheep carcasses into the Murray at Echuca annually
(after rendering). The smell (and environmental consequences) are hard to
imagine. One thing though; it did lead to the development of the largest Murray
Cod in history (bigger than a man!), and indeed to an inland fisheries
industry, now sadly defunct!
You will note that the cops (troopers) do nothing. Just like cops of
every age, they are just in it for the take, eg their fat horses. They do
nothing to prevent crime or to solve it.
I also like the morsel of moral advice that you should ‘pass by this
billabong’. Its pollution by dead swagmen and sheep is bad enough. I think
there is also the suggestion that ‘you’ should eschew a like fate. Whether this
means you should desist from rustling, drinking meths, bathing, having anything
to do with the police or etc is left to your own imagination – as it should be!
The constant refrain ‘Who’ll’? and its answering chorus, ‘You’ll’ is
just too obvious to require explanation. If you have been sucked in by leftist
gibberish, no doubt you are totally ignorant and might as well be off ‘waltzing
matilda’ with the fairies or lying somewhere (dare I say ‘unlamented’?) on the
bottom of some Billabong or other suitable receptacle for the disposal of dead
The swagman will have his revenge. We are doomed to be haunted by
his ghost – just as we are haunted by the ghosts of Whitlam and Keating! Wait a
moment! Keating is not dead. He just always looks dead. His is the undead hand
of capitalism! Or socialism. Well, something like that.
13/11/2016: Meanwhile in America…the
Left protest against democracy!
13/11/2016: Hacked Again: Once more we have had tea leaves in our Google and
bank accounts. Clearly the same folks as last time (as they still had the
numbers of our accounts) –but how do they manage to log in to one’s Google
account (Well, check out Youtube’s instructibles…) They are also able to create
a false debit/credit card (in one’s name) but which the bank has no record of,
then use it to withdraw cardless cash from one of our bank accounts that
neither ourselves nor the bank can withdraw cash from. Something very wrong
with the bank’s systems! Meanwhile our accounts are once again (last time
9/07/2015) locked for a month while they ‘investigate’. Good luck with that,
guys… See http://www.theultralighthiker.com/warning-hacking/
12/11/2016: I would see such ‘snowflakes’ melt in Hell, first. All that is
wrong with ‘identity politics’, the religion of ‘seeming’, the moral paucity of
the Left, and etc, etc. Leak accuser, Melissa Dinnison withdraws her ‘offended’
complaint without penalty (to herself!) ‘Leak said last night he found it
“utterly extraordinary” that Ms Dinnsion was able to make the complaint under
section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act and then withdraw it without any
consequences. “This woman, I believe, has very flippantly and recklessly lodged
a complaint with the ARHC,” he said. “It shows what a farcical process this is.
I’ve got News Corp backing me legally. But if I was a private citizen, this
would have cost me an absolute fortune.
“She has put me through a month or so of
incredible stress. She never met me, she doesn’t have to justify anything she
does. No one asked her any questions and it doesn’t cost her a cent. As a
consequence my life has been thrown into utter chaos. And at time when it just
happens to suit her, she just decides this could turn into a bit of a hassle,
so she can withdraw it.”’ (The Australian, 12/11/2016)

It cost us half a million dollars to
defend ourselves against (proven false) accusations (by just such folks) that
we had illegally destroyed trees (native vegetation) on our property. No
penalty ever (yet) applied to our accusers, though the court(s) recommended
they be charged with perjury!
I know where the weeds are and just which
sectors of society need to be grubbed out root and branch!
12/11/2016: Did Viking discover life on Mars: http://phys.org/news/2016-10-year-old-viking-life-mars.html
11/11/2016: I followed my footsteps: I creep into Kathmandu in the small hours when only giant mountain dogs
and stray donkeys roam the streets. After two nights at the wondrous Himalayan
Traveller’s Inn, Thamel (http://www.himalayantravellersinn.com/),
I creep out again in the dawn to fly to Lukla. It is the best of times. The
twin-prop alights like a butterfly on a rhododendron blossom on the steeply
sloping runway at this, the ‘most dangerous airport in the world’. Of a sudden
you are in a Middle Ages overlain with 1950’s holiday camp. It is simply awesome,
as are the dizzying vistas. This is clearly not the First
World. If you are not proofed against Rabies, Hepatitis, Cholera,
Encephalitis, Meningitis, Typhoid…the juxtaposition of the First and Third World, stay home.

Garden Restaurant, Himalayan Travellers Inn, Thamel, Kathmandu.

Early morning at Kathmandu airport: the smog completely obliterates
the vast Himalayas which otherwise tower over
this 5 million + city.

Our plane abandoning us in Lukla, falls off the mountainside.
I have a day waiting for my friend Steve (Tully) Hutcheson to
arrive. I leave Lukla for a walk, first towards Bom, delightfully pronounced
‘bum’. If I had my druthers I would exclusively walk such backcountry trails
and eschew the EBC altogether. There is so much peace and quiet, and no doubt
the ‘real’ Nepal.
Just outside Lukla these Himalayan dogs are clearly worshipping the Buddha in
the westering light as they await further reincarnations. Further on I
encounter another reality of the Third World
in the raw. Two beautiful pre-teen girls were just returning to their makeshift
mud floored home with teetering baskets of firewood twigs to unchill their
leaky abode. Their goats always happy with this life played on the roof. A
tricky power cable snakes through the thatch. They were also connected to
satellite, their feet in the dust and their heads in the stars.

Dogs awaiting reincarnation contemplate the Buddha.

Quaint accommodation perhaps, but I am glad of our own modest home
at Jeeralang Junction built also from the local earth and entirely with our own

Close up. To underline that culture is humanity’s primary 'need', NB
that a woman’s flowers bloom in pride of place even amidst this humble
dwelling. The clothes are washed; the children clean.
Further down the valley I visit the local power station and the
power station worker’s abode. Clearly no militant trade unions here! In Lukla I
stay at the Lama Lodge in the main street http://www.booking.com/hotel/np/lama-lodge-and-restaurant-lukla.html.
It has the virtue that you can book online and safely leave a bag for your
return, which I did. The food is also excellent and the owners cheerful and
delightful. Net it is as cheap as anywhere.

The immense physical effort of creating and linking these
micro-hydro projects all over Nepal
with sheer muscle power is astonishing.

Our CFMEU (union) would have the workers 'out' if forced to live and
work in such accommodation...they do have power and satellite however!
My cosy room at the Lama Lodge.
In the afternoon I climb the hill behind the town into the
rhododendron forests to gain some extra altitude acclimatisation. This is our
strategy here: ‘Climb high, sleep low’, climb higher. You must also add in a
‘rest’ day where you sleep at the same altitude twice every 500 metres’
increase in elevation. I added ½ tab of Diamox twice daily to this regime (on
my doctor’s advice) to prevent altitude sickness. All are excellent stratagems.

View from the tarmac (Lukla).

Climb up into the rhododendron forests above and you can see the
town laid out below you.
Lukla is a pretty town perched high on a flattish space on the side
of a mountain at 2800 metres. It has a modern high school accommodating 400
students. The Nepalis are busily pulling themselves up by their own bootlaces.
There are many shops selling practically everything imaginable. NB: If you
arrived here to start the EBC in just your shorts and thongs, providing you had
a wallet full of money you could purchase all you need along the way. It would
no doubt be even chaper than purchasing your supplies elsewhere. Right here in
the main street a seamstress crafts perfect copies of North Face, Columbia & etc. Each
town and village you pass is cluttered with goods and folks eager to sell them
to you.

The High School nestled below the forest.

Part of the main street. The shops stretch this for hundreds of

Donkeys and oxen are everywhere.

Next morning I meet Steve at the airport. We ‘do’ a quick tour of
the town (Lukla), have some breakfast then are away on our EBC hike. Right at
the edge of town the path begins. Throughout it is ‘constructed’ of irregular
broken stone, requiring a peripatetic step-up, step down, step carefully…avoid
the dizzying abysses. Cleave to the inside edge. Give way to yaks and porters
wielding heavy loads…

Steve arrives and begins immediately to get into the spirit of
things, contemplating his navel, etc.

The path goes ever on and on... To be continued.
See also:
11/11/2016: To the Roof of the World: I have just limped back from a visit to
Everest - if you wonder why I have been so quiet this last fortnight. I will be
posting about this at greater length in the next few days. I developed an awful
chest infection and am still very weak, so you will have to be satisfied for
now with just this teaser. I will survive, I hope.

Everest View: I console myself with the thought that only a tiny
fraction of humankind has seen this view.

Summit of Nangartschang hill, Dingboche,
Nepal @ 5100
metres (16,700 feet).
Himalayan Sunset.
11/11/2016: Battery prices plummet yet still
renewables are far too expensive to contemplate: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/10/19/battery-pack-prices-plunge-down-to-200kwh/
11/11/2016: The Media: Once we used to say, ‘If only the media would deal with really
important issues’…Now, we have Youtube: Eric Cline ‘1177 BC: The Year
Civilization Collapsed’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyry8mgXiTk
10/11/2016: 170 Points! That's how much the ASX has
gone up today. Close to its biggest ever one day rise. Yet the elites, the
left, the political pundits all claimed a Trump win would be a disaster. I for
one have long been fed up with any of these folk having any thing to do with a
single cent of my money!
10/11/2016: Tony Abbott: 'Congrats to the new president who appreciates that middle America is sick of being taken for granted’. Just so! Turnbull; 'awe and consternation'. Mr 47%. Who's going to
be our next PM?
10/11/2016: Home safe from the EBC after 32 hours
sitting up and 36 hours awake. Thanks to Bryn and Della for coming to pick me
up from the airport. More later - after a nap!
10/11/2016: Is Don. Is Good!
09/11/2016: Checking in at Khatmandu. On my way home
at last:

09/11/2016: My memories show that four years ago exactly I was sharing
another adventure with Steve Tully Hutcheson. May there be many more
hopefully not so arduous for either of us as the current one.

08/11/2016: In Kathmandu I went to the zoo. To the beautiful botanic gardens too. When I woke this morning and
this was the view from my window I just knew I was not home in Jeeralang
Junction! Thanks to Ram K
Pyakurel manager of the Himalayan Travellers Inn for his thoughtfulness
and for a very pleasant day.

Clearly the world needs old men's erections much more than it needs
weird critters like that!

08/11/2016: Breakfast in the delightful back garden at the Himalayan Travellers
Inn Thamel Kathmandu. Feeling a lot better today.

I have had to pull out of the EBC trip as the
morning after climbing to 5100 metres my lungs betrayed me. I have something
like pneumonia. I have managed to drag myself painfully back to Khatmandu over
three horrific days two of them walking over ten hours each from where Della Jones has arranged for
my safe repatriation on Wednesday. There was a lot of time yesterday when I
thought I would not make it but here I am still. No more adventures for a
little while. I would like to point out that this was an unsupported hike - no
porters or guides, carrying all my own gear etc. I just checked my walk
logger.It says I walked 27 km yesterday and 29 the day before!
we climbed this big hill just outside Dingboche.
750 metres straight up starting above the elevation of Mt Cook. This feather
was the only sign of life I saw apart from innumerable crows and tourists.

03/11/2016: Steve Tully Hutcheson: ‘Believe it or not, that is Steve Jones
down below.’ Near Namche Bazar.

Famous quotes of our time (Steve Jones): ‘Everything is bullshit’!

view of Everest. These lovely blue flowers were
everywhere. Garlic soup for lunch and dinner. With Steve Tully Hutcheson.

01/11/2016: A very hard 800
metres uphill today to Namche. Some great views along the way. With Steve
Tully Hutcheson.

29/10/2016: How the other
half live. Rural Nepal
is stunningly beautiful and the people who lived in this humble house appear
delightfully happy.

25/10/2016: The wildlife
seems to get wilder everyday: Yesterday afternoon on our walk two four
legged critters crossed the track at speed and at a considerable distance such
that I could not quite work out what they were. The only giveaway was the white
spot I noticed on the rump of the second one. When I arrived at the place they
had crossed the ground was too hard for tracking. Then I began to hear their
infernal growling which indicated a war was in progress between two of these
guys. (Apologies for the poor quality shot – I only had my phone with me).

They do say that once you start to see them there are already too
many koalas and that they are beginning to destroy the forest. Anyway there are
probably enough to begin harvesting them for their beautiful coats. This one
had a particularly luxuriant growth. They would be easy enough to drop out of a
tree eg with a .22 short, or a sling, or a spear.
When I was a kid folk used to
‘spotlight’ critters like this (mainly possums – everything was tucker back
then) by walking the full moon along the branches of a tree, then plinking them
down with the help of the old Lithgow .22 single shot. PS. We usually see one
or more of these little guys too. There must be plenty of ants around. There
are also almost innumerable swamp wallabies and grey kangaroos.

25/10/2016: The danger green
groups are to our economy: Warning: If we lose Adani I fear we lose the
whole ball game: ‘A highly orchestrated, secretly foreign-funded group of
Australian environmental activists opposing the $16 billion Adani coalmine in
Queensland has “dampened” Indian investment interest in Australia and received
heated criticism from the federal Coalition and Queensland Labor governments.
Indian Power Minister Piyush Goyal told The Australian yesterday the
years of legal challenges to the vast Carmichael coal project, now revealed to
have been funded by multi-million dollar foundations in the US, “will certainly dampen future investments”
from India...
After meeting Mr Goyal, federal Resources Minister Matt Canavan, who
has previously criticised the campaign to block the Indian project, said: “We
need to be able to take advantage of the demand for coal in Asia.”...
Mr Goyal ... warned that India’s
growing demand for coal could be met from other markets, such as Indonesia and South Africa...
It is up to Australia to decide whether they want to expand their
economy, whether they want to create jobs in their states, or whether they want
to forgo that business altogether,” he said.
It is estimated the Adani project would create up to 10,000 jobs in
its construction phase...
In August last year environmentalists won a court fight against
Adani over the protection of a skink and a snake, but last month the Indian
company won the latest round in the Federal Court. Mr Goyal said India
had to develop its economy and provide cheap power to hundreds of millions of
people, yet faced opposition from “environmentalists and so-called NGOs”.
“We are trying to tackle them. We are looking at their sources of
funding seriously,’’ he said. “It is time other parts of the world get together
and take this up as a challenge. I need to get electricity to those 200 million
who don’t have electricity. I need to make sure that that electricity is
affordable.”’ Australian 24/10/2016.
25/10/2016: Could be a game
changer: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/10/18/serendipity-yields-a-process-to-convert-carbon-dioxide-directly-into-ethanol/
24/10/2016: Cold Weather Hut
Booties: I made two pairs of these (one also for my friend Steve Hutcheson
who I am going with) for my upcoming Everest Base Camp and Three Passes Nepal
Walk. They weigh 78 grams per pair (as you can see). They are a bit rough as I
was in a hurry and they are prototypes really, but I’m sure they will work.
(PS; They weighed 36 grams each next day after the glue dried)
I wanted something with plenty of insulation (3/4” of closed cell
foam) as the unheated floors up there are bound to be pretty cold. I used this
toughened closed cell foam intended for making workshop floors more
comfortable. I reasoned that if it is up to a bit of wear and tear from walking
on it should work well upside down on the bottom of a pair of shoes too.
I figure this pair will last many camping trips, and they cost next
to nothing to make. I already had the 2 oz ripstop, the foam mat, the Velcro,
the glue, the sewing machine…When I work out a slightly better pattern I will
post it. I just cut this one by standing on the material (wedged between the
two soles) and trimming it. They work OK.

24/10/2016: Must Take a Gun
With Us on our afternoon walks. This afternoon, a fine fallow stag had just
crossed the track in front of us and had dropped this excellent antler. When I
have time I will have a look around his rub lines (and he must have a wallow in
the gully nearby) to see if I can find its mate. As I have mentioned before the
game around here (Jeeralang and Yinnar is really building up. Probably if I
went out with a spotlight of a night I would see something interesting betimes
on our top flat! In the picture I am trying to teach Spot what the stag looked
like. He seems quite non-plussed!

24/10/2016: No Sew Sandals:
I made this pair as an experiment as I know there are lots of folk who don’t
sew. This pair can be made with a pair of scissors, some blue hiking mat foam,
a car inner tube, some Velcro and some contact adhesive (eg Selley’s Gel Grip)
Should take you less than half an hour. They weigh 80 grams each in US
size 9.5 , but could be trimmed a little. They would make excellent hut booties
or for river crossings - or you could walk a long way in them if your shoes
gave out.

24/10/2016: Toughened Foam
Flip Flop: This foam which is toughened on one side making it suitable for
quieting and insulating concrete workshop floors makes a more durable foam
flip-flop which also has some grip.
You can cut it out in a minute with a pair of scissors. All you need
is a little contact adhesive and some Velcro to finish the job. The result is a
camp shoe which should last many trips which weighs just 30 grams (each)

24/10/2016: Back in 1954 they
had real things to worry about; http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/great-tea-crisis-of-1954/news-story/d80f0d1107d32ba2f526ef772f86cd7d?nk=c7257e6cc45a2e31b6e849877532dd85-1477259579
24/10/2016: Looks like Julia
may have forgery added to her list of charges: http://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2016/10/julia-gillard-apparently-used-a-forged-letter-from-was-office-of-state-corporate-affairs.html
23/10/2016: Everything you
never wanted to know about mice. Bet you didn’t know they originated in India:

23/10/2016: You don’t have to
be Jewish to see we could save a lot of money on submarines, get better
submarines – and have them now: http://www.jns.org/news-briefs/2016/10/21/israel-finalizing-deal-for-three-nuclear-subs-from-germany#.WAqQsuB95Rw=
23/10/2016: Ever in denial: Alarmist
Scientists Are Trying To Hide The Good News That The Planet Is Getting Greener: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/10/19/ala/
22/10/2016: Good on you,
Chuck: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/chuck-berry-album-90th-birthday-rock-and-roll-a7367851.html
22/10/2016: And now for the
really good news: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/10/21/first-new-nuclear-power-plant-in-u-s-in-20-years-goes-online/
22/10/2016: Just when you
thought there was nothing new under the sun: http://heatst.com/life/millennial-men-rush-to-restore-their-foreskins-feel-whole-again/
21/10/2016: Progress: it
always seems more than it really is. The good news: I did eventually finish
that fence; http://www.theultralighthiker.com/fencegarden/
and today I managed to plant a couple of dozen new fruit trees in the new
orchard area…and the photos prove I am only half the man I once was! The new
area is not quite finished I admit. The fence is not yet quite JR proof. There
are still some half dozen or so trees to add, but it will look great next
Spring. Hopefully by then the supports for the garden seat will be something
other than plastic pots – though they seem to work very well!

Merrin, Milo and Della enjoy it
anyway - and it has Spot's seal of approval!

Spot has been such a big help. I would like to tell you he dug all
these holes himself!

Spot relaxing in the Santa
Rosa plum at the end of a long hard day while I enjoy
a well earned apple.
21/10/2016: Why are we paying
for this ‘Welfare’? ‘SEVEN in every 10 ice and speed users arrested by
police have admitted being on welfare. A nationwide survey of methamphetamine
users detained by police also revealed more than four in 10 committed crimes to
boost their income and feed their habit. The Australian Institute of
Criminology survey of 1146 detainees, to be released tomorrow, found the crimes
were mainly thefts, burglaries, robberies, shoplifting and drug dealing.’
21/10/2016: Giving Government
a power to tax only encourages it to grow, and grow: https://danieljmitchell.wordpress.com/2013/02/03/the-100th-anniversary-of-the-income-tax-and-the-lesson-we-should-learn-from-that-mistake/
20/10/2016: Je Suis Bill Leak:

20/10/2016: Eclecticism:
Supermarket Shopping for Ideas…the array of glittering baubles beckons so
bright folks fill their mental shopping baskets with a tawdry collection of all
manner of ersatz junk with no consideration for their cogency or coherence.
Sophism, what Socrates used to call ‘making the worse appear the better reason’
is king. What the medieval ‘Schoolmen’ used to describe as ‘the fatal attractiveness
of evil’ rules them all. Remember the ’Schoolmen’ also pointed out that Lucifer
used to be the brightest and most beautiful of Angels (‘Lux’ = Light). So, such
pretty gems, mostly totally counter factual are swept up into the collective
consciousness and required to be adopted as public policy: climate mitigation,
redistribution, anti-fracking, disarmament, human ‘rights’, free stuff for
all…there is no end to the contradictory and indefensible panoply of nonsense
ideas demanded by the ‘hoi polloi’.
20/10/2016: This may prove to
be the greatest lecture ever given. A tiny example: ‘The CO2 fertilisation
effect is already worth trillions of dollars, according to detailed
calculations by Craig Idso…The greening over the last 33 years is…equivalent to
adding a green continent twice the size of mainland USA.’ Read it all,
carefully here: http://www.thegwpf.com/matt-ridley-global-warming-versus-global-greening/
19/10/2016: Lever Action
Shotguns (and rifles) have been available legally since the late C19th (along
with bolt actions). Most folk go with a double barrels (most side-by-side but
some under-and-over) because they are lighter, yet you can still get that
second shot off quickly (or simultaneously) if needed. Most folks
(traditionally) used shotguns to hunt small game, especially birds where more
than two shots without reloading was less likely and had to be weighed against
the additional weight often lugged through cloying swamps and other treacherous
ground. All along however some folks had
a need for multiple shots or hunted larger (sometimes dangerous game) where a
multi-shot shotgun firing ‘buckshot’ (.30 gauge pellets) or solids were needed.
Nothing has changed. Only the law. There has been no increase in firearms
offending by law-abiding gun owners. Practically all firearms offences are
perpetrated by unlicenced users with illegal firearms. A further restriction on
legal firearms owners does not make the public safer. The contrary is the case.
Rather than outlawing the Adler shotgun (and all other lever action shotguns -
I favour a Winchester
.410 lever action for Della for example), law-abiding folks ought to be allowed
to carry handguns for self-protection. Neither the law nor the police protect
you. At best they make you less safe and/or mop up the pieces (and apportion
blame) afterwards. A ban on lever action shotguns will also only lead to a call
to outlaw lever action rifles (like the ones you see on Western movies for
example). I admit I mostly use nothing but lever action rifles. It is not so
much their quick second-shot capability which attracts me to them but their
quick first-shot capacity from unloaded – a configuration which I always prefer
over relying on ‘safety catches’ which are arguably the cause of more
unintentional gun incidents than anything else!

20/10/2016: An 8 cm long
metal tube approx 2 cm in diameter is what separates the two sides in the
‘Lever Action Shotgun Debate’. This is nearly of the level of nicety as the
‘Little Endians and Big Endians of Gulliver’s Travels or the two sides who tore
each other to pieces centuries ago in what Gibbon described as the war of the
Significant Dipthong’ when two words (now unspellable with a Qwerty keyboard)
between the ‘Homoousians’ and the ‘Homoiousians’ all but
destroyed Christendom. Was Jesus of the same kind or of the same substance as
God? Somewhat therein as I recall swung the bitter dispute (At last settled by
the Nicaean Creed you may have been taught at Sunday School). Five shot Adler
lever actions (with a tubular magazine holding four shot-shells are permitted,
but a very like tube holding seven shots is the scourge of the ages and a
source of indescribable peril from which the public must be protected at all
costs (whilst the venerable .303 Enfield which saw sterling service for us in
two World Wars with its 10 shot magazine (in its heyday, and arguably still the
‘fastest bolt action rifle in the world’) is freely available…Ah, the sanity of
it all!
19/10/2016: Geopolitical
Insanity: UN to declare Israel
an 'occupying power' in Jerusalem: If ever a
nation had a right to a bit of dirt it would be Israel
and Jerusalem,
else no-one is safe: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/10/un_to_declare_israel_and_occupying_power_in_jerusalem_.html
19/10/2016: The Paper Tiger:
Five men stand under an exploding nuclear bomb yet live to a ripe old age: http://www.thevintagenews.com/2016/08/07/five-men-unanimously-decide-to-stand-underneath-an-exploding-nuclear-bomb-2/
NB: Older readers will perhaps remember how Chairman Mao once famously
described the nuclear bomb as a ‘paper tiger’!
18/10/2016: Powerfilm USB +AA
Solar Charger:

I fixed the broken wire I had in this unit yesterday. You should
never allow a solar charger to flap uncontrollably in a heavy wind! I can see
that a lot of reviewers of such units have had them fail. I suspect excessive
flexing is the cause. I have mounted it to my Zpacks Blast (Zero) pack with
some Lineloks and Dyneema. This is a very light option but will prove too
inconvenient in practice, so I will be switching them for plastic buckles and 1
cm webbing today. Then I will quickly be able to move it out of the way when I
want something out of my pack.
With the batteries straight out of the storage drawer (so not quite
charged) it happily charged my Samsung galaxy 4 Mini (1900 mAh battery) in this
configuration at 1% a minute in dappled sunlight (cloudy Spring 20C day)
As configured the unit weighs 176 grams including batteries (ie
minus the ‘tail’). My Bushnell Mini Solarwrap weighs 116 grams including the
AA/AAA battery charger, so an increase of 60 grams. For that 60 grams you get
more storage (and you can always have a couple of extra charged AAs for
additional storage - at 30 grams each). Bushnell do not quote their storage
capacity but I suspect somewhere between 1500 and 2000 mAhs. The Powerfilm unit
also has 50% more solar cells and they are clearly much more efficient. The
Bushnell unit says it will take 10 hours of sunlight to charge its internal
battery. The Powerfilm unit says it will take about 4 hours to charge the two
2000 MAh batteries it comes with, so it has2 ½ times more muscle. Well worth
the 60 grams.
Many reviewers of such units clearly have no understanding
whatsoever of how such a unit works. Many return them saying they will not
charge their iphones & etc. Now electricity (like water) will not run
‘uphill’. If you have a larger battery to charge and it is already filled to
over the capacity of the charging unit it will not charge at all.
Another delusion is that the unit should fully charge the appliance
to be charged. If you view the two connected batteries as a full water tank
connected (on the level) to an empty water tank you will understand that the
water will only flow until they are both half full. It is the same with
batteries. A full 2400 charge in the charging unit will (in the absence of sunlight) charge the
appliance’s 2400 mAh battery to 1200 mAhs ie 50%. When the phone etc has run
down some more, it will charge it some more, eg to 40%...and so on.
Notwithstanding the above, in the Powerfilm unit, if the two AA
batteries are fully charged and the unit is in full sun it has a capacity above
the 2000 or 24000 mAhs the batteries supply so it will charge a battery which
is larger (eg 3500 mAhs).
I swapped out the standard 2,000 mAh batteries http://www.theultralighthiker.com/eneloops-rechargeable-batteries/
for the Eneloops Pro 2400mAh versions http://www.theultralighthiker.com/eneloop-pro-aaa-battery/
to give the unit a little more muscle. I also cut off the unnecessary ‘tail’
the unit (photo below) comes with saving 10.5 grams. A new unit may weigh even
less than this one.

You can charge AAA batteries if you carry a couple of AA to AA A

18/10/2016: A little bit of
climate history: once folks believed that ‘rain followed the plough’: http://www.coyoteblog.com/coyote_blog/2016/10/19h-century-climate-pseudoscience-rain-follows-the-plow.html
18/10/2016: Did anyone ask
the voters if they wanted to spend $10 – $20k per family on a program
to change the weather? http://joannenova.com.au/2016/10/victorians-will-have-to-pay-2300-each-and-queenslanders-5600-to-hit-renewables-target/
17/10/2016: Everest Base Camp
& Three Passes Trek:

I am busy getting ready for this (and trying to finish some jobs
around the farm so posts have been rather light of late. I am a guest on this
trip, so this is mostly Steve Hutcheson’s itinerary for the trip. I will be
editing/adding to it over time, so come back and check. I am posting it now so
you can check where I am if I happen to eg post a photo on Facebook or etc. If
the going gets too rough for me and I have to drop the passes (I am more than
twice Steve’s age), I will just go up (and down) from Lobuche to Gorek Shep -
but I have been training for this (and I suspect it is relatively much easier
than much of what I have done in my life), so I’m hoping for the best. We will
carry all our own stuff but we might hire a porter/guide for the passes as the
way can be harder to find there and you can’t afford to be wasting time on such
long days. Keep you posted:
Day Minus 1: Fly to Kathmandu
Options for Kathmandu (stay
relatively close to airport - Thamel):
Elbrus Home – LINK (#2 of 101 specialty lodging) - $14 per night, 1
room (2 adults) **
Hotel Osho Home – LINK (#6 of 175 hotels in Kathmandu)
- $29 per night, 1 room (2 adults)
Backyard Hotel – LINK (#14 of 175 hotels in Kathmandu)
- $15 per night, 1 room (2 adults)
** Pilgrim’s Guest House –
LINK (#10 of 424 B&Bs in Kathmandu) - $12
per night, 1 rm (2 adults)
Recommended by this guy on Backpacking Light.
Himalayan Travellers Inn. Good Reviews $11 per night.
Day 0 - Flight to Lukla:
Acclimatisation day Lukla
Stay at Lama Lodge and restaurant A$13/night twin room with ensuite.
A bag can be left here. Booked for return trip.
Better to get on first flight in morning due to fog.
Get a window seat on the LEFT (port) side for views of Everest.
Airport sits at 9,300 feet, 12% grade and drops over a 2,000 foot
Labeled the most dangerous airport in the world.
Depart Kathmandu at 6:15 AM
Arrive Lukla at 6:45 AM
Simrik (Andrei flew this), Tara Air
The reason why Tara Air isn’t as popular (crash in 2016).
Tara Air – (10 kg permitted, $147 USD, refundable)
Kathmandu (6:15
AM) to Lukla (6:45 AM)**
Kathmandu (8:30
AM) to Lukla (9:00 AM)
Kathmandu (7:45
AM) to Lukla (8:15 AM)
Simrik Air – Oct 30 (10 kg permitted, $160.22 USD, refundable)
Kathmandu (8:45
AM) to Lukla (9:10 AM)**
Kathmandu (10:00
AM) to Lukla (10:25 AM)
Day 1: Lukla (2800 meters,
9186 feet) to Monjo (2835 meters, 9301 feet)
Time: 4 hours
STAY: Monjo Guesthouse
(Stingy Nomads recommendation)
Freshly squeezed juices, hot
shower (200 NPR, $2), TEMS permit (NPR 3000, $30).
Lukla to Cheplung (1:15 hours)
Cheplung to Phakding (1:45 hours)
Phakding to Benkar (1:30 hours)
Benkar to Monjo (1:00 hour)
TOTAL: 5 hours, 30 minutes
Day 2 - Monjo (2835
meters, 9301 feet) to Namche Bazaar (3440 meters,
11286 feet)
Time: 2 hours, 40 min. Short,
hard, steep climb.
Bakery: Everest Bakery (chocolate cake)
STAY: Thamsecko Lodge (pay permit on way – NPR 2000 ($20 USD).
Monjo to Namche Bazaar (3:00 hours)
TOTAL: 3 hours
Day 3 - Namche (3440
meters, 11286 feet) to Khunde/Khumjung (3970
meters, 13025 feet) to Namche. Acclimatisation day.
DAY HIKE: Acclimatization Day
Namche Bazaar to Khumjung (1:00 hour)
TOTAL: 3 hours
Day 4 - Namche (3440
meters, 11286 feet) to Pangboche (3985 meters,
13074 feet)
Time: 10 hours
STAY: Buddha Lodge (water now $2 for 1.5L).
En route to Pangboche, stop at Tengboche to see famed Buddhist
Just in case, Pheriche: Stay at Shangri La Lodge (owner is Tashi
Dunder Sherpa); very helpful and knowledgeable.
Namche Bazaar to Sanasa (1:00 hour)
Sanasa to Phunki Thenga (1:30 hours)
Phunki Thenga to Tengboche (1:30 hours)
Tengboche to Pangboche (1:15 hours)
TOTAL: 5 hours, 15 minutes
Day 5 - Pangboche (3985
meters, 13074 feet) to Dingboche (4410 meters,
14470 feet)
Time: 3 hours
Pangboche to Orsho (1:15 hours)
Orsho to Dingboche (1:00 hour)
TOTAL: 2 hours, 15 minutes
Day 6 - Dingboche (4410
meters, 14470 feet) to Nangartschang Hill (5085
meters, 16700 feet) to Dingboche. Acclimatisation Day.
DAY HIKE: Nangartschang Hill is close to Dingboche and has great
views of Ama Dablam
Dingboche to Nangartschang Hill (one-way, 1:30 hours)
TOTAL: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Day 7 - Dingboche (4410
meters, 14470 feet) to Chhukung (4700 meters, 15420
Time: 5 hours, 4730
Head to Chhukung
Ri. Good to acclimatize. “Climb high, sleep low”.
Details: Can be difficult finding trail at times, especially in a
little bit of snow.
There are two peaks at the top.
The saddle b/t them is filled with many cairns.
Smaller summit is 17,700 feet.
Dingboche to Chhukung (2:30 hours)
Chhukung to Chukkung
Ri (one-way, 3 hours)
TOTAL: 7 hours
Day 8 - Chhukung (4700
meters, 15420 feet) to Kongma La (5535 meters,
18160 feet) to Lobuche (4940 meters, 16210 feet)
Chhukung to Kongma La (3:30 hours)
Kongma La to Lobuche (3:00 hours)
TOTAL: 6 hours, 30 minutes
Note: Lobuche is known to
have the worst accommodation.
Time: 9 hours
Start at 4-5 am.
If recent snow, it may be too difficult to go over pass. Go around to Lobuche.
Details: Lots of climbing and then flat sections. Pass waterfalls and lakes en route.
Final climb is rather steep.
Best view of the three passes.
The way down can be difficult.
Many huge boulders.
At bottom of pass, large moraine.
Follow meandering path on the glacier (marked by cairns).
Head down moraine on opposite side to Lobuche.
Day 9 - Lobuche (4940
meters, 16210 feet) to Gorak Shep (5164 meters,
16942 feet)
Time: 3 hours
Details: Short trek.
Lobuche to Gorak Shep (2:30 hours)
Gorak Shep to Kala Pattar (one-way, 2:00 hours; return, 3:00 hours)
(for sunset if it is clear, unlikely)
TOTAL: 5 hours, 30 minutes
Day 10 - Gorak Shep (5164
meters, 16942 feet) to Everest Base Camp (5364
meters, 17598 feet)
Gorak Shep to EBC (one-way, 2:30 hours; return 5:00 hours)
Gorak Shep to Kala Pattar (one-way, 2:00 hours, return, 3:00 hours)
** Do Kala Pattar in the EARLY morning.
TOTAL: 8 hours
Time: 3 hours up, 1.5 hours back (4.5 hours total)
Tip: Start at 6 am to avoid hiking with HUGE groups!
(5643 meters, 18513 feet) for sunset
Time: 1.5-2 hours up. Take it slow.
These are the best views of Everest that you can get from anywhere
(as a trekker).
Make sure that it is a
beautiful day.
However, in the evenings, you risk low clouds/no view.
The entire base camp is located on the Khumbu Glacier.
Day 11 - Gorak Shep (5164
meters, 16942 feet) to Dzongla (4800 meters, 15748
Time: 5-6 hours
Suluk: Stay at Himalayan Lodge.
360-degree view of Himalayan
** Most beautiful mountain town on the hike (right next to large
Gorak Shep to Lobuche (2:00 hours)
Lobuche to Dzonglha (3:00 hours)
TOTAL: 5 hours
Day 12 - Dzongla (4800
meters, 15748 feet) to Cho La Pass (5420 meters,
17782 feet) to Gokyo (4750 meters, 15584 feet)
Dzonglha to Cho La (3:00 hours)
Cho La to Gokyo (5:00 hours)
TOTAL: 8 hours
PASS DAY: Cho La Pass
Time: 5.5 hours + 1.5 hours for lunch
Suluk: Stay at Namaste Lodge (ALSO RECOMMENDED BY ‘LIVING IF’
Favorite place.
**NOTE: Most lodges can arrange porters, guides, or porter-guides
for the relevant day. **
Details: Favorite pass (in terms of climb, not review).
There is a huge boulder field en route to pass.
Near the top of pass, there is a glacier, which can be very
slippery. Trekking poles are essential
for this section, and microspikes are recommended (need to do a cost-benefit
analysis to see if the micropsikes are worth carrying).
For the last 20 feet, there is a big scramble where you have to use
your hands.
Descent: Cross another glacier (Ngozumba Glacier), but it is just a
wasteland of rocks.
The path across the glacier is further north than the map
Head north out of Dragnag and you’ll find the path.
There is green paint on many rocks indicating the way.
Day 13 - Gokyo (4750
meters, 15584 feet) to Gokyo Ri (5357 meters, 17575
feet) to Gokyo (4750 meters, 15584 feet)
Gokyo to Gokyo Ri (one-way, 2:30 hours)
TOTAL: 4 hours
Gokyo to Gokyo Ri (1.5 hours up, confirmed)
2000 feet straight up.
Stunning view of Cho Oyu (6th
highest mtn in world) and Ngozumba Glacier
Ask Andrei if he went up for sunrise or sunset?
Ri has great views of the mountain
Back in Gokyo, should have great views of Cho
Sunrise or sunrise.
Sacred Lakes of Gokyo!
Beautiful lake (Gokyo
Details: Gokyo is a big village in the Khumbu.
Has several teahouses (a few on higher end), a bakery, and small
Gokyo Lake shines brilliantly blue.
Day 14 - Gokyo (4750
meters, 15584 feet) to Renjo La Pass (5360 meters, 17585 feet) to Lungdhen (4300 meters, 14107 feet)
Gokyo to Renjo La (3:00 hours)
Renjo La to Lumde (Lungdhen) (3:00 hours)
TOTAL: 6 hours
PASS DAY: Renjo La Pass
Time: 7 hours
Details: First hour is pretty gradual and easy.
Many snowcocks across path (hilarious Himalayan birds).
Second hour is very steep until it opens up near the top of pass
into a huge bowl.
Difficult to find path this day.
Wind is ferocious and kept changing directions (b/c of being in a bowl).
The pass has gorgeous views of Everest and Lohtse.
The descent has a long set of rock steps. Easiest descent. Wind dies down once down below.
Ends up in a grassy valley with huge mountains on one end.
That valley joins up with another valley that is full of sand
(frozen lakes, boulders, mountains).
Tons of potato farms.
Made it to Thame (town hit very badly by earthquake).
If fit, consider going to Thame (longer day, but lower
Day 15 - Lungdhen (4300
meters, 14107 feet) to Namche Bazar (3440 meters,
11286 feet)
Lumde (Lungdhen) to Thame (2:00-3:00 hours)
Thame to Namche Bazaar (3:00 hours)
TOTAL: 6 hours
LONG DAY: Long day in terms of distance, but all downhill
Time: 7-8 hours
Day 16 - Namche (3440
meters, 11286 feet) to Lukla (2800 meters, 9186
LONG DAY: Another long day in terms of distance, but all
Time: 8 hours
Stay: North Face Resort
Namche Bazaar to Monjo (3:00 hours)
Monjo to Benkar (1:00 hour)
Benkar to Phakding (1:30 hours)
Phakding to Cheplung (1:15 hours)
Cheplung to Lukla (1:15 hours)
TOTAL: 8 hours
Day 17 – Return to
Kathmandu/Buffer Day #1.
Rest day in Lukla (if too foggy)
Simrik Airlines – (10 kg permitted, $160.22 USD, refundable)
Lukla (6:50 AM) to Kathmandu (8:10
Lukla (8:10 AM) to Kathmandu (8:35
Lukla (9:20 AM) to Kathmandu (9:45
Lukla (10:35 AM) to Kathmandu
(11:00 AM)
Tara Airlines –
(10 kg permitted, $147 USD, refundable)
Lukla (8:30 AM) to Kathmandu (9:00
Lukla (7:00 AM) to Kathmandu (7:30
Day 18 - Buffer Day #2
Simrik Airlines
Depart Lukla at 6:50 AM.
Arrive Kathmandu at 7:15 AM.
Lukla to Kathmandu
Fly earlier.
Book an open ticket. Talk
with representatives. Contact them in
Get a seat on the RIGHT (starboard) side for views of Everest.
17/10/2016: The
‘Establishment’ is certainly running scared trotting out all these
implausible allegations against Trump whilst studiously ignoring Hilary’s
lesbianism and Bill’s ‘philandering’ and avoiding the main game altogether: the
Clinton Foundation, the emails and Beghazi: http://gotnews.com/busted-nytimes-trump-accuser-rachelcrooks-lying-according-family-friend/
& http://pickeringpost.com/story/looks-like-a-gay-ol-time-in-the-white-house/6543
& http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/10/list-debunked-groper-allegations-corrupt-media-donald-trump/
17/10/2016: The Royal Commission’s findings regarding Kimberly
Kitching are that ‘(v) Kimberly Kitching should be charged with and
prosecuted for aiding and abetting the contraventions of each of Diana Asmar,
David Eden, Darryn Rowe, Nick Katsis, Saso Trajcevski-Uzunov and Lee Atkinson
(Chapter 9).’ Yet Shorten’s Labor
promotes her to a place in the Senate!
17/10/2016: This paper shows
that it was CFCs (banned by the Montreal
Protocol c1990) that were causing ‘global warming’ and not CO2, so maybe the
ban on HFCs is justified: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/10/10/interesting-climate-sensitivity-analysis-do-variations-in-co2-actually-cause-global-significant-warming/
16/10/2016: Adding Down to a
Sleeping Bag: I have a Montbell Super Spiral Down Hugger #3 (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/montbell/)
which will take me comfortably just below freezing (-1C) but on my upcoming
Everest Base Camp and Three Passes hike it is likely to get down to maybe -14C
(at Gorek Shep) so I need a little more warmth. I will be adding approximately
3 ounces of 900 fill power down to the bag. I also have a Montbell Superior
Down vest, coat and trousers which I can wear (plus a down balaclava and down
socks!) so I will be cosy enough.

Spot would like to come too, as you can see.
If you turn the bag inside out you can see where the baffles have
been closed. It is a relatively easy task to push all the existing down to the
bottoms of the baffle tubes, carefully rip the stitching which closes the
baffles, then push handfuls of extra down into the tubes until you are
satisfied they are full enough, then sew them up again. You can buy 3 ounces
(90 grams) of 900 fill power down for US$39.95 here: http://thru-hiker.com/materials/insulation.php
or 800 fill power dry down here: http://www.tiergear.com.au/11/online-shop/duck-down-insulation-425g-15oz
for A$30.80 This should drop the (comfort) temperature rating of your bag by
approx 7C degrees.
Some additional useful instructions here: http://www.doityourself.com/stry/how-to-replace-feathers-in-a-down-sleeping-bag
See videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRMJUZFTnHM
& here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCJp2C4EFjU
16/10/2016: We now owe over a
trillion dollars, yet no-one seems to have the political courage to begin
reeling this in and saving us from bankruptcy: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/debt-level-extreme-but-politicians-fiddle/news-story/87688b3b5151a453cc54629ca9d3af8c
16/10/2016: That’s
2,000,000,000,000 galaxies! There will sure be some interesting things
amongst them: http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/2-trillion-galaxies-astrophysics/2016/10/13/id/753275/
15/10/2016: Perhaps the
biggest mystery is not why we can’t remember our childhood – but whether we can
believe any of our memories at all: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160726-the-mystery-of-why-you-cant-remember-being-a-baby
15/10/2016: The problem is…‘Those who don’t believe in God
will believe in anything,’ attributed to GK Chesterton.
15/10/2016: At last a popular
writer wins the Nobel instead of some obscure turgid academic hack whom
nobody reads or can understand. Given that the Nobel prize committee is now
dominated by crazy lefties (as indicated by eg who always wins the ‘Peace
Prize’) this is an extraordinary development. Great work, Bob! ‘The Times They
Are A’Changing’. It’s extraordinary that the committee could not find someone
whom nobody had ever heard of (or bought a copy of their slim collection of
awful poems) whom they could have awarded the prize to – someone who needed the
money more even!
14/10/2016: Imagine being the
first person in the world to discover that sheep were being raised for meat:
I encountered one of these ‘luvvies’ on a South Coast Track (NZ) walk a couple
of years ago. Her love of (some) animals had impelled her to set off all the
(volunteer funded and maintained) stoat traps from Port Craig to the trailhead,
being unconcerned that these little beasties have gnawed their way through
99.9% of NZ’s birds! Vegans, anti-hunters and other assorted animal libbers are
just barking mad!
14/10/2016: I know this was the norm before the fall of communism,
but I just forgot to wonder whether it continued afterwards; so this is where funding for greenies, anti
frackers and other nutters still comes from; https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/10/12/hillary-clinton-email-russia-funding-phony-green-groups/
14/10/2016: The relentlessly
arrogant and condescending Noam Chomsky is wrong about most things. The
fame which gave him a voice in politics was, of course, his linguistic theory
on which, as it turns out, a generation of linguists have wasted their careers.
Because that turns out to be wrong too. Much of Noam Chomsky’s revolution in
linguistics—including its account of the way we learn languages—is being
overturned. When will people stop quoting this guy: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/evidence-rebuts-chomsky-s-theory-of-language-learning/
13/10/2016: The Greening of
Europe: You may remember how the ‘conservationists’ once claimed
industrialisation was deforestation, that we were massively clearing land even
though Landsat showed exactly the opposite was happening. Here most graphically
is the evidence that puts the lie to their alarmism. Capitalism is so good for
nature it should be compulsory! Hopefully we can soon be rid of the rest of
their greenie nonsense; https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/12/04/watch-how-europe-is-greener-now-than-100-years-ago/#comments

13/10/2016: If we are all
victims of some sort, who are left to be the victimizers? http://www.nationalreview.com/article/440756/microaggressions-victimhood-close-minds-truth-tragedy-and-heroism
‘America’s impoverished ancestors at 15 years of age may have rounded Cape Horn
on a schooner or ridden bareback over the Rockies. Not today’s therapeutic
college youth. They have been so victimized by racism, sexism, homophobia,
Islamophobia, and other -isms and -phobias that colleges often provide them
“safe spaces,” outlaw “microaggressions” and demand “trigger warnings” to avoid
the un-nice.’
12/10/2016: Ultralight
Paddle: If you have an ultralight packraft you will need an ultralight
paddle. Our lightest weighs 409.5grams. It was an Alpacka ultralight model, now
alas discontinued. They also used to sell ‘Ninja paddles’ which fitted on your
hiking poles. (Perhaps check the Wayback Machine: http://archive.org/web/) – they may still be
available elsewhere; A comparable one is still made by these folks: 406 grams: https://supaiadventuregear.com/shop/paddle/
Here are some others: 670 grams: http://www.advancedelements.com/accessories/paddles/;
822 grams : http://www.king-cart.com/cgi-bin/cart.cgi?store=pacificdesigns&product=Paddles&exact_match=exact
(I believe used to make our14 ounce 409.5 gram models; maybe ask); 826 grams: http://www.alpackaraft.com/product/sawyer/;
840 grams: http://www.alpackaraft.com/product/manta-ray-carbon/
We have the Sawyer and Manta
Ray paddles as well. They are excellent whitewater paddles. I guess it works
like this: If you are using a packraft for mostly flat water and river
crossings you will want to go with the lightest raft (possibly a Klymit: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/klymit-packraft/)
and the lightest paddles. If you are exploring more technical water you will
want to go with a tougher raft such as an Alpacka (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/dusky-track-canoeing-the-seaforth/)
and a tougher paddle. ‘Horses for courses’, as they say.
I am contemplating walking from Macquarie
Harbour (Strachan Tasmania)
to Bathurst Harbour (Melaleuca) which will take a
month and involve crossing several rivers and other bodies of water. As I will
have to carry a month’s food, the choice of watercraft is also crucial.

Pictured; Subai Ultralight paddle (NB: The four pieces on the left
are the paddle; the other bits are extraneous)
12/10/2016: ‘A Citizen of the
World Is a Citizen of Nowhere’: A truly great speech by Theresa May: “If
you believe you’re a citizen of the world, you’re a citizen of nowhere. You
don’t understand what the very word ‘citizenship’ means… Our democracy should
work for everyone, but if you’ve been trying to say things need to change for
years and your complaints fall on deaf ears, it doesn’t feel like it’s working
for you…Because the lesson of Britain
is that we are a country built on the bonds of family, community, citizenship. Of
strong institutions and a strong society. The country of my parents who
instilled in me a sense of public service and of public servants
everywhere who want to give something back. The parent who works hard all
week but takes time out to coach the kids football team at
the weekend. The local family business in my constituency that’s been
serving the community for more than 50 years. The servicemen and women I
met last week who wear their uniform proudly at home and serve our
nation with honour abroad. A country of decency, fairness and quiet
resolve…Now don’t get me wrong. We applaud success. We want people to get
on. But we also value something else: the spirit of citizenship. That
spirit that means you respect the bonds and obligations that make our society
work. That means a commitment to the men and women who live around you, who
work for you, who buy the goods and services you sell. That spirit that
means recognising the social contract that says you train up local young
people before you take on cheap labour from overseas…Just listen to the way a
lot of politicians and commentators talk about the public. They find
your patriotism distasteful, your concerns about immigration parochial, your
views about crime illiberal, your attachment to your job security
inconvenient. They find the fact that more than seventeen million voters
decided to leave the European Union simply bewildering…That’s why the central
tenet of my belief is that there is more to life than individualism and
self-interest. We form families, communities, towns, cities, counties and
nations. We have a responsibility to one another. And I firmly believe
that government has a responsibility too. It is to act to
encourage and nurture those relationships, networks and institutions - and
to step up to correct injustices and tackle unfairness where it can - because
these are the things that can drive us apart.” http://stuartschneiderman.blogspot.com.au/2016/10/a-citizen-of-world-is-citizen-of-nowhere.html
12/10/2016: I have observed
before that deconstruction is arguably a greater enemy than Islam or
communism for the way it essays to subvert all our reasoning processes: The
deconstruction fad died when people decided to deconstruct deconstructionism: https://bostonreview.net/books-ideas/gregory-jones-katz-deconstruction-america
I particularly liked this comment, ‘When Syphilis was carried back to the old
world from the new, the Columbian Exchange gift that never stops giving, the
English called it the French Pox, even though like deconstruction theory, it
too was a distinctly American phenomenon. Of course, the French called it the
English Pox and the Dutch called it the Spanish Pox... no one wanted to take
credit for Syphilis. So what is it we are really trying to say when we give France
the credit for deconstruction, or a fried potato or a kiss? Are we trying to
fancy it up, or are we dismissing it as the product of a decadent culture?’
11/10/2016: Gretchen
discovers a problem with socialism: “I’m at the breaking point,” said
Gretchen Gardner, an Austin
artist who bought a 1930s bungalow in the Bouldin neighborhood just south of
downtown in 1991 and has watched her property tax bill soar to $8,500 this
year. “It’s not because I don’t like paying taxes,” said Gardner, who attended
both meetings. “I have voted for every park, every library, all the school
improvements, for light rail, for anything that will make this city better. But
now I can’t afford to live here anymore. I’ll protest my appraisal notice, but
that’s not enough. Someone needs to step in and address the big picture.”
11/10/2016: Foam Kayak: An enchanting DIY tale, a work of pure genius: http://www.instructables.com/id/Seafoam-Kayak-the-Unsinkable-Foam-Kayak-Anyone-Can/

11/10/2016: Yet another reason to oppose the nanny state and their alcohol
interlocks: A Navy drunk, with raccoon:

11/10/2016: Like it or not, Steve Kates is right. Trump is the
unlikely saviour of the free world: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2016/10/dirty-donald-sunshine-conservatives/
‘THAT civilisation may not
Its great battle lost,
Quiet the dog, tether the pony
To a distant post;
Our master Caesar is in the tent…’ WB Yeats, ‘Long-Legged Fly’. We are at the
cusp. Civilisation is teetering on the abyss. If Trump loses this election we
will all go down in ruin betimes.
10/10/2016: Good on you Gina:
What a great Aussie; http://www.smh.com.au/business/property/gina-rinehart-buys-australias-largest-cattle-station-company-s-kidman--co-20161009-grycif.html
10/10/2016: I imagine
elections are not decided by the prurient. If they were Hilary’s
bisexualism and Bill’s (Hillary supported) ‘peccadilloes’ would have killed the
Clintons long
since. So far as I can see Trump’s indiscretion was ‘all talk’: Looks like
Trump has just dropped several bombs on her anyway; http://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/live-coverage-of-the-second-us-presidential-debate/news-story/8daa7834d5bd91b1cd97b294ef401bd6
& http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2424555/Bill-Clintons-mistress-Gennifer-Flowers-Wed-today-wasnt-Chelsea.html
10/10/2016: Collecting Water:
This is a great tip from JJMathes: ‘Have you ever needed to fill your water
container only to find there wasn’t enough clearance for you to get the opening
of your container under the flow? When
water levels are low the flow doesn’t always shoot out far enough to catch the
water, it rolls around the contour of the rock making it nearly impossible to
fill a bottle or bladder. Altering the flow is an easy fix by using the
windscreen from your cook kit to form a spout; or anything flat that won’t
absorb water will work, even a broad leaf.’ http://gossamergear.com/wp/ever-have-trouble-collecting-water

Sometimes you find water oozing down a vertical rock face. If there
is a tiny crack in it you can drive a sharpened twig or matchstick in the crack
to bring the water out to your drink bottle as in the photo above.
10/10/2016: First we had men
swearing off work: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/440758/nicholas-eberstadt-men-without-work-american-males-who-choose-not-work
and now we have this: Men swearing off women for good: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/dating/the-mgtow-group-really-really-dont-like-women/newsstory/d5b8dd7cbeaa2151dccf64b88c94e7c4
Such social regression. What is the world coming to?
10/10/2016: So, who is having
sex with the President, and does it matter? http://pickeringpost.com/story/we-blokes-don-t-mind-being-treated-as-sex-objects/6520
09/10/2016: Self-Threading Needles: You will notice that there are (amazingly) several kinds of
self-threading needle you can use for repairs. I know the Calyxeye fits in a
floss container as I have had mine there for over twenty years (and effected
many repairs with it!). It was the type Lincraft (where I bought mine) sold, so
I make no special claim. It works. If you are a fumble fingers (like me) or
need reading glasses (same) you need a self-threading needle. Also good in poor
You can see Della repairing my backpack on our
recent South Coast (NZ) Track walk here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/backpack-repairs/ A needle, some thread and a small square of
ripstop nylon can fix many things which have let you down in the backcountry.
(I usually carry a handkerchief size piece of 1.3 oz silnylon myself as it
makes for a dry seat on an otherwise wet day). The thread I now carry is here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/four-gram-fishing-handlines/
I was particularly proud of a rip I repaired
in a pair of hiking trousers a few years back: I had slid down a steep bank on
my derriere and whilst doing so caught the pants in a tree root which tore them
all the way from the calf to the crotch. Luckily it was not me! I have since
thrown them out else I would post a photo of my handiwork.
I also once performed a particularly neat
repair on a dinner plate sized rip on one of my hounds (he had from a
recalcitrant stag, soon deceased). I admit ‘Harpoon’ did not much enjoy the
surgery (he thought quite seriously about biting me) but he demurred, healed up
without so much as a mark and went on to hunt many another day, at least until
he was stolen by some lowlife off the Cowwarr Rd many years ago now. He would
have been dead of old age last century (and hound hunting has quit me
altogether now), yet still it galls.

Easy needle

Calyxeye Needle

Spiral Eye Needle
09/10/2016: We have been in Melbourne
for much of the week whilst Della had her second (successful) cataract
operation. As visitors from another
world we are constantly befuddled by the constant drifts of ‘homeless’
clogging the footpaths nowadays complete with many more fancy possessions and
camping accessories than those of us in the ultralight hiking community (http://www.theultralighthiker.com)
would ever be embarrassed to be seen with. Evidently we are supposed to feel
‘sorry’ for these folk (at least their prominent signs exhort us to), yet
somehow I do not. I calculate that each and every one is on the Disability
Support Pension (currently $413.55 per week – nice money if you can get it;
most of us have to rely on our wits). Further, they are clearly supplied with
these expensive camping gadgets gratis; they do not have to shell out 1/3 to ½
of their income for accommodation, and there are innumerable charities and
‘schemes’ where they can front up daily for additional largesse (and they do).
If you start to tally this you will see that these unsightly aggregations of
human garbage are on ‘after tax’ incomes of not less than $800 per week -
equivalent to pre tax earnings of say $1,000 per week for which the average
punter would be expected to put in somewhere upwards of 48 hours per week
including travel – and be expected to be clean, polite and well dressed to
boot. It is long since time we stopped rewarding such bad behaviour and began
once more to punish it. I would see police chasing such folk along the street
with a cane, driving them to the Workhouses where their sloth would no longer
be rewarded and from where they would be encouraged to get off their backsides,
get off our streets and support themselves.
09/10/2016: Intelligence is
not evenly distributed: This is a really interesting graphic. Maybe it
shows why some countries such as Japan and the UK for example punch a little
above their weight whilst many others particularly in the Middle East, South
America and Africa seem to perpetually lag behind: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/children-intelligence-iq-mother-inherit-inheritance-genetics-genes-a7345596.html
I came to this link after reading reports of a study which purport to show your
intelligence comes from your mother (Heaven help us!): http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/children-intelligence-iq-mother-inherit-inheritance-genetics-genes-a7345596.html
This conclusion was arrived at by observing the absence of paternal X
chromosomes in brains. If you want to test your own IQ, try this: https://iq-research.info/en/ On the
other hand: http://www.forbes.com/sites/emilywillingham/2016/09/16/no-research-has-not-established-that-you-inherited-your-intelligence-from-your-mother/#7894e6014551
08/10/2016: Cold Weather Face
Masks: A life saver: I ordered one of these for my upcoming Everest Base
Camp trek. It will keep my nose (& face) warm, a plus as this is one of the
things that most bothers me about camping out in winter. More importantly
though is that it warms incoming air by more than 20C and keeps it humid. This
really protects the sinuses and linings of the lungs. The air up there is
so really dry you need to drink at least
4 litres of fluid a day to keep up with moisture loss from your lungs, so it is
no surprise if your lungs take a punishing. At Gorek Shep (EBC) it will be
-14C! In the Everest region it is not all that uncommon to succumb to ‘Khumbu
Cough’ which can be so racking that you can break ribs! Definitely don’t want
that. Worse though is that it reduces lung function. This Cold Avenger face
mask has been independently tested to show that it improves lung function by
very significant amounts eg particularly in asthmatics who would suffer more in
winter conditions such as I am planning for. I am thinking that some of the
effects of altitude sickness are no doubt brought on by reduced lung function
which could be prevented with one of these. These little gadgets weigh less
than 100 grams (4 ounces) and cost around US$60: http://coldavenger.com/ I am thinking that
the face mask will get lots of future use sleeping out during winter deer
hunting expeditions in Victoria.
I will also be carrying one of these: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/survival-shelter/

See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/my-life-was-wide-and-wild-and-who-can-know-my-heart/
Below is a map of our intended route. We plan to do the ‘Three
Passes’ walk in conjunction with the Everest Base Camp walk which will get us
away from the crowds. We are carrying all our own gear. We are walking
anti-clockwise. I fly into Lukla from Kathmandu
and begin walking after an ‘acclimatisation day’. It is important that you add
in these extra days every 500 metres of altitude so that you don’t succumb to
altitude sickness. We will be at Everest Base Camp 9 days later and back to
Lukla on the evening of the 6th day after that. I have a few days in
reserve. More details to follow.

08/10/2016: Elites Want a
Borderless World, but Voters Don’t So import new voters! http://www.nationalreview.com/article/440666/brexit-immigration-lesson-america-voters-want-borders-trump-clinton
08/10/2016: An interesting
list: http://mentalfloss.com/article/86658/24-most-banned-books-all-time
07/10/2016: A really sad
future awaits Europe: http://www.mideastoutpost.com/archives/europe-the-substitution-of-a-population-giulio-meotti.html
07/10/2016: ‘The planet has reached the point of no return, yet
again…From here on in, it’s nothing but
coal power and V8s for everybody!’ http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/point-and-laugh/news-story/2c33a6965c893c68a38d395d3c9922ba
05/10/2016: Julia’s mates (eg Dan Andrews) are doing everything in
their power to pervert the course of justice and ‘save’ her, but she may yet get her day in court: http://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2016/09/the-australian-reports-on-ralph-blewitts-correspondence-with-victoria-police.html
05/10/2016: Would You Give Up
The Internet For 1 Million Dollars? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FB0EhPM_M4
05/10/2016: Stuff this, I’m
doing my own poll: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/never-ask-a-question-if-you-dont-want-the-answer/news-story/a13562a0566138287464bb7ca72c1cbc
She got 70%+!
04/10/2016: And, just to show that venery is not yet dead: Hunting rabbits with hawks in Sussex:
04/10/2016: ‘The biggest
purchase of our life is not our home, it’s government…We work Monday to
mid-morning Thursday for the government.’ Malcolm Roberts. I seriously like
this guy. I think he has a future.
04/10/2016: Just a follow up from by Paris 2016 post (18/09); a
reminder of what we lost: ‘The Last Time
I saw Paris’… http://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2016/09/know-what-we-lose-when-we-lose-paris-for-her-lovers-and-all-those-who-remember.html
& now this: Hungarian authorities reveal that nearly all those responsible
for the atrocities in Paris were recent ‘refugees’. Well, who’d have thought: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/seven-refugees-behind-paris-slaughter/news-story/4a0b2dbee7af29ed68064161b705eff7
02/10/2016: Otzi had serious
heart disease. Must be from the Paleo diet: http://iceman.it/en/oetzi-treacherous-murder-with-links-to-central-italy/
02/10/2016: Gaia: Don’t you just love this old guy. ‘James Lovelock, Godfather of Green:
Climate Change Religion is Bunk’ Why did he start the whole ‘greenie’ thing
in the first place? Everyone makes mistakes I guess: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/10/01/james-lovelock-godfather-green-climate-change-religion-totally-unscientific/
02/10/2016: Political correctness gone mad: ‘Keep Marriage Man and Woman’ is now ‘Hate Speech’ : http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/perth-gay-woman-saddened-by-antimarriage-bumper-stickers-outside-royal-show-20160930-grs6uh.html
01/10/2016: Dog Waits on Ice
Cream Truck: http://imgur.com/dcPUBcN?r
01/10/2016: Bullshit!
Just in case there isn’t already enough of it around for you, here is a
wonderful website which will generate even more at the press of a button. Try
it. It will delight you: http://sebpearce.com/bullshit/
01/10/2016: It is good to see other people (in this case ex Treasury
Secretary and Nationals MP John Stone) arguing
the case for an immigration policy which shows some discrimination (just as
I have often done) If we cannot tell the good from the bad and separate them,
we will eventually lose our country to the barbarians: http://spectator.com.au/2016/09/time-to-talk-frankly-on-immigration/
Waiting for the Barbarians

What are we waiting for, assembled in the
The barbarians
are due here today.
Why isn’t anything happening in the senate?
Why do the senators sit there without legislating?
the barbarians are coming today.
What laws
can the senators make now?
Once the
barbarians are here, they’ll do the legislating.
Why did our emperor get up so early,
and why is he sitting at the city’s main gate
on his throne, in state, wearing the crown?
the barbarians are coming today
and the
emperor is waiting to receive their leader.
He has
even prepared a scroll to give him,
with titles, with imposing names.
Why have our two consuls and praetors come out today
wearing their embroidered, their scarlet togas?
Why have they put on bracelets with so many amethysts,
and rings sparkling with magnificent emeralds?
Why are they carrying elegant canes
beautifully worked in silver and gold?
the barbarians are coming today
and things
like that dazzle the barbarians.
Why don’t our distinguished orators come forward as usual
to make their speeches, say what they have to say?
the barbarians are coming today
they’re bored by rhetoric and public speaking.
Why this sudden restlessness, this confusion?
(How serious people’s faces have become.)
Why are the streets and squares emptying so rapidly,
everyone going home so lost in thought?
night has fallen and the barbarians have not come.
And some
who have just returned from the border say
there are
no barbarians any longer.
And now, what’s going to happen to us without barbarians?
They were, those people, a kind of solution.
30/09/2016: The Frogs: The
Sequel. Every dam and waterhole around here is now fringed with frog spawn
such as Tiny is investigating here. The frogs are still singing their musical
choruses and charmingly I thought each is guarding his/her own patch of spawn.
It is going to be ‘the year of the frog’ around Yinnar this year. Listen to
them sing here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/videos/frogs/
No doubt there will also be a plague of snakes etc to eat them!

30/09/2016: It’s not often I
agree with Nicki Savva: ‘A fortnight ago, Tasmanian primary producers
travelled to Canberra
to argue their case against the federal government’s backpacker tax. Their
claim, like that of producers in other parts of the country, was that the tax
was robbing them of a workforce.
If you are not sputtering, spitting out your berry smoothie or
activated almonds, you should be. The unemployment rate in Tasmania is more than 7 per cent, almost two
percentage points higher than the national average. Its youth unemployment rate
in August was 15.5 per cent, compared with the national average of 12.8 per
Even if half of those on benefits were physically or mentally unable
to work, you would think there would still be enough people in the growers’
back yard, capable and keen to earn a few hundred dollars, but no, the growers
were not there to impress on the government the need to get young jobless
Tasmanians more engaged. Sorry, not their problem.
They were there to argue against measures that they believed would
deter young Italians, Germans, French or Poms from travelling across the world
for a holiday and paying for it by earning money tax-free doing work that
Australians couldn’t or wouldn’t.’
I heard one of the farmers explain, ‘Busy people get things done’ he
said. He just did not believe that any fruit would be picked by the unemployed
(because they have no idea how to work)! Our welfare systems need far fewer
rewards and a few more punishments to make it work - not to mention saving the
hard-working taxpayers a few hundreds of billions of dollars!
30/09/2016: Fairfax
conducted another poll about attitudes to Moslem immigration. Again it found
the majority were opposed to it. Interestingly it also found: practicing
Muslims do not fit Australian society (41 per cent either agreed or were
undecided); practicing Muslims pose a threat to Australian society (40 per
cent); practicing Muslims should be searched more thoroughly than others in
airports and stations (36 per cent). When the grand Mufti delivered a speech in
response to the first poll (in Arabic) even though he has lived here (probably
mostly on welfare) for 19 years and has repeatedly ‘promised’ to learn English,
and other polls suggest that a large section of the Moslem population also want
sharia law and continue to live on welfare too, I think it is clear why Australians have formed these unexceptional
views – views merely echoed by Pauline Hanson’s ‘One Nation’ party.
29/09/2016: Repurposing
Camping Gear: The rushes which prospered astonishingly during the drought I
made quite satisfactorily dead a few weeks’ back. Yesterday seemed like a good
day to wipe the hill of them for good. Since Milo
and Merrin were visiting everyone got in on the act

Merrin starts the conflagration off.

Those clumps really go up. It shows how terrifying a grass fire can
be. Of course the sheep ensure that our greass never gets that long.

Spot and Milo in a supervisory

Lighting the clumps is simplicity itself.

Such a satisfying feeling watching them burn.

Spot as usual was a big help.

Time for a cuddle now Boss?

Detail of the impromptu rush burner. There is a story to everything.
The children’s paddle I found washed up in some river rack many years ago. The
Coleman burner cooked many frypan’s worth of sausages over the years after our
hound hunting trips as we yarned around the campfire or waited for hounds to
trickle in from the day’s hunt. Putting them together with a couple of cable
ties was the work of a moment. And ‘Voila!’ Yet ‘they say’ we don’t need ‘all
that junk’ we have mouldering in our sheds!
29/09/2016: South Australia ‘lights the way’. Yesterday in a
chilling foretaste for Victoria
was entirely ‘blacked out’! This is just what we can expect if Hazelwood is
closed and our electricity supply is made increasingly risky. Sure, in an ideal
world there may be enough supply without it, but recent disasters (such as the
Hazelwood mine fire and the near collapse of the Latrobe (and Morwell) rivers
into the Yallourn open cut (& etc, etc) clearly shows the need for excess
capacity – and this is leaving out the dangers posed by terrorism or war! http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/sa-shows-the-world-why-no-one-should-invest-there/news-story/e61f127e7ad9303dd8304b4d89d2d45f
29/09/2016: A big ‘Hurrah’ for Maurice Newman in the Australian:
‘When your news and views come from a tightly controlled, left-wing media echo
chamber, it may come as a bit of a shock to learn that in the July election
almost 600,000 voters gave their first preference to Pauline Hanson’s One
Nation party. You may also be surprised to know that still deluded
conservatives remain disenchanted with the media’s favourite Liberal, Malcolm
Turnbull, for his epic fail as Prime Minister, especially when compared with
the increasingly respected leader he deposed.
Perhaps when media outlets saturate us with “appropriate” thoughts
and “acceptable” speech, and nonconformists are banished from television, radio
and print, it’s easy to miss what is happening on the uneducated side of the
tracks. After all, members of the better educated and morally superior
political class use a compliant media to shelter us from the dangerous, racist,
homophobic, Islamophobic, sexist, welfare-reforming, climate-change denying
bigots who inhabit the outer suburbs and countryside — the people whom Hillary
Clinton calls “the deplorables”.
They must be vilified without debate, lest too many of us waver on
the virtues of bigger governments, central planning, more bloated
bureaucracies, higher taxes, unaffordable welfare, a “carbon-free” economy,
more regulations, open borders, gender-free and values-free schools and
same-sex marriage; the sort of agenda that finds favour at the UN.
Yet history is solid with
evidence that this agenda will never deliver the promised human dignity,
prosperity and liberty. Only free and open societies with small governments can
do that.’
29/09/2016: 11 More venery: http://www.arkinspace.com/2010/12/collective-nouns-alphabet-of-animals.html
28/09/2016: 11 Gram
Rechargeable Head Torch: Two O-rings, a micro cord lock and a short length
of 1mm Dyneema transforms this 9 gram wonder into an 11 gram wonder. At 45
lumens for 1 hour or 1 lumen for 48 hours (or anywhere else in between) this
Nitecore Tube Light is a wonderful torch. The 1 lumen setting is quite adequate
for reading of a night (if you still use books) or for finding your way around
in the dark once your eyes are adjusted.

These little guys weigh less than the AA battery used to power most
ultralight torches (such as this excellent example: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/mini-super-torch-a-weeks-light-weighs-50-grams/)
so it is well worth carrying a couple in your pack especially if you have the
means of recharging them (such as this: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/charging/)
See also:

28/09/2016: Another thought about the Plebiscite: there is no
guarantee that Labor members would not vote in Parliament to bring in so-called
‘marriage equality’ (even if as seems likely the plebiscite showed Australians
were overwhelmingly opposed to it) given that their party position is that it
should be enacted by the Parliament and that Labor members who would vote
against such a proposal (according to their consciences) would be expelled from
the party! This is a divisive issue concerning really only a tiny minority of
Australians, less than 1% which could more appropriately be dealt with by a
separate form of marriage rather than changing the definition of marriage for
everyone else…I can see why Statists
might favour it though as it supports a move to tax (by stealth) ‘couples’ who
cohabit as married or de facto (or adjust their welfare benefits to more
accurately reflect their real status). Some really big budget savings
28/09/2016: Spare a thought
for the gharial: http://www.arkinspace.com/2012/10/gharial.html
27/09/2016: Gear repairs:
Tenacious Tape: Many folks have long carried some duct tape for this
purpose. I have carried cuben tape for many years http://www.theultralighthiker.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1797&action=edit
. I can attest that it successfully repaired a Neoair pad which had been
relentlessly chewed by a certain puppy, and that the repair has held now for 3+
years! One of the virtues of this ‘new’ tape (apart from that it sticks to
practically everything) is that it comes in rolls up to 3” (75mm) wide, Such a
roll weighs 21 grams. It could easily be cut in half: https://www.mcnett.com/gearaid/tenacious-tape#10691

Additional Information
Length 500mm
Weight 21 grams
Color Clear, various
Width 75mm
27/09/2016: Woody Allen:
'There's an old joke . . . two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort,
and one of 'em says "Boy, the food at this place is really terrible."
The other one says, "Yeah, I know; and such small portions." Well,
that's essentially how I feel about life.' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comedy/comedians/woody-allen-best-jokes-and-one-liners/
27/09/2016: Gay Marriage is
one thing, but changing marriage for everyone else is quite another. I
understand that a form of civil union contract has been available to gay people
in many Australian jurisdictions for some time. Only a minority of even the
LGBTIQ community favours what is recklessly termed ‘marriage equality’.
Certainly a minority of Australians generally do, else its advocates would not
be opposing the plebiscite, and arguing instead that it be imposed on everyone
else against their wills.
What is currently being advocated is not a form of ‘gay marriage’
but that the Marriage Act for the 99% be changed (for them) to ‘fit’ a tiny
minority most of whom do not want it anyway. This requires that the meaning of
marriage for the 99% will change to ‘include’ ‘practices’ and ‘customs’ which
in many cases were deemed (to say the very least) ‘wrong’ and ‘illegal’ not so
very long ago (or still are in many jurisdictions) and which a great many
people still at the very least look askance at if they do not outright condemn
(supposing only that such opinions have not already been made ‘unlawful’). This
is a very wholesale change where a piecemeal change (such as a wholly separate
‘gay marriage) would surely suffice.
It should also be realised that this advocacy represents only a
small part of a much more thoroughgoing agenda whose totality will be quickly
imposed as well, including many things which most would consider wrong,
distasteful &/or undesirable. Such things, for example as banning the terms
‘he’, ‘she’, ‘bride’, ‘groom’, ‘husband’ and ‘wife’, gay adoption and
surrogacy, public funding of a host of alternative birth arrangements which are
almost completely unnecessary in normal heterosexual relationships and
parenting, the outlawry of many conventional opinions and practices such as
conventional church weddings or expressing that normal heterosexual marriage is
the most desirable social relationship and best practice for the nurture of
children (which it demonstrably is) and that it deserves public support. The
awful consequences of the somewhat wholesale move to ‘fatherlessness’ over the
last 40 years clearly warn against any worsening in how children are raised.
The adoption of ‘marriage equality’ (which it is not) will also
inevitably lead to a push for polygamy/polyandry, lowering of the age of
consent, decriminalisation of public displays of sexuality, legalisation of
incest & bestiality – just generally a subversion of all that is ‘normal’
and ‘decent’. Notice that I already feel it necessary to enclose these terms in
scare quotes. Such is the heavy hand of ‘progressivism’. It is not ‘anti-gay’
to have such views. I am not advocating that people have the bad manners to
discriminate against or condemn such individuals (I do not) – just that
time-worn institutions and practices which have suited the 99% for untold
centuries ought not be hastily thrown away because a tiny few radicals think we
should. The consequences of such a decision are very likely to have very many
undesirable ramifications - and costs.
A solution (satisfying to libertarians) presents itself: perhaps the
State should ‘get out’ of marriage altogether? Civil marriages and registration
are a relatively recent thing in our society going back less than two
centuries. If the State were to completely renounce any power and interest in
this area of personal relationships (as was the case in all the centuries prior
to the C19th for example), might this not satisfy both the supporters and
opponents of ‘marriage equality’? Whilst we are doing this it might be timely
for the State to get out of a lot of other matters as well! Back before the
C18th even Defence was a private matter!
26/09/2016: Sleeping Pad
Reinvented: Big Agnes Q-Core SLX: Big Agnes has been redesigning some of
its great pads. For example, their Big Agnes Q-Core SLX Petite Pad: 15 oz
(427 grams) and rated to 15F (-9.5C ie R = 4.5) and 4.25” (10.5cm) thick!
Reputed to be superbly comfortable and dramatically robust. The square ends
also make the Q-Core an excellent hammock pad, particularly if you chose one of
the wider models. RRT US$139.95 https://gearjunkie.com/big-agnes-q-core-slx-sleeping-pad
‘Offset I-beams, ‘micro’ air-pressure adjustment, and aviation-grade TPU
lamination… sleeping pads can be deceptively high-tech. But what does it all
Stability = Comfort It’s all about
the I-beams… on the contours of the sleep surface…making the pad surface more
even would increase the comfort of the pad…the offset quilted pattern replaces
standard parallel I-beam construction, preventing you from sliding on the
pad...the outermost I-beams on both sides are slightly larger, which creates a
cradle that holds you near the center of the pad.
‘Ultimate Durability’…this pad is
25 percent more durable than its Q-Core SL predecessor. We’ve improved
materials and construction with new double rip-stop and aviation grade TPU
lamination technology…‘Superlight,’ Micro Adjustment Total
weight for this pad falls between 15-22 ounces, (ie from 427 grams) depending
on the model size (66-78 inches long, and 20- or 25-inch widths).
Its micro air adjustment’ is
a tiny ball that sits in the center of the inflate valve. You can press it to
allow a little air to escape, reducing the pad’s stiffness. It works just like
a presta valve on a bike tire.’ https://www.bigagnes.com/Products/Detail/Pad/qcoreslx

We have owned their Insulated Air Core pads for many years. When we
bought them they were the only pads which had anywhere near that thickness
(3.25”) and R rating 4.5 (ie good down to 15F or -10C) - and cheap. They have
proved incredibly durable and comfortable pads. For example their Insulated Air
Core starts off at US$84 for a full-length pad and is under 600 grams, yet over
3.25” thick. We have two, their regular 6’ pad and their Petite Mummy 5’ pad
(not currently available) which is around 500 grams and actually long enough
for each of us (I am 5’7”, Della 5'). Most folks will really not need a pad
longer than 66” (1.675m). It doesn’t matter if your feet overhang. I am a
side sleeper anyway, so they don’t. Your feet won’t touch the ground so your
sleeping bag will keep them warm as it is not compressed by your weight.
26/09/2016: Jumping without a
parachute…Amazing: http://surprise.ly/v/?PK0Hl0kWELE:0:0:0:100
26/09/2016: I suspect Simon is right: more than any other reason, Trump will win because he’s funny and
likeable: https://pjmedia.com/diaryofamadvoter/2016/09/22/why-trump-will-win-its-the-likability-stupid/?singlepage=true
Mind you, I suspect Arcan Cetin has helped Clinton along to her political grave
too with his Tweet ‘We win I vote for Hillary Clinton’ http://scallywagandvagabond.com/2016/09/arcan-cetin-cascade-mall-shooter-arrested-custody-burlington-shooting/
24/09/2016: White lives matter too: ‘Australian art gallery owner
Kevin Reid has been praised as a hero by his wife after he moved her out of
danger moments before masked robbers fatally shot him dead on a US
street...Local police described one of the suspects as a black male wearing a
light-coloured bandanna over his face. The other two suspects were described as
black males. FBI stats show twice as many blacks kill whites than whites kill
blacks, even though there are five times more whites in the US. Or put it this way: an African American in the US is
10 times more likely to kill a white than a white American a black. But who
is more likely to protest against "systemic racism"?’ (Andrew Bolt)
24/09/2016: There’s no
stopping a Jack Russell; the king of beasts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eccJ9vRHKgo
24/09/2016: A wonderfully insightful discussion of the relative
merits of private vs public service (I
particularly like the point that public servants must be volunteers): http://www.coyoteblog.com/coyote_blog/2016/09/in-defense-of-profits-why-they-are-at-least-as-moral-as-wages.html
23/09/2016: Environmental and Economic Suicide (Hazelwood to close
next April!): http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/global-warmists-kill-1000-jobs-threaten-power-prices/news-story/601dea7cb5e5741a231b37b656240828
23/09/2016: How Green Is My
Valley: We are so fortunate to live in this beautiful part of the world.
Everywhere you point a camera it is something like this. Just snapped this view
of Yinnar and the Morwell
River valley on the way
back from our walk yesterday afternoon. Why travel elsewhere?

23/09/2016: Dr Joy Bliss: ‘I believe that life is deepened by
physical, spiritual, emotional, social, and intellectual stress. Added as a
bonus: discovering one's limitations. Doing
what we "feel like doing" tends to be a dead end in life, paths
of least resistance. Doing what we don't feel like doing can be amazing...the
author Charles Duhigg, in his 2012 bestseller ‘The Power of Habit’, calls
exercise a “keystone habit,” or a change in one area of life that brings about
positive effects in other areas. Duhigg says keystone habits are powerful
because “they change our sense of self and our sense of what is possible.”’
23/09/2016: A good news story: Toddler
survives three days alone in remote Siberia
wood: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37442863
22/09/2016: ‘Our Grand Mufti responds to a poll that says 49 per
cent of Australians want a ban on Muslim immigration because Muslims don't
assimilate. He doesn't understand the irony of having to use Arabic to
call for better "communication" - since he still hasn't mastered English after 19 years in Australia.’ (Andrew Bolt), no
doubt most of it supported by the taxpayers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tB2m_FA2Vg I saw this poster the other day: ‘It takes a
special kind of lunatic to think that importing welfare recipients who want to
kill us is a good idea.’
22/09/2016: Planting Della:
There is no worse fate to contemplate than burying your beloved…but in this
case it can be a joyful occasion. Imagine someone having named this lovely
cultivar thus - and in my Della’s favourite colour too. Now to see whether it
likes the very clayey soil of the native garden on the back slope behind the
house where the honeyeater war is a daily occurrence.

22/09/2016: Fifteen Gram Blue
Foam Flip-Flop Camp
Shoe: A work of pure
genius. Can there be a better camp shoe than this? Chris Morgan writes: ‘The
Walmart foamy option is fairly durable (about 20 nights of heavy use, but a pad
will make about a dozen pairs), very stable, ridiculously cheap and ultra
comfortable. About 1oz for the pair:
Step 1: Buy a $4 Walmart blue foamy sleeping pad.
Step 2: Trace your foot and add little less than a cm all around
(you can trim to fit later, though I find a little extra is kind of nice and
you don't trip over it), and add wings so that when folded up together it looks
like an Adidas shower sandal.
Step 3: Cut foam.
Step 4: Apply 1 piece of duct tape across the top – you may have to
shorten the wings after trying on to get a tight fit.

Thanks to Chris Morgan at backpacking light forum: https://backpackinglight.com/forums/topic/46709/

QED.’ Indeed!
21/09/2016: Montbell make some awesome Ultralight gear. Mostly I
like their sleeping bags and insulated clothing. For many years I have used the
UL Super Spiral Down Hugger #3 now called Down Hugger 800 #3 & available at
Larry Adler Australia for A$329). Mine was 624 grams and rated -1C. Montbell
have even improved this bag by moving to 1 oz more (and) of 900 fill power
down. This is the Down Hugger 900 #2 at 690 grams and -5C, which is just
awesome! This ‘spiral stretch’ construction means that they are the roomiest
sleeping bags you have ever used. You can even cross your legs and sit up in
In Australia
you will almost never encounter conditions where you will need a warmer bag
than this. If you do (and as I do) you carry a down jacket and vest, you can
put the jacket on and pull the vest over your lower body. This will provide at
least another 5C worth of warmth.
Speaking of jackets and vests: I am particularly impressed by the
warmth and lightness of their ‘Superior
Down’ range. The coat weighs just over 200 grams and the vest a bit over 150.
Their Clo (insulation) rating (eg measured here: https://backpackinglight.com/forums/topic/18950/)
indicate that the two garments together should take you well below 0C. Think
-10C. Larry Adler have them on sale at the moment for A$140 and $105
respectively, which is a bargain: https://www.larryadler.com/
Larry does not have the complete range. For that look here: http://www.montbell.us/ To purchase from the
US you will need (eg) a Shipito account and a virtual US credit card - available from Shipito.

21/09/2016: Why Is Socialism
So Damned Attractive: This has certainly been a worrying problem for a long
while. Some interesting thoughts and insights here: http://reason.com/archives/2016/09/16/why-is-socialism-so-damned-attractive
21/09/2016: Pauline is
clearly exactly where the mainstream is (not the shrieking Left or Moslem
advocates). An Essential poll shows the majority of people favour a ban on
Moslem immigration. Bring it on! http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/half-of-all-australians-want-to-ban-muslim-immigration-poll-20160920-grkufa.html
- and the Government responds by agreeing to take (Catholic) refugees from Costa Rica.
Good on them. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/column-turnbull-says-no-to-muslim-refugees-kind-of/news-story/01f788516882e9f545e627e19d33716b
20/09/2016: ‘My life was wide
and wild, and who can know my heart? There in that golden jungle I walk alone.’
Judith Wright, The Sisters. This might as well be TheUltralightHikers’ motto as
we march forward into the evenings of our lives, ‘bowed but unbroken’. A young
friend (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/a-friend-i-met-on-the-dusky-track-fiordland-nz/)
has invited me to come along with him on his (extended) Everest Base Camp hike
in early November in Nepal.
This may seem like an insane thing for a man 2/3s of a century plus to be
doing. I admit I had my druthers, but Della piped up perfunctorily with this
epithet, ‘You only live once’. Remember that.

And this: People are crap at understanding risks/stats.You have to
figure risk against probable loss. When you are young you have the probable
loss of your entire life to lose (a large proportion), so you ought be more
careful. When you are old like me, you have much less life to lose, so you can
afford to take more risks! I know, you may think that the morsel of life left
is nonetheless more precious because it is all you have left, (but whatever is
all you have) and it would not be much of a life if you spent it propped in a
wheelchair at some Old Peoples’ Home mumbling inanities and pooping yourself.
The high passes, whatever their risks gleam much brighter than that prospect.
It is also like this. Yet another friend’s widow was last week
condemned to just such a fate as I hinted above, having been diagnosed with
Alzheimer’s, her husband having dropped like a stone from a cardiac a couple of
years ago. ‘Live & learn or you don’t live long’ as the old saw goes.
‘Give Your Heart to the Hawks’ the old mountain men used to say.
There is a solitary rapture about gazing up at the seam where sky and mountain
meld which makes one’s heart exalt! The peaks that loom everywhere along the Dudhkoshi River are more than awesome.
20/09/2016: Ultimately this is why Clinton should never be elected President: ‘US Ambassador to Libya
being dragged through the streets before being publicly sodomised and then
murdered’ http://pickeringpost.com/story/murder-of-an-innocent-ambassador/573

20/09/2016: Quote of the Day: "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out,
which is the exact opposite." Bertrand Russell.
19/09/2016: Hornet-Lite Pack
Raft: I see there is a new alternative pack raft on the market: ‘The
Hornet-Lite is the lightest packraft in Kokopelli's fleet weighing in at 4.9
pounds (2223 grams) including the seat. Kokopelli has designed the Hornet-lite
packraft to be functional while reducing weight and maximizing compactness.
This packraft is ideal for crossing rivers, high alpine lake fishing and wide
calm rivers’ so says their description: http://www.kokopellipackraft.com/adventure-series/hornet-lite
It is a bit cheaper at US$525 than (most of) the Alpackas (http://www.alpackaraft.com/) but may not
have the same durability as comparably priced models there. Another cheaper
still choice for flatter water is Klymit’s offering: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/klymit-packraft/
Cheaper still is my Faux Pack Raft: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/home-made-pack-raft/

Pack Raft Links:
19/09/2016: Peter Baldwin was a Left-wing Labor minister. But now he
says the Left has changed into a
neo-fascist force that promotes racism, anti-Semitism and a violent intolerance
of debate:
‘In a nutshell, there has been a comprehensive rejection by
progressive academe of the intellectual inheritance from the Enlightenment, the
“revolution of the mind” that transformed Europe and North
America in the 17th and 18th centuries. The Enlightenment stressed
argumentative rationality and the scientific method. It favoured open debate
of contentious issues, including the ability to freely critique religious
doctrines. It is a universalist vision in which people are seen as members of a
common humanity, each possessing rationality and agency, and not just
creatures of the particular cultural or religious milieu into which they are
Today the “Enlightenment project”, as they now style it, is
typically disparaged by intellectuals of a progressive bent. The ideal of human
universality is discarded in favour of the politics of culture and identity;
the value of reasoned debate questioned as argument is seen as just a mask for
the exercise of power; the quest for objective truth is replaced by an emphasis
on narratives and stories; and the right to strongly critique religion
abrogated, albeit selectively...
Welcome to the leftist Counter-Enlightenment. In Britain and the US some critics have coined the
term “regressive leftism” for this movement. There are two aspects to the
regressive Left ideology. The substantive content of the ideology is identity
politics, the view that people should be seen in their essence not as members
of a common humanity but as bound to a particular identity group...
Note that when members of a particular identity group demand respect
for “oneself as different” they are not talking about respecting each person’s
individuality and agency. On the contrary, they insist that people accept being
defined by their identity and that they stick to the accepted script, the
particular narrative of victimhood, that pertains to their group.
Members of each victim group are urged to claim ownership of —
indeed, to be extremely proprietorial about — all aspects of their culture,
including ephemera such as clothing and cuisine. We must all stick to our own
cultural reservation. To violate this tenet is to commit the high crime of
“cultural appropriation”...
And woe betide anyone who breaches this cardinal rule, as dissenters
from within Islamic culture such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali have found...
They will be pilloried in progressive media and will face attempts
to bar them from speaking on campuses and elsewhere, as when Hirsi Ali was
barred from speaking recently at Brandeis
University in the US at the behest of a coalition of
“progressive” student groups. Then there are the death threats from Islamist
extremists intent on punishing the crime of apostasy. The Council of Ex-Muslims
on Britain
released a report this year detailing how extremist preachers have been given
free rein to speak on British campuses while its own leader, Maryam Namazie, a
leftist from an Iranian background, has been subjected to sustained efforts —
including death threats — to stop her speaking.
These activities consistently have been backed by campus student
organisations including, incredibly, feminist and lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender groups.
The de facto alliance that has developed between the Left and
militant Islam, the most reactionary force in the world today, is the strangest
and most disconcerting political development in my lifetime. If identity
politics is the substantive part of this mutant ideology, the compliance and
enforcement arm is the system of thought control we nowadays term political
According to the PC mindset, someone who openly or even privately
challenges core tenets of identity politics is not just wrong but morally
depraved. Such a person is not to be engaged with argumentatively, but must be
vilified, censored and, where possible, pursued legally using instruments such
as the iniquitous section 18C of our Racial Discrimination Act and equivalents
in other countries...
Regressive Left activists often claim to be fighting against
“fascism” or “the extreme Right”. Ironically, they are the ones who, time and
again, resort to classic 1930s fascist tactics such as wrecking the meetings of
their opponents and in some cases harassing or attacking attendees…’
If you had the slightest doubt that every word Peter writes is
absolute gospel, the bizarre case of Yasmin Abdel-Magied will dispel it. Read: The Worst Article Written By Anyone
Ever: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/09/17/read-worst-article-written-anyone-ever/
19/09/2016: You just can’t
beat human stupidity: http://www.realclearscience.com/blog/2016/09/the_basic_laws_of_human_stupidity.html
18/09/2016: Vapor Barrier:
Whether in hot wet or cold weather humidity is one of the biggest problems. For
example, you must never breathe inside your sleeping bag (or sweat). You are
filling it with water which must be evaporated, so you are making it colder.
There is a solution. The following information is from Stephenson’s Warmlite
page. They also sell VB clothing: http://warmlite.com/vapor-barrier-clothing/

Stephenson's VB Sox
‘Ice, solid water, has very low energy. To melt ice to liquid water
you must add 144 BTUs per lb. (BTU = British Thermal Units = heat energy needed
to warm 1 lb. of water 1°F.) It takes 1080 BTUs to evaporate 1 lb. of water to
water vapor. The amount of water vapor in the air is called humidity, expressed
either as absolute lbs. of water per lb. of air, or as relative, % of the
maximum that could be there at that temperature and pressure. It is common to
refer to water vapor as humidity.
(Steve: I BTU is roughly ¼ of a calorie, so you need approx 18
calories (2.5 ml of meths) to melt 250 ml (1 cup full) of ice and 135 calories
(19 mls meths) to evaporate it). If you think of that in terms of the amount of
food you would need to eat to do the same work you will understand that
handling humidity requires a serious expenditure of energy).
SWEAT is the liquid water your skin exudes from sweat glands
in your skin to COOL you when you are overheated. Unfortunately, that sweat
also contains oils and SALT! Salt and soluble oils are moisture absorbents:
depending on concentration and type of salt and oil, it can take up to 3 times
the heat energy to evaporate water from such absorbents, and all that excess energy
goes into chemical change. You have noticed that initial sweat seems to cool
you much better than later sweat: dried salt and oil resist evaporation, and
release heat to your skin from contact with new sweat (see SUMMIT Oct.’59). A fresh water rinse cools
you and restores the cooling of initial sweat. NOTE that the PURPOSE of sweat
is ONLY to COOL you. Obviously then, at first sign of sweat wetness you MUST
remove any excess insulation (or ventilate to carry off excess HEAT.) If
conditions are cool enough that you need ANY clothing, then you want to
immediately STOP any sweat loss and use convection, conduction, and radiation
to get rid of excess heat. Any moisture lost thru sweat MUST be replaced soon
(which may be difficult or impossible at the time, so it’s best to STOP the
loss when it starts!)
Humans have a problem which we are told other animals don’t
have: the moisture IN our skin evaporates in dry air, thus losing heat and
water. That moisture loss is called “insensible sweat”, which term, like
“military intelligence” is an oxymoron (ie, self contradiction). That
“insensible sweat” is NOT sweat, and IS sensible: you FEEL it cooling you (but
don’t feel it as wetness, thus the “insensible”). Water vapor from evaporation
IN your skin, with it’s high energy, diffuses rapidly thru to outer clothes
where heat is lost. Usually in cold weather the outside relative humidity is
near 100% so outside air can’t accept more humidity, and thus most of that
moisture condenses to cold water, soaks your clothes, disables your insulation,
lowers humidity again, so more chilling evaporation occurs IN your skin,
repeating the cycle of chilling and soaking your clothes. Even if outer fabric
is completely porous the vapor WILL condense where temperature reaches dew point
in the clothes. The outer layer (“breathable” or not) keeps water IN, out of
sight, so you don’t realize you’re losing insulation until later, when
miserably COLD. Evaporative cooling and water loss depends only on the relative
humidity of the air next to your skin, so you have no control over it. Or do
you? (think for a while).
Heat production and loss is not uniformly distributed over our
bodies. We can sweat under our arms while being too cool elsewhere. We detect
changes in temperature only on our skin, but can’t determine absolute
temperature of our body by what we feel on skin: get cold enough to shiver,
then get into a hot tub and you’ll feel too hot while actually being too cold.
As you warm, your skin gets accustomed to the warmth so you don’t feel as hot!
Get out of the hot tub when sweating from overheat and you immediately feel
cold! Dry off and you feel warm. We rely ONLY on wetness of sweat to warn us of
If your heat loss equals production you’re comfortable. If
activity then increases, overheat causes sweat, for evaporative cooling. WHEN
(or IF) you notice wetness from sweat, you’ll vent or remove extra clothes, get
cooling of evaporative or convective heat loss, stop sweating and you’re soon
dry. Wickable underwear moves sweat from overheat away from your skin so you
won’t notice it and it won’t annoy you, (which is fine for comfort indoors or
for short periods). That wicking prevents cooling when and where you need it,
and wets outer clothes so they won’t be warm LATER. Please note that it’s
wickable and moisture absorbing fabric that aids comfort then, not just porous
or so called “breathable” junk. Non wicking polyester, acrylic, Goretex and
similar won’t provide any comfort, so YOU have to constantly adjust insulation
or venting in response to wetness from overheat, (which can be an advantage IF
you’re observant and intelligent enough to do proper adjusting). Heat stroke or
heat exhaustion is caused by not being aware of and correcting for overheat.
Wicking clothing makes you unaware of sweating, so can be dangerous. Instead of
sweat cooling you when needed, it soaks your clothes, reduces insulation and
chills you later when you need the warmth! You won’t notice overheat until
soaked, so delay your normal reaction of venting or removing excess clothing,
until too late. When you tire, slow down or stop, and need your insulation, you
find it is wet and useless. Instead of the sweat which wicks out evaporating,
humidity from within condenses, making outer clothes even wetter. That’s controlled
by the temperature in outer layer(s), not whether they are porous or sealed.
Before you die of hypothermia from believing false ads claiming their
insulation is warm when wet, I suggest you soak your jacket, shake it out and
wear it. Experience just how cold, wet insulation really is! False advertising
won’t keep you warm.
Part of the idea of using wickable underwear for warmth is the
insane idea that your skin continuously LEAKS, so they want to move leaked
moisture away from your skin before it evaporates and cools you. Any kid old
enough to talk can tell you your skin stays dry UNTIL you sweat from OVERHEAT,
and then you WANT evaporative cooling AT your skin. NOTE: Just to confuse you
more, several companies say their materials “wick moisture vapor”, but you know
that wicking only applies to LIQUID, not vapor!
Most of this isn’t a problem if you’re going outside for short
periods with steady activity and not overdressed. But for someone jogging,
skiing, hiking, or mountaineering it can be a very serious matter.
Obviously wicking underwear can’t stop chill of moisture
evaporating from within your skin (misnamed insensible “sweat”), since that
moisture is not on the surface where it can be wicked away. The ONLY way to
reduce that evaporative chilling is to raise humidity next to your skin by
raising humidity in surrounding air (limited to dew point in that air), or by
retaining humidity with vapor barrier (VB) next to the skin. A VB that blocks
95% of evaporative heat and water loss is excellent. (Goretex will block 97%.
They call that 3% loss “breathable”).
If humidity next to your skin reaches 100% (meaning it can’t
hold any more water vapor), evaporation stops, chilling stops, and “insensible
sweat” stops. That’s why a humid day feels warmer than a drying day. (Note that
it’s common to call low humidity dry when the correct term is drying, which low
humidity causes.) A wet rainy day feels colder because the rain acts as a
condenser, removing humidity from the air, leading to drying condition. Often a
“dry” sunny day feels extra hot due to the high humidity the sun has caused by
evaporating water that fell as rain before.
When skin moisturizing can’t keep up with rapid drying, your skin
gets dry, chapped, and is more likely to suffer frostbite. Evaporative chilling
makes 32°F feel like 12°F.
It’s reported that you lose up to four pounds of water each night
thru evaporation of “insensible sweat”, when sleeping in a porous “breathable”
sleeping bag. Weighing of such bags in the morning shows 2 to 4 lbs. increase,
confirming that statement, and also showing that sweat and vapor don’t make it
out of those bags: sweat wicks in, and vapor condenses in the insulation,
leaving the bag wet. The 4320 BTU of heat stolen from you to evaporate 4 lbs.
of sweat is lost at outer surface of your bag, as that sweat condensed to soak
your insulation. It takes 144 BTU to melt one pound of ice. Thus the heat to
evaporate four pounds of sweat is enough to melt 30 pounds of ice! (4 x
1080/144 = 30). Would you take 30 pounds of ICE to bed with you? That’s the
effect you get by not using vapor barrier interior in your sleeping bag.
If you lose 4 pounds of water during 8 hours of sleep you can
expect to lose much more during 16 hours you’re awake and active. That
dehydration can lead to serious impairment of circulation due to thickened
blood, increasing risk of frostbite (thus the good advice to drink LOTS of
fluids in cold dry weather). You can create a warm humid condition around your
body all day with VAPOR BARRIER (VB) clothing, and thus reduce dehydration.
During World War II US cold weather troops used Vapor Barrier
(VB) socks to totally cure frostbite and trench foot. Those led to the vapor
barrier “Korean Bunny Boots”, still the standard for cold weather use. We started
promoting use of VB socks (baggies, bread bags, etc) in 1957, then gloves,
shirts, and in sleeping bags since 1967. Others have sold VB clothes and bag
liners on and off, but the bad response to uncomfortable coated fabrics, poor
education, and problems with tie in bag liners, led most to drop VB.
Manufacturers and retailers want to sell what is EASY, and avoid anything that
requires educating customers. Heavy promotion of “breathable” materials makes
some retailers unwilling to risk big markup sales by telling customers the
whole truth. Often they won’t tell you anything about things they don’t sell.
The most common excuse we hear from manufacturers and sales persons for not
selling VB lined bags and VB clothing is they can’t take the time to explain it
to their customers. Mighty inconsiderate! If you want an honest evaluation of
VB, get it from someone who uses it. If you want to avoid it, ask someone who
hasn’t used it, or sells only “breathable” gear, thus avoiding getting confused
by the facts!
VB in a sleeping bag gives no added warmth when vented but always
protects the insulation from condensation and sweat soaking, thus it’s
advisable to have VB in your bag for ALL seasons. The surface wickability of
Stephensons FUZZY STUFF makes it especially desirable for summer use when
you’re sure to overheat, (even if nude.)
A common argument against VB is actually excess praise FOR VB:
they say VB will ALWAYS overheat you! Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get ALL
needed warmth simply by controlling humidity! Physics limits us to maximum of
20° added warmth from VB. It’s the overheat DETECTION SERVICE that VB provides
(by making you immediately aware of sweat when it starts) which “they” think is
overheat caused by VB: don’t blame the messenger for the message!
Will Steger used “breathable” Quallofil sleeping bags for his
much advertised dog sled trip to the north pole: those 17 lb. bags (almost as
thick as our 4 1/2 lb Goose Down bags) were carried loose on top of sleds “for
best drying”, yet weighed over 52 lbs. in a few weeks from sweat condensing to
ice. Luckily they were flown out from the pole. Meanwhile a Canadian – Soviet
team cross country skied across the pole, using WARMLITE bags they had
purchased, which stayed dry and warm for the whole trip. Will Steger bought
FUZZY STUFF Vapor Barrier liners from us for his Quallofil (read, $500,000
support from Dupont!) bags for the much longer south pole trip and thus kept
the bags dry and warm the whole trip.
VB clothing that doesn’t wick sweat over it’s surface is
likely to be uncomfortable and lead us to frequent insulation changes, or sadly
mislead some into rejecting VB and the benefits it can give them. Proper
comfortable use of VB requires more intelligence and awareness than some people
have, but is made a lot easier with modern VB material having wicking inner
surface, such as FUZZY STUFF.
With VB keeping water vapor and wet sweat out of your sleeping bag
and clothes, you can use ANY fabric, ANY insulation without concern for
wickability, and can use ANY exterior wind breaker without concern for
How do users of VB react? Generally with orders for more VB
clothing and sleeping bags, and recommendations to their friends. From 1967 to
1998 we sold about 9500 VB lined sleeping bags, and only about 1/2% of
customers objected to having to consciously adjust insulation. But even they
agree that VB is good for extra warmth and insulation protection, and most of
those became best promoters of VB! We’ve found many of those people have low
metabolism, need more insulation to stay warm, and thus NEED VB the most! No
matter what one’s metabolism is, the extra heat produced from activity is the
same, and thus the person who wears thicker clothes for warmth when inactive
will sweat more when active due to those extra clothes. To stay dry they must
adjust clothes more. VB underwear helps them notice the need to adjust, and
keeps all outer clothes dry even if they fail to control sweating.
When you are awake and active it is easy to adjust insulation to
avoid overheat without venting VB clothing. When asleep the normal reaction to
overheat is to push covers away, reducing the extra warmth, while VB still
protects the bag from condensation and sweat. Sleeping bags rarely get wet from
outside. Bags without VB ALWAYS get wet from INSIDE condensation and sweat!
Most of you are aware that wind can chill you. If nude, wind
reduces the insulating air boundary layer on your skin, increasing conductive
heat loss thru that layer. Stop the wind, or block it with wind tight fabric,
or get inside a structure, and that chilling stops. Then as you all know,
adding ANY layer of even the most porous clothing makes you warmer. At some
point any additional layer overheats you, which you notice only when you start
to sweat and feel wet. Do a test: In a wind blocking shelter when it’s cool
enough to need a warm jacket, replace the jacket with two thick bulky knit
sweaters (as open a knit and thick as you can find). Soon you’ll start sweating
from the overheat (note that it is only the sweat that tells you that you’re
overheated!) Mere porosity or “breathability” clearly can’t keep you cool.
Replace the thick sweaters with a light raincoat (after you cool down). Soon
you will feel too cool, clearly proving that a simple waterproof coating is not
enough to keep you warm or overheat you, but it can help. Assuming condition
cold enough so you are wearing an undershirt, 1 or 2 insulating shirts, and the
warm jacket: replace just the innermost shirt with a vapor barrier shirt
(lacking a proper one, use a plastic bag with holes cut for head and arms).
Soon you will notice sweat from overheat and will need to remove the jacket to
stop overheat (if smart you’ll speed up the test by not putting the jacket back
on after changing to VB shirt, and will then notice you are as warm as before
and not sweating.) The VB shirt reduces loss of humidity and thus reduces
evaporative cooling at your skin, much like a humid day in summer.
In each case if you carry test to point of overheat, notice
that it is the wet feel of sweat that told you “you are overheated”. Our bodies
are very poor at telling us how warm or cold we are, and skin senses changes
more than absolutes.
VB clothing has many other benefits:
Elimination of condensation in your tent. People who regularly
over dress and rely on wickable clothing to carry away sweat, add much more
humidity to a tent.
If you must change your shirt in less than 3 days due to sweat odors
you will also likely cause excessive condensation in any tent you use. Wearing
VB helps you recognize and correct overheat and unnecessary sweating.
Elimination of sweat odors on clothing and yourself. It’s
obvious how outer clothing is protected. Apparently quick sensing and thus
avoidance of sweating, plus blocking of air circulation that causes sweat to
turn rancid, reduces or eliminates sweat odors on you and the VB clothing as
(Polypropylene underwear is infamous for terrible sweat odors:
apparently it passes sweat so well that people sweat excessively with it
without realizing it. BUT it absorbs all the oils in the sweat, and those oils
turn rancid, stink, and stick to the polypro.)
Reduces dehydration and amount of water you must obtain and
drink. Dehydration is a major contributor to frostbite, hypothermia and altitude
sickness. It thickens your blood, impairs circulation (thus decreases proper
heat and oxygen distribution), and reduces oxygen intake. It’s especially
difficult to drink enough fluids when not wearing VB clothes and ALL your water
most come from melting snow! In several days the weight of fuel saved due to
use of VB can greatly exceed the weight of the VB clothing.
With 1st layer VB you can then wear any kind of material for
outer layers, no matter how uncomfortable or impractical that material might be
otherwise, since you’ll have no concern with it getting wet. Your outer
windbreak layer can be any coated or laminated fabric, preferably NOT
“breathable” so you don’t have to be concerned with dirt causing it to leak.
When weight is a consideration, chose your layers for the most thickness per
pound. Use coated Nylon rain wear windbreaker.
Avoiding winter “colds”: most medical writers say a “cold” is
only a “cold virus infection”, (typically with symptoms of irritated nose and
throat and clear fluid from your nose), which your body self cures in 3 to 7
days. But, your nasal and throat passages usually have lots of all kinds of
infectious bacteria in them, which are harmless to you as long as they can’t
get past mucus surfaces. Virus infection, or bad allergy attack, or dry
irritated nasal passages due to excessively dry air, can ALL let those bacteria
attack, resulting in what we usually know as a “cold” with greenish yellow
nasal discharge, sore throat, cough. Untreated that can last a whole winter, or
be stopped in 3 days with antibiotic. Wearing VB clothes at home allows you to
keep air temperature about 10° cooler resulting in less drying and irritation
of throat and nasal passages.
For some of us with poor circulation to hands and feet, VB
gloves and socks are essential to keep hands and feet warm enough to function
(other common solution is to move to warm climate!)’
18/09/2016: : Paris 2016 Gone to Hell https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=186&v=ju79YT_lBVI
18/09/2016: Merkel Meets With
German CEOs To Address 99.97% Unemployment Among ‘Highly Unqualified’
Migrants: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-15/merkel-meets-german-ceos-address-9997-unemployment-among-highly-unqualified-migrants
17/09/2016: Listen to the
oldest melody in the world — 3400 years old. ‘The hymn was discovered on a
clay tablet in Ugarit, now part of modern-day Syria, and is dedicated the
Hurrians’ goddess of the orchards Nikkal...The clay tablet text, which was
discovered alongside around 30 other tablet fragments, specifies 9 lyre strings
and the intervals between those strings – kind of like an ancient guitar
tab..... The notation here is essentially a set of instructions for intervals
and tuning based around a heptatonic diatonic scale’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx6v0t5I5SM
17/09/2016: This is
incredible: the Fair Work Commission want ISIS
handling our airport baggage. I would have thought being a Moslem alone would
have disqualified someone from working in such an obvious terrorism target: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/posting-support-for-the-islamic-state-is-no-joke/news-story/1e34030371b190011b5f3c05c52df245
17/09/2016: Pauline’s maiden speech: Most Australians will find it difficult to disagree with a single word
of it. Read it in full here: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/pauline-hanson-her-speech/news-story/f88e669efe306b64f383084cb03fbf7a
The Left’s attempt to ‘fact check’ Pauline Hanson throw up the chestnut that
there are more Buddhists in Australia whilst ignoring the fact that none of
them has caused any problems at all! http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/more-buddhists-so-why-are-muslims-more-trouble-isnt-pauline-hanson-right/news-story/078d0cba0285b2cc8d0870c72785a848
16/09/2016: 580,000 who ought
not be on the public purse – and that is only the tip of the iceberg: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/editorial-we-need-a-neet-and-tidy-solution-to-these-bludgers/news-story/303abcf36e6c54744b4a908685f20166
16/09/2016: Should be compulsory reading. In the past we tried to prevent or cure epidemics: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/11/opinion/sunday/before-you-spend-26000-on-weight-loss-surgery-do-this.html
16/09/2016: When
we place restrictions on the good instead of dire sanctions on the bad we
invite such incidents: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/09/07/1950-to-2010-not-one-mass-public-shooting-where-citizens-could-be-armed/
15/09/2016: Unsung Genius:
Stephenson’s Warmlite: Jack Stephenson invented the inflatable insulated
mattress way back in 1958. Their Down Air mattress (DAM http://warmlite.com/down-air-mattress-alone/)
is now available in a stand alone for US$140 in a variety of sizes. One of the
things most to like about it is its width – it comes in from 22” (56cm) through
to 28” (71cm) & in a variety of lengths. People our size would be fine with
their smallest models (from 65” (163cm) by 22” (56 cm) and 20 oz (570 grams).
Lots of people probably find like I do that their elbows fall off the edge of
‘standard’ 20” (50cm) hiking mats. Probably I would opt for their Model 60 at
70” (178 cm) by 24” (61cm) by 22 oz (627 grams). It is a stretch up from my
current Thermarest Neoair Xlite Womens at 20” (50 cm) by 66” 168 cm) and 340 grams and 12 oz (340 grams) and R 3.9
I know, but may be worth it for the comfort!

List of key ultralight innovations introduced by Stephenson’s
— Leader in use of ultralight 700-800 fill power down.
Jack Stephenson (Our Founder) worked hard on perfecting down sleeping bags
between 1955-1957, after a miserable trip to Rocky
Mountain National
Park with his new wife in 1955 had been saved by a personal
visit to Alice
and Roy Holubar, and purchase of Holubar’s down bags. After these few years of
development work, Stephenson’s fluffy wonder bags covered with ultra-light
nylon were introduced to the public in 1958, chiefly in Dick Kelty’s store in Glendale, California
— Warmlite was a real Leader in use of ultralight nylon
materials derived from the sailing industry to replace heavy cotton
and polyester cotton materials then in use in all tents, packs and clothing.
For decades, since about 1956, we have used 1.1 oz. ripstop nylon
for our bags and clothing, eschewing the heavier 1.9 oz. which became the
standard when Eddie Bauer began using it during this same time period.
— Leader in use of a variety of exotic aerospace-derived
materials for superlight, superstrong packs, sleeping bags and tents—
products which still rival or surpass the lightest of the most modern
ultralight gear. Examples include “gold mylar” tent material and aluminized
fabrics for heat retention and heat rejection (eg. on tent canopies).
— Leader in the use and modern application of Vapor Barriers
in outdoor clothing and sleeping bags. We experimented with
various vapor barrier materials (VB) finally perfecting a “warm fuzzy” material
that went a long way toward making the VB more comfortable to the wearer.– Hip-Carry
Packs with true padded waistbelts. Out “Jack Pack” was being sold
with a fully-padded, hip-carry suspension system in 1963, a full ten years
before Kelty packs began to use padded hip belts!
— Creator of a major new tent design which has become one of
the two or three major new tent designs of the Twenty-first Century.
The Warmlite design (the Elliptical Arc) threw out the heavy A-frame design
tents used everywhere during the first half of the
Twentieth-first Century, replacing it with an extremely strong,
lightweight, 4-season hoop design constructed with high-tech materials and
requiring only 3-4 tent stakes even in severe weather. After 40 years,
Stephenson tents are still lighter/stronger than nearly anything else available.
Please note that within the modern ultralight hiking movement, one must take
care to compare truly comparable products, eg. in the tent category, one should
not confuse 10 or 12 oz. ultralight shelters (most with no floors and requiring
6-12 stakes) with the Warmlite tent, which is a true 4-season tent with a full
floor and the strength to withstand any possible extreme weather combination of
rain, wind, and snow.
— Creator of the DAM We created an air
mattress filled with ultra-high quality down, held in place by baffled channels
(DAM = “down-filled air-mattress”)…Our 20 oz. creation was inflated by use of a
large stuff-sack, which kept damaging body moisture out of its interior. We had
experimented with prototypes of it as early as 1958, but it was not officially
added to theWarmlite product line until 1973-74. In very recent years, the new
Ultralight backpacking movement has encouaged a new interest in this product.
15/09/2016: Good on you
Pauline! In her maiden speech she has called for a ban on Muslim
immigration, new mosques, the burqa and halal certification payments. She says
Islam and its "hyper-masculine culture" is incompatible with our
society, and claims Muslims "bear a culture and ideology which is
incompatible with our own…Too many Australians are afraid to work alone at
night. They are afraid of terrorism.” She notes high rates of imprisonment and
welfare in Muslim communities. She claims that if we do not resist Islam we
will live under sharia law, since Islam demands Muslims live in a theocracy.
Her speech is a good start but I don’t think she goes far enough. The danger
from Islam is much greater. We will need to do more still to dismantle that
threat to our country. She needed to articulate a plan to wind back numbers
over time, withdrawal of citizenship, deportation etc, outlaw this evil
ideology utterly, confiscate its property, dismantle all the mosques… The
Greens have walked out in protest. So did Labor's Pat Dodson and Nick
Xenophon's Senators. They should be expelled from parliament and their seats
declared vacant for their refusal to listen politely to views which were
endorsed by millions of Australians when they elected the four One Nation
senators. In the ACT their new anti blasphemy laws go in the opposite
direction, so that what Pauline said in the House and this post would be
criminal: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/act-parliament-passes-religious-vilification-laws-20160804-gqlagu
Hers is a very fine speech. Read it in full here: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/pauline-hanson-her-speech/news-story/f88e669efe306b64f383084cb03fbf7a
15/09/2016: Hilary Liar:
I think the tag has stuck completely now and she is finished. The latest
bizarre ‘health’ problems just underline all those lies going back to her claim to be named
after Sir Edmund Hilary (she was born in 1947), firings at the White House
Travel Office, her claim that she braved sniper fire in Bosnia, her repeated
lies about her secret email setup as secretary of state, the Benghazi ‘affair,’
the Clnton Foundation…when people see the weird head nodding, the brain
freezes, her sudden drops …the refusal to hold a press conerence for nearly a
year for fear of these symptoms on camera, they just (deservedly) give up on
her: http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/archives/28709-Hillarys-life-and-lies.html
& http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/09/11/what-benghazi-attack-taught-me-about-hillary-clinton.html

Malcolm Roberts' first speech as a One
Nations Senator shows perhaps that a
conservative party can drive the agenda: Speaking about the United Nations,
Mr Roberts called the organisation a “socialist monolithic monster” full of
“unelected swill. We need an Aus-exit,” he said. “The people of Australia
are desperate to regain our sovereignty. We need to rebuild our nation.” He also
questioned modern climate science, saying that global temperatures have not
been rising since 1995. Temperatures are now cooler than 130 years ago and this
is the reverse of what we’re blatantly told by the Bureau of Meteorology that
has manipulated cooling trends into false warming trends. I have used
freedom-of-information requests, correspondence and reports from the heads of
the CSIRO, the Bureau of Meteorology, the UN [and] universities to show there
is no data proving human use of hydro-carbon fuels effects climate. None. “Yet
the core climate claim is that carbon dioxide from our human activity will one
day, some day, catastrophically warm our planet.” Mr Roberts also thanked his
party leader Pauline Hanson for bringing the party to the point where it had
four elected Senators. “Twenty years ago, Pauline, the establishment ridiculed
you. At the same time, they quietly started implementing some of your
policies.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnfEi740iQU
14/09/2016: A
Do Nothing Prime Minister. He has to go: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/turnbulls-year-of-nothing--compare-his-record-to-abbotts/news-story/49aed5d00be58fed9eabeb89222496ec
You will also note that the Libs are trailing 48:52 in the polls today.
14/09/2016: Jack Webb
Dragnet - The Big Departure Speech (1966?). Just as true today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZo2hhvvlpw
13/09/2016: This
would explain a lot: Hillary Clinton's Illness Revealed:
Clearly she/they can’t just keep on going along like this. If she doesn’t pull
out she will hand Trunp the Presidency whether he deserves it or not (he does).
If she does they have a chance with a fresh face untainted by the Clinton corruption, the Benghazi affair, the lies & etc. Lots of
important folks in the US
must be thinking tonight, ‘What to do?’
13/09/2016: The
Global Warming Debate is Over: Articulate citizens
have understood this all along. The mismatch between cause and effect was just
too great (notwithstanding unexplained fluctuations in temperature in the past
(the 1930s having been the hottest period in the last century and the 1940s the
coldest for example). It is long since time to put this issue aside (and all the money wasted over it): http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/09/is-the-global-warming-debate-over.php
& https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/09/11/feedback-on-feedbacks/
12/09/2016: Ultralight
Glasses Case: If you have got to my age (or had other bad luck) you no
doubt need glasses. I now wear progressive frameless titanium glasses (14
grams) all the time, but I also need a spare pair in case I lose or break them.
The quite lightweight case they came in from Zenni weighs 47 grams. I knew I
could do better.

This is 350 ml (12 oz) PET drink bottle I cut down with a craft
knife (I should have left a tiny bit more of the neck) and some bubble wrap =
12 grams, a saving over over an ounce ie more than the weight of a muesli bar
on the trail, or more than enough weight of fuel (metho) to cook a meal. Every
little bit of weight saved helps lighten the load and means you can go a little
bit further, easier.
Indeed switching to these frameless glasses (two pairs) also saved
me over an ounce (28.5 grams)! I have simply rolled the glasses up in the bubble
wrap and squeezed them through the neck. These flexible titanium frames are
quite difficult to break anyway: you can just about stand on them, so they will
be fine in the ‘possibles’ bag in my pack.
See also:
12/09/2016: DFAT
warned of this danger before the 2007 election. Both
Howard and Rudd vowed to prevent it by restricting immigration from North Africa. The upshot was this did not happen. You
might think about investing in shares in home security businesses as this may
be the main growth area in much of our suburbs: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/why-do-we-need-barbed-wire-to-protect-our-homes/news-story/6f58f3d43fea8aea5af5d9bd1a7ac4a1
12/09/2016: ‘The
child is father of the man.’ No surprise really: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160907-clues-to-your-personality-appeared-before-you-could-talk
‘My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.’ William
11/09/2016: Linelok Pack Tie
Down: For those who don’t sew – or who don’t need to sew: You can use these
wonderful little Clam Cleat Lineloks and some eg 2mm Spectra/Dyneema to lash
your excess gear to your pack. I always use these lineloks on my tents and
tarps: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-perfect-guy-line-for-a-hiking-tenttarp/
Here is my Klymit pack raft (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/klymit-packraft/)
attached to my Zpacks Blast (Zero http://www.zpacks.com/backpacks/zero.shtml)
@ 200 gram pack:

Here’s how to rig them:

Clam Cleats are available here in eg packs of 100 http://www.cleats.co.uk/browse-by-product/line-lok-guy-runners/cl266-mini-line-lokr-for-1-3mm-lines.html
Also available locally (Oz - and quickly) here: http://www.tiergear.com.au/11/online-shop/clamcleat-cl266-mini-line-loks
I find the Glow-in-the-Dark best. I always use the reflective line for guys etc
too, eg: http://www.tiergear.com.au/11/online-shop/reflective-glowire-15metres
The Clam Cleats are made by these folk: http://www.clamcleat.com/products/cleats-for-1-6mm-rope/cleats-rigged-on-a-rope-24.html
who have some other interesting stuff.
See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/attaching-tie-downs-to-your-pack/
11/09/2016: Victoria will move further into the economic doldrums as a result of the ban on drilling. Though there are fields like this
out there just waiting for us (as Lakes Oil’s drilling has hinted), we are
depriving ourselves of their benefits. Our competitors will not commit the same
economic suicide that Commissar Dan Andrews mandates for us: http://money.cnn.com/2016/09/08/investing/apache-huge-oil-discovery/index.html
11/09/2016: A
Jewish Shakespeare? Update on the Bard’s portrait: http://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/43981
10/09/2016: A Thrush Passes:
We have lived in this house now for over 25 years. For all that time (and who
knows how much time before?) we have shared our home with a female grey thrush.
For many years she was without a mate, then one miraculously arrived. She nested
three times that first year – always in a hole in our mud brick wall where we
have yet to lay the last brick. We cannot: it is the thrush’s home too. She
raised eight chicks that first year. Each year since she raised at least two
During this winter I spotted some grey feathers in the garden and
was concerned that a cat or fox had taken her. Today a thrush was singing in
the nest once more, but it was not she. One of her daughters almost certainly,
but a voice has been stilled here at Jeeralang Junction. She may be no more,
but the valley rings to the songs of her many decendants yet.
She was ever a cheerful and friendly bird, with her clear call of,
‘Cho, Cho Wee!’ I would whistle an answer and she would come to say, ‘Hello’
and practice a medley of birdsong with me. Never quite in arm’s reach but ever
so near; she would sit on a twig or perhaps the back of a verandah chair close
by. We would sing a round or three. Her daughter’s call is more like, ‘Cho wee,
Cho wee, wee’. I answer her with her mother’s song. She cranes her head to the
side and gazes at me quizzically. We have a sort of understanding perhaps.
PS: News of her death may be premature. Just as I was posting this
right now, a thrush landed just outside the window, not 3′ away. The
familiar ‘Cho, Cho, Wee’ seemed to ring out loud and clear. I can hear her yet
moving around the garden. She has just answered me thrice! She is back for one
more year then. How long do song thrushes live I wonder?

Here she is on 27 September 2014 in her favourite spot in the
unfinished wall working on another clutch of her many decendants. I shall miss
10/09/2016: Our local council
rates are not enough to pay the wages and superannuation of its employees.
This Italian town has taken such shenanigans to an even higher plane: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-14/half-municipal-employees-small-italy-town-arrested-fraud
10/09/2016: There is a new
game in town: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/peppers-punch-pupils/news-story/e12197be51a9ddf69a4f712e7f3511d0
Modifying/Shortening Hiking Mats: Sometimes hiking mats just come in the
wrong length or width. For example, I would like a wider pad but they only come
very much longer. Is it possible to cut a bit off them and reseal them? Yes it
is. Here are some links on how to do just that:

How to Cut and Reseal a Neoair - On The Trail - Episode #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kumSl-cbLlY
Shorten Neoair: https://backpackinglight.com/forums/topic/73403/#625778
How to shorten a full length self-inflatable mattress: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoRTAeKcA0w
Resizing a Therm-a-rest Evolite Sleeping Pad: https://hikelighter.com/2016/08/16/resizing-a-therm-a-rest-evolite-sleeping-pad/
Resizing the Massdrop x Klymit Static V Ultralight Sleeping Pad: https://hikelighter.com/2016/08/09/resizing-the-massdrop-x-klymit-static-v-ultralight-sleeping-pad/
Below are two mats I would consider cutting down to produce a mat
which has more width comfort:
Thermarest XLite Large: 25” (63 cm) by 77” (196cm) by 16 oz (460
grams) R 3.2 If I cut this down to the same dimensions as my XLite Womens it
would weigh 394 grams. Only 54 grams for that much increase in comfort!
Thermarest Neo Air All Seasons Large 25” (63 cm) by 77” (196cm) by
25 oz (710 grams) R 4.9 2 If I cut this down to the same dimensions as my XLite
Womens it would weigh 608 grams.
I could cut an unnecessary 6” off Della’s XLite Women’s saving her
10% of its weight (or 34 grams)!
You might also want to trim a mat to make it more mummy shaped – and
to save weight.
Other modifications: Erin McKittrick and her husband Hig during
their ‘ A Long Trek Home’ (http://www.groundtruthtrekking.org/Book/)
cut down their Thermarest self inflators by cutting a hole (roughly) in the
middle of them through which they could push their head. They then passed a
string/belt around themselves and the mattress creating a makeshift life
9/09/2016: Bushbuddy Stove:
The original wood burning double walled secondary combustion wood gasifier
stove. We have owned the ‘Ultra’ (145 gram) model of this stove for many years
and have used it innumerable times. Apart from some expected blackening it
shows no sign of wear and still works perfectly. We use the stove on longer
trips (to save fuel) and where open fires are prohibited such as some National
Parks. As you can see from the picture the stove will not generate enough heat
at the bottom to scorch the ground or ignite anything there. I was given the
lighter Suluk alternative as a present, so I usually carry it now. Even in
relatively treeless areas (or very wet areas) you can usually find enough dry
twigs to light such as stove and boil the billy.

Of course my egg Ring stove http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-egg-ring-ultralight-wood-burner-stove/
is much lighter, but it will scorch the ground. I personally do not see this as
a problem: over the years I have observed that there are many plants which have
clearly evolved to grow after such small fires (not surprising when one considers
the long prehistory of human habitation of the Australian continent. Indeed I
have observed that there are plants which rapidly colonise an old campfire site
which grown nowhere else!
The Bushbuddy was originally invented by Fritz Handel of http://bushbuddy.ca/indexs.html
& now made by his apprentice Jeff Tinker (sic!) of: http://www.nomadicstovecompany.com/#!/our-story/
A Titanium version (86 grams) is manufactured by: http://www.suluk46.com/products%20%20-%20P14%20TDW%20Stove.html
‘About the BUSHBUDDY
Like the Bushbuddy Ultra, this stove was designed to provide the cooking needs
of one or two people, but can also serve the needs of a family or small group
if two stoves are carried.
It weighs just 5 1/2 oz, and makes a compact package 4 1/4" in diameter
and 3 3/4" high when nested (the same size as the Bushbuddy Ultra), which
will fit inside the Snow Peak Trek 900 titanium pot, and many other pots of
similar or larger capacity. It's compact size and light weight make it ideally
suited to the needs of the backpacker, cyclist, and other outdoor travelers.
Because it burns wood, it is a very economical stove to use.
There is also no need to carry your fuel with you wherever wood is available
(it does not need batteries), making it useful for long trips, or when
traveling in remote areas of the world where liquid fuels may not be available.
It is aircraft friendly too.
Under good conditions (protected from wind and rain and with a lid on the pot)
the BUSHBUDDY can boil one quart of water in about 8-10 minutes. It is a very
efficient stove, consuming only about 14 oz. of wood per hour at maximum heat,
less at lower heat.
Because of its unique design which uses a double wall around the firebox to
preheat secondary combustion air, you will find that you can burn wood as
cleanly as a candle.
Just be sure to use dry wood only, and add it at regular intervals to
maintain an open flame.
The BUSHBUDDY is made of high quality 18% chrome 8% nickel stainless steel for
many years of trouble free use. The grate is made of nichrome wire, as in the
Bushbuddy Ultra, for the longest possible life.
First custom made for Ryan Jordan of Backpackinglight magazine, for his
Arctic 1000 trek in June of 2006, this stove features the same efficient
combustion design as the regular Bushbuddy, but in a lighter weight (5 ounces,
instead of 6.5 ounces for the regular model). The two stoves are identical in
Specs are:
Can boil 1 liter of water in 8-10 minutes
(will take longer under adverse
Weight 5.1 ounces
Size 4 1/4" diameter by
3 3/4" high
For compact storage, this stove is designed to nest inside the Snow
Peak Trek 900 (.9L) titanium pot, but
will also fit inside many other pots of
similar or larger capacity. (Because of the light weight construction of
this stove, it is essential to protect it by storing it in your cookpot.).
To assemble : Place the stove on the ground with the ring of holes at ground level;
the upper section of the stove from within the firebox, invert it and
it on top of the stove.
Where to set up : The stove will not perform well in windy
conditions. It is very important to set the stove up in a sheltered area or to
create a windbreak. Any time spent in searching for or creating shelter will be
more than repaid in time saved waiting for water to boil.
The BUSHBUDDY can be safely placed directly on a wooden surface such as an
outdoor picnic table, and it will not scorch it in normal use. If you set up
the stove on the ground, clear the surrounding area of flammable materials like
grass or leaves, because the fire sometimes tosses out sparks. The stove can be
picked up and moved to a new location while burning if you are careful to hold
only the lower base section. (In hot weather you may need to use gloves or pot
Do not use the stove indoors unless you have a means of venting the exhaust
gases to the outdoors, such as a teepee with a vent at the top.
To start a fire : Use only dry wood. When other fire starting
materials are not available, make three or four short fuzz sticks with your
knife. Also collect a handful of small dry twigs or split some fine kindling.
Light one of the fuzz sticks and place it in the firebox so the flames will
climb up the shavings. Add a second fuzz stick, and as the fire grows, some of
the fine kindling. If the fire begins to die down, add a third fuzz stick, and
then some more kindling. Once the fire is burning well, you can begin adding
bigger pieces of wood. The chief cause of difficulty in starting a fire is
using wood that is not really dry; in particular avoid using stuff found lying
on the ground to start a fire, even if it seems dry.?
Although the stove can be fed with nothing more than twigs broken up by hand,
bigger solid pieces of wood will be found much more satisfactory, burning longer
with less feeding of the fire. An easy way to cut the short pieces of wood
needed is to place the wood over a log and nick each side with an ax, then hit
the end with the poll of the ax to break it off. Or, a small saw such as the on
a Leatherman tool or Swiss Army Knife can be used to nick each side of the wood
lightly, so that it can be easily broken to length. This saves the effort of
sawing right through. With an ax, however, larger diameter pieces of wood (such
as a small dead tree) can be utilized too, by first splitting and then breaking
into shorter pieces. (Lean any leftover wood against a tree to keep it dry for
future use by yourself or others.) Twigs, chips, roots, bark, and pine cones
all make good fuel once the fire is going well, if they are reasonably dry.
Under rainy conditions anything lying on the ground is sure to be too damp. The
driest wood available is often the lower dead branches of living trees,
particularly conifers such as spruce which shelter their lower branches. If in
doubt about the availability of good dry wood at the campsite, collect some
along the trail when the opportunity arises, and take it with you.
Cooking : A frying pan or pot can be placed directly on the
stove, and wood can be fed to the fire through the opening in the upper section
without removing the pot. With a little experience, the heat can be controlled
to some extent by regulating the amount of fuel added to the fire. For example,
to simmer a pot of rice once it has boiled, add only one medium sized piece of
wood at a time and then only just when the flames are about to go out. (If the
flames do go out, add a small chip of wood only, and wait for the flames to
re-ignite and raise the firebox temperature, before adding more wood.)
For longer or more gentle simmering, it is better to suspend the pot a little
above the stove. One of the simplest ways to do this is by using the
traditional dingle stick (a stick jammed into the ground at an angle, with a
rock or log placed in the angle formed with the ground). The pot is hung on the
end of the stick, and can be raised or lowered by adjusting the position of the
supporting rock or log. Suspending the pot has other advantages too, among them
a reduced likelihood of accidentally spilling it, (especially if the ground is
not firm), and a cleaner burning fire with easier feeding. If you have a very
large pot or bucket to heat, two stoves can be placed under a suspended pot.
To sterilize water : If you are unsure of the safety of
your water supply, bringing it to a rolling boil will kill any
microorganisms--no need for prolonged boiling. Boiling will not protect you
from chemical contamination.
Using the BUSHBUDDY as a campfire : In moderate weather,
the stove makes a great alternative to an open campfire, providing light,
warmth and cheer while conserving firewood.
Safety : Use the stove where open campfires are permitted.
The stove can toss out sparks (due to tiny steam explosions of slightly damp
wood), something that a liquid fueled stove does not do. Set the stove up in an
area cleared of combustible materials like leaves and grass, and watch for any
sparks tossed out. Before leaving your campsite, dump any remaining charcoal on
bare earth and thoroughly drench it with water.’
8/09/2016: Feeling is better than doing, surely? Why else would all nine of the
‘black lives matters’ protesters at London City airport be white, or why their
‘alternative’ agenda was that ‘climate
change is racist’? What isn’t racist these days - other than those folks
claiming to belong to one other than simply ‘human’ and requiring special
privileges for doing so.? I could make a long list; it would include spelling,
maths, manners, punctuality, capitalism…BTW: How did these folk get that
structure onto the tarmac (and erected) without being stopped by security?
‘They had only one job’ as the saying goes:
8/09/2016: This headline reinforces an interesting perspective: we too must
have nearly 9 million people not in the labour force. Now, I understand a
number of these folk are ‘children’ (which used to mean under 15!) and some are
of ‘independent means’. Still, this leaves a
startling number of people who force the rest of us to support them. The
question is, ‘Why do we allow this tyranny?’ http://cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/94391000-not-labor-force-labor-force-participation-stuck-628
7/09/2016: Well, I had long thought I
was bad just because I was a man, but now this is confirmed: https://pjmedia.com/drhelen/2016/08/31/is-your-manliness-hurting-the-planet/?singlepage=true
7/09/2016: I am fairly horrified that young Besim has been handed 10 years (and
that the Federal Government may legislate to make this ‘the term of his natural
life’) for his Anzac Day ‘plot’. I think
one should weigh the seriousness of this plot with his associated plot to fill
the pouch of a kangaroo with C4 plastic explosive and set it loose to blow up policemen.
He had (apparently) bought a knife (which would in truth have allowed him to
carry out his Anzac Day ‘conspiracy’ – but then any other of us who also own a
knife could do the same (if we were of a mind to, or half a mind – as in Besim’s case, I suspect), but in order to take the ‘kangaroo conspiracy’
seriously surely Besim would have to have had either a kangaroo, some C4,
instructions on how to train a kangaroo…you know, something substantive! An
even worse outcome from this imbroglio is what he will (likely) become in gaol
– and what others who are sent to gaol will become - being trained in that
‘university of crime’. Note the case of ‘Yorkshire Ripper’ Peter Sutcliffe in
the news clipping here: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/theyll-take-anyone/news-story/fc08d482b935e9c1ea07dd4c44fa2aaf
If he needs to become a Moslem, you have to ask yourself about the
‘desirability’ of sending anyone to gaol, especially Moslems (who clearly would
benefit the country more if they were deported instead). Of course, I have long
argued that gaols should be abolished, that people should be punished
immediately for their crimes, either with fines and sanctions or physical
punishments, ostracism or death. Gaols are not, and never were ‘penitentiaries’
or places where people would become better. They are almost universally places
where people will become worse. There is
no sane benefit to society in making people worse.
6/09/2016: How to Magnetise a
Screwdriver: If you have a mobile phone which looks
something like this you are going to be unscrewing some very tiny screw before
you can fix it. They are almost impossible to pick up (at least with my ancient
arthritic fingers, and likewise to find when you (certainly) drop them – so you
need to know how to do this. And it is just as simple as the picture shows.
Wrap a length of insulated wire around the screwdriver then touch the ends a
couple of times to opposite poles of a 12 volt battery (possibly not one
installed in pone of these modern computerised cars which may not like it). You
just have to run a current through the coil for a little while and the metal
tip of the screwdriver will become magnetised and will remains so – often for a
very long time depending on the steel alloy it is made from. That done you are
ready to tackle those tiny screws.

I had not attempted a mobile phone repair before – I only graduated
to a smart phone a bit over a year ago when I discovered its wonderful
mapping/GPS functions – but I will have a go at petty much anything, and I
succeeded first time in replacing the LCD & screen. Next time I will have a
go at ungluing the glass screen with a heat gun and replacing it (very
carefully). The screens only cost about $2 on the net so it is a knack worth
PS: A tempered glass screen protector will apparently prevent many
such screen mishaps. They too are only about $2 on eBay!
6/09/2016: Mozzie Nets: Lots of folks eschew tarps for tents because they fear they will be
invaded by vast swarms of biting and stinging beasties of various ilks, but
mostly I find the weight and (usually) the inconvenience/unreliability of
zippers is not worth the relatively rare times that need arises.

I admit there are some spots where the hordes of sandflies or
mozzies can be quite daunting (and March flies here in Oz are sometimes quite
dreadful) but most things can’t sting or bite through well chosen clothing (or
your sleeping bag), the critters arrive in great numbers every time you leave
or enter your shelter anyway, and all you needed to carry really was a head net
(which can also deter flies from bothering you and works while you are walking)
and such a head net need only weigh 11 grams (!) as in this iteration from Sea
to Summit: http://www.seatosummit.com.au/products/bug-protection/nano-mosquito-headnets/?ref=outdoor so I misdoubt the desirability of lugging
around up to a kilogram of netting inside which you will always be killing
sandflies, mozzies etc anyway.
That being said, I am working on
Nano Noseeum mesh doors for my http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-deer-hunters-tent/
which I will close without zippers and which (at .7 oz/yd2) will weigh only
about an ounce or 30 grams (the mesh is available here: http://www.tiergear.com.au/11/online-shop/no-see-um-mesh)
for such rare occasions as I find myself camped out in sandfly heaven, eg at
the Grant Burn on the South Coast track Fiordland NZ: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/south-coast-track-fiordland-nz-waitutu-to-westies/) You can slowly eliminate the
sandflies/mozzies which invade your (netted) tent by clapping your hands
together to kill them as they circle below your suspended lantern of a night (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/mini-super-torch-a-weeks-light-weighs-50-grams/)
– or you can carry a mini atomiser bottle of insect spray.
6/09/2016: Compare and contrast: ‘Well,
a fish rots from the head, doesn’t it? Indeed, these failings are the
defining characteristics of a government headed by a clueless egotist who has
achieved not one thing of importance in the year since he became prime
minister.’ http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/how-i-found-turnbulls-two-fatal-flaws/news-story/1a42df5c27eb76a6b2cf49e3133588ea
with:Miranda from 2013: ‘Tony Abbott…is
the candidate who connects with Labor’s heartland. He likes a drink, he’s a
volunteer firefighter and surf club member. He doesn’t wear Zegna suits. He’s
been going on holiday on the NSW south coast with the same families for 20
years. His roots in student politics were in the old Catholic arm of Labor, the
DLP, not the toffy Young Liberals. His ordinary rugged blokeyness, and his
instinctively moral language, strikes a chord in middle Australia. This is why Labor fears
him more than any Liberal…voters are glimpsing a man who defies the
characterisation of his enemies. They hear the testimony of a survivor of the
2005 Bali bombing who credits Abbott, on holiday with his family at the time,
with saving his life’! http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/mirandadevine/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/kevin_rudd_cant_even_get_insults_right/
6/09/2016: Plus ca Change: Ancient
Israelis were ahead of the rest of us too: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4846834,00.html
5/09/2016: The Twelve Woodlores: Ray
Mears. Some excellent advice from the introduction
of Ray’s excellent ‘The Survival Manual’. If you have not caught up yet with
Ray, you should. He is the original of these poor copies such as bear Grylls
having trained the SAS and others for years in survival skills. You can get a
taste of his style here: https://www.youtube.com/user/RayMearsBushcraft
or purchase his books and DVDs here: https://www.raymears.com/

1. ‘Don't challenge Nature, challenge yourself: Occasionally you
will hear people talking about beating the elements by conquering a mountain or
crossing an ice cap or some such brave deed. The truth is that the challenge is
internal. Have you the skill? Can you overcome your fear? No one can beat the
elements; all those who fail to heed the warning signs or have the stupidity to
press ahead regardless, die. Instead of taking unnecessary risks challenge
yourself to know when to turn back; learn to be more skilful; above all
challenge yourself to better understand the way nature works.
2. If you're roughing it, you're doing something wrong: Any fool can
be uncomfortable, you gain no points for carrying a heavy backpack, or for any
deeds of self-imposed endurance. While you may train for an expedition by
roughing it, if there is a way of making yourself more comfortable, without the
effort becoming a disadvantage, do so. In emergency situations in particular,
just a small amount of hardship can prove to be fatal once your level of morale
has dropped.
3. Always give z00% effort the first time: Whether shelter building,
firelighting, or whatever, if you don't set about it in the right way the first
time you are wasting your energy and will simply have to start from scratch
4. Aim to achieve maximum efficiency for the minimum effort: To work
you need energy; for energy you need food. In the outdoors finding food is
work. When you gather your firewood for your fire do you carry large armfuls to
the log pile or do you only fill your hands?
5. Never pass by an opportunity: This is very important. As you
travel along, should you find suitable water, food or firelighting materials,
gather them as you pass since you may not have the opportunity later when they
are needed. This is particularly true of fire building materials where by the
end of a day's travel it may be raining or have rained earlier soaking the
available tinder. Many of my old shirts and jackets have birch bark pieces in
the pockets that I gathered some years ago now.
6. As far as you can, adapt your expectations to a level which you
can meet given the circumstances: If you cannot build a large comfortable
shelter, be satisfied with a small shelter. If there is not a wide variety of
wild foods available to you, be grateful for the one type you can eat. Make
your psychology work for you. Be realistic—make yourself comfortable but do not
overwork yourself to achieve this: it's no use building a palatial shelter if
you then collapse with exhaustion inside it. But also do not underestimate what
you can achieve.
7. Only eat that which you have positively identified as edible: Do
not trust taste tests or in any way experiment with unfamiliar plants or other
materials for use as food. The only real way to eat in safety and confidence is
to learn what can be eaten and just how to prepare the food before you set out.
If this seems like hard work you should not be eating wild foods.
8. Suspect all water as being infected: Even the cleanest, coolest
most alluring water may well be contaminated; you cannot tell at a glance. Boil
or purify all water—check in particular for signs of chemical pollution, this
may be concentrated by boiling!
9. The state of your fire is directly proportionate to your level of
morale: Whatever your level of morale, if you can light a fire it will be
raised, but if you fail it will plummet like a stone. If you are not confident
of your ability to light a fire in the rain it may well be better to wait until
the rain stops before trying.
10. Whenever gathering your resources use natural selection as your
guide, this is the `way' of nature: Leave the strong, harvest the weak; when
gathering food you should always leave a proportion of healthy plants,
shellfish or whatever to continue the line. By this lore stronger healthy
creatures will have the best chances for survival and thereby proliferate in
the future.
11. Take only memories leave only footprints: Wherever possible
minimise your impact upon the natural environment, and always aim to leave a
campsite in a better state than you found it.
12. Be fit, able to swim and do not give in: Every single skill or technique
which follows is easier to learn and master if you are fit. The outdoors is
filled with risks and the danger of unpredictable circumstances. Your fitness
may well be your last line of defence in such circumstances.
These lores are the guide to successful backwoodsmanship, but in
writing them I have assumed that you are able to carry out basic first aid. If
you cannot you should attend a course run by an organised body such as the Red
Cross. Almost invariably every outdoors man or woman will have recourse to such
knowledge at some time or another. One aspect of first aid of particular
relevance in the outdoors is an understanding of how hot and cold environments
affect your body, these are problems you will face on a regular basis.’
5/09/2016: People pay to send their
kids to college so they can be exposed to this crap: http://neveryetmelted.com/2016/08/30/lots-of-trigger-warnings/
5/09/2016: How Civilizations Die: (And Why Islam Is Dying Too). You’ve heard about the Death of the
West. But the Muslim world is on the brink of an even greater collapse. Will we
go down in the implosion? Thanks to collapsing birthrates, much of Europe is on a path of willed self-extinction. The untold
story is that birthrates in Muslim nations are declining faster than anywhere
else—at a rate never before documented. Europe,
even in its decline, may have the resources to support an aging population,’ An
interesting read: https://www.amazon.com/How-Civilizations-Die-Islam-Dying/dp/159698273X
04/09/2016: Hammock
Hunting Till Dark: The best hunting strategy
is to be about where the deer are in the dawn and dusk. The easiest way to achieve this is to hammock
camp so that you stop hunting when it gets dark, sling your hammock and tarp
between two trees and start again at first light. If you have to knock off your
hunt so you’re not stumbling around in the dark getting out, you are missing
the best time of day to hunt. Walking in the dark is also fraught with dangers
best avoided – this is the voice of experience speaking!

Many hunters either
travel too light, or too heavy. The first can be overconfidence or youth, but
once you get caught out overnight you may change your mind. At least do this: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/if-you-could-only-carry-two-things-in-the-bush-what-would-they-be/ Better yet though is to work out a
lightweight kit so you plan to stay out overnight normally. Here are my
thoughts about that from some years ago:http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hunting
think I would definitely opt for the Dyneema pack now, with the ability to tie
some extra gear to the outside, eg: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/attaching-tie-downs-to-your-pack/
post however is about planning to stay out overnight as your normal hunting
procedure in order to optimise your crepuscular (love that word = twilight)
success. A hammock and tarp can always be pitched between two trees no matter
how steep the terrain, or how rough or wet the ground. This is worth
remembering. I always carry a hammock in Fiordland for just this reason. I have
slept dry and warm in my hammock with 6” (15cm) of water running underneath me
and torrential rain streaming down (eg on Mt Baw Baw).
can even pitch two hammocks under one tarp (to save weight). You have to boost
the upper person in. Della and I have done this. You can guess who sleeps on
top! You can also pitch it as a ground camp if you want to and when the ground
is flat. You can use a couple of sticks or hiking poles instead of trees. You
will need a few more stakes and guys if you plan to do this where you use the
hammock as a ground sheet.
do not need to buy an expensive hammock or tarp. My first foray into hammock
camping was many years ago when we were much more pressed for loose change than
we are now. I purchased some 2oz/yd2 waterproof ripstop nylon from Spotlight
(for about $7 a yard/metre) and away we went: We made a 7’ x 7’ (210 x
210 cm) tarp with gross grain tie outs at the four corners and half way down
each side. We needed a few yards of (approx 2mm) Spectra cord so we could tie
it to a tree and peg the other corners (and half way points – if needed) to the
ground – so also some stakes (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/?s=stakes)
construct the hammock we cut a 7’6” (225cm) length of the ripstop (a hammock
needs to be approx 2’ or 60 cm longer than you are), single hemmed the edges
and double hemmed the ends (ie with an extra line of stitching or two just
in case). We used a pretty heavy duty polyester thread for this. Then all
we needed was some approx 500 kg breaking strain Dyneema or Spectra cord for
the suspension ropes. You want a fair length of this (say 10-12’ (3-3.6 metres)
at each end so you can reach trees which are wider apart and get round thicker
trees. Ideally you are looking for two trees approx 6” (15 cm) in diameter (or
thicker) and 10-12’ (3-3.6 metres) apart.
is a special way of tying the hammock to trees so that you can get the knot
undone again! Be very attentive about this! As in the picture below you pass
the cord around the tree, then under or over itself, back around the tree, then
under or over itself again. Three times is enough. Then tie it off with a bow
or whatever. Friction will ensure it won’t come undone. If you are worried
about damaging the bark of the tree (this can be a problem) a few short lengths
of stick pushed underneath the suspension rope will prevent this.

slept out in this homemade hammock and tarp lots of times without any grief
whatsoever. One night I was camped in the bush near Dargo, Vic with a couple of
hunting mates who had a dome tent. It came in to rain. Then it came in to rain
lots. After the first spell of rain my mates erected a tarp over their dome
tent as it was leaking from the top. After the second lot of rain it was also
leaking/flooding from the bottom. All their bedding became soaked. They
‘enjoyed’ a miserable night. Even with only a 7’ x 7’ tarp (and a lot of rain
and wind!) I was completely dry and comfortable. That night I was just using a
¾ length self inflating Thermarest. It was a little short and my shoulders and
arms were a little cold from where they compressed my sleeping bag’s
insulation. Live and learn:
tried a number of solutions to this. First I moved up to an inflatable pad. My
first was Big Agnes Ultralight ROM Insulated pad, still a wonderful (cheap)
comfortable pad – highly recommended to anyone on a budget. Later I graduated
to the lighter (but dearer) Thermarest Neoair range. Of course I now usually
use mummy pads (for lightness) but a rectangular pad is much more suitable for
hammock camping as the square ends help keep the hammock from compressing your
sleeping bag at the shoulders and arms. You can also shove some closed cell
foam in either side to reduce this negative.
graduated to an Exped ‘Scout’ hammock (it was weight rated) which I reckon I
slept in well over 200 times. It is starting to show some sign of wear and tear
now but I was very heavy then (100kg) so it should last you a fair while. I
also ‘graduated to a slightly larger and lighter tarp : an 8’ x 8’ (240 x 240
cm) cuben tarp made from .5oz/yd2 material which weighed less than 150 grams.
Eventually I sewed a couple of ‘wings’ on it so it better suited ground camping
(or when heavy weather was really pushing in low from one direction). This
pushed its weight out to around 200 grams. I have used it dozens and dozens of
times without any sign of wear and tear. It is a quite delicate fabric, so you
have to be careful with it. Joe Valesko from Zpacks made it for me. You can see
it on his web page here:http://www.zpacks.com/shelter/tarps.shtml
on mine here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hammocks/
key to comfort sleeping in a hammock is to place your (inflatable) pillow
underneath your knees. An empty wine cask would suffice.
and I both tried the Hennessy Hammocks which I admit are very comfortable.
Probably no-one has done so much design work to improve the hammock as Tom
Hennessy. Their products are also very well constructed and will give good
service. We had two of the bottom entry hammocks (which are a neat idea). Della
had no trouble entering through the bottom and positioning herself on her
Thermarest Neoair pad for a wonderful night’s sleep. I found it much more
difficult but I admit that was before my back operation and before I lost so
much weight, so I will have to try again. (PS: And I did & it is now easy!)

from inside a Hennessy Hyperlite
I was starting out now (and cashed up) I might buy an http://hennessyhammock.com/products/hyperlite-asym-zipwhich
weighs 793 grams, but the botom entry employs no zips and is so simple and
elegant. You can use the optional Underpad: http://hennessyhammock.com/products/replacement-underpad-1-classic-expedition-backpacker-and-hyperlite 284 grams & Undercover http://hennessyhammock.com/products/replacement-zip-undercover-1 164 grams = 448 grams T = 1241 grams.
I would probably just use my Thermarest Neoair Xlite Women’s pad http://www.cascadedesigns.com/therm-a-rest/mattresses/fast-and-light/womens-neoair-xlite/product @ 340 grams T = 1133 grams though a
Regular rectangular Neoair pad will work better in a hammock.
problem you have with cold shoulders in hammocks applies much less so with
Hennessy’s because you lie much flatter and the material doesn’t compress your
sleeping bag so much at the sides. I will try to get hold of one of his new
‘zip’ top loaders to review. Ours are both entered from below.
both really like the wonderfully safe enclosed feel of their hammocks
completely surrounded first by insect netting then by a cosy roof. You really
feel that after you have gone to bed there is nothing to worry about until
morning. Forget all those things which might slither or bite, or whether the
rain do rain or the wind do blow! There are handy stowage points for your
pocket gear along the fixed centre line – a Hennessy innovation which is what
makes their hammocks so superbly comfortable. (You can add this to your home
made hammocks though it is a Hennessy patent). The Hennessys also have some
pretty neat ideas for stowing your hammock, for keeping it properly tensioned –
even water collection using the covering tarp. It’s all very well thought out
and neat! Their ‘Snakeskins’ quick storage solution makes set up a breeze,
though it adds a little to the weight and is an optional extra.
key to quick and accurate setup of any hammock is to get the two suspension
ropes of equal length and correct tension. First lay the hammock out on the
ground so that one end of the hammock just touches one of the trees. Take the
suspension rope out till it just touches the other tree, then halve the rope
(ie the distance from the tree to the hammock). This point will be just where
the knot goes up against the tree. Tie the rope off to the tree. Then go to the
second tree and tie off the second rope to the correct tension. This is much easier
with a Hennessy hammock or if you have a fixed centre line as the rope will be
quite taut. Without the fixed centre line you need a certain amount of ‘hang’.
Aficionados recommend approx 30 degrees. No doubt this is a matter of taste,
but once you have worked out just the amount of ’hang’ you prefer you will be
able to tie the hammock off in one go using this method.
Hennessy hammock tarp just hooks on to the suspension rope with two Prussic
knots (which is a great idea for easy tensioning of the tarp). If you are using
some other tarp a loop of elastic at each end of the tarp will help to keep it
tensioned during the night. The tarp needs to start out a little tauter than you
might expect (likewise the hammock) as the two trees will bend in slightly when
you enter the hammock. A catenary cut tarp will stay tensioned better than a
diamond tarp.
lightest hammock I have found is the Grand Trunk Nano hammock https://www.grandtrunk.com/products/nano-7-hammock which is claimed to carry 300lb (or
136 kg)! I reduced the weight of this hammock further by substituting dyneema
suspension ropes so that it weighs 165 grams including the ropes. If you add a
cuben tarp to this (136 grams) you have a hammock/shelter setup which weighs
just 300 grams! These two items would also just about fit in your two back
trouser pockets! I would use a ¾ length Neoair pad (260 grams) plus my Airbeam
pad from my daypack to that to complete my shelter and mattress system. Of
course (never satisfied) I plan to lighten this even further by making my tarp
double as my raincoat. (See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hole-less-ponchoshelter/)
of the best features of a hammock is what a great seat it makes. When you have
mastered the setup it will only take you 1-2 minutes till you have a really
comfy dry seat out of the rain to eat your lunch. I have really appreciated
this sometimes in Fiordland. Two can usually sit happily side by side (but
don’t exceed the load limit!) and you can even boil the billy on an alcohol or
bushbuddy type wood burner stove at your feet while you eat. It would also make
a great platform for glassing a distant hillside or as a hunting stand where
you await your chosen prey. You can even rug up warm and dry in your sleeping bag
while you wait.
can warm your hammock with a fire (if you are careful). Either light the fire
to the lee side of one of the suspension trees, or (utilising a stick) lift up
one side of the tarp so that you can sit in your hammock in front of the fire.
Two guys on that side will obviate this. I would keep the fire at least 6’
(1.8metres) away from the hammock.
you have a bad back a hammock is definitely for you. Before my successful back
operation (neurosurgery – never let an orthopaedic surgeon near your back!) I
hung in our lounge room in my hammock for months so I could get a comfy and
relatively pain free night’s sleep.
are a couple of hammock tarp manufacturers:
http://www.zpacks.com/shelter/hammock_tarps.shtml (start at 136 grams!)
http://www.outdoorequipmentsupplier.com/maccat_tarps.php (inventor of the cat cut tarp)
a couple of hammock manufacturers:
Hennessy: http://hennessyhammock.com
Speer: http://www.tttrailgear.com/brands/Speer-Hammocks.html (Ed’s book is worth a read)
Jacks: http://www.jacksrbetter.com
Exped: http://www.exped.com/international/en/product-category/hammocks/scout-hammock
Aussie outfit: Tier Gear: http://www.tiergear.com.au
Hammock Hunting!

to Right: Zpacks 8′ x 8′ tarp (150 grams); Nano Hammock (165 grams)
; Exped Scout hammock (320 grams) ; Hennessy Hyperlite hammock – includes tarp
(750 grams)
3/09/2016: Statistician Deer Hunters: Three
statistician hunters see a deer. First one shoots, 3 yards to the left. Second
one shoots, 3 yards to the right. Third one exclaims "We got him!"

3/09/2016: In another 100 years there may be no
causes at all: http://www.salon.com/2016/09/01/how-lucky-we-are-how-people-died-100-years-ago-and-how-we-die-today_partner/
3/09/2016: In so many areas Israel leads the world:
2/09/2016: A complaint from just one member of
the public (who was no doubt mysteriously ‘offended) led to the banning of this 500 year old tradition which has nothing to do with racism. Political
correctness is absurd. People need to toughen up: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/08/27/folk-festival-caves-white-sjw-bullies-bars-black-face-morris-dancers/
2/09/2016: Free Money: That will get people back
to work. You wish: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-31/finland-unleashes-helicopter-money-greatest-societal-transformation-our-time
1/09/2016: Attaching Tie Downs to Your pack:
you need to get some ½” gross grain ribbon from you local sewing supplies store
- such as Spotlight here in Oz. Then you will need some of the Linelocks you
see I have sewn the gross grain to: You can buy these little guys right here in Oz, eg: http://www.tiergear.com.au/11/online-shop/cord-tension-lock
@ A$0.40ea, or in the USA from eg: http://www.questoutfitters.com/Fasteners_%20Misc_Fasteners.htm#LINELOC_3_
sew a loop at each end of the gross grain ribbon (as shown – perhaps more
neatly than this. I blame arthritis. My wife says my sewing will be plenty
strong enough anyway which is the main thing!) Then you pass the end loop
through the tie out loop on the pack then the Linelock back through the loop.
Tie a boot lace on the other loop and pass it through the two holes on the
Linelock and you have an adjustable tie down which can be used eg to lash your
Alpacka raft to the top of your pack. See below:

Gorilla has a pair of these orange loops sewn into the pack on each side at
front and back. Here I have used three tie downs, the middle one crossing over
through the haul loop. Works well. You could also lash a sea to Summit Ultrasil
Compression Sack (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/a-tardis-folding-space/)
here to carry extra food for a long hike, or etc.
1/09/2016: Wilderness is just not working out for the
critters and things that live there, like so many other Left/Green myths. I
should know: I spend a great deal of my life there too: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/doomed-planet/2016/08/wilderness-myth/
1/09/2016: Champions of consistency:
2015: The Greens and five crossbenchers have
joined together to urge the Abbott government to deal with the issue of gay
marriage at the upcoming federal election by way of a plebiscite.
The Greens have pledged to oppose the government’s planned plebiscite on
same-sex marriage, in a move that could delay reform for at least another three
1/09/2016: The toxic drivel that is being foisted on
the young in the guise of ‘education’ leads to bizarre excesses such as
this: ‘When I refuse to eat animals, I refuse to indulge in a system that
profits off objectification. When I associate with my diet only ethical
standards, and not guidelines on how to be the most ‘feminine’ according to
patriarchal benchmarks on the slenderness of a woman’s physique; I reclaim my
body. I nourish it for reasons beyond weight loss and dieting. I cater not for
the gaze of toxic masculinity, but for the well-being of women and animals
alike. Rather than eating for the eyes of my oppressor – he who too oppresses
animals – a vegan lifestyle provides me revenge in solidarity. In my
nourishment, I quietly protest.’ http://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/real-life/i-dont-eat-meat-because-im-a-feminist-20160830-gr4nmi.html Points will be given for the identification
of the most outrageous fallacies in Madison’s article!
A Gorilla in the Bush: So, finally I
gave myself a couple of days off to go try out my new Gossamer Gear (GG)
Gorilla backpack, and the hunting spot I have been wanting to access via
packraft. Here is the pack already loaded up in our garden with our necessities
and ready to roll. (See: http://gossamergear.com/gorilla-ultralight-backpack-all-bundle.html)
As you can see Spot, our JR is eager to be off too. Readers who came in late
should read:
is a 3-4 hour drive to where we were going.

Alpacka Fiord Explorer raft ready to sail with my Gorilla and the faithful
Spot, ‘Come on Boss’

across the mighty river we sought out a pleasant flat with access to water and
with lots of firewood. It is still winter here, so nights can drop below zero
(Celsius), and did. Spot decided it was time for a snooze. I collected a heap
of firewood. As you can see from the westering shadows it is already afternoon,
but time enough for a ‘look-see’.

look what we found. By the looks a couple of years back a very old stag had
died right by his favourite wallow. I found every part of him except his second
antler which I guess has been pressed into the soft earth by many deer’s feet.
There were also innumerable cast branches on the ground pretending to be the
other antler. This one was only barely visible. His massive leg bones indicate
he was a monster, but the size of his antler shows he was going back. His teeth
were also well worn down. ‘Broken-mouthed’ we would describe him if he were one
of our old sheep. Maybe I will find the other antler another time.

is his favourite wallow – and what a beauty it is, more a swimming pool really.
The deer love to have a mud bath (perhaps it has to do with insects, or scent
marking?) They liberally paint the trunks of trees for nearly 100 metres
roundabout using them as towels when they’re ready to dry off.

at camp with the fire roaring out the front of http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-deer-hunters-tent/
It is a charming scene.

tea inside the tent Spot nestles on my sleeping bag whilst I read a book on my
phone and enjoy a hot cup of chocolate..

I reclaim my bed, Spot’s is all made up on the Gorilla utilising it and the GG
Sitlight pad as his mattress. He is comfy inside there: you can just make out
his tail poking out the end of his sleeping bag. When I climb into bed I will
also throw my coat over him.

morning and we are off. You can tell what kind of plants nothing likes to eat
by the way they are not browsed at all. Most everything edible in this area is
heavily browsed. I thing the deer may even manage to eradicate the
blackberries. The patches are full of dead canes and well trodden down.

want to have a look at the big valley about two km downstream around that
ridge. It look like it will be a bit of a climb around that stone outcropping
on the bend. The river is really steaming here.

this is the stream we are looking for. I will call it ‘Wombat Creek’.

here’s why: ‘Wally’ wombat out for a morning stroll. Quite undisturbed by us. A
promising sign.

are many lovely grassy clearings for kilometres along Wombat Creek. I may move
my camp further up it another time.

fresh rub. Another good sign.

a preaching tree. There is lots of stag sign around here.

lunch spot. A lovely warm stop even though it is still winter. I sit on the Sitlight
pad on a nice flat rock and enjoy some cheese and salami on Vita Weat biscuits.
Spot has some of that as well as his Smackos. http://www.theultralighthiker.com/lunch-on-the-trail/

little further up the valley we come upon this tragedy. An old doe must have
been swept off her feet by this flash flood and trapped under this log. As I
said elsewhere: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/you-never-know-when-your-numbers-up/
You can see her skull (upside down) centre right, and her body on the other
side of the log in the centre.

little further on we come upon this promising wallow. It must be nearly 6’
deep, probably utilising an old collapsed wombat city. It pays to scrape the
bottom of wallows such as this for cast antlers. Eventually you may have enough
of them to make something like this: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/uses-for-antlers/

fine preaching tree with some stag scent still lingering according to Spot. The
stags clearly stand on their hind legs and rub some scent gland on their noses
as high up on the tree as they can reach (over 6’). Like rub lines it is a kind
of territorial behaviour.

deer have really been eating this valley over. Here the apple hazel and prickly
coprosma have been well chewed down.

of life’s tiny tragedies. (Near Spot’s nose) a yellow breasted robin has
succumbed to the winter chill and short rations (as most birds do each year).
Its tiny body is bobbing in the stream, adding a sad flash of colour as we pass

come to a really beautiful series of cascades.

a truly gargantuan wombat burrow. This one was over 6’ deep. This wombat must
have been Pharaoh Cheops in a past life!

a fine looking rub line. Notice how you can see the line of (three) fresh rubs
leading up the hill through the wattles and gums. This line marks the limit of
his territory (and his neighbours!) Sometimes you will hear (usually of a
night) two stags howling mournfully at each other in just such a spot.

the line we decide to go up through the prickly wattle. Showing his disdain for
it a stag has thoroughly thrashed this one.

a little while we are wishing he had thrashed about a billion more! We headed
up the ridge through this stuff intending to follow the top of the ridge down
towards camp and come at the camped deer from above on their lee side. This is
the best strategy. Unfortunately, like so many plans, this one was doomed. The
fire regrowth on the ridge was awesome. We expected it to be relatively clear:
the usual sort of thing: gums a few dogwoods, easy walking. We were hours
pushing through the dreadful stuff and arrived (thankfully) back at camp well
after dark where we enjoyed a cold supper. We left plenty of deer to harvest
for another day. You are probably wondering why I did not just camp up on the
ridge once it became dark (or it was clear I was not going to make camp). A
fair point. It had been a 19C day and i was down to <500 ml of water and
going to be very thirsty so I pushed on, something I certainly wouldn't have
done in an area fraught with mine shafts! I do have a lot of experience walking
in the dark.

morning we packed up and paddled out, Spot resuming his coxswain’s position,
‘Paddle right Boss.’

packed back into the trusty Gorilla. If I shoot a deer here (as I have done
before many years ago when I swam the river in winter – we were all young once.
It is a wonder some of us survived to be any other), I can come back to the
river for the boat. I can pack all the contents of my pack into a compression
sack and tie that onto the top of the pack, so that I will fit the first 15 or
so kg of meat in the pack (in large plastic handle tie bags which I always
carry). I will take that load back to the car, then go back for the second,
larger load. Might take me three trips say.

August the bush was alive with wattle blossoms, particularly on the West facing
slopes which are warmer, and where the deer are more likely to be found sunning
themselves on a day like this.

and there an Erica our Victorian floral emblem lit the forest floor up with its
beautiful pink bells.

always called this purple beauty ‘Traveller’s Joy’ a name which still suits me
best. I also like the name ‘Happy Wanderer’ – after those Hardenbergia sounds
pretty flat.

have been wondering whether we saw any deer. We saw heaps of them (at least
their orange eyes at night walking out), and of course we had the usual
visitations around our camp to disturb our sleep. And we camera glassed these
guys probably 500 yards away grazing in a clearing, whilst we were way up on
the hill much more than a km’s walk away. And it was well dark before we could
have arrived anywhere near them. I know some folk would take a shot at deer at
extreme distance like this with their telescopic sights. I always use iron
sights, and only shoot deer who can see me too. Having a gun gives you
advantage enough; you should leave the deer the use of his senses to escape
you. He has a right to live too.
tell you the truth deer hunting has always been a good excuse just to get out
and enjoy the sights and sounds of our beautiful Australian bush, so whether i
shoot a deer is more than somewhat immaterial. I actually prefer lamb anyway,
and we have always been sheep farmers after all. BTW: My pedometer tells me I
did 25 km yesterday through rough going, thick bush and up and down 500 metres
plus. A further 13 km on the afternoon before. Not bad for a gent who is not
far off beginning his eighth decade of life!

you have been wondering how did the Gorilla stand up? I had been hoping that a
fog would come in whilst I was away so I could entitle this piece ‘A Gorilla in
the Mist’ but the weather remained deliciously clear, so it remains just a
companion piece to my previous post, ‘A Gorilla in the Hand’. The pack is
beautifully comfortable and easily handles the not inconsiderable quantity and
weight of stuff I imposed on it. The Robic nylon may not be bulletproof, but it
stood up to a few hours of pushing through horrible prickly wattle without so
much as a blemish, more than I can say for myself. It has lashing spots on the
top so you can tie things to it (as shown with my packraft). I will show you
how in another post soon.
might be a good idea to have lashing spots on the bottom so you could do the
same there. It would not be hard to add them – the material is plenty strong
enough to take another compression bag below as well as the one above. I guess
the manufacturers of this excellent piece of gear are more figuring on
ultralight hikers and a weekend pack, which is why they have trimmed the volume
of the pack down from their much larger Mariposa, a pack which I have owned for
many years. Mine is in a lighter less durable material than this Robic they are
now using though still going strong, but if you really want volume, the
Mariposa is something like 68 litres including the extension collar. It also
has this improved suspension system which will handle with ease a much bigger
carry than the Specs indicate. That sort of volume should get you a month’s
hike without resupply. Some wild adventures there. Happy hiking or happy
Terry McCrann: ‘The Premier
Daniel Andrews has declared war on the people and on the businesses of
Victoria....In very simple terms he wants every single individual and every
single business in the state to pay ever-rising prices for their electricity
and for their gas. That’s of course, if they’ll even be able to get them.
Because he has committed the government to a course, which as it plays out,
will mean electricity blackouts and gas shortages. It’s as if he has ‘seen the
future’ — in the disastrous mess that South Australia has got itself into, by
trying to move to an ‘all-wind future’ — and concluded that he wants exactly
the same future for Victoria.’ Fracking has been the main driver behind growth
and energy independence in competitive economies like the USA. It has driven
down world prices for conventional fuels (petroleum) to practically the lowest
level ever (inflation indexed). Put simply we need that cheap gas and cheap
coal fired electricity if we are to have any competitive edge in world commerce
at all. Andrews and his motley crew are determined to destroy the economy of
this state! Just incidentally they are also opposed to nuclear power and to any
new hydro.
When will supporters of ‘marriage equality’ become more
inclusive and welcome folk with ‘Objectum Sexuality’? ‘I didn’t realise
I was different until my teens when others started dating each other and I had
deep feelings for a local bridge.’ Mademoiselle Labrie has recently been
granted a divorce from her long-term marriage to the Eiffel Tower after finding
a new love: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/marriage/the-woman-who-married-the-eiffel-tower-wants-to-set-the-record-straight-about-objectum-sexuality/news-story/16ceeea4086c1b1b70dfac607f04a7d0
28/08/2016: Labor insists that research suggests the plebiscite
will fail if it is held, so Labor and the Greens insist that it should
be forced on all of us by the pollies because
we would never vote for it. That’s democracy at work! http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/samesex-marriage-plesbiscite-bill-shorten-set-to-pull-plug-on-turnbulls-plan/news-story/7ad1d01874aaf40c1af2188db551bd22

Nothing Green ever works: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/the-rise-and-fall-and-rise-of-solar-in-outback-queensland-20160824-gr0cvs.html
Hopefully China too will get over
socialism soon (as the UK has done), India will come on stream, and the
world will be full steam ahead for economic growth: https://danieljmitchell.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/the-chinese-miracle-and-the-economics-of-growth/
this one, I was using light plastic raffia type string to hold some of it
together (surprising how strong it was) – and much heavier cord at the top than
I would ever carry now (I am going to try dyneema thread/cord next time), but
it gives the idea. We usually have no trouble finding wood around camp, to make
this set up – sometimes I pinch wood that my husband has already innocently
gathered for the fire, not realising it’s just what I want; and other times we
have to look a bit further afield. If the lower cross piece of wood is put at
the right height, and enough slack is allowed, it can be very comfortable to
lay back in of an evening in front of the fire.
am thinking the Robic nylon fabric and dyneema thread ties could do the job for
around the 50gm mark (give or take)…
the knots for the chair, I’ve been working with a system of coming from the
back with loops, instead of pulling the full length of cord around – and
retrieving the cord without tangle, at pack down time, has usually been OK (I
find that four loops on each intersection with the lower cross bar give a
reasonable hold – then I go at least a couple more to be sure…. I wrap around
the top while all 3 pieces are on the ground) – It is all done ‘girl style’
(slightly different every time) and finished off with some kind of knot that just
needs a pull at the end in order for it to come loose when time comes to undo
look like a great idea. Thanks Jenny . think you could make it even more
comfortable by adding your inflatable mat. You can see that the chair is
moveable, so you can take it inside your shelter when it rains.
chair, details:

back relaxing on the track to Tali Karng. Looks comfy.

the original. This chair was spied by Ron Edwards ‘Australian Traditional Bush
Crafts’ at Dick Rimmings Hut at Kooboora 145 km west of Cairns many years ago.
As you can see it has made use of a forked stick and a hessian bag. Very

We should scrap National
Parks and Departments of Conservation, allow much more hunting - and employ
some gamekeepers instead. Read the article to see why. This is how nature
really works: http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/grouse-and-lions/
‘There is something magnificently
fatuous in trying to outlaw an emotion, and especially one as productive,
on occasion, as hatred. If they are determined to go down this route I would
much rather they outlawed simpering or self-righteousness’ http://www.spectator.co.uk/2016/08/its-fatuous-to-outlaw-an-emotion-especially-hate/
The Not-So-Poor Man’s Sat Phone:
Thuraya’s Sat Sleeve: Pricewise this offering from sits about half way between
Delorme’s InReach SE (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-poor-mans-satellite-phone/)
and the Rolls Royce model, Iridium’s Extreme (https://www.iridium.com/products/details/iridiumextreme) It is also substantially lighter than both
(178 grams inc battery) but has to be paired with your phone – which means of
course both devices have to work http://www.thuraya.com/SatSleeve though
you can make an emergency call with it in stand-alone mode. However unlike the
other two it does not have tracking or a SOS (PLB) function and there are areas
of the globe where it does not work (New Zealand for example). Most places
though, if you want a cheaper, lighter Sat Phone for most purposes it could be
a good choice. See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-poor-mans-satellite-phone/


Adam Smith: ‘Little else is requisite to
carry a state to the highest degree of opulence from the lowest barbarism,
but peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice; all the rest
being brought about by the natural course of things. All governments which
thwart this natural course, which force things into another channel, or which
endeavour to arrest the progress of society at a particular point, are
unnatural, and to support themselves are obliged to be oppressive and
tyrannical.’ Ridley is right: Clinton and Trump are both statists and crooks or
jerks. Most folk have never heard there is anyone else running, such as the
Libertarians Gary Johnson, the former two-term governor of New Mexico, and his
running mate William Weld, former governor of Massachusetts. They are close to
the 15% threshold in the opinion polls. The situation is no better here.
Neither Turnbull or Shorten are worth a damn. Leyonhjelm towers over them: http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/economic-libertarianism/
Still, there are those who hanker after
‘the good old days’ of Marx and Mao et al: http://manhattancontrarian.com/blog/2016/8/10/why-capitalism-works-and-socialism-doesnt-arbitrage
Biggest news of the day: A New Earth
Nearby: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23130884-100-proxima-b-closest-earth-like-planet-discovered-right-next-door/
Feminist view on shirt buttons:
Sometimes I wonder what it is, but it remains one of those things I am almost
just too afraid to ask. Indeed I am trepidatious about even mentioning the
matter at all for fear I will be placed on some sisterhood hate/hit list – if
I’m not already…Here is how naïve I have always been: I have believed that
shirt buttons are ‘sexed/gendered’ so that it is easier to do up or do up/undo
your partner’s clothes. Certainly I am a terrible fumble fingers and might
never have become a husband/father (for example) if my wife’s shirts were
buttoned on the same side as mine! There, I have revealed all! Well, not quite
all. Decency forbids. Mind you the gender of shirt buttons, etc also helped me
out when Della dislocated her shoulder in Fiordland requiring for some time
after that she needed help with dressing/undressing (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/10-days-in-fiordland/)
It surprises me nonetheless that the ‘gendered’ nature of shirt buttons has not
become a cause celebre amongst the shrieking classes. We/they have surely long
since removed the gender of a heap of other things (pronouns, etc) such that
our children studying grammar (do they?) no longer need to learn the gender of
ships, nations, geese, kine, etc. Surely the neutering of items of apparel is a
cause worth fighting for – if there ever was one!
You have probably not seen this on
mainstream media, but let me say it has started here now, and will not go
away soon – or easily. Should we call this the French problem, or the German
problem or even perhaps the Moslem problem: http://www.townsvillebulletin.com.au/news/woman-stabbed-to-death-at-home-hill/news-story/2abfafaf755f00f85ef4466f608af6c8
Klymit Ultralight Pillow. I have not
tried this pillow. I have been using the Exped UL for some time and find it
great. It is a lot pricier than Klymit’s offering though, which is available
for <US$20 just now on Massdrop if you are on a budget. It weighs just 48
grams. Certainly looks comfy. The ‘X’ should cradle your nhead nicely. I have
been using Klymit’s Air Beam Pad and their pack raft, or Light Water Dinghy.
They are fine products. https://www.massdrop.com/buy/massdrop-x-klymit-pillow?mode=guest_open

You can murder 100 million people yet
still be celebrated in this country. Sorry, this is obscene: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/foreign-affairs/concerts-for-mao-zedong-arouse-protest/news-story/32f90bf60423da507816d828a2943aa8
& http://www.smh.com.au/national/controversial-chairman-mao-tribute-concerts-sharpen-chinese-community-divide-20160821-gqxt3w.html
Is God Transgender? Should we hold a
plebiscite to decide this vexed question. While we are at it should we include
a question as to whether s/he/it exists? That is the obvious way to decide
these important questions. Truth has nothing to do with it! Might it not be
better to repeal the laws of motion, particularly universal gravitation while
we are at it – think of the savings in transportation costs alone: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/13/opinion/is-god-transgender.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=opinion-c-col-right-region®ion=opinion-c-col-right-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-right-region&_r=1
A Tardis, Folding Space: How to Fit More
in Your Pack: ‘Ultralight’ is not just about weight. It can also be about
how to do more with less. In this case I am thinking eg of using a 13 litre Sea
to Summit compression sack to compress my clothes to 1/3 of their previous
volume, thus saving 8.7 litres of space at a weight penalty of <50 grams. http://www.seatosummit.com.au/products/storage-bags/ultrasil-compression-sacks/?ref=

I do the same thing with my sleeping bag, eg compressing it from 6 litres to 2
litres I save another 4 litres. Now the 12 litres saved (at a weight expense of
approx 75 grams) will allow me to carry perhaps 6 kilograms of extra food – or
enough for a journey of an additional 12 days in the same volume pack. If I go
to the same trouble with my food - though it may only compress (carefully) in
half, I think I would be able to carry all my gear plus perhaps a month’s food
in an approx 50 litre pack.
addition of a ‘pack lid’ attachment such as this one from Zpacks http://www.zpacks.com/accessories/backpack_lid.shtml will add a further 3.5 litres of food storage
as well as providing a bum bag for excursions from camp along the way at a
further weight penalty of from 47 grams. This addition will certainly mean that
I can carry a month of food in a smallish backpack such as the Gossamer Gear
Gorilla with its excellent suspension system, Zpacks Arc or Blast, or Mountain
Laurel Designs Exodus. See http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ultralight-pack/
& http://www.theultralighthiker.com/a-gorilla-in-the-hand/
valve-free dry sack uses a breathable base made of waterproof eVent® fabric,
which allows air to be pushed out, but keeps water from entering. Waterproof
seams are double stitched and fully taped for excellent durability and
resistance to moisture A roll-top Hypalon® closure with lid and 3 straps evenly
compresses and maintains compressed size. The Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil
Compression Dry Sack is roughly half the weight of the original Sea to Summit
eVent Compression Dry Sack.
: Drawcord
straps: Yes
EVent/Cordura nylon
litre = 6 x 14 inches - 2.3 ounces/65 grams
litre = 7 x 16 inches - 2.6 ounces/74 grams
litre = 8 x 18 inches - 3.2 ounces/91 grams
litre = 9 x 20 inches - 3.4 ounces/97 grams

to Summits UltraSil Dry Sacks Specs for comparison:
x Height Volume Weight
x 24cm 1L 20g
x 29cm 2L 23g
x 33cm 4L 26g
x 46cm 8L 30g
x 53cm 13L 40g
x 61cm 20L 50g
x 70cm 35L 65g
Ultralight Collapsible Coffee Cup:
My lightest cup is 30 grams when these guys are around 20, though they don’t
have a handle and are collapsible which has both pluses and minuses. Their
advantage for us though is that both would fit inside our Vango 450 ml Titanium
cup so that I could just take it and our Toaks 1100 ml pot with frypan handle.
All three fit inside the Suluk wood stove and the Brasslite Turbo 1D and
measure fit snugly inside that. http://www.theultralighthiker.com/cookset-woes/ We need just throw in a collapsible plate
such as this https://www.traildesigns.com/fozzil-bowlz and we have a (shared) mess kit which will cut
out some of Della’s pack weight.
![[object Object]](2016%20Blog_files/image1129.jpg)
UltrAspire Cup 7oz. greatly reduces the amount of waste generation and
environmental impact of a paper cup. Designed to reduce the amount of waste
created by disposable paper cups at races, the UltrAspire C2 cup is reusable,
collapsible, and at just 0.7 ounces, easy to bring wherever you go. Keep it in
the pocket of your running shorts or racing vest, and take it out for fast
filling at aid stations. Made from FDA-approved silicone, the cup pops up to a
standing height of 3.5 inches and folds back down when you’re done. Great for
cup-free or bring-your-own-cup events, it also comes in handy for travelling,
car camping, and backpacking with kids.’ Approx US$8ea plus shipping costs.
![[object Object]](2016%20Blog_files/image1131.jpg)
Weight 0.04 lbs
Dimensions 3.5 x 2.87 x 2.87 in
Color Luminous Blue
https://vimeo.com/160288205 & http://ultraspire.com/product/ultraspire-c2-cup/
& https://www.massdrop.com/buy/ultraspire-c2-cup?mode=guest_open
![[object Object]](2016%20Blog_files/image1133.jpg)
So, the Gurindji walked off work in 1966
– and have never worked since! Did I get that right? And this is something
to celebrate, even to the extent of changing the constitution to include racial
discrimination? Progress! I’m not sorry to say this, but: I respect people when
they wholeheartedly join our great society, go to school, try to succeed, go
where there is work, stand on their own two feet, do their fair share, pull
their weight, pay for their own housing, transport, food, clothing etc, not
expect others to support them or whinge about how badly done by they have been
and how we should all feel sorry for them! For example: ‘Indigenous affairs
spending worth $5.9 billion a year is not delivering results because few of the
schemes being funded are properly evaluated, the assessment of what is needed
is inadequate and some programs are poorly designed…The CIS study, by researcher
Sara Hudson, ... documents massive duplication of services, with Roebourne in
Western Australia having 67 local service providers and more than 400 state and
federal funded programs for a population of 1150; Toomelah in NSW has more than
70 service providers for a population of only 300. Poor program design had
meant that the federal government’s Indigenous Home Ownership program’s success
rate of approving only 75 loans in a year equated to one loan for each person
employed to run the program. Further, most of these loans were delivered to
people who could have qualified for a mainstream loan.’ Australian 23/08.
Just sort of rolls off the tongue:
Thinethavone Soutphommasane , our new Human Rights Commissar: “If someone says to me they’re not even going
to try to pronounce my name, that doesn’t necessarily send a good signal…It
says that they’re not even bothered to treat me with respect.” You should
probably not expect a robust defence of the right to free speech (strangely
what his core job description entails) from this person.
Smallest Rechargeable Flashlight:
Nitecore Tube. What a tiny delight this little guy is & at only 9.6 grams
(less than a AAA battery and only 2 grams heavier than a Photon http://www.theultralighthiker.com/photon-torch/).
I have a Bushnell Solarwrap Mini (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/charging/)
I can plug one of these little guys into anytime it gets a little lazy. Two of
them should be enough for most lighting needs. It ought also to be quite easy
to create a head torch attachment for one (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/diy-head-torches/).
of them at 19.2 grams would save me the weight of several AAAs @ 10 grams ea
& the weight of 1-2 mini torches at 16 grams ea & 1-2 Photons @ 7 grams
ea - a saving of 109 grams! I always like to have plenty of lighting options.
Probably what I will do at the outset is swap out the Photons plus their spare
batteries and reduce the numbers of my AAA batteries and see how I go. It is
always handy to have a spare torch (or two) for when they fail (much less
frequently nowadays it’s true) or for when you need to lend one to someone who
has lost theirs (still quite a frequent occurrence!) See: http://flashlight.nitecore.com/product/tube
They have a special deal on them at Massdrop right now!
![[object Object]](2016%20Blog_files/image1135.jpg)
Who’d you’ve thought: Pollution killed
the dinosaurs: Better ease up on that aggravated littering folks: http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/space/aerosolsoot-in-the-air-caused-by-the-asteroid-led-the-mass-extinction-of-life-66-million-years-ago/news-story/0a75ffbc66cc035a8affdda964b58241
Headline of the Week: Omaha dad finds
pot brownies, eats 4 of them, says mean things to cat: http://www.omaha.com/news/metro/omaha-dad-finds-pot-brownies-eats-of-them-says-mean/article_385099cc-649c-11e6-86a8-4728d60cb7fe.html
A Gorilla in the Hand: I have been
giving my new Gossamer Gear Gorilla Backpack a test run (http://gossamergear.com/gorilla-ultralight-backpack-all-bundle.html
- NB: they have a special price on them right now).
the gear and food for a couple of days for myself and my dog do fit in the
smaller (40 + 8 litre pack) – as you can see. Shrinking your kit (from 52
litres) like this exercises a profitable degree of discipline which it is worth
emulating. I omitted nearly 1.5 kg I didn’t need for a short-ish trip. Some are
things I might need (say) on a ten day trip in colder weather without resupply
and where help is far from hand. A few are things I can probably permanently do
without. Even so I have food aplenty for myself and Spot (the JR) as well as
his bed, and room to lash the pack raft on the top if I wanted to. The other
side of the pack can easily hold a water bottle, hiking poles and the paddle,
even my gun in take down mode. If I was going away just by myself with this
pack I reckon I could squeeze a 5-7 day expedition into it and still lash the
packraft on top! Spot’s bed and food alone take up space that could otherwise
be occupied by at least three days of my food. On this occasion I am also
carrying a pair of crocs for the river crossing, & etc…I am working on
smaller/lighter dry shoes.

pack (as configured) has four handy pouches for odds and ends one might need on
the trail: two on the hip-belt and two Gossamer Gear shoulder pouches I bought
for my G4 long ago. (http://gossamergear.com/shoulder-strap-pocket.html)
I am using the (supplied & easily removable) waist belt and aluminium stay
both designed for serious load transfer. I might sometimes omit both to save
weight, as the shoulder straps are very soft, wide & comfortable so that I
might not need load transfer for such a small (40 litre) pack. Or I might swap
the hip belt for a simple home made webbing one and substitute the ‘Sitlight’
pad the pack came with for an Air Beam pad which will do much of that work at a
lesser weight penalty, a saving of say 250 grams. (See http://www.theultralighthiker.com/air-beam-pad/
& http://www.theultralighthiker.com/klymit-air-beam-inflatable-pack-frame-update/)
Gorilla is made from Gossamer Gear’s new ‘Robic Nylon’ material which is even
tougher than the 4.8 oz/yd2 Dyneema material we are used to seeing in such
heavy duty packs. It would take some extreme effort to puncture it, and I very
much doubt you could rip it without a very heavy, sharp knife! Not something
which is going to happen with any normal bush or trail wear and tear anyway. As
such the pack will make an excellent hunting daypack being well able to hold up
to heavy use in thick scrub, blackberries etc, at the same time having the load
carrying capacity to pack out a heavy load of meat should the occasion arise.
The muted grey colour suits this purpose well as does its expandability. It can
be shrunk down to comfortably contain less than 20 litres with those
compression straps on the side and top, and the heavy duty elastic mesh in the
rear pocket – but it quickly transforms into a heavy haulage 48 litre pack when
eg you have a monster to lug out of some deep gully in a remote hunting spot.
There are lots of other loops to tie extra gear on should you need to plus ice
axe and hiking pole fittings. Inside you will find a hydration sleeve and
drinking tube keeper loops to both shoulder straps. With the two shoulder
pouches I have added there are seven external pockets plus two compartments
inside (counting the hydration pocket).
is a breakdown of what I managed to fit on/in this excellent pack. Here it is
on the chair with the packraft strapped to the top. You will note the two
reflective strips glowing at you from the shoulder straps. That’s a good safety
feature as you can often find yourself walking out in the dark. It has
reflective strips on the back too.
It’s a lot of individual items isn’t it? I carry pretty much the same kit for a
weekend as for a week. I admit I have still a few double-ups (3 head torches
and multiple lighters for example) and a small number of things which might be
dispensed with, but everything here has been needed and used, though obviously
I don’t always carry a canoe, machete, hunting equipment or a pair of Crocs.

are the contents of the external pockets (I could easily fit more). Left to
Right, Bottom to Top: Rutalocura (shortened) hiking poles, UL paddles (they do
break down further); orange Gossamer Gear Trowel; Mountain Laurel Designs UL
gaiters, Crocs; 2 litre Platypus, 2 dog bowls, 1 litre Platypus; Klymit
Packraft plus inflation bag (attached); Gerber Brush Thinner Machete; home made
Tyvek Deer Hunter’s Tent (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-deer-hunters-tent/);
Snaplock bag with glasses cleaner; self winding watch and compass; on green
cuben stuff sack: Fenix head torch with homemade elastic headband,
Gossamer Gear Stickpic, Minibic; on blue
cuben stuff sack: Maratac torch/lantern attached to some Dyneema to suspend it,
Leatherman Micra, Photon torch and headband/string, Minibic, Eze-lap sharpener;
Spare blades and Razorblaze knife, 308 shells plus magazine, 2 Handletie meat
bags, length of embryo wire for cutting bone, white cuben stuff sack; snaploc
bag with hearing aid securing device; Dehydrated water ie lollies and chewie;
on white cuben stuff sack: Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini phone & waterproof case.

inside pack: two (grey and white) cuben food bags = 2 days food for self + dog;
grey cuben rain kilt; yellow Event rain coat; on blue sea to Summit pack liner:
white cuben ‘Possibles’ bag, Cyclone chair, in white cuben bag = JR dog
sleeping bag, red S to S clothes bag, S to S grey waterproof daypack; front:
blue S to S bag containing sleeping bag, bed; green cuben bag containing

kit: Montbell UL super spiral #3 down bag in grey stuff sack, Thermarest Neoair
Womens sleeping pad, Exped UL pillow, S to S ultrasil bag.

Toaks 1110 ml pot with frypan lid on green cuben bag, Toaks titanium
windscrren, Suluk TDW stove on white cuben bag, S to S Spork, 500ml Platypus
for meths, in snap;loc bag, spices, shower cap, bicycle inner tube and esbit
fire lighters, Minibic; measure; Vargo 450 ml titanium mug; scourer in snaploc;
can lid and Brasslite Stove Turbo 1d.

clothes: on red S to S Ultrasil drybag: Montbell Therma wrap vest, Goosefeet
down socks, Montbell Ex Light down jacket – also inside bag Ray Jardine
‘bomber’ hat; Mountain Laurel Designs Event rain mitts, Hadrina wool singlet;
Mountain Hardware wind shirt; Holeproof Heroes wool socks; ½ fibre towel; Montbell Dynamo wind trousers.

bag contents: on green cuben bag: ulralight fishing kit, 2 handlines containing
hooks, sinkers, bait, self threading needle (repairs), two springers, 4
polystyrene balls, alum foil for cooking fish; on green S to S bag, Iridium Sat
Phone; on white cuben bag: spare glasses in plastic case, Kabar knife,
Adventure Medical Kits space blanket bag (emergency day pack & ground
sheet); snaploc with glasses cleaner; Bushnell mini solarwrap charger; on white
cuben bag: cuben bag with charging connectors AAA to AA battery converters, in
blue bag spare batteries = 6 Enerloop AAA, 2 camera, 2 phone, 2 Photon, 2
hearing aia; USB AA/AAA battery charger; first aid kit: Antisan (bites)
ointment, Mylanta (indigestion), earbuds in snaploc, Leucotape on cuben bag
containing variety of plasters and blister pads, triangular bandage (sling)
below: elastic bandage, cuben bag with variety of tablets eg pain,
inflammation, diarrhoea, allergy etc; Toiletries on white cuben bag: wet
tissues, 2 pocket Kleenex (enough for a week!); below on small green cuben bag
S to S ultralight head net (mozzies – sleep) and microdripper of insect
repellent (Deet); magnifier on mirror; square of silnylon for repairs with 2
stickon tie outs on top; spare trekking pole basket; clip on glasses cleaner;
bottom row: on snaplocc bag length Dyneema, glasses repair kit, various bits
and pieces: 2 safety pins, 3 line locs, 2 tarp tie outs, I carabiner, I mitten
hook, 1 cord loc, 1 spare mini compass; on cuben bag, cuben tape (repairs)
rubber band, spare bottle cap; on white cuben bag: 2 lightload towels, comb,
Aloksack (for camera); on blue cuben bag: microdripper bottles containing:
handcream, suncream, deodorant, iodine, wash, anti fungal cream, tube anti inflammatory
cream, tub toothpaste, tub heel balm; anti allergy cream.

about items mentioned in my pack contents (in the order mentioned) You will work it out. There
are gaps. I can see some more posts I need to make!
And from that once great paper, the Age: Animal rights group PETA wants a “tombstone memorial” dedicated
to the chickens injured and killed when crates of live birds fell off a
truck onto the doorstep of a KFC outlet …Vegan Jessica Carter described the
location of the incident as “poignant”. Not to mention “inexpensive”, “beloved”
and “delicious”.
Ain’t it the truth: Without Global
Warming Civilisation Would Not Have Been Possible: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/08/17/without-global-warming-civilization-would-never-have-been-possible/
How’s that Global warming working out for Cairns then: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/08/17/comparison-between-observational-data-and-model-projections-for-cairns-au-hot-days/
Venery: When I was a child who used
to (illegally) trap and sell finches for pocket money, I never suspected what
wonders the ‘zebbies’ were (though they did fetch the highest price). Evidently
they sing to their embryos! Of
course, some people will believe anything. Such as that they are warning them
about ‘climate change’. You got it! Back c1955-1960 I used to get 1/- for a
pair of red- heads but 2/6 for zebbies and L1 per foot for a snake! I once
caught a carpet snake which netted me close to L30! Back then that was between
1-2 week’s wages for a labouring man. I feel no sense of guilt or shame about
this, though it no doubt carries a custodial penalty today! I also used to hunt
rabbits with ferrets, kill rats with terriers, use hold-down dogs on wild pigs
and even enjoy cock fights! Off to the
re-education camp! On the other hand, if you enjoy reading about such things,
can I recommend books by D Brian Plummer? (Such as https://www.amazon.com/Adventures-Artisan-Hunter-David-Plummer/dp/0953364860 Tip: You can often pick his books up more
cheaply on eBay). See: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/08/18/claim-zebra-finch-call-prepares-their-eggs-for-climate-change/

Just when you thought you had been an OK
spouse: ‘Criticising housework and withdrawing affection are defined as
domestic violence in the first national guidelines for judges and magistrates.
The new “bench guide’’ for courts released by Attorney-General George Brandis
yesterday spells out what can be considered family violence – ranging from
physical attacks to yelling or criticising a partner’s appearance or
threatening to have an affair.’ And in the good old USA: ‘The U.S. Department
of Agriculture is holding summits to promote the role of lesbian farmers as a
part of its “Rural Pride” campaign.’ That should nail it all!
Time to ‘toughen up’: ‘A millennial
member of a focus group has angrily objected to the contents of a television
programme because it portrayed millennials as coddled, easily offended and
thin-skinned.’ Iowahawk.
a great video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qQOSPalscs
Lighting a Fire on the Snow:

you can light a fire on the snow but it will quickly melt the snow, sink into
it and go out. And this is just when you most need a fire, so what to do? Find
somewhere clear of snow is the easiest choice: often there is little or no snow
under trees. It is anyway easier to clear a space down to the ground there,
being sure to shake down snow from overhead branches as well. As you pile up
snow to the outside it may also be possible to create a tipi-like (windward)
shelter with a dry floor out of branches laid against the trunk to enhance the
warmth of the fire (but be sure not to suffocate yourself).

the snow is very deep you will need some kind of platform for the fire to rest
on. Lots of folks suggest stones - but they are likely a long way down in this
circumstance, and you are likely cold and in a hurry. A raft of wet wood is the
best idea, the thicker the better, then you proceed to light the fire in the
normal way starting with tinder and the smallest driest pieces and working your
way upwards. Have all your fire materials ready assembled before you strike the
first spark: you definitely may only get one chance at this – and it may well
be your last! Follow the instructions here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/how-to-light-a-fire-in-the-wet/
and here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Building-Campfires-the-Right-Way-without-Fire-Star/?ALLSTEPS
See also: http://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/survivalist/2013/03/survival-skills-how-build-fire-snow
& http://www.offthegridnews.com/extreme-survival/the-simple-way-to-start-a-fire-in-the-snow/
& etc…
'Fire on the Snow' was the title of a great radio play by the (late) Australian
poet Douglas Stewart about the ill-fated 1912 Scott expedition. You can listen
to it here: http://trove.nla.gov.au/work/11851529
New Lithium Oxygen Battery has four
times the capacity: http://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21703358-new-type-electrical-cell-may-displace-lithium-ion-design-their-time-has
Mad, not bad: An interesting
revelation about notorious (Hanged - Yes!) 1936 strangler Arnold Sodeman shows
that according to accepted legal precedent he should have been incarcerated
permanently on account of insanity. Whilst I get the point, (that such folk
might not be technically responsible) I think the distinction between them and
the downright evil is academic: neither are wanted. It is cheaper and better to
waste the lot of them and spend the money saved on more worthy folk: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2016/08/sympathy-strangler/
The Best Laid Schemes (as Robbie
Burns opined) “o' Mice an' Men. Gang aft agley, An' lea'e us
nought but grief an' pain” (‘To a Mouse’: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/43816).
The photo of Spot and I testing out the new Klymit packraft (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/klymit-packraft/)
on the farm dam give no hint of this. I need to inflate it some more I think.
spent the morning sorting gear so we could fit into my new Gossamer Gear
Gorilla backback (http://gossamergear.com/gorilla-ultralight-backpack-all-bundle.html
- they have a special price on them right now. More about that later). I
envisioned we could essay an expedition I had long contemplated…
is a spot along one of our fine rivers in Victoria (I will not say which one)
where it is almost impossible to access the opposite shore to hunt the very
many sambar deer which inhabit it, in any case in the winter months as the
river is too wide, deep and fast flowing. I had considered that there were a
couple of spots where one might climb down to the river from the road (which
runs along one side) and that it ought to be possible to float across to the
other side (and back), set up camp for a couple of days on one of the many
beautiful flats I can see from high up, then spend a pleasant couple of days
stalking some monsters which clearly must inhabit them.
our gear and food for a couple of days do fit in the smaller (40 + 8 litre
pack) – as you can see. Shrinking your kit (from 52 litres) like this exercises
a profitable degree of discipline which it is worth emulating. I omitted nearly
1.5 kg I didn’t need for a short-ish trip. Some are things I might need (say)
on a ten day trip without resupply and where help is far from hand. Some are
things I can probably permanently do without. Even so I have food aplenty for
myself and Spot (the JR) as well as his bed and room to lash the pack raft on
the top if I wanted to. The other side of the pack can easily hold a water
bottle, hiking poles and the paddle. If I was going away just by myself with
this pack I reckon I could squeeze a 5-7 day expedition into it! Spot’s bed and
food alone take up space that could otherwise be occupied by at least three
days of my food. I am carrying a pair of crocs for the river crossing, &
etc… The pack is incredibly tough.

took forever to get away yesterday morning (as usual) and didn’t manage to
leave home until nearly midday. I should have put the trip off another day and
left first thing in the morning. Hindsight is a wonderful thing! I thought I
should (just) have enough time to drive there (3 hours), get across the river
and make camp before dark. I had not counted on the delay caused by finding a
sign which read ‘Aerial Baiting’ which cost me over an hour to check out (not
till October apparently). Then I found that both the first two possible
crossing spots I checked out were unsuitable. Just on dark I found a third
possible crossing but it was by then too late. Rather than make a cold camp
without a fire and wait till the next day I decided to try again on another
river height gauge for this section of river has never been reliable at all. It
is surprising that it has never been fixed given that it is the source of major
hydrological data! I have complained about it a number of times. I have
travelled to this river anticipating a pleasurable canoe trip on a number of
occasions only to find that the river height was up or down by as much as a
metre compared with the gauge height! On this occasion I knew that there was
going to be much more water than I would normally canoe this section of river.
As I planned only to cross it in a relatively deep straight section without
rapids, that did not concern me overmuch.
there were three or four factors I needed to take into consideration: I needed
to be able to get back as well as across. I could have made my way across at
the second spot, but needed to find a second crossing, which I think I found
just on dark. This second crossing would make a better way across, and the
first would make a better way back. Unfortunately the way back is above the way
across, so that if one does not make it one cannot pull out and cross back.
Also, there was much more very fast moving water than I had anticipated. I need
to go (much earlier) on another day to work this out. On this occasion I was
too replete with youthful enthusiasm for my own good! I was so keen to try out
my new backpack and packraft.
I needed to better take into account the difficulty of getting across with a
dog, a gun and a pack in a new (smaller) raft. I will try again on another day
with my Alpacka Fiord Explorer, an inflatable life jacket (I forgot), a
waterproof bag for my gun and tie-downs for my pack - and lots more room for
the dog (this particular Alpacka is a two person boat). The main reason I did
not take it in the first place is that I was loath to be leaving a $1,000 boat
somewhere someone else might find and remove it - extremely unlikely I know,
but I have been ‘up the creek without a paddle’ so to speak on other occasions!
will spend a few days getting some work done at home, get all my gear ready so
I can leave first thing one morning, then head out on another occasion in the
not too distant future. I am pretty sure I can get across and back safely now,
but it needs a bit more careful checking out. Placement of a couple of
floating, trailing ropes to catch hold of to ensure I am not swept past my
landing spot might be a good idea too.
I have perfected it I will have a really excellent hunting spot where I can be
pretty sure I will have uninterrupted access to a goodly supply of deer in the
winter months. I know there are some beautiful sheltered camping spots with
ample firewood and ready access to water on the flats on the other side of the
river too - I have canoed it many times in the summer months.
on this occasion i avoided the 'grief and pain'!
Face Palmists Outed: How dare they show
any contrarian views on a TV set I am watching? I never watch Q & A having
grown more than tired of communists whilst still a teenager when I learned Mao
had murdered 100 million folk, an impressive trick they quickly followed up by
murdering 8 million people in SE Asia after the fall of Saigon! Notwithstanding
that, apparently One Nation’s new Senator Malcolm Roberts gave a creditable
performance against luvvie leftie science guru Brian Cox before an incredibly
hostile audience the other night. Of course, the contrarian view (ie that
Nature is the biggest contributor to climate) is an easy case if given any
fresh air at all and that the ice core data shows incontrovertibly that CO2
rise follows rises in temperature (by 800 years) and not vice versa. Mistaking
cause and effect is a lesson learned early in Logic 101! https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/08/16/climate-clash-aussie-senator-malcolm-roberts-owns-tv-physicist-brian-cox/
There was a time when submarines were a
strategically effective (though it might just be more sensible to build
them economically), eg during WW1. Mind you one of the key strategic lessons to
be learned from that debacle was that one should never keep trying to fight the
last war – in which regard, as I have pointed out before, submarines are almost
certainly very old hat. Nonetheless this description of the first successful
deployment of self-propelled torpedos is instructive: https://www.aei.org/publication/the-u-9-and-the-realm-of-the-unexpected/
Scanning 110 Negatives: If you are
my age you likely have this problem too. Tidying the shed the other day I
discovered yet more photos from the ‘70s in this (discontinued) format.
Remember how once we thought it so wonderful: Ah, ‘the Pocket Camera’! What a
novelty and convenience it once was. We even had an SLR version! What a beauty
it was! My Epson Perfection has no way to scan the negatives though – and
apparently nothing exists commercially. This person has come up with a useful
DIY alternative which however may help you out when you come to archive all
your memorabilia: http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-a-Scanner-Mask-for-110-Film/
![Picture of Make a Scanner Mask for 110 And/Or APS Film [Updated]](2016%20Blog_files/image1161.jpg)
Time soon to break out the winter
woollies: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/08/15/big-chill-substantial-cooling-predicted-within-the-next-few-years/
Poor Raoul. For so many years we had
hopes that he would re-emerge alive from his Soviet hell. Such an undeserved
fate. Yet today there are still those who admire communism: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/07/world/europe/from-a-dacha-wall-a-clue-to-raoul-wallenbergs-cold-war-fate.html?src=me&_r=1
New cookset: One of the pleasant surprises my birthday
brought this year was this wonderful Toaks 1350 ml pot and frypan lid from
Trail Designs (https://www.traildesigns.com/cookware/toaks-1350-ml-ultralight-titanium-pot)
Though only 9 grams heavier then my Toaks 1100 ml pot it holds 250ml more, so
it is big enough for the biggest meals for two people on the trail (or for
heating enough water for a shower: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/bathtime-on-the-trail-the-one-gram-platypus-shower/) – and the frypan (at over 6” – 155mm) is big
enough to do some serious cooking with (eg: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/he-hiked-with-a-falafel-in-his-hand/).
I found that my ‘egg ring’ stove makes an excellent stand for it (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-egg-ring-ultralight-wood-burner-stove/)
The Toaks windscreen works well with it (http://toaksoutdoor.com/windscreen.aspx
& http://www.theultralighthiker.com/windscreens/)
and Trail Designs 12-10 alcohol stove (https://www.traildesigns.com/stoves/12-10-stove)
with simmer ring/s (https://www.traildesigns.com/simmer-ring)
cooks my hiking meals to perfection.

Lid 62 grams
Ring 8 grams
x Vargo pegs 21 grams
Windscreen 17 grams
paperclips 1.5 grams
Stove 16 grams
Rings 3 grams
cup 29 grams
Platypus bottle 35 grams
Measure: 1.5 grams
This is one of my old posts (from 2012), but it is too good not to be repeated:
"At the edge of a forest, German soldiers point their guns at rows of
naked people who follow the Jewish religion. Among them are young mothers
clutching their babies. The shots echo through the woods and the dead bodies
fall into the ground. Down the road, while this is happening, their German army
comrades are busy establishing nature walks and bird sanctuaries and planting
trees. The Nazis conducted horrific experiments on children (I have seen
footage so upsetting it can’t be shown on TV) but
at the same time they banned medical experiments on animals. The same Nazi monsters who committed crimes
of unimaginable barbarity also advocated vegetarianism, organic agriculture,
forest preservation and homeopathic healthcare. How can we possibly explain
this? What was the connection between the inhuman brutality of the Nazis and
their gushing idealization of ‘Nature’?" http://www.martindurkin.com/blogs/nazi-greens-inconvenient-history
Symptomatic of the Libs’ lurch to the

irony is that greyhounds now could be bred as companion animals and could
actually hunt rabbits in the field, but they could not be used for chasing a
mechanical hare around a track.’ Exactly: http://catallaxyfiles.com/2016/08/11/from-the-nsw-hansard-peter-phelps-on-greyhound-racing/
While I do not agree with live baiting either (a
practice opposed too by most responsible greyhound owners), I do not see that
the illegal behaviour of a few should be grounds for banning an entire
Hiking in the Rain: This is a very
useful article. The author (http://gossamergear.com/wp/rain-guide-to-backpacking)
is certainly right that after a while you are bound to get soaked to the skin.
This may mean you have to camp early to get yourself under a roof and warm up
(See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-importance-of-a-roof/)
or it can be avoided by using an umbrella or (I have found) a poncho. If the
poncho can double as a shelter See: (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/pitching-the-poncho-warning-this-may-save-your-life/)
or a ground sheet (see: (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-deer-hunters-tent/
or http://www.theultralighthiker.com/zpacks-hexamid-solo-plus-tent/)
this will cut some of the weight penalty of carrying it (though at only 165
grams (for the Montbell) it might be worthwhile anyway).
Gear Lifelex Umbrella 240 grams
Strangely, this campaign against the Burkha (and in favour of ‘even mini
skirts’) was run by the Government in
Kyrgyzstan, though it would almost certainly be banned here, and actioned
against by the ‘Human Rights Commission’ – what a misnomer that is! http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-36846249
14/08/2016: "The government decides to try to increase the middle class by
subsidizing things that middle class people have: If middle-class people go to
college and own homes, then surely if more people go to college and own homes,
we’ll have more middle-class people. But homeownership and college aren’t
causes of middle-class status, they’re markers for possessing the kinds of
traits — self-discipline, the ability to defer gratification, etc. — that let
you enter, and stay, in the middle class. Subsidizing the markers doesn’t produce
the traits; if anything, it undermines them." Glenn Reynolds
13/08/2016: Census/Senseless? The spin is that we
need this senseless wasteful exercise so that Government can plan (its
investment) and ‘get it right’. Strangely, private enterprise can figure out
how to plan and invest huge amounts of money and get it right (insofaras it
makes a profit on its investment and creates further wealth). Government, on
the other hand (even after conducting these huge intrusive exercises whose
purpose is a mystery to most of us - eg the financial, racial and religious
profiling…) yet when it ‘invests’ our precious tax dollars it almost invariably
‘gets it wrong’ and makes a loss on them
– or is exposed in short order to revelations of monumental waste. At least the
UK censuses have given family historians (after the passage of a century) some
interesting insights into the lives of their ancestors. Ours has always
excluded this worthwhile goal. I question whether our census serves any useful
purpose at all. If I were the Government (and doing some future planning) I
doubt I could do better than cutting all the large areas of government
expenditure (saving Defence and border protection) in half. Then after that had
worked is way through, cutting it in half again, and so on until the whole
sorry edifice was abolished outright! Who could doubt that we could not produce
better social outcomes than by halving the welfare trough? What sense is there
in paying the lazy and indigent to prey on the thrifty and productive? Our
‘education system is shambolic: results have shrunk as expenditure soars –
clearly the cause-effect there is clear? Public transport. Who needs it? The
welfare users would be much fitter if they had to walk/cycle. Likewise health.
By giving them heaps of cheap food on welfare and little exercise, there has
been an explosion in public health costs almost all of which could be avoided
if the lazy would get off their backsides. The justice system. Paying people to
breed, especially paying bad people to breed rather than hanging them just
leads to soaring costs in this area. I would encourage people to carry guns for
self protection and use them liberally until the menace departs. I would empty
the gaols as well as providing farmers with some cheap fertiliser. It would not
be long before people could leave their doors unlocked again and have no
concerns for the safety of their children. Government. Who needs it?
13/08/2016: Tony Abbott, Shaping up well to be our
next PM (hopefully soon): ‘There wouldn’t be a person in this room tonight
– not one of you – who would say that our civilisation is more secure today than
five, ten or twenty years ago. The new tribalism, the loss of civility, and
reality TV politics is taking its toll across the Western world. Yet for all our present discontents, there’d
hardly be any one, here, unconvinced that Western civilisation, especially its
English-speaking version, is mankind’s greatest achievement.’
13/08/2016: The Graf Zeppelin makes a return: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/06/worlds-largest-aircraft-leaves-hangar-for-first-time-ahead-of-ma/
11/08/2016: There is Simply Nothing Like an Old Port
Walking Trail: Yesterday we decided to have a day off and enjoy a peaceful
walk along this beautiful Gippsland trail. Because we are replete with
serendipity we happened to be there at low tide (Do!) This way you can walk one
way along the shore and return along the bridle path, or vice versa.
can turn right at the caravan park sign on your right after the turn to Port
Albert, go to the end of the road and start the walk there. Going this way you
can avail yourself of really beautiful fish and chips (and mayhap a cold lager)
at the grill and bar where the old (fire ravaged) hotel used to be (turn left
at the Rocket Hut near the jetty – 50 metres on left). Highly recommended.
can dawdle along and take about two hours each way, skipping stones, poking
periwinkles, admiring the many gorgeous birds, snapping splendid sunsets, etc.
If you wish (or have time) you can walk a further couple of hours along the
foreshore towards Tarraville and Robertsons Beach.

and the dogs enjoyed the view.

loves to race across the sand.

stippled patterns on the sand draw the dogs together,

launch them apart.

bouncing on rays of stippled sunlight.

a red-billed shearwater.

A royal spoonbill takes off.

a hint of the Srzelecki Hills

beautiful mangroves.


blue haze of Wilsons Prom in the background.

can walk back along the bridle path.

grass trees flowering.

flowering wattles.

a sunset over Corner Inlet.
11/08/2016: An important new book on American
Indians highlights some important truths about identity politics and
segregation in our own society, eg: ‘Americans Indians on reservations live
like many Black Americans live in urban areas. It can easily be a
soul-destroying life where everything for survival is free because the powers
that be have written them off as people without productive potential and figure
that the sensible route is to give them stuff and get their votes. Everybody
admires those who escape any Indian government plantation. The worst thing about the Indians' plantation: No work at all to be
done. No food needs to be produced, no buffalo left to kill, no enemy tribes to
fight. Nothing. Escape is the only way to salvage a life. Government treats
blacks and Indians as if they were helpless children. Give them stuff and they
will shut up. Maybe they - not the government - will figure that out someday
but I do not see it happening anytime soon. https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1594038538/manhattaninstitu/
11/08/2016: When you cheat at maths your opinions are
not to be trusted at all: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/08/03/ipcc-has-at-least-doubled-true-climate-sensitivity-a-demonstration/
10/08/2016: 4 Gram String Tripod: Now that you can
buy pocket cameras with 30X zoom such as the Sony HX80 (18.2 megapixels, 30X
zoom, 245 grams http://www.sony.com/electronics/cyber-shot-compact-cameras/dsc-hx80)
you may think you need a tripod for those really long shots you can now take
(in good light). If you use hiking poles you can make/buy a gadget which
attaches to your pole so it can function as a tripod. You can do the same thing
with a gun (See:http://www.theultralighthiker.com/camera
neither of these are going to be handy, you can tie an approx 6’ (1.8m) length
of string to a small bolt the size which fits in the tripod socket of your
camera (almost always 1/4”-20 UNC) then screw it in to the camera. If you stand
on the string with one foot and pull the string taut so that your eye is level
with the viewfinder/screen you will be able to hold the camera almost perfectly
still just as if you were using a 5’6” (160cm) tripod! Neat, aye? You can
instead tie a loop in the end of the string to hold it down with your toes.
This same trick would also work if you want to hold your gun steady eg for a
long shot without a rest.

10/08/2016: Not Such a Dam Nuisance: We were
moving the (floating) foot valve on the pump inlet line this afternoon. Needed
to get out one of the old Australis Bass canoes to do the job. This one has had
some adventures including being trapped in ‘The Chute’ on the Thomson River
(See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/canoeing-the-thomson-river-gippsland-victoria/
& http://www.theultralighthiker.com/videos/thomson-river-canoe-trip-2006-complete/)
and bent completely in half. Polyethylene is tough!
the kids learned to paddle in these and Perception Minnows. A quarter century
ago and more. We canoed most of the major rivers in Gippsland. Cheap, healthy
summer fun. Try it! I will be scanning my old 35mm snaps of some of those adventures
and including them in later ‘memory lane’ posts.
took some lovely snaps of Spot and me, daughter Merrin and grandson Milo. The
dam is now officially named, ‘Lake Milo’. You can probably see why we are
fighting to save it (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/a-dam-nuisance/) – quite apart from the water we will
need in summer for our garden!

says, 'Come back Steve!'

is now officially a biped. No stopping him now.

wants a ride.

demands a ride.

gets a ride. Now Milo's turn...

For all you worry worts: in this shot the canoe is actually safely on the bank!
Milo can’t quite swim yet, but at seven months he is not so far off walking!
10/08/2016: Recharge Needs: Kodak 5200 mAh
Powerbank: $15 at Safeway/Woolworths 150 grams (139 minus cord). This is cheap
enough you could just use it once (instead of 500X!) then throw it away!
Doesn’t the world just keep getting better and better?
course there are lighter (if not cheaper) options. For example, I usually carry
a spare battery for my mobile phone (about 30 grams). I also have a Bruntons Solarwrap Mini Solar Charger which weighs 85
grams and contains a 2200mAh battery.

10/08/2016: May not survive: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/diet/what-seed-oils-are-really-doing-to-your-body/news-story/e3c6b89c42459afb637957036d5de10f
10/08/2016: Third Mining Boom begins: It may be
presumptuous but I think I see the first swallow of a new mining summer. I
boosted my investments in this sector about six weeks ago when I thought
something might be happening. Since then eg BLY has doubled (nice!) and BHP and
Rio have put on a tidy 10%+ & etc. My thought is that if Adani (finally)
gets the ‘go-ahead’ then we are set to ride the next wave of an Indian led
mining boom. If not we are likely doomed. It is as simple as that. He will not
wait forever. I cannot imagine why he has hung around so long already and risked a couple of billion
dollars. He clearly has more confidence in Australia than the wreckers in the
Labor party, greens, bureaucracy, etc. As a country we must not waste this
(last) great opportunity as we have wasted the previous two (on consumption and
magic pudding socialist nonsense). We may (yet) have a last chance to fix this
great country of ours before it goes down the (economic) gurgler of history (to
mix a metaphor or two!)
09/08/2016: Weed Spraying is a great preparation for
backpacking. Carrying a 20kg knapsack around the Gippsland hills in pursuit
of thistles, rushes, ragwort, blackberries, etc really makes you fit. More folk
ought have a farm or volunteer their efforts to someone who does. There are
plenty of more weeds out there on other people’s land – I can see them out my
window! After a few days carrying it up and down and back and forth on our
steep hills I am definitely ready for my next backpacking trip when I will
barely notice a pack weight less than half it. It (ie the 20kg knapsack) does
make me realise that I could attempt some much longer journeys.

example, the 19 day ‘Wilderness Coast’ Walk in East Gippsland or the West Coast
walk - from Strahan to Bathurst Harbour (Melaleuca) in Tasmania takes approx
one month. If one wanted to avoid the prohibitive expense (not to mention risk)
of organising a helicopter or sea plane
drop/s of supplies then you would have to carry enough food for a month (which
is approx 15kg of rations) equating to a pack weight of about 20 kg at the
outset, but getting better with every step you take! Of course on such a
coastal walk you should be able to supplement your supplies with fish and
shellfish (to say the least) caught/collected on the way.
may try a shorter training ‘run’ (eg five days out and five days back to/from
Strahan) to test/prove the concept first. So many adventures to be had. And so
many jobs around the farm to preclude them!
to whet your appetite:
09/08/2016: Far be it from me to have anything in common with
ISIS…nonetheless in the latest outrage in Quetta, Pakistan ‘most of the
victims were lawyers and journalists’: https://www.sott.net/article/324601-Pakistan-hospital-blast-kills-up-to-93-at-least-120-injured-ISIS-claims-responsibility
09/08/2016: The most amazing thing about this video is
that the lecture hall at Princeton University is nearly empty. How far has
the West fallen when students at a prestigious university do not queue to hear
one of the great thinkers of our time, Roger Scruton discuss ‘Human Duties’. Is there a more important
issue to attend to? When Krishnamurti visited Sydney in 1928 one million
people turned out to see him. You still had to queue when I met him in 1970, as
you did for Bertrand Russell in 1968…when I was a student. What is happening to
the ‘students’ of today that they clearly do not wish to engage with great
ideas? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CswR9SJsiVs
08/08/2016: I felt quite rich when I found my knife,
flint and steel in my shot pouch: Hugh Glass (‘TheRevenant’, ‘Man in the Wilderness’): ‘Although I had lost my rifle and all my
plunder I felt quite rich when I found my knife, flint and steel in my shot
pouch. These little fixens make a man feel righ peart when he is three or four
hundred miles from any body or any place – all alone among the painters and
wild varmints’ http://hughglass.org/sources/ - http://hughglass.org/wpcontent/uploads/2015/09/1825-Hugh-Glass-article.pdf
(See also: https://myfavoritewesterns.com/tag/hugh-glass/)
are the essentials for survival? Clearly, the ability to light a fire and a
tool such as a knife would be great. As would some sort of shelter &/or
protective clothing – but ultimately it is what you carry in your head which is
most important. Without what you need there your life won’t ‘be worth a hill of
beans’! It is well worthwhile reading carefully something like Ray Mears book
‘Survival’ https://www.raymears.com/Bushcraft_Product/489-Ray-Mears-Bushcraft-Survival-Signed-Copy/
Ray is an internationally recognised expert on survival having taught the SAS
for many years. His previous book ‘Survival’ is arguably better and should be
sought – it is I think out of print.
also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/if-you-could-only-carry-two-things-in-the-bush-what-would-they-be/

08/08/2016: Almost certainly true, so why do we
keep on sinking more money into an already dead education system? I Learned More at McDonald’s Than at
College: This young woman has a bright future. Despite a bad economy,
people like Legaspi are usually able to find work due to their professional
attitude and work ethic.: http://legalinsurrection.com/2016/08/video-i-learned-more-at-mcdonalds-than-at-college/
08/08/2016: Governments must not pander to identity
politics. Paul Kelly: ‘The rise of identity politics in Australia — with
its poisonous assault on rational, honest debate and the quality of public
policy — is now tangible in both indigenous and gender issues and was on
display this week over the Northern Territory detention crisis… The politics of
identity speaks to deep human need. Yet its application veers towards
narcissism, censoring of public debate, vicious campaigns of intimidation.’
07/08/2016: Bill Leak and PJ O’Rourke:
When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon
July 20, 1969, the whole world was inspired. On August 15 the same year 400,000
hippies rolled in the mud at Woodstock and no one’s been inspired by human
ingenuity since. What the hell happened during the three weeks between?
Well, you know, stoned hippie that I was, I wasn’t as fastened to my television
that day as a lot of my hippie friends. But it was just such an amazing
technological achievement and yes, three weeks later, we threw it all away. And
we did it in a place where there was no electricity, no water, no toilets and
we had even dispensed with clothes. For those who have a rosy picture of
Woodstock in mind, I really suggest that
they do not go back and look at the photographs of the naked people because
gyms hadn’t been invented.
07/08/2016: CS Lewis said it best: ‘Of all
tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised
for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better
to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber
baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be
satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end
for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.’

you will need is a gum wrapper and a "AA" or a "AAA"

the negative part of the battery on the metallic part of the wrapper.

the top part of the battery and hold it there with something other than your
hand! You will burn yourself, The FIRE!
hint: ‘If you have no gum just get some steel wool [pot scrubber] and put some
tinder on top of it,then get a 9 volt battery and touch on the steel wool
and"hey presto" you have a fire!!’
also How To Make a Fire with AA Battery and Gum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-63ZsOEzsVg
06/08/2016: We need a Royal Commission into this
(chaired by Mick Gooda?): ‘Department of Correctional
Services internal reports obtained by The Weekend Australian depict Dylan
Voller, 19 next month, as a violent and manipulative inmate who routinely
assaults and spits on staff, and vandalises prison equipment. Voller is featured in more than 800
internal incident reports, including about 160 coded red, for most serious,
many of which involve violence towards officers and other inmates, according
to sources in Darwin.’ I don’t think so!
06/08/2016: Listened to an ‘interview’ by Emma
Alberici of our ‘new’ One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts. I have long thought
that this reporter ought to be sacked –and that the whole ABC should be
abolished (for the same reason). I have never witnessed any media which was so
utterly biased. Alberici’s entire interview was an rude unsubstantiated and
uncalled for open attack on Sen Roberts who withstood it extraordinarily well
given that he is clearly new to the public eye. I was particularly impressed by
his defence of his conviction that the while ‘Global Warming/ CO2’ thing is
just one big scam. Though he pointed out quite patiently (I thought) a number
of times what any Chemistry school student once knew that CO2 is an
extraordinarily minor gas having had over time a measured percentage of between
approx .03-.05, that many of the higher
measurements occurred in the C19th or in the mid C20th when it was much higher
than today’s level – 100,000+ measurements), that ice core data show
conclusively that CO2 levels follow peaks in temperature (by 800 years), so
that the ‘correlation’ between CO2/temperature is the reverse of what the
‘Warmists’ preach ie that increases in temperature produce increases in CO2
(and the converse) and that this is entirely due to water’s ‘saturation level’
(ie how much CO2 it can absorb) being highly dependent on temperature - a fact
anyone can test by leaving two opened containers of soft drink overnight, one
in the fridge and one outside just to see how fizzy each remains. What a
wonderful demonstration of democracy it is we now have four One Nation Senators
whilst the Greens’ representation has gone backwards: ‘The Sea of Faith Was
once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore Lay like the folds of a bright
girdle furl'd. But now I only hear Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
Retreating…’ Matthew Arnold, ‘Dover Beach’: http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/dover-beach/
06/08/2016: Milton Friedman, ‘'President Kennedy
said, “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your
country.”… Neither half of that statement expresses a relation between the citizen
and his government that is worthy of the ideals of free men in a free society.
“What your country can do for you”
implies that the government is the patron, the citizen the ward. “What you
can do for your country” assumes that
the government is the master, the citizen the servant.'’
05/08/2016: All you ever needed to know about
butterflies: http://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/faq/how-long-do-butterflies-and-moths-live
05/08/2016: Don’t even try to keep up with the
Joneses: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/07/27/why-rich-neighbors-are-bad-for-you/

05/08/2016: Two of Warren Mundine’s first
responses to the proposed NT Royal Commission was to point out that we already
knew there was a problem; what we needed to do was fix it. Secondly that the
numbers/percentages of ‘aborigines’ in custody had roughly doubled since 1990
(so that nothing about European ‘colonisation’ could explain it). Having grown
up with a lot of aboriginal kids in the 50s and 60s (we didn’t think of them
that way then – just as kids; and their dads worked with our dads!) I know that
there has been a worsening in the ‘aboriginal
community’ since it was ‘discovered’ by Whitlam et al. Of course, like so much other social worsening much can be
laid on the twin ‘experiments’ of ‘welfarism’ and ‘fatherlessness’. (To add
‘marriage equality’ can only add further dangers for children) just as the
‘Stolen Generation’ myth has. http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/07/the_fatherless_effect.html
Mind you, fathers like this http://thesmokinggun.com/buster/athens/grilled-cheese-rage-546398
should be avoided!
10 Days in Fiordland
from our 10 days mainly in Fiordland NZ marred somewhat by Della
dislocating her shoulder in a fall from a rock. This led to the best helicopter
ride ever, not enjoyed as much as it might have been however. Originally
published 24 April 2011. Revised 4 August 2016.
encountered this rock face about a quarter hour up the track from Supper Cove
towards Loch Marie just after you cross the Hilda Burn:

was the rock: marked ( in 2012) ‘Della’s Rock’.

involved a steep (@8′) climb up and then a couple of steps along to the

you got to the top, you had to balance along the top.

was standing at the other side with my hand held out to steady her. She took
one step forward and slipped, just missing my hand. Down she went.

slipped and fell back down catching her hiking pole which was attached to her wrist
in the tree roots effectively hanging herself and dislocating her shoulder.
Very nasty.
reason she slipped (I later discovered) was that she had a twig caught up in
the tread of the sole of her boot so that it acted like an ice skate.
had been carrying an elastic bandage and a sling (neither of which had I ever used)
as well as anti-inflammatories and Panadeine Forte. I used all of these pretty
quickly that day. I imagined she had a broken arm. if i could I wanted to get
her back to the helipad which was about a kilometre back on a relatively flat
path with (unfortunately) one stream crossing for which she would not be able
to use the walkwire. We were (fortunately) able to wade it downstream (which I
knew we could).
only a couple of hours at Supper Cove we were flying out on the helicopter
track has now been diverted around this rock obstacle. Still there are many
spots where you can come to grief if you are not careful – or if you are
those few minutes at Supper Cove she did manage to take some beautiful photos:

from the verandah of the Supper Cove Hut. Note moose browse on fuschia left in

down the fiord from the boat shed.

border-box; orphans: auto;text-align:start;widows: 1;-webkit-text-stroke-width:
0px; word-spacing:0px' alt="DSCF4125 comp" class="alignnone
size-medium wp-image-4853"
1024w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px"
up the fiord across the Seaforth mouth.

' alt="DSCF4114 comp"
class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-4857"
1024w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px"

Dusky Track begins…

border-box; orphans: auto;text-align:start;widows: 1;-webkit-text-stroke-width:
0px; word-spacing:0px' alt="DSCF4133 comp" class="alignnone
size-medium wp-image-4864"
500w, http://i2.wp.com/www.theultralighthiker.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/DSCF4133-comp-3.jpg?w=1024
1024w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px"
much beauty.

Hilda Burn.
plan to take her back one day, hopefully to walk at least one half of the track
– perhaps the section Supper Cove – Hauroko.
03/08/2016: Rubber Band Selfie Stick: Sick of
those out of focus selfies with the end of an arm at the bottom? All you need
is a large rubber band or a hair tie and a forked stick you pick up in the
bush. Loop one end around one end of the camera then around the stick (as
shown) then around the other end of the camera - and away you go!

03/08/2016: Wow! What an essay: ‘Politics is
transactional in nature; some people receive this, others that. It involves
compromises, bending, accommodation. To try any one discrete act of
legislation, especially in isolation from the whole, on the grounds of discrete
reason-giving is to misapprehend the nature of the legislative process, which
is more Hayekian than Platonic. It is not directed by philosopher-kings. It is
the product of a vast array of individual accommodations that accrete into a
whole that—like the “market”—becomes
falsely personified as though its behaviour were susceptible of rational
explanation’. Greg Weiner - See more at: http://www.libertylawsite.org/2016/07/27/the-myth-of-rational-legislation/#sthash.nvjHtJVK.dpuf
03/08/2016: When I started teaching in 1970 we had a
big stick, a stick of chalk and 45 kids in a class, (we were campaigning
for 42!) Only the best @20% of students matriculated then. Teachers came only
from the best 10% of them – so they came only from the best <2% of students.
Most teachers were men. You earned nearly as much as a Builder’s Labourer then.
Pay and conditions (housing, superannuation, holidays, workload, etc) were such
that it was a viable wage on which to support a family. Children learned or
they learned (sharply) not to disrupt others learning. School inspectors
ensured that this was so. It was a reasonably distinguished profession. Even so
there was a shortage of teachers then. Since then spending on education has
increased manifold. Teachers no longer have sticks of any sort. They have
access to all sorts of expensive gadgets instead which do not promote learning.
They can now have been students who have not passed matriculation. Class sizes
are under 20 – if kids turn up at all; there are now no truant inspectors or
fines for non-attendance. Most teachers are women. They earn less than half
what a Builder’s Labourer does. It is nowhere near enough to support a family.
There are no consequences for students not learning. There is no particular
shortage of teachers (only good ones!) now. It is now a low status job. The
latest Naplan scores reinforce the blindingly obvious: ie that increasing
spending does not make for better outcomes. It is the triumph of quantity over
quality. Given the circumstances in which teachers work the pool of capable
teachers was long ago exhausted. Only an improvement in selection, pay and
conditions and a dramatic increase in class sizes could possibly improve
outcomes. Don’t hold your breath waiting to see that happen!
(Revised 2016): 22/12/2014: ‘I
was feeling a little down (due to some internet bullying), then a young
friend rang to wish us ‘Seasons Greetings’ from Washington, which really
brightened up my day! He is Steve Hutcheson a young
American (29) I met on the Dusky Track, Fiordland NZ in 2012. At the time I had
such a bad back I really did not think I could walk a step of the track, but
wanted to re-visit Supper Cove one (last?) time. We spent a several days there
fishing, talking, exploring; learning from each other. Then I walked out the 50
km with him. Lots of Panadeine Forte; also lots of good company.

Hutcheson on the verandah of the Supper Cove Hut 2012.
later visited us here (twice) and we have been in contact many times since. I
hope to do more hiking with him in the future: perhaps the Pacific Crest Trail?
Who knows? I have since had a back operation which has returned some of my
functionality. And I have been back to Dusky again (in April), and also walked
the South Coast Track there.
is GREAT to be able to make new friendships and renew old ones. I write these
comments to recall my (small) adventures, offer (I hope) useful practical
advice, and stimulate thought and discussion. I thank you ALL for your support.
I never have expected others to think as I think, just as I do not think as
others do. That is all part of the great adventure of life – as is long
distance hiking in the wild places of the world…I have a few adventures in mind
yet, if I am able, such as the Upper Yarra Track which I have been discussing
lately. Any who want to join me are welcome.
also met a young Israeli on the 2012 Dusky walk. He also visited us twice, and
I keep in touch with him. Neither of these people is on Facebook for one reason
or another. It may surprise you that much of my discussion with the Israeli
chap during the several days of our walk was an attempt to convince him of the
essential goodness of human beings, and that this applied just as much to
Moslems. It may surprise you more that I have had, and still have Moslem
friends – who read my posts.
to comments: I intend many of my posts to be absurd – life often is. Jesus
was a much nicer man than Mohammed but not half such a good man as
Socrates in my opinion, (or Buddha for that matter). Still, I do not respect
religion and would rather see it gone from the earth. Thank you also X, Y Z,
etc for your comments and others for your support. I know that there are others
who have been reading this without comment too who are with me in my
endeavours. I will try to continue to post interesting, thoughtful things. Hope
you continue to enjoy them’.
SCRIPT (August 2016):
have been reviewing my Dusky posts (and will be adding some more soon). I saw
that this one needed some more fleshing out. So, I have added some pictures. I
have been back to the Dusky (in 2013) but still have not taken Della on this
wonderful track. Maybe next year.

full of ‘Spotties’ = bait.

shark. We caught this guy but were not able to haul him in with my handline.

good feed of Blue Cod. The most delicious of all fish. Do take a handline to
Supper Cove.

old moose track: you can still see the indentation of the huge print above my
glasses case. Taken high on the ridge above the Supper Cove Hut.

one may be a moose too – a red deer track off to the right for comparison.
Henry Burn (also called ‘Moose Creek’).

off from Supper Cove: a couple of Panadeine Forte under my belt but still the
pack hurts.

stop Day Two: Seaforth River above Lock Marie.

a little the worse for wear (me) at the Kintail Hut.

the track head (Wilmot Pass Road) end of Day Four.
03/08/2016: How To Make A Laser-Sighted Blowgun For
Only $3:
03/08/2016: The Pope: What an optimist he is! ‘All religions want peace,’ he said the
other day. What absolute tosh! The
world is piled high with mountains of corpses resulting from one belief
system’s passionate desire to ensure theirs is the only one. His is no
exception. And its ‘Great Enemy’ with which we are now in the Fifth protracted
war has been arguably the worst ‘religion’ to date - so far as pyramids of human heads is
concerned anyway. The Mongols were pretty good at this interesting sport too –
and especially the communists! Ah, what a heartbreak old human race it is!
03/08/2016: Turnbull must go: No-one with this
level of bad judgement and dishonesty can remain PM. He will (has already)
fatally damaged the Liberal brand. How to rid themselves of him with a majority
of just 76/150 when he would almost certainly vote against the Government in a
confidence motion if they dumped him? Katter and McGowan must be pretty hot
property just now! His three latest judgement disasters: first the knee jerk
reaction to have a Royal Commission over an issue that certainly did not
warrant one (It was clearly normal control of seriously damaged people whom
none of us could better manage – and then lying about having consulted Warren
Mundine about it who subsequently came out opposed to it). Second the Rudd
debacle. Now he appoints Mick Gooda (a one-eyed aboriginal activist who has
chanted that the NT Government should be sacked over the treatment of the young
people in detention) as Royal Commissioner to investigate. The prison guards
will certainly not get a fair shake from him. Some previous errors since the
election: Turnbull cannot last a week as PM without making stupid and
disastrous decisions. Example 2: Thinks Islamists might just be insane: http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/turnbull_to_terror_chief_are_islamists_just_crazies/ Flailing PM and his ex-flunkeys will be lucky to survive a week: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/flailing-pm-and-his-exflunkeys/news-story/177aa21c2c923a1d209004298da6786a
02/08/2016: Top Posts: This site lists posts below
in order of popularity ie how many ‘clicks’ each has received, but I have a
different list. Here is a collection of my posts according to how important I
think they were. Some of them you may have never seen (for the above reason).
Some will have links which lead you on to other matters. With nearly 750 posts
there should be something for the hiker, hunter or outdoorsperson to enjoy…

Your Way: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/finding-your-way/
to Light A Fire In the Wet: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/how-to-light-a-fire-in-the-wet/
can ruin a camping trip: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/insects-can-ruin-a-camping-trip/
Crossings: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/river-crossings/
to avoid being wet & cold while camping. http://www.theultralighthiker.com/how-to-avoid-being-wet-cold-while-camping/
Open Shelter: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/an-open-shelter/
Your Breath – Walking Uphill: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/catching-your-breath-walking-uphill/
Care: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/foot-care/
Woes: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/cookset-woes/
Pack: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ultralight-pack/
Daypack: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hunting-daypack/
Hunting Daypack Update: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ultralight-hunting-daypack-update/
Deer Hunter’s Tent: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-deer-hunters-tent/
Egg-Ring Ultralight Wood Burner Stove: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-egg-ring-ultralight-wood-burner-stove/
Hiking Desalinater or Survival Still: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/water-hiking-desalinator/
Soft Pillow and a Warm Bed Under the Stars: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/a-soft-pillow-and-a-warm-bed-under-the-stars/
Stakes and Tricks: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/tent-stakes-and-tricks/
Importance of a Roof: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-importance-of-a-roof/
Insulated Clothing: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/inflatable-insulated-clothing/
you could only carry two things in the bush, what would they be? http://www.theultralighthiker.com/if-you-could-only-carry-two-things-in-the-bush-what-would-they-be/
Poncho/Shelter/Hammock Tarp: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hole-less-ponchoshelter/
the Poncho: Warning: This may save your life: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/pitching-the-poncho-warning-this-may-save-your-life/
a Knife: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/carry-a-knife/
– Don’t leave home without it: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/rope-dont-leave-home-without-it/
Bow Saw: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/improvised-bow-saw/
can choose to do anything: Free Will/Determinism: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/free-willdeterminism/
Will Not Live Forever: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/you-will-not-live-forever/
you should get your feet wet when hiking. http://www.theultralighthiker.com/why-you-should-get-your-feet-wet-when-hiking/
Personal Hygiene: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ultralight-personal-hygiene/
Lost. Get Found: Best Plb/Epirb: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/get-lost-get-found-plbepirb/
to Treat a Gunshot Wound: Part 2: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/how-to-treat-a-gunshot-wound-part-2/
Book May Save Your Life: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/this-book-may-save-your-life/
Quite Alone in the Wilderness http://www.theultralighthiker.com/not-quite-alone-in-the-wilderness/
Last of the Mountain Men: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-last-of-the-mountain-men/
02/08/2016: Sour Grapes: You will recall Aesop’s
fable concerning this. A young fox must have dropped this interesting ‘egg’ in
our paddocks yesterday morning – found as I was going around the lambs. It must
have thought it such a prize having carried it for a number of miles carefully
in its mouth, doubtless salivating over the tasty treat it would be when it
retired to its den. You can see that it has made Herculean efforts to ‘open’
it, before finally giving up on the challenge. What a tough old egg it was! May
be some use yet. I will save it against my next episode of plantar fasciitis!

02/08/2016: Her Craft or Sullen Art: (Apologies to
Dylan Thomas). We are (as you may have gathered) long since empty nesters,
though our kids do still visit (at least one of them on average) practically
every day. We recommend this. If you are nice to your kids they may just grow
up to not hate you. Ours are unlikely however to use their bedrooms ever again
as they have houses of their own nearby, though I expect their children might!
has long since longed for their bedrooms to be transformed into her Craft Room.
You may also have gathered that we made this house ourselves. Every saw cut,
every nail driven…even the bricks we made and laid ourselves. You can save a
lot of money this way, and you learn a lot, skills which can be applied to many
things. However, this may be why it is never ever quite finished.
are some snaps of the current metamorphosis of two of the kids’ adjoining rooms
into Della’s new work area. We have taken out a wall and closed the gap with
concertina Victorian four panel doors (the same as we have throughout the
house). When she needs the extra space she can open them up. If people need to
stay there is still sleeping accommodation and the rooms can be closed up
again. It would probably have been better is we had made the rooms this way in
the first place. I would if I had my time over again. Well, there are probably
many things I would have done differently, but even more I would not have!

My Craft or Sullen Art
my craft or sullen art
in the still night
only the moon rages
the lovers lie abed
all their griefs in their arms,
labour by singing light
for ambition or bread
the strut and trade of charms
the ivory stages
for the common wages
their most secret heart.
for the proud man apart
the raging moon I write
these spindrift pages
for the towering dead
their nightingales and psalms
for the lovers, their arms
the griefs of the ages,
pay no praise or wages
heed my craft or art.
02/08/2016: Porridge: Is undoubtedly the most
compact energy dense and sustaining breakfast to eat on the trail.
Unfortunately the ‘instant’ versions of this staple have been so adulterated
and laden with diabetes promoting nasties as to be almost downright dangerous.
Here is Della’s ‘traditional’ porridge recipe. It is astonishing that it needs
only one level teaspoon of brown sugar (equivalent to ½ teaspoon of white
sugar) to make it quite sweet enough. The ‘serving size here (quite enough for
us though less than 2/3 of the recommended ‘serving size) weighs 43 grams (and
would require approx 12 grams of metho to cook. Rinse it down with a cup of hot
coffee and you are quite ready for the trail.
cup of Uncle Toby’s ‘Traditional’ Oats (26 grams = 640kj)
cup of full cream milk = 1/9 cup of milk powder (17 grams = 307kj)
cup of water
to the boil then simmer stirring frequently.
one pinch of salt half way through cooking (<.5 gram). This is important.
The oats will be ‘tough’ if you add it too soon, the sugar will not be ‘sweet’
enough if you add it too late.
cooked stir in one level teaspoon of loose brown sugar. (4 grams= 41kj)
47 grams = 988kj = 236 calories.
important advantage of porridge is how compact it is. When you are
contemplating a long journey (say 10+ days on the Dusky track Fiordland NZ (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/dusky-track-adventures-1/)
for example all that food has to fit into your pack somewhere – so compactness
is an important ultralight feature.
You need to work out a system of measures using the things which are in your
cookset. You will no doubt have a small marked container for measuring metho, a
spoon, a cup and a pot. If these don't already have measures on them you should
mark them on in some way (eg with an engraver) or mark them on a light strip of
plastic you can insert into them showing eg how far up the pot one cup of water
comes. You should remember how many spoons full make up a cup 7etc so that you
know how many to add when making up your porridge for example.

01/08/2016: If you could only carry two things in the
bush, what would they be? Now I mean: if you suddenly found yourself there,
having fallen out of a boat, after a plane crash which you miraculously
survived - or if you were just magically transported there from your living
room in just your shorts.

I think they should be things which you could
just always have in your pockets if ever such an eventuality happened. So
helicopters, motorbikes, flamethrowers, satellite phones and delectable members
of the opposite sex are out – OK?
just leave you a minute to think about it…
are lots of things which might come in handy, aren’t there?
of you will have read the (children’s) novel ‘Hatchet’ by Gary Paulson or seen
the film based on it (‘A Cry in the Wild’ 1990). A hatchet might be handy – or a
knife? What sort of knife? Folks of my generation no doubt recall ‘Hatchet’ was
(loosely) based on Robert Heinlein’s novella ‘Tunnel in the Sky’ about a group
of future scouts sent to a wilderness area on a far planet as a survival test –
both excellent reads – as well as providing various suggested answers to my
introductory question.
would have voted ‘knife’ pretty high up any list. If only I had said ‘five
things’. Or ten! This is how your pack gets filled up with all sorts of junk
and ends up weighing half as much as you do!
now you are all recalling all the other ‘castaway’ books and films you have
known. It all started with Homer’s ‘Odyssey’ (a must-read if you haven’t yet)
or maybe with Mesopotamia’s ‘Epic of Gilgamesh’ (likewise). There have been so
many versions. The theme is clearly a primal plot-line. ‘Robinson Crusoe’.
‘Gulliver’s Travels’. The list goes on and on…We all love these wilderness
might say, ‘It all depends on the season’. Well, No. It does not. Your
experience may be different in different seasons it is true. More folks die of
cold in the wilds than from any other single thing. Exposure can strike in any
season. We nearly lost some clients a few years ago who decided to come down to
buy some sheep by coming over the ‘hump’ from Jamieson to Licola in midsummer.
They found themselves bogged in a 60cm snowdrift! Blizzards can occur at any
time in the High Country. Fortunately for them they were smokers. Be careful.
You might not survive giving up the durries.
it comes in cold and wet you can suddenly be very cold. The coldest I have ever
been was when I was 16 coming back from a droving trip in Western NSW for Xmas
at Lake Macquarie. I had for several months been following a vast mob of sheep
all over Western NSW on my horse camping each night on the roadside (the ‘Long
Paddock’) or in the travelling stock reserves under the ‘chuck wagon’ - ‘and at
night the wondrous glory of the everlasting stars’ as Clancy of the Overflow
opined. Coming over ‘The Range’ west of Murrurrundi it was snowing. Hard. Only
the second time I had ever seen the white stuff. I was riding a 90cc
Bridgestone motorcycle. Remember them? I was wearing shorts and a Tee shirt!
When I got to Murrurundi I bought a big bag of hot chips to thaw out my frozen
hands which were very close to being frost-bitten (it was the only thing I
could think of!). Then I was able to eat them. Multiple use. A very important
quality. Very few get a chance to starve to death. It takes too long. Six
weeks. Some die of thirst. A week? Some are killed by fire. Many fall, or
drown. Others (a tiny few) are attacked by wild animals. The greatest number
die of stupidity – or ignorance. They are the same thing, really.
bazooka might come in handy if you just suddenly find yourself on the planet of
the carnivorous elephantine monsters – but it might be better to hide! You will
run out of ammo eventually anyway. Should you carry a gun? But what if it
rains? What if there’s a fire? A warm coat perhaps?
though that people have lived on this continent for many thousands of years
carrying much less than you could probably easily fit in your pockets. And they
didn’t even have pockets! But carrying some essential knowledge between their
ears which you might not have. Perhaps a book on survival? Well, read one
anyway. Nothing you carry in your head will be cheating.
recommend Ray Mears’ ‘The Survival Handbook’. This guy has trained the SAS for
years and years. He has taken extreme trouble to really work out how to do it.
All. He has also made a number of TV programmes about related matters. Get hold
of them. So much better than Bear Gryls. In one episode he makes a long bow
(with stone tools which he first makes), a string for it, then the arrows,
arrow heads, glue and binding for the arrow heads, then the fletching. Then he
stalks and harvests a red deer, butchers and cooks it with a heap of other
things he has collected from the wild. This guy survives with style!
what would I take?
would opt for a mini Bic lighter and a mylar poncho. The ability to light a
fire (either to keep warm or to backburn to create a refuge during a wildfire)
is really essential. Remember more people die of cold than anything else. Again
the mylar poncho. Coghlans have one. (http://www.coghlans.com/products/emergency-survival-poncho-1390)
So should you, ever in your daypack or pocket. It will keep you dry and warm.
If you have to stay out all night you can hunker down in it like a mini tent
(as illustrated here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/inflatable-insulated-clothing/)
– with a warm fire out the front to make your disaster experience just about
perfect! You will have plenty of time to figure out food, water, finding your
way home & etc whilst you sit dry in front of a warm fire. Tomorrow is
another day!
and my third thing would be a knife!
01/08/2016: Great party costume:
01/08/2016: Progress at last: This Gun Makes And Fires Paper Airplanes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7K91g8yG_w
& http://www.popsci.com.au/make/hacks/this-gun-makes-and-fires-paper-airplanes,396606
31/07/2016: A new way to get the news: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOaMIPk5GtosYNi32liVbRg?con=&dom=pscau&src=syndication
31/07/2016: You Can Blow Soap Bubbles And Instantly
Freeze Them Into Ice Orbs: http://www.popsci.com.au/make/hacks/you-can-blow-soap-bubbles-and-instantly-freeze-them-into-ice-orbs,414294
31/07/2016: Amazing People: Woman climbs 33 storey building using suction from a vacuum cleaner. Start
video about one minute in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTMDzqVwr9E
30/07/2016: Inflatable Insulated Clothing: I am
surprised this idea has not taken off more given that it is (trapped) air which
is the insulator in all warm clothing, the more air trapped per unit weight
being the yardstick for cross comparison. A product known as Aerovest (http://www.survivalmetrics.com/store/Item/id_aerovest_emergency_survival_vest)
was available a few years ago. This provided a waterproof inflatable mylar vest
weighing around 2 oz (60 grams). It was a little difficult to inflate (and
particularly deflate and the closure and re-use features were not all that they
could be – however it could certainly save your life for a very modest weight
in your pack/pocket.
product Xerovest is the current iteration (http://www.xero-gear.com) on Kickstarter
where you can pre-order yours from US$10 ea. (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ianbruce/the-xerogear-emergency-cold-weather-vest?token=c2c732ad)
Again it weighs around 60 grams. It can be deflated with a straw and reused.
(https://gearjunkie.com/pump-it-up-jacket )
started making a more durable one which morphed into Nudown (https://www.nudown.com) a much more
high-end inflatable products. These combine a rain shell with an insulated
jacket in one lightweight garment.
course a garment does not need to be inflatable to provide a degree of
protection from the elements. Some folks such as Blizzard have a ‘bubble wrap’
approach for example (http://www.blizzardsurvival.com/) . Then
there are those which utilise simple mylar such as in the mylar poncho http://www.coghlans.com/products/emergency-survival-poncho-1390.
can make your own as illustrated here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/more-fun-with-sticky-tape-ultralight-mylar-vest/ and here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/fun-with-sticky-tape-mylar-poncho/
shelters such as the Blizzard bag: http://www.blizzardsurvival.com/product.php/100/blizzard-survival-bag
are also a good idea. Some examples: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/survival-shelter/



Whitney vest

Survival Vest

Emergency Poncho
30/07/2016: You can really feel safe when you learn that two officers decided
to settle their differences by fighting
a duel with flare guns in kayaks in a pool and succeeded in setting the
barracks alight: http://www.forces.tv/98339400
30/07/2016: Never resist arrest. It is a risky plan. Let
the police do what they have to do: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/07/18/analysis-of-washington-post-police-shootings-data-reveals-surprising-result/
29/07/2016: ‘Great Oaks From Tiny Acorns Grow’:
Apparently all acorns are edible:
Acorns, meaning lowest in tannin: East Coast White oak, the Emory oak of the
Southwest, the Pin oak of the South, the Valley and Blue oaks of California,
the Burr oak of the Midwest, as well as the Cork oak and the well-named Bellota
oak of Europe.
acorns should be leached with water to remove bitter tannins, which will a)
make your mouth feel and taste like felt, b) make you a bit nauseous, and
possibly c) constipate you for days.
those tannins out is the big barrier to cooking with acorns. But it ain’t no
biggie. With my Valley oak acorns, after shelling I drop the acorn meats
directly into my stockpot that was two-thirds full of water. When I fill the
pot about a third of the way up with shelled acorns, if I am in a hurry, I
bring the pot of water to a boil. The water turns dark. As soon as it boils,
pour the water off into the sink and repeat the process. It requires about five
changes of water to get Valley oak acorns to taste like chestnuts.” http://honest-food.net/2014/10/13/how-to-eat-acorns/

29/07/2016: Slow Motion of Lightning Hitting Telegraph
Pole via dash cam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIC0_fDp1Xw
29/07/2016: Fastbrick Robotics: here is an Australian
company going places in a hurry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YcrO8ONcfY
28/07/2016: Rain Skirt: If you are like me and
find rain pants too hot and restrictive to walk in you may find a rain skirt or
kilt will keep your lower body from the knees up much drier and more
comfortable. You can buy one from various suppliers such as I did (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/rain-kilt/)
or you can make your own. Here’s a useful Instructable on how to make your own.
http://www.instructables.com/id/Rain-Kilt-Skirt-for-Hiking/ See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/south-coast-track-fiordland-nz-waitutu-to-westies/

28/07/2016: When are we going to do this here: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/horrific-pictures-300-dead-in-philippine-president-rodrigo-dutertes-national-drug-crackdown/news-story/deaf7d9f72745baf629c36beb1951940
28/07/2016: Coming to you soon: a totally new kind of
fridge: http://www.gizmag.com/cooltech-commercial-magnetic-cooling/43874/
28/07/2016: Amazing headlines of our times (eg
Reuters headline about recent events in Ansbach Germany) ‘Syrian man denied asylum killed in German blast’ http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/07/will-politicians-accept-reality-islamic-terrorism/
Not also this : https://twitter.com/RitaPanahi/status/757401530165293056
- maybe the only functioning Trabant in Germany! Similarly in Normandy: The nun
told Le Figaro newspaper: ‘They entered brusquely and took over. They spoke in
Arabic.’ ‘The men shouted ‘Daesh’ and cut the priest’s throat before being
‘neutralised,’ police said. “Two attackers backing the Islamic State stormed a
village church during Mass in northern France on Tuesday … “The identities of
the attackers and motive for the attack are unclear.” – The Associated Press.

28/07/2016: A new survey shows that even most
minorities don’t support affirmative action. Anyway it’s a bad idea.
Succeed on your own merit, or don’t. Get over it: http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=7820
28/07/2016: Something to look forward to: August’s
Planetary Alignment: http://www.smh.com.au/technology/sci-tech/get-set-for-the-peoples-planetary-parade-20160725-gqd0qx.html
27/07/2016: These are cute: Garage Door Covers: http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/archives/28475-Garage-door-covers.html#extended
27/07/2016: Tattoos: I have never understood why
ink which can be easily removed has never been mandated for this industry: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/beauty/face-body/fair-work-ombudsman-its-not-illegal-for-employers-to-say-workers-cant-have-tattoos/news-story/1218afea10949af16f626f7f8d2cdea1
27/07/2016: How koalas corrupt the political process,
(they make lovely fur coats though!): eg ‘Meanwhile, koalas that irrupted as a
result of recent urbanization in southeastern Queensland are now well into the
decline phase. ABC News has reported that “huge swathes of one of Australia’s
biggest and most important koala populations are effectively extinct … State
Environment Minister Steven Miles has flagged a plan to establish an expert
panel to point policy in the right direction”7. The first policy
initiative coming from this “brains trust” is a plan to ban dogs from a couple
of suburbs where they are currently feeding on starving, diseased koalas living
in declining backyard trees8.’ https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/doomed-planet/2016/07/many-koalas-little-science/
27/07/2016: Internet archive: What an amazing resource. Free and out of copyright: Download
safely with Utorrent: https://blog.archive.org/2012/08/07/over-1000000-torrents-of-downloadable-books-music-and-movies/

26/07/2016: Thrilling tales: Erin McKittrick: This
young lady (accompanied by her husband, Hig) is amongst the greatest living
explorers. Their 4,000 mile trek along the US Pacific Coast related in her book
‘A Long Trek Home’ is astonishing – but it proved to be only the beginning of
her adventures. Connect with her here: http://www.groundtruthtrekking.org/blog/

26/07/2016: Indefinite detention: Let me say at the outset
that I find this utterly repugnant in just the same way the Roman Senate
responded when imprisonment was recommended against the Catiline conspirators (http://www.forumromanum.org/literature/sallust/catilinae.html)
I would have no problem with folks being put to death for their crimes (quickly
and mercilessly) but to cage a person for anything but a very short and
temporary period is a disgusting and degrading punishment which no-one should
suffer. The other point is that our punishment system has always been based on
the notion of ‘paying for your crime’, and that once you had done with that,
then you were free once more. If terrorists have caused such a distortion of
our long-held legal principles as Turnbull (and Howard before him with his
suspension of Habeas Corpus) seek to implement, then the terrorists have succeeded
in destroying our society. They have already won. Rather than that, death is
the only suitable punishment for such treasonous offences. http://www.skynews.com.au/news/top-stories/2016/07/25/pm-pushing-for-new-anti-terror-scheme.html
26/07/2016: ‘Lone Wolf’ Killers. I despise
this peculiar euphemism. The term was (properly) ‘Lobo Wolf’ until it was
corrupted thus, and was the semantic equivalent of ‘mad dog’ (as in ‘Mad Dog Morgan’ the
despicable Australian bushranger who belonged to no discernible group) – both
being highly pejorative, dysphemic terms. Both terms ‘lone’ & ‘wolf’ have far too many positive connotations
to be at all appropriate as a descriptor for the conduct indicated. Never mind
that the conduct (almost always Islamic terrorism) is anything but solitary or
vulpine. It is instead collective and rabid. It is (as Tony Abbott phrased it)
a ‘Death Cult’ which is responsible. Let us not mince words: This cult must be
25/07/2016: Two more angry Presbyterians: http://www.news.com.au/world/europe/bomb-explosion-in-ansbach-germany/news-story/51b8c593e80195c270d84c22ead50eda
& http://www.skynews.com.au/news/top-stories/2016/07/25/man-kills-woman-with-machete-in-germany.html
25/07/2016: The ABC and the Left are coming out
against ‘free speech’ (not that it existed there anyway) and want it banned. Apparently we have been saying things they
don’t agree with: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/theminefield/is-freedom-of-speech-doing-more-harm-than-good/7648542
25/07/2016: Camping With Cats: We have all seen
the pics of folks camping with their dogs. Time our feline friends got into the
act: http://www.boredpanda.com/camping-with-cats-ryan-carter/
See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/most-travelled-cat/

25/07/2016: Tight Shoes: With age, gravity tends
to give us a larger foot size. Our feet expand under our weight. Solid, well-made
leather shoes can be stretched between a half-size to a whole size. Poor quality shoes can not take the stress of
stretching - either the leather itself, or the stitching, will break.
to try: Shoe stretchers will adjust width or length. Cheap on Amazon. Over a
day or two, you keep increasing the tension in the stretcher. Heating the shoes
with a hair dryer or in a hot sun makes the leather a bit more stretchable.
Soaking the shoe well with water or, better, isopropyl alcohol (rubbing
alcohol) before stretching is what expert cobblers do. Simpler, soak with water
or rubbing alcohol and wear the shoes. Be careful not to overdo it or you can
end up with loose shoes.
interesting ‘hack’ here suggests filling a plastic bag with water and placing
it inside the shoe then freezing it/them. As the ice expands it will stretch
the shoe. I guess this would work. We probably all have a box of ill-fitting
shoes somewhere that we could experiment with. Might save a few bucks: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/how-stretch-shoes-that-are-too-tight.html

25/07/2016: As archaeology pushes human settlement in the Americas ever backwards
a reader leaves this comment, ‘can we finally get over the nonsense of
Afro-centrism, and acknowledge that modern man began in Americas & migrated
to Asia via Bering straits & Europe from North America?’ www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/16700-year-old-tools-found-texas-change-known-history-north-america-006316
25/07/2016: In 2007, Islam and Judaism's holiest
holidays overlapped for 10 days. Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94 terror
attacks across 10 countries during this time... while Jews worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.
24/07/2016: ‘1 in a billion' police shooting: Cop's
bullet jams suspect's gun:
‘Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff Jose Ramon Marquez in an apparent
attempted robbery last winter, they just need to look at a photograph of his
weapon. The photo shows Marquez’s bullet, which he fired at Meshesha while he
was being fired on, inside Meshesha’s gun. Marquez’s .45 caliber shot had hit
Meshesha’s gun exactly in the barrel opening and traveled down the barrel, jamming
the assailant’s .40 caliber weapon completely. http://www.wnd.com/2016/07/1-in-a-billion-police-shooting-cops-bullet-jams-suspects-gun/

24/07/2016: Truly great essay by Myron Magnet: Why Are Voters So Angry? He is right
about this: Government has betrayed and
deserted us. It no longer sees its duty is to do our bidding and
paramountly to protect us. Some foretastes: ‘Haunting this year’s presidential
contest is the sense that the U.S. government no longer belongs to the people
and no longer represents them…What citizens want to know is that, of all the world’s
people who seek to live in America, our government will admit those who come
legally, whose families will not harm us, and who will add to the wealth of the
nation, not reap where they have not sown. After all, public safety—not clean
energy or national health care—is government’s purpose…Formerly, our open
economy drew the enterprising and energetic to these shores, and our lack of a
public safety net, with only private ethnic and religious charities to help the
unfortunate, meant that those who couldn’t contribute to the U.S. economy went
home. .. That’s what makes it so disheartening to learn that the University of
California has just deemed it a politically incorrect offence to declare
America a land of opportunity, so as not to stigmatize those who’ve failed to
seize it. It’s disheartening not only because such a retreat from our
traditional culture will hold back immigrants, but also because our long
cultural unravelling already has damagingly demoralized the native-born working
class in the face of economic change. They dimly know that, and part of what
makes them so angry is what they have allowed themselves to become…’ http://www.city-journal.org/html/why-are-voters-so-angry-14607.html
23/07/2016: A Dam Nuisance: We have spent the last
week or more trying to save one of our two dams. We had some sudden very heavy
rain last week which broke our newly rebuilt bottom dam and threatened the
spillway of the top dam (we worked for over a week in the summer building) and
the integrity of the dam itself.
number of stratagems have been implemented. If we can keep the overflow in the
pipe and the pipe hanging on the wall until the flow slows to a trickle or
stops in the spring/summer and the earth dries up enough to support large
equipment we may yet save and repair it permanently. All the work we have
carried out over the last ten days or so has been on very wet surfaces where
every step bogs your foot and requires all your strength to pull your foot out
and take another step. So it hasn’t been much fun.
rain last winter finally broke both dams so we spent nearly $10,000 and a lot
of work repairing them last summer. Of course the earth really needed a couple
of years to stabilise, regain a good grass cover & etc. Sadly this was not
to be. We will be up for maybe another $5,000 of repairs this summer. All this
so we can have a lovely garden. It hardly seems worth it! Well, all right, it
latest stratagem is a high tensile chain up the middle of the pipes secured
with Allthread to steel beams at each end. When we tension up the large nuts on
each end it compresses the pipes together making them resist drooping etc. It
is astonishing how much tension you can create with a shifting spanner on a ¾”
HT thread. I have had three goes at different thickness beams at each end, all
of which I have succeeded in bending. Don’t know my own strength I guess!

dam finally gave way last winter.

Spillway overflowing.

New dam full: lots of garden water here.

huge rain event and earthquake moved the pipes and the spillway. Water burst
through beneath the pipes and undermined the spillway. Insurance does not cover
damage to farm dams.

bolted together and braced. Leaks fixed. Here’s hoping.
23/07/2016: The Religion of Peace:
Report Jul 02, 2016 -Jul 08, 2016
Killed 615
Injured 740
Blasts 12
Report June, 2016
Killed 2055
Injured 2006
Blasts 43
Attacks since 9/11 28,822
23/07/2016: Human history is full of surprises: These folk could be claiming castles in
Portugal instead: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2016/07/bird-people-groote-eylandt/
22/07/2016: Sad news last night that Kickass Torrents had been taken down by the
feds. Good news this morning a clone is up and running: http://gizmodo.com/someone-already-made-a-kickass-torrents-clone-1784064876
22/07/2016: Grammar: The Left are fond of words
like ’marginalised’& ‘disadvantaged’. It is a hangover from their old
Marxist rhetoric of seeing capitalism as the font of all ills rather than the
producer of all of society’s (economic) goods! They indicate folks like the
unemployed, cripples, blacks, Moslems,
(all) women (really?), crazies, LGBTIs, and so on…Creating a cumbersome verb from an adjective craftily turns a group of
people into victims of an active, malevolent force to push people to the
‘margins’ of life. Many people are marginal to society because they will not,
do not wish to, or can not, adjust to or fit into ordinary bourgeois society.
For example, they will not work. That may be deeply to be regretted that they
can not or do not, but it is not being done to them by any malevolent forces. I
am not a malevolent force, but I do not invite felons or trannies to dinner
parties. They would not fit in or, dare I say (?) be much fun for other guests.
(Thankfully) felons and trannies rarely invite me places either - so perhaps
they marginalise me?
22/07/2016: New UK leader Theresa May: ‘I have
long heard the Labour Party asking what the Conservative Party does for women.
Well, it just keeps making us prime
22/07/2016: Your ABC: just a mouthpiece for Islam.
See how they reported this wonderful
young woman’s murder: “Hundreds of women are killed in Pakistan every year
by family members. It’s usually a punishment for breaching the
strict cultural rules governing women’s behaviour.” Scandalous: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2016/07/dishonouring-dead-abc/
22/07/2016: What sorts of critters move using the
least energy per unit distance and per unit weight? Fish swimming, birds
flying, or animals walking? ‘The net cost of transport of swimming is lowest,
followed by flight, with terrestrial limbed locomotion being the most expensive
per unit distance’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_locomotion
21/07/2016: Surprising discovery about turtles: http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/07/the-turtle-shell-first-evolved-for-digging-not-defence/491087/
21/07/2016: Venezuelans crossing the border to buy
food in Colombia:

just yesterday when Phillip Adams was amongst a long list of celebs who urged
us to emulate them? https://twitter.com/MoisesNaim/status/754713842152648704/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
21/07/2016: Say ‘Hello’ to an invisibility
cloak: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/07/17/scientists-move-one-step-closer-to-creating-harry-potters-invisibility-cloak/
21/07/2016: Kevin, the ‘ratf—cker’ king for Sec. Gen.
I think not. Does Kevin understand for even a second what ‘diplomacy’ is? http://pickeringpost.com/story/do-you-think-they-will-remember-that-ratfucker-thing-/6243
& http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/timblair/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/kevni_for_secretary_general/
20/07/2016: Lost at Fromelles: Just like thousands
of other Australians I lost a relative at Fromelles a hundred years ago.
Private Joseph Leslie (Roy) Martin Number 1584, 30th battalion AIF, an ex
cadet, single labourer from Grenfell NSW, an uncle who would never be -
disappeared that day aged just 20 – and has never been found since. He survived
a bare month at the Front. One of 5,500 Australian casualties in a single
afternoon! Australia’s very worst day. What a tragedy! May we never repeat such
awful destruction or ever forget their heroism and sacrifice for us, our values
- and our way of life.

You should not think our military simply ‘forgot’ missing soldiers. On the day
after Fromelles ‘Roy’ was listed as missing. An inquiry was arranged. Notices
obviously went out to anyone who could shed light on his fate. Someone even
thought they might have seen this slight 126lb, 5’51/2”good-looking, brown
eyed, brown haired youth after the battle; this proved illusory. The other man
was almost certainly Roy’s older brother John Francis (Frank) Martin who
survived the war (though twice seriously wounded). The Inquiry found on 10th
December 1916 that he must have been killed in action at Fromelles. No doubt
near ‘Pheasant Wood’ – a pleasant sounding place to die! A medal was sent to
his mother. Apparently he was a ‘good rifle shot’ but this availed him little.
20/07/2016: 101 Uses For
SnapLock Bags: [From: Fifty ways to Make Survival Tools from
Trash and Household Items, by Ken Youngquist (Available here: http://survivaltek.com/?page_id=4386)]

plastic bags go way beyond keeping sandwiches fresh. They are a transparent
water tight container that comes in various sizes and thicknesses. I prefer
freezer bags because they come in a thicker material and are much more durable.
Extra bags carried in a “Bug-Out-Bag” can come in handy. Here are some uses…
For water proof storage: Packing clothes and other items inside plastic bags
within your backpack or luggage will help sort and retrieve things more easily.
The contents will stay dry if you drop your pack or bag in water or are caught
in the rain for an extended period of time.
To expedite travel bag inspections: When travelling by public transportation
where security inspections take place your luggage contents can be easily
inspected by security personnel and will remain intact. I keep non-approved
items in a separate bag so that it can be easily removed and left behind
before-hand, however, it remains in my bag if I travel privately.
As a clothes washer: A large bag can be partially filled with water with a bit
of soap.
insert a few clothes items that need washing. Gently toss the bag from hand to
hand to agitate. Clothes can be rinsed the same way with plain water.
As a canteen: Water can be carried in a sealable plastic bag that when opened
at the
provides a spout from which to drink. It can be placed inside a second plastic
bag for an extra measure of protection against leaks. For transport it can then
be kept inside a cloth bag or pocket, providing it with support and added
As a cooler: A bag filled with ice can keep it’s contents cool for many hours.
This works best with sealed items like cans or bottles.
As an ice pack: A bag can be partially filled with water and frozen around an
object or instead you can just fill it with ice.
As a funnel: You can cut a tip off of the bottom corner and pour contents into
the top. This has worked successfully for adding gasoline into a car tank in a
As a tinder carrier: Keeping tinder dry could prove to be critical when
traveling in a
As a water lens for making solar fire: By filling the bag with water, squeezing
out the air, and forming it into a ball, you can focus light on a sunny day
well enough to start a solar method fire (yes, I’ve done this…).
As a fishing float or buoy: You can attach a fishing line or anchored line to
an inflated bag to either fish or mark a spot for submerged items.’
sure you can think of even a few more! Ken has a lot of other interesting ideas
for using ‘junk’ I recommend you take a look.
20/07/2016: How Hummingbirds Fly: http://gizmodo.com/hummingbird-flight-is-more-amazing-than-we-realized-1783825300
20/07/2016: Another Day Another Allahu Akbar: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/07/another-day-another-allahu-akbar.php
but here in Australia the news concentrated on Melania Trump’s ‘plagiarism’ in
simply restating what most of us (long before Michelle Obama) have long
believed ie ‘You work hard for what you want in life; your word is your bond
and you do what you say.’ How many times have I said the same thing (or words
to that effect)? I listened on the radio to most of the speeches yesterday at
the Republican Convention. So many great speeches. Giuliani’s was memorable.
Patricia Smith’s spells the end of Hilary Clinton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuEf4MSRkiE
20/07/2016: Unbelievable, but true: One further
‘argument’ against single sex schools: Cheltenham
‘Girls’ High bans ‘girls’: http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/timblair/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/no_girls_allowed/

20/07/2016: ‘Vive la France’: attacking France on Bastille Day is
ideological suicide. Marie Le Pen will become President. France will
leave the EU. France will deport (much of) its Moslem population. Others will
follow. Watch this space: http://pickeringpost.com/story/the-end-is-nigh/6240
19/07/2016: After Turnbull rewarded them with nary
a single Ministry I imagine Conservatives are reprising their support - in the
light of which the result from Herbert this morning is crushing; they needed
77, as I said on 12/07. Clearly this Government won't run its term. The best
thing to do is for Conservatives to bring it to an end right now and hold
another election with a Conservative leader.
19/07/2016: Two head are better than one: One of
the incoming Liberal senators for Tasmania, Jonathon Duniam, told his
colleagues that he had spent so many years in the state that he still had the
scar from where they removed his second head. Barnaby Joyce interjected: “Given
the choice of two heads, why did you keep that one?”
19/07/2016: Tony Abbott: ‘Our
immigration program should be very closely aligned to Australia’s national
interest. We run a program that is vigorously in Australia’s best interests
and the personal challenge for Muslims is to make the most of the opportunity
to join Team Australia.... We need to face the future with confidence but it’s
easier to be confident when you know the challenge you face, and dealing with
radical Islam is one of the great existential challenges of our time. In my view it’s very hard to reconcile what’s in the Koran
with a modern, secular, pluralist democracy.’ Contrast this with
Turnbull’s Ramadan dinner! And tell that to the Turks! A reminder: the first
9/11 was the defeat of the Turks at the walls of Vienna (cf this excellent
film: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_Eleven_1683),
an event you can be sure Erdogan has not forgotten. It becomes increasingly likely
there was never a ‘coup’ in Turkey this week, but there was a ‘purge’ but it is
a purge of moderates and democrats by pro-Islamists. The Kurds will suffer
terribly as a result - as the Armenians did during WW1! The Turks have sought
to bury this terrible event as they buried 1 million+ Armenians but accounts
written at the time were full of it (eg http://www.theultralighthiker.com/thrilling-tales-the-road-to-endor/)
The events this week in Nice are connected. No doubt there is a long memory of
& grievance over the dismantlement of the Ottoman Empire by the forces of
the Commonwealth, France etc as a result of Turkey siding with Germany and
Italy in WW1. (Once again I recommend this great Australian classic: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ion-idriess-the-desert-column/
) An Australian took their final surrender! The loss of Egypt, Palestine, Saudi
Arabia, Iraq etc are still felt keenly by those hankering after Turkish
greatness. Mind you they all might be ‘happier’ places today if WW1 had never
happened – but history moves on! Israel’s solution (to build a bloody big
fence) has been emulated by Hungary and Austria among others, and may prove the
only way forward, though we would hope not! Tony Abbott is right:
Westernisation, secularism and democratisation are the only positive way
forward for the entire Middle East – though I accept that it is extremely
difficult to see it happening…
19/07/2016: When the elites gain hegemony common
sense goes out the window: Misogyny To
Be Considered a Hate Crime For First Time in U.K. - but not misanthropy
apparently: http://www.newsweek.com/uk-police-force-misogyny-hate-crime-479941
A PS: Though I consider it vulgar (and usually beneath me) I would have though
the 'wolf whistle' indicates a liking of women rather than a hate crime. Just
19/07/2016: Interesting new toy if you have the loose
change: http://www.gizmag.com/jet-powered-kymera-body-board-first-ride/43919/

18/07/2016: The old Appalachian tunes borrowed
lines from each other. That's how both ‘Old Joe Clark’ and ‘Cotton-Eyed Joe’
happened to die from ‘a toothache in the heel’. ‘Cotton-eye’ used to be more common. It's usually a blindness in
one eye caused by a retinal detachment. I had a similar thing last year - a
detachment of the vitreous in one eye – quite scary but not as interesting
sounding as ‘cotton eye’. The Long History Behind the Song "Cotton Eye Joe"
18/07/2016: Nothing to see here. Move on. Move on.
‘Young black males are about 27 times
more likely to kill somebody than the average American’. That datum comes
from the Obama administration’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, which
published a report entitled Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980–2008.
I’m sure a similar pattern exists here too –one of the reasons such a large
percentage of the incarcerated are ‘indigenous’ or ‘Moslems’ for example.
Naturally anyone who reacts to that reality (eg by taking precautions – we
avoid tigers too because they are dangerous) would be a ‘racist thug’! Instead,
it might be more desirable to improve the normal behaviour of such folks as
might do us harm. Paid work and education have ever been useful tools in
‘making people better’ in a way that feeding people’s grievances never is!
18/07/2016: Here is one life (lost) that mattered: http://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2016/07/us-police-union-chief-obama-has-blood-on-his-hands-over-police-shootings.html
18/07/2016: How much does anybody's life
"matter"? What a stunning essay! No-one’s life matters! You have
to create your own value by hard work and good deeds. Feeding grievances has no
moral value and will not create better people. Spoilt brats ought not read: http://www.newcriterion.com/posts.cfm/What-does-it-matter--8183
& http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/timblair/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/garment_justice_now/
17/07/2016: Come on Libs: Party room meeting
tomorrow: Time to dump Malcolm!
17/07/2016: The monstrous evil that is ‘moral
equivalence’. As usual as I noticed many years ago (eh when Mao and North
Vietnam) murdered millions the Left cannot tell right from wrong: http://directorblue.blogspot.com.au/2016/07/the-amoral-atrocity-known-as-moral.html
17/07/2016: Maybe they have been reading the wrong
books: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3679510/There-just-SIX-plots-film-book-TV-Researchers-reveal-building-blocks-storytelling.html
16/07/2016: Boot Chains: If you don’t need a
permanent traction solution (like this:
http://www.theultralighthiker.com/4wd-boots/), you can carry some boot traction
aids such as these: https://www.rei.com/c/winter-traction-devices?r=c&ir=category%3Awinter-traction-devices&page=1
& https://www.grainger.com/category/footwear-traction-devices/footwear-and-footwear-accessories/safety/ecatalog/N-ipe
Some reviews here: http://www.trailspace.com/gear/traction-devices/

Camera Glassing: Pocket cameras have
come to have much better resolution than expensive binoculars. As an example my
Nikon Coolpix S7000 with 20X optical zoom and superb anti-shake technology will
bring very distant objects into sharp resolution. You can also make use of its
additional digital zoom. I had been having trouble reading the eartag numbers
on our sheep to record their lambing details. I had bought a new pair of 12X
binox, even a 16X monocular but they are completely surpassed by my camera –
and it is so easy.
of glassing those distant slopes with a pair of heavy binox you should try a
pocket digital camera. Mine weighs 160 grams including battery and SD card. I
notice Sony now have a new pocket model with 30X zoom and still under 240
grams! You can make up an adapter to slip into the barrel of your gun to
enhance stability, or you can use a couple of rubber bands (see photos). See: http://briangreen.net/2011/07/trekking-pole-camera-mounts.html

When I was a child there were two kinds of marsupial 'cat'. This one which we
called a 'native cat' and another one about as big as a fox with stripes which
we called a 'tiger cat'. Both (and bandicoots, pademelons, etc) disappeared at
about the same time as the myxomatosis epidemic struck the rabbits.

Nice: Time to ban trucks, but then trucks don't kill people. (Moslem) people
kill people.
Who let them in? http://www.news.com.au/world/europe/dozens-dead-as-vehicle-crashed-into-crowd-in-nice-france/news-story/5a9cca970737255f6fd82a6a4d840946
I have to admit I have wondered why some groups in society seem so angry. Here
is one possible reason: http://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=8009
Thinking about having a baby? Maybe you should read this. The traditional
advice could now be quite wrong: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23130813-000-uk-doctors-may-starting-warning-women-of-childbirth-risks
Oh, Yes: ‘the experts (the educated elite) are always wrong in their
prescriptions for the country—always. If they got their remedies right, we
would be a happy country with few problems, and we wouldn’t care that the
ruling class feels superior to the rest of us. They would deserve to feel
superior. Unfortunately, that has not been the case since at least 1960.
Everything the experts have done has failed. Not just been disappointing, not
just not lived up to the expectations, but failed spectacularly, making
conditions far worse than they were before and destroying lives in the process.
The list of examples is endless, but here are a few’: http://thefederalist.com/2016/07/12/most-of-all-we-hate-the-experts-because-theyre-always-wrong/

Watched this great movie ‘The Man Who Laughs’ 1928 based on the novel by Victor
Hugo. The full movie is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYn4JPGlwTw
It is a silent film. Set in the C17th it centres around a man who has been
cruelly scarred so that he has a permanent rictus. One of the film’s heroes is
‘Homo the Wolf’ played by ‘Zimbo’. You don’t get names as good as that
nowadays. A ‘must watch’!
Jeeralang Snow: Other people are always posting pix of the wonderful places
they are visiting (and Facebook daily reminds me of places we have sometimes
visited too) but we do so like home. If you don’t you are living in the wrong
place! We were just putting off a visit to far North Queensland due to having
to work on flood damage to our property here at Jeeralang (The joys of
farming!) when along comes a couple of inches of snow, turning the backdrop of
some dead blackberries just up the road into a thing of beauty to showcase my
even more beautiful wife, daughter and grandson against. Spot (and Tiny)enjoyed
the white stuff too, as you can see. This photo is right behind our old
Jeeralang hill property just a km or two up the road. The Jeeralang hills rise
steeply behind us. Our home property butts right up against their spectacular
native forest. It is 200 metres above sea level at our front gate, rising to
about 550 where I took this photo. It snows here like this on average about
once a year. This was my grandson’s first snow!

The election also stomped the Greens: The Greens’ vote in the Senate has fallen
in every state apart from Queensland, leaving the minor party facing the
possible loss of three of its 10 senators once all ballot papers have been
counted. Nationally, the Greens have suffered a 0.9 per cent swing against them
in the Senate as other minor parties have risen in popularity, led by One
Nation (up 3.8 per cent), the Nick Xenophon Team (1.3 per cent) and Derryn
Hinch’s Justice Party (1.8 per cent). The party’s
vote in the Senate peaked at 13.1 per cent in 2010 but has fallen to 8.3 per
cent so far in this count. Hopefully these evil folk are on their way out.
People whose policies include organic agriculture which if implemented would
either result in clearing all that remains of the wilderness or starving half
the world’s population to death should be banished. Already their mismanagement
of our forests have resulted in vast wildfires which have destroyed so much
which is loved by real conservationists (ie those who use and visit our
forests) such as ourselves. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/…/1596cf0c40d306b6eb64bc87…
The new game ‘PokeamanGo’ has ‘taken
the world by storm. Malcolm Turnbull intends to legislate next week to make it
Greyhounds: Mike Baird has clearly
lost his mind (always an occupational risk for politicians). He clearly doesn’t
understand that the average Joe or Jill does not ‘give a rat’s’ about cruelty
to feral rabbits nor that all unwanted livestock are briskly dispatched –
whilst they do enjoy a ‘day at the dogs’ betimes and have no desire to support
any more unemployed folk on the meagre wages left them after the Government
already taxes them white! http://pickeringpost.com/glance/baird-does-a-gillard-with-the-dishlickers/6213
77: is the magic number needed to
unseat Turnbull, so he cannot support a confidence motion and bring the
Government down. 76 Coalition members might suffice – except it would rely on
the Speaker’s casting vote. Turnbull and Shorten have announced the Government
has won one the basis of the AEC’s results ie 74 this morning which takes us to
76 including the support of two ‘independents’. Clearly there is no way we can
continue with Turnbull as PM. He must be (practically) the only preson in
Australia who cannot see this. It is difficult to see who his replacement
should be. There is a good case to be made for (and against) Tony Abbott.
Morrison has been (perhaps fatally) damaged. Hastie would be a good pick but he
has no parliamentary experience. Frydenberg is definitely a likely. Interesting
In the July edition of Motor Sport magazine renowned Formula One observer World
War II veteran Murray Walker now 92 offers an absolutely perfect Australian
tourism slogan: ‘Australia. It has
everything and they speak English’. Tourism Australia maybe ought to try
this one!
Action and Reaction: A Big Cheer for
Switzerland: ‘Finding that the girls had applied for Swiss citizenship, authorities
immediately denied their applications, citing the students’ refusal to comply
with school curricula like all the other children of various races,
backgrounds, and religions.’ http://observatorial.com/2016/07/03/muslim-brats-refuse-western-lesson-so-authorities-refuse-something-of-theirs/#
Discrimination: I am a big fan of
this as I think the individual or society should be able to recognise
differences and act accordingly. It has always been perfectly normal to
discriminate in favour of one’s own group (family, clan, community, footie
team, nation etc). Such discrimination obviously has a high survival value and
ought not to be discouraged. I was brought up to discriminate in favour of
women (particularly pregnant women, young mothers with babies, elderly women
etc). It is a major loss to abandon such practices. The ‘Birkenhead’ example
(‘Women and Children First’) ought to instruct us all. In a similar vein it is
reasonable and desirable to discriminate in favour of children, the elderly,
disabled folk, returned soldiers, and one’s own citizens. It is also perfectly
reasonable to discriminate against certain folk: criminals for example – whence
I assume the term originated – and traitors are a case in point. All this has
nothing to do with the important principle that everyone has a responsibility
to survive as a result of their own hard work, and that all positions should be
filled on the basis of merit (though I can see the virtue of ‘reserving’ some
positions for returned soldiers and others who have risked their lives for our
society). Simple prejudice and bad manners (eg rudeness to children, fat
people, people with an accent, etc ) are quite separate matters and ought to be
sanctioned in the normal way: a sharp rebuke, social ostracism, a clip on the
ear, etc.
WARNING: HACKING: My posts will be a
bit lighter the next few days as I rebuild computers, etc. This post is not
about ‘ultralight hiking’ I know, but you are likely to be hiking a bit more
ultralight than you would like if these guys succeed!
have been comprehensively hacked (and money stolen – will be replaced by
Commbank). First these people (began to) ‘Port’ our phones to their Sims
without our awareness, knowledge or permission. Before this happened I received
an SMS SecurityCode from Commsec which I hadn’t asked for. I rang and told
Commsec but they were confident of their system. They were wrong, and had never
had this happen to them before ether! The person must already have had our
login and password at Commsec before our phone/s was ported. That is probably
obtained from my wife’s phone before it had finished ‘porting’. I wouldn’t have
thought they could get data from her smart phone without having either her
phone or Sim, but there you are. Then they hacked her Gmail account and changed
the Password. They were able to take cash from a Commsec account I can only do
transfers from, and from other bank accounts.
now notice one’s phone (eg Chrome) stores history, passwords etc. And of course
‘Synch’ allows other security problems. You need to delete this stuff, logs
emails etc. Telstra tells us there is a lot of this going on. All people need
to know is your name and phone number. They will have acquired other people’s
IDs from our phones. Sorry about that! They could get the same information from
the phone book etc.
Telstra, Commsec or Commbank knows how they are doing this.We have up to date
Norton on all our devices. I have changed our modem ID and Password. Shut down
all computers and phones and am rebuilding one at a time. Am typing this frm
the first one I rebuilt. Complete reformat and new genuine windows plus new
Norton, then update system scan etc, Nothing will be stored electronically in
tells me the crooks can do this again anytime they want. Bizarre you have to
have two photo IDs to buy a phone/service but people can steal it
electronically without ID. You would think Telstra etc would insist that
‘porting’ can only be done in a Telstra shop after you have shown your Id and
been confirmed…BEWARE! (Pass this on). PS: It’s now happened to two (correction
three) of our friends too!
friend has suggested this additional Password security solution https://www.troyhunt.com/only-secure-password-is-one-you-cant/
It seems like good advice to me. Norton also has a ‘secure’ Login/Password
storage vault system.
See also: http://www.theage.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/id-theft-in-three-steps-adequate-telstra-and-telco-identity-checks-questioned-20160708-gq1a3k.html

Archaeology is exciting. There is so
much more to learn. Its secrets should never be locked away from us (eg by
spurious claims of respect for remote ‘ancestors’). I have enormous respect for
these ancient ‘Spaniards’ who were the first people into America more than
20,000 years ago - not to mention their wonderful cave art eg Cave of Forgotten
Dreams: https://vimeo.com/32371643 I hope they
were my ancestors. See: http://insider.si.edu/2012/03/ice-age-mariners-from-europe-were-the-first-people-to-reach-north-america/

For Frigate Birds, Staying Aloft for
Months is a Breeze: http://www.aaas.org/news/science-frigate-birds-staying-aloft-months-breeze

The first person to die in a
self-driving car accident: ‘The 7 May accident occurred in Williston,
Florida, after the driver, Joshua Brown, 40, of Ohio put his Model S into
Tesla’s autopilot mode, which is able to control the car during highway
driving. Against a bright spring sky, the car’s sensors system failed to
distinguish a large white 18-wheel truck and trailer crossing the highway’,
Tesla said: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jun/30/tesla-autopilot-death-self-driving-car-elon-musk
Impregnable Gun Safe: The gendarmes
decreed that we had to upgrade our firearm storage though they had (as far as
we could tell) safely and happily lived in the same cabinet for over thirty
years! We had to buy a safe. Fortunately gun safes have become much less
expensive over the years. We carefully chose one from eBay for $300 which would
fit neatly in the space where the old one came out. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/271310053701?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
This one claimed to be an 11 gun safe though I would say you could squeeze a
few more in without much trouble.

metal walls are a bit thicker than the old modified locker, and the locking
mechanism is much more secure. However, I think I could get in through the
exposed side of it with an angle grinder in a little while without much
trouble. This got me thinking:
noticed you could slip a sheet of aluminium checker plate inside the safe -
attached loosely up against the exposed side. There is a narrow space behind
the door hinge which would hold it on one side, and you could hold it in place
with a couple of screws into the wall at the back. It is important it is loose.
Then when someone cut through the steel plate their angle grinder disc would
instantly stall against the wobbly aluminium (have you ever tried to cut that
stuff with an angle grinder?) and shatter all over the place – hopefully taking
one or two of the potential burglar’s eyes/fingers with it!
Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds
Target the Innocent: Not a lot different here I’ll warrant: ‘The average
professional in this country wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes home,
eats dinner, and then goes to sleep, unaware that he or she has likely
committed several federal crimes that day. Why? The answer lies in the very nature
of modern federal criminal laws, which have exploded in number but also become
impossibly broad and vague. In Three Felonies a Day, Harvey A. Silverglate
reveals how federal criminal laws have become dangerously disconnected from the
English common law tradition and how prosecutors can pin arguable federal
crimes on any one of us, for even the most seemingly innocuous behaviour…With
more than 4,000 crimes in federal statutes and more than 300,000 more crimes
specified in various federal regulations, every complex commercial enterprise
is inevitably vulnerable to federal prosecution-and thus, given federal
prosecutors' leverage, to oversight through a deferred- or non-prosecution
agreement.’ For example, did you realise that so-called ‘credit card ‘ knives such
as the Swisscard (https://www.victorinox.com/global/en/Products/Swiss-Army-Knives/SwissCards/SwissCard/p/0.7100.T)
and Cardsharp (http://www.iainsinclair.com/en/all-products.html) have apparently been declared ‘Prohibited
Weapons’ by the police - they are so much like machine guns and hand grenades!
Yet ‘Peters of Kensington’ and many other stores are still selling them I
notice! I have been hassled the last three months over one I accidentally had
in my wallet when we went to NZ in late March. They have only just now decided
to go away and leave me alone after a lot of stress. It seemed like they were
determined to ‘test the law/make law’ for quite some time. Such tyranny is
omnipresent: It is mostly illegal to do anything at all in one of our National
Parks for example. Need I go on? https://www.amazon.com/Three-Felonies-Day-Target-Innocent/dp/1594035229
Alan Moran: ‘The fact is that all but a handful of voters favour looting the
rich and future generations (via budget deficits) and most hold this view in
the blithe assumption that it will have no effect on future productivity and
income levels. No party that received
more than two per cent of the vote proposed cutting spending in the social
areas which comprise two-thirds of the total budget…We have reached a state
of affairs whereby democracy, as we know it, is eating itself. The people
see little merit in balancing the budget and are certainly not prepared to vote
for measures that involve personal sacrifice. Indeed, most voters think
the economy is a bottomless money pit capable of providing them with whatever
additional freebies the whim of the moment suggests…The myth is fostered and
believed that creators of wealth and generators of income will not be dissuaded
from investing, that they will not recognise their capital and industry are
better deployed outside Australia.’ https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2016/07/ballot-box-abyss/
The Wood for the Trees: A Long View
of Nature from a Small Wood: This looks like such an enchanting book: https://www.amazon.com/Wood-Trees-Long-Nature-Small-ebook/dp/B016PK9VOY#reader_B016PK9VOY Reviews here: http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/books/the-wood-for-the-trees-the-long-view-of-nature-from-a-small-wood-by-richard-fortey-review-a3246291.html
& https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/may/25/the-wood-for-the-trees-by-richard-fortey-review

This is pretty nearly the Most Sensible
Political Comment I have ever read: http://pickeringpost.com/story/yep-it-s-a-dog-s-breakfast-all-right/6187
I am not opposed to suicide bombing per
se. I just think they should keep to designated areas and have their
families clean up the mess afterwards. In a similar vein I am not entirely
opposed to suicide either: if only you could nominate who and when!
Fresh Blood: Michael Mosley’s
programme last night showcased experiments which showed young blood
transfusions made old mice young again. If this works with people there may be
an increase in donations at the Blood bank with families trading old blood for
new with their children and passing on the unwanted old blood to the less
fortunate. There could also be a handy living for the kiddies: something useful
they could do for their pocket money!
Google Earth gets a facelift. The
company has just introduced an updated version of Google Earth that taps sharp
new imagery from Landsat 8 satellite to give the planet's surface an impressive
makeover. These new images bring structures and features on the Earth's surface
into considerably sharper focus.
is their image of the Waitutu Hut on the South Coast track Fiordland NZ. The
hut is about the size of a garage. As you can see a person wearing a red
raincoat would show up in the clearing it sits in on the Waitutu River. More
pertinently, as you scroll/stroll along the coast to the West of this point you
can clearly determine which sections of coast are navigable on foot on your way
out to Westies Hut.
walked along the beach from the Grant Burn to the Aarn River to avoid a flooded
section. At the time I thought we could have walked along to one or other of
the two streams to the West of the Aarn. Now you can clearly see that this
would have been easy. At the first stream there is a clear ridge on the Waitutu
side leading down to the coast. At the second you would probably have to wade
down the stream.
increased clarity of the images should also help when you are using it to check
out likely good hunting spots as large herbivores create and maintain clearings
in the forest which can be clearly spotted from above. These can also be good
spots to camp if nearby streams. http://www.gizmag.com/google-earth-facelift/44057/
See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/south-coast-track-fiordland-nz-waitutu-to-westies/
& etc.

Real Sacred Cows: http://www.slate.com/blogs/behold/2016/06/29/daniel_naude_photographs_cows_in_his_book_sightings_of_the_sacred.html
Marsupial Mohammedan skips trial, goes
straight to sentencing: A Melbourne teenager accused of plotting to behead
a police officer on Anzac Day faces life in prison after pleading guilty to
planning a terrorist act. Sevdet Ramadan Besim, 19, entered the last-minute
plea on Thursday before his trial, which had been due to start in the Victorian
Supreme Court next month. In a prosecution summary tendered to court, Besim and
a “person overseas” are shown to have discussed packing a kangaroo with explosives and letting it loose on police:

Don’t hold your breath waiting for the result: There will be anther election:
The AEC voting instructions were wrong: http://pickeringpost.com/story/prepare-for-a-new-election/6178 Of
course that means the Coalition must dump Turnbull right now as he will do even
worse in a re-run! Interesting times.
The price of treachery: Malcolm Turnbull
must go!
Wintulichs Beer Sticks: On the trail
animal protein is a must, but without refrigeration you may have concerns
about food safety. One of the chief virtues of salamis and hard cheeses such as
cheddars is also their energy density at @ 7 calories per gram – and lots of
fat! There are some salamis which are labelled as needing no refrigeration.
Some are rather large eg 200 grams for a single meal http://www.theultralighthiker.com/lunch-on-the-trail/
(though we have found them quite safe open for a few days at equable
temperatures), some rather small such as our old standby Hans Twiggies @ 15
grams ea. At 50 grams per serve and in a number of delicious flavours these
Wintulichs Biersticks may fit the bill and fill your stomach. They are
available in the liquor departments of many supermarkets and also come more
economically in a 1kg pack if you can find a stockist: http://wintulichs.com/product/beer-sticks-1kg/

99 Million Year Old Bird Wing Encased in
Amber: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/bird-wings-dating-back-age-dinosaurs-found-frozen-amber-180959599/?no-ist

The sun is as blank as a billiard ball,
solar activity dwindling to lows not seen in 200 years ‘As you can see from the
plots…the current level of activity of solar cycle 24 seems close to that of
solar cycle number 5, which occurred beginning in May 1798 and ending in
December 1810 (thus falling within the Dalton Minimum).’ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/02/11/solar-cycle-24-activity-continues-to-be-lowest-in-nearly-200-years/

is what is happening in the satellite record: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/07/01/spectacular-drop-in-global-average-satellite-temperatures/

4WD Boots: These tungsten carbide
tipped studs provide huge levels of confidence in all slippery conditions
underfoot whether that is due to ice, grass slopes, moss, seaweed or wet
timber. Once installed they become part of the boot and the enhanced grip is
available at all times.

http://www.gripstuds.com/Boots.php & http://www.supatracks.com/best-grip-boot-studs-buy-online-uk.html
Tactical Pens: Bearing in mind that
it is pretty much illegal to carry anything for self-defence and that even
something as innocuous as a credit card knife such as this http://www.iainsinclair.com/en/all-products.html
will be considered by police to be a ‘prohibited weapon’ punishable by years in
prison – and all this despite the clear inability/unwillingness on the part of
Government to protect us (and I include Defence in this – those subs: Wow!);
and that crimes against the person have risen thousands of percent since it
became illegal to carry pistols for self- defence back at the beginning of the
C20th (one more reason to be voting Liberal Democrats today) you might consider
carrying a ‘tactical pen’ such as these for self-defence – and you can always
write a ransom note (or other) with it! http://hiconsumption.com/2014/04/12-best-tactical-pens/

Worth a thought: http://pickeringpost.com/story/all-the-way-with-ala/6173
Hurry out and vote folks, but beware our
party names indicate reality’s precise opposite. Thus the Liberal Party is
(allegedly) conservative, no senior Labor Party figures have ever worked as
labourers, Greens voters live almost exclusively in dense inner-city areas, the
Country Party long ago changed its name to National Party, the Health party are
anti-vaccers, and these people represent the Sex Party.

Vichy propaganda from 1942:

Note neutral Sweden and Switzerland standing around in confusion while the
British chick is suckered into the American-Jewish trap.
The Ideal Camp Shoe: A recent entry to this tough competition are Skinners
Socks http://www.gizmag.com/skinners-sock-shoes/43742/ They look interesting, but a Skinners sock
weighs 80 grams ea.

comparison a Croc Thong weighs 131ea, a standard Croc weighs 160ea and Sealskin
Socks weigh 88 per pair! For years these had been my choice for dry feet at
trail’s end (as you could slip your wet shoes back over them if you needed to
go outside. They do not breathe all that well though. Your feet might benefit
more from cooling down and drying out after a long day of slogging through
creeks and bogs. For weight the sealskin Socks will take some beating.
You probably know already that I am not a fan of
trying to keep your feet dry: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/why-you-should-get-your-feet-wet-when-hiking/
have tried these Goosefeet Over Booties https://goosefeetgear.com/products/2-waterproof-over-booties

weigh 20 grams ea. Their down Socks weigh 31 grams ea and are excellent if you
have very cold feet (eg in bed). The over-booties do work but they work better
with my home made thongs inside. See:

reduce the side slipping you otherwise get. However, they are far too
waterproof and tall so your feet tend to steam up in them.
am working on a pair of Dyneema jiffies @ 20 grams ea to go over my shoe liner
thongs. Here is a pic of one of six so far Tyvek prototypes of them:

will soon get them perfected and will post instructions about them. Getting
them to fit, stay on and be easily sewable proved harder than I thought.
am determined to have a pair of shoes under 100 grams and which (in ann
emergency) you can walk quite some distance in (eg 20* km before they wear
through) – just in case your shoes completely break in half. If they just come
asunder but the soles are still good you should try repairing them with some
string - which you should always carry: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/rope-dont-leave-home-without-it/
Would you eat an organic banana?

Please note, the author of this piece is himself a Moslem. Now read on…‘In the
once-thriving mining town of Barnsley, where 70% of the population voted to
leave the European Union, one middle-aged man summed it up as he spoke to
Britain’s ITV network: “It’s to stop the Muslims from coming into this country.
Simple as that…” Few others dared to be so explicit. But neither before nor
after the Brexit vote has the political and media elite dared to discuss the
elephant in the room – radical Islam. But
trust ordinary Britons to be appalled at how their country was being reshaped
to accommodate medieval values, not imported by Muslim immigrants, but
entrenched in the values their British-born children were being taught at
school. The UK is not alone. From India to Myanmar; France to the Central
African Republic, ordinary people are angry at Islamism.’ http://www.torontosun.com/2016/06/28/radical-islam-was-brexits-elephant-in-the-room
The Poor Man’s Satellite Phone:
Delorme Inreach SE @ 190 grams is a good choice if you are in the market for a
PLB or Satellite Phone. It is only slightly dearer (and heavier) than a stand-alone
PLB (so much cheaper than lighter than an Iridium Extreme) but with two way SMS
messaging functionality from anywhere on earth. You can load maps on it and use
it as a GPS. You can pair it with your mobile phone to make it even more user
friendly. It has a tracking function which can notify your friends every few
minutes of your exact location (people can even ‘ping’ you to trigger your
location) – and of course it has an SOS button which will bring emergency
services if you need rescuing. The fact that it has two-way messaging will mean
that unnecessary rescues will be reduced enormously. Costs about A$400. http://www.inreachdelorme.com/product-info/inreachse.php

Meanwhile: London’s stock market is back
to above its pre-Brexit level this morning. What a storm in a teacup! John Howard on Brexit (but he might as well
be talking about our election): ‘It was
the only way in which they would regain control of their borders and regain
control of things that are fundamental attributes of an independent nation…It
was not unreasonable of people, it was not racist of people, it was not
xenophobic of people, to say that we want to keep an eye on the flow of
immigration. It is not a rejection of immigration. In fact it’s a reaffirmation
of the nation’s determination to decide, as I declared…we’ll decide who comes,
the numbers, where they come from, and what skills they bring with them. In
Britain they have felt for years with growing apprehension that they just don’t
control their borders.’
Bring back the Boats: Vote Labor! And
that is only one reason why you should not: Labor will flood the country with
even more unwanted people. They will even further blow out the deficit and
drive the country to economic ruin. They will swell the already bloated size of
the welfare state. Rogue unions will go unchecked, for one thing vastly
increasing the cost of major projects. They will destroy volunteer
organisations such as the CFA. The will impose gay marriage on us without our
having a vote on it…I know the Greens are much worse, but there are many other
groups out there worthy of your consideration before your vote comes down to
Liberal over Labor: The Hunters and Fishers Party, the Liberal Democrats,
Family First, The Justice Party, The Australian Liberty Alliance, The
Democratic Labor Party…http://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2016/06/shorten-and-labor-to-abolish-temporary-protection-visas-ruddgillard-illegal-centrelink-seekers-get-t.html
Phobias: I am sick to death of the
misuse of this term. Back when, I understood phobias to be ‘irrational fears’ eg
of spiders, cracks in the sidewalk, the number 13 and so on, not rational fears
eg of crocodiles, foreign invasion, imminent death, economic ruin and the like.
We have also confused ‘phobias’ with ‘dislikes’. A phobia has become the
opposite of a ‘love’ or a ‘philia’. Curiously once a ‘bibliophile’ was someone
who loved books and a ‘paedophile’ someone who loved children – I would have
put my hand up to both of those; no longer. Somehow we don’t have eg words for
‘homophile’ of ‘misohome’ or ‘islamophile’ or ‘misomoslem’ as someone who
likes/dislikes the same sex or Moslems. If one has a distaste for either/both
one is branded ‘homophobe’ or ‘islamophobe’ (or racist – Que?) even if one has
no fear of such – irrational or not! Indeed it is now close to illegal to have
a dislike of either, and we may not speak of the ‘native born’ at all for fear
of recriminations under the ‘Anti Discrimination Act’. Listen up, it is a
matter of taste whether you like or dislike something, whether it be broccoli,
jelly babies or transvestites. As Horace once said, ‘there is no argument about
matters of taste’ (‘De gustibus non est disputandum,’). If it
offends well it is a matter of good/bad manners, and a matter of taking ‘the
slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’ as they happen along. As regards
ideas, there ought always to be the freedom and opportunity for rational
argument, such that one can disagree with (and if one so wishes condemn
heartily – giving reasons) any objectionable idea, such as ‘perfume’, ‘theism’,
the ‘flat earth theory’, or ‘islam’ for example.
The elites are in denial in Europe –
and here, where they have come out against the promise to hold a plebiscite on
gay marriage, which they might likewise lose. It would be simply horrid if the
people got their way: http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/06/the-howl-against-democracy/
Spot’s Third Snow Trip: It’s so
elevating to venture out for a delightful bit of snow sightseeing (as we did on
Saturday) – the coldest June day on record apparently…after a warmer than usual
autumn winter has now really hit. We are glad of a warm fire and a cosy bed
these chilly nights. The Australian bush colours really seem to come alive with
a scattering of snow to throw up its highlights as on these mountain ash

this tree fern:

dogs enjoyed exploring it - with frequent leaps back into the car to rewarm
their toootsies!

drifts were quite deep in places. Della showing off her Montbell down jacket:

warming up against my old Mountain Designs vest which fits me again!

even came across some Yowie tracks! My footprint front left for contrast. As
you can see this big guy’s pace was nearly five feet!

I enjoy the Liberals’ election ad which ends with Malcolm signing ‘Tbull’ and
culminates with ‘Authorised by TNutt’! Of course, after Saturday (even if he
wins) Turnbull will no longer have a
majority in the party room: the Conservatives will! Interesting times!
Global Warming: ‘The Bureau of Meteorology reported that during the day on
Sunday, Shepparton, with 8 degrees reported its coldest June maximum temperature on record, as did Yarrawonga,
with 7.7 degrees, and Kilmore with 4.6 degrees.’ http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/winter-truly-hits-melbourne-as-it-shivers-through-coldest-morning-of-the-year-20160625-gprz8s.html#ixzz4Cg1UZMul
Paul Keating is quite right to describe
the Greens thus: ‘I'll tell you about the Greens, they are a bunch of
opportunistic Trots hiding behind a gum tree trying to pretend they are the
Labor party.’ Having emerged from the collapsed communist parties after the
fall of the Berlin Wall of course they are much worse than that: they foreshadow a pre-industrial future where
we would be devoid of all the industrial sources of energy, western agriculture
and free markets which have alleviated poverty world-wide. Just incidentally
they also recommend a reduction of the world’s population by 2/3 to ¾. If only
they would lead the way instead of intending to man the gas chambers! They will
always be last on my ballot paper, well after the Labor party! http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/former-prime-minister-paul-keating-on-the-greens-a-bunch-of-opportunistic-trots--trying-to-pretend-they-are-the-labor-party-20160625-gprtwy.html#ixzz4CivJl8wW
Lord Monkton points out that the EU is
run by unelected Kommissars who had (until yesterday) hegemony over the
democratic will of the people, so it is little wonder that the people sought to
be free from them – a decision which will have widespread and enormous
ramifications. I wonder when Australians will finally free themselves from our
enormously undemocratic Senate where one person’s vote can count more than
twenty other people’s votes: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/06/24/thank-you-america/
Google highlights five main safety
concerns surrounding AI http://www.gizmag.com/google-ai-safety/43984/
The period comes to a full stop: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/10/world/europe/period-full-stop-point-whatever-its-called-millennials-arent-using-it.html?_r=1
Should a self-driving car kill its
passengers for the greater good – for instance, by swerving into a wall to
avoid hitting a large number of pedestrians? http://www.gizmag.com/driverless-car-ethics/43926/
Why did agriculture start 13,000 years
ago? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/06/25/why-did-agriculture-start-13000-years-ago/
Spot the difference/s:

Meanwhile at home Labor surges to within
a couple of seats of Government. Turnbull is a fool: The craven quisling
hosting of enemy and traitor Aly and a plethora of Fifth Columnists and Lord
Haw Haws (the ignorance and perfidy of this act: we are at war with Islam –
have been for over a thousand years!); the cancellation and shunning of the
celebration of the elevation of a Vietnamese Australian to a Christian
Bishopric on the same day to do so (whose side are we on?) ; and yesterday whilst handing land back to folk
who never paid a cent in rates or did a days’ work in their whole lives he
tells us/them we ‘invaded ‘their’ country (on a day as significant as when the
Wall came down); he takes the enemies of freedom’s side on Brexit…I have said
it before: ‘Bring back Tony!’ ‘Some conservatives are so angry they believe it
would be better if the government were defeated.’ https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2016/06/withering-malcolm-turnbull/
BUT: ‘In a danger sign for Mr Turnbull amid talk of a hung parliament, the
number of people who voted “1” for the Coalition in the lower house but not in
the Senate has risen tenfold since 2004, a historic victory when only 81,000
voters did so. Over the same period, the number of voters who deserted Labor in
the upper house in the same way rose from 222,000 to 273,000.’ (Galaxy Poll)
Donald Trump comes out on the right side of this issue: ‘Last night UK
voters shocked the world… Voters in the United Kingdom chose to leave the
flawed and failing European Union and reassert control over their borders,
politics and economy, taking a brave stand for freedom and independence…These
voters stood up for their nation – they put the United Kingdom first, and they
took their country back. With your help, we’re going to do the exact same thing
on Election Day 2016 here in the United States of America. I am fighting to
upend the failed Big Government status quo in Washington, so that Americans can
start believing in the future of our country again. And if elected President of
the United States, I will strengthen our ties with a free and independent
Britain…Yesterday UK voters exercised their right to self-determination for all
the world to see. And today, our friends across the Atlantic are looking
forward to a return to greater freedom and a better future for their children
and grandchildren. Voters here face the same choice on Election Day.’
The Day the Wall came Down: I know
many people today were not even born when this momentous event happened and the
‘Evil Empire’ of communism was at last destroyed (by conservative giants and
freedom heroes Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan), but you would think there
would be singing in the street and celebration about Brexit just as there was
then – and for the same reasons. Freedom. Independence. The ruin of the elites
and the apparatchiks. The end of the ‘Planned Economy.’ A new day. A Glorious
day. A new world to herald and explore…but this morning the worms, the
traitors, the elites on the ABC (and other journos and ‘opinion makers’) are
hammering on about the dangers, the risks, etc. As if we did not know what the
risks to freedom were of leaving control in their evil lifeless hands. More
from Andrew Bolt: ‘The silent majority has voted for independence from European
control. It has voted for independence from the international elite. It has
voted for democracy. It has voted for the local and the loved rather than
rootless cosmopolitanism - the international citizenship of those with no
particular ties of affection and custom. It has voted against multiculturalism
and the lie that all cultures are equal and equally deserving of respect. It
has voted against mass immigration and open borders. It has voted for the right
to insist on who comes into their country and the circumstances in which they
This is the sort of drivel the elites inflict on us: Living in Judith Butler's So-Called Mind. Stuart Schneiderman:
‘While the Chinese are beating us at supercomputers we have become the
uncontested world leader in gender dysphoria. We have fallen behind in
semiconductors but we have invented dozens of new gender identities, thus
allowing our ever-more-decadent young people to choose any gender and to force
the rest of the world to treat them accordingly. According to New York Magazine
this madness comes down to us from the fevered brain of a dimwitted academic
named Judith Butler. You might think I am being unkind in calling Butler a
dimwit. I am actually being more than generous. Back in the day Butler was
awarded a prize for being the worst writer in America. This sentence, dutifully
quoted by New York Magazine demonstrates the depths of intellectual degradation
into which the American academy has descended. Butler won her award for
writing:’ Holy Cow! Get a look at this trash:
“The move from a structuralist account in
which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively
homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to
repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality
into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian
theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which
the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed
conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of
the rearticulation of power.”’ Whacko! http://stuartschneiderman.blogspot.com.au/2016/06/living-in-judith-butlers-so-called-mind.html
Brexit: A wonderful result for the
UK: Less Government is always good – even though today our share portfolio took
a heavy beating; but what a Buy opportunity it is! I am embarrassed (as ever)
by our PM failing to lead a libertarian party which recognises the benefit of
having less Government. This is also the beginning of our side’s fight back in
the Fifth Crusade, mark my words. It is the beginning of the dismemberment of
the EU and of a world with much less government. I have always failed to
understand why anyone ever thought government’s share of the economy ought to
be over 10%. In Australia at present it is over 25% (more in Europe). This will
have to change – with an immediate goal of less than 20% (hopefully in the next
3 years and perhaps 15% within 5-10 years). Turnbull is right in this at least
when he says we have never lived through tines which offered such
opportunities. In addition (providing Adani wins - soon!) the next mining boom
(led by India) is about to begin. BHP and RIO (etc) must be at an all time
buying low just now. There are fortunes to be made out there, people. Take heed!
Super Cockroach Beaten:
EarthChemical, a Japanese company that manufactures bug traps, recently
released an advertisement that envisions a future where human/cockroach hybrids
roam the world. In order to combat this threat, they developed a sticky,
human-sized roach trap and gathered three test subjects to see how effective it
is. Their participants - a scientist, a sprint runner, and a sumo wrestler -
all attempt to get across the trap without getting stuck: http://www.wimp.com/a-scientist-a-sprint-runner-and-a-sumo-wrestler-vs-a-giant-adhesive-bug-trap/
Subarus for Lesbians: Our family has
owned around 20 of these cars now going back to the late 70s. In the light of
this article I may have to reprise why? The fact that they are a reliable car
and will go just about anywhere is apparently not enough: http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/06/how-subarus-came-to-be-seen-as-cars-for-lesbians/488042/
Interesting niche market: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/locals-up-in-arms-over-new-fetish-store-in-illinois-town/
Thrilling Tales: The DIY Motorcycle:
Emile Leray built a working motorbike from a broken down car to escape the
African desert: ‘A Frenchman has found fame over 20 years later after pulling
off a remarkable escape from the Moroccan desert – by building a motorbike just
using parts from his crashed car. His amazing escape from the barren
terrain saw Mr Leray single handedly rebuild his Citreon into a makeshift
motorbike, in a dramatic escape which has seen him dubbed the most ‘extreme’
mechanic in the world.’https://m.thevintagenews.com/2016/05/18/emile-leray-built-working-motorcycle-broken-car-citroen-2cv-escape-african-desert/

Alien contact not likely for another
1,500 years say scientists: http://www.gizmag.com/cornell-equation-aliens-1500-years/43907/
Why extremely rare events keep happening
all the time: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-wp-blm-rare-comment-4355e7ec-370a-11e6-af02-1df55f0c77ff-20160620-story.html
This Little Piggy:

sighted foraging on our South Coast Track, Fiordland, NZ walk back in April.
Yesterday I spotted two more quickly disappearing into the shrubbery in a
forestry plantation near here on our afternoon walk. I had not even known till
then there were wild pigs in this part of Gippsland. These chaps had been doing
quite a bit of demolition work on the undergrowth nearby as you can see here:

mentioned back in May 2015 (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/jeeralang-deer/)
that over the years the number and type of deer around here had been increasing
steadily. Since then we have spotted a number of them on our afternoon walks
too. I guess deer can double their numbers every year given suitable conditions
- such as the bushfire regrowth we have had since ‘Black Saturday’. Pigs can no
doubt increase even more quickly.
a pity no-one introduced moose into Victoria (but perhaps they will!) I
remarked a few years ago about a pygmy hippo which had been shot along the Daly
River NT: http://www.news.com.au/national/pygmy-hippopotamus-shot-during-northern-territory-hunting-trip/story-e6frfkvr-1225798038412
. Life will find a way. Soon there may be cougars, maybe even bears roaming our
forests. What fantastic hunting opportunities are still ahead of us! Advances
in farming worldwide are leading to ever larger areas being returned to
wilderness. Our descendants will have a wonderful time exploring these exciting
the 1860s gold rushes a crocodile was shot in the Wonnangatta River. It was
stuffed and displayed at Trail’s Hotel (Waterford) for many years until it
burned down. Many other strange creatures have turned up in Gippsland over the
years (http://www.oddhistory.com.au/gippsland/mystery-animal-of-gippsland/)
some fanciful, some such as the giant wombat and others mentioned here sent to
the Melbourne Museum for safekeeping. A grizzly bear, lion, elephant…
you say ‘no such creatures can be out there still’ consider this. Last time an
organised hunt of Wilsons Prom was undertaken (1968) a hunter managed to ‘bag’
an Axis Deer, the first seen since they were released near Tooradin in the
1850s. My friend and I watched an utterly bizarre unknown creature on the
slopes of Mt Useful many years ago. Several times I have also encountered giant
echidnas in Gippsland – such as they have in New Guinea – ie an echidna about ¾
the size of a wombat! A number of times I have observed striped foxes and once
a striped dingo (ie black and gold vertical stripes - I even have a very poor
quality 35mm photo of it somewhere! I and other hunters have seen strange
creatures from time to time over the years – often it is only a glimpse.
example: in nearly forty years hunting in the Gippsland mountains I have only
once seen a wild emu in the forest (though I also once found an egg). However,
if you go for a drive after snow (such as we are to have on Friday down to 700
metres) you will see many emu tracks crossing the road, and those of lots of
many other seldom encountered critters. Tracks stand out astonishingly well in
fresh snow. At very least you will not believe how large deer tracks can
sometimes be. Driving on snowy roads is a beautiful adventure (but be careful!)
Maybe this weekend would be a good time to have a look around! Take the wheel
chains, and some fire lighters.
Apron Strings: It is a curious fact
here that Republican supporters (in Oz) nonetheless seem to support the Remain
campaign in Britain. You would think that if we can cast off the apron strings,
surely the Brits can rid themselves of a far more onerous and dictatorial
foreign imposition!
Save the Planet – Ban Pizza: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/06/17/scientists-claim-wood-fired-pizza-is-bad-saying-baking-it-is-damaging-to-the-urban-environment/
Falsehoods Fly Over the AR-15:
Automatic rifle? Wrong. Assault weapon? Wrong again. The truth about the
firearm liberals love to hate: http://www.lifezette.com/polizette/falsehoods-fly-over-the-ar-15/
21/06/2016: How to Become Gluten
Intolerant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oht9AEq1798
You would not want to swap your life
with this woman’s. Neat tattoos though: http://mentalfloss.com/article/81424/retrobituary-olive-oatman-pioneer-girl-who-became-marked-woman
High cholesterol 'does not cause heart
disease' new research finds, so treating with statins a 'waste of time' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/06/12/high-cholesterol-does-not-cause-heart-disease-new-research-finds/
Well, I‘m sure glad I gave them up – fortunately for me I have also given up
their unwanted side effects which for me included muscle wasting, weakness and
cramps in my legs particularly.
The bottle rocket on steroids: this
would be a great project for an idle weekend: http://www.instructables.com/id/Rechargeable-Rocket-Launcher/

Great Way To Advertise a Shanghai: (which
are of course banned in nanny State Vic): http://www.outdoorsadventureoutlet.com/collections/featured-deals/products/alluminum-alloy-camouflage-bait-caster

The Middle East Will Get Much Worse:
‘The Saudi domestic setup is unsustainable. There are about 30 million people
in the Kingdom, but 10 million are foreign workers and many of those are
basically slaves. The mean IQ of Saudi Arabia is tough to nail down, but the
consensus puts it in the high 80’s at the optimistic end. Some old data suggest
the mean is somewhere just north of 80, which is what you see in sub-Saharan
Africa and American prisons. Add in the fact that most young Saudis don’t work
and you have a dearth of human capital. The general rule is you need a mean IQ
of 95 to have a modern economy…’ http://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=7672 The
West will need an almighty big fence!
18/06/2016: Go Land Rover: ‘In 2013, three friends
set off on a journey that they had been told was impossible: the north-south
crossing of the Congo River Basin, from Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of
Congo, to Juba, in South Sudan. Traversing two and a half thousand miles of the
toughest terrain on the planet in a twenty-five year old Land Rover, they faced
repeated challenges, from kleptocracy and fire ants to non-existent roads and
intense suspicion from local people. Through imagination and teamwork —
including building rafts and bridges to cross rivers, conducting makeshift
surgery in the jungle and playing tribal politics — they got through. But the
Congo is raw, and the journey took an unexpected psychological toll on them
all. Crossing the Congo is a story of friendship, what it takes to complete a
great journey against tremendous odds, and an intimate look into one of the world’s
least-developed and most fragile states.’ http://jungletrader.blogspot.com.au/2016/06/book_11.html

18/06/2016: Liberal Senator Eric Abetz ‘To stop
littering, domestic violence and child abuse we confront it. We say zero tolerance. The perpetrators
are exposed as perpetrators and not presented as victims of some imagined
injustice. If the leaders of men’s groups for example were in the business of
excusing and side-stepping domestic violence by saying ‘If spouses behaved
better they would have nothing to fear’ one would expect a justified volcano of
condemnation from all quarters. So, why this silence and denial on Muslim
18/06/2016: Your life is less than ¾ of a million
hours (4 ½ million minutes). Neither the Government (nor anyone else)
should steal your time: http://www.coyoteblog.com/coyote_blog/2016/06/the-asymmetry-of-how-the-government-values-my-time.html
Google Cardboard Virtual Reality <$20:
This is simply the most amazing thing I have seen in along while. Turn your
mobile phone into a VR headset. Download 360 degree films from Youtube. My
son-in-law showed me one filmed on a roller coaster which was quite
breathtaking: https://vr.google.com/cardboard/index.html
People need to get out more: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/06/13/milky-way-now-hidden-from-one-third-of-humanity/
Philosopher Bertrand Russell called Karl Popper ‘s ‘The Open Society and its
Enemies’ "a vigorous and profound
defence of democracy." It is without a doubt one of the most important
works of the C20th. Increasingly liberal democracy is under threat. The ‘Open
Society’ is becoming the ‘Closed Society’. The elites rule the world. The
‘Philosopher King’ is not even a second-rate thinker any more. You can read
this great book for free here: https://archive.org/stream/opensocietyandit033120mbp/opensocietyandit033120mbp_djvu.txt
Turnbull, like Andrews has such
immaculate timing: http://www.news.com.au/national/federal-election/malcolm-turnbull-holds-first-iftar-dinner-for-ramadan-as-a-prime-minister-but-is-teased-on-nbn/news-story/3cf93064e22bd1e7e3fa9eee2d884f78
Black Diamond Spot 200 Lumens Head
Torch: This is a great new head torch. Black Diamond have boosted the
output on their new model from 130 to 200 lumens whilst still producing great
battery life (claimed 50 hours at 200 lumens with a claimed distance of 80
metres). It also has many other brightness settings as well as a red LED. It
weighs <90 grams with batteries. It is also waterproof. It is available from

due to increasing age/cataracts etc I had been having trouble focusing on
various inside jobs I have to do during the current wet weather with my old
head torch. This one has solved that problem. I admit it has somewhat of a
‘clunky’ appearance, but I am no beauty myself! It works brilliantly. Fiordland
NZ snaps in background.
they say about it: ‘Our most popular headlamp for everything from pre-work dawn
patrols to late-night rappels after a long day, the Black Diamond Spot Headlamp
now features 200 lumens of power in a waterproof package. Featuring PowerTap
Technology, easy on-the-fly brightness adjustments are literally at the tip of
your fingers. At first touch, the proximity light is illuminated, eliminating
the headlamp shuffle when transitioning from camp tasks to low-light
activities. With a handy lock mode, the Spot is safe from accidental battery
drain while in your pack or pocket.
TriplePower LED, one SinglePower white LED and one SinglePower red LED emits
200 lumens (max setting)
Technology allows fast and simple transitioning between full and dimmed power
in order to instantly increase illumination in distance or proximity modes
night-vision mode has proximity and strobe settings, and activates without cycling
through the white mode
low profile design uses three AAA batteries and three-level power meter shows
remaining battery life for three seconds after switching on headlamp
include: full strength in proximity and distance modes, dimming, strobe, red
night vision and lock mode
IPX8: Waterproof—Tested to operate up to 1.1
meters underwater for 30 minutes. If submerged, water may enter the battery
compartment and it will still operate, and it should be dried out completely
‘Wishing will make it so’ (Hamlet);
Just 5% of Terminally-Ill Cancer Patients Fully Understand Prognosis, Study
Finds: http://canmua.net/world/just-5-of-terminallyill-cancer-patients-fully-understand-prognosis-study-finds-833386.html
Obviously the Paris attack (which killed
100 people) was heterophobic!
Ultralight Pen: World’s lightest pen?
Perhaps. Anyway at @ 1 gram and for US$3 you have a 2 ½’ (6.5cm) pen which will
write on practically any surface, even upside down or under water or in space.

Space Pen’s Sealed Pressurized Ink Cartridge: Performs in temperatures from
-30ºF to +250ºF, underwater, in zero gravity, at any angle–even upside down! The
ultimate in dependability! The choice of ski patrols, search and rescue teams,
law enforcement agencies, armed forces, and everyone who demands reliability in
a writing instrument.

PR Cartridge is the fat one in the middle.
The U Cartridge is the skinny one on the top and bottom. When it arrives
it will be long like the top image shows.
It is made this way to fit several different pen barrels. If you need it to be shorter, just flex it
back and forth at the break point and it will separate, leaving you the correct
Cartridge. Please note: the U Cartridges contain a much
smaller amount of ink, they write about 1200 feet depending on your writing
style, as compared to the regular PR Cartridge which should write more than
12,000 feet depending on style and surface.
SIZES - Fine contains a .9mm Ball - Medium contains a 1.1mm Ball - Bold
contains a 1.3mm Ball. Comes in 9 different colours. The ‘U’ refill costs about
US$3: http://www.spacepen.com/cartridge.aspx Use
with: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/waterproof-notepads/
Flux party: may be the only truly
democratic party: https://voteflux.org/?r=fb-not-red-and-blue
Coming to you soon, space habitats: http://www.gizmag.com/beam-habitat-second-attempt-iss/43573/
Steve’s Mulligatawny: Again, not a
hiking meal but a family favourite. It may sound like a curious blend of
flavors (it is not actually an Indian recipe -as you would think) but quite
delicious nonetheless. Your taste might dictate a little more curry perhaps but
these ingredients keep my family happy. Enjoy:

tablespoons oil
lge onion, chopped
garlic cloves, crushed
small chilli, seeded and chopped
chicken thighs
cups red lentils, rinsed
celery stalks, chopped
carrots, chopped
lge potatoes, peeled and chopped
apple, chopped
red capsicum, chopped
teaspoons dried cumin
teaspoon coriander
teaspoon turmeric
teaspoon cinnamon
litres chicken stock
sachets (=2 cups) coconut milk powder
teaspoons Clive of India curry powder
of one lemon
fresh coriander for servin
• Cut chicken into cubes and brown
in hot oil. Remove
• Fry onion, garlic and chilli in
hot oil, then add spices and cook 2 minutes
• Add all ingredients EXCEPT coconut
milk powder and lemon juice
• Cook 30-40 minutes until thick
• Add coconut milk powder mixed with
water and lemon juice.
• Serve garnished with chopped fresh
Orlando was not about homophobia. It was
all about Islam. When these Islamic agitators can freely visit Australia to
whip up trouble, we can expect trouble. Instead of stopping them, we stop those
who would warn us of the danger. Killing Cassandra is never the answer: http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/who_minds_our_gates_and_why_does_the_left_hate_wilders_but_tolerate_what_he/
I am in good company with this view. Milo Yiannopolous agrees: http://www.breitbart.com/.../left-chose-islam-gays-now.../
Elon Musk believes we are probably
characters in some advanced civilization's video game…Maybe he is; on the
other hand he may take us to Mars: http://www.vox.com/2016/6/2/11837608/elon-musk-simulation-argument
Bulldozer (well, front-end loader) fight
in China: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPj-SPD_NIg
Ultralight Knife Sharpener: OK, so
you have your ultralight knife (eg the Kabar Johnson Adventure Piggyback I have
recommended so often (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/carry-a-knife/)
which you have used so many times for cutting up your lunch on the trail (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/lunch-on-the-trail/)
or splitting twigs to make a fire in the wet (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/how-to-light-a-fire-in-the-wet/)
, and it is blunt, so you need something even more ultralight to sharpen it. I
have chosen some options below which are all under 20 grams so they won’t break
your back carrying them against this eventuality:

Model S: 2-1/4″ Diamond D shaped shaft with groove for fishhooks. Opens
to 5-7/16″. Stores in pen type cap.
19.5 grams. Sharpener without cap: 8 grams. I have carried and used mine
like this for years (just the black bit in the photo below) http://eze-lap.com/hunting_fishing_outdoor_use/pocket-sharpeners/

available, their Model SD 2-1/2″ Diamond D Shaped Shaft with a groove for
fishhooks with Hook Disgorger on the end. Handy.
Model ST: A pocket sized sharpener with
tapered shaft for serrated blades.
DMT Diamond Mini-Sharp® Sharpener 17 grams: https://www.dmtsharp.com/sharpeners/pocket-models/mini-sharp/

Lansky Mini Dog Bone Crock Stick Ceramic Knife Sharpener 19.4 grams

particularly like this one as you don’t need to have any particular skill at
knife sharpening. The Gerber Ceramic Pocket Sharpener 17 grams. I even use mine
for touching up my machete, though it you want a really good edge (eg for
skinning a sambar) you will need to finish off a bit.

lighter, a small piece of 2000grit or 2500grit sand (metal) paper wrapped
around a stick works - or you could learn to use such things as a well worn
stone from the stream (0 grams)! The old mountain men after all kept their
knives sharp this way!
The Jihad Goes on: I was going to
publish this link today, but the murder of 50 gays in Orlando Florida make it
seem too late: http://www.city-journal.org/html/jihad-goes-14468.html
Meanwhile this commentator has similar warnings: https://cambriandissenters.blogspot.com.au/2016/06/a-german-leader-has-wrecked-europe-for.html
Once more the UK may save Europe. Brexit gains apace, now running 55:45 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/eu-referendum-poll-brexit-leave-campaign-10-point-lead-remain-boris-johnson-nigel-farage-david-a7075131.html
This swing away from centralized government is echoed in a 25% support for
minor parties in latest polling in Australia. Clearly I was wrong about
Turnbull losing the current election. At least Labor has decided to certainly
lose it. Conservative support will be bolstered by the events in Victoria,
Orlando, Europe and by Brexit. Support for parties such as the Australian
Liberty Alliance and One Nation will swell.
Each colour represents one billion

A Soft Pillow and a Warm Bed Under the
Stars: Comfort. That’s what it’s really all about. A
few extra ounces ought not to be sacrificed to inadequate rest. That’s why we
always carry our Cyclone Chairs (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/cyclone-chair/)
@ 180 grams so we can really enjoy the time at the end of the day. We
use Thermarest Neoair Xlite Women’s (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/new-hiking-mat-425g/)
sleeping mats @ 340 grams and Exped UL Pillows @ 45 grams (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/exped-ultralight-pillow/)
is important to always have enough clothes/adequate sleeping bags so you are
toasty warm all night (without sweating, which will ruin the insulative ability
of your clothes, bag etc). We have found the Montbell range lightweight and
excellent (http://www.montbell.us/) such as their
‘Thermawrap series of coats and vests in synthetic and their ultra light down
range such as the ‘Superior’ and ‘Ex Light’ eg http://www.montbell.us/products/disp.php?cat_id=2001&p_id=2301218&gen_cd=1
which can weigh as little as 156 grams. For sleeping I like their
Ultralight Super Spiral Down Hugger #3 bag (@-1C & 595 grams) myself.
the temperature drops below freezing I put a coat on the top half of my body
and a vest on the lower half. This takes pone down at least another 5-10C
without carrying any extra weight. A warmer sleeping bag will also likely be
too warm for usual camping conditions in Australia. When it gets really cold
the bag has a draw string which can be pulled in so only your mouth and the
bottom of your nose are poking out. NEVER breathe in your bag! I also own a
pair of down sock such as these https://goosefeetgear.com/products/1-down-socks
if my tootsies should feel the chill.
course we have a dry tent (such as this http://www.theultralighthiker.com/honey-i-shrank-the-tent/)
and a warm fire out front, and of course two dogs for when it is a ‘two-dog

A memo to sons (& daughters for that matter!); Always remember this: ‘Heaven has no rage like love to hatred
turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.’ From The Mourning Bride by
William Congreve (1670-1729)
Great Barrier Reef actually growing:
‘A survey of reefs off north Queensland has found an increase in the amount of
coral despite the recent bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef. Scientists
from Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) examined 12 reefs off the
Townsville coast, between Northern Hinchinbrook and Cape Bowling Green. AIMS found 11 reefs had continued to recover
since being damaged by Cyclone Yasi in 2011. Scientists also found coral cover
on seven of the reefs were at its highest levels since they were first surveyed
30 years ago. ‘http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2016-06-08/great-barrier-reef-survey-off-north-qld-finds-increase-coral/7492870
and synthetics both have pros and cons. Down is:
specific regard to the issue of moisture sensitivity, I want to point out that
synthetic insulations are absolutely not “warm when wet” like is often
claimed. Moreover, down is so much more thermally efficient that even
moisture-degraded down will be as warm for its weight as dry synthetic
insulation. Finally, I’ve never had my down insulation get truly wet. Damp
from high humidity, yes, but never wet from, say, having worn it in the rain or
fording a river — that’s what my rain jacket and pack liner are for.
the introduction of water-resistant down a few years ago, synthetics lost much
of their wet-weather advantage. So now it’s mostly a cost and ethical
few exceptions my preference is down. It’s the superior insulation, especially
as one who tends to backpack in dry environments and as someone who can justify
their purchases with extensive use. And, equally important, down is a better
long-term investment — my heavily-used down pieces are almost as warm now as
they were when new, whereas my synthetic-fill pieces are limp, lifeless, and
needing replacement after just a season of daily use.’ http://andrewskurka.com/2015/backpacking-clothing-stop-insulated-jacket-pants/

10/06/2016: The Liberal Democrat Budget would fix
the deficit in one year (this year) for good. Treasure Fadden achieved this
(from an even worse position) in 1949. Let’s get real. We don’t need 2 million
public servants or most of the other waste/control which Government has become:

10/06/2016: Real men doing real things – after having
just defeated the Wehrmacht. Wouldn’t be allowed today: http://imgur.com/gallery/mSypaWl
A good emergency lightweight tarp
clip that will not let go: http://www.easyklip.com/ Mini = 12 grams. Of course,
this remains the lightest tarp clip: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/worlds-lightest-tarp-clip/

Jewish atheists (and similar logical
fallacies) are responsible for nearly all the ills of the world!
The problem: http://ldp.org.au/debt/ The solution: http://ldp.org.au/budget2016/ Liberal
Democrats, Yes!
So true…we must not abandon Western
Civilisation though: http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2016/05/24/yale_students_want_to_remake_the_english_major_requirements_but_there_s.html
Did you know that they hung Pinocchio?
Carlo Collodi’s 1883 Original available here: http://fathom.lib.uchicago.edu/2/72810000/72810000_pinocchio.pdf
DIY Self-Tensioning Guylines: I am
not so keen on elastic rope (it is heavier than dyneema) and much of the
problem of stretch can be overcome by caternary cutting the silnylon or using
fabrics with very low stretch such as tyvek or cuben fibre, but nonetheless
this method of keeping your tent taut is worth sharing: http://gossamergear.com/wp/diy-self-tensioning-guy-lines-2
A sprung tip on my tent pole ( I use a one-pole set-up) would have the same
effect with less trouble. May work on this.

Collaroy 1945: http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/17935082
What Jack Russells Are Really For:
‘Back before everyone lost their minds, the role of a man and a dog and a rat
in nature’s pecking order was well understood.’ Severn Valley Ratters and
Friends Go Ratting! 200 Rats Killed. Spot would have loved this. Can I
recommend a related ‘great read’? ‘Tales of a Rat-Hunting Man’ by David Brian
Plummer (https://books.google.com.au/books/about/Tales_of_a_Rat_Hunting_Man.html?id=aqevZC225YYC&redir_esc=y)
one of the highlights of which is hunting a myriad of rats from the carcass of
a deceased circus elephant in an English ‘maggot factory’. Yes!
recalls an adventure I had fox hunting with den dogs and hounds around
Anderson’s Inlet, Gippsland many years ago. This day we came across the carcass
of an enormous whale beached on the shore. Both the terriers and the
bloodhounds entered the whale by various rents in its monstrous carcass.
Believe me you have never heard a rumour of a mournful howl till you ponder at
the belling of a bloodhound from the depths of a giant whale. It would put the
‘Hound of the Baskervilles’ utterly to shame! Over a dozen foxes issued forth
and were promptly dispatched with shotguns. We had to draw straws over skinning
them: they smelt so dreadful. The dogs had also to be sent to Coventry for some
time after as the vile odour of the dead cetacean was quite overpowering! It is
astonishing that women’s perfume was ever made of such terrible stuff! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCsYg82fBeo

Waterproof Notepads: If you spend much time at all outdoors,
sometime the need to make a note in the rain will occur. Then you will need
some waterproof paper such as http://www.riteintherain.com/ (since
1916!) or http://www.myaquanotes.com/ etc. You will
also need a light pen such as a waterproof pen refill http://www.riteintherain.com/blue-ink-refill-all-weather-pen
or a Fisher’s Space Pen refill which will even write under water or in space!

Problem with Minimum Wage Notions is
that Robots Come Cheaper: https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2016/05/25/introducing-pizza-huts-robot-waiter/
Our National Apology to Taxpayers by
Liberal Democrat Senator David Leyhonhjelm. A must watch. These folks will have
my first preference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n_8r0LU1i0
Great White Sharks: Different
results may ensue if authorities would desist from encouraging the beasties
with their ‘catch and release’ programme baiting their hooks with effigies of
Julie Bishop.
Sacred texts: Why do folks persist in
returning to these litanies of nonsense again and again seeking founts of
truth and wisdom. I guess I have written more in this blog in the last twelve
months than you will find in any of those Bibloses, yet I have created hardly a
single suicide bomber or martyr, yet!

Water Vapour: You can get 400mm (or
more ) of rain in a single day yet there are still people who refuse to
acknowledge that water vapour is responsible for over 99% of the so-called greenhouse effect.
Seen all the Coen Bros films and
looking for something else to watch? Try Wes Anderson. Maybe start with
‘Rushmore’ or ‘The Darjeeling Limited’…recommended to me by my son-in-law Matt,
a young man of impeccable taste and discernment!
So you don’t think you’re a racist?
Maybe you think there are Jewish atheists? What then is your attitude to
converting to Judaism? Judaism is a religion. Its adherents are people. They
are not vermin to be slaughtered! Spend four minutes of your time. Watch this
video: http://www.israelvideonetwork.com/when-bibi-netanyahu-is-warning-you-about-this-its-time-to-pay-attention/
University education for any but the
small minority intellectually capable of dealing with it has already only
diminished university and the worth of a degree. We are on such a slippery
slide now that we might as well just do what ‘Giles Goat Boy’ suggested many
long years ago and just have everyone pass! http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/university-offers-soar-for-lowatar-students/news-story/a0c82c89d441fffef0715d17fd84fc10
The Last of the Mountain Men. Isn’t
this the feeling everyone who ventures far from track or trail is seeking: the
freedom of the wilderness, the exultation of the hills, the distant roar of
rapids, the whistle of wind in the trees, the ubiquitous echo of birdsong, the
warning bark of a deer in the sunset… Della and I are back from three days and
approx 50 km walking in one of our own trackless wildernesses in the Gippsland
mountains, testing out ourselves and the functionality of our http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-deer-hunters-tent/
for two hikers plus two dogs. As Della is partially sighted I have now cleared
a walking path approx 60 km long to make our journeys there easier – and there
is so much more to explore still downriver and up the three major valleys
encountered so far to keep me busy in the future.
need to do a little more work on warmer clothes for Della as she sleeps rather
cold. A down hood and a pair of Montbell’s ‘Thermawrap’ trousers should do the
trick (added to her down socks, two insulated jackets plus vest and -7C down
sleeping bag). On the same night where she was still a little cold (in all but
the hood and trousers) I was quite warm enough in a -1C down sleeping bag in
singlet and shirtsleeves with no socks. We are all different.
4WD track which gets us to within 5km of the river is very overgrown. This is a
good section. A couple more summers and we will be walking all the way, but we
will keep on driving it down whilst we can.

a 10 km walk to the riverbank where we made our bed. A toasty warm fire heats
our tent where we are serenaded by the river’s murmur at the end of Day One.

has broken. Spot loves to help Della with the dishes.

a little crowded, as you can see next morning we all fit into the little tent.
You can picture us sitting on our Cyclone Chairs at the entrance watching the
best show in town, the flickering of the embers of a night as we enjoy our hot
chocolate before bed.

summer we will venture the river too on a multi-day trip with our packrafts. It
looks quite delightful. Here is a major rapid we could still hear roaring at
night from approx 5 km away!

never tire of gazing at water on stone. Will need to watch out this one does
not tip us out of the canoes.

is a beautiful stretch of river.

just keeps going on and on…

second night we camped high on a wonderful clear ridge with a magnificent view
of the river and the huge valleys all about. Sunset was memorable. In Della’s
photo here you can see the tent tinged with it as we put it up and I gather
some kindling in the background. Tiny has already settled in for the night.

was quite tired out - she is 16 ½! She loves Della’s sleeping bag.

young ‘black velvet’ fellow was harvested for meat. Amazing ears.

below. Both the dogs love to sit on the packs during rest stops.

tent proved excellent for one – if a little crowded for all four of us, but at
<750 grams (in Tyvek) it is an easy carry. I will be remaking it (soon) with
a cuben fibre roof and 1oz/yd2 silnylon poncho floor – perhaps even with
.7oz/yd2 insect netting at the front door. This version should be well under
400 grams, so will undoubtedly become my ‘go anywhere’ tent.
82: Go for it bro: ‘If I don’t fall
down or fall ill, I’m going to do it. That’s the one thing about me – when I
set my mind to something, I’m going to see it through…That will be the hardest
part of the whole thing, I won’t see my dog Molly once.’ https://gearjunkie.com/dale-sanders-oldest-to-complete-appalachian-trail
‘Too Sick to Work’ Migrant Allowed to
Bring in 12 MORE Children and 2 MORE Wives to Live Off the System in
Denmark: The suicide of the West continues.http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/05/too-sick-to-work-migrant-allowed-to-bring-in-12-more-children-and-2-more-wives-to-live-off-the-system-in-denmark/
‘Pretty much everybody agrees that government
charity enables dependency and dysfunction. Pretty much everybody also
agrees that there are numbers of people who will not or can not attain
functional independence.
the perverse incentives, and many unpleasant side effects (including creating a
permanent underclass and supporting fatherless families), such people require
basic food and shelter provided by the productive classes. It's not 1800
anymore when everybody could find something useful to do on the farm.
problem with a guaranteed minimum income is that, if people can not manage
their life adaptively, they probably can not handle money adaptively either.
Every day we see how foolish people can be with unearned money.’ The News
Della’s Chilli Con Carne with
Cauliflower Rice for tea last night. We will be eating a lot more of this
instead of real rice. You can also make fried rice. Blitz cauli florets in food
processor (very) briefly until it resembles rice. Toss in a frypan in a small
quantity of olive oil approx one minute. Serve! Delicious – and so good for
you. Forget carbs! See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/this-book-may-save-your-life/

Ultralight Hiker on Pinterest: https://au.pinterest.com/source/theultralighthiker.com/
I have hundreds of ‘pins’ here (and many more to add!) Perhaps you would like
to ‘follow’ me there or ‘pin’ some of them to help me spread the word? Also,
perhaps you might like to ‘Share’ some of my http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ posts
on Facebook too (or ‘Follow’ it) or ‘Like’ my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/theultralighthiker/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
! Hope you are enjoying my posts. Thanks for your help.

Just click on these WW2 photos to see
the same places today. Amazing: http://interactive.guim.co.uk/embed/2014/apr/image-opacity-slider-master/index.html?ww2-dday
Fitting Your Backpack: This is really
good advice. Apart from having a backpack which is too heavy and too large, the
next biggest mistake people make is not having chosen/made it the correct torso
length then not having put it on correctly: http://gossamergear.com/wp/how-to-size-and-fit-an-ultralight-backpack

gear Gorilla: http://gossamergear.com/gorilla-ultralight-backpack-all-bundle.html
Windows 10: Just a reminder: This
App will block it or get rid of it: http://ultimateoutsider.com/downloads/
Great Cover:

Robin Hood Did Not Rob the Rich and Give
to the Poor (neither did Ned Kelly, who was just a criminal). Robin Hood
took back the money the Government had stolen and gave it back to the people.
Robin Hood was the opposite of a communist. More Robin Hoods, please: http://pickeringpost.com/story/robin-hood-no-ned-kelly-/6071
Drive the Kids to School? While
you’re thinking about whether they should walk or ride their bikes (They
should), think of these Chinese students on their way to school – you might
also consider that even though the Chinese spend enormously less on education
per pupil their students excel whilst ours have declined despite (because of) a
doubling in funding in recent years. A doubling in discipline would have seen
better results! Bring back the cane! http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/may/27/worlds-most-dangerous-school-run-chinese-children-800m-cliff
The Vorso Mark II Spinning Top:
Never too old for toys. What a beauty. Spins for 9 minutes. You would just have
to opt for the ruby model: https://www.massdrop.com/buy/the-vorso-mk1-spinning-top
& http://www.vorsospin.com/ Currently on
Massdrop for US$39.99.

6Gb! Wow! How long before the NBN is a
complete white elephant? Telstra recently installed 4GX in our
neighbourhood (https://www.telstra.com.au/coverage-networks/telstra-4gx)
which can achieve speeds of 75Mbps which may increase to 600 Mbps, but this: http://www.gizmag.com/world-record-wireless-data-transmission-access-6-gb-s/43495/
What absolute racist rot: ‘Mr
Shorten got a rousing applause after declaring this was and always will be
Aboriginal land.’ Why not send all those with partial non-aboriginal ancestry
back to their ‘country of origin.’ That would get rid of all of ‘us.’ Give the
country back to the roos! http://www.theage.com.au/federal-politics/federal-election-2016/prime-minister-malcolm-turnbull-put-on-the-spot-by-afl-great-michael-long-20160528-gp6ao6.html#ixzz49zSZAuEH
Amazing Mobile Apps: Altimeter,
Barometer and Thermometer: Accurate Altimeter: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.arlabsmobile.altimeterfree&hl=en
& Smart Thermometer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.colortiger.thermo&hl=en
(also does humidity and air pressure).

Honey, I Shrank the Tent: I thought
I would make a slightly smaller
tent. It turned out to be over 250 grams lighter than the original model. See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/new-decagon-octagon-tyvek-igloo-tent-design/)
one has ten equal sides 6’6” on the outside edges and 2’10” (198cm & 86.5 cm ) across the bottom. It
makes a tent which is still over 9’ x 7’6” (270 cm x 225cm) inside and 5’2”
(155cm) high at the apex and 40” (1 metre) at the door. It is wide enough for
two to sleep sideways but long enough for two to sleep lengthways too. Roof
only weight: 607 grams complete with guys, tie-outs, etc in Tyvek Homewrap
weighed this afternoon on my kitchen scales. The new (1 oz/yd2) silnylon poncho
floor (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hole-less-ponchoshelter/)
will weigh approx 130 grams. You will need 10 x (eg) Vargo Shepherd’s Hook
stakes (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/tent-stakes-and-tricks/)
to set it up (80 grams). Total weight:
817 grams. This is more than satisfactory for such a large area.
change I made to this tent is cutting off 1’ from the doorway arch and adding
closeable storm flaps which overlap at the top and join at the bottom. This
will make the tent enormously more waterproof in really bad weather. It also
means that it can be set up as a decagonal tipi with one corner high enough off
the ground you can just wriggle in underneath.
will be making a 1oz/yd2 silnylon model. I anticipate the roof will be under
350 grams, plus 130 grams for the poncho and 80 grams for the pegs = 560 grams!
As I will be making one for an anticipated Qld rainforest hiking trip I will be
sewing in a 1.35 oz/yd 2 silnylon floor and .7 oz/yd2 insect netting. I figure
this will not add more than another 100 grams (if that), so a total of eg 650
grams! It will also cost me only about $100.

open mode: Spot checking it out.

looking out. You would normally have a fire about where the 10 litre drum is.

'seal of approval'. That's a 5' x 7' (150 cm x 210 cm) poncho tarp lying on the
floor with plenty of room to spare!.

mode with doors closed. Still 1' (30 cm) of ventilation at the bottom, or room
for a dog to go in and out.


view: the wind will go right round this tent.

along the front ridgeline (yellow cord). NB the Dyneema tent pole
reinforcement. I just cut a circle of Dyneema and sewed it on after I had
joined the two pieces of Tyvek together (roughly a half circle (7 slices) and a
quarter (3 slices). I then cut the slice of Dyneema I didn’t need out and sewed
the two edges of the tent together to make the tipi shape. NB: Leave eg @ 1”
extra to all your pieces for joining – likewise at least ½” for a hem around
the bottom.

'doors' just hook back to loops sewn into the walls. To close, wrap hook around
hiking pole and hook onto itself. No zips.
up: Use a carabiner to join the two corners either side of the door arch
together. Now it is an octagon. Pin out the corner opposite the door, then the
two either side of that corner. They will be slightly forward of it. Then
insert the centre pole. Attach the other pole and peg it straight out (You can
move it later). The tent will now stand up by itself. Starting at the back go
around pegging all the corners out. When you get to the two either side of the
door remove the carabiner from one loop. A little adjustment may be needed to
get all the corners standing taut. It is the second easiest tent to put up I
have ever owned. The even easier one is: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-deer-hunters-tent/
really bad weather – or if there is a crowd - the tent also sets up as a
decagon. One corner is about 1’ off the ground where you can crawl in. The
decagon makes a tipi style tent which is @ 10’
in diameter.
hunting I will usually just break a couple of bush sticks for the poles, one 5’
2” (155cm) tall, the other about a 40” (1 metre) – or I can use our hiking
poles if hiking.
is really a lovely tent and was fun to make. You should have a try at one. If
you can’t get your hands on some Tyvek, you could make it very cheaply out of a
couple of blue poly tarps (not so fireproof though!).
usual, make one of these for your own use but if you want to manufacture them,
I would like some credit – and some cash, please!
Exactly: Obama is not merely
unpatriotic. He is a treasonous bastard to the entire West: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/05/27/dont-want-get-nuked-dont-bomb-pearl-harbor/
Did you also see his embarrassing sucking up last week to the communist
overlords in Vietnam - explaining that the Vietnam War was the fault of
American politicians, meanwhile excusing/ignoring the murder of 8 million plus
people by the aforementioned communists, and belittling the valour of Vietnam
veterans? http://www.frontpagemag.com/point/262941/obama-vietnam-vietnam-war-was-caused-us-daniel-greenfield
‘Forever England’ 1935 John Mills, a
remake of the 1929 classic, ‘Brown on Resolution.’ This used to be standard
‘Empire Day’ fare (24th May) - along with singing patriotic songs
('Land of Hope and Glory', etc), making Union Jacks and ‘cracker night’ in NSW
when I was a kid. You can catch it on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfamPJyDpPg
Pedometer App: Much cheaper than a
‘Fitbit’, etc. Look on Google Play. There is any number of them free. I am
using Walklogger. Your data might
look something like this (if you spent Sunday and Monday in bed – copied this
image from Google). Michael Mosley’s great book http://www.theultralighthiker.com/this-book-may-save-your-life/
which will make you well again (as you may never have been) recommends 10,000
steps (plus the diet) a target which will keep you quite busy; it will
certainly change your routines if you are to achieve it, but it will also get
you ready for longer multi-day hikes: The DSouth Coast Tarck Fiordland NZ
beckons: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/westies-hut/
. The alternatives are ill-health and death; not much of a choice really.
Surprising really how many people are determined to commit suicide by mouth!

Labor at 52:48 this morning thanks to their hero, Turnbull. Meanwhile at least one campaign fail: Labor ad above, Bill
Leak's 'take' below:

Tim Blair: ‘The greatest ever leftist
grievance poker hand: If there’s a high bar for which social justice
warriors strive, surely it was set by Britain’s first trangender gay Muslim
woman …Lucy Vallender, formerly known as Laurens before “he” became true to
“herself,” is a former British soldier who had a sex operation in 2010 to
switch out his male parts for female parts. Vallender would later convert to
Islam, saying it’s a “peaceful” religion and take things even further by
marrying a Muslim man the ex-soldier met on an online dating site.’
Steve’s Pasta E
Fagioli: Della was off being crafty again, leaving me a temporary widower –
so I had to shift for myself. I made THIS excellent soup. I think it is very
nearly the best meal I have ever made, so I will share it with you:

tablespoon olive oil
med onions chopped
lge cloves garlic chopped
lge carrot chopped fine
stalks celery chopped 1 cm cubes
thin pork sausages (browned &) chopped approx 20mm
teaspoons dried oregano leaves
teaspoon dried basil leaves
Teaspoon sweet paprika
400g can chopped tomatoes with juice
cups chicken stock
400 g can cannelloni beans
cup very small shell pasta (1cm)
tablespoons fresh chopped parsley
- Heat
olive oil I a large pot medium heat
- Add
and brown sausages (chop)
- Cook
onion in oil 2 minutes
- Stir
in garlic, carrot, celery and cook 3 minutes
- Add
basil, oregano and paprika
- Toss
to coat
- Stir
in tomatoes and stock
- Bring
to a boil
- Reduce
heat and simmer 30 minutes
- Stir
in beans and tiny pasta
- Simmer
8 minutes until pasta is tender
- 12
Stir in parsley and serve; (Serves 4-6)
To lower the GI I guess you could sub some cauliflower for the tiny pasta and
it would taste just as good. Cheers.
Maybe this is how the nightmare will
play out: (Aside: Do we really want a PM with ‘man boobs’ as well as boobies?
Tanya Plibersek instead, and real boobs please!)
More Boobs: They disagreed over the
floral arrangements for an upcoming musical exhibition (as you might), and
it came down to this: http://neveryetmelted.com/2016/05/24/famous-topless-female-duel-of-1892/
Clear PVC backpack Lid for Solar
Charger: I have this wonderful little solar chargerhttp://www.bushnell.com/hunting/outdoor-technology/powersync/solarwrap-mini
which is useful for battery back-up as it contains a 2200 Ma battery, and will
recharge tired batteries. The trouble with such a device on the trail is that
it is hard to deploy whilst walking, particularly if it rains a bit
(electronics really hate water). You can attach it with a bit of string through
the hole one end, and drill two holes through the end clips so that it can be
attached at the other end. This will allow you to drape it down or over your
a further modest investment you can place it and the item to be charged in one
of Sea to Summit’s map cases which have enough attachment points to obviate
this. I am going to make a PVC lid myself (using a waterproof zip which exactly
fits my backpack (so it will stay in place) and which is easily removable when
you want to get something out of your backpack.
have the Bushnell Solarwrap Mini Dimensions: Weight: oz
3.1 oz, Size: in 4.3" x 1.25" Deployed
Length: in 18.25" Nonetheless it looks like
it will fit in the Medium map case with the ‘tail folded over: http://www.seatosummit.com.au/products/outdoor/tpu-guide-map-cases/
(about A$30) You may find something else suitable on eBay cheaper but most do
not have attachment points both t=ends.
78 grams I feel this is a little too heavy for the purpose. It is also nearly
twice as wide as it needs to be. If I make my own it will come down to more
like 50 grams, I'm sure. A small price to pay though really for always having
all batteries fully charged. Also I should be able to not carry at least an
equivalent weight of unneeded batteries.

Absurd Prejudices: What
if our fur babies turned into real babies: How many people can tolerate other
people who behave like dogs?
Notwithstanding Keynesian Fantasies,
Redistribution Does Not Stimulate Growth: ‘The redistribution advocates
always forget to consider one part: where did the money handed out in
government benefits come from?’ https://danieljmitchell.wordpress.com/2016/05/22/notwithstanding-keynesian-fantasies-redistribution-does-not-stimulate-growth/
This Book May Save Your Life: At
very least it will make it enormously better. Enough that you can look forward
to enjoying hiking in your 70s, 80s and 90s (coming up sooner than you think!)
It will totally CURE Type 2 Diabetes in 8 weeks! Get a copy now: ‘The 8-week
Blood Sugar Diet’ Michael Mosley: http://www.amazon.com/8-Week-Blood-Sugar-Diet-Reprogramme/dp/1780722400
US$7.13 or : https://kat.cr/the-8-week-blood-sugar-diet-how-to-beat-diabetes-fast-and-stay-off-medication-epub-zeke23-t12373712.html

More evil cosying up to the Devil from
the Left [Greens Senator Robert] Simms told Guardian Australia ”we
shouldn’t be giving religious organisations a get-out-of-jail-free card and
the right to discriminate”. Which religion is Simms referring to?
Christianity, Of Course! http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/may/17/greens-promise-to-end-religious-exemptions-to-sex-discrimination-act
When even Socialists begin to see the
light: ‘In France, “Basic facts of economic science are completely
dismissed”; French people view the workplace as a zero-sum battle between
workers and bosses.’ Alas, not just in France: https://no-pasaran.blogspot.com/2016/05/in-france-basic-facts-of-economic.html
Bathtime on the Trail: The One Gram
Platypus Shower: An ordinary water bottle cap will fit any Platypus bottle.
You can make holes with a large needle (doll needle pictured – much safer).
With nine holes as pictured one litre lasts 6 ½ minutes. I usually carry one 2
litre Platypus and a one litre one. Della carries the same. Similarly each has
a pot of approx one litre capacity.

litre of boiling water added to a litre of cold water makes a pretty good
shower temperature. 4 litres of water each gets us pretty clean in the
backcountry where there is plenty of wood to provide the heat, eg with this: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-egg-ring-ultralight-wood-burner-stove/

couple of grommets in the base of the Platypus bottle (both on one side) will
allow you to hang it up from a carabiner on a piece of string. A loop tied in
the string a little higher up will allow you to catch the neck of the bottle to
turn the shower off. I am working on converting one of those water bottle
on/off bite valves which some water bottles come with to a shower for the same
purpose. Looking for a cap which can be glued on which is just the right size.
this (7 grams):

Also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/?s=hygiene
are a variety of purchasable models of this device (some very dear) and all of
which weigh more than a gram! Make your own and convert your Platypus bottles
for hanging (2 minutes max)
http://spatap.com/ Video with times (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzV7ZyYXFvA)
How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life Hardcover by Marcus
Tullius Cicero (Author), Philip Freeman (translation) US$9.72 ebook: http://www.amazon.com/How-Grow-Old-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/0691167702/ref=pd_sim_sbs_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=41Gb5-RT52L&dpSrc=sims&preST=%3Cu%3EAC_UL320_SR214%2C320%3C/u%3E&refRID=1YPHKCS3JRJ780Y8WWBD
Only 42 days to Tony Abbott Marque II: http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/of_course_abbott_would_be_a_hot_tip_for_opposition_leader/
Baby Banquo: 
The Egg-Ring Ultralight Wood Burner
Stove: This is a development of the traditional ‘three-stone fire’ using
three tent pegs and an egg-ring. The aluminium egg-rings cost $8 for 3 on eBay
and stop the pegs from falling in/out. You need to drill three equidistant
holes around the edge. Presumably you already carry tent pegs. These are the
Vargo’s Shepherd’s Hook Titanium Pegs I wrote about here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/tent-stakes-and-tricks/ They weigh 8 grams each. You would be better
with the plain ones for this purpose, though the paint will quickly burn off
I’m sure. The pot is Vargo’s Titanium 450 ml ‘Travel Mug’ with the stay-cool
rim (62 grams) http://www.vargooutdoors.com/titanium-travel-mug-450.html#.V0E8kuS8vcs
egg ring fits even in this cup when not in use. The egg-ring weighs 11 grams. A
titanium windscreen would be a useful addition adding perhaps another 3-4 grams:
You can see Spot approves of the set-up. If you haven’t an egg-ring and/or you
want to make the set-up lighter, you could cut the top off a tin can (one which
has a ring pull) with a can opener which cuts around the wall of the can. This
will produce a lighter ring when you take the top off. If you can find a
largish aluminium cat food can, this ring might only weigh 3 grams. If you use
the 1 gram stakes I used here http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ultralight-multi-fuel-stove-cookset/
you will have a set-up which weighs only 6-7 grams. Beat that!

JFK: "We will put men on the moon".
BHO: "We will put men in women's bathrooms".
Headline of the Week: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36341367/china-denies-selling-human-flesh-as-tinned-corned-beef-in-zambia-in-africa
Cloud Forests of Nth Qld: Mid winter
is the time to visit and do some fascinating hikes in this part of our country.
14 July is the average coldest day in Cairns (22C). It is 5-10C cooler up on
the tablelands and in the high cloud forests, so pleasant walking then. There
is a huge expanse of country up there which is @ 1500 metres up. Bartle Frere
may be our place to start. We really enjoyed its environs (Babinda Boulders,
Josephine falls etc) on our last trip Nth. There are some fine sounding walks
further Sth around Cardwell/Tully etc. Will be checking for deals on ‘Tiger’ for
around that time. Lambing time too unfortunately, though that is not so hectic
now we are retired from large-scale sheep raising:

‘That’s what has happened with our politics, I think. For the last three
decades, at least, it has been a closed system with no real competition. Both
sides debated how much socialism and cultural Marxism they would inflict on the
country. The Left would open the debate at 10 and the Right would offer 5 and
they would settle in between. That’s how we went from telling AIDS jokes to
jailing Christian bakers in the blink of eye. There was never a competition.’ http://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=7352
J.P Sears : Tao of the Man Bun - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 31: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDFx1YOA5tI
Charlotte Observer: Girls must overcome ‘discomfort’ of seeing ‘male genitalia’
in locker rooms’ http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/may/18/charlotte-observer-girls-must-try-overcoming-disco/

when they’re going to let girls have a say in this: All my life I believed it
was an admirable duty to protect women. The tradition, ‘Women and children
first’ was imbued in men and boys by recollection of the example of the ‘Black
Watch’ on the occasion of the sinking of the Birkenhead where the officers
ordered the men to stand at attention whilst the ship sank around them (and
they did) in order to protect the women and children who had been seen safely
to the lifeboats from the dangers of a panicked rush for the boats. An ancestor
of Della’s was a long-serving member of the Black Watch. Obama’s ‘Transgender
Liberation Movement’ (just like the ‘Marriage Equality’ movement) is yet
another attack on long-tested traditions which protect women, children and the
family. Such things can only be discarded at the gravest risk. Today our
welfare and criminal classes (and the disfunction of millions of families) are
largely a result of earlier ‘Liberation’ movements which saw huge numbers of
single mothers choosing to raise families without fathers, and fathers shirking
responsibility for their children. These experiments continue apace.
As you queue to state your preference on July 2 reflect on this: via Cafe Hayek: ‘One of the greatest delusions
of many people is that freedom and ‘voice’ in one’s life resides chiefly in,
and is secured chiefly by, the right to vote. In fact, freedom and voice
in one’s life resides chiefly in, and is secured chiefly by, the rights of
private property (and the associated law of contract and tort).’
Ice Age Europe more dramatic than we thought: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2016/05/05/ice-age-europeans-had-some-serious-drama-going-on-according-to-their-genomes/
A ‘true believer’ - Di Natale pays his domestic servants $1.88 per hour: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/federal-election-2016/election-2016-greens-leader-richard-di-natale-fails-to-declare-home-pays-au-pairs-low-wage-20160519-goywxq
This would have to give you pause about venturing into croc country! Lots more
great outdoors pics here: http://www.rivermenrodandgunclub.com/cool-and-different-pictures.html

The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions; Remember the great mink debacle
of 1998: http://www.snopes.com/critters/crusader/minks.asp
‘In capitalism, the rich become powerful. In socialism, the powerful become
rich’: http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/233934/
J.P Sears is a genius: If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans - Ultra Spiritual Life
episode 35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0O_VYcsIk8
Stoveless Cooking: Warning: This may
not be for everyone: http://gossamergear.com/wp/stoveless-camping-crotch-pot
third option between stoves and no-cook is the brainchild of Gossamer Gear
founder Glen Van Peski. Infrared images of the human body confirm what is
basically common knowledge; one of the hottest parts of the human body is the
crotch area. Your body naturally generates significant heat while hiking; why
not harness this heat for a warm dinner…Glen has used this system for years,
and we finally talked him into exposing it to the rest of us. The Crotch Pot™ is constructed of ultralight cuben fiber,
and attaches to any pants with belt loops. If your favorite pants don’t have
loops, just use some safety pins to attach the pouch. Any recipe that you pour
hot water into and let stand will work.’

Princeton Professor: ‘There Are Few Superstitious Beliefs As Absurd As
Transgenderism: American College of Pediatricians, “human sexuality is an
objective binary trait… [and] a person’s belief that he or she is something
they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking.” http://lucianne.com/thread/?artnum=873665
Why Bill Clinton's 26 Trips on the Lolita Express Child Rape Jet Matter: (And
where was Hilary’s feminism then?) http://www.frontpagemag.com/point/262853/why-bill-clintons-26-trips-lolita-express-child-daniel-greenfield
Steve’s Lamb Stew: This is a family
favourite. Nothing special maybe (certainly not Ultralight Hiking tucker – I
guess you could dehydrate it), but try it anyway. It doesn’t have to be
Mother’s Day before you make some…Cheers.

doz. lamb bbq. chops or equiv.
lge. potatoes, skin on
lge. onions
med. carrots
ave. turnip
ave. parsnip
ave. sweet potato
x 5” pumpkin
sticks celery
ave. capsicum
heating in a v. lge. pot 1 lite water. Dice all ingredients ¾” cubes and add to
the pot. When all in add boiling water to just cover them. Add (approx
amounts): 1 teas. Salt, 2 teas. coarse ground black pepper, 2 teas. sweet
paprika, 2 beef stock cubes (or equiv.), 2-3 teas. Worcestershire sauce, ½
teas. Tabasco (wash hands straight after). Cover and simmer 1-2 hours. For best
taste store in fridge overnight and reheat.
‘Moonrise Kingdom’ (2012): What a great movie! A fitting reminder of ‘Swallows
and Amazons,’ a magical insight into the adventures of childhood – also
featuring Bruce Willis…
So, you want to live forever? Try chain smoking, whisky, fries…Happy Birthday
Richard Overton: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/america-s-oldest-veteran-richard-overton-celebrates-110th-birthday-n572146
Cats eat birds, they say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWc6aF6aMQ8
All-In-One Hammock, Tent, Poncho, Backpack at 1.2 kg: This looks like an
interesting concept. If you have US$319 in loose change you might book yourself
one of these. 7 second set-up sounds great. Check out its specs below. Almost
too good to believe: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/255929858/flying-tent-7-seconds-to-the-stars
& https://gearjunkie.com/flying-tent-hammock-poncho

Astonishing, but here’s one of those places where the whole marriage equality,
sexual licence farrago leads: ‘the new legal requirements…sweeps far beyond
bathrooms — imposing a new speech code on school employees and even students,
opening girls’ showers to boys, requiring schools to allow boys to sleep in
girls’ rooms on overnight field trips, requiring boys to room with girls even
in single-sex dorms, and putting boys on girls’ sports teams.’ http://www.nationalreview.com/article/435379/transgender-school-edict-public-schools-need-conservative-reform
Meanwhile: http://www.allenbwest.com/michele/johns-hopkins-psychiatrist-drops-truth-bomb-about-transgenders-liberals-furious
This may be the difference between Christianity and Islam: ISIS Burns Christian
Girl to Death, Her Breathtaking Final Words Were “Forgive Them” http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/stories-of-isis-victims-are-emerging-and-theyre-unbelievably-brutal-64701/
The Importance of a Roof: Getting
dry, staying dry, that’s what survival comes down to. Alan Remnant pilot and
Owner of Wings on Water, Te Anau, Fiordland (http://www.wingsandwater.co.nz/) who has
flown me in to Supper Cove so many times (one of the world’s greatest trips)
tells me he has often had to ferry deceased hikers out of there too, folks who
could not understand a few simple lessons, like ‘Take a Tarp!’
all the DOC’s Walks’ brochures explain the necessity of this, eg ‘You may not
make it to, or back to a hut’ every year folks turn up to hike in a pair of
thongs, carrying a couple of shopping bags – or something just as injudicious.
I have run into people all the time who are carrying half the house on their
back, but no tent or tarp – indeed no knowledge of bushcraft which would help
them find their way once they lost the trail!
our recent South Coast Track walk (See eg http://www.theultralighthiker.com/south-coast-track-fiordland-nz-waitutu-to-westies/)
on the last day Della and I were walking out in the rain (the only rain on our
eight day trip, so not so unpleasant really). It rained steadily all day, not
specially heavily, and was not specially cold, but it was so humid that before
long we were soaked to the skin – a not infrequent experience despite whatever
impossible ‘breathability’ manufacturers of raingear might advertise.
soaked is not such a problem whilst you are moving or if your insulation is up
to it, but as soon as you stop you start to feel the cold as the rain is
constantly stripping the heat from your body. You need dry air around you to
prevent this. Air is a good insulator. We stopped for lunch in an old woodshed
(just a couple of rusty sheets of gal roughly thrown up next to one of the huts
at the Track Burn). Just getting out of the rain for a few minutes so that it was
not continually stripping one of body heat was such a pleasure. It can be a
lifesaver too.

Burn: Sharing the last of the 'Ambrosia' apples: As you can see, it was wet
enough to drown a 'waterproof' camera!
you are stuck out in the rain for any protracted period of time (especially
overnight) you really need a roof so you can dry out and stay dry. Even on a
long day walk or hunt you need to carry a tarp so that you can do this (or have
the knowledge and ability to construct a rough shelter) because you never know
when you might be spending an unexpected night (or two) outdoors. The river you
need to cross might come up during the day (This has happened to me a number of
times). You might lose your way, become injured (or your companion may – this
has also happened to me a number of times); you can just seriously
underestimate how long it will take getting back to shelter (walking in the
dark is always fraught with danger - but if you have to do it you need to
master the technique of looking out the sides and bottoms of your eyes - where
you actually can see in the dark!) You may just become exhausted - wet shoes
which unexpectedly take on too much weight have done this to me (See eg http://www.theultralighthiker.com/keen-shoes/)
the reason, it is always wise to have some form of shelter. I often carry an 8’
x 8’ cuben tarp which weighs under 150 grams. (I am about to improve on this
with a cuben version of this http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-deer-hunters-tent/ and a 1 oz/yd2 silnylon poncho floor). I have
slept peacefully under the cuben tarp in the rain quite a number of times. I would
say a (cheaper) 7’ x 7’ (eg silnylon) tarp would be the minimum requirement,
and can be used as a hammock tarp too. You would need 4.2 metres of eg this http://www.tiergear.com.au/11/online-shop/xenon-sil-11)
so it is going to cost you around $50 to make, it and it will weigh around 5.5
oz or @ 160 grams including tie-outs. Even my ‘Holeless Poncho’ may save your
life erected as a shelter (and double as a raincoat) See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hole-less-ponchoshelter/
& http://www.theultralighthiker.com/pitching-the-poncho-warning-this-may-save-your-life/
. In the above fabric (which I am very impressed with) it will weigh less than
130 grams I think including waterproof zippers and tie-outs. I will make one
soon and weigh it. I will also do a post soon about constructing a rough
‘bough’ shelter. The ‘best’ shape is not at all what you might think! Watch
this space!
No matter how loath conservative voters may be to vote for Turnbull (I know I
am), in the end we will give the Liberals a preference ahead of Labor and the
Greens because the alternative is flooding the country with utterly undesirable
immigrants and even greater economic disaster! Mind you, the changes to Senate
voting which allows a valid vote without filling out all the preferences means
that some folk will not; ergo the Conservatives may never again have a majority
in the Senate.
Mobility Scooters: The Govt is toying with ideas about licensing, speed
restrictions, crash helmets etc for these excrescences – really it should be
talking restricting access to them. The last 99/100 people I have seen riding
one seriously needed to get off and walk. I’m sure I’m not alone in being sick
of paying people (rewarding them) for a refusal to walk let alone work!

Tumble Hitch: A really useful knot particularly when doing temporary tie outs
eg of guylines, boats, dogs etc. You can always ‘lock’ it by passing the end
back through the top loop so it can’t unravel: http://www.animatedknots.com/tumble/#ScrollPoint

Leland Park: ‘Global warming theories propose positive feedbacks to explain
magnified greenhouse effects that might trigger catastrophic warming.
Naturally, any clues in temperature observations that might indicate feedback
would be of great interest to climate science. It turns out that climate
feedback is very real, large and negative… Though climate is often thought of
as chaotic, it is readily apparent that the historical, repetitive pattern of
cause (solar level) and effect (temperature change) means this pattern is not
accidental. In fact, the cause and effect nature linking the two functions is a
systematic behavior known as stimulus-response in control systems. Since this
seasonal pattern actually repeats every year, the huge lag is actually a
characteristic of climate behavior. In systems terms, this lag, from cause to
effect, constitutes negative feedback…Climate science should have begun
to understand that the climate is stable when they found it necessary to
continuously adjust temperature measurements to maintain the fiction that the
earth is warming. If ever there was an excuse for “adjusting” field
measurements, making continuing adjustments demonstrates that climate science
has knowingly perpetrated a fraud. The negative feedback between solar levels
and temperatures has always existed – but never noticed, officially.’ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/05/12/negative-climate-feedbacks-are-real-and-large/
Astonishing, awful, terrifying: The Holocaust Without Jews: http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/201420/the-holocaust-without-jews?utm_source=tabletmagazinelist&utm_campaign=0f84bb34d2-Wednesday_May_4_20165_4_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c308bf8edb-0f84bb34d2-206672819
Election Countdown 48 days: At the end of this, all we get is another
The Perfect Keychain Knife: Spyderco
Honey Bee: This may be the perfect keychain knife. It is just a bit shorter
than a Yale ‘C’ door key, so it fits in your fob pocket on your key ring
perfectly. Yet it is an ever handy useful tool with its razor sharp blade, just
right to open a bag or parcel, peel a fruit, dress a fish or rabbit, whittle a
spoon, carve your name for posterity on a tree in the far wilderness, or
whatever your imagination can lend it:
‘Spyderco’s micro-sized slipjoints are fully functional,
impressively sharp folding knives that are very much at home on a keychain.
Their stainless steel handles are the perfect palette for engraving or other
embellishment and their Trademark Round Holes are much more user friendly than
traditional nail nicks.’ https://www.spyderco.com/catalog/details.php?product=440

Meanwhile news this morning that dung beetles have been discovered to have
developed ‘a sophisticated method of navigation’ which seems about as probable
as that the greens have developed a realistic economic policy. ‘It’s all
bullshit’ was the dung beetle’s response when interviewed.
A bloody big elephant: ‘Australia’s $1 trillion foreign debt is emerging as the
for credit ratings agencies as they consider whether to give formal notice that
the government’s AAA sovereign credit rating is in danger. S&P;Global
Ratings’ analysis shows Australia’s foreign debt is more than twice the size of
its foreign income from exports, dividends and royalties, which is more than
any other country in the world except for Greece and the US. Australia is also
spending 5.6 per cent of its foreign income meeting interest payments, which
is more than any advanced country except for Spain. S&P;is yet to give its
verdict on the Turnbull government’s first budget but rival Moody’s was
critical of the slowing pace of budget repair, which it said was still
dependent on over-optimistic forecasts of economic growth and the government’s
ability to cut spending.’ David Uren
Election Countdown 48 days: At the end of this, all we get is another
The Deer Hunter’s Tent: I decided it
was time to upgrade my Tyvek Solo Fire Shelter (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/tyvek-solo-fire-shelter/)
into something much better and which could accommodate two - and dogs! I also
wanted to use my ‘Holeless Poncho (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hole-less-ponchoshelter/)
as the floor. I intended that this should result in a ‘roof’ (in Tyvek for its
‘fireproofness’) that was around 400 grams, and a poncho ‘floor’ in silnylon
that would be around 170 grams. Adding another 80 or so grams for tent pegs
should still result in a tent which was under 600 grams, and fit for all
weathers. It would also provide a raincoat (maybe a spare) which would
otherwise weigh maybe half the weight of this tent!
have now discovered some 1 oz/yd2 silnylon which is reasonably priced at $11.95
a metre (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/australian-outfitter/) so that I can make the whole thing much
lighter (55% of the weight, ie under 400 grams all up). In cuben you could go
even lighter but it is very expensive at around $30/yd (http://www.zpacks.com/materials.shtml
I have a piece I can salvage from another project so I will make a cuben model
with a 1oz silnylon poncho floor – I expect the whole thing will weigh under
300 grams after I have made another one in Tyvek to get the measurements just
exact. This one was the prototype. Not
bad for a two person tent though!
waterproof section of the floor could only be 5’ by 7’ (the size of the
poncho), less a bit so that you get a ‘bathtub floor’ effect. However, there is
also a floorless ‘vestibule area of about 5 square feet for dogs, and gear
stowage. I expect if you are vertically challenged like us you will have plenty
of room to shove bits and pieces at the ends and side. We will fit.
was extremely windy when I took the photos but it is showing no inclination to
fall down – and it went up in seconds! That’s what I like. It is also raining
but it is nice and dry inside. As with all my tents it is intended you will
warm it with a cosy fire out the front, a nice touch if you are enjoying winter
hunts in Gippsland, as I will be doing.
are three different modes. The ‘normal’ fully open mode which will be easiest
to get into. The peak is 5’ high. The rainy day mode where you can half close
it and stay dry yet still enjoy the benefits of the fire. The storm mode for
when it really wants to blow and bucket down and you need to keep it all out
and keep the tent from blowing away. If much taller tepees withstood the winds
on the Great Plains for centuries I expect this little guy will withstand a
rainy night in Gippsland!


Open Mode.



will be added later. If you would like to buy a kit with pattern, instructions
and materials, please let me know.
now, what I did to make this version: sewed on the entrance flaps (as per
instructions here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/tyvek-solo-fire-shelter/)
then set the tent up 5' high with tarp clips configuring it around the
dimensions of the poncho which I marked on the ground (with tent pegs). I also
wanted the tent to tie out more tautly so I extended the tie down point at the
rear by 3" and the middle tie down points by the same amount. I moved the
two side tie down points to exactly conform to the dimensions of the poncho,
then I brought the two front flaps together about 15" out from the pole
and cut off the bottoms. Before I cut off the sides of the front flaps I pegged
them out into the half open position and pinned them together about 18"
forward of the peak so as to make a rain shelter at the front when the tent was
open. I marked a position to sew a pocket to take a pole at the inside of the peak.
I also marked a point on the roof to sew in a loop to hang my torch from.
Taking the tent down, I laid it out on the floor and made sure that the sides
were symmetrical and marked catenary curves along the bottom sections. When I
had sewn in the new tie downs, pocket etc I set it up again and added some
stick-on Velcro for the door closures. I will recalculate all the dimensions
and make a wholly new copy-able model (soon).
this prototype which turns out to be slightly smaller than the poncho and what
it can be, I may sew in a Tyvek bathtub floor (approx 210 grams) just to see
how that works. I will have to cut a piece which is slightly bigger than the
tent floor then set the tent up on top of it, then carefully trim and pin so
that the floor is always bigger than it needs to be (this may mean a little
excess at the corners) so that the floor doesn’t hinder the tent’s pegging out
nice an taut. All the same it will be nice to have a tent which goes up in
seconds (just right) and is ready to move right in. This tent goes up so fast I
can imagine putting it up for lunch on wet days!
Here is a neat way to do the catenary curves: (http://www.tiergear.com.au/25/-make-your-own-adventure-blog)
'using a length of 6mm dowel (or some other equivalent), and some heavy weights
to keep it in place position the dowel so that it intersects the two corners
and the mid catenary cut mark, and draw a line along the dowel.'

The tent has stood up perfectly to a very windy wet night – it looks no
different to what it did when I set it up yesterday afternoon. Inside perfectly
Welfare at the big end of town. I admit to watching Elon Musk’s career with a
degree of amazement but…‘It is estimated that Musk’s various ventures —
including his new SolarCity solar panel operation and SpaceX — have cost
taxpayers at least $4.9 billion, with Tesla accounting for about half of that
dole.’ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/05/11/newsbytes-elon-musks-solarcity-crashes/
Is it legal to wash your own hair? They have closed this woman down, ‘Nutall
continued to see success. After living on welfare and in public housing, the
mother left the welfare rolls and bought a new house. The year she opened her
salon, Nutall purchased her first brand new car: a 1995 Toyota Camry. “I had to
do something to come out of public housing, and it was honest and fair,” Nutall
said of her business. “It bought me a new home and a new car and got me off of
welfare and out of public housing, and therefore my children had an opportunity
to see life in a different way.” Socialism at work. http://dailysignal.com/2016/05/02/it-takes-300-hours-to-become-a-shampooer-in-tennessee
Soda Can Stove Mark 2: Progress is ubiquitous: this guy has rejigged the
‘traditional’ soda can stove so that it heats up more quickly and generally
works better. It’s the one on the right. Full instructions here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Improved-Soda-Can-Stove/?ALLSTEPS
If it’s a wet day it may be time for a little DIY therapy.

Things you’d maybe rather not have said: ‘”I’ll run down Regent Street with a
sausage stuck up my bum if we get a Muslim mayor” Conservative UK media chick
Katie Hopkins…Reports are that there has been a 130% Muslim turnout for the
non-compulsory London vote’: http://pickeringpost.com/story/i-ll-run-down-regent-street-naked-with-a-sausage-stuck-up-my-bum-if-we-get-a-muslim-mayor-/6009

This is a Phd Thesis accepted by the University of Leeds and no doubt paid for
by the great British taxpayer. When will we demand such nonsense cease? ‘Based
on queer-feminist, postcolonial and race critical theory, this thesis offers an
analysis of how gendered and sexualised formations come into being on the salsa
scene.’ Pass the corn chips please: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/05/academic-howler-of-the-week-how-to-ruin-salsa.php
A good wife: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/05/08/great-granny-80-got-gun-kills-home-intruder-who-attacked-husband.html?intcmp=trending
‘The gun was a Christmas gift from her husband.’ Good husband!
Australian Outfitter: This is great news. In the depth of Tasmania there is an
Aussie Outfitter and cottage manufacturer who can supply a myriad of
interesting stuff which you previously had to wait ages for from the US etc –
and at a very reasonable price. I purchased some 1oz/yd2 silnylon (2,000 mm
waterproofness) for my new poncho & tent project (details to follow soon)
and some very elusive mitten hooks (same), all posted same day, but I will be
going back for some of his 1.35oz/yd2 which has a waterproofness of 5300 mm for
a tent floor! And many other things. Simon stocks a bewildering array of
goodies (I was particularly interested in the ‘Dutchware’ range) and also
manufactures various hiking goodies (hammocks, tarps, quilts etc) and for all
you non-sewers out there sometimes has time to do custom work, so talk to him!
Check out his ‘Make Your Own Adventure' blog and DIY Guides which contain many
useful patterns with instructions. Like me he is also one of those sensible
folk who drive a Land Rover. Pictured one of his splendid Goshawk hammocks,
just waiting for one of his wonderful Bettong tarps to complete it. Forget
about your swag and try one of these: http://www.tiergear.com.au/

Yet another tyranny to blight our lives: now we have to learn to eat all over
again, like pigs to the trough: ‘The dish is made for sharing in the same way
soup or chewing gum or an oyster is.’ (Steve Waterson): http://www.theaustralian.com.au/life/food-wine/restaurants/shared-plates-complicate-dining-and-are-often-a-chefs-conceit/news-story/44c6f594fdf0f4343d4cabbe0785a3d2
In other tyrannies: Man faces hate crime charge in Scotland over dog's 'Nazi
salute'. ‘The clip allegedly shows a pug sitting in front of a screen showing
footage of Adolf Hitler and appearing to make Nazi salutes.’ http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/may/09/nazi-salute-dog-man-faces-hate-crime-charge-scotland
Home Made Wood Splitters. Winter is coming. Some great ideas here for your next
DIY project: https://gearjunkie.com/homemade-wood-splitting-machines

‘None of the above’: A pity changes to the voting system had not made this a
valid vote. I’m pretty sure that ‘None’ would win in pretty much every
electorate in the country!
Strange how we manage with volunteer fire fighters in the country where there
is much more to burn and far fewer people. You would think that in urban areas
where there is far less to burn and far more people to volunteer there would be
no need for paid fire fighters. Then there are all the other ‘services’ we
normally provide ourselves ‘on the land’: water, sewerage, rubbish removal,
gardening, house building and repair...Why do we pay rates out here anyway?
The Racist Trees of Our National Parks. Good Lord: ‘According to Finney, the
tree is a racist symbol to black people.’ There is too much public money just
floating around looking for a home: http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/262727/racist-trees-our-national-parks-daniel-greenfield
We clearly need more fuel reduction burns anyway!
Tent Stakes and Tricks: Give some thought to your tent pegs. Your tent won’t be
anything without them, or without good ones – and they can weigh nearly as much
as the tent! In windy weather tie your tent stakes to your guy by threading
them through the hole in the peg. This allows you to push the stake completely
under the ground for maximum purchase and ensures the guy cannot flap loose
from the peg. This is much easier to do if you use Clam Cleats mini line locks:
You can use mini carabiners such as these http://gossamergear.com/gg-logo-mini-biner.html
to make this easier still at approx 3 grams per guy. Tip: the angle your stake
should be driven in should be a little less than 90 degrees to the guy line,
enough so that the force vector is inclined to push the stake in rather than
lift it pout.

good stakes: Vargo have five stakes I would recommend: 1. The lightest their
fluoro shepherd’s hook stake: http://www.vargooutdoors.com/titanium-tent-stake-fluorescent-orange-head.html#.Vy6gKdR97IU
Length 165 mm Width 3.5 mm Weight 8
grams which have a little extra bit that really anchors the hook to the ground
when driven all the way in, (I don’t know why all tent stakes aren’t brightly
coloured to prevent loss – all of the following can have a piece of reflective
guy line added to increase visibility): 2. their Ultralight Titanium Nail Peg: http://www.vargooutdoors.com/titanium-nail-peg-ultralight.html#.Vy6g6dR97IU Length 152 mm Width 4 Weight 8 grams 3. the Titanium Ascent Stake http://www.vargooutdoors.com/titanium-ascent-tent-stake.html#.Vy6jX9R97IU Length 158 mm Weigh 10 grams 4. the Titanium
Crevice Stake: http://www.vargooutdoors.com/titanium-crevice-stake.html#.Vy6kE9R97IU
Length 152mm Weight 12 grams. If you want really serious holding their 5.
Aluminium Summit Stake is a good choice: http://www.vargooutdoors.com/aluminum-summit-tent-stake.html#.Vy6ks9R97IU
Length 190 mm Weight 14 grams. The DAC JStake has been a competition winner for
years and is just about unbendable: http://www.mont.com.au/dac-j-stakes-6- pack Length 160 mm Width 11
mm Weight 11.3 gm

couple of others to consider: Zpacks 6.4 inch Carbon Fiber Tent Stakes Length
16 cm Width 7.5 mm Weight 6.2 grams http://www.zpacks.com/accessories/stakes.shtml have superior holding ability (due to their
width) yet are light and will pass through airport security! For really serious
anchoring you can even get longer carbon fibre stakes http://www.rutalocura.com/Tent_Stakes.html Length 22.5 mm Weight 7.5 grams

similar longer stake is the Easton Nano Nail Stake Length 20 mm, Weight 12
grams: http://www.mountainlaureldesigns.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=104

Fort McMurray was caused by the same Greenie nonsense as our bushfires here
(not ‘Global Warming’!) Alberta’s aging forests increase risk of ‘catastrophic
fires’: 2012 report: “Wildfire suppression has significantly reduced the area
burned in Alberta’s boreal forest. However, due to reduced wildfire activity,
forests of Alberta are aging, which ultimately changes ecosystems and is
beginning to increase the risk of large and potentially costly catastrophic
wildfires.” https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/05/06/fort-mcmurray-wildfire-climate-or-incompetence/
Fort McMurray was caused by the same Greenie nonsense as our bushfires here
(not ‘Global Warming’!) Alberta’s aging forests increase risk of ‘catastrophic
fires’: 2012 report: “Wildfire suppression has significantly reduced the area
burned in Alberta’s boreal forest. However, due to reduced wildfire activity,
forests of Alberta are aging, which ultimately changes ecosystems and is
beginning to increase the risk of large and potentially costly catastrophic
wildfires.” https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/05/06/fort-mcmurray-wildfire-climate-or-incompetence/
A History of Drowning: ‘A survey of evolutionary accounts of how humans became
nimble, vigorous bipeds shows that swimming would have been a waste of
evolutionary energy. We were born to run on the savannah, not swim in the
ocean, and to have done anything but run would have been to misallocate
precious energy resources. Swimming, in short, is a very unnatural activity for
a hominin’ https://psmag.com/a-brief-history-of-drowning-3ddf5836ea87#.yzh0euogz

Monumental Blunders: As if the hasty changes to Senate voting weren’t silly
enough, the current voting publicity campaign about how to vote is wrong, such
that the whole Senate election might well have to be held again! Wow! That will
be popular! Eg: ‘you can vote simply 1, or 1 to 6 or any number you want in
order. If you make a mistake your voting will be valid up until that mistake is
made. In other words if by accident you vote 1,2, 3, 5, it is valid up to and
including 3’ http://pickeringpost.com/story/looks-like-the-electoral-office-has-stuffed-up-again-/6000
Wilderness worship: Back to Neander: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/05/wilderness_worship__back_to_neander.html
New Decagon Octagon Tyvek Igloo Tent Design: I am really pleased with this new
tent as I have solved the problem of how to construct a pyramid tent without
zips and which has a verandah to completely exclude the rain. It is a huge
tent. As you can see, you can warm it with a fire out the front; there is
plenty of room for two (plus dogs) and all their gear – and then some! There is
ample standing room. It has a bathtub floor. You can lock it down to an
invulnerable octagon in storm mode. It has a clothesline, three hangers,
glasses etc pockets both sides. It needs ten stakes (@ 8-11 grams each = 110
grams) to erect and two poles (which can be cut up the bush – or use two-three
hiking poles or you can buy Easton/Carbon ones here: http://www.questoutfitters.com/tent_poles.htm).
Tyvek it weighs 1,030 grams (including floor and tie-outs) and would weigh
about 420 grams (under 550 inc. stakes) in Cuben Fibre (.67oz/yd2 camo for the
roof & 1 oz/yd2 for the floor). It would weigh about 750 grams (without
stakes) in 1.3oz/yd2 Silnylon. I overdid it on the bathtub floor (6” sides)
width and height and length of beak. Could easily shave a couple of hundred
grams off this weight on my next model. Two Easton poles (if needed) would
weigh under 200 grams. This model consists of ten equal triangles, two sides 7’
(2.1m) and one 3’ (.9m). You could easily scale it down quite a bit and still
fit two people and their gear in it. If you shortened the height of each
triangle to two 6’ sides and the width to 2.8” (which would be about the
minimum I guess – haven’t tried this size), the tent should weigh perhaps 60%
of what it does now, say under 700 grams anyway – in Tyvek, and clearly about
half that in cuben! Instructions and plans: Let me know if you would like to
purchase a kit with pattern and instructions.


View: plenty of room for two 6' (1.8 m) Neoair mats and lots of gear.

of standing room.


Libertarianism: ‘The central tenet of Libertarianism is freedom. It is the right to choose. Not just choose 'stuff' while shopping, but
everything. Where to live, who you
associate with, who you do business with, who you work for or who works for
you, and what you want to do with your life.
While it is often contrasted with Socialism and Communism, this
commentator points out there is a third thread which is often overlooked, but
cuts across the philosophical spectrum - bureaucratic centralism. It's my belief that Conservatives are
essentially libertarians (small "l") who like having, or believing
in, the direction that centralized government can provide. Which is why Libertarians, more often than
not, are lumped in with Republicans. In
my recent past, I've learned to distrust and, whenever possible, avoid anything
government claims to provide, or that people believe it should provide. If I could avoid, or it was practical to
avoid, all things the government provides, I would. Unfortunately I don't have that freedom,
since it's been taken either by vote or by bureaucratic diktat.’ (Bulldog) See also: https://fee.org/articles/capitalism-versus-the-philosophers/
& http://www.randomhouse.com.au/books/chris-berg/the-libertarian-alternative-how-freedom-and-markets-can-rejuvenate-australia-9780522868456.aspx
Mysteries of the cosmos: Why do trousers always appear in pairs (do they?)
whereas moose sheep, etc always appear singly!
Get Lost. Get Found: Plb/Epirb: Which one to buy? If you just want a straight
emergency beacon, the decision is relatively simple: weight, battery life,
replaceable battery or not…but there are many devices out there which offer
much more. Some (such as Spot) are one-way messengers, others two-way. Some offer
‘breadcrumb’ tracking which means they report your position (eg to contacts)
every few minutes, so that you don’t have to ‘trigger’ them to have people
realise you need help yet send emergency services to your exact location. It is
not that hard to imagine a scenario where you are unable to trigger your epirb
even if you aren’t dead! Some have maps, weather…all sorts of frills. Then
there are essentially a number of different sat phone systems if you want to go
the ‘whole hog’.
an emergency beacon plus one-way messaging and light weight (and the ability to
change batteries) are the main consideration it is hard to go past the Spot
Messenger. It perhaps pairs well with an Iridium satellite phone as each uses a
different communication satellite system so you not only have two emergency
devices (in case one fails) but two systems as well. Another interesting device
is the Delorme Inreach SE which also pairs with your mobile but offers two-way
text communication.
think these two are my best options: Spot Messenger: http://www.findmespot.net.au/spot-gen3-gps-messenger/
& http://static1.squarespace.com/static/532cc334e4b0c8441ae7e9df/t/5376a2b9e4b095f55e73d717/1400283833538/SPOT+Gen+3+Brochure.PDF
@ 114 grams and A$209 and Delorme Inreach SE: http://www.inreachdelorme.com/product-info/inreachse.php
& http://www.inreachdelorme.com/assets/pdf/DeLorme_inReach_Brochure.pdf
@ 191 grams and US$300.
Iridium have a number of other products might suit you: https://www.iridium.com/products/types/Personal-Tracking
also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/personal-locator-beacon/
I have always had some means of communicating (eg distress). I always let
someone know exactly where I was going and when they would next hear from me/
should do something. Mostly I have had a 2-way radio which could access
repeaters and/or a sat phone. I am just now thinking of adding a plb/epirb to
the sat phone in case one fails (and the person at home triggers an unnecessary
search). When Della and I are walking together we would each carry one so that
(eg if one is swept away in a river crossing) the other can still call for
help. I have hiked eg the Dusky Track in Fiordland NZ many times. Each year they
fly out a number of bodies from there. I have personally called in air rescue
to fly out bruised and bloodied folk on several occasions, folk who had no
means of communication!

Turnbull Toast: This morning the Coalition is 6% behind in bellwether seat
Eden-Monaro which has gone with the party which won Government the last 17
elections! I am certain that this has nothing to do with folks discovering a
profound delight in the inept, crooked Labor leader Shorten but is all to do
with disillusioned Conservatives such as myself (Delcons). Is it too late to
bring back Tony?
Winning ‘Draw Mohammed’ Picture Goes Up On eBay. It was drawn by Bosch Fawstin.
Fawstin opens the bidding by saying, “Own a piece of history. Own the Cartoon
at the Center of a Terrorist Attack.” Read the artist’s description: ‘My name
is Bosch Fawstin and I’m a recovered Muslim…’ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/05/03/winning-draw-mohammed-picture-goes-ebay/

You Will Not Live Forever: I know, I know…but I have tried being old for quite
a while now (I am over my 2/3 century); it’s not all it’s hyped up to be, so I
decided to do something about it! Turn back the clock time! For over a year now
I have been working at shedding that unnecessary avoirdupois. I am now lighter
than my kids can remember me being, but am still a ways shy of my weight at 20.
My goal is to return to that weight (under 11 stone/70 kg) and to a comparable
or better level of fitness – hopefully before year’s end. I know I can still
comfortably walk 20-30 km a day up and down mountains through trackless bush
with a substantial pack (as you have no doubt noticed). I want to be able to go
a little further – and easily. Frankly the prospectus for aging and death would
not sell to the dumbest mark, yet most of my age group seem content to espouse
‘taking life easy’, ‘kicking back and relaxing’ ‘smelling the roses’, etc, etc.
Poppycock! They are just waiting to die! ‘Rage, rage against the dying of the
light’ (Dylan Thomas) is more my style. Indeed, ‘my purpose holds To sail
beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die…To
strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.’ (Tennyson, Ulysses)

Are Electric Cars Really Green? Bjorn Lomborg explains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17xh_VRrnMU
Apply the same standard to plastic bags!
Raising the Cost of Hiring Unskilled Workers by 50% is A Bad Way to Fight
Poverty. The data below shows why: http://www.coyoteblog.com/coyote_blog/2016/04/raising-the-cost-of-hiring-unskilled-workers-by-50-is-a-bad-way-to-fight-poverty.html

Keen Shoes:

make some excellent comfy shoes, particularly if you have wide feet like me in
which case you pretty much have no other choice anyway. I have had a number of
Keen shoes: Targhee 2, Gypsum, Marshall and now Voyageur. Until I bought the
Marshall I thought Keen had pretty much sorted out the water absorption problem
with their shoes. That is shoes which take on too much weight when wet and
which will not give it up again anytime soon,. They had not!
Marshall took on much more than twice their own weight (over 450 grams of
water) and were still sodden days later despite sitting on the sun in the
verandah next to my old pairs of Gypsum and Targhee 2 (which I tested
simultaneously) which were bone dry the next day - whereas the Marshal were
still wet four days later. This is a disaster. I will say Keen generously
refunded me the money on the new Marshal but not before they had caused me some
angst. I would also like to issue a further warning: I switched out the shoe
liners for a pair of orthotic liners which I thought would be more comfortable.
These liners took on and held 100 grams of water per shoe as well! Double
disaster! Lesson: 1. Test and weigh long before you go. 2. Make sure you have
pretty new shoes ready before any big trip!
were heading off to hike the South Coast Track in NZ on the Easter Monday (See:
& etc). After close of trading on the Thursday before Easter just as we were
heading off for our afternoon walk I happened to turn over my old pair of
Gypsum when I realised the soles were starting to deteriorate such that they
might have let me down days from anywhere. On reflection I realise that I have
waked over 3,000 km in these shoes and they are still quite serviceable for
daily walks – so no complaints there! Just as clearly though I needed a new
pair of shoes.
would only have Easter Saturday morning to buy them.- and I needed size 8 1/2s.
Much frenzied ringing around informed me that my only accessible alternative
was a pair of Marshall from a local retailer, so I bought them. Carrying that
extra 450 grams of water on each foot for a week certainly took some of the gloss
off our otherwise wonderful walk. In retrospect I would have been much better
off taking my old pair of Redback leather boots which though they start off dry
around 100 grams heavier, would have been over 300 grams lighter when wet – a
certainty in Fiordland.
have advanced the suggestion to keen that they test weigh all their boots wet,
after five minutes walking after they are wet and after a number of hours
drying and that they post this data along with their dry weights. I offered to
repost all this data on my website right here, but they say they are not in the
business of weighing wet shoes – which is a great pity. Perhaps they will
change their minds? The sales representative I spoke to at Keen though owned a
pair of the new Versatrail himself which he kindly tested for me. I can state
that they add about 150 grams when wet much the same as my old Gypsum, Targhee2
and my new Voyageurs. (I haven’t tested the new Targhee or Gypsum)
have now bought a new pair of Targhee 2, Gypsum and Voyageur shoe, all in 8 ½.
The new Gypsum and Targhee 2 weigh around 520 dry (a significant increase for
my old Targhees which were size 8 – I hope they have not changed the lining)
and the Voyaguers around 425 dry per shoe. The Voyageur added 150 grams when
wet some of which pumped out after a few steps. They have lost 50 grams
overnight in fairly cool air so I daresay they would dry on my feet in about
half an hour as my old Gypsums and Targhees usually do.
the Voyaguers start off 100 grams lighter and are 100 grams lighter when
wet I suggest they will become my
default hiking shoe. The new Versatrail is (apparently) marginally lighter
still (and quick drying etc) but does not have such an aggressive sole so might
be more appropriate on formed walking paths than in the backblocks.
am unaware of any shoe manufacturer who will tell you the wet weight of their
shoes. They are also liable to change the composition of shoes without notice
too so that anew pair might be different in this regard than your old ones. I
have a whole basket of (new) shoes which I will never again wear as they either
have this (too heavy wet) defect or the other main serious defect that they
will not grip on wet surfaces. As well
as stating dry and wet weights manufacturers ought to be required to state a
coefficient of friction for their soles both wet and dry.
will update this post if I hear from any of them – and after I have tested out
my new Targhee and Gypsum.
If you are in Australia, We bought five pairs of Keens from these folk
yesterday. They were cheaper even than I could buy them on the net: http://www.dfo.com.au/Moorabbin/Stores/Escape-2/ They have a huge
range, stocking pretty much no other shoe brand – plus some backpacks, etc.
Alan Moran is right: We certainly are: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/doomed-planet/2016/04/voting-ourselves-penury/
The secret rules of the internet: http://www.theverge.com/2016/4/13/11387934/internet-moderator-history-youtube-facebook-reddit-censorship-free-speech
Times New Roman is not good enough when you’ve got upwards of a billion from
the public trough: http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/timblair/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/our_national_font/
Take a look at the awful self-congratulation at the ABC Link: https://digital.abc.net.au/author/plof70/
These guys seriously need to be whittled down in size, especially as nearly 90% of
Australians cannot bear to watch/listen/read the Commie/Greenie tripe they have
to serve us up daily – and from their ‘trusted’ news feed Al Jazeera, a
‘trusted’ terrorist organisation! We need to smash or privatise the ABC/SBS
Sound advice from Jo Nova: Conservatives cannot continue to have Malcolm as
their leader: http://joannenova.com.au/2016/04/delcons-defcons-and-elections-in-australia-2016/
Save your phone: Good advice: do it now! http://www.coyoteblog.com/coyote_blog/2016/04/sometimes-it-pays-to-be-a-total-geek-and-some-advice-for-android-owners.html
Ain’t capitalism swell: Yes the Middle Class is Shrinking. And the Ranks of the
Poor Are Shrinking. Because Americans are Getting Wealthier: http://www.coyoteblog.com/coyote_blog/2016/04/yes-the-middle-class-is-shrinking-and-the-ranks-of-the-poor-are-shrinking-because-americans-are-getting-wealthier.html

Despite their small brains – ravens are just as clever as chimps; they are
certainly both cleverer than many voters – not least by requiring no Government
handouts: http://www.alphagalileo.org/ViewItem.aspx?ItemId=163516&CultureCode=en
Remember Sea Monkeys? How they had wars amongst themselves – and so on? Well,
it’s still going on: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/17/magazine/the-battle-over-the-sea-monkey-fortune.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=second-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
Does Spot like to hunt deer?

is our Jack Russell, Spot. Does Spot like to hunt deer? Say, ‘Yes’ Spot. Good
Dog! Spot is three years old. He came into our lives as a 40th wedding
anniversary present. Perhaps we should have called him ‘Ruby’, but ‘Spot’ seems
to fit him best. He is the greatest Jack Russell in the world. Aren’t you Spot?
You see! This is my very first Gif. I will get better at it. Expect to see some
more of them and other video content over time. Perhaps you missed this video
already though : http://www.theultralighthiker.com/videos/thomson-river-canoe-trip-2006-complete/
is learning to flush and bail. Every night we take the dogs for a five km walk
somewhere around the Jeeralangs where we live. The area is heavily forested
with innumerable solitary tracks. We never see anyone else walking or driving,
so it is nice. We see lots of kangaroos and wallabies. These are good practice.
Sometimes we see any of four species of deer which have become relatively
common hereabouts: red, sambar, fallow and hog deer. Spot is getting a little
practice on them. Soon it will be cool enough to head for the mountains with
him again where there will be mostly only sambar deer (lots of them!) and very
little other game.
I say, ‘Fetch ’em out’ you should see him move! There are some deer out there
who are in for a big surprise this year! The great thing about Jack Russells is
they are as game as Ned Kelly yet they are so compact they require very little
food on a hunting trip, and they will fit in your sleeping bag with you –
though Spot has his own – soon to be an ultralight one, approx 100 grams!
Sambar deer don’t tend to run from them. They bail, and whilst bailed pretty
much ignore me and focus on the dog. This is very foolish of them – but they
are tasty! Are they yummy Spot? You see!

am pretty much finished the roof of my new tent. I am just sewing some
reinforcing at the peak and the beak tonight, and some tie outs there for
hanging my lantern/torch (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/mini-super-torch-a-weeks-light-weighs-50-grams/)
– and stringing a clothesline, that is after working in the vegie garden all
day. Tomorrow I will start on the bathtub floor. This tent is going to be able
to sleep four people and will weigh less then 800 grams including the floor,
pegs, guys, stuff sack etc – and you can have a fire just outside to warm it.
It will weigh in at about 400 grams in cuben fibre – I intend to make another
in .63oz/yd camo cuben with a 1oz/yd floor. I am quite gobsmacked about it –
and will be posting about it when it is finished, and maybe after I have taken
it on a little expedition somewhere. I had better also finish Spot’s new
sleeping bag! Back to work! Did you know Spot has a raincoat: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/tyvek-jack-russell-rain-coat-13-grams/
‘Bourgeois Equality’: This really sounds like a great book. How rare it is to
see any work praising capitalism. Apparently this one celebrates it with
utterly vivacious prose too, eg: ‘McCloskey has no truck with those who say
commerce creates inequality. Sure, when all the world was poor, it was more
equal, but it was an equality of “utter, terrified misery, walking through a
pond with water up to our chins . . . At $3 a day in a traditional or
totalitarian society the number of paths are two only, conformity or
brigandage.” Today we have growing equality of consumption — the rich still put
on their trousers one leg at a time, as she puts it — which is what matters.’ http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/bourgeois-equality/
If you have not tried Kanzi apples yet, please do! Available Safeway and Coles.
If you are in NZ try Ambrosia. It certainly is.

100-year-old skier at peak performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR-OX_KiFdY
Game Changing Battery: ‘The battery, which is now patent-pending at the US and
other patent offices, is expected to cost less than $100 per kWh (about
one-fourth that of the best batteries today), to weigh less and therefore
provide longer range to cars, to have a greater power density (power to weight
ratio), have a faster charging time and much longer life.’ Not sure how
reliable Sowell is though: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/04/08/this-new-battery-is-a-game-changer/
Lunch on the Trail: Arnotts VitaWeat Biscuits 9 Grains are one of our standbys.
Each biscuit is approx 8 grams and 100 kj or 25 calories (3 per gram) so that
about 6 biscuits (150 calories) plus some nutritious topping makes an adequate
lunch. We store them in lightweight plastic freezer portion containers to
prevent breakage.
have already mentioned peanut butter as an excellent topping (See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/peanut-butter-toast-soldiers/)
Another favourite topping is D’Orsogna
Traditional Romano Italian Salami (which does not require refrigeration until
opening (and we find keeps fine for the three days it takes us to eat in @ 20C
temperatures – ditto the following cheese) and Mainland Noble Cheddar or Colby.
The Noble is a delicious new low fat cheddar which you might find hard to
salami and cheddar were invented (way back in the Middle Ages) for just such a
purpose (ie long life compact food) and it is hard to beat them. Both the salami and the cheese are over 400 kj
or 100 calories per 25 gram serve (ie over 4 calories per gram). Della and I
find that a 200 gram pack of cheese plus a 200 gram salami last us with 36
biscuits for three days’ lunches. Per day each of us is eating 67 grams of
salami/cheese plus 6 biscuits 270 + 150 = 420 calories, quite enough for a
nutritious lunch on the trail!

favourite lunch standby is Della’s Coconut Rice plus a sachet of tuna. (See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/dellas-coconut-rice-hiking-food/)
or if we want something hot one of the CupaSoup meals is great (For example: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hiking-meals-continental-hearty-italian-minestrone/
I hope you began as a bright spark too – and stayed that way: http://legalinsurrection.com/2016/04/human-life-begins-with-bright-flash-of-light/
Euphemism of the decade: ‘Justice involved youth’ http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/04/euphemism-of-the-decade.php
Why you should get your feet wet when hiking. This has ever been my advice:
‘When you come to a stream just step right in it, don’t pussyfoot around trying
to keep your feet dry. Ultimately you won’t succeed and you put yourself at
risk of a fall, like this one’:

Hummingbird close-ups: http://www.wimp.com/photographer-captures-the-grace-and-beauty-of-hummingbirds/
Malcolm crashes and burns: 52/48. Get rid of the bum. Bring back Tony: http://www.essentialvision.com.au/category/essentialreport
Government has become just totally unaffordable: This is Ex Labor Minister Gary
Johns’ list, not mine:
Disability Insurance Scheme, $111bn.
hospital funding, $73bn.
loans, $62bn.
carbon tax “compensation”, $57bn.
increases at average weekly earnings, $52bn.
school increases, $37bn.’
of this 6 alone: $392bn = @ the size of our annual budget! There are many more
such items, eg the new subs!
Bill Leak’s cigarette covers are on sale now. Much better than the Government
mandated warnings: http://www.billleak.com.au/cpcs.html

Ultralight Chair/Grounsheet: I found this image on Pinterest

could not find who to recognise/praise for it (my apologies to the clever
inventer). I have been going to make one of these

out of Tyvek (will be soon for my new tent). I think it will be a simple matter
to add some ‘pockets’ as illustrated in the first picture so that a one person
groundsheet can do double duty as an ultralight chair with the addition of a
couple of hiking poles (as shown) or a couple of broken off sticks. Maybe a
couple of webbing straps need to be added. I will experiment. As I have said
before: ‘Watch this space…’
Two new USAs: ‘International team reports CO2 fertilization prompted plants and
trees to sprout extra green leaves equivalent in area to two times the
continental USA’ - Anthony Watts. That about says it all! Why are the Greens so
opposed to all this new life? Because they are evil schmucks actually: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/04/25/inconvenient-study-co2-fertilization-greening-the-earth/
Strange creatures: http://neveryetmelted.com/2016/04/20/leptocephalus/
The Powder Philosophy: 98 Year Old Skier George: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYhP0w2BXgg
I think this balanced appraisal of the successes and failures of his Government
reinforces my view that Tony Abbott has been one of our greatest Prime
Ministers so far. May he be able to make an important contribution to public
life in the future: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2016/04/tony-abbott-went-wrong/
‘The Dead Sea and the Red Sea are already up to 10 degrees Celsius warmer than
our Reef which has temps as low as 14 C during winter. Yet the Dead and Red
Seas of the Middle East, with average temperatures of 30 C, have equally
magnificent coral reefs (Red Sea Pictured). How can these corals exist in water
so hot compared to ours?’ Larry Pickering: http://pickeringpost.com/story/the-warmer-waters-of-the-red-sea/5956

Sleeping Pad Pack Frame: If you don’t own a Gossamer gear pack but want to add
an Air Beam to another frameless pack for load transfer you could try this
idea: http://www.zpacks.com/large_image.shtml?backpacks/options/sleeping_pad_l.jpg

Zero plus Gossamer Gear Sitlight pad shown.
added this system ourselves with some elastic to a pack (plus one Klymit Air
beam) with spectacular results, not least being a dry back! Mountain Laurel
Designs also have a load transfer system (http://www.mountainlaureldesigns.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=25&products_id=208
using a Klymit pad (See also: http://gossamergear.com/gg-airbeam-pack-frame.html)
which goes inside your pack).
could try that (ie putting it inside your pack) anyway if you aren’t handy at
sewing. I suspect the idea originated first with Ray Jardine (http://www.rayjardine.com/ray-way/Backpack-Kit/index.htm?g_page=9).
prefer it on the outside of my pack for the dry back option, what a winner (!)
and as a handy trail seat for rest stops.
also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/air-beam-pad/
& http://www.theultralighthiker.com/klymit-air-beam-inflatable-pack-frame-update/
Soon only Israel and Taiwan will stand alone – what has happened to the West? http://acdemocracy.org/taiwan-is-on-its-own/?utm_source=Taiwan+is+On+its+Own+&utm_campaign=Taiwan+is+on+its+on&utm_medium=email
Never trust Chicken Little: ‘Green River Formation in Colorado. This formation
alone contains up to 3 trillion barrels of untapped oil shale, half of which
may be recoverable. That’s five and a half times the proven reserves of Saudi
Arabia. This single geologic formation could contain more oil than the rest of
the world’s proven reserves combined.’ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/04/22/seven-earth-day-predictions-that-failed-spectacularly/
Klymit Packraft (now under $169.95) and currently on Massdrop for $99 – snap
one up! I did and I already have an Alpacka, which this is not, but it is much
lighter and will get you across that difficult rive which lies in your path –
or many other uses: ‘The LiteWater Dinghy is a gamechanger. It is an advanced
pack raft that will beckon adventurers toward new horizons. Designed with input
from pro kayakers and packrafters, Klymit’s first entry into the paddle sports
market has been made, and made with vigor. Featuring an advanced boat shape
that tracks water and an ergonomic seating position that allows comfortable, upright,
and well supported paddling position, the LWD paddles well and feels good on
the water. Weighing in at 35 oz and packing down to 4 x 9 inches, you will
forget you had it in your pack. Alpine lakes and rivers are now part of your
backcountry playground, stay dry canyoneering, go camp on an untouched island
with the LWD…why not? The smartest comfiest packraft ever. Packs to the size of
your 32 oz bottle. Two valves for quick inflation & deflation, includes dry
sack pump. Six tie off zones. Provides back support for better stability and
comfort while paddling. Arrow shape design increases maneuverability. Ideal for
canyoneering and backcountry water. http://www.klymit.com/index.php/litewater-dinghy-lwd.html

Bankruptcy: I know this has been the default financial position ever since I
began railing against it in the early 70s, maybe earlier - but it has become
worse and worse – so that now we are insisting on bankrupting the next
generation and the next to finance an insane profligacy which we would be
happier and healthier without. You could start by growing your own fruit and
vegs (as we have done all our married life, 43 years now), work up through
fixing your own old car, sewing and mending your own clothes, building and
maintaining your own house, doing most of your travel at home and on foot…I
know I have said (and done) it all before: http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2016-04-20/parents-are-bankrupting-themselves-to-look-adequate
For far too long our society has been plugging in ‘+more education’ as the
default solution to everything, yet it has long proved to be the solution to
nothing – save the further domination of our young people to indoctrination by
the Left It is not enough now for such folks to have our children for just a
few years so they can ‘give us the man’ as Marx opined; now they want them for
life. As spending on ‘education’ (and years spent in ‘education’) have doubled
and doubled again standards have fallen (‘the blind leading the blind’
phenomenon: as ‘teachers’ become yet more dysfunctional and semi-literate). In
my parents’ day a ‘good education’ was Grade 8 – yet they could flawlessly ‘do’
maths (in their heads) which elude High School graduates today, wrote a
beautiful flawless Copperplate without spelling errors, understood how to work,
make and save money, and saved the world from fascism and communism in their
spare time (well, for a time, ie into my generation – and yours – was put in
charge!) A university education is unnecessary (and wasted) on all but the top
5% intellectually which is one reason why university is no longer about ‘the
best that has been thought and said’ and ‘critical thinking’ but about
credentialism; it has become technical education, or worse – a mere sop and
‘make-work’ for lesser intellects! http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/archives/27991-An-argument-for-government-Pre-K-in-the-US.html
Catenary Cut tarp: Looking for an ultralight sewing project? Six Moon Designs
have this excellent free pattern for a cat cut tarp complete with insect
netting plus sewing instructions: https://www.sixmoondesigns.com/images/stories/pdf/Pattern_NightWing.pdf
A number of others are available if you look for them, eg here: http://www.backpacking.net/makegear.html
PS: The ‘Jones Tent’ (approx 500 grams) is not named after me!

Islamophilia: The rise and rise of anti-semitism: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/04/sweden-has-a-problem.php
& http://lucianne.com/thread/?artnum=870700
Where will this madness end? PS: I confess I
have never understood anti-Semitism: Jewish people have for so long punched
above their weight in so many contributions to civilisation that one cannot but
help admire them, maybe feel a little inadequate oneself – but to dislike
people for their achievements is evil and delusional.
Just keeps on happening. Can’t imagine why: http://nypost.com/2016/04/15/tiger-whisperer-mauled-to-death-by-tiger/ Also see movie ‘Grizzly Man’ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0427312/ & https://kat.cr/usearch/grizzly%20man/ )
When will this madness ever end?
https://kat.cr/usearch/grizzly%20man/ )
When will this madness ever end?
Backpack Repairs: You may have noticed this photo in one of my recent posts
about the South Coast Track: Della making stirling efforts to repair my
backpack under trying conditions: overcast, rain, sandflies etc at the Waitutu
Hut; a woman to die for: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/south-coast-track-fiordland-nz-waitutu-to-westies/
that we are home she has properly repaired my old backpack whose cuben fibre
back panel had shredded and become quite irreparable with even more tape. She
has carefully unpicked it and replaced the back panel and the rear pocket with
4.8 oz/yd2 dyneema (like the rest of the pack) so that it is now quite
bullet-proof (yet still under 500 grams!)
was a difficult repair, quite beyond my ability even if I had the hands for it
(They are coming along though! http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hannibal-lektors-hand/
), so I am more than delighted. Once I have sewn up our new octagon/decagon
tent (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/catenary-curves/),
we will be off somewhere to test it out!
sewing is doubly difficult as first I had to download a sewing machine repair
manual, then dismantle the sewing machine whose reverse gear stopped working.
It is at the moment in pieces all over the dining room table. If/when I succeed
in fixing it, it will be on with the sewing!
the lounge room the pack seems most comfortable. I was having an incurable
problem with load transfer in a replacement pack which caused me no end of
trouble in NZ. Thank you Della.!

I am done with tent design I intend to move on to backpacks. Similarly to tents
I feel most of the offering out there (in bought items) are unfit for purpose,
too expensive and too heavy. Making your own backpack ought also give the
opportunity to properly tailor the pack for fit which should improve comfort
You should read this: ‘Government is an armed minority occupying some territory
and taxing the inhabitants thereof to reward its regime supporters… You can see
why the outlook is hopeless. There is always another politician peddling some
new offer of free stuff to us and recruiting new regime enthusiasts with the
offer of money, power, and the love of beautiful women. You might think that
all the veins of recoverable free stuff have already been mined by political
prospectors, but that is not so…’ http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/04/the_day_after_tax_day_lets_talk_about_spending_and_free_stuff.html
Andrews: Caving in to the unions (Part 1): ‘SEVEN paid firefighters to attend
every CFA-area fire ground, no matter how small’ Good heavens! Never: http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/andrews_government_shows_the_price_of_labors_union_links/
& http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/memo_to_the_socialist_left_premier_hands_off_the_cfa/
Catenary Curves: They are the solution to tarp/tent problems. I have known
about them for so long and done nothing. Well, yesterday I was having a problem
getting my new project, a Tyvek octagon/decagon shelter to sit properly. I
created the curve you see on the piece of plywood by hanging a piece of rope
between two screws then, using the pattern produced as a template I cut the
curves out. Instantly the tent wanted to stand upright nice and taut. It will
be much better when it is properly sewn with tie-outs and etc. The tent looks
to be a winner. In this (its largest configuration) it creates a ‘fire tent’
which is 10.5’ (350cm) long and 7’ wide (210cm) and 6’6” high (195cm), big
enough to sleep four adults and their gear out of the rain eg on a hunting
expedition (anticipated). The weight (floorless model) 550 grams in Tyvek. It
will be less than 150 grams in cuben fibre! I will be posting about it soon and
reworking all my old plans too with what I’ve learned. Watch this space!

curve and template.

configuration: opening height 2’9“ (85 cm)

and roomy inside. The turquoise object is a 7’ x 5’ (210 x 150 cm) poncho used
as a groundsheet. Room for two of these!
As if Turnbull had nothing else to worry about, he certainly has this from
Conservatives like me: Tim Blair: ‘Abbott’s party loyalty is admirable, but
Malcolm Turnbull is offering much of the same big-government ruin. I’m still
inclined to opt for three years of Labor pain over the destruction of
conservatism within the Liberal party…Tony Abbott – Australia’s last elected
Prime Minister – warns against a return to Labor: “By losing control of our
borders, building overpriced school halls and installing home insulation batts
that caught fire, the Rudd-Gillard government became notorious for its inherent
incompetence and waste. By introducing a carbon tax and a mining tax, it
demonstrated its addiction to big government. Just how much lasting damage was
done by the worst government in our history is only now starting to become
apparent. But Labor hasn’t learned and would do it all again – and more.” Of
course they will, but the choices are horrific: tantamount to treason to vote
Shorten, but is it any better to vote Turnbull. We must rid ourselves of him
somehow. Another party room coup desperately needed…still, he likely will lose
anyway, and it will be no fault of mine”: http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/timblair/index.php/dailytelegraph/super_delcon_power/
The Solar Industry Is Dying. Good Riddance: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/03/20/the-solar-industry-is-dying-good-riddance/
Isis commander is being mocked because he looks like a kebab: http://metro.co.uk/2015/03/17/isis-commander-is-being-mocked-because-he-looks-like-a-kebab-5108463/
Why Are My Seedlings Leggy? http://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/seeds/leggy-seedling.htm?src=slid
This teaser caught my attention and inspired me to talk about my new capillary
mat seedling starters. I have used a ‘Smart Valve’ (http://www.gardensmartshop.com/category_s/1841.htm)
to regulate the water in the cat litter tray, a cut down plant tray, a couple
of used containers and some polyester felt from Spotlight to create them – and
they work a treat! You have to thoroughly wet the felt and potting mix to get
the system started. Pictured are seedlings which came up and looked after
themselves during our trip to NZ/. Today is bookmarked to plant them out and
start some more. With this system every week I will start and plant out the
seedlings which we will later harvest and eat so that we can be sure of a
constant supply of fresh vegies. You can see Bok Choy (two plantings) , Daikon,
Kohl Rabi etc doing well in the photos:

Smart Valve left rear.

to plant.

a couple of weeks.
Ah, Edith: ‘je ne regrette rien’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzy2wZSg5ZM
Who today can just stand so still and sing so beautifully, even without
After 25+ years, you have to ask yourself when will Keynesian economics start
to get Japan out of the mess it has been in for a generation: https://danieljmitchell.wordpress.com/2016/03/25/japans-descent-into-keynesian-parody/
500 Gram Tents: On Massdrop this morning Big Sky’s Wisp one person tent @ 567
grams (300 grams in Cuben!) for US $159.99 & US$11.75 postage: http://bigskyproducts.com/big-sky-wisp-1p-trekking-pole-super-bivy-tent.aspx
This has got to be good value, and must start to make you question why you
might still be lugging around that perhaps 2 kg tent. There is even room in the
vestibule for your pack and Jack Russell!

The Prize for the Most Bizarre Example of Government Regulation: https://danieljmitchell.wordpress.com/2010/12/27/the-prize-for-the-most-bizarre-example-of-government-regulation-japans-licensing-rules-for-providing-coffee-enemas/
Tim Blair: ‘May 15, 2025: Following nearly a decade of planning, a
groundbreaking ceremony is held in Brisbane to mark the first day of
construction for Australia’s multibillion-dollar fast rail line. “This mighty
venture will unite the entire east coast as never before,” announces Prime
Minister Malcolm Turnbull, 70, as he turns a symbolic shovel-load of soil. Four
minutes later: Work on the fast rail project is suspended following discovery
during the ceremony of a rare burrowing dirt mite. Negotiations begin between
government and 17 environmental groups on building a safety zone for the mites,
which are listed as “heritage insects”.’
Quite so, Terry Barnes: ‘without fanfare, seven million temporary visas were
issued and almost 190,000 permanent migrants arrived in 2014-15… Of the top 10
source countries in 2014-15, seven were Asian…Given Sydney grew by 83,000
people in 2014-15, Melbourne by 91,000, and Australia’s overall population by
317,000, we have some big population and sustainability challenges to deal
with…We need a debate about whether we have the mix right between productive
economic and family reunion migrants…Are we taking in too many migrants, full
stop…Then there are questions of new arrivals integrating into the Australian
community…huge questions about Australia's sustainable population growth, and
the consequences of our migration and settlement policies cannot be ignored’ http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-04-13/barnes-politicians-obsess-about-boats/7321730
Eat for Free: Surprising the ideas the Left will come up with. If you gave a
whole bunch of them a typewriter, who knows what magnificent works might
emerge: http://thefederalist.com/2016/04/14/a-hippie-discovers-economics-and-youll-never-guess-what-happens-next/
South Coast Track, Fiordland, NZ, Della’s Version: Finally finding time to go
through the pix. Internet availability being what it is in wilderness areas, I
missed the chances to post pix on a daily basis, so I will do a daily selection
now we are home to mirror the days on the track. Day one was totally passive,
involving a jet boat ride over the beautiful Lake Hauroko and then
helter-skelter down the fast-running Wairaurahiri River to the sea. There we
stayed overnight in lovely wilderness accommodation and prepared our packs for
the big walk ahead.
jet boat waiting. Lake Hauroko was like a mill-pond:

Hauroko from the jet boat:

down the Wairaurahiri River. Pretty exciting!

at the sea. The walk-wire we will cross later in our travels.

Coast Track, Fiordland, NZ, days 2 and 6.
have grouped the 2 days together (there and back again) from the Wairaurahiri
River to the Waitutu Lodge. After a couple of hours along the coast, the going
was mainly through the Waitutu Forest, which has never been logged and belongs
to the Maori. This was the hardest piece of walking, about 10 hours with
minimal breaks each time, and much hard going through deep mud, treacherous
tree roots and stream gullies. Still, the scenery was wonderful. Strangely, we
didn't take any pics of the nasty, hard bits...just too busy getting through
them, I guess!
mouth of the Crombie River, Steve with Pete (and his pig dog, Sophie),
caretaker of the Waitutu Lodge who accompanied us on part of the walk.

is always a friendly robin to help with the lunch stops in Fiordland.

in a drier section of the track.

this just beautiful!

coast at the Waitutu Hut where we spent the nights of day 2 and day 5.

me negotiating a walk wire over the Crombie.

minutes after setting out. The first mud!

3 South Coast Track, Fiordland, NZ. On this day we set out from the Waitutu Hut
heading for Westies Hut, an advertised 6 hours away. This destination was the
big one of the trip, as we had failed to make it in 2015 due to a knee injury
on my part. Very few people seem to have been there, as we could glean only a
little hearsay of the track conditions, most of which suggested very wet and
muddy going. We set out in light drizzle which cleared by mid-morning. The
track was a little muddy at the beginning, but as we climbed gently it became
lovely, dry, open forest. Sadly, around lunchtime, we were stopped in our
tracks by a flooded river with no safe crossing apparent. The water appeared to
be at least chest-deep, and with heavy packs it presented a dangerous obstacle.
We knew that some people walked along the beach around the headlands, but the
high tide was not conducive to that either. Fortunately we came across a
comfortable hut hidden in the forest so we reviewed the situation overnight and
with tide times supplied by Matt via our satellite phone planned to skip around
the headlands at low tide the next day. Westies Hut was still accessible, we
moss made the ground look snow-covered.

muddly sections, but isn't this white moss amazing!

in the more open forest section.

go across this river. Someone had tied rope, but this little black duck was not
about to wade chest deep!

cliffs we needed to walk around....tide is too high at this stage, but maybe in
the morning...

3 and 4 Fiordland South Coast Track, N.Z.: Finally to Westies Hut and back
the tide was low enough around lunchtime to skirt the 2 big headlands on the
beach. The beach walking was lovely and Steve managed to beat a path along pig
and deer runs back to the walking track afterwards. The walk to Westies was
delightful and descending the cliff to reach our final destination almost a
piece of cake. Westies consists of some privately owned huts nestled in a huge
complex of sea caves. The huts were comfortable and the scenery breathtaking.
The lashing of the sea all night was a bonus! Not too many people venture out
as far as Westies, and we saw no-one on our travels, but it was well worth the
effort! Finally we made Westies in our second year of trying!
a bad place for a lunch stop!

view of Westies coastline from the track.

final descent. The rope was helpful!

huts in the main cave. There were many more caves to explore, including a
separate one for the outhouse!

back to the Waitutu Hut , Day 4. Steve got to practise using his new knuckles
on this rope!

walk around the cliffs at low tide

of the Fiordland pics today, covering days 8-11. At the end of Day 6 we arrived
back at the Wairaurahiri Lodge for much-needed washing of ourselves and our
muddy clothes. After a day's rest, we set off for the 2 day walk to our waiting
car. We walked this section last year, and so didn't pause for many photos this
time. The first day to Port Craig is along the old logging tramway and is easy
walking. After a night spent in the quaint old Port Craig school-house, we set
off in the steady rain for a wet slog to the carpark. The scenery on this
section is lovely too, but our cameras were trying to stay dry in our packs.
Much of our waterproof gear failed us on this last day: Steve's waterproof
hearing aids, our " Event" fabric raincoats and Steve's waterproof
camera, not to mention his very absorbent new hiking shoes. Part of the problem
was the warmth and humidity which worked against the breathability of some of
the items. Anyway, we have no pix of this last day but plenty stored away from
2015. Finally, we spent the last 2 days doing some tourist stuff: a touch of
shopping for me as well as revisiting the drive to Milford Sound and
discovering the Mount Aspiring National Park. There are some appealing walks
around Mount Aspiring for another visit!
out from the Wairaurahiri Lodge: clean and re-energised!

tramway track en route to Port Craig.

amazing viaduct over the Percy Burn.

Aspiring National Park.

Aspiring National Park: Waterfall with rainbow.

Titanic Australia: More than 50% voting for a living: ‘Analysis by The Weekend
Australian has revealed that more than 44 per cent of voters, almost 6.4
million people, are either public sector employees (1.89 million) or wholly
dependent on federal government pensions, allowances and parenting payments
(4.48 million). The figure grows further when private sector workers who
receive more in welfare than they pay in tax are added… ANU researcher Ben
Phillips estimated that only 43 per cent of the adult population excluding
public sector workers were net taxpayers last year, bringing the actual total
voter-dependency ratio to well over 50 per cent’ http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/envy_of_the_rich_and_greed_for_someone_elses_money_is_killing_us/
The Death Toll of Green policies just keeps rising: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/03/30/green-europe-is-killing-40000-poor-people-a-year/
South Coast Track Fiordland NZ: Waitutu to Westies: Do not be put off this
trip. It is wonderfully worth the effort. After the first half hour it is a
fine (mostly dry) track with many interesting features. Here and there you can
step a few yards off it for wonderful views of the sea.

is possible to walk much of the distance along the beach. The first half hour
on the beach is mainly stones so you may prefer the section of wet track which
is an alternative. After half an hour on the
track there is an well-marked exit to the beach. You can walk all the
way to the Grant Burn, just after which you can rejoin/exit the track. You can
easily walk from the Grant Burn to the Aarn River and rejoin the track there
(we did). I believe you could walk along further to the next major stream and
easily walk up the dry ridge on the true left bank of it to rejoin the track.
along the beach is probably OK from half tide (ie three hours before) to low
tide and maybe for an hour after that. You have to remember that it will take
over an hour to walk from the beach entrance a half hour after the Waitutu to
the Grant Burn, then a bit over an hour again to the Aarn River. There are a
couple of points you would not get around at a higher tide and the rocks would
become very slippery, so you have to watch the tide and the condition of the
sea. Only do this if you know what you are doing. Allow three hours. High tide
could trap you in such a way it would be impossible to climb cliffs to escape
the sea. Walking from the Waitutu to the stream after the Aarn River would cut
off over 3-4 hours of what for us would otherwise be a seven hour plus walk.
The two river crossings (walkwires) split the trip almost exactly in three –
about 2 ½ hours each.
after the Grant Burn (400 metres) the next stream is flooded by its mouth being
blocked. It is more or less a swim, ie not ‘Della-able’– which is why we walked
along the beach. We marked the way to (and from) the beach with orange tape.
begn: Crossing the Waitutu:

at the Waitutu looking West:

up the Waitutu River:

doing repairs to my pack on the Waitutu verandah:

from the hut verandah of the Waitutu:

an hour from the Waitutu looking West (walkable):

snow upon the desert’s dusky face’

mud actually:

telegraph ‘pole’. They used to just cut the top off a tree!

the Grant Burn:

stream we could not cross just after the Grant Burn:

Burn looking East:

billed shearwaters:

warm DOC hut we found:

was small enough our body heat easily warmed it:

Burn looking West:

back towards the Grant Burn from Knife and Steel Harbour:

Knife and Steel:

and Steel: the old hut (white dots) would have been a welcome sight.

old winch at Knife and Steel once used to pull fishing boats up on the beach.

of the old hut at Knife and Steel after DOC had their way with it:

crane and redbilled shearwaters:

back towards Knife and Steel:

and there streams simply cascade down onto the beach:

River looking West; still walkable:


of the Aarn River hut:

River walkwire:

the stream after the Aarn River someone has thoughtfully erected a bosun’s
chair for the weary traveller:

think you could walk along the beach to the first stream after the Aarn:

more river to cross:

surprises along the way:

of the way out to Westies the track is dry and easy:

many glimpses of the sea:

final stream crossing:

view of Price’s Harbour – Westies is not in the cave on this (Eastern)

is on the other side of this Western headland:

steep descent to Westies Hut and you are there:

South Coast Track Fiordland NZ: Wairaurahiri to Waitutu: Since we were there
last year some new alternatives have emerged. On the way out we were able to
follow a lovely dry even old hunter’s route along the coast to the crossing of
the Crombie Stream, then walk up the ridge on its true right bank (facing
downstream) and rejoin the South Coast track. Many beautiful views along the

used to be a convenient hunter’s hut at the Crombie Mouth (the ‘Manuka Lodge’)
but it has ‘unfortunately’ been burned down. An educated guess about who was
responsible would be reasonable. DOC is also in the process of dismantling an
excellent ‘survival’ hut at Knife and Steel Harbour, the next inlet West of the
Grant Burn. It is no longer usable.
This alternative route along the coast avoids
about half of the worst section of the South Coast Track. From the Wairaurahiri
River to the Crombie Stream is muddy and rough. From the Crombie to about half
an hour after the Angus Burn it is even muddier and nastier. After that, there
is a short wet bit for half an hour after the Waitutu, then it is a fine track
all the way to Westies.
about an hour after the Angus Burn there is a new track down to the DOC hut at
Long Point – worth a side trip if you have the time. You can stay there. The
hut is about an hour off the main track and nearby the lighthouse there with
many beautiful views. It is about two hours from the Long Point Hut to the Waitutu
Hut. We noticed another track off towards the coast only about half an hour
from the Waitutu Hut. This may be a loop track to/from Long Point. The first
exit was marked with white triangles; the second with orange. Some exploration
would no doubt reap rewards. A little closer to the Waitutu you will also
notice a track which head off upriver to the Slaughter Burn, Lakes Poteriteri
& Hauroko. There is some tape nearby these three exits, but you have to be
watching out for them nonetheless. For variety it may also be possible to walk
some of the distance (out to the Crombie for example) along the beach at low
the way back to the Wairaurahiri, about an hour after you cross the Crombie
Stream keep your eye out for a short cut track to the Waitutu Lodge off to your
right (just before the steep stream crossing – Tiny’s Creek). If you are
staying at the Waitutu Lodge (You Should!) this dry short cut will be most
welcome. I guess it cuts off about hald an hour of unpleasantness.
at the Wairaurahiri Mouth (looking East) before setting out. So clean:

looking West:

Rimu. There are lots of them. The Waitutu Forest was never inhabited by man:

off on ‘Tiny’s Track’ towards the Crombie:

pen just off track half way to the Crombie: looking West. Beach walkable.

spot looking East.

Crombie Mouth:

at the Crombie Mouth:

Steve & Sophie surveying the Crombie Mouth:

Mouth looking back East: Walkable?

& Della: Crombie Mouth looking West: Beach looks walkable all the way to
Long Point from here.

is a zoom of it:

crossing the Crombie: return journey:

track is very muddy from the Crombie to about half an hour after the Angus Burn
(Long Point turnoff):

Burn resident robin:

the Angus Burn:

an hour after the Angus Burn the track suddenly improves; the last hour or so
is dry and pleasant:

numerous beautiful vistas:

interesting things to see, like this stump:

this mushroom:

fine dry track:

much all the way to Westies:

open just before the Waitutu:

first view of the sea:

River crossing:

at Waitutu looking back East:

You may have wondered why Arrium is in trouble (and , No, the solution is not
protectionism); the enormous cost of Green Energy is the culprit – as it is in
Britain. Stop this farce, Now: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/04/11/oh-look-turns-britains-high-greenie-eu-mandated-energy-prices-reason-steel-industry-died/
& http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/04/06/rip-british-heavy-industry-killed-green-death/
New Grenade Launcher may be a game changer: http://thediplomat.com/2016/04/will-this-weapon-change-infantry-warfare-forever/
It’s the Saudis, stupid: http://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/whats-inside-911-reports-secret-28-pages/news-story/5b07063c3006a1f365c65adec5c87cd2
Luck: How quickly a tautology morphs into a defence of statism: ‘they probably
do know that they might not have performed as well in some other environment.
Yet their day-to-day experience provides few reminders of how fortunate they
were not to have been born in, say, war-torn Zimbabwe…Being born in a favorable
environment is an enormous stroke of luck. But maintaining such an environment
requires high levels of public investment in everything from infrastructure to
education…but one in particular stands out: budget deficits resulting from a
long-term decline in the United States’ top marginal tax rate’ http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/05/why-luck-matters-more-than-you-might-think/476394/
‘The quest to send a physical probe to the nearest stars is heating up – renowned
Physicist Stephen Hawking has teamed up with Russian billionaire Yuri Milner,
to launch a laser propelled space probe at 20% of the speed of light, on a 20
year mission to physically visit the nearest stars’ https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/apr/12/stephen-hawking-and-yuri-milner-launch-100m-star-voyage
UL Pillows: For many years I used the Graham Medical Small @ .6 0z (17 grams).
This was a great pillow when it had dual chambers. After I could no longer buy
the dual version (though the single is still the lightest pillow available) I
started looking for a replacement and finally settled on the Exped UL Medium @
1.6 oz (46 grams) which gets me a great night’s sleep (coupled with the Thermarest’s
Neoair Xlite Women’s sleeping pad – which I also couple with a Big Agnes
Cyclone Chair for a comfy seat in the wilderness: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/cyclone-chair/
). Here is a comparison of what’s available: https://backpackinglight.com/ultralight-inflatable-pillow-gear-guide-jordan/ I would certainly be prepared to try Neoair’s
Siza S (might be warmer on a cold night – 1.9 oz or 54 grams) or Big Sky’s
Dreamsleeper Deluxe @ 1.4 oz (40 grams). One thing I like most about Exped’s is
it is asymmetric so that you can choose from a number of different


And Now: ‘Vegan Sexuality: Challenging Heteronormative Masculinity through
Meat-free Sex’: http://fap.sagepub.com/content/20/1/53.abstract
UL Gaiters: I admot I had not just realised how much mud (and grass seeds) a
pair of lightweight ankle gaiters would keep out of your shoes/socks. Della
wore a pair of Sea to Summit ones on our recent South Coast Track hike (See http://www.theultralighthiker.com/westies-hut/
& ff) and managed to retain completely clean socks/shoes. Since then we
have received a pair of MLD’s ‘Superlight Gaiters’ (http://www.mountainlaureldesigns.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=37&products_id=114)
@ 46 grams per pair. I doubt there will be many occasions these will be off my
feet. I hardly ever go anywhere without their ‘Rain Mitts’ @ 40 grams a pair, a
sure way to keep your pinkies dry and warm. Sea to Summit have a slightly
heavier version here: http://www.seatosummit.com.au/products/gaiters/tumbleweed-gaiters/?ref=outdoor
See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ultralight-mitts-and-gaiters/

Be warned: ‘The former head of Britain’s Equalities and Human Rights Commission
(EHRC), Trevor Phillips, has admitted he “got almost everything wrong” on
Muslim immigration’ http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/04/10/thought-europes-muslims-gradually-blend-britains-diverse-landscape-known-better/
& http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/turning_the_west_into_nations_of_tribes/
Laybag: Not exactly ultralight, but an inflatable hammock/raft @ 1200 grams. A
neat idea: https://vimeo.com/160150388?from=outro-embed
& https://en.laybag.com/collections/frontpage/products/lay-bag-green-2?variant=16884098881

Fire Engine Rolls Over Peanut Lighter: Impressive. A little heavy maybe
(14.3/19.9 grams) , but refillable and well-nigh indestructible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpAKR3DmLZQ
After recently suffering a failure with a Mini-Bic (I had a spare) – 12 grams.
I am seriously considering my firelighting options. After all if you seriously
value your life the ability to light a fire in the wilderness is utterly vital: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/how-to-light-a-fire-in-the-wet/ Available (in a number of sizes), here: http://www.countycomm.com/tipeanutlighter.html from $US29.50.

Negative Interest Rate Policy; coming to a country near you, soon…but: ‘savers
are destroyed. And savers are the bedrock of capitalism. Savers allow
investment, and investment produces growth.’ Personally I would like to see
rates going up: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-04-11/bill-gross-negative-rates-destroy-savers-bedrock-capitalism-larry-fink-agrees

Westies Cave: We have just returned from this magical place four days walk
along the South Coast Track from Tuatapere, Fiordland NZ where we stayed in
this wonderful hut nestled in a sea cave at the Western end of Price’s Harbour
at the far end of the fabulous ‘South Coast Track’:

is the first view you have of Price’s Harbour from the track. The topo map and
GPS incorrectly locates the Westies cave and hut at the eastern end of the
harbour in the cave marked with a white arrow on the rocks. Ignore this. Follow
the track to the track junction (.5 hour) and take the left fork, marked with
square orange reflectors instead of the usual triangular ones you have been
following up to now.

hut (cave) is in the opposite (Western) side of the Western end (below) of
Price’s Harbour.

turn off (below) is impossible to miss:

down at the beach in Price’s Harbour – nary a footprint there:

view of the vista to the West of Price’s Harbour. ‘Victoria’s ‘Twelve
Apostles’, eat your heart out!

view of Westies Cave; the two huts are snuggled down in there:

view of Westies hut(s):

main hut (where he lived for a number of years) is nestled just inside the cave
mouth with a splendid view out to sea:

from the toilet:

will add this to my list of interesting toilets:

cave has a second (western) entrance. This is the splendid view from it:

with me being a blot on the landscape:

this a few steps further along:

back East towards the main cave:

had to descend dizzying cliffs through the jungle to get down here:


(hand) specialist was doubtful why I asked whether my new knuckles would be
strong enough to climb a rope:

the East one cave leads to a little beach or another cave. There is a veritable
maze of wonderful sea caves:


delightful glimpses through them:

frame beautiful landscapes:

can just walk through from one to the other:

and again:

you’re not sure which way is back:

worry if the sea is rising:

outstanding feature of Price’s Harbour are the awesome stone monoliths:

are so enchanting:

come with their own mermaids (wrapped well against sandflies):

you look out East towards the other headland of Price’s Harbour – the one the
GPS wrongly thinks the hut is in:

main cave is very large. The huts have seven berths (a double in the main hut)
and five bunks in the second hut. There is ample room on the floor to sleep a
few people more. Outside a veritable army could camp.

is a ‘chip’ water heater and a hot shower:

the main hut is friendly and cosy. Four could easily sit around the table.
There is a two seater lounge, a double bed, a pot belly stove, sink (with
water), a couple of windows with splendid views out to sea. What a home it is.

bunk house:

the ht is the water supply: a small stream (you might need to clean out the
filter, and a rain catchment roof for the ‘dry season’. There are carefully
printed instructions about how to operate the plumbing.

was our last view of Westies. What a wonderful place it was!

Just waiting on Jetstar to whisk us away from all of this. Farewell to
Fiordland's beautiful South Coast Track! Much more to follow:

'Ah, back to the 'real' world: 'A male-to-female transgender woman who prefers
the pronoun “it” says it believes it was born not only the wrong sex, but also
the wrong species, and has been undergoing human-to-dragon transition
procedures to fix the problem': http://www.nationalreview.com/…/male-to-female-transgender-…
In the Washington Post Lauren R. Taylor arrives at a crucial life moment:
'That’s when I decided to raise my cats to be gender neutral.' http://www.nationalreview.com/article/433724/male-to-female-transgender-woman-becoming-dragon
most dangerous woman in Britain: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/03/student-accused-of-violating-university-safe-space-by-raising-he/

Do sex robots offer competition to women? Don't most women want a sex machine
too? http://www.dailystar.co.uk/tech/news/464766/Ultra-realistic-robot-sex-dolls-face-UK-ban
That Wonthaggi Desal Plant just became even more of a white elephant: http://gizmodo.com/5990876/lockheeds-new-carbon-filter-takes-all-the-effort-out-of-desalinization
Full-fat milk 'may drastically reduce risk of diabetes' – study. 46% less: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/07/full-fat-milk-may-drastically-reduce-risk-of-diabetes---study/
28/03/2016: ‘Promoting destructive energy policies
designed to prevent warming (and starve the plant world), just as the next
climate winter approaches, is suicidal behaviour.’ http://pickeringpost.com/glance/enjoy-the-warmth/5840
‘Western intellectuals accuse the liberal from the Muslim world of being a
racist against Muslims, or an Islamophobe, or a “native informant” and a tool
of imperialism. Sometimes they accuse the liberal from the Muslim world of
stupidity, too, or lack of talent. This was Salman Rushdie’s experience in the
years after he came out with The Satanic Verses, back in 1988, which he has
described in his memoir Joseph Anton. The experience of Ayaan Hirsi Ali,
originally from Somalia, offers probably the most widely discussed example
after Rushdie’s. But the pattern of Western condemnation can be observed in
many other cases as well, directed at liberal writers of different kinds and
views’ http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-arts-and-culture/books/198606/the-daoud-affair
Seriously clever: ‘In 2010, David Ussery, a biologist at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory in Tennessee, and his collaborators compared 1,000 genomes. They
found that not a single gene is shared across all of life.’ https://www.quantamagazine.org/20160324-in-newly-created-life-form-a-major-mystery/
Glamping Wilsons Prom: You can spend a lovely two days walking from Mt Oberon
Car park to Wilsons Prom Lighthouse and back staying in pretty plush
accommodation at the lighthouse. The distances are considerable, but this way
you only need to carry a daypack with emergency supplies, a bottle of wine to
drink on the verandah at night etc, so the 19.1 km there via Telegraph Saddle
and the slightly longer journey back via Little Waterloo Bay is quite ‘doable’.
If two retirees can do it, so can you! You can also (instead) take the slightly
longer route from Tidal River via Overon Bay (23.8 km). For details, bookings
and pictures about the accommodation, see here: http://parkweb.vic.gov.au/explore/parks/wilsons-promontory-national-park/things-to-do/wilsons-promontory-lightstation
Of course, if you can’t quite make those distances or if you want to camp out,
there are campsites with water, etc at the Half Way Hut, Roaring Meg (about an
hour from the lighthouse) and at Little Waterloo Bay (about half way back). You
may notice an absence of Jack Russels in this post – too public a (banned) spot
for them I’m afraid. The pictures lack something from their absence…


Half Way hut (water and campground) along the telegraph Track.

Tors and first view of Rodondo Island.

ship sails past Rodondo Island which has been climbed (but not by me).

view of Wilsons Prom.

Prom buildings (detail).

from the docks to the lighthouse - interesting eagle rock.

lighthouse keeper’s cottage (accommodation).

leaning tower of Wilsons Prom.

Prom's resident wombat.

beauties of Wisons Prom lighthouse.

Prom sunset.

Prom docks.

granite tors at the Prom.


the Lighthouse.

back towards the lighthouse from the Waterloo Bay track.

view of the lighthouse.


the tracks are well made and maintained. Easy walking.

refreshing fern gullies along the Eastern side.

Waterloo Bay-

could not wish for whiter sand or bluer water anywhere.

Easter Island monument on the way back to the Telegraph track.
A free tool which gets rid of those annoying Windows 10 upgrade reminders: GWX
Control Panel: http://ultimateoutsider.com/downloads/
Tasty Hiking Meals: Things you can just
buy from the supermarket are just so much preferable to those expensive,
unpalatable hiking meals. Here’s two we tried tonight in preparation for an
upcoming trip: Continental Roast Chicken and Leek Risotto with Sirena Lemon
& Black Pepper or Chilli Flavour Tuna Fillet. Della and I shared the 115
gram Risotto and each ate 100 grams of tuna. Along with a CupsSoup (below) it
was enough for dinner for us. Tonight we had Continental Hearty Garden Vegetable
CupaSoup with (per cup) @ 3 heaped teaspoons of Hormel Bacon Pieces http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hormel-real-bacon-pieces/
and 3-4 teaspoons full of Continetal Deb Mashed Potato plus @ ½ teaspoonful of
Clive of India Authentic Curry powder (plus some black pepper for me). The
curry powder made this soup nearly as delicious as the Minestrone I described
here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hiking-meals-continental-hearty-italian-minestrone/ Tuna Fillet 170 calories ea, Risotto 420
calories/2 = 210 ea, Soup 157 calories
ea plus Bacon & Potato 90 calories = 247 Total 627 calories for 232.5 grams
(2.7 calories/gram) See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/?s=food

Backcountry Meat: Simmenthal Jelly With Sliced Beef 140 grams net (can 12 g)
413 kj (99 calories). Quite delicious. Some folks are apparently ‘addicted’ to
this stuff: it takes not unlike a very good quality corned beef, but not salty.
Add to meals or eat on Vita Wheat biscuits for lunch. Available most (Italian)
delicatessens. (Pictured larger can). I have tried the canned hams (Plumrose is
quite good, but salty). Many other canned meats are not very appetising or too
salty too (including canned chicken). Add this to your other (safe) long-life
meats such as Hans Striker twiggies, and Hormel Real Bacon Pieces (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hormel-real-bacon-pieces/)
, sachet (or canned tuna, etc.) for some much needed protein on the trail. See
also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/?s=food


Dump Turnbull Now! Like other Conservatives my heart is just not in arguing for
a return of the Turnbull Government – much as I loathe the stark walking
disaster the alternative is. I simply despise the man and everything he stands
for (ie Nothing but Malcolm!) He has already attacked (or attempted to usurp)
the real achievements of the Abbott Government, efforts which he white-anted
and/or opposed at the time. Yet he has to stand on Tony’s record, like a pygmy
standing on the shoulders of a giant! His reinstatement of the Clean Energy
Fund (whose necessary abolition by Tony was only blocked by a recalcitrant
Senate!) yesterday is symptomatic. This Quisling step (and his litany of
‘Captain’s Picks’ over the last few days, not least of which was his knifing of
Scott Morrison eg over the Budget date) shows only too clearly that he is the
love child of the Left, and that under him we can expect only the dismantling
of everything Conservatives stand for. If such a ‘scorched earth’ is to happen, let Shorten wear the blame, so
that Conservatives have something to offer as an alternative. Turnbull’s
shenanigans will obviously lose us the next election (which Canning clearly
showed Tony would have won). We must dump this braggart humbug NOW. Scott
Morrison for PM!
Enginesaver: Low Engine Water Alarm: For many years we have had these fitted to
our Subarus and Land Rovers. I also add a Piezo wired in (in parallel) with the
Low Oil Sensor light so that an audible alarm sounds when oil pressure is low.
The low oil sensor is almost always on the earth side (ie screwed into the
block), so such a piezo is very easy to fit. This way you have a light and
audible alarm when the oil or water is low. Of course both alarms sound every
time you turn on the key (before the engine starts) but you get used to this a
lot more quickly than you do to the (alternative) huge cost of repairs. These
two modifications will definitely prevent you ‘cooking’ your engine and save
you thousands of dollars in repairs or replacement engines. Usually the cause
is a leaky water hose or a failing oil pump, quite inexpensive to fix. Once I
had a chunk of rock stove a huge hole in my radiator which dumped all the water
before I even noticed. On another occasion a very similar thing happened to the
oil. Since I have fitted these I have prevented engine loss several times. http://www.enginesaver.com.au/ Can be
fitted to most types of car. Kits are available for specific models. Kits for
Land Rover here: http://www.enginesaver.com.au/landy1.htm

The New Racism: Expect more of this nonsense: 1/64th ‘indigenous’:
Good Heavens! https://ca.news.yahoo.com/california-girl-removed-foster-family-over-her-native-041458771.html
Human ingenuity at its best: ‘DIY lighter-fuel rifle delivers a fusillade of
earplugs…If desired, however, its regular foam earplugs can be replaced with
ones that are stuffed into a short length of aluminum tube and tipped with a
sharp metal point, adding a bit more punch.’ http://www.gizmag.com/lighter-fluid-fueled-shotgun/38384/
See it in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oP9SkJreLK0

MH370: First the ‘flaperon’ nearly 1,000km to the East of Madagascar, now these
two chunks from the island itself (chunks which would not have floated well,
and do not appear to have been in the sea long…) Was the satellite ‘ping’ data
wrong after all? http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-03-21/possible-mh370-debris-arrives-in-australia-for-testing/7264758 & http://blogs.crikey.com.au/planetalking/2016/03/19/are-mh370-parts-coming-clean-or-unstuck/
Reformation: During the Middle Ages the Catholic Church behaved in many ways
similar to Islam today (and for most of its history), then along came the
Reformation, followed by the C18th ‘Enlightenment’ and swept (most of ) that
away. The reformation had its aim as re-examining the ‘sacred’ texts to learn
what Christ’s core message might be. This focus on texts as axiomatic is ever
the greatest evil of religion. First you have some (semi-deranged) individual
(usually a man) who harbours the delusion that not only is there a God but that
(using something akin to divine radio)
he can communicate with the Divinity and write down his telegrams for the
edification of mankind. (In Joseph Smith’s version these telegrams were made
weighty - from solid gold; of course they ‘mysteriously’ disappeared!) These
highly questionable texts then become the core beliefs. Fortunately for
Christianity – and Buddhism!) these core texts (chosen as Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John – and completely ignoring eg Phillip, another ‘disciple’ – who
inconveniently denied the crucifixion and reincarnation) do not advocate
wholesale or even piecemeal murder of your opponents – quite the contrary. Thus
the reformation was able to bring about the end of the Inquisition (which did just
that). The Enlightenment which followed allowed an even more secular, indeed
scientific examination of ‘reality’, one where ‘God was dead’ – hence the
modern world!
folks have articulated that what Islam ‘needs’ is a ‘reformation’ which would
make it a ‘nice’ religion – just like modern Christianity, which we can now
ignore (without being put to the flames!) The ‘problem’ with this thesis is
that the core of Mohammed’s teaching (however you spin it) wholeheartedly
advocates conquest, mass murder, slavery, child marriage, rape, death to
unbelievers, homosexuals, etc. There is no ‘spinning’ that away – so there will
not be a Moslem ‘reformation’. If there were there would simply be no Islam –
no bad thing; neither would the end of every other religion be at all
lamentable either! The ‘problem’ we confront is that there are 57 Moslem
countries. Over 1500 years they have tried ‘world conquest’ again and again.
500 years ago they were defeated and all expelled from Europe. (Especially)
since the Saudis hijacked the price of oil in the 1970s and diverted this
largess to pursuing the ‘Fifth Crusade’ the West has faced an increasing threat
from Islam. Today we learn 25% of French teenagers are Moslems and that 200+
innocent people are dead in Belgium! The’problem’ will not simply ‘go away’.
Nor will ‘tolerance’ do anything other than ‘fan the flames’. As part of a
concerted effort by governments everywhere to eradicate all religions (eg by
ending all financial support to them including State Aid to religious schools,
tax and rate breaks, etc, and by including the history and nonsense of all
religions in school curricula), Governments need to declare that Islam is not a
religion but a political movement whose aim is world domination and mass
enslavement. As such, like other similar evil political movements in the past
(nazism, fascism, communism etc) it needs to be banned, its buildings,
‘mosques’ and ‘schools’ seized and closed down, and its assets expropriated. (I
will not mind in the least if the same happens to all other religions).
(and residency) should depend on folks having a primary loyalty to the nation
in which they reside. I have no problem with a citizenship oath being required
(yes, even of people born here for many generations) and citizenship being
removed from those who cannot comply – accompanied perhaps by a financial offer
of resettlement in their country of choice. In the fullness of time the
sectarian violence sweeping Europe (yet to come in Australia as numbers build
up) will descend into a wholesale civil war with enormous bloodshed. The
ultimate outcome will be the destruction of the West or (again) the defeat and
expulsion of Moslems – as happened before. It would be far preferable if such
bloodshed and violence could be avoided. A peaceful transition to a wholly
secular society in the West (and elsewhere) is enormously preferable to this
continual religious violence.
Quest for the Ultimate Ultralight Knife Never Ends: This offering (The Ti
Minimalist’ with 2 5/8” – 67 mm blade) from Kestrel Knives gazumps my chosen
Kabar Johnson River Piggyback (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/new-knife/)
It weighs 14 grams including the sheath, compared to the Piggyback’s 36.5
grams. Of course it is also 10 times the price, so I probably won’t be making
the switch soon. Still, there are always birthdays, etc: http://www.kestrelknives.com/shop/9tfpid32dziv4gubj2uve2nhwv4dsp
This probably is about the lightest you can get which will still split small
timber for fire lighting (a must in the backcountry!) See Also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/carry-a-knife/
& http://www.theultralighthiker.com/never-have-to-sharpen-your-knife-again/
Of course there are others in the same ball
park, eg: Ultralight Titanium Knife
Total Length: 7 3/4", Blade Length: 3 1/2",Weight of Knife:
1/2 oz, Weight of Sheath: 1/4 oz. https://www.etsy.com/listing/227733086/7-34-ultralight-titanium-knife?ref=related-1
‘On my scale, the knife alone is 12g, the lanyard is 5g, and the sheath is 10g
for a total of 27g / .95 oz.’ http://www.buckknives.com/product/buck-hartsook-ultralite/0860BKS-B/
Knives 2 2 oz: http://www.eseeknives.com/izula.htm

Life Will Find a Way: Coming back from a weekend visit to Dunnolly we pulled
over at the Gisborne exit on the Calder freeway (background), then went down
the Water Treatment Plant Rd on the left to a dead end, roundabout and small
roadside plantation where we could have lunch and let the dogs stretch their
legs. This plantation and a narrow strip along the creek below were what
counted as forest around there. Nonetheless a deer was clearing making it home
and had enthusiastically rubbed this black wattle:

Extraordinary: Prof Gary Dowsett, Latrobe Uni (the originator of the ‘Safe
Schools’ Programme): ‘paedophiles need our support, and we need to construct
the child/adult sex issue on our terms.” Anyone championing the “legal right of
paedophiles” and declaring that “paedophiles need our support” might have
expected a few career barriers. Not so for Prof Dowsett, however, who has since
made a fortune from various research papers, many of them taxpayer-funded.’ http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/timblair/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/the_department_of_sex_health_and_society/
Such ramifications of innocuous seeming ‘marriage equality’ may give us pause
before we enthusiastically endorse it: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2016/03/thoughts-gay-marriage/
‘Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don't know whether you
fully understand that I have just been shot; but it takes more than that to
kill a Bull Moose. But fortunately I had my manuscript, so you see I was going
to make a long speech, and there is a bullet - there is where the bullet went
through - and it probably saved me from it going into my heart. The bullet is
in me now, so that I cannot make a very long speech, but I will try my best.’
Theodore Roosevelt, October 14, 1912, after being shot by an attempted
assassin. He spoke for 90 minutes.
Moose frolic in garden sprinkler: A tip for Fiordland moose hunters: I think
this short clip well illustrates the need moose have to cool down in warmer
weather. In a Fiordland summer, it is really too warm for the average moose
(given the absence of cool lakes in which they could browse underwater plants).
They needs must spend long periods of time lying in the cool streams – which is
why practically every moose ever shot there was in close proximity to such an
area. Around the time of the moose ‘roar’ (I heard a bull call there on the
last day of February) following up the various ‘burns’ and ‘streams’ might put
one up, (I did so in the Hilda Burn years ago) so that you might claim that
$100,000 reward for a photo of a live Fiordland moose. It would be just too bad
to shoot one, nowadays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNy9jTeolUk

And when Spring brings better sailing? This is why you stop the boats: ‘Thirty
times more, refugees and migrants arrived in Greece during the period between
January and February 2016 compared with the same period in 2015’ Well Done Tony!
Goodbye Malcolm: http://neurope.eu/article/thirty-times-more-refugees-and-migrants-arrive-in-greece/
Mae West: ‘I only have ‘yes’ men around me. Who needs ’no’ men? http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/03/19/i-hope-the-ipcc-is-correct-about-warming-because-cooling-is-a-bigger-problem/
So, no Earth Hour in Sweden – streetlights will be left on…can you guess why? http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/03/political_correctness_implosion_in_sweden.html
Tasmania moves inexorably further into the basket (case)…Renewables work?

Language: I know George Orwell’s ‘Newspeak’ (and others) alerted us long ago to
the dangers of allowing folks to hijack our language so that by small
increments meaning becomes completely inverted. We can observe this change if
we are alert in much the same way as the minute changes we may see in a
collection of prehistoric stone tools which (if arranged correctly) will show
the slow progression of this technology over the aeons. I can recall an
illustration from Bosenquet’s logic about this very point from my student days,
an unsuccessful attempt on his part to create a valid ‘science’ of induction –
a problem as yet unresolved today: it is axiomatic we can infer the particular
from the universal, but how to get from the latter to the former eludes us yet.
Not so long ago for example the topic of homosexuality attracted such terms as
‘unnatural, ‘perverted’, ‘degraded’, ‘sick’ etc. Such terms were slowly shunted
aside over time by eg ‘sexual orientation’, ‘lifestyle choice’ and finally
‘marriage equality’. In the same way ‘Aborigines’ were once described as ‘the
miserablest race on earth’, ‘primitives’, ‘savages’ etc which slowly morphed
into ‘indigenous’, ‘custodians’, ‘traditional owners’, etc. Disagreement and
debate were once considered both healthy and necessary for a robust democracy.
Now they have become ‘micro aggression’; ‘freedom of speech’ (eg under the
‘racial discrimination act’) needs must be curtailed lest it ‘cause offence’,
or ‘vilify’; similarly one may not point out that a white aboriginal emperor is
wearing no clothes for fear of ‘racial discrimination’, or that ‘marriage’ is
between a man and a woman (as it ever has been) on the grounds of ‘sexual
discrimination’ or that Islam is not a religion but a imperialist, fascist
political system on the grounds of ‘religious discrimination’, and so on…He (or
she) who owns the language rules the world. There is ever a need to push back
against this degradation of meaning (however apparently worthy the cause), so
that we can continue to engage in meaningful (and hopefully peaceful) debate in
pursuit of ‘The Truth’- though it is a journey where we will never arrive at
the destination!
Solunar tables (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solunar_theory)
: I have a friend who swears by these. He claims enormously enhanced
fishing/hunting success using them. I have certainly noticed that there are
clear peaks in game activity; I have even noticed a relationship myself with
the phases of the moon…perhaps it is time to give this theory a test? There are
various websites you can go to to create/download tables for your area. Some
are free, eg http://www.huntfishsport.com/web.aspx?cmd=calendar

Massdrop is an online retailer that sells niche products to enthusiasts at a
discount. If you’re not familiar with them you should sign up on their website
and check out the member deals that they’re offering. They’re one of the few
retailers that sell ultralight backpacking gear at a good discount. https://www.massdrop.com/my-communities/drops

Discrimination: Not so long ago this word was synonymous with
‘discernment’- as well it might be; now
it has been relegated to a disphemic status. Surely we need to be able to
choose who lives in our country (and I include those born here) and how they
are permitted to behave? There are groups of people who will never assimilate
(nay not even to the third generation!) DFAT warned Malcolm Fraser about
importing a group of Lebanese after the civil war there (on these grounds) and
(though we had successfully assimilated many Lebanese before, such as Joe
Hockey’s father) was stupidly and arrogantly ignored. Nearly all of our
dysfunctional/terrorist Moslem community devolves from this single bad
decision. We are clearly continuing to make such terrible decisions - as the
weekend Moomba riots show. We need more discrimination, not less!
much islamic terrorism has there been in Australia Steve?’ Reply: Some is too
much. The first incident was during WW1. Much has been prevented thanks to the
efforts of our security forces - and at enormous cost. However, they are now
24/7 surveilling many hundreds of people, which will grow inexorably to
thousands, and there will be successful terrorist incidents to rival the London
Underground and the Bali bombings which will horrify and galvanise Australians.
Many of the unworthy 'citizens ' are not Moslems, as the Moomba riots (and
other incidents) disclose. When DFAT warns that people will not assimilate, we
should not import them, whoever they are. Also, clearly people should only be
given temporary visas, and after a time when it it clear that they will not make
'good citizens' (eg because they are living on welfare) they should be returned
whence they came. I am all for cancelling the citizenship of people born here
too (no matter how many generations they have lived here) if they are simply
breeding hordes of anti-social welfare dependent hoons, whoever they are. I
know no-one else will want/take them, but at least they will not be able to
vote for more of the same.
Madness: Like so many things he does, Turnbull’s Senate ‘Reform’ is just
madness; it is just handing Labor and the Greens a Senate majority in
perpetuity so that no Conservative Government can ever undo the evil the
socialists enact in Government. If we are to have Senate reform, let’s talk
about total abolition – as an Upper House where one’s vote weighs so unequally
is anathema: the 250,000 or so Tasmanian voters (most of whom live on welfare
or are employees of the state) elect the same number of (mostly Leftist)
senators as the half of the nation who vote in NSW. This situation must be
rectified: http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/turnbull_is_creating_a_new_anti_liberal_senate/
Leatherman ‘Squirt’: I have long carried the Leatherman ‘Micra’ (still do). http://www.theultralighthiker.com/leatherman-micra-multitool/
This is the very best tool for cutting toenails on the trail. Also handy for a
million and one other things: cutting up fish, splinters, opening bottles (you
can use the bottle opener backwards as a can opener, repairing your glasses,
etc. The ‘Squirt’ with its handy pair of pliers might come in handy for other
repaiirs, or as a fishing tool etc if you do not need such a serious pair of
scissors for your nails. Both tools are around 50 grams.

Needlenose Pliers 2. Spring-action Regular Pliers 3.Spring-action Wire Cutters
4. 420HC Knife 5. Spring-action Scissors 6. Flat/Phillips Screwdriver 7. Bottle
Opener 8. Wood/Metal File 9. Medium Screwdriver
Learn it and/or Weep. Extinction is just a way of life: : http://www.amerika.org/politics/what-the-western-world-can-learn-from-the-moriori/
Nuts: ‘Sex is compulsory in marriage. . . . It is clear that the compulsory
nature of sex in marriage operates to the advantage of the male. . . . The
enslavement of women in marriage is all the more cruel and inhumane by virtue
of the fact that it appears to exist with the consent of the enslaved group.’
Sheila Cronan, 1970 http://theothermccain.com/2016/03/10/the-enslavement-of-women/
Winston Churchill told us: ‘The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack
it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.’ He also said, 'Men
occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and
hurry off as if nothing ever happened.'
Upper Yarra Track Side Trip: Poverty
Point: From the Thomson River Bridge/s (‘Thomson Station’) you can walk a
lovely 8 km circuit up along the West bank of the river then down along the
East bank. If I were walking the entire UYT I would come down to Thomson
Station as soon as it joined the Mormon Town Track and walk up the West bank as
it is far more beautiful, and would otherwise be missed – as would the two
excellent campsites to be found along it. The first only about 200 metres from
the main roads is large enough for several caravans (there was a 25’ one parked
there as we walked by). The second campsite is on a large flat along the river
about 300 metres below the Poverty Point Bridge – there is a track down to it.
The track also crosses two small creeks on each side of the river which would
provide a campsite on a flat section of the track (if you can get your tent
pegs in).

100 yards of the main road you start to see these beautiful fern gullies. You
cross Jack Creek and take the walking track to the right (signposted).

tracks follow the routes of old timber tramlines so they are delightful easy
going. A Jack Russell like Spot can really tear along them!

he comes again!

track on the West side provides splendid views of the beautiful Thomson River -
which provides wonderful canoeing opportunities when the river heights are
right. See http://www.theultralighthiker.com/canoeing-the-thomson-river-gippsland-victoria/
and this video: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/videos/thomson-river-canoe-trip-2006-complete/

are plenty of cool, shady areas to stop and rest. Soon you come to the second

channels of coolness the echoes are calling,
down the dim gorges I hear the creek falling’ Bellbirds, Henry Kendall: http://www.mountainman.com.au/kendall.html

can dimly glimpse the waterfall above the last photo.

about 1.5 hours the Poverty Point Bridge looms in sight.

the bridge was constructed (prefabricated) in England in 1900 and shipped out
to this remote place.

downstream from the bridge: you can just make out the flat in the river
mentioned earlier where you can camp.

is 16 but still enjoys a long walk (and a cool puddle). This is a stream on the
east bank. She is looking up to a bench where once a timber getter's house
stood. They had cellars under their bark huts for milk/cheese (from their
goats) and pocket handkerchief vegie gardens up along the streams. Saturday
nights they would walk (10 km) into Walhalla to socialise. In the past people
had to ‘make do’. They raised a nation of strong, independent people.
for this section:
South T8122-2-S and Avenza Pdf App.
also Upper Yarra Track Winter Route & Side Trips:
How do we Know What Dinosaurs Looked Like: http://www.sciencefocus.com/article/nature/how-do-we-know-what-dinosaurs-looked-like

We need to think carefully about those subs: http://www.gizmag.com/boeing-echo-voyager/42272/
If Turnbull has done a deal with the Greens, all that needs to be decided is:
Who will be Australia's Donald Trump? http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/miranda-devine-sidetracked-right-missing-mals-plot/news-story/6fcdec6d948e334a05af61517896fb3b
Quote of the Week: ‘The amount of energy necessary to refute bullshit is an
order of magnitude bigger than to produce it’ Alberto Brandolini

Life finds a way: Life’s answer to the chicken littles who have been doomsaying
lately that the ocean is filling up with plastic: A bacterium which eats PET: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/03/10/the-plastic-pollution-scare-just-fizzled/
Add 10+ years to your life? Can we get scripts right now? http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11553026
‘You can go ahead and smell your bread and eat it too. Science. It works.’ http://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-who-found-evidence-for-gluten-sensitivity-have-now-shown-it-doesn-t-exist
Before you decide our political
masters need to reach for their Keynsian levers, you should read this: http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/FDR-s-Policies-Prolonged-Depression-5409
If I seemed quiet the last couple of days, I flew up to Sydney and drove back,
picking up a car for my daughter and son-in-law who have the wisdom most folk
don’t that new cars are a ridiculous waste. A close relative of mine was
parting with a 20 year old Cherokee (whose odometer shows it to be still under
warranty!) which will yet provide hundreds of thousands of kilometres of
reliable motoring. It was such a pleasure driving this fine car back from
Sydney. Since @ 2000 motor vehicles have all taken a wrong turn in so many
ways, making them utterly preposterous to purchase. If you can get hold of a
quality vehicle from the era 1995-2000, you should do so instead of wasting
your money on the rubbish now available.
One problem proponents of the Welfare State have is they do not believe in the
benefits of suffering, but just as it is salutary to have to work hard all day
in the hot sun to remind folks where their food comes from (the normal lot of
farmers such as I have been these over thirty years anyway!) it is also
necessary to remind ‘entitlement’ folks every so often that someone else (who
has to do the hard yard for them) is paying their way. Just as Pavlov showed
long ago, a little goad now and rhen can aid learning a whole lot more than
continuing to reward bad conduct ever will. The Welfare State was intended as a
(small) safety net for those whose suffering could not be condoned (the very
elderly, infirm, handicapped, etc). Over the years it has been extended and
extended again till it includes over a third of the population (utterly
improbable) and is long since totally unaffordable. There is no way the
nation’s finances can afford another generation’s extension of this absurd
largesse. It has to be curtailed post haste before it consumes us quite,
reverting to its primary role as a safety net for the few – whilst the
overwhelming majority support themselves by meaningful work. It shold remain a
means of averting suffering, not a lifestyle choice: it is obscene and absurd
to house welfare recipients (free) in accommodation which a large proportion of
the workforce could not afford themselves from their strenuous endeavours – at
least partly due to the onerous burden of taxation imposed on them to support
the indigent – and like absurd socialist schemes.
‘Does Immigration Mean The End Of Western Civilization?’ Probably: John Daniel
Davidson. Read this: ‘“Yes, immigrants ‘just want a better life,’ as the cliché
goes. But they don’t necessarily want a European life. They may want a Third
World life at a European standard of living.”… ‘The fall of Constantinople is a
personal misfortune that happened to all of us only last week.’” http://thefederalist.com/2016/03/05/does-immigration-mean-the-end-of-western-civilization/#.Vtrkw-IW5ZQ.twitter
James Morrow: ‘Academics at the University of Oregon present their feminist
glaciology framework for global environmental change research: “Glaciers are
key icons of climate change and global environmental change. However, the
relationships among gender, science, and glaciers – particularly related to
epistemological questions about the production of glaciological knowledge –
remain understudied. This paper thus proposes a feminist glaciology framework
with four key components: 1) knowledge producers; (2) gendered science and
knowledge; (3) systems of scientific domination; and (4) alternative
representations of glaciers. Merging feminist postcolonial science studies and
feminist political ecology, the feminist glaciology framework generates robust
analysis of gender, power, and epistemologies in dynamic social-ecological
systems, thereby leading to more just and equitable science and human-ice
Helen Mirren: Is she the most beautiful 70 year old woman ever – of course
Della is not yet anywhere near 70: http://seeingmeproject.com/helen-mirren-style-muse-at-70/
Unconditional Love: People often spout utter nonsense like this, but really
there is no such thing, nor ought to be. Love, like so many things is a trade –
if you continue to get nothing back it will wither and die, as it ought. If you
love and are loved you can expect to have to work at it quite a bit, indeed if
it is a worthwhile thing (as you would expect it to be) you will want to work
at it quite hard. The obverse is it is worthless to you. What is worthless to
you is like to become worthless to the other people in the relationship too! So
quit already with the protestations of ‘unconditional love’: it is hollow and
Girard Tankless Water Heater: This piece of gear is certainly a win/win. I will
certainly be fitting one and swapping my existing storage heater out. There is
a kit so it will fit in the same entry hole so no structural damage to the
camper. It will create a couple of cubic feet of extra storage space inside the
camper (always welcome). It will weigh nearly 30 kg less (fuel saving and
handling improvement) and it will use only about half the gas, so that will
also last longer. It will need me to remove the fridge in order to fit it, but
I need to do this anyway (would you believe?) in order to swing the door the
other way (which will be much more convenient): http://www.adventurerv.net/girard-tankless-propane-water-heater-p-27164.html
Be Happy: http://www.coyoteblog.com/coyote_blog/2016/02/you-are-richer-than-a-19th-century-billionaire.html
Nick Cater: ‘Welfare is almost always a subprime solution. It is far better
that people be in charge of their destiny, with the dignity that comes from
work. There is nothing overtly political about a policy designed to reduce
moral hazard and make work pay. Innovative programs designed to reduce family
dysfunction and reduce the number of children living in workless households
deserve support from both sides. Yet in Australia, as in other developed
economies, it is the centre-Right that is doing the hard yards, while the Left
all but ignores the fundamental flaws in our welfare system.’ http://www.luckyculture.com.au/media-library/a-poverty-of-policy/
Tray Back Campers and Other Heavy Loads: I have just finished fitting the
suspension/steering hardware I mentioned here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/twin-shock-absorbers/
I then loaded up the camper on the Defender. Let me say the difference is
astonishing. The whole rig now handles like a passenger car; the ride is
wonderful; everything feels so safe and relaxing. Looking forward to many
interesting trips. Watch this space!
concludes the mods we needed to make the vehicle handle the (somewhat
unbalanced) weight of the camper. I will also be fitting a second under tray 85
litre water tank, and switching out the hot water system for an instantaneous
one which will save 30kg in overhang (and total) load, eg: http://greenrvproducts.com/girard-tankless-rv-water-heater/
are all the mods we needed (and advise): Move all possible weight to the front
of the rear axles and below the tray (at least down and forward – this may
require modification of the camper, or careful selection/design before
purchase/build); standard height heavy duty springs and twin shock absorbers
front and rear, heavy duty return to centre steering damper (described above);
seriously upgraded shock absorbers; polyair (rear) assist suspension (inflate
to max ie @ 35 PSI – NB also: tyre pressure needs to be vastly increased under
heavy load. Recommendations are something like +5PSI per additional 100 kg! –
tyres need to be ply-rated for such pressures. Check!); fit anti sway bars
front and back; fit under tray storage boxes (4) and utilise storage behind
seats; fit a winch and bull-bar to the front of the vehicle to help to balance
the load (NB: the vehicle’s suspension has to be upgraded (or match) the total
loaded vehicle weight plus eg a 10% ‘margin of error’ or it will never be safe
– and might not be insured!)
You will always have extreme difficulty making a dual cab (safely) carry a
camper or other heavy load. Some are (much) worse than others, due to overhang,
etc. Land Rover Defenders are complete stand outs in this category - as well as
in genuine off-road (clearance, entry/exit angles, etc) & many other areas.
It may just not be possible to fit a camper to your dual cab particularly if it
has a tub. Professional advice should be sought. My experience is that like
most other professional advice it is pretty
hopeless though! Happy Camping!

Let’s just see if greenie anti-whaling folk get behind opposition to wind on
the basis of wind farms killing whales http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/03/03/are-vibrations-from-offshore-wind-turbine-farms-killing-whales/
as they ought to get behind opposition to large scale solar and wind mass
killing of birds/bats. Perhaps one day these emerald folk will realise that the
most environmentally friendly energy sources are hydrocarbons and nuclear?
This whole business is horrifying: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2016/03/dumb-sodomy-cash/
Limited Range Bullets: Human ingenuity never ceases to amaze! This interesting
idea will seriously reduce unintended damage from spent rounds whether in
warfare or hunting: http://www.gizmag.com/us-army-researchers-limited-range-bullet/42068/

Submarines vs Drones: Just perhaps we should not buy any at all whether from
hugely expensive crooked trade unionists in Adelaide etc or from two-thirds
cheaper comparable countries – if undersea drones will easily enable them to be
detected and destroyed! We need to invest in drones and anti ship and sub
systems instead. This could be a little like the NBN where I notice that (in
the USA) they have already begun to roll out a 5G mobile network with even
faster speeds : http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/trident-nuclear-deterrent-under-threat-from-underwater-drones-expert-warns-a6786946.html
“Well she was just 17, you know what I mean?” http://www.freerangekids.com/would-the-beatles-be-sex-offenders-today/
‘Giving Your Heart’ to someone has an interesting original meaning: http://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/39721
In 1941 (five months before Pearl Harbour), Leftist protestors opposed
engagement in the war in Europe. The urged us in a similar way to disregard the
danger posed by the Soviet Union for most of the C20th. Appeasement is ever
their litany. In a similar vein, one must not warn today of the dangers of a
militant and fundamentalist Islam: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=aa6_1453788880
Thermarest Speedvalve: Thermarest has a new range of easy to inflate mats.
These guys go up (and down) so easily it will be hard to resist the temptation
to replace our ‘old’ mats. Fortunately for us they have not (yet) extended the
new valve’s availability to our favourite mat the Neoair Xlite Women’s! (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/new-hiking-mat-425g/)
The regular 20” x 72” Neoair with this valve would be hard to resist though for
hammock camping where its ‘square’ profile helps keep your shoulders warm. You
have to spend your –har-earned’ on something though – you can’t take it with
you! And what better to spend your money on than anything which facilitates
your next great trip to the backwoods! See: http://www.cascadedesigns.com/therm-a-rest/mattresses/fast-and-light/neoair-xlite-max-sv/product
I posted about this idea back in August 2014. Thermarest have finally taken the
idea up: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/another-way-to-inflate-your-air-pad/
See Also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/highlights-of-the-outdoor-retailer-summer-2015-trade-show/

‘I don’t hold with furniture that talks’ from Empire of the Air’ by Ken Burns -
the story of radio. What a doco! I just love that early C20th quote denying
radio: it has such resonance with all those Luddites who today deny GM,
fracking, vaccination, etc, etc…
Tocqueville: How wise he was: ‘Reflecting on his American travels, which he
hoped would help him better understand the democratic wave he saw sweeping Europe,
Tocqueville noticed the buds of a more troubling tyranny—not an intellectual
oppression but a gentle though genuine political oppression—that threatens all
democratic nations and that later really did come to full flower not just in
the European Union but—though much less flamboyantly—even in America.
Democratic governments, Tocqueville theorized, have a tendency toward
paternalism, which would be untroubling if “its object was to prepare men for
manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood: it
is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing
but rejoicing”-as with my Soviet acquaintance’s sexual revolution. Such a
government, writes Tocqueville, in his most-quoted passage, “covers the surface
of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform,
through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot
penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but
softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are
constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it
prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates,
extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing
better but a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is
the shepherd.” Such “gentle . . . servitude,” Tocqueville feared, could easily
coexist with “the outward forms of freedom” and arise even “under the wing of
the sovereignty of the people.”
words, for in fact, America lives under that gentle servitude and has done for
decades, without really noticing and without understanding how it happened.
Woodrow Wilson, believing that the Founders’ checks and balances merely gummed
up the efficiency of government, set out to replace their Constitution and the
“nonsense [they] talked about the inalienable rights of the individual” with a
“living constitution,” reshaped daily “with boldness and a touch of audacity”
by “judicial interpretations” that would be ever “more liberal, not to say more
lax.” ‘ http://www.city-journal.org/2016/26_1_liberty.html
Tony Abbott, undoubtedly our greatest PM yet lecturing us once again on how to
be adults. Of course such lessons are unpopular, but one should never confuse
whether you like a proposition with whether it is true: https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2016/03/economic-case-abbott-government/ - and why do I consider him ‘our greatest’?
Because, as I said before he was elected, he is the only Australian leader
whose aim (as stated) was making Australians better people. Moral improvement
is so much more than ‘bread and circuses’. I have long lamented the immense
shotfall in our technically superb communications media: that despite its
sophistication it succeeds only in conveying the shallowest of messages. In my
whole long life there has (so far as I can remember) been only one television
programme made and screened in Australia which attempted to struggle with
important ideas. This was a late ‘60s programme featuring the eminent
Australian philosopher John Passmore, ‘On the Perfectability ofMan’. That is
what makes Tony Abbott so great a leader: he attempts to grapple with that vast
and overwhelmingly important issue!
And about time too: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-03-01/weddings-legalised-for-church-of-the-flying-spaghetti-monster/7208662
Homer: Odysseus’ Dog, Argos: Mayhap amongst the most pitiable memories of war
are the suffering of ‘dumb animals: the faithful hound left bereft at home
whose master sailed away for years to his duty in WW 1&2 for example. Pups
who grew up romping with the youths who went to war, left alone, ever vigilant.
Every passing sound on the road, the crunch of gravel on the drive, a distant
footfall, galvanised their tired heads suddenly up from off their paws, ears
forward, eyes bright, a rush to the window to gaze out, tongue lolling, tail
whirring, expectant - only to be disappointed again, and yet again; bodies
slowly sagging floorwards, ears and tails drooping, slowly returning to their
puppy dreams. How many languished and died of old age e’er their masters
returned, if return they did, nor yet mouldering in some foreign field; ne’er
forgotten though. Here is the Master: Odyysey Book 17: ‘As they were thus
talking, a dog that had been lying asleep raised his head and pricked up his
ears. This was Argos, whom Ulysses had bred before setting out for Troy, but he
had never had any work out of him. In the old days he used to be taken out by
the young men when they went hunting wild goats, or deer, or hares, but now
that his master was gone he was lying neglected on the heaps of mule and cow
dung that lay in front of the stable doors till the men should come and draw it
away to manure the great close; and he was full of fleas. As soon as he saw
Ulysses standing there, he dropped his ears and wagged his tail, but he could
not get close up to his master. When Ulysses saw the dog on the other side of
the yard, dashed a tear from his eyes without Eumaeus seeing it, and said:
what a noble hound that is over yonder on the manure heap: his build is
splendid; is he as fine a fellow as he looks, or is he only one of those dogs
that come begging about a table, and are kept merely for show?"
hound," answered Eumaeus, "belonged to him who has died in a far
country. If he were what he was when Ulysses left for Troy, he would soon show
you what he could do. There was not a wild beast in the forest that could get
away from him when he was once on its tracks. But now he has fallen on evil
times, for his master is dead and gone, and the women take no care of him.
Servants never do their work when their master's hand is no longer over them,
for Jove takes half the goodness out of a man when he makes a slave of him."
he spoke he went inside the buildings to the cloister where the suitors were,
but Argos died as soon as he had recognized his master.’
http://classics.mit.edu/Homer/odyssey.mb.txt (Samuel Butler translation - Oh,
the gems that are free today. What a wondrous age to be alive in!)
Solace (2015 – Athony Hopkins). What a splendid movie…If you can maybe ‘see’
the future a little (I believe?) then why not others who can see it even
better? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1291570/
Great news from Iran this morning that ‘moderates had blitzed the recent
elections there – we have seen many ‘false dawns’ from the Middle East though:
hearken to an older Iranian, Khayyam’s warning,“Dreaming when Dawn's Left Hand
was in the Sky/ I heard a voice within the Tavern cry,/ ‘Awake, my Little ones,
and fill the Cup/ Before Life's Liquor in its Cup be dry.’" http://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/khayyam.txt
Hiking Meals: Continental Hearty Italian Minestrone & Hearty Garden
Vegetable CupaSoups Soups: I have long lamented the dreadful quality (and
undeserved price) of pretty much all backpacking meals. That’s why I have
largely concentrated on recommending good supermarket meals which fill the
bill: well-priced, tasty and nutritious, good calories per gram ratios, quick,
energy efficient and easy to prepare & etc. I previously noted this tasty
combo: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hiking-food-soup/
The nutritional info on the Minestrone (& etc) packets is very handy. The
current Minestrone (75 grams = 147 calories) recommendation is as follows: add
3 large teaspoonfulls of Hormel Real Bacon Pieces (20 grams = 75 calories) and
a slightly larger quantity of Continental Deb Instant Mashed Potato (great for
thickening and adding nutrition – 20 grams = 15 calories). In total we have 110
grams and 237 calories and 2.15 calories per gram. One serve would be fine for
breakfast/lunch; two would make a reasonable, tasty meal!
You would be soulless if you don’t long for one of these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gwZ2lHtG0Y
& http://www.gizmag.com/candela-vibrophase-candle-power-zvex-effects/42038/

Upper Yarra Track Glamping: Baw Baw Overnight Hike: This is a beautiful
glamping trip. You can walk from the Mushroom Rocks Carpark (just North of
Erica - or from the Mt St Gwinear Carpark) to the Baw Baw Village in approx 5 ½
hours (our retiree speeds with overnight packs) each way. There is
accommodation there year round, but at least three nights a week there is also
a restaurant. Stay overnight and walk back across the glorious Baw Baw Plateau
next day to your car. You need only carry a day pack. It really is one of
Victoria’s scenic wonders. There is so much changing vegetation, topography and
wildlife to see. As it is always nearly 10C degrees cooler than Melbourne or
the Latrobe Valley, 30C degree temperatures there will make for a very pleasant
time on the Plateau. There is also often a cooling breeze. The trail is easy,
well-marked and well maintained all the way. Be sure you take the turn-off to Baw
Baw 100 metres AFTER Phillack saddle – the Vicmap shows the old trail exiting
from Phillack saddle to Baw Baw from the Alps /Upper Yarra Walking Tracks. The old trail is all but impassable – though
we have passed it! If you don’t want to pay for accommodation etc, there are
good campsites with water eg. at Mushroom Rocks, Talbot Peak, near the St
Gwinear turn-off (Camp Saddle) and at Phillack Saddle. If you fancy a slightly
longer walk, it is two hours walk out from Phillack saddle to the old Mt
Whitelaw Hut site where there is also a pleasant camp with water. You need not
carry more than 500ml-1 litre of water as there is frequent water along the
plateau, eg Mushroom Rocks, Talbot saddle, St Gwinear turn-off, Phillack
Saddle, Mt Whitelaw etc. Baw Baw forecast here: http://ozforecast.com.au/cgi-bin/weather.cgi?station=Mt+Baw+Baw.VIC&radar
Baw Baw accommodation/information, etc here: https://mountbawbaw.com.au/ Phone: 03 5165
1136 Village Restaurant: 03561123 The shop is open 365 days and offers pies,
sandwiches, drinks etc and a small selection of grocery items. See also: http://www.visitbawbaw.com.au/ Telstra
NextG will work pretty much all the way across the Plateau. Maps Walhalla North
T8122-2-N especially & Walhalla South: T8122-2-S and the Avenza Pdf App: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/gps-phone-apps-25k-vicmaps/
There is another great thing you can do: Walk from Baw Baw to Walhalla over two
days staying: Baw Baw, Mushroom Rocks Scout Hut (https://www.vicscouts.com.au/j-w-mcmahon-ski-lodge.html)
, (or the NBW Hut – or camp out), then eg Star Hotel, Walhalla (or vice versa).
There is an (expensive) outfitter who can arrange this fully catered trip so
you carry only day packs, ie: http://www.greatwalhallaalpinetrail.com/

Rocks: one of nature's wonders - and a fine place to camp!

Saddle - another pleasant camp if you are not up for the glamping at Baw Baw
We have ‘only’ 5% on disability support
payments. In Germany it is 13%. In Britain it is 15%. Here at the end of WW2
when the ranks of such people were swelled by wounded diggers it was well under
2%! What ever happened to the previously universal wise advice that everyone
should get a life, make a living? The NDIS is an idiot idea and wholly
unsustainable: http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/disability_payment_blowout_has_a_long_long_way_to_go/
Thrilling Tales: Daniel Boone: If Boone could do it, I can: ‘According to one
story, in 1810 or later, Boone went with a group on a long hunt as far west as
the Yellowstone River, a remarkable journey (from Missouri to Montana) at his
age, if true. In 1816, a United States officer at Fort Osage, on the Missouri,
wrote: We have been honored by a visit from Colonel Boone, the first settler of
Kentucky; he lately spent two weeks with us.... He left this for the river
Platt, some distance above. Col Boon is eighty-five years of age, five feet
seven inches high, stoutly made, and active for one of his years; is still of
vigorous mind, and is pretty well informed. He has taken part in all the wars
of America, from before Braddock's war to the present hour.’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Boone

Portrait at age 85!
Moose Team: If I ever catch a moose in Fiordland I may do this with it: http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/archives/27719-Moose-Team.html

Syrian-born, Muslim-raised Adunis Asbar, one of the more celebrated Arabic
language poets. (Naturally, he receives death threats): ‘But I do not care. For
certain convictions people should risk their lives…Modern Muslims and a modern
Islam is already impossible. If there is no separation between religion and
state, there will be no democracy especially without equality for women. Then
we will keep a theocratic system. So it will end…Arabs have no more creative
force. Islam does not contribute to intellectual life, it suggests no
discussion. It is no longer thought. It produces no thinking, no art, no
science, no vision that could change the world. This repetition is the sign of
its end. The Arabs will continue to exist, but they will not make the world
better.’ There certainly are brave souls out there in the Moslem world. Rather
them than me, but keep at it folks!
Hannibal Lektor’s hand: So far (I think) it has not crept out an night to do mayhem
on the innocent – but it’s sure looking impressive. I am now an amalgam of
machine parts: you might like to tell anyone you know whose fingers are
crippled with arthritis: there is a better way. Don’t wait too long. The more
deformity has already occurred the harder it is to correct. However you can
have new joints in your hands - probably not the tip ones which they would fuse
if they were painful, but all the ones further away from your finger tips – and
you will be up and using them (a little) after a week, and progressively more
and more until you should be able to climb a rope with them once more after @ 6
months. It is also surprisingly cheap, and not specially painful. Like the
microsurgery (neurosurgery – up and hiking same day, pain free!) I had
(laminectomy) on my spine to correct similar arthritic problems, I (so far)
wholeheartedly recommend this procedure. One of the knuckles had 0 degrees of
movement a week ago; the other less than 20 degrees. I guess I have 60 degrees
now one day out of a cast in both and improving on that every day. In six
months time I will be (almost literally) a new man – back to my ideal weight
and fitter than I have been my whole life – which has been a pretty fit one: I
still have no trouble walking 20-30 km through the bush carrying a hiking pack
day after day at 66; but I want to do more, and there is only this one life to
do it in! Do remember that: don’t kick back and take it easy - as if waiting
for your second innings. There will be no second innings. Make the most of this
one. As I said the other day: ‘We
can choose to do anything. The corollary: we can do anything we choose.’ http://www.theultralighthiker.com/free-willdeterminism/ Caption: Still a bit swollen and
mercurochrome stained.

Mobile Phone Battery Life: Here’s some good advice. Another important point:
choose a phone which has a removable battery such as my Galaxy S4 Mini or
Della’s Galaxy K – with a 10x optical zoom! We always carry a couple of spare
batteries on longer hikes – and a solar charger
http://www.theultralighthiker.com/charging/ – I went for the MPJ spare batteries because
they already have 50% more energy than the proprietary ones yet still fit in
the phone: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/25/technology/personaltech/tips-and-myths-about-extending-smartphone-battery-life.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=second-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
The Tip of the Iceberg: 5 million ‘diverted’ from just one school: End State
Aid to ‘private’ schools now: http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/what_did_islamic_schools_do_with_our_money/
Hitler really did only have one ball: http://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/39989
Australian of the Year: Morrison or Harry Smith who won us the Battle of Long
Tan: http://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2016/02/terrific-email-from-lieutenant-colonel-harry-smith-sg-mc-a-tribunal-hears-harrys-appeal-against-davi.html
Do watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uODWvj8aP-Q
Too bad Cecil really: http://www.nationalpost.com/m/wp/blog.html?b=news.nationalpost.com%2Fnews%2Fworld%2Fzimbabwe-park-warns-it-may-shoot-200-surplus-lions-now-that-big-game-hunters-are-staying-home
Upper Yarra Track Sidetrip: Baw Baw to Mt St Phillack:
a way to escape the heat! Others may flock to the beach. We give our hearts to
the mountains. Mt Baw Baw was to be 8C cooler than home (with no power) and
with a delightful cooling 30 kph breeze. When we left our car at the bottom of
Candleheath Drive (Go down Frosti Lane next to the shop until you come to the
sign for Mueller’s Track) it was a balmy 24C with a cool breeze blowing. So
suck eggs!

Mueller’s track. Just cross this magic bridge – watch out for trolls!

more into the bush dear friends!

Winters are as common as sparrows up there.

are native snowdrops! Follow Mueller’s Track. Take every turn to the left until
you come to here:

turnoff to the new (St Gwinear) track near Baragwanath Flat (where the old
track also exits – don’t take that!) is impossible to miss. On the way back
take every turn to the right. Mt Baw Baw is a maze of tracks. You can wander
round in circles for hours! It is very lovely though! The track follows a ridge
but crosses two gullies – so water every km.

one is West Tanjil Creek.

for Tiny to have a bath.

host of golden everlasting daisies - so much better than those fleeting

races ahead, then races back. I was calling him back for fear of snakes. We saw
none, but there were innumerable very fat skinks. They must store it against
the winter cold.

leaps on a giant tor having similar (lichen) spots to himself.

intersection with the Alps & Upper Yarra Tracks. ‘This is the way we went
last week’, says Spot.

we are again at Phillack Saddle (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-section-nine-phillack-saddle-to-block-10-road/
) Such a delightful place to camp. You can read the track distances if you zoom
in (double click). Are we staying again, the dogs want to know. Not this trip.

‘To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower’ (Blake)

too at these amazing miniature native violets! The tip of my hiking pole for

snow gum has loved this stone ever so long...

this one galled by man's cruel sign - anthropomorphism is fun, but do not seek
truth that way!

last (after 1.5 hours) Mt St Phillack: Spotty barked several times at the
cairn. His opinion is cairns ought not to be there - but Jack Russells...they
can go anywhere!
is a walk you might do on a summer trip to Mt Baw Baw. There is plenty of
accommodation – even a restaurant: https://mountbawbaw.com.au/
Onshore whaling: I am surprised that this new industry hasn’t been ‘revived’.
Only the ridiculous cheapness of a barrel of oil can be preventing it. I
envisage latter-day Ahabs trolling their local shopping centres with
liposuction harpoons (there is ample ready prey); Australia could remain energy
independent for years if this industry is revived. Surely the Greens will get
behind it?
Uselessmess Index: Having one wing in a sling has moved me down a notch on the
uselessness index from just plain ‘Useless’ to ‘F---ing Useless’. At least I am
mostly avoiding the last two steps on the scale: ‘Absolutely F---ing Useless’
and Totally, Absolutely F---ing Useless’ – but I may improve, or worsen!
Unbearable Lightness of Being: Of course there must be some (lower) limit to
how light things can go. It seems insulated clothing & sleeping bags are
about to experience one of those quantum falls. Introducing Aerogel &
Graphene: http://futurism.com/jackets-withstand-liquid-nitrogen-made-using-solid-material-thats-99-8-air/
You can already buy Aerogel blanket insulation eg here: http://www.buyaerogel.com/product-category/blankets/
Could be the ‘must do’ for DIYprojects? It will probably have to get a little
cheaper first too! Unless I a misreading the data sheet it may never be light
enough for our purposes though (or breathable). Spaceloft 5mm blaket’s quoted
density is 0.15 g cm-3 (2.45 oz/69 g per square foot) which would be 621 grams
per square yard - much heavier than competing ultralight hiking insulation. I
may be sticking to my 900 fill power down sleeping bag a little longer yet!

I have just received two prosthetic finger joints. The first instance of these
were implanted in the 1940s, but I did not really appreciate how old the
prosthetician’s art is: 6th century foot prosthesis found in Austria: http://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/39927
How Dark Were the Dark Ages? I wonder how our own ‘dark age’ will measure up
against the yard stick of history: wil we be remembered as the era when
civilisation surrendered to the forces of fundamentalist superstitions? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cqzq01i2O3U
Upper Yarra Track Section Nine: Phillack Saddle to Block 10 Road:
a lovely section of track! The high country has so much beauty, so many
surprises. Phillack Saddle is a wonderful spot to camp on lawns tended by
nature’s gardeners amid the alpine heath. There is beautiful clear water just
off the saddle and a lovely stream (below) at Freeemans Flat. It will be about
7.5 hours to our car at the Block 10 Road – if we make it!



yards after Phillack Saddle you come to the new track across to Baw Baw

helped put up the Zpacks Solo Plus tent whilst Tiny rested.

and Tiny went to bed early. They are old girls!

new Maratac torch makes a great lantern: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/mini-super-torch-a-weeks-light-weighs-50-grams/

was tired out. She is 16 1/2.

are other lovely spots to camp along the way but no water until Whitelaws Hut
and then .5 km after the Upper Yarra
turn-off. After two hours you reach the
Whitelaw Hut site (water to the North). Another hour brings you out onto the
old forest road up from Newlands which you will follow. Half an hour along it
you come to the intersection. It is only @3km down to Newlands Rd but the road
is overgrown with seasonal weeds which will slow you down. 1.5-2 hours for this
section, then about 2.5 to the Block 10 Road.

dogs demonstrate: 'High Point'.

are many friendly critters along the way: fantail.

Up' says Spot.
are always too slow for him. He is only 3!

we are for lunch at Whitelaws Hut. There are plenty of camps here.

helped hreself to a muesli bar from my pack when I wasn't looking. Chewy!

beautiful flowers adorn the path.

interesting denizens: this was the fattest skink I have ever seen. Must have
been nearly 1" in diameter but only 6" long!

hour after Whitelaws Hut you hit an old road - which shou;ld be kept clear for
emergencies and park maintenance in my opinion, but it is neglected.

can easily walk abreast along here.

is the turnoff. Turn downhill, South. Parks have stuffed a hopeless map between
the timbers. That is the sum total of their efforts.

were many beautiful sites in this section, but as much of it needed slashing,
Inforgot to take photos.

of spots you could camp on the way down to Newlands. There is water as well
where you first cross the Thomson - which is 60 cm wide at this point. The road
is wide and level.

huge dead tree suddenly crashed down as we passed: There but for fortune...

Frangipani Saddle - and the skull of a hiker our dogs pulled down and ate!

time at Frangipani Saddle.

Rd is the most gorgeous in the whole world!

striding out once more.

cross (and parallel) the diminutive Thomson River lots of times. It abounds in
trout. There are numerous camping opportunities in Newlands Rd. The last is at
the final crossing where there is a fine spot and a sign saying, ‘ No Camping’.

is just outstandingly beautiful...

no cars...

the bush, Spot and Tiny, and us.

for me, Della? Smackos?

grnite tor had rolled a long way!

are bridges so you won't get your feet wet anywhere from the Mushroom Rocks car

the last crossing you can take a prominent road to the North.

something had been eating them. Not me unless I'm sure though.

about half a km there is a pretty little lake full of trout!

superb camp site. Nobody around.

Control gates.

encountered this giant worm pout for a walk!

1At last, here we are at the
Block 10 Road gates. There are a couple of nice spots to camp here, but no
water - go back to the lake!
For the section Baw Baw to Phillack Saddle
see: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/upper-yarra-track-baw-baw-to-newlands-rd/
map may help. You should walk along the Village Trail clockwise. That way you
will come to the new track to Phillack Saddle before you come to the old which
is wee-nigh impassable – though we managed it. On the new track it is 1-1.5 hours;
probably nearer 3 on the old. Be warned!

NextG mobile phone works most places across the Plateau.
for this section:
Walhalla North T8122-2-N and part of Noojee North T8122-3-N and Avenza Pdf App.
also Upper Yarra Track Winter Route:
The definitive history of ‘Teddy’s Bear’: http://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/40698
Riveting: Martha Brown, the real Tess of the D’Urbevilles: http://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/40777
Upper Yarra Track Section Seven: Mushroom Rocks Carpark to Phillack Saddle:
is a beautiful easy section comprising widely varying vegetation and
topography, the spectacular ‘Mushroom Rocks’, the ruin of the Talbot Peak hut,
Mt St Phillack, the highest point on the Baw Baws, and a delightful camp at
Phillack Saddle. Side trips can be taken to Mt St Gwinear and Baw Baw Alpine
is about 20 minutes walk from the car park (toilets, water, scenic side-trip)
to the Mushroom Rocks where there is scout hut accommodation if you have
arranged it. It is another hour to Talbot Peak hut site (each way). From there
it is about 2.5 hours to the St Gwinear turn-off and about another half hour to
the Phillack Saddle and and the Baw Baw turn-off and a further 1-1.5 hours to
the Baw Baw Village. Say about 5.5 hours from the car park to the Village each
way. You can stay at the village, even have a meal, so you could do this walk
overnight with just day packs.

parts of the track are even board-walked. You won’t get your shoes dirty as far
as Mushroom Rocks at least.

of lovely smells to interest the dogs who wondered which generation (of dogs)
was this all being 'saved' for. Well, this one apparently!

rocks shelter, There is another (one person) at the St Gwinear turn-off.

can see why they are named 'mushroom rocks'.

alpine meadows are delightful.

is a small steepish section.

often collects in hollows in rocks or weeps out from underneath them. Tiny
slakes her thirst.

Erica summit.

you break out into an entirely different landscape.

dogs were as puzzled as we were by where the stream at Talbot Peak was flowing

of the old Talbot Peak hut, quite a pleasant campsite with a delightful
mountain stream nearby.

old sign at Talbot Peak still in miles! Signage used to be better in the past –
usually reflective so you could even find your way in the dark as well you might
need to in an area which can be beset by blizzard conditions at any time of the

plateau is easy walking. Surprisingly flat, in fact.

path is wide and well maintained. Many places two can walk abreast.

and there are small clearings inviting solitary camps if you have thought to
carry enough water from the last supply.

granite boulders are common all over the plateau. It would not have been so
pleasant on the day they were falling from the sky!

many places the terrain and vegetation are clearly windswept. It us a good walk
to carry a few extra tent pegs.

are many lovely scenes to greet the eye.

you cross the plateau you get only occasional glimpses of what would be a
magnificent view if only they would cut all the wretched trees down!

wet night I camped right across the track in my hammock. It rained during the
night turning the track into a stream 150mm deep. Yet I stayed dry – one of the
advantages of hammock camping. During the night it was so humid that a light
rain fell under my hammock tarp. The DWR on my sleeping bag handled it fine.

St Gwinear track intersection looking towards Mt St Gwinear.

towards Mt St Gwinear from the track intersection. Water can be obtained from
the North Cascade Creek below.

St Phillack (cairn) the highest point on the plateau.

Saddle just before the turn-off to Baw Baw is a fine place for an overnight
camp. Water on the South side.

is the real turn-off to Baw Baw a hundred metres or so past Phillack Saddle
heading West. The old track exited right at the saddle but is unmaintained and
well-nigh impassable today (though scenic). Whereas it takes about 1.5 hours to
walk across the new route it takes twice as long on the old.
My thanks to Gerard White for some of the preceding photos.
NextG mobile phone works most places across the Plateau.
for this section:
Walhalla North T8122-2-N and part of WalhallaSouth T8122-2-S and Avenza Pdf
also Upper Yarra Track Winter Route:
50:50 this morning – even with the crooked, rapist stumblebum Shorten as
Opposition leader! Did I not predict this when he toppled Tony? Journos of the
Left have now deserted Malcolm; he has no (deserved) support from
conservatives. I fear that we are in for a further disastrous Labor Govt – this
time one so bad the country may never recover from it. Can the Liberals throw
off their trendy mantle and become once more the voice of conservative
Australians? I fear that without Tony as Leader, and given the raft of elder
statesmen currently jumping ship (Andrew Robb, Phil Ruddock etc) that it is too
late to recover. Morrison has so damaged himself through his offer of a
poisoned chalice his hopes may be ruined fortever. Meanwhile Australia sinks
ever lower in economic ignomy. Poor fellow my country!
Honeybees (the kind of bee that was supposedly dying off, but was not – see
post 18/02) are not native to Australia. They are indeed an invasive species
imported by Australian colonists from Europe for the honey. Native bees, on the
other hand, are native to Australia. Pesticides are lethal to both kinds of
bees and should be used with care. Neither kind is in any special
Many of the (good) qualities of conduct which Chekhov recommended are still
important (though sadly overlooked, especially by the Left) today: https://www.brainpickings.org/2013/01/29/anton-chekhov-8-qualities-of-cultured-people/?utm_content=bufferd506a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Free Will/Determinism: We can choose to do anything. The corollary: we can do
anything we choose. This is a priori. Truth. Though many people find it hard to
choose, choosing instead the mob. (Horace: ‘odi profanum vulgus et arceo’)There
is this other truth: Many of the best things which happen to us are serendipity,
so it is unnecessary to obsess about personal choice. The most obvious example
of the former is what we choose to put in our mouths. We re indeed what we eat
– indeed mostly too much! Of course much of this (and the resulting overweight)
is mere habit. For just shy a year now I have chosen to eschew booze. This
strategy scythed 10+ kg from my waistline, but it was not enough. I have many
adventures and interesting journeys I choose to undertake yet, (eg off-track
travel in Fiordland in pursuit of the wily moose – Supper Cove to Herrick
Creek; Jane Burn to Gardiner Burn, Big River to Cromarty, Slaughter Burn to
Lake Poteriteri… spring to mind) and I cannot be http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ with an
excess of avoirdupois. There is precious little left I can take off my pack
weight – though that being said I have thought of a few wrinkles yet – so keep
coming back! Three weeks ago (and ¾ of a stone) I chose to cease carbohydrates,
milk products, nuts, sugar…I have no doubt that ‘health experts’ who tout 11
stone (70 kg) as being the ‘ideal’ weight for my height are right. Let’s see
how long it takes to get there. Fortunately I love fresh fruit and vegies, so
this choice is not hard for me at all. I do not understand why the Federal
Government ‘chooses’ to spend billions on ‘health care’ for a population whose
chiefest problem is that they are excessively overweight and underactive. It
seems to me that if they ceased ‘benefits’ altogether for a few weeks/months
the ‘problem’ would simply go away! May I remind you again of this delightful
volume: ‘Moir’s Guide South: The Great Southern Lakes and Fiords’?

Hill from Centre Pass, Dusky Track, Fiordland, New Zealand.
Moir’s Guide South: The Great Southern Lakes and Fiords’: There is something
about dreaming of the wild places – and these are some of the wildest places on
earth. This is an indispensable companion to bushwalking/tramping in New
Zealand. Even if it remains forever a ‘coffee table’ book, do buy it anyway. If
you have a bent for exploration/ searching for the elusive moose as I do, it
will suggest to you some interesting routes you may essay, eg: Supper Cove to
Herrick Creek; Jane Burn to Gardiner Burn, Big River to Cromarty, Slaughter
Burn to Lake Poteriteri… Available eg: https://alpineclub.org.nz/product/moirs-south/

‘We always ask where the time went. We never ask where it
comes from.’ James Lileks
Well, I have the new knuckles. It will take a while yet to see how good they
are - meanwhile typing and everything else with one hand. Expect more typos!
Is there nothing ISIS will not stoop to? I am a lover of the beautiful Syrian
bear myself. These people deserve to be punished:

Just waiting for nano aggression remediation to become the norm…Holy Cows: http://www.mindingthecampus.org/2016/02/the-normalization-of-bad-ideas/
Bee apocalypse called off: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/02/17/bee-pocaclypse-called-off-bees-doing-ok-global-warming-was-never-a-cause/
Andreas Malm (and his like) are no doubt heroes of the Greens and other dreamy
Leftists, but to me they are all enemies of mankind. The future is not the
past. Get over it, and get on: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/02/15/fossilized-thinking-back-to-communal-horse-powered-farms-to-save-the-climate/
I am sorry for the reindeer, but I do take this important point: ‘We can now see what Captain Cook saw: an
ice-capped island looming over verdant bays teeming with wildlife. There is a
lesson here for the whole planet: With prosperity and technology and
determination, we can restore wilderness.’ http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/south-georgias-restoration/
Like the rest of us I am still waiting for the price of gas to fall at the pump
(but it is coming). I have no doubt that this is/will be a good thing, and that
lower oil prices will remain for many years to come, probably for the rest of
my life: http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/the-oil-price/
Should be compulsory reading: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/01/15/climate-alarmists-invent-new-excuse-the-satellites-are-lying/
Other amazing secrets of DNA: http://arstechnica.com/science/2016/02/ancient-hook-ups-with-neanderthals-left-lasting-effects-on-our-health/
Mark Steyn, now visiting Australia, on Sydney’s liquor laws - and the law
banning you from simply feeling the wind in your hair: ‘It’s different for me to watch grown men
wearing a helmet to ride a bicycle around a Sydney park. I think if you look to
the government to insulate you against risk in that way, like riding a bicycle
round a park on a Sunday afternoon, it’s very difficult to argue that
untrammelled access to liquor until four in the morning should be an exception
to that.’
Trailstar: This an interesting, innovative concept
(http://www.mountainlaureldesigns.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=51&products_id=102) . It provides a huge shelter area for a small weight
spend (18 oz – 513g in Silnylon; 11oz – 313g in Cuben) . Could be good for a
small group of hunters. Each might also carry something like this:http://www.theultralighthiker.com/tarp-bathtub-groundsheet/ Mountain Laurel Designs have a deserved reputation
for quality products: we own a number of their products and are more than happy
with them (eg Supermid Tent & Event Rain Mitts). On my wish list is one of
their Exodus Packs (http://www.mountainlaureldesigns.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=25&products_id=103) with the addition of their Lightweight Suspension
Upgrade (http://www.mountainlaureldesigns.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=25&products_id=208) This would make an excellent pack for backpacking or

Joke going around DC today: ‘The Bernie Sanders drinking game: Each time he
mentions getting something for free, you have to drink some other guy's beer.’
Interestingly Sanders and Shorten both have the same initials: ‘B.S.’ – and we
all know what that stands for!
Watched ‘Demolition Man’ (1993) last night– a funny and classy old sci-fi
action movie, much as I generally loath Sylvester Stallone. It had some simply
wonderful bon mots, eg: ‘Press 1 if you would prefer an automated answer!’
As you may know I have been trawling the net in search of the cinematic
equivalent of Guy N Smith’s incomparably bad novel, ‘The Slime Beast’ (simply a
‘must read’). I thought I had found it with the indescribably bad ‘Jurassic
Planet’, but last night it was incredibly surpassed by the simply dreadful
‘Deadliest Prey’ (2013), a movie simply so abysmally awful it will undoubtedly
become a classic!
One of the first things you learn when you’re a kid (and teach your own):
‘Don’t Steal’! Yet what else is a tax but theft? Taking someone else’s money –
in this case by force. Armed robbery in fact. Is this any way for a child or a
Government to behave? Government’s problem is it is (far) too big, and spends
too much (of other people’s) money. Not satisfied with controlling the currency
thence being able to simply print the money it needs for its programmes, it
wants it all. Anything which needs doing ought to be left to the private
sector. If there is no demand for it, then it didn’t need doing. Not so long
ago all the ‘essential services’ we take for granted as Governments’ raisons
d’etre (welfare, defence, health, education, police…) were all performed
(insofaras they were needed at all) by the private sector. We need to take a
really big axe to the size of Government and whittle it down to a tiny
toothpick – and maybe then discard it altogether!
There may be hope after all: secularism is growing faster than any religion
ever did: ‘a poll in 2012 found that 5 per cent of Saudis describe
themselves as fully atheist and 19 per cent as non-believers — more than in
Italy. In Lebanon the proportion is 37 per cent. Remember in many countries
they are breaking the law by even thinking like this.’ http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/humanisms-rise/
This is insane: these people are Nepalis: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/allnight-vigil-supports-brisbane-hospitals-stand-against-children-in-detention-20160213-gmt8xn.html#ixzz405oyp41T
Algerian Moslem journalist Kamel Daoud enlightens us about sex and Islam; they
have a serious problem, eg ‘The path to orgasm runs through death, not
love…people in the West (should) realize that one of the great miseries
plaguing much of the so-called Arab world… is its sick relationship with women.
In some places, women are veiled, stoned and killed; at a minimum, they are
blamed for sowing disorder in the ideal society…In some of Allah’s lands, the
war on women and on couples has the air of an inquisition. During the summer in
Algeria, brigades of Salafists and local youths worked up by the speeches of
radical imams and Islamist TV preachers go out to monitor female bodies,
especially those of women bathers at the beach. The police hound couples, even
married ones, in public spaces. Gardens are off-limits to strolling lovers.
Benches are sawed in half to prevent people from sitting close together
…Religious authorities have issued grotesque fatwas: Making love naked is
prohibited; women may not touch bananas; a man can be alone with a female
colleague only if she is his milk-mother, and she has nursed him.’ Oh dear! All
‘cultures’ are not equal: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/14/opinion/sunday/the-sexual-misery-of-the-arab-world.html?smid=tw-share&_r=1
Falconio #2? I think there was always doubt about Bradley Murdoch’s guilt even
though there was little doubt he was a disgusting human being. Among the
problems: some of the police DNA evidence was almost certainly corrupted;
aboriginal witnesses to his absence from the crime scene were ignored, his
vehicle in no way matched Lee’s account, forensic and tracking of the crime
scene could find no trace of him or his ‘dog’ – indeed things turned up in a
search three months later which seemingly were not present in the earlier
search; he would have had to leave his trailer hundreds of kilometres away then
go back for it, then drive non-stop at reckless speeds on horrible roads to get
home in the much shorter time he would have had if he had committed the crime,
the infamous CCTV footage of him has been identified as belonging to another
man, Chris Malouf, etc, etc. It is likely Lees was not telling the truth. There
were elements of her evidence which were clearly not truthful. However, the
speck of Murdoch’s blood on the back of her t-shirt is certainly damning. Mind
you it could have got there as he brushed past her in the road-house hours
before. That would have been very bad luck for him. If there really was someone
else involved other than herself this latest creep might be a bit closer to the
mark: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3439988/Man-charged-blood-spattered-4WD-scene-attempted-murder-rape-two-young-backpackers-Coorong-National-Park.html?ito=social-facebook
Who’d have thought: February 9, 2016 Shocker: Maine Required Childless Adults to Work to Get Food Stamps.
Here’s What Happened. ‘In the first three months after
Maine’s work policy went into effect, its caseload of able-bodied adults
without dependents plummeted by 80 percent, falling from 13,332 recipients in
Dec. 2014 to 2,678 in March 2015. This rapid drop in welfare dependence has a
historical precedent: When work requirements were established in the Aid to
Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program in the 1990s, nationwide
caseloads dropped by almost as much, albeit over a few years rather than a few
Calais too used to be a nice town. No more. Is this what you want for your
town? An ordinary resident of Calais explains. I think her most chilling
pronouncement was this, ‘Fear does not save you from danger.’ This is the death
of civilization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKAQX74yRyc
Absolutely: ‘We have reached a point of diminishing returns in our public life.
Hardly anything actually needs doing. We may in fact be past that point; not
only does nothing much need doing, but we'd benefit if much of what has been
done were to be undone.’ John Derbyshire
Twin Shock Absorbers: You may not know you can fit twin shocks front and rear
to improve handling on rough roads or under heavy loads. I already fitted twin
shocks to the rear of our vehicle and it made a huge difference. Pictured is
the Bearmach Twin Shock Absorber Front Turret for a Land Rover
Defender/Discovery. NB: You CAN fit standard height heavy duty springs to your
vehicle for off-road or heavy carrying work; you don't have to fit a 2"
lift which will increase body roll. You don't need this extra clearance on a
Land Rover anyway. Terrafirma make these for Land Rovers, for example. A heavy
duty return to centre steering damper might also work well in demanding
circumstances. We are fitting all three devices to our Defender (the one with
the camper: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/tray-top-camper/
) to improve steering/handling under heavy load & on rough tracks.

Bionic Hands: I am about to become a cyborg: Exciting times for me next week as
I begin the acquisition of new hands. My old ones have pretty much worn out,
particularly the Pip joints (the ones nearest the palm) on my index and little
fingers. The little ones have been ‘frozen’ for years and the index ones are
very swollen, crooked and painful now. Next week I will have them removed (in a
conscious day procedure) and replaced with metal alloy. Left hand first. Then,
all going well in about three months: right hand. The cost is (surprisingly)
very little. Afterwards I may not be able to play the piano, but I will sure be
able to use them for something. Hopefully (being machines) they do not creep
out at night to commit mechanical mayhem!
Daniel Greenfield on Traditionalist Rebels: ‘The traditionalist rebel is the
snake in the liberal Eden because he does not have faith in the noble motives
of the bureaucratic activists who claim to be the gods of this Eden. He knows
enough of human nature to reject the fallacy that the right ideology makes men
so righteous that they can be trusted with absolute power without absolute
corruption following in their wake. He knows that socialists have not risen
above the crimes of selfish self interest that they condemn mankind for… At
every turn, the traditionalist rebel seeks to scale down issues to character
while the leftist authoritarian seeks to scale them up to institutions. This is
the conflict that will decide our future. Will we be a human nation or a
massive system? Will we continue to be a nation of individualist rebels or a
collectivist nightmare of frightened, angry drones who are convinced that
utopia is one more purge away.’ More great stuff here: http://sultanknish.blogspot.com.au/2016/02/the-traditionalist-rebel.html
New Tyvek ‘Forester’ Tent Design: I have been playing with Col. Whelen’s famous
‘Forester’ Tent design: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/col-townsend-whelens-forester-tent/
I have certainly come to the conclusion that the classic A-frame tent sloping
away to the back has seldom been bettered. I reduced some of his dimensions and
increased others. We do not need such a tall tent as his, particularly at the
rear, nor quite so wide, but we do need a little more overhang at the front as
we will want closeable flaps at the front in case of heavy rain.
have realised that if these flaps (and the back wall are sewn in under an
overhang, a covered ventilation system will result at the tops. At the back
(certainly) I will want to be able to close this when there is a very cold wind
blowing. At the front, probably not. I also realise how easy it will be to have
mosquito curtains inside the flaps. They can simply hang down and overlap. When
the flaps are not needed to keep out rain, they can be pegged out to create
more space (as shown).
prototype has a floor area approx 7’ wide at the front and 4’ at the back. Its
inside length is about 6’6”, long enough for us. I have altered Whelen’s
dimensions as follows: ridgeline 8’6”- 9’, length of side walls 7’6”, front
height of side walls 6’6”, rear height of side walls 2’10”. That is a
‘standard’ 6’ x 4’ blue poly tarp you see lying in it.
I make this tent entirely in Tyvek (including a sewn in ‘bathtub’ floor
(supported at the front by the walls, the pole and an elastic draw cord), and
closeable flaps and sewn in back it will weigh 720 grams (546 in silnylon)
without the insect screen which will only add about 50 grams. I am really surprised
how light it will be for such a large tent. It is big enough to sleep three
people (if they are very good friends) and there is plenty of room still for
all their gear at the front. It will be a palace for Della and me - and the two
dogs! Most important, you can sit around on your http://www.theultralighthiker.com/cyclone-chair/
in it with a fire out the front even when it is raining! You can also get
dressed standing up!
I sew a fringe about 6” high of insect screen around the edge of the bathtub
floor and then sew it to the walls, I will have ventilation all around by
simply elevating the whole tent a couple of inches. This could be good on a hot
have just erected the prototype using some tarp clips, so it doesn’t drape as
well as it will when sewn. You could just leave it like this and add the flaps
and back end in with Tyvek tape – if you can’t sew.
tent can be erected with a pair of hiking poles plus the addition of a short
tube of aluminium/carbon fibre - or with sticks you find at camp!
will ‘finish’ off the prototype (in Tyvek) and try it out some before I settle on
a ‘final’ design – which I will then post. I may decide to 'catenary cut' the
ridgeline for example, particularly for the silnylon model
I have also planned some alterations to my http://www.theultralighthiker.com/tyvek-solo-fire-shelter/
I can easily make it big enough for two by adding two small flaps at the front
and widening the floor by about 1’. I have also figured a way to create a sort
of wrap around ‘umbrella vent’ at the top utilising the two front guys, a piece
of Tyvek and some Velcro. I have also worked out a way to half close the front
door to create the maximum dry space when the door is not completely closed.
This is (usually) the most serious drawback of 'pyramid' type tents. It will
still be even lighter than the above tent - about 450 grams in silnylon; under
300 with a cuben fibre roof. Great for solo overnight hunts/trips. I will
update the post when I have made them (the alterations).

is a good standing height for Della, and fine for me with a bit of a slouch. It
has Spot’s ‘seal of approval’.

know about the finger, but I could not resist the picture of the dog!
Bionic Hands: I am about to become a cyborg: Exciting times for me next week as
I begin the acquisition of new hands. My old ones have pretty much worn out,
particularly the Pip joints (the ones nearest the palm) on my index and little
fingers. The little ones have been ‘frozen’ for years and the index ones are
very swollen, crooked and painful now. Next week I will have them removed (in a
conscious day procedure) and replaced with metal alloy. Left hand first. Then,
all going well in about three months: right hand. The cost is (surprisingly)
very little. Afterwards I may not be able to play the piano, but I will sure be
able to use them for something. Hopefully (being machines) they do not creep
out at night to commit mechanical mayhem!
Daniel Greenfield on Traditionalist Rebels: ‘The traditionalist rebel is the
snake in the liberal Eden because he does not have faith in the noble motives
of the bureaucratic activists who claim to be the gods of this Eden. He knows
enough of human nature to reject the fallacy that the right ideology makes men
so righteous that they can be trusted with absolute power without absolute
corruption following in their wake. He knows that socialists have not risen
above the crimes of selfish self interest that they condemn mankind for… At
every turn, the traditionalist rebel seeks to scale down issues to character
while the leftist authoritarian seeks to scale them up to institutions. This is
the conflict that will decide our future. Will we be a human nation or a
massive system? Will we continue to be a nation of individualist rebels or a
collectivist nightmare of frightened, angry drones who are convinced that
utopia is one more purge away.’ More great stuff here: http://sultanknish.blogspot.com.au/2016/02/the-traditionalist-rebel.html
Zenni: As we age eyes (and ears) impose unwanted expenses. Some of these can be
avoided by buying your glasses here (as we do). Medicare after all covers the
prescription cost – so it is yours. Ask for/demand a copy. You will also need
the pupillary distance (PD). You can measure it well enough yourself.
(Instructions on Zenni’s page.) I buy flexible titanium frames with multi-focal
lenses for around US$50 plus US$10 delivery. Single focus glasses complete
start at around US$7 plus delivery. The delivery charge will cover multiple
pairs. I usually get a few at a time. You need to measure the specifications on
an old pair of glasses you like eg bridge width, height and width of lenses,
arm length, shape etc. All these things can be input to Zenni’s page. When
chosing frameless you can chose different sizes and shapes of lenses. You can
upload a picture of yourself to see how they will look. You can buy all the
coatings you care for, safety glasses, sunglasses, etc. Give them a try: http://www.zennioptical.com/ PS: I also
buy my hearing aids from these folk: http://thehearingcompany.com/Siemens-AQUARIS-Models_c_124.html As you can see the top-of-the-range Siemens
Aquaris Waterproof cost US$1595ea here as compared with sometimes upwards of
A$7,000 here. These folk are willing to tune them (for a fee) http://www.hearingsavers.com.au/. Most
won’t. See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/securing-hearing-aids/

‘The Road to Endor’ by E.H Jones is simply the most amazing true escape story,
ever. I have been recommending it to people for fifty years but it has largely
been out of print. I have not owned a copy myself for most of that time – the
dangers of lending books to ‘friends’! Now once more I can: You can download an
epub etc version of it here: https://archive.org/details/roadtoendor00unkngoog
I just have. It will be on my phone in a minute to read again tonight. I am
astonished this astounding escapade (I am not going to spoil it for you) has
never been made into a film, but perhaps it is just too hard to believe, yet it
is true. The scenario did not imply Turks were stupid; indeed gullibility is an
epidemic disease. E.H. Jones is no relation (so far as I know – worse luck!).
Later in life he became famous (as I’m sure you know) as Freud’s biographer. A
seriously clever chap. Do read this book. And may I re-remind you about the
last war book I recommended: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ion-idriess-the-desert-column/
What a world we live in where so much (great literature etc) is free! I assume
you have also discovered Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ as well as the
Internet Archive – the archive also has some wonderful films; explore a little.

Hydraulic Rams: I helped a chap build one of these years’ ago to pump water
from a stream way down in the bush at the bottom of his property to near his
house at the top so he could run a vegie garden. At best you get 1/10th
of the water (diminishing with head to be pumped) without any source of power
save the flowing water. In this case it was ample and it worked smoothly
without maintenance for many years (maybe still) : DIY instructions to build
from standard plumbing fittings eg here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Hydraulic-Ram-Pump/ See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hand-drilling-water-wells/

Oral B Pro 3000: Della bought us this wonderful new toothbrush yesterday as an
anniversary present. It is astonishingly better than the old model: it cleaned
my teeth to that shiny new feel you get when you have them professionally
cleaned at the dentist using the old brush head. Two brushes (now) with the new
‘Flossaction’ brush has completely removed all my plaques. This is seriously
good. If you have ever used the calculator at ‘Live to be 100’ website
(https://www.livingto100.com/) you will know that flossing your teeth adds a
year to your life expectancy. That alone should argue the desirability of your
changing toothbrushes. Apparently the rechargeable battery will last two people
a week without recharging too! It is a beauty!
Kevin Williamson, ‘The U.S. government exists at our sufferance, not the other
way around. We have governments because there are some things that we as
individuals have a hard time doing through private enterprise, and we have a
federal government because there are things that the several states cannot
manage separately, such as national defense and border security…The states
created the federal government, not the other way around, and the citizens created
the states, not the other way around. We don’t owe these jackasses any service.
They owe us service: services they routinely fail to perform.’ Hilary,
Turnbull, Shorten et al are just a symptom of the Statist disease which is
overrunning us everywhere today: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/430898/hillary-talks-about-americans-theyre-peasants?target=author&tid=903320
Remember Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech? Particularly this: ‘I
have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where
they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their
character.’ All my life I have held to that credo: to accept others only as
human beings, not to discriminate (either positively or negatively) on the
basis of their race or gender. Their religion is a different matter: it is
something they can change – and is always evil. I find it hard to believe that
we have legislated to give certain ‘races’ preferential treatment (‘Aboriginal
& Torres Strait Islanders’ for example – but not pygmy aborigines
apparently: see my posts 08/11/2015 & 15/11/2015), and that we might decide
to include such apartheid in our constitution. I was only 19 when the
‘historic’ constitutional amendment occurred to ‘remove’ race from the
constitution, so I was unable to vote either for or against it. It was a sell
then, and remains so today. It certainly is time ‘race’ and gender’
discrimination were removed from our laws and constitution – far from
enshrining ‘First Peoples’ in our constitution. We must all be, equally,
citizens of Australia. I will oppose the inclusion of ‘race’ in our
constitution. I hope you do too. More Martin Luther King here: ‘I say to you
today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and
tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American
dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the
true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all
men are created equal.' I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia
the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to
sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even
the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice,
sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of
freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day
live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but
by the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that
one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having
his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day
right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join
hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a
dream today.’
So, the CSIRO decided to sack all their climate scientists (whose job is done)
as ‘the science is settled’. Apparently, (to save their jobs) they now plead
complete ignorance of climate: http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/timblair/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/verdict_delivered_jury_dismissed/
Fancy moving to Tuscany? Michelangelo’s house is for sale: http://neveryetmelted.com/2016/02/07/michelangelos-villa-for-sale/
Rita: An
interesting profile of commentator Rita Panahi albeit by a journalist who is
shockingly simple-minded and Leftist – as who of them is not, save Rita! http://www.sbs.com.au/feature/right-wing-refugee-rise-rita-panahi
I will not tell Spot and Tiny about this: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/02/05/global-warming-is-causing-dogs-to-become-depressed/
Child mutilation: This is not just happening in England but in Australia too.
Religious folk are hugely over-represented in this dreadful crime. Where are
the feminists railng against it, demanding its practioners be ostracised, etc? http://mashable.com/2016/02/05/fgm-reports-england/#rlpXccur7ZqM
Hadar Cohen: One might also expect feminists to lament the death of this brave
young woman whose life was lost in defence of her country: http://www.timesofisrael.com/at-her-funeral-slain-border-policewoman-hailed-as-a-hero/
Cryptozooology is fun. As a youth I delighted in the famous work ‘On the Track
of Unknown Animals’. Mystery creatures continue to have an allure (not least my
own quest for the Fiordland moose: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/?s=moose)
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Track_of_Unknown_Animals
& http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/12-unidentified-creatures-that-washed-up-on-beaches-around-the-world/news-story/ceb11698de2ef2cde6a31bba92414a8c
Australian of the Year? What a sham! Pickering’s take is particularly
interesting. Morrison is a slime beast and should be cast adrift in a leaky
boat: http://pickeringpost.com/story/advance-australia-where-/5712
& http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/mirandadevine/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/brave_military_men_left_to_fight_in_the_dark/ & http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/mirandadevine/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/if_morrison_had_any_honour_hed_resign/
Dylan Thomas, a lover of words: Notes On The Art Of Poetry
could never have dreamt that there were such goings-on
in the world between the covers of books,
such sandstorms and ice blasts of words,
such staggering peace, such enormous laughter,
such and so many blinding bright lights,
splashing all over the pages
in a million bits and pieces
all of which were words, words, words,
and each of which were alive forever
in its own delight and glory and oddity and light.
Della: Steve and I, with Tiny and Spot, spent the last 2 days walking over the
Baw Baw Plateau from Baw Baw across to Newlands Road on the Upper Yarra Walking
Track. It was a delightful walk and we selected good weather for it (which is
needed!). One section on the first day was particularly hard-going, and only on
the second day did we discover that we had taken an old, heavily overgrown
route to Phillack saddle instead of the (apparently!) new route which now
exists. Computer maps are not always up to date! It was beautiful, but
daunting. We will return to try out the new route another time! The second
day's walk from Phillack Saddle to Newlands Road was lovely and good walking,
apart from the last couple of kilometres where the track was overgrown with
seasonal weeds. A beautiful trip overall!

cairn, Baw Baw summit. Leaping dogs!

Baw, Mueller's Lookout. Love the bearded fence!

(wrong) Baw Baw to Phillack Saddle track. The track is well below the chest
height of the vegetation.

But even wrong tracks have their bonuses. This is indeed
a splendid vista. Freeman's Flat.

Saddle: first night's camp. Dogs being helpful. Tiny went to bed before the
tent was up!

and me warm in in our tent.

Whitelaw hut ruin. Lunch, day 2.

this pic that Steve took! He was going to snap this fairly mundane rock when
the 2 dogs leapt on top and made the picture a winner!

scenery. Spot leaping ahead.

leading the way.
Phone works most places along the top of the Baw Baw Plateau.
Walhalla North T8122-2-N & Noojee North T 8122-3-N
The Vicmaps incorrectly locate the trail from Baw Baw to St Gwinear as coming
off the 'Village Trail' at Baragwanath Flat: This is the old trail which is
well-nigh impassable (though we did!). The new (well-maintained) trail begins a
little west of there and exits onto the Alps Walking Track West of St Phillack
Saddle (where there is an excellent campsite with water), not right at the
saddle as does the old trail. Warning 2: Trails down from the Alps Walking
Trail to Newlands Road: there is only one trail, not two as shown on the
Vicmaps. It is an old gently sloping forestry road approx 7 metres wide. In
places it is a little overgrown (mostly with annual weeds), but easy to follow.
I marked it with coloured tape every half a km or so. The beautiful 3 km down
to Newlands Rd will likely take you 1.5-2 hours. NOTE: There is a good camp
with water on this old road as it crosses the diminutive Thomson River (here
just a brook) about .5 km off the main Alps Trail. After hitting Newlands Rd
you can camp on the side of the road every time it crosses the river or is near
enough to the river for water (lots). About a km before the end of Newlands Rd
after the last Thomson River crossing (with its 'No Camping' sign - ignore),
there is a track off to the North which leads to a beautiful dam about half a
km away full of trout with delightful campsites. This is the last good campsite
with water before you get to Toorongo (Link Rd)
Hand Drilling Water Wells: This cutter has successfully hand drilled many
hundreds of metres of water wells. For example, on our Hazelwood flats farm we
drilled 10 times 25 metre deep 100mm diameter bores which collectively provided
enough water to irrigate 50 acres: 66 megalitres (606 million litres) of water
annually. Compare that to your ‘normal’ domestic consumption. My wife Della and
myself I were able to hand drill these by ourselves with only the aid of a fire
Victoria no permit or licence is required for a bore of 3 metres depth. It is
surprising how many places will produce useful amounts of water at that depth.
Try the dry bottom of your nearest gully for a start, or any dampish patch on
your block. If you are only watering a vegie garden and home orchard (and not
many acres of pasture) it is likely that a small number of such low producing
bores will suffice.
can spend the money acquiring a bore and a water licence if you want to go
deeper. The bore permit is all you will need if your needs are ‘stock and
domestic’ which will allow you to water the above plus 3 acres for fire
prevention purposes! We went 25 metres at Hazelwood as the deeper aquifers were
already allocated (but this shallower one was not, so we were able to acquire a
licence for it). Some of those bores flowed 2-4 litres per second! A well-point
system of say 10 such bores linked underground by a powerful suction pump, each
bore’s production controlled by a check valve can water a large area – in this
case 50 acres! Even ¼ litre per second of flow (pumped/siphoned 24/7 will
produce enough to run a (1L/sec) pump for 6 hours per day over the summer. If
you have a secure storage dam which can be filled from it, you can do even
a small spring can be ‘proved’ to produce significant water. A friend of mine
has trenched an approx 30 metre per side ‘V’ below such a spring on his
hillside, lined it with gravel and agricultural drainage pipe carrying the
water to a sump which he pumps into a 20,000 litre tank to irrigate his garden.
Unbelievably this small damp patch on his hillside is producing between 1-2
litres per second – easily enough to keep his allowed 3+ acres green. The
largest (gold) fish farm in Australia (at nearby Boolarra) exists because of
the owners’ ability to capture and re-use (over and over) the production of one
really good spring in one small valley (approx 2 km long!)
how to do it: This is a 1” plumbing fitting. You need to make several sections
(depending on the depth you want to go) of 1” gal water pipe threaded both
ends. 2 metre lengths are good. You will need a number of barrel unions to join
them as you go deeper. At the top you will need a (water-tight) swivel to
direct the fire pump’s jet down the tube. The water needed can be trucked to
site in one of those 1 square metre ‘cubes’ you see everywhere. You need a
couple of pipe vices bolted to approx 75 cm lengths of ¾’ RHS so you can turn
the pipe and cutter (clockwise) whilst the water is flowing. The water will
soften the bottom and wash the cuttings out the top. Dig a bit of a drain to
allow the water to escape or you will always be working with wet feet (The
water can be recaptured in a small pond lined with plastic sheeting). Gravel
makes the going more difficult (but it is just such coarser materials where
water flow is best). Stones will almost certainly stop you. Choose another
hole. Sometimes a stone can/will be forced into the softened wall on the side
of the hole, so persist a while. You can hear/feel the nature of the material
you are going through. Also the colour of the water and the material you are
digging through will reveal itself in the water you are washing out of the
hole. Sand is good. You will be astonished just how much water will flow
through a couple of feet of sand at 10’ depth.
suggest drilling a 6” pipe for a 4” casing. Plastic pressure pipe is best (as
it will withstand compressed air needed to clean the well in order to complete
it). You can slot it with a stone blade on a 4” angle grinder. The pipe comes
in 6 metre lengths. It might be easier to use 3 metre lengths and glue them
together with joiners. A chap I know used thin-walled pre-slotted 90 mm drainage
pipe to construct a well-point system which irrigated many acres, but there is
a greater danger of the pipe collapsing. It hasn’t after 30+ years! 90 mm pipe
will probably require a hole (cutter) of approx 120 mm. You will find it much
harder to buy a submersible (or other) pump to fit down a 90mm pipe, but a foot
valve is no problem.
can construct a tripod and pulley system to lift out the sections of pipe if
you are going very deep. Be sure not to drop things down the hole. Monkey
wrenches are notorious for their ability to find their way down wells. Tie them
to a steel post with some stout string (likewise anything else you are likely
to drop down the hole). I know this from experience! It is unpleasant to have
to abandon a half-dug well because of some object you have dropped down it and
are unable to ‘fish’ out. You can spend many fruitless hours of such ‘fishing’.
Likewise you can construct a wooden clamp out of 150mm x 50mm treated pine
boards to hold the slotted pipe as you lower/force it into the well. It is
useful to cut teeth on the bottom of the pipe so that as you turn it it cuts
its way down. The best water bearing material will tend to collapse preventing
the pipe from going down. If it sticks, compressed air/water may clean the bore
to allow its passage as you case the well. You will need the compressed air
(250+ cu ft/sec) to clean and ‘prove’ the well anyway. You can ‘concentrate ‘
the water/air for such (bottom) by slipping a 90mm pipe inside your 100 mm pipe
with caps both ends one allowing water in (top) the other (bottom) allowing
water to jet out will move the obstructing material up the 100 mm pipe so that
it will go down to the bottom. When it is in place you need to seal the bottom
by drooping a plastic bag of mortar mix down it, then breaking the plastic bag
with your steel pipe so it will set. When it is set you can use compressed air
to ‘prove’ the well. Washing it out with compressed air will jet water
containing fines high in the air (you will need a raincoat) and move coarser
material nearer your slots. It is a washing machine sort of action. You surge
the material out, let the bore refill the surge it out again. You can do this
for say half an hour. You need a pretty big compressor to do this well, say
over 250 cuft/sec. Finer horizontal slots (lots of them) are best. Water flows
best through coarse material. I have seen a hand dug bore like this flow 9
litres per second. That would be enough to irrigate several acres!
method set out in the link below also works really well for very small diameter
wells in sandy material. You can drill using your garden hose! A 3/4 “ hose
will deliver lots more water. I guess you could rig your Guerney up to it to
really cut through tough material like clay. It is ridiculously inexpensive.
All pipe fittings available at Reece’s or Bunnings (50 mm and 32 mm pressure
pipe). Installing a 50mm barrel union ‘cutter’ to the bottom works even better.
You can go down 3 metres in a few minutes and install a 32mm slotted suction
pipe. If you are using a fire pump it really scoots down. This would work
really well in many bayside locations where the ground is mainly sand and the
water is quite close to the surface. The limit to how ‘high’ a pump will suck
is 7 metres but it will suck very little deeper than 5 metres. If you suspect
there may be water in your back yard this may be worth a try. Be sure to check
where utility cables/pipes are first before you drill. If you are only using
plastic ‘teeth’ on your 2’ pipe it should not cut through them, but best to
find out where they are anyway. Now (when there is no drought) would be a good
time to drill in preparation for water restrictions in the future, but anyway
utility water is so expensive particularly if you have a larger garden. Be sure
to get your water EC (electroconductivity) checked before watering the garden
with it. Very salty water can harm your plants (eg http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/resources/soils/salinity/crops/saline-irrigation)
By the same token you can use much saltier water in higher rainfall areas or
where the soil is quite sandy. This is a great link: ‘How To Drill Your Own
Water Well’: http://www.drillyourownwell.com/index.htm
other ideas here. Happy drilling:
your own freshwater well by Len McDougall
Water Well Drilling Rigs new or used, DIY books and manuals. We sell Portable
water well drilling rigs plus well drilling troubleshooting books. Our best
selling book is water well drilling rig plans.Complete guide to build your own
drilling rig. For rock or compact soils.'

I just don’t believe it: it has been 500 years since Hieronymous died; it just
doesn’t seem so long – he was so modern. What an exhibition this would be. It
almost makes me regret my dislike of travel to crowded places: http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2015/oct/21/hieronymus-bosch-exhibition-holland-small-museum-host-largest-ever Below: The Garden of Earthly Delights:

Bring on the next Ice Age; I will want one of these: http://laughingsquid.com/how-to-build-snowball-machine-gun-that-can-fire-13-snowballs-in-half-a-second/
In Russia new immigrants learn quickly how to behave – particularly towards
women: http://www.fort-russ.com/2016/02/migrants-in-murmansk-go-too-far-with.html
Oh Yes: Professor David Deming: ‘It’s disheartening that an avowed socialist is
a viable candidate for president of the United States. Socialism is a dead end.
For hundreds of years, it has failed everywhere it’s been adopted. The
enthusiasm of our youth for the candidacy of Bernie Sanders is a symptom of our
failure to educate them, not only in history, government and economics, but
also basic morality…Socialism isn’t so much a legitimate economic system as it
is a moral failing. It will always exist because ignorant people will always
want something for nothing. If we want to retain our freedom and prosperity,
then we must educate our children that the purpose of government is to secure
liberty, not provide free lunches.’ And this from Jeff Kennett: ‘The truth is
as a country we have been living beyond our means for years…Can I warn very
strongly against hypothecating any increase in the GST to specific government
expenditures. To do so is fraught with danger, may justify an action in the
short term but will generate tears before midnight…Further, any increase in
taxation removes from federal or state governments the pressure to adjust their
own levels of spending…In the same way, it is not fair for the Commonwealth to
raise taxes before they have demonstrated a genuine reduction in their own
expenditures…The reality of our situation is that we as citizens are going to
have to accept more responsibility for our own lives. We can no longer afford
to expect government to provide for all our needs.’
McKenzie’s Quick Cook Minestrone Soup: At first glance these excellent tasty
mixtures might seem a bit too lean for backpacking, but I used half the
recommended water, so a packet made up to one litre with water (so it would fit
in my 1100 ml billy). I used the stock sachet and added a 50 gram sachet of
tomato paste and approx half a container of the Hormel’s bacon pieces I wrote
about the other day (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hormel-real-bacon-pieces/)
These three ingredients made up into a very tasty soup (approx 500 mls each for
two people) and containing 2392 kj (minestrone = 180 grams) + 178 kj (tomato =
50 grams) + 159 kj (bacon= 42.5 grams) = 2729 kj. Between two people this 653
calories (272.5 grams = 2.39 calories per gram ) provides each with 326
calories. Half was more than I or Della could eat – even though it was very
pleasant. Another time I might leave out the McKenzie’s Stock Sachet (which
comes in the packet – as I don’t like salt very much) and add maybe a ¼
teaspoonful of ‘Harissa’ eg Masterfoods ‘Middle Eastern Spice Blend’. Folks who
don’t mind salt might add the McKenzie’s flavour sachet, and if they don’t want
to carry a sachet of tomato paste (in case it leaks) might substitute a 24 gram
(= 114 calories) sachet of Continental ‘Sensation’ CupaSoup ‘Vine Ripened
Tomato’ instead. I’m sure folks can think of a few other ideas to mix and match
this to make a tasty meal. I have already remarked that you can thicken a soup
(I didn’t feel this one needed it) with Continental Mashed Potato: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hiking-food-mckenzie-quick-cook-soups-180-grams-per-packet/

Upper Yarra Track: St Gwinear Track Junction to Whitelaw’s Hut:
route along the tops is a delightful mix of alpine heath and snow gums. Every
couple of kms you will find a small stream (sometimes to the side of the track)
with fresh water. For example there is water near the St Gwinear turnoff, just
after Mt St Phillack, at Mustering Flat and in the valley next to the Mt
Whitelaw Hut site. Gerard White and his partner Bridgette kindly shared these
photos from January 2015. Near Mt St Phillack:

times of the year (save winter) there is a riot of wildflowers

lovely little fellows close up.

path is well defined and maintained.

many things of interest on all sides.

grass is well clipped by small herbivores whom you may see morning/evening.

granite tors are a feature of the Baw Baws.

are some lovely vistas.

the evening shadows lengthen.

of these prostrate plants amongst the snow gums are dwarf native pines.

Hut site. There used to be four huts: the first at the Yarra Falls, the second
in Newland Rd, the third at Mt Whitelaw, the fourth at Talbot Peak (Mt Erica).
Walkers coming from Melbourne used to stay at McVeighs Hotel (now under the
Yarra dam) the first night out, and were in Walhalla on the sixth night.

shame these huts were destroyed by the 1939 fires and never rebuilt. They were
quite large, had concrete floors and fireplace, bunks, pots, pans, crockery.
Delightful spots to stay as you journeyed along. Still camping out today is not
without its pleasures.

pleasant views around the hut.

you lie abed, this is the view of the sky you see.

can be obtained from this stream nearby.

gums are very slow growing. Some of these trees are very old.

path continues on towards its turn-off to Newlands Rd in about 2 km.

Phone works most places along the top of the Baw Baw Plateau.
Walhalla North T8122-2-N & Noojee North T 8122-3-N
The Vicmaps incorrectly locate the trail from Baw Baw to St Gwinear as coming
off the 'Village Trail' at Baragwanath Flat: This is the old trail which is
well-nigh impassable (though we did!). The new (well-maintained) trail begins a
little west of there and exits onto the Alps Walking Track West of St Phillack
Saddle (where there is an excellent campsite with water), not right at the
saddle as does the old trail. Warning 2: Trails down from the Alps Walking
Trail to Newlands Road: there is only one trail, not two as shown on the
Vicmaps. It is an old gently sloping forestry road approx 7 metres wide. In
places it is a little overgrown (mostly with annual weeds), but easy to follow.
I marked it with coloured tape every half a km or so. The beautiful 3 km down
to Newlands Rd will likely take you 1.5-2 hours. NOTE: There is a good camp
with water on this old road as it crosses the diminutive Thomson River (here
just a brook) about .5 km off the main Alps Trail. After hitting Newlands Rd
you can camp on the side of the road every time it crosses the river or is near
enough to the river for water (lots). About a km before the end of Newlands Rd
after the last Thomson River crossing (with its 'No Camping' sign - ignore),
there is a track off to the North which leads to a beautiful dam about half a
km away full of trout with delightful campsites. This is the last good campsite
with water before you get to Toorongo (Link Rd)
also Upper Yarra Track Winter Route:
Upper Yarra Track: Ada Tree to Big Pat’s Creek:
you can see the track is well made, delightful and easy to follow from the Ada
Tree all the way to Warburton, with numerous signposts. If you have a couple of
days to spare, this is a pleasant jaunt. You can turn it into a loop: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ada-tree-loop-walk-4-days/
Gerard White and his partner Bridgette completed this section of the walk back
in July 2015 (even encountering snow at Starlings Gap!) and have kindly
provided the photos below:

Ada Tree is huge,

a tiny crown typical of these giant Mountain Ash.

photo ops along the trail. Hobbits would like this.

few stream crossings which do not even daunt Jack Russells – though they may
need a raincoat in the wetter weather. See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/tyvek-jack-russell-rain-coat-13-grams/

pass the remnants of a number of old timber settlements, eg ‘The New Ada Mill’,

a colossal log jam

again. Fortunately you don’t have to scramble over it.

can gently tiptoe round it.

how the memories of yesteryear meld into the forest.

turnoff to the Walk into History (High Lead) trail.

Russels always lead the way.

of an enormous drum used for winch logging.

an old steam boiler

Starlings gap it is 9 km to Big Pats creek camp ground.

gap is quite beautiful, and can be reached by car for day walks..

delightful facilities.

of logs to sit on. Picnic tables, fire pits.

a light dusting of snow in July.

beautiful track leads along the river towards Warburton.

by some splendid timber.

mossy logs.

simply beautiful stream.

of crays here.

track is an old timber tramway.

track begins/ends here.

Pats Creek.

to/from Big Pats Creek. A pleasant stroll into Warburton: 6-7 km, say 2 hours.

Phone works beautifully until you plunge downhill towards the Thomson River.
SMS may still work. You will come back into mobile range after you leave
Walhalla and begin the climb up from the Thomson River after the Poverty Point
also Upper Yarra Track Winter Route:
Upper Yarra Track Sidetrip: Horseshoe Tunnel/Coopers Creek
a bit over a km from Platina Station on the walk from Erica to Walhalla you can
take this lovely walk down to the historic Horseshoe Tunnel. The tunnel was
created over a century ago to divert the river so the dry river bed could be sluiced
for gold. The sidetrip takes about 1.5 hours (or several days if you decide to
camp out!) This early section is fringed with wild cherries. Seats are provided
at strategic intervals for the weary traveler.

track passes through a beautiful fern gully as it zig zags down the hill to the

is some good timber along the way.

the bottom there is this delightful picnic table and informative signs. You
could easily camp right here. There is a fireplace as well.

can see the river exiting from the tunnel if you stand on the table – as I did
for this shot.

up it looks much fiercer.

walk alpong the dry river bed to the inlet.

usual Spot leads the way. Plenty of places you could camp along here.

track is fringed with lots of wild mint which casts up a delightful aromatic
fragrance – another memento of the pioneer women of yesteryear.

would not want to accidentally fall into the inlet. You would be pretty sore
and sorry by the time you came out the other side – if you lived to tell the
tale at all! Apparently on the day it opened the builder, his wife and children
were swept through it – and they survived!

is a beautiful beach both at the inlet and the exit – lovely places for a swim
on a hot day.

and Tiny were more interested in lunch than in the tunnel – background.

shaggy local barely noticed us as we passed.

Creek is also only a couple of km from Platina Station. Excellent canoeing and

extensive camping opportunities (with toilet facilities).

Vicmap for this section is Walhalla South T8122-2-S
Phone works beautifully until you plunge downhill towards the Thomson River.
SMS may still work. You will come back into mobile range after you leave
Walhalla and begin the climb up from the Thomson River after the Poverty Point bridge.
also Upper Yarra Track Winter Route:
Sub Five Pounds: A gear list mayhap more appropriate for well-trod trails,
safer places than where I prefer to venture – I dream yet of Herrick Creek and
this wonderful photo - but less than 2.5 kg all up shows where savings may yet
be made: http://gossamergear.com/wp/sub-5-pound-baseweight-backpacking
More about Fiordland Moose Hunting here: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/eddie-herrick-moose-hunting-at-dusky-sound/
& here http://www.theultralighthiker.com/moose-hunting/
& here http://www.theultralighthiker.com/fiordland-moose/

Oh, so poignant (‘There but for the grace of God go I’ – John Bradford): http://assistantvillageidiot.blogspot.com.au/2016/01/they-cut-lunds-brain.html
‘It’s almost funny seeing Europeans trying politely to teach their conquerors
how not to treat those whom they have conquered. I wonder how long it will take
before the Europeans figure out that they’re no longer in the driver’s seat.
And then I wonder whether they’ll be able or willing to mount a counter-strike,
or whether the twelve-hundred year-long Islamic jihad against Europe will
finally have succeeded.’ Bird Dog. Sweden may be beginning to learn its lesson:

‘He planned to pack a kangaroo with explosives and set it loose on the public’
(ABC News) As we learn this morning the details of the ‘Anzac Day Terrorist
Plot’, we are dumbfounded. This is a Leunig Cartoon of a terrorist plot. How
many kinds of ‘Fail’ are involved in this plot, the authorities taking it
seriously, the ABC reporting it…We really do need to bring back Tony Abbott to
protect us from this sort of imminent threat. Is there another politician whom
you can imagine has the ability to chase a ‘loaded kangaroo’ down in our city
streets and defuse its explosive pouch? Special talents are clearly needed anyway.
What level of intelligence did the bomber have. How did he plan to catch a
(female) kangaroo, stuff her pouch with TNT, prevent her from immediately
discarding it, train her to bounce up to crowds of people…a kangaroo is not a
‘Loaded Dog’. Clearly this young man had been reading his Henry Lawson anyway –
which shows that he had a certain level of patriotism. Some mornings are
Some very different ways to lighten your backpack: http://adventure-journal.com/2016/01/10-tips-to-lighten-your-backpack/
Perhaps we have detected out there in the depths of space someone constructing
a Dyson Sphere? http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/space/comets-cannot-explain-kic-8462852s-strange-stuttering-light/news-story/1267c7a77e51b96090710da6cc4a9d4a
& https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyson_sphere
Cookset Woes: Some people seem to think it is fashionable to lug around the
kitchen sink and a range simply to warm a couple of evening snacks, so you see
people all the time with a food prep setup which weighs maybe a kg – or more.
The empty canisters of such systems typically weigh more than my ultralight pot
and Caldera Cone system together – and I need carry no fuel! Evernew deep pot
with frypan lid = 123 grams plus Caldera Cone and two titanium tent pegs @ 44
grams = 167 grams. I think people need to seriously reprise their
cooking/cookset options.
lightest fuel option is a wood burner, followed by an Esbit, followed by metho
(for short trips) with canisters coming a poor last. I carry a few bits of
esbit as fire starters, a small metho stove and some metho for lazy meals and
for long simmers which can be tedious with a wood.
can balance a pot on three tent pegs (a variation of the three stone fire), the
triangular ones work best, but you are quite likely to lose your meal if you
aren’t very careful. You do learn to be more careful.
progressed to the Bushbuddy stove http://bushbuddy.ca/indexs.html which I
still think is great at about 150 grams and C$120. It burns cleanly, without
scarring the earth or the danger of starting a bushfire. You only need a
handful of dry twigs to boil a billy of water. These can even be found in
Fiordland most times!

was lucky enough that Della bought me the Rolls Royce knock off of this stove,
the Suluk TDW http://www.suluk46.com/products%20%20-%20P14%20TDW%20Stove.html
which weighs only 86 grams: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/suluk-stove/

you don’t mind a tiny bit of scorched earth the Caldera Cone (with two tent
pegs) usually weighs about 44 grams altogether
See my post: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hiking-cookware/

favourite for an alcohol stove is the Brasslite http://brasslite.com/products/brasslite-turbo-i-d-backpacking-stove/
which weighs 47 grams, because you can simmer/fry with it – so important if you
plan to catch fish.

you want a simple boiler, either make your own (eg the Supercat http://www.theultralighthiker.com/supercat-hiking-stove/
or Garlington http://www.theultralighthiker.com/diy-side-burner-metho-stove/
or http://www.theultralighthiker.com/soda-can-stove/
) or maybe buy one from Minibull Designs https://www.minibulldesign.com/productcart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=195&idcategory=2
(I have used their Elite @ 7 grams for many years) or get one with your Caldera
Cone from Trail Designs (above) – theirs also have simmer rings.

you are going to burn wood, you need a fixed blade knife so you can split wood
to get at the dry heart wood and make ‘exelcior’ for fire lighting. Actually
this is something you need to be able to do anyway if you are to survive in the
woods if things turn very nasty – and they can! See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/carry-a-knife/
& http://www.theultralighthiker.com/how-to-light-a-fire-in-the-wet/
course, you also need a lightweight cook pot. If you are on a budget, an
aluminium billy from a disposals store is hard to beat. Otherwise: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/ultralight-cook-pots/
Don’t forget the importance of windscreens: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/windscreens/ See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/toaks-ultralight-titanium-cook-system/ & http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hiking-cookware/

is a useful product to prevent your burning your lips: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hot-lips/
might also give serious thought to adding a desalinator to your cookset so you
never run out of water: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/water-hiking-desalinator/
site is the encyclopedia of DIY stoves; many hours of fun and enjoyment here: http://zenstoves.net/LinksGeneral-DIY.htm
to cook is yet another issue eg: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hiking-food-2/
Primitives: This is
how backward the anti-vaccinators are; 1901: ‘Eaglehawk: Messrs. John Green and
A. Hay. J.P. presided at the Police
Court yesterday. Robert F. Gow, W.F. Bold and H Rawiller were each fined 15/ for neglecting to have their children
vaccinated.’ http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/89439584
It will be hard to assimilate such folks: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/19/world/asia/boys-response-to-blasphemy-charge-unnerves-many-in-pakistan.html?_r=0
Watched the excellent 1968 John Wayne film ‘The Green Berets’ the other night
(https://yify-movie.com/search/the+green+berets/All/All/0/latest/20/) , the
first time I think since 1968. I thought it was right then, and I think it is
right still. The left lost us Vietnam and 8 million people were subsequently
murdered by the communists, a dreadful war crime which the Left is still
unwilling to admit to or take responsibility for. I mean here, the Australian Labor
Party, and Gough Whitlam in particular. He and all those responsible should
(still) have been tried as war criminals. I can’t say it will never happen, but
it seems unlikely. Of course that 8 million is only a drop in the ocean to the
over 100 million people murdered by the Left in the C20th (I include Hitler,
Stalin and Mao here). In 1968 I believed in the Vietnam War cause, and I was
right. This did not mean that I was eager to attend that war. I did not
volunteer, as one had to volunteer back then for eight years; only two if
conscripted. If my number had come up I would have eagerly (though maybe
fearfully) served. South Vietnam (indeed SE Asia) would be a very different
place today if we had not let the communists win there. Here in Australia we also
let them win. We have today over 25% of our GDP directly in Government hands
and more rules, government and regulations than any sane society should ever
have. The homily, ‘The Government should do something’ is ever on most people’s
lips. Instead it should be ‘The Government should never do anything’. Some
further thoughts:
Martin Luther King: ‘Man is not made for the state; the state is made for man.
To deprive man of freedom is to relegate him to the status of a thing, rather
than elevate him to the status of a person. Man must never be treated as means
to the end of the state; but always as an end within himself…In communism, the
individual ends up in subjection to the state … and man is only a means to that
end. And if man’s so-called rights and liberties stand in the way of that end,
they are simply swept aside. His liberties of expression, his freedom to vote,
his freedom to listen to what news he likes or to choose his books are all
restricted. Man becomes hardly more, in communism, than a depersonalised cog in
the turning wheel of the state …’ Tim Blair: ‘The left’s idolatry of the state
was still prevalent when King was assassinated in 1968 and it also survived the
collapse of European communism in the early 1990s. Some 67 years after Dr
King’s revelation, there are still those who elevate state above humankind. We
saw echoes of this in the pre-Christmas complaints from leftists about the
allegedly insufficient taxes paid by various large companies, as though paying
tax – in other words, maintaining and advancing the state – is a measure of
goodness. This is absurd. Rather than the amount of taxes paid by businesses, a
preferable goodness measure is how many employees are paid. After all, if
you’re going to be throwing money around, you may as well throw it at someone
who might spend it on something useful. Giving money to the government just
gives everyone more damn government – and, therefore, the further sweeping
aside of rights and liberties.’
Is this what we want for Australia? I was thinking of visiting the UK. I will
have another think now: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/columnists/article-3412616/How-Labour-turned-London-foreign-city.html
Cory is utterly right: Gina is the standout candidate, but I doubt she even
received a nomoination and am certain that the leftoid ‘Australia Council’ will
put up some Johnny-come-lately, green, female aboriginal, warmist ne’er do well
instead, like they did last year, and the year before and so on ad nauseum: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/gina-rinehart-should-be-next-australian-of-the-year-says-senator-cory-bernardi/news-story/c008361dfdec408e9787b6044cacb57f
Stupidity often carries the death penalty: https://twitter.com/AwardsDarwin
In much the same vein: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/01/23/saturday-silliness-wind-turbine-photo-of-the-year/

Tales of a Rat Hunting Man #2: I heard today on the news a Qld man has been
charged with filming himself biting a live rat’s head off. Police describe the
behaviour as ‘horrific’ & etc. Authorities are clearly unaware that Roald
Dahl should be charged with (posthumously) inspiring such conduct (as should Brian Plummer author of the original story). http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3410150/The-sickening-moment-Mad-Matt-bites-head-LIVE-rat-eats-downing-three-shots-vodka-getting-smashed-head-chair.html
Here’s Roald: ‘he tries to make
amends with the men by showing them some rat tricks. He pulls a rat out of his
pockets (“Always got a rat or two about me somewhere.”) and drops it down the
neck of his shirt. Then he drops in a ferret he pulled out of another pocket. A
frantic chase and fight ensue in the shirt, and eventually the ratcatcher pulls
out the dead rat and the bloody ferret. After that performance, he claims he
can do something even more amazing: he can kill a rat himself without using his
hands or arms or legs or feet. He gets Claud to bet him a shilling that he
can’t. He produces another live rat and they tie it to a car antenna. The ratcatcher
begins to stare at the rat, moving closer and closer, until finally he strikes
like a snake with his mouth open and his yellow teeth biting. The narrator
closes his eyes, and when he opens them the ratcatcher is collecting his money
and spitting out blood.’ See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/tales-of-a-rat-hunting-man/
Hormel Real Bacon Pieces: This dehydrated food is quite delicious (if somewhat
pricey at >$4 for 85 grams – dehydrated weight, but you have to figure it
represents nearly half a kg of bacon!), but it keeps without any refrigeration
and will add some zap to an otherwise fairly bland pasta meal for example
(particularly if you add some Kraft Cheddar cheese as well – which also keeps
without refrigeration indefinitely). It is not at all salty -unlike the Kraft
cheese. Available Coles.

would go well as an addition to Farm Pride’s excellent Powdered Eggs (available
in the cake aisle in supermarkets). These reconstitute as scrambled eggs really
well – the addition of a little powdered milk adds a nice touch. I would just
stir some of this dehydrated bacon into the mix and serve with an accompaniment
of Continental mash for a hearty breakfast, for example.

also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hiking-food-2/
Try a search for ‘food’ in the Search bar at the top right of the page. I have
posted many ideas there over time.
Fairy tale origins thousands of years old, researchers say: This is an
interesting concept. I know I have often thought about Easu (was ‘a hairy man’)
and Enkidu (Epic of Gilgamesh - likewise) as maybe hearkening to our
Neanderthal origins. One could even suggest that folklore about anthropophages
such as trolls, ogres, etc recollect Ramapithecus, etc. Some more research is
needed to prove the thesis, I suspect: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-35358487

Lunacy: It was maybe even easier to be locked up in the C19th than it is today,
when eg some declare climate deniers, heterosexuals, free marketeers etc should
be - or shot!

Texan Women have a thing or two to teach German and Swedish women (for

Upper Yarra Track: Section Five: Erica to Walhalla:
km – @ 4 hours.
is 2 km (a bit over half an hour) along the rail trail to the Tyers-Rawson Road
or Knotts Siding. The trail exits right at the Walhalla turn-off. There is an
information board opposite. It is very easy walking having been an old railway
line. It is about 7 km (1.5-2 hours) from there to Thomson Station where you
can catch a train sometimes into Walhalla. The times are on the noticeboard:
Wed, Sat, Sun Public & Xmas school holidays about three times a day. It
costs $15-20, but you may be lucky: http://www.walhallarail.com.au/index.php?EXP=697

way (3 km) along the trail (Platina Station – shelter hut) you can turn off and
drop down (2 km) to Coopers creek on the Thomson where there is a popular camp
ground (toilets, water). The hotel there is now (unfortunately) closed.
Platina Station you can also take an (approx ½ hour each way) excursion to the
‘Horseshoe Tunnel’ (http://www.visitbawbaw.com.au/walking-cycling/horseshoe-bend-tunnel)
a river diversion put in during the early C20th to extract gold from the stream
bed (Toilets, water, camp). The whole river was intended to flow through, it
thus granting access to any alluvial gold in the river bed.
Thomson Station to Walhalla Station along the rail trail (watch out for
trains!) is about 4 km (1 hour). Walking is not allowed on the railway line.
You can walk along the ‘Alpine Walking Track’ what used to be (part of) the
Poverty Point Tramline (as we did), or the Mormon Town Track& Telecom
Tracks or along the main road. Both start on the true left bank immediately you
cross the bridge across the Thomson. There is a trail on either side of the
river upstream of the Thomson road bridge. The one on the West bank can be used
to access the township of Rawson just
couple of kms away (store, hotel – weekends, accommodation etc) , or you
may use it if you are avoiding Walhalla and/or walking across the Baw Baw
Plateau (in the winter) perhaps. See Winter Route.
trail passes though some magnificent timber (huge mountain ash, vast tree
ferns, etc – with magnificent views down to the mighty Thomson River. The trail
passes a magnificent dam ten minutes out of Erica. There is also water at Micah
Creek between Knotts Siding and Platina (scramble down the gully on the uphill
side). You could camp there on the side of the track – as with many spots long
the track. Between Thomson Station and Walhalla the track crosses two side
gullies which often have water. The trail is wide enough to set up a tent
whilst still allowing others to pass. There are few walkers. Lots of people
used to camp on the ‘beach’ at the bottom of Stringers Gully (opposite Thomson
Bridge/Station ie East bank). You would have to scramble down off the main road
after you had crossed the bridge as they seem to have removed the vehicle
township of Walhalla (General Store, Hotel, camp ground, accommodation, etc) is
a further 1 km (15 minutes) North from the railway Station up the main street.
The Upper Yarra and Alpine Walking Tracks start/end opposite the General Store
& Post Office where you will see a huge set of stairs ascending the
mountain towards the Long Tunnel Mine. The tracks are not signposted at the
main road (mysteriously) but there are signs about 100 metres up the hill,
though none mention the Upper Yarra Track! Walhalla seems to be suffering from
a fit of amnesia regarding this iconic track, so important to its existence for
so long!
is plenty to see and explore in and around Walhalla. You may want to spend a
few days thereabouts. If you have never been there before you are going to be
astonished by the beauty (and history) of this quaint old gold mining town
nestled in the deep valley of Stringers Creek. Take a look at the cemetery and
cricket ground. Maybe do a tour of the Long Tunnel mine. Most of the buildings
are authentic mid C19th. Heading out of Walhalla you can divert via Rawson to
pick up additional supplies if needed before you tackle the beautiful and
awesome Baw Baw Plateau. For example, a side trip via Happy-Go-Lucky to
Bruntons Bridge (water, toilets camps) is highly recommended.
Thomson River is a wonderful canoeing experience (beginning at the Thomson dam
outfall). It is 3-4 days of delightful white water interspersed with serene
long pools and many campsites before you reach Cowwarr Weir. A day from the dam
to the Thomson Bridge. Half a day from Thomson Bridge to Coopers Creek. The
section between the Thomson Bridge and Coopers Creek contains a river diversion
known as the Horseshoe Tunnel which is not canoeable, requiring a portage of
over 1 km (there is a track - easy if you are packrafting!) From Coopers Creek
to Bruntons is about half a day, another two days from Bruntons on. See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/canoeing-the-thomson-river-gippsland-victoria/
& http://www.theultralighthiker.com/videos/thomson-river-canoe-trip-2006-complete/
(one hour video)

trail begins just as you enter Erica on the East side of the road opposite the
hotel next to a shelter, convenience stop and caravan park and these mementoes
of the region's logging history.

on the outskirts of Erica the trail plunges from lush green paddocks replete
with fat kine into the enfolding forest.

out of Erica a lovely dam makes for a refreshing rest stop.

you plunge into magnificent mountain ash country: this species is the tallest
tree/plant in the world.

trail is in wonderful condition.

always the Jack Russels Spot and Tiny lead the way.

beautiful tree fern tunnels.

the way a very late summer foxglove in a shady nook is a touching reminder of
the C19th goldfields women who followed their menfolk to the ends of the earth.

about 40 minutes the track crosses the Tyers-Rawson Rd to this information
point, formally Knotts Siding.

again you are plunged into magnificent ash and tree fern. As we were walking
this section we heard a sound like a cannonade as one of these giants crashed
unexpectedly to the ground. This happens often over summer. Gums are
‘self-pruning’ – a dangerous habit should you be foolish enough to camp
underneath one!

track is wide enough most of its length that two can walk abreast.

Micah Creek (water, camp) Platina Station marks the turn off for Coopers Creek
campground a couple of kilometres away and/or the Horseshoe Tunnel.

Horseshoe Tunnel diversion track below: as you can see an easy portage if you
are packrafting the Thomson.

are many glimpses of the mighty Thomson River through a screen of trees.

is a lovely wide well-graded track: easy walking. Spot, as usual is out in

mementoes of the old Moe-Walhalla line along the way. A fallen bridge.

railway tracks.

and rail bridges span the river at Thomson Station. You can see from their
height how far this river can rise.

Thomson is a beautiful river to canoe: view upstream from the Thomson road
bridge towards the dam (starting point).

crossing the Thomson, the Mormon Town track on a dry ridge marks a change in
vegetation to peppermint gums.

Australian bush is always a riot of wildlowers. Indeed very few places offer
the bewildering array of species you find all about you here.

Bugle flower.

trigger flower: a carnivorous variety.

is a wild cherry. It is a parasitic plant with an edible fruit (hence the
name). It is only one of two trees in the world which bears its nuts outside
its fruit (hence ‘exocarpus’), the other being the pecan.

Poverty Point tramline was in many places hacked out of a near vertical hillside.
The main road is about fifty metres below - straight down!

glimpses of Walhalla through the trees: below the new 'Visitor's Centre'.

settlers could not quite believe Australian Eucalypts, a dominant genera in
today's landscape as they kept their leaves
whilst shedding their bark. Another annoying habit they have is turning their
leaves to avoid the sun, thus casting little shade on a hot day.

are some majestic examples in the wetter gullies. Hard to believe that a
hundred years ago there was not s single tree growing within thirty kilometres
of Walhalla - so great was its voracious appetite for wood! They are quite
quick growing. Trees which sprang up from seeds after the 1939 fires had trunks
which made a single semi-trailer load a mere fifty years later.

really enjoys a walk. He is way ahead of Della here.

road goes ever on and on...That is bark on the track, though we did see a small
snake and a water dragon at the river crossing – and at least fifty species of

had removed one of the forbidden things on the sign. Tiny cannot believe it was
'dogs'. We saw indications that both horses and pushbikes have also ‘strayed’
onto this lovely track. Someday no doubt such misdeeds will be a capital
offence! Or forgotten quite.

trail's end Walhalla lies nestled in the valley of Stringers Creek. The General
Store is centre; the old Post Office on the right. The staircase on the far
left marks the beginning/end of the trail.
Vicmap for this section is Walhalla South T8122-2-S
also Upper Yarra Track Winter Route:
Phone works beautifully until you plunge downhill towards the Thomson River.
SMS may still work. You will come back into mobile range after you leave
Walhalla and begin the climb up from the Thomson River after the Poverty Point
The Pause & the Medieval Warm Period: Climate warriors continue to
vociferously attack these glaring contradictions to their creed, claiming even
that they do not exist. The data evidence for the ‘pause’ is inarguable
however, and the pause coninues: there has been no warming since at least 1998
as the satellite records reveal: http://www.drroyspencer.com/latest-global-temperatures/
. The archaeological evidence from Greenland is also indisputable. Thousands of
folk lived there during the Middle Ages, building from the local timber (no
longer available due to extreme cold), and farming crops, animals and hay
(again no longer possible). Instead of being much warmer, Greenland is today
much colder than it was 1,000 years ago The Hvalsey Church (pictured) had
massive roof beams hewn from locally graon timber. No tree in Greenland today
reaches above 8 metres. An informative article here: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/01/19/debunking-the-vikings-werent-victims-of-climate-myth/

2Hvalsey Church Greenland
20/01/2016: I misdoubt
many of you will like what this chap says, but he writes just so well…we have
exactly the same problems with our Leftists: ‘These are not your grandfather's
Marxists'. These are not the deadly,
self-sacrificing, true believers of Lenin's time. Joe Biden is not Leon Trotsky, Hillary
Clinton is not Rosa Luxemburg. Time has
taken its toll on their movement. It has
evolved into a stinking mélange of government corruption and crony capitalism
and self-interest. Their hatred of traditional America is unabated but they are
old and soft and have not had a new idea in fifty years. Their entire political base is on the take
and is bought and paid for with our money.
Tenured, overweight, overaged, academic leftovers from the 60's and
70's. Taxpayer funded race hustlers, the
professional grievance industry, and all the other assorted thugs, criminals
and perverts we see on TV every night.
The beer drinkers and pot smokers sitting home living on your back. The young inmates of our university system, a
bunch of overeducated, overindulged, overprotected, overmedicated punks who
will vanish like the morning fog at the first drop of sweat or first pang of
fear. Self-aggrandizing celebrity and
media air heads who equate a tight ass with intellect.’ http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/01/the_lefts_endgame_hits_the_wall.html
Clearview Tent: It is nice to be able to gaze out into the woods when camping.
An open tarp shelter (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/tyvek-solo-fire-shelter/)
or a cuben tent (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/zpacks-hexamid-solo-plus-tent/)
such as I use facilitates this, or you might try building a clearview tent as
in this instructable: http://www.instructables.com/id/Ultralight-clear-tarp-tent-2P/
get much the same 360 degree view camping in a hammock (as I often do) with a
small (say 7'x7' minimum) tarp for a shelter.

The ‘future’ is here already. $250 million plane ‘Solar Impulse 2’ has flown
half way round the world in 200 days (needing a support crew of 60)! The Graf
Zeppelin (21 days in 1929) it ain’t! Interestingly oil has crashed downwards
through $30 a barrel! http://www.spectator.co.uk/2016/01/stranded-monster/
Meanwhile no-one wants to buy an electric car, and no-one is: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/01/12/no-one-wants-to-buy-electric-cars/
Tarp Bathtub Groundsheet: This is an interesting concept and should be easy
enough to emulate in Tyvek. I had already tried to shape a groundcloth so the
sides stood up like this, but without pegs or other supports it was less than
pefect. Using some elastic cord to make it conform to the shape of one’s
sleeping mat is a good idea. The SOL material ued here maybe would provide some
extra insulation but it would not stand up to many uses I suspect. I sometimes
use a space blanket as an emergency ultralight ground cloth myself. The older
thicker ‘Space Blanket’ might work better, but I suspect the insulation
advantage is over-rated compared to the weight/cost and that Tyvek will provide
a more serviceable alternative: http://www.instructables.com/id/Semi-Bivy-Keep-your-sleeping-bag-dry-and-warmer/

Indonesian Police Vs NSW police: 7 dead in latest incident: five of them
terrorists. ‘Shoot first and ask questions later’ seems to be an effective
strategy. Surprise, surprise! If these guys were ISIS trained, we may not have
so much to fear from this group as we thought!
Interesting: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/22-facts-about-australia-as-we-hit-24-million/news-story/3e9fb05655333c898e2a395c09e6431e
I liked 1968, the year I graduated with my first degree; indeed I liked
Australia much more then than I do now. I don’t believe this is just a part of
growing older; it is that we (as a nation) have made so many mayhap
irreversible mistakes since then. In 1968 I was working 7-Day shift work (whilst
simultaneously studying full-time) at ‘C’ Sulphuric Acid Plant at Sulphide
Corporation (Rio) Cockle Creek Newcastle (now shut down) for a weekly base wage
of less than $50 – boosted by overtime and shift allowances to usually $100! A
pack of cigs or a gallon of fuel back then cost about 40 cents. A 250cc
motorbike cost under $500! I had a Triumph. You could buy an old terrace house
in Newcastle (or Sydney) for less than $2000. You could walk from Melbourne to
Brisbane along the beach barefoot without ever cutting them on broken glass.
The majority of the population understood then that communism (and socialism)
were total evils. Patriotism was not (then) a dirty word. I wonder how many of
the added population of 12 million people (Really?) have any loyalty at all to
Perhaps incandescent bulbs have a future after all: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/incandescent-lightbulbs-may-have-bright-future-after-all-180957800/?no-ist
Canoe clearing: When clearing trails or small rivers such as the Tanjil and
Latrobe, Fiskars Xtract Pruning Saw & Fiskars Brush Thinner Machete are
excellent tools. Both are lightweight and their cutting edge is protected so
that it does not damage you or the canoe. If more people took them along when
exploring eg the Tanjil, Latrobe or Tyers Rivers, we would soon have many days
more of excellent paddling. These rivers have good summer flows when many of
the bigger rivers (eg Mitchell-Wonnangatta, Macalister etc) have become
unnavigable – as is the case at this summer. See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-worlds-greatest-machete/

River Crossings: This could be you: undo your waist and sternum straps and
loosen your shoulder straps when crossing a river: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/kluane-hiker-drowned-in-creek-1.3309328
See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/river-crossings/

Tanjil River Canoeing: Update: My thanks to reader, Jake who
has just sent me this report of his ‘adventure’ on this lovely river: ‘Hi
Steve, Thanks for the write up on on rafting the Tanjil. Last weekend my
fishing partner and I drifted the Tanjil in a cheap inflatable boat with our
fly rods in hand. Beautiful day out on the water. Took us a bit longer than you
- lucky we set out early! Caught a few nice trout, although no monsters to
hand. Was hoping there might be some bigger ones lurking due to lack of
fishermen. Did see some enormous carp in the pools about 500-750m down from
gauging station. Also saw quite a few crays... Fishing from the El cheapo drift
boat was a blast...have just found an American drift boat producer that is
making a two person boat that is very nimble and can operate in only a few
inches of water. Check out http://www.flycraftusa.com/ . Better start
saving for next season. Thanks again for all the info on your great blog.
Cheers, Jake.’ My reply: Thanks for that Jake.You can come all the way down
from Costins Rd. Next try the Latrobe from the Noojee Bridge down. Two days
probably. Also try this to toughen up your cheap raft for rapids: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/home-made-pack-raft/
& http://www.theultralighthiker.com/faux-packraft-vs-alpacka-raft/

Amazing Stories: In the absence of Trichonympha we have coal: http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2016/01/07/the-fantastically-strange-origin-of-most-coal-on-earth/
Well said, Bulldog: ‘What we need is to have individual rights protected by
government, not doled out to us like candy by politicians and self-appointed
guardians of the social 'good'.
have an issue with the comment “Nobody needs (whatever it is I don't think they
should have)”. In this particular case,
Whoopi Goldberg says nobody needs certain kinds of guns. Really? Well, I don't
think Whoopi needs chocolate cake, but I'm not going to pass a law to prevent
her from extending her girth to even larger proportions.
says she has no problem with someone who wants to search for her gun (she says
she's a gun owner, which I don't doubt) and has no problem registering her
weapon. Good for her. I do have a problem with it. Why do I have to do it because she doesn't
have a problem? I need to register
because she's OK with it? Well, I want
her to register with my gym and start attending with me, because I did it and
it's good for me and it would be good for her.
people need isn't someone to tell them what they may or may not
"need." What they NEED is to be left alone to make their own (however
good or bad) choices. There is no justification for a bunch of dim-witted
people sitting around a table on TV telling individuals who are viewing what
they need. Nor is there any
justification for a bunch of dim-witted politicians doing the same down in
Washington by passing laws about what they think the citizens need.
didn't need the extra piece of roast beef last night, but I wanted that extra
piece of roast beef.
didn't need to drive 40 in a 25 MPH zone, but I did and nobody was harmed.
didn't need to cross 34th Street against the light while there was traffic, but
I made a choice and I was prepared to deal with the consequences.
which are created by people based on the belief they are needed for others miss
an essential point. The 25 MPH zone
exists to protect children who live on the street. But at 1am, with well lit streets, I am
fairly certain I'm not putting them at risk and I can see very well to react in
a timely fashion. While I crossed
against the light on 34th Street, and stepped into traffic, it was at a
standstill due to a jam. What we 'need'
is not always what works in a given situation, and it does not properly address
the desire to pursue happiness (my roast beef, or my wish to get across 34th
Street quickly).
telling us what we "need" or passing laws based on what they feel we
"need" are really just telling us what they want or don't want us to
have based on their own biases and desires.
That's not what this nation was built on. It is what totalitarian regimes are built
I know I’m getting old ‘cause I remember when society was supposed to protect
women and children (especially): http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/01/mass-sexual-assault-covered-up-in-sweden-too.php & http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/01/11/taharrush/
Why does the Left seek to impose this awful social experiment (mass Moslem
immigration) on us? More than a decade ago my own daugfhter visited Cologne
Cathedral as a 15 year old on a school exchange. Neither she nor I had the
slightest thought that she would be in any danger in such a public (indeed
holy) place. But no longer…
Just a handful of years ago there were only half a dozen democratic countries
in the world. At the height of WW2 it certainly looked like there might soon be
none. The rise of Islam takes us back to that imminent danger. We ignore this
threat at our extreme peril. Civilisation itself is at the abyss. Failure to
act, or worse: appeasement, will hurl us over that edge: http://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2016/01-02/2015-year-war-began/
These little guys are great. Such a boon for old arthritic fingers and for any other
folk who don’t have the super strength or dexterity to operate the taps which
water drums normally come with. Usually under $10. Designed and manufactured in
Australia! Available BCF (and elsewhere). Standard 3/4″ BSP thread fits
hose fittings, etc. Can be used to control a siphon if mounted 90 degrees in
the bottom of a well with a float valve attached which turns the water on when
there is sufficient water, off when there is not enough. This would be good if
you wanted to ‘develop ‘ a spring on your hillside (eg by trenching below it
with plastic agricultural drainage pipe into a sump containing the snap tap,
then via siphon to a lower storage tank, thence maybe creating enough pressure
to run a garden sprinkler? Many other uses I’m sure.

Yes, I too have long thought feminism (like all other ‘isms’) has gone too
far…white male privilege is a myth: http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/01/i-hate-to-break-it-to-feminists-but-white-male-privilege-is-a-myth/
& https://thelifeofmenbydrjeffblog.wordpress.com/
Just as Irving Berlin thought there are only six songs, maybe All Stories Are The Same:
Wow: Lighting 10,000 sparklers at once: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W55b4BcCPM4
How poignant is this? Always one of my favourite nostalgic songs (cf ‘Danny
Boy, Auld Lang Syne, Loch Lomond, Down in the Valley, Tom Dooley etc)…but this
is really sad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeO7WYa4r28
‘George W. Johnson, a school teacher, wrote the lyrics to this song in 1864 as
a poem for Maggie Clark, his young wife of 23 who was dying of Tuberculosis.
She died in 1865 before she could hear the words put to music by
J.A.Butterfield in 1866. This was an extremely popular song up through the
1920's. This and other songs of 19th century America are available on my CD –
‘Silver Threads Amongst the Gold’ available at: http://tomroush.us/ or
https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sil...’ Remember when Peter Evans used to
play it every morning?
German crowds greet refugees.
latest poll in Germany for the first time reports a majority in favour of
closing Germany’s borders.
works quickly. This shift has taken just four months. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/429493/cologne-rape-jihad-muslim-migrants-europe-fantasy-islam
‘No believer in force truly respects his fellow-men. He always slightly despises them, even while
he serves them. They tend to become for
him mere material for carrying out his views.
His views may be honestly and sincerely held; they may be excellent in
themselves; but when he uses force on their behalf he commits the capital
mistake of exalting himself and his views into the first place, and of
degrading his fellow-men, with an intelligence and conscience like and equal to
his own, into the second place. Thus it
comes about that the user of force loses all hold on moral principles; he
becomes a law, and a very defective law, to himself; and thus it comes about
also that politics – which are simply the method of force – are in every
country not only the battlefield of opposed fighters, but the hotbed of
intrigue and corruption.’ Auberon Herbert (1898)
Ultralight Hunting Daypack Update: Some folks have commented that they want a
tougher pack than say the Osprey (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/osprey-ultralight-stuff-pack/)
or Sea to Summit (http://www.seatosummit.com.au/products/outdoor/ultrasil-dry-day-pack/)
or Zpacks Zero (http://www.zpacks.com/backpacks/zero.shtml)
so they can carry lots of meat betimes (and are happy to carry over 100 grams!
They should maybe move to the 4.8oz/yd Dyneema fabric available in a green
check. Zpacks will option their Zero (in various sizes and with additional
options from US$105 and 168 grams) in their ‘Hybrid Cuben 2.92oz/yd fabric or
in this material. Mountain Laurel Designs also have these ready-made options
available in Dyneema or Hybrid Cuben also with bespoke options (talk to Ron): http://www.mountainlaureldesigns.com/shop/index.php?cPath=25
Their ‘Core’ at US$85 and 228 grams is a snap; for an overnight hike you might
chose their ‘Burn’ I own a number of MLD products. Their quality and sewing are
Laurel Designs have their own version of the Klymit Airbeam Pad in a
configurable format (with instructions) http://www.mountainlaureldesigns.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=46&products_id=186
- US$35. They also offer a pad pocket option for their packs - which is great
for load transfer: (http://www.mountainlaureldesigns.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=25&products_id=208)
- US$45. The pad + pocket add about 120 grams.

Prediction: Just stick your finger in your ear; Soon you will be seeing this
everywhere: http://www.news.com.au/technology/gadgets/mobile-phones/samsung-introduces-new-smartphone-accessory/news-story/26ce6b5cfc8ce35fe6360c504ec5b836
Milo Alexander Moncrieff Dennis: Our feelings on first meeting this little
fellow are all but indescribable. I really had not realised how profoundly I
would be affected by the arrival of our first grandchild. This little fellow
will be dreadfully 'spoiled' by doting grandparents. Hopefully I am still
around to see him grow to be an (outdoors)man. Already - in my mind's eye, I
have many adventures planned with him: out and about the farm; hunting, hiking
and fishing etc!

I don’t think so: ‘The (female) Mayor of Cologne said today that women should
adopt a “code of conduct” to prevent future assault at a crisis meeting
following the sexual attack of women by 1000 men on New Year’s Eve.’ The
‘problem’ clearly lies elsewhere than with German women: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/mayor-of-cologne-says-women-should-have-code-of-conduct-to-prevent-future-assault-a6798186.html
‘We had better hope that atheists are wrong because, if they are right, there
is a good chance natural selection will ensure those with the strongest and
most virulent religious beliefs will come to dominate those whose beliefs are
weaken or non-existent’ Peter Smith: http://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2016/01/divine-lessons-evolution/
I Hate to Say I told You So, but this and worse is what Europe (& Oz) has
to look forward to from mass Middle East immigration. 1,000 sex offenders in
one day in one previously safe city: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/01/04/german-police-chief-condemns-string-sex-assaults-in-cologne-on-new-year-eve.html
This from ‘The Guardian’, bastion of the Left: ‘If 2014 was a year that set a
grisly new record in the number of casualties inflicted by (Islamist) terrorist
attacks – 33,000 people were killed, almost double the year before – then 2015
appears to have been worse. Few expect 2016 to be much better. Alert levels are
high all across the west. The European and US counter-terrorist community is no
longer asking “if” there will be further loss of life but how, where and when.’
Being completely unable to project a graph forward, for absolutely no reason
they conclude, ‘Things will eventually get better, but there will be many more
deaths before they do.’ There is hope (the last of the evils to escape from
Pandora’s box) yet, apparently: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/dec/26/2015-year-terror-paris-tunisia-california
Thrilling Tales: ‘The Revenant’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoebZZ8K5N0
yet another retelling of the amazing Hugh Glass epic. See also ‘Man in the
Wilderness’. I actually preferred the earlier version but I enjoyed this one
too. I just love Mountain Man movies, I guess. http://www.bigskywords.com/montana-blog/montanas-mountain-men-hugh-glass
Stick Pic: At $13.99 (& 11 grams!) I think this is almost indispensable if
you want to fuel your narcissism (& who does not these days!) ‘Now you can
finally be included in all of your trail photos. Be in your own shots or be
joined by friends and family. This size #2 StickPic (see Additional Info tab)
attaches to the tip of your pole. Use this fun little gadget for high and low
angle backcountry photography. In less then ten seconds screw the adapter on to
your camera and then attach to the trekking pole tip. Now you've created your
very own selfie stick, which you can easily carry into the backcountry. This
product is for users who already walk with hiking poles! Trail Tip: Works with
a Gopro using their Tripod Adapter. You can also attach your smartphone, with
an additional mount accessory. Standard 1/4-20 Camera-to-Tripod thread. Check
that it fits the tip of your poles (or buy the best: GG’s LT4s!) http://gossamergear.com/hiking-pole-selfie-stickpic.html
& http://thestickpic.com/
also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/these-hiking-poles-are-wonderful/

Seriously clever sundial makes Stonehenge look very old hat; I so like that it
has no moving or electronic parts yet it displays the time digitally: http://www.gizmag.com/digital-sundial/41099/

So, during the entire C20th Greenland lost (at most!) 0.3% of its ice – if such
measurements could be believed…What can be believed is that this ‘lost
squadron’ abandoned in Greenland during WW2 was found in 1988 over 80 metres
deep in the Greenland ice, an occurrence which I find hard to reconcile with
supposed ice loss: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/12/30/greenland-retained-99-7-of-its-ice-mass-in-20th-century/ & http://www.nytimes.com/1988/08/04/us/world-war-ii-planes-found-in-greenland-in-ice-260-feet-deep.html
What many men would no longer dare say: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/former-femen-activist-sara-fernanda-giromin-backflips-declaring-war-on-feminism/news-story/2189d285757113b38da162c8ecf1b26d
Most thinking people have long supported a ‘fair deal’ for all, but many
extremists have sought to distort such goals beyond all sense and recognition!
2015 Blog